Microbiology Lecture Notes
Microbiology Lecture Notes
Microbiology Lecture Notes
o movement of proteins from cytoplasm to plasma membrane or periplasmic space
May be posttranslational
May be cotranslational (occurs during translation)
include transport proteins, ETC proteins, proteins involved in chemotaxis
and cell wall synthesis, enzymes
o movement of proteins from the cytoplasm to external environment
hydrolytic enzymes for nutrient break down
Common translocation and secretion systems
o Sec-dependent pathway
Major pathway for all bacteria for transporting proteins across the plasma
o Gram-negative bacteria
may use Sec system
also must cross the outer membrane using Types I, II, III, IV, V systems
o All pathways require energy
o Posttranslational
o Allows the protein to be translocated when protein is unfolded
o Sec A binds to the signal peptide and inserts into the channel created by SecYEG
o ATP hydrolysis by SecA translocates the protein through the channel
o Cotranslational see slides
o Here if we had 50 colonies then the original sample would be 50*10^3*5=25*10^5/mL
Microbial Growth on Solid Surfaces
o Colony characteristics that develop when microorganisms are grown on agar surfaces
aid in identification
o Differences in growth rate from edges to center is due to
oxygen, nutrients, and toxic products
cells may be dead in some areas
pick a colony from the edge, as they are more metabolically active than those in
the centre when plating out
Microbial Growth in Natural Environments
o Most microbes grow attached to surfaces (sessile) rather than free floating (planktonic)
o These attached microbes are members of complex, slime enclosed communities called a
o Biofilms are ubiquitous in nature in water
o Can be formed on any conditioned surface
Biofilm Formation
o Microbes reversibly attach to conditioned surface and release polysaccharides, proteins,
and DNA to form the extracellular polymeric substance (EPS)
o Additional polymers are produced as microbes reproduce and biofilm matures
Biofilm Heterogeneity
Once a biofilm forms, the equipment must be changed as they are in area where antibiotics
cant reach, and its also hard to get rid of the persister cells, which have the ability to
repopulate the bacteria living inside the biofilm.
Why bacteria form Biofilms?
Microbial Nutrition Questions
o 1. Compare and contrast supportive, enriched, selective, and differential media,
listing examples of each and describing how each is used.
o 2. What are pure cultures and why are they important?
o 3. Describe the formation of biofilms and summarize their importance in natural
environments, industrial settings, and medicine.
Microbial Growth
o An increase in cell number
o Microbiologists usually study population growth rather than growth of individual
Binary Fission
Bacterial Cell Cycyle
o Cell cycle is sequence of events from formation of new cell through the next cell
most bacteria divide by binary fission
o Two pathways function during cycle
Replication and partition of DNA
Cytokinesis formation of the septum and progeny cells
Cell Cycle of E. coli
But other mechanisms are present aswell, as if you knock out these genes, partitioning still
Cytokinesis Septation
o Septation formation of cross walls between daughter cells
o Several steps
selection of site for septum formation
assembly of Z ring (composed of protein FtsZ)
assembly of cell wall synthesizing machinery
constriction of cell and septum formation
Z Ring Formation - Role in Septation
o Protein FtsZ
tubulin homologue, found in most bacteria and archaea
polymerization forms Z ring, filaments of meshwork
o MinCDE system in E. coli limits Z ring to cell center
MinC, MinD, MinE oscillate from one side of cell to other
high concentration of MinC at poles prevents formation of Z ring at those
o Anchoring proteins link Z ring to the plasma membrane
o Cell wall-synthesizing machinery assembled (for peptidoglycan etc)
o Constriction of the Z ring, invagination of the plasma membrane, and synthesis of
septal wall complete division
Cell Wall Growth and Cell Shape Determination
o Importance of MreB in determining cell shape:
MreB depletion in rod-shaped bacteria assume a spherical shape.
All rod-shaped bacteria and archaea have at least one homologue of MreB,
coccoid-shaped cells lack proteins in MreB family.
o After division one hemisphere is new and one is old
Rod (common)
o One new pole and one old one
Vibrio Cell Wall Growth and Cell Shape Determination
o Vibrio (comma-shaped bacteria)
FtsZ forms Z ring
MreB helical polymerization throughout
crescentin intermediate filament
localizes to short, curved side of
asymmetric cell wall synthesis
forms curve
slows down peptidoglycan synthesis on one side, caused the curve
Archaeal Cell Cycle Information
o Information obtained so far has been produced from a limited number of archaeal
o Archaeal Cell Cycles Resemble Eukaryal Cell Cycles Except in Segregation of
o Even then, contradictions exist
o Diversity in archaeal cell cycles is obvious and abundant, and more research needs to be
performed to understand the systems more thoroughly
The Growth Curve
o Observed when microorganisms are
cultivated in batch culture
o Usually plotted as logarithm of cell number
vs. time
o Has five distinct phases
Lag Phase
o Cell synthesizing new components
e.g., to replenish spent materials
e.g., to adapt to new medium or other conditions
o Varies in length in some cases can be very short or even absent
o When taken from phases other than log phase
Exponential Phase (Log Phase)
o Rate of growth and division is constant and maximal
o Population is doubling every generation
Stationary Phase
o Closed system population growth eventually ceases, total number of viable cells remains
o active cells stop reproducing or reproductive rate is balanced by death rate
o possible reasons for this phase
Nutrient limitation, Limited oxygen availability, Toxic waste accumulation,
Critical population density reached
Death Phase and Prolonged Decline in Growth
o Death Phase: The number of viable cells declines exponentially
o Two alternative hypotheses
cells are Viable But Not Culturable (VBNC) cells alive, but dormant, capable of
new growth when conditions are right
programmed cell death fraction of population genetically programmed to die
o Population size remains more or less constant (can last months to years)
o Bacterial population continually evolves
o Process marked by successive waves of genetically distinct variants (natural selection
The mathematics of growth
o Generation (doubling) time
time required for the population to double
in size
varies depending on species of
microorganism and environmental
range is from 10 minutes for some bacteria
to several days for some eukaryotic
t=hrs or min of exp growth
n=number of generations
o N=the final cell number
o N0=the initial cell number
Or use a graph look at where pop. Doubles
and go along and then go down to time.
Measurement of Microbial Growth
o Can measure changes in number of cells in a population
o Can measure changes in mass of population
Direct Measurement of Cell Numbers
o Direct cell counts
counting chambers can only total number of cells,
so some may be dead. Also need 10^6 cells/ml for it
to be accurate
electronic counters
flow cytometry
on membrane filters
Direct Counts on Membrane Filters
o Aquatic samples are filtered through special membrane that
provides dark background for observing cells, where the cells stay
on the top
o Cells are stained with fluorescent dyes
o Useful for counting bacteria
o With certain dyes, can distinguish living from dead cells
Flow Cytometry
o Microbial suspension is forced through small orifice with a laser
light beam
o Movement of microbe through orifice impacts electric current
that flows through orifice
o Instances of disruption of current are counted
Viable counting: Alive or dead?
