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May-June 2017 Mark Scheme

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May / June 2017

Final Examination

Marking Scheme
WUC131/03 Learning Skills for University Studies

Time: 2 Hours

Copyright 2017 WOU

2 WUC131/03

Part A (40 marks)

Answer all questions. Each question carries 10 marks.

1. State five (5) functions of the WawasanLearn.

It stores the course website where all the information concerning the course is located.

It is a place where you can interact with your tutor, course coordinators and course

It provides you with information and resources to help you complete assignments.
You can seek mentoring and live help here.
It gives you information about your tutor and his/her tutoring hours.
It has five different types of forums that can help you in your learning process.

2m per characteristic ( 5 x 2 marks = 10 marks)

Accept any other relevant answer.

2. Briefly explain five (5) qualities an open distance learner should have.

Forum(1m Explanation(1m each) Mark allocation

Responsible Studying through the ODL mode comes with 1+1=2m
great responsibility and the person needs to
be highly determined.
Dedicated ODL learners are goal oriented individuals 1+1=2m
who see education as an on-going process.
Motivated They must be motivated self- starters who 1+1=2m
adapt to dynamic environments and thrive on
Possess multi- They need to juggle job, studies and family 1+1=2m
tasking skills
Forward They are perceived to be capable of 1+1=2m
thinkers details stretching their thoughts and ideas into new
territories to be innovative and creative
Accept any relevant answer
(5x2 marks = 10 marks)
3 WUC131/03

3. Explain briefly five (5) roles played by tutors in WOU.

They mark and grade TMAs.

They facilitate your learning process by guiding you through the difficult part of your
study units.

They highlight the most important points or arguments in the study units and give
further explanations and examples.
They provide alternative interpretations to what has been given in the study units.
They help you solve your individual problems.

2m per role ( 5 x 2 marks = 10 marks)

Accept any other relevant answer.

4. Briefly discuss five (5) types of hooks you can use when writing
introductions to essays.

Hooks(1m each) Explanation(1m each) Mark

Question hook Posing a question that will get the reader to (1+1=
think about it 2 marks)
Quotation hook Quotes from experts or well known people (1+1=
who can give emphasis to your discussion 2 marks

Funnel hook Moving from general to the specific (1+1=

2 marks
Refutation hook Providing a summary of opposing views (1+1=
first. 2 marks

Dramatic hook By describing a scene or telling a story (1+1=

2 marks
Accept any relevant answer (5x2 marks = 10 marks)

5. Briefly describe five (5) advantages of following a regular schedule for

studying purposes.

It will help motivate you and reduce levels of stress.

It makes your life easier when you carry out your study in small, manageable
A study schedule means you dont waste time but rather have time for other
4 WUC131/03

It helps you track your progress. You can see that you have achieved set tasks and
completed assignments.
Studying at regular hours increases concentration and inculcates a sense of

2m per advantage. ( 5 x 2 marks = 10 marks)

Accept any other relevant answer.

Part B (60 marks)

Answer any three (3) questions. Your answer must be in an essay format.
Each question carries 20 marks.

1. Discuss FIVE (5) advantages of using the digital library (online library).

Ways Explanation Mark

You can access it wherever You need not go to the library physically. (1+3=
you are You can visit the library at home, at the 4 marks)
(1 mark) Regional Office or at work, as long as you have
an Internet connection.

Any two points(1.5m each)

Everyone has access to the The digital books are available to everyone. (1+3=4m)
digital libraries However, most libraries require paid
(1 mark) subscriptions.
But if you are a registered student in an
institution of higher learning (college or
university), you will have automatic access to the
libraries that the institution subscribes to.

Any two points(1.5m each)

The resources are available at The digital books are always available every (1+3=4m)
all times single minute and second of the day.
(1 mark) You can access them anytime you wish.

Any two points(1.5m each)

Resources are available The information is always available to you and (1+3=4m)
synchronously or your course mates all over the country
asynchronously synchronously or asynchronously.
(1 mark) This means that all of you can view the book at
the same time, or view it at different times.
So you can view and discuss a particular
chapter of a digital book with another course
5 WUC131/03

mate in a different state!

Any two points(1.5m each)

It provides a structured You can gain quicker access to much richer (1+3=4m)
approach to locating content in a more structured manner.
information If you have located the book you want from the
(1 mark) catalogue, you can move instantly to the book.
From there, you can go straight to the chapter
or subheading

Any two points(1.5m each)

It enables easy retrieval of What do you do if you need specific information (1+3=4m)
information on a certain topic and do not know which books
(1 mark) to look for?
Type a word, phrase or a sentence and a list of
results from the entire collection of the library will
be displayed for you to choose from.
Digital libraries can provide very user-friendly
interfaces, giving you instant access to its
resources at a click of your mouse

Any two points(1.5m each)

The books are always well- Regardless of how many times you or other (1+3=4m)
preserved users view the book; they will always be in good
(1 mark) condition not torn, dirty or missing.
Digital books cannot be defaced or damaged.

