Bridge Bearing2

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Elastomeric Bearings


LT Rubber Manufacturing Sdn Bhd

Recommendations and symbols given are taken from BS5400 : Sections 9.1 and 9.2 : 183.
For further information, please refer to the original text.

Plain Rubber Strip Bearing

Plain Rubber Pad

Laminated Rubber

Symbols used in this brochure are as follows:

overall plan area of elastomeric bearing


reduced effective plan area of elastomeric bearing


overall width of bearing (the shorter dimension of a rectangular bearing)

effective width of elastomeric bearing (= width of reinforcing plates)


bulk modulus of elastomer


shear modulus of elastomer

horizontal force
a factor
overall length of bearing (the longer dimension of a rectangular bearing)
effective length of elastomeric bearing (= length of reinforcing plates)


force-free perimeter of elastomeric bearing

t1, t2

shape factor
shape factor of thickest elastomer layer
minimum shade air temperature


effective thickness of elastomer in compression


thickness of an individual elastomer layer in a laminated bearing


total thickness of elastomer in shear


vertical design load effect

angular rotation across width b of bearing


angular rotation across length l of bearing


total vertical deflection

vertical deflection of individual elastomer layer
maximum horizontal relative displacement of parts of bearing in the


direction of dimension b of the bearing

maximum horizontal relative displacement of parts of bearing in the


direction of dimension l of the bearing

maximum resultant horizontal relative displacement of parts of bearing

effective plan area of elastomeric bearing

thickness of adjacent elastomer layers

obtained by vectorial addition of db and dl.


nominal strain in elastomer slab due to compressive loads


shear strain in elastomer slab due to translational movement


total nominal strain in elastomer slab


nominal strain in elastomer due to angular rotation a


stress in steel

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Elastomeric Bearings


LT Rubber Manufacturing Sdn Bhd

It is essential that the units used for these in the formula are compatible with each other.
The following units are utilized.
forces and loads : N or kN ( 1 kN = 103N)

dimension : mm

angles : radians

moduli : N/mm (1 N/mm = 1 Map)

Recommendations for Laminated Elastomeric Bearings

1. General
1.1 Function
Elastomeric bearings can accommodate translational movements in any direction
direction and rotational movements about any axis by elastic deformation. They
should not be used in tension.
1.2 Basis of design
The basis of the design is that the elastomer is an elastic material, the deflection of
which under a compressive load is influenced by its shape.
Reinforcing plates included in the bearing should be bonded to the elastomer to
prevent any relative movement at the steel/elastomer interface.
Elastomeric bearing should be designed at the serviceability limit state only.
1.3 Shape Factor
The shape factor S is a means of taking account of the shape of the elastomer in
in strength and deflection calculations. For laminated bearings, the shape factor S
for each individual elastomer layer is given by the expression.
S = Ae / lpte

is the effective plan area of the bearing, i.e. the plan area
common to elastomer and steel plate, excluding the area
of any holes if these are not later effectively plugged;


is the force-free perimeter of the bearing, including that of any

holes if these are not later effectively plugged;


is the effective thickness of an individual elastomer lamination

in compression; it is taken as the actual thickness ti for inner
layers, and 1.4 ti for outer layers;


is the thickness of an individual elastomer layer.


For a rectangular bearing without holes,

Ae = lebe and lp = 2 ( le + be )

1.4 Moduli of elastomer

Typical values of the shear modulus G and also an appropriate value for the bulk
modulus Eb are given below :
Nominal hardness

Shear modulus, G


(N/mm )

Bulk modulus, Eb

(N/mm )

For temperatures below 0oC, the values of G may, in the absence of test data, be taken
as equal to the values in table multiplied by
1 where T is the minimum shade air temperature (in oC).

