In Defense of Consciousness: The Role of Conscious and Unconscious Inputs in Consumer Choice
In Defense of Consciousness: The Role of Conscious and Unconscious Inputs in Consumer Choice
In Defense of Consciousness: The Role of Conscious and Unconscious Inputs in Consumer Choice
Although the argument that unconscious inputs are often key determinants of consumer deci-
sion making is compelling, it may be overstated, particularly with respect to choice. A compari-
son of the effect of conscious inputs (e.g., the attributes of options in the choice set) and uncon-
scious inputs (e.g., a seemingly irrelevant observation or task) indicates that the former have a
significant advantage. In particular, the impact of conscious inputs is supported by choice task
norms and is less susceptible to being lost in the "noise" that is characteristic of most natural
consumer environments (e.g., stores). Indeed, although consumers often have limited insight
into influences and processes producing their choices, the assumption that consumers base
their choices on conscious, willful evaluation of task-relevant inputs has been quite successful
in explaining a wide range of phenomena. It is expected that future research will put greater em-
phasis on the interactions between conscious and unconscious influences on decision making.
Building on a great deal of recent research, Dijksterhuis, Frederick, 2002; Kahneman, 2003; Sloman, 1996; Slovic,
Smith, van Baaren, and Wigboldus (2005) observed that Finucane, Peters, & MacGregor, 2002). Integrating prior
"many choices are made unconsciously and are strongly af- work, Kahneman (2003; see also Kahneman & Frederick,
fected by the environment" (p. 193). This conclusion is based 2002) distinguished between the operations of System I that
on evidence concerning the link between perception and be- tend to be automatic, effortless, associative, implicit, and
havior, particularly the role of mimicry and activation of ste- often emotionally charged, and operations of System 2 that
reotypes, and on evidence regarding automatic goal pursuit. are slower, consciously and deliberately monitored, and po-
The notion that unconscious factors often have a significant tentially rule governed. One of the conclusions that is im-
effect on consumer choice and that such influences have been plicitly or explicitly drawn from these related streams of re-
underresearched until recently is compelling. Furthermore, search, including the work reviewed in the Dijksterhuis et
many of the studies that support the role of unconscious in- al. (2005) article, is that conscious processes and con-
fluences on judgment and behavior are noteworthy in their sciously considered inputs play a relatively minor role in
elegance and ingenuity, often demonstrating rather surpris- many, perhaps most, judgments, choices, and behaviors.
ing effects. Thus, the article by Dijksterhuis and his col- For example, Bargh (1997) asserted that "everything that
leagues (2005; see also Bargh, 2002) is likely to make an im- one encounters is preconsciously screened and classified as
portant contribution by raising consumer researchers' either good or bad, within a fraction of a second after en-
awareness of the importance of focusing more attention on countering it" (p. 23). Loewenstein (2001) recently argued
the ways in which unconscious, automatic processes might that "consciousness seems mainly to make sense of behav-
influence consumer decision making. ior after it is executed" (p. 503). Dijksterhuis (2004) argued
The conclusion that many psychological phenomena are that unconscious thought tends to improve the quality of
largely determined by automatic, unconscious processes decisions. Such notions go well beyond the well-estab-
and inputs has received a great deal of attention in the past lished observation that decision makers often have limited
15 years or so, though researchers have emphasized differ- insight into the determinants of their own judgments and
ent aspects of such automatic, unconscious, intuitive effects decisions (e.g., Nisbett & Wilson, 1977). Furthermore, in
(e.g., Bargh, 1997; Chaiken & Trope, 1999; Epstein, 1994; making the distinction between conscious and unconscious
influences, researchers have tended to paint the traditional
Requests for reprints should be sent to Itamar Simonson, Graduate
emphasis on conscious inputs to decision making with a
School of Business, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305. E-mail: broad brush. Thus, critics of conscious decision research often point to studies that assumed that decisions are based
on (cognitive) evaluation of the various options' attributes act of placing it in the shopping cart involved at least some
or on a detailed listing of the options' pros and cons, as if conscious processing of the observed stimuli. For example,
conscious processing of perceived task-relevant inputs im- if the nephew's favorite brand were not available, or if the
plies a comprehensive evaluation of all aspects. store's price on that brand seemed unusually high, it would
More important, the proposition that automatic, uncon- be quite possible that, the running boy's presence notwith-
scious influences are the primary drivers of decision making standing, peanut butter would not have been purchased.
