Energies 08 10684
Energies 08 10684
Energies 08 10684
ISSN 1996-1073
Department des Sciences Appliques, Universit du Qubec Chicoutimi, Chicoutimi, QC G7H 2B1,
Canada; E-Mails: mohand_ouhrouche@uqac.ca (M.O.); thet02@uqat.ca (T.A.T.);
gabriel.ekemb@uqac.ca (G.E.)
cole de Gnie, Universit du Qubec en Abitibi-Tmiscamingue, Rouyn-Noranda, QC J9X 5E4,
Canada; E-Mail: rene.wamkeue@uqat.ca
Abstract: Models are crucial in the engineering design process because they can be used
for both the optimization of design parameters and the prediction of performance. Thus,
models can significantly reduce design, development and optimization costs. This paper
proposes a novel equivalent electrical model for Darrieus-type vertical axis wind turbines
(DTVAWTs). The proposed model was built from the mechanical description given by the
Paraschivoiu double-multiple streamtube model and is based on the analogy between
mechanical and electrical circuits. This work addresses the physical concepts and theoretical
formulations underpinning the development of the model. After highlighting the working
principle of the DTVAWT, the step-by-step development of the model is presented. For
assessment purposes, simulations of aerodynamic characteristics and those of corresponding
electrical components are performed and compared.
Keywords: wind turbines; Darrieus turbine; modeling; electrical equivalent circuit model;
aerodynamic characteristics; theoretical formulations; simulation; performance prediction
Energies 2015, 8 10685
1. Introduction
The aerodynamic characteristics of vertical-axis wind turbines (VAWTs) are somewhat more
complex than those of horizontal-axis configurations. Thus, industrial and academic research has
primarily focused on horizontal-axis turbines over the past several decades. As a result, VAWTs are
still relatively poorly understood [1].
VAWTs have various advantages over horizontal-axis wind turbines (HAWTs). The main
advantage is their omni-directionality; a VAWT can operate using wind incident from any direction
and therefore does not require a yaw control system. Moreover, a VAWT gearbox and generator can
be placed at ground level, making maintenance easier and reducing construction costs [13]. Finally,
VAWTs are noiseless and do not slow wind down as much as HAWTs do, making VAWTs less
detrimental to humans and birds. As a result, VAWTs can be placed close together in a wind farm [4].
These advantages make VAWTs better suited to local production of clean electric power in industrial
and residential areas [5]; furthermore, these benefits have led to a renewed interest in VAWTs for
small- and medium-scale power generation. For all of these reasons, VAWTs have experienced
renewed interest in recent years [68]. Several universities and research institutions have conducted
extensive research and developed numerous designs based on several aerodynamic computational
models [3,6].
Being able to numerically predict wind turbine performance offers a tremendous benefit over
classic experimental techniques; the major benefit is that computational studies are more economical
than are such costly experiments. Various wind turbine computational models exist, each with their
own strengths and weaknesses, which attempt to accurately predict the performance of VAWTs [9].
These models are all based on the simple idea of being able to determine the relative velocity and,
in turn, the tangential force component of the individual blades at various azimuthal locations [10].
VAWTs are becoming ever more important in wind power generation thanks to their compactness
and adaptability for domestic installations. However, it is well known that VAWTs have poor
efficiency, especially compared to HAWTs. To improve the performance of VAWTs, industries and
researchers are attempting to optimize the design of the rotors [11]. Thus, models are crucial because
they can be used for parameter optimization, performance prediction before fabrication, condition
monitoring and fault detection and prediction [1214]. Various models can be found for VAWT
simulation in the literature [1522]. These models can be broadly classified into four categories:
momentum models, vortex models, cascade models and computational fluid dynamic (CFD) models.
Based on [17,2330], a quick literature survey was performed on most used models. Table 1 presents
the relevant features as well as the advantages and shortcoming for each model category. Table 1
shows that that aerodynamic models remain unable to meet the demands of various applications,
although the streamtube and vortex models have seen significant improvement. Meanwhile, CFD
Energies 2015, 8 10686
solutions remain computationally very expensive and are basically prohibitive for the routine
engineering analyses of the local interaction mechanisms of wind turbines. Furthermore, none of the
models with high reliability and accuracy can be efficiently coupled with models of the other
mechanical and electrical parts of the wind turbine to form a global model for the wind energy
conversion system (WECS).
