Jurnal Anastesi PDF
Jurnal Anastesi PDF
Jurnal Anastesi PDF
Edition Editors: Rachel Homer, Isabeau Walker, Graham Bell ISSN 1353-4882
Special Edition
Paediatric Anaesthesia and
Critical Care
be faced with an acutely ill or injured child when you in high resource countries.
dont have any colleagues to help you or to discuss the
case with, and there is no time to transfer to a specialist Effective pain management in children undergoing
centre, or there is no specialist centre. I imagine this surgery should always be a high priority, and the
must be the case particularly for those who only authors of the excellent section on regional anaesthesia
anaesthetise children occasionally. This edition of highlight the importance of local blocks in children.
Update in Anaesthesia includes a wealth of information Much is possible with simple equipment using
on different areas of paediatric anaesthetic practice, landmark techniques, and local blocks such as the
and will be enormously useful to all those who care caudal provide excellent analgesia for common surgical
for children. interventions. The newer ultrasound-guided techniques
described help us to perform a wider range of blocks
Core lifesaving skills relating to airway management with great accuracy and safety, and using smaller doses
and fluid resuscitation are fundamental our practice, no of drug.
matter what the age of the patient, and maintaining these
basic skills, and basic anaesthesia skills, should form the The sections on resuscitation and critical care highlight
basis of our on-going professional development. For some important differences between adults and
some, this may involve spending time with a colleague children. For example, in adults, cardiac arrest is usually
during an elective operating list, so that when you need due to a primary cardiac cause, whilst in children,
to look after a child in an emergency you feel more cardiac disease is rare, and the most common cause of
confident. For others, it may mean updating local cardiac arrest is hypoxia or hypovolaemia, or in parts
guidance, for instance relating to pain management of the world where halothane is still used routinely,
and fluid management, and making sure that the due to deep halothane anaesthesia. This is reflected in
appropriate equipment is available when you need it. the resuscitation guidelines for children that emphasise
Even the normal infant airway can be difficult for those identification and prevention of cardiac arrest as much
who are inexperienced, and it helps to have thought as treatment itself. Early recognition of a seriously ill or
about your plan in advance. Neonatal anaesthesia injured child, whether due to a common or rare disease
presents very particular challenges of its own. condition, is essential to achieve a good outcome.
Preparation of a child for surgery is vital to ensure Paediatric anaesthesia is an important sub-speciality
smooth and safe anaesthesia, especially in the of anaesthesia, but sadly the facilities to deliver safe
presence of comorbidities. Asthma is increasingly anaesthesia care are not always available everywhere.
common. Environmental pollution particularly The mission of the WFSA is to improve patient
affects our younger patients, and makes them more care and access to safe anaesthesia by uniting
prone to respiratory infections. Whether to proceed anaesthesiologists around the world. I believe that this
or to cancel the child with a common cold is often a edition of Update in Anaesthesia, written by experts in
difficult dilemma, even for the experienced paediatric paediatric anaesthesia from around the globe, offers an
anaesthetist. In any setting, even those with the best of important contribution to this mission.
resources, anaesthetists have had to learn to trust their
instincts and their senses (their eyes, ears and touch).
care. Anaesthetists play an important role in the care of the City Hospitals Sunderland, UK, and was dedicated
children in hospital, providing anaesthesia, pain relief, to furthering education in newborn resuscitation in
resuscitation and critical care services for some of our low- and middle-income countries.
most vulnerable patients.
Providing high quality anaesthesia and critical care
The speciality of paediatric anaesthesia has developed requires a trained workforce, but it can be difficult to
over the last 30-40 years as the particular requirements access refresher training in some parts of the world.
for safe care of the newborn, infant, young child and The WFSA and AAGBI have pioneered the Safer
adolescent have been recognised. In many countries, Anaesthesia From Education (SAFE) short courses
there are now sub-speciality paediatric anaesthesia for physician and non-physician anaesthetists to
societies, and anaesthetists can specialise in paediatrics address these training needs. This edition of Update
as a sole area of practice. Whilst the approach the child in Anaesthesia has been designed to support the SAFE
is not a miniature adult is important, it is also essential Paediatric Anaesthesia course, and we hope that the
to recognise that the fundamental principles of safe SAFE course participants find it useful. We also hope
anaesthetic practice can be applied to all our patients, that the regular readers of Update find it a useful
and that there is a need for the generalist anaesthetist addition to their anaesthesia libraries; this edition will
to maintain their skills in caring for children. In many be available along with all the other WFSA education
parts of the world, more than 50% of the population resources at www.wfsahq.org.
is under 14 years, and it has been estimated that more
All previous Update in Anaesthesia articles and Tutorials
than 85% of children will require some form of surgery
of the Week are available to download for free from
before their 15th birthday whether this is for minor
trauma, hernia repair or tonsillectomy, to treat common
congenital abnormalities such as cleft lip and palate, or Finally, I would like to offer particular thanks to my
as the result of trauma from a road traffic accident. In fellow editors, especially to Rachel Homer for all her
all these areas, essential anaesthetic skills play a key role. hard work and dedication that has seen this project
through to completion.
This edition of Update represents the contributions
of paediatric anaesthetists from around the globe;
we are grateful to them for their hard work and for
sharing their wisdom. We have aimed to provide Isabeau Walker
both theoretical background and practical advice that Consultant Paediatric Anaesthetist
will be useful in every day practice. The section on Great Ormond Street Hospital, London, UK
basic science includes a description of physiological
and pharmacological differences between young Update Team
children and adults, and advice about the selection of
equipment for children. There is a section to describe
Bruce McCormick
the anaesthetic implications of both common and
rarer co-morbidities in children. The section on Edition Editors
principles of basic clinical anaesthesia describes the Rachel Homer
essentials of preoperative preparation, intravenous fluid Isabeau Walker
management, analgesia and sedation, that are applicable Graham Bell
in any setting. The articles describing speciality areas Illustrators
of practice are written by experts in the field, and we Dave Wilkinson, Bruce McCormick
are grateful to them for making their contributions
so relevant to the practice of anaesthetists worldwide. Typesetting
Some of the articles have been published previously in Angie Jones, sumographics (UK)
Update in Anaesthesia and Anaesthesia Tutorial of the Printing
Week, and we have indicated this in the article where COS Printers Pte Ltd (Singapore)
relevant. We are particularly pleased to include the
It is often said that paediatric patients are not The major anatomical differences affecting
simply small adults. The truth is that from the airway management in neonates and infants are
premature neonate to the near-adult adolescent, as follows:
children are very diverse (see Table 1 for age
definitions used in this article). This article Relatively large head and prominent occiput
will consider the basic science and calculations Small mandible
commonly used in paediatric anaesthesia;
This article considers our challenge is to consider the anatomical, Relatively large tongue
the basic science and physiological and other differences that impact
calculations commonly used Short neck
on anaesthetic practice.
in paediatric anaesthesia,
including the anatomical,
Estimation of weight Soft tracheal cartilages, easily compressed.
physiological and other
differences relative to adults It is essential that every child is weighed prior
that impact on anaesthetic to anaesthesia. This allows correct calculation These differences predispose to airway
practice. of drug doses and selection of anaesthetic obstruction, particularly if the childs head is
equipment. In emergencies, weight can also placed on a pillow, or the soft tissues on the
be estimated from the age of the child from floor of the mouth are compressed, or the head
standard growth charts (use the weight at the is hyperextended. Ideally, maintain the childs
50th centile), from the length of the child using head in a neutral position, or slightly extended,
a Broselow tape, or using the formulae shown in possibly with a small pad under the shoulders,
Table 2. and open the airway using a chin lift or jaw
thrust, avoiding compression of the soft tissues
Airway and respiratory tract of the floor of the mouth (see Figure 1).
Anatomical differences of the paediatric airway
influence airway management and the selection Anatomical differences affecting the larynx
of appropriate equipment. include:
Jaw thrust
Neonatal considerations
At birth the right ventricle is a similar size to the left ventricle,
due to the high PVR in fetal life. There is therefore right-sided
dominance on the newborn ECG. By two months of age the
left ventricle is twice the size of the right, and a left dominant
ECG is seen from 4 6 months of age. As the heart grows,
the PR interval, QRS duration and the QRS size all increase.
Normal blood pressure varies with age, and can be estimated It is important to monitor and replace intraoperative losses
using the formula below (see table 3 for normal values): meticulously. It is estimated that 10mls.kg.-1hr.-1 evaporative
losses occur during paediatric laparotomy. Swabs should be
Systolic BP (50th centile) = 85 + (age in years x 2) weighed and suction fluid losses measured carefully.
Systolic BP (5th centile) = 65 + (age in years x 2)
Summary practical implications for the anaesthetist:
As the child grows, the stroke volume rises, the heart rate falls Children are prone to dehydration, and should not be
and the systemic vascular resistance rises. The response to fasted excessively. Allow free clear fluids (water) up to 2
volume loading is more predictable from 2 years of age. hours before surgery
Summary practical implications for the anaesthetist Fluid balance should be monitored carefully during surgery
Normal values for HR and BP vary with age
Children are prone to hyponatraemia in the perioperative
The response to a fluid challenge may be blunted in the period; use only isotonic fluids.
neonate or small infant
It is important to avoid bradycardia. This should be treated At birth 70% of haemoglobin is HbF; this has alpha and
rapidly should it occur; the most common cause is hypoxia gamma haemoglobin chains, and is ideally suited to efficient
delivery of oxygen to the tissues in the hypoxic environment
There is a transitional circulation at birth, and fetal shunts
in the fetus. However, tissue oxygen delivery by HbF at the
may reopen in the critically ill neonate
higher values of PaO2 found in the newborn is less efficient.
Fluid balance Haemoglobin concentrations, blood volume and cardiac
At birth total body water may be as high as 80%, which output are relatively high in the newborn to facilitate oxygen
gradually decreases to 65% in the adult. Extracellular fluid delivery to the tissues, and to meet the high metabolic demand
accounts for 40% of this volume (higher in prematurity), for oxygen. Premature neonates may have a low haemoglobin
more than in adult patients. Children are particularly prone as iron stores are laid down in the final three months of
to dehydration as they have a higher metabolic rate and gestation. HbF declines to negligible levels by 6 months of age.
extracellular fluid turnover, they do not concentrate the urine Production of haemoglobin HbA2 increases from birth, and
well to conserve water, and infants also have a higher surface reaches adult levels by 6 months of age; physiological anaemia
area to weight ratio with relatively higher insensible losses. of infancy is seen at 3-6 months as HbF levels decline and
There is poor compensation for extracellular fluid dehydration HbA2 levels increase (see Table 5 for normal values).
as the intracellular compartment is relatively small.
The relative blood volume in neonates is high, but the absolute
The stress response to surgery may result in hyponatraemia volumes are very small. If the absolute volume is 300mls, blood
due to the release of antidiuretic hormone (ADH) from the loss of just 60ml is 20% of the circulating volume. Transfuse
pituitary, over-riding the effect of plasma osmolarity (see blood (packed red blood cells) if 20% of blood volume is
chapter on fluids, page 81). The use of hypotonic fluids (such lost or if the haematocrit falls to less than 25%. Consider
as 0.18% saline with 4% glucose) may exacerbate this and clotting factors, platelets and fibrinogen (or use whole blood)
should be avoided. Normal saline or Ringers lactate would if blood losses are more significant. (See the article on major
normally be chosen for fluid maintenance. Due to the risk of haemorrhage for more information, page 195).
hypoglycaemia, glucose containing solutions should be given
to neonates or children below the 3rd centile of weight (for Thermoregulation
example 0.9% saline with 5% dextrose). Use close monitoring Heat stores in children are small due to their low body mass.
of sodium and glucose levels when giving IV fluids in these Heat is lost rapidly due to high evaporative losses, and poor
patients. insulation:
Large surface area to body weight ratio the renal cortical tubules are immature; babies therefore
produce large volumes of dilute urine and do not tolerate
High minute ventilation dehydration well. Sodium is required for normal growth, and
Thin skin sodium is actively conserved. Dietary sodium requirements
may be higher in premature neonates due to increased renal
Poor subcutaneous fat stores. sodium losses. Expansion of the plasma fluid volume should
be avoided in the first few days of life before the post-natal
Neonates are unable to maintain body heat as the
diuresis has occurred; babies do not require added sodium
thermoregulatory centres are immature, and they cannot
if they receive IV maintenance fluids in the first few days of
shiver or sweat efficiently. They can generate heat through
life; add sodium should be added to maintenance fluids after
the metabolism of brown fat (non-shivering thermogensis).
the first few days of life. Isotonic fluid should always be used
Brown fat accounts for about 5% of a neonates body weight
during surgery. Urine output in the newborn is approximately
and is distributed around the scapulae, kidneys, adrenals
and mediastinum. Metabolism is neurally mediated (3
adrenoreceptors) and generates heat. This is inefficient and Hepatobiliary considerations
increases oxygen consumption. Older children (>3 months) Neonates have poor liver glycogen stores and are at risk of
have ineffective shivering due to limited muscle mass. hypoglycaemia. A 10% dextrose infusion may be required
Vasconstriction in children is inefficient. to prevent this. There is an increase in red cell breakdown
Children are therefore prone to hypothermia. The consequences and a limited ability to handle unconjugated bilirubin, so
of hypothermia include: physiological jaundice is common in the first two weeks of
life. Vitamin K dependent clotting factors (II, VII, IX and X)
Increased oxygen consumption are deficient in the newborn and ideally, vitamin K should be
given at birth to prevent haemorrhagic disease of the newborn,
Respiratory depression particularly in a neonate who requires surgery. Platelet function
is reduced and there is a risk of bleeding, particularly in the
Cardiac arrythymias septic neonate (the platelet count falls in sepsis).
Coagulopathy Hepatic metabolism of drugs is reduced in the neonatal
period, and may take 3 months to reach full activity. This is
Acidosis particularly relevant to opioids - the half-life of morphine is
6-8 hours in the term neonate compared to 2 hours in infants
Hyperglycaemia and older children, so increased dosing intervals should be
used and opioids strictly titrated to effect in neonates.
Immune system
Prolonged drug metabolism.
The neonate is relatively immunosuppressed. Maternal IgG
Keeping children warm improves outcomes. (See Equipment antibodies, which can cross the placenta, fall during the first 6
article for strategies, page 13). months. Breast-feeding helps protect against gastrointestinal
and respiratory tract infections.
Renal considerations
Renal vascular resistance is higher in the newborn and there Nervous system
is a relatively low renal blood flow and glomerular filtration The central nervous system is immature at birth and cerebral
rate. The ability to concentrate urine is poorly developed as myelination continues for up to 3 years. The process of
Patient group Cerebral blood flow Cerebral metabolic rate for CSF volume CSF volume
(ml.100g-1.min-1) oxygen (CMRO2) (ml.kg-1) (ml.kg-1)
Newborn 50 4 <2
Child 100 5.8
Adult 50 3.5 2 7-15
Basic Science
Graham Bell* and Rachel Homer
*Correspondence Email: gebell@btinternet.com
Graham Bell
Consultant in Paediatric
Rachel Homer
Fellow in Paediatric
Figure 1. Oropharyngeal airways come in a range of sizes suitable for premature neonates up to adults. To Royal Hospital for
find the correct size, hold with the flange in line with the middle of the incisors. The tip should just reach the Sick Children,
angle of the childs jaw Glasgow
to the bridge of the nose, but does not cover the eyes. For Laryngeal mask airways (LMAs)
small babies, round masks are available, or turn a shaped mask The LMA is the most widely available example of a supraglottic
upside down for an acceptable seal. airway device. They are suitable to use during maintenance
of anaesthesia in cases which you would otherwise manage In adults it is common to mechanically ventilate the lungs
by holding a facemask (low aspiration risk), to free the through the LMA. In children there is a higher risk of gastric
anaesthetists hands for other tasks. insufflation, so this is not widely practiced.
The size 1 LMA is less useful for routine anaesthesia because: Serious airway damage from the LMA cuff has not been
reported, but be aware that the cuff pressure exceeds that of
It is designed for children <5kg in whom a tracheal tube. Capillary perfusion pressure in children is
intubation and ventilation are generally preferred lower than in adults, thus the potential for injury is probably
It tends to dislodge, in which case it occludes rather than greater, even if the cuff is not inflated above the recommended
maintains the airway maximum volume (see Table 1). Be even more cautious in
longer procedures, as lingual oedema has been reported after
Coughing and laryngospasm on insertion are more LMAs have been in for a long time.
common with smaller LMAs.
Avoid overinflation of the LMA cuff:
It may still be useful to rescue a difficult airway, even in a small
baby (see Difficult airway article, page 116). Lower cuff pressures tend to give a better seal
There is less risk of pressure injury to tissues.
Table 1. Manufacturers guide to LMA sizes Opinions vary as to when to remove the LMA in children. The
choice is either deeply anaesthetized (asleep) or fully awake;
Weight (kg) LMA size Maximum cuff volume
between these extremes, you risk precipitating laryngospasm.
Some suggest that the best time to remove the LMA is when
<5 1 4
the pharyngeal reflexes return and the child spits the airway
5-10 1 7 out.
10-20 2 10
Use in difficult intubation see article page 116
20-30 2 14
The intubating LMA is not made below a size 3, therefore is
30-50 3 20 not suitable for young children.
The bag is easily visible whilst observing the patient Inadvertent barotrauma.
Simple to use for spontaneous or controlled ventilation It is customary to use adult breathing systems in children > 20
30kg. To prevent hypercarbia during controlled ventilation,
No valves the fresh gas flow in ml can be predicted by the formula (1000
+ (200 x kg)) (minimum of at least 3 l/minute), which is
Low internal resistance approximately 1.5x the minute volume. During spontaneous
Low compression volume (i.e. the operator has a good feel breathing in young children, there is no end expiratory pause
for the lung compliance). and the system becomes less efficient; twice the fresh gas flow
required for controlled ventilation should be used (i.e. about 3
Jackson-Reece modified the system by adding an open-ended x the minute volume).
bag. This bag has several advantages:
Respiratory monitor during spontaneous ventilation
Easy to convert to manual controlled ventilation
Easy to apply PEEP.
In skilled hands the T-piece is the best system for resuscitation.
The application of CPAP / PEEP splints the upper airway
open and so improves the efficacy and ease of ventilation.
A leak around the tracheal tube means that low flows Central venous catheters
cannot be used efficiently (solve by using cuffed tracheal These are smaller versions of adult catheters, with up to 4
tubes) lumens.
The volume of the breathing system is large compared Sites for central venous access
with minute volume, giving longer equilibration times Femoral venous access is more popular in children than adults.
than in adults The tip of the catheter is the most likely place for thrombus
formation, so choose the length of the catheter so that the tip
The tubing has a significant compression volume, which does not lie at the junction of the renal veins with the inferior
may alter the characteristics of ventilation during positive vena cava (IVC). Either short lines (catheter tip in the iliac
pressure ventilation. Avoid by using stiffer tubes and vein or lower IVC) or long lines (tip just below the diaphragm)
smaller bellows are appropriate. Central venous pressure monitored from the
Paediatric circle systems do not maintain the temperature latter position is as accurate as from the superior vena cava
or humidity of inspired gases adequately. (SVC). Confirm the position of longer femoral lines on X-ray
if available, because the line may pass into the contra-lateral
femoral vein, the renal vein or the epidural venous plexus.
In children <2 years old, the J-portion of J wires may exceed
Administering fluids the dimensions of the central vein which will make the wire
Standard blood and fluid administration sets are suitable for difficult to thread.
children. A burette should be used for small children (<10kg)
The umbilical vessels are easily accessible during the first 24
so that the volume of fluid can be measured accurately and to
hours of life (and less easily so for a further 3 days). Placing
avoid giving excessive volumes of fluid.
the tip of an umbilical venous catheter in the correct position
In-line fluid warmers are of great benefit, but they add is easier if you adapt the catheter tip to be a unipolar electrode
considerable deadspace into the system, and require electricity, and monitor the ECG signal until you obtain a characteristic
and costly single-use disposables. Water baths are not atrial ECG. Umbilical arterial lines have been linked with the
commonly used to warm IV fluids because contamination development of necrotising enterocolitis, although this is not
with Pseudomonas species can cause serious infection. Fluids proven. Umbilical venous catheters are particularly prone to
may be stored in a warming cabinet or other warm place prior thrombosis, which may lead to portal hypertension. They
to administration. Some anaesthetists place the sealed bag of should be replaced as soon as alternative access is practical.
IV fluid on top of the monitor as this becomes warm during
Peripherally inserted central catheters (PICC lines)
use. This is only partially effective, but makes use of a readily
These are available as small as 27g and provide access for drugs
available source of heat!
or parenteral nutrition. Smaller lines cannot be used for pressure
Peripheral cannulae and flushing monitoring or sampling. Hypertonic drugs (e.g. thiopentone)
Young children more commonly have a patent foramen ovale. or drug precipitates (e.g. thiopentone/ suxamethonium) are
This means that bubbles administered IV may embolise to likely to block these lines. Flush all medicines in immediately
the systemic circulation rather than the lung. Remove all air after administration.
bubbles from the fluid administration system. It is difficult to
Intra-osseous needles
give guidelines about the amount of air that poses a danger
There are discussed in a separate article (see page 242)
because speed of injection is as important as volume. Deaths
have occurred after as little as 0.5ml.kg-1 injected rapidly. DEFIBRILLATORS
The dead-space of injection ports and cannulae can be There are no specific defibrillators designed for children. Many
significant. For example, neonates have been paralysed by standard defibrillators have paediatric paddles similar to those
the quantity of suxamethonium present when the hub of shown in Figure 8: the adult paddle slides off the smaller
the cannula was flushed post-operatively. Anaesthetists must paediatric paddle. Paddles must be positioned as far apart as
flush the cannula carefully with saline after injecting drugs, possible to reduce the chances of arcing. Use gel pads (not
Basic Science
Sarah Hodges
Correspondence Email: sarahhodges1911@gmail.com
Self-inflating bag
Total ventilation
Oxygen flow rate
Size of the reservoir tubing upstream of the vaporiser.
The respiratory rate and inspiration/expiration ratio have
much less influence on the inspired oxygen concentration. If
the reservoir tubing is short, with a volume of 104ml, then
a high inspired oxygen concentration is impossible whatever
flow rate is used. With a reservoir tubing of at least one metre
in length and 415ml volume an inspired oxygen concentration
(FiO2) of 30% can be achieved with a flow rate 1L.min-1 and
60% with a flow rate of 4L.min-1 As air is the main carrier
gas for the drawover system it is impossible to achieve 100% Figure 5. Paediatric Drawover using a paedivalve, a small self- inflating bag
inspired oxygen concentration for pre-oxygenation unless you and two OMV vaporisers as in the Triservice apparatus.
fill a large bag with 100% oxygen and attach it tightly to the
In the earliest system everything was downsized except the
reservoir tubing.
EMO. There was a paediatric Oxford inflating bellows and
The portable Diamedica drawover system has overcome the a pedivalve instead of the standard Ambu E valve. A small
limitation on inspired oxygen fraction by adding a reservoir self-inflating bag (SIB) can also be used to replace the Oxford
bag which is constantly being filled with oxygen throughout inflating bellows.
the respiratory cycle. Another way to use drawover in children is to convert it to
Standard drawover systems have to be adapted for use in small a manual continuous flow. Attach an Ayres T-piece to the
children to overcome the deadspace and turbulence in the outlet of the Oxford inflating bellows (OIB) or self-inflating
apparatus and the resistance in the valve. These all increase bag (SIB) which is attached to the outlet of the vaporiser (EMO,
the work of breathing for small children and potentially cause OMV, PAC). With the Oxford inflating bellows both valves are
alveolar collapse. in use to ensure unidirectional flow as this is still a low pressure
system. Compress the bellows about 6-8 times per minute
Mask induction, providing CPAP and pre-oxygenation are all with a rapid upward jerk and a slow downward movement.
more problematic with drawover anaesthesia in small children. This sucks a flow of air and oxygen across the vaporiser and
The other issue in paediatrics is the performance of the fills the bag on the T-piece which is used to ventilate the
vaporiser. Generally the drawover vaporisers continue to baby. The compression of the bellows has to be constant and
be efficient at small tidal volumes as their output is affected continue in both spontaneous and assisted ventilation. A
more by a drop in temperature than tidal volume. With all similar effect can be achieved with a self-inflating bag but as
the vaporisers except the recently designed ones, there is a by its nature a self-inflating bag reinflates automatically with
noticeable loss of output with continuous flow. air 60 small squeezes per minute will achieve a tidal volume of
12. Prophylaxis against infective endocarditis. NICE guidelines, March 16. Lauder GR. Orthopaedic surgery. p 547-548. In Hatch & Sumners
2008. http://www.nice.org.uk/nicemedia/pdf/CG64NICEguidance.pdf Textbook of Paediatric Anaesthesia. Ed Bingham R, Lloyd-Thomas A,
Sury M. Hodder Arnold 2008. 3rd edition.
Ragoonannan V, Russell W. Anaesthesia for children with
neuromuscular disease. CEACCP 2010; 10 (5): 143-7.
Aplastic crisis
This is usually precipitated by infection, parvovirus being an important
Figure 2. Haemoglobin electrophoresis results for different haemoglobin
types. Antenatal diagnosis of sickle cell disease is possible by analysis of the
pathogen. There is suppression of erythropoiesis (red blood cell
DNA of foetal tissue from chorionic villous sampling or amniocentesis. formation) in the bone marrow and a dramatic fall in haemoglobin
It is estimated that 3.3 million children under 15 years period, or during breastfeeding. The risk of perinatal
of age are living with HIV, the vast majority of which acquisition without intervention (such as maternal
are in sub-Saharan Africa. Due to improved HIV ART, caesarean delivery, avoidance of breast milk) is
prevention a 35% reduction in numbers from 2009 25-40%. Other routes of transmission, as for adults,
means that in 2012 approximately 260,000 children are sexual or via contaminated blood through the
Summary under 15 were diagnosed with HIV and 647,000 administration of blood products, organ donations or
It is estimated that 3.3 million children were receiving antiretroviral therapy (ART). by sharing contaminated needles during intravenous
children under 15 years of drug use.
A significant number of these children will require
age are living with HIV, the
vast majority of them in sub- surgery for elective or emergency procedures, either The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Saharan Africa. A significant directly related or unrelated to HIV. For this reason, it (CDC) classification system (Table 1) clearly shows
number of these children will is essential for us to fully understand the implications the increasing severity of symptoms as HIV infection
require surgery. It is essential for anaesthesia. In order to safely anaesthetise an HIV- progresses.
to understand the implications infected child, we require a reasonable understanding
for anaesthesia in order to of HIV infection: its pathophysiology, multisystem MULTISYSTEM INVOLVEMENT
formulate an appropriate complications and the pharmacology of ART. An In order to perform a thorough preoperative
anaesthetic management plan. accurate assessment of the child with HIV can assessment of the child with HIV, it is important that
In order to safely anaesthetise potentially impact upon your choice of anaesthesic you appreciate which organ systems may be affected,
an HIV-infected child, agents, whether to use regional anaesthesia, how to either as a direct consequence of HIV infection
we require a reasonable
manage pain, approaches to infection control and (opportunistic infection / malignancy), or indirectly
understanding of HIV infection:
its pathophysiology, potential
general issues surrounding peri-operative care. such as from side effects of ART, chemotherapy or
multisystem complications anti-infective agents. Awareness of these effects allows
and the pharmacology of ART. PATHOGENESIS, AETIOLOGY AND us to appropriately adapt our anaesthetic.
An accurate assessment of the CLASSIFICATION
child with HIV may affect your HIV is a single-stranded RNA virus with HIV-1 and Haematological system
choice of anaesthesic agents, HIV-2 types and multiple subtypes recognised. These The haematological system can be greatly affected
how to manage pain including subtypes express differences in geographical prevalence during HIV infection; anaemia, neutropaenia
whether to use regional
as well as disease progression and transmission and thrombocytopaenia are common. Persistent
anaesthesia, approaches to
infection control, and general rates. Like other retroviruses, HIV contains the generalised lymphadenopathy may be a feature and
issues surrounding peri- enzyme reverse transcriptase that enables viral RNA may also be the target of surgery for the affected child
operative care. to be transcribed to DNA, which then becomes in the early stages of disease for diagnostic purposes.
incorporated into the host cell genome and is able Haematological malignancies are often seen as are
to replicate freely. Inhibition of this viral replication coagulation abnormalities, with obvious implications
process is the target of ART. HIV preferentially for surgical and anaesthetic interventions.
Wilson S infects T helper lymphocytes (CD4+ T cells) and
Consultant in Anaesthesia, leads to their progressive quantitative and qualitative Cardiovascular system
Hampshire Hospitals destruction. This makes the host increasingly The cardiovascular system may be affected in a number
Foundation Trust immunocompromised, and thus more susceptible to of ways in an HIV-infected child. The pericardium,
opportunistic infections and malignancies. myocardium or endocardium may be involved or
S Patel there may be vascular lesions or neoplasms. Important
Consultant in Paediatric More than 80% of HIV infections in children and common cardiovascular complications that have
Infectious Diseases and are due to vertical transmission (ie.trans-placental major implications for patient management are:
Immunology exposure to maternal HIV during the perinatal
Pulmonary hypertension
Southampton Childrens period). Perinatal transmission can occur during any
Hospital one of three phases: in utero, during the peripartum Pericardial effusions
N - Asymptomatic No symptoms
1 category A symptom only.
Table 2. ART
There are universal precautions that should be taken to reduce the Infection control preparation including universal
risk of HIV transmission to healthcare workers: precautions with gloves, aprons, visors available
Minimise interruptions in ART as far as possible to Parthasarathy S and Ravishankar M: HIV and anaesthesia; Indian Journal of
Anaesthesia 2007; 51: 91-99.
diminish the risk of developing drug resistance
Prout J and Agarwal B: Anaesthesia and critical care for patients with HIV
Consider drug interactions between ART and drugs
infection. Continuing Education in Anaesthesia Critical Care and Pain 2005;
affected by hepatic enzyme inhibition and/or induction 15: 153-6.
Exercise strict aseptic technique as HIV infected children Schwartz D, Schwartz R, Cooper E and Pullerits J: Anaesthesia and the child
are immunocompromised and are susceptible to with HIV infection. Canadian Journal of Anaesthesia 1991; 38: 626-33.
opportunistic infections
Wilson S: HIV and Anaesthesia. Update in Anaesthesia 2010; 25: 25-9.
