Merritt Morning Market 3038 - Aug 4
Merritt Morning Market 3038 - Aug 4
Merritt Morning Market 3038 - Aug 4
Custom mugs
Your photos or art on a mug great gifts! merritt morning Please recycle
$ 14 99
Office Supplies (250)378-6882
Printing & Engraving (250)378-6808
Blacks Pharmacy
1951 Garcia St. Merritt, Bc 2037 Quilchena Ave., Merritt BC (250) 378-2155
At the request of the Office of the Fire Take a wander and check out the Art
Commissioner, Engine 2 and crew were Walk Artists Show at the Courthouse Art
r b eque up SOme
dispatched early Wednesday morning to Gallery, Friday & Saturday, noon to 6, and
stage in Kelowna.
It is expected they will be deployed to
Cassandra Dolens new show, A thousand
Words, at Brambles Secret Door Gallery. b LOCAL BEEF
the southeast region of the province as Try to ignore the smoky skies, my
conditions continue to deteriorate. Italian & bratwurst
friends, don your finest cowboy garb and
sausage, cheese
expect delays on a good helping of community spirit, and
show our visitors some fine Nicola Val- smokies
Coq this weekend ley hospitality!
And remember, Dont squat with
le at
local handyman for hire!
Experd in framing, dry walling & tap- old. $10 ea., 1st come first serve. Prince- for sale - recreational
ing. Construction/installation of custom ton. call/text 250-293-6125
u s e
mens 21-spd bike, gd shape $30. 378-1873
adult riding saddle, tan in color, exc
woodwork, T-bar ceilings, flooring. Can
kid kick freestanding kick/pnchng bag,
do light electrical. Fair rates, guarantee cond. 378-6588
your satisfaction! Call 315-8679 for your adult riding saddle, tan in color, gd shield, blockr & gloves $180 378-2410
FREE quote today! cond. 378-6588 vanguaRd fibreglass 16 boat for
faRRieR. Accepting new clients in fiRst cut Grass & Alfalfa Grass mix fishing/skiing w/ 65hp Merc outboard &
Merrit and area. Quality Shoeing and hay, cutting week of June 11. Small EZ loader trlr, cover for boat 378-2578
barefoot trimming Gentle, reliable, af- square bales, perfect horse hay. $8/bale 96 10' bigfoot truck camper, fully
fordable Refs available. Call/text Danika: from field, $8.50 from barn. No syn- loaded w/ 3-pce bathroom w/ shower, a/c
250-267-9212 thetic fertilizers, no sprays. 378-2124 blows cold, 2-dr lrg fridge/furnace, grt SUMMER HOURS
ceRtified tree faller w/ small wood cond. road ready $7000. Don 315-5742 10am-6pm, 7 days a week
for sale - miscellaneous 74 12 scampeR travel trlr, solar
chipper,truck & trlr w/ all the gear. or
just hauling debris to the dump. 378-6431 pR Womens grey cowboys boots sz panel, elect. brks, $1600obo 378-6421
Jpv enteRpRises: Landscaping 10 used 1x, pd $150 sell $20 525-1333 bicycle carrying rack fits car or pck- Corner of Voght & Mammette
(lawn care, hedging, pruning, gardening), 5-level All-Things-Organic worm up $75 Joe 378-2676 Merritt, BC
general labour. Licensed, equipped. On composter, add worms & use it in your mens Trek Navigator 100 7-spd w/
Facebook. 250 280 7077 home. $75 378-2410 lock, gd cond. $250. Adult tricycle, bas- (250) 378-0349
Woodys Tree Services, pruning, top- poRcelain claw foot tub, incl. solid ket, handbrakes, lk nw $200 378-8252
ping, removal, hedges 315-8087 brass accessories $1800 280-0875,604- full set (13 pces) of ladies rt-handed
dRyWall, textured ceiling, painting. 751-2205 golf clubs, older set but rarely used. Also
Call Jeff (250)378-3709, (250)315-2066 2 ReseRve seats 4-day passes to Mer- nw golf bag & accessories. 2-whl push
ritts Rocking River Music Fest, sect L1, cart.$250. 378-6217
gRanny's House Quilting & Retreat row C, seat 25 & 26, cost $569, sell
has fabric and sewing notions. 378-3734 float tube, neoprene chest waders
$400/pr 378-2607 (XL), fins & shoes $50.936-8484aft5 pm
childcare fRee: wood stove gd for cabin, take small teardrop-style trailers $50/
away. Old cabinets from kitchen for use night, 2300 block Quilchena Ave. Paul
licensed childcaRe Family in cabin, free. Heavy canvas 2-man tent,
Place for children 0 12 years. We will 378-2337
free. All in Low. Nic. 587-840-5322
help complete subsidy paperwork. Open dakota csa-approv. steel-toed boots, Womens righthanded golf clubs, Lady
Mon-Sat-. Drop ins welcome. Hours are leather, lk nw, only worn 1x/too small, pd Palmer drvr, 3, 5 woods graph. shfts,
6:00 9:00pm. Located at Railyard Mall. irons 4,5,6,7,8,9,pw,sw, p, golf bag $100. 2 giRls ages 7 & 10 yrs wishing to 1-bdRm unfurnd, shared bthrm/
$140, sell $80. Rose 315-5742, 1925 play Polly Pockets while visiting livngrm/kitch./lndry, intrnt & util.
