Message From Presidente Dayton: 14 de Mayo de 2017
Message From Presidente Dayton: 14 de Mayo de 2017
Message From Presidente Dayton: 14 de Mayo de 2017
Isnt it interesting that the two calls allowed to our full-time missionaries occur on
Christmas (the time we celebrate the birth of the Savior) and on Mothers Day. I dont
think that is a coincidence. It is clear to me that the importance of mothers is
underscored in the scriptures in many scenarios. In Exodus 20:12 we read, Honor thy
father and they mother; that thy days may be long upon the land which the Lord thy
God giveth thee. It was said by Helamans 2,000 stripling warriors that, yet they did
not fear death;yea, they had been taught by their mothers, that if they did not
doubt, God would deliver them. Think of the courageous, wonderful mothers
throughout religious history who changed the very course of human history because
of their love for their beloved children. Eve was the mother of all humanity and was a
righteous and loving mother to her children. Sarah delivered Isaac in her 90s and
changed the course of religious history because the 12 Tribes of Israel descended
from her son. Mosess mother Jochebed saved her sons life at the peril of losing her
own life; Moses survived and led the children of Israel out of bondage. Sarah was the
loyal, committed mother of Nephi who left all that was dear to her to follow the
prophetic utterances of Lehi. Elizabeth was the mother of John the Baptist and
taught him and prepared him to be the forerunner to the Savior of the world. The
most amazing mother in all of holy writ was Mary, the mother of Jesus Christ. While we
do not worship her like some religions do, we venerate and have great respect for
her. What a special human being she must have been to qualify to conceive and
deliver the promised Messiah, the literal son of our Heavenly Father. Even in the
Restoration of the gospel, we saw incredible mothers like the mother of Joseph Smith,
Lucy Mack Smith, who knew her son better than any living person and believed him
immediately when he told the story of the First Vision.
Abraham Lincoln on one occasion stated, All that I amall that I hope to be, I owe to
my angel mother. Elder L. Tom Perry on one occasion stated, The gift of being a
mother is the greatest gift God gives because they become co-creators with the
Almighty. As I reflect on my own mother I realize that it was she who instilled in me
every virtue, my love for the Savior, my love and respect for other people, care for the
poor and needy, and the power to forgive others. My mother was a master of one
linerssimple, pithy statements about gospel principles that have stayed with me for my
entire life. I find myself quoting her all of the time as I interact with missionaries, church
leaders, friends and families. Examples of her one liners would be: Be kind to the less
fortunate; Make friends with the unpopular kids; We do the thing in life we really want to
do; Comparisons are odious; There is nothing more precious than a testimony of the
gospel; Many hands make light work; Treat others the way you would want to be
treated; etc. What wonderful guideposts to use while you go through life. I honor my
own mother and praise her memory. She gave me my positive outlook on life and my
love for life itself. She had a powerful testimony of the gospel and shared it with me on
many occasions. I will be eternally grateful for all that she has done for me and will be
forever in her debt. There is a picture of her on her 100th birthday hanging in the Mission
Home. I often look at that picture and hope and pray that I have somehow measured
up to her expectations of me.
Now, you may ask what does honoring your mother have to do with missionary work
and being a better missionary. If you ask me, it has a lot to do with it. Any missionary
who openly honors his/her mother, tells her he/she loves her, lives an exemplary and
righteous life, and thinks of her often when faced with a spiritual or moral dilemma, is
much more likely to be a Christ-like disciple and a man or woman of God and thus a
much better missionary. Some missionaries may have mothers that disappointed them,
or made bad choices, or were less than perfect in some way. I still sayhonor them
and thank them for the very gift of life you now enjoy. Be enough of an adult and
disciple to realize that the gift of life they have given you is beyond value and that they
placed their own life on the line to bring you into the world. May all of us have this
appreciation for the mothers who blessed our lives is my prayer.
Creativity is approaching a need, a task, or an idea from a new perspective. Creativity is used
for making things and also for making plans to accomplish things.
President Uchtdorf said, "The desire to create is one of the deepest yearnings of the human
soul. No matter our talents, education, backgrounds, or abilities, we each have an inherent
wish to create something that did not exist before." He further explains that every person can
create. He says, "You don't need money, position, or influence in order to create something of
substance and lasting beauty". I believe some of the best things we can create are good
feelings in others. We can do this by speaking positively of others, thanking others for the
difference they make in our lives, smiling, etc. Since all mail now comes to the mission home, I
have enjoyed seeing the creative notes you write to each other--decorated with images on
the outside. I often think of the creative things that must be written on the inside to lift
another's spirit as you express your thoughts.
President Uchtdorf further encourages girls to "remember that you are spirit daughters of the
most creative and eternally compassionate God. Your spirit body is a masterpiece, created
with a beauty, function, and capacity beyond imagination." We know that each of us
are created in the image of God, "he created man, male and female, after his own image."
(D&C 20:18) We are told in Moses 3:3, "For I the Lord God, created all things of which I have
spoken, spiritually, before they were naturally upon the face of the earth".
