Automatic Door Closer Project Synopsis

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Automatic Door Closer

ABSTRACT : - Automatic Pneumatic Door Using IR Sensors, serves to automate the mechanism of door
operation using Pneumatic, Arduino microcontroller and infrared sensor technology. The methodology
applied in the project is divided into three parts, firstly designing and fabrication of the door with the
calculated dimensions, secondly, developing a program on the Arduino for door operation and thirdly,
interfacing the different components to work together in a cohesive manner. When an object comes in
or goes out of the range of the sensor, a signal is sent to the Arduino which controls the electro-
pneumatic circuit to open or close the door. The significance of this system is automation of the door
which can be customized according to the industrial, commercial or domestic requirements. Based on
the results obtained a small prototype was designed and a suitable code was developed taking into
account the ambient light conditions.

Index Terms- Automatic Sliding Door , Arduino Controlled Door, Electro-Pneumatics , IR Proximity sensor
applications , Mechatronics Application in Home & Industry
I. INTRODUCTION :- Automation, as defined by the Automation Federation, is the creation and
application of technology to monitor and control the production and delivery of products and
services.With respect to doors, Automation is generally reserved for two purposes, accommodating
high flows of pedestrian traffic and providing accessibility for people with disabilities. In this chapter, we
will briefly discuss the various fields incorporated in our project, objectives, motivation, the work
schedule and the organization of the report. The automatic pneumatic door consists of a sliding
mechanism which is pneumatically operated, uses IR proximity sensors to serve as input and a
microcontroller to provide the required logic The project incorporates the various fields, viz.,
Pneumatics, Microcontrollers, Sensor Technology and Carpentry, to ensure smooth and hassle free door
operation. Pneumatics is a branch of technology that deals with the study and application of pressurized
gas to effect mechanical motion. In this system a centrally located and electrically powered compressor
is used that powers cylinders and other pneumatic devices through solenoid valves. A microcontroller is
a small computer on a single integrated circuit containing a processor core, memory, and programmable
input/output peripherals. An infrared proximity sensor is a sensor able to detect the presence of nearby
objects without any physical contact. This sensor uses infrared light wave to detect the object in front .
II. DESIGN OF HINGE AND FRAME : The door is designed to slide on appropriate slider and works on
pneumatic air pressure. It consists of two IR proximity sensors which sense the presence of obstacle in
their way. Each sensor consists of an emitter and receptor unit. When the signal from the emitter is
obstructed it signifies the presence of an obstacle. The signal from IR sensors is the input of the
Arduino.This signal goes to the Arduino which has a specific program written for it. The pneumatic
actuator works according to the set of codes in Arduino .The cylinders retract when the obstruction is
detected by the IR sensors thus opening the door and expands when the obstacle has been detected by
the second IR sensor located on the other side. This pneumatic operation is controlled

3-D model of the Door

Schematic diagram depicting the logic of program

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