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Pneumatic Zig Zag Lift

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Volume : 3 | Issue : 11 | November 2014 ISSN No 2277 - 8179

Research Paper

KEYWORDS : Pneumatic
Fabrication of Zig Zag Pneumatic Lift cylinder,piston,zig-zag frame

Final Year Mechanical Engineering,Saveetha School of Engineering,Saveetha

Bharath Kumar K University-602105 chennai
Final Year Mechanical Engineering,Saveetha School of Engineering,Saveetha
Bibin George Thomas University-602105 chennai
Final Year Mechanical Engineering,Saveetha School of Engineering,Saveetha
Gowtham S. University-602105 chennai
Final Year Mechanical Engineering,Saveetha School of Engineering,Saveetha
Kiron Antony Rebeiro University-602105 chennai
Assistant Professor Mechanical Department, Saveetha School of Engineering,Saveetha
Paul James Thadhani University-602105 Chennai
Final Year Mechanical Engineering,Saveetha School of Engineering,Saveetha
Deepak Kumar R University-602105 chennai

ABSTRACT This project is developed for the users to lift any weight using air pressure. High pressure air is stored in a tank. A
cylinder with piston arrangement is connected with a zig-zag pattern. Two pipes connected with ball valves connect
the air tank with the cylinder. When one valve is opened, the air rushes out into the cylinder. Therefore the piston moves in one direction.
The rod connected with the piston pushes the zig-zag frame so that the lift moves up. When the other ball valve is opened, the air inside the
cylinder is released. Therefore the lift comes down.

1. INTRODUCTION of the piston and, hence, imparts force on the piston. Conse-
1. 1 PNEUMATICS quently, the piston becomes displaced (moved) by the com-
Pneumatics is a section of technology that deals with the study pressed air expanding in an attempt to reach atmospheric pres-
and application of pressurized gas to produce mechanical mo- sure.
tion. Pneumatic systems that are used extensively in industry
and factories are commonly plumbed with compressed air or CAPACITY(kg) Up to 20kg
compressed inert gases. This is because a centrally located and COLOUR FINISH Yellow with black
electrically powered compressor, that powers cylinders and
other pneumatic devices through solenoid valves, can often ASSEMBLY Assembled
provide motive power in a cheaper, safer, more flexible, and
more reliable way than a large number of electric motors and LIFE TIME 10 to 12 seconds
1. 2 Comparison to hydraulics
Both pneumatics and hydraulics are applications of fluid PLATFORM LENGTH 750mm
power. Pneumatics uses an easily compressible gas such as
air or a suitable pure gas-while hydraulics uses relatively in- PLATFORM WIDTH 300mm
compressible liquid media such as oil. Most industrial pneu-
POWER Pneumatic Air
matic applications use pressures of about 80 to 100 pounds
per square inch (550 to 690 MPa). Hydraulics applications RAISED HEIGHT INCHES 100mm
commonly use from 1, 000 to 5, 000 psi (6. 9 to 34. 5 MPa),
but specialized applications may exceed 10, 000 psi (69 Light-Duty Pneu-
MPa). TYPE matic Scissor Lift
1.3 Components used in for zig-zag pneumatic lift
The main parts of the zig zag pneumatic lift system are: WEIGHT 10kg
Pneumatic Cylinder
Table 1.Specification of zig-zag pneumatic lift
Single stage reciprocating air compressor 4. CUTTING
Cutting is the process of using cutting tool to cut the work piece
Ball valves with. The continuous cutting produce burs during the process.
Lubricant or coolant can be used for ease cutting and to cool
Atmospheric Pressure the heat which is produced in work piece and the tool life can
also be increased. Cutting can also be done in woods, metals,
2.ZIG ZAG PNEUMATIC COMPONENTS: hard materials, etc.
2.1 Operation
General 5. WELDING
Once actuated, compressed air enters into the tube at one end Welding is a fabrication or sculptural process that joins materi-


Research Paper Volume : 3 | Issue : 11 | November 2014 ISSN No 2277 - 8179

als, usually metals or thermoplastics, by causing coalescence. 8. CONCLUSION:

This is often done by melting the work pieces and adding a filler
material to form a pool of molten material (the weld pool) that We make this project entirely different from the other projects.
cools to become a strong joint, with pressure sometimes used in The concept involved in our Project is very easy. We use pneu-
conjunction with heat, or by itself, to produce the weld. This is matic cylinder with piston attached inside and this cylinder is in
in contrast with soldering and brazing, which involve melting a turn attached to a zig-zag frame and when the compressed air
lower-melting-point material between the work piece to form a is passed through the tube it makes the cylinder working and
bond between them, without melting the workpieces. Many dif- in return the lift will start to raise to its maximum height and
ferent energy sources can be used for welding, including a gas when the air flow is made to stop then the lift will come back
flame, an electric arc, a laser, an electron beam, friction, and ul- to its original position. By doing this project we understood the
trasound. working principle of a zig-zag pneumatic lift their benefits, ad-
vantages and disadvantages.
This project is developed for the users to lift any weight using air We have successfully completed the project work at our insti-
pressure. High pressure air is stored in a tank. A cylinder with tute.
piston arrangement is connected with a zig-zag pattern. Two
pipes connected with ball valves connect the air tank with the Once again we express our sincere thanks to all our staff mem-
cylinder. When one valve is opened, the air rushes out into the bers who made our dream come true.
cylinder. Therefore the piston moves in one direction. The rod
connected with the piston pushes the zig-zag flame so that the
lift moves up. When the other ball valve is opened, the air inside
the cylinder is released. Therefore the lift comes down.

The main objective of Zig-Zag Pneumatic Lift project is develop-

ing a lift system for lifting any weight using air pressure. In this
project, we stored high pressure air in a tank. A zig-zag pattern
is connected with a cylinder with piston arrangement.

The cylinder and the air tank are connected by the two pipes
with ball valves. When one ball valve is opened, the high pres-
sure air will enter into the cylinder. Hence, the piston will move
in one direction. The rod connected with the piston pushes the
zig -zag frame so that the lift moves up. When we open the oth-
er ball valve, the air inside the cylinder is released. So, the lift
comes down.


S.NO Components Quantity Price(Rs)
1 Pressure cylinder with piston 1 4000
2 Zig-Zag Frames 1 1000
3 Ball Bearings 4 500
4 Vertical plate 1 250
5 Ball Valve 1 200
6 Bolts and Nuts As required 50

Table 2. Costing

Figure 1 .Zig-zag pneumatic lift with air compressor

REFERENCE [1]R.S.Khurmi Design of Machine Elements, Eurasnia publishing house 3 Pvt Ltd, 14th revised edition. | [2]PSG College of Technology Design
data Book, PSG College Publishment, latest 2011 revised edition. |


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