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Elastomeric Bearings


2. Design recommendations
The design of elastomeric bearings should
conditions :

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be such that they satisfy the following

2.1 Shear strain

The shear strain eq, of the elastomer due to translational movement should not
exceed 0.7, as given by the expression
eq = dr / tq
2.2 Cover of elastomer
The cover of elastomer to the steel interleaving plates should be a minimum of
4.5 mm to all edges that would otherwise be exposed and a minimum of 2 mm to
the contact surfaces.
2.3 Maximum design strain
At any point in the bearing the sum of
effects, et, as given by the expression

the nominal strains due to all load

et = k ( ec + eq + ea )
should not exceed 5.0, where

is a factor equal to
1.5, for live load effects;
1.0, for all other effects (including wind and temperature);

ec is the nominal strain due to compressive loads, where ec is given by

the expression

ec = 1.5V / GA1S
A1 is the reduced effective plan area due to the loading effects, where
A1 is given by the expression
A1 = A e




eq is the shear strain due to translational movements, where eq is given

by the expression

eq = dr / tq
ea is the nominal strain due to angular rotation, where ea is given by
the expression

ea = (be2ab + le2al) / 2tiSti


is the thickness of the individual layer of elastomer being checked;

Sti is the total thickness of elastomer in the bearing.

2.4 Reinforcing plate thickness
To resist induced tensile stresses under load, the minimum thickness of the steel plates should
1.3V(t1 + t2)/A1ss but not less than 2 mm
t1 and t2

are the thicknesses of elastomer on either side of the plate;

is the stress in the steel, which should be taken as not
greater than the yield stress, nor greater than
120 N/mm2, for plates with holes;
290 N/mm2, for plates without holes.

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Elastomeric Bearings

LT Rubber Manufacturing Sdn Bhd

2.5 Stability
The mean pressure, V/A1, should satisfy the expression
V/A1 < 2beGS' / 3Sti
The above criterion will be satisfied automatically if
St1 < be/4
2.6 Vertical deflection
The total vertical deflection of a laminated bearing, D, does not exceed the value
specified by the Engineer.
This deflection given by the expression
D = Sd where
d =


A e Eb

d is the vertical deflection of an individual layer of elastomer.

This expression may be used to estimate the change in deflection between one-third
of the total load and full load, with an accuracy of the order of
k 25%.
2.7 Rotational limitation
The rotation of the bearing does not allow separation at the contact surfaces between
the bearing and the structure; this recommendation is met if the total vertical
deflection, D, satisfies the expression
D > (beab + leal) / 3
2.8 Shear resistance
The force exerted on the structure by the bearing resisting translational movement
does not exceed the value specified by the Engineer. For elastomeric bearings where
horizontal movement is accommodated by shear in the elastomer, the nominal
horizontal force H due to expansion or contraction is given by the expression
H = AGdr/tq
Typical values of G are given in 1.4. An allowance of k 20% should be made in the
calculated values of H to give the most adverse effect.
For movements due to live load effects on railway bridges, the value of G should
be doubled. Due allowance should be made in the value of G for temperature variation.
2.9 Fixing and Installation of bearings
When the requirements for bearing installation
should considered :

are being specified, the following

a) Flatness of contact surfaces.

As laminated bearings are stiff, the contact surfaces should be flat and
irregularities should be kept small. A tolerance of k 1 mm over the contact
surfaces is normally adequate.
b) Out-of-parallel between contact surfaces.
Where bearings are to be installed between performed surfaces, the out-of-parallel
tolerance between these surfaces should be specified to ensure that the
combination of out-of-parallel of the bearings themselves added to the
out-of-parallel of the contact surfaces will leave sufficient rotation capacity in the
bearing for working conditions. For thin bearings having small rotation capacity,
it may be advisable to form one contact surface after placing the bearings.

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Elastomeric Bearings


LT Rubber Manufacturing Sdn Bhd

c) Texture of contact surfaces.

The best contact surfaces are those that have a uniform texture and a high coefficient
of friction. Smooth or slippery surfaces should be avoided.
If there is insufficient friction to prevent relative movement between the bearing
and the structure under the most adverse loading conditions, positive means of
location should be provided. Friction may be considered adequate if under all loading
numerically, H < 0.1(V + 2A1)
and under permanent loads,
V/A1 > 2

Positive means of location may limit the depth available for shear. This
should be considered in the design of the bearing.

Where steel plates are used and corrosion protection is required, zinc spraying has
been shown to be the most satisfactory.
d) Edge clearance.
Contact surfaces should extend beyond the edge of the bearings to allow for
tolerances on placing and ensure adequate edge support. A distance of 20mm is
generally adequate.
More information in installation of bearings refer Technical Data No 30.