2172 Coutlee Ave. FMI 378-4878 Quilchena Ave. Nancy Lopez hybrid rescue club $50.
315-1008 their grandparents this summer. Do incl., 1 small dog OK, n/s $500 w/
for sale - appliances saga scooter w/ sidecar, 150cc, 39km, you have any in good condition you $250 dam. dep. Richard280-7477
n$2200, or just the scooter 378-6696 28.2 Jayco Eagle trlr, 2006, 4 seasons,
apt sz wht stacking w/d, a-1 cond 12 slide, q bd, slps 4, loaded $16,000 wish to sell? 378 3721 1-bdRm suite, furnd 378-6899
eggs from back yard raised hen $ 4.50 2-5 coRds firewood, fir/pine, no
$150. 315-2249 per dozen 378-9432 315-7087 single occupant bsmt ste
house-size wht fridge & self cleaning fRee: Kids bikes, from Breathe Bikes, rot, by Sept 1. Plus log splitter quiet student or professional only. 1-
small freezer, lrg tv on wheels, foot- 5000lb 315-5174, 378-5909
range $600/pr 280-0875,604-751-2205 stool, old sew. mach., lrg walker, misc mostly donated, and most in need of re- bdrm bsmt ste, cbl TV/hi-spd internet,
beaumaRk wht, 10.6 cu ft chest more 315-2436 pair, 12" - 20". Donations are appreciated Rabbit cage w/ legs under, sep. entr., $500 incl util., n/s, n/p, refs
freezer, Has few cosmetic scratches, but handmade jewellery boxes, bird to cover costs for repair & nw parts, ei- large/sturdy 378-8326, 525-0318 reqd. 778-928-4844, 250-925-4414
clean! works grt! Must pick up, cannot houses & feeders, bat houses. Charlie ther by those who nd the bike, or anyone any type old doors, compl. w/ neWly renod 2-bdrm units $800/
deliver. $125 378-9841 378-2839 wishing to contribute. FMI Travis 936- hardware 378-2778 mth, 1-bdrm units starting at $650/
vacuum cleaner $25 378-8188 fRee 6'x14 wooden shed, gd cond. to 9702, 1975 Coutlee Ave looking foR bach ste to rent, mth. Ht /cbl incl. Rob 936-8243
maytag washer/dryer6 yrs old good be removed from 2226 Garcia St,back grnd lvl w/ prkng $600 in twn, nr shop- iRvine ave., upper flr only, 3
for sale - tools/equipment
cond. $250 378-5790 lane. 378-5004 ping, Sept 1. n/s, n/drnkr 378-4007 bdrms, kitchen, livingrm, family rm,
2 pRs mens slacks, brnd nw, Retreat, fRee: Worx 19 batt.-op lwnmwr, nw cond, 1.5 bths, incl. w/d, all furnished,Sept
WebeR charcoal grill, used 1 season nds batt., pd $480 250-378-2325 aft 5pm for sale house/property 1, $1500/mo. + util. nr NVIT, Extra
like new $60 378-3709 sz 38 waist, 30 leg pd $50ea, sell $20ea.