does not recognize significant distinctions within the very And even if the decision to purchase peanut butter was in-
broad category of judgment, decision making, and behavior. stantly made on observation of the child running in the
As discussed in the following, the notion that automatic (Sys- aisles, it appears highly unlikely that the consumer would
tem 1) influences are the default, with relatively infrequent randomly select a peanut butter. Instead, the consumer
override by conscious (System 2) processes (e.g., Bargh, would be likely to pay attention to one or more product at-
1997; Kahneman, 2003). may fit many psychological phe- tributes, such as his nephew's favorite brand, price, and fat
nomena but does not adequately describe choice, where Sys- content (given the sensitivity of the nephew's parents to that
tem 2 is usually the primary influence. In particular, (a) con- aspect). Overall, although the shopper would not recognize
sciously considered inputs tend to play a major role in choice what triggered the peanut butter idea, the choice would in-
(including consumer choice), and (b) although understand- volve a set of mostly conscious processes.
ing automatic, unconscious influences on choice is certainly More generally, typical consumer-choice environments
important, the many potential unconscious influences in typ- consist of the purchase options as well as many other stimuli.
ical consumer-choice environments (e.g., in stores) create The former have a great advantage with respect to attention
high "noise" level and potential interactions that tend to di- and impact on purchase decisions-they are the "main ef-
minish the measurable significance of unconscious relative fects" that are usually perceived as relevant to the decisions
to conscious choice inputs. to be made. Conversely, other inputs in the consumer envi-
ronment (e.g., in stores) are usually not considered relevant,
and their impact is more of an accident. Accidents and other
ADVANTAGES OF CONSCIOUS INFLUENCES low probability events do happen. For example, an observa-
ON CONSUMER CHOICE tion of a hot dog or something that is yellow may very well
make a consumer more receptive to purchasing an extra con-
Dijksterhuis et al. (2005) motivated their discussion with an tainer of mustard. However, such effects, although clearly
example of a shopper who finds himself at the supermarket important to study and understand, are likely to have a
counter with 26 items in the cart but cannot remember how smaller impact on typical consumers' choices than the con-
most of them got there. Their explanation for the purchase sciously considered characteristics of the choice candidates
of peanut butter, for example, is that "You hardly ever buy and consumers' beliefs about their preferences.
peanut butter, but a small boy running through the aisles re- The accessibility-diagnosticity framework of Feldman
minded you of your 5-year-old nephew who loves peanut and Lynch (1988) addressed factors determining the likeli-
butter." Thus, seeing a small boy running through the aisles hood that any cognition about an object will be used as an in-
made the need for peanut butter salient, leading the con- put to decisions concerning that or a related object. This
sumer to put a jar of peanut butter in the cart. This example framework can be used to assess the impact of conscious and
does not appear to depend primarily on unconscious influ- unconscious inputs to consumer choice. According to this
ences and can be readily explained as a conscious process. framework, the likelihood that any cognition will be used as
It is now well accepted that consumers, and decision mak- an input is a function of (a) the accessibility of the input in
ers more generally, often construct their preferences when memory, (b) the accessibility of alternative inputs, and (c) the
they need to decide, which makes them susceptible to a diagnosticities of the input and of alternative inputs. The role
wide range of influences (for a review, see, e.g., Bettman, and meaning of accessibility have been discussed exten-
Luce, & Payne, 1998). Thus, contrary to the classical eco- sively, although different definitions of accessibility have
nomic view of people's utility functions, it is no longer as- been applied (e.g., Higgins, 1996; Kahneman, 2003; Tulving
sumed that tastes are generally stable and well defined, and & Pearlstone, 1966). For example, Kahneman (2003, p. 699)
there is little doubt that the relative salience of decision cri- conceptualized accessibility broadly as determined by stimu-
teria depends, among others, on the consumer's state of lus salience, selective attention, specific training, associative
mind (see, e.g., Bettman & Sujan, 1987; Wright & activation, and priming. According to Feldman and Lynch
Kriewall, 1980). (1988), an input is diagnostic to the extent that consumers be-
Returning to the peanut butter example, after seeing the lieve that the decision implied by that input alone would ac-
boy, the mindless consumer evidently visited the supermar- complish their decision goals (e.g., maximizing utility,
ket section where peanut butter options were displayed. In choosing a justifiable option).