o Whether or not a cell is alive or dead isnt always clear cut in
o cells can exist in a variety of states between fully viable and
actually dead
Viable Counting Methods
o Spread and pour plate techniques
diluted sample of bacteria is spread over solid agar surface or mixed with
agar and poured into Petri plate
after incubation the numbers of organisms are determined by counting the
number of colonies multiplied by the dilution factor
results expressed as colony forming units (CFU)
o Membrane filter technique
regardless of living in acidic or basic conditions, the cytoplasm stays close to neutral
o growth optimum between pH 0 and pH 5.5 (Transport K ions into the cell, thus decreasing
the movement of H ions into the cell; Proton transporters)
o growth optimum between pH 5.5 and pH 7 (exchange K for protons using antiport
transport system) If pH reaches below 4.5
o eg E. coli
alkaliphiles (alkalophiles)
o growth optimum between pH 8.5 and pH 11.5 (by exchanging internal Na ions for
external protons)
some survive by turning on acid shock and heat shock proteins within the cell. Not long term
o Microbes cannot regulate their internal
o Organisms exhibit distinct cardinal growth
o 5 different groups
psychrophiles 0 C to 20 C
membrane high % of unsaturated
fatty acids
Produce solutes
psychrotrophs 0 C to 35 C
mesophiles 20 C to 45 C
bacteria which make us sick
thermophiles 55 C to 85 C
hyperthermophiles 85 C to 113 C
in hot springs, steam vents
Adaptations of Thermophiles
o Protein structure stabilized by a variety of means
more H bonds
more prolin
o Histone-like proteins stabilize DNA
o Membrane stabilized by variety of means
more saturated, more branched and higher
molecular weight lipids
ether linkages (archaeal membranes)
some have single layer of carbon membrane
which provides more protection
Oxygen and Bacterial Growth
o Aerobe grows in presence of atmospheric oxygen (O2)
which is 20% O2
o Obligate aerobe requires O2
o Anaerobe grows in the absence of O2
o Obligate anaerobe usually killed in presence of O2
o Microaerophiles requires 210% O2
o Facultative anaerobes do not require O2 but grow
better in its presence
o Aerotolerant anaerobes grow with or without O2
Basis of different oxygen
o oxygen easily reduced to toxic
superoxide radical
hydrogen peroxide
hydroxyl radical
o aerobes produce protective
dismutase (SOD)
catalase and
no enzyme to take
care of hydroxyl
radical, just have to
minmise its
Strict Anaerobic Microbes
o lack or have very low
quantities of
o These microbes cannot tolerate O
o Anaerobes must be grown without O2
work station with incubator
gaspak anaerobic system
Growing Anaerobes
o Special anaerobic media containing
reducing agents (thioglycollate or cysteine)
o Pumped out oxygen and flush with CO2
and nitrogen
o Gaspak jars
o Candle jars
o Microbes that live on land and water
surface live at 1 atmosphere (atm) 1 for
every 10 meters
o Some Bacteria and
Archaea live in deep
sea with very high
pressures (barophile
or piezophile)
Radiation Damage
o Ionizing radiation
x-rays and
gamma rays
mutations death (sterilization)
disrupts chemical structure of many molecules, including DNA
damage may be repaired by DNA repair mechanisms if small dose
Deinococcus radiodurans
extremely resistant to DNA damage
very efficient damage repair systems
o Ultraviolet (UV) radiation
wavelength most effectively absorbed by DNA is 260 nm
mutations death
causes formation of thymine dimers in DNA
DNA damage can be repaired by several repair mechanisms
o Visible light
at high intensities generates singlet oxygen (1O2)
powerful oxidizing agent
carotenoid pigment
protect many light-exposed microorganisms from photooxidation
Return singlet oxygen back to its ground state
Cell to Cell Communication Within the Microbial Populations
o Bacterial cells using molecular signals to communicate with each other in a density
dependent manner called Quorum Sensing
o Once they grow to a certain density, certain genes turn on
Bacteriocin produced by competent cells which kills
non competent cells so the competent cells can take up
their bacteria
o Bacteria then becomes more virulent
Acylhomoserine lactone (AHL) is an autoinducer
molecule produced by many Gram-negative organisms
o diffuses across plasma membrane
o once inside the cell, induces expression of target
genes regulating a variety of functions, controlled
by quorum sensing systems, eg virulence, biofilm
formation, bioluminescence, DNA uptake
Processes regulated by quorum sensing involve host-
microbe interactions
o symbiosis Vibrio fischeri and bioluminescence in
o pathogenicity and increased virulence factor production
o Biofilm formation
o DNA uptake
Interdomain communication, eg nitrogen fixing bacteria
o Flavonoids produced by plant
o Once flavonoids taken up, chemicals/Nod factors produced by bacteria
o bacteria enter the plant as the nod factors work on the roots to allow uptake
Microbial Growth Questions
o Describe the functions of cytoskeletal proteins in a typical bacterial cell cycle and in
determining cell shape.
o Describe the function of the enzymes observed in microbes that protect them against toxic
O2 products.
o Define quorum sensing and provide examples of cellular processes regulated by quorum
o Describe the five phases of a microbial growth
curve observed when microbes are grown in a
batch culture.
o Evaluate direct cell counts, viable counting
methods, and cell mass measurements for
determining population size.
Microbial Genetics
DNA transfer
DNA as Genetic Material
o Griffith in 1928 observed the change of
nonvirulent organisms into virulent ones as a
result of transformation
o Avery, MacLeod and McCarty in 1944 showed
that the transforming principle was DNA
Showed that the cells were transformed and rough and smooth phenotypes combined
Bacterial Transformation
o Uptake of naked DNA by a competent cell (a cell
which can take in DNA) followed by incorporation
of the DNA into the recipient cells genome
o Griffth used streptococcus
o Bacilus
o Haemophilus
o Neisseria
o Others have this ability to be transformed naturally
Natural Transformation in S. pneumoniae
DNA Uptake in Bacterial Transformation
Artificial Transformation
o transformation done in laboratory with species that are not normally competent
(e.g., E. coli)
o variety of techniques used to make cells temporarily competent
e.g., calcium chloride treatment
makes cells more permeable to DNA
1*10^5 transformans/mg DNA
o Electroporation
High voltage pulses are delivered
High efficiency 1*10^10 transformans/ mg DNA
Electrical field makes pores in the membrane, so any DNA can get entry into
the cell
o Bacteriophage, isolate its DNA and put it in bacteria
o Transformation is any DNA, Transfection is phage genome (from bacteriophage)
For eukaryotes
o Transfection - any foreign DNA going0 into a cell
o Transformation where the normal cells become malignant
o The transfer of bacterial genes by viruses
o Viruses (bacteriophages) can carry out the lytic cycle (host cell is destroyed) or viral
into the host
(becoming a
o Virulent phage lytic cycle
o Temperate phage Lysogenic cycle or lytic
o Lysogeny, then the phage DNA is integrated
into the host genome
o Lysogen, bacterial cell in which a phage exists
as DNA in its dormant state (prophage). A
prophage is either integrated into the host
bacteria's chromosome or more rarely exists
as a stable plasmid within the host cell.
Transduction is using the whole Phage particle
Transfection is only using the isolated DNA from a
phage particle
Phages are specific to hosts
Generalized Transduction
o Any part of bacterial genome can be
o Occurs during lytic cycle of virulent phage
o During viral assembly, fragments of host DNA
mistakenly packaged into phage head
generalized transducing particle
efficiency is quite high
can use the phage to add
mutations to other cells
Specialised transduction
o Carried out only by temperate
phages that have established
o Only specific portion of bacterial
genome is transferred
o Occurs when prophage is
incorrectly excised
The Mechanism of Transduction for Phage Lambda and E. coli
Phage Conversion
o Conversion of nontoxin-producing strains of Corynebacterium diphtheriae to toxin-
producing strains
Gene came into bacteria with help from a bacteriophage
o Change in the structure of LPS on the cell surface upon lysogenisation
o O-antigen modification (serotype conversion) in Shigella flexneri
o Genes are being moved around by bacteriapages over evolution, which creates
different phenotypes, so some may be detected by immune system and some may
not for example in S. flexneri
o Hard to make vaccines as have lots of different phenotypes.
o Small, autonomously replicating DNA molecules that can exist independently or
integrate reversibly into the host chromosome
o Circular DNA elements
o Replicate independently of chromosomes
o Carry wide variety of genes
Toxin production
Antibiotic resistance
Metabolic genes, allow to degrade or grow on organic stuff
o Can integrate and deintegrate from chromosomes (episomes)
o Small, double-stranded, usually circular DNA molecules
o Supercoiled molecules will run faster on gel
o Open-circular duplex run a little slower, happens if there is a nick
o Linear duplex even slower, if there is nick in the same spot on both strands
Isolation of Plasmid DNA
o Bacterial lysis, lysozyme and EDTA (also act as chelating agent, stops function of
nucleases) add sucrose after cell wall is gone to the suspension to prevent
immediate lysis of the cell, otherwise the cell will go into osmotic lysis, cell will burst
if under hypotonic conditions. Then lyse the cell under controlled and gentle
conditions by adding detergent like sds. Then cell will open up and DNA will come
o Removal of cell debris and larger fragments of chromosome, part of the
chromosome remain attached to cell wall, so removing debris will bring down
chromosomal DNA as well, then take supernatant which will contain plasmid DNA
which you can then precipitate it with ethanol or can do density gradient
configuration to palate down the DNA
o Separation of plasmid DNA
o Very similar to chromosomal replication
o Origin of replication, every plasmid has one
o As plasmid so small, happens very quickly
o Plasmids use cellular enzymes used for chromosomal DNA as they dont have their
Copy number is how many copies of a plasmid a cell has, it is determined by the genes on
the plasmid and also interaction between host and plasmid DNA
So need to have lots of copies of a plasmid when u want to express it
Curing of Plasmids
o Can be eliminated from a cell very easily
o Spontaneous curing over generations just lose a plasmid
o Can be induced, by using DNA binding DICE, which bind to DNA and will block the
replication of the plasmid, dont have much effect on chromosomal replication, but
will stop plasmid
o Many bacteria will have 2 or more plasmids present at the same time in a bacterial
cell and they are stably maintained, however some pairs cant live together, called
o Always seen when genetically distinguishable pairs of the same plasmid are used
o Controlled by genes on the plasmid
If you have selection pressure, eg grow on minimalistic growth medium (only 1 source of
carbon) then if you put the plasmids in, only the ones with the plasmids will grow and will be
selected for. When you take away the selection pressure, eg grow on nutrient agar, will see
that some cells will have lost the plasmids or some of them. Need the selection pressure
otherwise the plasmids are incompatible
The F plasmid
o Conjugative (or fertility plasmids) (F plasmid) can transfer copies of themselves to
other bacteria during conjugation
o Usually only find 1 copy per cell, almost of plasmid is genes for transfer, donor
cells can transfer F plasmid into cells which dont have it, due to this gene cluster
F plasmid integration
Have insertion elements (IS
elements), elements which are
present on the chromosome as
well, due to this homology,
they can integrate via
recombination at different
Bacterial Conjugation
o J. Lederberg and E.
