Stamp Collecting: The Art of
Stamp Collecting: The Art of
Stamp Collecting: The Art of
Stamp Collecting
The Art of Stamp Collecting
Stamp collecting can be a lifetime hobby. What kinds of stamps are there?
Its fun and educational for all ages and
There are a number of different types of
its easy to start your own collection
stamps. Their purposes can be described
without a big investment. Read on to find
as commemorative, definitive, and spe-
out how you can start or build your very
cial; their formats can be in sheets, book-
own collection.
lets, or coils. Stamps may be conventional
The study of stamps and postal materials adhesive (lick-and-stick) or self-adhe-
is called philately and collectors are some- sive (no-lick, peel-and-stick).
times called philatelists.
Definitive stamps (also called regular
issues) are the most common type of
How do I start collecting stamps? postage. Generally less than an inch
square, they are printed in large quanti-
Its easy. You can start by simply saving
ties, and often more than once. Their
stamps from letters, packages, and post-
denominations can range from 1 to $14.
cards. Ask your friends and family to
Definitives are usually available for sever-
save stamps from their mail.
al years, since theyre printed in large
Neighborhood businesses that get a lot of
quantities for specific postal rates.
mailbanks, stores, travel agencies
might save their envelopes for you too. Commemorative stamps, larger and more
colorful than definitives, are printed in
Or you can start your own collection by
smaller quantities and typically only
choosing one or two of your favorite sub-
once. They honor people, events, or sub-
jects. Many beginning collectors choose a
jects of importance to American life and
subject like art, history, sports, trans-
culture. They remain on sale for a limited
portation, science or animals as the
period of time, generally about a year;
theme of their collection. This is called
many post offices carry them for only a
topical collecting. See the stamps pictured
few months. The U.S. Postal Services
on this page as examples of the many
Philatelic Fulfillment Center also offers
topics you can collect.
commemorative stamps by mail order for
about one year after they are issued.
Will it cost me a lot to start
Special stamps supplement each years
a collection?
regular stamp issues. They include
No! Start with used stamps and you can Holiday Celebrations, Christmas, Love,
have a great time on a limited budget international rate, Priority Mail, and
with just a few inexpensive accessories Express Mail. They also are usually on
such as an album and stamp hinges. sale for only a limited time.
5. Place the stamp between two
paper towels and put a heavy
object, such as a book, on top.
This will keep the stamp from
curling as it dries. Leave overnight.
6. If the stamp is a newer one with
invisible gum, dry it face down
Definitive orative with nothing touching the back and
flatten it later if necessary.
Otherwise, it may stick to the paper
towel when drying.
Coil Special
Heres how to use a folded hinge: How should I judge the condition
of a stamp?
1. Moisten the short end of the hinge
lightly. Press it to the back of the stamp, Stamp dealers put stamps into categories
placing the fold about 1/8 from the top according to their condition. A stamp in
of the stamp. (unused) mint condition is the same as
when purchased from the Post Office. A
2. Place the stamp in the album and press
used stamp is one that has been canceled.
down to secure it.
To evaluate the condition of a stamp,
3. Using your tongs, gently lift the cor-
first look at the front of it. Are the colors
ners of the stamp to make sure its not
bright or faded? Is the stamp clean, dirty,
stuck to the page.
or stained? Is it torn or
Instead of a stamp hinge, you can insert creased? Torn
the entire stamp into a stamp mount stamps are not
a small, clear plastic sleeve. Mounts considered
are more expensive than hinges, but collectible,
they protect stamps from air, dirt and but they
moisture. can be used
as space
Is there anything else I need? fillers until
you get better
Collectors use a variety of other materials
ones. Is the stamp
and accessories. Transparent glassine
design centered on
envelopes protect stamps from grease
the paper, crooked or
and air. A stamp catalog is a reference
off to one side? Centering can
book with illustrations and
range from superb (perfectly
stamp values, such as The
centered on the stamp) to
Postal Service Guide to
good (the design on at
U.S. Stamps. A magnifying
least one side is marred
glass is useful when
somewhat by the perfs).
examining stamps; tongs
Anything less would
are used to pick up and
be graded fair or
move stamps. A perforation
poor and, like torn
gauge measures perforations
copies, should be saved only as space
along the edges of stamps.
fillers. Centering varies widely on older
Watermark fluid will enhance
stamps. An examination of the back of
a watermark, a design or pattern
the stamp will reveal whether it has been
that is pressed into some stamp paper
carelessly treated and thus is less valuable.
during manufacturing.
