Go Tong Electrical Supply Co., Inc. vs. BPI
Go Tong Electrical Supply Co., Inc. vs. BPI
Go Tong Electrical Supply Co., Inc. vs. BPI
another although it possesses no direct or personal identified by Suio during trial, should be deducted
interest over the obligations nor does it receive any
from the principal amount of P40,491,051.65 due 2015
respondent. Go Tong Electrical Supply
Second, with respect to the interests and penalties: Co., Inc. vs. BPI Family
(a) petitioners should be held liable for the twenty Savings Bank, Inc.
percent (20%) per annumstipulated interest rate maturity date on February 5, 2000, which period is
reckoned 31 days from January 6, 1999, as agreed regarded as the initial period in said PN. Said interest
upon in the PN,60 until its rate should be upheld as this was stipulated by the
parties, and the rate cannot be considered
59 The Statement of Account prepared by Account Officer Suio unconscionable.61The same shall be computed based on
and noted by Market Head Ma. Cristina F. Asis disclosed the amount the entire principal amount due, i.e., P40,491,051.65,
due respondent as of June 16, 2004, as follows: since the records disclose that the admitted partial
60 Id., at p. 102. See PN dated January 6, 1999, the pertinent
portion of which provides:
payment of P1,877,286.08 was still unpaid before the
complaint was filed on October 4, 2002,62 or before the
February 5, 2000 maturity date; and
(b) the reduced interest rate of one percent (1%)
per month and penalty rate of one percent (1%) per
month are upheld,63 but should accrue from the PNs
February 5, 2000 maturity date64 until June 16, 2004,
or the date when the
a. The Borrower agrees to pay interest on the outstanding
principal amount of this Note for each 31-day period commencing on mium or penalty. The failure of the Borrower to make such
the date hereof until maturity date (each such period, an interest prepayment within the said period shall be deemed to be an
period), such interest to be payable on the last day of each such acceptance of the Borrower to the new interest rate.
interest period. The interest on the outstanding principal amount of b. Default Penalty.If the Borrower fails to make payment of any
this Note shall be computed (i) for the initial interest period; at the amount payable by it hereunder or under this Note when due
rate of 20% per annum, and (ii) for each succeeding interest period; (whether at the stated maturity, by acceleration or otherwise), the
at the rate determined by the Lender and advised to the Borrower on Borrower shall pay default interest on such past due and unpaid
the first day of each succeeding interest period. If the Borrower finds amount from the due date until paid in full at the rate equal to 1%
the interest rate unacceptable, the Borrower shall have the right to per month, in addition to the then current interest rate.
prepay the outstanding loan (not later than the second banking day xxxx
of the then current interest period) without pre- 61 Villanueva v. Court of Appeals, 671 Phil. 467; 655 SCRA 707
501 (2011), citing Bacolor v. Banco Filipino Savings and Mortgage Bank
Dagupan City Branch, 544 Phil. 18, 27; 515 SCRA 79, 87 (2007),
VOL. 760, JUNE 29, 501
and Garcia v. Court of Appeals, 249 Phil. 739, 756; 167 SCRA 815,
831 (1988).
62 See complaint dated September 2, 2002; Rollo, pp. 49-52.
63 See RTC Decision dated September 6, 2005; id., at p. 128.
64 Id., at p. 127. This is in light of the finding of the RTC that:
The Credit Agreement clearly states that the Borrower shall be
in default without need for notice, demand or presentment. The
Promissory Note likewise contains the same caveat: Presentment
for payment, demand and notice of dishonor waived. The
Comprehensive Surety Agreement likewise
Go Tong Electrical Supply
Co., Inc. vs. BPI Family
Savings Bank, Inc.
partial payment of P1,877,286.08 has been made by
Go Tong Electrical, and computed based on the entire
principal amount of P40,491,051.65. Interest and
penalty, at the same reduced rate, due thereafter (i.e.,
from June 17, 2004 until full payment) shall be
computed based on the net amount of P38,613,765.57
(i.e., the amount arrived at after deducting the partial
payment of P1,877,286.08 from the principal amount
of P40,491,051.65).
WHEREFORE, the petition is DENIED. The
Decision dated February 17, 2009 and the Resolution
dated April 13, 2009 of the Court of Appeals in C.A.-
G.R. CV No. 86749 are hereby AFFIRMED with the
above stated MODIFICATIONS.