Merritt Morning Market 3783 - Jan 20
Merritt Morning Market 3783 - Jan 20
Merritt Morning Market 3783 - Jan 20
an event?
We have
in stock!
recycle Largest supply in Merritt
Community Passes
February 10-12, the 54th annual Moc-
January 31st, at noon. Nominations may be sent all subject areas
casin Hockey Tournament will take
to homeschool assistance for parents
The Merritt Library, along with all the place at the Nicola Valley Memorial Are-
branches of the Thompson-Nicola Re- na, with 2 divisions: Competitive and Amanda Pryzner-Dunn
gional Library (TNRL) is expanding thei 35+ Masters. The tournament has been 250 525-0397
FREE USED OIL DROP OFF Community Passes program, with the traditionally hosted by the Quilchena
Located at the Royal LePage Business Centre
addition of the Big Little Science Centre Braves Hockey Club, will enter a part-
Rosco's Auto Service Society — for free passes to the Big Little nership to co-host the tournament with
Science Centre (BLSC) for patrons to bor- the Nicola Valley Grizzlies Hockey Club.
2380 Nicola Ave., 250-378-1650 The history of this tournament includes
row with their library card.
“Beyond books, we are proud to offer a passion for hockey, community pride,
and a place to showcase Indigenous tal-
SPACE FOR YOUR AD enriching experiences for our patrons to Royal Canadian Legion Branch 096
‘check out’ from their closest TNRL loca- ent. Admission: $10/day or $25/week-
TEL 378-5717 - FAX 378-4700 tion,” said TNRL Manager of Discovery end pass; Elders and 12 & under FREE.
1940 Quilchena Ave. Merritt
MARKET@UNISERVE.COM and Support Services Jenny Abramzik. 50/50 draws, concession available. Facebook: The Landing Zone Royal Canadian Legion 96
“This exciting new addition to our col- Merritt Youth Soccer registration open Merritt British Columbia
OPEN Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday & Saturday
lection of community passes builds on Registration for the 2023 MYSA Soc- 12:00pm until closing, offering weekly food specials
the success of our BC Wildlife Park Pass cer season is now open. Registration
MERRITT PICKLEBALL CLUB and our Family Fitness Pass program closes March 17; season begins week of
TOONIE TUESDAYS Try our Bartenders Special Cocktails.
Darts every Tuesday starts at 6:30pm
Court Times & Dates with the City of Kamloops and the City April 10; season ends week of June 12. THURSDAYS – Shuffleboard 3pm – 5pm. Open Music
of Merritt.” Go to the registration page for info & to Sessions 7:00pm
call Gary 250-280-0105 Patrons can place a hold on the pass register MUSIC EVERY FRIDAY watch for posters.
or Ayton 250-378-5691 at, or through their local library. Call out to artists: Still Life
We also have a hall to rent, along with bar and kitchen
The pass may be borrowed for up to one The NV Arts Council's new communi-
Nicola Valley Community Arts Council week. Only one member of the group is ty art exhibit planned for early February
required to have a valid library card to to mid March is all about the art of Still
acquire the pass. Life — in paintings & drawings but be- #merrittmatters
The pass is the newest addition to the yond, too: sculpted, stained glass, mixed
TNRL’s “Extreme Lending” program, media, fabric, photographs, nature and
which is a commitment to healthy com- home objects set up as still life… They
munities through experience passes to are looking for fresh work, or that has
help patrons discover, learn and grow. not been shown in the region within the
FMI about community passes or to past 2 years. Guest curator for this show
place your hold: is Barbara Sayles, collection is Jan 30. FMI CASH PRIZES
-passes contact
Nicola Family Therapy helps Please consider giving to Nicola Family Therapy
which provides essential counselling services at little or no cost to all members of
our community. In addition, Nicola Family Therapy has a donation account through
Merritt Return-It bottle depot if you wish to conveniently drop your bottles and cans
off. It is our promise every dollar raised through donations will be used for ongoing
counselling services in our community.
A termite walks into the bar and asks, "Is the bar tender here?” Tourism Nicola Valley presents ...
Too Much Glistening The girlfriend stands by door, not sure what to say. “Honey, why is WINTER ADVENTURE
your whole upper half covered in baby oil?” “Well, you’re always saying I never glisten,”
replies the boyfriend. “Listen! I said you never LISTEN!” PHOTO CONTEST
Just Don't Do It My husband was water-skiing when he fell into the river. As the boat circled
to pick him up, he noticed a hunter sitting in a duck boat in the reeds. My husband put his
hands in the air and joked, “Don’t shoot!” The hunter responded, “Don’t quack.”
How do you stop a bull from charging? Cancel its credit card.
