Classroom Management: Case Studies

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Education Professions

Case Studies

Case Study #1

Problem: Mr. Lewis repeatedly had problems when leading a class discussion
with his eighth graders. No matter how involved in the topic the students were, there
were usually several students sitting in the back who would talk, shout out silly answers,
and play with objects they had brought from home.

Response: Mr. Lewis responded by putting students' names on the board and if
they continued disrupting, he would take away their free time. On several occasions,
when the students became completely disruptive, he called their parents. As a result,
their behavior improved for a few days but soon the students returned to the same
disruptive behavior. One of the few times when all of the students were well behaved
during a discussion, Mr. Lewis would provide them verbal praise.

Education Professions

Case Study #2

Problem: Jeffrey was one of the most provocative and disruptive 10th grade
students Miss Hall had ever taught. Throughout class, he continuously talked to girls and
teased students sitting near him. He made inappropriate and sarcastic remarks in
response to almost anything Miss Hall said. When confronted by her, Jeffrey grinned
charmingly and responded with exaggerated courtesy, to the delight of the other students.

Response: Miss Hall tried setting limits with Jeffrey. She sent him to the
detention room on several occasions, but he did not show up. She also sent him to the
vice principal, but Jeff had "charmed" him and no remedial action was taken.

Education Professions

Case Studies

Case Study #3

Problem: Mr. Shuster had one difficult student in his fifth grade class. Jackie
was a poorly motivated child with limited academic abilities. She rarely completed
assignments, although she was able to do the work assigned. Although she did not
interfere with students around her, she was rarely on task. When Mr. Shuster was not
looking, she sometimes walked out of class and wandered around campus.

Response: Mr. Shuster tried talking with Jackie numerous times. These
discussions usually resulted in arguments regarding his "picking on her". Mr. Shuster
kept Jackie after school on several occasions to finish her assignments. In addition, he
tried to praise her as much as possible when she did do her work.

Education Professions

Case Study #4
Problem: Ms. Hendricks was concerned about the frequent teasing that had
begun in her third grade class. It reached the point where there was constant bickering
among the students. Notes making fun of other students were being passed and, on two
occasions, students became so angry they began yelling, shouting, and shoving one
another during class.

Response: Ms. Hendricks sat down with the students and had several discussions
regarding being "nice" to one another. She made a special effort to praise students she
noticed getting along in a positive manner with other students. On several occasions, she
became angry and kept the entire class in from recess and, when two students shoved
each other in class, she sent both of them to the principal.

Education Professions

Case Study #5

Problem: Mrs. Levitt had a great deal of trouble with a first grader named Kevin.
Kevin was a very angry child from a broken home. His mother was totally non-
supportive. At least five times a day, Kevin would lose his temper if he didn't get his
way. On these occasions, he would yell and scream at anyone who frustrated him. His
temper kept the class on edge throughout the entire day.

Response: Mrs. Levitt had done her best to handle Kevin. In accordance with
her discipline plan, she kept Kevin after school and had called Kevin's mother at home,
but was unable to reach her because the mother worked. Mrs. Levitt also sent Kevin to
the principal. When Kevin behaved, Mrs. Levitt let him have some special privilege that
he liked.

Education Professions

Case Study #6

Problem: Washington High School's teachers are using Assertive Discipline in

their classrooms. Each teacher's classroom plan has been communicated to students and
parents by staff. Mr. Bechtel, the Assistant Principal, has been pleased with the reduction
in referrals to his office for discipline problems in the classroom. However, the number
of referrals from Mrs. Bennet, the cafeteria monitor, has gone up considerably. These
referrals involve students throwing food, being rowdy, leaving tables a mess, etc.
Although he is seeing many students, there are several who seem to be "repeaters."

Response: Mr. Bechtel has counseled the students referred from the cafeteria as
to why they misbehaved and has told them he does not expect to see them again in his
office. The "repeaters" have received a 15-minute detention for each time they are sent to
the office. To date, he has not seen any signs of improvement and is considering a longer
detention time.

Education Professions

Case Study #7

Problem: The resource room teacher, Miss Jackson, works with students with
learning disabilities from grades 4-6. She sees groups of approximately 8 students, three
times a week, for 35-minute sessions. Every time a new group of students comes into her
room, it takes a minimum of 10 minutes to get them settled down with their materials.
The groups that come in after recesses and lunch are particularly boisterous.

Response: Miss Jackson is concerned about the instructional time being lost.
She has tried giving positive reinforcement to any student who comes in and gets down to
work, but many times the entire group is disruptive.


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