Additional emotional and psychological support may be Available at: http://www.wfsahq.org/components/com_virtual_library/
necessary as primary caregivers may have been affected by media/25b2de5bdb19692a50cc78dbbbab9a9c-HIV-and-Anaesthesia--
HIV/AIDS Update-25-1-2009-.pdf
The anaesthetic plan should of course be tailored to the World Health Organization. Global summary of the AIDS epidemic: 2009.
individual child and the type of surgery to be undertaken. Available at http://www.who.int/hiv/data/2009_global_summary.png.
Isabeau Walker
Correspondence Email: isabeauwalker@mac.com
The risk of perioperative complications is higher in disease are likely to die due to lack of access to
children with congenital heart disease (CHD) for both corrective or palliative surgery, in particular those
minor and major surgery, particularly in neonates with duct dependent lesions. A child with untreated
SUMMARY and those with complex lesions.2 Although CHD is heart failure due to high pulmonary blood flow is
uncommon, it is important for the anaesthetist to more likely to die from pneumonia, which is the most
Children with congenital understand how to recognise a child with CHD, and common cause of mortality in the under 5 age group.
heart disease provide a
the principles of anaesthetic management for children If a child with high pulmonary blood flow remains
challenge to the anaesthetist,
but with careful planning, with both unrepaired and repaired lesions. untreated they may develop Eisenmengers syndrome,
most can be anaesthetised which is associated with high mortality in childhood
safely. This article covers INCIDENCE OF CONGENITAL HEART or early adult life.
pathophysiology, DISEASE
recognition, and principles of The incidence of CHD is approximately 8:1000 However, as surgical systems improve, there are an
anaesthesia for children with live births. The frequency of different lesions varies increasing number of programmes to treat children
congenital heart disease, between populations, with ventricular septal defect with CHD in LMIC, many developed in partnership
including anaesthesia for with international outreach teams, so that the outlook
(VSD) being the most common in all populations
specific cardiac lesions. for children born with simple conditions such as VSD,
(see Table 1).
atrial septal defect (ASD), patent ductus arteriosus
Most CHD is untreated in low- or middle-income (PDA), coarctation of the aorta or Tetralogy of Fallot
countries (LMIC). Babies with complex cardiac is much more optimistic.
Table 1. The incidence of different types of congenital heart disease in children in the UK
Condition Incidence
Ventricular septal defect (VSD) 32%
Marfans syndrome Abnormally tall stature, long fingers, scoliosis, Aortic root dilatation and dissection
abnormal shaped chest, high arched palate,
retinal detachment, inguinal hernia, spontaneous
Apert syndrome Craniosynostosis (premature fusion of cranial PS, VSD
sutures), syndactyly (fused fingers), deafness
Charge association Abnormal iris (coloboma), choanal atresia Variety, including VSD, AVSD
(abnormal nasal passageway), developmental
delay, abnormal genitalia, ear deformity
VATER Vertebral abnormalities, anal atresia, VSD, TOF
tracheo-oesophageal fistula, renal abnormalities
Goldenhar syndrome Hemifacial microsomia (poorly developed maxilla/ VSD, TOF
mandible), difficult intubation, ear abnormalities,
cleft palate
Figure 3. Echocardiographic appearance and CXR in a child with a PDA, showing left heart volume overload and
prominent pulmonary vasculature
Tetralogy of Fallot The child presents with cyanosis from birth and may develop cyanotic
Tetraolgy of Fallot (TOF) is associated with a right to left shunt. The spells in infancy, due to spasm of muscle bundles in the right ventricular
abnormality in TOF is due to: outflow tract in response to adrenergic stimulation, for instance when
the child is upset or cries. An older child who has not had corrective
VSD with aortic override. surgery may squat when tired to increase pulmonary blood flow (by
Right ventricular outflow tract obstruction (RVOTO) increasing systemic vascular resistance), and will having clubbing.
(muscle bundles below the pulmonary valve; valvar or (See Figure 4).
supravalvar obstruction). A modified Blalock-Taussig (mBT) shunt may be placed as a
Right ventricular hypertrophy due to the RVOTO. palliative procedure in the first few weeks of life to provide a secure
Eisenmengers syndrome
A large (unrestricted) VSD allows blood to pass from the left
ventricle to the right ventricle (left-to-right shunt), which results
in high pulmonary blood flow and congestive cardiac failure. The
Figure 4. Finger clubbing in a child with Tetralogy of Fallot normal physiological response to high pulmonary blood flow is for the
resistance in the pulmonary vessels (pulmonary vascular resistance,
blood supply to the lungs before corrective surgery is performed. PVR) to increase. With time, the PVR rises until eventually it
This is an arterial shunt between the innominate artery and the right exceeds the systemic vascular resistance, and the flow across the VSD
pulmonary artery. The shunt is restrictive so that the pulmonary reverses - this is known as Eisenmengers syndrome. Clinically, this is
blood supply is adequate, but not too high; the ideal SpO2 is around associated with an initial improvement in symptoms of cardiac failure
85%. If the shunt is too large (unrestrictive), the child will have too as pulmonary blood flow reduces, followed by increasing cyanosis
high a pulmonary blood flow, causing signs of cardiac failure, with as the shunt reverses to become right-to-left. Surgical closure of the
low systemic pressure due to excessive runoff from the innominate shunt is not possible at this stage as the resistance to flow through the
artery to the lungs. pulmonary circulation is too high and right ventricular failure will
Surgery for TOF should ideally be at a few months of age. Complete occur. Individuals with Eisenmengers syndrome are deeply cyanosed
correction involves closure of the VSD and relief of the obstruction with clubbing of fingers; they may develop haemoptysis, endocarditis
at the right ventricular outflow tract. The surgical course may be or cerebral abscess, and will eventually die from cardiac failure.
complicated, but the saturation will be normal after surgery and
the long-term outlook is usually good. Some patients may develop
pulmonary regurgitation, right heart dilation and arrhythmias if a
patch has to be placed across the pulmonary annulus.
Soft = grade 2/6; Moderate = grade 3/6; Loud with thrill = grade 4/6
Ejection systolic Aortic stenosis: Upper right sternal edge +/- carotid thrill
Heart: Look at the size of the heart; is it enlarged? Is the Situs. In the normal situation (situs solitus) the heart is on
shape unusual? (See below). In normal infants the heart the left with the gastric bubble on the left and the liver on
is up to 60% of the thoracic diameter, 50% thereafter. (See the right. In situs inversus these relations are reversed
Figure 7). Remember that a normal cardiac shadow does
not rule out cardiac disease. Oligaemic lung fields are seen in conditions associated with
reduced pulmonary blood flow such as TOF and pulmonary
The upper mediastinum: In children under the age of 18 atresia
months, the normal thymus may simulate superior
mediastinal widening (above the level of the carina) (See Plethoric lung fields are seen in children with left to right
Figure 7). shunts, especially VSD and AVSD.
D Diaphragms. The border between the heart and The electrocardiogram (ECG)
the diaphragm and between the diaphragm and the ribs The ECG may be useful to investigate rhythm and conduction
(cardiophrenic and costophrenic angles) should be clear abnormalities, as well as assessing chamber hypertrophy and strain.
on both sides. Loss of definition of the left diaphragm Interpretation of the paediatric ECG is complex and must take the
behind the heart suggests left lower lobe collapse, an childs age into account, with comparison to tables of normal values.
abnormal hump suggests diaphragmatic rupture, a hazy
diaphragm suggests effusion or collapse in the bordering Echocardiography
lung segment, and an elevated diaphragm suggests phrenic Echocardiography is a form of cardiac imaging that uses reflection
nerve palsy of ultrasound pulses from interfaces between tissue planes. It can be
used to generate detailed real time images of the cardiac anatomy. It
There are some classical appearances of the chest Xray in children: has become the standard investigation for all patients with valvular
heart disease, congenital heart disease, myocardial and pericardial
Egg-on-side = Transposition of great arteries in a neonate
disease, and to assess myocardial function.
Boot shaped heart = Tetralogy of Fallot (right ventricular
The heart is examined in a systematic way, deciding first the
hypertrophy and reduced pulmonary markings (See Figure
orientation of the heart within the body (normal = solitus);
the connections between the atria and the ventricles (normal =
Snowman in a snow storm = Obstructed total anomalous concordant), ventricles and major vessels (normal = concordant);
pulmonary venous connection in a neonate and the side of the aortic arch (normal = left). The normal position
and connections is often described in short hand as SCCL. The
Globular heart. Usually associated with pericardial effusions, echocardiologist then describes the ventricular function, the valves,
may be secondary to pericarditis or dilated cardiomyopathy the shunts, and the size of the major vessels.
Doppler ultrasound may be used to estimate pressure gradients across Avoid air emboli, particularly for cyanotic children with
valves and shunts using the following formula: right-to-left shunts; make sure there are no air bubbles in
the drugs or fluids given
Pressure = 4 v2, where v is the velocity measured by
Doppler m.sec-1 Consider endocarditis prophylaxis
Consider the effect of anaesthesia on the pulmonary blood
The z score is used to describe the heart compared to normal values flow, and the balance between systemic and pulmonary
for the age of the child; if the aortic valve has a z score of -2, this blood flow.
suggests the valve is 2 standard deviations smaller than the normal
average size. Pulmonary blood flow
Pulmonary blood flow may be low due to increased pulmonary
Cardiac catheterisation vascular resistance (PVR), which may be due to excessive
Cardiac catheterisation is used to answer specific diagnostic questions muscularisation of the pulmonary arterioles secondary to long-
in children with congenital heart disease. A catheter can be passed standing high pulmonary blood flow. Pulmonary vascular resistance
into the heart chambers under Xray control to measure intracardiac may be increased acutely, particularly in neonates, due to:
pressures and oxygen saturations, or for radiological imaging by
injection of contrast media. Interventional cardiology is increasingly
providing definitive treatment for a number of conditions, for
instance closure of ASD or PDA by insertion of an occlusion device,
balloon dilatation of pulmonary stenosis, or diathermy ablation of
abnormal conduction pathways.
Children who have had bacterial endocarditis, who have a prosthetic
valve, and who have congenital heart disease are at high risk of
bacterial endocarditis. The current advice from the American Heart
Association is to give prophylactic antibiotics in the following
For patients undergoing elective surgery and where no other Introduction
contraindications exist, deep extubation is the best option. The Bronchiolitis is a lower respiratory tract infection with a spectrum
depth of anaesthesia should be sufficient to prevent laryngo-/ of clinical presentations ranging from minimal symptoms to
fulminant respiratory failure requiring mechanical ventilation. It is
usually a clinical diagnosis; routine laboratory or radiologic studies
are not recommended. A child usually presents with symptoms of
a respiratory infection (e.g. cough, nasal congestion). This may be
followed by fever, poor appetite and lethargy. Clinical symptoms
peak around day 3 to 4 of illness and bronchiolitis is usually a self-
limiting disease.6 Those at higher risk of clinical deterioration include
infants with chronic lung disease, congenital heart disease, and/or
prior prematurity.
Viral bronchiolitis is the most common cause of respiratory disease
in children under two years of age requiring hospitalization. The
most common cause (80%) is respiratory syncytial virus (RSV).
Less common causes include rhinovirus, parainfluenza, influenza,
Figure 1: MDI incorporated into anaesthesia circuit using a 60ml syringe human metapneumovirus and adenovirus. Annual epidemics of RSV
Apnoea and respiratory failure - RSV causes significant apnoea Intraoperative management
in infants by an unknown mechanism. In one retrospective Choice of anaesthetic technique
review, 21% of infants who were hospitalized with RSV presented Preoxygenation is essential prior to induction of anaesthesia.
with apnoea. This may be worsened by the use of inhalation Where IV access is available it might be the preferable route for
anaesthetics, sedatives and opioids. induction. It may be better to use agents that are associated with less
As a result, children with bronchiolitis undergoing general bronchoconstriction and suppress airway reflexes (e.g. propofol), as
Avoid intubation if possible, and consider deep extubation. 7. Piedra P, Stark A. Bronchiolitis in Infants and Children: Clinical Features
and Diagnosis. Up To Date, September 3, 2009.
Wide spectrum of severity 8. Mcnamara D, Nixon G, Anderson B. Methylxanthines for the treatment
of apnea associated with bronchiolitis and anesthesia. Pediatr Anesth
Most common cause is RSV 2004; 14: 541-50.
Usually self limiting course
9. American Academy of Pediatrics Clinical Practice Guideline. Diagnosis
Treatment is generally supportive with oxygen, nasopharyngeal and Management of Bronchiolitis. Pediatrics 2006; 118:1774-93.
suctioning and rehydration
10. Piedra P, Stark A. Bronchiolitis in Infants and Children: Treatment;
Recommend postoperative monitoring with pulse oximeter and outcome; and prevention. Up To Date, June 5, 2009.
apnoea monitor.
11. Tait AR, Malviya S, Voepel-Lewis T, et al. Risk factors for perioperative
Upper respiratory tract infections adverse respiratory events in children with upper respiratory tract
Common presentation in children infections. Anesthesiology 2001; 95:299-306.
General management depends on severity of infection and 12. Cohen MM, Cameron CB. Should you cancel the operation when
etiology the child has an upper respiratory traction infection? Anesth Analg
1991; 72:282-8.
Postpone elective surgery 4 to 6 weeks to allow acute airway
hyperreactivity to resolve 13. Tait AR, Malviya S. Anesthesthesia for the child with an upper
respiratory tract infection: still a dilemma? Anesth Analg 2005; 100:59-
In otherwise healthy children with uncomplicated URI, 65.
intraoperative complications can generally be managed without
serious complications 14. Ungern-Sternberg BS, Boda K, Chambers N, Rebmann C, Johnson C,
Sly PD, Habre W. Risk assessment for respiratory complications in
Proceeding with anaesthesia in a child with an uncomplicated paediatric anaesthesia: a prospective cohort study. Lancet 2010;
URI is a case by case decision. 376:773-83.
If using interpreters, check for understanding and supplement by The implications of not having the procedure.
written explanation and instructions in the patients own language Often a child younger than sixteen years is assumed to lack such
whenever possible. understanding, but the child may want to countersign the consent
Pathological murmurs are diastolic, pansystolic or late systolic, loud or continuous, often
associated with suggestive signs or symptoms:
Failure to thrive
Cyanotic episodes.
If there is any doubt as to the nature of a murmur, it must be further assessed before surgery
goes ahead. Give antibiotic prophylaxis as dictated by the surgery being undertaken and
current guidelines.
Glynn Williams
Correspondence email: willig3@gosh.nhs.uk
opioid-sparing effect of 30 40 % when used in combination with of morphine seen clinically in neonates. Codeine however, another
opioids and also reduce opioid-related adverse affects as well as popular opioid in neonates and infants, works via metabolism
facilitating more rapid weaning of opioid infusions. They have also to morphine. The cytochrome P450 enzyme responsible for this
been shown to be highly effective in combination with local or regional conversion shows markedly reduced activity at these ages compared
nerve block. Combination with paracetamol produces better analgesia with that seen in older children and adults. Thus it may be that
than either drug alone. little or no morphine is produced from a dose of codeine. This may
explain codeine`s good safety profile in young children but may also
There are limitations to their use in paediatric populations. At present, suggest that the analgesic efficacy is questionable. Recently there has
in general, their use is not recommended for children less than 6 been increased awareness of children suffering respiratory depression
months of age, although in the UK Ibuprofen is now available over following codeine, this is thought to be due to ultra-fast metabolism
the counter in formulations for ages 3 months and above. Care should converting codeine into its active metabolite, morphine. In UK it is
also be taken in those patients who are asthmatic, have a known aspirin no longer recommended to use codeine in any child under 12 years
or NSAID allergy, are hypovolaemic or dehydrated, renally-impaired, old for this reasons. It is not possible to predict who will metabolise
coagulopathic or where there is a significant risk of haemorrhage. A codeine quickly or poorly.
careful history of previous use of NSAIDs should be taken in every
case. Different NSAIDs have different side-effect profiles and the Many routes for the administration of opioids are available in children.
relative risks associated with each of the contraindications given will During surgery, with an IV cannula in situ, the intravenous route
differ between drugs. In the UK the Committee on the Safety of is the easiest. In terms of bioavailability and consistency of effect it
Medicines has classified Ibuprofen and Diclofenac as having the best is also the most reliable. For these reasons it is usually the route of
side-effects profile. choice postoperatively, especially after major surgery. Safety, however,
must always be a priority. Potentially serious complications such as
Pharmacokinetic studies have indicated a higher than expected
over-sedation and respiratory depression can occur even when using
dose requirement in children if scaled by body weight from adult
well constructed protocols for opioid use. With infusion or bolus
doses. Rectal and oral bioavailability are both good though again for
techniques safe practice must include the presence of appropriately
short cases they are best give orally preoperatively. Other routes of
educated staff and regular observation of sedation and respiratory rate.
administration are available, such as intravenous and topical, though
Oxygen and opioid antagonists should be easily accessible in case of
their use in children has been limited so far.
emergency. If these are not available then other routes of administration
Opioids or analgesic strategies are indicated. It is sensible for each institution to
As with adults, opioids, and morphine in particular, remain the devise protocols for opioid use dependent on their own local resources.
mainstay of analgesic treatment for the majority of all but minor
Oral and rectal formulations of many opioids are available and have
surgical procedures. The choice of which opioid to use will depend on
a place for some patients in the perioperative period, especially if
the patient`s medical history, the type of surgery, drug availability, any
safety is a prohibitive local issue for other methods of delivery. If
locally devised protocols and, often, individual anaesthetic preference.
the IV route is available postoperatively, continuous IV infusions
The pharmacology of these agents changes during early life and these
and intermittent intravenous boluses have been shown to be safe
changes are not consistent between different drugs. When using a
and effective. Where local resources allow, IV opioids are usually
particular opioid in neonates and infants it is important to understand
administered via patient (PCA) or nurse (NCA) controlled delivery
the pharmacology of that particular drug in those age groups to ensure
systems which demonstrate good efficacy and safety in all age groups,
both efficacy and safety.
even neonates. The subcutaneous route remains an alternative to IV
Morphine remains the most commonly used opioid and, consequently, administration but absorption is not as reliable and it should not be
is the most studied. Morphine clearance is decreased and the used in hypovolaemic patients. Intramuscular injection demonstrates
elimination half-life is increased in neonates compared with infants slow absorption and unreliable effect and is considered undesirable in
and older children. Also in neonates the glucuronidation pathways, the the awake child due to the pain and distress of the injection. Other
main metabolic pathway for morphine, are still developing, slowing routes of administration are available, e.g. sublingual, transdermal
morphine metabolism and giving a relatively increased production and intranasal and may be appropriate in specific cases or where local
of morphine-6-glucuronide, an active metabolite of morphine. These resources dictate their use. Opioids are also commonly used as adjuncts
differences may to some extent account for the increased efficacy to local anaesthetics.
A commonly used acronym that is useful in planning and preparation for a procedure is SOAPME:
S Suction Size-appropriate suction catheters and a functioning suction apparatus (e.g. Yankauer-type suction)
O Oxygen Adequate oxygen supply and functioning flow meters/other devices to allow its delivery
A Airway Size-appropriate airway equipment (nasopharyngeal and oropharyngeal airways, laryngoscope blades and handles
[checked and functioning], tracheal tubes, stylets/bougies, face mask, bag-valve-mask or equivalent device
P Pharmacy All the basic drugs needed to support life during an emergency, including antagonists as indicated
M Monitors Functioning pulse oximeter with size appropriate oximeter probes. Other monitors as appropriate for the procedure
(e.g., non-invasive blood pressure, end-tidal carbon dioxide, ECG, stethoscope)
This table summarizes the expected clinical responses and the ideal monitoring requirements for different levels of sedation:
Minimal sedation Moderate sedation Deep sedation
Responsiveness Normal Purposeful to light stimulation Purposeful to painful stimulation
Airway Unaffected No intervention () Intervention
Ventilation Unaffected Adequate () Inadequate
Cardiac stability Unaffected Maintained () Maintained
Monitoring Observation & Pulse oximetry Pulse oximetry
intermittent assessment
Heart rate ECG continuous
Intermittent recording of RR and BP every 3-5 minutes
() EtCO2, precordial stethoscope
Midazolam Diazepam
Midazolam induces anxiolysis, sedation and amnesia; it is absorbed Intravenous diazepam (Diazemuls) is 4-5 times less potent than
enterally and via oral and nasal mucosa. By mouth, 0.5mg.kg -1 midazolam. Despite a longer elimination half-life, recovery profiles
(maximum 20mg, 30 min beforehand) reduces crying during are similar (usually by 2h). Dose- 200-300microgram.kg-1 orally and
induction of anaesthesia, but occasionally dizziness, dysphoria and 100-200microgram.kg-1 IV.
paradoxical reactions occur. Its bitter taste needs masking with a
sweetening agent. In the emergency department, 0.5-1mg.kg-1 orally Temazepam
is useful to calm children for suture of lacerations. Intranasal drops 0.2 Temazepam tablets are preferred to the taste of the elixir and oral doses
mg.kg-1 effectively calms irritable infants but this method is unpleasant of 0.5-1mg.kg-1 cause minimal sedation and sleep.
and causes crying - an atomizer may be better. Absorption is so rapid Reversal of benzodiazepine sedation
that apnoea and desaturation occur occasionally. Flumazenil 20-30microgram.kg -1 IV can be used to reverse
Sublingual administration is more pleasant, equally rapid and effective, benzodiazepine sedation. There may be a risk of fitting from sudden
but requires co-operation. Rectally, 0.3-1mg.kg-1 may cause moderate benzodiazepine withdrawal. As the half-life of flumazenil is less than
sedation. that of some benzodiazepines, there is a risk of re-sedation.
IV titration is best but effects are variable, unpredictable and depend Barbiturates
upon the discomfort of the procedure (0.05-0.2mg.kg-1 for moderate
sedation). Co-administration of opioids increases the risk of apnoea
while co-administration of macrolide antibiotics may result in Intravenous thiopental is too potent for non-anaesthetists to use safely.
prolonged unconsciousness due to inhibition of hepatic metabolism. When given rectally in children, thiopental 25-50mg.kg-1 produces
Occasionally children may develop paradoxical excitation and anxiety sedation after 30 min. Airway obstruction can occur and recovery
(confusion/disinhibition). takes between 30 and 90 min.
Catharine M Wilson,
Consultant Paediatric
Table 1. Fasting guidelines for elective surgery Anaesthetist
Sheffield Childrens NHS
Type of food/fluid Minimum fasting time (hours)
Foundation Trust
Clear liquids 2 Sheffield UK
Breast milk 4
Isabeau A Walker
Infant formula 4 (<3 months old)
Consultant Paediatric
6 (> 3 months old) Anaesthetist
Great Ormond Street NHS
Non-human milk 6
Foundation Trust
Light meal 6 London UK
Fluid evaporation from an open wound or 3rd space losses the body is subjected to stress such as surgery, pain, nausea
varies depending on the operation and may be up to 20 or hypovolaemia, antidiuretic hormone (ADH) levels rise.
ml.kg-1.hour-1. Loss of fluid via the respiratory tract due to ADH blocks the renal excretion of water; water is conserved,
humidification of inspired gas may be reduced by using a circle and plasma sodium levels fall. Even the relatively mild
system or HME (heat and moisture exchange filter) in the hypovolaemia of pre-operative starvation causes a rise in ADH
breathing circuit. levels.12 If the plasma sodium falls rapidly to a low level (acute
hyponatraemia), water moves into the cells in compensation
Neonates have a large ECF volume relative to adults so greater
and causes swelling of the cells. The brain is particularly
3rd space losses. Replacement with colloids (specifically 4.5%
vulnerable to acute hyponatraemia; this can manifest as
albumin) is more common in neonatal practice than in older
cerebral oedema, raised intracranial pressure, and can cause
brain stem herniation, coning and death. Prepubertal children
Blood or other fluid loss is often difficult to measure especially are particularly susceptible to brain damage associated with
when irrigation fluids are used. For this reason the childs postoperative hyponatraemic encephalopathy. Retrospective
clinical state should be monitored continuously looking at analyses of patients with acute hyponatraemia have shown
heart rate, capillary refill time and blood pressure. In longer or that more than 50% of children develop symptoms when the
more complicated cases core-peripheral temperature gradient, plasma sodium is less than 125mmol.l-1, and that there is a
urine output (volume and osmolarity), invasive blood pressure mortality of 8.4% for severe acute hyponatraemia.7,8
and central venous pressure should be measured. In a warm Acute hyponatraemic encephalopathy typically presents with
and otherwise stable child with good analgesia, a rise in heart non-specific features such as nausea, vomiting and headache; if
rate and prolonged capillary refill time are reliable indicators of untreated, this will progress to reduced level of consciousness,
fluid loss; hypotension due to hypovolaemia occurs relatively seizures, respiratory depression and death. Nausea, vomiting
late. and drowsiness may be attributed to the side effects of
anaesthesia, but unfortunately by the onset of seizures
WHICH FLUIDS AND WHY? and respiratory depression it may be too late to salvage the
Isotonic fluids situation. A high index of suspicion should be maintained in all
An isotonic fluid contains the same concentration of solutes as children receiving IV fluids; hypotonic fluids should NEVER
plasma, and therefore exerts an equal osmotic force. Dextrose be given in the perioperative period (see below). If there are
is metabolised in blood, so although 5% dextrose solution any concerns about hyponatraemia, plasma electrolytes should
is isosmolar to plasma, and isotonic in vitro, once given, be measured urgently.
the dextrose is metabolised and it effectively becomes water. Acute symptomatic hyponatramia presenting with seizures is a
Dextrose solutions, unless they contain electrolytes of an medical emergency. A typical case is as follows:
equivalent amount to plasma are therefore termed hypotonic
fluids. Table 4 shows the electrolyte content of different IV A healthy 9-year-old presented for routine elective surgery. He
fluids. was given 4% dextrose 0.18% saline at maintenance rate during
the operation, and the fluid was continued postoperatively. He
Hyponatraemic encephalopathy in children was slow to get going after surgery, complaining of headache
Children given hypotonic fluid may become and nausea. IV fluids were continued. At 4.00am he suddenly
hyponatraemic.7,8,9,10 Ordinarily the kidneys will excrete a free developed a seizure. Electrolytes taken at this time showed a
water load rapidly, and homeostasis is maintained. When plasma sodium of 123mmol.l-1.
4% dextrose
30 0 30 0 284 Hypotonic Dextrose 40g 4.0
0.18% saline
5% dextrose
75 0 75 0 432 Hypotonic Dextrose 50g 4.0
0.45% saline
5% dextrose
150 0 150 0 586 Hypotonic Dextrose 50g 4.0
0.9% saline
28 (as Ca2+
Ringers lactate 130 4 109 273 Isotonic 6.5
lactate) 2 mmol.l-1
29 (as Ca2+
Hartmanns 131 5 111 255 Isotonic 6.5
lactate) 2 mmol.l-1
Plasma-Lyte 27 (as 1.5 mmol.l-1
140 5 98 294 Isotonic 4-6.5
148 acetate) Gluconate
4.5% albumin in
100-160 <2 150 0 275 Isotonic 7.4
This child must be treated immediately with hypertonic saline than was previously thought.
(3% saline) to correct the plasma sodium, not an isotonic fluid
The diurnal variation in cortisol levels effects blood glucose
(and definitely not a hypotonic fluid). Ideally, the child should
levels. Cortisol levels are higher in the morning than the
be cared for in a PICU and 3% saline administered as follows:6
afternoon, so children starved overnight have a higher blood
Give 3% NaCl 2ml.kg-1 over 10 minutes. glucose than those starved during the day.13 The stress response
to surgery may result in hyperglycaemia in children as young
Repeat as necessary 1-2 times.
as two weeks of age, even if no dextrose-containing fluids are
Recheck plasma Na+ after second bolus or 2 hours. given.14 Although less catastrophic than severe hypoglycaemia,
Stop therapy when the patient is symptom free (awake, hyperglycaemia also has detrimental effects, and should be
alert, responding to commands, resolution of nausea and avoided. In the ischaemic or hypoxic brain hyperglycaemia
headache); a rise of Na+ 5-6mmol is achieved; or there is may result in accumulation of lactate, cellular acidosis and
an acute rise in Na+ of 10mmol.l-1 in the first 5 hours. compromised cellular function. Hyperglycaemia also causes
an osmotic diuresis, which may lead to dehydration and
Do not exceed a correction of Na+ more than15-20mmol.l-1 electrolyte disturbance. Routine administration of dextrose-
in 48 hours. containing fluids during surgery should be reserved for those
at risk of hypoglycaemia.
What about dextrose?
Dextrose may be required to prevent hypoglycaemia while the Recent studies have shown that hypoglycaemia during surgery
child is starved, although this appears to be less of a problem is rare in most children. Exceptions to this are premature
Hypotonic fluids should be used with care in the 7. Arieff AI, Ayus JC, Fraser CL. Hyponatraemia and death or
permanent brain damage in healthy children. British Medical
perioperative period, and must not be infused in large
Journal 1992; 304: 1218-22.
volumes or at greater than maintenance rates. 0.18% saline
4% dextrose must NOT be used. 8. Halberthal M, Halperin ML, Bohn D. Acute hyponatraemia in
children admitted to hospital: retrospective analysis of factors
Ideally, plasma electrolytes, glucose and haemoglobin contributing to its development and resolution. British Medical
(or haematocrit) should be measured regularly in any child Journal 2001; 322: 780-82.
receiving large volumes of IV fluid, or who remains on IV
9. Bailey et al. Perioperative crystalloid and colloid fluid
fluids for more than 24 hours. management in children: where are we now and how did we
Critically ill children with sepsis should receive IV fluids at get here? Anesth Analg 2010; 110: 375-90.
normal maintenance rates whilst definitive treatment is 10. Neville et al. Prevention of hyponatraemia during maintenance
started. They must not receive IV fluid boluses for intravenous administration; a prospective randomised study of
resuscitation. fluid type versus fluid rate. J Pediatr 2010; 156: 313-9.
REFERENCES 11. OBrian F, Walker IA. Fluid homeostasis in the neonate. Paediatric
Wilson CM. Perioperative fluids in children. Update in Anaesthesia 2014; 24: 49-59.