Any two points(1.5m each)

You can create your own You can create a virtual bookshelf for yourself. (1+3=4m)
virtual bookshelf Then you can put a book you want to refer to in
(1 mark) future on the bookshelf, or stack it up with
hundreds of books.
You can create your very own digital library and
you need not buy shelves or put up with
restricted storage space.
When your room or house has no space for
extension, you can solve it by digitisation.

Any two points(1.5m each)

You can network What do you do if you cannot find a particular (1+3=4m)
(1 mark) book from one library?
Digital libraries can provide a link to the
resources of other digital libraries very easily.

Any two points(1.5m each)

Any five of the above.
Accept any relevant answer
(5 x 4 marks = 20 marks)
6 WUC131/03

2. Describe four (4) advantages of using visual aids in presentations.

Advantages Explanation Mark

Helps you demonstrate a It is good for the audience to hear what you have (2+3=
point visually and audibly to say. 5 m)
(2 marks) It is even better if they can see the information
that is being shared,

(1.5 marks each)

Helps the audience to focus on The audiences attention will not be consistent (2+3=5m)
what you are saying throughout your presentation.
(2 marks) Hence, you can direct the audiences attention
especially at strategic points.

(1.5 marks each)

The audience retains the Research has shown that people retain more of (2+3=5m)
message better. what they see and hear compared to what they
(2 marks) see.
After three days, only 10% is retained after an
oral presentation but 65% after an oral and
visual presentation.

(1.5 marks each)

The message is conveyed Using visuals helps to make your presentations (2+3=5m)
more efficiently. more concise and precise.
(2 marks) It helps to cut down on lengthy presentations
that may bore an audience.

(1.5m each)
Accept any relevant answer
5x 4 marks = 20 marks)

3. Explain five (5) main characteristics of effective goals.

Tips Explanation Mark

Challenging and realistic Goal must not be too easy that you dont have to (1+3=4m)
(1 mark) work hard towards it.
It must also not be extremely difficult or even
impossible to reach.
7 WUC131/03

Set a goal which is slightly difficult to achieve so

that it is challenging for you to work towards it.
Any relevant example.

Any two points (1.5 marks each)

Specific and measurable Goal must be clear and well defined (1+3=4m)
(1 mark) Establish concrete criteria for measuring
progress toward the attainment of each goal you
Any relevant example.

Any two points(1.5m each)

Set with weekly progress in These are goals that encourage steady
mind progress, day after day and week after week (1+3=4m)
(1 mark) This way you will feel motivated all the time.
Any relevant example.

Any two points(1.5m each)

Positive Goals that put us in a positive frame of mind. (1+3=4m)
(1 mark) Success is more likely to come when we focus
on positive outcomes.
Any relevant example.

Any two points(1.5m each)

Positive Goals that put us in a positive frame of mind. (1+3=4m)

(1 mark) Success is more likely to come when we focus
on positive outcomes.
Any relevant example.

Any two points(1.5m each)

Accept any relevant answer (5x 4 marks = 20 marks)

4. Discuss five (5) strategies that you can use for answering short-answer and essay

Ways Explanation Mark

Read the instructions Find out how many questions you must answer. (1+3=
4 m)
(1 mark) Do not waste time answering all the questions if
only two are required.
8 WUC131/03

Examiners will mark on the first two questions

and not the best of 4 answers. So do not
waste precious time.

Any two of the above (1.5 marks each)

The length of the answer You have to see which section carries more (1+3=
depends on the marks weight and ensure that the time spent on it is 4 m)
allocated greater.
(1 mark)
E.g. Section B in this exam carries more weight
and the answers for the questions need to be
longer and more detailed.

(1.5 marks each)

Divide your time wisely Look at the duration of the test. For e.g. in this (1+3=4m)
(1 mark) exam it is two hours. Since Part B carries
60 marks, you need to spend at least 1 hour 15
minutes on it.

You must constantly keep track of time when

you answer the questions.
(1.5 marks each)

Understand what type of Pay special attention to the key words given. (1+3=4m)
information you have to
provide For e.g. analyse requires you to break the topic
into parts and show how the parts relate to each
(1 mark)
other as a whole. Compare requires you to write
about the similarities and differences.
(1.5 marks each)

Prepare an outline Based on the explanation of the key words, (1+3=4m)

(1 mark) prepare an outline for your answer.

Include an introduction and conclusion and

illustrate with examples as well.

(1.5 marks each)

Write legibly Write neatly and clearly so that your examiners (1+3=4m)
(1 mark) can read your handwriting.
Research shows that students who write legibly
and clearly tend to receive higher scores in the
9 WUC131/03

It will be a shame to lose marks or fail just

because the examiner could not read what you
have written.

Any two of the above (1.5 marks each)

Enumerate your points or use Write your points for the essay in proper order. (1+3=4m)
transition markers
Use transition markers like firstly, secondly etc
(1 mark)
This way the examiners can see the points
written clearly and not search for the points
hidden in the essay.
Any two of the above (1.5m each)
Do not use SMS lingo Do not use the language of short message (1+3=4m
(1 mark) service in exams.
Not everyone understands what the contractions
In examinations we have to use formal language.
Any two of the above (1.5m each)
Any five of the above
Accept any relevant answer
(5x 4 marks = 20 marks)

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