The goal of this research is to establish the bases for the construction of a new model for
Darrieus-type vertical axis wind turbines (DTVAWTs). This model is likely to be more user friendly
for the electrical engineering community in particular. This is of great importance especially because
wind energy is multidisciplinary domain with increasing resources from the field of electrical
engineering. In addition, it will be possible to link the model to other mechanical and electrical part
models to form a global model for the WECS. Such a global model will help users understand the
effects of various aerodynamic phenomena and other structural faults on other blade components as
well as the overall performance of the WECS. Finally, the new model is of great versatility and may
therefore permit the study of various effects and phenomena, including dynamic stall effects, flow
curvature effects, pitching circulation, added mass effects, interference among blades, and vibration effects.
The proposed model is an equivalent model based on the analogy between mechanical and electrical
circuits. Our initial motivation is that the use of electrical circuit elements to model physical devices
and systems has a long history of success. Additionally, knowledge of analogies and construction of an
analogue model for a given system allows the study of a system in an environment other than that for
which it is intended [3133], thereby facilitating the study of specific phenomena of the system.
Moreover, a model based on electrical components is accessible and quickly understood by researchers
from almost all engineering fields. This last argument is of great importance because research and
development in the wind turbine industry requires a variety of competencies from different fields of
engineering. Furthermore, the equivalent electrical model can take advantage of existing resources by
simultaneously capitalizing on their strengths and minimizing their respective drawbacks. In addition,
such a model can be a good tool for the simulation of wind turbine rotor operation in the case of
physical damage or structural faults on one or more blades. Finally, because electric and other dynamic
models for other parts of the wind turbine have been developed [3441], this new model can be easily
linked to existing models to obtain an overall wind turbine model.
This paper proposes a new approach for modeling Darrieus-type VAWT rotors using the
electrical-mechanical analogy. This new model is likely to be more appropriate for the design,
performance prediction and optimization of Darrieus rotors. Mechanical fault diagnosis and prognosis
is also an important aspect because the model can be use to simulate the rotors behavior for the case
of a mechanical fault on one or more of the blades as well as on rotor-shaft coupling elements. This
paper focuses on providing a proof-of-concept demonstration of the new model. Section 2 presents the
working principle of Darrieus-type VAWTs. In Section 3, the basis of the mechanical-electrical
analogy approach is discussed. Theoretical concepts underpinning the new model and the step-by-step
development process are also described in this section. The results are presented and discussed in
Section 4; simulations of aerodynamic characteristics and those of corresponding electrical
components are presented for a single blade and for various parameters of the new model. Finally,
Section 5 concludes the paper and gives prospects for future research work.
Energies 2015, 8 10687
Table 1. Features, advantages and shortcoming of different aerodynamic models for vertical-axis wind turbine (VAWT) rotors.
Model Main features Advantages Shortcomings
Invalid for large tip speed ratios and for high
rotor solidities.
Combines momentum theory with blade Does not provide any information as to the
Can predict the overall performance of
element theory. shape of the near wake, which is important
a lightly loaded wind turbine. It is thus
Uses the calculation of flow velocity through when considering the placement of struts and
useful for overall design.
Momentum or the turbine by equating the streamwise other structures close to the turbine blades.
Very fast computational prediction.
blade element aerodynamic force on the blades with the The effect of perpendicular perturbations in
Can provide a good correlation between
model rate of change of momentum of air. blade element momentum (BEM) methods can
the performance prediction and the
Momentum models include the single only be added as a correction.
experimental data (double-multiple
streamtube model, multiple streamtube model Cannot predict wind velocity variations across
streamtube model).
and Double-multiple streamtube model. the rotor.
Some convergence problems (double-multiple
streamtube model).
Can include the dynamic stall effect,
pitching circulation and added mass effect.
Computationally too expensive.
Capable of providing information about
Relies on significant simplifications (such as
Potential flow models based on the the wake structure near the turbine
the potential flow being assumed in the wake,
calculation of the velocity field about the because the velocity normal to the
and the effect of viscosity in the blade
turbine through the influence of vorticity in airflow is neglected.
Vortex model aerodynamics is included through empirical
the wake of the blades. High-precision prediction capabilities.
force coefficients).
Vortex models include the free-wake vortex Can be used for highly loaded rotors at
Convergence problems in some cases.
model and fixed-wake momentum theory. large tip speed ratios.
Computational accuracy greatly dependent on
Naturally addresses perturbations both
the potential flow model used in computations.
parallel and perpendicular to the
streamwise velocity.
Energies 2015, 8 10688
Table 1. Cont.
Model Main features Advantages Shortcomings
Can predict the overall values of both low
and high solidity turbines quite well.
Highly precise computation with no
iterative convergence even at high tip
speed ratios and high solidities.
Consists in equidistantly placing the blades
Incorporates the effect of the local
one behind another on a plane, the width of
Reynolds number variation at different
which is the circumference of the rotor.
Cascade model azimuth angles, zero-lift-drag coefficients, Reasonable computation time.
