Quantum Wave of Life Evolution: Written by DR Kiril Chukanov, June 2009, Calgary, Canada
Quantum Wave of Life Evolution: Written by DR Kiril Chukanov, June 2009, Calgary, Canada
Quantum Wave of Life Evolution: Written by DR Kiril Chukanov, June 2009, Calgary, Canada
Written by Dr Kiril Chukanov, June 2009, Calgary, Canada
Copyright 2009 by Dr Kiril Chukanov
Ri e2
K 1,e, p ; K 1,e, p 19 Ae, p ; Ae, p ;
Ri 1 G me M p
Ti Ri
K 1,e, p K 2,e, p 12.37 !
Ti 1 Ri 1
Intensity :k 2,e,p (12.37)
of Life
:k 3,e,p (3.52) :k 4,e,p (1.875) :k 4,e,p (1.875)
Ist blooming
IInd blooming
Ist Great catastrophe
IIIrd catastrophe
IInd catastrophe
Fig. 1
Intensity :k 2,e,p (12.37)
of Life
:k 3,e,p (3.52) :k 4,e,p (1.875) :k 4,e,p (1.875)
Ist blooming
IInd blooming
Ist Great catastrophe
IIIrd catastrophe
IInd catastrophe
Fig. 2
Intensity :k 2,e,p (12.37)
of Life
:k 3,e,p (3.52) :k 4,e,p (1.875) :k 4,e,p (1.875)
IInd blooming
Ist Great catastrophe
IIIrd catastrophe
IInd catastrophe
Fig. 3
The quick disappearance of forests made the greatest part of the
driopithecus climb down in order to survive. They underwent an evolution
on the land and became humanoids (as believed by scientists). The main
representatives of the humanoids at the beginning of the first sub-period (15-
12 million years to about 6 million years) were the Rhamapithecus. Their
traces date back as far as 14 million years ago. It is assumed that they
walked erectly and used primitive tools. A later form of Humanoids is the
Australopithecus (second sub-period); its oldest traces were found in Kenya,
dating back as far as 7 million years ago. The Australopithecus walked
upright and the measurement of the skull (V = 576 cm 3) was bigger than that
of the gorilla (V = 497 cm3), which had the biggest skull measurement
among apes. They made use of primitive tools and fire. See Figure 3.
Rhamapithecus disappeared at the time of the third catastrophe
(about 3 million years ago) in the stomachs (as believed) of Homo Habillis
who appeared during that time. There was a great difference between the
Australopithecus and Homo Habillis mostly because, for the first time in the
history of human life, an animate being made its own tools. This is a
characteristic of a conscious human being. The skull measurement of Homo
Habillis is 800 cm3. Homo Erectus appeared in the second half of the
transition period: about 1.7 million years ago. Homo Habillis already had
many human features. Both Homo Habillis and Homo Erectus shared the
destiny of their predecessor; at the time of the first (great) catastrophe of the
Fourth Life Period they disappeared in the stomach of a new hunter the
Pithecanthropus. The Sinanthropus appeared a bit later in the second sub-
period. The most numerous traces of Pithecanthropus are found in
sedimentary layers 650 thousand years old, the flowering of its evolution.
An important phenomenon was the appearance of spoken language a
powerful tool on the road of progress. The Pithecanthropus and
Sinanthropus started exchanging information with those of their kind using
sound signals. The Archanthropuses disappeared somewhat suddenly at the
time of the third catastrophe (about 260 thousand years ago). It seems that
their successor in the evolution process brought about their total destruction.
There were found traces indicating that the Archanthropuses were cannibals.
See Figure 4.
The oldest traces of Neanderthals have been found in France near
town of Nice. There, 280 thousand years ago, they build their homes. Their
skull is much bigger in measurement (V = 1200-1600 cm3). There is one
problem related to the Neanderthals which is still unsolved. If the skulls of
the early Neanderthals (170 thousand years ago their flowering) are
examined carefully, one would see with amazement that they are closer to
ours and less to that of the late Neanderthals (60-70 thousand years ago).