all likelihood, given the lack of a compelling need for pea- A comparison between conscious inputs to choice, partic-
nut butter, the decision to purchase peanut butter and the ularly the characteristics of observed options, and uncon-
s c i o inputs
~ ~ in the consumer environment indicates that the garding psychological phenomena, there will be less of a
former tend to have an overwhelming advantage on both the role played by the free will or conscious choice in account-
accessibility and diagnosticity dimensions. When making ing for them" (p. 1). We might discover, for example, that
choices, it is customary to consider the options and their certain colors and shapes trigger particular responses and
characteristics and make decisions accordingly. From a goals, and we may learn about various interactions among
young age, children learn the ABCs of making choices and unconscious stimuli. In the analysis of consumer choice,
even become adaptive decision makers (e.g., Gregan-Paxton such new insights would likely enhance the noise level,
& Roedder John, 1995,1997; Klayman, 1985). Although the making it even more difficult to form predictions about the
level of choice involvement is often low and consumers' effects of unconscious inputs in natural consumer-choice
self-insight is rather limited (e.g., Wilson & Schooler, 1991), environments. However, in an uncontrolled environment
people generally believe that they should consider the op- with many potentially significant sources of unconscious
tions' characteristics when making decisions. This belief, in influence, predicting the overall effect of such inputs will
turn, implies that the characteristics of options tend to be be quite challenging.
more accessible and receive more attention than other, less The susceptibility of unconscious influences to being lost
directly relevant inputs. Moreover, the observed characteris- in the "noise" also has implications for the manner in which
tics of options are generally perceived as diagnostic because studies of consumer choice are conducted. In particular,
people believe that they are the carriers of value and the whereas one can justify studying in isolation the impact of
proper bases for choice. conscious inputs such as the characteristics of options and
By contrast, the main "impact advantage" of unconscious sets, isolating unconscious influences, although often in-
inputs is that they are unconscious, making it unlikely that triguing and surprising, may not represent many real-world
consumers would resist their influence. However, this factor effects. Consider, for example, the research stream on con-
seems much less significant when compared with the over- text effects in choice (e.g., Huber, Payne, & Puto, 1982;
whelming disadvantage of unconscious inputs in terms of ac- Simonson & Tversky, 1992). Although these studies exam-
cessibility and perceived diagnosticity. Of course, consumers ined consumer response to very specific choice set configu-
do not seek unconscious inputs that might influence their de- rations, the focal inputs represented the types of options that
cisions, and they do not consider such inputs to be diagnostic consumers actually focus on and evaluate in the process of
or relevant. Indeed, had they been aware of the potential un- choice (and, as shown by Kivetz, Netzer, & Srinivasan, 2004,
conscious effects on their behavior, consumers would have these effects extend to more complex choice set configura-
likely tried and succeeded in eliminating them (although the tions). That is, options represent the carriers of value that
degree of resistance to unconscious effects and the ability to consumers usually intend to consider when making choices
control them might vary). and, as a result, they often do consider such choice sets in the
Another significant impact disadvantage of unconscious process of making decisions.
inputs is their high susceptibility to being lost in the Conversely, unconscious influences are much less likely
"noise" that is characteristic of typical consumer (and many to operate in the clean form in which they are typically stud-
other) choice environments (e.g., stores, on the Internet). ied. That is, because such effects in real life are usually unin-
Because, unlike options' characteristics, potentially influen- tended coincidents, they are not protected by task goals and
tial unconscious inputs are not sought by consumers, their perceived relevance to the choice task. Any interference by
status in the information processing hierarchy is not differ- other factors can eliminate or change the direction of such ef-
ent from numerous other task-irrelevant inputs. For exam- fects. For example, in the classic study by Bargh, Chen, and
ple, in addition to seeing the running boy, the shopper de- Burrows (1996), the presence of one participant who hap-
scribed by Dijksterhuis et al. (2005) might have also been pened to be in a hurry at the conclusion of the study might
exposed to an obese child, which could have negatively af- have eliminated the effect of prior exposure to words related
fected the likelihood of buying peanut butter. Dijksterhuis to the elderly on other participants' walking speed. Because
et al. reviewed work demonstrating the impact of (uncon- most consumer-choice environments involve multiple poten-
scious) mimicry on behavior (e.g., van Baaren, Holland, tial unconscious influences, the likelihood that any one effect
Steenaert, & van Knippenberg, 2003). But in a typical store will operate in the isolated form in which it is demonstrated
environment, there are many people one might mimic. Can in the laboratory is relatively low. Furthermore, although
we predict or analyze with any accuracy such effects on measuring a choice (or other) dependent variable in close
consumer choice? proximity to the manipulation is not unique to research on
Although a great deal of progress has been made in re- unconscious influences, it appears reasonable to assume that
cent years in our understanding of unconscious influences priming effects tend to deteriorate more rapidly than, for ex-
on judgment and decision making, there is little doubt that ample, the effect of the considered options' attributes. As an
many other such effects are yet to be uncovered in this rela- aside, it is noteworthy that the conclusion that "everything
tively new research area. As Bargh (1997) suggested, "It is that one encounters is preconsciously screened and classified
hard to escape the forecast that as knowledge progresses re- as either good or bad, within a fraction of a second after en-
countering it"' (Bargh, 1997, p. 23; see also Duckworth, and against options (e.g., Shafir, Simonson, & Tversky,
Bargh, Garcia, & Chaiken, 2001) may have limited conse- 1993; Simonson, 1989; Slovic, 1975).
