Message From Presidente Dayton: 16 de Abril de 2017

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El Clarn de El Faro 16 de Abril de 2017

Message From Presidente Dayton

I Testify of Christ at Easter

Hermana Dayton and I had the privilege of visiting the Hospitalet Stake Conference this
weekend and our visiting area seventy, Elder David Homer, bore a powerful testimony of the
Savior, pointing out that the Atonement not only takes away the pain of sin, but also the pain
of fear, the pain of being alone, the pain of desperation, the pain of hopelessness and the
pain of futility. The Prophet Joseph Smith taught that the Atonement of Jesus Christ is the
central theme of the Restored Church. In fact, he stated that all other religious principles,
teaching, doctrines, ideas, themes, and ordinances are merely appendages to the doctrine
of the Atonement. With the celebration of Easter this weekend, I have reflected much on
what Easter means to me personally and what it means to this great missionary labor in which
we are involved.

We are all familiar with the last few days of the Saviors life. It was on a Thursday evening that
he celebrated the Last Supper with his disciples and instituted the ordinance of the
Sacrament. What we dont often remember is that the same evening, on a Thursday night,
one of the most remarkable events that had ever happened took place. Christ entered the
Garden of Gethsemane and, while his apostles slept, He took upon Himself the sins of the
world and suffered for the sins of every man and woman who had ever lived, was now living,
and would live in the future. His suffering was so intense it caused him to literally bleed from
every pore of his body. This medical condition is called hematidrosis and is associated with
intense physical or emotional stress. We will never understand or comprehend how the Savior
must have suffered as this perfect Man felt the pain of sin for the first time multiplied by a
billion. This voluntary act of love made it possible for mankind to repent of his sins, be
cleansed of them and thus have hope to live with God again one day. All of that happened
on Thursday.

On Friday, after an illegal trial, the Savior was then scourged by leather whips with broken bits
of bone tied at the very end. Many did not even survive scourging, let alone hematidrosis.
Surviving both of them speaks volumes about the strength and will of our Savior Jesus Christ to
complete his mission here on the earth. The Savior was them cruelly crucified by driving nails
in the palms of His hands, his wrists and his feet. Death occurred by suffocation as the
bleeding, scourged Savior of the World was so weak he was unable to push up on his nail-
fixed feet to expand his lungs and breathe. According to the scriptures He died during the
9th hour or about 3:00 PM in the afternoon. While there may be some controversy over the
exact time, it is notable that his death occurred on a late Friday afternoon. That, of course is
why we celebrate Good Friday.
Finally, on Sunday morning as Mary Magdalene went to the tomb, she found that the stone had
been rolled away and the deceased was not in the tomb. She was afraid that grave robbers had
come and taken His body which she wished to prepare for proper burial. The next event is the most
extraordinary of all. As she turned, she saw something that no living human had ever seen before. A
dead Man who had come back to life! Just as prophesied, Christ had broken the bands of death
and was living again. Because he was the son of a mortal mother and an immortal Father, he had
within him the seeds of immortality and had the power to take up his body again after it was
physiologically dead. However, this new body was not the same. It was glorified, comprised of flesh
and bones, but with no blood according to James Talmage in his book, Jesus the Christ. Jesus Christ
had conquered death and taken away the awful finality of its sting.

Thus, because of that unforgettable weekend in 33 A.D. the course of mankind and human history
was changed forever. Because of that first Easter weekend so many years ago, we remember why
we worship Jesus Christ. Because of that first Easter weekend, we have hope to return and live again
with our Father in Heaven. Because of His love for us, His church was restored in 1830 and since that
time, missionaries have gone out to all parts of the world carrying this timely messageJesus Christ
was resurrected and lives again! As some of those messengers, we testify of Christ and the doctrine
of Christ all year round but especially at Easter time when we celebrate the actual event that made
everything else possible. We testify that He is the Prince of Peace, the Everlasting Father, and the
only begotten of the Father. We testify of the resurrected Christ and raise a voice of warning that we
must all repent and be baptized or we can never have access to that glorious act of love. May we
always have special reverence for the Savior and His atoning sacrifice when we bear testimony of
Him. May it never become routine or just another event but always hold a sacred and special place
in our hearts is my prayer.

Sabiendo que Cristo ha resuscitado,

Presidente Merril T Dayton

El Clarn de El Faro 16 de Abril de 2017

Message From Hermana Dayton


Dependability is fulfilling what we consented to do, even if it means unexpected sacrifice. In the
scriptures, a dependable person is defined as one who is faithful. The Greek word for faithful is
pistos and means "trustworthy, true, loyal". In the Book, The Power for Success, a list is provided of
the characteristics of one who is dependable. We learn that a dependable person is in harmony
with the heart and mind of God and has a reverence for God. A dependable person is faithful in
little things as well as big things, keeps confidential information private, is truthful and encourages
those whom he serves.

