Great Expectations Longman

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Summary Chapters 17:

In Great Expectations the major character is Philip Pirrip, known as Pip. He tells his story from the vantage point of his
adulthood. He seems to be looking back over all the experiences which have made him what he is. When the story
opens Pip is already an orphan being brought up by his bad-tempered sister, Mrs Gargery, who is married to a warm-
hearted village blacksmith, Joe Gargery. One day, Pip helps a convict who has escaped from a prison ship by providing
him with a file and some food which he steals from his sisters kitchen. The convict is then recaptured after fighting in
the marshes with another convict, who was his deadly enemy, and both are sent back to the prison ship. When Pip is
older, he is sent to play at the house of a rich old woman, Miss Havisham, who is dressed in a faded wedding dress.
Miss Havisham has a beautiful but cold child named Estella living with her. Pip falls in love with this girl but she makes
fun of him. Pip starts to feel ashamed of his lowly origins.

Chapters 813:

After a few years as an apprentice to Gargery, a mysterious benefactor enables Pip to leave the blacksmiths forge and
to be educated as a gentleman in London on condition that he will never try to find out where the money comes from. As
a young man with great expectations he is now looked after by his guardian, Mr Jaggers, and is ashamed of his
humble background and hopes to acquire an education so that he will be worthy of Estella. He believes that Miss
Havisham is his benefactor and this is what she has planned so that one day he may marry Estella.

Chapters 1418:

In London, Pip makes friends with Herbert Pocket, a young man whom he had previously met at Miss Havishams
house. It is he who tells Pip the sad story of Miss Havishams life and how both her halfbrother and her husband to be
had taken advantage of her. He enjoys living in London in great comfort, spends lavishly and abandons his family and
friends back in the village because he feels Estella would not approve of them. Miss Havisham sends Estella to London
for her to learn how to behave like a lady and to broaden her social circle. The promise of a life with Estella becomes
Pips obsession now that she lives so close to him.

Chapters 1922:

Reckless in his handling of his benefactors money, Pip is somewhat redeemed by his generosity towards Herbert when
he comes of age. It is only when he learns that he owes his great expectations to the former convict that his pride
suffers a mortal blow. Abel Magwitch, or Provis, has come all the way from the New World to meet the young gentleman
he has made though he knows that if he is caught he will be sentenced to death. It is at this moment that Pip realises
that Miss Havishams intentions towards him have been a dream of his own making and that Estella has not been meant
for him. Worse still is the shame he feels at having deserted Joe Gargery and Biddy for people whom he considers

Chapters 2327:

The convict wants to stay in England for good to be close to Pip but Pip soon learns that he is being pursued both by the
police and by Compeyson, the man he had fought with in the marshes. Together with Herbert, he keeps him in hiding
until he can be taken abroad. In the meantime, Estella marries Drummle, in keeping with Miss Havishams plan of
revenge against men. However, Miss Havishams anger against the world seems to have decreased: she apologises to
Pip for all the suffering she has caused him and provides him with information concerning Estellas origin. Later Pip finds
out that Mr Jaggers housekeeper is Estellas mother and that Magwitch/Provis is her father.

Chapters 2832:

Pip and his friends try to help Magwitch escape but he is caught, imprisoned and sentenced to death. It is while caring
for Magwitch in his deathbed that Pip learns to value a human being for himself rather than according to his social
position. Not only does he look after him with loving care but he also lets Magwitch know that his daughter is alive and
that he, Pip, loves her dearly. After Magwitchs death Pip sells all he has in London and settles down in Cairo with his
great friend Herbert. Eleven years later Pip returns to England and meets Estella, now a widow. At the end of the story it
seems that the suffering that both have gone through has helped them reach maturity. Pip no longer feels ashamed of
Joe Gargery as he used to at the beginning of the novel. Moreover, it is Joe who raises Pips spirit after Magwitchs
death and nurses him back to health. Estella no longer feels the need to take revenge on men for her aunts
predicament. She has been bent and broken into a better shape.

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