User Manual Closed Circuit Venturimeter Test Rig & Orifece Meter Test Rig

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The document describes a closed circuit venturimeter test rig that can be used to study and calibrate flow meters like orifice meters. It has components like venturimeters, piping, pumps, tanks and manometers.

The apparatus is primarily designed to study and calibrate the flow meter like orifice meter by measuring the coefficient of discharge.

The main components of the apparatus are venturimeter, piping system, supply pump set, measuring tank, differential manometer and sump.





The Closed Circuit self sufficient portable package system calibration test rig for Venturimeter is
primarily designed to study and calibrate the flow meter like orifice meter. This unit has several
advantages like this does not require any foundation, trench work etc. so that you can conduct the
experiment keep the unit anywhere in the laboratory.

The apparatus consists of (1) Venturimeter (2) Piping system (3) supply pump set (4) Measuring tank
(5) Differential manometer (6) Sump


Consists of Venturimeter of size 25 mm provided for experiments. The meter has the adequate cocks
also with them.

Consists of a set of G.I. piping of size 25 mm with sufficient upstream and down stream lengths
provided with separate control valves and" mounted on a suitable stand. Separate upstream and
down stream pressure feed pipes are provided for the measurement of pressure heads with control
valves situated on a common Pipe for easy operation.


Is rigidly fixed on sump. The mono block pump with motor, operating on single phase 220/240 volts 50
Hz AC supply.

Measuring tank with gauge glass and scale arrangement for quick and easy measurement.

Differential manometer with 1 mm scale graduations to measure the differential head produced by the
flow meter.

Sump to store sufficient water for independent circulation through the unit for experimentation and
arranged within the floor space of the main unit.

Check whether all the joints are leak proof and water tight.
Fill the manometer to about half the height with mercury
Close all the cocks, pressure feed pipes and manometer to prevent damage and over loading of
the manometer.
Check the gauge glass and meter scale assembly of the measuring tank and see that it is fixed
water tight and vertically.
Check proper electrical connections to the switch, which is internally connected to the motor.

The apparatus is primarily designed for conducting experiments on the coefficient of discharge of flow
meters. Each flow meter can be connected to the manometer through the pressure feed opening and the
corresponding cocks.

While taking readings, close all the cocks in the pressure feed pipes except the two (Down-stream and
upstream) cocks which directly connect the manometer to the required flow meter, for which the
differential head is to be measured. (Make sure while taking reading that the manometer is properly
primed. Priming is the operation of filling the manometer upper part and the connecting pipes with water
and venting the air from the pipes).

First open the inlet gate valve of the apparatus. Adjust the control valve kept at the exit end of the
apparatus to a desired flow rate and maintain the flow steadily.

The actual discharge is measured with the help of the measuring tank. The differential head produced by
the flow meter can be found from the manometer for any flow rate.


Time for (10 cm) Actual

Differential head in Theoretical
S. No. raise of water discharge Cd = Qt/Qa
mm of mercury discharge = Qt
level in sec. Qa
h1 h2 h

Aim: - To calibrate a given venturimeter and to study the variation of coefficient of discharge of it with

Apparatus: - Venturimeter, manometer, stop watch, experimental set-up.

1. Start the motor keeping the delivery valve close.

2. The water is allowed to flow through the selected pipe by selecting the appropriate ball valve.

3. By regulating the valve control th flow rate and select the corresponding pressure tapings (i.e. of

4. Make sure while taking readings, that the manometer is properly primed. Priming is the operation of
filling the manometers upper part and the connecting pipes with water by venting the air from the pipes.
Note down the difference of head h from the manometer scale.

5. Note down the time required for the rise of 10cm (i.e. 0.01m) water in the collecting tank by using
stop watch. Calculate actual discharge using below formula.

Discharge: - The time taken to collect some x cm of water in the collecting tank in m/sec.

Qact = A x R
Where: t
A = area of the collecting tank in m (0.3m X 0.3m)
R = rise of water level taken in meters (say 0.1m or 10cm)
t = time taken for rise of water level to rise r int seconds.

6. Using difference in mercury level h calculate the theoretical discharge of venturimeter by using
following expression.