Tatum demonstrated
the transfer of genes
between bacteria that
depends on
o Plasmid codes for sex
pilus, which makes
contact with recipient
cells which are always
F-, and transfers F plasmid to recipient. The
recipient is now F+ and can donate to others.
direct cell to cell contact mediated by
the F pilus
unidirectional DNA transfer from
donor to recipient
Evidence for Bacterial Conjugation and the U-Tube
Experiment (on right), left side bacteria cant make
contact with right side, so when plated out there was no growth on minimal medium
F+ x F- Mating
Mating Experiment
o Breaking down things
o Food broken down into ATP, strip electrons off it to make more ATP and carry out
other reactions, create waste product and subunits used to make other important
stuff, eg amino acids, nucleotides and lipids.
o Using subunits to make stuff, eg cell
Nutrient (C) sources for bacteria
o Inorganic C source (CO2)
o Organic and inorganic C source
o Organic C source
Electron sources for bacteria
o Organotroph from organic material
o Lithotroph (stone eaters) from
inorganic material
Energy Sources for Bacteria
o Light
o Chemical energy
From organic material chemoorganotroph
From inorganic material chemolithotroph
Summary of bacterial metabolism
We are chemoorganoheterotrophs
Plants are photolithoautotroph
Nutrients, electrons and energy sources are required for bacterial metabolic processes
o Bacteria can use different energy sources (light, inorganic chemicals, organic
o Bacteria can use different metabolic processes (fermentation, respiration,
photosynthesis) to transform energy sources into ATP, the general energy currency
in all cells
How does bacterial metabolism occur
o Nutrients and energy sources (organic/inorganic compounds) are transported into
the cell
o Energy, electrons and carbon are converted to ATP, reduction equivalents (reduced
electron carriers) and metabolites for anabolism
Light is used to power electron
movement used to generate ATP
Respiration and fermentation, differ in
whether the cell has a functioning
electron transport chain or not.
o Oxygen is an electron acceptor in
the chain and is converted to
o Fermentation is a shorter
pathway, but much less efficient,
doesnt use the chain
What happens to the carbon source
o Use ATP to fix carbon to turn
inorganic carbon (CO2) to organic C eg
glucose. Plants do this
o Use organic C source for ATP and produce
CO2 and other c intermediates for
Electron Source
Redox Definitions
o Loss of electrons oxidation
o Gain of electrons reduction
o Electron donors become oxidised
o Electron acceptors become reduced
Electron transport chain
o Electron transfer is an
energetically favorable process
Electron carriers
o NAD+
o Heme group usually iron
o Iron-sulfur proteins
o Ubiquinone
o All vary in the tendency to attract
Redox reactions (see tables)
o Organised in order of their
reduction potential (tendency to
gain electrons)
o Electrons will move from electron donors at the top of the list to electron acceptors at
the bottom of the list
Electron transport chains are arranged in order of redox
A proton motive force is generating ATP
o Aerobic or anaerobic
o Aerobic requires oxygen which acts as the final electron acceptor
o Anaerobic have different electron acceptors, eg sulfate, nitrate, CO2, fumarate etc
o Start with an organic source (glucose etc), get electrons from it, use them to generate
ATP via electron transport chain, or use in synthesis reactions???
o Fermentation is a lot shorter, doesnt operate with an electron transfer chain,
alternative method for breaking down glucose when O2 is not available.
o Produce lactate in muscles when not enough O2 available or provided fast enough, eg
Chemoorgantroph, heterotroph and organotrophs use respiration and fermentation
Respiration I breaking down the carbon
o Glucose (6C) broken into pyruvate
(3C) glycolysis
Produces some ATP, NADH
and H+
o Then pyruvate enters TCA cycle and
gets futher broken down into CO2,
making ATP, FADH, NADH and H+.
Fermentation I breaking down the carbon
o first part is the same
o Pyruvate doesnt enter TCA
cycle and is broken down,
creating other by-products, eg
lactic acid, ethanol, propionic
acid and butyric acid.
Producing energy from reducing
equivalents (respiration only)
o Electron donors (eg NADH,
FADH produced during
glycolysis) through ETC
proton motive force to
oxidative phosphorylation
Get lots of reduction
equivalents which are
used to make ATP
Electrons then get
passed through different
complexes to O2.
Producing energy from reducing equivalents electron transport chain in mitochondria
NADH donates electrons and protons to FMN and protons are donated to other side of
FAD doesnt produce as much ATP, it donates to 2nd complex
3rd complex transfers H+ over membrane moving the elctrons through the membrane
During aerobic respiration, oxygen is used as the terminal electron acceptor
During anaerobic respiration, some organisms use other electron acceptors, e.g. sulfate,
nitrate, CO2, Fe3+.
In bacteria
o Principal is the same
o Electrons enter in on a carrier, transfer of electrons causes a proton gradient to form
Fermentative metabolism
o C source growth in absence of oxygen acids, ethanol, gas
o Many bacteria/fungi that grow (facultatively) anaerobically
o Eg yeast and lactic acid bacteria
o During respiration (presence of oxygen), the NADH+H+ would be removed in the ETC
o When the ETC is not working (fermentation, in absence of oxygen) NADH+H+ needs
to be removed in other reactions or glycolysis will stop
o Cell will take NADH + H+ and use it to make NAD+ producing lactate, recycling the
Fate of Pyruvate in Fermentations
Cells have invented ways to turn pyruvate into other substances to recycle NAD+
Cheese fermentations
o Milk/cream either pasteurizated or not in vat, then inoculate with lactic acid
bacteria, lactococcus.
Lactose fermentation
o Depending on what bacteria is used,
gives different types of cheese.
Add renin
o An enzyme which causes milk curd to
form and coagulate, so can remove the
solids (fats etc) used in cheese from the
Curds cut, whey released
Pressing salting
o Important in flavour development
Variations in chesses
o Type, form of milk/cream used
Cow, goat, sheep etc
General processes involved in Cheese fermentations
(Variations continued)
Starter cultures used in addition to Lactococcus:
o Mixed cultures of homo- and hetero- (CO2 production, texture affects) fermenters
o Geotriclium candidum, Pencillium spp.
typically used to inoculate the surface of the
Ex. Brie
o Penicillium roqueforti used to inoculate the
Ex. Blue cheese
o Combination of both
Ex. Cambozola
General processes involved in beer fermentations
o Malted grain is crushed and mixed with hot
water until enzymes degrade they starch into
o The resulting mash goes to the mash tun for
further enzyme activity
Really bad to start with as the electrons are at a positive redux potential where they want to
be at. Light in the photosystem makes the electrons go to a more negative redox potential
so that they can then flow onto a number of electron carriers. So the electron flows from
the first photosystem to the next one where it goes to a more negative redox potential again
and from there it flows onto NADP to produce NADPH and H+.
Prokaryotic ETC and reducing power purple nonsulfur bacteria
o Use other inorganic sources for electrons such as sulfur, Have an electron transport
chain, have bacterial chlorophyl, light energy excite electrons and the electrons flow
through a number of electron carriers producing ATP. It can either be cyclic so the
same electrons can cycle through producing energy or the electrons can be
transferred onto NAD+ to produce NADH which the cell can then use for other
reactions but then the electrons in the cycle have to be replaced. In oxygenic
photosynthesis they are replaced by water, but in these organisms they are replaced
by H2S or sulfite, producing sulfer or sulfate.
Specialised structures for prokaryotic photosynthetic processes
o Chlorosomes on plasma membrane
The Calvin cycle for carbon (CO2) fixation
o Basic principals are cell uses ATP and NADH to fix carbon onto an organic molecule
using an enzyme called rubisco (ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase).
Most abundant enzyme on planet. Takes carbon from atmosphere and puts on an
organic sugar molecule molecule, ribulose 1,5 bisphosphate and produces fructose-
6-phosphate. Goes from a 5 carbon sugar to a 6 carbon from the addition from CO2.
Its a cyclic reaction which uses ATP and NADH gained from photosynthesis.
The reductive TCA cycle
o Takes CO2 and adds it onto TCA cycle intermediates to produce a bigger carbon
Photoautotrophs use carbon from CO2
Photoheterotrophs use carbon from organic sources.
The Importance of Nitrogen
In biological systems (humans, animals, plants) nitrogen is the principal component
o Amino acids and proteins
o Nucleic acids n Bacteria contain ~ 13% N
Plant nitrogen is the underlying source of all human nutritional nitrogen - production of
fertilizer requires 2-4% of earths natural gas yearly output (non-renewable)
Plant sequestered N is the source, directly and indirectly, of all human nutritional N.
Lack of N fertiliser availability in the developing world limits crop production.
Overuse of N fertilisers in developed world poses environmental threats.
Nitrogen makes up 0.1% of the Earths crust but 80% of the atmosphere.
Atmospheric nitrogen is primarily gaseous N2, which is hard to access because of the highly
stable triple bond: N N.
N must be solubilised as NH3 before it can be used by cells.
What is nitrogen fixation?
o The conversion of atmospheric nitrogen into ammonium
o by nitrogen fixing bacteria
o Industrially
o Through lightning
The nitrogen Cycle
o Precursor is an organic acid, the ammonium is added to the keto group making
o Transaminases can then take this ammonia off glutamate and put it onto other
amino acids.
Assimilation of ammonia by glutamine synthetase
Rhizobia re-initiate cell divisions in the root which later form nodules.
Rhizobia invade the nodule where they fix nitrogen
Need oxygen captured by the leghemoglobin to produce ATP which is used by nitrogenase to
get nitrogen used in amino acids which are then transported to the plant. The plant in
return provides lots of fixed carbon to the bacteria.