Are all of the perforations intact? Has the
stamp been canceled? A stamp with a
How can I tell what a stamp is worth? light cancellation is in better condition
When figuring the value of a stamp, ask than one with heavy marks across it.
yourself two questions: How rare is it? See examples of these categories pictured
and What condition is it in? Stamp on the next page.
catalog prices will give you an idea of
how rare the stamp is. However, the
stamp may sell at more or less than the
catalog price, depending on its condition.
Stamp dealers categorize stamps accord-
ing to their condition. Always try to find
stamps in the best possible condition.
Hinge marks on mint stamps can reduce
value, which is why stamp mounts are
recommended for mint stamps.
Good Light CancelVery Fine Medium CancelFine Heavy Cancel
First Day Covers (FDCs) are envelopes
bearing new stamps postmarked on the
first day of sale. For each new issuance,
the U.S. Postal Service generally selects
one location, usually related to the stamp
subject, as the place for the first day dedi-
cation ceremony and the first day post-
and send it to the first day post office for 4. Put your first day envelope(s) inside
cancellation. You can submit up to 50 another, larger envelope and mail it to
envelopes, up to 30 days after the stamps Customer-Affixed Envelopes in care of
issue date. the postmaster of the first day city. Your
envelopes will be canceled and returned.
Heres how:
Or, you can purchase a plain envelope
1. Write your address in the lower right-
with the stamp(s) already affixed and can-
hand corner of each first day envelope, at
celed. These are now sold directly by mail
least 5/8 from the bottom. Leave plenty
order through the U.S. Postal Service.
of room for the stamp(s) and cancella-
tion. Use a peel-off label if you prefer.
Digital Color Postmark First Day
2. Insert a piece of cardboard (about as Covers
thick as a postcard) into each envelope.
Since 2005, some cancellations are now
You can tuck the flap in or seal the
being created as beautiful miniature
works of art specifically designed for
3. Affix your stamp(s) to your first day each stamp. These collectibles can be pur-
envelope(s). chased as sets for each year. Products can
be ordered by calling 1 800 STAMP-24
or online at
American Commemorative
Collect and learn about people, anniver-
saries, places and events with detailed
stories and the stamps are mounted in
a protective stamp mount.
American Commemorative
Get official first day of issue cancellations
and stamp(s) affixed to sheets featuring
technical and historical information about
the stamps.
Oklahoma Statehood
January 11, 2007 With Love
Oklahoma City, OK and Kisses
Black Heritage: January 13, 2007
Ella Fitzgerald Hershey. PA
January 10, 2007
New York, NY
Literary Arts:
Henry Wadsworth
March 15, 2007
New York, NY
The Settlement of Jamestown
May 11, 2007
2007 Lucasfilm Ltd. & TM. All rights reserved. Used under authorization.
Distinguished Distinguished
Americans: Americans:
Air Force One
Margaret Chase Harriet Beecher Priority Mail
Smith Stowe
June 13, 2007
June 13, 2007 June 13, 2007
Washington, DC
Washington, DC Washington, DC
Name(s) of character(s) and the distinctive likeness(es) thereof are Trademarks of
Marvel Characters, Inc. and are used with permission. 2006 Marvel Characters,
Inc. All Rights Reserved. Super Heroes is a co-owned registered trademark.
Marvel Super Heroes July 26, 2007 San Diego, CA
Beautiful Blooms
August 10, 2007
Portland, OR
American Treasures: Louis
Comfort Tiffany
August 9, 2007
Portland, OR
Vintage Mahogany Speedboats
August 4, 2007
Clayton, NY
Disney Materials Disney.
Gerald Ford
August 21, 2007
Rancho Mirage, CA
and Grand Rapids, MI
Mendez v. Westminster
Jury Duty School District
September 12, 2007 September 14, 2007
New York, NY Santa Ana, CA
Polar Lights
October 1, 2007
Washington, DC
Bernardino Luini
Madonna of the
October 25, 2007
New York, NY
Holiday Knits
October 25, 2007
New York, NY
Glossary of Stamp Collecting Words and Phrases
First Day Ceremony Hologram Pictorials
Program An image that appears to Stamps with a picture of
A program given to those be three-dimensional some sort, other than
who attend first day of when viewed from an portraits or static designs
issue stamp ceremonies. It angle. Holograms have such as coats of arms.
contains the actual stamp appeared on some modern Perforations
affixed and postmarked, stamps and stationery. Lines of small holes or
a list of participants and Imperforate cuts between stamps that
information on the stamp Indicates stamps without make them easy to sepa-
subject. perforations. rate.