Qth = a1 a2 2gh
h- Difference of head in meter of water = (h1-h2) (Sn /So 1) = (h1-h2) 12.6/1000 m
a1 - area of venturi at inlet
a2 - area of venturi at throat
g -Acceleration due to gravity
d1 -Inlet diameter in meters.
d2 -Throat diameter in meters.
7. Calculate the coefficient of discharge of venturimeter (Cd):

Cd = Qact

8. Repeat the steps 3 to 7 for different sets of readings by regulating the discharge valve.

Venturi inlet diameter Throat Diameter

S. No.
d1 d2

1. 25mm 13.5 mm


Closed Circuit self sufficient portable package system calibration test rig for Orificemeter is primarily
designed to study and calibrate the flow meter like orifice meter. This unit has several advantages like
this does not require any foundation, trench work etc. so that you can conduct the experiment keep the
unit anywhere in the laboratory.

The apparatus consists of (1) Orifice meter (2) Piping system (3) supply pump set (4) Measuring tank
(5) Differential manometer (6) Sump


Consists of Orifice meter of size 25 mm provided for experiments. The meter has the adequate cocks
also with them.

Consists of a set of G.I. piping of size 25 mm with sufficient upstream and down stream lengths
provided with separate control valves and mounted on a suitable stand. Separate upstream and down
stream pressure feed pipes are provided for the measurement of pressure heads with control valves
situated on a common plate for easy operation.


Is rigidly fixed on sump. The mono block pump with motor. Operating on single phase 220/240 volts 50
Hz AC supply.

Measuring tank with gauge glass and scale arrangement for quick and easy measurement.

Differential manometer with 1 mm scale graduations to measure the differential head produced by the
flow meter.

Sump to store sufficient water for independent circulation through the unit for experimentation and
arranged within the floor space of the main unit.


Check whether all the joints are leak proof and water tight.
Fill the manometer to about half the height with mercury
Close all the cocks, pressure feed pipes and manometer to prevent damage and over loading of
the manometer.
Check the gauge glass and meter scale assembly of the measuring tank and see that it is fixed
water tight and vertically.
Check proper electrical connections to the switch, which is internally connected to the motor.

The apparatus is primarily designed for conducting experiments on the coefficient of discharge of flow
meters. Each flow meter can be connected to the manometer through the pressure feed opening and the
corresponding cocks.

While taking readings, close all the cocks in the pressure feed pipes except the two (Down-stream and
upstream) cocks which directly connect the manometer to the required flow meter, for which the
differential head is to be measured. (Make sure while taking reading that the manometer is properly
primed. Priming is the operation of filling the manometer upper part and the connecting pipes with water
and venting the air from the pipes).

First open the inlet gate valve of the apparatus. Adjust the control valve kept at the exit end of the
apparatus to a desired flow rate and maintain the flow steadily.

The actual discharge is measured with the help of the measuring tank. The differential head produced by
the flow meter can be found from the manometer for any flow rate.


Time for (10 cm)

Actual discharge Differential head in mm Theoretical
S. No. raise of water level cd = Qt/Qa
= Qa of mercury discharge = Qt
in sec.
h1 h2 H

Aim: - To calibrate a given Orifice meter and to study the variation of coefficient of discharge of it
with discharge.

Apparatus: -Orifice meter, manometer, stop watch, experimental set-up.

1. Start the motor keeping the delivery valve close.

2. The water is allowed to flow through the selected pipe by selecting the appropriate ball valve.

3. By regulating the valve control the flow rate and select the corresponding pressure tapings(i.e. of
orifice meter).

4. Make sure while taking readings, that the manometer is properly primed. Priming is the operation of
filling the manometers upper part and the connecting pipes with water by venting the air from the pipes.
Note down the difference of head h from the manometer scale.

5. Note down the time required for the rise of 10cm (i.e. 0.01m) water in the collecting tank by using
stop watch. Calculate actual discharge using below formula.

Discharge:- The time taken to collect some R cm of water in the collecting tank in m/sec.

Qact = A x R
Where: t
A = area of the collecting tank in m (0.3m X 0.3m)
R = rise of water level taken in meters (say 0.1m or 10cm)
t = time taken for rise of water level to rise r int seconds.

6. Using difference in mercury level hcalculate the theoretical discharge of venturimeter by using
following expression.

Qth = a1 a2 2gh
h- Difference of head in meter of water = (h1-h2)(Sn /So 1) = (h1-h2) 12.6/1000 m
a1 - area of orifice at inlet
a2 - area of orifice.
g -Acceleration due to gravity
d1 -Inlet diameter in meters.
d2 -Throat diameter in meters.
7. Calculate the coefficient of discharge of Orifice meter (Cd):

Cd = Qact

8. Repeat the steps 3 to 7 for different sets of readings by regulating the discharge valve.

Orifice inlet diameter Orifice diameter

S. No.
d1 d2

1. 25mm 14.0

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