Geometry II: Richard Earl Trinity Term 2007

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Geometry II

Richard Earl

Trinity Term 2007

0.1 Layout of Lectures

1. The need for Complex Numbers. Algebra of Complex Numbers. The Argand diagram.
Polar Representation. De Moivres Theorem. Roots of Unity.

2. Distances and Angles in the Argand Diagram. Isometries of C. Complex numbers as

a means of studying planar geometry (including triangles, cocyclic points, Ptolemys

3. Equations of lines and circles (Apollonius Theorem).

4. Mbius transformations on the extended complex plane.

5. Mbius transformations (continued)

6. The Riemann sphere and the conformal map to the extended complex plane.

7. The geometry of the sphere: great circles, triangles (their six angles, angle excess and
area formula).

8. Platonic solids and the corresponding subdivision of the sphere, noting Eulers formula.

0.2 Recommended Texts

Liang-shin Hahn Complex Numbers and Geometry, The Mathematical Association of

America (1994)

Roger Fenn Geometry, Springer (2001), Chapters 4 and 8

0.3 Website


The shortest path between two truths in the real domain passes through the complex domain
Jacques Hadamard (1865-1963)

1.1 The Need For Complex Numbers

All of you will know that the two roots of the equation ax2 + bx + c = 0 are

b b2 4ac
x= (1.1)
and solving quadratic equations is something that mathematicians have been able to do since
the time of the Babylonians. When b2 4ac > 0 then these two roots are real and distinct;
graphically they are where the curve y = ax2 + bx + c cuts the x-axis. When b2 4ac = 0
then we have one real root and the curve just touches the x-axis here. But what happens when
b2 4ac < 0? In this case there are no real solutions to the equation, as no real number squares
to give the negative b2 4ac. From the graphical point of view, the curve y = ax2 + bx + c lies
entirely above or below the x-axis.
3 4 5

2 3

1 2

-1 1 2 3

-1 -1 1 2 3 -1 -0.5 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3

Two Distinct Real Roots One Repeated Real Root No Real Roots
It is only comparatively recently that mathematicians have been comfortable with these
roots when b2 4ac < 0. During the Renaissance the quadratic would have been considered
unsolvable, or its roots would have been called imaginary. In the 16th century Tartaglia
and del Ferro worked out how to solve cubic equations. Their methods of solution explicitly
involved having to take the square roots of negative numbers even if the cubic had three real
roots. Nonetheless mathematicians were happy to use these methods provided these annoying
imaginary parts allcancelled suitably at the end of the calculation!
If we imagine 1 to exist, and that it behaves much like other numbers, then the two
roots of the quadratic ax2 + bx + c = 0 can be written in the form

x = A B 1 (1.2)

where A = b/2a and B = 4ac b2 /2a are real numbers. But what meaning can such roots
have? It was this philosophical point which pre-occupied mathematicians until the start of the
19th century; afterwards these imaginary numbers started proving so useful (especially in the
work of Cauchy and Gauss) that these philosophical concerns were essentially forgotten.


Notation 1 We shall from now on write i for 1 this is standard notation amongst
mathematicians, though many books, particularly those written for engineers and physicists,
use j instead.

Definition 2 A complex number is a number of the form a + bi where a and b are real
numbers. If z = a + bi then a is known as the real part of z and b as the imaginary part. We
write a = Re z and b = Im z. Note that real numbers are complex a real number is simply a
complex number with zero imaginary part.

Notation 3 We write C for the set of all complex numbers.

Remark 4 Note that two complex numbers are equal precisely when their real and imaginary
parts are equal that is a+bi = c+di if and only if a = c and b = d. This is called comparing
real and imaginary parts.

One of the first major results concerning complex numbers, and which conclusively demon-
strated their usefulness, was proved by Gauss in 1799. From the quadratic formula (1.1) we
know that all quadratic equations can be solved using complex numbers, but what Gauss was
the first to prove was the much more general result:

Theorem 5 (Fundamental Theorem of Algebra) The roots of any polynomial equation

a0 + a1 x + a2 x2 + + an xn = 0,

with real (or complex) coecients ai , are complex. That is there are n (not necessarily distinct)
complex numbers 1 , . . . , n such that

a0 + a1 x + a2 x2 + + an xn = an (x 1 ) (x 2 ) (x n ) .

In particular, this shows that a degree n polynomial has, counting repetitions, exactly n roots
in C.

