Personality Disorders PDF
Personality Disorders PDF
Personality Disorders PDF
Published by the Press Syndicate of the University of Cambridge
The Pitt Building, Trumpington Street, Cambridge CB2 1RP
40 West 20th Street, New York, NY 10011-4211, USA
10 Stamford Road, Oakleigh, Melbourne 3166, Australia
JHD: To John Heaton Dowson, 1902-1994. Businessman,
husband, father and gentle man
Margaret Blanche Hudson Dowson, 1907-1992. Teacher, wife,
mother and gardener
of Leeds and Brinton, Norfolk.
We are most grateful to Mrs Anne Robson who prepared the original
Part One
Personality disorders: basic concepts and
clinical overview
Psychiatric disorders
'Personality disorders' consist of maladaptive patterns of motivated behav-
iour that are usually evident for at least several years. They form one of the
main categories of psychiatric disorders.
Psychiatric disorders are usually defined in terms of signs and symptoms.
'Signs' are phenomena related to biological functioning and, in this context,
consist of behaviour, while psychiatric 'symptoms' refer to the patient's
complaints of adverse experiences. These include 'mental' phenomena,
involving what has been called conscious awareness. The term 'patient'
usually refers to someone who is being seen by a medical practitioner (or
other health-care worker) in a professional context.
Behaviour can be defined as what an individual says or does, but only if it
is associated with conscious awareness, so that an involuntary movement
such as a tremor would not qualify. Also, behaviour includes what is not
said or done; for example, patients with phobias may avoid a range of
situations. The various mental phenomena which underlie motivated
behaviour can be described by such terms as thoughts, ideas, memories,
moods, attitudes and feelings, while the concept of conscious awareness can
be extended to include the 'unconscious' or 'subconscious'; this involves
higher mental activity that can influence conscious mental phenomena,
although the person is not aware (or not fully aware) of these processes. For
instance, a person may 'unconsciously' avoid keeping a series of appoint-
ments with his/her doctor because of a fear of having a serious illness
diagnosed, even though the individual does not seem aware of the reason.
'Problem-behaviour in clinical practice' is a simple operational definition
of psychiatric disorder, and can refer to problems from the patient's
perspective as well as to difficulties that the patient causes for others. But
this does not clarify which individuals with 'problem-behaviour' should
4 Basic concepts and clinical overview
who had committed homicide in Finland over a specified period, found that
males with antisocial PD were about 20 times more likely to commit
homicide than males in the general population, and that homicide in this
group was usually associated with alcohol dependence. Of 13 homicide
recidivists in Finnish prisons or high-security hospitals, 11 had PD com-
bined with severe alcoholism (Tiihonen & Hakola, 1994). In both primary
care and hospital services, PDs appear to be associated with a high rate of
consultations for physical symptoms without a clear diagnosis, and with
many instances of self-harm. There is evidence that PDs can be causal
factors (with varying degrees of specificity) for other psychiatric diagnoses
such as some syndromes involving anxiety, depression and substance
abuse, while PDs often complicate the diagnosis, management and out-
come of co-occurring medical and psychiatric conditions. For example, an
hypomanic illness may be mistakenly diagnosed as an antisocial PD, or
exacerbate relatively mild maladaptive personality features. Also, if
patients with an eating disorder have an associated PD, this often affects the
severity and response to treatment, and co-occurring PDs have been shown
to adversely affect the outcome of a range of non-PD psychiatric disorders
(Reich &Vasile, 1993).
Patients with PDs are often mishandled in medical practice, because of a
lack of knowledge of PD syndromes and a generally 'negative' attitude that
can be evoked in their doctors. This is understandable, as the patient's
behaviour in relation to a PD often involves difficult-to-manage behaviour
such as excessive dependence on others, repeated complaints, problems in
sustaining relationships and difficulties in many aspects of social function-
ing. Also, many health care workers believe that PDs are nothing to do with
biology and medicine, despite the increasing evidence from twin and family
studies that genetic as well as environmental factors are important for the
development of many aspects of personality and PDs. A further reason is
another erroneous belief that 'nothing can be done', but, in reality, many
patients with PDs can be helped considerably by health care services.
A 'trait' (i.e. a group of related habits) is considered to be the basic unit of
personality, and a 'summary of consistencies of behaviour or an average of
states over time, which will reflect the individual's characteristics, the
situation and the individual-situation interaction' (Zuckerman, 1991). (A
'state' denotes behaviour at a given moment.) Some consistency has been
demonstrated for sociability in children (Kagan & Moss, 1962) and for
various traits in adults, in particular extraversion-sociability.