The brain of the late Neanderthals had undeveloped bill-like front parts, a
sigh of degeneration. They were gradually losing their social features; their
communities grew unstable. The Neanderthal was doomed to leave the
stage of life at the time-span of the first great catastrophe of the Fifth Life
Period. The executor of the verdict could have been the next one in the
evolution the Cro-Magnon Man, as it had happened with Neanderthals
predecessors. The Cro-Magnon Man, however, was a reasonable man
(Homo Sapiens) and he could not have allowed himself to eat his direct
predecessors, the Neanderthals). Nature resorted to another execution, the
degeneration and self-destruction of the late Neanderthal. Alas, the same
could happen with us the last human generations on earth!
Intensity :k 2,e,p (12.37)
of Life
:k 3,e,p (3.52) :k 4,e,p (1.875) :k 4,e,p (1.875)
IInd blooming
Ist Great catastrophe
IIIrd catastrophe
IInd catastrophe
Fig. 4
The appearance of Homo Sapiens occurred sometimes in the first
great catastrophe of the Fifth Life Period. Its representative was the Cro-
Magnon Man (also called the Shancellad or Grimaldy Man) who is
predecessor of all human races nowadays. This is the period in which the
biological evolution was replaced by the social evolution. See Figure 5. The
Pre-Historical Man is the transition link to the Historical (Civilized) Man.
The first religious beliefs date from this transition period, supported by the
fact that 20 thousand years ago man started to bury his dead relatives. The
first forms of art were born. In 1908 archaeologists discovered in
Chernigovska region (Russia) the remains of a stone-age village, the bones
of a mammoth, and other bones, later discovered to be fragments of musical
instruments. The first cave drawings also date from that transition period.
The Cro-Magnon Man, unlike his predecessors, disappeared in a social way
and not in biological way. He gave away his position in the evolution of life
to the Pre-Historical Man 20 thousand years ago at the time of the third
catastrophe. The time of his flowering happened in the quantum knot
(maximum) on the diagram of life evolution about 14 thousand years ago.
The first traces of farming and animal breeding were found in the layers 12
thousand years old.
From what I have stated so far, it becomes clear that evolution of
life is not governed by the forces for blind chance Darwins natural
selection, for example. The evolution of animate nature is governed by a
strictly determined program reflecting world harmony. It is absolutely wrong
to believe that external factors such as changes in environment determine the
direction of evolution. The coincidence between the climate on earth, the
structural changes on the earth surface (formation and separation of the
continents, volcanic and tectonic activities), the suns activity, and quantum
knots (moments) on the diagram of the Wave of Life Evolution stress only
one thing: the evolution of the animate matter (being) and changes in the
environment which it inhabits are governed by one and the same program,
reflecting the world symmetries.
What appears to be the true creator of social animate life is not the
blind chaos of natural selection but the Observers purposeful evolution, the
gradual quantum concentration of its Soul-Energizer. The time in the course
of which the Observer exists and develops itself is not simply a chain of
consecutive stages independent from one another, but a dialectical unity of
different quantum life periods which are images of the unique period that
of the Observer. Any given quantum time (from 10-23 s to Tun, p = 4.39 billion
years) contains any other quantum time; in that way, it determines the later
and is determined by it. In a closed world as this one, where past, present,
and future events are in mutual correlation, there is not an initiating cause
for the creation and existence of the world which would in the long run turn
out to be its destruction. It is a self-determining world; it has no need of
proto-substance. Past objective in the future, future objective in the past is
this not an infinite swirl of life, one infinite repetition of the evolution of
animate substance? Here comes to light one of the Primary Substances
principle features: the infinite and transient dialectical unity. A model such
as this one is found in the Hindu religious where the existence of the world
is interpreted as one constant repetition of the same cycles. Brahma destroys
and recreates the world every 8.5 billion years.
The Sixth Period of Life is the period of Historical (Civilized)
Man. See Figure 5. The Civilized Man is the elementary particle of Social
Human Life. The time-interval which the Human Civilization has at its
disposal is a very short one some 6-8 thousand years. The hypothesis that
our civilization is in its early childhood and that we have million billion
years of development and spreading across the universe are vain hopes and
Before trying to pin down the milestones on the curve of Evolution
of Human Civilization, there are questions which demand an answer. What
is human civilization? How it differs from other periods of life? What is the
essence of Human Civilization?