The aerodynamic characteristics of each
finite aspect ratios and flow curvature
element of the blade are independently
effect in the calculation process.
obtained using the local Reynolds number.
Dynamic stall and flow curvature with
blade pitching can be considered.
Achieves smooth convergence even at
high tip speed ratios and high solidity
VAWT with quite reasonable accuracy.
Provides a more precise aerodynamic
prediction for VAWTs (reliability
CFD simulation of VAWT is performed by and accuracy).
solving the Unsteady Reynolds Averaged Can visualize the flow near airfoils
Navier Stokes (URANS) equation. in detail.
Computational Computationally intensive.
According to the discrete principle, CFD Can accelerate the design process and
fluid dynamics Basically prohibitive for the routine
models can be generally classified into three reduce the overall cost of design.
(CFD) model engineering analyses of wind turbines.
branches: the Finite Difference Method Effective solutions for the analysis of local
(FDM), the Finite Element Method (FEM) flow fields around blades, particularly for
and the Finite Volume Method (FVM). dynamic stall and wake flow.
Attractive solution for
performance optimization
Energies 2015, 8 10689
Figure 2 shows the aerodynamic forces and the three velocity vectors acting on Darrieus-type
VAWT blade elements at a random position [25,43]. FL and FD are the lift and drag force,
respectively. As the blade rotates, the local angle of attack varies with the relative velocity Wr . The
incoming wind speed W0 and the rotational velocity of the blade govern the orientation and
magnitude of Wr [23,42]. In turn, the forces FL and FD acting on the blade vary.
The magnitude and orientation of the lift and drag forces as well as the resultant force vary.
The resultant force can be decomposed into a normal force FN and a tangential force FT .
The tangential force component then drives the rotation of the wind turbine and produces the torque
necessary to generate electricity [24].
Energies 2015, 8 10690
Elementary normal and tangential forces applied to a blade element are, respectively, given by [44]:
1 c
dFN CN W 2 dz (1)
2 cos
1 c
dFT CT W 2 dz (2)
2 cos
where is the pitch angle of the blade, defined as tan 1 ; c is the blade chord (m); and C N
and CT are the normal and tangential force coefficients, respectively, which are given by:
CN CL cos CD sin , CT CL sin CD cos (3)
where CL and CD are the blade lift and drag coefficients, respectively. These coefficients are related to
the blade profile and are obtained from empirical data and made available by the blade manufacturer.
CL and CD are experimentally determined and depend on the incidence angle and the Reynolds
number Re [45]. The lift and drag coefficients are given by the following relations [42]:
l W 2
l W 2
If we assume that the relative dynamic pressure flow q and the blade element area Ae can be
expressed as q W 2 and Ae c dz , then [46]:
Energies 2015, 8 10691
CN qAe
dFN (6)
CT qAe
dFT (7)
The components of the force acting along the x and y Cartesian directions are also called the lift and
drag forces. The elementary lift and drag forces are given by [44]:
cos b
dFL qc CN sin b CT dz (8)
sin b
dFD qc CN cos b CT dz (9)
As described in [43,47], the total lift and drag forces, FL and FD , for a single blade can then be
calculated by integrating dFL and dFD with respect to the height ( H z H ) and the azimuthal
revolution ( 0 b 2 ). We then obtain:
H 2
c cos b
FL q CN sin b CT
2 z H 0 cos
d b dz
H 2
c sin b
FD q CN cos b CT
2 z H 0 cos
d b dz (11)
For a rotor with Nb blades, the average lift and drag forces for the rotor can be defined as:
H 2
N bc cos b
FLr q CN sin b CT
2 z H 0 cos
d b dz (12)
H 2
Nc sin b
FDr b q CN cos b CT d b dz (13)
2 z H 0 cos
The torque of the Darrieus rotor is produced solely by the tangential component of the applied
force [23,43,48]. Thus, from the elementary tangential force of the rotor, we can obtain the elementary
torque of the rotor at a given position. For a blade element of length d z / cos , we obtain:
CT qrc
dTB dz (14)
The torque varies as a function of the azimuthal angle and the rotor height [48]. The total torque can
then be obtained by successively integrating the elementary torque with respect to the variables and
z. For a rotor with Nb blades, we have:
xH 2
c qCT r
2 z xH cos d dz
TR N bTB b (15)
Based on the aerodynamic model described in the precedent section, this section is devoted to the
presentation of the building process of an equivalent electrical model. Our methodology is based on
the complex plane representation of various model subassemblies and an analogy between electrical
and mechanical systems.