Anaesthesia 2005; 19: 36-8. Available from: http://www.wfsahq. 12. Judd BA, Haycock GB, Dalton RN, Chantler C. Antidiuretic
org/components/com_virtual_library/media/07417f70e0b2 hormone following surgery in children. Acta Paediatrica
4 3 f c 7 9 5 d 7 3 7 b b b 8 e b d 1 8 - Scandinavia 1990; 79: 461-6.
in-Children--Update-19-2005-.pdf 13. Redfern N, Addison GM, Meakin G. Blood glucose in
anaesthetised children. Comparison of blood glucose
1. Maitland K, Kiguli S, Opoka RO et al. Mortality after fluid bolus concentrations in children fasted for morning and afternoon
in African Children with severe infection. NEJM 2011; 364: surgery. Anaesthesia 1986; 41: 272-5.
2483-95. 14. Nilsson K, Larsson LE, Andreasson S, Ekstrom-Jodal B. Blood-
2. NPSA (2007) Reducing the risk of hypontraemia when glucose concentrations during anaesthesia in children. Effects
administering intravenous infusions to children. Alert no 22. of starvation and perioperative fluid therapy. British Journal of
National Patient safety Agency London http://www.nhs.npsa. Anaesthesia 1984; 56: 375-9.
nhs.uk/resources/type/alerts 15. Larsson LE, Nilsson K, Niklasson A, Andreasson B, Ekstrom-Jodal
3. Assadi F, Copelovitch L. Simplified treatment strategies to fluid B. Influence of fluid regimens on perioperative blood glucose
therapy in diarrhea. Pediatric Nephrology 2003; 18: 1152-6. concentrations in neonates. British Journal of Anaesthesia
1990; 64: 419-24.
4. Holliday MA, Segar WE. The maintenance need for water in
parenteral fluid therapy. Paediatrics 1957; 19: 823-832. 16. Leelanukorum R, Cunliffe M. Intraoperative fluid and glucose
management in children. Paediatric Anaesthesia 2000; 10:
5. Oh TH. Formulas for calculating fluid maintenance 353-9.
requirements. Anesthesiology 1980; 53: 351.
Obtain consent for the procedure either from the patient or, if
appropriate, from the parents. After induction of general anaesthesia Figure 3. Bony landmarks
and airway control, the patient is positioned laterally (or ventrally), is between 5 and 15mm, depending on the childs size. The sacro-
with their hips flexed to 90 (Figure 2). Skin disinfection should be coccygeal ligament gives a perceptible pop when crossed, analogous
performed carefully, because of the proximity to the anus. Aseptic to the ligamentum flavum during lumbar epidural anaesthesia. After
technique should be maintained. crossing the sacro-coccygeal ligament, the needle is redirected 30 to
the skin surface, and then advanced a few millimeters into sacral canal.
If in contact with the bony ventral wall of sacral canal, the needle must
be moved back slightly.
Figure 2. Preparation of patient - lateral position with the surgical site down
Figure 7.
Test dose
Early neurosensory warning symptoms of LA systemic toxicity are
concealed by general anaesthesia. Halogenated anaesthetic agents
worsen LA systemic toxicity and can also blunt the cardiovascular signs
Figure 6A and B. Needle misplacement of an intravenous epinephrine test dose injection. Aspiration tests to
A marrow (resistance +++. Equivalent to IV injection) elicit blood reflux are not very sensitive, particularly in infants. A test
B posterior sacral ligament (subcutaneous bulge) dose of epinephrine 0.5mcg.kg-1 (administered as 0.1ml.kg-1 lidocaine
with epinephrine 1 in 200 000) allows detection of intravenous
C subperiostal
injection with sensitivity and specificity close to 100%, under
D decoy hiatus
halogenated anaesthesia. Warning symptoms are cardiac frequency
E intrapelvic (risk of damaging intrapelvic structures: rectum) modification (an increase or decrease by 10 beats per minute), increased
F 4th sacral foramen (unilateral block). in blood pressure (up to 15mmHg), or T-wave amplitude change in
the 60 to 90 second period after injection (Figure 9).16,17 Slow injection Additives
of the whole LA dose under haemodynamic and ECG monitoring Several drugs have been demonstrated to prolong duration of analgesia
remains essential for patient safety. by a few hours after single shot caudal injection of LA. Among them,
most popular are opioids (fentanyl 1 g.kg-1), clonidine (1-2 g.kg-1)
Full dose and preservative free ketamine (not the IV form) (0.5 mg.kg-1).21
The volume of caudally injected LA determines the spread of the block Recent reports of spinal cord toxicity of intrathecal ketamine in
and this must be adapted to surgical procedure (Table 1). Analgesic neonatal rats leads us to discourage its use by caudal route in neonates
spread will be two dermatomes higher on the down positioned side at and infants.22 Morphine and clonidine do not provoke such spinal cord
the time of puncture. Injected volume must not exceed 1.25 ml.kg-1 toxicity in neonatal rats, but their dose requirements are decreased in
or 20 to 25ml, in order to avoid excessive cerebrospinal fluid pressure. younger pups.23 Principal adverse effects are: pruritus and nausea and
Table 1. Spread of block as a function of caudally injected local vomiting for opioids, light sedation for clonidine, and hallucinations
anaesthetic volume18 for ketamine. Theoretical risk of respiratory depression with opioids
mandates adequate postoperative monitoring. Some cases of respiratory
Volume (ml.kg-1) Dermatomal level Indication depression have been reported with caudal clonidine in neonates.24
0.5 Sacral Circumcision
0.75 Inguinal Inguinal Complications of CA are uncommon (0.7 per 1000 cases), are
more likely if inadequate equipment is used and are more frequent
1 Lower thoracic (T10) Umbilical in infants.16 If the technique fails it should be abandoned to avoid
occurrence of potentially serious complications.
1.25 Mid thoracic Significant complications, in order of decreasing frequency, are:
LA choice prioritizes long lasting effects with the weakest motor block Dural tap. This is more likely if the needle is advanced excessively in the
possible, since motor block is poorly tolerated in awake children. sacral canal when subarachnoid injection of local anaesthetic agent may
Bupivacaine meets these criteria. More recently available, ropivacaine cause extensive spinal anaesthesia. Under general anaesthesia this
and L-bupivacaine have less cardiac toxicity than bupivacane at should be suspected if non-reactive mydriasis (pupillary dilation)
equivalent analgesic effectiveness. They may also confer a more is observed.
favorable differential block (less motor block for the same analgesic
Vascular or bone puncture can lead to intravascular injection and
power) and the 2.5mg.ml-1 (0.25%) concentration is optimal for these
consequently LA systemic toxicity. Preventative measures are use of
agents. Four to six hours analgesia is usually achieved with minimal
a test dose, cessation of injection if resistance is felt and slow
motor block.19,20
injection under hemodynamic and ECG monitoring. Sacral
Maximal doses must not be exceeded (Table 2) but use of a more perforation can lead to pelvic organ damage (e.g. rectal
dilute mixture may allow the desired volume to be achieved within puncture).
the recommended maximum dose. Hemodynamic effects of CA
are weak or absent in children, so intravenous fluid preloading or Exceeding the maximal allowed LA dose risks overdose and related
vasoconstrictive drugs are unnecessary. cardiovascular or neurological complications.
Table 2. Maximal allowable doses of local anaesthestic agents Delayed respiratory depression secondary to caudally injected
Plain local With epinephrine
anaesthetic (mg.kg-1) (mg.kg-1) Neonates Urinary retention - spontaneous micturition must be observed
before hospital discharge.
Bupivacaine 2 2
Lidocaine 3 7 20% Sacral osteomyelitis is rare (one case report).25
Ropivacaine 3 3
2. Dalens B, Hasnaoui A. Caudal anesthesia in pediatric surgery: success 17. Tobias JD. Caudal epidural block: a review of test dosing and
rate and adverse effects in 750 consecutive patients. Anesth analg recognition injection in children. Anesth Analg 2001; 93: 1156-61.
1989; 68: 83-9.
18. Armitage EN. Local anaesthetic techniques for prevention of
3. Orme RM, Berg SJ. The swoosh test - an evaluation of a modified postoperative pain. Br J Anaesth 1986; 58: 790-800.
whoosh test in children. Br J Anaesth 2003; 90: 62-5.
19. Bsenberg AT, Thomas J, Lopez T, Huledal G, Jeppsson L, Larsson LE.
4. Tsui BC, Tarkkila P, Gupta S, Kearney R. Confirmation of caudal needle
Plasma concentrations of ropivacaine following a single-shot caudal
placement using nerve stimulation. Anesthesiology 1999; 91: 374-8.
block of 1, 2 or 3 mg/kg in children. Acta Anaesthesiol Scand 2001; 10:
5. Raghunathan K, Schwartz D, Conelly NR. Determining the accuracy 1276-80.
of caudal needle placement in children: a comparison of the swoosh
test and ultrasonography. Paediatr Anaesth 2008; 18: 606-12. 20. Breschan C, Jost R, Krumpholz R, Schaumberger F, Stettner H,
Marhofer P, Likar R. A prospective study comparing the analgesic
6. Roberts SA, Guruswamy V, Galvez I. Caudal injectate can be reliably efficacy of levobupivacaine, ropivacaine and bupivacaine in pediatric
imaged using portable ultrasound - a preliminary result. Paediatr patients undergoing caudal blockade. Paediatr Anaesth 2005; 15:
anaesth 2005; 15: 948-52. 301-6.
7. Schwartz DA, Dunn SM, Conelly NR. Ultrasound and caudal blocks in
21. Menzies R, Congreve K, Herodes V, Berg S, Mason DG. A survey of
children. Paediatr Anaesth 2006; 16: 892-902 (correspondence).
pediatric caudal extradural anesthesia practice. Paediatr Anaesth 2009;
8. Tsui BC, Berde CB. Caudal analgesia and anesthesia techniques in 19: 829-36.
children. Curr Op Anesthesiol 2005; 18: 283-8.
22. Walker SM, Westin BD, Deumens R, Grafe M, Yaksh TL. Effects of
9. Kost-Byerly S, Tobin JR, Greenberg RS, Billett C, Zahurak M, Yaster M. intrathecal ketamine in the neonatal rat. Evaluation of apoptosis and
Bacterial colonisation and infectious rate of continuous epidural long-term functional outcome. Anesthesiology 2010; 113: 147-59.
catheters in children. Anesth Analg 1998; 86: 712-6.
23. Walker SM, Yaksh TL. Neuraxial analgesia in neonates and infants: a
10. Valairucha S, Seefelder D, Houck CS. Thoracic epidural catheters
review of clinical and preclinical strategies for the development of
placed by the caudal route in infants: the importance of radiographic
safety and efficacy data. Anesth Analg 2012; 115: 638-62.
confirmation. Paediatr Anaesth 2002; 12: 424-8.
11. Bubeck J, Boss K, Krause H, Thies KC. Subcutaneous tunneling of 24. Fellmann C, Gerber AC, Weiss M. Apnoea in a former preterm infant
caudal catheters reduces the rate of bacterial colonization to that of after caudal bupivacaine with clonidine for inguinal herniorrhaphy.
lumbar epidural catheters. Anesth Analg 2004; 99: 689-93. Paediatr Anaesth 2002; 12: 637-40.
12. Tsui BC, Wagner A, Cave D, Kearny R. Thoracic and lumbar epidural 25. Cohen IT. Caudal block complication in a patient with trisomy 13.
analgesia via the caudal approach using electrical stimulation Paediatr Anaesth 2006; 16: 213-5.
Regional anaesthesia is an essential component Bilateral blocks can be used, but it is important
of paediatric anaesthetic practice. Regional to keep the dose of local anaesthetic within safe
blocks allow for a lighter plane of anaesthesia limits.
during surgery, and provide excellent pain Perform ILNBs after induction of anaesthesia, SUMMARY
control after surgery.1 The aim of this review is to before the start of surgery; it is important to make Regional anaesthesia is
describe how to perform the three most common sure that the child is adequately anaesthetised an essential component
abdominal wall blocks in children: ilioinguinal/ when the cord structures are mobilised, and that of paediatric anaesthetic
iliohypogastric, rectus sheath and transversus additional local infiltration/analgesia is used if a
practice. This review
abdominis plane. describes how to perform
scrotal incision is made. the three most common
We will describe landmark techniques as well There is much anatomical variation of nerve
abdominal wall blocks
as ultrasound-guided techniques. Ultrasound in children: ilioinguinal/
position between the abdominal wall muscles. iliohypogastric, rectus sheath
guided blocks are increasingly considered the The effectiveness of this block can be improved and transversus abdominis
gold standard as it is possible to identify the greatly when performed with ultrasound, and plane, using either landmark
anatomy more accurately, which increases the lower amounts of local anaesthetic can be used.2 or [if available] ultrasound-
reliability of the block and allows a smaller dose guided techniques.
of local anaesthetic to be used. Anatomy (see Figure 1):
Regional anaesthetic blocks are simple to do, The iliohypogastric (T12, L1) and ilioinguinal
but should be taught by an appropriately skilled (L1) nerves are terminal branches of the
mentor. All local anaesthetic blocks should be lumbar plexus. They lie deep to the internal
performed using an aseptic technique; clean the oblique.
skin with an alcohol-based cleaning solution
The iliohypogastric nerve supplies the gluteal
and wear gloves. Ideally use a short-bevelled
region and the skin over the pubic symphysis.
block needle for abdominal wall blocks, but
a 23G or 21G hypodermic needle may also be The ilioinguinal nerve supplies the area of the
used; many advocate blunting the tip of the skin beneath that supplied by the
needle on the inside of the cap of the needle to iliohypogastric nerve and the anterior
better appreciate the facial planes. All the blocks scrotum.
described should be performed after induction of Nuria Masip
The nerves emerge at the lateral border of
general anaesthesia. Specialist Registrar in
psoas major and pass anterior to quadratus Anaesthesia
ILIOINGUINAL/ILIOHYPOGASTRIC NERVE lumborum. They pierce the lumbar fascia at
BLOCK (ILNB) the lateral border of quadratus lumborum Steve Roberts
and run in the plane between the internal Consultant Paediatric
The ilioinguinal/iliohypogastric nerve block
oblique muscle and transversus abdominis Anaesthetist
(ILNB) provides excellent analgesia after inguinal
muscles. Alder Hey Childrens NHS
hernia repair, hydrocele repair and orchidopexy. Foundation Trust
It does not abolish visceral pain due to peritoneal The iliohypogastric nerve pierces (again) the West Derby
traction or manipulation of the spermatic cord internal oblique and runs under the external Liverpool
during inguinal hernia repair or orchidopexy. oblique superior to the inguinal canal L12 2AP
Figure 2. The injection point for the ILNB should be equal to the childs
finger breadth medial to the ASIS, not the operators finger..
Figure 1. Anatomy of the ilioinguinal/iliohypogastric nerve block
Insert the needle just through the skin into the subcutaneous
Dose tissues; advance the needle slowly until a fascial click or
Use a volume of up to 0.5ml.kg-1 0.25% bupivacaine for loss of resistance is felt. The click is felt as the aponeurosis of
the landmark technique. In expert hands as little as 0.075 the external oblique is pierced. Aspirate and then inject the
ml.kg-1 0.25% bupivacaine can be effective using ultrasound- local anaesthetic in this position; there is no need to fan the
guidance; 4 we recommend 0.1-0.2ml.kg-1. injection, and this may increase the incidence of complications.
Complications Ultrasound guided technique
The most common complication is block failure (more Position the patient supine and clean the skin. Place a high
common using the landmark technique). Transient femoral frequency linear probe on the anterior abdominal wall along
nerve palsy with transient quadriceps paresis may be seen if the line joining the anterior superior iliac spine (ASIS) and the
the injection is too deep. Visceral perforation (colon puncture, umbilicus (a small footprint probe is useful for infants). (See
small bowel puncture, pelvic retroperitoneal haematoma, bowel Figure 3).
haematoma) is associated with poor technique, particularly an
injection that is too medial.
Landmark technique
Place the patient supine. Clean the skin over the lower quadrant
of the abdominal wall, including the skin over the anterior
superior iliac spine (ASIS). Draw up the appropriate dose of
local anaesthetic.
The needle insertion point is close to the ASIS, approximately
2 - 5mm medial to the ASIS on a line drawn between the ASIS
and the umbilicus.5 Some suggest using the childs finger as
an appropriate guide for the distance from the ASIS to the
injection point (NOT the operators finger! - see Figure 2). It is
important to keep the injection point high, away from the skin
crease in the groin where the surgeon will make the incision; Figure 3. Ultrasound probe position for iliinguinal/iliohypogastric nerve
otherwise the operating field will be obscured. block
Figure 5. Injection point for rectus sheath block for repair of umbilical
Adrian Bosenberg
Correspondence Email: adrian.bosenberg@seattlechildrens.org
Ultrasound guidance
This has become an important adjunct in regional anaesthesia;
although anaesthesia departments in low- and middle-income
countries (LMIC) may not be able to make this expensive
item a priority.9-13 Using real time ultrasound imaging, correct
needle and local anaesthetic placement around the nerve can
be verified and thus the risk of intraneural or intravascular
injection reduced. Detailed descriptions of ultrasound-guided Figure 1. Diagrammatic representation of brachial plexus
blocks can be obtained from recent review articles.10-13 anatomy (reproduced with permission from: Harclerode Z,
Michael S. Axillary brachial plexus block landmark techniques.
UPPER LIMB BLOCKS Tutorial of the Week 165 (January 2010))
The motor and sensory innervation of the whole upper
Many anatomical landmarks used in adults maybe difficult to
extremity is supplied by the brachial plexus, with the exception
feel in anaesthetised children, particularly infants8. The scalenus
of part of the shoulder (innervated by the cervical plexus), and
muscles are poorly developed making the interscalene groove
the sensory innervation to the medial aspect of the upper arm
difficult to delineate. The subclavian artery is seldom palpable
(supplied by intercostobrachial nerve, a branch of the 2nd
above the clavicle in infants and preadolescent children.
intercostal nerve).
The brachial plexus can be blocked at various levels, the choice
Anatomy of the brachial plexus (see Figure 1) depending on the planned surgical procedure, the experience
The anterior primary rami of C5-8 and the bulk of T1 form the of the provider and anatomical variants (See Table 1).12,13
brachial plexus. These five roots emerge from the intervertebral
Interscalene approach
foramina to lie between the scalenus anterior and scalenus
Although the interscalene approach has been used for shoulder
medius muscles (which attach to the anterior and posterior
and elbow surgery in children, this approach must be used
tubercles of the transverse process of the cervical vertebrae
with caution.14 Potential complications include intravascular
injection, intrathecal injection, pneumothorax (reported
The fascia of these muscles encloses the plexus in a sheath incidence in children is low), Horners syndrome and
that extends laterally into the axilla. A single injection of temporary phrenic nerve palsy.
Figure 3. Cutaneous
nerve supply of the
upper limb. (reproduced
with permission from:
Harclerode Z, Michael S.
Axillary brachial plexus
block landmark techniques.
Tutorial of the Week 165
(January 2010)
Femoral nerve
Sciatic nerve
Posterior approach
Infragluteal approach
Ankle block
A nerve stimulator, set at 0.3 to 0.4mA, will elicit distal motor Dose: 1-2ml 0.25-0.5% bupivacaine or 1-2% lignocaine.
responses in the leg or foot confirming stimulation of the The sciatic nerve may be blocked as it courses through the
sciatic nerve (which supplies all the muscles below the knee). popliteal fossa behind the knee for procedures of the distal
Respiratory effects of SA
Respiratory effects of SA are generally seen in association with high
motor block above T6.5 Children with severe chronic lung disease
should receive supplemental oxygen or Continuous Positive Airway
Pressure (CPAP) during SA. Figure 1. Lateral position to perform SA in 4kg newborn
Mode of ventilation e.g. spontaneous ventilation or positive Insert an oropharyngeal airway (if the patient is deep enough)
pressure Increase depth of anaesthesia
Monitoring e.g. pulse oximeter (minimum); end tidal carbon Ventilate using a two-person technique (one holding the mask
dioxide. with two hands, the other ventilating by squeezing the bag)
If mask ventilation is impossible despite all the above measures or the Change of position
childs oxygen saturation begins to fall: Change of equipment.
EITHER insert an LMA (if available), Visualisation of the larynx and successful tracheal intubation are
improved by:
OR deepen anaesthesia, attempt to visualise the vocal cords and
intubate the trachea. Proper positioning of the child,
External laryngeal manipulation
There is no randomised controlled trial to assess which is the best
Adequate depth of anaesthesia and adequate muscle paralysis (if
response, but insertion of an LMA is recommended first, and then
this has been used).
intubation (Figure 1).
Simple aids such as a bougie or stylet may make intubation
If oxygenation and ventilation is satisfactory through the LMA or straightforward even when the view of the larynx is poor. An alternate
tracheal tube then it is safe to proceed with surgery. laryngoscope may also be used if available and if the operator is familiar
If in doubt, wake the child up. with its use.
Straight bladed laryngoscopes are traditionally used in children under
2. Unexpected difficult tracheal intubation
one year old, but may be useful in older children, or in patients
A simple algorithm for the management of unexpected difficult
with relative macroglossia. They can be used with a paraglossal or
tracheal intubation is given in Figure 2: Difficult tracheal intubation
retromolar technique. McCoy levering laryngoscopes are also available
algorithm. http://www.apagbi.org.uk/sites/default/files/images/APA2-
for paediatric use, based on a Seward blade (sizes 1 and 2) and may
improve the view of the larynx, particularly if the view is obstructed
The key point is, if tracheal intubation fails, DO NOT simply repeat by a large epiglottis.
what has just failed. Multiple attempts at intubation may traumatise In addition to straight bladed and McCoy laryngoscopes, new alternate
the airway and will cause airway oedema, which may make the child laryngoscopes have been developed recently (see table 1). High quality
impossible to intubate. Intubation attempts must be limited to a evidence supporting efficacy is largely absent in the life-threatening
maximum of three or four (Figure 2). scenario of unexpected failed intubation. Firm recommendations
If the first intubation attempt fails, it is essential to make changes cannot be made so many algorithms suggest alternate laryngoscopes/
that improve the chance of successful intubation. These may include: techniques should be considered.
1. Position the patient so that the neck is fully extended so that the trachea and larynx are pushed forward
2. Locate the cricothyroid membrane and stabilise the trachea
3. With a scalpel blade make a stab incision through the skin and cricothyroid membrane*
4. Insert a tracheal hook or retractor at the lower edge of the incision
5. Pass an appropriately sized tracheal or tracheostomy tube
6. Ventilate patient and assess effectiveness
7. Secure the tube
Arterial forceps, the scalpel blade and tracheal dilators may be used to dilate the orifice.
cricothyroidotomy, in Table 2. The cricothyroid membrane is much smaller, with an average size
Since there is no randomised controlled trial of one technique versus of only 2.6 x 3mm, smaller than the smallest tracheal tubes.
another, the choice should be determined by local experience and It is more difficult to locate the cricothyroid membrane than in
availability of equipment. This includes utilising the surgeon who may adults due to a differing orientation of the hyoid bone and the
be more experienced than the anaesthetist. Adult evidence suggests cricoid and thyroid cartilage. This orientation also increases the
surgical cricothyroidotomy is preferable, so this is recommended in chance of laryngeal trauma during cricothyroidotomy.
older children.
It is easier to locate the space between the tracheal rings rather
The important factor is that at least one technique is actually attempted than the cricothyroid membrane.
by someone in the CICV situation when the oxygen saturations are
Together these factors mean it may be more appropriate in infants
less than 80% and falling and/or the heart rate is decreasing.
and small children to perform a surgical tracheostomy.
The CICV situation is a particular challenge in infants and small
All rescue techniques have significant potential for complications so
children, due to important anatomical differences:
should only be performed in life threatening situations. Clearly, all the
The trachea is small, elastic, flaccid and mobile, and so prone to steps for difficult facemask ventilation should be tried first. If muscle
collapse during insertion of a transtracheal device. relaxants have been used and can be reversed, wake the child up.
The primary plan for management of the expected difficult paediatric Other problems such as partial mouth opening, severe retrongathia
airway will likely be one of the following: or bony abnormalities (ameloblastoma) often make laryngoscopy
difficult but do permit the insertion of an LMA if laryngoscopy
1. Laryngoscopy anticipated to be difficult but may be possible: proves impossible.
Attempt laryngoscopy and intubation. If fails, consider
repositioning and try alternate laryngoscopes if available, or insert Burns contractures causing fixed flexion of the neck may be
LMA and perform fibreoptic intubation (FOI) via LMA. released prior to intubation using ketamine anaesthesia and with
local infiltration.
2. Laryngoscopy predicted to be impossible: Perform nasal FOI or
insert LMA and perform FOI via LMA. The variety of clinical conditions mean a one-size-fits all approach is
impossible. The best technique will depend on the equipment and
3. Laryngoscopy and LMA insertion known to be impossible: expertise available, as well as the nature of the difficult airway.
perform nasal FOI.
Inhalational induction, using halothane or sevoflurane in 100%
4. Laryngoscopy, LMA insertion and nasal FOI not available
oxygen, is generally recommended Intravenous access may be
or known to be impossible: perform tracheostomy either using
established either before or after induction but must occur before
inhalational anaesthesia via face mask or intravenous ketamine
airway instrumentation. The general technique is to deepen anaesthesia
especially if face mask anaesthesia impossible.
until laryngoscopy is tolerated or LMA inserted or FOI performed
Blind intubation through an LMA is NOT recommended in children depending on the airway management plan.
due to risk of airway trauma. Attempts at FOI should be limited to two
and if unsuccessful, consider waking child, or continue with surgical If inhalational induction is impossible, small doses of IV induction
procedure on an LMA. In situations where LMAs are unavailable, agent should be given to induce loss of consciousness but still
ventilation by face mask is the alternative. If neither LMAs nor FOI preserving spontaneous ventilation. Propofol 0.5-1mg.kg-1 or ketamine
are available, the surgeon and anaesthetist need to discuss whether 0.5-1mg.kg-1 should be given and titrated to effect.
the benefits of surgery outweigh the risk of attempting anaesthesia
If inhalational induction is not possible due to pain, for instance, from
in a child with a known difficult airway with insufficient equipment
an infected facial mass/tumour (rather than because of a large extraoral
to provide safe management. This is a very difficult decision and will
tumour meaning a face mask will not fit), give a small dose of ketamine,
depend on the individual merits of each case.
then apply the face mask and deepen anaesthesia by spontaneous
Premedication inhalation with sevoflurane or halothane. In our experience, this
The use of sedative premedication in a child with a potential airway combination provides better conditions for laryngoscopy than when
problem is controversial. A frightened, screaming child producing using intravenous ketamine alone.
lots of secretions and in whom it is difficult to place monitoring,
Nasal fibreoptic intubation general
intravenous cannula, and even approach to do an inhalational
Maintain anaesthesia either with incremental doses of ketamine
induction, is also a risk.
or inhalational anaesthesia either via a nasal airway in the other
Therefore, a small dose of sedative premedication, such as midazolam nostril connected to the breathing circuit or using a specially
0.3-0.5mg.kg-1 is often appropriate. Atropine is useful as an antisialogue designed facemask with a port for insertion of the fibreoptic
(30-40 micrograms.kg-1 PO or 20 micrograms.kg-1 IM). Peak effect of bronchoscope.
Use a topical vasoconstrictor to prevent bleeding from the nose it is readily accessible in an emergency. Many hospitals use a difficult
during FOI, as otherwise this may make intubation impossible. airway cart to do this. This is simply a trolley or cart where all the
Pseudoephedrine, ephedrine, phenylephrine, oxymetazoline, or useful equipment for managing difficult airways is stored according
nasal packs soaked in 1:10,000 adrenaline may be used, depending to the step-wise approach to managing a difficult airway.
on local availability.
For example, using the algorithms presented in this review, the difficult
Apply topical lidocaine to the nose and oropharynx. Larger airway cart could consist of a series of drawers or boxes containing:
fibreoptic laryngoscopes often have a channel through which local
anaesthesia can be injected. Alternatively an epidural catheter can Drawer 1: simple laryngoscopes and airway adjuncts.
be passed through the suction port (if present) and local anaesthetic Drawer 2: alternative laryngoscopes and LMAs.
injected through this. Be careful not to exceed the maximum dose Drawer 3: equipment for fibreoptic intubation
of lidocaine (3mg.kg-1 i.e. 0.3ml.kg-1 of a 1% solution). Drawer 4: equipment for CICV situations.
The correct size of tracheal tube is critical to success. Too large a Whatever the availability and variety of equipment, the difficult airway
tube will fail and require the bronchoscope to be withdrawn and the cart (or boxes) should always be stored in the same place, close to the
procedure repeated. Too small may make subsequent positive pressure operating rooms, and the contents regularly checked. The cart should
ventilation difficult. It is sensible to use a small cuffed tube if available, be physically present in the operating room for any child with an
rather than repeated bronchoscopy. anticipated difficult airway; and can be quickly fetched when faced
Fibreoptic intubation through an LMA with an unexpected problem.
There are three main techniques available: CONCLUSION
1. Railroad the tracheal tube over the fibreoptic bronchoscope into Unexpected difficult airways in paediatric practice are rare. Many
the trachea problems can be prevented by routine pre-operative airway assessment,
2. Railroad an airway exchange catheter (AEC) over the bronchoscope pre-oxygenation, and preparation of equipment. A simple step-wise
into the trachea. approach to management improves outcome. Anaesthetists have
a responsibility to be familiar with airway algorithms and make
3. Pass a soft tip wire through the suction channel of the bronchoscope
pragmatic modifications to account for available resources.
into the trachea, then pass an AEC or similar over the wire as a
guide for the tracheal tube. REFERENCES
The choice of technique depends upon size of the child, the size of the 1. Weiss M, Engelhardt T. Proposal for the management of the unexpected difficult
pediatric airway. Pediatr Anesth 2010; 20: 454-64. http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/
LMA, and the diameter of available bronchoscope (Table 3). Removal doi/10.1111/j.1460-9592.2010.03284.x/pdf
of the LMA once the tracheal tube is in situ may be challenging. 2. The 4th National Audit Project of the Royal College of Anaesthetists and the
Options include: Difficult Airway Society: Major Complications of Airway Management in the
United Kingdom. March 2011. http://www.rcoa.ac.uk/nap4/
Leave the LMA in situ
3. The Association of Paediatric Anaesthetists (APA) Guidelines for difficult airway
Use a long tracheal tube (croup tube) management in children. 2012. http://www.apagbi.org.uk/publications/apa-
Fix two tracheal tubes together over the FOB; the LMA may be guidelines
withdrawn over the tracheal tubes. 4. World Health Organisation. Guidelines for Safe Surgery 2009. http://whqlibdoc.
who.int/publications/2009/9789241598552_eng.pdf and http://www.who.int/
Use an AEC. patientsafety/safesurgery/en/
5. Kheterpal S, Martin L, Shanks AM, Tremper KK. Prediction and outcomes of
Tracheostomy impossible mask ventilation: a review of 50,000 anesthetics. Anesthesiol 2009;
A tracheostomy should be performed by an experienced practitioner, 110 : 891-7.
normally an ENT surgeon. Inhalational anaesthesia or small 6. Holm-Knudsen R. The difficult pediatric airway - a review of new devices for
incremental doses of ketamine (as above) may be given to supplement indirect laryngoscopy in children younger than two years of age. Pediatr Anesth
local infiltration anaesthesia. The child should breathe 100% oxygen 2011; 21: 98-103
by facemask. 7. Doherty JS, Froom SR, Gildersleeve CD. Pediatric laryngoscopes and intubation
aids old and new. Pediatr Anesth 2009; 19 (Suppl. 1): 30-37 http://onlinelibrary.
