Cases Provrem Ruile 58
Cases Provrem Ruile 58
Cases Provrem Ruile 58
Vs. In 1999, the National
PNOC-ENERGY DEVELOPMENT Electrification Administration (NEA)
CORPORATION, and published an invitation to pre-
ESTER R. GUERZON, Chairman, Bids and qualify and to bid for a contract,
Awards Committee, otherwise known as IPB No. 80,
for the supply and delivery of about
sixty thousand (60,000) pieces of
woodpoles and twenty thousand
Republic Act No. 8975[1] expressly (20,000) pieces of crossarms
prohibits any court, except the Supreme Court, needed in the countrys Rural
Electrification Project. The said
from issuing any temporary restraining order contract consisted of four (4)
(TRO), preliminary injunction, or components, namely: PIA, PIB and
PIC or woodpoles and P3 or
preliminary mandatory injunction to restrain, crossarms, necessary for NEAs
projected allocation for Luzon,
prohibit or compel the Government, or any of its
Visayas and Mindanao. In
subdivisions or officials, or any person or entity, response to the said invitation,
bidders, such as private
whether public or private, acting under the respondent [Nerwin], were
Governments direction, from: (a) acquiring, required to submit their application
for eligibility together with their
clearing, and developing the right-of-way, site or technical proposals. At the same
time, they were informed that only
location of any National Government project; (b)
those who would pass the
bidding or awarding of a contract or project of the standard pre-qualification would be
invited to submit their financial
National Government; (c) commencing, bids.
prosecuting, executing, implementing, or
Following a thorough review
operating any such contract or project; (d) of the bidders qualifications and
terminating or rescinding any such contract or eligibility, only four (4) bidders,
including private respondent
project; and (e) undertaking or authorizing any [Nerwin], qualified to participate in
the bidding for the IPB-80
other lawful activity necessary for such contract or contract. Thereafter, the qualified
project. bidders submitted their financial
bids where private respondent
[Nerwin] emerged as the lowest
Accordingly, a Regional Trial Court (RTC) bidder for all
schedules/components of the
that ignores the statutory prohibition and issues a contract. NEA then conducted a
pre-award inspection of private
TRO or a writ of preliminary injunction or
respondents [Nerwins]
preliminary mandatory injunction against a manufacturing plants and facilities,
including its identified supplier
government contract or project acts contrary to in Malaysia, to determine its
law. capability to supply and deliver
NEAs requirements.
In the Recommendation of
Award for Schedules PIA, PIB, PIC
and P3 - IBP No. 80 [for
the] Supply and Delivery of
The following antecedents are culled from Woodpoles and Crossarms dated
the assailed decision of the Court of Appeals October 4, 2000, NEA
administrator Conrado M. Estrella
(CA) promulgated on October 22, 2004,[2] viz: III recommended to NEAs Board of
Directors the approval of award to
private respondent [Nerwin] of all private respondent
schedules for IBP No. 80 on [Nerwin]. Private respondent
account of the following: [Nerwin] protested the said 50%
reduction, alleging that the same
a. Nerwin is the lowest was a ploy to accommodate a
complying and losing bidder.
responsive bidder;
On the other hand, the losing
b. The price difference for bidders Tri State and Pacific
the four (4) schedules Synnergy appeared to have filed a
between the bid of complaint, citing alleged false or
Nerwin Industries (lowest falsified documents submitted
responsive and during the pre-qualification stage
complying bidder) and the which led to the award of the IBP-
second lowest bidder in 80 project to private respondent
the amount of $1.47 [Nerwin].
