Lecture 08
Lecture 08
Lecture 08
Median in case of a frequency distribution of a continuous variable
Median in case of an open-ended frequency distribution
Empirical relation between the mean, median and the mode
Quantiles (quartiles, deciles & percentiles)
Graphic location of quantiles.
Median in Case of a Frequency Distribution of a Continuous Variable:
In case of a frequency distribution, the median is given by the formula
~ h n
X l c
f 2
l =lower class boundary of the median class (i.e. that class for which the cumulative frequency is just in excess of n/2).
h=class interval size of the median class
f =frequency of the median class
n=f (the total number of observations)
c =cumulative frequency of the class preceding the median class
This formula is based on the assumption that the observations in each class are evenly distributed between the two class
Going back to the example of the EPA mileage ratings, we have
Mileage Class Cumulative
Rating Boundaries Frequency
30.0 32.9 2 29.95 32.95 2
33.0 35.9 4 32.95 35.95 6
36.0 38.9 14 35.95 38.95 20
39.0 41.9 8 38.95 41.95 28
42.0 44.9 2 41.95 44.95 30
In this example, n = 30 and n/2 = 15.
Thus the third class is the median class. The median lies somewhere between 35.95 and 38.95. Applying the above
formula, we obtain
~ 3
X 35.95 15 6
35.95 1.93
This result implies that half of the cars have mileage less than or up to 37.88 miles per gallon whereas the other half of
the cars has mileage greater than 37.88 miles per gallon. As discussed earlier, the median is preferable to the arithmetic
mean when there are a few very high or low figures in a series. It is also exceedingly valuable when one encounters a
frequency distribution having open-ended class intervals.
The concept of open-ended frequency distribution can be understood with the help of the following example.
Monthly Income No. of
(in Rupees) Workers
Less than 2000/- 100
2000/- to 2999/- 300
3000/- to 3999/- 500
4000/- to 4999/- 250
5000/- and above 50
Total 1200
In this example, both the first class and the last class are open-ended classes. This is so because of the fact that we do
not have exact figures to begin the first class or to end the last class. The advantage of computing the median in the
case of an open-ended frequency distribution is that, except in the unlikely event of the median falling within an open-
ended group occurring in the beginning of our frequency distribution, there is no need to estimate the upper or lower
boundary. This is so because of the fact that, if the median is falling in an intermediate class, then, obviously, the first
class is not being involved in its computation.The next concept that we will discuss is the empirical relation between
the mean, median and the mode. This is a concept which is not based on a rigid mathematical formula; rather, it is
based on observation. In fact, the word empirical implies based on observation.
This concept relates to the relative positions of the mean, median and the mode in case of a hump-
shaped distribution. In a single-peaked frequency distribution, the values of the mean, median and mode coincide if the
frequency distribution is absolutely symmetrical.
Mean = Median = Mode
But in the case of a skewed distribution, the mean, median and mode do not all lie on the same point. They are pulled
apart from each other, and the empirical relation explains the way in which this happens. Experience tells us that in a
unimodal curve of moderate skewness, the median is usually sandwiched between the mean and the mode.
The second point is that, in the case of many real-life data-sets, it has been observed that the distance
between the mode and the median is approximately double of the distance between the median and the mean, as shown
M e d ia n
M ode
M ean
Equation (1) as well as equation (2) yields the approximate relation given below:
Mode = 3 Median 2 Mean
An exactly similar situation holds in case of a moderately negatively skewed distribution.
An important point to note is that this empirical relation does not hold in case of a
J-shaped or an extremely skewed distribution.
Let us now extend the concept of partitioning of the frequency distribution by taking up the concept of
quantiles (i.e. quartiles, deciles and percentiles).
We have already seen that the median divides the area under the frequency polygon into two equal halves:
50% 50%
A further split to produce quarters, tenths or hundredths of the total area under the frequency polygon is equally
possible, and may be extremely useful for analysis. (We are often interested in the highest 10% of some group of values
or the middle 50% another.)
The quartiles, together with the median, achieve the division of the total area into four equal parts.
The first, second and third quartiles are given by the formulae:
First quartile:
h n
Q1 l c
f 4
Second quartile (i.e. median):
h2n h
2l cl n2c
f4 f
Third quartile:
h 3n
Q 3 l c
f 4
It is clear from the formula of the second quartile that the second quartile is the same as the median.
h n
The formulae for the subsequent deciles are D1 l c
f 10
h 2n
D2 l c
f 10
h 3n
D 3 l c
f 10
and so on.
