Making Headways: Smart Card Fare Payment and Bus Dwell Time in Los Angeles
Making Headways: Smart Card Fare Payment and Bus Dwell Time in Los Angeles
Making Headways: Smart Card Fare Payment and Bus Dwell Time in Los Angeles
Smart Card Fare Payment and Bus Dwell Time in Los Angeles
Daniel Shockley
Fehr & Peers
Julia Salinas
Los Angeles Metropolitan Transportation Authority
Brian D. Taylor
UCLA Institute of Transportation Studies
Bus Loading
Bus Stops Bus Facilities
Bus Time
Clearance Time Failure Rate Dwell Time
In-vehicle Circulation
Research Question & Hypothesis
Question: All other factors held constant,
what is the influence of the TAP card on
transit bus dwell times?
Hypothesis: TAP card usage can help to
reduce bus transit dwell time by reducing the
amount of time to board per person.
Method: Ordinary Least Squares (OLS)
regression analysis with Dwell Time as the
dependent variable, while controlling for as
many other determinants of dwell time as
possible using the data at hand.
Why is this important?
• Non-TAP Fare
Record 2
UFS • Bicycles,
Record wheelchairs,
3 etc.
• Operator-dependent tallies may not be accurate.
• UFS and APC clocks may not be synchronized.
Methodology: Exclusions
342 operators
187 vehicles
540,407 farebox records
Photo Credits
Metro local bus 2 - Jonathan Riley