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The key takeaways are that the study guide provides background information on the play Passion Play including the playwright, director, production details, and explores related historical, social and political contexts.

The purpose of the study guide is to provide students with background information to help them understand and engage with the play Passion Play on different levels including production details, themes, historical context, and related activities.

Some of the main topics explored in the study guide include magical realism, ensemble, setting, passion plays, worship and art, anti-semitism, gender roles, politics and religion, and music of protest.

Goodman Theatre

Student Subscription Series

2007/2008 Season

Student Guide

Passion Play:
a cycle in three parts
By Sarah Ruhl

Directed by
Mark Wing-Davey

Student Guide written and designed by

Elizabeth Neukirch, Education and Community Programs Intern

Edited and published by Goodman Theatre

Willa J. Taylor, Director of Education and Community Programs
Jessica Hutchinson, Education and Community Programs Coordinator

is the Principal Sponsor of the free Student Subscription Series
Goodman Theatre is grateful to the following donors for their
generous support of Education and Community Programs:

Principal Sponsor of the Student Subscription Series

Major Sponsor of the Student Subscription Series

Major Sponsor of Education and Community Programs

Major Sponsor of Education and Community Programs

The Gaylord and Dorothy Donnelley Family Foundation

Lead Sponsor for the General Theater Studies Program

Edith-Marie Appleton and Martha ODriscoll

Support of the Edith-Marie Appleton/Martha ODriscoll Teaching Artists of the Goodman Theatre

Institutional Donors
Bank of America
Carlson Family Foundation
Carlson Wagonlit
Chicago Coalition Charities Foundation
The Crown Family
Patrick and Anna M. Cudahy Fund
Lloyd A. Fry Foundation
Northern Trust Charitable Trust
Peoples Gas
The Siragusa Foundation

Individual Donors
Susan and James Annable Mike and Sheila Kurzman
John and Christine Bakalar Cole and Margaret Lundquist
Mary Jo and Doug Basler Bob Mayo
Mara Bechily and Scott Hodes Minor Family Foundation
Deborah A. Bricker Alice Rapoport and Michael
Scott and Maureen Byron Sachs
Code Family Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Michael J.
Code Family Foundation Silverstein
Carol and Douglas Cohen Carl W. Stern and Holly Hayes
Mr. and Mrs. James DeYoung Carl and Marilynn Thoma
Sidney and Sondra Berman Epstein
Harry and Marcy Harczak
Andrew and Cindy Kalnow
Table of Contents

Welcome to the Study Guide 4

Exploring the Production

Sarah Ruhl 6
Mark Wing-Davey 7
Magical Realism 8

Exploring the Text

Vocabulary 10
Ensemble 11
Playing Your Part 12
Setting 13
Critical Thinking 14

Exploring the Context

Passion Plays 16
Worship & Art 17
Back to the Passion
Elizabethan England 18
1930s Germany 19
1960s USA 20
1970s USA 21
1980s USA 22
Activity: Family Historians 23
Critical Thinking 24

Exploring the Social Issues

Anti-Semitism 26
Gender Roles 28
Politics & Religion 29
Music of Protest 30
Critical Thinking 32

Writing Your Response Letter 33

W elcome to the Study Guide
A useful key for whats inside

Whenever you see a black box with

white text, read it before anything else!
All of the pages have a title and subtitle. It contains the background
Not all of them rhyme (were not that information you need to understand
clever), but theyll give you a general idea the rest of the material on that page.
of what type of information is on the page. You wont see one of these on every
page, but keep an eye out for them.

A happy computer symbol means the content

on that page is expanded upon or included in
full in our Knowledge Nucleus online at
Think About It: Things like videos, the full text of articles,
(Topic) interviews, etc. will be posted there along
with other educational resources.
Dashed circles surround
questions for you to
consider as you discuss the
play and other related topics.
Rather than focusing directly on
the text, most questions will
encourage you to relate ideas
from the play to your
personal experiences.
(Name of activity)
Stars like this are activities for
you and your classmates:
everything from group contests
to individual acting exercises.
All quotations are in cursive writing inside boxes. The quote
below doesnt have anything to do with the rest of the
guideits just Elizabeths favorite. However, all other quotes
will relate to the topics of the pages on which they appear.

Dream as though youll live forever;

live as though youll die today.
- James Dean

Exploring the Production

In Conversation
S arah Ruhl
The playwright

The following is an excerpt from Paula

Vogels interview with Sarah Ruhl from the
Select Equity Group Series on Playwriting.
The full text of this conversation can be
found online in the Knowledge Nucleus.

Paula Vogel: Your plays challenge actors. They have to

get up there and emote. It's about those larger-than-life
moments; there's no hiding and you can't work your way
up to it in a logical sequence of events. You have to jump
in the cold, deep end of the pool.

Sarah Ruhl: That's how I experience emotions. They A scene from Ruhls The Clean House at Goodman Theatre in 2006.
come at you so suddenly sometimes. I watch my daughter,
who's in the middle of crying, and then you do a little Sarah Ruhls first play to be performed at Goodman Theatre
dance for her and she starts laughing. Not that we're all was The Clean House in 2006. However, she began writing
infants plays many years before that. After spending her childhood
in Chicago, Ruhl attended Brown University in Rhode Island,
PV: Yes, We are. (LAUGHTER) where she received a Master of Fine Arts degree in 2001.
During her time at Brown she was a student of acclaimed
SR: I don't think that our emotions are easily bendable to playwright Paula Vogel and developed several works,
dramaturgical reason. Emotions can come out of thin air in including Passion Play. Her 2003 play Eurydice garnered
my work and it can be difficult for actors, especially if their national attention, and in 2004 The Clean House was
training doesn't allow that. nominated for a Pulitzer Prize. Ruhls works have also been
produced internationally in London, Canada, Germany,
[On Passion Play:] Latvia and Poland.

PV: I don't think people know how long it takes to write

such a big play. And the different steps.
S arah Ruhl was awarded a
MacArthur Fellowshipnicknamed
SR: It's not only the physical writing, but the time in the genius grantin 2006.
between each draft, when you become a different person According to the foundations
as a writer. You know things that you didn't know five or website, the $500,000 fellowships
are meant to encourage people of
ten years ago. outstanding talent to pursue their
own creative, intellectual, and
PV: So you started [Passion Play] when you were twenty? professional inclinations.

The awards are given to between

SR: Twenty-one, maybe. I wrote the first act when I was 20 and 40 U.S. citizens or
at Brown with you. I wrote the second act there too, but a
draft that was fairly unintelligible at the time. So I spent a
lot of time rewriting the second act, and then Molly Smith
Grant residents every year, through a
completely anonymous nomination
and voting process. Winners
generally dont even know they
at Arena Stage, along with Wendy Goldberg, commissioned were nominated until they receive
the third part, and I'm grateful to them. So eight years the congratulatory phone call!
after beginning the whole thing, I wrote the third act. I
need to rewrite that, so that's the primary thing we're
going to look at, and how the three acts all fit together.
M ark Wing-Davey
The director
Passion Play is Director Mark Wing-Daveys Chicago debut, though he has worked
throughout the U.S. on other productions. Wing-Davey served as the first appointed artistic
director of the acclaimed Central School of Speech and Drama in London from 1988-1990,
and has won numerous directing awards for productions all over the world, including Caryl
Churchill's Mad Forest (for which he won a Village Voice OBIE Award for Outstanding
Director) and Tony Kushners Angels in America (winner of the Bay Area Critics Circle
Award for Best Director). In his few moments away from Goodman Theatres rehearsal
rooms, he took the time to answer the following questions about his work on Passion Play.

