Chod LaughterofDakinis English
Chod LaughterofDakinis English
Chod LaughterofDakinis English
[INVOCATION TO DANCE] [Sound the Kangling]
Phat I a fearless Yogin of courageous action
know samsara and nirvana as equal
Dance beyond ego clinging gods and demons
Grinding dual samsaric thought to dust
Root and lineage lamas, come to dance
Ocean of yidams and heroes come to dance
Roaming dakini hosts, come to dance
Bless us to take brave action as the path.
Dancing in the white Eastern direction
Heroes, dakinis dance on a round dance court
Dance on angers head now chem se chem . . . .
Blow the Mirror-Wisdom trumpet chu ru ru
Hung hung hung Phat . . . .
Dancing in the red Western direction
Heroes, dakinis dance on a half moon court
Dance on grasping’s head now chem se chem . . . .
Bells of discrimination ring tro lo lo.
Hung hung hung Phat . . . .
Dancing in the center on blue Meru
Heroes, dakinis dance on a charming arena
Stomp confusion’s head now chem se chem . . . .
Hung! Sound of Dharma wisdom chu ru ru.
Hung hung hung Phat . . . .
Eastward a Vajra Dakini drives in the phurba of great love
Southward the Ratna Dakini drives in the phurba of compassion
Westward the Padma Dakini drives in the phurba of great joy
Northward the Karma Dakini drives in the phurba of equanimity
In the Center Buddha Dakini drives in the phurba of bodhichitta
Grabs the demon of clinging to fiction
Pierces its head and its outstretched limbs
Its transfixed and completely still
Its transfixed and completely still
. . . . (put down drum)
My perception is the luminous space of great bliss,
Free from effort and complexity like the sky,
[Drum resumes] Root lama Buddha Dorje Chang
Masters and yidams of the three lineages
Khandros protectors all gather like clouds
Unobstructed clear in a vast rainbow sphere
When unfabricated awareness
Is not recognized as the true refuge
beings get trapped in an ocean of suffering
Knowing this we take refuge in the three kayas / /
Knowing this we take refuge in the three kayas / /
Knowing this we take refuge in the three kayas / . . . . /
Phat / / / / / /
Mind that grasps to appearance as real
Is decidedly finished by this practice
To realize authentic innate nature
I raise bodhichitta beyond hope and fear
I raise bodhichitta beyond hope and fear
I raise bodhichitta beyond hope and fear
PHAT! / . . . . /
Phat / / / / / /
Dearly held body of illusions
as a mandala is carefully arranged
Expecting nothing I now offer it up
May the root self-clinging root be severed
[Put down drum]
In the boundless sphere of naked awareness
midst a brilliant sphere of rainbow light
Is Padmasambhava knower of all time
as a Heruka taking action
and with a vast host of dakinis his body
is radiant with all auspicious signs
his speech the dharma sound that tames beings his mind
is the luminous vajra nature
This disciple prays with pure devotion, my thoughts arise
as enemies, gods, demons
My clinging arises as hopes and fears and in between
adversities multiply
May this profound Cho Wisdom practice cut the root
of all gods and demons here right now
So that I may take my seat in dharmakaya, Jetsun Lama
please grant us your blessing
Phat Phat Phat
Now I see my karmic body as big and fat and greasy
From the heart of awareness, Vajrayogini rises up - Phat!
One face two arms, knife and cup - she slices through my skull
Setting it on a three skull hearth - expanding through the universe
filled with my body as a feast - Nectar is boiled with these three sounds
Purify, increase, transform - Purify, increase, transform
Om Ah Hum Ha Ho Hri [repeat many times]
[INVITING THE GUESTS] [Sound the Kangling five times]
Phat. Three roots and the oath bound ones - as well as gods and demons
all to whom we owe a debt - come here to this Cho feast ground
I am a yogin/yogi/yogini without fear - I offer up illusion’s corpse
In this skull cup vast as space - I offer up a celebration feast
wisdom nectar it becomes - granting all your wishes then
I offered with self grasping - welcome to your great cho feast
this skull drum dispels the gloom - this human skin is majestic
human thighbone trumpet sounds - Bells are ringing, banners wave
Just like vultures swooping down - instantly come here now
[Sound the Kangling five times] / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / . .
Phat. From Samantabhadra - And on up to my root teacher
masters of the lineage - yidams, dakinis, guardians
I offer up this nectar body - May I with all gods and demons
accumulate the two wisdoms - purify two obscurations
acting for the sake of beings - May appearances be now seen
as the luminous display - May the slightest fear and doubt
In dharmakaya be released - In dharmakaya be released
Bless me as a Heruka - Bless me as a Heruka.
PHAT / /
to the worldly and beyond - to all types of spirit forms
And to hungry demon hosts - To hostile hosts of perversion
On my human skin stretched out - Flesh, blood, bone, I given in heaps
Grasping to self makes me weak - So don’t be lazy, eat all this
Eat it raw if you are rushed - Eat it cooked if you have time
Finish every little piece - Don’t leave behind any little piece
/ / / / / / / /
[RED FEAST 2 – Optional For emergencies and intense obstacles]
Retribution gods and ghosts - from high realms to lowest hells
formless spirits, demons, ghosts - karmic debtors, elements
Wild dakinis eating flesh - Each and everyone come here
Karma dakinis come in droves - Feast of flesh and blood enjoy
now the upper stomach is - taken by the demon king
abdomen by demon queen - spine taken by barbarians
entrails by eight spirit types - goblin demons grab the guts
inner ones take inner flesh - outer ones take outer flesh
middle ones take middle flesh - joints are for the purest gods
all you earth lords enjoy the food - barbarians you drink the blood
thieving spirits steal the bones - monk-demons eat the radiance
demonesses be content - demons of poverty keep the skin
marrow brains and melted fat - demons ghosts carry off
hungry ghosts come be content - be content with teeth nails hair
with urine grease and puss - May harm makers be content
May harm makers be content – Phat / / / / / / / /
For nagas, resentful humans - who carry an eternal grudge
and for those who just arrived - those with no strength of their own
as whatever each one wants - I have endless treasure to give
for all those who’ve eaten here - may karmic debts be purified
may karmic debts now be cleared / Phat / . . . .
[put the drum down]
Ah Virtuous and non-virtuous thoughts are liberated just like that
then hope and fear, good and bad cannot be found
yet interdependence is always appearing
I dedicate virtue to dharmadhatu
May giving of my illusory body repay karmic
debts which have been accumulating for aeons
When I realize absolute truth, may
all demons manifest as my first disciples
when in the minds of gods and demons
ultimate truth of reality rises like the sun
may they feel love for all and be free
from self-clinging and confusion’s snare
May I feel joy and sorrow as the same
accomplishing the yogis wisdom path
May I gain victory and offer benefit to all beings
who are connected to me
Like a magician’s illusion, the roots of virtue Like an illusion, the endless
numbers of beings
Like a magician’s illusion, stages and paths, from which
may I swiftly attain illusory buddhahood
Beyond description and thought, O Prajnaparamita
Unborn, unceasing, original space
Self knowing awareness, the sphere of action
May there be auspiciousness of the lady of the three times!
Without beginning, mother who created
body and mind, without middle, bestows material reality
Without end, unborn mother of emptiness
Bring the blessing of the one who can’t be described!
[COLOPHON: This English version of the Laughter of the Dakinis was prepared by Pema
Khandro for Saga Dawa Chod Retreat in 2018. This is a restricted text for students of the
retreat only. I consulted two previous English versions, one that was by Sarah Harding et al.
and the other by Srivandana and Suvajra. I consulted various Tibetan translations and where
necessary did my own translations as well. If there are any errors or omissions the fault is
entirely my own. May this text bring great benefit and empowerment to all who recite it and
all who are connected to them!
Other Sources:
Troma Nagmo courtesy of Ngak’chang Rinpoche, Kangling Blows from Tony Duff’s
translation, hearth of human skulls from the Encyclopedia of Tibetan Motifs and Symbols]