million for the poles and
$0.475 million for the Thus, finding a way to nullify the
crossarms, is deemed result of the previous bidding, NEA
substantial and extremely officials sought the opinion of the
advantageous to the Government Corporate Counsel
government. The price who, among others, upheld the
difference is equivalent to eligibility and qualification of
7,948 pcs. of poles and private respondent
20.967 pcs. of crossarms; [Nerwin]. Dissatisfied, the said
officials attempted to seek a
c. The price difference for revision of the earlier opinion but
the three (3) schedules the Government Corporate
between the bids of Counsel declared anew that there
Nerwin and the Tri-State was no legal impediment to
Pole and Piling, Inc. prevent the award of IPB-80
approximately in the contract to private respondent
amount of $2.36 million [Nerwin]. Notwithstanding, NEA
for the poles and $0.475 allegedly held negotiations with
million for the crossarms other bidders relative to the IPB-80
are equivalent to contract, prompting private
additional 12.872 pcs. of respondent [Nerwin] to file a
poles and 20.967 pcs. of complaint for specific performance
crossarms; and with prayer for the issuance of an
injunction, which injunctive
d. The bidder and application was granted by Branch
manufacturer are capable 36 of RTC-Manila in Civil Case No.
of supplying the 01102000.
woodpoles and specified
in the bid documents and In the interim, PNOC-Energy
as based on the pre- Development Corporation
award inspection purporting to be under the
conducted. Department of Energy, issued
Requisition No. FGJ 30904R1 or
However, on December 19, 2000, an invitation to pre-qualify and to
NEAs Board of Directors bid for wooden poles needed for its
passed Resolution No. 32 reducing Samar Rural Electrification Project
by 50% the material requirements (O-ILAW project).
for IBP No. 80 given the time
limitations for the delivery of the
materials, xxx, and with the loan
closing date of October 2001 fast Upon learning of the issuance of
approaching. In turn, it resolved to Requisition No. FGJ 30904R1 for the O-ILAW
award the four (4) schedules of
IBP No. 80 at a reduced number to Project, Nerwin filed a civil action in the RTC in
Manila, docketed as Civil Case No. 03106921 4. DECLARING
entitled Nerwin Industries Corporation v. PNOC- defendants in default;
Michael A. Medado, Datu Thence, respondents commenced in the
Omar S. Sinsuat and
Mariano H. Paps from Court of Appeals (CA) a special civil action
appearing as counsel for for certiorari (CA-GR SP No. 83144), alleging that
the defendants;
the RTC had thereby committed grave abuse of
Supreme Court, on
discretion amounting to lack or excess of government projects.
jurisdiction in holding that Nerwin had been
II. Whether or not the CA erred in
entitled to the issuance of the writ of preliminary ordering the dismissal of the
injunction despite the express prohibition from the entire case on the basis of
Rep. Act 8975 which prohibits
law and from the Supreme Court; in issuing the the issuance only of a
preliminary injunction but not
TRO in blatant violation of the Rules of Court and
injunction as a final remedy.
established jurisprudence; in declaring
III. Whether or not the CA erred in
respondents in default; and in disqualifying dismissing the case
respondents counsel from representing them.[7] considering that it is also one
for damages.
The RTC gravely abused its discretion, firstly, This prohibition shall apply in
when it entertained the complaint of Nerwin all cases, disputes or controversies
instituted by a private party,
against respondents notwithstanding that Nerwin including but not limited to cases
filed by bidders or those claiming
was thereby contravening the express provisions
to have rights through such
of Section 3 and Section 4 of Republic Act No. bidders involving such
contract/project. This prohibition
8975 for its seeking to enjoin the bidding out by shall not apply when the matter is
respondents of the O-ILAW Project; and, of extreme urgency involving a
constitutional issue, such that
secondly, when it issued the TRO and the writ of unless a temporary restraining
order is issued, grave injustice and
preliminary prohibitory injunction.
irreparable injury will arise. The
applicant shall file a bond, in an
amount to be fixed by the court,
Section 3 and Section 4 of Republic Act which bond shall accrue in favor of
No. 8975 provide: the government if the court should
finally decide that the applicant
Section 3. Prohibition on the was not entitled to the relief
Issuance of Temporary Restraining sought.