Foreign Entry Laid Paper Perforation Gauge
When original transfers When held to the light, A tool used to measure
are erased incompletely the paper shows alternate perforations along the
from a plate, they can light and dark crossed edges of stamps or the
appear with new transfers lines. distance between peaks
of a different design or ridges.
which are subsequently Line Pairs (LP)
entered on the plate. Most coil stamp rolls Philately
prior to 1981 feature a The collection and study
Franks line of ink (known as a of postage stamps and
Written, hand-stamped, joint line) printed other postal materials.
or imprinted markings on between two stamps at
the face of a cover indicat- Plate Block (PB)
various intervals, caused (or Plate Number Block)
ing that it is carried free by the joining of two or
of postage. Franking is A block of stamps with
more curved plates around the margin attached that
usually limited to official the printing cylinder.
government correspon- bears the plate number
dence. Liner used in printing that sheet.
The backing paper for Plate Number Coils
Freak self-adhesive stamps.
An abnormal variety of a (PNC)
stamp occurring because Loupe For most coil stamp rolls
of paper fold, over-inking, A magnifying glass used beginning with #1891,
perforation shift, etc., as to examine details of a small plate number
opposed to a continually stamps more closely. appears at varying inter-
appearing variety or an On Paper vals in the roll in the
error. Stamps on paper are design of the stamp.
Precancels Self-Adhesive Stamp Stamped Postal Card
Stamps cancelled by a A stamp with pressure The current term for a
proper authority prior to sensitive adhesive. mailable card with
their use on mail. Selvage postage imprinted on it.
Presort Stamp The paper around panes Stamped Envelope
A discounted stamp used of stamps, sometimes A mailable envelope with
by business mailers who called the margin. postage embossed or
presort their mail. Semipostal Stamp imprinted on it.
Prestige Booklet A First-Class Mail stamp Star Route
A booklet commemorat- priced to include an addi- A mail route serviced by
ing a special topic and tional charge earmarked an outside contractor
containing stamps, narra- for a specific purpose, e.g., rather than a postal
tive, and images. breast cancer research. employee.
Reissue Series Strip
An official reprinting of a A number of individual Three or more unseparated
stamp that was no longer stamps or sets of stamps stamps in a row.
being printed. having a common purpose Surcharge
Reprint or theme, issued over an An overprint that changes
A stamp printed from the extended period of time the denomination of a
original plate after the (generally a year or more), stamp.
issue is no longer valid for including all variations of
design and/or denomina- Sweatbox
postage. Official reprints A closed box with a grill
are sometimes made for tion.
over which stuck-together
presentation purposes, Set unused stamps are placed.
official collections, etc., A group of stamps with a A wet, sponge-like material
and are often distin- common design or theme under the grill creates
guished in some way from issued at one time for a humidity so the stamps
the real ones. common purpose or over can be separated without
Revenue Stamps a limited period of time removing the gum.
Stamps issued as proof of (generally less than a year).
payment of certain taxes Souvenir Sheet The marking of stamps
but not valid for postage. A small sheet of stamps with a phosphor or simi-
Rouletting with a commemorative lar coating (which may be
The piercing of the paper inscription. in lines, bars, letters, over-
between stamps to facili- Special Issues all design area or entire
tate their separation, often Stamps with a commemo- stamp surface), done by
giving the appearance of a rative appearance that many countries for use
series of dashes. supplement definitives and with automatic mail-han-
Scrambled Indicia meet specific needs. These dling equipment. When a
A patented process that include Christmas, Love, stamp is issued both with
conceals encoded text or Holiday Celebrations, and without this marking,
graphics within the visible airmail, Express Mail, and catalogs will often note
design. These hidden Priority Mail stamps. varieties as tagged or
images can only be viewed Speculative untagged.
through a special lens, the A stamp or issue released Tied On
Stamp Decoder, avail- primarily for sale to col- Describes a stamp whose
able from the U.S. Postal lectors, rather than to postmark touches the
Service. meet any legitimate postal envelope.
Se-tenant need. Tongs
An attached pair, strip Stamp Decoder A tweezer-like tool with
or block of stamps that A device with a special rounded or flattened tips
differ in design, value or lens that reveals hidden used to handle stamps.
surcharge. images on stamps. It is
available from the U.S.