Nitrogen carbon and sulfur cycles in the bioshpere
Microbes in agriculture have a large emmision of green house gasses
Nitrogen cycle
o Nitrogen reaches the soil and is converted into organic matter, once they
decompose it returns to the soil as ammonium, where it can be taken up by plants
or oxidised by bacteria by a process called nitrification. The products can then be
denitrified and turned into gasses which are then sent to the atmosphere or plant
consumes them.
On terrestrial systems, N-fixation and denitrification almost equal themselves out. Most
excess nitrogen leaks into waterways, where N-fixation can also occur, but most is lost by
Chemolithotrophs the mavericks of recycling
o They use inorganic molecules for a source of energy and electron source. Most of
them but not all are autotrophs.
Nitrogen cycle
o Useful in cleaning up excess nitrogen in waste waters meg in soils, wetlands, sewage
plants (generally low oxygen environments)
During denitrification, nitrate acts as an electron acceptor in anaerobic respiration
This produces a lot of nitrous oxide which is in the atmosphere and is due to lots of nitrogen
in soils etc, so its used in this process
Difference in redox poten9als between NAD+/NADH and NO3 - /N2 is smaller than the
difference between NAD+/NADH and O2/H2O, but its still fairly reasonable
A lot of these organisms can switch, so if there is O2 available then it uses O2, but uses N2 if
it instead is available
Nitrifying bacteria
o Very diverse chemolithoautotrophs, aerobic
o nitrification gain electrons from oxidation of
ammonium to nitrate or nitrite
nitrite further oxidized to nitrate
o Nitrosomaonas species do the first step, but Nitrobacter species used for second
Oxidation of NH3 to nitrite
These can use inorganic compounds as donors for the ETC. In the first step the ammonia
reacts with oxygen to produce hydroxylamine. This then donates electrons to this ETC and
moved to cytochromes, and eventually passed onto oxygen. They use nitrogen stuff as the
donor and oxygen as the acceptor. The first step of oxidation of ammonia to hydroxylamine
requires electrons, so some of the electrons produced are used to do this, so not all
electrons produced are available for use. These organisms use a reduced form of nitrogen
as a donor in the ETC.
Oxidation of nitrite to nitrate
o Reverse electron flow to make NADH
Reverse electron flow is necessary to reduce NAD+ if the electron donor redox pair has a
more positive redox potential than NAD+/NADH
Nitrogen cycle
Electron acceptors in aerobic and anaerobic respiration
o NO3-, SO42-, CO2, S
The sulfur cycle
In volcanic activity and hydrothermal vents
Sulfur in the atmosphere from fossil fuel combustion, which turns to acid rain H2SO4.
Its not as abundant in organisms, but needed for systeine, methionine, coenzyme A, biotin
It can occur in the most reduced form and most oxidised form.
1) Oxidation of S compounds by chemolithotrophs, i.e. using reduced sulfur compounds as
electron donors in the ETC
o Can use reduced sulfur as donors in the ETC. These bacteria are aerobic and use O2
as the final electron acceotor.
o It converts a reduced form of sulfur into a very oxidised form of it.
o Some electrons are used in a reverse electron flow to produce NADH.
Important points
o Both N and S can occur in a number of more oxidised or more reduced forms
o The reduced forms can donate electrons to the ETC in chemolithotrophs
o The oxidised forms can be electron acceptors during anaerobic respiration
o Both elements are incorporated into organic compounds by bacteria: N and S
assimilation, leading to the formation of amino acids
The carbon cycle
o Carbon source comes from CO2, decomposing organic matter. CO2 can be reduced
to methane, or methane can be oxidised to CO2.
Methanotrophs oxidise methane back to CO2.
CO2 in the atmosphere as a gas, but its also dissolved in water, which is a problem as it
causes acidification (carbonic acid). So the more CO2 in the atmosphere and more in water,
then the more the oceans get acidified. CO2 can get into the water from atmosphere but
also from decomposing life in the water. Same can happen on land.
Release of CO2 during the TCA cycle. Its produced during the break down of pyruvate, and
basically pyruvate is a product of glycolysis, and that pyruvate is broken down further to
NAD and NAPH, and during this procures pyruvate is completely decarboxylated to CO2.
The Calcin cycle fixation of CO2 to form sugars.
o Done by plants and other photosynthetic bacteria
o Enzyme RUBISCO
Takes and organic carbon molecule, a C5 sugar, and the CO2 reacts with the
sugar to produce 2 intermediates. Then using ATP and NAD it leads to the
production of Fructose. So this removes CO2 out of the atmosphere and
converts it into organic sugars.
Methane emissions and CO2 are trending upwards at the moment, increasing temperatuers.
Sources of methane
o In general anoxic environments
o Peat bogs
o Land fill
o Termites
o Ruminant animals (cows)
Methane clathrate
o Methane surrounded by water molecules. Stable at low temperatures, a lot of these
can be found in Siberia in the tundra and down deep in the ocean. They are mined
as they can be used as gas to burn, but with rising temperatures, currently in the
artic areas, where it was stable, the warming of them causes the methane to come
out and warm the atmosphere, so it could accelerate global warming.
Wetlands are some of the biggest sources of methane emission
A fair bit from termites, more than from ocean
Anthropogenic emissions (what we produce), so burning of fossil fuels, ruminants (livestock)
make a huge amount of methane. Overall we are producing a lot more methane than that is
used up.
Methanogens bacteria that produce methane from CO2
Methanotrophs - bacteria that convert (oxidise) methane into CO2
Methanotrophs (living off methane)
Methane is a very reduced molecule, so its a good donor, so its used as a donor in the ETC.
In this case, they dont directly donate electrons to the chain, but are in a number of
reactions, which form acid and transport the electrons onto NADH. The prinicipal is they are
a source of electrons for the ETC, and the carrier is NADH. They are aerobes and use oxygen
as the final acceptor.
Methanogens anaerobic habitats
o Mainly archaea, but lots of them can be
o Usually have methano in their name
o Digestive tracts
Hindgut fermentors including humans, insects
Ruminants (mainly)
o Anoxic sediments marshes, swamps, landfills
o Geothermal sources of H2 and CO2 hydrothermal vents
o Biodegradation facili9es sewage
o Methanogens produced methane from CO2.
The rumen of a cow
o Where a lot of the fermentation reactions take place
Fermentation and methanogenesis in the rumen
o Also have to look at the start sequences for translation the shine delgarno
sequence and start codon. If they arent there then its not a potential open reading
Blast (basic local alignment search tool) software
o Take a gene and do a base by base comparison of 2 or more gene sequences, then if
you find similarity between your sequence and the data base sequence, then you
can say that this open reading frame may be doing that function.
o Lots of similarity between MinD.
o Blast gives idea of what the function might be, whereas annotation only tells what
open reading frames might be.
o Conserved hypothetical proteins function has not been found, but the DNA
sequence has some similarity in the data base
o Proteins of unknown functions proteins unique to a particular organism, ie no
similarity to genes in the data base
Functional genomics
o Determination of how genome works
o Uses physical maps of location of genes
o Provides info on
Metabolic pathways
Transport mechanisms
Regulatory and signal transduction mechanisms
Approach to identifying genes of unknown function
o Knock out approach. Knock the gene out and then look at what happens to the
o Has been done with saccharomyces cerevisiae
Construction of mutant strains, each with a deletion in a specific ORF of
unknown function
These used in studies to reveal their mutant phenotype
Mutants phenotype used to assign tentative function for gene
Only difference is that only 1 gene has been knocked out, so know that
genes function if phenotypes differ when assayed
Transcriptome analysis
o Can determine which genes are expressed at a specific time or have changed
expression in response to environmental changes
o By directly sequencing total cellular mRNA (RNA-seq)
cellular mRNA is converted to cDNA with reverse transcriptase
adapter sequences are added to the ends of the cDNA fragments
each fragment is sequenced
sequence data can be used in two ways
identify sequences by alignment with known (reference) genome
sequences if you already have a genome sequenced strain, then
its the reference
convert sequences to amino acid sequences and compare to
databases of known protein sequences
o take mRNA from different conditions, and then see which genes are upregulated or
down regulated, eg 1 from high pH and 1 from low pH.
o No cloning required
o Can also do knock out stuff with it
o The study of the proteome the entire collection of proteins that an organism
o Provides information about genome function not available from mRNA studies
o Information determines what is actually happening in cells is referred to as
functional proteomics
Analysis of proteome
o Proteome often analyzed by two dimensional gel electrophoresis
first dimension
isoelectric focusing - pH gradient determines isoelectric point
second dimension
electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) and separation by molecular weight
o load sample onto a pH strip to separate the proteins based off their isoelectric point
(the pH where the net charge on the protein becomes 0). So once you load the
protein, when they hit a particular pH and their net charge becomes 0 and will stop
migrating. So you get separated bands. Then you take the strip and do an
electrophoresis, and separate the proteins by molecular weight, with biggest at the
top and smallest at the bottom, so you can separate all the proteins on the band.
Bands may contain multiple proteins, with either similar or different sizes.
o Can look at expression, by how much protein you get from each band compared to
the wild type.
