FLSmidth Highlights by Shahid Hussain
FLSmidth Highlights by Shahid Hussain
FLSmidth Highlights by Shahid Hussain
Highlights Equipped for
Editor: Anders Klinkby Godiksen
(responsible under Danish law)
the future
Brenda Kaplan
V. Ragini Shah
Henrik Vinther Tuesday 2 January 2007 was a historical day for FLSmidth as it
Production: Gunnar Andreasen
celebrated the 125 years that have passed since the company
Translations: Martin Bojesen
was established. The day also marked the beginning of another
Editorial office:
exciting year for the global cement industry. Highlights asked
FLSmidth A/S
Vigerslev All 77, CEO Jrgen Huno Rasmussen to comment on the companys
DK-2500 Valby, Copenhagen, Denmark anniversary.
Tel: +45 36 18 10 00
Kokshe Cements new 2m tpy greenfield plant will be situated way out in the
Kazakhstan steppes, some 270 km northwest of the nations capital, Astana.
production equipment and control sys- 5-stage ILC preheater with ammonia injection to reduce NOx
tems, all designed to achieve maximum Two-support kiln 5.25x62 m (5,500 tonnes per day)
production efficiency and best practice SF Cross-Bar cooler 4x6
environmental performance. The con- Clinker store dia. 60x46 m (100,000 t)
tract includes not only equipment sup- Two OK 33-4 cement mills
plies, but also engineering, training and Four CFS cement silos dia. 20x40 m
spare parts. FLSmidth is responsible for MAAG Gear units
transporting the equipment to the site, a Two Ventomatic packing lines
major operation involving deliveries from Pfister feeders
selected manufacturing plants by rail, FLSmidth Automation control system, including RoboLab
ship and truck. Another major assign- FLSmidth Airtech bag filters and electrostatic precipitators
Highlights April 2007 5
Green cement plant for
the Emerald Isle
FLSmidth has been entrusted line, meeting best practice environmen- Pfister coal feeders
with a 4,000 tpd project for Irish tal standards. The new line will both ILC preheater and ROTAX two-
Cement Ltd.s Platin Works north increase the overall plant capacity from support kiln dia. 5 x 60 m
of Dublin. The state-of-the-art 2 to 2.8 million tpy and lower carbon MMC 11x97 cooler
plant will be designed to comply dioxide emissions. Once line 3 is in oper- OK 36-4 cement mill
with the most stringent environ- ation by late 2008, it is expected that MAAG gear units
mental requirements. the existing line 1 dating back to 1972
will be closed down. Platin Cement Works is located near
The signing of a contract with Irish Ce- FLSmidths role in the new project Drogheda in eastern Ireland, some
ment Ltd. (ICL) for a new 4,000 tpd consists of supplying a total package of 50 km north of Dublin. The new produc-
clinker production line practically coin- machinery and equipment plus engi- tion line will be the biggest investment
cided with FLSmidths 125th anniversary neering services. The main equipment ever in Ireland by Cement Roadstone
around New Year 2007. This is not the items are: Holding (CRH), the leading international
first time ICL and FLSmidth have cele- MVT raw material store, 95 metres in materials group which owns ICL. Platins
brated an anniversary by signing a con- diameter expansion project will ensure adequate
tract. On 5 December 1996, the two ATOX 47.5 raw mill supplies for Irelands thriving economy
parties marked the 60th anniversary of ATOX 25 coal mill and growing construction sector.
their mutual relationship by signing a
contract for the rehabilitation of Kiln 2
Signing the contract for Irish Cement Platins new 4,000 tpd line,
at ICLs Platin Works. The highlight of seated l to r: John McKeon, Jrgen Huno Rasmussen, Ken McKnight,
that project was the replacement of a Peter Thomsen. Standing l to r: Richard Cunningham, Barry Leonard,
Michael Keatings, Niels Chr. Tew, Ivor Reese.
