Bhimavaram Ice Making
Bhimavaram Ice Making
Bhimavaram Ice Making
Prepared By
APITCO Limited, Hyderabad
Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE)
(Ministry of Power, Government of India)
4th Floor, Sewa Bhawan, R. K. Puram, New Delhi 110066
Ph.: +91 11 26179699 (5 Lines), Fax: +91 11 26178352
Manual on Energy Conservation Measures in
Ice Making Cluster - Bhimavaram
Manual on Energy Conservation Measures in
Ice Making Cluster - Bhimavaram
List of Tables
Table Table Name
Table 1.1 List of Identified Clusters under BEE SMEs Programme
Table.2.1 Categorization of Ice Plants and % share in Bhimavaram
Table.2.2 Category Wise Ice Plants in West Godavari district
Table 2.3 Category wise production and % share
Table: 2.4 Production Employment Turnovers
Table:2.5 Details of Energy Used in Ice Making Cluster
Table. 2.6 Energy consumption pattern in Ice Making Units-Bhimavaram
Table 2.7 Energy Consumption scenarios in Ice Making Cluster-Bhimavaram
Table 2.8 Energy Consumption and Sp. Energy consumption Pattern
Table 2.9 Details of Associations in the Ice Making Cluster
Table 3.1 Energy Consumption and Profile of Category-I Type Ice Plants
Table 3.2 Energy Consumption and Profile of Category-II Type Ice Plants
Table 3.3 Energy Consumption and Profile of Category-III Type Ice Plants
Table 3.4 Energy Consumption and Profile of Category-IV Type Ice Plants
Table 3.5 Energy Consumption and Availability in Cluster
Table: 3.6 Technical Specifications of Energy Efficient Motors for Compressors
Table 3.7 Cost Benefit Analysis for EE Motors for Compressors
Table 3.8 Life Cycle Cost of EE motors
Table 3.9 Implementation Cost of EE motors for Compressors
Table: 3.10 Technical Specifications of Energy Efficient pump (Mono-block)
Table 3.11 Cost Benefit Analysis of Energy Efficient Raw water Applications
Table 3.12 Life Cycle Cost of Energy Efficient Raw water Applications
Table 3.13 Implementation Cost of Energy Efficient Raw water Applications
Table: 3.14 Technical Specifications of EE Pump for Condenser Pump
Table 3.15 Cost Benefit Analysis of Energy Efficient Pump for Condenser Cooling
Table 3.16 Life Cycle Cost of Energy Efficient Pump for Condenser Cooling
Table 3.17 Implementation Cost of Energy Efficient Pump for Condenser Cooling
Table: 3.18 Technical Specifications of Solar Water Pump for Raw Water
Table 3.19 Cost Benefit Analysis of Solar Water Pump for Raw Water Applications
Table 3.20 Life Cycle Cost of Solar Water Pump for Raw Water Applications
Table 3.21 Implementation Cost of Solar Water Pump for Raw Water Applications
Table: 3.22 Technical Specifications of Tube Ice Plant-15 TPD
Table 3.23 Cost Benefit Analysis of Tube Ice Plant
Table 3.24 Life Cycle Cost of Tube Ice Plant
Table 3.25 Implementation Cost of Tube Ice Plant
Table: 3.26 Technical Specifications of Energy Efficient Motor for Agitator
Table 3.27 Cost Benefit Analysis of Energy Efficient Motor for Agitator
Table 3.28 Life Cycle Cost of Energy Efficient Motor for Agitator
Table 3.29 Implementation Cost of Energy Efficient Motor for Agitator
Table: 3.30 Technical Specifications of New Refrigeration Compressor
Table 3.31 Cost Benefit Analysis of Energy Efficient Motor for Agitator
Table 3.32 Life Cycle Cost of New Refrigeration Compressor
Table 3.33 Implementation Cost of New Refrigeration Compressor
Table: 3.34 Technical Specifications of Variable Frequency Drives
Table 3.35 Cost Benefit Analysis of VFD for Compressor motor
Table 3.36 Life Cycle Cost of VFD
Manual on Energy Conservation Measures in
Ice Making Cluster - Bhimavaram
Manual on Energy Conservation Measures in
Ice Making Cluster - Bhimavaram
List of Figures
Manual on Energy Conservation Measures in
Ice Making Cluster - Bhimavaram
APITCO Limited places on record its sincere gratitude to the Bureau of Energy
Efficiency (BEE), Ministry of Power, Government of India for giving us this opportunity
for implementation of BEE SME program for energy efficiency improvement at Ice
Making Cluster, Bhimavaram, West Godavari District of Andhra Pradesh. We express
our gratitude to the below mentioned BEE officials for their support and guidance for
successful completion of cluster manual.
We take this opportunity to express our appreciation for the excellent support provided
by various SME owners, LSPs and various equipment suppliers for their active
involvement and their valuable inputs in making the program successful and in
completion of the cluster manual.
APITCO Limited is also thankful to all the SME owners, plant in charges and all
workers of the SME units for their support during the Energy Use and Technology
Audit studies and in implementation of the demonstration projects.
V Ramchander
Managing Director
Manual on Energy Conservation Measures in
Ice Making Cluster - Bhimavaram
1.1 Preamble
Small and Medium enterprises (SMEs) play an important role in creation of local
employment and there by increase in regional income. Effective and Efficient utilization of
raw material, thermal and electrical energy becomes imperative for their sustenance as they
work on low profit margins. Moreover, the production processes in SMEs are based on
technology concepts, which sometimes tend to become inefficient in a long run. The
inefficient plant utilization and excessive use of raw material, fuel & energy also contribute to
exceeding levels of energy intensities and environmental loads. Excessive utilization of
thermal and electrical energy also impacts the regional energy balance and has direct
impact on the local power utility and availability of fuel resources. It also impedes the
improvement of productivity of local enterprises and the economic development of
communities at large.
Energy efficiency and conservation issues in Industrial Clusters are traditionally dealt with
addressing the issues at an individual unit level, which is a discrete approach to resolve
energy problems. Most of the energy consumption is unevenly distributed and is larger in a
cumulative context among small enterprises. Due to low incomes and non-availability of
immediate and next to door solutions, the SMEs continue to draw and use excessive energy
in a business-as-usual scenario. The uneven use of energy resources have a toll on the
investments and erode the competitiveness of the SMEs. The paradigm of addressing
energy security issues at a local level, and in particular the SME level has now shifted to
energy efficiency improvements with a Cluster Approach. This enables augmenting the
forward and backward linkages to the SME units, developing the skill capabilities of the
SMEs to go for energy efficiency improvements, technology up gradation and market
development by linking the Local Service Providers (LSPs) and financial linkages with the
local Banks / Financial Institutions in augmenting loans for investments in energy efficiency
In this context, the Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) has initiated the Small & Medium
Enterprise (SME) Program in twenty-five clusters in the country to address the energy
efficiency and overall productivity improvements.
Manual on Energy Conservation Measures in
Ice Making Cluster - Bhimavaram
The Government of India has set up The Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) under the
provisions of Energy Conservation Act, 2001. The mission of the BEE is to assist in
developing policies and strategies with a thrust on self-regulation and market principles
within the overall framework of the Energy Conservation Act, 2001 with the primary objective
of reducing energy intensity by active participation of all stakeholders, resulting in
accelerated and sustained adoption of energy efficiency in all sectors. The objective of the
BEE SME Energy Efficiency program is to accelerate the adoption of Energy Efficiency (EE)
technologies and practices in the chosen SME clusters through knowledge sharing, capacity
building and development of innovative financing mechanisms. Further information is
available at There are 29 clusters identified under the BEE- SMEs
Program, these are as follows:
26 Tirupur,Tamilnadu Textile
27 Mangalore, Karnataka Tiles
28 Allepe, Kerala Coir
29 Firozabad, Uttar Pradesh Glass
BEE-SME program is one of the activities to improve the energy efficiency in SME clusters
across the selected industrial clusters. The broad objective of the BEE-SME program is to
improve the energy intensity of the Indian economy by undertaking actions in the SME
sector which directly or indirectly produce 60% of the GDP. Majority of SMEs in these
clusters are run by the manufacturers who dont have skilled manpower and who can
practice energy efficiency programs for conservation of energy. The awareness of energy
conservation in these areas is minimal which also affects the manufacturing cost.
Therefore, it will be useful to build their energy efficiency awareness and through studies
give energy conservation recommendations including identification of technology up-
gradation opportunities and demonstration of the same. This would help to address the
cluster specific problems and enhancing energy efficiency in SME Clusters.
These studies would provide information on technology status, best operating practices,
gaps in skills and knowledge, energy conservation opportunities, energy saving potential,
capacity building of local service providers and entrepreneurs/ managers etc for each of the
sub sector in SMEs. For each cluster, an executing agency has entrusted with this activity.
APITCO Limited selected as executing agency by the BEE in Ice Making Units in
Bhimavaram, West Godavari District to execute the project. The main objective of the
implementing agency is to accelerate the adoption of Energy Efficiency Technologies and
practices in cluster through knowledge sharing, capacity building and development of
innovative financial mechanisms. The main role of the executive agency is to facilitate the
implementation of project activities in the SMEBEE Ice milling cluster activities suggested
by BEE.
Natural resources like Coal, natural gas, kerosene, diesel and coal used to generate energy.
Energy here refers to electrical or thermal energy, which is produce by natural energy
resources. Fuel is burnt to produce thermal energy for the process requirement. Whereas,
electric energy is converted to mechanical energy through electric motors for moving,
blending, crushing, compressing or any form of displacement activity.
Manual on Energy Conservation Measures in
Ice Making Cluster - Bhimavaram
energy and delivered to end-users through a transmission and distribution system. Using
electricity to produce thermal energy is not a wise decision. This is because a lot of energy
has already been lost during the generation, submission and distribution. Producing thermal
energy using electricity will further increase the losses. More energy can be saved if fuel is
used to directly produce thermal energy near to the end-use. This line of thinking relates to
the phrase 'energy efficiency' in the title above.
If the term efficiency alone is used in the technical world, then the definition refers to
performance of a particular machine or a system. It indicates how much quality output is
obtained after deducting the losses in the system. This figure will be normally given in
percentage form. When the word 'energy' is added to the word 'efficiency', then the whole
perspective changes and a new definition is born.
As we have seen the importance of the Energy Efficiency (EE), and the encouragement
given by the government in urging private and government institutions towards the
realization of energy security in India, it is worth to investigate the potential of implementing
Energy Efficiency (EE) options in Ice Making Units in Bhimavaram. In view of this, the
objectives of this work were structured as below.
To carry out energy and technology audit in the Ice Units, to identify the energy
efficiency measures
Under this BEE SME Program, the following outcome is envisaged for Ice Making Cluster:
This activity has developed information base on the status of Ice Making cluster,
identification & detailing of all possible energy efficiency measures, their techno economic
Manual on Energy Conservation Measures in
Ice Making Cluster - Bhimavaram
feasibility, overall potential to impact energy and environment scenario. Energy use and
status of adaptation of technology in order to improve energy performance of the units in the
cluster has been studied and analyzed. 15 technologies / energy conservation measures
have been identified for preparation of Detail Project Report (DPR). This stage has been
completed and findings have been presented in this manual.
The Capacity Building Introductory Experts workshop will be conducted by APITCO under
the guidance of the BEE. The objective of this activity is to create capacities among local
services providers/technology provides in the SME clusters that would help in the uptake of
the energy efficiency measures. The Local Service Providers (LSPs) and the technology
providers identified during Activity 1, will be registered as experts with the SME programme
of the BEE. A one-day Introductory Local Service Providers (LSPs) workshop will be
organized with these experts and representatives from the industry/associations to share the
outcome of Activity 1. The workshop will also identify issues regarding avenues for
implementing energy efficiency measures, roadblocks in terms of capacities in the cluster,
financing issues and carbon-market related issues. This activity will also involve the
concerned SDA(s).
The output of this Activity will be a workshop proceeding which cover the entire activities of
the workshop along with the outcome of the workshop on issues regarding implementation
of energy efficiency measures. The activity will also enroll all the attending experts for the
BEE SME Programme. A one-day Information Dissemination Workshop will be conducted in
this cluster with the help of local industry association and enrolled Local Service Providers.
The main focus of the workshop will be to share with the cluster the Energy Use and
Technology Analysis manual prepared for the cluster. The workshop will discuss the energy
efficiency measures identified in the cluster manuals and shortlist a minimum of 5 projects
for which bankable Detailed Project Reports (DPR) will be prepared across maximum three
segments of capacities in each cluster.
Another important focus of the cluster workshop will be to share the best practices prevailing
in the cluster. The workshop will also discuss managerial issues related to implementing
energy efficiency measures. These will have mainly the financing component: how to keep
books, what types of financing schemes are presently available and discuss what further
can be done in this regard. State Designated Agenesis (SDA) will also be involved in order
Manual on Energy Conservation Measures in
Ice Making Cluster - Bhimavaram
to help disseminate information. The output of this activity will be a list of 15 projects for this
cluster for which bankable Detailed Project Reports (DPR) will be prepared.