The main value of analogies lies in the way in which mathematics unifies these diverse fields of
engineering into one subject. Tools developed for solving problems in one field can be used to solve
problems in another. This is an important concept because some fields, particularly electrical
engineering, have developed rich sets of problem-solving tools that are fully applicable to other
engineering fields [49]. There are simple and straightforward analogies between electrical and
mechanical systems. Furthermore, analogies between mechanical systems and electrical and fluid
systems are effective and are in common use.
Two valid techniques of modeling mechanical systems with electrical systems or drawing analogies
between the two types of systems can found in the literature, with each method having its own
advantages and disadvantages [5054]. The first technique is intuitive; in this technique, current
corresponds to velocity (both are motion), and voltage corresponds to force (both provide a push).
The second technique is the through/across analogy, which uses voltage as an analogy for velocity and
current as an analogy for force. The two schools of thought for modeling mechanical systems with
electrical systems are presented in Table 2 [49]. Both are valid. However, the through/across analogy
results in a counterintuitive definition of impedance [49,51,52,55]. The analogy for impedance that is
universally applied is the one from the intuitive analogy listed in the corresponding section of Table 2.
For this reason, the intuitive analogy will be used in the present study.
Energies 2015, 8 10693
Energy Energy
Energy Energy
(not analogous)
The analogy between air flow and electrical current is mathematically accurate; the momentum of a
section of a gas, also called inertance, is directly analogous to electrical inductance. The compliance of
a transmission vessel (hose or pipe) is directly analogous to electrical capacitance [5659]. In this
section, we will model the wind flow across the rotor as an electric current source.
Figure 3 shows the top view of a three-blade VAWT and the different velocity components.
Considering one of the blades, its shift position xb is characterized by the rotor radius R and the
angular position b . Thus, the complex representation of the blade shift position xb can be written
as follows [6062]:
xb Re jb (18)
Figure 3. Top view of a three-blade VAWT showing the velocity components relative to the blade.
The linear velocity of the blade W b can be obtained by deriving its position with respect to time.
We then have [63]:
d( xb )
Wb j b Re jb (19)
where b = is the rotational speed and W0 is the incoming wind and represents wind from any
direction. The relative wind seen by the blades at any moment is given by [61,64,65]:
Wr W0 Wb W0 jRe jb (20)
As explained in [61], the angle definitions are counter-clockwise; hence, and are negative for
the directions of W r and W b (Figure 4). Therefore, if we consider the blade reference frame, the angle
of the relative wind is obtained by rotating W r by an angle je jb , thereby aligning the blade motion
Energies 2015, 8 10695
with the negative real axis. The relative flow velocity for a blade in its own reference frame can then
be defined as:
Wrb Wr je jb W0 je jb R (21)
The Paraschivoiu model [43] assumes that the direction of the flow does not change. Therefore, the
angle of the blade relative to the vertical axis is taken into consideration when expressing the relative
wind velocity seen by the blade. Hence, from Equation (22), the relative wind seen by the blade
element, and that corresponding to the streamtube i, can be expressed as follows:
Wrbi Ri W0i sin b j W0i cos b cos i (23)
where is the angle of the blade relative to the vertical axis and is equal to zero for straight blade
VAWTs ( 0 and cos 1 ). If the parabola shape of the blade is approximated as:
r z
1 (24)
then the angle of the blade relative to the vertical axes can be defined as [43,66]:
H 1
tan 1 tan 1 (25)
2z 2
1 r R
The angle of the relative wind is the argument of Wrb [9,47]. Because W0 is considered to be real,
we can write:
i tan 1 cos bi cos i tan 1 cos bi cos i
R (26)
i sin bi i sin bi
W0 i
where is the blade tip speed ratio.
Considering the pitch angle , the angle of attack is obtained through summation of the pitch
angle and that of the relative wind [23]; specifically:
Energies 2015, 8 10696
Finally, the winds angle of attack relative to a streamtube i can be written as follows:
cos b cos i
tan 1 i (28)
i sin b
For a given blade element situated at a height z and corresponding to a given streamtube, and
are constant. The angle of attack (AoA) will therefore vary with the angle of the relative wind speed,
that is, with the rotational angle of the blade. Figure 5 shows the variation of the angle of attack as a
function of the rotational angle of the blade for different values of the tip speed ratio . The results are
in accordance with those obtained in [67] and show that small tip speed ratios lead to large incidence
variations during a revolution.
Vsp = 1.5
Vsp = 2
Vsp = 2.5
Vsp = 3
Wind incident angle in degrees
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
Rotational angle in degrees
Additionally, the absolute value of the relative velocity is the modulus of the complex algebraic
definition in Equation (22). Therefore, it can be written in accordance with the definition in [68]:
sin b cos b cos
2 2
Wrb W0 (29)
Broadly speaking, the incident wind at the wind turbine rotor can be written as a complex number:
W rb Wrb e j () (30)
As stated in [5659], an analogy can be made between the wind flow in a streamtube and an
electric current. Equation (30) is similar to the complex expression of a sinusoidal current generator.