UNAX planetary cooler by a COOLAX
grate cooler within only 47 days of kiln
This time, the contract signed is for
a complete line 3. This will be an ultra-
modern, energy-efficient production
Sinai White Cement Company has decided to add a new 1,300 tpd and documentation for local manufac-
line to its existing plant with FLSmidth supplying equipment and ture and procurement. The range of
engineering. With a total capacity of 1.1 to 1.2 million tonnes per equipment for Sinai Whites second line
year, Sinai White will become one of the worlds largest white is similar to that of the first line, but the
cement plants. new line will feature a rotary cooler in-
stead of a grate cooler, this being a more
The market for cement is booming in UMS 42 x 14.5 cement mill efficient solution which is now the stan-
the Middle East and in the countries Electrostatic precipitators from dard choice for white cement projects
around the Mediterranean. This is a re- FLSmidth Airtech from FLSmidth.
gion with a particularly high demand for Feeding equipment from Pfister Sinai White Company, which is
white cement, and the Sinai White Ce- 57 percent-owned by Aalborg Portland
ment Company is producing at capacity, The contract with FLSmidth comprises White of Denmark, expects its new
despite only being six-years-old. So the not only the supplies of mechanical and production line to be operational by the
company is investing in a new line to electrical equipment but also drawings end of 2008.
satisfy the market.
As was the case with the first line
commissioned in 2001, FLSmidth has
been chosen as supplier for the new
project. This decision was prompted by
the successful performance of the exist-
ing plant and FLSmidths great expertise
and experience in white cement technol-
ogy. The scope of FLSmidths supplies is:
Celebrating the signing of the contract for Sinai White Cement Companys second line.
As cement production plants range of ATOX mills now spans from 1,200 tpd line commissioned in 2003;
continue to grow in size, there 665 to 5,931 kW installed power. and a 6,000 tpd line commissioned in
is a corresponding demand for 2005. The latter is equipped with an
larger mills. In the previous issue Chinese cement company ATOX 52.5 raw mill, the first of the
of Highlights, we discussed the has success with mega-sized mega-sized vertical grinding units to
increasing size of OK vertical ATOX mills enter into operation. The mill has a main
mills used for finish grinding In 2003, FLSmidth sold the first of its drive of 4,266 kW, a MAAG gear and an
of cement and slag. This article new larger-sized mills to the Chinese RAR-LVT 52.5 separator. Following its
focuses on the ATOX vertical mill state-owned organisation Anhui Wan- successful commissioning, the mill com-
used for raw material and coal wei Update High-Tech Material Industry fortably achieved its performance expec-
grinding. Co. Ltd (known as Wanwei). Located in tations.
Chaohu City in the Chinese province of
More than 300 ATOX mills have been Anhui, Wanwei is active in chemicals, Accepted by the industry
sold since the first mills were commis- fabrics and cement. Since 2004, FLSmidth has sold nine
sioned during the early to mid-1980s. Founded in the 1970s, Wanwei orig- more mills like the one used by Wanwei,
The ATOX range originally comprised of inally manufactured fabric. But growth and even some larger ATOX mills. These
11 sizes, the largest being an ATOX 50 in chemical and fabric production result- will be featured in the next issue of
a mill with a grinding table measuring ed in an increasing amount of calcium Highlights.
five metres in diameter. carbide residue which led to the Today vertical mills are widely accept-
At the beginning of this century, development of cement production at ed as the most efficient means of prepar-
FLSmidth expanded its range to meet Wanwei. ing kiln feed for the production of ce-
the industrys need for higher capacity. Wanwei now has three cement pro- ment clinker. The mills can finely grind a
Four new mill sizes were introduced: duction lines: a 1,000 tonnes per day wide range of feed materials using a
ATOX 52.5, 55, 57.5 and 60. The total (tpd) line commissioned in 2000; a highly energy-efficient process. Raw
Chinas leading cement producer, the Anhui Conch Group, successfully operates
these two 10,000 tpd production lines at the Tongling plant. FLSmidth supplied
the principal equipment, testament to the companys experience and expertise
in supplying mega-size cement production plants.