quences in many consumer-choice situations. In particular, It must be emphasized again that the "conscious re-
preconscious classifications, affective reactions (e.g., Slovic search program" has long abandoned the naive assumption
et al., 2002), and confirmation bias notwithstanding, con- that decision makers are aware of the various influences on
sumers often consciously consider attributes such as ingredi- their perceptions and behavior. Thus, a typical study of
ents, features, and specifications, and these factors affect the consumer decision making does assume that information
ultimate choices they make. processing of the manipulated stimuli or instructions or
both takes place, but participants are often unaware of the
factors driving their responses. The role of conscious infor-
CONSCIOUS CONSIDERATION mation processing in the following illustrations, most of
OF TASK-RELEVANT INPUTS which are taken from projects in which I have been in-
IN CONSUMER CHOICE volved, is not unlike its apparent role in thousands of other
studies. Although these examples are only briefly dis-
As Dijksterhuis et al. (2005) pointed out, the typical assump- cussed, the assumption of conscious information processing
tion underlying consumer research, and psychological re- of task-relevant inputs appears to account for these non-
search more generally, has been "that people consciously obvious influences on consumer-choice behavior.
process information before they decide what to buy," Huber et al. (1982) demonstrated the attraction (or asym-
whereas in reality they often do not. Consistent with this ar- metric dominance) effect, whereby the addition to a two-op-
gument, Loewenstein (2001) suggested that "behavioral de- tion set of an option that is inferior to one of the existing op-
cision researchers are moving on" and "are abandoning their tions increases the (absolute) choice share of that existing
own paradigm" (pp. 499-500), and he reviews research indi- option. For example, consumers are more likely to exchange
cating that decision making tends to be automatic, habitual, $6 for an elegant Cross pen when they also have the option of
and mindless. exchanging $6 for a less attractive pen (Simonson & Tversky,
However, as indicated, at this point it appears highly un- 1992). Evidently, the addition of the asymmetrically inferior
likely that the explanatory power offered by an analysis of option makes the superior option appear more attractive and
unconscious influences will approach that provided by the easier to justify (e.g., Simonson, 1989), even though consum-
assumption that choices are largely determined by conscious ers fail to recognize the impact of the inferior option on their
processing of task-relevant inputs. This conclusion is partic- preferences (e.g., Dhar & Simonson, 2003). Thus, the robust
ularly applicable to typical consumer choices and other asymmetric dominance effect appears to be driven by a rather
choices, where conscious information processing is sup- detailed processing of the options' values and the set configu-
ported by both natural focal stimuli (i.e., the choice options) ration, even though consumers tend to misattribute their
and by norms regarding the manner in which choices should choices to their tastes.
be made. The conclusion may be somewhat less applicable to Kivetz and Simonson (2003) showed that idiosyncratic
novel and unfamiliar judgment tasks, such as estimating dis- preferences, that is, preferences perceived to be different from
tances or sizes, or determining how much one is willing to those of most other people, play a key role and often receive
pay to save birds from drowning. But the assumption that disproportional weight in consumers' decisions. For example,
consumers consciously consider the options available to they demonstrate that students who liked sushi more than most
them, whether these options fit their preferences, and so on, other students were more likely to join a loyalty program that
has been quite effective in allowing us to predict and explain offered a reward (movie tickets) for purchasing both 12 sand-
a wide range of nonobvious marketplace phenomena. Of wiches and 12 orders of sushi than to join a program that of-
course, there is no one paradigm that can account for all fered the same reward for purchasing just 12 sandwiches.