Moreover, if the incident wind flow is assumed to be an electric current, then the wind relative
Energies 2015, 8 10697
dynamic pressure flow q Wrb2 (where q is given in N/m 3 and the fluid density is given in kg/m 3 ),
which is the energy acquired by the wind due to its velocity, can be considered as an electric energy
source. Referring to our system analogy table, this will be a current source. The wind relative dynamic
pressure flow can therefore be written as a complex number:
1 1
W rb Wrb e j ( ) Wrb e j 2( )
2 2 2
Iw q
2 2 2
1 R
sin b cos b cos e j 2()
2 2
I w V0 2
2 V0
Finally, the instantaneous expression of the current source that represents the relative wind seen by
the blade is as follows:
iw (t ) cos t 2 2 (32)
1 2 R cos b cos
sin b cos b cos and tan 1
2 2
where W0 . is the
2 W0 i sin b
modulus of the current flow and varies with the rotational angle of the blade.
As shown in Figure 6, in the double-multiple multi-streamtube models, the incoming wind speed in
the upstream W0u disk is different than that in the downstream disk W0d [69]. Thus, the modulus of the
corresponding current in the downwind disk is slightly lower than that in the upwind disk ( ).
d u
We can therefore incorporate this into the current source definition. The new current definition is
Equation (33), and the electric current source analogy for wind flow can be represented as shown in
Figure 7:
sin t 2 for / 2 / 2
iw (t ) d (33)
sin t 2 for 3 / 2 / 2
3.3. Single-Blade Electrical Equivalent Circuit (Normal, Tangential, Lift and Drag Coefficients)
The aerodynamic force coefficients acting on a cross-sectional blade element of a Darrieus wind
turbine are shown in Figure 8 [70]. The directions of the lift and drag coefficients as well as their
normal and tangential components are illustrated.
C L and C D denote the lift and drag coefficients, respectively. They are related to the blade profile,
obtained from empirical data, and provided by the blade manufacturer. CL and CD are experimentally
determined and depend on the incidence angle and the Reynolds number [42]. The lift and drag
coefficients for 2-D sections are readily available for a wide variety of wing sections at angles of attack
up to the point of stall [72]. However, we performed a simulation while varying CL and CD as
functions of the rotational angle of the blade for an NACA0012 for the full 360 range of angles.
The results are presented in Figure 9 and are in agreement with data in the literature for the
corresponding blade profile [17,7375].
Energies 2015, 8 10699
3.3.1. Writing Normal, Tangential, Lift and Drag Coefficients as Complex Numbers
Lift and Drag Coefficients
Lift Coef
Drag Coef
-200 -150 -100 -50 0 50 100 150 200
Angle of attack in degrees
Figure 9. Lift and drag coefficients variations as a function of the angle of attack for a
NACA0012 blade profile.
The vertical axis is assumed to be real, and the horizontal axis is assumed to be imaginary. In this
new complex coordinate system, the lift and drag coefficients can be written as complex numbers:
D D 2
Using the signs of their imaginary components, CL can be regarded as an inductive coefficient with
absolute value CL and angle , and CD can be seen as a capacitive coefficient with absolute value CD
and angle . We can therefore write:
CL cos jCL sin
CD CD e 2 CD cos 2 jCD sin 2
CN CL cos CD sin
CT CL sin CD cos
The tangential coefficient characterizes the force tangential to the blade. To consider the influence
of on C T , this letter is multiplied by , namely, the coefficient of the blade tilt relative to the
vertical axis; 1 for straight-blade VAWTs [43]. Hence, the new definitions of the normal and
tangential coefficients that can be applied to any VAWT blade configurations are:
C cos CD sin
CN CL cos CD sin L
sin cos (41)
CT CL sin CD cos CL cos CD cos
The blade is divided into n elements, as shown in Figure 10. Each blade element corresponds to a
given streamtube. These blade elements will experience varying flow characteristics because they may
have, depending on the design, different radii, angles of relative wind speed, pitch angles, angles
relative to the vertical axis, local heights, etc. Our approach is to calculate the characteristics for each
blade element. The overall performance of the blade will then be obtained by the discrete addition of
the n blade element characteristics along the span of the blade.
Each moving body in the air is subjected to a resisting force that tends to oppose this movement.
This resistance is a function of the air properties but also depends on the characteristics of the body
itself (surface, shape, weight, etc.).