The world has seen an unprece- Of particular interest is Holcims massive The pyroprocess solution
dented rise in new plant capacity greenfield plant being built alongside the Two- or three-support kiln
in the past couple of years with Mississippi River in Ste. Genevieve Coun- At the heart of the clinker production
North America playing a leading ty, Missouri, USA. This facility will feature line is the kiln, and all of the projects
role. New plants there have the the largest single clinker production line with the exception of the large Holcim
most modern equipment and anywhere in the world with an annual and CEMEX plants will incorporate the
a number of special design fea- cement capacity of four million metric ROTAX-2 kiln, Figure 1. This two-support
tures and operational require- tonnes. Similarly, the new CEMEX S.A.B. design uses the standard features of tan-
ments. DE C.V. (CEMEX) Tepeaca plant will, at gential suspension, electro-mechanical
2,300 metres above sea level, be the friction drive through the supporting
Since 2005 about 22 million metric largest single clinker production line ever rollers, and fully self-aligning roller sup-
tonnes per year of new capacity has built in Mexico and Latin America. ports.
been sold in North America, and a simi- So, what state-of-the-art solutions in Due to the sheer size of the kilns re-
lar amount is identified in future proj- the pyroprocess and milling areas is quired at Ste. Genevieve and Tepeaca
ects. FLSmidth was well prepared for this FLSmidth supplying? which are 6.6 metres (21.7 feet) in diam-
wave of activity and is proud to have
captured the majority of the new pro-
duction market in the Americas. This lat-
est generation of contracted projects will
be built and commissioned over the next
couple of years.
lb/STcl) during the summer ozone season The milling solution ATOX design, Figure 5. Popular for many
will be required for Holcim Ste. Gene- Raw grinding years in other parts of the world, includ-
vieve. Fortunately, effective and simple Vertical roller mills for raw grinding have ing Latin America, the ATOX coal mill
methods exist for controlling the emis- been the industry standard for many has finally entered the US market. Con-
sions but at a significant price of opera- years, and FLSmidth recommends either tinuous improvement of the ATOX coal
tional changes or handling and using the FRM or ATOX design depending on mill has resulted in todays compact con-
costly reagents. the application and specific require- struction together with high efficiency
SNCR (Selective Non-Catalytic Re- ments. Most of the projects will feature and reliability.
duction) with the use of aqueous ammo- the FRM mill, Figure 4, and the ATOX
nia has become a popular and effective raw mills being supplied at Holcim Ste. Cement grinding
technique for secondary NOx reduction Genevieve will be the first of their kind FLSmidth will use the OK vertical roller
and will be installed from the outset in in the US. mill, Figure 6, for all finish cement grind-
many of the projects. Provisions for hy- Rinker Brooksville is the sole excep- ing. This type of mill has become the
drated lime injection for SO2 reduction tion to the vertical roller mill standard. It market standard, and a total of 22 OK
are also included in many cases. To con- will use a ball mill for raw grinding be- mills will be in operation in the Americas
trol CO or VOC emissions, two of the cause the extreme characteristics of the by the time this new group of projects is
plants will feature a material split to di- raw materials are not suitable for commissioned.
vert a portion of the incoming kiln feed smooth and reliable operation with a The OK mill has better grinding effi-
to a lower position in the preheater, or vertical roller mill. In this unusual case, a ciency than any other vertical roller mill
even direct it to the calciner. trade-off of using a less energy-efficient on the market. Many of the new plants
technology is more practical. will incorporate a compact layout, using
cyclones and hot gas recycling to min-
Coal grinding imise the vented volume and emissions
All plants with FLSmidth-supplied coal to atmosphere.
mills will be vertical roller mills of the
14 Highlights April 2007
Figure 4: FRM vertical roller mill for raw grinding.
Figure 5: ATOX vertical roller mill for coal grinding. Figure 6: OK vertical roller mill for cement grinding.
The first SF Cross-Bar cooler based on The HOTDISC is used to burn The cement plant at Ste. Genevieve, Missouri, will hold
the concept of fixed grates, separates large items of waste and the hot the worlds single biggest production line with a capacity
clinker conveying through cross-bars combustion gases are utilised in of four million tpy, corresponding to 12,000 tpd.
and air flow control through mechanical the calcining process.
flow regulators.
Highlights April 2007 17
D.G. Khan upgrades cooler
The Pakistani cement producer, A second upgrade for the cooler The first of many?