The objective of this activity is to facilitate the implementation of energy efficient measures
through innovative financing mechanisms without creating market distortion. Efforts are in
progress to develop such mechanisms.
The total project duration is about 2.5 years and started in March 2009. Most of the activities
will be completed by December 2010 and will be completed by June 2011.
1.6 Methodology
Manual on Energy Conservation Measures in
Ice Making Cluster - Bhimavaram
Chapter II of the manual describes the Ice Making cluster, the products, cluster actors,
energy consumption patterns, current policies and initiatives of local bodies, and technology
up gradation needs.
Chapter III details on energy audit and technology assessment, methodology adopted,
production processes and unit operations, energy consumption in production activities, and
technology gap analysis. This Chapter also describes in detail energy conservation
technologies, benefits of implementing energy efficiency measures, cost of implementation,
savings and payback, barriers in implementation, availability of technology for
implementation at local and regional level, identification of technologies / equipments for
DPR preparation, techno-economics of technologies, barriers for implementation etc. the list
of local service providers are annexed at the end.
Chapter IV Introduces approach to Small Group Activity (SGA) / Total Energy Management
(TEM). It details the Small Group Activity (SGA) standards for practice, TEM and further,
describes the ten stage activities. The chapter concludes with the tools used for SGA for
The annexure are followed by chapters briefing the technical calculations, list of LSPs,
Techno commercial quotations for suggested technologies, Power tariff and financial
schemes available for improvement of Energy Efficiency.
Manual on Energy Conservation Measures in
Ice Making Cluster - Bhimavaram
Bhimavaram (also called as Bheemavaramu) is a town and mandal in the West Godavari
District in the state of Andhra Pradesh, India. It located geographically at 16.53 N
81.53E.Bhimavaram is also called the "Second Bardo li of India". Mahatma Gandhi coined
the name when he visited the town during the freedom movement in India. Bhimavaram is
located 384 km from Hyderabad by road and430 km by train, 270 km from Visakhapatnam
and 103 km from Vijayawada. National Highway NH 214 (Kathipudi to Pamarru) passes
through this town.
Bhimavaram is one of the largest centers for aquaculture in India. It is producing rich aqua
wealth in our country and it is next to Cochin. The city is home to more than 30 scrimping
companies, most of which specialize in black prawn. Around 70% of all shrimp exports from
Andhra Pradesh come from Bhimavaram. Ice making industry is one of major supporting
industry to pisci-culture. Almost 80 units are in operation in this area which caters ice to
aqua farms to support export. Bhimavaram is a centre of aqua and paddy business, prime
centre of commerce and business, a fully developed education centre with many education
Institutions. The Town is connected to by road and rail to all major cities. It has train facility
connected to metropolitan cities, such as Chennai, Hyderabad, Bangalore and Kolkota.
The Ice plants in Bhimavaram is spread in different areas surrounded in Bhimavaram Town.
The different installed capacities are spread over Akivedu, Industrial Estates and Hundi
Road in Bhimavaram town. Around 80 Ice makings plants are spread across the
Bhimavaram town.
In Ice Making Cluster, all Ice Plants are manufacturing block Ice with different sizes. The
weight of Ice blocks manufactured in Ice making cluster is from 90-130 kg with different
The Ice making Plants in Bhimavaram installed with different capacities in around
Bhimavaram. These Ice plants are categorized in to four categories based on the survey
Manual on Energy Conservation Measures in
Ice Making Cluster - Bhimavaram
conducted during Energy use and Technology Audit. All existing 80 Ice plants fall under
these categories in the cluster. The installed capacities in Ice Making cluster and its % share
in the Bhimavaram is presented in Table No: 2.1 and Fig No: 2.1.
20% 13%
The ice Making plants are spread over all parts of West Godavari District. The details of the
ice plants installed with different capacities throughout the West Godavari district is
presented below in Table No: 2.2 and Fig No: 2.2.
Manual on Energy Conservation Measures in
Ice Making Cluster - Bhimavaram
140 125
100 With In Bhimavaram
60 45 44 Other Places in
40 29 West Godavari Dist.
22 16
20 11 8
The total Production from these ice plants in the cluster is estimated as below.
21% 12%
Manual on Energy Conservation Measures in
Ice Making Cluster - Bhimavaram
The Annual Ice production from the Ice Making cluster is estimated based on the installed
capacities and % utilization of plant is 376131 MT. The category-I (i.e 11 plants) contribution
12%, category-II (i.e. 9) plants of contribute 9%, category-III (i.e. 16) plants of contribute 58
%and Category-IV (i.e. 7 plants) adds in a share of 21%. Form the above table and graph it
is observed that category-III Type Ice plants contributes maximum share of production in
cluster compared to the other existing categories.
2.2.5 Energy Situation in the cluster (Energy Consumption Pattern of the cluster)
The energy consumption in Ice Making Cluster is mainly in the form of Electrical Energy
(Electricity & Electricity from Diesel). The electrical energy is utilized to run the motors,
pumps and plant lighting during production process. In all Ice Plants, major energy
consumed equipment is mainly Refrigeration compressor motor followed by other motors,
pumps and lighting.
The major energy consumption i.e. Electricity in Ice plants is drawn from Andhra Pradesh
Eastern Distribution Company limited (APEPDCL) and followed by diesel. Diesel is
procured and used from open market to generate Power through DG sets during power off
situations from DISCOMS. The details of energy used and the particulars are presented
Manual on Energy Conservation Measures in
Ice Making Cluster - Bhimavaram
The power tariff from the APEPDCL is 3.75 per unit (Details of Power tariff from
APEPDCL Presented in Annexure) and the price of Diesel in open market is 38.90/L (Dec
2010) which is fluctuated time to time by the central govt.
The Energy consumption pattern in Ice Making Units in Bhimavaram is discussed below.
The ice Making Units in Bhimavaram consumes both Electrical Energy and Diesel.
Fig No. 2.4: category Wise total Energy Consumption in Ice Making Cluster
8924852 3154803
The Total Annual Electrical Energy consumption by 80 Ice making plants in the Cluster is
38.41 Million Units. The Total Annual diesel consumption by 80 Ice making plants in Cluster
is 762 kL.
Manual on Energy Conservation Measures in
Ice Making Cluster - Bhimavaram
19% 14%
From the above Table and Fig it is observed that the major energy consumption, diesel
consumption is by category III contributes higher than the other category ice Plants.
At the Cluster level energy consumption profile & availability of energy sources is presented
in Table No: 2.7.
Electricity in kWh/Year
Diesel in kL/Year
Manual on Energy Conservation Measures in
Ice Making Cluster - Bhimavaram
The total energy consumption by the cluster units is 38.41 million kWh/ year which is
procured from APEPDCL. The Diesel consumption in Ice making cluster is 762 kL per year
which is available and procured from local oil filling stations. The energy consumption and
analysis of Ice plants for different categories are presented below.
Based on data collected and provided by the Unit Owners in the cluster, the specific energy
consumption has been calculated. The details of specific energy consumption per ton of Ice
manufactured for each category is presented below.
From the Above table it is observed that specific energy consumption by category-I ice
plants is 83 kWh/ton and Category-II is 102 kWh/ton, Category-III is 114 kWh/ton and
category0-IV is 118 kWh/ton of Ice. The difference of specific energy consumption is due to
% utilization of Ice Making Units, Daily Production and Diesel Consumption.
Raw water is pumped from local available water bodies such as pond / stream through
raw water pump to overhead tank . This raw water from overhead tank is filled into the ice
The production area of the plant has an Ice tank made of concrete. The ice tank contains
the direct expansion coils, equally distributed throughout the tank and these coils are
submerged in brine solution. The tank is provided with a suitable frame of hard wood for
support the ice cans and a propeller or agitator for keeping the brine in motion: the brine in
Manual on Energy Conservation Measures in
Ice Making Cluster - Bhimavaram
the tank acts as a medium of contact only, the ammonia evaporating in the ice coils extracts
the heat from the brine, which again absorbs the heat for the water in the cans.
The dimensions of the can and the temperature of the brine are usually selected to give a
freezing period of between 30-36 hours. Too rapid freezing results in brittle ice. The Ice
block weight is more than 100 kg, depending on requirements. The thicker the block is the
longer the freezing time. The size of the tank required is related to the daily production
Water is chilled for 48 hours for complete ice block formation. The Sp. gravity of brine is
maintained at 1180 by adding salt of required quantity. Ice cans of fully formed ice blocks
are removed from the chilling tank. The cans are emptied of the ice blocks and replaced into
the chilling tank with water for the next batch. The removed ice blocks are further cursed into
smaller pieces by ice crushers and loaded into plastic crates for transportation. As shown in
Figure 3.1 for ice making by vapor compression cycle it includes the following four main
Compressor unit.
Condenser Unit.
Expansion Unit.
Evaporator Unit
The Process Flow diagram of Ice manufacturing industry is as follows:
Pressure: Low
Pressure : High
Cold Water IN Hot Water OUT
Heat OUT
Manual on Energy Conservation Measures in
Ice Making Cluster - Bhimavaram
Brief description of the different process involved in the ice making industry is discussed
1. Compressor unit: This is composed of a motor and compressor set where the
electrical energy is converted to mechanical energy in the form of compression
stroke which results in increasing the temperature (greater than 150oC) and high
pressure of the refrigerant (NH3)
2. Condenser Unit: Here the high temperature refrigerant coming from the condenser
unit is allowed to cool down in a heat exchanger by the help of cooling tower. The
temperature drops down from 159oC to 40oC.
3. Expansion Unit: Here the refrigerant is allowed to expand in the expansion tank,
which results in a sudden drop in temperature and pressure. The temperature
suddenly drops below (-10oC) which is then fed into the evaporator.
4. Evaporator tank: It is a heat exchanger where the heat transfer medium is brine
solution, which is field in the tank. This solution is continuously being agitated with an
electrical agitator for proper mixing of the temperature. The time cycle for ice
formation is around 24 36 hours it depends on the system performance of different
The cans are manually or crane lifted and transports to a thawing tank at the end of the
freezing tank, where they are submerged in water to release the ice from the moulds. In
some cases, it is crushed for packing purposes.
The any SME cluster is influenced by the various institutions and cluster actors. The
Financial Institutions, Government Institutions and Associations play a major role followed
by the Technical Institutions in the cluster. The following institutions are influenced in the Ice
making Cluster, Bhimavaram. They are:
Financial Institutions i.e. Banks
Institutions i.e. District Industries Centre (DIC)
2.4.1 Associations
The Ice making Units is formed an association called Ice Factory Owners Welfare
Association to solve the issues in the cluster both Industrial and Govt. related. Only one
Manual on Energy Conservation Measures in
Ice Making Cluster - Bhimavaram
Association is exists in the Ice Making Cluster, Bhimavaram. The following information gives
about the Association in the Cluster.
In the Ice Making Cluster the following financial Institutions are exists to provide the different
loans related to the Industry, salaries, raw material and other services to the Owners,
The following banks are exists in the ice making Cluster to provide the services line loans,
working capital and salaries to the employees in the cluster.
Andhra bank
Syndicate Bank
Indian Bank
State Bank of India
Vijaya Bank
UTI Bank
Indian Overseas Bank
The relation ship among the Ice making Industry owners and the financial institutions are
The Government institutions play a major role in the cluster from the establishment to the
operation of the installed plants. The following institutions play a vital role in the Ice making
Manual on Energy Conservation Measures in
Ice Making Cluster - Bhimavaram
cluster, Bhimavaram to register the ice plants and avail different schemes related to the Ice
The following issues are identified while interacting with the Ice plants owners and the other
institutions during the technology Audit.
All the Ice plants required electrical energy to operate the equipments installed in their
plants. These ice plants draw electrical energy from the APEPDCL by registering their plants
with contract maximum demand. There is shortage of energy supply during the summer
season from the APEPDCL. Due to the power off situation in the plants the ice plants
owners are utilizing the DG Sets to generate the power and run the equipments.
So far there have not been any issues related to long term failure of power or diesel supply.
As the Ice plants are energy dependent, there is a vast opportunity for savings of energy in
every Ice Plant operation in various capacities in the cluster. The ice plants are depending
on the electricity. In the cluster energy conservation awareness and conscious is required
among the Ice plants Owners and operators to conserve the energy. There is huge scope of
Energy conservation in the Ice plants by utilizing the energy efficient motors and pumps
instead of normal motors, pumps and re winded motors several times.
One more opportunity in the ice making plants is to install the flack ice /cube ice plants
where the crushed ice/ domestic requirements. The flack/cube ice plant consumes less
energy compare to the block ice plants.
