Mexico Case May Deal Hit To Presidency: Yahoo Hackers Plundered Data On 500 Million

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CMYK Nxxx,2016-09-23,A,001,Bs-4C,E2

Late Edition
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cloudy, a spotty shower, low 63. To-
morrow, partly sunny, not as warm,
high 75. Weather map, Page B6.

VOL. CLXVI . . . No. 57,364 2016 The New York Times Company NEW YORK, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 2016 $2.50

Shooting Jolts YAHOO HACKERS

Mexico Case Elusive Justice for Women of Atenco
Mexican women who were sexually tortured by the police 10 years
May Deal Hit ago describe their anger, their losses and their case. Page A12.
Of Charlotte
To Presidency ON 500 MILLION
Three Days of Turmoil
Test Racial Amity THEFT OCCURRED IN 2014
Rape Inquiry Signals
Broken Rule of Law By RICHARD FAUSSET
State-Sponsored Actor
CHARLOTTE, N.C. This has Suspected in Breach,
By AZAM AHMED always been a place that has
MEXICO CITY International prided itself on order, consensus Company Says
human rights officials are de- and a can-do corporate mentality
manding an investigation into the that turned a locale with no real
brutal sexual assaults of 11 Mexi- geographic reason to exist into By NICOLE PERLROTH
can women during protests a dec- one of the hemispheres financial SAN FRANCISCO Yahoo an-
ade ago an inquiry that would dynamos. nounced on Thursday that the ac-
take aim at President Enrique It has also gained a reputation count information of at least 500
Pea Nieto, who was the governor for racial amity, from its nationally million users was stolen by hack-
in charge at the time of the at- recognized commitment to busing ers two years ago, in the biggest
tacks. and integrated schools in the known intrusion of one companys
The demand is part of a multi- 1970s and 80s, to the election of computer network.
year examination by the Inter- Harvey Gantt in 1983 as one of the In a statement, Yahoo said user
American Commission on Human Souths first prominent black information including names,
Rights into abuses during a 2006 mayors. email addresses, telephone num-
crackdown ordered by Mr. Pea But the fatal police shooting on bers, birth dates, encrypted pass-
Nieto on San Salvador Atenco, a Tuesday of a black resident, Keith words and, in some cases, security
town in Mexico State where Lamont Scott, and the protests questions was compromised in
demonstrators had taken over the that have followed are among nu- 2014 by what it believed was a
central square. During the opera- merous bumps and jolts that have state-sponsored actor.
tions, which left two dead, more shaken Charlottes sense of itself While Yahoo did not name the
than 40 women were violently de- recently as it emerged from a suc- country involved, how the com-
tained by the police, packed onto cessful small city to a more com- pany discovered the hack nearly
buses and sent to jail several plicated larger one. two years after the fact offered a
hours away. The tension continued on glimpse at the complicated and
The case was brought by 11 Thursday as Mr. Scotts family mysterious world of the under-
women to the international com- was allowed to view videos of the ground web.
mission, which found that the po- shooting but officials said they The hack of Yahoo, still one of
lice tortured them sexually. The would not be made public. As pro- the internets busiest sites with
women a mix of merchants, stu- testers gathered for a third night, one billion monthly users, also has
dents and activists were raped, the mayor imposed a midnight- far-reaching implications for both
beaten, penetrated with metal ob- to-6 a.m. curfew. [Page A22.] consumers and one of Americas
jects, robbed and humiliated, After decades in which it willed largest companies, Verizon Com-
made to sing aloud to entertain itself to big-city status, Charlotte munications, which is in the
the police. One was forced to per- in the last decade has had to grap- process of acquiring Yahoo for
form oral sex on multiple officers. ple with a host of big-city prob- $4.8 billion. Yahoo Mail is one of
After the women were im- lems, including a corruption scan- the oldest free email services, and
prisoned, days passed before they dal that brought down a mayor, a many users have built their digital
were given proper medical recession that shook the banking identities around it, from their
examinations, the commission industry to its foundations, a pre- bank accounts to photo albums
found. vious fatal police shooting of a and even medical information.
I have not overcome it, not black man in 2013 that sent angry Changing Yahoo passwords will
even a little, said one of the wom- residents into the streets and, this be just the start for many users.
en, Maria Patricia Romero year, a high-profile culture war Theyll also have to comb through
Hernndez, weeping. It is some- with the state legislature over an other services to make sure pass-
thing that haunts me and you anti-discrimination ordinance. words used on those sites arent
dont survive. It stays with you. There has also been a growing too similar to what they were us-
For Mr. Pea Nieto, the human realization here of the depths of ing on Yahoo. And if they werent
rights commissions call for an in- poverty that have come to coexist doing so already, theyll have to
vestigation is another blow to a DANIEL BEREHULAK FOR THE NEW YORK TIMES treat everything they receive on-
Continued on Page A18
presidency under siege. Corrup- line with an abundance of suspi-
tion scandals and continued vio- I made the conscious decision to survive, to be alive and well cion, in case hackers are trying to
lence have already dragged his trick them out of even more infor-
today, to feel pretty again, to love me and see me in the mirror and Tulsa Officer Charged mation.
approval ratings to the lowest of
any Mexican president in a quar- recognize the person I saw. It was that they stole from me, my The white police officer who The company said as much in
Continued on Page A13 way of being, of loving, of feeling. PATRICIA TORRES LINARES, 33 killed an unarmed black driver in an email to users that warned it
Tulsa, Okla., was charged with was invalidating existing security
manslaughter. Page A14. Continued on Page A3