The proof of this theorem is far beyond the scope of this course. Note that the theorem only
guarantees the existence of the roots of a polynomial somewhere in C unlike the quadratic
formula, which plainly gives us a formula for the roots. The theorem gives no hint as to where
in C these roots are to be found.

Exercise 1 Let p and q be real numbers with p 0. Find the co-ordinates of the turning points
of the cubic y = x3 + px + q. Show that the cubic equation x3 + px + q = 0 has three real roots,
with two or more repeated, precisely when

4p3 + 27q 2 = 0.

Under what conditions on p and q does x3 + px + q = 0 have (i) three distinct real roots, (ii)
just one real root? How many real roots does the equation x3 + px + q = 0 have when p > 0?

1.2 Their Algebra

We add, subtract, multiply and divide complex numbers much as we would expect. We add
and subtract complex numbers by adding their real and imaginary parts:-

Addition: (a + bi) + (c + di) = (a + c) + (b + d) i,

Subtraction: (a + bi) (c + di) = (a c) + (b d) i.

Multiplication: We can multiply complex numbers by expanding the brackets in the

usual fashion and using i2 = 1,

(a + bi) (c + di) = ac + bci + adi + bdi2 = (ac bd) + (ad + bc) i.

Division: To divide complex numbers, we note firstly that (c + di) (c di) = c2 + d2 is

real. So
a + bi a + bi c di ac + bd bc ad
= = + i.
c + di c + di c di c2 + d2 c2 + d2

The process is similar to that of rationalising surds such as 1/ 1 + 2 . The number
c di, which we just used, as relating to c + di, has a special name and some useful
properties see Proposition 9.

Definition 6 Let z = a + bi. The conjugate of z is the number a bi, and this is denoted as
z (or in some books as z ).

Note from equation (1.2) that when the real quadratic equation ax2 + bx + c = 0 has
complex roots, then these roots are conjugates of each other. Generally, if the polynomial
an z n + an1 z n1 + + a0 = 0, where the ai are real, has a root z0 , then the conjugate z0 is
also a root.

We needed a special symbol i for 1, but we see now that no further symbols are needed
to find the square root of i. In fact we already knew this from the Fundamental Theorem,
which implies that z 2 = i has two roots amongst the complex numbers. The quadratic formula
(1.1), is also valid for complex coecients a, b, c, provided that proper sense is made of the
square roots of the complex number b2 4ac.

Example 7 Find all those z that satisfy z 2 = i.

Solution. Suppose that z 2 = i and z = a + bi, where a and b are real. Then

i = (a + bi)2 = a2 b2 + 2abi.

Comparing the real and imaginary parts (see Remark 4), we know that

a2 b2 = 0 and 2ab = 1.

So b = 1/2a from the second equation, and substituting
for b into the first equation gives
a = 1/4, which has real solutions a = 1/ 2 or a = 1/ 2.
So the two z which satisfy z 2 = i, i.e. the two square roots of i, are

1+i 1 i
and .
2 2

Exercise 2 Find the square roots of 5 12i, and hence solve the quadratic equation

z 2 (4 + i) z + (5 + 5i) = 0.

1.3 The Argand Diagram

The real numbers are often represented on the real line which increase as we move from left
to right. The complex numbers, having two components, their real and imaginary parts, can
be represented as a plane; indeed, C is sometimes referred to as the complex plane, but more
commonly, when we represent C in this manner, we call it an Argand diagram, (after the
Swiss mathematician Jean-Robert Argand (1768-1822)).
The point (a, b) represents the complex number a + bi so that the x-axis contains all the real
numbers, and so is termed the real axis, and the y-axis contains all those complex numbers
which are purely imaginary (i.e. have no real part), and so is referred to as the imaginary
2 3+2i

- 3+ i 1

-4 -2 2 4



-3 2- 3i

The Argand Diagram

We can think of z0 = a + bi as a point in an Argand diagram, but it can often be useful to

think of it as a vector as well. Adding z0 to another complex number translates that number
by the vector ab . That is the map z 7 z + z0 represents a translation a units to the right and
b units up in the complex plane. Note that the conjugate z of a point z is its mirror image in
the real axis. So, z 7 z represents reflection in the real axis.

Exercise 3 (a) Multiplication by i takes the point x + iy to the point y + ix. What transfor-
mation of the Argand diagram does this represent?
(b) What is the eect of multiplying a complex number by (1 + i) / 2? [Hint: recall that
this is square root of i.]