D.G. Khan Cement Co. Ltd. and Some years ago, FLSmidth upgraded D.G. Khan is the first plant in Pakistan to
FLSmidth have worked closely D.G. Khans kiln no. 2 from 3,300 tpd to be upgraded with MMC cassettes and
for more than twenty years. The 4,000 tpd, carrying out a minor modifi- an HRB. FLSmidths Customer Services
upgrade project for the cooler cation of the existing Coolax cooler. This Projects department hopes to upgrade
serving kiln no. 2 at the D.G. time the cooler is being upgraded with several similar production lines using
Khan plant is the latest example MMC cassettes, which are similar to the the same concept in Pakistan in the near
of their long-standing relation- modules of an SF Cross-Bar cooler, but future.
ship. With the contract signed in without the supporting frame.
January, commissioning of the The major difference is the way the
upgraded cooler is expected to drive mechanism is constructed and
take place in the spring of 2008. works in the MMC cooler. Each cassette
has two built-in drives and cross-bars
After lengthy discussions about extra above the grate line, but not all cassettes
cooling capacity, the final contract was have a hydraulic cylinder. And all the
signed. The talks were based on current cross-bars are moveable and reciprocate,
operational data, notably the clinker which improves conveying efficiency.
temperature, and D.G. Khan eventually The MMC cooler can be installed hori-
opted for a major cooler expansion solu- zontally and the drives can have individ-
tion including two Multi-Movable Cross- ual stroke lengths and speeds to match
Bar cooler (MMC) cassettes. Instead of a the operation of the clinker belt conveyor.
traditional clinker crusher, D.G. Khan
chose a Heavy-duty Roll Breaker (HRB),
consisting of two crushing rolls and sev-
eral transport rolls.
In our November 2006 edition of Highlights the picture of the
Faraz Firouzkuh Cement Company (FFCC) plant on page 21 was
mistakenly referred to as being the Fars Firuzkuh cement plant.
The editors regret this mistake as we know the justifiable pride
that Faraz Firouzkuh Cement Company takes in the successful
commissioning of their new line.
FFE Minerals, the minerals cement plant in Atoconga and the port
processing arm of FLSmidth, re- in Conchn, without transfer stations.
cently acquired the German and The upper strand of the conveyor will
Austrian divisions of KOCH Trans- carry cement and clinker from the plant
porttechnik. An exciting addition to the ship loading facility, while the
to the FLSmidth Group, KOCH lower strand will convey coal and lime-
is a dominant global force in stone, as well as other materials such as
materials handling systems and iron ore, iron pellets and gypsum. To
the clear market leader in pipe avoid material spillage from the lower
conveyors. strand, the belt will be turned at either
end, allowing the same side of the belt
KOCH designs, manufactures and servic- to carry material in both directions.
es a broad range of mechanical trans-
port systems and equipment used in Superior to the belt conveyor
minerals processing and cement produc- Between the plant and the ship loading
tion around the globe. KOCH Austria pier, the conveying line passes through a
currently supplies pipe conveyors for the twisting 6.5 km tunnel, taking it under a
world's largest cement production line in network of busy roads. The pipe convey-
St. Genevieve, USA which was designed or is ideal for this. Far superior to con-
and is currently being constructed by ventional belt conveyor technology, it
FLSmidth. can follow horizontal and vertical curves
with a minimal radius which allows opti-
Global reputation combined with mum integration into the tunnel. The
local presence pipe conveyor also eliminates dust emis-
Uniting KOCH's expertise in conveying sions and material spillage, improving
equipment application, design and engi- ventilation and minimising the need for
neering with FFE Minerals' direct pres- tunnel maintenance.
ence in 11 countries will help establish a In addition to the transport system,
powerful market position for the com- KOCH is also supplying various storage
pany. FFE Minerals is also creating a new facilities for clinker and cement. The sys-
Materials Handling Technology Centre to tem is due to start in 2007.
be headed by Heinz Knel. Currently the
General Manager of FLSmidth-owned
MVT, he also has 18 years previous ex-
perience in working with KOCH.