Archeological excavations have discovered considerable progress
at the end of the Paleolithic Period, when Home Sapiens began his reign.
The Mesolithic age witnessed the appearance of cattle breeding and farming;
the Neolithic is the age of the first devices of polished stone, weaving and
pottery. Yet even the most developed Neolithic communities inhabiting
North Africa, the Near East, and the Middle East did not reach the level of
one civilization. In the period circa VIIth VIth millennium B.C., some
relatively rich settlements, frequently surrounded by thick walls which
indicated that they had something precious to protect, sprung up in Asia
Minor, Syria, and Palestine. Yet these settlements were rare exceptions
while some of the oldest cultures (Hierehenon in Palestine and Chatal Huuk
in Asia Minor) did not develop as civilizations. Therefore the beginning of
Human Civilization should have occurred later. Anyway, these first walled
settlements can be considered as the oldest outposts of the Human
Vth Period of Life: "Homo Sapiens"
Intensity :k 2,e,p (12.37)
of Life
:k 3,e,p (3.52) :k 4,e,p (1.875) :k 4,e,p (1.875)
Ist blooming
IInd blooming
Ist Great catastrophe
IIIrd catastrophe
IInd catastrophe
Fig. 5
Intensity :k 2,e,p (12.37)
of Life
:k 3,e,p (3.52) :k 4,e,p (1.875) :k 4,e,p (1.875)
Ist blooming
IInd blooming
Ist Great catastrophe
le Ag
IIIrd catastrophe
IInd catastrophe
the Civilization!
Beginning of
Fig. 6
Intensity :k 2,e,p (12.37)
of Life
:k 3,e,p (3.52) :k 4,e,p (1.875) :k 4,e,p (1.875)
IInd blooming
Ist Great catastrophe
IInd catastrophe
IIIrd catastrophe
Fig. 7
The climb up on the diagram (curve) of Civilized Human
Evolution (after the third catastrophe, approx 300 A.D.) was accompanied
by renaissance of the science not only in Europe but also on other
continents. Mayan civilization developed mathematics and astronomy (350
A.D.). China was another center of scientific renaissance: Chinese people
invented the first calculator, paper, gunpowder (760 A.D.); the Tang dynasty
was the era of great masters of poetry and painting, and advances in
medicine (600 A.D.). In India the golden age of science and culture occurred
during the Gupta dynasty (320-500 A.D.).
The Middle Ages (846-1300 A.D. approx) are the second half
(climbing down on the curve of Life Evolution) of the transition sub-period
between the fall of the Roman Empire and the beginning of the European
Renaissance. This is an epoch of relative stagnation in the evolution of
science, culture, and technology. Educational and cultural activities were
totally abandoned. Greek science, literature, sculpture, and architecture were
forgotten. The unique civilizing force of the Middle Ages was the Catholic
Church. There were some achievements in architecture, notably the great
The first great catastrophe of the Seventh Life Period occurred at
the end of 14th century and the beginning of 15th century. See Figure 7. The
black death or bubonic plague reduced the population in Europe. Every
third European died from this cruel disease. In Europe and Asia, the bubonic
plague killed 75 million people in only three years. Europe was devastated
continuously also by wars: the Hundred Years War (1337-1453 A.D.) and
the Muslim invasion in Europe in particular. At the same time, the
Mongolian emperor Genghis Khan devastated Asia and North-East Europe
(13th century). The Mongolian tradition of conquest was continued by
Tamerlane in the 14th century.
The main productive force of the transition sub-period was
peasants who tilled the soil and raised cattle. They were the private property
of noblemen. Towards the end of this sub-period, the craftsmen (free people)
became the main productive force in addition to the peasants. Craftsmen had
already made use of better work devices.
The first sub-period of the Seventh Life Period (approx 1300 A.D.