Postal Service.
Topicals U.S. Postal Service Listing of Stamp Series
A group of stamps with Add more fun to your hobby by collecting stamps that
the same themespace belong to one of these many exciting stamp series.
travel, for example. You can find a complete listing of each series in The
Unhinged Postal Service Guide to U.S. Stamps.
A stamp without hinge
First Pictorial American Design
Columbia Exposition American Treasures
The condition of a stamp
that has no cancellation America American Sports
American Revolution Personalities
or other sign of use.
Sesquicentennial Distinguished Americans
The condition of a stamp National Parks Celebrate The Century
that has been canceled. Army Navy World War II
Variety Territorial Ratification of the
A stamp that varies in Presidential Constitution
some way from its stan- Pioneers of Aviation
Famous Americans
dard or original form. Garden Flowers
Varieties can include miss- Win the War
ing colors or perforations, Overrun Countries Looney Tunes
constant plate flaws, National Capital American Scenes
changes in ink or paper, Sesquicentennial American Transportation
differences in printing
Liberty Classic Collections
method or in format.
Wildlife Conservation America/PUAS
A design sometimes Champion of Liberty Artists
pressed into stamp paper American Credo Scenic American
during its manufacture. Civil War Centennial Landscapes
Organizations, Publications and Resources
Spring-Ford Philatelic U.S. Postal Service A nonprofit organization
Society Stamp Services known for its expertiza-
First United Church of 1735 N. Lynn St, 5th tion service. Their broad
Christ Floor, Room 5018 resources, provide collec-
145 Chestnut St. Arlington, VA 22209-6432 tors with comprehensive
Spring City, PA 19475-1804 consumer protection. Book
(p) 610/970-5408 U.S. Stamp Society series include expertizing Executive Secretary case histories in Opinions,
PO Box 6634 Foundation seminar sub-
Meeting the last Thursday Katy, TX 77491-6634
of the month at 7:00 p.m. jects in textbooks and specialized U.S. subjects in
United Postal An association of collec- monographs.
Stationery Society tors to promote the study
UPSS Central Office of all postage and revenue Professional Stamp
Bob Wilderman stamps and stamped paper Experts
Manager of the United States and PO Box 6170
PO Box 3982 U.S.-administered areas Newport Beach, CA
Chester, VA 23831-8473 produced by the Bureau of 92658-6170 Engraving and Printing (p) 877/782-6788 and other contract printers.
The UPSS is the largest Durland Plate Number
society devoted to the col- Organization specializing
Catalog in identification, expertiza-
lecting and study of postal
stationery, postal cards, tion and grading of U.S.
envelopes, letter sheets and Expertisers Postage Stamps, Covers,
other postal products hav- Revenues etc. PSE pub-
ing the stamp already American Philatelic lishes a Guide to the
printed on it. Expertizing Service Grading of U.S. Stamps
(APEX) and The Stamp Market
19th Century Envelopes Mercer Bristow Quarterly Price Guide.
Director of Expertizing Either is free upon request.
20th Century Envelopes 100 Match Factory Place
U.S. Postal Card Catalog Bellefonte, PA 16823-1367 Periodicals
(p) 814/933-3803
U.S. Specimens: (f) 814/933-6128 The following publications
Stamped Envelopes and will send you a free copy
Wrappers of their magazine or news-
Krystal Harter paper upon request.
Transitive Relationship to
Expertizing Coordinator
Family Tree of Proofs Global Stamp News
Contemporary Account (p) 814/933-3803 PO Box 97
of the 1st U.S. Postal (f) 814/933-6128 Sidney, OH 45365-0097
Card (p) 937/492-3183
A service of the American
U.S. Commemorative
Philatelic Society, APEX Americas largest-circula-
Stamped Envelopes,
utilizes the outstanding tion monthly stamp maga-
reference collections at zine featuring U.S. and
U.S. Envelope Essays APS headquarters in con- foreign issues.
and Proofs Canal Zone junction with the nation's
Postal Stationery best philatelic scholars to Linns Stamp News
pass judgement on the PO Box 29
Universal Ship identification, authenticity Sidney, OH 45365-0029
Cancellation Society and condition of stamps (p) 937/498-0801
Steve Shay from around the world. (f) 937/498-0876
747 Shard Court (f) 888/340-8388 (toll free)
Fremont, CA 94539-7419 Philatelic Foundation
e-mail: Attention: Chairman George J. Kramer
Linns Stamp News, the
Specializes in naval ship 70 W 40th Street 15th Flr.
worlds largest weekly
postmarks and cachets. New York, NY 10018-2615
stamp newspaper, contains
(p) 212/221-6555
breaking news stories of
(f) 212/221-6208
major importance to stamp
collectors. A sample copy
of the weekly news-paper is
available upon request.