"Finally my winter fat is gone. Now I have spring rolls."
Box 2199, Merritt, BC V1K 1B8 T: (250) 378-5717 F: (250) 378-2025 E: Merritt’s Auto Glass 2001
4 DODGE 17 inch 8 hole rims $150 text WOODEN rocking chair, as new. Medi- Specialists INC.
Email: WTD: HANDIMAN for couple hours WTD: kitten 280-0543 25" Toshiba flatscrn tv, grt for kids room
work 378-3755 BLK/WHT male kitten 4 mos old look- $40obo. HP Photosmart all-in-one print-
AA MEETINGS are held each Monday ing forever home, asap. Calico cat, 1-yr er/scannr/copier, incl paper $45obo. 46"
at 12 noon at the United Church, 1899 old in May, friendly, looking for forever Vizio flatscrn HD tv $75obo. Joanne
Quilchena Ave. home. 315-8429. 778-389-9365
services FREE: puppies, 3 mos. old 936-8368 2X2 SLIDE proj., gd cond. Debbie
RUDY WORKS - Home & Office Main-
tenance & Repair - home & office tech,
2-1/2 YR OLD sow 400-500lbs $350
for sale - recreational
carpentry, electrical, plumbing, concrete. MINIATURE SCHNAUZER puppies
avail. for adoption aft Dec 22. Vet check, BOAT-10 FT fiberglass $300 378-6721
315-6689 or
deworming and first immunization in- 4X8 1-pc slate pool table, leather pock-
SCRAP FOR CASH. I'll come to you.
Batteries, brass copper, aluminum, stain- cluded $1500. Call /txt 250-525-1189 ets, gd shape, all access. $500 315-9221
less, wire. Call or msg 604-618-8710, or FEM. goat $200. 8 puppies $100ea. VISION FITNESS exercise bike $65
the Fast service, Peking ducks $20ea 778-661-0344, 378-6915
TOPS: Take Off Pounds Sensibly weight 936-8368 SNOWBOARD brnd nw $150 280-0543
loss support group. Meet Tuesday morn- DOG BOOTS/socks.Size 3.0. Ruffwear 26" 21-spd Marin mtn bike $250
ings. FMI Iris (250)378-8182 Grip Trex Outdoor. Worn only twice. 280-0543
WOODY'S tree service & more: land- $50. 378-8758 91 ARCTIC CAT 300 Lynx, ser. buyers
scaping, fencing, handyman work, etc. DOG HOUSE, 36"x40" $40 315-1447 only, vry gd cond $2000 315-2275
315-8087 MUSCOVY DUCKS $20ea. 1 lrg wht PORTABLE ice fishing firepit sleds, no
LAWN CUTTING, reas. rates 280-7492 Tom turkey $70 315-2898 mess on ice 378-4904
ONE WOMAN AND A BRUSH. Paint- FEMALE rabbit & lrg cage, free 378-2136 TREADMILL, elliptical mach.
er, available, only diff. is the price. 15 FREE: kitten, 10 wks old, very cute fe- 525-0240
years experience. Ann 378-5377 male 378-2275 EVINRUDE Lightning outboard motor
JPV ENTERPRISES: Landscaping - 4 SHEEP ewes $325ea, approx 8 mos $50 315-1447
lawn care, pruning, hedging, gardening. old. Call/text 315-9789
Lic'd, equipped. On Facebook. 280-7077 6 FT Air Powered Hockey Table. Excel-
DRYWALL, textured ceiling, painting. HUSKY/BORDER collie. price lent condition, 2 paddles + assortment of
Call Jeff (250)378-3709, (250)315-2066 dropped $700 one male left, white and pucks. Manual counters, Duraglide sur-
black. 315-2203. Seriour inq. only please face, levelling table legs. 72"L x 38"W x
CERTIFIED TREE FALLER, w/ wd 31"H. $400. 378-7105
chipper, sml truck & trailer, will do resi- AWESOME CKC Black Lab for stud
dential, fruit trees, etc. 378-6431 378-5038 5TH-WHL hitch $100 378-7412
EAGER, RELIABLE man w/ 4x4 truck WTD: adopt or buy 2 min. donkeys. Bur- CENTURY Kid Kick Wavemaster free-
& trailer, avail. Dump runs, deliveries, mese mtn dog/Austr. shepherd x. Have standing punching "bag", adjustable
plywood, sand, gravel, appl., housewares own acreage. 378-7435 height, Kidkick blocker, Kidkick square
Greg 315-7525, (250)320-2054 Fast, ECOFLEX Columbia Bunny Hutch, up- shield target, 2 pairs gloves, headgear.
courteous service per (den) level & lower (grass). Cd use All included for $250. 378-2410
employment opportunity for broody hen/chicks. $350. 378-2410 83 HONDA XR200R dirtike $2100obo.
for sale - miscellaneous 378-6915
Kruse n Style is looking for an experi- BRAND NEW/nvr work, pr sz 8 Baffin $12,000obo 315-0097
enced hairdresser. Apply within 1990 steel toe work boots $25. Elect. knife
Quilchena Ave. sharpener also does scissors $20. 2 2015 ADVENTURE 80 RB. exc cond.