Orders, Preliminary Injunctions
and Preliminary Mandatory If after due hearing the court
Injunctions. No court, except the finds that the award of the contract
Supreme Court, shall issue any is null and void, the court may, if
temporary restraining order, appropriate under the
preliminary injunction or circumstances, award the contract
preliminary mandatory injunction to the qualified and winning bidder
against the government, or any of or order a rebidding of the same,
its subdivisions, officials or any without prejudice to any liability
person or entity, whether public or that the guilty party may incur
private, acting under the under existing laws.
governments direction, to restrain,
prohibit or compel the following Section 4. Nullity of Writs
acts: and Orders. - Any temporary
restraining order, preliminary
(a) Acquisition, clearance and injunction or preliminary
development of the right-of-way mandatory injunction issued in
and/or site or location of any violation of Section 3 hereof is
national government project; void and of no force and effect.
not properly appreciate the real nature and true injunctive relief is indispensable. In City
the RTC presses the Court to use this decision to Broadcasting System (CBS), Inc.,[15] the Court
reiterate the norms and parameters long standing elaborated on this requirement, viz:
As with all equitable injunction pending the decision of
remedies, injunction must be the case on the merits. This should
issued only at the instance of a really be so since our concern
party who possesses sufficient here involves only the propriety of
interest in or title to the right or the the preliminary injunction and not
property sought to be protected. It the merits of the case still
is proper only when the applicant pending with the trial court.
appears to be entitled to the relief
demanded in the complaint, which Thus, to be entitled to the writ
must aver the existence of the right of preliminary injunction, the private
and the violation of the right, or respondent needs only to show that
whose averments must in the it has the ostensible right to the
minimum constitute final relief prayed for in its
a prima facie showing of a right to complaint xxx.[18]
the final relief sought. Accordingly,
the conditions for the issuance of
the injunctive writ are: (a) that the In this regard, the Rules of Court grants a broad
right to be protected exists prima latitude to the trial courts considering that
facie; (b) that the act sought to be conflicting claims in an application for a
enjoined is violative of that right; provisional writ more often than not involve and
and (c) that there is an urgent and require a factual determination that is not the
paramount necessity for the writ to function of the appellate courts.[19] Nonetheless,
prevent serious damage. An the exercise of such discretion must be
injunction will not issue to sound, that is, the issuance of the writ, though
protect a right not in esse, or a
discretionary, should be upon the grounds and in
right which is merely contingent
the manner provided by law.[20] When that is done,
and may never arise; or to
restrain an act which does not the exercise of sound discretion by the issuing
give rise to a cause of action; or court in injunctive matters must not be interfered
to prevent the perpetration of an with except when there is manifest abuse.[21]
act prohibited by statute.
Indeed, a right, to be protected Moreover, judges dealing with applications for the
by injunction, means a right
clearly founded on or granted by injunctive relief ought to be wary of improvidently
law or is enforceable as a matter
or unwarrantedly issuing TROs or writs of
of law.[16]
injunction that tend to disposeof the merits
Conclusive proof of the existence of the right to without or before trial. Granting an application for
be protected is not demanded, however, for, as the relief in disregard of that tendency is judicially
the Court has held in Saulog v. Court of Appeals, impermissible,[22] for it is never the function of a
it is enough that: TRO or preliminary injunction to determine the
xxx for the court to act, there merits of a case,[23] or to decide controverted
must be an existing basis of facts facts.[24] It is but a preventive remedy whose only
affording a present right which is
directly threatened by an act mission is to prevent threatened wrong,[25] further
sought to be enjoined. And while injury,[26] and irreparable harm[27] or
a clear showing of the right
claimed is necessary, its injustice[28] until the rights of the parties can be
existence need not be
conclusively established. In fact, settled. Judges should thus look at such relief
the evidence to be submitted to only as a means to protect the ability of their
justify preliminary injunction at the
hearing thereon need not be courts to render a meaningful decision.
conclusive or complete but need [29]
Foremost in their minds should be to guard
only be a sampling intended merely
to give the court an idea of the against a change of circumstances that will
justification for the preliminary
hamper or prevent the granting of proper reliefs
after a trial on the merits.[30] It is well worth
remembering that the writ of preliminary injunction
should issue only to prevent the threatened
continuous and irremediable injury to the
applicant before the claim can be justly and
thoroughly studied and adjudicated.[31]