Kirchhoffs first law for air circuits states that the quantity of air leaving a junction must equal the
quantity of air entering the junction. Kirchhoffs second law states that the sum of the pressure drops
around any closed path must be equal to zero. Pressure differences and head losses are analogous to
Energies 2015, 8 10701
voltage, electrical current is analogous to volumetric airflow rate and electrical resistance is analogous
to airflow resistance [59,7780]. This approach provides a useful framework when developing an
equivalent electrical circuit for a blade.
To develop our new model, and in accordance with our mechanical-electrical analogy presented in
Table 1, the blade resistance will not represent a force; rather, it will represent the capacity of the blade
to oppose the wind flow.
Thus, the blade element resistance can be defined as [57,8184]:
Ri CBi Ai (43)
- Ri is the aerodynamic resistance of the blade element;
- CBi is the equivalent aerodynamic coefficient of the blade;
- Ai is the cord surface of the blade.
This aerodynamic resistance of the blade element can be decomposed into two components:
a horizontal component (in the direction of the flow), which constitutes the drag aerodynamic resistance,
and a component perpendicular to the plate, directed upwards, which is called the lift aerodynamic
resistance [45].
Based on [57,58,70,85], various impedances of a blade element, because we are using a complex
coordinate system, the elementary equivalent impedance of a blade element is obtained by multiplying
the corresponding elementary complex coefficient by the elementary surface. Thus, we can write:
sin i
Z Li Ai CL ci zi CLi cos i jci zi CL i (44)
cos i
Energies 2015, 8 10702
ci zi CLi cos i
c z C sin i (46)
X Li i i Li cos
where RLi and X Li are the resistive and inductive components of the elementary lift impedance,
respectively. Because CLi varies with the angle of attack , RLi and X Li correspond to a variable
resistor ( RLi f i ) and a variable inductor ( X Li f i ), respectively. The equivalent electrical
diagram for the lift impedance of a blade element is as shown in Figure 11.
Figure 11. Equivalent electrical diagram for the lift force applied to a blade element.
ci zi CDi sin i
c z C cos i (49)
X Di i i Di cos
where RDi and X Di are the resistive and inductive components of the elementary drag impedance,
respectively. Because CDi varies with the angle of attack , RDi and X Di will correspond to a variable
resistor ( RDi f i ) and a variable capacitor ( X Di f i ), respectively. The equivalent electrical
diagram for the drag impedance of a blade element is as shown in Figure 12.
Figure 12. Equivalent electrical diagram for the drag force applied to a blade element.
From the preceding section, the lift coefficient of the blade produces inductive impedance, and the
drag coefficient is responsible for the creation of capacitive impedance. As suggested by the Aynsley
resistance approach in [59], the total impedance for a blade element is obtained by adding the
elementary lift and drag impedances. We have the following development:
Energies 2015, 8 10703
i Bi Ai CLi CLi ZLi ZDi (50)
that is:
Z Bi Z Li Z Di (51)
We can then write:
sin i cos i
Z Bi ci zi CLi cos i CDi sin i jci zi CLi CDi (52)
cos i cos i
Z Bi ci zi CNi jci zi (53)
cos i
C cos i CDi sin i
Z Ni Ri RLi RDi Li
Z jX j X X CLi sin i CDi cos i (55)
Ti i Li D i cos i cos i
Equations (54) and (55) show that the real component of the total elementary impedance is resistive
and is generated by the normal coefficient. In the same vein, the imaginary component of the total
elementary impedance is reactive and is produced by the tangential coefficient. This is in accordance
with the definitions of the normal and tangential coefficients and forces found in the literature [86].
The total impedance of the entire blade is obtained by the addition of n discrete elementary
impedances over the full height of the rotor [87]:
n n
Z B Z Bi Ri jX i (56)
i 1 i 1
n n
Z B ci zi CNi j ci zi
i 1 i 1 cos i
sin i cos i
ci zi CL i cos i CDi sin i j ci zi CLi C Di
i 1 i 1 cos i cos i
If we consider:
Energies 2015, 8 10704
ci zi CLi cos i
i 1
L n
ci zi CDi sin i
RD i 1
XL n sin i (59)
ci zi CLi
X D i 1 cos i
cos i
ci zi CDi
i 1 cos i
We can write:
Z B RB jX B Z N jZT (60)
For a given blade element, the equivalent electrical components are subject to the same wind flow.
Thus, the equivalent electrical components of a blade are considered connected in series. Therefore,
the electric equivalent circuit for a blade that is subject to a wind flow is as shown in Figure 13.
Figure 13. Electric equivalent circuit for a blade that is subject to a wind flow.