8. Walker RWM and Ellwood J. The management of difficult intubation in children.
The equipment available in different institutions will vary considerably. Pediatr Anesth 2009; 19 (Suppl. 1): 7787 http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/
It is good practice to organise airway equipment in such a way that doi/10.1111/j.1460-9592.2009.03014.x/pdf
Neonates present a challenge to the anaesthetist. Examine the child carefully. In particular, it is
They have unique physiology as they transition important to look for signs of respiratory distress
from intrauterine to extrauterine life, limited (respiratory rate, nasal flare, subcostal recession),
physiological reserve and immature drug and cardiovascular compromise (check heart DEFINITIONS
handling. The goals of anaesthesia are to rate, blood pressure, peripheral perfusion and
provide stable conditions for surgery, minimise capillary refill). Check the oxygen saturation Neonate is aged up to
physiological disturbance, reduce pain, and low oxygen saturation may be associated with 28 days
support the neonate during the postoperative respiratory disease, or in some cases with cyanotic Term neonate is born
period. This article will describe general congenital heart disease. between 37 to 40
considerations for anaesthesia in term and weeks post
Investigations conception
preterm neonates, and anaesthesia for some
specific neonatal conditions. Relevant investigations will be guided by the Preterm neonate is
clinical findings and the underlying condition, born at <37 weeks
PREOPERATIVE ASSESSMENT OF THE although resources may limit investigations post conception
NEONATE that can be performed. They may include the Extreme preterm
As for any child undergoing anaesthesia, following: neonate is born <28
weeks post
it is important to take a detailed history
Laboratory investigations: conception
and examination, together with relevant
Full blood count and haemtocrit Low birthweight
investigations to assess the current physiological
status and the impact of any associated congenital Blood glucose
abnormalities, which may or may not be related Very low birthweight
to the surgical condition. This helps to plan when Urea and electrolytes <1.5kg
best to proceed with the surgery, and the level of
Coagulation studies
postoperative support required.
Liver function tests and bilirubin
The history should include the gestational Capillary blood gas.
age, birth history, current age and weight, and
Radiological investigations:
significant peri-natal events such as low APGAR
scores, respiratory distress requiring respiratory CXR, AXR
support, hypoglycaemic episodes, NICU Heidi Meyer
admissions, evidence of sepsis or any antenatal Echocardiogram
Karmen Kemp
concerns such as maternal illness. The anaesthetist Cranial/spinal/renal ultrasound. Red Cross War Memorial
should check whether intramuscular vitamin K Childrens Hospital
has been given to prevent haemorrhagic disease Finally, the anaesthetic plan, including risks, Rondebosch
of the newborn. The fasting status should be should be discussed with the parent(s) or Cape Town 7700
established if the child is receiving feeds - ideally guardian(s), and consent taken for anaesthesia Western Cape
2 hours for clear fluids, 4 hours for breast milk, 6 including regional anaesthesia and blood Cape Town
hours for formula feed. transfusion if indicated. South Africa
Neonates are extremely vulnerable to heat loss and
hypothermia. Hypothermia (core temperature <36C) is
associated with postoperative apnoeas, coagulopathy and
poor wound healing, and worsens outcomes. The theatre
environment should be warmed (or air conditioning turned
down) to at least 20-23C and the baby kept covered as much
as possible. A forced air warmer and a radiant heater should
be used if available. Warmed packs should be considered if
other sources of warming are not available; take care not to
place warmed packs directly in contact with the skin. Fluids
Figure 1. Airway and monitoring equipment and blood products should be warmed. The temperature of the
baby should be measured unless the procedure is very quick.
Standard monitoring must be applied prior to induction of Preparation of drugs
anaesthesia. This includes oxygen saturation, ideally pre-ductal The first thing to be drawn up is a saline flush so that the IV
(right hand) and post-ductal (other limbs). A low post-ductal line can be flushed immediately after a drug is given. Calculate
oxygen saturation may be a sign of low pulmonary blood flow, the correct dose of analgesics, muscle relaxants and antibiotics
for instance due to significant pulmonary hypertension in a and draw these up. Double check dose calculations it is easy
septic neonate (see transitional circulation below). to make 10-fold errors in neonatal practice.
ECG and non-invasive blood pressure measurement should Emergency drugs should be drawn up in the appropriate
be used. The lower limit of mean arterial blood pressure can doses. These include atropine (20mcg.kg-1), suxamethonium
be estimated to be equivalent to the gestational age in weeks; (1-2mg.kg-1) and adrenaline (10mcg.kg-1, i.e. 0.1ml.kg-1
by about 6 weeks of age, the normal mean arterial pressure is 1:10,000 adrenaline).
50-60 mmHg. Basic intra-operative monitoring should ideally
also include a precordial or oesophageal stethoscope and, if Induction of anaesthesia
available, capnography must be used. Inhalational induction is ideally with sevoflurane although
halothane can also be used. The MAC of volatile agents is
Airway equipment lower in neonates than in older children, and the onset of
Intubation and ventilation will be required unless it is an anaesthesia is relatively fast due to the rapid respiratory rate
extremely short procedure. The size of the tracheal tube will and high cardiac output. However, the neonatal myocardium
depend on the weight of the neonate; most term babies require is extremely sensitive to the negative inotropic effects of volatile
Weight Tube Size (ID) (MM) Oral Length (cm) Nasal Length (cm)
<0.7 2.0 5 5
<1.0 2.5 5.5 7
1.0 3.0 6 7.5
2.0 3.0 7 9
3.0 3.0 8.5 10.5
3.5 3.5 9 11
Table 4. The British Committee for Standards in Haematology (BCSH) transfusion trigger for neonatal top-up transfusion
- reproduced from British Committee for Standards in Haematology (BCSH) Transfusion Guidelines for Neonates and Older Children -
http://www.bcshguidelines.com with permission
Neurodevelopmental effects of anaesthetics in option and treatment may not always be possible.
Inadequate anaesthesia and analgesia have been shown to Prior to transfer the appropriate personnel, equipment, drugs
be detrimental to neonates, and associated with increased and fluids should be prepared and checked using a transfer
mortality. However, many animal model studies have been checklist (Table 6). The neonate should be carefully assessed
published recently that have demonstrated accelerated for stability for transfer or if necessary transfer may need to be
neuronal cell death (apoptosis) and long-term behavioural delayed for further resuscitation and optimisation. Check that
changes after animals are exposed to anaesthetic agents in the the monitoring is functional and the patient is adequately fluid
neonatal period. The situation in humans remains unclear.13 resuscitated. Take time to ensure that the neonate is stable
The risks and benefits of surgery in neonates should be prior to transfer on the current drug infusions and mode of
considered carefully, and non-essential elective surgery should ventilation.
be avoided in the neonatal period where possible. Careful monitoring during transfer is extremely important and
will highlight clinical trends. A detailed handover is essential
Transfer of neonates for good continuity of care.
Neonatal surgery should ideally be undertaken in an
environment where the facilities and expertise are available for SPECIFIC NEONATAL PATHOLOGIES
definitive treatment and on-going care. In certain situations,
if the baby is unstable and not suitable for transfer to theatre, Inguinal hernia repair
it may be necessary to undertake surgery on the NICU itself. Inguinal hernia is common in premature neonates. The
In certain situations the baby may need to be transferred to a timing of surgery depends on the risk of incarceration,
specialist centre. In low-income countries this may not be an bowel strangulation or testicular atrophy versus the risk of
A right thoracotomy is performed with the patient on the There has been a significant improvement in survival over the
side with a roll under the chest. The tube position must be past 20 years due to the introduction of gentle ventilation
checked and effective ventilation confirmed after the change strategies.23 These include permissive hypercapnoea (PaCO2
of position. The lung is then retracted which often results in <70mmHg), limiting inflation pressures (avoid PIP>25cm
difficulty with ventilation, hypercapnoea and acidosis. Periods H2O and PEEP > 5 cm H2O) and accepting relative hypoxaemia
2. Anand KJ. Clinical importance of pain and stress in preterm 15. Craven PD, Badawi N, Henderson-Smart DJ, OBrien M. Regional
neonates. Biol Neonate 1998; 73: 1-9. (spinal, epidural, caudal) versus general anaesthesia in preterm
infants undergoing inguinal herniorrhaphy in early infancy.
3. Taddio A, Katz J, Ilersich AL, Koren G. Effect of neonatal Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2003;3:CD003669.
circumcision on pain response during subsequent routine 16. Teo AT, Gan BK, Tung JS, Low Y, Seow WT. Low-lying spinal
vaccination. Lancet 1997; 349: 599-603. cord and tethered cord syndrome in children with anorectal
malformations. Singapore Med J 2012; 53: 570-6.
4. Stevens B, Yamada J, Lee GY, Ohlsson A. Sucrose for analgesia
in newborn infants undergoing painful procedures. Cochrane 17. Bozza P, Morini F, Conforti A, Sgr S. Stress and ano-colorectal
Database Syst Rev 2013 1:CD001069. surgery in newborn/infant: role of anesthesia. Pediatr Surg Int
2012; 28: 821-4.
5. Shah PS, Herbozo C, Aliwalas LL, Shah VS. Breastfeeding or
breast milk for procedural pain in neonates. Cochrane Database 18. Millar AJ, Rode H, Cywes S. Malrotation and volvulus in infancy
Syst Rev 2012 12:CD004950. and childhood. Semin Pediatr Surg 2003; 12: 229-36.
19. Llanos AR, Moss ME, Pinzn MC, Dye T. Epidemiology of
6. Cerbo RM, Maragliano R, Pozzi M, Strocchio L. Global perfusion
neonatal necrotizing enterocolitis: a population-based study.
assessment and tissue oxygen saturation in preterm infants:
Paediatr Perinat Epidemiol 2002; 16: 342-9.
where are we? Early Hum Dev 2013; 89(S1): S44-6.
20. Anand KJ, Sippell WG, Aynsley-Green A. Randomised trial of
7. Bancalari E, Claure N. Oxygenation targets and outcomes in fentanyl anaesthesia in preterm babies undergoing surgery:
premature infants. JAMA 2013; 117: 2161-2. effects on the stress response. Lancet 1987; 1: 626 [published
correction appears in Lancet 1987; 1: 234].
8. Stenson B, Brocklehurst P, Tarnow-Mordi W. U.K. BOOST II trial;
Australian BOOST II trial; New Zealand BOOST II trial. Increased 21. Wynn J, Krishnan U, Aspelund G, Zhang Y et al. Outcomes
36-week survival with high oxygen saturation target in of congenital diaphragmatic hernia in the modern era of
extremely preterm infants. N Engl J Med 2011; 364; 1680- management. J Pediatr 2013; 163: 114-9 e1.
22. Graziano JN. Cardiac anomalies in patients with congenital
9. Schmidt B, Whyte RK, Asztalos EV et al. Canadian Oxygen Trial diaphragmatic hernia and their prognosis: a report from the
(COT) Group. Effects of targeting higher vs lower arterial Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia Study Group. J Pediatr Surg
oxygen saturations on death or disability in extremely preterm 2005; 40: 1045-9
infants: a randomized clinical trial. JAMA 2013; 309: 2111-20. 23. Guidry CA, Hranjec T, Rodgers BM, Kane B. Permissive
hypercapnia in the management of congenital diaphragmatic
10. Cote CJ Postoperative apnea in former preterm infants after
hernia: our institutional experience. J Am Coll Surg
inguinal herniorrhaphy: A combined analysis. Anesthesiology
2012; 214: 640-645.
1995; 82: 809-22.
24. Fallon SC, Cass DL, Olutoye OO, Zamora IJ et al. Repair of
11. Henderson-Smart DJ, Steer P. Prophylactic caffeine to prevent congenital diaphragmatic hernias on Extracorporeal Membrane
postoperative apnea following general anesthesia in preterm Oxygenation (ECMO): Does early repair improve patient
infants. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2001;4:CD000048. survival? J Pediatr Surg 2013; 48: 1172-6.
12. Kao LS, Morris BH, Lally KP, Stewart CD, Huseby V, Kennedy 25. Molik KA, Gingalewski CA, West KW et al. Gastroschisis: a plea
KA. Hyperglycemia and morbidity and mortality in extremely for risk categorization. J Pediatr Surg 2001; 36: 515.
low birth weight infants. J Perinatol 2006; 26: 730-6.
26. Yaster M, Scherer TL, Stone MM et al. Prediction of successful
13. Olsen EA, Brambrink AM. Anesthetic neurotoxicity in the primary closure of congenital abdominal wall defects using
newborn and infant. Curr Opin Anaesthesiol 2013 August 29 intraoperative measurements. J Pediatr Surg 1989; 24: 121720.
(e-pub ahead of print).
Mark Newton
Correspondence Email: mark.w.newton@Vanderbilt.Edu
Safe, effective care of children presenting for and describe some clinical cases with practical
surgery is challenging, even more so when the solutions to equipment requirements and clinical
child presents with advanced pathology, the goals, which we hope will be useful to anaesthesia
systems to support safe anaesthesia care are not providers working in any setting. Summary
well-developed, and the need for surgery is large.
In many low-income countries, more than 50% GENERAL PRINCIPLES Children presenting for
elective paediatric surgery in
of the population is less than 15 years old, and Cardiac sub-Saharan Africa may have a
more than 85% of children are predicted to need Infants and young children have a relatively high morbidity and mortality.
some form of surgical intervention by the age fixed cardiac output compared to adults due to Understanding the basic
of 15. The overall morbidity and mortality in immature myocardial function. The resting heart anatomy, physiology and
this group of patients is alarmingly high when rate is high and there is limited ability to increase pharmacology together with
appropriate equipment for the
compared to similar patients in high-income the stroke volume in response to a fluid challenge. paediatric patient will improve
countries, and the mortality would be expected Babies become bradycardic (heart rate slows) in the anaesthesia mortality
to be even higher in the emergency cases. response to hypoxia, but children older than 6 statistics. The development
months of age have developed a balance between of paediatric surgical centres
Elective paediatric cases in children older than 6
the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous in both the rural and urban
months old are performed at many hospital levels settings will allow for greater
systems, and have the more usual tachycardia experience to be obtained
in the rural and the urban setting. Common
in response to hypoxia. The fall in the heart rate in paediatric anaesthesia,
elective procedures in rural hospitals include:
due to hypoxia in babies causes a fall in blood which will improve care.
Inguinal and umbilical hernia pressure; your immediate response should be The most valuable asset for
these paediatric centres is to
to control the ventilation with 100% oxygen, have well-trained physicians
Circumcision or whatever level of oxygen is available in your and nurses who can provide
setting, rather than attend to the blood pressure high quality care for children
Incision and drainage of soft tissue and
i.e. you should not grab for the atropine but with the advanced surgical
orthopaedic infections.
rather open the airway and/or assist ventilation, pathology encountered,
taking account of the lack of
Larger more challenging cases often undertaken as hypoxia will be the source of the bradycardia in infrastructure and the limited
in urban centres include: the vast majority of the situations. Your response supplies that are a common
to hypoxia must be rapid as babies have twice problem. A successful
Hypospadias repair the oxygen consumption of adults, and quickly perioperative course can be
expected even for children
become desaturated. Always prepare your age requiring surgical intervention
Excision of abdominal mass (e.g. mesenteric
appropriate airway equipment and full range of in austere environments .
cyst, Wilms Tumor, ovarian mass)
drugs prior to the start of a case, and make sure
Head and neck surgery. you have an assistant. Mark Newton
Vanderbilt University,
These patients are likely to be challenging even Children presenting for elective surgery,
Department of
in a large national referral centre and good particularly those with congenital conditions Anesthesiology and
understanding and preparation is required. associated with midline defects such as Pediatrics (USA)
hypospadias, cleft lip and cleft palate, may also AIC Kijabe Hospital,
This article will give a brief overview of the have associated congenital heart disease (CHD). Department of
general principles of anaesthesia in children, If a murmur is present, or the child has a history Anesthesiology (Kenya)
The narrowest part of the airway in the child is the cricoid Renal
cartilage, not the vocal cords as in the adult. The glottis is Glomerular filtration rate (GFR) reaches adult levels by one
more anterior and the epiglottis is less rigid and tends to fall year of age, and most children presenting for elective surgery
back to occlude the glottic opening during intubation. The have normal renal function. Routine questions such as Any wet
large occiput in infants tends to cause neck flexion, the tongue diapers/nappies, and when? will be useful to assess hydration
is relatively large, and it is easy to press on the floor of the and renal function healthy children. Routine electrolytes and
mouth to push the tongue up, which means the airway is easily creatinine are not necessary except for in renal surgery where it
obstructed during facemask anaesthesia. The airway cartilages is useful to record baseline values. A urinary catheter is rarely
are soft and easily compressed; if cricoid pressure is used, the required, except for hypospadias repair or Wilms tumours. The
pressure should be gentle otherwise the trachea can collapse smaller sizes of urinary catheter are often not available, and
and you may not be able to ventilate due to obstruction of it is much better to avoid damage to the urethra rather than
the trachea itself. Lateral displacement is also a frequent factor to insert an inappropriately large catheter. The bladder can be
when an assistant is applying cricoid pressure with too much emptied by the surgeon pressing gently on the lower abdomen
enthusiasm. If this is the case, ask your assistant to release the during the case (if the area is surgically prepped), and urine
pressure to improve your view of the larynx. The combination collected in a diaper. Urine output can be estimated from the
of these anatomical differences and the limited oxygen reserve, difference in weight of the diaper pre-surgery and post-surgery;
relatively high oxygen requirement, and poor tolerance of one mg increase in weight in the diaper is equivalent to one ml
hypoxia means that intubation can be more difficult in a of urine. A scale capable of measuring small weights must be
neonate compared to an adult, but with skill and experience, used. All doses of drugs should be calculated and drawn up
safe intubation becomes routine. accurately, especially renal toxic drugs such as gentamicin.
or ketamine); and muscle relaxation (succinylcholine or Figure 3. Anaesthetic set up for Wilms Tumour. Note peripheral IV lines
rocuronium) to provide good conditions for rapid intubation. x2 in the arms, arm at 90 degrees to keep an infusion port next to the
I would not use any narcotics at this stage, but would wait anaesthesia provider (no extension tube available); bladder catheter to
monitor urine output, eyes taped. Note, a sterile small (6-8 Fr) nasogastric
until the airway has been secured. Children can have a more
tube can be used if there is no urinary catheter available
dramatic drop in oxygen saturation when they are apnoeic
compared to adults, due to higher oxygen consumption, and in
this case, the child will also have a reduced functional oxygen During the surgical exposure of the tumour, the surgical team
reserve, so will require efficient intubation. If the mass is very could decrease venous return to the heart by compression
large, the head of the bed can be elevated slightly to reduce of the IVC or by torsion on the liver, which would result
the effect of the mass compressing on the diaphragm, which in a sudden drop in the blood pressure without any signs of
may assist during the induction period. The lung volumes blood loss. You must watch the surgery closely so that you
will be reduced due to elevation of the diaphragm, so check can anticipate blood loss and be aware of the manipulation
more than once that the endotracheal tube is not down too of the tumour; you should alert the surgeons when the blood
far and is in the proper position in the trachea. This patient pressure drops. There will be times when you need to have
will do best with a cuffed endotracheal tube, if available, due the blood in the room and be ready to transfuse. If you are
to increased intra-abdominal pressure during surgical tumour warming the blood in a bath of warm water, make sure that it
manipulation. If an uncuffed endotracheal tube is all that is is not too hot; if you cannot keep your hand in the water for
available, place the appropriate size tube that only has a leak more than 5 seconds then it is too hot and must not be used as
around the tube at higher pressures (between 20-30cmH20). you can cause haemolysis and massive infusion of potassium.
Remember that 98% of the potassium in blood is intracellular;
Higher inspiratory pressures than normal may be required due if the blood becomes haemolysed, the potassium will flood out
the mass effect of the tumour on the lungs, as would apply of the cells and cause arrhythmias and even cardiac arrest when
to any intra-abdominal pathology such as bowel obstruction you transfuse the blood. With this child, the blood will need
that pushes up on the diaphragm. If the chest is not moving to be given in a 30-60 ml syringe, so that you can keep an
well, recheck the position of the endotracheal tube and adjust accurate measurement of blood transfusion volume. Ideally,
the inspiratory pressure; this should be undertaken as a place a three-way stop cock in the infusion line, which will
priority rather than waiting for desaturation or carbon dioxide allow you to keep the syringe attached and to aspirate from the
retention to occur. bag and infuse into the patient without a break in the blood
Two large bore intravenous catheters should be inserted into the
upper limbs for surgery. The cannulas are placed in the hands Children having major tumour excision need to have a urinary
or arms because the tumour could involve the inferior vena catheter inserted. An arterial line is not possible in many
settings, so accurate non-invasive blood pressure monitoring Figure 6. Wilms tumour incision. Postoperative pain management after
upper abdominal surgery will require careful treatment, with small doses
needs to be done every two minutes, ideally using an of opioids titrated to effect, and close monitoring of respiratory rate by
automated cuff. As one can see in the pathological specimen, the ward nurses
these tumours will involve a large section of the kidney and
one can see haematuria at times. In cases of bilateral tumour
Case 2
involvement, the surgeons may need to do renal sparing
procedures (hemi-nephrectomy), which can be associated A 6-year-old female living in a very rural and resource poor
with very large blood loss and high risk for renal dysfunction area of Africa has had a one year history of abdominal swelling
postoperatively. which has not responded to medical treatment. She is afebrile,
with normal vital signs, no past medical or surgical history, and
If the surgery is successful and the blood loss is minimal, the neither the family nor the medical facility has access to CT or
child can be extubated at the end of the procedure but needs MRI. She has travelled for two days to for a surgical consult
to have good pain management. It is helpful if, in addition by your outreach team as the area she lives in has minimal
Figure 8. Mesenteric cysts. Intestinal damage, intraoperative
blood loss and postoperative ileus need to be considered in the 1. Hadley LG, Rouma BS, Saad-Eldin, Y: Challenge of
perioperative plan pediatric oncology in Africa. Seminars in Pediatric Surgery
2012; 21: 136-141.
SUMMARY 2. Weatherall A, Venclovas R: Experience with a propofol-
Children presenting for elective paediatric surgery in sub- ketamine mixture for sedation during pediatric
Saharan Africa may have a high morbidity and mortality.3 orthopedic surgery. Pediatric Anesthesia 2010; 20: 1009-16.
Understanding the basic anatomy, physiology and 3. Walker IA, Wilson IH: Anaesthesia in developing countries
pharmacology together with appropriate equipment for the - a risk for patients. Lancet 2008; 371: 968-9.
Table 1. Comparison of the LMA and the tracheal tube for tonsillectomy
indicated, as PONV is common. 9. Guidance for the administration of codeine and alternative opioid
analgesics in children: Joint guidance from the RCoA, APA and
RCPCH. Published November 26th 2013 Available from: http://www.
References apagbi.org.uk/sites/default/files/images/Codeine_Nov2013.pdf
Ravi R, Howell T. Anaesthesia for paediatric ear, nose and
throat surgery. Update in Anaesthesia (2008), 24(1):18-23. 10.
Steward DL, Welge JA, Myer CM. Steroids for improving
Available from: http://www.wfsahq.org/components/com_ recovery following tonsillectomy in children. Cochrane Database
virtual_library/media/cf2070c8974e043763936f7aeeffad69- Syst Rev 2003; 1: CD003977.
11. Watcha MF, Ramirez-Ruiz M, White PF, Jones MB, Lagueruela
RG, Terkonda RP. Perioperative effects of oral ketorolac and
acetaminophen in children undergoing bilateral myringotomy.
1. Dix P. Bronchoscopy for a foreign body in a child.
Can J Anaesth 1992; 39: 649 54.
See article in this editon, page 173.
Chinn K, Brown OE, Manning SC, Crandell CC. Middle ear
2. Warwick JP, Mason DG. Obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome in
pressure variation: effect of nitrous oxide. Laryngoscope 1997;
children. Anaesthesia 1998; 53: 571 9.
107: 357 63.
3. Rosen GM, Muckle RP, Mahowald MW, Goding GS,
Ullewig C. Postoperative respiratory compromise in children 13. Mukherjee K, Seavell C, Rawlings E, Weiss A. A comparison of
with obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome: can it be anticipated? total intravenous with balanced anaesthesia for middle ear
Pediatrics 1994; 93: 784 8. surgery: effects on postoperative nausea and vomiting, pain and
conditions for surgery. Anaesthesia 2003; 58: 176 80.
4. Nixon GM, Kermack AS, Davis GM, Manoukian JJ, Brown
KA, Brouillette RT. Planning adenotonsillectomy in children 14. Jones SEF, Dickson U, Moriarty A. Anaesthesia for insertion of
with obstructive sleep apnoea: the role of overnight oximetry. bone- anchored hearing aids in children: a 7 year audit.
Pediatrics 2004; 113: 19 25. Anaesthesia 2001; 56: 777 98.
Grant Stuart
Correspondence email: grant.stuart@gosh.nhs.uk
INTRODUCTION Anaesthetic considerations
Unlike adults, children requiring eye surgery do not Premedication and induction of anaesthesia
tolerate sedation or local anaesthetic techniques and The decision to premedicate the child and the
therefore almost always require general anaesthesia. choice of induction technique, intravenous (IV)
This update will present a general review of the or inhalational, should be tailored to the needs of
principles of anaesthesia for children undergoing the child and to the preferences of the anaesthetist.
eye surgery and a description of anaesthesia for some Children with visual impairment should be handled Summary
specific procedures. in a careful and sensitive manner.
Children require general
Airway management anaesthesia for
Airway management should be tailored to the ophthalmic procedures/
procedure. For measurement of intraocular pressure surgery, but can
Preoperative considerations (IOP), spontaneous respiration via a facemask should generally be managed as
Most children presenting for eye surgery are healthy, be used, as intubation will raise the intraocular day cases.
ASA I or II and may be managed as day cases. A pressure. For simple procedures such as examination The oculocardiac
small number have underlying conditions, often of a under anaesthesia (EUA) it may be more convenient reflex may be induced
chromosomal or metabolic nature, which pose more to maintain spontaneous respiration through a during eye surgery and
specific anaesthetic challenges.1,2 Examples of these reinforced laryngeal mask airway (LMA), particularly risks provoking
are described in appendix 1. where a sterile field is required. dangerous bradycardias.
Prevent these by
The reinforced LMA may be used in older children for premedicating with
Ophthalmic medications
most eye procedures. It is possible to use controlled anticholinergic agents.
Many children requiring eye surgery receive eye drops.
ventilation with muscle relaxants, and coughing is
Knowledge of commonly used drugs and potential Postoperative nausea
reduced at the end of the surgery.
side effects is useful (See table 1). Medications may and vomiting is
be absorbed through the pharyngeal mucosa via the Intraocular surgery requires a still eye with low common after eye
nasolacrimal ducts to cause systemic effects, although intraocular pressure. The airway is best managed by surgery in children.
this is rarely a significant problem.2,3,4 intubation with paralysis and controlled ventilation.
Principles of pain relief and postoperative care Syringing and probing of nasolacrimal ducts
Pain after eye surgery is usually mild to moderate and can be Children with blocked nasolacrimal ducts will usually present early
managed with simple analgesics such as paracetamol, NSAIDS and in life with increased tearing. Most respond to probing of their
topical local anaesthetic agents. These may be given pre-emptively as nasolacrimal ducts, which is a short procedure for which an LMA
oral preparations preoperatively or rectally/IV at induction. will suffice.
Squint surgery, evisceration and vitreoretinal surgery is associated Should simple probing fail, the surgeon might place a silicone catheter
with more severe pain. Analgesia should include an opioid such as through the duct where it is secured for a few weeks. Alternatively the
fentanyl IV, paracetamol, NSAIDs, and topical local anaesthetic inferior turbinate bone may be fractured to relieve the obstruction.
if possible. Multimodal analgesia should be continued into the Dacrocystorhinostomy is a more extensive procedure that involves
postoperative period, with the addition of codeine phosphate or exposure of the duct and creation of a new opening into the nasal
tramadol, escalating to morphine if required. The use of opioids cavity.1
increases the risk of PONV and antiemetics are essential.
Anaesthetic considerations
PONV is extremely common after paediatric eye surgery, and The main problem is bleeding from the nasal mucosa:
for strabismus surgery can be as high as 60% if no prophylaxis is
Topical vasoconstrictors reduce bleeding from the nasal mucosa.
given. The combination of ondansetron 0.15mg.kg-1 IV , and
dexamethasone 0.1-0.2mg.kg-1 IV reduces PONV to 10% in Hypotensive anaesthesia may be required to reduce bleeding, for
strabismus surgery.20,21,22 It is wise to leave the IV cannula in place instance, relatively deep anaesthesia with moderate head up tilt.
postoperatively where PONV may be a problem so that further anti-
The airway should be protected from blood, ideally with a throat
emetics and IV fluids can be given.
pack, and the nasopharynx should be suctioned before
Ketamine is associated with emergence phenomena and the child extubation.
should be recovered in a quiet area with minimal stimulation.12 Opioids may be required for analgesia for this procedure.
Most paediatric eye procedures are treated as day cases and children Strabismus surgery
may resume oral intake as soon as they are able. Occasionally PONV Squint is a common problem that affects 3 5% of the population,
results in an unplanned overnight admission. making strabismus surgery the most commonly performed eye
operation in children. It affects males and females equally.