1800 A.D.) marked the formation of powerful feudal empires: Spanish,
Portuguese, Mongolian (under Tamerlane and Babur), English, French,
Russian, Inca, Aztecs, Ottoman, etc. Those were absolute feudal monarchies,
with the monarch holding all power.
The decline of the absolute feudal monarchies started before the
first flowering of the first sub-period. They were gradually destroyed by the
victories of the first anti-feudal uprisings in Netherlands (1609 A.D.),
England (1649 A.D.), China (1644 A.D.), etc. In Russia Peter the Great
abolished old feudal rules and created a modern country (1700-1721 A.D.).
The evolution of the first sub-period was dominated by the creation
of parliamentary monarchies and republics. Machine production appeared at
the time of the flowering (1715 A.D.), marking the start of the Industrial
Revolution in Europe. Feudal relations were replaced by the capitalist
system of production and distribution. During the time of the second
catastrophe (approx 1800 A.D.) many uprisings and revolutions broke out.
The Declaration of Independence was signed in the United States of
America (1776 A.D.); the French people conquered the Bastille (1789 A.D.)
and beheaded their king; parliamentary reform in England imposed
limitations on the monarchs authority; the anti-feudal revolutions of 1848-
1849 A.D. established capitalism in France, Germany, and the Austrian
empire; serfdom in Russia was abolished (1861A.D.); the 1849 A.D.
uprising against British colonialism in India signaled limitations of colonial
empires; the peasants in China revolted (1850 A.D.); the Turkish feudal
empire disintegrated.
At the beginning of the 14th century, an enormous interest in
science, culture, and technology erupted in Europe. This moment is the time
after the first great catastrophe of the Seventh Period of Life. See Figure 8.
The Renaissance started in Italy. This epoch created great painters,
philosophers, scientists, and inventors. Some great achievements and names
of this epoch are: Giotto (painter, 1266-1337), Leonardo da Vinci (painter
and inventor, 1452-1519), Rafael (painter, 1483-1520), Michelangelo
(painter and sculptor, 1475-1564), Dante Alighieri (poet, 1265-1321), G.
Boccaccio (writer, 1313-1375), Brachmante Donato (architect, 1444-1524),
N. Donatello (sculpture, architect, 1386-1466), N. Copernicus (Catholic
monk who created a sun-centered model of the solar system, 1475-1543),
Erasmus (philosopher, 1466- 1536), Galileo Galilee (mathematician and
physicist, 1564-1642), Christopher Columbus (discovered America, 1451-
1506), F. Magellan (navigator, 1480-1521), and many others. The flowering
of this sub-period is probably connected with the creation of of Newtonian
mechanics (1687), I.Kepler (astronomer, 1571-1630), P. Fermat
(mathematician, 1601-1665), R. Descartes (mathematician, 1596-1656), C.
Huygens (physicist, 1629-1695), W. Harvey (he discovered the circulation
of blood. 1628), etc.
The second sub-period of the Seventh Life Period is reserved for
classical capitalism in England, France, Germany, USA, Russia, etc. This
sub-period was ended around 1929 A.D. (the third catastrophe of the
Seventh Period of Life). The third catastrophe was connected mostly with
the Great Depression. In the zone of the third catastrophe many other
disasters happened: WWI, anti-capitalist revolutions, WWII, first nuclear
bomb exploded, Spanish influenza, deadly outburst of tuberculosis, mass
starvation (Soviet Union), etc. Again there was a considerable reduction of
the human population due to wars, revolutions, deadly diseases, starvation,
The end of the World War II - the major social catastrophe -
marked the beginning of intense global changes in human society. The
transition period (1929 A.D. to about 2010 A.D.) is a period Classical
Industrial Society (Free Market capitalism and socialist /communist
dictatorship republics). This transition sub-period is characterized by
incredible acceleration of the progress of the Human Civilization.