The other major issue in the Ice Plant is identification of the right technology and
equipments based on the requirements in the marketing the finished products from the
Manual on Energy Conservation Measures in
Ice Making Cluster - Bhimavaram
In the Ice Plants the ice production is mainly with the operation of compressor and motors
and pumps. The ice plant owners in the cluster not aware of energy efficient equipments are
neither available nor implemented to their plants. However, the first change is still a
challenge, upon success, later on duplication and adaptation is extremely common in the
cluster. The technologies need to be demonstrated within the cluster to create awareness.
During visits and technology audit in the plant, many plant owners interested to adopt the
energy efficient technologies to their plants.
The plant owners have good contacts with the local banks to avail a loans and other
services from the bank based on their transactions with the banks.
Among the SMEs, the larger units, if convinced, are capable of either financing themselves
or get the finance from their banks. The smaller units will require loan at comfortable rates
and other support to raise the loan. However, as most of them have been able to expand
their setup and grow, there is a readiness to spend for energy efficiency technologies which
have good payback periods. Energy Efficiency Financing Schemes such as that of SIDBIs,
if focused on the cluster, will play a catalytic role in implementation of identified energy
conservation projects & technologies. The cluster has significant potential of implementing
the Energy efficient equipments in the ice plants
The Ice plants in Bhimavaram, all the plants required limited skilled and unskilled
manpower. But the skilled man power required for training on operation and maintenance of
the equipments in the Ice plants.
In Ice making cluster at Bhimavaram, availability of skilled and trained manpower is one of
the limitations. Number of Ice plants units has grown fast as compared to the availability of
skilled manpower. Few local electrical persons are catering services of electrical equipments
during the failure in many ice plants. For major equipments like Refrigeration Compressor,
condensers in the plants etc. are maintenance and repair is take care by the equipment
suppliers themselves. The units have age-old inefficient practices and well-experienced non-
qualified staff in these industries. Even if the qualified staff joins for the sake of experience
and jump to other industry after getting sufficient experience this is because of low salaries.
Specialized and focused training of the local service providers on better operation and
maintenance of the equipments, importance of the energy and its use and energy
Manual on Energy Conservation Measures in
Ice Making Cluster - Bhimavaram
conservation measures will improve awareness among the unit owners and workforce.
Original equipment suppliers should also participate in these programs.
Many of the new technology providers have not shown keen interest for implementation of
their new innovative technologies due to higher price by the SMEs in Bhimavaram.
The service providers in the Ice Making Cluster, Bhimavaram are available in the radius of
150 to 200 kms and are mainly from important cities such as Vijaywada and Hyderabad.
Bhimavaram is well connected by rail, road, and rail to both cities. Few of the service
providers have their activities in Bhimavaram to provide the service to the ice plants. The list
of Local Service and Technology providers are presented in the Annexure.
Manual on Energy Conservation Measures in
Ice Making Cluster - Bhimavaram
Energy audit is a systematic study or survey to identify how energy is being used in a
building, a plant, and identify the energy saving opportunities. Using proper audit methods
and equipments, an energy audit provides essential information of energy consumption
pattern in each process and how energy being used with in a plant/ industry. This will
indicate the performance at the process level or overall plant. Based on information by
energy audit, energy manager/ management can compare these performances against past
and future levels for proper energy management. The energy audit report contains energy
conservation opportunities and energy savings proposals comprising of technical and
economic analysis of projects.
The viable energy conservation opportunities and energy saving proposals is then
transformed into energy savings projects. It will facilitate the energy manager/management
to draw up an action plan listing the projects in order of priority. He will then present it to the
organizations management for approval. Providing tangible data enables the management
to be at a better position to appreciate and decide on energy efficiency projects. Adopting
this activity as a routine or part of the organizations culture gives life to energy management,
and controlling the energy use by energy audit is what we refer to as Energy Management
by facts.
Pre-Energy Audit Study: The Methodology adopted for pre - energy audit activities is as
Based on the situation analysis data provided by BEE on Ice making Plants in
Bhimavaram, the activities were evolved and planned accordingly. Two to three Ice
plants are visited and observed in detail to get deeper understanding of the energy
issues in the industry before starting the work.
Visited and interacted with president and members of the association and get their
feedback and views.
Based on the visit, identified high energy consuming equipments and analyzed
ongoing technologies and started identifying gaps at the cluster level.
Manual on Energy Conservation Measures in
Ice Making Cluster - Bhimavaram
Prepared the data collection format for energy audit and its field measurements
Prepared a list of units to be audited taking care that all types and sizes are covered
Depending on visit to the three units, started identifying possible energy conservation
Exclusive allocation of team personnel (who can also speak local language) from our
team to work full time to convince the plant owners/persons to get ready for
conducting the energy audit Used local maps, books and information provided by
association to get further details on the cluster
Preliminary Energy Audit Study: The methodology adopted for Preliminary Energy Audit
study in Ice Making Plants Cluster as follows:
Conducted preliminary study in 30 units
Collection of the past six months electrical energy consumption data
Establishment of the energy consumption scenario at the plant
Establishment of the benchmarks of specific energy consumption of typical
equipments wherever possible
Study and Identification of major energy consuming sections and equipments for
further work on identification of energy conservation opportunities
Detailing of no cost and low cost saving measures at the plant.
Identification of the areas for detailed study and listing the measurements required
Modified previous formats for data collection and measurements and finalized for
detail energy audit study
3.1.2 Detailed Energy Audit Study: The methodology adopted for Detail Energy Audit
study in Ice Making Cluster as follows:
Conducted detailed energy study in 30 units
Detail observations on the equipments in terms of their functions, energy
Electrical measurements on the electrical equipments by Load Analyzer which
includes the measurement of Voltage, Current, kWh, PF and harmonics percentage
each major equipments such as motors and pumps and agitator.
Performance evaluation and efficiency of refrigeration system conducted by taking
the measurements like COP,EER etc.
Calculated energy balance and Specific Energy Consumption at plant level and
process level
Manual on Energy Conservation Measures in
Ice Making Cluster - Bhimavaram
Carried out all the required measurements to quantify specific energy consumption of
electrical and thermal energy at each of the major process - i.e. kWh/MT of ice
Identification of alternative lower energy consumption or energy cost options for
same process in the industry
Analyzed the saving potential and investment required accordingly prioritized the
measures and identified 15 technologies for preparation of DPRs
Benefits of Energy Audit: Detailed Energy audits in cluster indicate massive potential for
energy savings in every sub-sector of industry with an average of almost ten percent of the
energy usage. However, this can only materialize through replication in other factories within
the respective industry sub-sector.
The results are bound to create a positive impact to the industries as well as the national
economy and the environment. By saving energy in industries can reduce the emission of
Green House Gases (GHG) into the atmosphere.
Technical Audits (Methodology): The following methodology has been adopted for
conducting technical audit:
Conducted technical energy study in 20 units
Identify major equipments and technologies of the plant
Whether the equipments installed are local make or reputed company make
Various energy sources available in the cluster
Energy use and specific energy consumption details
Identify major constraints for installing energy efficient equipments
Whether energy efficient equipment suppliers are available locally and identify the
The strategy followed for selection of equipment suppliers by the management
Any research or survey carried out prior to selection of the technologies adopted and
Discussions made with management of adopting new technologies for efficiency
Financial strength and investment that can be made for the improvement of energy
efficiency by the plant management
The following Observations are made during the Energy Use and Technology Audit
conducted in Ice making cluster, Bhimavaram.
Manual on Energy Conservation Measures in
Ice Making Cluster - Bhimavaram Energy Consumption by Category I Ice Plants: The energy consumption pattern
of Category-I Ice plants i.e. 11 Plants for major equipments are presented below. The major
energy consumption of ice plant is mainly on compressor and followed by pumps and
Table No3.1: Energy Consumption and Profile of Category-I Type Ice Plants
S.No Process Consumption
Equipment/Machinery Units (kWh/Year) %
1 Refrigeration
Compressor Motor 3265218 84
2 Agitator Motor 224730 6
3 Circulating Pump 336006 9
4 Raw Water Pump 39842 1
Total 3865796 100
Fig No3.1: Energy Consumption and Profile of Category-I Type Ice Plants
9% 1%
6% Compressor Motor
Agitator Motor
Circulating Pump
Manual on Energy Conservation Measures in
Ice Making Cluster - Bhimavaram
The total energy consumption by category I Ice Plants i.e. 11 Plants is 3.86 million kWh/
year. From the above table it is observed that the major energy consumption by the
Compressor motor consumes 84 % of the total energy consumed and followed by circulating
pump, raw water pump and agitator with 6%, 9% and 1% respectively.
The energy consumption pattern of Category-II Ice plants i.e. 8 Plants for major equipments
are presented below. The major energy consumption of ice plant is mainly on compressor
and followed by pumps and motors.
Table No3.2: Energy Consumption and Profile of Category-II Type Ice Plants
S.No Consumption
Process Units
Equipment/Machinery (kWh/Year) %
1 Refrigeration
Compressor Motor 2385344 81
2 Agitator Motor 162624 6
3 Circulating Pump 333888 11
4 Raw Water Pump 49336 2
Total 2931192 100
Fig No3.2: Energy Consumption and Profile of Category-II Type Ice Plants
11% 2%
Compressor Motor
Agitator Motor
Circulating Pump
The total energy consumption by category II Ice Plants i.e. 8 Plants is 2.93 million kWh/
year. From the above table it is observed that the major energy consumption by the
Compressor motor consumes 81 % of the total energy consumed and followed by circulating
pump, raw water pump and agitator with 6%,11% and 2% respectively.
Manual on Energy Conservation Measures in
Ice Making Cluster - Bhimavaram
The energy consumption pattern of Category-III Ice plants i.e. 45 Plants for major
equipments are presented below. The major energy consumption of ice plant is mainly on
compressor and followed by pumps and motors.
Table No 3.3: Energy Consumption and Profile of Category-III Type Ice Plants
S.No Process Consumption
Equipment/Machinery Units (kWh/Year) %
1 Refrigeration
Compressor Motor 14247233 82
2 Agitator Motor 1246638 7
3 Circulating Pump 1629396 9
4 Raw Water Pump 158445 1
Total 17281712 100
Fig No3.3: Energy Consumption and Profile of Category-III Type Ice Plants
9% 1%
7% Compressor Motor
Agitator Motor
Circulating Pump
The total energy consumption by category III Ice Plants i.e. 45 Plants is 17.28 million kWh/
year. From the above table it is observed that the major energy consumption by the
Compressor motor consumes 82 % of the total energy consumed and followed by circulating
pump, raw water pump and agitator with 7%,9% and 1% respectively.
The energy consumption pattern of Category-IV Ice plants i.e. 16 Plants for major
equipments are presented below. The major energy consumption of ice plant is mainly on
compressor and followed by pumps and motors.
Manual on Energy Conservation Measures in
Ice Making Cluster - Bhimavaram
Table No3.4: Energy Consumption and Profile of Category-IV Type Ice Plants
S.No Process Consumption
Equipment/Machinery Units (kWh/Year) %
1 Refrigeration
Compressor Motor 4430784 79
2 Agitator Motor 462336 8
3 Circulating Pump 643200 12
4 Raw Water Pump 56256 1
Total 5592576 100
Fig No3.4: Energy Consumption and Profile of Category-IV Type Ice Plants
12% 1%
Compressor Motor
Agitator Motor
Circulating Pump
The total energy consumption by category IV Ice Plants i.e. 11Plants is 5.59 million kWh/
year. From the above table it is observed that the major energy consumption by the
Compressor motor consumes 79 % of the total energy consumed and followed by circulating
pump, raw water pump and agitator with 8%, 12% and 1% respectively.
Note: The energy consumption in ice plant depends upon operating hours, equipment
efficiency and % utilization of the plant.
3.2.3 Availability
At the cluster level, the total energy consumption by ice plants and availability of energy is
assed based on information collected in the cluster. Table 3.5. give about the total energy
consumption details and availability of energy is presented below.
Table 3.5: Energy Consumption and Availability in Cluster
S.No Category Unit Quantity /Year Availability
1 Electricity kWh 38410897 Available from APEPDCL
2 Diesel Ltrs 762220 Available from Oil Companies
Manual on Energy Conservation Measures in
Ice Making Cluster - Bhimavaram
The total Electrical energy consumption by the cluster units per annum is 38.41 Million kWh
and the power tariff is 3.75 /kWh which is procured from the APEPDCL. The diesel
requirement is 762 kL and the cost is 38.90 /liter.
3.2.4 Capacity Utilization Factor
The Capacity utilization factor at the plant level and at the equipment level is described
Plant Level
The capacity utilization in the Ice plants located in Bhimavaram is depends upon the market
requirements of Prawn Export. Based on market requirements the formed ice is removed
from the cans and market it. The only empty cans are filled with raw water. If the Market is
low the formed ice in the cans are not removed and the plant is not operated fully.