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Elastomeric Bearings
LT Rubber Manufacturing Sdn Bhd

Notes on Design of LTR Plain or Laminated Rubber Bearings

Maximum capacity of a rubber bearing is controlled by a combination of direct load,
shear movement and rotation. Where high shear movement and/or rotation is required,
the maximum direct load which a bearing can carry is reduced from that when no shear
movement and/or rotation is required. Intermediate combinations may be interpolated
for a rough capacity estimation.
The loads shown for bearings do not make allowance for dowel holes. If these are specified,
allowable loads are required to be reduced. Dowel holes can be provided as required for
pads and strips.
Bearings should normally be placed so that rotation occurs about the longer axis. Strips
bearings must have length five times the width and not less than one metre. LTR Rubber
Bearings are designed, manufactured in Malaysia in accordance with BS5400 :
Section 9.1: 1983 and structures Design Manual for Highways and Railways. Bearing are
tested in Malaysia in accordance with the requirements stipulated in BS5400:Section 9.2:1983.
55o - 65o IRHD Hardness Natural Rubber to BS1154 Group Z60 is used throughout. The
main design parameters adopted are :
shear modulus G
bulk modulus Eb



However, bearings can be designed and manufactured with Group Z50 or Z70 rubber
for different loading capacities. Chloroprene rubber (Neoprene) can also be used to meet
specific needs of protection against chemical attack from corrosive environment.
New bearing types can be designed on request to meet

any particular bearing

When sending in enquiries please provide the following information :

1. Maximum serviceability limit state (SLS) permanent load;
2. Maximum and minimum SLS live loads including either HA or HB loads;
3. Irreversible and reversible movements in longitudinal and transverse
4. Irreversible and reversible rotations about longitudinal and transverse
5. Available plan dimensions;
6. Longitudinal and transverse horizontal loads, if any

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Elastomeric Bearings


LT Rubber Manufacturing Sdn Bhd

Material Specification



Natural rubber (NR)


Chloroprene rubber (CR)


Specified Value

Hardness (IRHD)



BS903:Part A26













(method N)
Shear Modulus, G (N/mm2)

BS903:Part A14
(Shear Strain=0.25)

+/-0.09 +/-0.14 +/-0.18 +/-0.14 +/-0.18

Tensile Strength, (N/mm2)

BS903:Part A2

Elongation at break (%)

BS903:Part A2

Min 500 Min 400 Min 300 Min 250 Min 200

Compression set (%)

BS903:Part A6

(24 hours at70oC)

Ageing resistance

BS903:Part A19



Max 30


Max 25

(7 days at 70oC)

change in hardness (IRHD)

Max +10

Max +7

change in tensile strength (%)

Max -15

Max -12

Max - 20

Max -20

change in elongation at break (%)

Ozone resistance

BS903:Part A43

(25pphm/20% strain 96 hrs at 30oC)

Bond of elastomer to metal

BS903:Part A21

Min 7 N/mm


Specified Value

No cracks

Interleaving Plates
Rolled mild steel sheet

BS1149 : Part 1

JIS : G03131
Tensile Strength (N/mm2)

Min 360

Yield strength (N/mm2)

Min 290

Elongation at break (%)

Min 20

We Provide Solution


Elastomeric Bearings

LT Rubber Manufacturing Sdn Bhd

Methods of Installing LTR Rubber Bearings

Technical Data No 30
1. Introduction
Rubber bridge bearings can be conveniently divided into two types - "Fixed", where
the deck is permitted only to rotate and horizontal movements of the deck are
restrained, and "Free", where the deck can rotate and move horizontally.
1.1 Fixed Ends
Fixity is usually provided by dowels passing from the deck to the abutment. One
end of each of these dowels should be fitted with a LTR's rubber dowel cap,
which permits the deck to expand and contract laterally and to rotate. For
convenience, dowels are best placed between the bearings, but where space
is restricted they can pass through dowel holes provided in specially designed LTR
LTR laminated bearings. It is possible to cut holes in thin pads and continuous
strip on site, thus removing the necessity of accurate dowel positioning. But
for laminated bearings, locations and dimensions of the holes are predetermined
cannot be changed on site.