1.4 Polar Representation

A complex number z in complex plane can be represented by Cartesian co-ordinates, its real
and imaginary parts, but equally useful is the representation of z by polar co-ordinates. If we
let r be the distance of z from the origin, and if, for z 6= 0, we define to be the angle that the
line connecting the origin to z makes with the positive real axis, then we can write

z = x + iy = r cos + ir sin .

The relations between zs Cartesian and polar co-ordinates are simple we see that

x = r cos and y = r sin ,

p y
r = x2 + y 2 and tan = .

Definition 8 The number r is called the modulus of z and is written |z| .The number is
called the argument of z and is written arg z. If z = x + iy then
p y x
|z| = x2 + y 2 and sin arg z = p , cos arg z = p .
x2 + y 2 x2 + y 2

Note that the argument of 0 is undefined.

Note that arg z is defined only up to multiples of 2. For example, the argument of 1 + i
could be /4 or 9/4 or 7/4 etc.. It is usual to define a range of principal values for
arg, such as 0 < 2, so that arg z is uniquely defined for non-zero z.

Exercise 4 Find the modulus and argument of each of the following numbers.

1 + 3i, (2 + i) (3 i) , (1 + i)5 .
We now prove some useful algebraic properties of the modulus, argument and conjugate
Proposition 9 Let z, w C. Then
|zw| = |z| |w| ; |z/w| = |z| / |w| if w 6= 0;
z z = |z|2 ; |z| = |z| ;
z + w = z + w; z w = z w;
zw = z w; z/w = z/w if w 6= 0;
and up to multiples of 2 then the following equations also hold:
arg (zw) = arg z + arg w if z, w 6= 0,
arg (z/w) = arg z arg w if z, w 6= 0,
arg z = arg z if z 6= 0.
A selection of the above statements is proved below.

Proof. |zw| = |z| |w| . Let z = a + bi and w = c + di. Then zw = (ac bd) + (bc + ad) i so that
|zw| = (ac bd)2 + (bc + ad)2

= a2 c2 + b2 d2 + b2 c2 + a2 d2
= (a2 + b2 ) (c2 + d2 )

= a2 + b2 c2 + d2 = |z| |w| .

Proof. arg (zw) = arg z + arg w. Let z = r (cos + i sin ) and w = R (cos + i sin ) . Then
zw = rR (cos + i sin ) (cos + i sin )
= rR ((cos cos sin sin ) + i (sin cos + cos sin ))
= rR (cos ( + ) + i sin ( + )) .
We can read o that |zw| = rR = |z| |w| which is a second proof of the previous part and also
arg (zw) = + = arg z + arg w up to multiples of 2.

Proof. zw = z w. Let z = a + bi and w = c + di. Then

zw = (ac bd) + (bc + ad) i
= (ac bd) (bc + ad) i
= (a bi) (c di) = z w.

Corollary 10 The complex roots of a real polynomial come in conjugate pairs. That is, if z0
satisfies the polynomial equation ak z k + ak1 z k1 + + a0 = 0, where each ai is real, then z0
is also a root.

Proof. Note from the algebraic properties of the conjugate function, proven in the previous
proposition, that

ak (z0 )k + ak1 (z0 )k1 + + a1 z0 + a0 = ak (z0 )k + ak1 (z0 )k1 + + a1 z0 + a0

= ak (z0 )k + ak1 (z0 )k1 + + a1 z0 + a0 [the ai are real]
= ak (z0 )k + ak1 (z0 )k1 + + a0
= 0 [as z0 is a root]
= 0.

Exercise 5 Show that the complex number 2 + 3i is a root of the quartic equation

z 4 4z 3 + 17z 2 16z + 52 = 0,

and hence find the other three roots.

Exercise 6 Let z and w be two complex numbers such that zw = 0. Show either z = 0 or
w = 0.

Exercise 7 Determine the modulus and argument of the two complex numbers 1+i and 3+i.
Also write the number

in the form x + iy. Deduce that

3+1 31
cos = and sin = .
12 2 2 12 2 2

1.5 Roots Of Unity

Consider the complex number

z0 = cos + i sin ,

where 0 < 2. The modulus of z0 is 1, and the argument of z0 is .

In Proposition 9 we proved for z, w 6= 0 that

|zw| = |z| |w| and arg (zw) = arg z + arg w,

up to multiples of 2. So for any integer n, and any z 6= 0, we have that

|z n | = |z|n and arg (z n ) = n arg z.