Linns U.S. Stamp Scott Standard Postage library materials. Call the
Yearbook Stamp Catalogue museum or its library
(p) 937/498-0802 (202/633-9370) to schedule
(f) 800/572-6885 (US only) Scott Classic an appointment.
(f) 937/498-0807 (outside Specialized Catalogue:
US) Stamps and Covers of The Postal History the World including Foundation U.S., 1840-1940 Betsy Towle
(British Commonwealth PO Box 40725
Linns World Stamp to 1952) Tucson, AZ 85717-0725
Almanac (p) 520/623-6652
Scott Stamp Monthly
(f) 520/623-6652
Stamp Collecting Made
Museums, Libraries and
Mekeels & Stamps Displays Hours: M-F 8 a.m.-3 p.m.
Magazine-fa The Foundation has a
John Dunn American Philatelic world class collection of
42 Sentry Way Research Library postal history information
Merrimack, NH 03054- 100 Match Factory Place and artifacts and is a pio-
4407 Bellefonte, PA 16823-1367 neer in its provision of
stampnews@StampNews (p) 814/933-3803 youth philatelic education (f) 814/933-6128 programs. It offers museum tours, research
Weekly magazine for col- library, USPS contract
lectors of U.S. & world- The largest philatelic post office, philatelic sales,
wide stamps & covers. library in the US, the archives and stamp collec-
APRL receives more than tions.
U.S. Stamp News-fb 400 periodicals, and
42 Sentry Way houses extensive collec- San Diego County
Merrimack, NH 03054- tions of philatelic literature. Philatelic Library
4407 Al Kish, Library Manager
stampnews@StampNews The Collectors Club 7403C Princess View Dr. Irene Bromberg San Diego, CA 92120-1345 Executive Secretary (p) 619/229-8813
22 E. 35th Street Hours: Mon. 1 p.m.4 p.m.
Monthly magazine for all
New York, NY 10016-3806 and 6:30 p.m.9 p.m.,
collectors of U.S. stamps,
(p) 212/683-0559 Tues. 5 p.m.8 p.m., Wed.
covers and postal history.
(f) 212/481-1269 1 p.m.9 p.m., Thurs. 6
Stamp Fulfillment p.m. 9 p.m., Sat. 9 p.m.3
Services p.m. Closed Fri. and Sun.
U.S. Postal Service Bimonthly journal, publica- Spellman Museum of
8300 NE Underground Dr tion of various reference Stamps and Postal
Pillar 210 works, one of the most History
Kansas City, MO 64144- extensive reference libraries Edward S. Sternick, Ph.D.
0001 in the world, reading and Executive Director
(p) 1-800-STAMP-24 study rooms. 235 Wellesley Street
Scott Specialized Weston, MA 02493-1538
National Postal (p) 781/768-8367
Catalogue of United Museum
States Stamps and (f) 781/768-7332
Office of the Director
Covers Smithsonian National
PO Box 828
Postal Museum
Sidney, OH 45365-0828 2 Massachusetts Ave, NE Americas first fully accred-
(p) 937/498-0831 Washington, D.C. 20013- ited museum devoted to the
(p) 800/572-6885 0570 display, collection and
(f) 937/498-0807 (p) 202/633-5502 preservation of stamps and postal history. Exhibitions feature rarities, U.S., and
National Postal Museum worldwide collections.
houses more than 16 milion Philatelic library and fam-
items for exhibition and ily activity center open
study purposes. Collections with admission.
research may be conducted
separately or jointly with
Western Philatelic The Inverted Jenny This site is updated twice
Library A Dream Come True. a month.
PO Box 2219 (How-to-do-it is excellent
Sunnyvale, CA 94087-2219 Operation HUSH HUSH for beginners)
(p) 408/733-0336
How the Project Mercury A weekly newsletter is
Stamp was Planned and available which provides
Issued. descriptive information on
U.S. pictorial postmarks.
Friends of the Western The Hammarskjold A free sample is available.
