Mexico Case May Deal Hit To Presidency: Yahoo Hackers Plundered Data On 500 Million
Mexico Case May Deal Hit To Presidency: Yahoo Hackers Plundered Data On 500 Million
Mexico Case May Deal Hit To Presidency: Yahoo Hackers Plundered Data On 500 Million
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VOL. CLXVI . . . No. 57,364 2016 The New York Times Company NEW YORK, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 2016 $2.50
Father of Bombing Suspect Says Trumps Law-and-Order Plan Former Cuomo Aides Took Bribes
He Urged, Keep an Eye on Him Is Seen as Falling on Minorities To Steer State Grants, U.S. Says
This article is by Marc Santora, This article is by Benjamin
Pir Zubair Shah, Joseph Goldstein Weiser, William K. Rashbaum and
and Adam Goldman. Vivian Yee.
Branding himself the law-and-
The father of the man accused order candidate, Donald J. Trump Federal corruption charges
of carrying out bombings last has vowed to carry out a crack- were announced on Thursday
weekend in New York and New down on crime and terrorism that against two former close aides to
Jersey said that two years ago, he would benefit white Americans Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo, a senior
warned federal agents explicitly and racial minorities alike. state official and six other people,
about his sons interest in terrorist BRYAN ANSELM FOR THE NEW YORK TIMES
But an examination of Mr. ERIC THAYER FOR THE NEW YORK TIMES in a blow to the governors inner- MIKE GROLL/ASSOCIATED PRESS
organizations like Al Qaeda and Mohammad Rahami and the Trumps recommendations for po- Donald J. Trump at a confer- most circle and a repudiation of Joseph Percoco, left, with Gov.
his fascination with jihadist mu- F.B.I. differ over what he said. licing, terrorism and immigration ence Thursday in Pittsburgh. the way his prized upstate eco- Andrew M. Cuomo in 2013.
sic, poetry and videos. enforcement reveals a series of nomic development programs
In a series of interviews with policies that civil rights activists were managed.
The New York Times on Wednes- F.B.I., the interviews this week More than four in five people The charges against the former In doing so, says a 79-page
and national security veterans
day and Thursday, Mohammad provided his most detailed public stopped by New York police under aides, Joseph Percoco and Todd R. criminal complaint unsealed on
fear could have the effect of treat-
Rahami, whose son Ahmad Khan account so far. stop-and-frisk were black or His- Howe, and the state official, Alain Thursday, Mr. Percoco and Mr.
ing minorities with suspicion and
Rahami has been charged with us- His description of that contact singling them out for heavier gov- panic, and a federal judge ruled Kaloyeros, were the culmination Howe sought to enrich them-
ing weapons of mass destruction differs starkly from the one given ernment scrutiny. the policy unconstitutional as it of a long-running federal investi- selves through bribes, using their
and bombing a place of public use, by law enforcement officials, who Over the past few days, Mr. was put in effect. gation into the Cuomo administra- positions to help particular com-
recounted his interactions with on Thursday challenged the fa- Trump has intensified the racial Earlier in the week, Mr. Trump tions efforts to lure jobs and busi- panies receive hundreds of mil-
the Federal Bureau of Investiga- thers account, saying he did not and ethnic cast to his policies. On answered the bombings in New nesses to upstate New Yorks lions of dollars in state contracts
tion after he raised his concerns provide the F.B.I. with many of the Wednesday, he suggested stop- York and New Jersey by calling limping economy by furnishing and other official state benefits.
about his son. details about his son that he now and-frisk policing, a tactic that has for aggressive profiling of terror- billions of dollars in state funds to The charges mark the second
While Mr. Rahami has spoken says he did. been discontinued in New York ism suspects, and criticized the developers from Buffalo to Al- major inquiry of the Cuomo ad-
briefly about his contact with the Continued on Page A26 City, as a model for other cities. Continued on Page A22 bany. Continued on Page A24
in office, it appears President Obama is ends Rolex Cen-
about to suffer the indignity of a veto tral Park Horse
override. On Washington. PAGE A22 Show. PAGE A23