In relation to the consistency of temperaments, Rutter (1987) has pointed
out that differences between children can be measured with reasonable
reliability in relation to activity level and sociability, and that such
assessments can have clinically significant implications; for example,
measures of temperaments in children have been correlated with subse-
quent emotional disturbance in different contexts. (Reliability is the extent
to which a test would give consistent results on being applied more than
once to the same people under standard conditions.)
Behaviour reflects interactions between traits, temperaments and the
environment, and data from several measuring instruments, as well as from
several situations, may be needed for useful personality assessment. Also,
the relationships between different behaviours may reflect a consistent
pattern. Consistency of behaviour can be influenced by the degree of
specificity of the environment and, in studies on monkeys, autonomic
reactivity was reasonably consistent only when evaluated in stressful
situations (Suomi, 1983). (This example has a direct parallel with clinical
practice, as some patients can show consistent but episodic maladaptive
behaviour, but only in the context of a life-crisis.) Another variable
affecting consistency of behaviour is the effect of 'developmental' changes
(i.e. changes related to increasing age), as a trait can give rise to different
expressions of related behaviour at different ages; for example, a low level
of activity may initially lead to the seeking of maternal closeness but later to
an avoidance of new situations (Kagan, Reznick & Snidman, 1986; Rutter,
1987). Also, passivity and lack of physical adventurousness in childhood
Personality disorders 9
Personality has been evaluated from three main perspectives. The first
focusses on the individual's social interactions, in particular early parent-
child, peer, and close confiding relationships (Wolkind & Rutter, 1985;
Hinde & Stevenson-Hinde, 1986); for example, Hodges & Tizard (1989)
reported that early institutional care was associated with certain patterns of
social interaction in later childhood. The second approach is cognitive,
involving examination of consistent patterns of thoughts, feelings and
attitudes about self and environment, for instance low self-esteem, which
has been claimed to be an important causal factor for some depressive
disorders (Brown & Harris, 1978; Peterson & Seligman, 1984). In the third
approach, personality traits (such as empathy, suspiciousness, and sensa-
tion-seeking), can be variously defined and classified.
Personality disorders
Historical developments
Early concepts of PD were developed in the 19th century (Berrios, 1993),
for example, Prichard (1835) defined 'moral insanity' as
a form of mental derangement in whom the moral and active principles of the mind
are strongly perverted or depraved, the power of self-government is lost or greatly
impaired, and the individual is found incapable, not of talking or reasoning on any
subject proposed to him, but of conducting himself with decency and propriety in
the business of life.
Despite the complexities of the concepts of personality, PDs are established
diagnoses in medical practice and are found in the two main recent
classifications of mental disorders, the International Classification of Dis-
eases (ICD-9 and -10, World Health Organization, 1978, 1992) and the
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-III, DSM-
III-R, DSM-IV, American Psychiatric Association, 1980,1987, 1994). But
as the characteristics of PD usually differ only in degree or frequency from
the features that are present in the majority of the population, the
boundaries between normal personality traits and those of a PD are
generally arbitrary.
Schneider (1923) stated that PDs are those 'abnormal personalities who
suffer through their abnormalities or through whose abnormalities society
suffers', while Rado's definition (1953) focussed on the organization of
higher mental activity, i.e. 'Disturbances of psychodynamic integration
that significantly affect the organism's adaptive life performance, its
attainment of utility and pleasure'. More recently, Rutter (1987) considered
that PDs are 'a persistent, pervasive abnormality in social relationships and
social functioning generally'.
The World Health Organization's definition of PD for ICD-9 (1978)
stressed that signs usually appear early in life, and PD was said to consist of
deeply ingrained maladaptive patterns of behaviour generally recognizable by the
time of adolescence or earlier and continuing throughout most of adult life,
although often becoming less obvious in middle or old age. The personality is
abnormal either in the balance of its components, their quality and expression, or in
its total aspect. Because of this deviation or psychopathy the patient suffers or
others have to suffer and there is an adverse effect upon the individual or on society.
