Smoke Offering Drikung
Smoke Offering Drikung
Smoke Offering Drikung
At the outset of the clearing smoke offering are the six mantras and six mudrs.
The mantra of Shkyamuni: o svabhva uddha sarva dharma svabhva uddh ha.
Recite three times.
All the materials come into accord with the guests wishes.
All the materials have been obtained with neither loss, gain nor conflict [on the part
of] the guests.
NAMO. In order to make offering to the exalted ones and benefit the sentient through
the strengths of my intentions, the strength of the tathgatas giving and the strength
of the dharmasphere, whichever among all intentions are [set on beings] objectives
may every suitable one of them unimpededly come to pass throughout this entire
worldly realm without exception!
With a pleasing melody accompanied by the sounds of musical instruments, proclaim these
words in a single voice:
MAHO! Consider this! Foremost among the four continents is the Regal Rose-Apple
one of the South. To its northeast, on Horse-Ear Mountain, grow three plants with
the elixir of immortality: at its foot are golden-flowered artemisia; on its sides are
trees bearing turquoise juniper tufts; at its peak are conch-flowered rhododendrons.
Those three excellent plants with attributes, verdant and fragrant throughout the
four seasons, are the abodes of the accomplishment elixir of immortality. Such are
those excellent plants distinguishing attributes.
In order to dispel sentient ones confused mentation through the blessings of the
three times Victors and through gods, mens and spirits secular dependent relations
that accord with the causestheir karma, merit and aspirationsaromatic smoke
clouds of sweet fragrance billow into the sky from those plants with elixirs of immor-
tal attributes. Thus, the dullness and density of gods, men and spirits are cleared
away. As luminosity and light-ray streaks of flames beam forth, the dense darkness
of ignorance and stupidity is dispelled. Foulness and unclean refuse are consumed by
the hot and burning coals intensity.
Those three plants with such exalted attributes exist by the force of the utterly pure
dharmaspheres blessings, by the true words of the three jewels, abode of refuge, and
by forthright ones and knowledge holders accomplishments.
When, having conferred together with pure thoughts and deeds according to worldly
customs, gods, men and spirits get into conflict, this smoke offering is the means to dis-
pel it. When the clean gets mingled with filth and foulness, this is the means to cleanse
it. When accomplishments get mixed with obstacles, this is the means to clear them.
When truth and lies, right and wrong get jumbled, this is the means to clarify them.
When good, bad and middling get commingled, this is the means to clarify them. When
errors in rituals occur, this is the means to clear them away.
When gods, men and spirits become tainted, this is the means to cleanse them. When
dream omens are bad, this is the means to dispel them. When signs, divinations and
horoscopes are negative, this is the means to remove them. When the doors of the
five faculties cease to function, this is the means to clear them. When guardian gods
and enriching gods become defiled, this is the means to cleanse them. When grudges,
clashes and jealousies arise, this is the means to remove them. When illusions and
mentations emerge, this is the means to dispel them.
When we do wrong by erecting castles, buildings and houses on the land, this is the
means to clear it away. When protectors commitments lapse, this is the means to
cleanse it. When earth lords, ngas and severe spirits are in conflict, this is the means
to dispel it. When there are evil years, months, days and times, this is the means to
clear them away. When there are harmful conjunctions of the sun, moon, planets and
stars, this is the means to remove them.
Because this profound clearing and cleansing rite has been well examined, nothing is
left unknown or unseen through the force of accomplishing it! Nothing is left undone
by the true words of forthright ones! Nothing at all is left incomplete by this rite of
auspicious connections! As causes and conditions assemble, everything will be accom-
plished! It is said that by having done practice, everything will be made pure!
MAHO! Consider this! Today, in order for us, benefactors and recipients with our
circles, to pacify and cleanse impurities, samaya taint, grudge holding, jealousies, con-
tagions and obstacles, you knowing and seeing divine assembly, please consider this!
Today the planets and stars are right in the heavens. When the earth is examined
well, all desirable qualities are found to be complete. In between, the time and date
are auspicious. The day is propitious and the constellations good for performing this
cleansing and pacifying rite.
Buddhas, bodhisattvas and foe destroyers outflows have been exhausted! The buddha,
chief of the two-legged, is supreme truth! The dharmat free of desire is supreme
truth! The sangha, chief of assemblies, is supreme truth! By the blessings of the three
jewels truth, may this clearing rite be properly accomplished!
To the unsurpassed refuge, the lineage of the gurus word, we offer cleansing smoke.
To the complete buddhas, foremost among the two-legged, we offer cleansing smoke.
To the true Dharma jewel that refines away propensities, we offer cleansing smoke. To
the exalted sangha, the field of merit, we offer cleansing smoke. To the Victors
mandalas and yidams divine assemblies, we offer cleansing smoke. To heroes and
skyfarers who defend the realms, we offer cleansing smoke. To Dharma protectors
and guards who preserve the teachings, we offer cleansing smoke. To the vajra family
guards of outer tantras, we offer cleansing smoke. To guards of the buddha-words,
tantras and treasures, we offer cleansing smoke. To lineage guards of the masters and
their forebears, we offer cleansing smoke. To universal guards of isolated places
and religious centers, we offer cleansing smoke. To the destined universal guards of
approach and accomplishment, we offer cleansing smoke.
To divine guards allied with mighty legions, we offer cleansing smoke. To the gods
who act as day sentries, serve as night watchmen and adjudicate disputes for us all,
master, disciples, benefactors and recipients with our circles, we offer cleansing smoke.