525-1333 20 cut gas lwnmwr w/ rear bag 378-4101 4-bdRm 3-bth house w/ 2-bdrm Foods, Walmart & fast food restau-
champion Juicer $70 378-5745 rants.Vry lrg yrd, dwnstairs also has
12 numbeRed & signed Frank Mc- 2-ton hydraulic trolley jack $15. 778- legal ste grnd lvl in Merritt $379,000
lRg laundromat coin-op gas dryer, wrks Carthy Western & Native artist framed 358-9930 778-358-9930 tenants. 378-7378
well Joe 378-2676 prints w/ gallery frame & non glare glass. 1-bdRm furndbsmt $750incl util.,
bag of 6 loop ties for fencing, 378-6556 Rent to oWn: w/ dwnpayment,
gd size name brand fridge & self-cln Will sell separate or make an offer on a oac, own your own manufd home, 2- shared kitch./bathrm on main flr,
range $600/pr 280-0875 geneRatoR 3000w, quiet, used 3x, re-
package deal Don 315-5742or drop in @ mote start, pd $1600, sell $950 378-6696 bdrm 1-bth, lrg lot in mbl home prk, cbl/intrnt inclDebbie 778-869-3141
for sale - automotive 1925 Quilchena (store) neW black aluminum soffit 21' x 16" fully set up, for quald family. Call to 1-bdRm w/ bathrm, shared
glass top bevelled edge tile base cof- $20 280-8563 view 315-1000, 1-800-361-8111 kitchen/living room, downtown, cute
safaRi van GMC 88 bench seat $15. fee table $45. 5gl + 25gl fish tanks $15. dogs already live here, no more pets,
778-358-9930 Mtl cd stand w/free cds $15. Fabric of- Ryobi router and table, custom con- n/s $500 1975 Coutlee Ave 936-9702
tainer box, hardly used $90 315-1824, We Want to move to the coun-
02 vW Golf GLS. 2.0lt 4-cyl standard fice chair $25. mirror for drssr $15. try. Will trade houses, some cash down, aug 1, nicely renovated, cntrl a/c,
$2000. 378-7989 Twin race car bed + tool chst night stnd 250-706-7774
view anytime. 378-8326, 525-0318 4-bdrm, 3-bth dplx, w/ lrg rec rm,
94 dodge Spirit 4-dr sedan, 178k, exc $200. 2 twin mattr. $25ea. 378-9860 44"x60"h chain link gate $75. 378-5004 lndryrm, plenty of stor., fncd yrd,
10 table saw $50 378-8188 2-yR old 3-bdrm 2-bth home on
cond, nw frnt brks/fuel fltr, rcnt tune-up, fRee: mtl childrens swing set 315-0030 large lot, all appls. incl., nr schl/Save On. quiet neighbrhd. F/S/Dishwasher,
a/c just charged $850obo Joe 315-7042 1 oWnRonly, 3-whl dlxscooter, no li- bRnd nW wood burning stove, new lndscpd/move-in ready Jul 15, spotless, n/s, n/parties, n/p, for working fam-
07 chev Cobalt 2-dr coupe (rally yel- cense reqd, music installed, alarm syst., $139 at Can. Tire, sell $100. Nw 20lb cute as button $289,900 378-3488 ily as longterm tenants w/refs. 378-
low) 5-spd manual $4500obo, 1 owner, good range without having to recharge batt. prop. tank full of fuel $60. Paul 378-2337 7005 to view (currently occupied)
mbl home #24 at popular LN
only 84,520km,gd running condition, all $2500obo armrest flexible. 250-870-1244 vintage 12hp Ford ride on mower, mbl home prk. 2-bdrm 1-bth, 1155 fuRnd bdrm, shared main flr
maint. up to date, c/w wntr tires on rims, fRee: medicinal plant, comfrey 315-1330 late 1960's to 1970's. Model 120, hydro- sq.ft 68'x12', nw roof/vinyl sidng/ kitchen & bthrm, cbl/intrnt, utilities
2 sets of keys/fobs 315-5118, pls no txts xp seRies Motorino elect. scooter, 4 static, motor not working, for restoration wndws/ flring/pnt.10'x20' dck in bck incl., lndry facilities. $500 + $250