The United States rose to world prominence as a modern industrial
The time of climb up on the evolution curve (approx 1929-1968)
was market by successful anti-colonial revolutions which destroyed old
colonial empires: Britannic, French, Portuguese, Belgian, Nederlandian,,
others. This climb up on the evolution curve was time of important
discoveries in the physics, chemistry, biology, medicine, and technology. At
the zone of the maximum (circa 1969) great achievements in science and
technology were realized: harassment of nuclear energy for peaceful
applications, first cosmic flights (in particular the Apollo Project 1969),
construction of powerful elementary particles accelerators (many new
elementary particles were discovered), Standard Model, computers, Big
Bang model, J. Bells theorem, etc.
At the turning point (dT/dI = 0) on the curve of life evolution
(circa 1978) started gradually destruction of the classic industrial society.
This moment is connected with Soviet unsuccessful invasion of Afghanistan.
The disintegration of the Classic Industrial Society started in its weakest part
the Soviet block after the death of soviet dictator L.Brezhnev in 1982.
The disintegration of the Soviet block was completed by anti-communist
revolutions in Eastern Europe between 1989 and 1994. Severe recession in
the USA (1981-1982) shrank economy by 2.7%, sever economical crisis in
the East European former socialist countries (circa 1996), wars between
former Yugoslavian republics, last communist regime in Europe (in Serbia)
was eliminated after NATOs aerial war against Yugoslavia (1999), US
and NATO wars against Afghanistan and Iraq, velvet revolutions in
Georgia and Ukraine, terrorist attack against USA (September 11, 2001),
present sever global recession (2008-2009) present crisis in Iran (June
2009), are among others, the omens of the forthcoming destruction of the
Classic Industrial Society.
In his Centuries the great French prophet Nostradamus predicted
the advent of this Great First Catastrophe of the Ninth Period of Life:
Intensity :k 2,e,p (12.37)
of Life
:k 3,e,p (3.52) :k 4,e,p (1.875) :k 4,e,p (1.875)
Ist blooming
IInd blooming
Ist Great catastrophe
IIIrd catastrophe
IInd catastrophe
Fig. 8
N people ;
t0 t
C, t0 - constants,
t time in years A.D.
Based on two reliable milestones on this curve/graph (1000 A.D. 380
million people; 2000 A.D. 6 billion people), we have:
4.08 1011
N (t ) people
2068 t
How this final Armageddon will happen? I dont know how. Jesus
Christ told his disciples: Nobody, even though the Son of God, knows the
exact time of the Last Day of the World. Only God knows this day!
Maybe you can receive some more detailed information about the
final days of the world from the Saint Jeans Revelation (known in some
countries as Armageddon). Most likely some very deadly disease or some
other biological catastrophe (general sterility of men and women toward the
End of the World) will exterminate the last humans on earth. Scientists
warn: A deadly dozen diseases (avian flu, tick-bome babesia, cholera,
Ebola, parasites, plague, Lime disease, red tides of algal blooms, Rift Valley
fever, sleeping sickness, tuberculosis, and yellow fever) are likely to spread
in large global scale because of climate changes. The Darwins mechanism
(if true) of natural evolution of species and quantum wave of lifes evolution
will start to work very actively in behave of bacteria and viruses when
approaching the End of The World. The genetic mutation of bacteria and
viruses (they will become very resistant to antibiotics and other drugs)
combined with weakening human immune system will take the life of
billions people. Natural disasters (which intensity and amplitude will
increase dramatically towards the End of the World) and severe changes of
the climate could make planet earth impossible to sustain life on it. Cosmic
disasters can add their contribution to the total extinction of the Life on
earth. One of the omens (which we are observing already nowadays) of the
upcoming End of the World is the fast decline of mammal species: one in
two mammal species on earth are in decline and at least one in four is at high
risk of disappearance forever, according to a recent scientific survey. It is
known from biology that for every given species animals there exists some
critical number of individuals for stable and continuous existence. If the
population of species drops bellow this critical number, then the species can
disappear totally and very fast. A typical example of total fast extinction is
the extinction of the North American Passenger Pigeon. Once the most
abundant bird in North-American forests, in innumerable hordes, this species
disappeared at the end of 19th century (and early 20th), leaving no trace.
Human species could disappear in such a way.