To the gods who act as bridges over rivers, as steps up rocky cliffs and as lamps in
darkness, we offer cleansing smoke. To the gods who watch against enemies and
signal our kin, give antidotes to poisons and cure illness with herbs, defeat mra hosts,
press on evil spirits necks and turn back armies on front lines, we offer cleansing
smoke. To the gods who receive us up ahead and send us off from behind, who, mean-
while, look after our interestscaring for our children and wealth back home, acting
as herders of toddlers and foals and defending our paternal relations countrywe
offer cleansing smoke.
To the sovereigns of the three realmsall the haughty ones of great might in the
billion worlds without exception who have dominion over the three planesto the
gods, ngas, men-or-whats and the like who inhabit Mount Meru, the four continents,
the seven golden mountain ranges and seven amusement lakes, the ring of iron moun-
tains, oceans and rivers, the zodiacal houses of sun, moon and sky, the charnel grounds,
forests and mountain areas, to the smell eaters, aquarians, garuas, slitherers, harm
givers, elementals and plunderers with their hosts, we offer cleansing smoke.
To the gods, ngas and forthright ones with powers of clairvoyance and aspirations
who inhabit Mount Merus hollows, intermediate spaces between ocean islands and
jeweled mountains on treasure islands, to those who have diverse emanated forms
and miraculous displays, we offer cleansing smoke. To gods who safeguard under-
ground treasures, accomplishment essences, medicinal extracts, trees and crops, to
every treasure keeper, harm giver, mtar, men-or-what, smell eater and flesh-eating
demon with their hosts, we offer cleansing smoke.
Above, the celestial plane is cleansed by the smoke. On the earth and in its atmos-
phere, gods and spirits are cleansed by the flames. Underground, the plane of ngas
and severe spirits is cleansed by the coals. This world, the outer vessel with ten
directions, is cleansed by the fragrance. All born and wayfaring sentient ones, the
inner contents, are cleansed. The six types of wayfarers, our parents in the three
times, are cleansed. Harmful forces and obstructers, karmic creditors of past and
future lifetimes, are cleansed.
Especially to those who abide in Tibets Land of Snowthe nine gods attached to
their domains and the like, Tibets thirteen great bardic gods and the twenty-one
great pursuers of virtue at the borderswe offer cleansing smoke. To the twelve
steadfast ones who sustain Tibet, to local land keepers and summit gods of citadels,
we offer cleansing smoke. To the door god Tayak and the household god Gethung, we
offer cleansing smoke. To the hearth god Yumo and the field god Tsangpa, to the
road god Gnpo and the horse god Magpn, we offer cleansing smoke. To the live-
stock god Mayang and the king of wealth gods, we offer cleansing smoke. To the
merchant god Dndrup, to the king of the war gods and the restto the masses of
types of offering-worthy guests, we make offering with powdered incense, fragrant
burnt offerings and the choicest varieties of foods and whatever is desired. Thus, life
is prolonged; glory develops; noble family lineage increases; and fortune, influence
and great renown are enhanced.
Disclosing to guardian refuge deities the unacknowledged mentation, mind-object
grasping and negative signs of ourselves, benefactors and recipients with our circles
and wealth, we offer cleansing smoke. Disclosing to the waters where gods seen as
fish abide, we offer cleansing smoke. Disclosing to the mountains where gods seen
as deer abide, we offer cleansing smoke. Disclosing to gods, men, spirits, sun, moon,
planets, stars, subterranean ngas, terrestrial furies and celestial planetary spirits
above the earth, we offer cleansing smoke. Disclosing to the deities of wisdom that
knows and sees, we offer cleansing smoke.
Through the blessing of having thus disclosed and dispelled, afflictions, propensities
and faults have been cleansed. Thus, impurities, samaya taint, [defilement from]
mourning by the widowed and all negativities have been expelled through the truth
of this clearing and cleansing rite.
As for the fouling defects of body, speech and mindhidden mu demons like moun-
tain peaks enveloped in mist, foulness like clematis that overcomes treetops and
samaya taint like solar, lunar and planetary eclipsesthey have been expelled by the
interdependent clearing and cleansing rite.
The contraventions to the buddha mind of you guardian refuge deities and protectors
the grudges, clashes, jealousies, samaya taint, faults and the like arisen through the
three resentments (of fouled samaya, misdeeds and obscurations and scaldings at
hearth)have been cleansed.
Thus, through the force of our having performed this profound clearing and cleans-
ing rite, please purify defilement and the samaya taint of ignorance, pacify adverse
conditions, obstacles, illness and harmful forces and reverse opposition, inciting,
dispatching and harm.
May the fulfillment of all wishes as beings desire, the increase of long life, health,
ease, comfort and resources and auspicious well-being throughout the regions of the
land serve as causes to attain unsurpassed enlightenment!
The Clearing Smoke Offering Source of Goodness and Well-Being was composed
by crya Padma and unearthed from concealment by Gyalwang Rinchen Phntsok [1509-
1557]. mangala.
According to the command of Kyabj Garchen Triptrl Rinpoch, the Tibetan text was edited and
translated into English by the disciple Ari-ma. The Sanskrit text of the six mantras was reviewed for
correction by Knchog Tharchin and again in 2014 by Meghan Howard.
English Translation 2005 The Gar Chding Trust, 6th ed. All rights reserved. More information