Equipments Level
The equipments in the Ice plant is mainly Refrigeration Compressor, Condenser Water
Pump (Optional), Raw Water Pump and Agitator. The main equipment in the Ice plant is
Refrigeration motor. The Ice production mainly depends upon the no of stages operation of
the Refrigeration compressor Pistons. If one or Two compressor pistons stopped that means
the ice formation is required in only few Ice cans and other Ice cans filled with Ice formation.
3.2.5 Good house Keeping and Miscellaneous
The others factors which will influence the higher energy consumption in Ice making plants
are as below.
Leakages: Ensure to refrigerant in process should not leak from the pipes and compressors
and other parts in process.
Refrigeration Compressors: check the refrigerant charge and seals regularly for correct
charging and leaks during the process. This will help to arrest refrigerants leaks during
process and improve the refrigeration effect in Ice plant.
Others: Insulation in pipes is one of the energy saving option to reduce the energy loss
during the process. Proper insulation to the pipes at evaporation inlet and out let will
increase the refrigerant effect.
3.2.6 Data and Information availability
The availability of data and information pertaining to energy procurement and consumption
is available in some of the cluster units. However the production data is not available as it is
kept confidential.
Manual on Energy Conservation Measures in
Ice Making Cluster - Bhimavaram
All the Ice Making plants in the Cluster are using the Same Refrigeration Compressors with
different installed Capacities. The specific energy consumption is varies and it was above
the manufactures specifications. This is due to the operation of the compressors, motors
and pumps. Various technological gaps were identified in the units and these may be due to
lack of awareness of technologies available in the market, lack of knowledge in tapping the
potential from saving of energy losses and its monetary benefit, lack of awareness among
the workforce.
Thus, the study has found small changes in equipments and lighting system required to be
introduced in the cluster. It requires only a retrofit of equipments to the existing machinery
so as to make energy consuming components of the machinery efficient and also use of
automatic to ensure precise process control. In the Ice Making Units in Bhimavaram the
following Technology Gaps are identified during the Technology and Energy Audit.
There is a tremendous need for the industry to modernize/upgrade its technology and adopt
energy efficient technologies in some of the areas. Further, as per the discussions made
with the management, they are interested to adopt the energy efficient motors in their Ice
Plants. The sector also faces deficiencies such as the lack of access to technology and
technology sharing and the inadequacies of strong organizational structure, professional
attitude etc. There are many technologies and energy efficient equipments available in the
market which can be sourced from local service providers dealing in these technologies.
The difference in existing technology and the technology as needed to improve the energy
efficiency in the units is discussed here. The gap between the supply and pull of technology
has to be reduced through the linkages of local service providers in terms of energy efficient
systems in the units.
Manual on Energy Conservation Measures in
Ice Making Cluster - Bhimavaram
Energy Efficient Motors: Motors are installed in the Ice plants to operate the Refrigeration
compressors and agitators. Based on detailed studies in the Ice Plants, all the motors in the
compressors are inefficient which found between 75-90% operating Efficiency and few
motors are several times re winded. The reasons for such low efficiencies are mainly, low
loading of the compressor due to less amount of Ice formation and low efficiency of motors.
Now a days energy efficient motors are available at least 95 % of efficiency in the market
with latest technology. By implementing the energy efficient motors in the compressors,
agitators there will be tremendous energy savings in the Ice plants due to continuous
operation of compressors and agitators in the Ice plants.
Energy Efficient Water Pumps: Water pumps are required to pump the raw after into the
Ice cans for the formation of the Ice and also Compressor Cooling. The compressor cooling
required continuously while refrigeration is in operation and Raw Water pump will operate
during the filling of the Ice cans. During the study of the water pumps, it is observed that the
efficiency of the Water pump and motor is very low in some Ice plants and in some ice
plants the pump are installed at over sized. To over come the efficiency of the pumps and
motors it is required to install the energy efficient pumps which have more that 30%
efficiency compare to the present pumps. This will help to reduce the energy consumption in
the ice plants.
Tube Ice Plants: Few Ice Plants are using the Ice Crushers to crush the Ice into pieces as
per client requirements. It is essential to install the Ice Crusher in the Ice plants. The Block
Ice having the Specific Energy consumption is very high compare to the tube ice plants even
though as per the manufacturers specifications. The tube ice plants specific energy
consumption in the range of 55-60 kWh/Ton which comparatively very low as bloc Ice plants
which have the specific energy consumption i.e. 80-85 kWh/Ton. It is best suited to install
the tube Ice plants in the Cluster to minimize the energy loss. These tube Ice plants can
install where the Block Ice is required to cut in to pieces.
Energy Efficient Lighting System: In the Ice Plants runs through out the day in operation
requires illumination in the night times and also in few plants requires day time also. Majority
of the Ice plants are utilizing the Conventional tube lights in their plants. The conventional
tube lights have 52 W capacities.
At present scenario in the Lighting system, energy efficient lighting systems are available
with low energy consumption with better illumination levels. By adopting the Energy Efficient
Manual on Energy Conservation Measures in
Ice Making Cluster - Bhimavaram
systems in the ice plants, longer life of the lights, better illumination and energy savings is
possible in the Ice plants.
All Ice plants require motor to operate Refrigeration compressor to compress the refrigerant.
The compressor motor operated continuously till Ice formed. The major energy/power
consumption in Ice plant is depends on compressor motor which having higher capacity. If
compressor motor has higher efficiency at full and part load conditions, the total power
consumption and specific energy consumption in Ice plant will be reduced.
During the energy use and technology audit in ice plants in Bhimavaram, many compressor
Motors are inefficient and several times re winded. Due to the reason power consumption
and specific energy consumption in ice making plants are high compared to the bench mark
of manufacturer specifications. The efficiency of Motor is lower compare to Energy Efficient
Motor (EEF1). By installing Energy Efficient Motor in compressor will result considerable
energy savings and there by reduction in production cos
The Energy Efficient Motor (EEF1) has higher efficiency while operating in part and full load
conditions comparing with inefficient or EEF2 motor. The efficiency of EEF1 i.e.93.9% than
that of normal motor i.e.85-90%. If the efficiency of motor increases, power consumption will
reduce at both part and full load conditions. By installing energy efficient compressor motor
in ice plants at least 10% energy savings can achieve during the plant operation.
Technical Specifications
The proposed Energy conservation in Ice plant by installing 60HP Energy Efficient
compressor motor with inefficient /re winded motor is considered.
Manual on Energy Conservation Measures in
Ice Making Cluster - Bhimavaram
It is observed that the efficiency of the energy efficient compressor motor has higher
efficiency compared to the existing motor in the cluster.
The Energy Efficient Motors are available and manufacturing in India by the few major
companies. These companies are marketing their products through directly or dealers with
in Andhra Pradesh. Majority dealers/ suppliers for these equipments are located in
Hyderabad, Vijayawada and few in Bhimavaram. Ice making plants owners can avail these
equipments from Vijayawada/Hyderabad/Bhimavaram by ordering. The details of
manufacturers and suppliers marketing these energy efficient motors are presented in
Manual on Energy Conservation Measures in
Ice Making Cluster - Bhimavaram
The Life Cycle Cost of Energy Efficient Motor (EEF1) is evaluated based on operating
parameters and life of motor. The following table provides details of life cycle cost of energy
efficient compressor motor (EEF1).
Manual on Energy Conservation Measures in
Ice Making Cluster - Bhimavaram
Implementation Cost
The cost implementation for installing 60 HP capacity of Energy Efficient Motor (EEF1) in ice
plant is calculated based on operating parameters like erecting, replacement and civil works.
The implementation cost of replacing EEF1 motor with inefficient and re winded Motor are
presented below.
Major ice plants installed with inefficient Motor at the time of Ice plant installation and some
of units used re winded Motor several times. In such units can opt for implementing energy
efficient compressor motor to their Ice plants. The time required to install or replace with
EEF1 motor in the ice plant is with in a week and the energy savings will be while in
Manual on Energy Conservation Measures in
Ice Making Cluster - Bhimavaram
operation. The identified Energy Efficient Motor (EEF1) can be use in different categories
Ice plants in the cluster depending upon motor capacity required.
The following benefits can be expected while installing Energy Efficient Motor with the
existing the normal efficient motor /re winded motor.
Less Maintenance Cost
Low Running Cost
Reduction in Energy consumption
Less break downs
Reduction in energy consumption leads to reduce the GHG emissions
There is no limitation to replace Energy Efficient Motor (EEF1) with the existing
inefficient and re winded Motor.
Subsidy from Govt. of India
The Development commissioner , Ministry of Small and Medium Enterprises ,Govt of India
providing a subsidy for implementation of Energy Efficient technologies in under a scheme
of National Manufacturing Competitiveness Program (NMCP) Under XI Plan. The subsidy
component will be 25% of project cost and up to 10.00 laks per project.
3.4.2 Install Energy Efficient Raw Water pump for Raw Water Pumping Applications
Energy Efficient pump is one of the Technology/equipment identified in Ice Making Cluster,
Bhimavaram. The efficiency and performance of energy efficient pumps have higher than
the normal pump sets. The details of Techno Financial viability, life cost and implementation
cost to replace energy efficient pumps with existing inefficient pumps in the Ice making
plants in Bhimavaram is discussed below.
All Ice plants require raw water to fill in ice cans used in Ice making Cluster. Raw water is
pumped from nearby ponds in Ice making plants. The capacity and type of pump required in
ice plants depends on type of use, head and flow required. As per the study in Ice making
cluster, Bhimavaram observed that rated capacity is high in some ice plants and efficiency,
performance of both motor and pump is low. Due to oversized and inefficient pump and
motor results higher power consumption compare to energy efficient water pumps available.
By installing energy efficient water pump in ice making plants will result considerable energy
savings during plant operation.
Manual on Energy Conservation Measures in
Ice Making Cluster - Bhimavaram
The energy efficient pumps have higher efficiency in both motors and pumps during the
operation compare with normal pumps and motors. The overall efficiency of energy efficient
water pump sets is ranging from 50-55% compare to existing pumps sets efficiency 26-28%.
To correct the capacity and improve the efficiency of pump sets in ice making plants in
Bhimavaram results energy savings in that plants.
Technical Specifications
The proposed Energy conservation in Ice plant by installing 1.5 HP Energy Efficient pump
with 3 HP existing pump due to inefficient/ oversized is considered. The Technical
Specification of proposed energy efficient pumps with capacity of 3HP pump to implement in
Ice making cluster is presented below.
The over all efficiency of pump set will be in the range of 50-55% compare to the existing
pump set efficiency of 26-28% and the flow and head for energy efficient pump will be
higher than the existing pump.
Manual on Energy Conservation Measures in
Ice Making Cluster - Bhimavaram
The Energy Efficient pumps are available and manufacturing in India and Andhra Pradesh
by the few major companies. These companies are marketing their products through directly
or dealers with in Andhra Pradesh. Majority dealers/ suppliers for these equipments are
located in Hyderabad, Vijayawada and few in Bhimavaram. Ice making plants owners can
avail these equipments from Vijayawada/Hyderabad/Bhimavaram by ordering. The details of
manufacturers and suppliers marketing these pumps are presented in Annexure-2.
Another factor for any implementing Energy Conservation proposal is Cost benefit analysis.
The cost benefit analysis of installing energy efficient pump with existing normal or over
sized pumps in Ice Making plants are presented below for raw water applications.
Table 3.11 Cost Benefit Analysis of Energy Efficient Raw water Applications
The total investment required for install efficient pump in Ice plant is Rs. 10,000 and the pay
back period will be with in the 2.81 years. The energy savings and payback period will be
varying with capacity of energy efficient pump installed with replacing existing pump
Manual on Energy Conservation Measures in
Ice Making Cluster - Bhimavaram
Table 3.12 Life Cycle Cost of Energy Efficient Raw water Applications
S.No Particulars Units Value
1 capacity of Pump motor HP 1.5
2 Head M 7
3 Flow m3/hr 26.28
4 Overall efficiency of pump % 50
5 No of hours operation hr/day 4
6 No of days Days/Year 300
7 Capital Cost Rs 10000
8 Annual maintenance Rs 2000
9 Life of Pump Years 10
10 Interest rate % 10
11 LCC at the end of life Rs 14000
It is observed that the life cycle cost of energy efficient pump for 1.5 HP pump capacity will
be Rs.14,000.
Implementation Cost
Another major parameter for implementation of Energy conservation proposals/project is
implementation cost. The implementation cost of energy conservation project will be
depending up on erection, civil works and retrofitting cost etc.
The cost of implementation for installing 1.5 HP capacity of Energy Efficient Pump in ice
plant is calculated based on operating parameters like erecting, replacement and civil works.
The implementation cost of installing energy efficient pump with inefficient and oversized
pump is presented below.
Manual on Energy Conservation Measures in
Ice Making Cluster - Bhimavaram
Based on above information, the implementation cost of 1.5 HP Energy Efficient pump will
be Rs.15,500 for Ice making plant.