AND PROCEDURES Squints are usually idiopathic, but may also be secondary to
intracerebral space occupying lesions, trauma, infection or
EUA and measurement of IOP inflammation causing muscle palsies. Most patients are healthy,
For an examination of the eyes under anaesthesia, either an but occasionally squints may be associated with a family history,
inhalational or intravenous induction technique and airway prematurity, and disorders of the central nervous system such as
maintenance with a facemask will suffice. It may be technically easier cerebral palsy, hydrocephalus and myelomeningocoele. Patients
to place an LMA for a longer EUA. may have occult myopathies and there is a threefold increase in the
incidence of masseter spasm. Anecdotal evidence of an increased
Most anaesthetic agents decrease IOP, which may potentially mask
association with malignant hyperpyrexia remains unproven.2
a high IOP.
Squint correction is achieved by lengthening (recession), shortening
Some anaesthetists advocate the use of ketamine 12mg.kg-1 IV or
or tightening (resection) or transposition of any of the four rectus
510mg.kg-1 IM for IOP measurements, as it does not drop IOP.
and two oblique extra-ocular muscles, or combinations of any of the
Although it may slightly raise IOP, this may be safer than having a
falsely low reading. Ketamine increases secretions so should be given
with either atropine 20mcg.kg-1 IV or glycopyrolate 10mcg.kg-1 IV. Surgeons may use forced duction testing to distinguish a paretic
Airway reflexes are maintained and instrumentation of the airway is muscle from one that has restricted motion. Botulinum toxin may
rarely required.1,11,12 be injected into the extra-ocular muscle for minor abnormalities.
PONV is common postoperatively, up to 5075%. Give Cyclocryotherapy is the ablation of part of the ciliary body by a
two anti-emetic agents such as ondansetron 0.1mg.kg-1 IV and cryoprobe at - 60 to - 80 degrees Celsius to reduce the production
dexamethasone 0.1-0.2 mg.kg-1 IV.20,21,22 of aqueous humour.2
This presents two conflicting anaesthetic problems. First, the The oculocardiac reflex may be induced during eye surgery and
child may have a full stomach so a rapid sequence intubation with risks provoking dangerous bradycardias, which can be prevented
suxamethonium is indicated in order to prevent aspiration. Second, by premedicating with anticholinergic agents.
there is a need to protect the globe from a rise in IOP that could Postoperative nausea and vomiting is common after eye surgery
result in extrusion of the structures of the anterior chamber or the in children and might delay discharge if suitable prophylaxis is
vitreous humor. The transient rise in intraocular pressure produced not given.
by the use of suxamethonium could theoretically cause this.24
One approach recommends the use of a large dose of non- REFERENCES
Anaesthesia for paediatric eye surgery. Anaesthesia Tutorial of the Week
depolarising muscle relaxant (NDMR) and ventilation with
144 (2009). Available from: http://update.anaesthesiologists.org/wfsa-
cricoid pressure until intubating conditions are achieved, education-resources/tutorial-of-the-week/atotw-archive/Archive%20
providing the child has a normal airway.10 To t W / ATo T W % 2 0 A r t i c l e s % 2 0 2 0 0 9 / P a e d i a t r i c s / 1 4 4 % 2 0
Another view is that there have been no documented reports of Anaesthesia%20for%20paediatric%20eye%20surgery/detail
vitreous extrusion after the use of suxamethonium, and protection 1. James I. Anaesthesia for paediatric eye surgery. Continuing Education
of the airway is paramount;25 hence the use of suxamethonium in Anaesthesia, Critical Care and Pain 2008; 8: 5 10.
and a traditional rapid sequence induction is indicated. 2. Morrison A. Ophthalmology, plastics, oncology, radiology, thoracic,
and dental surgery. In: Doyle E, eds. Paediatric Anaesthesia. Oxford,
Other considerations include:
Oxford University Press. 2007: 298 307.
Crying, coughing and straining should be avoided; consider light
3. Steward DJ, Lerman J. Manual of Pediatric Anesthesia. Churchill
oral sedation and analgesia preoperatively.
Livingstone, 2001: 225 33.
Direct larygnoscopy of a poorly paralysed airway can cause 4. BNF for children. Notes on drugs and preparations: Eye. BMJ group,
coughing and bucking, whichever technique is used. RPS Publishing. 2008: 606 27.
Ellen Rawlinson
Correspondence Email: Ellen.Rawlinson@gosh.nhs.uk
Table 1: Syndromes and sequences associated with cleft lip and palate
Paediatric orthopaedics in low or middle income Neurological conditions: Cerebral palsy,
countries (LMIC) ranges from simple fractures spina bifida
(but often complicated by delayed presentation,
anaemia or nutritional deficiency), to chronic Auto-immune conditions: Juvenile
osteomyelitis and fracture non-union, to idiopathic arthritis (JIA)
complex elective procedures in children with Tumours: Sarcomas, osteochondromas
cerebral palsy. This article will consider the Paediatric orthopaedic
Rare congenital conditions: procedures range from fixing
spectrum of disorders encountered in paediatric
Osteogenesis imperfecta, neurofibromatosis, simple fractures in otherwise
orthopaedic surgery in LMICs, the orthopaedic healthy children to more
mucopolysaccharidosis (Hunters, Hurlers),
manifestations of specific conditions in complex procedures in
arthrogryposis multiplex.
childhood, specific orthopaedic procedures and patients with major
anaesthetic management of these conditions. co-morbidities. Anaesthetic
Practical aspects of regional anaesthesia are
dependent on the complexity
covered elsewhere in this issue of Update (page LMIC of the procedure as well as
99). Trauma the childs general health. Pain
relief is a particular challenge.
THE SPECTRUM OF DISORDERS SEEN IN Acute fractures and burns are common in
Regional anaesthesia
PAEDIATRIC ORTHOPAEDIC SURGERY children in LMIC and can be associated with plays a very important role
high morbidity. A high proportion of fractures in managing intra- and
Conditions can be considered under the
are treated non-surgically with traction or simple postoperative pain. Availability
following broad headings: of resources, training and
casting, with fracture manipulation under
safety are a major determinant
Trauma: Simple and complex fractures anaesthesia one of the most common paediatric of anaesthesia technique in
(acute or delayed), burns, polytrauma, orthopaedic procedures undertaken. Paediatric LMICs.
traumatic paraplegia, conflict related musculoskeletal impairment (MSI) has a
prevalence of 2.6-4.8% in children under 12 Tsitsi Madamombe
Common congenital conditions: Talipes years; angular limb deformity and fracture non/ Consultant paediatric
equinovarus (club foot), scoliosis and other mal-union are seen in a significant proportion anaesthetist,
congenital limb deformities, achondroplasia, of children presenting for elective surgery.1,2 University Hospital,
bone cysts Polytrauma and burns (acute and reconstructive Southampton
procedures) are challenging problems associated
Infections: Osteomyelitis (acute, untreated, Ollie Ross
with high mortality, which are considered
chronic), TB, poliomyelitis Consultant paediatric
elsewhere in this edition of Update [page 199
Developmental abnormalities: and 204]. University Hospital,
Developmental dysplasias of the hip
Congenital talipes equinovarus (clubfoot) Southampton
(congenital dislocation of the hip (CDH)),
Congenital talipes equinovarus (clubfoot)
Perthes disease, slipped upper femoral Jim Turner
seems to have a higher prevalence in developing Orthopaedic surgeon,
epiphysis (SUFE), idiopathic scoliosis
countries compared to elsewhere - for example, Beit Cure International
Neuromuscular conditions: Muscular the incidence of clubfoot in Malawi is 2 per Hospital,
dystrophies, progressive muscular atrophy, 1000 children, twice that of North America Blantyre
poliomyelitis, scoliosis and Europe.3,4 Although clubfoot programmes Malawi
Poor nutritional status, with potential for electrolyte Muscle spasms are a particular problem in children with
imbalance or anaemia spastic CP, and for this reason, regional techniques are strongly
recommended for intra-operative and postoperative analgesia,
Respiratory problems; poor respiratory reserve, sub-clinical
also to reduce opioid requirements. In children having
pulmonary aspiration from reflux, recurrent respiratory
extensive lower limb surgery, epidural analgesia is beneficial.11
tract infections, and chronic lung disease
Pain assessment can be challenging, but should not prevent the
Poor dentition; dental caries and loose teeth are common. anaesthetist seeking to provide good analgesia.
The potential for bacteraemia during airway
instrumentation has important implications for children Postoperatively, drooling can present problems, and frequent
receiving metal implants suctioning may be necessary. Aspiration of gastric contents
Peripheral neuropathies
Junctional Myasthenia Gravis
Eaton-Lambert Syndrome
Post-junctional Dystrophies Inflammatory myopathies
Myotonic dystrophy
Myotonia congenital
Other myopathies
Metabolic/mitochondrial disorders
may occur in children with pseudobulbar palsy. Children condition, also that they are realistic as to their expectations
with CP are commonly irritable on emergence, but it may be about surgery.
difficult to elicit the cause.
Assessing functional capacity during exercise is very useful,
Neuromuscular disorders as it will help identify to significant cardio- respiratory or
airway compromise. However, if the child is inactive this
Pre-operative assessment
may mask the severity of both respiratory and cardiac disease.
Children with significant neuromuscular conditions presenting
Formal sleep studies are often used to indicate the need for
for orthopaedic surgery usually have a clear diagnosis (see
non-invasive respiratory support postoperatively; overnight
table 2). If there is limited information, it is important to ask
oxygen saturation monitoring can also reveal useful clinical
how long the child has been weak, whether the weakness is
information. Children already established on non-invasive
stable or progressive, if the muscle weakness is associated with
ventilatory support can be safely anaesthetised; familiarity
fatigability and what limits activity. All major cases should be
with the particular device and current settings is essential
discussed with a neurologist or paediatrician before surgery. All
preoperatively (the parents are often expert). The device must
medication should be continued preoperatively, and restarted
be available for immediate use as the child wakes after surgery.
as soon as possible after surgery.
Progressive degeneration of cardiac muscle fibres, resulting in
Anaesthetic assessment should include current status, airway,
conduction defects and cardiomyopathy occurs in DMD; this
cardio-respiratory and any other system disorders. The
occurs in later adolescence and is managed in the early phase
principal anaesthetic risks relate to the airway, respiratory
with ACE inhibitors. Friedrichs ataxia is also associated with
impairment, poor myocardial function, gastro-oesophageal
reflux, abnormal drug reactions (principally MH), and excess
bleeding in certain myopathies (e.g. Duchenne muscular
Dysphagia and decreased gastric motility are common.
dystrophy, DMD). Investigations are best undertaken in
consultation with respiratory paediatricians and/or paediatric Review of previous anaesthetics is useful but does not mean
cardiologists if available. The family should be counselled to subsequent anaesthetics will be problem-free, for instance,
make sure that they are aware of the prognosis of the specific relating to airway or respiratory events. Previous uneventful
Children with neuromuscular diseases have increased Application of hip spica casts
sensitivity to non-depolarizing neuromuscular blocking drugs. Spica casts create stability and immobilise femoral fractures
The use of a nerve stimulator and short acting neuromuscular and hip abnormalities. Anaesthesia is usually required to apply
blocking agents is recommended. Suxamethonium must NOT
be used. In the channelopathies, there may be a dramatic rise in
serum potassium in response to suxamethonium.14 Malignant
hyperpyrexia (MH) and anaesthesia-induced rhabdomyolysis
(AIR) may also be precipitated. The only conditions shown to
have a definite link to MH are King-Denborough syndrome,
central core disease and Evans myopathy. Patients with other
neuromuscular conditions have shown MH-like symptoms
under general anaesthesia but the link with true MH remains
Children presenting for muscle biopsy have a 10-20% chance
of a positive finding and around half of these have a diagnosis
of muscular dystrophy. In these circumstances, avoid volatile
agents and use total intravenous anaesthesia (TIVA) or spinal
anaesthesia with sedation in preference. Figure 3. Ponseti casts in a hospital in Nepal
N S Morton
Correspondence Email: neilmorton@mac.com
PART 1: CAUSES AND ASSESSMENT The larynx is funnel shaped and is narrowest at the
Opening and maintaining the airway is fundamental level of the cricoid ring compared with the cylindrical
to the treatment of all emergency situations in adult conformation, which is narrowest at the level of
paediatrics, as in adults. All resuscitation algorithms the vocal cords. The airway is more compressible as
start with ABC (Airway, Breathing, Circulation) and cartilage support components are less well developed.
must be qualified in trauma to include cervical spine Thus, extrinsic pressure from haematomas, neoplasms,
Summary control. The commonest cause of paediatric airway vessels or enlarged heart chambers may more readily
obstruction is still the child with depressed conscious compress the airway. The collapse of the laryngeal
There are anatomical, level who is not positioned properly or whose airway inlet during inspiration is a feature of laryngomalacia
physiological and is not opened adequately by Basic Life Support and the collapse of the trachea and/or bronchi during
developmental reasons for manoeuvres. Airway foreign bodies are also common expiration occurs in tracheo-bronchomalacia. If the
children to be particularly
and may need rapid intervention. The pattern of intrathoracic airways are narrowed from whatever
susceptible to airway
infective causes of airway obstruction has changed cause, the extra work of inspiration and of expiration
since the introduction of vaccination programmes leads to large swings in intrathoracic pressure and the
Rapid clinical assessment, against Haemophilus influenzae type B. There has been a potential for gas trapping and hyperinflation behind
minimal disturbance, marked reduction in the incidence of epiglottitis, with a the obstructed airway causing further compression of
and rapid intervention
relative predominance now of viral croup and bacterial small airways. During forced expiration efforts, the
are important. Summon
senior experienced help if
tracheitis, usually caused by Staphylococcus aureus. intrathoracic airways may collapse down exacerbating
available. the gas trapping effect.
Why are children at increased risk from airway
Hyperinflation and gas trapping also impair the
function of the diaphragm which is unable to contract
There are anatomical, physiological and developmental
so efficiently from its optimal length. In infants the
reasons for children to be particularly susceptible to
diaphragm has a smaller proportion of contractile
airway obstruction.
elements and fewer fatigue resistant muscle fibres. The
The nares, upper and lower airways are smaller in rib cage is cartilaginous and more compliant, so the
absolute terms in children. Resistance to air-flow (and diaphragm anchor points are more mobile, leading
thus the work of breathing) increases during quiet, to wasted inspiratory work and the clinical sign of
laminar flow breathing in inverse proportion to the recession of the chest wall. The chest wall shape in
fourth power of the radius. A small decrease in radius cross-section is circular in the infant compared with the
of the airway increases markedly the resistance to eliptical shape in the older child and the ribs are attached
breathing. This is even more noticeable during crying perpendicular to the vertebral column compared with
when air-flow is turbulent as resistance is then related the acute angle of attachment in the older child. This
to the fifth power of the radius. An example of this means that the contribution of the bucket-handle
amplification effect in the upset child is to compare the movement of the rib cage to inspiration is minimal
increase in airway resistance when the airway narrows in small infants and also the elastic recoil effect is
from 4mm to 2mm: in the quiet child the airway much less during expiration. The intercostal muscles
resistance increases 16-fold but when the child cries and accessory muscles of inspiration are also less well
the increase is 32-fold. developed. Thus, the small infant is very reliant on the
diaphragms contribution to inspiration and thus has
The infant has a relatively large tongue and the
Neil S Morton few reserves when work of breathing has to increase.
larynx is situated relatively high in the neck, with the
Reader in Anaesthesia, This is on top of the already high basal demands placed
epiglottis at the level of C1 at birth, C3 in the infant
Royal Hospital for on the infant respiratory system by the higher rate of
and C6 from puberty. The laryngeal inlet appears to
Sick Children metabolism in early life.
lie more anteriorly because of its high position. In
Glasgow the infant, the epiglottis is long and omega shaped The small absolute size of airways in children means
UK and angled away from the long axis of the trachea. that secretions, small airway constriction, oedema or
Anaphylactoid reactions
Intervention OBSTRUCTION
to Buy
YES humidity
Foreign Basic
Body Life
Aspirations Support
Intubation Endotracheal
Protocol Intubation
Inhalation of a foreign body (FB) is a potentially life
threatening event, with boys in the age range 1 to 3
years most at risk. Clinical features of FB inhalation
vary from acute upper airway obstruction to pneumonia
due to distal airway collapse, depending on where the
Summary FB becomes impacted in the airway and when the child
presents. This article will discuss common presentations
1. The clinical effect of of FB inhalation, and a suggested technique to remove
an inhaled foreign body the FB safely.
depends where the foreign
body becomes impacted
most small foreign bodies Figure 1. Back blows in a choking infant with a FB above
pass into the distal airway,
The clinical features of inhaled FB depend on the size
and nature of the FB, and where it becomes impacted the vocal cords
but larger objects may
become impacted in the in the airway. Resistance to gas flow in the airway is The vocal cords are the narrowest part of the airway in
supraglottic area to cause related to the fourth power of the radius, so a small the child - in the majority of children who inhale a FB
choking, or in the trachea to reduction in airway radius in a child will result in a and reach hospital, the FB has passed between the vocal
cause severe airway distress. large increase in resistance to airflow. Inhalation of cords to a distal main bronchus (usually right main
2. Children often inhale an organic FB may result in airway hyperreactivity bronchus). Occasionally, the FB becomes impacted in
foodstuff such as peanuts and mucosal oedema. The occurrence of oedema in the larynx or in the trachea:
organic foreign bodies can addition to the physical presence of the FB results in
cause airway oedema and a rapid increase in airway resistance. Coupled with Signs and symptoms of laryngeal or tracheal obstruction:
hyperreactivity, which may the high oxygen consumption of infants and small Cough
be worsened by anaesthetic children, hypoxia may occur rapidly if the FB is
gases. Topical lignocaine to lodged in a major airway. Choking
the airway assists smooth
anaesthesia. Respiratory distress
3. A foreign body may Presentation may be acute in the case of a supraglottic Cyanosis, desaturation
become impacted distally FB or FB in a major airway, or more insidious if the Stridor
or exert a ball valve effect FB is distal and presentation is delayed. The signs and
to allow inflation but not Tachypnoea.
symptoms depend on the position of the FB in the
deflation. For this reason, you
must maintain spontaneous
airway. Sign and symptoms due to obstruction of a main
ventilation, and allow rigid The history may help in the diagnosis, for example bronchus:
bronchoscopy prior to sudden onset of respiratory distress while playing Respiratory distress
intubation. with small objects. A child who is actively coughing
after a witnessed choking event has a supraglottic Tachypnoea
FB and should be managed according to choking Wheeze
P Dix
algorithms - encourage the child to cough to clear
Consultant Anaesthetist Absent breath sounds on the affected side.
the obstruction, use alternating back blows and
V Pribul, chest thrusts (abdominal thrusts in the older child), If the FB is small and has lodged in a distal airway, there
Anaesthetic Registrar or standard CPR if the child becomes unconscious may be no clinical findings during the acute phase, even
Royal Devon and Exeter (see Figure 1 and Paediatric Resuscitation article p following a clear history of FB inhalation. Air trapping
NHS Foundation Trust 265). It is essential to intervene early children with might be seen on a chest X-ray on expiratory films, due
Exeter untreated airway obstruction due to a supraglottic FB to a ball valve effect. Initially an air bronchogram
UK do not often survive to reach hospital. may be seen, with later evidence of atelectasis distal
A rigid bronchoscope should be prepared, and the anaesthetist should
be familiar with the equipment available locally.
Rigid bronchoscopy has several clear advantages:
Complete airway control
Better view of the bronchial tree
Larger channels through which to pass instruments and withdraw
Figure 2. Hyperlucent appearance of the right lung on this expiratory chest In older children, the rigid bronchoscope only allows limited access
Xray demonstrates air trapping from a foreign body lodged in the right main to the upper lobes and more distal airways.
bronchus. Image reproduced with kind permission of the Department of
Radiology, Virginia Commonwealth University Medical Center, from www. Two types of rigid bronchoscope are available. The older Negus
pedsradiology.com bronchoscope is the original rigid bronchoscope, and has a tapered
You should consider FB aspiration in every child presenting with cough
or stridor. The differential diagnosis includes infective causes such as: The Stortz ventilating bronchoscope is the most commonly used rigid
bronchoscope. It is available in a variety of sizes and lengths from
Croup (viral infection typical barking cough with stridor and 2.5mm internal diameter. It has a side port to which the anaesthetic
respiratory distress as a late complication), breathing circuit can be attached to provide anaesthesia during airway
Acute epiglottitis (Haemophilus influenza type B infection causes examination (see Figure 2). This allows safe examination of all children,
supraglottic cellulitis with severe sore throat, fever, toxic, muffled including neonates.
voice and drooling),
Acute tracheitis (Staphylococcal infection child toxic, unwell).
Peanut oil is particularly irritant to the airways and can cause local
mucosal oedema as well as a chemical pneumonitis picture, which may
be the only presenting factor. A FB in the upper part of the oesophagus
(hypopharynx) may present with respiratory distress due to external
compression of the trachea.
Bronchoscopy is performed under general anaesthesia. The anaesthetic
machine and other equipment should be checked, especially suction
equipment. A range of sizes of tracheal tubes should be available,
in case intubation is required urgently. Airway oedema reduces the
tracheal diameter and a smaller tube than usual may be required
prepare a range of sizes.
Monitoring including pulse oximetry, ECG, non-invasive blood
pressure, and capnography should be applied. Intravenous access Figure 5. Use of a cannula to administer topical lignocaine
should be secured prior to induction. If the child is distressed this can Spontaneous ventilation should be maintained if possible, although
be performed immediately after induction. occasionally you might need to use gentle mask ventilation.
A senior anaesthetist and ENT surgeon should be present at induction, Aggressive positive ventilation increases the risk of hyperinflation
along with the most skilled anaesthetic assistant available. Good and pneumothorax if the FB is exerting a ball valve effect, allowing
communication between all members of staff is vital with an agreed inflation but not expiration. Positive pressure ventilation is also likely
plan for how the case will proceed. We recommend inhalational to dislodge the FB distally. For this reason muscle relaxants are avoided.
induction using either sevoflurane or halothane in 100% oxygen. After induction, site a cannula if it is not already in place, and
There is much debate about the relative advantages of halothane and discontinue nitrous oxide if used. Wait until the child is deeply
sevoflurane: anaesthetized before laryngoscopy. This can take a long time due to
Advantages of sevoflurane: the reduced airflow. Apply topical lignocaine to the larynx and trachea
as described above (maximum dose 4mg.kg-1) if possible apply the
Less airway irritation
lignocaine to the cords and also between the cords. Rigid bronchoscopy
Greater cardiovascular stability. Arrhythmias are a potential can be performed after a few minutes.
Mark Newton
Correspondence Email: mark.w.newton@Vanderbilt.Edu
Paediatric emergency general surgery in Sub- signs of severe illness, and careful preoperative
Sahara Africa has a high morbidity and mortality assessment and resuscitation is essential. Severe
with multiple contributing factors. Delayed pre-existing metabolic abnormalities, including
Summary presentation and diagnosis, hospital stays acidosis and dehydration, will be a challenge
elongated by postoperative complications, and for any anaesthesia care provider, but in an
Emergency surgery for bowel the lack of appropriate paediatric intensive care environment with limited anaesthesia, surgery
obstruction in children
facilities all contribute to the overall mortality and intensive care resources, the challenges are
presents many challenges
for the anaesthesia of this surgical population. The mortality in the even greater.
care provider. Delayed neonates (less than 6 months) is even higher.
This article will review the pathophysiology of
presentation and sepsis have The following paediatric abdominal surgical intra-abdominal emergencies in children; how to
a profound physiological emergencies were documented in a case series
impact on many organ construct an anaesthesia plan for such patients;
from a teaching hospital in southeastern Nigeria, intraoperative and postoperative problems; and
systems. Hospital stays
elongated by postoperative and provide a description of the typical paediatric typical case presentations. We hope to provide
complications, and the lack surgical practice in sub-Saharan Africa:1 a greater understanding of general surgical
of appropriate paediatric emergencies in children, and to assist with the
intensive care facilities %workload management of these challenging patients.
also contribute to the high
Typhoid intestinal
morbidity and mortality
of this surgical population. perforation (TIP) 19 PATHOPHYSIOLOGY OF BOWEL
Mortality in neonates is even OBSTRUCTION
Intussusception 17
higher. The normal bowel contains gas and the sum of
Children have a great reserve Obstructed hernia 15 food and salivary, gastric, biliary, pancreatic,
and ability to heal but also and intestinal secretions. Intrinsic or extrinsic
the potential for sudden Neonatal intestinal obstruction 10 blockage of the small bowel leads to accumulation
decompensation. Good of secretions that dilate the intestine proximal
Appendicitis 10
outcomes rely on meticulous
to the obstruction. Patients with delayed
perioperative planning, Trauma 7
proper training, equipment, presentation may have a diminished oral intake
and basic supplies. A Ruptured omphalocele/ for many hours, and perhaps even days or
team approach involving gastroschisis 7 weeks, but intestinal secretions continue so that
the nurses, laboratory the bowel remains full of fluid. Vomiting is an
technicians, paediatricians Hirschsprungs disease 6 important sign of obstructed bowel in children;
and surgeons is essential. the nature of the fluid vomited will suggest
Adhesive bowel obstruction 6
the level of the obstruction. Green coloured
Mark Newton Malrotation 4 bilious vomiting is characteristic of small bowel
Vanderbilt University, obstruction.
Department of
The incidence of typhoid perforation varies If the intraluminal pressure of the obstructed
Anesthesiology and
between regions; it follows infection with bowel exceeds the capillary and venous pressure
Pediatrics (USA)
AIC Kijabe Hospital, Salmonella typhi, the usual source of infection in the bowel wall, intestinal absorption and
Department of being contaminated water supplies. lymphatic drainage decreases and the bowel
Anesthesiology (Kenya) Patients frequently present late, often with may become ischaemic; this is a dangerous
Age Group Heart Rate, Heart Rate, Respiratory Rate, Leukocyte Count, Systolic Blood
Beats/Min Beats/Min Breaths/Min Leukocytes x Pressure, mmHg
Tachycardia Bradycardia
0 days to 1 wk >180 <100 >50 >34 <65
1 wk to 1 mo >180 <100 >40 >19.5 or < 5 <75
1 mo to 1 yr >180 <90 >34 >17.5 or < 5 <100
2-5 yrs >140 N/A >22 >15.5 or < 6 <94
6-12 yrs >130 N/A >18 >13.5 or < 4.5 <105
13 to <18 yrs >130 N/A >14 >11 or < 4.5 <117
Trauma is one of the leading causes of death and muscles, this makes them vulnerable to head
disability in children. The aetiology of injury injury following trauma. The open fontanelles
varies with age and children with serious head and sutures also predispose infants to a higher
trauma often have multiple injuries. The most incidence of subdural haematoma. Primarily
common mechanism for head injuries globally for social reasons the causation varies with age;
is from motor vehicle collisions, and in the toddlers frequently suffer head injuries from SUMMARY
developing world the incidence is increasing falls, while older children suffer head injuries Trauma is one of the leading
dramatically. The presentation of head injury from road traffic collisions and sports related causes of death and disability
varies with the severity of the insult ranging from injuries. Non-accidental injury must always be in children. Children with
considered, particularly in infants. serious head trauma often
an altered level of consciousness to deep coma.
have multiple injuries. Early
Early identification and proper management identification and proper
of these patients greatly affects the outcome. Cerebral blood flow
management of these
Survivors of severe traumatic brain injury in Normally, cerebral blood flow is maintained at a patients greatly affects the
childhood unfortunately are frequently left with constant level to meet the metabolic demands of outcome.
significant behavioural, cognitive, emotional and the brain over a wide range of blood pressure by This article covers
physical challenges. the process of autoregulation. The autoregulation pathophysiology of head
range is not known in infants and children, but is injury in children; assessment
and immediate management;
PATHOPHYSIOLOGY likely to be around 40-90mmHg. anaesthesia for neurosurgical
Anatomy Cerebral autoregulation is impaired by acute management; and principles
of postoperative care in PICU.
Children have a disproportionately larger brain injury; in this situation, cerebral blood
and heavier head and relatively weak neck flow follows cerebral perfusion pressure passively.
Paul Downie
Department of Anaesthetics,
Gloucester Royal Hospital,
Gregor Pollach
Department of Anaesthetics,
College of Medicine,
University of Malawi
Consider advanced airway management in unconscious It is important to consider factors that may affect the assessment
patients who cannot protect their airway and also in children of pupils:
with hypo- or hyper- ventilation and significant injuries to the Any pre-existing irregularity with the pupils, for example
head, neck and thorax. cataracts, false eye or previous eye injury
Use arterial blood gas analysis to assess the oxygenation, Any other factors that can cause pupillary dilation, for
ventilation and acid base, and electrolyte status. example medications including atropine and
sympathomimetic drugs (adrenaline) and direct trauma
Circulation and control of obvious external bleeding
(traumatic mydriasis)
Assess the haemodynamic status of the child first by feeling
for arterial pulsation. Use the brachial artery in small children Any pre-existing factors that can cause pupillary
and the carotid in older children. Avoid palpating both carotid constriction, for example medications including narcotics
arteries at once as this may cause cerebral hypoperfusion. and topical beta-blockers.
Treat hypotension actively, obtain venous access as an early
The best guide to the severity of head injury is the conscious
priority and collect blood samples for full blood count,
state and the Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS), which allows the
electrolytes and group and save. Rule out any potential sources
conscious state to be quantified. The score is decided on the
of external bleeding - an isolated head injury will not cause
patients best responses. Note that:
The GCS may be falsely low if one of the following is
As discussed above, a higher than normal blood pressure present: shock, hypoxia, hypothermia, intoxication, post-
should be maintained to ensure adequate cerebral perfusion. ictal state or sedative drug administration
Use normal saline or Ringers for initial resuscitation. Give an
initial bolus of 10ml.kg-1, repeat if hypotension persists. Avoid The GCS may be impossible to evaluate accurately if the
over hydration and anaemia. Ensure a haemoglobin >7g.dl-1 patient is agitated, uncooperative, dysphasic, intubated or
for adequate oxygen delivery. Look out for active bleeding and has significant facial or spinal cord injuries
prevent any further blood losses. It should be repeated regularly every 15 minutes, as rapid
deterioration may occur
Assess the neurological status of the patient quickly using the The GCS is an important tool, but should be used in
AVPU scale. conjunction with a full neurological assessment to assess
the childs neurological state.