We have many wonderful examples of dependable people in the scriptures. In 1 Nephi 3:7 Nephi
says, "I will go and do the things which the Lord hath commanded". He trusted in the Lord, was
willing to do whatever the Lord asked, being dependable in all ways. In 2 Nephi 4:19 he states, "I
know in whom I have trusted." in verse 34 he says, "I will trust in thee forever." King Benjamin is
another example of dependability. He admonishes his people to be steadfast and immovable, to
trust in the Lord. He was dependable in serving his people, his people could always depend on
him to do whatever he asked his them to do. Moroni was a man who exemplified the character
trait of dependability. We read in Alma 48:13, "...he(Moroni) was a man firm in the faith of Christ,
and he had sworn with an oath to defend his people, his rights and his country, even to the loss of
his blood." The stripling warriors were also dependable, "they were all young men, they were
exceedingly valiant for courage, and also for strength and activity; but behold, this was not all--
they were men who were true at all times in whatsoever thing they were entrusted." Alma 53:20.

The Savior is the ultimate example of dependability. He was dependable in doing the Father's will.
He suffered and died that we might live. He organized his church, was baptized to fulfill all
righteousness, he was dependable in serving others his entire life.

I've noticed, that those who are dependable with small assignments are eventually given greater
and greater responsibilities. I've watched men in the church serve as Elders Quorum president,
eventually as bishop and then as stake president. I've noticed that they were responsible and
dependable in each assignment and then each calling that came to them gave them more
responsibility. In Luke 16:10 we read, "He that is faithful in that which is least is faithful also in much."
Our Heavenly Father knows that in order for us to demonstrate dependability we must be able to trust
Him. Our strength must come from Him. Through His faithfulness to us, we can be faithful to others. In
Phillipians 4:13 we read, "I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me." Paul taught that the
power of Christ is available only to those who acknowledge their weakness before Him. In II Corinthians
12:10 Paul says, "I take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in necessities, in persecutions, in distress for
Christ's sake; for when I am weak then I am strong."

As missionaries we can show our dependability by following through on those things we commit to
doing. we can be obedient to mission rules, use our time wisely and complete assignments quickly and
efficiently. We can be truthful in all we speak, keep confidential information private, and most
importantly we can live by the spirit and give all credit for our success to the Lord for guiding us to the
people He has prepared.

President Dayton and I feel privileged to work with each of you wonderful missionaries. We have been
inspired by your dependability in the mission. We are grateful for the way you fulfill your sacred
stewardship. When you read this scripture in Helaman 10:4, I encourage you to put your name in instead
of Nephi and imagine the Lord speaking this to you.

"Blessed art thou ________, for those things which thou hast done; for I have beheld how thou hast with
unweariness declared the word which I have given unto thee, unto this people. And thou hast not
feared them, and thou hast not sought thine own life, but hast sought my will, and to keep my

I pray that each of us will be dependable in fulfilling our sacred responsibilities to the Lord so he can say,
"Well done, thou good and faithful servant." Matthew 25:21

Much love and gratitude for each of you--

Hermana Dayton

Christlike Attributes- Faith, Charity, Love, Virtue, Hope, and Humility, Knowledge & Wisdom,
Patience, Diligence, Creativity, Enthusiasm, Generosity, Forgiveness, Dependability, Availability,
Orderliness, Gratitude, Endurance, Persuasiveness, Compassion, Alertness, Character, Decisiveness,
Determination, Truthfulness, Benevolence, Honor, Sincerity, Punctuality, Joyfulness, Gentleness, Self
Control, Initiative, Cautiousness, Loyalty, Meekness, Sensitivity, Obedience, Discernment, Boldness,
Discretion, Responsibility, Attentiveness, Hospitality, Thoroughness, Deference, Justice,
Contentment, Tolerance, Resourcefulness, Thriftiness, Security, Contentment, Truthfulness. Virtue,
Forgiveness, Honor, Gentleness, Benevolence, Dependability
El Clarn de El Faro 16 de Abril de 2017


Lourdes Marisol Castillo Mero Hospitalet 1B Hermanas Anderson y Clark

Mary Beln Bedon Calderon Badalona 1B Hermanas Soelberg y Price

Juan Santiago Urban Soler Valencia 3A lderes Ball y Thompson

Elvis Gesner Dvila Colina Barcelona 1B lderes Islas y Stephenson

Confirmaciones esta semana 4
Confirmaciones este mes 16
Confirmaciones hasta la fecha este 117