Major ice plants installed with inefficient pumps and oversized capacity at the time of Ice
plant installation raw water applications. In such Ice plants can opt for implementing energy
efficient pumps to save energy. The time required installing or replacing efficient water pump
with inefficient or oversized pump is with in a week and energy savings will be while in
operation. The identified energy efficient pump used for different categories Ice plants in the
cluster depending upon the pump capacity required.
The following benefits can be expected while installing Energy Efficient pumps with existing
normal pump or over sized pump. They are
Zero Maintenance
Less Running Cost
Optimum rate of flow
Reduce energy consumption
Reduction in energy consumption leads to reduce the GHG emissions
There is no limitation to replace Energy Efficient pumps with existing over sized /
inefficient pumps.
Subsidy from Govt. of India
The Development commissioner , Ministry of Small and Medium Enterprises ,Govt of India
providing a subsidy for implementation of Energy Efficient technologies in under a scheme
of National Manufacturing Competitiveness Program (NMCP) Under XI Plan. The subsidy
component will be 25% of project cost and up to 10.00 laks per project.
3.4.3 Install Energy Efficient pump for Water Circulation for Condenser and
compressor cooling
Energy Efficient pump for condenser cooling is one of the Technology/equipment identified
in Ice Making Cluster, Bhimavaram. The efficiency and performance of energy efficient
pumps have higher than normal pump sets. The details of Techno Financial viability, life
cost and implementation cost for replacing energy efficient pumps with existing inefficient
pumps in the Ice making plants in Bhimavaram is discussed below. The energy efficient
Manual on Energy Conservation Measures in
Ice Making Cluster - Bhimavaram
pump required for this application is mono block type, which have higher efficiency with
higher heads.
All Ice plants in Bhimavaram cluster using ammonia as a refrigerant in Ice making. These
ice plants used refrigeration compressor to compress the refrigerant. During the
compression, heat is evolved and dissipated in piston walls. This deposited heat is required
for efficient operation of compressor. Almost all refrigerant compressors are water cooled
compressor and essential to cool the compressor during the operation. Water pump is
required to supply cool water to the compressor for cool the compressor.
The compressors in Ice making units run continuously throughout day till ice formed. The
heat generated during the operation of compressor should cool by supplying cool water in
water jackets provided in compressor. The capacity of the pump required for compressor
cooling is 3HP. It also depends up on head and quantity of flow required for compressor.
The cool water is supplied through mono block water pump installed in the plant. Due to
continue operation of pump for compressor, it is essential mach the capacity and efficiency
to minimize the power consumption. During the study in Ice making plants in Bhimavaram,
most of ice plants are used oversized and inefficient pumps for the operation.
By adopting energy efficient pumps in condenser cooling system, there will be considerable
energy savings. The motor efficiency increases, the power consumption will reduce which
leads to the power savings.
Technical Specifications
The proposed Energy conservation in Ice plant by installing 3 HP Energy Efficient with 3HP
inefficient water pump is considered. The Technical Specification of proposed energy
efficient pump for condenser cooling with capacity of 3HP pump to implement in Ice making
cluster is presented below.
Manual on Energy Conservation Measures in
Ice Making Cluster - Bhimavaram
The over all efficiency of pump set will be in the range of 53-58% compare to the existing
pump set efficiency of 32-36% and the flow and head for energy efficient pump will be
higher than the existing pump.
The Energy Efficient pumps are available and manufacturing in India and Andhra Pradesh
by the few major companies. These companies are marketing their products through directly
or dealers with in Andhra Pradesh. Majority dealers/ suppliers for these equipments are
located in Hyderabad, Vijayawada and few in Bhimavaram. Ice making plants owners can
avail these equipments from Vijayawada/Hyderabad/Bhimavaram by ordering. The details of
manufacturers and suppliers marketing these pumps are presented in Annexure-2.
Another factor for any implementing Energy Conservation proposal is Cost benefit analysis.
The cost benefit analysis of installing energy efficient pump with existing normal or over
sized pumps in Ice Making plants are presented below for compressor cooling applications.
Table 3.15 Cost Benefit Analysis of Energy Efficient Pump for Condenser Cooling
Manual on Energy Conservation Measures in
Ice Making Cluster - Bhimavaram
Table 3.16 Life Cycle Cost of Energy Efficient Pump for Condenser Cooling
Manual on Energy Conservation Measures in
Ice Making Cluster - Bhimavaram
It is observed that the life cycle cost of energy efficient pump for 3 HP pump capacity will be
Implementation Cost
Another major parameter for implementation of Energy conservation proposals/project is
implementation cost. The implementation cost of energy conservation project will be
depending up on erection, civil works and retrofitting cost etc.
The cost of implementation for installing 3HP capacity of Energy Efficient Pump in ice plant
for compressor cooling is calculated based on operating parameters like erecting,
replacement and civil works. The implementation cost of installing energy efficient pump with
inefficient and oversized pump is presented below.
Table 3.17 Implementation Cost of Energy Efficient Pump for Condenser Cooling
S.No Parameter Unit Values
1 Capacity of motor HP 3
2 Cost of Equipment Rs 12000
3 Civil Works Rs 600
4 Electrical works Rs 600
5 Erection and Commissioning Rs 1200
6 Miscellaneous costs Rs 500
Total Cost Rs 14,900
Based on above information, the implementation cost of 3HP Energy Efficient pump will be
Rs.14,900 for Ice making plant.
Major ice plants installed with inefficient pumps and oversized capacity at the time of Ice
plant installation in compressor cooling. In such Ice plants can opt for implementing energy
efficient pumps to save energy. The time required installing or replacing efficient water pump
with inefficient or oversized pump is with in a week and energy savings will be while in
operation. The identified energy efficient pump used for different categories Ice plants in the
cluster depending upon the pump capacity required.
The following benefits can be expected while installing Energy Efficient pumps with existing
normal pump or over sized pump. They are
Zero Maintenance
Less Running Cost
Optimum rate of flow
Manual on Energy Conservation Measures in
Ice Making Cluster - Bhimavaram
Solar water pumping system for raw water supply is another Technology/equipment
identified in Ice Making Cluster, Bhimavaram. Solar pumping uses a free, easily accessible
and renewable source of energy. The total electrical energy consumed by the water pump is
saved while using solar water pump. In Ice plants in Bhimavaram required raw water pump
for low heads and flow. Due to the reason one of the best technologies is solar water pump.
It has similar performance for low heads and flow compare to the energy efficient pumps.
The details of Techno Financial viability, life cost and implementation cost for replacing
energy efficient pumps with existing inefficient pumps in the Ice making plants in
Bhimavaram is discussed below. The energy efficient pump required for this application is
mono block type, which have higher efficiency with higher heads.
All Ice plants require raw water for making Ice. Raw water is pumped from nearby bore wells
/sumps in Ice making plants. The capacity and type of pump required in ice plants depends
on type of use, head and flow required. As per the study in Ice making cluster, Bhimavaram
all ice plants are using electrical operated pump sets in their plants. The total head and flow
in ice plants for estimation of pump capacity is low due to all ice plants have bore wells as
well as sumps. Due to the reason installing/promoting solar water pumping system in ice
making plants, the total energy consumed by the ice plants for raw water applications is
eliminated. There by reduction in power bill and production cost.
Manual on Energy Conservation Measures in
Ice Making Cluster - Bhimavaram
The installation solar Water pumping system in ice plants, the total energy consumed by raw
water pumping is eliminated due to free energy utilized by solar water pump I.e. Solar
Technical Specifications
The proposed Energy conservation in Ice plant by installing 1400 Wp solar water pumps
with inefficient /re winded motor is considered. The Technical Specification of Solar water
pumping system for raw water pumping system with capacity of 1400 Wp is presented
Table: 3.18 Technical Specifications of Solar Water Pump for Raw Water Applications
Availability of technology/Equipment
The solar water pumps are available and manufacturing in India few major companies.
These companies are marketing their products through directly or dealers with in Andhra
Manual on Energy Conservation Measures in
Ice Making Cluster - Bhimavaram
Pradesh. Majority dealers/ suppliers for these equipments are located in Hyderabad. Ice
making plants owners can avail these equipments from Vijayawada/Hyderabad by ordering.
The details of manufacturers and suppliers marketing these pumps are presented in
Another factor for any implementing Energy Conservation proposal is Cost benefit analysis.
The cost benefit analysis of installing solar water pumps with existing normal or over sized
pumps in Ice Making plants are presented below for raw water applications.
Table 3.19 Cost Benefit Analysis of Solar Water Pump for Raw Water Applications
Existing Solar
S.No Parameters Units Pump Pump
1 Installed Capacity kW 2.2 2.2
2 Head M 10 15
3 Flow M3/Day 97 100
4 measured Power kW or Wp 2.77 1400
5 Working Hr Hr/Day 6 6
6 Working Days Days/Year 300 300
7 Power tariff Rs./kWh 3.75 0
8 Power consumption kWh/Year 4986 0
9 Energy Saved by solar Pump kWh/Year 4986
10 Reduction in Energy Cost Rs 18697.5
11 Investment cost -Solar Pump Rs 200000
12 MNRE Subsidy Rs 50000
13 Total Investment Rs 150000
14 Payback Period Years 8.02
From above table it is observed that replacing solar water pumps with existing normal pump
sets in raw water pumping, the total energy savings is 4986 kWh/ year and reduction in
power bill will be Rs. 18697/year. The total investment required for install solar water pump
in Ice plant is Rs. 1.50 Lakhs including MNRE subsidy and the pay back period will be with
in the 8.02 years. The energy savings and payback period will be varying with capacity of
solar water pump installed with replacing existing pump capacity.
The Life Cycle Cost of solar water pump is estimated based on operating parameters and
life of pump. The following table provides details of life cycle cost of solar water pump.
Manual on Energy Conservation Measures in
Ice Making Cluster - Bhimavaram
Table 3.20 Life Cycle Cost of Solar Water Pump for Raw Water Applications
Implementation Cost
The cost of implementation for installing 1400 Wp capacity of solar water Pump in ice plant
for raw water pumping applications is calculated based on operating parameters like
erecting, replacement and civil works. The implementation cost of installing solar water
pump with inefficient and oversized pump is presented below.
Table 3.21 Implementation Cost of Solar Water Pump for Raw Water Applications
Major ice plants installed with inefficient pumps and oversized capacity at the time of Ice
plant installation for raw water pumping. In such Ice plants can opt for implementing solar
Manual on Energy Conservation Measures in
Ice Making Cluster - Bhimavaram
water pumps to save energy. The time required installing or replacing efficient water pump
with inefficient or oversized pump is with in a week and energy savings will be while in
operation. The solar water pump used for different categories Ice plants in the cluster
depending upon the pump capacity required.
The following benefits can be expected while installing solar pumps with existing normal
pump or over sized pump. They are
No energy cost
Reduced Maintenance cost
Required less supervision
Higher life of equipment
Environment free
There is no limitation to replace solar water pumps with existing over sized / inefficient
Subsidy from Govt. of India
Ministry of New and Renewable Energy, Government of India, provide Capital subsidy on
implementation of Solar Water Pumps. The subsidy component will be Rs.30 per Wp or
maximum of Rs.50,000 per system.
Installation of Tube Ice plants is one of the Technology/equipment identified in Ice Making
Cluster, Bhimavaram which have lower specific energy consumption than block ice. The
details of Technical and Financial viability of replacing energy efficient compressor motor
with existing inefficient motor in Ice making cluster at Bhimavaram is discussed below.
All Ice plants are producing block ice from Ice plants as per the demand /market. The
formed block ice is then crushed into small pieces which are used for prawns/fish
transportation. The production capacity of ice plant directly depends on the marketing due to
ice can not be stored. Due to the reason the ice plant owners utilizing the only 40-50%
capacity utilization. This leads to the specific energy consumption very high due to ideal
operation of the ice plant. By considering capacity utilization, specific energy consumption
and market requirement tube ice plant is best technology for producing the ice pieces.
Manual on Energy Conservation Measures in
Ice Making Cluster - Bhimavaram
All ice making plants in Bhimavaram producing block ice and crushed in to pieces by
crusher. The tube ice plant produced the ice cubes pieces which is similar to the crushed
block ice. The specific energy consumption by the block ice manufacturing in Ice plants in
Bhimavaram is ranges from 87-120 kwh/ton and by the tube ice plant is from 55-65 kWh/ton.
So by considering tube ice plant at least 20% of energy is saved.
Technical Specifications
The proposed Energy conservation in Ice plant by installing Tube Ice Plant with 15 TPD
capacity for poor plant utilization and low capacity plants where crushed ice requirements for
marketing is considered. The Technical Specification of proposed tube ice plants is
presented below.
Manual on Energy Conservation Measures in
Ice Making Cluster - Bhimavaram
It is observed that specific energy consumption of tube ice plant is 55-65 kWh/ton and block
ice plant is 87-120 kWh/ton (from observed 30 ice Plants).