choices and the manner in which information processing Kivetz and Simonson referred to the tendency to emphasize id-
generates these choices. For example, whereas the simple as- iosyncratic preference fit as the idiosyncraticfit heuristic. Al-
sumption of value maximization can explain many observa- though people are likely to consciously process the provided
tions, other phenomena appear to be better explained by por- information regarding aspects of options that fit their prefer-
traying decisions as based on the balance of justifications for ences, they do not recognize their tendency to emphasize such
dimensions. For example, in a within-subjects version of this
sushi study, respondents do not select the dominated program
'It is important to note that such automatic classifications of stimuli as that required more purchases for the same reward.
positive or negative are different from what we typically refer to as judg- Liu and Simonson (2004) asked one group of respondents
ments or evaluations. The degree to which initial automatic classification of to rank-order a set of rather similar See's chocolates. A sec-
stimuli as good or bad determines the valence and intensity of conscious
evaluations and the moderators of the relation between automatic classifica-
ond group was asked to rate the same chocolate options on a
tions and conscious evaluations still need to be investigated (J. Bargh, per- 0 to 100 scale. Next, participants in both groups were given a
sonal communication). choice between $2 and their favorite chocolate from the set.
The results indicated that those who rank ordered the options more broadly on arguments expressed in recent years by sev-
were significantly more likely to select their favorite choco- eral prominent psychologists and decision researchers that
late over the $2. This finding from a project in progress sug- unconscious, automatic influences are the primary drivers of
gests that a ranking task produces preferences that are judgment and choice. It is natural and often important for
"closer" to choice. Again, although participants could not proponents of alternative views to highlight the common
know what caused them to behave in a certain way, their misconceptions and the underappreciation of their convic-
choice was based on a conscious evaluation (i.e., ranking or tion.
rating) of the options. Finally, successful recent applications However, some arguments are too extreme, such as the
of framing by politicians and marketers have built on con- notion that conscious information processing of judgment
scious processing of salient information as it is presented and and decision-making inputs (e.g., the observed options' at-
on people's failure to consider how they would have re- tribute values) usually just makes sense of behavior after it is
sponded to alternative frames. Such examples include using executed. Similarly, the notion that unconscious, automatic
the frames, (a) "climate change" rather than "global w a m - processes determine most responses and account for 99 and
ing," (b) "soy m i l k rather than "soy juice," (c) "death tax" 4$fO0% appears overbroad and does not recognize important
rather than "estate tax," and (d) "the Patriot Act,'' "the distinctions. In particular, the common assumption that
Healthy Forest Initiative," and "tax relief," rather than alter- choice is driven primarily by conscious processing of per-
native labels. ceived task-relevant inputs still offers the most parsimonious
These examples are similar to numerous other illustrations account of choice behavior. Furthermore, although highly
of choice phenomena that can be readily explained based on scripted or habitual responses might be considered
the traditional assumption that choices are determined pri- nonconscious, they may be less interesting and reflect previ-
marily by conscious, willful information processing of perti- ously conscious processes.
nent, task-relevant inputs, such as various interpretations of Thus, it may not be meaningful to characterize judgments,
the options' attributes and their fit with the person's perceived decisions, and behavior as being normally nonconscious
preferences. As argued previously, because choices naturally rather than conscious, or as System 1 rather than System 2.
focus on options, and people tend to believe that options need When discussing psychologicaI phenomena that are driven
to be evaluated in some fashion before a choice is made, con- mainly by automatic, unconscious processes, it seems rea-
scious accounts of choice behavior have a major advantage sonable to refer to consciousness and System 2 processes as
over unconscious influences. overriding the default and automatic System 1 processes
The fact that all of the previously mentioned illustrations (e.g., Kahneman & Frederick, 2002; Sloman, 1996). Con-
involve phenomena that can be characterized as primarily versely, when accounting for choices and psychological phe-
driven by conscious, willful, controllable evaluation of nomena that are driven mainly by task-relevant inputs, pro-
task-relevant focal inputs does not mean that decision makers cesses, and goals (e.g., attributes, tastes, rules), the
are aware of the processes and the various factors (e.g., characterization of System 2 as occasionally "overriding"
primes, goals, mood) that influence their responses. In that System 1 seems less suitable.