This section presents the obtained equivalent electrical model for a single blade. The simulation
results for different elements of the model are also given. The simulations were conducted using data
for NACA0012 that can be obtained from different sources in the literature [8890] with Reynolds
numbers ranging from 500,000 to approximately 750,000. Our selection was motivated by the fact that
the NACA0012 blade profile is one of the most studied and commonly used as a rotor blade
aerofoil section [89]. Finally, the simulation results were assessed using other results that can be
found in the literature [91].
The wind flow through the blade (the current flow through the circuit) will produce lift and drag
forces (lift and drag voltage) on the one hand and normal and tangential forces (normal and tangential
Energies 2015, 8 10705
voltage) on the other hand. The normal and tangential voltages produced by the blade can be expressed
as follows:
VN Z N I w RBei 0 RB2
2, 2
i/2 (62)
VT Z T I w X Be X B 2
Following the laws of electrical circuit analyses, the total voltage across a blade can be obtained by
the algebraic sum of the lift and drag voltages. We can then write:
VB I w Z B I w Z N jZ T VN VT (63)
Nevertheless, the torque delivered by the blade is produced only by the tangential component of the
force. Therefore, only the tangential voltage will create the power in the corresponding electric circuit.
Finally, the electric circuit corresponding to a single blade is obtained. Figure 14 shows the equivalent
electric model of a single blade with voltage produce across reactive impedance that stand for
blades torque.
4.2. Simulations
The simulation characteristics of the rotor were taken from [42] and are presented in Table 3.
4.2.1. Variations of Coefficients and Equivalent Electric Components with the Angle of Attack
As discussed in Section 4.2, the blades lift and drag coefficients vary with the angle of attack of the
wind, as shown in Figure 9. These coefficients can then be used to plot the normal and tangential
Energies 2015, 8 10706
coefficients as a function of angle of attack using Equation (3). Furthermore, Figure 5 shows that the
angle of attack changes as the blade rotates. Therefore, because the normal and tangential coefficients
are obtained using lift and drag, as well as the lift and drag coefficients, the normal and tangential
coefficients will vary according the blade position. The variations of the normal and tangential
coefficients as functions of the angle of attack can be observed in Figure 15. The obtained results agree
with those in [43].
Normal Coef
Tangential Coef
Normal and Tangentiel coefficients
-200 -150 -100 -50 0 50 100 150 200
Angle of attack in degrees
Figure 15. Normal and tangential coefficient variations as functions of the angle of attack.
Using the relations in Equations (59) and (61), we can then find the variations in the various
equivalent electrical components according to the angle of attack. The forms of the RB and X B curves
follow those of the normal and tangential coefficients. The variations of the values of electric
components with the blade angle of attack are plotted on Figures 16 and 17.
0.8 R-Drad
RL, RD and RB in m2
-200 -150 -100 -50 0 50 100 150 200
Angle of attack in degrees
Figure 16. Lift, drag and normal resistance variations as functions of the angle of attack.
Energies 2015, 8 10707
0.3 X-Drag
XL, XD and XB in m2
-200 -150 -100 -50 0 50 100 150 200
Angle of attack in degrees
4.2.2. Variations of Coefficients and Equivalent Electric Components with the Rotational
Angle of the Blade
The angle of attack gradually changes as the wind turbine rotor rotates. Figure 6 shows that the
angle of attack varies as a function of the rotational angle of the blade; for a tip speed ratio of 1.5, the
angle of attack broadly varies between 45 and 45 during a complete rotation of the turbine. Figures
1517 show that only parts of the various curves, that is, for angles of attack between 50 and 50 are
involved in the fluctuations of the respective coefficients and electric elements during a complete
rotation of the blade. Figures 18 and 19 simulate the variations of the coefficients as well as the
equivalent electrical components according to the blade rotational angle. Our obtained results are
consistent with what can be found in the relevant literature in [71].
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
Rotational angle in degrees
Figure 18. Lift and drag coefficient variations as functions of rotational angle.
Energies 2015, 8 10708
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
Rotational angle in degrees
Figure 19. Normal and tangential coefficient variations as functions of rotational angle.
The value of the lift coefficient is almost equal to that drag coefficient, in absolute value, during the
rotation of the blade. Meanwhile, the blades natural resistance as it moves through the air is nearly
equivalent to the surface that opposes the blade weight by generating drag. Indeed, although the lift
coefficient values alternate from positive to negative, the drag coefficient always remains positive.
The normal and tangential coefficients are non-linear combinations of the lift and drag coefficients.
