Chapter #1 The Missing Husband SCRIPTS + GRAMMAR REFERENCE: The First Class of A Student Cannot Be With The Video Therefore If

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The Missing Husband

SCRIPTS + GRAMMAR REFERENCE: The first class of a student cannot be with the video; therefore if
the student starts as a pre intro you should give him/her a great deal of vocabulary. If the student starts as an
intro you should give him/her one class of vocabulary like: how to introduce him or herself, days, months,
numbers, colors, food, etc. And then you start with the video.

MP: Who is it?

D: Its me, Dolly
MP: Come in1.
D: Good evening2 Mr. Peabody
MP: Hello Dolly3
JS: Hello, My name is Jack4, Jack Stark5, Im a detective, Im a private detective6, Im 45 years old7, Im
divorced8. This is my office9 2244 Laguna Street10, San Francisco, California. The USA11 Today is Friday12
N: Hello Jack!
JS: Good Morning Nadine
N: How are you today?13
JS: Im OK, well, not really, Im tired and bored14 and you?

Practice this dynamic, using the three actions, Teachers must stand up, knock the door and perform the actions.
Practice expressions like: Good morning, afternoon, evening, night. By drawing and using examples. For instance you draw on
the board a sun and you write 7:00 to 12:00 and you explain them that from that time they say Good morning, then you draw a
sun with clouds and you write 1:00pm from 6:00 pm and that would be Good afternoon, then you draw a moon and some stars
and you write 7:00 from 12:00 am and you explain the difference between Good evening and good night. Then you write
different hours for example (8:30am, 5:00pm) and you ask them for the different expressions.
Practice the entire dynamic, first the teacher then the student.
STANDARD QUESTIONS: Whats your name? My name is.. (Using possessive adjectives). JUST If it is a fast student practice
both (My name is, I am.) Also practice: First name, second name, full name, nickname, etc. Also practice with: your, his, her.
Standard questions: Whats your last name? Introduce surname as vocabulary. Continue practicing with: your, his, her.
Vocabulary: PRIVATE (24 de Mayo is a public school and SEK is a PRIVATE school) then, practice standard questions: What is
your occupation? My occupation is, I am a (Just if its fast, student) Practice occupations (the most important).
Standard questions: Whats your age? My age is, I am. Practice numbers from 1 to 50.
Standard questions: Whats your marital status? (My marital status is, I am). Vocabulary: Married, single, divorced, widow.
Until this part you have to write on the board as a list. 1) jack 2) stark, 3) p. detective, 4) 45 years old, 5) divorced. and make the
student use these key words to ask questions outside and then report. dont forget to teach them the permission (may i ask you
some questions please) and to send them homework about their familys personal info. Besides, If the student has the intro book,
he/she can use it to ask questions outside. Pg. 7 in order to practice more aftter the lastquestions or as homework.
Dont forget to reinforce last grammar, then, introduce DEMONSTRATIVE PRONOUNS. Using first what is this and that?
With the objects that you have in class and you can also take them outside. When the student manages them, start with what are
these and those? give your own examples. Send them extra material as homework from the book GRAMMAR IN USE pg. 134
Next class, reinforce the last one and stop in this part and introduce POSSESSIVE ADJECTIVES AND ANGLO-SAXON
POSSESSIVES. Using Whose office is that? That is Jacks office or thats his office. Continue giving and askinkg for examples.
If the student has the book take them out to ask the questions from pg. 15
Standard questions: Whats your address? Introduce the words: Street, avenue, neighborhood (JUST If its fast)
Introduce where are you from? Using the question Where is Jack from? Then ask him/her: if Jack is from USA whats his
nationality? And practice nationalities and countries like: Spain, England, France, Germany, China, Per, Colombia, etc.
In this part you have to write again the list about jacks personal information including: 6) 2244 laguna street 7) san francisco
8)usa. they have to ask about their mother, girl/boyfriends personal info and then report using anglosaxon and possesives.
Practice dates, days, months, years, etc. WHEN + PREPOSITIONS OF TIME (In: Morning, afternoon. In years: In 1990. In
months: In February. On dates: on Feb 20th. On days: On Mondays. At time: at 11:30 or using at with expressions at night.) Take
them outside in order to ask questions and report in the class.
Introduce HOW? using faces by drawing. Faces like: happy, sad, angry, hungry, thirsty, tired, hot, cold, sick, bored. After
drawing do not write each name for the student to remember. Then ask him/her how are you? also use magazines in order to
practice. If the student has the intro book, he/she can use it to ask questions outside. Pg. 8
Draw again the faces for you to practice TO BE + ADJECTIVES, this time you can write down the name and make them
practice yes/no questions. Start using only Are you? Am I? Then after a lot of practice, use only Is he, she, it? And then practice
N: Im fine thanks.
JS: Good then make some coffee15
N: Where is it?16
JS: Here it is17. This is Nadine18 shes my secretary, my personal secretary, she is 28, and she is not
married, she is single19
N: Oh, hello nice to meet you20
JS: Answer the phone Nadine21
N: Hello?
VO: Is this Golden Gate Garage?22
N: No it isnt.
VO: Is this 2854790?23
N: No, Im sorry, wrong number.24
JS: Who is it?
N: I dont know! Wrong number.
JS: Wrong number, this is not my day. Come in.
PP: How do you do?25My name is Mrs. Peabody. Are you Jack Stark?26
JS: Yes I am. And this is my secretary, Nadine.
PP: How do you do?
N: Nice to meet you.
JS: Can I help you?27
PP: I hope so28 its about my husband29
JS: Sit down Mrs. Peabody. Nadine, Get a chair, please. Would you like a cup of coffee?30
PP: Tea please.
JS: Of Course, Nadine make some tea please. Now, what is his name then?
PP: Who?31
JS: Your husband32
PP: Patrick, his name is Patrick.

