20 - Virginia Perez Vs CA
20 - Virginia Perez Vs CA
20 - Virginia Perez Vs CA
Perez vs. Court of Appeals undergo the required medical examination, which he
Petitioner Virginia A. Perez assails the decision of passed. 3
respondent Court of Appeals dated July 9, 1993 in CA- Pursuant to the established procedure of the
G.R. CV 35529 entitled, BF Lifeman Insurance company, Lalog forwarded the application for
Corporations, Plaintiff-Appellant versus Virginia A. additional insurance of Perez, together with all its
Perez, Defendant-Appellee,which declared Insurance supporting papers, to the office of BF Lifeman
Policy 056300 for P50,000.00 issued by private Insurance Corporation at Gumaca, Quezon which
respondent corporation in favor of the deceased office was supposed to forward the papers to the
Primitivo B. Perez, null and void and rescinded, Manila office.
1 Exh. B. that the insurance for P50,000.00 had not been
Exh. A.
perfected at the time of the death of Primitivo Perez.
3 Exh. C.
The condition imposed by the corporation that the Prescinding from the foregoing, respondent
policy must have been delivered to and accepted by the corporation cannot be held liable for gross negligence.
applicant while he is in good health can hardly be It should be noted that an application is a mere offer
considered as a potestative or facultative condition. On which requires the overt act of the insurer for it to
the contrary, the health of the applicant at the time of ripen into a contract. Delay in acting on the
application does not constitute acceptance even though Anent the appearance of the word rescinded in the
the insured has forwarded his first premium with his dispositive portion of the decision, to which defendant-
application. The corporation may not be penalized for appellee attaches undue significance and makes capital of,
the delay in the processing of the application papers. it is clear that the use of the words and rescinded is, as it
is hereby declared, a superfluity. It is apparent from the
Moreover, while it may have taken some time for the
context of the decision that the insurance policy in question
application papers to reach the main office, in the case
was found null and void, and did not have to be
at bar, the same was acted upon less than a week after rescinded.