Both are alternative values, and the normal coefficient is much more important. The pressure of air on
the surface of the blade varies widely. We can deduce that the surface of the blade that is exposed to
the wind pressure varies as the blade rotate. During a complete tour, it is equal to zero for the
rotational angles /2 and 3/2. The tangential coefficient, responsible for the tangential force and thus
of the power produced by the blade, is lower and alternate between positive and negative quantities.
We can now plot the variations of various equivalent electrical components with the rotational
angle of the blade. The total resistance RB is obtained by algebraic addition of the lift and drag
resistances RL and RD. Similarly, the total reactance X B results from the algebraic addition of the lift
inductive admittance and drag capacitive admittance. Figures 20 and 21 show that the forms of the RB
and X B curves follow those of CN and CT , respectively. This finding is further evidence that the
simulation results obtained using the developed model are in agreement with those obtained using
existing BEM models.
Energies 2015, 8 10709
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
Rotational angle in degrees
Figure 20. Lift, drag and normal resistance variations as functions of rotational angle.
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
Rotational angle in degrees
Figure 21. Lift, drag and normal admittance variations as functions of rotational angle.
Finally, to perform the cross validation simulation, the results of the normal and tangential forces
obtained with equivalent electric model (EEM) were compared with those obtained using DMSTM.
The simulation results of the normal and tangential forces using the EEM model and DMSTM of
DTVAWTs are superimposed. The obtained results are shown in Figures 22 and 23.
Energies 2015, 8 10710
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
Rotational angle in degrees
Figure 22. Cross validation of normal force variations as functions of rotational angle.
25 Ft-dmstm
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
Rotational angle in degrees
Figure 23. Cross validation of tangential force variations as functions of rotational angle.
Figures 22 and 23 show that EEM produces satisfactory results as these results are in agreement
with the results obtained in [43,92] for a single blade. Indeed, even though a slight distortion between
the EEM and DMSTM normal forces can be observed on Figure 22. Figure 23 clearly shows that the
EEM and DMSTM tangential forces strongly overlap.
Energies 2015, 8 10711
5. Conclusions
A new approach for modeling Darrieus-type VAWT rotors using the electric-mechanic analogy was
presented. This paper provides a proof-of-concept demonstration of the approach and attests to the
feasibility of such a model through both step-by-step demonstrations of the theoretical and practical
concepts that underpin the new model and simulations and cross validation of a single blade model.
The obtained simulation results tie in with the findings of the Paraschivoiu double-multiple streamtube
model found in the literature.
An equivalent electrical model for Darrieus-type VAWTs was proven to be viable. We intend in our
future work to finalize the model building process and address the electrical modeling of the blades
mechanical coupling to the shaft to generate an EEM for the full three-blade DTVAWT rotor.
A comparative study of the results of the new model and those of existing models will then conducted.
The model that will emerge from this new approach is likely to be more appropriate for the design,
performance prediction and optimization of Darrieus rotors. Mechanical fault diagnosis and prognosis
is also an important aspect because the model could be used to simulate the rotors behavior in the case
of mechanical faults in one or more of the blades as well as in rotor-shaft coupling elements.
The model will also enable the simulation of turbine operation in the case of mechanical faults in one
or more elements of the rotor.
Although further work must be conducted to build an EEM for the entire VAWT turbine,
the findings of this study are encouraging and have practical applications for the determination and
understanding of the aerodynamic factors that influence the performance of Darrieus-type VAWTs
under different operating conditions.
In future works, the results of the EEM for DTVAWTs will be considered for extension to other
types of wind turbines, including horizontal axis and Savonious types. Additionally, the EEM of rotors
may be used to study the influence of wind flow turbulence on turbine vibrations. Transitional
(starting) and permanent sate functioning of VAWTs may also be examined. We will also use the
model to simulate the behavior of a Darrieus WT in the case of a structural break in one or more
blades. Finally, as a long-term goal, the EEM of the rotor will be linked to existing models of other
electrical and mechanical parts to obtain a global model of a Darrieus WECS.
The authors would like to thank the Natural Science and Engineering Research Council of Canada
(NSERC) for financially supporting this research. Authors gratefulness also goes to the editor and
four anonymous reviewers for their valuable comments and suggestions that appreciably improved the
quality of this paper.
Author Contributions
Pierre Tchakoua is the main author of this work. This paper provides a further elaboration on some
of the results from his Ph.D. dissertation. Ren Wamkeue and Mohand Ouhrouche supervised the
project and thus supported Pierre Tchakouas research in terms of both scientific and technical
expertise. Tommy Andy Tameghe and Gabriel Ekemb participated in results analysis and interpretation.
Energies 2015, 8 10712
The manuscript is written by Pierre Tchakoua and revised and commented by Ren Wamkeue and
Mohand Ouhrouche.
Conflicts of Interest
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