Eran contados y se 22 29 5 12 19 26 5 12 19 26 4 9 16
inscriban sus nombres Jan Jan Feb Feb Fen Feb Mar Mar Mar Mar Abr Abr Abr

Bautismos 7 7 13 4 10 9 11 9 11 7 4 8 4

Confirmaciones 7 7 14 4 9 9 11 9 11 7 4 8 4

Fechas bautismales 149 119 112 109 143 152 140 119 119 121 154 153 134

Inv reunion
198 203 210 192 193 202 215 187 206 175 155 172 187

Nuevos Investigadores 615 858 428 567 628 633 608 569 517 600 581 643 629
El Clarn de El Faro 16 de Abril de 2017

And the Spirit shall be given unto you by the prayer of faith.
Doctrine & Covenants 42:14

Compaerismos que lograron Oremos por estos investigadores con

las pautas de excelencia: fechas bautismales para esta semana:
Gerona B Misael, Cathy
CINCO: Granollers A Liber
Granollers B Mara
Vic A Lainara
CUATRO: lderes Gonzlez y Tobias Zaragoza 2A Andreina
lderes Tuthill y Prat Santander B Alassana
lderes Harris y Duersch Hospitalet 1B Diana
lderes Garr y Lattin Vilafranca A Florencio, Dariely
Tarragona A Josefina
Tortosa Oyinda
Valencia 3C Francisco
Valencia 1B Paula
Menorca Daniela
Palma 2B Alex, Ricardo
Ibiza A Iker
Marratxi Enrique
Manacor Richard

The Zone
Las Baleares is in the Zone!
-With 8.6 new investigators per companionship!
El Clarn de El Faro 16 de Abril de 132017
de abril de 2014

The Miracle of Baptism

This week here in ______ has how much they progress as

been fantastic! We had the members of the church.

baptisms of Silvia and Sebastian; given by a few Relief Society
it was incredible! The week The best part of the week is sisters to begin and then we
leading up to the baptism was when I got the opportunity to had the baptism and then to
stressful. I feel a little bad baptize our investigator Livia. It end the meeting, Gloria
because Elder _______ had to was a great opportunity to be shared her testimony and it
do most of the work because able to part of her baptism was so powerful. I loved one
this was my first and I did not and to see how far she's come line she said in her testimony so
know what to do I'm very since Elder _____ and I street much that I had to write it
impressed with my companion; contacted her 8 weeks ago. It down. "No espero bendicin
he is a great missionary. He was was an extremely amazing De Dios solo por mi bautismo,
able to keep his calm all week opportunity to be able to pero la bendicin que quiero y
despite all this stress upon our watch her and to watch her busco, es mi salvacin." She is
shoulders. The baptism service testimony grow as she has such an amazing woman that
made it all worth it. I was so come closer to the gospel. The doesn't have a perfect
worried the day before and the baptism was by far the miracle knowledge of things. She is
morning of. I was going to of the week. It was amazing to illiterate in fact, can't read or
baptize Silvia and I was scared be able to have the write. But she still has a firm
of messing up. I wanted to opportunity to baptize. It was faith in our Heavenly Father
make the baptism perfect, so amazing to see the progress of and knows he has a plan for
they can have a great memory. Livia over the last eight weeks. her. She stood up and said she
I was also worried because Silvia What made the baptism even knows the church is true even
is scared of water, and I thought better was that she wasn't the though she has never read a
she might panic. The morning of only one getting baptized that page of the Book of Mormon,
the baptism Elder Saunders and night. It was great to see Elder but she knows it because she
I come to the chapel early to ______ in white also because has felt it, and she took a step
make sure everything was set. he was baptizing an of faith in being baptized.
While Elder Saunders went to investigator that he had
the bathroom I went into a class contacted only two weeks I absolutely positively KNOW
of and said a kneeling prayer. ago. It was amazing to baptize that God is our father and he
After the prayer I was not but what made it even better listens to our prayers. At times it
worried anymore, I knew that no was that God was able to bless may not be the way we think...
matter what it was going to be all four elders in our district with but this last week (incredibly) it
okay. Finally while in the font two baptisms. was! We saw EXACTLY the
with Silvia I asked her if she was miracle that we have been
ready and she looked at me BAPTISM!!! I had the privilege of praying for basically since I got
and said, No. I was not baptizing Gloria on Saturday to _____. We have been
worried though since I knew it and it was such a sweet working so hard and gone
was going to be okay. The experiencewe had to get to through so much with Beln
baptism happened without any the church by 3:30 to start over the last two months. The
problems. Later during the filling the font so that it would only thing in her way of
service Silvia shared her be full by 7:00. While the font baptism was the fact that her
testimony. She said that she was was filling, we set-up chairs, best friend was in Switzerland
worried and scared, but when I printed off programs, and did and Beln was waiting for her.
started to say the words a calm some spot cleaning so that the Well... turns out her friend was
came over her and she felt service would go as smoothly coming home as a surprise
God's love for her. She said after as possible. Well 7:00 rolled and so she fasted to know if
she came out of the water she around and we had about 30- she should do it THIS WEEKEND.
felt the happiest in her life.I 35 people there and Gloria She called us Friday and told
am so happy for Silvia and was in her white dress all ready us that she got her answer... so
Sebastian, I can't wait to see to go. We had two simple talks we planned a baptism in a
El Clarn de El Faro 16 de Abril de 132017
de abril de 2014