Further Proteome analysis
o Tandem Mass Spectrometry
unknown spot from 2-D gel is cut and cleaved
fragments are analyzed by mass spectrometer
mass of fragments is plotted
protein tentatively identified from probable amino acid composition
Comparative Genomics
o Set of analyses by which gene function and evolution can be inferred by studying
similar nucleotide and amino acid sequences found among organisms
o Comparisons of genomes
Relative sizes of microbial genomes
Smallest genomes belong to parasitic microbes, lose genes coz not
needed as use the hosts
Genome size reflects metabolic and morphological complexity
o Horizontal gene transfer (HGT)
o Genomic islands (permanently integrated mobile genetic elements)
Chunk of DNA from another thing eg phage DNA integrated into
chromosome, transposons, plasmids etc
o Pathogenicity islands (when the genomic islands code for virulence proteins) look
at ratios of base pairs. In e. coli about 50% is GC, if the sequence your looking at say
only has 30% GC then you know it somehow came from outside. can also see
phage DNA there in islands, as they are left over after phage DNA integration into
the DNA
o Phylogenic relationships between microbes can be studied by synteny order of
genes on genome on graph if there is straight line then order of genes between
species are similar and thus phylogenetically related
Pathogen virulence genes
o pseudogenes non-functional genes in non-pathogen relatives
Reverse vaccinology
o development of new vaccines using only specific proteins of pathogens
M. bovis can cause TB in different animals
M. leprae causes leprosy 3.3 Mb
M. tuberculosis (4.4Mb) and M. bovis have different hosts, has M. tuberculosis has deletions
so it can only infect humans
In M. leprae has about 1000 pseudogenes. Lost them coz they are intracellular for long
times and can use the cells stuff, and grow very slowly. Doubling time for M. leprae is about
2 weeks
Reerse Vaccinology
o Start from protein not gene
o Take a pathogen and look at antigenic proteins on cell.
o Find the protein, then find the genes, then express them
o Environmental genomics
cultivation-independent technique
used to learn more about the diversity and metabolic potential of microbial
takes a census of microbial populations and can determine the presence and
level of classes of genes
utilized to produce the Genomic Encyclopedia of Bacteria and Archaea
improves reference databases by sequencing genomes of a wide
variety of cultured microorganisms
basically take a census of the bacteria living in an environment
good as only 2% of bacteria can be cultured so if you plated out you would
miss a lot
so can discover lots of new genes, metabolic pathways etc
collect sample of the ecosystem, then sequence it.
Get large gaps in the genome from fragmentation techniques, but if it is a known gene then
you can fill them in with a reference sequence to figure out what it does
Recombinant DNA technology
o Steps in cloning a gene
Isolate DNA
Cut it (PCR)
Transform into a vector
Put it into another genome
o Restriction enzymes
o Gel electrophoresis
o Southern blotting (Western)
Want to identify a gene present in your fragment. Take a genome, digest it,
run on a gel, and want to know if the gene is present in those fragments
Run DNA on gel has to be single stranded, then blot it onto a membrane.
Then use probe such as labelled HisA with radioactive phosphate, then you
hybridise it with the DNA on the membrane. If it finds a match it will light
up, so you know that fragment contains the gene.
Western blotting is similar but uses proteins for the gel and antigens as
probes. So if a band lights up its the protein you are looking for.
Cloning Vectors and Creating Recombinant DNA
o there are four types of cloning vectors plasmids (most commonly used) phages
and viruses cosmids (hybrid between plasmids and phage) artificial
o each type of cloning vector generally has
an origin of replication
a selectable marker
multicloning site or polylinker allows you to insert DNA
Plasmids as Cloning Vectors (pUC19 and YEp24)
Are quite toxic, so have to leave the materials after they are sterilezed for a
while before use
o Chemotherapeutic Agents (antibiotics)
Chemical agents used to treat disease
Destroy pathogenic microbes or inhibit their growth within host
Most are antibiotics
microbial products or their derivatives that kill susceptible microbes
or inhibit their growth
The Development of Chemotherapy
o Paul Ehrlich (1904) developed concept of selective toxicity identified dyes that
effectively treated African sleeping sickness
o Sahachiro Hato (1910) working with Ehrlich, identified arsenic compounds that
effectively treated syphilis
o Gerhard Domagk, and Jacques and Therese Trefouel (1935) discovered
sulfonamides and sulfa drugs
Sulfonamides or Sulfa Drugs
o Prontosil red dye gets turned into sulfanilamide
o structurally related to sulfanilamide, a para aminobenzoic acid (PABA) analog
o PABA used for the synthesis of folic acid and is made by many pathogens
unlike humans, these pathogens cannot take up PABA, they need to
synthesise it, whereas humans get it from diet.
Need to synthesise
folic acids to survive
inside a host
sulfa drugs are
selectively toxic for
these pathogens
because they
compete with PABA
for the active site of
an enzyme involved
in folic acid synthesis,
resulting in a decline
in folic acid concentration
Drug has no effect on host as we dont synthesise folic acid.
o First discovered by Ernest Duchesne (1896), but discovery lost
o Accidentally discovered by Alexander Fleming (1928)
observed penicillin activity on contaminated plate
did not think could be developed further
o Effectiveness demonstrated by Florey, Chain, and Heatley (1939)
o Fleming, Florey, and Chain received Nobel Prize in 1945 for discovery and production
of penicillin
o Controls gram positive bacterial infection
Later Discoveries
o Streptomycin, an antibiotic active against tuberculosis, was discovered by Selman
Waksman (1944)
Nobel Prize was awarded to Waksman in 1952 for this discovery
o By 1953 chloramphenicol, terramycin, neomycin, and tetracycline isolated
General Characteristics of Antimicrobial Drugs
o Selective toxicity ability of drug to kill or inhibit pathogen while damaging host as
little as possible
o Therapeutic dose drug level required for clinical treatment
o Toxic dose drug level at which drug becomes too toxic for patient (i.e., produces
side effects)
o Therapeutic index ratio of toxic dose to therapeutic dose
Very high if drug has low or no effect on host, eg penicillin as humans cells
dont have cell walls
Low if the drug has toxic side effects
Antibiotic production
o naturally produced
o Synthetic (e.g. sulfonamides)
o semisynthetic antibiotics are natural antibiotics that have been chemically modified
to make them less susceptible to inactivation by pathogen
e.g., ampicillin and amoxycillin are semisynthetic whereas penicillin G and
penicillin V are naturally produced
Determining the Level of Antimicrobial Activity
o Effectiveness expressed in two ways
minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC)
lowest concentration of drug that inhibits growth of pathogen
minimal lethal concentration (MLC)
lowest concentration of drug that kills pathogen
o Two techniques are routinely used to determine MIC and MLC
Static inhibits growth of bacteria
Cidil kills bacteria
Broad spectrum kill both gram negative and gram positive
Determining the Level of Antimicrobial Activity
o Dilution susceptibility tests for MIC
o Disk diffusion tests Kirby Bauer
Dilution Susceptibility Tests
o Involves inoculating media containing different concentrations of drug
broth or agar with lowest concentration showing no growth is MIC
if broth used, tubes showing no growth can be subcultured into drug-free
broth from which microbe cant be recovered is MLC
Dilute multiple tubes with the antibiotic (serial dilutions). Then add the
same amount of test microbe to each tube. The first tube which shows no
growth is the MIC (growth is inhibited by may not be dead). You then take
the broth of that tube and add to a tube with no drugs. If there is no growth
then that is MLC.
Can also do this with agar
Disk Diffusion Tests
o Disks impregnated with specific drugs are placed on agar plates inoculated with test
o Drug diffuses from disk into agar, establishing concentration gradient
o Observe clear zones (no growth) around disks
o Use the table to see which zone diameter corresponds to effectiveness
o Larger the zone, the more susceptible, but you cant compare directly between
antibiotics, as each antibiotic has different properties which vary.
o So you have work out MIC plotted against inhibition zone diameter for each
antibiotic to design table. On the graph, higher parts of the line are resistant. Lower
parts are where they are susceptible
Kirby-Bauer Method
o Standardized method for disk diffusion test
o Sensitivity/resistance determined using tables relating zone diameter with microbial
o Table values plotted, used to determine if effective concentration of drug in body
can be reached
Antibiotic Misuse and Drug Resistance
o An increasing problem
once resistance originates in a population it can be transmitted to other
a particular type of resistance mechanism is not confined to a single class of
o Microbes in abscesses or biofilms may be growing slowly and not be susceptible
o Resistance mutants arise spontaneously and are then selected
The Origin and Transmission of Drug Resistance
o Resistance genes can be found on
o When found on mobile genetic elements they can be freely exchanged between
Antibiotic misuse and drug resistance
o Tons of antibiotics valued at billions of dollars are produced. Approx 40-50% of these
are added to livestock feed. A resistant pathogen in animals can develop and then
transfer the genes to a human pathogen.