The other main classifactory system, the DSM (i.e. DSM-III, DSM-III-
R and DSM-IV) defines personality traits as 'enduring patterns of perceiv-
Personality disorders 11
ing, relating to, and thinking about the environment and oneself, and are
exhibited in a wide range of important social and personal contexts', and
continues: 'it is only when personality traits are inflexible and maladaptive
and cause either significant functional impairment or subjective distress
that they constitute personality disorders. The manifestations of personal-
ity disorders are often recognizable by adolescence or earlier and continue
throughout most of adult life, though they often become less obvious in
middle or old age' (American Psychiatric Association, 1987). In the DSM-
IV, the general diagnositic criteria for a PD consist of: 'an enduring pattern
of inner experience and behaviour that deviates from the expectations of
the individual's culture' (which is manifested in two or more of the
following: cognition, affectivity, interpersonal functioning and impulse
control); 'the enduring pattern is inflexible and pervasive across a broad
range of personal and social situations'; 'the enduring pattern leads to
clinically significant distress or impairment in social, occupational, or other
important areas of functioning'; 'the pattern is stable and of long duration
and its onset can be traced back at least to adolescence or early adulthood';
'the enduring pattern is not better accounted for as a manifestation or
consequence of another mental disorder'; and 'the enduring pattern is not
due to the direct physiological effects of a substance (e.g. a drug of abuse, a
medication) or a general medical condition (e.g. head trauma)'.
The 10th revision of the ICD (ICD-10, World Health Organization,
1992) defined a specific PD as
disease with excess mortality, and if this is applied to individuals with some
types of PDs, there is convincing evidence that the disease concept is
justified. For example, antisocial PD was associated with increased risk of
unnatural death in a 7 year follow-up of 500 psychiatric outpatients of a
psychiatric service; this was related to substance abuse, accidents and
suicide (Martin, 1986). But the traditional medical approach of applying no
more than a few categorical labels (i.e. 'diagnoses') to an individual patient
is not well suited to the identification of PDs, as many patients qualify for
several co-occurring PD diagnoses. Therefore, it may be appropriate to
modify the traditional format of medical diagnostic systems for the
consideration of PDs.
Scadding (1988, 1990) has pointed out that 'diagnosis is the process by
which a patient's symptoms and signs are assessed and investigated, with a
view to the categorisation of his/her case with others of a similar sort which
have been studied in the past, in order that the patient may benefit from the
application of established knowledge to the problem'. He has also noted
that the concept of'a disease' is 'logically heterogeneous', as it may refer to
a group of signs and symptoms (a syndrome), to the effects of a specific
disorder of bodily structure or function, or to the effects of a specified causal
agent. The aims of psychiatric research include the investigation of the
associations of behavioural syndromes with disorders of bodily structure or
function, causal factors, prognosis and efficacy of treatments. A diagnostic
label for a disease is always provisional (Mindham, Scadding & Cawley,
1992), as it forms an hypothesis that is 'a conjecture about the relationship
between two or more concepts' (Freeman & Tyrer, 1989). Research often
leads to revisions of disease concepts, and classification is an essential part
of this process.
There is no clear dividing line between normal and abnormal personali-
ties, but it is possible to make reliable arbitrary distinctions, perhaps based
on a cut-off score of dimensions that have been measured. However, in
practice, the clinician or health-care worker is not concerned with the
threshold for a PD diagnosis, but with the questions 'is this person's PD
significantly maladaptive?' (i.e. does the individual suffer or do other people
suffer?) and, if the answer is 'yes', 'what interventions, if any, are
There have been many criticisms of the disease concept in relation to the
use of PD diagnoses; for instance that a PD diagnosis is unreliable and that
it is often used as a derogatory label on the basis of inadequate assessment,
i.e. 'little more than a moral judgement masquerading as a clinical
diagnosis' (Blackburn, 1988). Also, it has been claimed that the process of
assigning a PD diagnosis can be used as an excuse to deny patients
Principles of classification 13
appropriate help (Lewis & Appleby, 1988) as, in contrast to other mental
disorders, a PD diagnosis is not usually considered to take away significant
personal responsibility from the patient for his/her actions. As individuals
with PD are often disliked because of their behaviour, the use of the PD
diagnostic category may have an implicit meaning, namely that the person
is not deserving of care and treatment. But while such criticisms of the use of
PD categories may sometimes be justified, they should be directed to
clinicians and health care workers, rather than to the relevant concepts and
classificatory systems.
In routine practice, the clinician assesses PD by an interview in which
various aspects of the patient's past life and conscious awareness are
explored. Various topics are routinely covered but questions are not usually
presented in a standard format. If possible, an informant is also seen. It is
particularly important to elicit information about the major problems
related to PD, which include antisocial behaviour, dependence on others,
problems in sustaining relationships and attitudes to other people.
Various methods can be used for a more detailed assessment, in
particular for research studies. These may involve self-report question-
naires (for patient and an informant), questionnaires for the clinician
(which may involve rating scales), and structured interview schedules.