Philatelic Library Invert
Fleetwoods Standard
Wineburgh Philatelic
Tells the story of the Dag First Day Cover Catalog
Hammarskjold error/invert.
Research Library Fleetwood
Special Collections Dept. Unicover Corporation
The U.S. Transportation
Erik D. Carlson, Ph.D. 1 Unicover Center
McDermott Library Cheyenne, WY 82008-0001
The University of Texas at How some collectors (p) 307/771-3238
Dallas struck it rich! (p) 800/443-3232 (toll free)
PO Box 830643 (f) 307/771-3134
Mailstation: MC33 The White Ace Album
Richardson, TX 75083- Format Guide
Precancel Stamp
0643 A Listing of Stamps
Society Catalogs
(p) 972/883-2570 Required for The 2003
Dick Laetsch United States White Ace
3 Shady Creek Lane
pecial/wprl.html Album Supplements. Free.
Scarborough, ME 04074-
Hours: M-Th 9 a.m.6 p.m.;
Brookmans 1st Edition 8480
Fri 9 a.m.-5 p.m.
Black Heritage First Day (p) 207/883-2505
Cachet Cover Catalog
Exchange Service Arlene Dunn
Brookman/Barrett & Precancel approvals
Stamp Master Worthen available.
Charles Bergeron 10 Chestnut Drive
PO Box 17 Bedford, NH 03110-5566 Stamp Collecting Made
Putnam Hall, FL 32185- (p) 603/472-5575 Easy
0017 (f) 603/472-8795 Amos Hobby Publishing Co. PO Box 828
Illustrated 176-page per- Sidney, OH 045365-0097
An electronic connection fect bound book. (p) 937/498-0807
for philatelists via com-
Brookmans 2nd Edition (p) 800/572-6885
puter to display/review
Price Guide for Disney (f) 937/498-0807
members stamp inventories
for trading purposes, etc. Stamps An illustrated, easy-to-
Illustrated 256-page per- read, 96-page booklet for
fect bound book. beginning collectors.
2005 Brookman Price The U.S. Postal Service:
ArtCraft First Day Cover Guide of U.S., and An American History,
Price List Canada Stamps and Pub. 100
Washington Press Postal Collectibles Historian
2 Vreeland Road United States Postal Service
Illustrated 384-page perfect 475 LEnfant Plaza SW
Florham Park, NJ 07932-
and spiral bound catalog. Washington, DC 20260-0012
(p) 877/966-0001 (toll free) (p) 202/268-2507
Postmark Advisory Paul Brenner
General Image, Inc.
Includes Presidential PO Box 335 Tells the history of the
Inaugural covers. Maplewood, NJ 07040- U.S. Postal Service from
0335 1775 to the present. One
Legends of the West free copy.
Washington Press There is also a web site
How some collectors announcing these
struck it rich! postmarks. The address is:
Sources of Historical GERMANY THAILAND
Information on Post Georg Roll Stamps LTD International House of
Offices, Postal Hafenstrasse 8 Stamps
Employees, Mail Routes D-26931 Elsfleth 98/2 Soi Tonson
and Mail Contractors, Hermann Sieger GMBH Langsuan Rd
Pub. 119 Venusberg 32-34 Lumpinee, Pathumwan
Lists all known federal D73545 Lorch Bangkok 10330
sources of information on Wurttemberg UNITED KINGDOM
topics covered in the title. Harry Allen
One free copy. HONG KONG
Hongkong Post PO Box 5 Watford Herts WD2 5SW
1706-7, ING Tower
308-320 Des Voeux Road
Central Philatelic Centers
International Sheung Wan
AUSTRALIA The Postal Service also
ITALY maintains Philatelic
Max Stern Alberto Bolaffi
234 Flinders Street Centers located in many
Via Cavour 17 areas to serve stamp
Box 997 H 10123 Torino
GPO Melbourne 3001 collectors with an extensive
JAPAN range of philatelic products.
CANADA Japan Philatelic Agency
Canada Post PO Box 96 Toshima Call 800-275-8777
2701 Riverside Dr. Tokyo 170-8668 or visit us online at
Suite N0420
TPG Post
CHINA Prinses Beatrixlann 23
China National P O Box 30250
Philatelic Corporation 2500 GC The Hague
14, Taipinghu Dongli,
Xicheng District SPAIN
Beijing, 100031 Philagroup, S. L.
Manuel Tovar, 1, 4 izda
DENMARK 28034 Madrid
DK 5450 Otterup
Stamp Collecting