The modified paediatric GCS is the standard tool for the
Responds to Verbal stimuli
assessment of a childs neurological status over time. The
Responds to Painful stimuli trend in the level of the consciousness is more important than
Unresponsive a single value. (See Table 1 below). A GCS of 15 indicates
no neurological disability and GCS of 3 means a deeply
Assess pupil size, equality and responses to light alongside the unconscious patient. All children with GCS less than 8 should
AVPU as this can give clues that an intracranial haemorrhage be intubated and ventilated (see below).
is present, and can help guide surgical management. Exposure
The pupils should be equal in size and round. Abnormal Expose the child to allow head to toe and back examination.
shapes may indicate cerebral damage; oval shape could indicate Do this cautiously to avoid hypothermia, i.e. in a cool
intracranial hypertension. environment, keep the child covered when possible. Treat
any injuries immediately they are discovered. Note that Nausea and vomiting (children may vomit 2 or 3 times,
scalp lacerations may result in significant blood loss. If the even after a minor head injury)
child remains cardiovascularly unstable and requires volume
Clinical course prior to consultation - stable, deteriorating,
resuscitation, consider other sites of blood loss, for instance,
chest, abdomen, pelvis or major limb fracture. Specifically
look for: Other injuries sustained.
Lacerations, bruising and deformity of the face and scalp. Even in the heat of a major trauma, always seek a history.
Be aware that scalp lacerations may result in significant Especially in children, it could be that the injury might be not
blood loss the reason for the coma, but vice versa. A child with cerebral
Signs of base of skull fractures which include: malaria or meningitis may become unconscious and then
subsequently fall.
- Bleeding or leakage of cerebrospinal fluid from ear or
haemotympanum Radiological investigations
- Periorbital bruising (racoon eyes) and bruising Consider the following investigations in patients presenting
around the mastoid (Battles sign) with traumatic head injury (see Table 2):
Age over 1 year: Glasgow coma score <14 on assessment on initial assessment
Age under 1 year: Glasgow coma score paediatric <15 on assessment on initial management
Age under 1 year and presence of bruise, swelling, or laceration (>5 cm) on the head
Abnormal drowsiness
Confusion or aggression
Mannitol in doses of 0.5 to 1g.kg-1 may be used intravenously Table 3. Outcomes after paediatric head injury
at 6 hourly intervals with monitoring of serum osmolality (aim
to keep serum osmolality under 320mOsmol.kg-1). Mannitol is Early complications
contraindicated if any of the following is present: Transient cortical blindness
Serum osmolality is >330mOsmol.kg -1
The patient is hypotensive
Cranial Nerve palsy
The patient is known to be in renal failure.
Diabetes insipidus
Rapid boluses of mannitol can transiently increase ICP by
causing transient systemic hypertension and should be avoided. Syndrome of inappropriate secretion of ADH
Mannitol also has a theoretical risk of enlarging a haematoma Cortical venous occlusion
by rapid shrinkage of brain and tearing of bridging veins.
Temperature control Late complications
Body temperature has an important effect on cerebral
blood flow. For every 1C increase in body temperature, Post traumatic epilepsy
there is a 5% increase in cerebral metabolic rate leading to Post traumatic aneurysm
an increase in cerebral blood flow and intracranial pressure. Meningitis
In children with head injury, avoid pyrexia (>37.6C), and
aim for normothermia or moderate hypothermia. Excessive Hydrocephalus
hypothermia (< 33C) has been shown to increase mortality. Memory loss
In patients with refractory ICP induced hypothermia may be
used as a last resort, however clinical studies have shown this
to be of no benefit. Muscle contractures
ICU mortality in paediatric severe traumatic brain injury is 2. Khilnani P. Management of paediatric head injury. India J Crit
slightly lower than in adult practice. Children younger than Care Med 2004; 8: 85-92.
4 years of age have been reported to have poor prognosis
3. Dykes E. Paediatric trauma. Br J Anaesth 1999; 83: 130-8.
similar to adults while better outcomes have been reported
in 5 to 15 year age group. Unfortunately in many survivors 4. Haque I, Zaritsky A. Pediatr Crit Care Med 2007; 8:138 144.
there are significant neurocognitive, educational and social
consequences. The GCS at 24hrs remains the strongest 5. Verive M et al. Paediatric head trauma. Medscape 2012 http://
predictor of outcome. emedicine.medscape.com/article/907273-overview (accessed
4th October 2014.
The improvement in outcomes from traumatic head injury 6. Alterman D et al. Considerations in paediatric trauma.
over the past decade has been achieved by strict attention Medscape 2011. http://emedicine.medscape.com/
article/435031-overview (accessed 4th October 2014).
to physiology, a protocolised approach to treatment and
underlying improvements in critical care. In well-resourced 7. Clayton TJ et al. Reduction in mortality from severe head injury
countries the focus is on centralised care allowing more following introduction of a protocol for intensive care
invasive monitoring particularly of ICP. Unfortunately in less management Br. J. Anaesth. 2004; 93: 761-67.
well-resourced countries the burden of road traffic collisions is
increasing, but with the application of applied physiology one 8. Crouchman M et al. A practical outcome scale for paediatric
would still expect to make an impact on outcomes. head injury. Arch Dis Child 2001; 84: 1204.
1 Death
2 Vegetative
The child is breathing spontaneously and may have sleep/wake cycles. He may have non-purposeful or reflex movements
of limbs or eyes. There is no evidence of ability to communicate verbally or non-verbally or to respond to commands.
3 Severe disability
(a) The child is at least intermittently able to move part of the body/eyes to command or make purposeful spontaneous
(a) The child is mostly independent but needs a degree of supervision/actual help for physical or behavioural problems
(b) The child is age-appropriately independent but has residual problems with learning/behaviour or neurological sequelae
affecting function.
5 Good recovery
(a) This should only be assigned if the head injury has resulted in a new condition that does not interfere with the childs
well being and/or functioning.
Major haemorrhage is the single most common The blood volume of a child can be estimated
cause of cardiac arrest during surgery in using the following formulae:
children.1 Problems arise as blood loss is often
Neonate 90 ml.kg-1
SUMMARY underestimated, venous access is inadequate,
there is not enough help, or the child develops Child 80 ml.kg-1
Major haemorrhage is the
commonest cause of cardiac electrolyte imbalance (hyperkalaemia, Adult 70 ml.kg-1
arrest during surgery in hypocalcaemia) or coagulopathy.1 Hypothermia
children. Problems include: is a particular challenge in major haemorrhage The weight of the child will be known already in
- underestimate of blood in children. a child undergoing elective surgery; in the case of
loss trauma the weight of the child can be estimated
- inadequate venous access
This article will consider a practical approach to using a Broselow tape, paediatric growth chart
- insufficient help
management of major haemorrhage in a child (use the 50th centile for age); or using the
from both a clinical and logistical point of view. following formula:
- electrolyte imbalance
(hyperkalaemia, Effective teamwork and communication is an
hypocalcaemia) essential part of this process.2 Weight = (age +4) x 2
- coagulopathy It is recommended that each hospital develop
- hypothermia CLINICAL ASPECTS a major haemorrhage protocol for adults and
We consider a practical Major haemorrhage may be seen in children in for children; as soon as a diagnosis of major
approach to management the following situations:1,2,3,4 haemorrhage has been made, the child should
of major haemorrhage in
be treated according to the major haemorrhage
a child from both a clinical Road traffic accidents
and logistical point of view. protocol as outlined below:2,4
Effective teamwork and Civil conflict or war (penetrating injuries,
Immediate actions for a child presenting
communication is essential. typically gunshot wounds)
to the hospital with a diagnosis of major
Major surgery (neurosurgery, spinal, cardiac haemorrhage after trauma:
or tumour surgery)
Stop the bleeding by applying direct pressure,
Stephen Bree Associated with an underlying disorder of a tourniquet or by packing the wound.
Consultant coagulation.
Give oxygen.
Paediatric Anaesthetist,
The magnitude of blood loss is typically
Military of Defence Obtain IV access; ideally two large bore IV
Hospital Unit,
underestimated in smaller children. All sources
cannulae, the size depending on the age
Derriford, of blood loss must be estimated by direct
of the child, or central access (femoral vein or
UK observation, also from the clinical signs and
internal jugular). Intra-osseous access is
symptoms displayed by the child.
effective and can be used to help establish
Isabeau Walker
There are a number of definitions of major perfusion but the IO needle is likely to
haemorrhage; a pragmatic definition is when become dislodged, so should only be used as
Paediatric Anaesthetist
Great Ormond Street 1-1.5 times the blood volume needs to be a temporary measure. Do not repeat IO access
Hospital NHS infused acutely, or within a 24-hour period.1 The at the same site, as there is a risk of
Foundation Trust, estimated blood volume of the child must be extravasation. Do not attempt sternal IO
UK calculated. access in children.
A scribe should be designated early on to record all 4. Bree S, Wood K, Nordmann GR, McNichols J. The Paediatric
interventions and products / drugs given until the tempo Transfusion Challenge on Deployed Operations. J R Army Med
has settled down. Corps 2010; 156 4: S361364.
Figure 1: Estimating Percentage Total Body Surface Area in Children Affected by Burns
The principles of trauma management in paediatric
patients are the same as those that apply to adults COAGULOPATHY
who have been involved in trauma. These principles
are those taught in courses such as Advanced Trauma
Life Support (ATLS), European Trauma Course and
Summary Primary Trauma Care.
Is there a temporary automatic emergency power supply in How many nurses do you have available to work on the
case of power failure? PICU?
What equipment is available? Are they local staff? Are they trained? Do you have links
There are many pieces of equipment to consider, but we think with any other institutions to assist with training?
these are the most important:
Are the staff dedicated to the PICU, or are they required to
Patient cardio-respiratory monitors, including pulse cross cover for another area? A nurse is required to look
oximeters, one per patient bed space after the child at the bedside, and another is required as a
Patient charts to record observations runner
Airway equipment, including facemasks, oral airways, Who will be the key people in the hospital/community/
tracheal tubes country that are going to move this project forward?
Figure 2. Bubble CPAP in the ICU of the Dhaka Hospital of It is essential that the review and subsequent decision is
ICDDR,B clearly documented in the medical notes.
No need for a physician to intubate the patient The WHO definition of shock is as follows1:
Stiff neck
Signs of trauma
Abnormal posture
Discharge/redness in ear
severe, prolonged and frequent compared to diarrhoea in A child who presents with dehydration is likely to be acidotic,
the non-malnourished child. Close monitoring in PICU which can cause tachypnoea. Under these circumstances, it
may be necessary to treat life-threatening consequences of can be difficult to differentiate increased respiratory rate due
gastroenteritis such as severe dehydration and electrolyte to pneumonia, or acidosis, or both. The following approach is
abnormalities, especially in children with severe acute suggested:
malnutrition (SAM).
Rehydrate the child in the first 4-6 hours using IV/oral
Differential diagnosis of children who present severely unwell fluids according to the type of dehydration present
with diarrhoea:
Then continue respiratory rate monitoring according to
Acute watery diarrhoea: the standard WHO pneumonia guidelines1
Perform a chest radiograph after full hydration to confirm/
Dysentery e.g. shigella. exclude the diagnosis of pneumonia
Persistent diarrhoea >14 days. Note: Do not delay antibiotics during the rehydration
process in a child with suspected sepsis.
Diarrhoea with severe malnutrition
Pneumonia in children with severe acute malnutrition
Diarrhoea secondary to recent antibiotic use (SAM)
Intussusception. Severe malnutrition significantly increases the risk of death
from pneumonia. Clinical signs are relatively poor predictors
Take a careful history, including the frequency and number
of pneumonia in malnourished children, so you may fail to
of days of diarrhoea, the presence of blood, and any relevant
diagnose pneumonia if using standard WHO criteria.
infectious history. Assessment and management of dehydration
is described in Table 5. Common bacterial pathogens: S. aureus, enteric Gram
Pneumonia in children with dehydrating diarrhoea negative bacilli, particularly K. pneumoniae and E. coli;
Gram positive bacteria such as S. pneumoniae and H.
The clinical classification of pneumonia based on the diagnostic influenza
criteria according to WHO1 should be carefully evaluated in
children presenting with dehydrating diarrhoea caused by Give routine broad-spectrum antibiotics in children with
Vibrio cholerae, Enterotoxigenic E Coli (ETEC) or rotavirus. severe malnutrition.
Electrolyte abnormalities in children with 2.5 times greater in children with hyponatraemia compared to
gastroenteritis those with normal plasma sodium.
Add sodium to the diet If IV fluids are required for above conditions, give 0.9%
saline 20ml.kg-1 IV over 2 hours, then continue with ORS.
If the child needs IV fluid for other indications (such as
paralytic ileus, dehydration with persistent vomiting), give Potassium
0.9% NaCl The normal plasma potassium is 3.5-5.3mmol.l-1. The
symptoms of hypokalaemia and hyperkalemia are similar:
If serum sodium <120mmol.l-1, child symptomatic (i.e.
convulsions): Lethargy
Give 3% NaCl (12ml.kg-1 over 4 hours IV, maximum Abdominal distension with ileus
If serum sodium < 110mmol.L , irrespective of presence or
8.4% Sodium bicarbonate: 1 to 2mmol.kg-1 over 3 - 5 Fever with no obvious focus of infection
minutes IV: No features of meningitis
- Increases pH and shifts potassium into the cells
Inability to feed
- Effect begins in 5 - 15 minutes, lasts for 1 to 2 hours
- Bicarbonate causes precipitation of calcium; flush the Convulsions
IV line between drugs
Lethargy and disorientation
Insulin and glucose: dextrose 0.5 g.kg-1 IV + insulin 0.3
unit per gram of dextrose over 30 minutes. Be sure to check Persistent vomiting
a blood sugar in 30 minutes to assure the patient does not
develop hypoglycemia. Rose spots on the abdominal wall
- Use if other measures fail Hepatosplenomegaly and a distended and tender abdomen.
- E.g. for a 5.0kg child: 2.5g of glucose (25ml 10% or
10ml 25% dextrose) + 1.5 unit (5 x 0.3) insulin Complications
Mild hyponatremia and hypokalaemia are common
Calcium resonium: 1g.kg-1 PO or PR
- Binds potassium in the gut and permanently removes Enteric encephalopathy is seen in 10-30% of cases of
- Contraindicated in patients with diarrhoea, severe enteric fever, and presents with altered consciousness,
hypovolaemia or uraemia since it may precipitate disorientation, confusion and delirium, mainly in children
colonic necrosis and young adults. The case fatality from enteric
encephalopathy is high. A positive Widal test for typhoid
Furosemide: 1-2mg.kg-1 effective in only those patients fever, leucopenia, and severe dehydration are predictors of
that have renal function and native urine output encephalopathy
Each year approximately 11 million children are also included in this edition of Update in
die before reaching the age of five, 99% from Anaesthesia (pages 264 and 269).
low- and middle-income countries (LMIC).1-3
Three-quarters of deaths are from preventable or PRINCIPLES OF MANAGEMENT OF THE
treatable causes such as pneumonia, diarrhoea, SERIOUSLY ILL CHILD
SUMMARY In order to recognise the child who is unwell it
malaria, and measles. Children can become
Use the ABC approach unwell very quickly, and the outcome from cardiac is important to know the normal physiological
to assess and treat the arrest in a child is poor, so early recognition and values for different age groups, signs of critical
seriously ill child illness, and how children compensate for serious
treatment of the seriously ill child is vital. In the
Normal physiological developed world the recognition, assessment illness. It is important to be prepared to receive a
values vary by age critically ill child to your facility, to understand
and management of the seriously ill child has
If the physiological improved following the introduction of courses the principles of triage and the ABC approach
values are normal, this such as Advanced Paediatric Life Support4 to assessment and treatment.
does not always mean
the child is well
(APLS) in the UK and Paediatric Advanced Life The normal values of heart rate, respiratory rate
Support5 (PALS) in the US, and these courses and systolic blood pressure are shown in Table
Children can
compensate for serious
are now often mandatory for clinicians working 1.12
illness effectively, which with children.
may mask how unwell Physiological compensation
they are Studies have shown that that many health workers
Children can compensate effectively during the
in emergency facilities in resource-poor countries
When treating an early stages of serious illness, which may mask
unwell child, it is have no standardised assessment or treatment
how unwell they really are. Compensation refers
important to protocols for severely ill children, but that
to the ability to maintain perfusion of vital
reassess them after improved training, assessment and emergency
every intervention organs such as the brain and heart at the expense
care could improve outcomes.6,7 In response,
of non-vital organs such as skeletal muscle
the WHO has developed the Emergency Triage
and gut. When compensatory mechanisms fail,
Assessment and Treatment (ETAT) system to
decompensation occurs, which if unaddressed,
reduce childhood mortality, particularly within
rapidly leads to organ failure and death. Signs
Laura Molyneux, the first 24 hours of admission.8 This course
of compensation include increased respiratory
Specialist Registrar in has been shown to significantly improve care
rate, increased heart rate and peripheral
Anaesthesia, for children presenting with common serious
vasoconstriction causing cold extremities. Health
Leeds General Infirmary illnesses (e.g. dehydration, pneumonia and severe
workers must be vigilant to signs of compensation
malnutrition).9 Approximately 50% of children
Rebecca Paris, so that intervention and treatment can be started
who die after admission to hospital do so in the
Specialist Registrar in promptly. Signs of decompensation include
Anaesthesia, first 24 hours. ETAT+ has been developed to
hypotension and bradycardia, and babies may
Worcester Royal Hospital include admission care for the first 24 hours.
develop apnoeic episodes.
Oliver Ross
This article will focus on the assessment, Assessment of end-organ function is important
Consultant Paediatric recognition and initial management of the and can also indicate decompensation. For
Anaesthetist seriously ill child and is based on ETAT and instance, children may appear outwardly well,
Southampton University APLS principles; the topics of paediatric life but they are listless, not interested in their
Hospital support, trauma and neonatal resuscitation surroundings and tolerate examination and
interventions without complaint; this can be an early sign of Box 2. Example of WETFLAG calculations for a 5-year-old child
neurological decline or fatigue. Confusion in a child is a very
worrying sign and indicates inadequate cerebral perfusion. 5-year-old child
Conscious level can be assessed quickly using the AVPU score
(Alert, responds to Voice, responds to Pain, Unconscious). Weight = (2 x 5) +8 = 18kg
Unlike adults, reduced urine output due to inadequate renal
perfusion is often a late sign in children, and therefore not Energy = 4 x 18 = 72J
useful in initial emergency care. However, if a mother reports
that the child has not passed urine, this is a serious sign. Tube = 5/4 + 4 = 5 - 5.5 - 6
5-year-old child
Priority cases
Exposure. Are there visible signs of trauma (e.g. fracture) or Once emergency signs are excluded, look for the conditions
disease (e.g. rash)? Is the temperature normal? (very hot or very that need to be treated as a priority. Deciding which children
cold) fit in the priority category can be difficult; in the ETAT course
this has been developed as the 3TPR-MOB mnemonic.8 The
+ Dont Ever Forget the Glucose. Does the child have
mnemonic stands for 3xT (tiny, temperature, trauma), 3xP
(pallor, poisoning, pain), 3xR (respiratory, restless, referral),
These emergency signs must be treated IMMEDIATELY they and malnutrition, oedema, burns (see box 4 for an explanation
are discovered, before moving on to the next step. of the 3TPR-MOB priority clinical signs).
Recession - intercostal, subcostal and or sternal Breath sounds (a silent chest is a pre-terminal sign)
Nostril flaring
Head bobbing
Tachycardia Bradycardia
Oxygen high flow via face mask excluded. The main finding was that children given a fluid
bolus of 20-40 ml.kg-1 0.9% saline or 5% albumin did worse,
Stop any bleeding
with an increased risk of mortality compared to the control
IV access intravenous or intraosseous group who received maintenance fluids only.16
Fluids - oral, nasogastric or intravenous. This was a well-conducted study and has provoked much
Intravenous access can be difficult in children with shock. An debate.17-21 The children were severely unwell by any measure,
intraosseous needle is an effective method of fluid and drug but there were no intensive care facilities in the study
administration and should be considered early if intravenous hospitals. Many children had malaria and were anaemic, but
access is difficult. (See article, page 240) the detrimental effects of fluid bolus were still seen in those
without malaria and those without severe anaemia. The
Traditional fluid management for a child in shock has been to children appeared to die from cardiovascular collapse (rather
give a fluid bolus of 10-20ml.kg-1 0.9% saline or Ringers lactate, than fluid overload), within 24-48 hours of treatment.20 Excess
followed by reassessment. However, intravenous fluid therapy mortality associated with fluid bolus was still seen in a smaller
for children in resource-poor settings has been addressed in group of children who met the more strict WHO criteria for
an important new study, the Fluid Expansion as Supportive sepsis (i.e. capillary refill time > 3 secs, cold peripheries, a weak
Treatment (FEAST) study, published in the New England pulse, and a fast pulse).21 The implications of the FEAST study
Journal of Medicine in 2011. This is a randomised controlled are that children with febrile illness and shock in Africa should
study of over 3000 children in six hospitals in Uganda, Kenya receive maintenance fluids only (Ringers lactate 5% dextrose
and Tanzania, comparing fluid resuscitation starting with a or 0.9% saline 5% dextrose), and aggressive resuscitation with
bolus of fluid to just starting maintenance fluids without a boluses of 0.9% saline or albumin should be avoided. From a
bolus, in children with fever and shock. Shock was defined pragmatic point of view, this would appear to be a safer course
as signs of impaired perfusion plus impaired consciousness of action in hospitals with low numbers of nursing staff and
or respiratory distress, or both. Children with gastroenteritis, without burettes to accurately measure fluid volumes, and no
severe malnutrition, burns or surgical conditions were backup intensive care facilities.
Figure 1. Intraosseous needle Disability: neurological assessment
Make a quick assessment of neurological function. This is
essential to assess end-organ function. If the child is alert,
this indicates that there is adequate cardio-respiratory
compensation; a child with decompensated cardiorespiratory
failure will have a depressed conscious level. Depressed
conscious level or confusion may also be due to a primary
cerebral cause (trauma or cerebral infection).
The three quick assessments are:
Pupils (size and reactivity to light) always compare left
and right
Preparation. Ensure the team and equipment are prepared to Breathing high flow oxygen via face mask and sit
receive the child remember WETFLAG: upright
Move on to a full ABC assessment. Her airway is clear and maintained unaided. For assessment of breathing look at effort
and efficacy (see Table 2). She has a respiratory rate of 40 breaths per minute, indicating an increased effort of breathing.
She is not using accessory muscles. She has good air entry on auscultation with SpO2 99% in room air, demonstrating good
efficacy despite increased effort. We have already started oxygen via facemask and sat her upright as part of our emergency
management. This is sufficient treatment for breathing.
As A+B are now stable, move on to circulation. Her pulse rate is fast and thready. She is in the compensated phase of shock
- her blood pressure is normal for her age and she remains conscious. She has acute dehydration and is refusing oral fluids.
There are no signs of cardiac disease, such as cyanosis or liver enlargement or malnutrition. She should receive an IV fluid
bolus 20ml.kg-1. After IV fluids her heart rate reduces to 110bpm.
To calculate her ongoing fluid requirement, first calculate her level of dehydration (Table 4). She is lethargic with a raised
respiratory rate and tachycardia. She has at least a 10% deficit with clinical signs of hypovolaemia. She is too unwell for
oral rehydration. Her fluid requirements for the next 24 hours are: (Total fluid requirement = degree of dehydration +
maintenance fluid + ongoing loss)
Maintenance = 100ml.kg-1 for first 10kg (100x10) + 50ml.kg-1 for next 10kg (50x8) = 1400ml
i.e. IV fluids for first 8 hours = 900ml replacement + 466ml maintenance.
For next 8-24 hours = 900ml replacement + 933ml maintenance.
Give as Ringers lactate 5% dextrose
We can move on to assess Disability. Using the AVPU assessment tool she is responding to voice and is only lethargic. This
is still an important sign and must be reassessed during and after treatment. A blood glucose is taken and is within normal
After so many interventions it is important to reassess her and treat any abnormal signs before she is transferred to a
paediatric ward for ongoing fluid resuscitation and investigation.
4. Advanced Life Support Group. Advanced paediatric life 20. Maitland K, George EC, Evans JA et al. Exploring mechanisms
supportthe practical approach, 2nd ed. London: BMJ of excess mortality with early fluid resuscitation: insights from
Publishing Group, 1997. the FEAST trial. BMC Med. 2013; 11: v68.
5. American Academy of Pediatrics and American Heart 21. Kiguli S, Akech SO, Mtove G et al. WHO guidelines on fluid
Association. Textbook of pediatric advanced life support. resuscitation in children: missing the FEAST data. BMJ 2014;
AHA1994 revision. 348: f7003 doi: 10.1136/bmj.f7003 (Published 14 January 2014)
Case history 1
A three-year-old girl presents to her doctor with fever, lethargy and a rash. The rash is initially
petechial but spreads rapidly. The doctor makes a presumptive diagnosis of meningococcal
disease and gives her intramuscular penicillin and refers her to hospital by ambulance. On arrival
she is confused, shocked and has widespread purpura. She receives appropriate resuscitation and
Summary emergency treatment in the emergency department and is transferred to the Intensive Care Unit.
Meningococci are seen on microscopy of a skin scraping of a purpuric area. She develops multiple
Both meningitis and organ failure and requires inotropes and ventilation. Three fingers on her left hand become necrotic
meningococcal septicaemia and require amputation. After 5 days she has recovered sufficiently to leave ICU.
can present with non-
specific initial signs and Case history 2
symptoms but progress
rapidly. Prompt diagnosis A fifteen-year-old boy presents to hospital with fever, vomiting and lethargy. He has no neck-stiffness,
and treatment are vital. photophobia or rash and is admitted with a diagnosis of a viral infection. Over the next few hours
Mortality of those reaching he becomes irritable and drowsy. After a blood culture is taken, he is started on ceftriaxone and
hospital remains 5-10% with intravenous fluids. His level of consciousness continues to decline and he has a seizure on the ward.
a further 10% long term He is admitted to Intensive Care where he is ventilated but he later dies from raised intracranial
These two cases represent the opposite ends of the cases/100 000 population/year. In sub-Saharan Africa
spectrum of meningococcal disease. The first case (the meningitis belt) epidemics occur every 5-10
is an example of meningococcal septicaemia whilst years with rates of 500 cases/100 000 population/
case 2 is an example of meningococcal meningitis. A year. In the UK serogroups B and C, and worldwide
mixed picture is also very common. It is vital that serogroups A, B and C, are responsible for the majority
all doctors that may treat sick children have a good of cases. Serogroup W-135 has been particularly
understanding of how to diagnose and treat this associated with pilgrims attending the Haj religious
condition, as it occurs worldwide and is currently festival in Saudia Arabia. The disease is characterised
the leading infective cause of death in children in the by local clusters or outbreaks and there is a winter
developed world. predominance in the UK. Nasopharyngeal carriage of
the organism occurs in about 10% of the population.
MICROBIOLOGY Most of these strains are non-pathogenic. The factors
Neisseria meningitidis (meningococcus) is a capsulated associated with pathogenicity are not well understood
gram-negative diplococcus. There are more than ten at present. Risk factors include:
serogroups based on the polysaccharide that makes up
their capsule. The commonest serogroups are A, B, Age (<1 year of age)
C, Y and W-135. They can be further serotyped and Overcrowding
subtyped based on proteins in the outer membrane of
the bacterium. More complex techniques of enzyme Poverty
electrophoresis and DNA typing allow the accurate Smoking
Robert Law identification of individual strains of individual
Shrewsbury meningococci to be determined. This is important Complement deficiency.
UK public health information.
Although the relative risk of developing meningococcal
Carey Francombe EPIDEMIOLOGY disease following exposure to a case is high (500-1000
Shrewsbury The disease occurs worldwide but the incidence times the background rate in the population), only
UK varies greatly. In the UK the incidence is about 5 about 1 in 200 contacts will develop the disease.
Neutrophil activation
Neck stiffness, neurological signs and signs of raised intracranial Focal neurological signs
pressure should be sought on examination. In infants, particularly,
the features can be very non-specific; they frequently present with Raised intracranial pressure
only: Recent or prolonged seizures
Cardiorespiratory compromise
Refusal to eat
Infection at the site.
If a positive microbiological diagnosis can be made from a skin
Death is usually caused by refractory raised intracranial pressure. scraping, LP is unnecessary. However LP may be useful for the
Septicaemia is characterised by: following reasons:
Typically the rash spreads rapidly and can lead to widespread necrosis Unless contra-indication exists, patients with suspected meningitis
and gangrene of skin and underlying tissues. The rash is a visible should have a lumbar puncture, but it should be done promptly and
sign of the endothelial changes and coagulopathy, which is occurring should not delay giving the antibiotics by more than thirty minutes.
throughout the body. Death due to septic shock will ensue rapidly if CT scanning is of no benefit in making the diagnosis of meningitis or
these patients are not resuscitated promptly. in determining whether the intracranial pressure is raised in patients
with known meningitis. It should only be used to exclude other
DIAGNOSIS causes for focal neurological signs or to investigate complications of
Because of the need for immediate treatment once the disease meningitis.
is suspected, laboratory tests are not of use in making the initial
diagnosis. They may also offer false reassurance since in fulminant TREATMENT
infections the white cell count, C-reactive protein and lumbar
puncture may all be normal early in the disease. The initial Initial assessment and resuscitation
diagnosis is based on clinical history and examination. Following Early recognition and prompt treatment is vital. If the diagnosis
the institution of treatment, the diagnosis can be confirmed later is suspected in the primary care setting the patient should receive
by microbiological culture (blood, CSF or skin), antigen detection intramuscular penicillin or a cephalosporin, if available, and be
(PCR, latex agglutination test) or serology. Blood cultures and CSF referred immediately to hospital. In hospital, assessment and
cultures are more likely to be positive if taken before antibiotics are resuscitation of vital functions should occur together, with
given. problems treated as they are found. Priorities are:
There have been a number of reports suggesting that major morbidity 1. Maintaining a patent airway. Patients with a decreased level of
(particularly death following cerebral herniation) was caused by consciousness due to meningitis or shock may need assistance in
performing lumbar punctures (LP) in patients with meningitis. maintaining their airway.