Hence the modulus of (z0 )n is 1 and the argument of (z0 )n is n, or putting this another way:

Theorem 11 (De Moivres Theorem) For a real number and integer n we have that

cos n + i sin n = (cos + i sin )n .

De Moivres Theorem looks less surprising when we combine it from Eulers result in Analysis
I, namely

Theorem 12 Given a complex number z then we may define convergent series


zn X

(1)n z 2n X

(1)n z 2n+1
, ,
n! n=0
(2n)! n=0
(2n + 1)!

which respectively converge to sums which we denote as ez , cos z, sin z. Then

eiz = cos z + i sin z.

In light of Eulers result, De Moivres Theorem reads like the rather less surprising
ei(n) = ei .

Notation 13 We will often write rei rather than r (cos + i sin ) as it is notationally prefer-
able, but will make no further use of the complex exponential or trigonometric functions during
the course.

Exercise 8 Use De Moivres Theorem to show that

cos 5 = 16 cos5 20 cos3 + 5 cos .

Exercise 9 (a) Let z = cos + i sin and let n be an integer. Show that

1 1
2 cos = z + and that 2i sin = z .
z z
Find expressions for cos n and sin n in terms of z.
(b) Show that
cos5 = (cos 5 + 5 cos 3 + 10 cos )
R /2
and hence find 0 cos5 d.

We apply these ideas to the following example.

Example 14 Let n be a natural number. Find all those complex z such that z n = 1.

We know from the Fundamental Theorem of Algebra that there are (counting repetitions) n
solutions: these are known as the nth roots of unity.

Lets first solve z n = 1 directly for n = 2, 3, 4.

When n = 2 we have
0 = z 2 1 = (z 1) (z + 1)
and so the square roots of 1 are 1.

When n = 3 we can factorise as follows

0 = z 3 1 = (z 1) z 2 + z + 1 .

So 1 is a root and completing the square we see

2 1 3
0=z +z+1= z+ +
2 4

which has roots

1 3
2 2

So the cube roots of 1 are 1, 1/2 + 3i/2, and 1/2 3i/2.

When n = 4 we can factorise as follows

0 = z 4 1 = z 2 1 z 2 + 1 = (z 1) (z + 1) (z i) (z + i) ,

so that the fourth roots of 1 are 1, 1, i and i.

Plotting these roots on Argand diagrams we can see a pattern developing
1.5 1.5 1.5

1 1 1

0.5 0.5 0.5

-2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0.5 1 1.5 2 -2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0.5 1 1.5 2 -2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0.5 1 1.5 2
-0.5 -0.5 -0.5

-1 -1 -1

-1.5 -1.5 -1.5

Square Roots Cube Roots Fourth Roots
Returning to the general case, suppose that z = r (cos + i sin ) and satisfies z n = 1. Then
by the observations preceding De Moivres Theorem z n has modulus rn and has argument n.
As 1 has modulus 1 and argument 0, we can compare their moduli to find rn = 1 giving r = 1.
Comparing arguments, we see n = 0 up to multiples of 2. That is n = 2k for some integer
k, giving = 2k/n. So the roots of z n = 1 are

2k 2k
z = cos + i sin where k is an integer.
n n
At first glance there seem to be an infinite number of roots but note as cos and sin have period
2 then these z repeat with period n. So
Proposition 15 The nth roots of unity (i.e. the n solutions to z n = 1) are

2k 2k
z = cos + i sin where k = 0, 1, 2, . . . , n 1.
n n
Plotted on an Argand diagram, the nth roots of unity form a regular n-gon inscribed within
the unit circle with a vertex at 1.
Exercise 10 Show that the three solutions of the cubic z 3 = 2 + 2i are

2 cos + i sin = 1 + i,
4 4
! !
11 11 1 3 3 1
2 cos + i sin = +i ,
12 12 2 2 2 2
! !
19 19 1 3 3 1
2 cos + i sin = + +i .
12 12 2 2 2 2
Exercise 11 Let be a cube root of unity (i.e. 3 = 1) such that 6= 1. Show that
1 + + 2 = 0.
Exercise 12 Let
2 2
= cos + i sin .
5 5
Show that 5 = 1, and deduce that
1 + + 2 + 3 + 4 = 0.
Find the quadratic equation with roots + 4 and 2 + 3 . Hence show that

2 51
cos = .
5 4


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