Whatever the method of PD assessment, other co-occurring abnormal
aspects of the patient's mental state may produce distortions of the
findings, and these are known as 'trait-state artefacts'. For example, it has
been shown that patients who are depressed or anxious often do not
provide accurate reports of their previous functioning. However, some
assessment methods have been shown to be relatively reliable for some PD
features despite variations in anxiety and depression between separate
assessments (Loranger et a/., 1991; Brown et ai, 1992). A further problem is
a tendency for patients to acknowledge fewer maladaptive PD traits at a
subsequent assessment.
Principles of classification
Classification in medicine has been claimed to be a 'necessary preliminary
to almost any useful communication' (Kendell, 1983); however, any
classificatory system involves underlying assumptions, which, if incorrect,
may hold back the development of knowledge. The various systems have
been mainly concerned with disorders that people have but can also be
14 Basic concepts and clinical overview
Methods of classification
In an ideal classificatory system, each category should contain members
that are identical (i.e. all criteria must be met by all members) and should be
mutually exclusive (i.e. a member must be in one class only). Also, all the
categories should be jointly exhaustive (i.e. there should be one category
that is suitable for every member of the population being studied). Disease
categories are best suited to populations of disorders in which there are
sharp boundaries between the disorders. When PD criteria relate to
behaviour that can be found in most individuals (e.g. aggression), an
arbitrary dividing line between normality and disorder can only be avoided
if there is a point of rarity in the severity or frequency of the behaviour.
Thus, if human beings were all either very docile (except in extreme
circumstances) or so aggressive that breaches of the law occurred regularly,
then a categorical approach could easily be applied because intermediates
would be rare. Unfortunately, points of rarity are not found for most PD
criteria or most PDs, except, perhaps, for a minority of paranoid, schizoty-
pal, borderline and antisocial PD criteria (Frances, 1982; Livesley &
Jackson, 1992).
A 'monothetic' category of disease involves all its members meeting all
the criteria, while just a minimum number of positive criteria are needed for
membership of a 'polythetic' category. Thus, for the latter, there is a
variable level of resemblance to the 'ideal' or 'prototype' member of the
class, which meets all the criteria. But a polythetic system is misleading, as a
single PD diagnosis is applied to each example of a group of disorders that
shows considerable heterogeneity; for example, there are 93 ways in which
the DSM-III-R's polythetic criteria for borderline PD can be met.
In a polythetic system it is difficult to determine an appropriate threshold
in relation to the number of criteria to be met for diagnosis, and the decision
is usually arbitrary. But a variant of a polythetic classificatory system can
involve abolition of the threshold concept for ^n all-or-none diagnosis, and
its replacement by a score for each category of disorder, based on the
16 Basic concepts and clinical overview
Data from a population of diseases can be recorded not only by a system of
categories but by dimensional scores or ratings, each of which may involve
a continuous distribution of the amount of a variable. However, it must be
noted that categories and dimensions can be complementary, and that
dimensional scores are easily converted into categories; for example, if
severity of aggression has been rated on a 10 point scale (10 = very severe),
an arbitrary threshold of a score of 6 or more can be used to define a
category of aggressive disorder.
PDs have been traditionally described in categorical terms in the
psychiatric literature, although the dimensional nature of most PD features
has led to an increasing awareness that a more dimensional approach to
measurement and classification will be required. But even within recent
categorical systems, such as the DSM-III-R, the total score of positive PD
criteria for each PD diagnosis can provide a dimensional assessment that
may correlate with the degree of social impairment for many patients,
although some may show relatively severe disorder restricted to a small
number of PD criteria. Threshold values for the number of positive criteria
required to produce a categorical diagnosis have been generally arbitrary,
but it may be possible to link a cut-off point with clinically-significant
variables such as a specified degree of social impairment.
Category of PD Source
Schizotypal *DSM-III-R
Narcissistic *DSM-III-R
Passive-aggressive DSM-III-R
Self-defeating DSM-III-R
Sadistic DSM-III-R
Organic ICD-10
Enduring personality changes ICD-10
Accentuation of personality traits ICD-10
Depressive personality Various
endogenous mood changes can appear 'out of the blue'. Other hypothe-
sized types of causal factors for depressive syndromes include identifiable
biological factors (e.g. brain disease, drug administration, infections,
nutritional factors, and hormonal influences), psychologically meaningful
reactions to (and interactions with) life events, and personality or PD.