FAMILY PLACE is seeking a qualified xtra lrg motorcyle leather jckts, 1 med. Bath, outdoor shower, AC, backdoor aw-
E.C.E to join our team! For more infor- $40ea. 378-2136 ning, remote jacks, queen bed, and more.
$21,000. 378-5513
for better health mation please call Joell 250-378-4878 JIGSAW puzzles $3, $5, $10378-5691
DIXIE LEE/SUPERIOR PIZZA look- 160 1x6x32" for fence $100 280-0543 EXERCISE bike $150 315-8256
ing for f-t waitress. Drop resume off at CHRISTMAS TREE, 6', looks real, in 3 94 VANGUARD Truck camper, nice
2052 Quilchena cond $2500 315-7820
parts, pd $300, sell $75 315-1776
Tabitha Nichols LABOURERS WANTED- Nicola Post BOAT seat $30 315-9536
Brand Ambassador & Rail. Positions available -full time DAVINCI Waterford crystal glasses HOT TUB w/ all access. 315-8511
(mon - fri), part time, evening shifts, new with stickers on them boxed $90 for PURATHLETICS multi chin-up bar,
# 901522779 weekend shifts, and seasonal. Wage $22 4. 8 glasses available. 315-1626 NIB, $25. 378-2410
per hour. Please apply if you are willing JANOME sewing machine for sale, just
to work in an outside environment and had a maintenance service done on it. for sale - tools/equipment
have strong work ethic. No mill experi- $250 378-7950 SET OF industrial knee pads for carpen-
tabitha_ann_nichols@ ence necessary. Call Tony 250-319-9891 ASSORTED woodworking books incl ter or carpet layer, brnd nw $30 378-2136
P-T SEMI-RETIRED Handyman carving and intarsia. 315-1626 3 WORK BENCHES, 2 w/ shelving $70 required for bldg. repairs and ground- WOODBURNING craft tool, cords,ex- 378-4476
work for multiple buildings. Call Robert tra blades and books. $199 315-1626
12V 124R battery, fully charged & holds
936-8243 9 BOXES luxury vinyl tile flooring, 19
CARPENTRY FINISHER/ General sq. ft/box $300obo 936-8834
a charge $60 315-2249
TORO snowblower, 20 in, works well
Check out
labour. Contact Cory 250-319-4497 or BRADFORD Exchange collector plates,
Noel 236-597-4000. Exper. preferred
for sale - appliances
some in boxes, offers. 778-661-0986
11 ANTIQUE railway lights $1400obo
$250obo 378-4904
10" CRAFTSMAN bandsaw, free 378- our feature
Thomas Finnie BISSELL Crosswave Cordless Max. Joe 378-5100
Exc condition, only used 4-5 times. Ask- FLOOD victims, ceiling lights avail
10" CRFTSMN bnd saw. Dan 378-2136
2 WOOD stoves 525-0240
photo -
Thomas Finnie ing $175 OBO. 250-552-5688
JET 3ULTRA power wheelchair, in SMOKE & CARBON MONOX- every issue
250-572-2842 IDE alarm. 3 Kidde alarms with batter-
SAMSUNG top load washer, newly ser- storage last 7 years, estate sale $1200obo ies. expire 2028. $60 315-1626
viced, water saver, $300 378-8802 378-8802
2 PROP. heaters: one w/ 30lb tnk, dbl
ELECT. dryer, wrks well $150 315-1447 12-PC placesetting "Old Country Ros- header $150. Round heater, no tank
es", lots of extras, 4 s&p shakers, teapots,
GAS range 378-9453 $100 Lewis. 778-661-0986
creamers, gravy boats & china cabinet
HIGH POINT microwave 19inches USED construction heaters, 220 volt/
$1000 firm. By appt only 778-661-0922
wide x11.5"x15"deep $60 378-2410
Court Times & Dates
105 LITRE hot water tank $35. Toilet 20 amp w/ built in thermostat. $65 each
PORT. air conditioner $200. Old com- with seat $25 280-0779 378-8802
mercial meat slicer $200 378-3496
SHOP RIDER deluxe trail blazer
MELITTA coffee maker, 8 cups $20. scooter heavy duty. Lightly used like