Father of Bombing Suspect Says Trumps Law-and-Order Plan Former Cuomo Aides Took Bribes
He Urged, Keep an Eye on Him Is Seen as Falling on Minorities To Steer State Grants, U.S. Says
This article is by Marc Santora, This article is by Benjamin
Pir Zubair Shah, Joseph Goldstein Weiser, William K. Rashbaum and
and Adam Goldman. Vivian Yee.
Branding himself the law-and-
The father of the man accused order candidate, Donald J. Trump Federal corruption charges
of carrying out bombings last has vowed to carry out a crack- were announced on Thursday
weekend in New York and New down on crime and terrorism that against two former close aides to
Jersey said that two years ago, he would benefit white Americans Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo, a senior
warned federal agents explicitly and racial minorities alike. state official and six other people,
about his sons interest in terrorist BRYAN ANSELM FOR THE NEW YORK TIMES
But an examination of Mr. ERIC THAYER FOR THE NEW YORK TIMES in a blow to the governors inner- MIKE GROLL/ASSOCIATED PRESS

organizations like Al Qaeda and Mohammad Rahami and the Trumps recommendations for po- Donald J. Trump at a confer- most circle and a repudiation of Joseph Percoco, left, with Gov.
his fascination with jihadist mu- F.B.I. differ over what he said. licing, terrorism and immigration ence Thursday in Pittsburgh. the way his prized upstate eco- Andrew M. Cuomo in 2013.
sic, poetry and videos. enforcement reveals a series of nomic development programs
In a series of interviews with policies that civil rights activists were managed.
The New York Times on Wednes- F.B.I., the interviews this week More than four in five people The charges against the former In doing so, says a 79-page
and national security veterans
day and Thursday, Mohammad provided his most detailed public stopped by New York police under aides, Joseph Percoco and Todd R. criminal complaint unsealed on
fear could have the effect of treat-
Rahami, whose son Ahmad Khan account so far. stop-and-frisk were black or His- Howe, and the state official, Alain Thursday, Mr. Percoco and Mr.
ing minorities with suspicion and
Rahami has been charged with us- His description of that contact singling them out for heavier gov- panic, and a federal judge ruled Kaloyeros, were the culmination Howe sought to enrich them-
ing weapons of mass destruction differs starkly from the one given ernment scrutiny. the policy unconstitutional as it of a long-running federal investi- selves through bribes, using their
and bombing a place of public use, by law enforcement officials, who Over the past few days, Mr. was put in effect. gation into the Cuomo administra- positions to help particular com-
recounted his interactions with on Thursday challenged the fa- Trump has intensified the racial Earlier in the week, Mr. Trump tions efforts to lure jobs and busi- panies receive hundreds of mil-
the Federal Bureau of Investiga- thers account, saying he did not and ethnic cast to his policies. On answered the bombings in New nesses to upstate New Yorks lions of dollars in state contracts
tion after he raised his concerns provide the F.B.I. with many of the Wednesday, he suggested stop- York and New Jersey by calling limping economy by furnishing and other official state benefits.
about his son. details about his son that he now and-frisk policing, a tactic that has for aggressive profiling of terror- billions of dollars in state funds to The charges mark the second
While Mr. Rahami has spoken says he did. been discontinued in New York ism suspects, and criticized the developers from Buffalo to Al- major inquiry of the Cuomo ad-
briefly about his contact with the Continued on Page A26 City, as a model for other cities. Continued on Page A22 bany. Continued on Page A24


Religion on Demand This Year, Mideast as Sideshow A Spike in Home Runs

In Japan, people Israeli and Palestinian leaders, usually Major League Baseball is experiencing
are hiring free- centers of attention at the United Na- a home run surge that could result in a
lance Buddhist tions General Assembly, were eclipsed single-season record. Explanations
priests on Ama- by Syria and ISIS. PAGE A8 abound. Keeping Score. PAGE B8 to recon-
nect with tradition Obamas Syria Buffer Zone WEEKEND ARTS C1-24
as easily as they The president has kept the conflict, one
might buy a pair of that he said haunts me constantly, at Crossroads of Art and Faith
shoes. PAGE B1 arms length, as John Kerry handled A Metropolitan
diplomatic efforts. PAGE A6 Museum exhibit
New Scrutiny for JPMorgan gathers the art of
The banks top regulators could seek to U.S. Speeds Haiti Deportations Jerusalem in classic
impose their own penalties over JPMor- The Obama administration said it would Met mode: 200
gans hiring the children of Chinas fully resume deportations of Haitian items from 60
ruling elite. PAGE B1 migrants without visas. PAGE A4 collections, in-
cluding a mosque
The Wells Fargo Test NEW YORK A23-27 lamp of the sultan
The Wells Fargo scandal will test a new Barquq. Art Review.
get-tough approach to corporate crime, A Raven-Haired Internet Star PAGE C17
James B. Stewart writes. PAGE B1 Frederik the
Great, a Friesian
NATIONAL A14-22 stallion with a EDITORIAL, OP-ED A28-29
social media man-
A Rare Rebuke for Obama ager, is scheduled
Lionel Shriver PAGE A29

For the first time in nearly eight years to be at this week-

in office, it appears President Obama is ends Rolex Cen-
about to suffer the indignity of a veto tral Park Horse
override. On Washington. PAGE A22 Show. PAGE A23

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