Just as the Lord created things spiritually before they appeared physically, we each have the
power to create in our mindsbefore we actually accomplish our thoughts or see things
physically. An artist sees in his mind what he is about to draw before he actually draws it. So it
is with our lives, we create plans in our minds of what we will do each day before we actually
carry out our plan. Life is such an adventure as we each decide what it is that we will do and
accomplish each day. We are all creators of our lives!
In a recent zone conference I taught that we have the power to create outcomes in any
given situation. Any time we run into a challenge, when something goes wrong, we can
immediately think, "That's Great!" We can determine great things that will come because of
what just happened. We learned that our energy is kept high as we think positively. I have a
friend who thinks these words any time something goes wrong "create, create, create"....that's
right--he says it three times to get his brain focused on what to create because of what just
happened. When you do this, you are telling yourself you are in charge of creating something
good out of something not so good--to create a positive solution. People who create positive
solutions are happier--because they know they are in charge of their lives and they
demonstrate that theyhave faith in creating a positive solution.
In the mission, we see many of the things you do to create. We see you plan well and then
creatively carry out your plans. We see you thinking of creative ways of doing missionary work
as you teach lessons to your investigators. I recently learned to use erasable pens to teach a
lesson on the holy ghost. Elder and Sister Dyches taught us how to creatively make shirts from a
piece of paper to write thank you notes to others. Recently, President and I viewed many of
your videos from your Zone Enfoques and District Meetings and were amazed at your creativity
to inspire and motivate each other to reach your goals. We have heard messages creatively
prepared that have inspired us to be better, work harder and work smarter to be more
effective missionaries. We see you creating new and challenging ways of doing missionary
We love you and look forward to being with you soon in our upcoming zone conferences. I will
be presenting information on creating your personal mission statement, how we do this and
then use these statements to become all our Heavenly Father desires us to be in life. How
grateful we are for each of you--for the opportunity to learn and grow together as we faithfully
serve the Savior in bringing souls to Him.
Hermana Dayton
Christlike Attributes- Faith, Charity, Love, Virtue, Hope, and Humility, Knowledge & Wisdom,
Patience, Diligence, Creativity, Enthusiasm, Generosity, Forgiveness, Dependability, Availability,
Orderliness, Gratitude, Endurance, Persuasiveness, Compassion, Alertness, Character, Decisiveness,
Determination, Truthfulness, Benevolence, Honor, Sincerity, Punctuality, Joyfulness, Gentleness, Self
Control, Initiative, Cautiousness, Loyalty, Meekness, Sensitivity, Obedience, Discernment, Boldness,
Discretion, Responsibility, Attentiveness, Hospitality, Thoroughness, Deference, Justice,
Contentment, Tolerance, Resourcefulness, Thriftiness, Security, Contentment, Truthfulness. Virtue,
Forgiveness, Honor, Gentleness, Benevolence, Boldness, Creativity
El Clarn de El Faro 14 de Mayo de 2017
Confirmaciones esta semana 6
Confirmaciones este mes 51
Confirmaciones hasta la fecha este 152
Bautismos 10 9 11 9 11 7 4 8 4 11 17 1 6
Confirmaciones 9 9 11 9 11 7 4 8 4 11 17 1 6
Fechas bautismales 143 152 140 119 119 121 154 153 134 125 103 126 158
Inv reunion sacramental 193 202 215 187 206 175 155 172 187 163 179 163 184
Nuevos Investigadores 628 633 608 569 517 600 581 643 629 508 447 599 621
El Clarn de El Faro 7 de Mayo de 2017
And the Spirit shall be given unto you by the prayer of faith.
Doctrine & Covenants 42:14
The Zone
Bilbao is in the Zone!
-With 3.33 Investigators in Church per companionship!
El Clarn de El Faro 14 de Mayo de 132017
de abril de 2014
Monthly Calendar
8 9 10 11 12 13 14
de Bar
15 16 17 18 19 20 21
Entrevistas Entrevistas Entrevistas Entrevistas Entrevistas Conferencia Conferencia
de de Badalona de Badalona Hospitalet de Zaragoza de Estaca de Estaca
Hospitalet/ Lleida Lleida
22 23 24 25 26 27 28
Entrevistas Conferencia Conferencia Entrevistas Entrevistas Zona de
de Palma Palma Valencia de Valencia de Valencia Zaragoza
viaja a
29 30 31 1 2 3 4
Conferencia Conferencia Conferencia Entrevistas Entrevistas Conferencia Conferencia
Hospitalet/ Bar/ Bilbao/Vitoria Vitoria Bilbao de Estaka de Estaka
Zaragoza Badaona Valencia Valencia
Andorra y
El Clarn de El Faro 14 de Mayo de 132017
de abril de 2014
Noticias de la misin
Bautismos en la Misin
Gandia B
Gerona A
El Clarn de El Faro 14 de Mayo de 132017
de abril de 2014
Noticias de la misin
Bautismos en la Misin
Zaragoza 2C
Martorell B
El Clarn de El Faro 14 de Mayo de 132017
de abril de 2014
Intercambio Travel
If you are traveling by yourself for an intercambio,
please bring with you a phone number that you
can use to contact someone. Either the phone
number of the Secretary (637460885) or of the
missionaries whos area you are traveling to. This
way if you get lost or miss your stop you can let
people know where you are.