The Tube ice Plants manufacturers are available and manufacturing in India by the few
major companies. These companies are marketing their products through directly or dealers
with in Andhra Pradesh. Majority dealers/ suppliers for these equipments are located in
Hyderabad, Mumbai etc. Ice making plants owners can avail these equipments from
Mumbai/Hyderabad by ordering. Details of manufacturers and suppliers of tube Ice plants
are presented in Annexure-2.
Manual on Energy Conservation Measures in
Ice Making Cluster - Bhimavaram
The energy savings and payback period will be varying with capacity of energy efficient
compressor motor installed with replacing existing motor capacity.
Implementation Cost
Another parameter for installation of tube ice plant is implementation cost. The
implementation cost of energy conservation project will be depending up on erection, civil
works, retrofitting costs etc.
The implementation cost for installing Tube ice Plant with 15TPD capacity is calculated
based on operating parameters like erecting, replacement and civil works. The details of
implementation cost for installing tube ice plant presented below.
Manual on Energy Conservation Measures in
Ice Making Cluster - Bhimavaram
The tube ice plant was recommended in Ice making cluster, Bhimavaram where block ice
plant utilization is poor and crushed ice is required. By implementation of Tube ice plant the
specific energy consumption will reduce compare to block ice plant.
The Tube ice plant can be use in different categories Ice plants in cluster depending upon
capacity required per day.
The following benefits can be expected while install Tube Ice plant compare to Block ice
plant is
Less space required
Low specific energy consumption
No crusher is required
There is no limitation for installing tube Ice Plant in ice Making Cluster.
Subsidy from Govt. of India
The Development commissioner , Ministry of Small and Medium Enterprises ,Govt of India
providing a subsidy for implementation of Energy Efficient technologies in under a scheme
of National Manufacturing Competitiveness Program (NMCP) Under XI Plan. The subsidy
component will be 25% of project cost and up to 10.00 laks per project.
Manual on Energy Conservation Measures in
Ice Making Cluster - Bhimavaram
All Ice plants require agitator to circulate brain solution continuously in ice tank. The agitator
motors consume electrical energy while in operation. The agitator and compressor motor
operated continuously till Ice formed. If the agitator motor is inefficient, power consumption
will high.
During the energy use and technology audit in ice plants in Bhimavaram, all agitator motors
are normal efficiency compare to energy efficient motors. To reduce the power consumption
by the agitator motor it is essential to implement energy efficient motor. By installing Energy
Efficient Motor in agitator will result considerable energy savings and there by reduction in
production cost.
The Energy Efficient Motor (EEF1) has higher efficiency while operating in part & full load
and continuous operation comparing with inefficient or EEF2 motor. The efficiency of EEF1
i.e.95% is more than that of normal motor i.e.85-90%. If the efficiency of motor increases,
power consumption will reduce at both part and full load conditions. By installing energy
efficient motor in agitator in ice plants due to continuous operation at least 8-10% energy
savings can achieve.
Technical Specifications
The proposed Energy conservation in Ice plant by installing 5HP Energy Efficient agitator
motor with inefficient /re winded motor is considered. The Technical Specification of energy
efficient 5 HP agitator motor is presented below.
Manual on Energy Conservation Measures in
Ice Making Cluster - Bhimavaram
It is observed that the efficiency of the energy efficient agitator motor has higher efficiency
compared to the existing motor in the cluster.
The Energy Efficient Motors are available and manufacturing in India by the few major
companies. These companies are marketing their products through directly or dealers with
in Andhra Pradesh. Majority dealers/ suppliers for these equipments are located in
Hyderabad, Vijayawada and few in Bhimavaram. Ice making plants owners can avail these
equipments from Vijayawada/Hyderabad/Bhimavaram by ordering.
The details of manufacturers and suppliers marketing these energy efficient motors are
presented in Annexure-2.
The Cost benefit analysis for installing energy efficient motor in agitator is presented below.
Based on observations and measurements taken from ice plants, Cost benefit analysis for
replacing energy efficient agitator motor with existing inefficient / re winded motor in Ice
Making plants are evaluated and presented below.
Table 3.27 Cost Benefit Analysis of Energy Efficient Motor for Agitator
S. Parameter Unit Existing New EE
No motor Motor
1 Capacity of Motor HP 5 5
2 Capacity of Motor kW 3.73 3.73
3 Efficiency of the motor % 85 88.4
4 Measured power kW 4.13 3.97
5 Loading % 94 94
6 No of Working Hours Hr/day 24 24
7 No. of Working Days days/year 300 300
8 Total Energy Consumption kWh/Year 29736 28592
9 Power Savings kW 0.16
Manual on Energy Conservation Measures in
Ice Making Cluster - Bhimavaram
The Life Cycle Cost of Energy Efficient Motor (EEF1) is evaluated based on operating
parameters and life of motor. The details of life cycle cost of energy efficient agitator motor
Table 3.28 Life Cycle Cost of Energy Efficient Motor for Agitator
S.No Particulars Units Value
1 Capacity of Motor HP 5
2 Efficiency of motor % 88.3
No of Hours Operation Hr/day 24
4 No of Days Days/Year 350
5 Capital Cost Rs 12577
6 Annual Maintenance Rs 2000
7 Life of Motor Years 15
8 Interest rate % 10
9 LCC at the end of life Rs 29248
The life cycle cost of 5 HP energy efficient agitators motor will be Rs.29,248
Implementation Cost
Manual on Energy Conservation Measures in
Ice Making Cluster - Bhimavaram
Major ice plants installed with inefficient Motor at the time of Ice plant installation and some
of units used several time re winded motor. In such units can opt for install energy efficient
motor to their Ice plants. The time required to install or replace with EEF1 motor in the
agitator is with in a week and the energy savings will be while in operation.
The identified Energy Efficient Motor (EEF1) can be use in different categories Ice plants in
the cluster depending upon motor capacity required.
The following benefits can be expected while installing Energy Efficient Motor with the
existing the normal efficient motor /re winded motor.
Less Maintenance Cost
Low Running Cost
Reduction in Energy consumption
Less break downs
Reduction in energy consumption leads to reduce the GHG emissions
There is no limitation for replacing Energy Efficient Motor s (EEF1) with the existing
inefficient and re winded Motor.
Subsidy from Govt. of India
The Development commissioner , Ministry of Small and Medium Enterprises ,Govt of India
providing a subsidy for implementation of Energy Efficient technologies in under a scheme
of National Manufacturing Competitiveness Program (NMCP) Under XI Plan. The subsidy
component will be 25% of project cost and up to 10.00 laks per project.
Manual on Energy Conservation Measures in
Ice Making Cluster - Bhimavaram
Few Ice Plants installed refrigeration compressor at the time of plant installation. Till now the
compressors are in operation. These compressors are operating after maintenance while in
problems during failures. During the energy use and technology audit in ice plants at
Bhimavaram, refrigeration compressor performance is evaluated and the performance of
compressors is low compare with manufacturer technical specifications. The Ice plant
Power consumption will mainly depend on compressor performance only. Due to low
performance of compressor, the power consumption will be high. To reduce the power
consumption during the compression of refrigerant, replace old refrigerant compressor with
new refrigerant compressor.
In Ice Plant compressor are high energy consumed equipment compare all other
equipments. It requires higher power to compress the refrigerant at higher temperature and
pressure. The compressor performance high, power consumption by the compressor will
reduce. Due to higher compressor performance and continuous operation there will be
higher energy savings during the operation.
Technical Specifications
Manual on Energy Conservation Measures in
Ice Making Cluster - Bhimavaram
The New refrigeration compressor is available and manufacturing in India. These companies
are marketing their products through directly or dealers with in Andhra Pradesh. Majority
dealers/ suppliers for these equipments are located in Hyderabad, Vijayawada and few in
Bhimavaram. Ice making plants owners can avail these equipments from
Vijayawada/Hyderabad/Bhimavaram by ordering. The details of manufacturers and
suppliers marketing these energy efficient motors are presented in Annexure-2.
The Cost benefit analysis for replacing new refrigeration compressor in existing ice plants is
presented below. Based on observations and measurements taken from ice plants, Cost
benefit analysis for replacing new refrigeration compressor with existing compressor in Ice
Making plants are evaluated and presented below.
Table 3.31 Cost Benefit Analysis of Energy Efficient Motor for Agitator
S.No Parameter Unit Existing New
Compressor Compressor
1 Refrigeration Compressor Name KC3 KCX3
2 Refrigerant Name Ammonia Ammonia
3 Swept Volume m3/hr 398.1 398.1
4 Compressor Motor shaft power kW 45 45
5 Measured Power kW 46.13 40.5
6 Efficiency of Motor % 90.5 90.5
7 % Loading % 93 81
8 Power Consumption for kWh/Year 500 0
Compressor Cooling
9 No of Working Hours hr/day 24 24
10 No. of Working Days days/year 300 300
11 Total Energy Consumption kWh/Year 332636 291600
Manual on Energy Conservation Measures in
Ice Making Cluster - Bhimavaram
The Life Cycle Cost of New Refrigeration compressor is evaluated based on operating
parameters and life of compressor. The details of life cycle cost of new compressor are
presented below.
Implementation Cost
Manual on Energy Conservation Measures in
Ice Making Cluster - Bhimavaram
The following benefits can be expected while installing new compressors in existing ice
Less Maintenance Cost
Low Running Cost
Reduction in Energy consumption
Less break downs
Reduction in energy consumption leads to reduce the GHG emissions
There is no limitation for replacing new refrigeration compressors in existing ice plants
where high power consumption and low ice making is reported.
Subsidy from Govt. of India
The Development commissioner , Ministry of Small and Medium Enterprises ,Govt of India
providing a subsidy for implementation of Energy Efficient technologies in under a scheme
of National Manufacturing Competitiveness Program (NMCP) Under XI Plan. The subsidy
component will be 25% of project cost and up to 10.00 laks per project.
3.4.8 Install Variable Frequency Drives(VFD) for compressor motors
Compressor consumes high energy compare to other equipments in Ice Plants. In Ice
making Plants compressors are compress the refrigerant with help of motors. The energy
Manual on Energy Conservation Measures in
Ice Making Cluster - Bhimavaram
In all ice plants, the compressors are operated manually while less compression is required
during ice formation completed and filling and empting of ice cans. During this time
compressors required to operate less speed to save energy. Many operators are not
conscious about this savings due to fewer periods of operation and negligence. To over
come this VFD is best option to reduce the compressor motor speed and there by
compressor speed.
As the speed of the motor is reduced, the speed of compressor will reduce results less work
done by compressor and there by power required by the compressor reduce with the cube
of the speed.
The compressor motor speed reduced by 20%; the corresponding speed reduction in
compressor will be 59% of the normal speed; this will reduce the power consumption to (0.
59)^3= 20.5%.
Technical Specifications
The proposed Energy conservation in Ice plant is by installing VFD for Compressor motor is
considered. The Technical Specification of energy efficient 5 HP agitator motor is presented
Manual on Energy Conservation Measures in
Ice Making Cluster - Bhimavaram
The VFDs are available and manufacturing in India by few major companies. These
companies are marketing their products through directly or dealers with in Andhra Pradesh.
Majority of dealers/ suppliers for these equipments are located in Cities. Ice making plants
owners can avail these equipments from Vijayawada/Hyderabad by ordering. The details of
manufacturers and suppliers of VFDs are presented in Annexure-2.
The Cost benefit analysis for installing VFDs is presented below. Based on observations
and measurements taken from ice plants, Cost benefit analysis for installing VFD in
compressor motor in Ice Making plants are evaluated and presented below.
Manual on Energy Conservation Measures in
Ice Making Cluster - Bhimavaram
The Life Cycle Cost of VFD is evaluated based on operating parameters and life of
equipment. The detail of life cycle cost of VFD is presented below.
Implementation Cost
Manual on Energy Conservation Measures in
Ice Making Cluster - Bhimavaram
All ice Plants can adopt these VFDs for Compressor motors applications. The VFD can be
use in different categories Ice plants based on capacity of compressor motor. The VFDs are
available as per the capacity of the motor and no. of speeds required.
The following benefits can be expected during the VFD implementation in Compressor
Low Running Cost
Reduction in Energy consumption based on speed
Reduction in energy consumption leads to reduce the GHG emissions
There is no limitation for implementing VFDs for compressor motors in Ice making Plants
located in Bhimavaram.
Subsidy from Govt. of India
The Development commissioner , Ministry of Small and Medium Enterprises ,Govt of India
providing a subsidy for implementation of Energy Efficient technologies in under a scheme
of National Manufacturing Competitiveness Program (NMCP) Under XI Plan. The subsidy
component will be 25% of project cost and up to 10.00 laks per project.
The other energy saving proposals in ice making plants are discussed below.
3.5.1 Improving the compressor performance by Overhauling
In Ice making plants, compressors are main part in whole plant. If the compressor
performance is good the power consumed by the compressor motor will be less.
Overhauling of compressor is required to reduce the power consumption by compressor and
there by reducing in power bills. The details of Technical and Financial viability of
Overhauling of compressors are presented and discussed below.