95 gRand Cherokee Laredo Jeep, gd nw 12v batt., bought Mar17, have re- or parts. $150 Ken 378-6065 off lvngrm.7'5"x19'4" stor., electri- dam. dep. Debbie 778-869-3141
for parts, runs $700. Paul 936-8196 ceipts $9000obo 378-0897 lRg cabinet shop sandblaster $850, gd cal upgrade done, shed in back, fncd loWeR Nicola 2-bdrm suite, $625
06 foRd Taurus SE, exc cond., well- hobby supplies: Jewellery making compl. unit Joe 378-2676 yrd, hwy access, flat site. incl. + utilities 378-8223
maintained 378-6767 supplies, etc., $250/all 378-5745 f/s/w/d, pad rnt $373. 1 small pet al- lRg 2-bdRm dplx, f/s/w/d, n/p,
Quality beads - Lamp-work, hand wanted/wanted to buy
12 chev Malibu exc cond, 76k 936-8297 lowed, rented for $950 + util., ten- n/s, lngtrm tenants w/ refs, 378-8383
08 smaRt, auto/manual shift, gas, a/c, blown, millefiori, faceted, bone agate and looking foR healer, for my health ants want to stay, pics on craigslist Room for rent, $400 incl. wifi/tv
88k, 1 owner $5500 280-8563 stone. Vanessa 378-6065 378-8326 ad id 6111950368 $39,500 378-5004 text 280-6916 or call aft 7pm
shopRideR Trailblazer 4 whl mobil- oldR inexpensively-priced 4x4 truck to double lot, ready to build on, 2-bdRm bsmt ste, nr Central Schl.
01 Ram 4x4 360 klm extended cab, ity scooter, nr nw $2500obo 378-1887
long box, motor in exc cond., some rust, put a wntr plow on for personal use. in quiet neighbourhood 280-1017 3-bdrm house, immed. 525-0240
kids Rawling Soccer shoes sz 3 $10. Doesn't have to be pretty, just nds to run
4 new tires $6500 378-8252 Kids gumboots sz 13 $10. Boys outfit: dbl Wide 2-bdrm, 1 den, 2-bth,
gd. 378-5513 for rent
02 dodge 1/2-tn truck, 2-dr, levelling blk vest, trousers and red dress shirt, sz manuf. home fore reitred or semi-
kit, 33 whls, Pioneer stereo, subwoofer, 2 oR 4 used 245/75R15 tires 378-6217 vRy cln 2-bdrd ste, w/d/util./wifi retd cpl only w/ sml caretaking on
5, lk nw $15. 2 boys vests sz 3X and sz tobacco, reas. price 378-8326
air, very gd cond. $5400obo 378-6915 5, 2 for $5. 315-8158 incl. $700, n/s, n/p, suitable for ma- priv. prop. 1-800-361-8111
06 pt cRuiseR $3000obo 315-7611 antiQue Singer sewing machine, c. dont take grass clippings to dump, bag ture prsn or wrkng prsn. (Max. 2
Jeep convertible top, gd cond/hrdly used, 1949, hardly used, exc cond., w/ original them & bring them to me 378-2778 people)Sept. 1st 378-9432 2-bdRm hse. 4-bdRm, upstairs w/ 1-
fits 97-04 $600obo. Set 4 ctre caps, brnd nw, needles etc. & original handbook. An- RecoRds, sports cards, knives Tom 1-bdRm 1/2 dplx, semi furnished in bdrm bsmt ste. 378-6332, 778-240-3721
off 78-79 T-Bird $100obo 315-0074 tique phonograph c. 1901, exc cond. w/ 778-288-4095 Colletteville $550 + util., immed. loW. nic. upstairsste in 4-plxfor
93 vW Euro van CL. 2.5L, 5-cyl, 7-pass. 320 78s, all archived. 378-7116 bottles & cans to get rid of? I will Don 315-5742 sngl wrkng prsn, 1 bdrm + den,
205,033km 5-spd standard, green, cd player, beautiful wedding dress, nvr worn, come pick up. Mike 315-0023 3-bdRm in 4-plx in Low. Nic, grnd flr, f/s/no lndry, n/s, n/p, n/drgs, n/par-
located in Merritt. Grant 250-572-1007 sz 6, pd $1000, sell $300 378-5677 snWblWeR, gas model 378-8156 immed, n/p, n/s $1000+ util. 378-3748 ties, $700 + $350 sec. dep. 378-3748