Cephalosporins are effective in treating all the common causes of
2. Supporting ventilation as necessary.
bacterial meningitis. There has thus been a trend not to perform LP
in these patients. Some experts believe that too few lumbar punctures All patients should receive a high concentration of inspired
are done and this remains a controversial area.1 Contra-indications to oxygen Ventilatory drive may be impaired due to raised
lumbar puncture are: intracranial pressure.
The skin and limb involvement in meningococcal septicaemia If the infection is due to serogroup C, contacts should also receive
distinguishes it from most other causes of sepsis and can be the conjugated group C vaccine
responsible for major morbidity. Widespread thrombosis and
haemorrhagic necrosis of the skin and underlying tissues is called If infection is due to serogroup A, W-135 or Y, contacts should
purpura fulminans. When the thrombosis involves large vessels, also receive the quadrivalent conjugate vaccine.
infarction and gangrene of the limbs occurs. The combination of Further information on meningitis and meningococcal disease is
ischaemia, necrosis and oedema can cause compartment syndrome. available at www.meningitis.org
The management of these problems is difficult. It has been suggested
that fasciotomies are only indicated in the first 24 hours after References
onset of purpura fulminans and only for compartment syndrome Law R. Meningococcal disease in children. Update in Anaesthesia
of the lower limb and where there is no major bleeding diathesis. (2007)22:26-30. Available from: http://www.wfsahq.org/images/wfsa-
A combination of clinical assessment, doppler flow studies and documents/updates_in_english/Update_22_2007.pdf
compartment pressures should be used as a guide to the decision
1. Kneen R et al. The role of lumbar puncture in suspected CNS infection
to perform a fasciotomy. Leave gangrenous limbs to demarcate if - a disappearing skill? Arch Dis Child 2002; 87: 181-3
possible; amputation should be an elective procedure.5
2. McIntyre PB et al. Deaxamethasone as adjunctive therapy in bacterial
There is now evidence from randomised controlled trials of adults meningtis: A meta-analysis of randomised clinical trials since 1998.
and children with septic shock that low dose hydrocortisone JAMA 1997; 278: 925-31.
The technique of intraosseous infusion was first Contra-indications
described in humans in 1934 and it became increasingly Femoral fracture on the ipsilateral side
popular in the 1940s. In recent years it has regained
popularity in both adult and paediatric resuscitation. Do not use fractured bones
Unfortunately many doctors do not know this
Do not use bones with osteomyelitis.
Summary technique or do not employ it.
Intraosseous infusion is a However, intraosseous infusion is one of the quickest
temporary emergency 1. Skin disinfectant
ways to establish access for the rapid infusion of fluids,
drugs and blood products in emergency situations as
Indicated in life- 2. Local anaesthetic
well as for resuscitation. In many countries, where
threatening situations
children are the victims of war trauma, road traffic 3. 5ml syringe
when intravenous access
fails (3 attempts or >90 accidents or severe dehydration and need good
seconds) circulatory access, this technique can be life-saving. In 4. 50ml syringe
Use the anteromedial
these situations peripheral venous access can be difficult
to obtain and alternatives such as central venous access 5. Intraosseous infusion needle or Jamshidi bone
aspect of the tibia marrow needle. There are different needle sizes;
can be difficult and/or dangerous.
Insert pointing caudal to 14, 16 and 18G. The 14 and 16G are usually used
avoid the epiphyseal for children older than 18 months. However any
growth plate Introduction to the technique
The marrow cavity is in continuity with the venous size can be used for all ages.
Use an aseptic technique
circulation and can therefore be used to infuse fluids It is possible but not ideal to use a 16 20G butterfly
Crystalloids, colloids,
and drugs, and to take blood samples for crossmatch, needle, spinal needle or even hypodermic needle. The
blood products and
drugs can be infused for example. The procedure must be performed under chance that the needle gets blocked with bone marrow
sterile conditions to avoid causing osteomyelitis. It is however, is much increased when not using a needle
Remove as soon as the
child has been resuscitated
also recommended to limit the duration of the use of with a trochar.
and intravenous access has intraosseous infusion to a few hours until intravenous
been established. access is achieved. It is thus a temporary emergency Site
measure. In experienced hands intraosseous access can The best site to use is the flat anteromedial aspect of the
be established within 1 minute. tibia. The anterior aspect of the femur and the superior
The authors are members of
the international medical aid iliac crest can also be used. The tibia is preferred since
It has been shown that the onset of action and drug the anteromedial aspect of the bone lies just under the
organisation Mdecins Sans
Frontires (MSF). levels during cardiopulmonary resuscitation using skin and can easily be identified. Avoid bones with
the intraosseous route are similar to those given osteomyelitis or fractures and do not use the tibia if
Eric Vreede, Consultant
Anaesthetist in London, intravenously. the femur is fractured on the same side.
anaesthetic advisor MSF
Holland. Indications Technique
Anamaria Bulatovic, attending Placement of an intraosseous needle is indicated when 1. Palpate the tibial tuberosity. The site for cannulation
Pediatrician in Baltimore, vascular access is needed in life-threatening situations lies 1 - 3cm below this tuberosity on the anteromedial
President of MSF USA. in babies, infants and children under the age of six surface of the tibia.
Peter Rosseel, years. It is indicated when attempts at venous access
2. Use sterile gloves and an aseptic technique and a
Anaesthesiologist in Breda fail (three attempts or 90 seconds) or in cases where it
sterile needle.
(Holland), Consultant is likely to fail and speed is of the essence. Although
Anaesthesiologist MSF Belgium. principally advocated for use in young children, it has 3. Clean the skin. Placing a bone marrow needle
Xavier Lassalle, CRNA in Paris, been successfully used in older children where the iliac without using a sterile technique obviously
anaesthetic advisor MSF France. crest may also be used. increases the chance of osteomyelitis and cellulitis.
In emergencies rapid intravenous access in children may be difficult to
achieve. Intraosseous access is an easy, safe and life-saving alternative.
Editors note
Since this article was first published, battery-powered insertion
devices for intraosseous needles became available. Insertion
technique is as described above for the hand-held intraosseous
needles. These new devices are more expensive; some find them
easier to insert and hence more reliable.
MALARIA: CAUSE, TRANSMISSION & occur in children. The risk is greater across all ages
EPIDEMIOLOGY when natural immunity is reduced:
Malaria is a life-threatening disease caused by four Limited previous exposure
protozoan parasite species of the genus Plasmodium
infecting humans: P. falciparum, P. vivax, P. ovale, and
P. malariae. Co-infection with more than one species Severe concomitant illness
Summary is possible. A 5th species P. knowlesi, which primarily Surgery.
Malaria is a multi-system
affects primates, has also recently been found to infect
humans. P. falciparum is the most deadly species, Malaria in pregnancy affects both the mother and the
disease that can coexist
and P. falciparum and P. vivax the most common. P. foetus, which can lead to loss of the pregnancy or low
with other infections and
conditions, including those vivax and P. ovale both lead to a dormant liver form birth weight.
that may require surgery. (hypnozoites) that may cause relapses months or years Infants can be protected by maternal antibodies and
Intensive care may be later. by foetal haemoglobin, up to around 6 months of age.
The parasites are transmitted through the bite of A behavioural tendency to cover infants may also be
Malaria can vary from an a vector, the infected female Anopheles mosquito. protective. Some inherited abnormalities of red cells
insidious febrile illness to can be protective against malaria, for instance, the
There are around 20 Anopheles species across the
an acute life-threatening sickle cell trait and Melanesian ovalocytosis, a genetic
disease. Rapid deterioration
world. The intensity of malaria transmission depends
on factors relating to the parasite, vector, host and polymorphism associated with mild haemolytic
is much more likely in
environment. Mosquitoes exhibit different breeding anaemia, common in South East Asia.
children. If malaria is
suspected, it should be and biting preferences, with the important vectors Malaria is both preventable and curable. Where
investigated rapidly and tending to bite at night. High humidity and warmer prevention and control measures have been applied
treated appropriately. WHO temperatures (between 20oC and 30oC) favour aggressively, the malaria burden has been effectively
and national diagnostic transmission of malaria due to increase in mosquito reduced.
and treatment guidelines numbers. Consequently, the disease is often seasonal,
should be followed. Children
relating to rainfall patterns. Some areas, with constant PREVENTION
should be observed closely
for the development of
temperatures and humidity, have steady parasite rates. Methods used to avoid disease transmission include
complications. Anaesthesia Climate changes may lead to alterations in the pattern prevention of mosquito bites using the following:
and surgery should be of disease.
avoided in the child with
Insecticide treated nets (ITNs)
40% of the global population reside in malaria
malaria if at all possible, but,
endemic areas. Most cases of malaria are found in Use of mosquito repellents
if it is necessary, the multi-
system nature of the disease sub-Saharan Africa, Asia and Latin America; a few
cases occur in the Middle East and in some areas of Indoor residual spraying with insecticides
should be considered.
Europe. Increased international air travel has also Maximum coverage clothing
introduced malaria into malaria free zones, resulting
in disease misdiagnosis. The World Malaria Report Reduction of mosquito breeding grounds by
Rachel A Stoeter 2011 estimated 216 (uncertainty range of 149- drainage of stagnant water and clearing of bushes.
274) million cases of malaria with 655,000 deaths Chemoprophylaxis is required for
Joseph (uncertainty range 537-907,000). 80% of the deaths
Kyobe Kiwanuka occur in African children, most of them being in the High-risk populations, such as travellers to malaria
Department of under five age range. Since 2000, deaths from malaria endemic regions
Anaesthesia and have been reduced by >25 % globally, and by 33% Intermittent preventive treatment in pregnancy
Critical Care, in Africa.
Mbarara University of Infants in high transmission areas (infants receive 3
Science and Technology, Partial immunity to the disease can develop over years doses of sulfadoxine pyrimethamine alongside
Uganda of exposure; consequently the majority of deaths routine vaccines).
Widespread resistance to chloroquine and the sulfadoxine- Falciparum malaria can be much more acute and severe compared to
pyrimethamine (SP) combination was identified in the 1970-1980s. malaria caused by the other species and carries the greatest mortality.
Resistance to artemisinin derivatives was reported around the P. vivax may also be fatal.
Cambodia/Thailand border in 2009. There has also been documented The severity of falciparum malaria relates to the ability of the parasite
resistance to quinine in Africa and concerns over reduced efficacy of to sequester in the microvasculature. Severe illness may be due
quinine in Southeast Asia. to delayed or inadequate treatment and can occur very rapidly in
children and in visitors from non-endemic areas. Rapid recognition
History, Clinical Features and Parasitological
and treatment is crucial and influences outcome. There should be a
high index of suspicion of malaria in both endemic and non-endemic
History and clinical presentation areas. It is important to elicit a travel history to at risk areas, as well as
Children with malaria may present acutely unwell, or with a more a history of exposure to infected blood through transfusion.
Signs and symptoms can be non-specific and so other diagnoses must Microscopy identifies the species, parasite density and parasite stage.
also be considered. Differential diagnoses include: Giemsa stained thick and thin films are the accepted standard for
Meningitis diagnosis, but require experienced personnel.
Malarial parasitaemia may be reported as:
- the percentage of parasite infected red blood cells, or
Typhoid and paratyphoid enteric fever
- the number of parasites per microlitre of blood.
Dengue fever
The higher the parasite density, the greater the risk of developing
Hepatitis severe malaria. The stage of the parasite in peripheral blood also
influences prognosis.
Acute schistosomiasis
RDTs detect parasite specific antigen. They may not identify low
level infections and accuracy will depend on the manufacturer. They
African tick fever are useful if microscopy skills are not available or well developed.
East African trypanosomiasis Antimalarial treatment should be reserved for test positive
cases. Occasionally the film can be negative when intense tissue
Yellow fever sequestration has occurred. False negative cases are also more likely in
recent artemisinin-derivative use. Rarely, treatment may therefore be
Viral encephalitis.
considered in test negative cases where severity of suspected disease is
For primary attacks, the incubation period may last 8-25 days, significant. Differential diagnoses must be remembered.
but can be longer. This relates to the patients immune status, the
Blood smears should be repeated 24-48 hours after initiation
Plasmodium strain, the sporozoite load, and chemoprophylaxis use.
of treatment to monitor efficacy of the drugs used. A change in
Relapses can cause delayed presentation months to years later and are
medication may be required if parasites have not been cleared.
due to dormant hypnozoites.
Where clinically indicated, other laboratory tests include full blood
The features found in children may differ to those found in adults
count, clotting studies, renal function test, liver function test,
(see Table 1).
blood glucose measurement, chest X-ray and lumbar puncture.
Parasitology Children with complicated malaria may be profoundly anaemic and
Diagnosis is based on clinical suspicion and on parasite detection in hypoglycaemic. Hyponatraemia is common.
blood (parasitological diagnosis). Current WHO advice recommends
rapid parasite diagnostic testing before treatment in suspected cases. Treatment
Where such testing is not possible, or delayed, treatment can still be Delayed diagnosis and treatment leads to increased morbidity and
considered. Parasitological testing includes either light microscopy or mortality. This may be due to
rapid diagnostic tests (RDT). Low index of suspicion
Critical Care
Rebecca Paris, Oliver Ross*, and Laura Molyneux
*Correspondence Email: oliver.ross1@btinternet.com
Respiratory disease (chronic lung disease of prematurity, Altered mental state (drowsiness or lethargy)
cystic fibrosis) Inability to feed due to respiratory distress.
Congenital heart disease with pulmonary hypertension
Be aware that no single sign can accurately identify hypoxia, so you
Immunodeficiency should take signs together in context of the overall clinical condition
of the child.31-33 For example, the blue discolouration of lips or nail
Neurodevelopmental delay beds in central cyanosis can be difficult to identify. There is inter-
observer disagreement and assessment is further complicated by the
Upper airway obstruction
presence of severe anaemia (Hb<7g.dl-1) or in dark skinned children.
Central cyanosis is a highly specific sign but with low sensitivity.32 In
Ask for senior support a critically ill child, severe lower chest wall in-drawing, breathing rate
of more than 70min-1 or head bobbing may be more sensitive signs
Consider the need to transfer the child to intensive care
signaling the need for supplementary oxygen.19
Immediate treatment is outlined in Table 4. Many investigations
Pneumonia to direct management (chest X-rays, blood tests, sputum tests)
The WHO recommends using clinical features of a recent onset may be unavailable in the low-resource setting thus diagnosis and
cough and rapid breathing to diagnose pneumonia.5,28 Normal management is based on clinical symptoms and signs.4 All children
and abnormal cardiorespiratory values are shown in Tables 2 and 3. with severe or very severe pneumonia and infants aged two months
Consider other respiratory illnesses than pneumonia if the child has or younger require admission to hospital.2
a cough without rapid breathing. Remember, it is not possible to
differentiate between viral or bacterial pneumonia clinically as the The current recommendation is to administer IV antibiotics for
symptoms are so similar. Some symptoms, such as wheezing do tend at least three days. As the child recovers, switch to oral antibiotics
to occur more commonly in viral pneumonia, but do not rely on this (amoxicillin or ampicillin), and ensure that the child completes
to direct treatment. a total of at least five days. Reassess on a regular basis. Clinical
deterioration or failure to improve by 48 hours should prompt a
When a child presents with symptoms of pneumonia, triage by change in antibiotics (to chloramphenicol).18 Parenteral ampicillin
the severity of their disease (See Table 4). Seek specific signs and plus gentamicin is preferable to chloramphenicol in treating severe
symptoms, in particular pneumonia in children between one month and five years of age in
a low-resource setting.34
The danger signs (cyanosis, stridor, somnolence, lethargy
or difficulty feeding) Complications of pneumonia
Lower chest wall in-drawing Hypoxaemia is the most serious complication of pneumonia.35
It indicates severe disease and has been associated with four times
Rapid respiratory rate. increase in mortality.31,36 Most children who require oxygen will have
very severe pneumonia, but hypoxia may also be present in children
In normal respiration the whole chest expands with inspiration. In with less severe disease.
severe disease the lower chest wall may be sucked in during inspiration
(lower chest in-drawing). In combination with rapid breathing and Oxygen is an expensive resource. Oxygen concentrators require a
cough this represents severe clinical pneumonia. Other signs of severe reliable supply of electricity and many rural health facilities may
difficulty in breathing are grunting with each breath, nasal flaring need to use cylinder supply. Cylinders are logistically challenging
and tracheal tug. Children with very severe pneumonia will have to transport to remote areas so that shortages occur frequently.
additional symptoms and signs such as cyanosis, stridor, the inability Monitoring oxygen saturation and providing oxygen to children with
to feed or drink, loss of consciousness, hypothermia or convulsions. severe pneumonia reduces the risk of death by 35%. This is in part
They need urgent transfer to hospital. due to improved detection of hypoxia and regular reassessment of
treatment.35 Neonates are vulnerable to the toxic effects of hyperoxia,
Presenting Feature
Pneumonia Most common in 0-5-year-olds
Cough for less than 2 weeks
Rapid breathing rate or difficulty breathing
Fever or chills
Hypoxia (low SpO2 or clinical signs - see text)
Loss of appetite or unable to feed due to respiratory distress
Bronchiolitis Age 3-6 months (less than 2 years)
2-3 day coryzal phase with nasal discharge
Fast or difficult breathing
Harsh cough
Irritability or poor feeding
Fever <39oC
Apnoeas (especially in preterm infants)
Bilateral crepitations
Clinical signs of air trapping
Acute severe asthma Most common above 5 years of age
Known diagnosis of asthma and exposure to trigger factor
Difficulty in breathing/ respiratory exhaustion
Wheezing or chest tightness
Fast heart rate
Hyperinflation of the chest
Confusion or drowsiness
Pleural effusion Cough
Rapid breathing
Chest pains
Fever (if empyema/ parapneumonic effusion)
Unilateral abnormal air entry
Unilateral dull percussion
Tuberculosis History of exposure (usually in a confined space)
Difficulty breathing or rapid breathing
requires further research and adrenaline nebulisers are not routinely continuous positive pressure of between 5-10 cmH20 to keep alveoli
recommended.17,40,41 There is insufficient evidence to support the use open, reduce sheering injury and allow improved oxygenation. CPAP
of adrenaline in inpatients, but it may be of value in the outpatient can be administered via nasal prongs in infants or through a tight
setting.41 fitting facemask in older children. Low cost systems are available.
Non-invasive positive pressure ventilation (NIPPV) administers
ADVANCED VENTILATORY SUPPORT IN CHILDREN an alternating inspiratory and expiratory pressure triggered by the
WITH ALRI patients own breathing efforts. It is particularly useful for aiding
carbon dioxide clearance. Non-invasive techniques may reduce the
Advanced ventilatory support necessitates high-dependency or
need for intubation and ventilation.
paediatric intensive care admission. The main options are either non-
invasive or invasive ventilation. Invasive ventilation
Invasive ventilation requires intubation with an endotracheal tube.
Non-invasive ventilation There are numerous ventilation modes and equipment available. The
Non-invasive ventilation relies on augmenting the childs own choice of technique will depend on clinician experience, equipment
respiratory effort to reduce the work of breathing. Continuous Positive availability and the childs clinical condition. Lung-protective
Airway Pressure (CPAP) acts as its name suggests by administering a strategies should be used (Box 7). The process of intubating a
If there is no improvement:
Adrenaline IM 10 micrograms.kg-1 (consider IV adrenaline infusion only if specialized syringe pumps and continuous
electrocardiography monitoring are available)
IV salbutamol bolus dose (15mcg.kg-1 over 10 min)
IV aminophylline
IV magnesium sulphate 40mg.kg-1 (max 2g)
Ketamine or volatile agents may assist in relieving intractable bronchospasm
Subsequent management:
Rehydrate with 10-20ml.kg-1 crystalloid
Oral prednisolone 20mg (2-5years), 30-40mg (>5year) for three days
Repeat nebulisers every 20-30 minutes if required, or 3-4 hourly
Perform a chest X-ray and arterial blood gases if life-threatening asthma is not responding to treatment
Consider admission to PICU for non-invasive ventilation or intubation and ventilation
critically ill child can provoke cardiorespiratory instability and an medical treatment, the decision to intubate and ventilate should be
initial deterioration. Be prepared for potential complications as well based on the following criteria:
as competent in the management of the paediatric airway. Positive
Availability of Paediatric Intensive Care facilities
pressure ventilation may also reduce venous return to the heart thus
causing low blood pressure. Respiratory arrest
In cases of severe refractory hypoxia, consider high frequency Hypoxia and rising hypercarbia
oscillation (HFO) if available. This acts on the open lung strategy Exhaustion
by providing a continuous distending pressure around which
oscillations of a frequency of >150 per minute allow gas exchange.15 Altered mental state.
Invasive ventilation - special considerations Intubation risks significant complications, which you should
anticipate and plan for. These include worsening of bronchospasm,
Asthma laryngospasm, worsening hypoxia, pneumothorax and barotrauma,
If a child with life-threatening asthma fails to respond to maximal and hypotension due to reduced venous return.
Assess ABC
Administer oxygen to maintain appropriate saturations
Maintain hydration:
- Attempt to hydrate with oral or NG fluids
- IV fluids may be required if the child is too sick to take oral or NG feed
- Restrict IV fluids to 2/3 maintenance
Review indications for ventilation and PICU admission
Consider nebulised adrenaline
Increasing oxygen requirement or inability to maintain adequate oxygen saturation in high flow oxygen
Signs of becoming exhausted
Progressive rise in PaCO2
Process of intubation: Avoid rapid ventilation of the child once intubated as this
will lead to air trapping, increase the risk of pneumothorax
Ensure good intravenous access
and worsen gas exchange. Use a slow rate with a long
Give IV fluid bolus 10ml.kg-1 of crystalloid expiratory time
Pre-oxygenate for 3 minutes with tight fitting mask If severe air trapping does occur, disconnect the child from
the ventilator and physically squeeze on the chest to assist
Use ketamine for induction as it has bronchodilator effects expiration
Always perform a chest X-ray after intubation to confirm
Use a cuffed endotracheal tube as high inflation pressures the correct position of the endotracheal tube and to
may be required carefully check for pneumothorax which will worsen with
positive pressure ventilation
The main aim is to optimise lung mechanics to reduce parenchymal damage, accepting altered physiological goals.
High pressures over-stretch healthy lung:
Maintain plateau airway pressures <30cmH2O
Maintain peak airway pressures <35cmH2O
High tidal volumes cause sheering injury to the alveoli:
Maintain tidal volumes 4-8ml.kg-1
Hyperoxia worsens atelectasis and inflammatory changes. Use the minimum oxygen required to maintain oxygen
If possible keep FiO2 0.4
Permissive hypercapnoea
Accept high PaCO2 if pH normal or near normal (>7.2)
27. BritishThoracic Society (BTS) & Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines 39. Zhang, L et al Nebulised hypertonic saline solution for acute
Network (SIGN). 101: British guideline on the management of bronchiolitis in infants (Review) Cochrane Database of
asthma: A national clinical guideline. Edinburgh:SIGN, 2012. Systematic Reviews 2011; Issue 3.
28. World Health Organisation (WHO). Manual for the health care 40. Fernandes RM, Bialy LM, Vandermeer B, Tjosvold L, Plint AC,
of children in humanitarian emergencies. Spain:WHO, 2008. Patel H et al. Glucocorticoids for acute viral bronchiolitis
in infants and young children (Review). Cochrane Database of
29. WHO (2008) Integrated Management of Childhood Illness
Systematic Reviews 2010; Issue 11.
Chart booklet Available online [http://whqlibdoc.who.int/
publications/2008/9789241597289_eng.pdf ]. 41. Hartling L, Bialy LM, Vandermeer B, Tjosvold L, Johnson DW,
30. Lifebox (http://www.lifebox.org). Plint AC et al. Epinephrine for Bronchiolitis (Review). Cochrane
Database of Systematic Reviews 2011; Issue 6.
31. Subhi R, Adamson M, Campbell H, Weber M, Smith K, Duke T.
The prevalence of hypoxaemia among ill children in developing 42. Jauncey-Cooke JI, Bogossian F, East CE. Lung protective
countries: a systematic review. Lancet Infect Dis 2009; 9: 219 ventilation strategies in paediatrics A review. Aust Crit Care
27. 2010; 23: 81-88.
(Healthcare professionals
with a duty to respond) Shout for help
Open airway
5 rescue breaths
15 chest compressions
2 rescue breaths
15 chest compressions
5th Floor, Tavistock House North, Tavistock Square, London WC1H 9HR
Telephone (020) 7388 4678 Fax (020) 7383 0773 Email enquiries@resus.org.uk
www.resus.org.uk Registered Charity No. 286360
Figure 1. Reproduced by kind permission of the European Resuscitation Council and available at: www.resus.org.uk/pages/pblspost.pdf
Paediatric life support
Reprinted with updates for 2013 algorithms from: Bingham B. Paediatric life support. Update in Anaesthesia
2009 25(2):31-37.
Bob Bingham
Correspondence email: bingham@doctors.org.uk
There are some differences between resuscitation
techniques for children and adults but there are also Signs of decompensation
many similarities. There is no doubt that a child in
Diminishing level of consciousness is an important sign of
cardiorespiratory arrest will be harmed more by doing decompensation and imminent arrest
nothing than by using adult resuscitation guidelines.
In addition, for decompensating respiratory failure
Children usually suffer from secondary cardiac arrest
Sudden fall in respiratory rate Summary
the heart stops secondary to hypoxia or ischaemia
caused by respiratory or circulatory failure. The main Exhaustion Children usually suffer
implication of this is that there is potential to recognise cardiac arrest secondary to
Very quiet or silent chest.
the primary cause early on and prevent its progression hypoxia or ischaemia due
to full blown arrest. Respiratory or circulatory failure Decompensating circulatory failure to respiratory or circulatory
is initially compensated by the bodys physiological failure.
mechanisms and the signs are fairly subtle. Cardiac arrest is commonly
Sudden fall in heart rate.
reversed by simple
Signs of compensated respiratory failure
Fortunately, the actions required to reverse this process Early recognition of a child
Tachypnoea or bradypnoea (e.g. in narcotic at risk of deterioration is
are usually simple and follow the familiar ABC format.
Increased work of breathing: COMMENTARY - BASIC LIFE SUPPORT Avoid interruptions in chest
- Anxious appearance (Figure 1) compressions.
Paediatric Unresponsive?
Not breathing or only occasional gasps
Advanced Call
Life Support CPR Team
(1 min CPR first,
(5 initial breaths then 15:2) if alone)
Attach defibrillator / monitor
Minimise interruptions
Shockable Non-shockable
(VF / pulseless VT) (PEA / Asystole)
Return of
1 Shock spontaneous circulation
4 J.kg
5th Floor, Tavistock House North, Tavistock Square, London WC1H 9HR
Telephone (020) 7388 4678 Fax (020) 7383 0773 Email enquiries@resus.org.uk
www.resus.org.uk Registered Charity No. 286360
October 2010
Figure 2. Reproduced by kind permission of the European Resuscitation Council and available at: www.resus.org.uk/pages/palspost.pdf
Sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) biased by infants with sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). Older
Bicarbonate neutralises acidosis by releasing carbon dioxide. During children and adolescents have survival rates of about 9%.
resuscitation, this cannot be cleared as there is insufficient pulmonary
Children with respiratory arrest only who havent progressed to full
gas exchange, consequently, it has not been shown to be effective and
cardiac arrest have an excellent chance of survival with about 70%
should not be used routinely. NaHCO3 may be indicated in specific
alive after 1 year.
circumstances such as hyperkalaemia or in drug toxicity (e.g. tricyclic
The most important intervention in paediatric resuscitation is early
Calcium has not been shown to be effective in resuscitation and it may
recognition of the child at risk of deterioration and the instigation of
even be harmful, consequently it should not be used routinely. It may
treatment intended to prevent progression to cardio-respiratory arrest.
however, be effective in hyperkalaemia, hypocalcaemia and calcium
receptor blocker overdose. Once cardio-respiratory arrest has occurred, early and good quality
CPR is the most important step for a favourable outcome. Interruptions
Amiodarone (5mg.kg-1) has been shown to be the most effective in chest compression should be avoided and compressions can be
anti-arrhythmic in resistant VF or pVT but lidocaine is an acceptable continuous once the trachea is intubated. Reversible causes should be
alternative. Amiodarone is incompatible with saline and should be actively sought and treated as many paediatric arrests are secondary
diluted in 5% glucose. to another event.
Although it is often thought that children have extremely poor Bingham B. Paediatric life support. Update in Anaesthesia 2009 25(2):31-37.
Available from: http://www.wfsahq.org/components/com_virtual_library/
outcome after cardiac arrest, this is not entirely true. Large North
American databases have shown that children that have a full cardiac Update-25-2-2009-.pdf
arrest in a hospital have a 27% chance of survival to discharge and that
75% of these will have a good neurological outcome. Out of hospital Resuscitation Council UK. https://www.resus.org.uk/resuscitation-
resuscitation has poorer survival rates, but these figures are significantly guidelines/
2009; 25(2): 65-8.
Sam Richmond
Correspondence Email: rachelhomer@doctors.org.uk
Resuscitation of a newborn infant at birth is 1. Heat loss
straightforward, and much more likely to be successful The first item addresses the issue of minimising heat
than resuscitation of a collapsed adult. The principles loss. The baby should be received into warm towels
underlying the approach are simple. The issue is not and rapidly dried. Remove the now-wet towels, cover
complicated by a need to interpret ECGs or to manage the baby in warm dry towels and, ideally, place the
arrhythmias. Babies are well adapted to withstand the baby on a flat surface under a radiant heater. This will Summary
periods of intermittent hypoxia which are a feature of take 20 to 30 seconds during which time you can also
normal labour and delivery. At term, their hearts are begin to assess the condition of the baby. A floppy baby is unconscious
packed with glycogen and, by switching to anaerobic - a baby with good tone is
respiration if necessary, can maintain some circulation 2. Assessment
for up to about 20 minutes in the face of anoxia. The baby then needs to be rapidly assessed. A healthy Good airway management
baby will: and effective rescue
Of those few neonates who get into difficulties, the breaths are key to achieving
vast majority will recover rapidly once their lungs have Adopt a flexed posture with good tone oxygenation of fluid-filled
been successfully inflated. However, it is necessary to be Have a normal heart rate which rapidly rises to lungs.
aware of some important differences between babies at above 100 beats per minute (bpm) Chest compressions and
birth and adults. It is equally necessary to maintain a drug administration are
logical approach, evaluating and completing each step Cry and breathe normally within about 30 seconds
rarely needed.
before proceeding to the next. of delivery
Though born blue, will rapidly become pink even
Neonates compared to older children
though the extremities will remain somewhat
One obvious difference between babies and older
children or adults is that babies are small and have a
large surface area to weight ratio. They are also always An asphyxiated baby will:
born wet which means they are particularly prone
Be very floppy
to rapid evaporative heat loss. The initiating insult
will virtually always be an interference with placental Have a slow or even absent heart rate
respiration but the condition that a baby is born in Make no attempt to breathe or may give only a
can vary from healthy to extremely sick and all shades shuddering gasp
between., Perhaps the most important difference to
Remain blue, or maybe appear very pale due to
remember is that a baby at birth is in transition from
restriction of blood flow to the skin in an attempt
placental to pulmonary respiration. It will therefore
to maintain central circulation
have fluid-filled lungs that have never yet been inflated
with gas. You will certainly need help if the baby is like this.