o Neisseria gonorrhoea infections
o a methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) that developed resistance to
o these drug resistant organisms are a serious threat to human health
o Over 50% of the antibiotics prescriptions are given without clear evidence of
o Antibiotics given to patients with colds, influenza, viral pneumonia and other viral
o Antibiotics are prescribed without culturing or without determining bacterial
sensitivity to the drug
o Patients not completing their course of medication: drug-resistant mutants may
o Freely available in many countries
o Use of antibiotics in animal feed: drug-resistant bacteria may develop in animal GI
12 steps to prevent antimicrobial resistance
o Prevent Infection
1. Immunise to prevent common infections
2. Avoid unnecessary introduction of parenteral devices, such as catheters
o Diagnose and Treat Infection
3. Target the pathogen
4. Access the experts do antibiotic susceptibility tests to find correct
o Use Antimicrobial Agents wisely
5. Practice antimicrobial control
6. Use local data - like what resistance there is and what infections there are
7. Treat infection, not contamination
8. Treat infection, not colonisation
9. Treat with the least exotic antimicrobial agent that will eliminate the
pathogen ie not broad spectrum first
10. Stop antimicrobial treatment when unnecessary, ie when sore throat is
caused by virus
o Prevent pathogen transmission
11. Isolate the pathogen, isolate the infected and their body fluids to
prevent spread of the infection
12. Break the chain of contagion
o Prevention is always better than curing
The Search for New Antimicrobial drugs
o New analogs of existing antimicrobial compounds
Make existing drugs better, eg ampicillin is a synthetically made from
o Computer drug design
Once you identify targets in the bacterial cell, then you can use computers
to design a drug to bind to the target site.
o Natural products as antibiotics
Need methods to detect them cause sometimes they are not produced at
detectable concentrations
o Drug combination
Want to retain efficacy of a drug its a good idea to have combination
Penicillin/ampicillin have beta-lactam ring which is degraded by beta-
lactamase in resistant microbes. So give ampicillin in combo with beta-
lactamase inhibitor.
o Bacteriophages
Approved by FDA as a controlling agent used to control E. coli and
Salmonella on foods. However has same problem as may get resistance,
mutations in the receptor phages bind to could mutate so phage cant bind.
To avoid this use a cocktail of phages, so if resistance to one phage is
detected, then the others will still kill it.
Food Microbiology
Why study? Microbes like to grow on food as it is a food source. Microbes are also used to
change food and make food. Beer wine, chocolate and coffee are all products of microbial
activity. Also food can act as a vehicle for disease transmission.
3 kinds, the good, the bad (spoil the food) and the ugly (cause disease)
The Good Microorganisms
o Naturally found on foods in the environment
Mechanism of preservation in the absence of refrigeration
Microbial modifications - texture, flavour etc
o Starter cultures in a variety of fermented foods
a large proportion of our daily diet is composed of fermented foods (beer,
wine, chocolate etc)
fermented food industry in Australia (cheese, beer and wine) Food
o Microbiologist today - improving and expanding fermented foods
The Bad, and the Ugly Microorganisms
o Food-borne Illness and Spoilage
o Food Microbiologists today - try to increase the understanding of
The environmental source of these MO
How they persist in foods
Improving control and detection of these organisms
o The economic costs of food-borne illness are substantial.
Interesting Facts
o Numbers of meals eaten here every year - 20.8 billion
o Percentage of meals which cause food-borne illness - 0.02%
o 1 in 5 cases arises from incorrect food handling at home
o 60-80% arises from the Food Service Industry
Microbial Growth and Food Spoilage
o Results from growth of microbes in food
alters food visibly and in other ways, rendering it unsuitable for
o Different foods undergo different types of spoilage processes
o Toxins are sometimes produced
o Microbial growth is controlled by
o intrinsic factors
factors related to the food itself
o extrinsic factor
environment where food stored
Intrinsic Factors
o Food composition - carbohydrates
o mold predominates
o degrades food by hydrolysis
o little odour
o aflatoxin produced by some microbes
o ergotism
hallucinogenic alkaloids released by Claviceps purpurea
may cause death
o Food composition proteins or fats
o bacterial growth predominates
o Putrefaction proteolysis and anaerobic breakdown of proteins; foul smelling amine
compounds such as cadverine and putrescine
o Unpasteurized milk spoilage
Lactobacillus lowers the pH of the milk and then mould grows and proteins
degrade the milk proteins.
o Butter short-chained fatty acid production; rancid butter
o pH
impacts make up of microbial community and therefore types of chemical
reactions that occur when microbes grow in food
e.g., low pH favors yeast and mold
o Presence and availability of water
in general, lower water activity inhibits microbial growth
o Oxidation-reduction potential
altered by cooking
lower redox more bacteria and anaerobes
o Physical structure
grinding and mixing distribute microbes; promotes microbial growth mincing
increases the surface area of the meat and allow pathogens to distribute all over
outer skin of vegetables and fruits slows microbial growth
o Antimicrobial Substances
Coumarins fruits and vegetables
Lysozyme found in egg and cows milk, can break down the cell wall of gram
positive bacteria
Aldehydic and phenolic compounds herbs and spices
Allicin garlic
Polyphenols green and black teas
o Extrinsic Factors
Temperature lower temperatures retard microbial growth by decreasing
metabolic activity stopping replication
Relative humidity higher levels promote microbial growth vacuum sealed
food protects it
Atmosphere oxygen promotes growth
Controlling Food Spoilage
o Methods of preservation
Primary goal is to eliminate or reduce the populations of spoilage and disease
causing microbes while maintaining food quality
o Water, wine, beer, juices, soft drinks, and other liquids usually by filtration
o May better preserve flavour and aroma
Low temperature
o Refrigeration at 5C retards but does not stop microbial growth
microorganisms can still cause spoilage with extended storage
growth at temperatures below 10C has been observed
fruit juice concentrates
ice cream
some fruits
High Temperature
o Food heated in special containers to 115C for 25 to 100 minutes
o Kills spoilage microbes, but not necessarily all microbes in food
o Spoilage of canned foods
spoilage prior to canning
leakage of contaminated water into cans during cooling process
Cans are a very good anaerobic environment, so if there are microbes in it, they
will produce gas and the shape of the can will change.
o Kills pathogens and substantially reduces number of spoilage organisms
o Different pasteurization procedures heat for different lengths of time
shorter heating times result in improved flavour
Water Availability
o Dehydration
e.g., lyophilization to produce freeze-dried foods is commonly used to eliminate
bacterial growth
food preservation occurs as a result of free water loss and an increase in solute
concentration (add salt or sugar)
Chemical-Based Preservation
chemical agents generally recognized as safe
agents include organic acids, sulfite, ethylene oxide gas, ethyl formate
sodium nitrite inhibits spore formation in meats, forms nitrosamines
nitric acid binds to haem in the meat and gives red colour
o pH of food impacts effectiveness of chemical preservative
High Hydrostatic Pressure (HHP)
o Fairly new, so no standards yet
o Alternate way to preserve food
o Applies pressures from 100-800 milliPascals (MPs) without significant changes in
temperature highly detrimental to cell membranes, so the bacterial cell, especially
gram positive bacteria dies
o No industry standards for HHP conditions (yet)
o use of ionizing radiation (gamma radiation) to extend shelf life or sterilize meat,
seafoods, fruits, and vegetables
o excellent penetrating power food not rendered radioactive
o kills microbes in moist foods by producing peroxides from water
peroxides oxidize cellular constituents
Microbial Product-Based Inhibition
o Bacteriocins
bactericidal proteins active against related species
some form pores in plasma membranes, so leakage of intracellular material and
the cell lyses
some inhibit protein or RNA synthesis
e.g., nisin from Lactococcus lactis used in low-acid foods to inactivate
Clostridium botulinum (gram positive) during canning process
e.g., bacteriophages that kill Listeria monocytogenes sprayed onto ready-to-
eat meats prior to packaging
o Modified atmosphere packaging (MAP)
gases in stored food affect microbial growth
shrink wrap materials and vacuum technology control atmosphere
impermeable to gases
high CO2 content packaging can be used to prevent fungal growth
high O2 content packaging produces superoxide radicals that inhibit
microbial growth
MAP is used for products: deli meats and cheeses, pizza, grated cheese,
coffee etc
Types of Food-Borne Disease
o Pathogens Noroviruses, Campylobacter jejuni, Salmonella are major causes
o E. coli and Listeria are also important pathogens
o Two primary types
food-borne infections pathogen on the food gets into the body and makes you
food intoxications food gets contaminated by the bacteria, and the bacteria
produce toxins on the food. So dont need the bacteria, just the toxin to make
you sick
in some cases its not a clear cut boundary between the two
o Transmission
breakdown in hygiene causes
faecal-oral route key main route, so need to control it
fomites also important taps, chopping board, door handles also play a role in
the faecal oral route.