sense, one might argue these phenomena could also be re- The intriguing findings regarding unconscious, automatic
garded as unconscious and included under the "99 and influences on behavior do suggest promising directions for
44Am%"of everyday life that is automatic (Bargh, 1997, p. future research that incorporate both conscious and uncon-
243). However, whereas the literature does not seem to offer scious elements. In particular, using the types of manipula-
a clear definition of automatic, unconscious influences (al- tions described by Dijksterhuis et al. (2005), it should be pos-
though Bargh, 1994, provided a conceptual classification), sible to influence the criteria used by consumers (see, e.g.,
the emphasis and potential contribution of that literature go Bettman & Sujan, 1987) and the manner in which options are
well beyond the well-established notion that people's self-in- evaluated. For example, the tendency to consider regret and
sight is limited. Indeed, observations of limited self-insight counterfactuals, to compromise, and to be in a frugal state of
and failures of introspection have been well explained by mind may very well be influenced by unconscious factors,
analyses that have focused on these issues (e.g., Nisbett & such as imitation and goal pursuit.
Wilson, 1977; Wilson & Schooler, 1991). Furthermore, reversing the typical order, consciously eval-
uated choice stimuli might affect performance in presumably
unrelated priming procedures and, in turn, make consumers
CONCLUSION more susceptible to predictable priming effects. To illustrate,
Dhar and Simonson (1999) showed that, in trade-offs between
The Dijksterhuis et al. (2005) article reviews and integrates agoal (e.g., pleasure) and a resource (e.g., money) that involve
recent research regarding unconscious, automatic influences two choices in the same episode, consumers tend to indicate a
on judgment, decision making, and behavior and will pro- preference for "going all the way," referred to as highlighting.
mote further research in this emerging, important area of For example, the same consumer is more likely to take the taxi
consumer research. In this commentary, I tried to reflect to the airport when flying first class and more likely to take the
shuttle bus when flying coach. Conversely, in trade-offs be- vances in social cognition (Vol. 10, pp. 1-61). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence
Erlhaum Associates, Inc.
tween two goals, such as pleasure and good health, consumers
Bargh, J. A. (2002). Losing consciousness: Automatic influences on con-
tend toprefer balancing two components of an episode. For ex- sumer judgment, behavior, and motivation. Journal of Consumer Re-
ample, most consumers believe that they would be happier search, 29, 280-285.
with two meals that balance a tasty but unhealthy appe- Bargh, J. A,, Chen, M., &Burrows, L. (1996). The automaticity of social be-
tizerlentrke with aless tasty but more healthy entrkelappetizer, havior: Direct effects of trait concept and stereotype activation on action.
as opposed to having an all-tasty meal on one occasion and an Journal of per so nu lit^ and Social Psychology, 71, 230-244.
Bettman, J., Luce, M. F., & Payne, J.(1998). Constructive consumer choice
all-healthy meal on a second occasion.
processes. Journal of Consunler Research, 25, 187-21 7.
Suppose, now, that study participants first consider two Bettman, J., & Sujan, M. (1987). Effects of framing on evaluation of compa-
related choices and episodes (e.g., two dinners at a restau- rable and non-comparable alternatives by expert and novice consumers.
rant) involving a trade-off between pleasure and money (e.g., Journal cf Consunzer Research, 14, 141- 154.
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entrCe) and indicate a preference for total pleasure in one epi-
Dhar, R., & Simonson, I. (1999). Making complementary choices in con-
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rather than the balancing option). They are then asked to un- Research, 36, 29-44.
scramble sentences, solve anagrams, or perform another Dhar, R., & Simonson, I. (2003). The effect of forced choice on choice. Jour-
seemingly unrelated task. Will participants who chose the nal of Murketing Reseurch, 6, 146-1 60.
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ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Kahneman, D., & Frederick, S. (2002). Representativeness revisited: Attrib-
ute substitution in intuitive judgment. In T. Gilovich, D. Griffin, & D.
This commentary has benefitted from the suggestions of Kahneman (Eds.), Heuristics and biases (pp. 49-81). New York: Cam-
Grainne Fitzsimons, Dale Griffin, Ran Kivetz, John Lynch, bridge University Press.
Stephen Nowlis, Lee Ross, Baba Shiv, and Christian Wheeler. Kivetz, R., Netzer, O., & Srinivasan, V. (2004). Extending compromise ef-
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