Are we, they? Also with names. Then write the questions on the board using all the verb to be mixed for the students to ask
outside. Do not write the verb to be and the adjective. Leave the space and draw the face instead.
Introduce IMPERATIVE SENTENCES. Give the command stand up please after he/she performs the action ask: What did I
order you to do? Help him/her You order me to Your student should be able to give commands and report them but without
using object pronouns yet, just in You order me Positive, negative commands (You order me not to) Practice with some verbs.
Wh Questions WHERE + PREPOSITIONS OF PLACE. First start using where for people. Where are you? Your mother? (in:
specific place/ at: general. E.g.: Im in the classroom, at Quality) Then use with things and introduce (In, on, under). Practice in
class and outside asking questions. If the student has the book practice on pg. 11 and 12. Report just by speaking
Practice expressions: Here it is, here you are, there it is, there you are
Practice how to introduce other people by using THIS. So you can take your student outside and introduce him/her with another
person. Then tell him/her that as homework he/she has to bring 2 or 3 pictures and introduce them.
Make a reinforcement of personal information using Anglo-Saxon and possessive adjectives.
Practice this expression
Reinforce imperative, if in the video you find sentences like this, dont forget to reinforce with each one.
Make a dynamic and teach them how to answer the phone, give information or cancel their classes by phone in english.
Practice CARDINAL NUMBERS first 1-10 then 10-20, then 20-100 then practice hundreds, thousand and million. Not only
speaking but also writing. Try to use activities to teach these. Also practice ORDINAL NUMBERS and how to read a year,
Explain and practice the difference between wrong and right.
Make your students understand this expression and how to use it properly. Using as How are you and nice to meet you
Practice and reinforce Yes/No questions using verb to be. (occupation, adjectives, etc)
Practice the question: Can I help you? Teach them can but just for favors.
Make your student understand this expression. Try not to make it difficult, just a simple explanation.
Practice Its about E.g.: You can ask them what is this video about? Try to explain first with your own example. My favorite
movie is Harry Potter That movie is about magic and wizards, etc. So they have to describe their favorite movies or books as hw
Teach them how to give OFFERS. Using WOULD YOU LIKE? In this part reinforce again adjectives. For example tell them:
Im hungry offer me something please (pizza, hamburgers, apples,etc). Use: tired, thirsty, cold, hot, sick, etc. Practice with some
adjectives and ask them for offers. If the student has the book, practice with pg. 19.
Practice WHO? Who is the mayor? And who is Barack Obama? Do not waste too much on this
Vocabulary: Husband, wife, daughter, son, uncle, aunt. FAMILY TREE.
JS: And whats his last name?
PP: Peabody.
JS: Of course, whats your first name?
PP: Pricilla
JS: Thats a nice name
PP: Thank you
JS: Your first name is Pricilla and your last name is Peabody. How do you spell that please?
PP: What?
JS: Your last name. How do you spell your last name?33
PP: Oh my surname? P-E-A-B-O-D-Y
JS: Nadine, take some notes. Where are you from Mrs. Peabody? You have a funny accent.34
PP: Im from England, Im English.
JS: Is your husband English?
PP: No, he is American.
JS: Oh, excuse me, the tea is ready35 Here, take this.
JS: Get me the typewriter Nadine. Let see Mrs. Peabody, you are English, youre married, and your
husband is American.36
PP: You are an excellent detective Mr. Stark.
JS: Thank you Mrs. Peabody.
N: Here it is.
JS: Thanks. Well Mrs. Peabody, some standard questions. Whats your address? Where do you live?37
PP: My address is 3751 Sunrise lane, San Francisco.
JS: Whats your phone number?
PP: 2 376459.
JS: How old are you? Whats your age? Im sorry, now, whats your occupation? What do you do? Are
you a house wife?
PP: No, Im not. Im a fashion designer.
JS: I see, now, what does your husband do?
PP: Hes a photographer.
N: Would you like some cookies?
PP: Cookies? Oh, Biscuits? No, thank you.
N: Cream?
PP: No thank you
N: Sugar?
PP: Yes, please. Oh goodness me.38
N: Oh Im sorry
JS: Well, dont just stand there, clean it up.

Practice HOW DO YOU SPELL? using the alphabet and practice spelling exercises. Practice with the book pg. 20
Reinforce Wh Questions and the explain the meaning of funny accent
Explain what ready means. Ask them are you ready to take your exam?
Practice contractions.
Practice the standards questions that you had already practiced but this time with two kind of questions.
Explain this expression. Give them more vocabulary like: Oh my god Are you kidding me? etc
After finishing the video PRACTICE FOR THE CHAPTER 1 EXAM. Give them the TRICKY QUESTIONS as homework
and tell them to study for the Oral exam, if they want they can bring a flash memory for them to copy the video.
Dont forget to practice in each part with tricky questions. Some parts dont have grammar reference but in those phrases, practice
listening and reinforce.

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