Food-Borne Infection
o Ingestion of pathogen, followed by growth, tissue invasion, and/or release of toxins
o Raw foods (e.g., sprouts, raspberries, and seafood) are important sources
o Staph aureus from meats, cold cuts and salads and cream-filled bakery goods
o Bacillus cereus intoxication and infection from reheated fried rice, sprouts and
cucumber, short incubation time as only need the toxin to make you sick
o Clostridium botulinum intoxication
o Infections usually have a longer incubation periods
o Salmonellosis gastroenteritis from ingestion of contaminated meats, poultry or eggs
o Campylobacteriosis transmitted by uncooked or poorly cooked poultry products, or
raw milk
o Listeriosis pregnant women, the young and old and immunocompromised individuals
most vulnerable at risk people should not eat soft cheeses, refrigerated smoked meats,
deli meats and undercooked hot dogs
o Causative agent - Campylobacter jejuni - most common bacterial cause of gastroenteritis
in humans
o Campylobacter - are helically curved, motile rods, Gram-negative, microaerophilic
o Environmental Reservoirs:
50-100% of domestic animals (chickens, turkeys, cattle)
Also found in dogs and cats - typically a harmless inhabitant
Can also be isolated in large numbers from water
o Foods associated:
meat, poultry, raw milk, mushrooms, contaminated water, processed foods
presumably contaminated by an infected worker (not common),
o Person to person spread is unusual
o Growth characteristics:
Fastidious organism - does not thrive and multiply in foods well - even under
optimal conditions, grows slowly
Requires low concentration of oxygen
Growth temp best is 30-470C but survives well in refrigeration temps
o Control of C. jejuni in foods:
Sensitive to freezing, heat, presence of oxygen
measures to limit cross contamination should be observed
o Characteristics of campylobacteriosis:
First identified as a human pathogen in 1973
Low infectious dose (approx 100 cells)
2-10 days incubation period
o Symptoms:
ranges from mild, brief enteritis to grossly bloody stools
diarrhoea, abdominal pain, malaise, fever, nausea, vomiting.
Symptoms may persist from 1 day to a few weeks
o Mechanism of pathogenesis:
Only 100 cells required
adhesion and colonization of the small intestine, they colonize the epithelium of
the small intestine
enterotoxigenic - production of enterotoxin which is responsible for causing
o Invasion:
production of enterotoxins and cytotoxins (associated with bloody diarrhoea)
penetration of the epithelial cells, intracellular multiplication, and systemic
o Long term effects:
immune reaction to the infection results in arthritic joints but no invasion of the
joint by the bacteria
Guillain Barre Syndrome autoimmune disorder of the peripheral nervous
system (serotype O:19) paralysis. The serotype has a specific LPS structure
which has resemblance to components found on peripheral nervous, so the
immune system attacks the nerves instead of the bacteria, which leads to
o Gram-positive coccobacilli often arranged in pairs
o Facultative anaerobe
o Motile and capable of growth at 4 degrees C and in high-salt concentrations
o Epidemiology:
isolated in soil, water, and vegetation and from a variety of animals
disease associated with consumption of contaminated food products (soft
cheese, milk, turkey, raw vegetables (transplacental spread from mother to
The young, elderly, and pregnant women (the bacteria can cross the placenta
barrier), as well as patients with defects in cellular immunity, are at increased
Largest meat recall in the U.S. in 2002 (27.4 m pounds of deli meats) death,
illness, bankruptcy and changes to food safety inspection policy
o Mechanism of pathogenesis:
Noninvasive listeriosis (listerial gastroenteritis)
Symptoms: fever, diarrhoea, muscle aches, nausea, vomiting and fatigue
(incubation period: usually 1 day)
Invasive listeriosis (blood, CNS, uterus of pregnant women)
Symptoms: : typically an influenza-like illness with or without
gastroenteritis In non-pregnant adults: meningitis (incubation period: 3
days to 3 months) as can get into the brain by crossing the blood brain
Invasion (intracellular) Listeriolysin O breaks down the vacuole wall
Live in cytoplasm of the cell, take its nutrients and multiply, lyse the cell
and then enter other cells
Cross the blood-brain and placental barriers
Vibrio parahaemolyticus
o Curved Gram-negative rods, Facultative anaerobe and requires salt for growth
o Epidemiology: found in marine environment worldwide associated with consumption of
contaminated seafood and shellfish, get from seafood salads where food is not cooked
o Pathogenesis: produces haemolysin
o Symptoms: gastroenteritis - generally self-limited with an explosive onset of watery
diarrhoea and nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramps, headache and low-grade fever
Food-borne infections
o Escherichia coli diarrhoea caused by enteropathogenic, enteroinvasive (able to invade
host cells) and enterotoxigenic (produce toxins) types
o E. coli 0157:H7 is thought to have acquired enterohaemorrhagic genes from Shigella,
including genes for the Shigalike toxin
o other organisms
viruses Rotavirus, common in kids and day care centres
protozoan pathogens Giardia, amoeba, dysentery, cryptosporidium
o other concerns
foods that are transported and consumed in uncooked state
shellfish and finfish
Food-Borne Intoxications
o Ingestion of toxins in foods in which microbes have grown
o Produce symptoms shortly after the food is consumed because growth of the disease
causing microorganism is not required
o Include staphylococcal food poisoning, botulism, and Bacillus cereus food poisoning
Detection of Food-Borne Pathogens
o A challenge
o Must be rapid, sensitive (as generally low levels of contamination) and simple and for
o Methods include: culture techniques immunological techniques molecular
techniques (much faster)
o Pulse Net
established by Centers for Disease Control
uses pulsed-field gel electrophoresis to determine distinctive DNA pattern of
each bacterial pathogen
Take a bacterial strain, prepare it for gnomic DNA and digest it with a
restrictive enzyme. Then you get a pattern you can compare to a
database. It separates large bits of DNA to create a pattern
enables public health officials to link pathogens associated with disease
outbreaks in different parts of the world to a specific food source
o In addition to PFGE, PCR and RFLP (restriction fragment length polymorphism) are
increasingly developed and used to create a genomic finger print to compare it to the
amplify small quantities
species specific
o microarray techniques directly from food or water used to identify genes which are
differentially expressed in different environments. Look at the difference in mRNA of
o whole genome sequencing
Microbiology of Fermented Foods
o Fermented Foods
o traditionally, fermentation has been a major way of preserving food
o raw food (naturally or artificially inoculated)
results in a food that is very different from the original product in texture,
flavour and aroma
can be stored for extended periods
o Produced from fruits, vegetables, beans and related substrates
o Major fermented milk products
Yoghurt, Butter, Sour cream, Cottage cheese, Buttermilk, Other cheese
Fermented Milks
o Majority of fermented milk products rely on lactic acid bacteria (LAB) in the genera
Lactobacillus, Lactococcus, Leuconostoc, and Streptococcus
o Gram-positives that tolerate acidic conditions, non-spore forming, aerotolerant, strictly
Cheese production
o Approximately 2,000 distinct varieties representing 20 general types
o Classified based on texture, hardness (soft, semi-soft, hard, very hard)
o All from lactic acid fermentation molds may further enhance flavour (blue cheese and
Camembert cheese)
Microorganisms as Food Amendments
o Probiotics (Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium)
microbial dietary adjuvants good bacteria which help maintain good health
microbes added to diet in order to provide health benefits beyond basic
nutritive value
Possible Benefits of Probiotics
o Immunomodulation
o Control of diarrhoea
o Possible modulation of Crohns Disease
o Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidobacterium help minimize lactose intolerance
improve general intestinal health and balance may lower serum cholesterol may
have anti-tumor activity
Probiotic Microbes in Farm Animals
o Probiotics Lactobacillus acidophilus in beef cattle
decrease E. coli O157:H7 (cattle are reservoir for this strain) hamburger
o Bacillus strain in poultry
limit colonization of gut by the process of competitive exclusion
reduces Salmonella and Campylobacter
Prebiotics ones which promote growth of good bacteria in the gut
o Oligosaccharide polymers (sources: soybeans, Jerusalem artichoke, chicory root, raw
oats, unrefined wheat and barley, onion, garlic, bananas, leek etc) that are not
processed until they enter large intestine
o Symbiotic system
combination of prebiotics and probiotics
results in production of certain acids that may be responsible for possible
beneficial effects of probiotics
o Acellular infectious agents
Early Attempts to Prevent Viral Disease
o Lady Wortley Montagu (early 1700s) proponent of inoculation of children with
material from smallpox lesions observed this practice among Turkish women, so that
children would get a mild case of the disease and develop life-long resistance
o Edward Jenner (1798) published case reports of successful attempts to prevent
smallpox by exposure to cowpox
Viruses versus cellular organisms
o Viruses
simple organization
Usually DNA or RNA but not both (almost all viruses)
unable to reproduce outside of living cells
obligate intracellular parasites
o Cellular organisms
Complex organization
Both DNA and RNA
Carry out cell division
Some are obligate intracellular parasites
Viruses Infect All Cell Types
o Bacterial viruses called bacteriophages (phages)
o Few archaeal viruses
o Most are eukaryotic viruses plants, animals, protists, and fungi
o Classified into families based on genome structure, life cycle, morphology, genetic
Structure of viruses
o Virion size range is ~10400 nm in diameter and most viruses must be viewed with
electron microscope
o All virions contain a nucleocapsid which is composed of nucleic acid (DNA or RNA) and a
protein coat (capsid) some viruses
consist only of a nucleocapsid, others
have additional components
o Envelopes
o Large macromolecular structures which
serve as protein coat of virus
o Protect viral genetic material and aids in
its transfer between host cells
o Made of protein subunits called
o Capsids are helical, icosahedral, or
Helical Capsids
o Shaped like hollow tubes with
protein walls
o Protomers self assemble
o Tobacco Mosiac Virus structure
Influenza Virus an Enveloped Virus with a Helical Nucleocapsid
Icosahedral Capsids
o Maximises the use of space, able to fit the most amount of
DNA inside the capsid
o An icosahedron is a regular polyhedron with 20 equilateral
faces and 12 vertices
Capsids of Complex Symmetry
o Some viruses do not fit into the category of having helical or
icosahedral capsids
o poxviruses largest animal virus
o large bacteriophages
T4 phage of E. coli
o Binal symmetry: head resembles icosahedral,
tail is helical
Viral Envelopes and Enzymes
o Arise from host cell membrane or nuclear
Viral Envelope Proteins
o Envelope proteins, which are viral encoded,
may project from the envelope surface as
spikes or peplomers
o involved in viral attachment to host cell
e.g., haemagglutinin of influenza virus
o used for identification of virus
o may have enzymatic or other activity
e.g., neuraminidase (helps the virus release from the cell, it facilitates release
from host cell) of influenza virus
o may play a role in nucleic acid replication
RNA dependent polymerase required but may not be present in host cell, so
code for it
Viral Genome
o Most animal viruses contain all 4 types
o Most plant viruses contain single stranded DNA
o Bacterial viruses have double stranded DNA
o Positive strand RNA have same sequence for
mRNA, as soon as a virus infects the cell the
RNA gets in and starts transcribing.
o Negative strand RNA requires mRNA to be
produced via RNA dependent polymerase.
