D&D 5e Spells - Printable Spellcard

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SPELLCA STING A BILITY: ________________ SPELL SA V E DC: ________________ SPELL A TTA CK BONUS: ________________

First Second Third Forth Fifth Sixth Seventh Eight Ninth Tenth

Spell _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______

Beast Bond Cure Wounds
Divination Evocation

Level: 1 Level: 1
Casting time: 1 Action Casting time: 1 Action
Range: Touch Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M Components: V, S
Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes Duration: Instantaneous

(a bit of fur wrapped in a c loth) A c reature you touc h regains a number of hit points equal to 1d8 +
You establish a telepathic link with one beast you touc h that is your spellc asting ability modifier. This spell has no effec t on
friendly to you or c harmed by you. The spell undead or c onstruc ts.
fails if the beasts Intelligenc e is 4 or higher. Until the spell ends,
the link is ac tive while you and the beast are within line of sight of At higher level
eac h other. Through the link, the beast c an understand your
telepathic messages to it, and it c an telepathic ally c ommunic ate When you c ast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher,
simple emotions and c onc epts bac k to you. While the link is ac tive, the healing inc reases by 1d8 for eac h slot level above 1st.
the beast gains advantage on attac k rolls against any c reature
within 5 feet of you that you c an see.

Hail of Thorns Pass Without Trace

C onjuration Abjuration

Level: 1 Level: 2
Casting time: 1 Bonus Action Casting time: 1 Action
Range: Self Range: Self
Components: V Components: V, S, M (ashes from a burned leaf of mistletoe and a
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute sprig of spruce)
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour
The next time you hit a c reature with a ranged weapon attac k
before the spell ends, this spell c reates a rain of thorns that A veil of shadows and silenc e radiates from you, masking you and
sprouts from your ranged weapon or ammunition. In addition to the your c ompanions from detec tion.
normal effec t of the attac k, the target of the attac k and eac h For the duration, eac h c reature you c hoose within 30 feet of you
c reature within 5 feet of it must make a Dexterity saving throw. A (inc luding you) has a +10 bonus to Dexterity (S tealth) c hec ks and
c reature takes 1d10 pierc ing damage on a failed save, or half as c ant be trac ked exc ept by magic al means. A c reature that
muc h damage on a suc c essful one. rec eives this bonus leaves behind no trac ks or other trac es of its
At higher level

If you c ast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, the
damage inc reases by 1d10 for eac h slot level above 1st (to a
maximum of 6d10).
Spike Growth

Level: 2
Casting time: 1 Action
Range: 150 feet
Components: V, S, M (seven sharp thorns or seven small twigs,
each sharpened to a point)
Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes

The ground in a 20-foot radius c entered on a point within range

twists and sprouts hard spikes and thorns. The area bec omes
diffic ult terrain for the duration. When a c reature moves into or
within the area, it takes 2d4 pierc ing damage for every 5 feet it

The transformation of the ground is c amouflaged to look natural.

Any c reature that c ant see the area at the time the spell is c ase
must make a Wisdom (Perc eption) c hec k against your spell save DC
to rec ogniz e the terrain as haz ardous before entering it.

- Generated and printed at Dnd-Spells.com

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