I found it interesting that you did not do a table read until later during rehearsal. Was
that choice because of this play or is that the way you normally work?
Mark Wing-Davey: No, it wasn't just for this play. That's the way I normally work. I don't like to do a
reading until the vocabulary for the rehearsal room has been established. I find that this generally
A scene from Wing-Daveys 2005
takes a week. By doing this, the actors don't fall in love too early with ways of saying lines before
production of Dirty Dancing in
we've discovered the function of those words in the scene. Australia.

As a director, what role do you feel you play in terms of the overall production? How do
you approach your work?
MWD: I see my job as putting flesh on the bones of the script. I suppose I give the actors a solid
base from which to work while adding a vision stroke mechanism for the staging. This can involve all
sorts of things like music, sound effects, lights, etc. It's always hard to maintain the balance
between that which elucidates the piece and that which represents the uniqueness of the rehearsal
situation itself.

When you first directed Passion Play in London, only the first two parts had been
written. What has been different about your process directing the play in its current
three-part form?
MWD: One major difference was that we began with a workshop with Sarah (the playwright) in NYC
where I could use the rehearsal techniques I use in many plays. That gave us and the writer a
different approach. In addition, the play works forwards and backwards. By that I mean that there
are sections in the first two plays that refer to the third and moments in the third play that mirror
moments in the first two. This fact means that one is incorporating those elements over a larger
canvas. The third act also takes place in America, so working on it here is certainly different than it
would be anywhere else.

Passion Play employs a sort of "magical realism." What approach do you take when
Liev Schreiber in Wing-Daveys 2003directing this type of work? Have you ever directed a magical realist play before?
production of Henry V in New York. MWD: Yes, I have directed plays that have been called "magical realism" before. Skriker by Caryl
Churchill has elements of non-naturalistic approach to the things we see on stage (like this play).
Angels in America by Tony Kushner also does. I think that even in the most "realistic" play there are elements of control of what the
audience sees which could be seen as toned down version of "magical realism. It is a spectrum and this play just happens fall farther
along that spectrum.

What are the most important things students should look for (in terms of direction) in this production?
MWD: It is important to remember that the director is making lots of choices about what you see on stage. Everything was selected. The
best way to see a director's work is to ask questions while you watch. In general you can ask yourself questions like "Why did he/she
choose to do it that way?" That could apply to lights/sound/staging etc. "Why those clothes/shoes?" "Why that music?" For this play in
particular people could as questions like, "Why is some of what we see/hear not historically accurate?" "Why those chairs? Set?" Each of
the three plays features a similar, but different large table. An audience member curious about directing might ask "How is the table
similar and different in each act? How does the way it's used change?"

What is
magical realism?
Magical realism is a genre of art
in which magical elements appear in
A whole an otherwise realistic setting.
Mundane objects are transformed
new into mystical ones, supernatural
events become commonplace and
world the usual constraints of space and
sort of. time are obsolete.


Family Guy
This cartoon TV
show includes a
dog that talks to
family members
Examples of several types of and reads the
magical realism found in Passion newspaper, and
Play are listed below. What a toddler who
other examples can you find in tries to kill his
Activity the text? In which category
does each fit best? Why do you
mother and plots
to take over the
Finding the magic think Sarah Ruhl chose to make world. Not very realistic! But these
those moments magical? magical elements appear within an
otherwise real setting.
Mundane object(s) transformed into mystical object(s):
Big fish carry Pontius offstage (Part 1)
Big Fish
In this movie, a
young man tries
to piece together
Supernatural events become commonplace:
the life story of
Violet sees P controlling the wind/boats and doesnt question it (Part 3) his dying father,
who has told him
truths and half-
truths over the
Constraints of space and time are obsolete: years. Reality and
Queen Elizabeth appears in 1969 South Dakota (Part 3) myth blur together as magical
characters appear, time freezes at will
and his father, ultimately, turns into a
big fish or does he?
Think About It:
From the page to the stage The Lake House
A man and woman
At the end of Part 1 of Passion Play John the Fisherman enters with the communicate with
body of Mary 1. The stage directions read: Water pours out of her mouth each other via a
onto the stage. Water continues to pour out of her and off of her. mailbox that sends
their letters back
Before you see the show, think about how you would stage this scene. How and forth through
was the way the director staged this scene in the performance similar or time from 2004 to
different to what you imagined? When putting magical realism onto the 2006.
stage, how important is direction to the audiences perception of
those moments? What makes moments of magical realism on
stage different from similar moments in movies
or on TV?
Exploring the Text

Straight from
It does a conversation good

the Play
only proper intoxication

The following words can be found

- Oscar Wilde

in the text of Passion Play. How a

word is used in the textits
contextcan often help you figure
out what the word means, even if
you dont know its exact definition.
Hint: familiar words and phrases
near the unknown word in a
sentence can help! Activity
The Dictionary Game
brawny tableau province Instructions
penances malice driveling Your teacher selects a word from the list to the left.
You and your classmates use identical pieces of
haunches scourge priest-hole paper to write your own made-up definitions of the
word, making them sound like real dictionary
lecherous shrubbery homologue definitions. (Hint: try to sound as professional as
you can.) Dont let anyone else see!
addled smite tantamount Turn your definitions into your teacher, who also
has a copy of the actual definition. S/he reads all of
anarchy lament defamation the definitions aloud once so everyone can hear
them, then on the second reading you and your
classmates vote on which definition is actually from
the dictionary. (This is why you want your definition
to sound real, even if you dont know what the
word really means.)
Think About It: You score one point for every person who votes for
Different words, same meaning your definition, and two points if you choose the
actual dictionary definition.
In Part 1, John the Fisherman plays Jesus in his The student with the most points at the end of the
communitys Passion play. However, others refer to his character game is the winner!
by different names, including Christ, the Christus, Lord, the
Messiah, etc. Outside of religion, what other specific names
or words refer to the same person/
idea? Which have changed over time?
Jesus What phrases do you use with your
friends that are different from your
parents generation, even though
they mean the same thing? (For
example, groovy and rad
both mean cool.) Why do
you think these changes
in words occur?

E nsemble
The power of one
Passion Play is an ensemble piece in which each of the
11 actors takes on different yet similar roles in each
Part. For instance, the man playing John in Part 1 plays
Eric in Part 2 and J in Part 3, yet all three of these
characters take on the role of Jesus in the play within
the play (the Passion play). Similarly, every single
character played by the actress portraying Mary 1 in
Part 1 always plays the Virgin Mary in the Passion.

In ensemble pieces, each character is vitally important

to the function of the group as a whole. Consider the
different positions people play on sports teams
without each person playing his/her role, the team
could not succeed as a whole. Their roles vary, but
they are all equally important.
A scene from Papermill Theatres production of A Chorus Line.

Why might Sarah Ruhl have chosen to write an

Whats an ensemble? ensemble piece in which the actors play related parts?
How are their parts related?
In the theatre, ensemble generally refers to the entire cast
that has worked together to create the piece, or a
production in which each of the characters is equally
important (like the movie Oceans Thirteen). It can also refer Think About It:
to the supporting cast of a show (the chorus of a musical, High school ensembles
for instance).
How are the sports, clubs, musical groups or other
activities that you participate in similar to dramatic
ensembles? How are they different? (Besides
Other Types of Ensemble singing and dancing and stage combat, of course.)

Theatre isnt the only place for ensembles.

In fact, you are probably already a part of many
different ensembles at your school or in your community!
Any group of people who take part in a common activity
make up an ensemble. Academic clubs in math and science
are ensembles, football and basketball teams are
ensembles, the people you sit with in the cafeteria are an
ensemble well, you get the idea!

Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is

progress; working together is success.
- Henry Ford

P laying Your Part
Do we choose them or do they choose us?

This play brings into question why we play certain roles, or on the flip side, why
certain roles are assigned to us. In Act 1 Scene 5, the Director tells Mary 1 and Mary 2
that theyve been assigned to particular roles because one of them look[s] like a
saint and the other look[s] like a whore. In other words, they must play only the
roles that he thinks fit them.

High school is a time when you will continue to discover who you are, or which roles
you will play in your life. Jock, band nerd, bookworm, slacker, mean girl, etc., are all
high school stereotypes found in movies and the media, such as High School Musical
and Mean Girls. What happens when we try to fit other people into these
stereotypes? In Passion Play, the Director decides where each Mary fits based on her
appearanceother than how someone looks, in what ways do we judge who people
are before we get to know them? (How they speak or walk, for example.) Is this fair? The ensemble from Disneys High School

AndAllallthetheworld's a stage,
men and women merely players:
They have their exits and their entrances;

Joseph Fiennes in a scene from Shakespeare in Love.

And one man in his time plays many parts...
- William Shakespeare

List a few of the ensembles that you belong to at your high school
or in your community. Then list all of the assumptions people
have about members of those groups. (For instance, a student
who participates in many theatre productions may be called a
Activity drama queen.) Are these stereotypes negative or positive? Do
they fit you? If so, are they true because you chose those
The roles we play particular roles for yourself or because you are maintaining the
roles that were assigned to you by other people?

Group Characteristics/roles that others assign you

Periods of the Play
Where its at
Dissecting Dialogue
Passion Play is set in several different periods and The following quotations are pulled from Part 3 of Passion
locations: Elizabethan England (Part 1), 1930s Play. Read over them and consider the questions below,
Germany (Part 2) and 1960s-80s South Dakota which will help you compare the plays settings, using only
(Part 3). Throughout the play, the characters the information within the text.
dialogue can help you define the settings in which
they live. Political climate, social norms and
changing religious beliefs, among other things,
are revealed through textual clues. I cannot fathom why any
subject would be willing to die
for any leader other than a
monarch. What man would die
for a leader who was not
rushing to the battle-field with
himtheir blood soaking into
Think About It: the dust together. On the
battle-field the monarch and
Verbal clues the nations blood are one!

What can be determined about a

persons background simply by listening
to him/her speak? Age? Where s/he Queen Elizabeth I
grew up? Level of education? Economic
I never did serve in the
Is it fair to make judgments about military. But I feel as
though I did. I made
people based on what they say and how
training films for
they say it? Consider the way the media soldiers, during the
tears apart presidential candidates, or war. [] Luckily I
even the way we judge celebrities and never sent my men into
other public figures. Do you think combat. It is a
fearsome thing to do.
the way they speak accurately
reflects who they are?

President Ronald Reagan

Taking it a Step Further How does each of these political figures feel about war?
What does this suggest about the military climate of
Setting isnt just about a physical Elizabethan England and 1980s America, the settings in
placeits about the environment which these characters lived? About how involved political
of that place as wellthe whole figures were in military affairs during each period?
society. You can learn about What kind of relationship do you think Queen Elizabeth
social norms related to the had with her subjects? What about President Reagans
following by studying the relationship with the American people?
characters dialogue: In Passion Play, Hitler never shares his feelings about war
or the military. Why might Ruhl have chosen not to include
Class relations this information within his dialogue?
Gender roles
Religious worship 13
C ritical Thinking
Other things to consider

1. Think about the ensembles in your life. How do these different groups of
people interact? What is your role within each of these groups?

2. Ancient Greek plays use an ensemble chorus as one collective voice

throughout a production: members of the chorus chant and/or sing together
to further the plot of the story and create a ritualistic environment. Is there
anything ritualistic about the ensemble in Passion Play? What makes this
ensemble similar or different from a Greek chorus?

3. Is the way we speak influenced at all by who were speaking to? Think
about the way you talk to your teachers at school compared to the way you
talk with friends. Do you use any words or phrases only with one group
and not the other? Why? What factors influence how you speak to
someone (age, how long youve know the person, etc.)?

4. How important is knowing someones background when listening to what

s/he is saying? (For instance, would knowing about our Presidents life help
you better understand a State of the Union address?) How important is it to
know a characters background when examining his/her speech in a play?

Exploring the Context

What is a
assion Plays
A brief history
Passion Plays: Then and Now
Passion Play? The timeline below details the development of Passion plays as well
as reactions to the plays throughout history. The bolded sections
A dramatic presentation
that tells the story of are related to the locations and periods of Sarah Ruhls Passion
the sufferings and Play. A more detailed timeline with links to information about some
crucifixion (Passion) of of these events can be found online in the Knowledge Nucleus.
Jesus Christ.

970 (ca.) 1140 (ca.)

Hrosvitha, a nun, writes Christian Play of Adam, about the
1338 comedies based on plays by expulsion of Adam and Eve
Fearing violence aimed at its Jewish Terence, a Roman. from Paradise, marks the
population, authorities in Freiburg,
first appearance of scriptural
Germany, prohibit churches from
drama in the vernacular
performing anti-Jewish scenes in
(common language).
Passion plays.

First documented La Passi d'Olesa (The Passion of
Olesa) in Olesa de Monyserrat, Spain.
Religious plays banned in France in
response to religious upheaval. 1575
Queen Elizabeth I bans all religious plays in
England in an effort to control religious
1633 1634 representation.
The villagers of Oberammergau, Bavaria, vow to Oberammergau Passion Play first
God that they will perform a Passion play every performed.
10 years if spared from the bubonic plague. 1833
Passion of Iztapalapa first performed in Iztapalapa,
Adolf Hitler attends a 1939
performance of the Black Hills Passion Play performed for the first time in
Oberammergau Passion Spearfish, South Dakota.
Yearly staging of Via Crusis (Way of the Cross) begins
in San Fernando, Philippines.
1962 1981
A poor villager in San Pedro Cutud, a
Miami Anti-Defamation League
village near San Fernando, is literally
reports it received complaints
nailed to a cross during Via Crusis.
about the Black Hills Passion
From this year forward, three or more
Play (which is also performed in
penitents each year make a vow of
Florida) since the early 1960's .
sacrifice and are nailed to crosses for
several hours during the San Pedro 1984
Cutud Lenten Rites. American Jewish Committee requests a copy of the
1996 Black Hills Passion Play script in response to claims
La Passi d'Olesa in Spain sets a world that it is anti-Semitic. The request is denied on the
record with 726 people acting onstage grounds that no finished copy is available.
at the same time. 2000
Most recent performance of the Oberammergau
2004 Passion Play.
Fourteen volunteers are crucified during
the San Pedro Cutud Lenten Rites.

W orship & Art
A dynamic duo
As shown in the timeline on the last page,
Passion plays have been around for quite a
long time. They remain very popular
todayin 1990, the Oberammergau
Passion Play drew in approximately
Think About It: 480,000 visitors. Are Passion plays a form
Religion and theatre of religious worship, art, or both? Why
might people be drawn to this particular
Can you think of ways in which story?
theatrical elements are used in
religious worship? How important Passion plays are full theatrical productions
are these elements to the with costumes, props, sets, actors,
worship itself? To the way people directors and large audiences. Some places
understand and relate to where Passion plays are performed today
different religions? even sell tickets to the events, such as in
Oberammergau and the Black Hills. In
what other ways are Passion plays similar
to other theatrical productions? How are An actor takes direction during rehearsal
they similar to different forms of worship? for the Oberammergau Passion Play.

Religion and art spring from the same root and are close kin. - Nathaniel Hawthorne


Choose the person (character) you will attempt

to become. It should be someone you know
Activity very wella sibling, close friend, etc.
Consider all of the unique things about the way
Method acting this person actshow does s/he pick up a fork
when eating? How does s/he whisper? Does s/
he walk quickly or slowly? How does s/he open a
When Philip Seymour Hoffman (above) In Part 1 of Passion Play, the character locker/take off a jacket/smile/blink? The more
played Truman Capote (below) in the Mary 1 believes that in order to keep specific you can be, the better!
2005 film Capote, he maintained the [her] part she must feel/act like the Select a day of the week to become this
voice and physicality of his character Virgin Mary in real life. Method acting person, and act exactly as s/he would act for as
through entire days of filmingeven
during breaks off-set! is a style of acting in which actors try to long as possible without taking a break.
feel the emotions of their characters so Afterward, consider the following questions:
that their choices and the characters - How long did you last? Was this exercise
choices are onein other words, they tiring? Why/why not?
attempt to become the characters - For Passion play actors, why might it be harder
they are portraying. This or easier for them to portray religious figures?
activity will give you an - What might be the benefits of using this
idea of what it feels like to approach as an actor? The disadvantages?
use this acting approach.

A satire video clip of this type of acting approach can

be viewed online in the Knowledge Nucleus. 17
B ack to the Passion
An adventure through time

History of the Play

Part 1
This section will explore the time periods spanned
in Passion Play: Elizabethan England (Part 1),
1930s Germany (Part 2) and 1960s-80s South
Elizabethan England
Dakota (Part 3). The third part has been broken
Elizabeth Tudor became Queen of England in
down by decade60s, 70s and 80sbecause
1558 at the age of 25. The period of her 45-
unlike the other two parts of the play, Ruhl chose
year reign (which ended with her death in
to set Part 3 in different time periods. As you
1603) is often referred to as the Elizabethan
review the main events and social trends of each
era because her influence helped England
period, consider why Sarah Ruhl might have
emerge as a nation of great political power
chosen that particular setting for her play. How
and cultural achievement.
are these periods related, other than the Passion
plays performed within them? What sets them
Elizabeth I was enormously popular, the first
apart that may be relevant to the themes and
monarch to have a cult following. According to
ideas within the play? Why is Part 3 set in several
numerous historical records, each of her
periods instead of one?
public appearances became an occasion for
Queen Elizabeth I
spectacle, flashy displays and huge crowds.

There is one thing

higher than Royalty:
Dramatic writing transformed
during this period, encouraged
in part by Elizabeths own love
of plays and poetry. Many
and that is religion, writers were greeted with
encouragement and patronage
which causes us to (funding from wealthy
citizens). Whereas in the past,
leave the world, and plots were often simplistic and
based on religious writings, the

seek God. - Queen Elizabeth I playwrights of Elizabethan
England began to incorporate
A play at the Globe Theatre in London. The original
legends, myths, classical building burned down in 1613.
forms, as well as greater
character development and themes. The numerous works of William
BLACK DEATH Shakespeare are a prime example of this new style.

In 1563, London experienced an outbreak of the bubonic

plague, also known as the black death. Spread by rats and
other rodents to humans through flea bites, the disease Think About It:
killed an estimated 80,000 people, approximately 1/4 to 1/3 Disease and religion
of Londons population at that time. People died at a rate of
up to 1,800 per week during How might the bubonic plague and other fatal
October of that year. diseases of this period have affected the way people
thought about religion in their daily lives? Do you
think it changed the way Passion plays were
To put this in perspective:
perceived? How do modern epidemics, such as
imagine 675,000 to 891,000
HIV/AIDS, affect peoples perceptions
people in Chicago dying in the of religion today?
span of a few months! (The
population of Chicago in 2006
was about 2.7 million.)
Part 2

The rise of the Nazi Party and its determination
to expand the German state and purify its
population led to the start of WWII. The Nazis
exterminated millions of Jews, homosexuals,
political opponents and other minorities in what
was one of the most severe genocides in
Adolf Hitler speaks to an engaged audience.
modern history: the Holocaust. It is impossible
to think about this period of German history
The swastika, a symbol used by the Nazi
without thinking about the Nazis and their Hitler the Actor
party, is also used by modern white infamous leader, Adolf Hitler. From 1933 when
supremacist groups. However, the symbol Hitler was appointed Chancellor of Germany to Leading up to his election as
is literally a sign of well-being that dates the fall of the Nazi party at the end of WWII in
back thousands of years. It was only after
Chancellor and beyond, Hitlers
the Nazis claimed it for their own that the 1945, the Nazis influenced and controlled by public appearances were very
swastika took on a negative connotation. force all things political and social in Germany. theatrical, making use of stages,
special lighting and backgrounds.
Additionally, his rehearsed speeches
Womens rights were limited in Nazi Germany,
were very effective with his
as the party did not support their emancipation
audiences, who suffered from the
or the feminist movement, claiming it was led
poverty, misery and uncertainty of
by Jews and bad for society. Hitler appointed a
the Great Depression (a worldwide
Reich Women's Leader to advocate for
economic downturn that also greatly
patriarchal gender roles. Women were affected the U.S.). As Hitler spoke at
instructed that they should be obedient to men first very softly and tentatively and
and fulfill their primary role in society: bearing gradually moved into louder and
children. Organizations were started for groups more urgent strings of promises, his
of young women to reinforce these ideals. Women in traditional German clothing.
audiences were made to feel as
though he really had the power to
change their lives. How much does

withI believe today that my conduct is in accordance acting influence our willingness to
believe someone? Is it any excuse
the will of the Almighty Creator.
- Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf
for going along with the actions of a
corrupt government?

JEWISH by Think About It

Religion and politics
As shown in the quote at left, Hitler
believed that his actions were in line
The Nazis discriminated against with the will of his god. What other
more than just religious Jewsthey political figures can you think of who
discriminated against the Jewish have used religious reasoning to
The Nazi regime mandated that yellow patches of race, using ancestry to determine defend a military or other political
the Star of David be sewn on the clothing of all whether a person was Jewish or action (such as a law)? Do you think
Jews. However, many of the people wearing them not, regardless of his/her own it is acceptable for public leaders
did not consider themselves Jewish at all. religious practices or affiliations. to govern based on their own
religious beliefs? Why or
The Law for the Protection of German Blood and Honor, one of the 1935 why not?
Nuremberg Laws to strip Jews of their civil rights, defined Jewish as a separate
race. Thousands of Germans who had not considered themselves Jewish, and who
practiced other religions, were treated as poorly as members of the Jewish faith.
They were assigned a role they had not chosen, a role that led many, if not most
of them, to their deaths. 19
Part 3
During the 1960s, the civil rights
and feminist movements in the I Have A Dream
United States gained momentum.

1960s USA Racial minorities and women fought

for equal treatment as citizens,
rallying against racism and sexism
in public protests. Some leaders, including Dr. Martin
Luther King, Jr., used peaceful methods such as sit-ins at
segregated restaurants, while Malcolm X and others
fought by any means necessary, responding to police
brutality with violence of their own. Women challenged
their traditional roles by petitioning for equal pay at work
and protesting beauty pageants and other media that
portrayed them as exclusively sexual beings.
On Aug, 28, 1963, King spoke to over 250,000
people in Washington D.C.
This decade was also marked by a large youth counter-
culture that endorsed marijuana and other drug use, The following is an
mythic religions (such as Zen Buddhism) and sexual excerpt from Dr.
freedom. Previous taboos on sex, violence and language Martin Luther King,
were ignored by filmmakers in such movies as Psycho, in Jr.s landmark speech
which a woman is stabbed to death in a shower, and The about the long fight to
Graduate, in which a young Dustin Hoffman is seduced by improve race relations in the United
Jimi Hendrix performs at the a woman twice his age. The Motion Picture Association of States. The full text of this speech is
Woodstock music festival in 1969. America created the film rating system in response. online in the Knowledge Nucleus.

I say to you today, my friends, that in spite

1959 Barbie doll introduced by Mattel; G. I. Joe
by Hasbro follows soon thereafter
of the difficulties and frustrations of the
moment I still have a dream. It is a dream
deeply rooted in the American dream.
1960 The Flintstones cartoon premieres on TV
I have a dream that one day this nation will
U.S. Supreme Court decides prayer in
1962 public schools is unconstitutional
rise up and live out the true meaning of its
creed"We hold these truths to be self
evident, that all men are created equal."
President John F. Kennedy assassinated by
1963 Lee Harvey Oswald; Lyndon Johnson I have a dream that one day on the red hills
becomes President; civil rights leader of Georgia the sons of former slaves and the
Martin Luther King delivers I have a sons of former slave owners will be able to
dream speech; feminist leader Betty sit down together at the table of
Friedan writes The Feminine Mystique brotherhood.
American soldiers marching through the
jungle during the Vietnam War in 1964.
1964 Civil Rights Act of 1964 forbids job
discrimination on the basis of sex and racial
I have a dream that one day even the state
of Mississippi , a desert state sweltering with
the heat of injustice and oppression, will be
discrimination in public places
transformed into an oasis of freedom and
Vietnam War swells as massive troop
1965 deployment is ordered to prevent
I have a dream that my four little children
communist North Korea from taking over
will one day live in a nation where they will
South Korea; U.S. Surgeon General
not be judged by the color of their skin but
determines smoking is a health hazard and by the content of their character.
requires cigarette manufacturers to include
warnings on all packaging and ads I have a dream today.

1966 National Organization for Women (NOW)

established with Betty Friedan as its first
What strikes you as the most
powerful thing about this excerpt
president of Kings speech? Why?
In general, do you think our
First woman allowed to teach while visibly
1968 pregnant, in Clear Creek School District;
society today judges people by
the content of their character or
Martin Luther King assassinated
only by their appearances? What
Neil Armstrong is first man to walk on the makes you think so?
1969 moon; Woodstock music festival draws
A member of the Womens Liberation
Party drops a bra into a trash can in
protest of the Miss America pageant in Text from
over 400,000 people, featuring
performances by Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin, Atlantic City, NJ, on Sept. 7, 1968.
The Grateful Dead, Santana and others
Timeline summarized from 20
Part 3
Movements for racial and sexual
equality continued in this decade,
Four Dead in Ohio
with affirmative action becoming a

1970s USA controversial policy as minorities

and women asserted their rights to
jobs and quality educations.
Mandatory bussing used to achieve racial integration in
schools often led to violence, but was upheld by the
Supreme Court. The Title IX Education Amendments
passed by Congress banned sexual discrimination in all
educational institutions that received federal funding.

Proving that U.S. involvement in the Vietnam War was still

a controversial issue, four students were killed and nine Ann Vecchio kneeling over the body of Jeffrey
injured during a tragedy at Kent State University in Ohio Miller at Kent State University in Ohio after he
where National Guardsmen fired into a crowd of anti-war was shot by the National Guard.
protestors. Because of the increasing number of Black
elected officials, the Congressional Black Caucus was These are the lyrics to Four Dead in
formed to represent Black members of Congress. Several Ohio, a song by Crosby, Stills, Nash
cities in the U.S. also saw their first Black mayors elected & Young written in response to the
The pet rock was a popular Kent State shootings:
toy during the 70s. in this decade, L.A. and Atlanta among them.
Tin soldiers and Nixon's comin'.
Many technological advances were also made, with mass-market personal computers We're finally on our own.
making their debut. Popular fads (many of which are still around today) included This summer I hear the drummin'.
Four dead in Ohio.
mood rings, lava lamps, Rubiks cubes, Sea Monkeys, smiley face stickers and pet
rocks. Streaking nude in very public places was also popular, though illegal! [Verse:
Gotta get down to it.
Soldiers are cutting us down.
1970 Kent State shootings; first ATM demonstrated
and used in Georgia
Should have been done long ago.
What if you knew her and
Found her dead on the ground?

1971 Congressional Black Caucus formed; Supreme

Court upholds court-ordered bussing in
How can you run when you know?]

Charlotte, NC, clearing the way for mandatory Na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na.
Na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na.
bussing as a tool to achieve integration
Na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na.
Na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na.
1972 Atari releases Pong, the first commercial video
game (a ping-pong simulation); compact disc [Verse repeats]
invented; Congress passes the Title IX
A police escort leads busses to a Tin soldiers and Nixon's comin'.
Education Amendments
school in Boston during court- We're finally on our own.
ordered racial integration measures. This summer I hear the drummin'.
1973 Last remaining U.S. troops withdraw from
Vietnam; Roe vs. Wade Supreme Court
Four dead in Ohio.
Four dead in Ohio.
decision legalizes abortion; the Watergate Four dead in Ohio.
scandal (in which Republican agents Four dead in Ohio.
Four dead in Ohio.
burglarized Democratic headquarters) leads
Four dead in Ohio.
two top Nixon aides to resign Four dead in Ohio.
Four dead in Ohio.

1974 President Nixon resigns as a result of

Watergate; Gerald R. Ford becomes President
Four dead in Ohio.

in August; Ford pardons Nixon in September President Nixon often greeted fans How do these musicians feel about
with his trademark peace signs. the shootings? Nixon and the
1975 South Vietnam falls to communist forces of
North Vietnam
soldiers? How do you think the
other students might have felt?
What would the public and media
1977 Apple, Radio Shack and Commodore introduce
mass-market computers
responses be if this tragedy
occurred today? How would they be
similar or different to responses to
1978 Birth of first test tube baby (lab fertilized
before being implanted in a womans womb)
the Kent State shootings?
Lyrics from

1979 More than 500,000 computers are in use in

the United States; women surpass men in An early Apple personal computer
college enrollment with floppy disk drives. 21
Part 3
Tensions between the U.S. and
Soviet Union continued through this Why Reagan?
1980s USA
decade, wi th each country
boycotting the Olympic games
hosted by the other. Ronald
Reaganan actor and California
governor long before Arnold Schwarzenegger
was sworn in as 40th President in 1981 and served
two full terms. He increased defense spending and
fought international terrorists abroad, sending U.S.
bombers to Libya in response to an attack against
American soldiers in Berlin, Germany.

Space shuttle Challenger disintegrated just after

takeoff in 1986, killing all seven people onboard
and resulting in a 32-month hiatus in the shuttle
program. In other technology news, CDs and
Dan Aykroyd, Bill Murray and Harold Ramis videogames grew in popularity and the personal
in a scene from Ghostbusters. computer was named Machine of the Year.

theFreedom prospers when religion is vibrant and

Part 3 of Passion Play spans from
rule of law under God is acknowledged.
- President Ronald Reagan
the 1960s to the 1980s. Seven
Presidents and numerous other
political figures led our country
during this period; however, Ruhl
1980 CNN launches as the first all-news
network on TV; Ronald Reagan
chose to include only one historical
U.S. figure in Part 3: President
elected President; U.S. boycotts the
Ronald Reagan.
summer Olympics in Moscow,
USSR; John Lennon is assassinated
After looking over the historical
events and advances of the 60s,
1981 Launch of the space shuttle
Columbia; Sandra Day OConnor
70s and 80s, consider the
following questions:
becomes first female Supreme
Court justice; AIDS virus identified;
Why might Ruhl have chosen
Pac-Man a popular video game Sandra Day OConnor is sworn in as the
first female justice on the Supreme Court. Reagan to appear in her play
instead of a different U.S.
1982 Michael Jacksons Thriller sells 20
million albums (it is currently the
President or political figure?
What makes Reagan important
2nd best selling album ever); ET
to this particular story?
movie released; Time magazine
names the computer Machine of
How is Reagan similar or
the Year
different to the other leaders
in the play (Queen Elizabeth I
1984 Soviets boycott the summer
Olympics in Los Angeles, CA; Bill
and Adolf Hitler) in terms of
public speaking and military
Cosby Show premieres;
Ghostbusters movie released
Why do you think Ruhl chose
1986 Space shuttle Challenger explodes;
third Monday of January becomes
not to include one of the
The cover of Michael Jacksons Thriller. Presidents from the Vietnam
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, a
War era?
national holiday; U.S. warplanes
bomb Libya

1988 George H. W. Bush becomes 41st

President; CDs outsell vinyl for the
first time; first Die Hard movie
released The Pac-Man arcade game.
A ctivity
Family Historians

The 60s, 70s and 80s are decades in history

that many people in your family and community
lived through and probably remember very well.
While each of the previous three pages has
provided you with basic information about the
events of each decade, the people you know and
live with can likely provide you with much more
detailed and interesting informationstraight
from their own lives! Sit down with a relative or
other family historian and go through the
following questions with him/her to find out what
life was really like back in the day.

What stands out to you as the most memorable Tell me about our family history during
events of each decade? Why do you think each of this period. What events are important?
these events was so important?
The 60s:


The 70s:


The 80s:



Which popular fads (clothing, video games, music, toys, etc.) were you into during this
period? Can you think of any modern fads that originated back then and are still around?

C ritical Thinking
Other things to consider

1. Considering the timeline on page 16, why might Passion plays have sparked
controversy and government action for so long? Why might people choose
to leave the story as is rather than making changes so that it is less
problematic? Can you think of any other stories that are historically

2. Do you think worship and art are as closely linked today as they were
hundreds or even thousands of years ago? Why/why not? What modern
examples of worship through art can you think of?

3. Why might so many people have supported Hitler and the Nazi regime
during World War II? Is there any cause you believe in so strongly that
you would die for it? Or that you would knowingly send other people to
their deaths in order to support it? Should any cause or idea ever be valued
over human life? Why/why not?

4. Fashion, music and other elements of popular culture changed drastically

between 1960 and 1990. Do you think these things still change frequently
today? What changes have you seen in your lifetime?

Exploring the Social Issues

What is anti-Semitism?
Is it fueled by the Passion story?

Whether or not the story of

Christs Passion in the Bible is
According to the American Jewish Committee, anti- fundamentally anti-Semitic
Semitism is loosely defined as hatred toward Jews has been a topic of heated
and is directed toward the Jewish religion, Jews as debate for centuries. The
a people, or Israel, the Jewish state ( quotes below represent two
very different viewpoints
regarding this issue.

Think About It: The first is from a statement

Adolf Hitler made after
Placing blame
seeing the Oberammergau
In Part 3 of Passion Play, P becomes Passion Play (it also appears
upset while rehearsing for the role of directly within the text of
Pontius Pilate. He asks his director, How come Passion Play in Part 3). The
[the Jews] want to kill [Jesus] and Im being all second quote is a statement
heroic? Mary 1 tries to calm him down by Mel Gibson made in the June
saying, Were just telling the story, honey, the 12, 2003, issue of Daily
story from the Bible. However, this angers P Variety, in which he defends
Anti-Semitic Nazi propaganda on the cover of
even further, as he responds, Just telling the himself against public a magazine published in Germany in 1941-
story, bullshit! Either the Jews killed Jesus or else accusations that he was anti- 42. It attempts to convince its audience that
theyre innocent! Do you agree with Ruhls Semitic after the release of the hostilities in Europe at the time (in
portrayal of the Passion story? Is Ps The Passion of the Christ, a particular the Allied forces attempts to stop
the Nazis) were completely the fault of its
interpretation accurate? Is placing blame film version of the Passion Jewish population.
necessary to tell the Passion story? To story he produced, directed
understand it? How would people react and co-wrote. Consider the questions to the left as you think about
differently to the story if there were differences in these interpretations, the Passion story, and how they
no mention at all of the people relate to anti-Semitism and other forms of prejudice.
involved in the events leading
up to the Passion?
It is vital that the Passion Play be
continued at Oberammergau; for
never has the menace of the Jews
been so convincingly portrayed as in
Quote Analysis this presentation of what happened in
the times of the Romans. There one
sees in Pontius Pilate a Roman so
On what things does each man base his racially and intellectually superior,
interpretation of the Passion? that he stands out like a firm, clean
rock in the middle of the whole muck
Hitler notes that the Passion play he saw takes and mire of the Jews.
place in the times of the Romans. Do you
think it is effective to use events from the Adolf Hitler
distant past to justify beliefs and actions in the
present? (For instance, Hitler using the Anti-Semitism is not only contrary to my
Passion story to justify his persecution of Jews personal beliefs, it is also contrary to the core
in the 1930s.) message of my movie For those concerned
about the content of this film, know that it
Gibson says in his defense that his film conforms to the narratives of Christ's passion
conforms to the narratives of Christ's passion and death found in the four Gospels of the
and death found in the four Gospels of the New Testament This is a movie about faith,
hope, love and forgivenesssomething sorely
New Testament. Is this a strong argument? needed in these turbulent times.
Are religious writings always free of prejudice?
How can we determine this? 26
Mel Gibson
What is the Anti-Defamation League?
The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) is an advocacy group that fights anti-
The ADL and Oberammergau
Semitism and all forms of bigotry within the U.S. and abroad. The ADLs
mission, as stated on its website, is to stop, by appeals to reason and
conscience and, if necessary, by appeals to law, the defamation of the In a group of articles on the Anti-Defamation
Jewish people. Its ultimate purpose is to secure justice and fair treatment League (ADL) website titled The
to all citizens alike and to put an end forever to unjust and unfair
Oberammergau Passion Play: The new script
discrimination against and ridicule of any sect or body of citizens. In
working towards these aims, the ADL advocates before Congress, for the 2000 presentation, the ADL gives its
develops educational programs and serves as a public resource. critique of the play, detailing what it believes
are the anti-Semitic elements, as well as discussing the
changes that were made to the play for the 2000
presentation. The text of the intro to these articles is copied
Think About It: below. You can access the other parts of the ADL website
Anti-Semitism & hate crimes through a link on our Knowledge Nucleus.
Do you think Passion plays are always a form of
discrimination against Jews? Under what circumstances
should they be allowed or banned? Can you think of The Oberammergau Passion Play will be presented in
any other widespread media (theatrical, televised or Germany on May 21, 2000. The script of the new version has
otherwise) that is controversial for its depiction of a been changed much to avoid anti-Judaism and the organizers
particular group of people? Why do you think are to be congratulated for their editorial efforts and constant
these depictions continue year after year? cooperation with ADL. We look forward to continue [sic] our
What can we do to stop them? creative working relationship. There is still, however, a
serious problem and concern about the very negative
presentation of Jewish leadership in the complex society of
the First Century. It implies a sense of community guilt for
Jesus death, minimizing Pilates and Roman responsibility for
the death of Jesus.

Passion plays are, in general, sources of theological anti-

Judaism and do not help to improve the relationship of
Christians and Jews. It is equally important to point out that
Jews are not against the Passion of Jesus, but are deeply
concerned with the presentation of the Passion without an
explanation that avoids any anti-Jewish theological or anti-
Semitic interpretation. This concern has been expressed by
the National Conference of Catholic Bishops in their
document "The Criteria for the Evaluation of Dramatizations
Recent changes made to the of the Passion." For this reason, it is suggested that tourist
Oberammergau Passion Play agencies or different organizing groups alert tourists and
visitors to the Oberammergau Passion Play and to the
1980 problems related to the presentation of Jews and Judaism in
Removal of several lines suggesting Jewish rejection by God (e.g. the play and its theological negative projectionsa heritage
The kingdom of God shall be taken from you and be given to a of centuries of contemptwhich prepared the atmosphere for
nation bringing forth better fruits)
the Holocaust, a painful reality in the nearby Dachau
A few people in the crowd before Pilate call for the release of
Jesus concentration camp.
Removal of several lines presenting Jewish law as harsh and
vindictive (e.g. Up Fathersthe law calls for vengeance) The Oberammergau City Hall will be presenting a millennial
presentation of its Passion play in May, 2000. It was first
performed as a way to thank God for saving the city from a
Jesus and his disciples assume prayer shawls at the opening of
the Last Supper, showing they were all Jews
plague that was devastating Europe in the Middle Ages. The
Caiaphas does not wear a horned hat presentation is based on New Testament narratives of the
The blood curse of Matthew 27:25 (His blood be upon us and
Passion of Jesus. Since the late Seventies, the Anti-
upon our children) is said only once Defamation League has been very critical of the script which
projected a theological anti-Judaism, as well as an anti-
2000 Semitic message. It is not by chance that Adolf Hitler, who
Blood curse completely removed saw the 1934 presentation, praised it as a "precious tool" in
Jesus says a Hebrew blessing and is called Rabbi, stressing he the fight against Jews and Judaism.
is Jewish
The term "Old Testament" is replaced by the term "Hebrew Bible"
The crowd before Pilate is divided between those who are for and
against Jesus
The Difference Between Gender and Sex
ender Roles
More than outside appearances

Male and masculine; female and feminine. These pairs mean

the same thing, right? Wrong. Male and female refer to ones
sex, while masculine and feminine refer to ones gender.
Gender stereotypes
Your sex is determined by biological factors: chromosomes,
hormones and internal/external reproductive organs. On the
other hand, your gender is based on the characteristics that What does it mean to be masculine or feminine? Gender
your society or culture delineate as masculine or roles are often determined by societal stereotypes; for
feminine. For instance, according to bathroom doors across instance, men are strong or women are bad at directions.
the country, women wear dresses and men dont. At least In Part 2 of Passion Play, the foot soldier says to Eric, I
thats what the pictures would have us believe. couldnt carry a gun properly if I had your little hands,
suggesting that size and strength are part of the masculine
In the Elizabethan era, it was identity. List below all of the gender stereotypes you can
practically unheard of for think of that people attach to men and women. Several
women to work professionally examples are given in each category to get you thinking.
outside the home while their After you complete your list, consider the following questions:
husbands took care of the
children and cleaned house. Which stereotypes do you think are specific to this
Now, this arrangementand country? Which might be worldwide? Why?
everything in betweenis Which stereotypes did you learn from your parents?
commonplace. Why? Gender Friends? TV and movies?
roles are changing; or more
Which stereotypes can you find in Passion Play? How
specifically, the stereotypes of
long have these stereotypes been around?
what it means to be male or
female are changing.

Throughout Passion Play, the

gender roles available for
males and females in each
period also change. How are
This movie from 1983 poked fun at masculine and feminine Female Male
gender stereotypesspecifically, that identities defined in each part
women stay home to clean and raise of the play? Track how these
the children (because those things
are feminine) while men go to work
identities change throughout
weak strong
(which is masculine). In the movie, the course of the play. For
the father loses his job and his wife instance, in Part 1 women
long hair short hair
becomes the working parent. play the roles of a virgin emotional rational
(Virgin Mary), whore (Mary
Magdalen) and idiot (Village Idiot). Do womens roles change or
stay the same throughout the play? What about mens roles?
How do gender roles relate to time period and religion?

Think About It:

Accepting a gender
How often do you think stereotypes about gender identity are
accurate? Is this the case because the stereotypes are inherently
true, or because people conform to the stereotypes placed
on them? Which gender stereotypes, if any, do you
conform to within your life?
P olitics & Religion
One nation under (fill in the blank)

In this activity you will compare and contrast the political actions and religious beliefs of
each historical figure in Passion Play as well as our current President. Some of this
information can be found throughout this study guide or in the text of the play itself
Activity other facts you will have to look up on your own. After you have filled in the chart,
consider why these individuals may have acted the way they did. Who do you think was
Leaders and beliefs the best leader? Who was the worst? Why?

Political figure

Queen Elizabeth I Adolf Hitler Ronald Reagan George W. Bush

Country England Germany U.S.A. U.S.A.

Dates in office 2001-present

Wars and military World War II

conflicts during this
Military service U.S. Army 1937-45
Religious affiliation Protestant

Religious quotes I believe today that

from outside the play my conduct is in
accordance with the
will of the Almighty
Religious quotes N/A
from text of the play
Religion-based Banned religious plays
political actions in England
(if any)

Think About It: Separation of church and state

The First Amendment in the U.S. Constitution begins: Congress shall make no law respecting an
establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof

Do you think our government follows this rule? Can you think of any laws in this country
that have been formed around a religious belief or doctrine?
M usic of Protest
Make songs, not war
Elizabethan Music
Church music was very popular
Activity during this period, as were
madrigals, pieces written for several
All in the Lyrics voices without musical
accompaniment. Songs of this period
were operatic and lyrical, often
Each of the songs on the next page protests our countrys military affairs. Ballad of written like poetry. Protest songs
October 16th was released after our government began drafting men for World War commenting on the governments
II; War was a response to our involvement in the Vietnam War; and Holiday is a actions were unheard of, perhaps
recent reaction to the Iraq War. Read over each songs lyrics and consider the because individual rights were so
questions below as you compare and contrast the wars, public reactions and more. limited. Elizabethan England was a
monarchy, not a democracy, and
How does each artist feel about the war the country has people couldnt choose which
entered into (or plans to enter into)? Are there any similarities religion they practiced, let alone speak out against a
between them? government that had the power to take whatever
means necessary to quiet them.

Looking only at these lyrics, can you determine any ways in

which these wars were similar/different?

Music of Support
Listed below are songs released in support of World War II, the
Vietnam War and the Iraq War. Look up the lyrics to some of
these songs and see how they compare to the songs on page 31.
How does each artist feel about the President in office at the
time of each of these military actions? How can you tell? World War II
The Road to Victory by Bing Crosby
Dear Mr. President by Pete Seeger
Theres a Star-Spangled Banner Waving Somewhere
by Bob Miller

Vietnam War
Ballad of the Green Berets by Sgt. Barry Sadler
Okie from Muskogee by Merle Haggard
The Fightin Side of Me by Merle Haggard
Do any of these songs make references to religion in any way?
If so, what are those artists trying to say about religion? Iraq War
Have You Forgotten? by Darryl Worley
Courtesy of the Red, White and Blue (The Angry American)
by Toby Keith

War, huh, yeah Ah, war is an enemy of all mankind
What is it good for? The thought of war blows my mind
Absolutely (nothing), ah, ha, ha, ha War has caused unrest within the younger generation
Induction then destruction
[Repeats twice with slight variations] Who wants to die? Ah....

War I despise [Chorus repeats with slight variations]

'cause it means destruction of innocent lives
War means tears to thousands of mother's eyes Ah, war has shattered many a young man's dreams
When their sons go out to fight and lose their lives Made him disabled, bitter and mean

[Chorus: Life is much too short and precious

War I said, war, huh, good God y'all To spend fighting wars each day
By Edwin Starr (1970) What is it good for? War can't give life
Lyrics from
Absolutely (nothing) It can only take it away
Oh, say it again
[Chorus repeats with slight variations]
War (Huh)
Woh, woh, woh, woh Peace, love and understanding, tell me
What is it good for? Is there no place for them today?
Absolutely (nothing) They say we must fight to keep our own freedom
Listen to me But Lord knows there's gotta be a better way

War, it ain't nothin' but a heartbreaker Ahh ,war, (Huh)

War, friend only to the undertaker] Good God y'all
What is it good for?

Say, hey! [Chorus]

Hear the sound of the falling rain (Hey!)

Coming down like an Armageddon flame (Hey!) (Say, hey!)
The shame
The ones who died without a name (3,4)

Hear the dogs howling out of key "The representative from California has the floor"
To a hymn called "Faith and Misery" (Hey!)
And bleed, the company lost the war today Sieg Heil to the president Gasman
Bombs away is your punishment
Holiday [Chorus: Pulverize the Eiffel towers
By Green Day (2004) I beg to dream and differ from the hollow lies Who criticize your government
Lyrics from This is the dawning of the rest of our lives Bang bang goes the broken glass and
On holiday] Kill all the fags that don't agree
Trials by fire, setting fire
Hear the drum pounding out of time Is not a way that's meant for me
Another protester has crossed the line (Hey!) Just cause, just cause, because we're outlaws yeah!
To find, the money's on the other side
[Chorus X 2]
Can I get another Amen? (Amen!)
There's a flag wrapped around a score of men (Hey!) This is our lives on holiday
A gag, a plastic bag on a monument

It was on a Saturday night and the moon was shining bright I have wandered o'er this land, a roaming working man
They passed the conscription bill No clothes to wear and not much food to eat.
And the people they did say for many miles away But now the government foots the bill
'Twas the President and his boys on Capitol Hill. Gives me clothes and feeds me swill
Gets me shot and puts me underground six feet.
Oh, Franklin Roosevelt told the people how he felt [Chorus]
We damned near believed what he said
He said, "I hate war, and so does Eleanor Why nothing can be wrong if it makes our country strong
But we won't be safe 'till everybody's dead."] We got to get tough to save democracy.
And though it may mean war
Ballad of When my poor old mother died I was sitting by her side We must defend Singapore
October 16th* A-promising to war I'd never go. This don't hurt you half as much as it hurts me.
By Millard Lampell (1941) But now I'm wearing khaki jeans and eating army beans
Lyrics from And I'm told that J. P. Morgan loves me so. [Chorus]

*On Oct. 16, 1940, it was announced that over 16 million men had registered for
the draftthe first peacetime draft in U.S. history. (We joined the war in 1941.) 31
C ritical Thinking
Other things to consider

1. Homosexuality is another theme explored in Passion Play. How does

homosexuality factor into gender identity? Is sexuality an important
determining factor in whether someone is feminine or masculine?
Why/why not? (Also, check out our Knowledge Nucleus online for an
essay on homosexuality, homophobia and identity.)

2. Should political leaders be exempt from certain lawmaking or other duties

because of their religious affiliations? What about other strong beliefs
leaders may have? Is it possible for someone to be completely objective
when making a decision?

3. The picture next to the title of page 29 is a close-up of our dollar bill. It
reads: IN GOD WE TRUST. Do you think this is a violation of the First
Amendment? Why/why not? The Pledge of Allegiance said in schools still
includes the line One nation under Godis this a violation? Do either of
these examples suggest our government is endorsing religion?

4. Besides Jews, what other groups of people have been historically

persecuted? Which groups are still the victims of hate crimes today? What
is being done to stop these instances of persecution? Is this enough?

W riting Your
Response Letter
After you have seen the show and discussed your
responses in the classroom, its time to let us know what
Important information to include:
you thought! Your response letter to plays an important
role at Goodman Theatre. All of the letters we receive are Your name, age and grade
forwarded to our artists, and you may get a response!
Your teachers name, school and the schools address
Pick one of the artists involved with Passion Play whose
work was particularly memorable to youan actor, Including these things
designer, the playwright or the directorand write that will make it easier for
artist a letter describing your experience at the show and our artists to respond!
your feedback about his/her work. Be honest and ask any
questions that are on your mind.

Your teacher will send us your letter, and well forward it Send your letters to:
on to that artist!
Education and Community Programs
Goodman Theatre
Here are two great student letters we received in response 170 North Dearborn Street
to Oedipus Complex: Chicago, IL 60601

Dear Susan Hart, Dear Nick Sandys,

My name is Erika Janea Dickerson, and I am a sophomore at My name is Gerron Jordan and I am a student at Jones
Walter Payton College Prep, and I am also a poet and feminist. College Prep here in Chicago, IL. I was given the opportunity
First off, I wanted to commend you on your performance to be a part of your audience on May 22, and what I saw
Wednesday, May 23 at the Goodman Theatre. I have a few completely intrigued me. I was taken aback from you acting
questions for you concerning your character, Jocasta, and your as well as the excellent choral work done by the ensemble. It
portrayal of her. While engaging in conversation about Oedipus was just an amazing show and I am glad I had the
Complex in my American Literature class, I always felt as if opportunity to see it.
Jocastas appearance in the play is overlooked, and ultimately,
appears to be insignificant. Do you feel that Jocastas semblance I was very thrilled to see how, in essence, you played two
in the play (not her role as Oedipus mother/wife) is diminished? roles and played them both with a tremendous amount of
If so, do you feel that Galati purposely put forth less effort in commitment. Being a student of theatre, I find it difficult to
developing Jocasta than Oedipus? [] master one role, and the way you mastered both was just
phenomenal. During my high school years Ive learned about
Aside from my questions about the adaptation of the play, I am the Oedipus Rex story and I knew its significance. However,
also curious about how you felt about your role, as an actress. it was brought into a new light seeing you, as Sigmund
Was it challenging or enjoyable working with a generally all Freud, in the production. []
male cast? Did you ever personally feel that you had to prove
yourself as an actress because of your gender? Personally, I As I close, I do have one question. Im sure being asked to
think its more enjoyable and more edifying to watch a play than play Freud in this production, you had read and knew the
just read one. With that being said, did you already picture your story of Oedipus. So looking in retrospect, how did your
portrayal of Jocasta when you first read the adaptation or did previous conceptions of the story affect your performance as
your understanding of her evolve as you went along? Lastly, Freud? Also, by adding Sigmund Freud to the story, did you
who do you feel Jocasta represents as a character in Oedipus gain a deeper meaning of the Oedipus Rex story as a whole?
Complex as a woman, mother and wife? Ultimately, is she the Those were just a couple questions I was asking myself as I
victim or the culprit in the story? Once again, it was great watched your magnificent performance.
watching you in this production, and good luck on all your
future endeavors. Gerron L. Jordan

Erika Janea Dickerson


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