Ice plants require to overhauling the compressors over a period to improve the efficiency.
The refrigeration compressors are operated continuously and throughout the year for
manufacturing of ice. The specific energy consumption, energy efficiency ratio Coefficient of
performance of ice plant is depends on compressor performance. During the energy use
Manual on Energy Conservation Measures in
Ice Making Cluster - Bhimavaram
and technology audit in ice plants in Bhimavaram, few refrigeration compressors are found
and need to be overhaul to improve compressor performance.
The performance of the ice plants in Bhimavaram Ice Plants are poor and specific power
consumption is on higher side than equipment supplier guarantee. This may be due to wear
and tear of the compressor parts, low condenser efficiency etc. It is recommended to take
major overhauling of the compressor for improving the performance of the compressor.
It is also recommended to clean the condenser tubes regularly once in a week to remove
algae and fungi and to improve the performance of condenser. It should be noted that, for
every 0.55 oC, temperature drop in the cooling tower, the power drawn by the refrigeration
compressors reduces by 3%.
Based on observations and measurements taken from ice plants, Cost benefit analysis for
overhaul of compressor to improve the performance in compressors in Ice Making plants are
evaluated and presented below.
Manual on Energy Conservation Measures in
Ice Making Cluster - Bhimavaram
in power bill will be Rs.1.44 Lakhs /year. The total investment required to overhaul the
compressor is Rs. 50, 000 and pay back period will be 4 to 5 months.
All poor compressor performance ice plants can go for overhaul of compressors.
The details of availability of local service providers for implementation of energy saving
proposals identified are furnished below:
Manual on Energy Conservation Measures in
Ice Making Cluster - Bhimavaram
The Justification for technologies/equipments identified for DPR preparation (e.g. potential,
reliability, etc. in the cluster) is based on the detailed studies carried out and considerable
potential in all cluster units for energy conservation and efficiency.
As the process and equipments are more or less similar in all cluster units, all the
technologies/equipments identified can be replicated as per the requirement and detailed
project reports for the specific technologies prepared also can be replicated for different
units as per the capacity requirement. The following technologies/equipments were
considered for preparation of detailed project report:
Table 3.40: Proposed Technologies/Equipments for preparation of DPR:
S.No Area No of DPRs
1 Energy Efficient motors for Compressors 3
2 New Refrigeration Compressors 3
3 VFD for Compressor motor applications 3
4 Solar Water pump for raw water applications 2
5 Tube Ice Plant 3
6 Energy efficient Agitator motor 1
Total 15
The following major barriers identified for implementation of the energy savings proposals in
Ice making cluster Bhimavaram. They are:
1. Lack of awareness and information among cluster owners on the energy losses, EE
technologies and energy conservation concepts. By demonstrating few projects may
motivate to take up energy efficiency improvement projects to their industries.
2. All Ice plants are SMEs and doesnt have financial linkages to implement the energy
savings proposals to their industries
3. During the interaction the plant owners are ready to implement quick saving
proposals after discussing about the technology if provided financial linkages
4. The local service providers are basically experience background in nature but not in
technical sound knowledge like efficiency, losses. The LSPs required technology up
gradation skills related to the ice making equipments.
5. Production break down during the implementation of the energy saving proposals
Manual on Energy Conservation Measures in
Ice Making Cluster - Bhimavaram
4.1 Introduction
Energy is one of the most important resources to sustain our lives. At present we still
depend a lot on fossil fuels and other kinds of non-renewable energy. The extensive use of
renewable energy including solar energy needs more time for technology development.
In this situation Energy Conservation (EC) is the critical needs in any countries in the world.
Of special importance of Energy Conservation are the following two aspects:
1. Economic factors
2. Environmental impacts
4.2.1 Economic factors of Energy Conservation
Energy saving is important and effective at all levels of human organizations in the whole
world, as a nation, as companies or individuals. Energy Conservation reduces the energy
costs and improves the profitability.
Notably, the wave of energy conservation had struck the Indian intelligentsia 3 years earlier
when a Fuel Policy Committee was set up by the Government of India in 1970, which finally
bore fruits three decades hence in the form of enactment of the much awaited Energy
Conservation Act, 2001 by the Government of India. This Act made provisions for setting up
of the Bureau of Energy Efficiency, a body corporate incorporated under the Act, for
supervising and monitoring the efforts on energy conservation in India.
Brief History of energy efficiency movement in India and associated major milestones are as
1974: setting up of fuel efficiency team by IOC, NPC and DGTD (focus still on
1975: setting up of PCAG (NPC main support provider) : focus expanded to include
agriculture, domestic and transport
1978: Energy Policy Report of GOI: for the first time, EE as an integral part of
national energy policy provided detailed investigation into options for promoting EE
Post 1980, several organizations started working in EC area on specific programs
(conduct of audits, training, promotion, awareness creation, demonstration projects,
films, booklets, awareness campaigns, consultant/product directories)
Manual on Energy Conservation Measures in
Ice Making Cluster - Bhimavaram
Some line Ministries and organizations like BICP, BIS, NPC, PCRA, REC, Ministry of
State energy development agencies
Industry associations
All India financial institutions
The Government of India set up Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) on 1st March 2002
under the provisions of the Energy Conservation Act, 2001. The mission of the Bureau of
Energy Efficiency is to assist in developing policies and strategies with a thrust on self-
regulation and market principles, within the overall framework of the Energy Conservation
Act, 2001 with the primary objective of reducing energy intensity of the Indian economy. This
will be achieved with active participation of all stakeholders, resulting in accelerated and
sustained adoption of energy efficiency in all sectors
Private companies are also sensitive to energy costs, which directly affects their profitability
and even their viability in many cases. Especially factories in the industrial sectors are of
much concern, because reduced costs by Energy Conservation mean the more competitive
product prices in the world markets and that is good for the national trade balance, too.
Energy Conservation is closely related also to the environmental issues. The problem of
global warming or climate change is caused by emission of carbon dioxide and other Green
House Gases (GHG). Energy Conservation, especially saving use of fossil fuels, shall be the
first among the various countermeasures of the problem, with due considerations of the
aforementioned economic factors.
Every point in factories has potential for Energy Conservation. Total Energy Management is
implemented, by all the peoples participation, step by step utilizing Key Step Approach in
a systematic manner, as shown below:
1. Top management policy/Goal
- Develop a policy statement
- Set targets
2. Proper EC Organization including Assignment of Energy Manager
Step 2 Proper EC
Step 3 Data
Collection and
Step 4 Selecting EC
Mea s ures/ Projects
Step 10 Step 6
Evaluation Developing an
A ction Plan
Manual on Energy Conservation Measures in
Ice Making Cluster - Bhimavaram
It is the most important for the success of Energy Conservation activities within companies
or factories to have clear and official commitment of top management either the corporate
top (senior) management or factory managers. The top (senior) management shall
announce explicit commitment to the Energy Management (or Energy Conservation) and
behave along this line for example, participate in EC (Energy Conservation) events and
encourage the people there for EC promotion.
This Handbook is primarily meant for Energy Managers for the use of EC promotion within
factories, on the assumption that top management has already committed to that. However,
there may be cases where top management would learn about Energy Management (or
Energy Conservation) by this Handbook, or Energy Managers would make efforts to
persuade top management to support or commit to Energy Management (or Energy
Conservation) with the help of this Handbook.
Manual on Energy Conservation Measures in
Ice Making Cluster - Bhimavaram
Energy Conservation
Committee Vice-
chairman (Director)
Furthermore, because TPM is closely related to job-related organization, (1) and (2) may be
often give the same kind of results. (An example of this form is shown in Part 3, 2 How is
SGA related to Energy Conservation? (page 21).
Before trying to make out any future programs or action plans, it is essential for the
company or factory management to understand the current situation in a proper and
accurate manner. This includes not only the status of their own operation but also other
Manual on Energy Conservation Measures in
Ice Making Cluster - Bhimavaram
Manual on Energy Conservation Measures in
Ice Making Cluster - Bhimavaram
Manual on Energy Conservation Measures in
Ice Making Cluster - Bhimavaram
words, the following items are often useful in comparing and selecting alternative plans:
1. Effects of energy conservation: Activities that can conserve energy more than others are
more promising.
2. Investment amount: Activities that require less investment are more promising.
3. Pay-back period: Activities with short pay-back period for investment amount in
equipment are more promising because all energy conservation will be profits after pay-
back period.
4. Length of implementation: Activities that can be performed in a short period are more
promising because they do not influence production process of the factory.
5. Number of personnel required: Activities that require a large number of personnel tend to
be burdensome.
6. Importance to executives and reputation of the company: Some activities provide little
financial benefit but cause good image or reputation.
7. Risk of the project: Some activities bring about big financial benefits but involve high
risk from various factors. In this case projects have less importance.
Step 5 : Prioritizing
Many EC measures and projects are prioritized based on the internal studies including
comparison among their alternatives, in the manner explained in the above.
Manual on Energy Conservation Measures in
Ice Making Cluster - Bhimavaram
If some problems arise, or some variance between the planned figures and the actual record
is observed, then necessary actions shall be taken immediately.
Thus the activities are repeated to form a cyclic movement. The result of evaluation must be
announced on the board in order to inform employees, so that they will be given motivation
for the next activities. Evaluation can be divided into 2 types as follows.
Short-term evaluation for the follow-up of the performance
Long-term evaluation for the evaluation of the whole project that will be used for the
future planning
Manual on Energy Conservation Measures in
Ice Making Cluster - Bhimavaram
Small Group Activity (SGA) gives employees the problem solving tools they need to
eliminate obstacles to Total Productivity, the cumination of zero break-downs, zero defects,
and zero waste. Enterprising employees identify the problem, be it in "man, material,
method, or machine," and develop cost-effective and practical methods for solving the
SGA are activities by group of employees at operator (working Group) level. They aim to
solve problems that occur at the place taken care of by each employee and put emphasis on
participation and team work. Factories can apply small group activities to many kinds of
work along with normal work or other measures that are already underway. The burden on
Manual on Energy Conservation Measures in
Ice Making Cluster - Bhimavaram
employees will not increase because of small group activities. They are not only bringing
benefits to factories but also boosting the knowledge and ability in performing jobs of
employees, improving communication among employees, increasing creativity, and make it
possible to express their own proposal with less hesitation to management. As a result,
employees will start to think This is our problem. This SGA can be applied to Energy
Conservation, too, with successful results, as shown in Figure 13.
Apply to the
Sustainable Energy Management of
Small group activities for total energy management (TEM) are the activities in which
employees of all levels in production or management, starting from the top to the bottom,
participate in order to reduce loss related to their own job by improving their job. In order for
the activities to succeed, management of all levels must provide support in necessary
training and equipment, communication of policies, and the setting of problems to solve.
Small group activities for TEM can be divided into 4 or 5 levels depending on the scale of
the organization. This division is in order to emphasize the fact that everyone must improve
in their job under the responsibility to each other. It also enables us to make improvement
Manual on Energy Conservation Measures in
Ice Making Cluster - Bhimavaram
without overlapping. The following example shows utilizing the existing job-related
organization as much as possible.
Company Chairman
Section Manager
Manual on Energy Conservation Measures in
Ice Making Cluster - Bhimavaram
Team committee
Section 1 Section 2
Manual on Energy Conservation Measures in
Ice Making Cluster - Bhimavaram
Small group activities for Energy Conservation can be done by using 10 Stages for
Success, based on PDCA Management Cycle, as shown below and in pictorial forms
Manual on Energy Conservation Measures in
Ice Making Cluster - Bhimavaram
Please note that these stages are substantially the same as Key Steps explained earlier,
but put more stress on utilization of SGA. So readers could read and use either method up
to their preference.
Manual on Energy Conservation Measures in
Ice Making Cluster - Bhimavaram
Analyze information
Stage 4: Personnel training and review the plan
Manual on Energy Conservation Measures in
Ice Making Cluster - Bhimavaram
We can see that responsibilities in stages 1 and 2 are mainly those of executives and
committee. Responsibility of employees will become clearer from stage 3 and afterwards.
The principle of small group activities (SGA) is to divide into groups based on the scope of
responsibility. The size of the group will depend on the size of organization. However, size
of the group should not be too large. Usually a size of 5 to 10 persons is considered
appropriate. It is important to define responsibilities clearly so that every member of the
group can have their responsibility and participate in the activities.
This stage will help employees to have more knowledge and understanding, have new
ideas, and have more belief in their own responsibility.
In doing small group activities, each member must be able to think, express their own ideas,
and make decisions based on reality and by investigating electrical equipment, machines,
and office equipment that exist in the area of their responsibility. Items to consider include
size, number, where to use, situation of usage, current situation, and the number of hours
usage per day. By this we can evaluate the current situation of energy usage. Also by
judging if there are more machines than needed, we can choose suitable activities and real
problems for the organization.