Recently acquired KOCH Transporttechnik is
supplying the worlds longest pipe conveyor in
World's longest pipe conveyor Peru to carry bulk materials between the cement
One of KOCH Germanys biggest proj- plant and the port.
ects is the construction of the world's
longest pipe conveyor for Cementos
Lima in Peru. With a total length of
8.2 km, the finished pipe conveyor will
be able to handle up to 690 t/h of
cement (upper strand) and 515 t/h of
A large section of Cementos Limas pipe
coal (lower strand).
conveyor runs underground. The enclosed
The Cementos Lima pipe conveyor transport system is easy to service even in
will transport materials between the the tunnel.
quently, fabric filter technology, The product range above, first launched 1.5 mg/Nm3. Whats more, the bags
in particular large fabric filters, ten years ago, has been applied in more lifetime is more than four years.
is gaining in popularity. than 150 process filters across an array
of applications. And thanks to ongoing Working to increase bag
Giving customers a crucial improvement efforts, FabriClean, Pulse- lifetimes
advantage Clean and UniClean are now established Bags for FLSmidth Airtech fabric filters
Already a leading supplier of bag filters as market leaders. Customers have been are supplied by Advanced Filtration Tech-
to the cement industry, FLSmidth Airtech particularly impressed with the gas and nology (AFT) a US-based bag produc-
is continuously developing products dust distribution and low pressure clean- tion company fully owned by FLSmidth.
which offer customers a technological ing features which have delivered re- The main factors for long filter bag life-
edge and reduce operating costs. markable results. time, besides gas and dust distribution,
As well as new filters, FLSmidth are bag material selection, bag and cage
Our fabric filters are designed to deliver: Airtech also offers an electrostatic pre- design, and compliance with standard
Low emissions cipitator (ESP) conversion, with the operating and maintenance philosophy.
Low differential pressure proven fabric filter technology built into The very close working relationship
Low compressed air consumption the ESP. Such a conversion can ensure between FLSmidth and AFT has also
rates lower future emissions if capacity in- helped generate additional knowledge
Long filter bag lifetime creases or emission levels change. Our about how to achieve longer lifetimes
reference list currently includes more for the filter bags. Specifically, this col-
To meet these goals, the filter products than 30 conversions and hybrid filters (a laboration has resulted in improved me-
are fitted with special gas distribution combined ESP and fabric filter, usually in chanical design and cleaning cycle pa-
features that ensure a low pressure drop the same casing). rameters. Achieving longer and longer
across the filter media and a long life. The main benefit of hybrid filters is bag lifetimes is a continuous process,
The technology also utilises low cleaning the synergy between the filter technolo- and, together with AFT, we are commit-
pressure techniques to optimise the gies (pre-separation and charging of the ted to making further progress in the
cleaning process. dust), which enables either a higher A/C years ahead.
ratio or smaller pressure drops. Docu-
mented results of this synergy have The optimum choice
shown reductions in the cleaning cycle Our products are ideal for medium to
by a factor of 30-50. Our work with hy- large filter applications in the cement
brid filters in kiln and cement applica- industry. The standard design has a filter
tions has delivered some impressive re- capacity exceeding 1,500,000 m3/hr
sults. For instance, we have seen cement in one filter casing. We have delivered
mill filters operating at a pressure drop solutions that include several filters,
of 50 mm Wg, and an emission rate of reach with capacities in the range of
1-1,500,000 m3/hr, all of which are
In the DuoClean filter the gas is exposed to the filter bags operating successfully.
from the bottom of the bags - like the UniClean - and as
a new feature also to the side of the filter bags. This new
approach of distributing the gas and dust makes it possible
to use long bags (6 8 m).
With Sanghi Cement Plants third preheater string (the tower to the right)
now on stream, the plant is producing 10,500 tonnes per day.
New literature
FLSmidths 125th anniversary book To
Since the last issue of Highlights, FLSmidth has issued
order copies of FLSmidths 125th
the following new brochures. Order your own copy anniversary book, please contact Marketing
from FLSmidths Marketing Department at or download a PDF file from our
Air Blast Controlled inlet FLSmidth O & M the FLSmidth terminal Our capabilities Addresses worldwide
ABC inlet total service concept solutions All the materials handling An up-to-date list of
Describes the new cooler FLSmidth is widening its scope of A complete range of ship systems and equipment FLSmidth Group
inlet which makes snowmen service to cement producers by unloading and loading facili- compiled in one brochure. companies and offices
a thing of the past. introducing complete Operating ties is offered by FLSmidth. around the globe.
and Maintenance contracts.