Like late Neanderthal, the last generation human beings can undergo
some biological degeneration of their bodies, and because of that, they will
lose their social features: their communities (families, organizations,
businesses, towns, countries) can grow very unstable and not sustainable for
social life.
Its so scary to think and write about that. Alas, our kids and grand-
kids will have no kids of their own. We are the last human generations on
earth and the last representatives of the Animate Nature!
The present end of the world is the beginning of the next cycle
(circle) of the universe. The beginning of life is death, the beginning of
death is life; all a great circle-cycle of the Observer shaped by the
Quantum Wave of Life Evolution; all a great circle-cycle of Life shaped
with the good times (climbing up on the curve of evolution) and bad
times (climbing down on this curve). As there is good and evil in the
Gods plan of evolution, there is also good and evil in the souls of human
beings. The good and the evil are the two inseparable sides of the medal
Human Life.
The present cycle of the World is absolutely the same as all other
cycles. It is the same in all its details. There is no other world (parallel
universe or paradise) which is refuge for our souls after physical death of our
material body. Everything happens on earth. Here, for the first time in our
life, we see the face of our loving mothers, here we grow up, we love, we
enjoy life, we marry, we give birth to our kids, we see the light of our sun,
and we die.
People, dont suffer too much for your beloved dead relatives, dont
cry for your bygone happy youth, and dont be afraid of your death and the
near death of the world. Even so limited in time (some 80-90 years), our
personal life is eternal. In the frame of our quantum time-life, the personal
consciousness (the soul) of every human being never starts from zero and
never finishes at zero. We perceive ourselves only as alive human beings,
not as a biological embryonic cell or destroyed to the state of atoms and
molecules dead human flesh. The personal life-cycle is repeated in the
same details infinite times, without determined beginning and end. In
every life-cycle (absolutely identical to each other) we meet over, and over,
our parents, our friends, our kids, and the same world around us. Between
these endless life-cycles there exists nothing, there exists no time at all, there
exists no death. The individual life-cycles are closed loop quantum time-
bubbles within which we are confined forever. We are located continuously
and eternally somewhere on the closed time-line of our personal quantum
time-cycle, between the undetermined (just for us) birth and undetermined
death. The same is valid for all quantum cycles of Life including the Cycle
of the Universe/World.
Intensity :k 2,e,p (12.37)
of Life
:k 3,e,p (3.52) :k 4,e,p (1.875) :k 4,e,p (1.875)
dI/dT = 0
46 yrs.
25 yrs.
IInd catastrophe
13 yrs.
Fig. 9
After this last flowering in the human life a downfall on the curve of
evolution starts. In the zone of the maximum the things are O.K. people
are still healthy, strong enough, still attractive, they accumulated good
experience, and they are very productive.
After age 64-65 (approx) the third catastrophe serious problems
with health start. At this age people are retired. The turning point on the
curve of evolution (dI/dT = 0) - about 81-83 years old is the time when
most people die. This age is the average longevity of human life. The
number of people surviving this age is small.
The probability of living more than 99 years (the maximum on the curve) is
very small.
The turning points on the previous two life periods are: 9 months
(women give birth to their babies at the 9th month of pregnancy; and 10
years (?).
In this publication I dont comment the early human childhood
(Figures 10,11).
Intensity :k 2,e,p (12.37)
of Life
:k 3,e,p (3.52) :k 4,e,p (1.875) :k 4,e,p (1.875)
9 months
Ist Great catastrophe
IIIrd catastrophe
IInd catastrophe
T, yr. 11.5 yrs. 5.5 yrs. 2.3 yrs. 1.8 yrs. 1.2 yrs. 14-15
8 yrs. mo. 7.8 mo.
Fig. 10
Intensity :k 2,e,p (12.37)
of Life
:k 3,e,p (3.52) :k 4,e,p (1.875) :k 4,e,p (1.875)
IInd catastrophe
Fig. 11
The current calendar is not natural and perfect: months are composed of
different number of days (28, 29, 30, 31), days of the week (Monday,
Tuesday, and Sunday) fall on different dates, etc. The moon calendar
looks much more natural and easy to use it. I propose the following scheme
of a new calendar: