Boq-R 1
Boq-R 1
Boq-R 1
Fully rated Rectifier cum charger unit and 100% rated Inverter unit
Integrated in UPS module
Fully rated Inbuilt static switch at the inverter output and 100% rated Inbuilt
b static switch at the static bypass line integrated in UPS module
Event logging, data logging and action logging (with date, time, description
of fault and event)
Run the battery diagnostic test
Automated unattended shutdown of computers
Local notification through audible alarm
RS-485 port with BUS/MODBUS card, communication protocol to integrate
the UPS with building management system
Life Cycle Monitoring System required to predict health of consumables
AC/DC Capacitors, Battery Bank & Cooling Fans.
Sub Head-II : 250 kVA/kW UPS each with minimum 3 no. of battery
B. strings (Minimum 288000 VAH per UPS for 30 Min Battery Backup)
Fully rated Rectifier cum charger unit and 100% rated Inverter unit
Integrated in UPS module
Fully rated Inbuilt static switch at the inverter output and 100% rated Inbuilt
b static switch at the static bypass line integrated in UPS module
Event logging, data logging and action logging (with date, time, description
of fault and event)
Run the battery diagnostic test
Automated unattended shutdown of computers
Local notification through audible alarm
RS-485 port with BUS/MODBUS card, communication protocol to integrate
the UPS with building management system
Life Cycle Monitoring System required to predict health of consumables
AC/DC Capacitors, Battery Bank & Cooling Fans.
2 Battery Banks & Associated Infrastructure
Battery Banks comprising of Valve Regulated Lead Acid Sealed
Maintenance Free batteries of minimum 5 years design life to provide 30
minutes backup at full load i.e. 250 kVA/KW, 1.7 ECV & 0.9 pf with
individual UPS (Minimum VAH: 288000 VAH per UPS). The batteries shall
be installed on open racks for quick replacement and servicing. The
temperature sensor shall be provided in the battery section for
temperature compensated charging. The bank of batteries shall comprise
of required numbers of batteries connected in series and there should be
atleast two banks connected in parallel to provide redundancy with each
UPS so that incase of failure of one battery bank, the other bank shall
provide reduced backup time for the particular UPS.
Total -
Sub Head-III : 250 kVA/kW UPS each with minimum 2 no. of battery
C. strings (Miniumum 144000 VAH per UPS for 15 Min Battery Backup)
Fully rated Rectifier cum charger unit and 100% rated Inverter unit
Integrated in UPS module
Fully rated Inbuilt static switch at the inverter output and 100% rated Inbuilt
b static switch at the static bypass line integrated in UPS module
Event logging, data logging and action logging (with date, time, description
of fault and event)
Run the battery diagnostic test
Automated unattended shutdown of computers
Local notification through audible alarm
RS-485 port with BUS/MODBUS card, communication protocol to integrate
the UPS with building management system
Life Cycle Monitoring System required to predict health of consumables
AC/DC Capacitors, Battery Bank & Cooling Fans.
2 Battery Banks & Associated Infrastructure
Total -
Sub Head-I : 500 kVA/kW UPS each with minimum 3 no. of battery strings
(Minimum 288000 VAH per UPS for 15 Min Battery backup)
Sub Head-II : 250 kVA/kW UPS each with minimum 3 no. of battery strings
(Minimum 288000 VAH per UPS for 30 Min Battery Backup)
Sub Head-III : 250 kVA/kW UPS each with minimum 2 no. of battery strings
(Miniumum 144000 VAH per UPS for 15 Min Battery Backup)
Grand Total