1.2 Free Ends

Bearings will locate satisfactorily by friction alone, provided that the requirement
in Clause 10.11, Section 9.1, BS5400 is satisfied.
Standard LTR bearings can be stuck to the structure above and below, using
and appropriate epoxy mortal in accordance with the manufacturer's instruction.
2. Design
2.1 General
All bearings are to be set horizontally. Some additional considerations are required
where the superstructure is inclined or has a cross-fall. Normally, the solution is to make
steps at the abutment and soffit in the form of plinths and downstands so that
horizontal seatings for the bearings can be provided.
2.2 Plinths
The contact stresses under rubber bearings are low and seldom require special attention
However, if a raised concrete plinth is of approximately the same size as the bearing,
then depending on its thickness, it sometimes may need to be reinforced. To ensure
that the bearing is adequately restrained, and to guard against spalling at concrete
edge, it is recommended that any plinth should extend at least 50mm beyond the
edge of the bearing, assuming a 45o dispersion of stress from the bearing.

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Elastomeric Bearings


LT Rubber Manufacturing Sdn Bhd

3. Handling and Storage on Site

Bearing should be carefully stored under cover, away from sunlight, heat, oil and
chemicals. They should always be handled carefully and stacked neatly. Damaged
bearings, for example with bend steel interleaving plates or partially debonded
rubber layers, should never be installed.
Bearings with differing internal arrangements of steel and rubber can have the same
external dimensions. It is essential that all bearings are clearly and permanently
identified, to avoid installation in the wrong location.
4. Installation
4.1 Seating
Where the support is concrete, the cast surface is usually irregular. The bearing
is therefore normally placed accurately to line and level on a bedding plinth.
The plinth can be made of high strength non-shrink cement grout or epoxy mortal
with fine dry quartz sand. In either case, the cube crushing strength of the mortal
should be at least the same as that of concrete.
Where the support is steel, a rolled surface may be suitable for use directly, provided
that it is reasonably smooth and true to level. Otherwise a bedding should be used.
Trowelling often seems to produce a bedding that is slightly rounded on the top
surface, and it is preferable to screed off or cast against a flat plate.
Pockets or box-outs for dowels are prepared at the supports during concreting
The void is then filled with non-shrink cement grout or similar after installing the
dowels. The arrangement of dowels between bearings is preferred because it
presents fewer installation problems and the replacement of bearing is possible.
Stainless steel dowels are normally required because they are no longer protected
by the bearing from corrosion.
The dowels must penetrate to sufficient depth to resist the design horizontal load,
without inducing excessive stresses in concrete.
4.2 In-situ Superstructures
When the superstructure is to be concrete cast in-situ, the spaces around and
between the bearings can be filled with expanded polystyrene, or well rammed
damp sand covered with an impervious membrane such as polythene sheet.
Extreme care must be taken not to disturb the bearing during casting. After
curing the superstructure, the sand infill can be washed away from the bearings,
or the polystyrene can be broken up and blown out with compressed air.
(Note : it should not be dissolved by any chemical solvent, as it may attack
the rubber of the bearings.)
4.3 Precast, Preflex and steel Superstructures
Where precast concrete beams are used they should be lowered onto a 2-3mm
thick wet mortar skim on the top of the bearings, to eliminate soffit irregularities
and twist in the beams. The bearings should be selected to accommodate the
possible rotation due to precamber of beams at this very low level of vertical
loading. Otherwise the beams should be propped with wedges so that the

We Provide Solution


Elastomeric Bearings


LT Rubber Manufacturing Sdn Bhd

bearings do not rotate until the mortar skim has hardened Special treatment is
needed at fixed end. Pockets can be left in the precast beams at approprate
points to receive the dowel caps and bars. The pockets are then grouted after
after the landing of the beams.
Steel beams will have to be jig-drilled to accommodate any fixing devices. Taper
plates can be attached to the beams during fabrication to provide horizontal
seatings for the bearing, although care must be taken to avoid difficulties
due to lateral inaccuracies in level.
Particular care should be taken with precast tensioned and preflex beams, where
the maximum rotation, due to precamber, occurs during erection and is coupled
with very light loading. Subsequent loading tends to straighten these beams
and so reduce the rotation.
It is worth sounding at final cautionary note. Failures have occurred in bearings
during installation, due to the imposition of eccentric loads, perhaps coupled
with rotations, for which the bearings are not designed for.

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