Each group will gather ideas on the reasons for the problems, obstacles, and how to solve
problems in order to decide on the problems, measures, and importance of activities and
thus evaluate on the feasibility of activities to do based on advice from department manager.
Basically, the following activities are not suitable for small group activities.
Manual on Energy Conservation Measures in
Ice Making Cluster - Bhimavaram
After implementing the plan, each member of small groups will follow up and evaluate the
result by analyzing result, search for strong and weak points of activities, find a way to
improve the activities and report on general achievement.
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Ice Making Cluster - Bhimavaram
4.6 Tools Used Often for Small Group Activities for Energy Conservation
4.6.1 5S:
5S is a contraction derived from the Japanese words Seiri, Seito, Seiso, Seiketsu, and
Shitsuke. It is simple methodology that is also extremely useful in practical and realistic life.
5S is a set of actions to be followed through every day activities to advance the operational
surroundings and circumstances. 5S is made in order to provide fortification to every
personage in diverse profitable and industrialized fields. 5S is an extremely practical
contrivance and skill set for anyone who wants to generate a more prolific environment
within the workplace or who wants to make it their profession to make other people's
businesses more proficient and productive. 5S occupy a list of products including eyewear,
ear protectors and safety gears. Look into these different products that make up the
significance of an industrialized security supply. Lean Six Sigma experts promise or
guarantee for the efficiency of 5S as an enlightening enhancement to better working
surroundings in an association. If you dig up Six Sigma guidance that is paid for by your
company, you will be in a position to work for your company and make things better for you
as well as for everyone. 5S is very useful in lots of industries and job markets, but can often
fail simply because of the lack of recognition concerning changes in the office.
5S consists of five steps that are crucial for the completion of 5S. The 5S steps are
described as follows-
1. Seiri / Sort- This is very logical term in, which identification of the contents take place,
data base of the products have been created and, then any kind of sorting take place just to
arrange the products and removal of unwanted items. Classification of the products is
Manual on Energy Conservation Measures in
Ice Making Cluster - Bhimavaram
necessary, which is called Red Tagging. It is important just to identify factors, right from
whether it is needed, existing amount obligatory amount, occurrence of necessity, and so
3. Seiso / Brush away/ Sweep- Examine al the items on the daily basis. The process is not
that much time consuming, but essential to clean up your workplace and most required in
5S. The conscientiousness to keep the office clean should be circulated between everyone
in the group.
4. Seiketsu / Homogenize- This important step of 5S involves the visual control, which is
important to keep your organization well- organized and clean. It is a complete evaluation to
improve the working conditions.
5. Shitsuke / Self Control- This step is quite essential, but critical because it involves all the
discipline to ensure the 5S standards, it also takes charge of dedication and commitment.
QCC (Quality control circle) means controlling quality through group activities. For this, it is
necessary to work hand in hand and achieve objective quality or customers request. With
this, we can find weak points, find the cause of problems, gather ideas for problem solving
and systematically prepare quality and thus, solve problems such as material loss,
production costs, working hours, or productivity. This is also a very useful tool to tackle with
Energy Conservation problem. So many factories or institutions are encouraged to utilize
this tool.
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Ice Making Cluster - Bhimavaram
5.1 Conclusion
5.2 Summary
The summery of energy saving proposals are based on Energy use and Technology Audit
conducted in Ice Making Plants located in Bhimavaram is presented which include identified
energy conservation measures, its energy and monetary benefits, pay back period and
expected no of units to be implemented with investment. Based on the 15 identified energy
conservation proposals in Ice making Cluster, the total energy saving potential in ice making
cluster is 7.32 lakhs kWh/year which is equivalent to 63.03 TOE/year. The total investment
required for implementation of energy saving proposals in Ice Making Cluster is Rs.98
Based on energy saving proposals and interaction made with Ice making plant Owners in
ice making cluster at Bhimavaram, total expected energy savings proposals in the cluster is
65 proposals with different Technologies and expected energy savings from these energy
conservation technologies are Rs.22.72 Lakhs kWh /year which is equivalent to 196
TOE/Year. The payback period for these energy conservation Technologies will be in the
range of 1 year to 14 years depends up on the energy savings and investment.
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Manual on Energy Conservation Measures in
Ice Making Cluster - Bhimavaram
In Bhimavaram, Ice making Plants owners and operators doesnt have awareness on
energy conservation and about energy efficiency improvement technologies which are
applicable to ice making plants. Though the clusters units are in operation since last 4
decades, no single program on energy efficiency either from the local bodies or central
government had been conducted in the cluster. The Ice plant owners could not implement
EE technologies, as the units are more concerned for uninterrupted production and low
investment options.
Manual on Energy Conservation Measures in
Ice Making Cluster - Bhimavaram
Annexure 1
Technical Calculations
Motor Power: Pm kW
Efficiency of Pumps set (Over all Efficiency) =
Note: over all efficiency of pump set = motor efficiency x pump efficiency
Pset = motor X Pump
Step 3: Saving calculation for Pump Set.
Measured input power of the old pump set = P old pump input kW
Measured input power of the new energy efficient pump set = P new pump input kW
Annual energy saved in kWh= (P old pump input kW - P new pump input kW) x Working
hour x Annual working days
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Manual on Energy Conservation Measures in
Ice Making Cluster - Bhimavaram
Annexure 2
Local Service Providers
S.No Machinery / Name of the Contact Telephone
equipment Manufacturer / Address
1 Siemens India LTD 5-9-19 4TH Floor Laxmi (040)-
Narasignh Estate, 23482500,
Opp.Secretariat, 23482501
Hyderabad 500004
2 Beekay Electrical S No 6-3-131/4, (040)-64506800
Opp Sbh Narsapur X ,
Roads, 9848507027
Bala Nagar,
Hyderabad 500037
3 Laxmi Traders G M Complex, 9346936977,
Opp RTC Colony Bus 9948696021,
MOTORS Stop, 9177607477
Main Road,
Hayat Nagar,
Hyderabad 500036
4 Deccan Electricals 7-2-629 & 630,
1ST Floor,
Opp To Bharat Petrol
R P Road,
Hyderabad 500003
5 Sri Gurudatta Electricals Shop No 10, Pb No 165 (0866)-
Opp Gandhi Park, 2563811,
Convent Street, 2561932
Vijaywada 520001
6 Lakshmi Sainadh 12-15-25, (0866)-6569370
Engineering Co Opp Tpet Goods Shed 1,
Main Bazar,
Vijaywada 520001
7 Sabari Marketing St Pauls Complex, (0866)-2482733
Services Nirmala Convent Road,
Convent Street,
Vijaywada 520001
8 Supreme Electricals 5-1-464/C, (040)-66566621
Opp Vivekavardini 9849221884
Jambagh Road,
Koti, Hyderabad 95
9 Agarwal Trading Co 5-1-13, (040)-
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Annexure 3
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Manual on Energy Conservation Measures in
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Ice Making Cluster - Bhimavaram
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Manual on Energy Conservation Measures in
Ice Making Cluster - Bhimavaram
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Ice Making Cluster - Bhimavaram
Manual on Energy Conservation Measures in
Ice Making Cluster - Bhimavaram
Manual on Energy Conservation Measures in
Ice Making Cluster - Bhimavaram
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Ice Making Cluster - Bhimavaram
Manual on Energy Conservation Measures in
Ice Making Cluster - Bhimavaram
Manual on Energy Conservation Measures in
Ice Making Cluster - Bhimavaram
Manual on Energy Conservation Measures in
Ice Making Cluster - Bhimavaram
Manual on Energy Conservation Measures in
Ice Making Cluster - Bhimavaram
Senior Consultant-Energy
Dear Sir,
Compton Greaves make, TEFC Squirrel Cage Induction Motor (NFLP),Enclosure confirming
to Protection IP 55 Foot mounted (B3), continuously rated (S1) suitable for operation on 415
+/-10 % V, 3 phase 50HZ +/- 5% with an ambient of 50 deg. class F insulation with temperature
rise limited to Class B and altitude less than 1000m above m.s.l confirming to IS325.
Prashant Reddy
Senior Executive - Sales, LT Motors
Crompton Greaves Limited
Secunderabad Branch
94, Sarojini Devi Rd, Secunderabad 500 003
T: +91 40 4000 2324 M: +91 9966007488 W:
Save the environment. Please print only if essential.
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Manual on Energy Conservation Measures in
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Manual on Energy Conservation Measures in
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Manual on Energy Conservation Measures in
Ice Making Cluster - Bhimavaram
Manual on Energy Conservation Measures in
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Manual on Energy Conservation Measures in
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Manual on Energy Conservation Measures in
Ice Making Cluster - Bhimavaram
Energy Tariff
1. Electrical Energy
Slab 1 (0-50) 0.00 0.00 1.45
Slab 2 (51-
0.00 0.00 2.80
Slab 3 (101-
0.00 0.00 3.05
Slab 4 (201-
0.00 0.00 4.75
Slab 5 (>300) 0.00 0.00 5.50
Manual on Energy Conservation Measures in
Ice Making Cluster - Bhimavaram
0.00 100.00 4.80
Demand Charge
Fixed Charge (Rs/HP/Month) Charge
Mushroom production
(vi) 37.00 0.00 4.13
Farms, Rabbit Farms
Floriculture in Green-
(vii) 37.00 0.00 4.13
Manual on Energy Conservation Measures in
Ice Making Cluster - Bhimavaram
connected load not more than 10.00 0.00 1.80
Manual on Energy Conservation Measures in
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Rural Horticulture
LT V(A)(ii) 0.00 0.00 1.00
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Ice Making Cluster - Bhimavaram
Nagarpalikas &
0.00 0.00 2.74
0.00 0.00 3.53
Selection / Spl. Gr.
Municipal Corporations
Manual on Energy Conservation Measures in
Ice Making Cluster - Bhimavaram
Temporary Supply
0.00 0.00 2.30
to Agriculture
Temporary Supply(
other than
0.00 0.00 6.82
Agriculture and
Manual on Energy Conservation Measures in
Ice Making Cluster - Bhimavaram
Manual on Energy Conservation Measures in
Ice Making Cluster - Bhimavaram
LT categories
Category No. Purpose Rates for the year 2010-11
above 250W of
connected load Rs.50/Month
Three Phase
Single Phase
II Non-domestic/ Rs.65/Month
Commercial Three Phase Rs.200/Month
III (A)(ii) Industrial
III (B) Optional Recorded demand during the month or
75150HP 80% of contracted demand whichever is
higher and50 Units/kVA of Billing Demand
per month
VI (A) Rs.2/Point/Month
Lighting Municipalities
and Corpns.
General Single Rs.50/Month
VII Purpose Phase
Three Phase Rs.150/Month
Manual on Energy Conservation Measures in
Ice Making Cluster - Bhimavaram
Financial Schemes
The various schemes from Ministry of Micro Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME),
Government of Andhra Pradesh and Small Industrial Development Bank of India (SIDBI) are
available to Install SMEs, install or upgrade Energy Efficient technologies and marketing.
These schemes are availed and implemented through the District Industries Center (DIC),
Commissioner of Industries and District Collector and Financial Institutions. The units
holders are taken the benefits of various schemes from time to time. The details of different
financial schemes are
Manual on Energy Conservation Measures in
Ice Making Cluster - Bhimavaram
SIDBI grants refinance against term loans granted by the eligible PLIs to industrial concerns
for setting up industrial projects in the small scale sector as also for their expansion /
modernization / diversification.
f. Scheme for Development of Industrial Infrastructure:
The Scheme purpose is to strengthening of existing industrial clusters / estates by providing
increased amenities for smooth working of the industrial units. The scheme is to avail setting
up of warehousing facilities for SSI products / units and Providing support services viz.,
common utility centers such as convention halls, trade centers, raw material depots,
warehousing, tool rooms / testing centers, housing for industrial workers, etc.
b. Quality Up gradation: Under this activity, MSME manufacturing units will be provided
subsidy to the extent of 75% of actual expenditure, towards licensing of product to
National/International Standards. The maximum assistance allowed per MSME is Rs.
1.5 Lakh (Average Rs. 0.75 Lakh) for obtaining product licensing/marking to national
standards and Rs. 2 Lakh (Average Rs. 1.50 Lakh) for obtaining product
licensing/marking to international standards. One MSME unit can apply only once under
the scheme. Total 3000 product certification on national standards and 1000 on
international standards are proposed to be reimbursed under the scheme. This scheme
will include the star rating certification by BEE. All the applications for the star rating will
be reimbursed the application processing fees directly to the entrepreneur after the
successfully certification from BEE.
Manual on Energy Conservation Measures in
Ice Making Cluster - Bhimavaram
Government of Andhra Pradesh providing SSI Certificate and Subsidy through the District
Industries Center (DIC) to promote industrial activity in the district. The DIC will issue the
SSI to the Industries based on the capacity. It has schemes and other related activities for
the SSI units i.e. marketing assistance etc., to promote the self-employment schemes with
assistance from the local banks.