DLL - Mapeh 6 - q1-w7 Health

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GRADES 1 to 12 Teacher: MARIA VICENTA T. VERANO Learning Area: MAPEH ( Health)

DAILY LESSON LOG Teaching Dates and
Time: July 10-14, 2017/ 2:40- 3:20 Quarter: 1ST QUARTER


A. Content Standard Demonstrates Understanding of personal health issues and concerns and the importance of health appraisal procedures and community resources in preventing or managing
B. Performance Practices self-management skills to prevent and control personal health issues and concerns
C. Learning H6PHlab-18- Describes personal health issues and H6PH lab-19-Demonstrates self- management skills in the Weekly test
Competencies concerns of the following: prevention and management of personal health issues and
(write the LC Code) 1. Height and weight; concerns
2. Eyes, ears, and skin;
3. Body posture and spine disorders; and
4. Oral and dental

II. CONTENT Personal Health


A. References
1. TG/CG pages
2. Learners Materials
3. Textbook pages
4. Materials
downloaded from
B. Other Learning
Materials Pictures, projector Pictures, projector Pictures, projector Pictures, projector

A. Reviewing previous What will you do to have a What will you do to have a good I have here pictures of health I have here pictures of health
lesson and presenting good health? What health? What activities/ practices issues , pick one and describe. issues , pick one and describe.
new lesson activities/ practices you are you are doing everyday to obtain
doing everyday to obtain good health or maintain good
good health or maintain health?
good health?

B. Establishing a Show picture of good health Show picture of good health ( Sung to the tune of Row, Row, ( Sung to the tune of Row, Row,
purpose for the practices and causes of practices and causes of being Row your Boat) Row your Boat)
lesson being unhealthy unhealthy Wash, wash, wash your hands Wash, wash, wash your hands
Be sure to use the soap! Be sure to use the soap!
Rub and scrub and scrup and rub Rub and scrub and scrup and rub
Germs go down the drain. Hey Germs go down the drain. Hey
C. Presenting What will happen if we What will happen if we follow the Let the pupils see different picture Let the pupils see different picture
examples/instances follow the good health good health practices? And if we of self management skills of self management skills
of the lesson practices? And if we will not will not follow?

D. Discussing new Discuss the different health Discuss the different health issues Describe each picture. What does Describe each picture. What does
concepts and issues and concerns. and concerns. each picture for? What health each picture for? What health
practicing new skills issues can be prevented on each issues can be prevented on each
#1 picture? picture?
E. Discussing new Discuss the different health Discuss the different health issues Discuss the different self- Discuss the different self-
concepts and issues and concerns. and concerns. management skills in the management skills in the
practicing new skills prevention and management of prevention and management of
#2 personal health issues and personal health issues and
concerns concerns
F. Developing mastery Guessing Game Guessing Game Group Activity Group Activity
(lead to formative Guess the name of the Guess the name of the pictures of What will you do to prevent the What will you do to prevent the
assessment 3) pictures of personal health personal health issues in the health issues? Accomplish the health issues? Accomplish the
issues in the board. Choose board. Choose the names in the Semantic web. Semantic web.
the names in the word strips word strips and paste it below the Post Activity: Display their work Post Activity: Display their work
and paste it below the picture.
G. Finding practical Find a Partner Find a Partner Role playing/ demonstrating the Role playing/ demonstrating the
application of The partner will pick a name The partner will pick a name of self- management skills to prevent self- management skills to prevent
concepts and skills in of health issues. They are health issues. They are going to the personal health issues. the personal health issues.
daily living going to describe and tell describe and tell how to prevent
how to prevent it. it.
( Value Integration: How can ( Value Integration: How can you
you take care of your body? take care of your body?
H. Making generalization What are the different What are the different health What are the different self- What are the different self-
and abstractions health issues and concerns? issues and concerns? ( Let the management skills to prevent from management skills to prevent from
about the lesson ( Let the pupils describe it) pupils describe it) personal health issues? Do you personal health issues? Do you
think these are important? Why or think these are important? Why or
why not? why not?
I. Evaluating learning Create a poster showing- Create a poster showing-
Choose the correct answer from the box that describes the
management skills to prevent the management skills to prevent the
personal health issues. Write your answer on the blank.
personal health issues. personal health issues.
Otitis media Stunted Growth
Obesity Vision
Blisters Underweight
1. It is a medical condition in which a
person's spine has a sideways curve.
2.It is a reduced growth rate in human
3.It is a small pocket of body fluid(lymph, serum, plasma, blood, or
pus)within the upper layers of theskin.

5. It refers to eye movement control
and eye coordination.

J. Additional activities Write 2to 3 sentences on what Write 2to 3 sentences on what
List down at least 5 List down at least 5 personal
for application or self- management skills in your self- management skills in your
personal health issues health issues common in your
remediation common in your community/family. family applies or demonstrates. family applies or demonstrates.


VI. REFLECTION Assessing yourself as a teacher and analyzing the students progress this week.
A. No. of learners who
earned 80% in the
B. No. of learners who
acquired additional
activities for
remediation who scored
below 80%
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners
who have caught up
with the lesson.
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encountered which my
principal can help me
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
used/discover which I
wish to share with other

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Checked by:
Principal II

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