Art 85 Meal Periods

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The key takeaways from the document are the rules regarding meal periods, night shift differentials, and how an employee's work day is counted.

Employees must be given at least 60 minutes for meal periods. Exceptions include when the meal period is spent for the employer's benefit or is less than 60 minutes. Meal periods can be shortened to less than 60 minutes under certain conditions.

Employees must be paid a 10% differential for hours worked between 10pm and 6am. Night shift differentials cannot be waived. The burden of proof for payment is on the employer.

ART 85 MEAL PERIODS (a) Where the work is non-manual or does not involve physical

Subject to such regulations as the Secretary of Labor
may prescribe, it shall be the duty of every employer to give (b) Where the establishment regularly operates not less than
his employees not less than sixty minutes time-off for their 16 hours a day;
regular employees.
(c) When there is actual or impending emergencies or there is
urgent work to b performed on machineries, equipment or
installations to avoid serious loss which the employer would
GR: 60 minute meal time is not compensable
otherwise suffer; and
EXCEPTIONS: (1) where the lunch period or meal time is
(d) Where the work is necessary to prevent serious loss of
predominantly spent for the employers benefit or
perishable goods.
(2) where it is less than 60 mins

Continuous Shifts
- Shortening meal time to less than 20 minutes is not allowed,
-where work is continuous for several shifts, the meal if so it becomes only a rest period and is considered working
time breaks should be counted as working time for purposes of time.
overtime compensation.

National Development Company vs CIR and National Textile Shortened Meal Break upon Employees Request
Workers Union; Nov. 30, 1962
-employees may request for shorter meal breaks to leave work
early. In such case, shortened meal period is not compensable.

1. At NDC, there were 4 work shifts of eight hours each, with 1 -certain conditions imposed by DOLE:
hour meal time per shift, and paid them with 8 hours of work.
(1) The employees voluntarily agree in writing to a shortened
2. But since 1953, whenever workers were required to work 2 meal period, and are willing to waive the overtime pay for
shifts, they would be credited for only 14 hours, instead of 16 such ;
hours. Employers claim that the 2 hours for meal time should
not be included in the computation for compensation. (2) There will be no diminution whatsoever in the salary and
other fringe benefits of the employees existing before the
effectivity of the shortened meal period;
Ruling (3) Work of the employees does not involve stenuous physial
- When work is continuous, the meal time breaks should be exertion and they are provided with adequate coffee breaks
counted as working time for purposes of overtime work. in the morning and afternoon;

- The work in petitioner company is continuous as evidenced (4) The value of benefits derived by the employees from the
by time card which showed that the work was uninterrupted, proposed arrangement is equal to commensurate with the
employees cannot freely leave their working places nor rest compensation due them for the shortened meal period as well
completely. as the overtime pay for 30 minutes as determined by the
employees concerned;
- The Rule that the idle time that an employee may spend for
resting is not counted as working time is ONLY applicable when (5) The overtime pay of the employees will become due and
work is broken and not continuous. demandable if ever they are permitted or made to work
beyond 4:30pm; and

(6) The effectivity of the proposed working time arrangement

Meal Time of Less Than 60 Minutes shall be of temporary duration as determined by Secretary of
Labor and Employment.
-It may be lessen but not to be shorter than 20 Minutes

- Situations where the meal break may be shortened to less

than 60 minutes, with full pay, are the following: CHANGING LUNCH BREAK FROM PAID TO UNPAID
-The right to fix work schedules of the employees rests
pricipally on their employer, when he changed the 30 minute
- Computed by multiplying the overtime hourly rate by the
paid lunch to 1 hour unpaid lunch.
number of hours worked in excess of eight.


Every employee shall be paid a night shift differential of
-It is the additional work, labor, or service employed and the
not less than 10 % of his regular wage for each hour of work
adverse effects just mentioned of his longer stay in his place of
performed between 10pm and 6 am.
work that justify and are the real reasons for the extra
compensation that is called overtime pay.


- Night work cannot be regarded as desirable, either from the Night Differential Overtime Pay
point of view of the employer or the wage earner.
-payment for work done -payment for the excess of
during the night the regular 8 hour work

Night Shift Differential NOT WAIVABLE

Mercury Drug Co. Vs NARDO DAYAO Overtime Rate Based on Regular Wage

-The waiver rule is not applicable in the case at bar. - Overtime pay is compensation added to the regular wage.
Additional compensation for nighttime work is founded on
public policy, hence the same cannot be waived. (Art 6 NCC).
On this matter, the court believes that the respondent court Regular Base Pay
acted according to justice and equity and the substation merits
of the case, without regard to technicalities or legal forms and -regular basic pay and necessarily excludes money received in
should be sustained. different concepts such as Christmas bonus and other fringe

Burden of Proof of Payment

- The burden of proving that payment of such benefit has Retail/Service Establishment P367.00)
been made rests upon the party who will suffer if no evidence
at all is presented by either party. Justice Bellosillo in Natl 1. For work in excess of 8 hours performed on ordinary
Semiconductor Distribution vs NLRC working days: PLUS 25% of the hourly rate (x125%)

2. For work in excess of 8 hours performed on a scheduled rest

day OR a special day :PLUS 30% of the hourly rate on said days
ART 87 OVERTIME WORK (x 130%).
Work may be performed beyon 8 hours a day provided 3. For work in excess of 8 hours performed on a regular
the employee is paid for the overtime work an additional holiday: PLUS 30% of the hourly rate on said days. (x200% x
compensation equivalent to his regular wage plus at least 25% 130%)
thereof. Work performed beyod 8 hours on a holiday or rest
day shall be paid an additional compensation to the rate of 4. For work in excess of eight hours performed on a regular
the first eight hours on a holiday or rest day plus at least 30% holiday which falls on a scheduled rest day: PLUS 30% of the
thereof. hourly rate on said days. (x260 % x 130%)

*** Retail/Service establishment employing less than 10

workers is ot covered by the rule on Holiday Pay.