If no increase in heart rate
look for chest movement
If chest not moving: pre-ductal SpO2
Recheck head position 2min 60%
Consider 2-person airway control
3min 70%
and other airway manoeuvres
Repeat inflation breaths 4min 80%
Consider SpO2 monitoring 5min 85%
Look for a response 10min 90%
October 2010
Figure 1. Reproduced by kind permission of the European Resuscitation Council and available at: http://www.resus.org.uk/pages/nlsalgo.pdf
The next most important attribute is heart rate. In a baby in difficulty 5. Circulation - re-evaluate heart rate
the heart rate will almost instantly respond as soon as oxygenated Having given five inflation breaths you should then assess whether
blood reaches the heart. This will give you the first sign that your the heart rate has increased. If it has then this is a firm indication
resuscitative efforts are having a positive effect. You therefore need that you have aerated the lung. This also tells you that all that is
to know what the heart rate is at the start so as to be able to judge necessary is for you to gently ventilate the baby until it starts to breathe
whether it has later improved. normally. A rate of 30 or so ventilation breaths per minute, each with
an inspiratory time of around one second, will usually be sufficient
ABCD to maintain the babys heart rate above 100bpm during this period.
From here on the algorithm follows a familiar pattern Airway,
Breathing, Circulation and Drugs. It is vital that you deal with these If the heart rate has not improved, you need to know whether this is
items in sequence. In adult collapse compression only CPR may be because your attempts at lung aeration have not been successful the
effective because the primary problem is commonly cardiac. In babies most likely reason or have you actually succeeded in aerating the
the problem is a respiratory one. Applying chest compressions before lungs but the circulation has deteriorated to such an extent that this
inflating the lungs merely attempts to circulate blood through fluid alone is not going to be sufficient. The only way to judge this is to see
filled lungs where it has no hope of acquiring oxygen and is a time- if you can detect passive chest movement in response to attempts at
consuming distraction. lung inflation. Is the chest moving when you try to inflate it?
3. Airway Initial chest movement is likely to be subtle and you may have to
An unconscious baby placed on its back will tend to obstruct its airway stoop down and look carefully from the side during further attempts
due to loss of tone in the oropharynx and jaw. This allows the tongue at inflation to be sure on this point. The commonest error is to assume
to fall back to obstruct the oropharynx. This tendency is exacerbated successful chest inflation when it is not present. It is absolutely crucial
by the relatively large occiput of the newborn baby which will tend that this question is answered correctly. If you assume that you have
to flex the neck. In order to open the airway of a baby the head is best inflated the lungs when you have not, then proceeding to chest
held in the neutral position with the face supported parallel to surface compressions will not have any hope of success and you are merely
on which the baby is lying. Over-extension of the neck is likely to wasting time. Equally, if you assume you havent inflated the chest
obstruct the airway, as is flexion. when you have then you will fail to initiate chest compressions when
they are necessary and will also waste precious time. The one saving
Supporting the jaw and, in very floppy babies, providing formal grace is that if you actually have inflated the chest then the rapidly
jaw thrust is sometimes necessary. Given the relatively large size of improving chest compliance will make chest movement easier to
the newborn babys tongue compared to size of the mouth an oro- see with subsequent imposed inflations so chest movement should
pharyngeal airway may also be helpful. eventually become obvious.
Special case meconium aspiration If chest movement is not seen then the airway is the problem and this
Some babies who get into difficulties before delivery may pass must be addressed before going any further. Unless and until the lung
meconium in utero. If insulted further, they may inhale this meconium is successfully inflated nothing else will have any chance of success.
into the oropharynx or airways during episodes of anoxic gasping Apart from checking for obvious problems such as failure to switch on
before birth. In a baby who is born through heavily meconium the air supply or a big leak from the mask, check the following issues:
stained liquor and who is unresponsive at delivery and only if
unresponsive2,3 - it is worth inspecting the oropharynx and removing
any thick particulate meconium by means of a large bore suction Is the baby truly being supported in the neutral position?
device. If the infant is unresponsive and you have the appropriate
skill then intubating the larynx and then hoovering out the upper Is jaw thrust necessary?
trachea by applying suction to the tracheal tube during withdrawal
may remove a potential blockage. Attempting to remove meconium Would an oro-pharyngeal airway be helpful?
or other endotracheal blockages by passing a suction catheter down Might you achieve better airway control with two people
through the endotracheal tube itself is unlikely to be successful as the controlling the airway?
bore of the catheter will be too small for the purpose.
Are you actually delivering an appropriately long inspiratory time?
4. Breathing
If the baby has not yet responded then the next step is to ventilate the Might there be a blockage in the oro-pharynx or trachea?
lungs. Remember the lungs will be fluid filled if the baby has made no The presence of meconium on a collapsed baby may give a clue to
attempts to breathe. Apply a well fitting mask to the mouth and nose a blocked airway. It is well known that other less obviously visible
and then attempt to inflate the lungs with air at a pressure of around substances such as blood clots, lumps of vernix or thick mucus plugs
30 cm of water aiming for an inspiratory time of 2 to 3 seconds. Five can equally be inhaled and block the airway in exactly the same way.6
such inflation breaths will usually be successful in aerating the lung
to an extent that will allow any circulation to bring some oxygenated Once chest movement has been achieved and only then consider
blood back to the heart producing a rapid increase in heart rate. chest compressions if the heart rate remains slow or absent.
Crawley S M* and Rodney G R
*Correspondence Email: simoncrawley@nhs.net
Anaphylaxis has been defined as a serious allergic and comes from the cascading release of many
reaction that is rapid in onset and may cause death.1 vasoactive substances including histamine, tryptase,
Rates of allergy and anaphylaxis in low-income leukotrienes, cytokines, platelet activating factor and
countries appear to be low compared to high-income prostaglandins.
settings, although the incidence appears to be
increasing worldwide, and anaphylaxis is becoming Initial antigen exposure results in the formation of SUMMARY
more common in children. A survey by the World specific IgE antibodies on mast cells. Second exposure
Allergy Organisation (WAO) found that essential allows binding of an antigen with IgE antibodies on Anaphylaxis is a life
drugs used in the assessment and management of the presensitised mast cells. The resulting antigen- threatening condition
anaphylaxis, with the exception of adrenaline, are antibody complex leads to the degranulation of mast Prompt recognition and
not universally available to healthcare providers, and cells and massive chemical mediator release, which optimal management
clinical guidelines were in use in only 70% of surveyed results in the classical features of: reduces adverse outcomes
nations.2 This article will describe recognition and Airway oedema Follow basic life support
management of anaphylaxis in children, with reference and anaphylaxis guidelines
to the UK Resuscitation Council Guidelines. Avoid further allergen
Increased vascular permeability
exposure, administer
EPIDEMIOLOGY Vasodilatation/hypotension oxygen and intravenous
Accurate information on the prevalence of fluid and raise the
perioperative anaphylaxis in children is difficult Other mechanisms are described, with non-
patients legs. These
to find. The condition is likely to be both under- IgE mediated responses often being labelled as simple measures are
diagnosed and under-reported. The incidence of all anaphylactoid reactions. These reactions do not useful in the management of
anaphylactic reactions in children and adolescents require antigen pre-sensitization, and can involve anaphylaxis
has been estimated as 10.5 in 100,000 or higher.3 direct mast cell/basophil interactions or complement
Prompt administration of
Perioperative anaphylaxis is thought to occur in activation, but still result in massive chemical
adrenaline is the most
around 1 in 10,000 anaesthetics in children. Asthma, mediator release. IgE and non-IgE reactions are effective treatment in
family history, multiple surgeries, latex exposure and clinically indistinguishable in their presenting features anaphylaxis
food allergy are all risk factors.4 Mortality rates can be and do not differ in their management. The term
significant, with up to 10% of all reported anaesthesia- anaphylactoid has now largely been abandoned.
related reactions having fatal outcomes, although it is
likely that less severe reactions go unreported.5 Asthma COMMON ALLERGENS IN CHILDREN S M Crawley
is an important risk factor for both the occurrence and Food Speciality Registrar
severity of reaction. Most fatal cases of anaphylaxis are Food allergy is the commonest cause of anaphylaxis Dept of Anaesthesia,
seen in patients with asthma. Variations in diagnostic in children.8 A 5-year retrospective study in Australia Ninewells Hospital and
criteria and reporting rates raise doubts over the true found 85% of paediatric admissions to the emergency Medical School,
incidence and outcomes in anaphylaxis treatment. department for an allergic reaction were following Dundee,
Certainly, the incidence of allergy and the number exposure to a food related allergen.9 Peanuts, fish, Scotland DD1 9SY
of prescriptions for self-administered adrenaline (e.g. milk, eggs and shellfish are most commonly identified
EpiPen) is increasing.6,7 triggers, although any food can be implicated. G R Rodney
Worldwide variation in common food allergens is Consultant
PATHOPHYSIOLOGY seen. Of particular interest to the anaesthetist is Dept of Anaesthesia,
Anaphylaxis is an IgE mediated type I hypersensitivity the association between egg allergy and propofol Ninewells Hospital and
reaction, which occurs after exposure to a (discussed below). Some children outgrow their food Medical School,
foreign molecule/antigen, and results in mast cell allergy; hypersensitivity to allergens such as nuts and Dundee,
degranulation and histamine release. The clinical shellfish remain throughout life and are commonly Scotland
syndrome of anaphylaxis is much more complex associated with more severe reactions.10 DD1 9SY
Cardiovascular effects such as hypotension are less common signs 2. Two or more of the following that occur rapidly after exposure to
in children, only found in between a quarter and a third of cases. a likely allergen for that patient (minutes to several hours):
Tachycardia and hypotension indicate more severe reactions. Involvement of skin-mucosal tissue (e.g. generalised
Cardiovascular collapse is a late sign, which occurs peri-arrest. It is urticaria, itch-flush, swollen lips-tongue-uvula)
usually due to hypovolaemia due to both profound vasodilatation Respiratory compromise (e.g. dyspnoea, wheeze,
and increased capillary permeability leading to fluid leakage. bronchospasm, stridor, reduced PEF, hypoxaemia)
Reduced blood pressure or associated symptoms (e.g.
Gastrointestinal symptoms such as abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting
hypotonia [collapse] syncope, incontinence)
and diarrhoea may also be seen in non-anaesthetised children.
Persistent gastrointestinal symptoms (e.g. abdominal pain,
A diagnostic tool has been proposed to improve identification of vomiting)
patients with anaphylaxis.1 This is outlined in Table 2. It is proposed
3. Reduced blood pressure after exposure to a known allergen for
that following these criteria will identify over 90% of reactions,
that patient (minutes to several hours)
leading to early treatment and thus improved outcome.
Infants/ children: low age - specific systolic blood pressure
ALGORITHMS AND GUIDELINES or greater than 30% decrease in systolic pressure
There are many published guidelines and management algorithms
in the literature. Many nations adopt those produced by their own
national societies and expert panels. In 2011, the World Allergy
and is an excellent resource.19 The algorithm produced by the UK
Organisation (WAO) Anaphylaxis guideline was created following
Resuscitation Council is well presented and concise, making it ideal
a lack of a single global template for anaphylaxis management
for display in clinical areas.20 This is shown in Figure 1. The choice
of guideline in itself is not important. Of greater importance is that
Table 1. Differential diagnosis of anaphylaxis clinical staff are aware and have access to the guideline. They must
also have opportunity to rehearse critical incident scenarios in the
Depth of anaesthesia (too deep i.e. hypotension) management of anaphylaxis.
2. Simons FER, for the World Allergy Organisation. World Allergy 18. Queiroz M, Combet S, Berard J et al. Latex allergy in children;
Organisation survey on the global availability of essentials modalities and prevention. Paediatric Anaesthesia. 2009 19;
for the assessment and management of anaphylaxis by allergy/ 313-319.
immunology specialists in healthcare settings. Ann Allergy 19. Simons FER, Ardusso LRF, Bilo MB et al. World Allergy
Asthma Immunology. 2010; 104; 405-412. Organization Anaphylaxis Guidelines: Summary. J Allergy Clin
Immunol. 2011; 127(3): 58793.
3. Bohlke K, Davis, RL, DeStefano F et al. Epidemiology of
anaphylaxis among children and adolescents enrolled in a 20. Resuscitation Council UK. Emergency treatment of anaphylactic
health maintenance organisation. J Allergy Clin Immunol. reactions. www.resus.org.uk/pages/reaction.pdf.
2004; 113: 536-542.
21. Wilson I. Asthma and anaesthesia. Tutorial of the Week 2005;1
4. Tam JS, Kelly K, Pongracic JA. A seventeen-year review of available from http://www.anaesthesiauk.com/documents/
peri-operative anaphylaxis in a paediatric hospital. J Allergy Asthma%20and%20anaesthesia%20iii.pdf (accessed 17/10/14)
Clin Immunol 2011; 127: AB247. 22. Ellis AK. Biphasic anaphylaxis: a review of the incidence,
characteristics and predictors. The Open Allergy Journal. 2010;
5. Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland Safety
3: 24-28.
Guideline. Suspected anaphylactic reactions associated with
anaesthesia. Anaesthesia 2009; 64: 199-211 available from 23.
Choo KJL, Simons FER, Sheikh A. Glucocorticoids for the
http://www.aagbi.org/sites/default/files/anaphylaxis_2009. treatment of anaphylaxis. Cochrane Database of Systematic |
pdf [accessed 3/6/15]. Reviews 2012, Issue 4. Art No: CD007596.
Week 95(2008)
Susara Ribbens
Correspondence email: susara@btinternet.com
Hydrocarbons (paraffin, white spirit) Corticosteroid therapy may increase the risk of secondary
Most of the hydrocarbons are petroleum distillates, containing a bacterial infection and has not been shown to be of any benefit.
variable amount of saturated and unsaturated aliphatic (open-chain) Antibiotics should be given if there are suggestions of a secondary
and aromatic (cyclic) hydrocarbons. The aliphatics are not readily infection (persistent fever or a fever that develops after 24 hours.)
absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract and therefore cause minimal
systemic toxicity. Paraffin, petrol, thinners, diesel and benzene are Prophylactic antibiotics have not been shown to prevent
low viscosity aliphatic-based petroleum distillates. The aromatic secondary infection and are not advocated.
hydrocarbons are well absorbed, and therefore may cause systemic
toxic effects but are less inclined to aspiration-related complications. PESTICIDES
The main hazard of accidental ingestion of the aliphatic hydrocarbons
(paraffin) is that of chemical pneumonitis characterised by ventilation/ Paraquat
perfusion imbalance and hypoxia. The aspirated hydrocarbons Paraquat ingestion remains a problem in a large number of countries.
inhibit surfactant and also cause direct broncho-alveolar injury. This Most of these cases are intentional suicide attempts (73% in a
can occur even in the absence of vomiting or impaired consciousness Malaysian study) or occupational exposure and therefore not that
and as little as 1ml aspirated hydrocarbon can result in a chemical frequently seen in the paediatric population. It is the most toxic
pneumonitis. herbicide known, producing multi-organ failure. After oral ingestion,
patients develop a severe gastroenteritis with oral, oesophageal and
Paraffin is often sold or stored in unlabeled containers which may be gastric ulceration. Depending on the dose ingested, multi-organ
within childrens reach. Volumes ingested tend to be small because failure may develop within 48-72 hours. As little as 10ml may be
of a burning sensation in the mouth and the bad taste of the liquid. fatal. Those who survive the initial phase develop pulmonary fibrosis
Pulse saturation monitoring does not distinguish between HbO2 Decontaminate the skin with soap and water.
and COHb and will read falsely high.
Gastric lavage could be attempted where there are no signs of
Arterial blood gases should be done if available. PaO2 may be cyanide poisoning.
normal but any evidence of metabolic acidosis indicates serious
poisoning (useful even in the absence of COHb measuring Dicobalt ededate, sodium thiosulphate and sodium nitrate are
facilities.) COHb measurements are diagnostic but not always used as antidotes.
Treat according to ABC principles. Children frequently ingest medicines. Dangerous substances for
children include salicylates, paracetamol, iron, theophylline and
Apply tight-fitting mask with 100% oxygen. This reduces the
tricyclic antidepressants.
half life of COHb from 320 mins (in room air) to 80 minutes.
Intubation and ventilation may be necessary in severe cases.
Aspirin / salicylate poisoning
Hyperbaric oxygen is useful to further reduce the COHb half Commonly ingested by children. Also probably the commonest
life, but access and transfer times to a hyperbaric chamber make drug to be ingested deliberately in overdose. Oil of wintergreen is
it an impractical option. 98% methyl salicylate. Its primary toxic effect is by uncoupling of
oxidative phosphorylation.
Check 12 lead ECG if there are signs of myocardial ischaemia,
the patient needs intubation/ventilation. Patients present with restlessness, hyperventilation, tinnitus,
deafness, tachycardia, nausea, vomiting, sweating, hyperthermia and
Supportive care should include continuous cardiac monitoring, dehydration. Pulmonary oedema, acute renal failure, hypokalaemia,
treatment of arrhythmias and correction of acid/base and hypoglycaemia and hypothrombinaemia may also develop. In adults
electrolyte abnormalities. there is an early increase in respiration rate causing a respiratory
Lab bloods should be done for creatinine and electrolytes, FBC, alkalosis that precedes the later development of metabolic acidosis.
creatine kinase and cardiac enzymes. However this is not seen in children.
Brain hypoxia leads to cerebral oedema and fits. Diazepam Management of aspirin / salicylate poisoning
5-10mg iv is used to control the fits. Gastric lavage should be attempted, even up to 12 hours or
Initial chest Xray may be normal even in severe smoke inhalation. longer post ingestion. In overdose, salicylates may form
concretions in the stomach and delay absorption.
Patients need to be followed up as some of the neuropsychiatric
complications may take weeks to develop. Activated charcoal orally every four hours.
Combustion of household materials can also generate a number of Severity of the poisoning can be determined by measuring
other toxic substances such as sulphur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, blood salicylate levels 6 or more hours after ingestion but may be
acrolein, cyanide and various acids from PVC and polyurethane. misleading in severe acidosis. Ideally should be done on admission
This may cause direct lung, skin and conjunctival injury. and 4 hours later to assess continued absorption. Therapeutic
levels of salicylate are generally less than 300mg.l-1. Levels more
Cyanide poisoning than 750mg.l-1 represents severe poisoning.
Most commonly seen in victims of smoke inhalation as a combustion
product of polyurethane foams. Cyanide derivates are also used in Check electrolytes. Blood glucose monitoring should be done
industrial processes and fertilizers. Children may ingest amygdalin, a every 2 hours.
cyanogenic glycoside contained in kernels of almonds and cherries.
Cyanide acts by irreversibly blocking mitochondrial electron Dehydration, acidosis, hypoglycaemia and electrolyte
transport. disturbances should be corrected. Pay particular attention to
potassium. Care should be taken to avoid fluid overload, and
HCN gas can lead to cardiorespiratory collapse and arrest within renal function should be closely monitored.
a few minutes. Patients surviving to reach hospital are unlikely to
have suffered significant poisoning. Early signs include dizziness, Alkalinisation of the urine (pH 7.5-8.5) by administering sodium
chest tightness, dyspnoea, confusion and paralysis, followed by bicarbonate (either orally or by infusion) is recommended to
cardiovascular collapse, apnoea and seizures. increase excretion of salicylates.
Activated charcoal should not be given orally if the specific An abdominal X-ray helps to determine the number of tablets
antidote is also given orally. ingested and also the success or failure of gastrointestinal
Measure paracetamol levels at least 4 hours post ingestion
and plot on plasma paracetamol concentration time graph to A patient with serum iron >90mmol.l-1 may be treated with a
determine treatment line. chelating agent.
- If the initial levels indicate no treatment, repeat after 4 If <20mg.kg-1 are ingested, treatment is supportive. Patients with
hours to check for delayed absorption. iron level below 54mmol.l-1 and who remains asymptomatic 6
- All patients on or above the Normal treatment line should hours post ingestion would not be expected to develop significant
be given N-acetylcysteine. toxicity and require no active treatment.
- Patients on enzyme-inducing drugs should be treated if For ingestion of between 20-60mg.kg-1 elemental iron, gastric
above the Enhanced risk treatment line. emptying may be considered if within one hour of ingestion.
Where levels are not available, assume liver damage after ingestion Whole bowel irrigation may be used in patients with ingestion
of a single dose of more than 150mg.kg-1 paracetamol, or a of more than 60mg.kg-1 and more than one hour post ingestion.
staggered overdose (spread over several hours) of the same It is especially useful if a slow release preparation has been
amount. ingested. Charcoal is of no benefit as iron does not bind to it.
Acetylcysteine is the antidote of choice and is usually given iv. Desferrioxamine chelates iron and is the recommended
Oral methionine may be used if the patient is allergic to treatment.
acetylcysteine and is also a suitable alternative in remote areas - Give 1 gram im every 6-12 hours for children (2g for
if vomiting is not a problem. Oral acetylcysteine and carbocysteine adolescents). (100mg of desferrioxamine binds 8.5mg of
have also been used. elemental iron)
- If the patient is hypotensive, give desferrioxamine iv at a
Monitor urea and electrolytes, PT and LFT. rate of 15mg.kg-1.hr-1, until the serum iron falls (maximum
Give vitamin K but avoid giving fresh frozen plasma unless there daily dose 80mg.kg-1)
is active bleeding. The PT is the best indicator of the severity of Haemodialysis is indicated in very high serum iron levels that
liver failure. respond poorly to chelation therapy or if the urine output is not
maintained. (the iron-chelate is excreted entirely in the urine)
All patients with encephalopathy or a rapidly rising PT should be
referred to a liver unit (where available). Theophylline poisoning
Supportive treatment and treatment of liver and renal failure as This type of poisoning is rare but serious. Most preparations are
indicated. slow release so that problems develop 12-24 hours after ingestion.
Features of acute ingestion reflect the local irritant GI effects nausea,
Iron poisoning vomiting, haematemesis and diarrhoea. The child may be hyperactive
Ingestion of more than 20mg.kg-1 of elemental iron is considered with dilated pupils, hypereflexia, hypotonia and myoclonus. There
potentially toxic, and the lethal dose is estimated at about 180mg. may also be severe hypokalaemia, arrhythmias, metabolic acidosis,
kg-1 Iron is extremely irritant. The clinical features can be divided into hyperglycaemia, hypotension and seizures.
Repeated administration of activated charcoal to prevent further Correct metabolic acidosis to enhance protein binding of the
absorption and enhance systemic clearance. (May be difficult in drug.
the presence of nausea and vomiting).
Control seizures with diazepam.
Whole bowel irrigation is considered if a slow-release preparation
is ingested. SUMMARY
Prevention of childhood poisoning is vital. There must be adequate
Haemoperfusion should also be considered. supervision, safe placement of medications, child safe cabinets and
Seizures are treated with diazepam. containers, blister packaging and education. Most paediatric cases
are not severe. Recognition of potentially life-threatening ingestions
Assess hydration and correct hypokalaemia and electrolyte is important so that appropriate early treatment can be instituted.
disturbances. Aggressive supportive care is vital.
Cardiac monitoring to detect arrhythmias.
Ribbens S. Accidental poisoning in children. Anaesthesia Tutorial
Verapamil and propanolol may be required to treat
of the Week 95(2008) available from: http://www.wfsahq.org/
supraventricular and ventricular tachyarrhythmias. Lignocaine
appears to have little effect on ventricular ectopy.
Tricyclic antidepressants poisoning-in-children.pdf
Cardiovascular toxicity is the main cause of death in tricyclic
antidepressant overdose. It is caused by the blockade of noradrenaline Useful websites
uptake as well as the anticholinergic, membrane-stabilising and World Health Organisation The International Programme on
alpha-blocking effects. Nervous system toxicity includes drowsiness, Chemical Safety : Poisoning Prevention and Management (www.
agitation, hallucinations, hyperreflexia, myoclonus, rigidity, inchem.org)
convulsions, respiratory depression and coma. Anticholinergic TOXBASE.org www.spib.axl.co.uk (NHS only, requires
effects include flushing, dry mouth, dilated pupils, hyperpyrexia registration)
and bladder/bowel paralysis. Cardiovascular toxicity includes sinus
tachycardia, hypotension, conduction abnormalities and arrhythmias. Agency for toxic substances & disease registry: (no password
Respiratory complications include respiratory depression, aspiration or registration required) http://www.atsdr.cdc.gov/substances/
pneumonia, ARDS and pulmonary oedema. toxsubstance.asp?toxid=19
Management of tricyclic overdose TOXNET (toxnet.nlm.nih.gov)
Gastric emptying is delayed by tricyclic antidepressants, and
therefore gastric lavage should be attempt as late as 12 hours post Royal Childrens Hospital Melbourne: Victorian Poisons
ingestion Information Centre (www.rch.org.au/poisons)
Rachel Homer, Edition Editor
This is not intended to be an exhaustive list, but the emergency department. May also aid preparations
Ive tried to bring together cheap or (majority) free in theatre for urgent cases requiring intubation.
resources which Ive found useful or interesting, or
which have been recommended to me.
This is an incident reporting system run by the
US Society for Pediatric Anesthesia. Participating
institutions [who have to pay a fee to join] share
Safety critical incidents so that lessons on safer practice can
http://www.who.int/patientsafety//safesurgery/en/ result. Findings are free to download, and although
index.html not designed for a resource-poor setting it may still
be helpful to read about common problems and how
The 2009 edition of WHO surgical safety checklist
they have been solved or avoided.
available to download free in English, French, Arabic,
Chinese, Russian or Spanish. Also links to http://www.aagbi.org/safety/salg/salg-incident-
The checklists implementation manual in the
The Safe Anaesthesia Liaison Group [SALG] is jointly
same languages
hosted by the UKs Royal College of Anaesthetists
WHO guidelines for safe surgery (English) and Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain
Pilot study showing mortality benefit and Ireland. Safety incidents across the breadth of
[Haynes et al] anaesthesia [not just paediatrics as for Wake Up Safe]
are shared from across England and Wales. SALG
Examples of locally adapted checklists
produce a quarterly report of recurring themes, as
Draft translations into further languages well as safety briefings on specific topics, which again
Other resources (also free). assume a high-income environment but still contain
useful learning points. All are free to download.
Training materials, user manual and trouble-shooting Education
guide developed to support the Lifebox foundations Not specific to paediatric anaesthesia, but have
distribution of free (donated) rugged pulse oximeters paediatric content:
to widen access to this critical patient safety monitor. http://www.anaesthesiologists.org/
Free to download in English, Arabic, Chinese, World Federation of Societies of Anaesthesiologists
Portuguese, French, Spanish, and Russian. Also links homepage. Links from here to Update in Anaesthesia,
to application/needs assessment for a Lifebox pulse Tutorial of the Week, and many other resources.
oximeter if your hospital does not yet have one.
E-Learning for Anaesthesia (e-LA) is an extensive
[Hudson et al] Prototype of software activated by
online resource designed for anaesthetists who work
connecting hardware (pulse oximeter probe, cable) to
for the UKs National Health Service. It follows the
a mobile phone. First use of mobile phone technology
UK Royal College curriculum in anaesthesia. Free
for continuous pulse oximetry monitoring. Cost:
registration is only available if you have an NHS email
perhaps $20 USD; not yet available as at June 2015.
address. Otherwise the programme is available to
http://www.saferintubation.com/ purchase annual access at high cost [full programme
Intubation Checklist pdf is designed to help the whole 600/year]. These sample sessions can be completed
team, who may be unfamiliar, share a mental model free, and some other sessions are available on the
for emergency intubation under stress and in less e-SAFE DVD.
familiar conditions, such as a major trauma patient in
Volume 19, Issue 10 (October 2009): range of articles The following listings contain further ideas, all free to
Volume 22, Issue Supplement s1 (July 2012) Special download:
Issue: Good Practice in Postoperative and Procedural Pain http://www.imedicalapps.com/2013/06/free-iphone-medical-
Management, 2nd Edition apps-physicians/
Volume 23, Issue 1 (January 2013): range of articles. http://www.imedicalapps.com/2011/01/top-free-android-
lists guidelines and advice from the Association of Paediatric Calculate by QxMD
Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland. Accessed on 08/08/2013, https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/calculate-medical-calculator/
contains free-to-download guidelines on: id361811483?mt=8 is useful for paediatric drug dose calculations.
Pain management MediBabble
Difficult airway http://www.medibabble.com/features.html
1. Reynolds F, OSullivan G. Lumbar puncture and headache. l Up to 1500 words (approximately 2 pages of Update in
BASIC SCIENCE 154 Anaesthesia for cleft and lip palate surgery
4 Basic science relevant to practical paediatric anaesthesia
159 Anaesthesia for paediatric orthopaedic surgery
13 Equipment in paediatric anaesthesia
23 Paediatric drawover anaesthesia 168 Large airway obstruction in children
ANAESTHESIA AND COMORBID DISEASE 174 Bronchoscopy for a foreign body in a child
27 Anaesthesia and congenital abnormalities
178 Anaesthesia for emergency paediatric
35 The anaesthetic management of children with general surgery
sickle cell disease
40 HIV in children and anaesthesia 187 Head injury in paediatrics
99 Upper and lower limb blocks in children 251 Acute lower respiratory disease in children
133 Major elective surgery in children, and surgery in 279 Accidental poisoning in children
remote and rural locations
141 Anaesthesia for paediatric ear, nose, 285 Further resources available online or to
and throat surgery download
Typesetting: sumographics (UK) email info@sumographics.co.uk Printing: COS Printers Pte Ltd (Singapore)
The WFSA takes all reasonable care to ensure that the information contained in Update is accurate. We cannot be held responsible for any errors or
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