Classification of Elements & Periodic Properties
Classification of Elements & Periodic Properties
Classification of Elements & Periodic Properties
Lother Meyer pointed out that elements having similar properties occupy similar properties occupy
similar positions on the curve such as,
(i) Alkali metals, having the largest atomic volumes, occupy the maxima of the curve.
(ii) The alkaline earth metals (Mg, Ca, Sr, Ba) occupy positions at about the mid points on the
descending portions of the curve.
(iii) The halogens (F, Cl, Br, I) occupy positions on the ascending portions of the curve before inert
(iv) The transition elements occupy minima of the curve.
(a) Anomalous pairs: The elements having higher atomic masses have been assigned position before the
elements having lower atomic masses at four places as shown below:
(a) Ar K (b) Co Ni (c) Te I (d) Th Pa
At. Mass 40 39 60 58.6 127.5 127 232 231
At. No. 18 19 27 28 52 53 90 91
(b) Position of Isotopes
The isotopes of the same element will be given different positions if atomic mass is taken as basis. This
may disturbed the symmetry of the table.
In the modern Periodic Table one position is fixed & one atomic no. & since all isotopes of an element
have the same atomic no., these are assigned only one position.
1. Modern Periodic Table consists of nine vertical columns called Groups and seven horizontal rows
called periods. The Groups are marked from 0 to VIII. The groups I to VII are divided each into sub-
groups A and B.
* The groups I to VII are termed normal groups. In the VIII group, in one place, there are these similar
elements placed together which are known as
* Transition Triads Fe, Co and Ni; Ru, Rh and Pd; Os, Ir and Pt
2. Starting from hydrogen to the heaviest element Uranium, there are 92 elements which are arranged in
different periods as follows:
First Period 2 elements (very short period)
IInd Period 8 elements (Short Period)
III Period 8 elements (Short Period)
IV Period 18 elements (Long Period)
V Period 18 elements (Long Period)
VI Period 32 elements (Very Long Period)
VII Period 6 elements upto (Incomplete Period)
At. No. 92
* The IV, V and VI periods possess two horizontal rows each, which are termed even and odd series.
In the 6th period, fifteen elements from lanthanum (At. no. 57) to lutetium (At. no. 71) are given only one
position in third group. These elements are known as Rare Earths or Lanthanides (from At. No. 58
to 71) and are separately arranged below the table in a horizontal row.
* The last period consists of 29 elements, out of which 14 elements from atomic number 90 to 103 are
separately arranged like lanthanides below the table in a horizontal row. These elements are called
* Every period starts from a member of alkali group and ends with a member of zero group. The first
period, however, starts with hydrogen.
* There is a gradual change in properties of the elements, when we move in a period from one end to the
other end.
(a) Valency:
Valency of the elements increases from 1 to 7 from left to right if oxygen is taken as standard. The
valency of the elements w.r.t. hydrogen increases from 1 to 4 then decreases from 4 to 1 in a period.
Valency w.r.t. Oxygen 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Formula of the oxide R2O RO R2O3 RO2 R2O5 RO3 R2O7
Valency w.r.t. Hydrogen 1 2 3 4 3 2 1
Formula of the hydride RH RH2 RH3 RH4 RH3 RH2 RH
metallic nature in increasing order
Metallic nature in decreasing order
Electropositive nature in decreasing order
(d) Oxidising and reducing nature:
In a period, from left to right, the reducing nature decreases while oxidising nature increases.
Na Mg S Cl
3rd period strong reducing agents
Al Si P strong oxidizing agents
Na2O is more basic than MgO and MgO is more basic than Al2O3.
Typical elements:
The elements of second and third periods are called typical elements as they summarise the properties of
their respective groups.
2nd period Li Be B C N O F
3rd period Na Mg Al Si P S Cl
Li and Na are typical elements of 1st group while Be and Mg are typical elements of 2nd group and so
Bridge elements:
The typical elements of third period are also called bridge elements as the division between two subgroups
A and B starts from these elements. The properties of bridge element are somewhat mixed properties of
the elements of two subgroups.
Diagonal relationship:
The first three members of second period (Li, Be and B) not only show similarities with the members of
their own groups but show similarities with the elements diagonally placed in the higher groups. This
resemblance is termed diagonal relationship.
2nd Period Li Be B C
3rd Period Na Mg Al Si
(1) In 1st Group (IA) all the members show mono valency and are never found in free state . Electropositive
nature/reactivity increases as the atomic number increases.
* The oxides are basic & form strong alkalies
(2) In IVA group Metallic nature nincreases gradually C Si Ge
Sn Pb
non metals metals
* Acidic nature of oxides decreases from top to bottom. For eg. CO2 acidic, PbO2 is basic.
(3) In VIIA group reactivity of halogen decreases from top to bottom. This electronegative nature decreases
from top to bottom.
* Their hydrides are acidic in nature.
Acidic nature
* The elements of the same subgroup resemble to each other. However these is hardly any resemblance
between elements of 2 subgroups A & B.
Eg. IA(Alkali Metals) IB(Coinage Metals)
* Soft Metals * Hard Metals
* Low Densities * High Densities
* Low Melting point * High melting points
* Highly reactive * Less reactive (Noble Metals)
* Never found free in nature * Found mainly in native state
* Decompose water readily * Do not decompose water readily
The difference in properties between the 2 sub-groups is maximum in the ist group & decreases from
1st to 4th group.
The difference again becomes maximum in the seventh group.
Defects in Modern Periodic Table (Mendeleeffs Modified)
1. Position of Hydrogen
On account of the dual nature of H (as it shows resemblance with alkali metals & also with halogens, its
position is uncertain)
2. Dissimilar Elements
Placed together in same group. Coinage Metals (Cu, Ag, Au) have been placed with alkali metals in the
same group.
Manganese has been placed with halogens in the VII group with which it shows little resemblance.
3. Similar elements separated
Ba & Pb resemble each other in so many aspects, but have been placed in II & IV group respectively.
Similarly Ag & Tl (Thallium) are in the 1st and III rd group.
4. Metals & Non metals
No attempt has been made to place metals & non metals separately in the periodic table.
5. Position of VIII group
There are 9 elements in the group and accomodates in only 3 available positions. This group is present
between 7th and zero group which is not justified.
6. Position of transition elements
Only 3 triads of VIII group are regarded as the only transition elements. But its not so in modern periodic
table moreover these trans elemnts are scattered in whole of periodic table except zero(0) group.
A. Inert gases/Noble gases
In the atoms of these element s & p subshell of the outermost shell are completely filled. Because of
stable configuration, elements do not show any chemical activity.
Under special conditions, higher members do form compound. For eg. XeF2, XeF4, XeF6 etc.
B. Represntative / Normal elements
The configuration of outermost shell varies from ns1 to ns2np5.
These consists of metals, non metals & matalloids.
ns1 ns2 ns2np1 ns2np2 ns2np3 ns2np4 ns2np5
C. Transition Elements
In the atoms of these elements, the outermost shell (n) & the penultimate shell (n 1) are incomplete.
The general configuration of transition elements (n 1)d1 to 10 ns1 or 2.
D. Inner Transition elements
Atoms of these elemets have 3 outermost shells incomplete. The general configuration is
(n 2)f1 to 14 ns1 or 2