Can you travel next Wednesday? Continued from back page > > >
According to Niels, FLSmidths perform- As Niels sees it, training is the alpha and combining human understanding, proj-
ance in implementing these projects was omega. Both FLSmidth and its customers ect management and technology so that
recognised at ministerial level, and this should be willing to spend time and re- they are able to install, commission, opti-
fact contributed to the company and its sources on training selected candidates. mise and maintain a production line.
partner Orascom subsequently winning He himself has had the pleasure of guid- Once youve learnt how to combine
three major projects in Algeria: MSila, ing several young FLSmidth engineers these aspects, theres no limit to how far
CIBA White and CIBA Grey. and a large number of customer you can get, Niels concludes.
trainees. He has taught them the art of
Human understanding, project
management and technology
must interact
Almost 50 years after his first assign-
ment abroad, Niels is still on the go, ci-
gar in mouth. His favourite destination is
Titan in Greece, back where it all started.
Twelve kilns have been bought by Titan
from FLSmidth, and Niels has many old
friends in high-ranking positions among
Titans staff who continue to draw on his
and FLSmidths expertise. This is how it
should be in an industry based on long- Niels Munk Jensen (front row, left) as
term relationships. It takes time to learn a machinists apprentice in 1958.
how to install and maintain a cement
plant. Niels Munk Jensen at the same
spot in 2007.
The year is 1970 and Niels Munk a machinists apprenticeship at the Egypt, Portugal and France. Major proj-
Jensen is busy painting his flat in FLSmidth machinery works, followed by ects tend to last between one and three
Denmark when the phone rings. a BSc in mechanical engineering and years and Niels lists the Mediterranean
On the other end of the line is then military service and officers training countries of Greece, Turkey and Algeria
Mr P.A. Knudsen, FLSmidths in the Air Force. He had acquired crafts- as his favourite stop-offs.
renowned Vice President of manship, engineering expertise and Niels lets his work and spare time
Sales. An important kiln installa- leadership training, in that order. blend to such an extent that he builds
tion job is underway in Greece Niels left for Greece the following replica antique monuments at all major
and there is a vacancy for a bright Wednesday and has been travelling ever sites where he works. On these Greek-
young engineer. since, with the occasional assignment inspired statues he inscribes his motto
back at headquarters in Denmark, en- Nothing without work in Latin, Arabic
On the job: abling the children to stay in touch with and runes, serving as an inspiration for
their Danish heritage. visitors and a lasting testament to a job
Niels did not hesitate. He had been wait- well done.
ing for such a call for a year while work- Nihil sine labore His passion for international relations
ing in the Layout Department. Since his nothing without work is as strong as ever. As he says, If you
youth, Niels had heard his father tell Thirty years of travel have taken Niels can build strong human relations at a
stories about the exciting adventures of and his family to construction site, the technical side is a
an FLSmidth engineer working overseas. many countries: piece of cake.
So after leaving school at the age of Greece, Alge- Niels left his mark on the camp facili-
17, Niels was determined to work ria, Poland, ties of major turnkey projects in the
abroad. In 1958 he embarked on Chile, Holland, somewhat turbulent Algeria during the
the classic career path Belgium, Mex- 1980s (Ain Touta) and 90s (Tebessa). De-
of an engi- ico, Turkey, spite the political uncertainty, everyday
neer: life had to go on. At Tebessa, the situa-
tion became so insecure that most for-
eigners left the country, though FLSmidth
remained at the construction site. How-
ever, it soon became necessary to aban-
don the beautiful camp, including the
large swimming pool designed by Niels.
While in involuntary exile in Spain, Niels
designed a new high-security camp
which the customer then built at the
plant site in just two months. A self-con-
tained community complete with restau-
rant, bar, lounge, chicken yard, park and
green houses, the camp and a host of
communal activities helped to keep spir-
its high in a tough environment.
The cement project was completed
to the customers full satisfaction and
the Final Acceptance Certificate was ob-
tained on time and without lengthy dis-
cussions, despite bureaucratic hurdles.