It is easily seen that the 5th decile is the same quantity as the median.
The formula for the first percentile is
h n
P1l c
The formulae for the subsequent percentiles
h 2n
P2 l c
f 100
h 3n
P3 l c
f 100
and so on.
Again, it is easily seen that the 50th percentile is the same as the median, the 25th percentile is the same as the 1st
quartile, the 75th percentile is the same as the 3rd quartile, the 40th percentile is the same as the 4th decile, and so on.
All these measures i.e. the median, quartiles, deciles and percentiles are collectively called
quantiles. The question is, What is the significance of this concept of partitioning? Why is it that we wish to
divide our frequency distribution into two, four, ten or hundred parts?
The answer to the above questions is: In certain situations, we may be interested in describing the relative quantitative
location of a particular measurement within a data set. Quantiles provide us with an easy way of achieving this. Out of
these various quantiles, one of the most frequently used is percentile ranking.
Let us understand this point with the help of an example.
If oil company A reports that its yearly sales are at the 90th percentile of all companies in the industry, the implication
is that 90% of all oil companies have yearly sales less than company As, and only 10% have yearly sales exceeding
company As:
This is demonstrated in the following figure:
Company As sales Sales
(90th percentile)
It is evident from the above example that the concept of percentile ranking is quite a useful concept, but it should be
kept in mind that percentile rankings are of practical value only for large data sets.
It is evident from the above example that the concept of percentile ranking is quite a useful concept, but it should be
kept in mind that percentile rankings are of practical value only for large data sets.
The next concept that we will discuss is the graphic location of quantiles.
Let us go back to the example of the EPA mileage ratings of 30 cars that was discussed in an earlier lecture. The
statement of the example was:
Suppose that the Environmental Protection Agency of a developed country performs extensive tests on all new car
models in order to determine their mileage rating.
Suppose that the following 30 measurements are obtained by conducting such tests on a particular new car model.
36.3 42.1 44.9
30.1 37.5 32.9
40.5 40.0 40.2
36.2 35.6 35.9
38.5 38.8 38.6
36.3 38.4 40.5
41.0 39.0 37.0
37.0 36.7 37.1
37.1 34.8 33.9
39.9 38.1 39.8
5 5 5 5 5 5
.9 .9 .9 .9 .9 .9
29 32 35 38 41 44
This ogive enables us to find the median and any other quantile that we may be interested in very conveniently. And
this process is known as the graphic location of quantiles.
Let us begin with the graphical location of the median:
Because of the fact that the median is that value before which half of the data lies, the first step is to
divide the total number of observations n by 2.
In this example:
n 30
2 2
The next step is to locate this number 15 on the y-axis of the cumulative frequency polygon.
n 5
2 0
5 5 5 5 5 5
.9 .9 .9 .9 .9 .9
29 32 35 38 41 44
Lastly, we drop a vertical line from the cumulative frequency polygon down to the x-axis.
n 5
2 0
5 5 5 5 5 5
.9 .9 .9 .9 .9 .9
29 32 35 38 41 44
Now, if we read the x-value where our perpendicular touches the x-axis, students, we find that this value is
approximately the same as what we obtained from our formula.
n 5
2 0
5 5 5 5 5 5
.9 .9 .9 .9 .9 .9
29 32 35 38 41 44
X 37.9
It is evident from the above example that the cumulative frequency polygon is a very useful device to find the value of
the median very quickly.In a similar way, we can locate the quartiles, deciles and percentiles.To obtain the first
quartile, the horizontal line will be drawn against the value n/4, and for the third quartile, the horizontal line will be
drawn against the value 3n/4.
5 5 5 5 5 5
n .9 .9 .9 .9 .9 .9
29 32 35 38 41 44
Q1 Q3
For the deciles, the horizontal lines will be against the values n/10, 2n/10, 3n/10, and so on. And for the percentiles, the
horizontal lines will be against the values n/100, 2n/100, 3n/100, and so on.
The graphic location of the quartiles as well as of a few deciles and percentiles for the data-set of the
EPA mileage ratings may be taken up as an exercise:
This brings us to the end of our discussion regarding quantiles which are sometimes also known as fractiles --- this
terminology because of the fact that they divide the frequency distribution into various parts or fractions.