-is additional pay for service or work rendered or performed in

excess of eight hours a day by employees or laborers in Premium Pay; When Included or Excluded in Computing
employment covered by the 8 hour labor law, and not exempt Overtime Pay
from its requirements.
GR: The premium pay for work performed on rest days,special our welfare laws duly reward him with a premium higher than
days or regular holidays is included as part of the regular rate what he would receive when he works on his regular working
of the employee in the computation of overtime pay for
overtime work rendered. 2. ID.; ID.; ID.; METHOD OF COMPUTING EMPLOYEE'S BASIC DAILY
RATE. The divisor in computing an employee's basic daily rate
EXCEPTIONS: (1) Employees and employeer may stipulate in should be that actual working days in a year. The number of
their collective agreement the payment of overtime work at off-days are not to be counted precisely because on such
rates higher than those provided by law. off-days, an employee is not required to work.

CBA May Stipulate Higher Overtime Pay Rate 3. ID.; ID.; ID.; RULING IN NAWASA VS. NWSA CONSOLIDATED
-it is not for the court to impose upon the parties anything that the NAWASA doctrine (enunciated in G.R. No. L-18938,
August 31, 1964) should not apply to a public utility like PAL
beyond what they have agreed upon which is not tainted with
which, from the nature of its operations, requires a
illegality. whole-year-round, uninterrupted work by personnel. What PAL
apparently forgets is that just like it, NAWASA is also a public
utility which likewise requires its workers to work the whole year
Conversion of Monthly to Daily Rate; Actual Work Days as round. NAWASA is a government-owned corporation to which
PAL is akin, it being a government-controlled corporations. PAL
inked with the represented unions of the employees collective
bargaining agreements wherein it bound itself to duly
compensate employees working on their off-days. The same
PALEA (Philippine Air Lines Employees Associations) VS PAL situation obtained in the NAWASA case, hence, the settled
doctrine should not be disturbed.
70 SCRA 244
determining daily and hourly rate of pay has been decided and
FACTS adopted by it unilaterally without the knowledge and express
consent of the employees. It was only later on that the
employees came to know of the formula's irregularity and its
In the dispute between PAL and its two unions, the PALEA and being violative of the collective bargaining agreements
the PALSA over the method of computing the basic and hourly previously executed by PAL and the unions. PALSA immediately
rate of monthly-salaried employees the Industrial Court proposed that PAL use the correct method of competition, which
declared PAL's formula legal and proper. proposal PAL chose to ignore. Clearly, therefore, the
long-standing silence by the PAL employees is in truth and in fact
The unions moved for reconsideration, attributing error to PAL's innocent silence, which cannot place a party in estoppel. The
wage formula, particularly in the use of 365 days as divisor for rationale for this is not difficult to see. The doctrines of estoppel
this would necessarily include off-days which, under the terms had its origin in equity. As such, its applicability depends, to a
of the collective bargaining agreements entered into between large extent, on the circumstance surrounding a particular case.
the parties, were not paid days. Where, therefore, the neglect or omission alleged to have
RULING placed a party in estopped is actually fraught with badges of
innocence, estoppel cannot be invoked. In another count, the
The Supreme Court held that the divisor in computing an unilateral adoption by PAL of an irregular wage formula being an
employee's basic daily rate should be the actual working days in act against public policy the doctrine of estoppel cannot give
a year; that the long silence of the PAL employees relative to the validity to the same.
adopted formula of their employer was innocent silence which
cannot place them in estopped and that since the union 5. ID.; ID.; CLAIM FOR PAY DIFFERENTIALS; APPLICABLE LAW.
members' claim anchored on the written contracts between the Where the claim involves the strict compliance with the
litigants, the ten-year prescriptive period provided by Article provisions on wage computations embodied in the collective
1144 (1) of the New Civil Code should govern. bargaining agreements inked between the litigants, the Civil
Code provisions on the prescriptive period in the filing of action
SYLLABUS based on written contracts should apply. Where the claim for
differentials is solely based on the Eight-Hour Labor Law, the
LABOR RELATIONS; COMPENSATION; OFF-DAYS ARE NOT PAID three-year prescriptive period fixed therein will apply.
DAYS. There should hardly be any doubt that off-days are not
paid days. Precisely, off-days are rest days for the worker. He is 6. ID.; ID.; ID.; CONSTRUCTION IN FAVOR OF LABOR. Where
not required to work on such days. This finds support not only in there is doubt as to what labor legislation to apply to the
the principle in labor that the basis of remuneration or grievances of the employees, that legislation which would
compensation is actual service rendered, but in the ever enhance the right of the workers should be followed, consonant
pervading labor spirit aimed at humanizing the conditions of the with the express pronouncement of the New Civil Code that: "In
working man. Since during his off-days an employee is not case of doubt, all labor legislation and labor contracts should be
compelled to work, he cannot, conversely, demand for his construed in favor of the safety and decent living of he laborer."
corresponding pay. If, however, a worker works on his off-day,
How Work Day is Counted

A Day - is a 24 hour period which commences from the time

the employee regularly starts to work.

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