Viral Multiplication
o Mechanism used depends on viral structure and
o Steps are similar
attachment to host cell
entry and uncoating of genome
Attachment (Adsorption)
o Specific receptor attachment
o No receptors for plants, so there has to be
mechanical damage done to the plant for the
virus to get in. Damage caused by insects eating
the plants
o Lambda can only infect E. coli has e. coli only
has the particular receptor.
o Some viruses use LPS, flagella, pilli as receptors
o Receptor determines host preference for animal
may be specific tissue (tropism) eg polio viruses, due to receptors only present
in specific organs and tissues
may be more than one host (rabies virus)
may be more than one receptor (HIV CD4 and CCR5)
may be in lipid rafts providing entry of virus
Viral Entry and Uncoating
o Entire genome or nucleocapsid
o Varies between naked or enveloped virus
o Three methods used
fusion of the viral envelope with host membrane; nucleocapsid enters by
receptor mediated endocytosis
endocytosis in vesicle; endosome aids in viral uncoating
injection of nucleic acid
Animal Virus entry see slides
Synthesis stage
o Genome dictates the events
o ds DNA typical flow
o RNA viruses
virus must carry in or synthesize the proteins necessary to complete synthesis
o Stages may occur, e.g., early and late
o Late proteins are important in assembly
o Assembly is complicated but varies
o Head proteins are produced together and form the head capsid in one assembly line. In
another assembly line for the tube and sheath and then another assembly line for the
attachment of tail fiber proteins.
Virion Release
o Nonenveloped viruses lyse the host cell
viral proteins may attack peptidoglycan or membrane
Holin makes the hole and Lysin goes through the hole and cleaves the
o Enveloped viruses use budding
in this case the cell is not lysed and will keep producing viruses for a while
viral proteins are placed into host membrane
nucleocapsid may bind to viral proteins
envelope derived from host cell membrane, but may be Golgi, ER, or other IM
virus may use host actin tails to propel through host membrane (Vaccinia)
Bacteriophage Lambda: A Temperate Bacteriophage
o Phage lambda () can enter either the lytic or lysogenic cycle upon infection of E. coli
o lysogenic dsDNA becomes prophage - integrated into hosts chromosome
o upon induction, viral genome is excised and lytic cycle begins
lysogenic conversion when there is an advantage to the host by having a prophage, ie phage
bringing toxin gene into a non-virulent bacteria, making them virulent.
Advantages of lysogeny survival strategy for the phage. If conditions are not right for bacteria
to multiple then the lytic phage cant multiply effectively. But if its a lysogenic phage, then it
can survive until the conditions are right, and so it can enter the lytic cycle when conditions are
Lambda Phage
o Linear ds DNA genome with cohesive ends
o circularizes upon injection into host cytoplasm
o 40 genes, genes clustered together by function
o transcription from different promoters determine if lytic cycle or lysogeny occurs, cell
has to decide which cycle to enter based of external cues. Expression at different stages
of the cycle determines which cycle is taken
Regulatory Proteins Determine Lysogeny or the Lytic Cycle
o Function as repressors, activators, or both regulate transcription, termination, and
antisense RNA molecules
o cII activator plays pivotal role in determining if will establish lysogeny or the lytic cycle
o cII levels high early in infection lysogeny
o cII levels not high early in infection lytic cycle
o cI is the main repressor, cI is the only protein expressed during the lysogenic cycle, so all
other genes are repressed
o when cII is produced, cIII is produced which protects cII from being cleaved by an
enzyme. Cro represses the left side of the genes and the cI gene and causes expression
of Q protein which causes expression of main genes. When no cI, no lysogenic cycle.
Phage and High cII Levels
o Increases int gene transcription integrase catalyzes integration of into host genome
lysogeny is established
o Increases transcription of cI gene ( repressor) repressor represses all transcription
except its own binds to PRM promoter and activates transcription of cI therefore,
lysogeny is maintained
Phage and Low cII Levels
o cII is quickly degraded by a host enzyme, HflB, unless it is protected by viral cIII
o If cII not protected, protein Cro increases Cro is repressor inhibits transcription of cIII
and cI genes this further decreases cII and repressor Cro is activator increases
transcription of itself, Cro increases transcription of regulatory protein, Q
o Q activates genes needed for the lytic cycle
If Lambda Repressor Wins Race with the Cro Protein
o Lysogeny is established
o Lambda genome is integrated into the host genome in a reaction catalyzed by the
enzyme, integrase
How Does Induction Reverse Lysogeny?
o Triggered by drop in repressor levels
due to UV light, mutagenic chemical
DNA damage alters host cell RecA protein interacting with repressor,
causing repressor to cleave itself
cI transcription decreased, repressor levels reduced further
o Transcription increases
xis gene, excisionase increases and binds integrase
reverse integration; phage freed from host chromosome
Cro protein levels increase
synthesis of repressor blocked
protein Q increases, lytic cycle proceeds
The cultivation of viruses
o Requires inoculation of appropriate living host
Hosts for bacterial and archaeal viruses
o Usually cultivated in broth or agar cultures of suitable, young, actively growing bacteria
o Broth cultures lose turbidity as viruses reproduce, as the cells will be lysing, so its also an
indication that viruses are growing in the broth culture
o Plaques observed on agar cultures make the lawn of E. coli and look for plaques which
is where the viruses will be multiplying. Can use this to work out plaque forming units
Hosts for animal viruses
o Tissue (cell) cultures
cells are infected with virus (phage)
viral plaques
localized area of cellular destruction and lysis
Cytopathic effects (CPEs) microscopic or macroscopic degenerative
changes or abnormalities in host cells and tissues dying, shrinkage
Have a monolayer of animal cells eg monkey kidney cells and see
plaques forming on them similar to bacterial. However not all animal
viruses form plaques so also look for CPEs.
o Embryonated eggs
Disinfect the egg shell, then make a small hole and inject the viruses into the
embryos within the eggs at different sites. Then reseal the whole.
See POCK within the embryonated egg lesions within the embryo which
contain the viruses
The right inoculation site is determined by which viruses as different viruses
grow better at different sites.
Hosts for plant viruses
o Plant tissue cultures
o Plant protoplast culture prepare cells without cell walls so virus can gain entry
o Suitable whole plants
may cause localized necrotic lesions or generalized symptoms of infection
plants have no receptors, so need to have mechanical damage done to the plant
for the virus to enter eg rub plant leaves together
Virus Assays
o used to determine quantity of viruses in a sample
o two types of approaches
count particles
measurement of an observable effect of the virus
Particle counts
o Direct counts made with an electron microscope, however very time consuming and
need the right concentration, also need to know the shape of what you are looking for
to count the correct stuff. Also might not be accurate as need to count many fields. To
help with this use latex beads with known concentration to know if your count is
o Virus number can be quantified by qPCR
o Indirect counts eg hemaglutination assay
determines highest dilution of virus that causes red blood cells to clump
make a dilution, and look for the highest dilution which causes glutination of
RBC. Basically determine the relative quantity of virus in each sample not the
actual number, so if a sample has glutination at 10-8 dilution then that sample
has more viruses than a plate that only glutinated at 10-6 dilution.
Measuring Biological Effects
o Infectious dose and lethal dose assays
determine smallest amount of virus needed to cause infection (ID) or death (LD)
of 50% of exposed host cells or organisms (ID50 or LD50)
make dilutions and look for the dilution that will cause 50% of cells to die, or
when 50% are infected.
Measuring Concentration of Infectious Units
o Plaque assays
dilutions of virus preparation made and plated on lawn of host cells
number of plaques counted
results expressed as plaque-forming units (PFU) - plaque forming units (PFU)
PFU/ml = number of plaques/sample dilution
Final exam
o 120 minutes
o 12 questions 10 minutes per questions, write half a page to a page, can also do dot
9 from Naresh
3 from Ulles section
o All questions will be short answer questions.
o All content covered
o Example questions on wattle
o Tutorial on Wednesday 2nd Nov at 12-1 in Phys T.