2 POWERSAWS, 18" bars, nw chains,
gas, work well $95ea. 2 sump pumps, call Gary 250-280-0105
or Ayton 250-378-5691
315-6603 new!! $3500. 315-9311 long-neck $85ea. Lewis 778-661-0986
PORTABLE Broil King bbq 378-2737 UNPASTEURIZED raw honey: $40 for BLK & DCKR DR601 hammer drill,
MASTERBUILT MPS 230S propane 8 cups, $20 for 4 cups, $10 for 2 cups, $5 corded, lk nw, w/instr. $65 378-9899
smoker. BNIB. $275. Text/call 315-5128 for 1 cup. 378-4947 HAUSSMAN electric leaf blower/
for sale - automotive vacumm w/ bag $50. 378-2410 USED banjo & mandolin 315-9789 1-BDRM partly furnished bsmt,
GRANNY’S House Quilting & Retreat
CHAIN LINK gate 10’8”wide x 46”high 2 TIRES for SUV, P215-55R18 94H shared kitch. & bath, all util incl
2014 GMC Traverse, exc cond., yearly has sewing notions from Pat's Patches $200. firm. Chain link gate 13’6”wide x 936-9029 778-869-3141
serviced, all seas. tires. 315-4593 378-3734
46”high $200 firm 378-4191 OLD WEATHERED / BARN 2-BDRM bsmt ste, n/p, n/s Jan 15,
STOCK rims & tires off 05 Toyota Cam- for sale - furniture
NW DC-to-AC invertor 1500w $120. wood. 1" x 6" x 10ft. Needing 400 sq 778-639-0244
ry, 16" all-seas. $200 315-9221 COMPLETE household furnishings for DC-to-AC invertor 300w $65 378-6488 feet for a project. Paul 604-926-6412
2 YOKOHAMA tires 225/65R16 m&s sale. Denis 315-5424 MASTERCRAFT chainsaw $50. Pro- 2 SUITES: 1 furnished $1800 +
RECORDS, hunting knives, sports
378-2832 KING mattress, free for pick up Pulse angle grinder $30 280-0779 dam. dep., util incl. 1 1-bdrm w/ 2
cards, deer antlers, Johnny Cash
TOYOTA rims & tires, 2 Arctic Claw 378-2047 stuff. Tom 778-288-4095 bds, furnished. 1502 Nicola Ave.,
winter tires on rims, m&s rated 205/55/ FREE: End table 280-0779 wanted/wanted to buy
available immed.Mgr 936-8474
R16 $160 378-0032 100-YEAR old iron bed, dbl/full $250 3030 WINCHESTER, have PAL in for sale house/property
MICHELIN 235/65R17 snow tire, used 315-2257 place 378-7505 WTD: working roomate $700 refs
DRIVE BY 441 BAILEY AVE., req'd, no pets 236-889-4188
1 seas. 378-7995 COUCH free 315-8511 GOOD USED tire and rim for cargo Lower Nicola, updated, below mar-
ONE 205/60R15 General m&s tire, new QU bdrm suite, dinette set, sofa, odds & trailer. 5 hole ST235/75R15. 378-4853 ket value. Then call 315-5424 Denis 1-BDRM bsmt ste. 3-bdrm house
$65. Joe 378-5100 ends 525-0240 FREE GUPPIES: Will give gd home to MANUFACT'D home, 2 bdrm, 1 upstairs 525-0240
4 - 17" X 7 1/2" Rims - 5 Bolt pattern QUEEN SIZE memory foam mattress. any unwtd guppies 315-8570 bath, call to view 1-800-361-8111, COMMERC. space: small area
(initially from a Jeep Cherokee). Asking good condition $200 378-2832 OLDER trvl trlr, approx. 16', call/txt 315-1000 buyandsellmobilehomes. semi-priv. room in Kruse n Style 180
$100 280-4331 SNGL bd box frame, wood, exc cond 604-302-6232 com sq. ft, rent neg. 378-6664
FREE: canopy fits 02 F150 378-3496 $30 378-7251 APPROX 10 cu. ft chest freezer. in good for rent
4 ALL-TERR. winter tires 235/70R16, FREE TABLE: round pedestal table one shape & wrking. 250-898-3426 SPACE dwntwn - am & eves - suit.
80% tread, on F150 rims, gd shape $400 leaf and six chairs 378-6787 BLASTING table, call / text MOBILE HOME to share, master for mtgs, yoga classes, choir practic-
378-3496 NEW patio swing $225. 778-661-0905 604-302-6232 bdrm $450 + 1/2 util. Dan 378-2136 es, art classes etc. Lizette 936-9011