The Miracle of Baptism

little over 24 hours!! The and if not we will move the talking to him. It is very
Lord's hand was in every date till we feel like they are sweet to be able to have
part of it because the ready to move forward. such tender experiences as
baptism was beautiful. A lot a missionary.
of non-member friends and This week was great
family showed up for the because we had the What an incredible week
baptism and also the baptism of Giovani and it president!!
confirmation the next day. I was amazing! It was the first On Friday Lourdes had her
feel my trust in the Lord has time my companion had baptismal interview and
grown because I KNOW that been in the waters and he passed with flying colors!!
EVERYTHING is in His hands. did great. We have a super She asked me to baptize
He knew it was time... Beln small church and with all her and so Saturday she
shared in her testimony that the eyes on him he was baptized and Sunday
she received the strongest definitely performed under confirmed! I jokingly said to
and clearest feeling and pressure. It was a great her at the beginning of her
she knew it was time as well. blessing as well because we time with us that if she got
I am so blessed to have had 3 investigators turn up baptized I would sing for
been a part of this miracle. for the baptism and I think it her at her baptism... and as
took the fear of what you saw she didn't forget
This week was great baptism is away from them. about that joke! It was such
because we had the The family that we're a spiritual baptism service!
baptism of Giovani and it teaching is doing well. We It was also very tender and
was amazing! It was the first are going to see if they are sweet to be able to see
time my companion had ready for baptism this week Elder ______baptize as well.
been in the waters and he and if not we will move the It was a super special
did great. We have a super date till we feel like they are service.
small church and with all ready to move forward.
the eyes on him he
definitely performed under Sunday morning we were
pressure. It was a great on our way to pick up
blessing as well because we Hermana _____ from the
had 3 investigators turn up train station and Pedro, an
for the baptism and I think it elderly man walking his dog,
took the fear of what stopped us asking about our
baptism is away from them. chapas. Turns out that he is
The family that we're looking for the truth and
teaching is doing well. We when we left him with a
are going to see if they are prayer, he had tears in his
ready for baptism this week eyes and thanked us for
hacemos todo lo que podemos a fin de que la obra avance;
pero sta es la obra del Seor, l la dirige y l est al mando. Nos
maravillamos al verlo abrir puertas que nosotros no podemos
abrir y efectuar milagros que apenas podemos imaginar
lder Neil A. Andersen
El Clarn de El Faro 16 de Abril de 132017
de abril de 2014


Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Zaragoza Zaragoza Hospitalet Hospitalet
Interviews Conference Stake Conf Stake Conf

17 18 19 20 21 22 23
Bar/ Bilbao Palma Valencia Hospitalet
Badalona Conference Conference Conference Conference

24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Mission Mission Mission Viejo
President President President Interviews
Seminar Seminar Seminar

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Viejos Transfers Transfers Barcelona Barcelona
Interviews Stake Stake
Conference Conference
El Clarn de El Faro 16 de Abril de 132017
de abril de 2014

Noticias de la misin
Bautismos en la Misin

Barcelona 1B Matar B

Badalona 1B
El Clarn de El Faro 16 de Abril de 132017
de abril de 2014

La Nueva Medica de la Misin

Hermana Hutchings

Dont forget to contact Hermana Hutchings

for any health issues these next two weeks
while Hermana Larson is on vacation!
El Clarn de El Faro 16 de Abril de 132017
de abril de 2014

Bienvenidas a Hermanas Sowden y Gibson!

These Hermanas work with antique

documents found in old Cathedrals in
El Clarn de El Faro 16 de Abril de 132017
de abril de 2014

Baptismal Texts

Just a friendly reminder that you need to

send your baptismal texts ! For those of you
that arent sure what it is, after a baptism on
Sunday night when you send in your weekly
numbers, you need to send a quick text
message to the registrador with the following

1. The full name of the person baptized

2. The date of baptism and confirmation

3. How the investigator was found


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