There is some evidence that certain features of PDs may make an individual
particularly prone to the development of some depressive symptoms. For
example, borderline PD is associated with emotional instability, a tendency
to develop transient depressed moods, irritability or anxiety, inability to
sustain relationships, and an unstable lifestyle. In addition to mood
disorder being an integral part of this PD, individuals with these character-
istics usually experience more stressful life events, which may have addi-
tional causal effects for depressed mood or anxiety (Seivewright, 1987).
Also, it has been proposed that certain personality characteristics should be
recognized as a category of'depressive personality disorder' (Phillips et aL,
1990), involving excessively negative and pessimistic beliefs about oneself
and other people, with relatively persistent depressed mood (Hirschfeld &
Shea, 1992).
The hypotheses that give a major causal role for PD in the development
of some depressive syndromes have led to several diagnostic labels for the
corresponding depressive sub-types, i.e. 'characteriological depression'
(Akiskal, Rosenthal & Haykal, 1980), 'affective spectrum disorder'
(Widiger & Shea, 1991; McElroy et aL, 1992) and the 'general neurotic
syndrome' (Tyrer et aL, 1992).
Before leaving the interface of PD and depressive disorders, mention
must be made of'cyclothymic' PD which, according to the ICD-9, involves
a pattern of changes of mood involving periods of persistent depression or
persistent elation. But in the subsequent 10th revision of the ICD, cyclothy-
mia was described as 'a persistent instability of mood involving numerous
periods of mild depression and mild elation'. It was considered to be a mood
disorder rather than a PD, and it is likely that this syndrome is genetically
related to the more typical forms of manic-depressive disorder.
While anxiety is often a part of a depressive syndrome, various anxiety
disorders can be diagnosed independently, and there can be difficulty in
defining a boundary between certain features of PDs and certain anxiety-
related syndromes such as social phobia. As described in DSM-III-R, the
latter involves 'a persistent fear of one or more situations in which the
person is exposed to possible scrutiny by others ...' while, in the same
classification, the features of avoidant PD include being unwilling to get
involved with people unless certain of being liked and being reticent in
Boundaries with other mental disorders 25
social situations because of a fear of saying something inappropriate or
foolish. It seems likely that these two syndromes are not clinically distinct
but reflect overlapping variants along a spectrum of related phenomena
(Brooks, Baltazar & Munjack, 1989).
Another group of mental disorders that can be difficult to distinguish
from PDs (in particular those PDs with antisocial behaviour) consists of
'impulse-control disorders' (McElroy et al., 1992). These include intermit-
tent explosive disorders (instability of mood with outbursts of anger or
violence), kleptomania (a persistent impulse to steal, often without econ-
omic motive), pathological gambling, and pyromania (an irresistible
impulse to start fires). Also, trichotillomania (an abnormal desire to pull
out one's hair) can appear to be similar to some features of obsessive-
compulsive PD.
Another boundary problem involves the frequent associations between
antisocial PD (variously defined) and substance abuse disorders (Docherty,
Fiester & Shea, 1986). The DSM-III-R criteria for antisocial PD include
failure to conform to social norms with respect to lawful behaviour and an
inability to sustain consistent work behaviour, but these can also occur in
syndromes involving substance abuse such as DSM-III-R's 'psychoactive
substance dependence'. It appears that either there is considerable overlap
between the features of these disorders or that one syndrome is being given
more than one diagnosis (Frances, Widiger & Fyer, 1990).
The next area of diagnostic uncertainty involves schizoid, schizotypal
and paranoid PDs, schizophrenia and Asperger's syndrome. Schizoid PD
involves a relative indifference to personal relationships with social isola-
tion, while schizotypal PD includes features that can appear to be mild
forms of some of the features of schizophrenia, for example, odd beliefs,
eccentric behaviour, unusual perceptual experiences and odd speech.
Evidence has been accumulating that schizotypal PD should be considered
as a variant of schizophrenia (Kendler, Eaves & Strauss, 1981) and is
classified as such in the 10th revision of the ICD. Asperger's syndrome is
characterized by abnormal social interactions and a restricted repertoire of
interests and activities in older children but without significant general
delay in language or cognitive development. Rutter (1987) noted a possible
association between schizoid PD and Asperger's syndrome (and childhood
autism), and there is some indication of a familial association between
paranoid PD and schizophrenia (Kendler & Gruenberg, 1984).
Finally, the distinction between obsessive-compulsive PD and obsessive-
compulsive neurosis can also be arbitrary, for instance, when the former
involves excessive attention to detail and organization that can differ only
26 Basic concepts and clinical overview
in degree from a compulsive ritual involving clearly abnormal patterns of
Further revisions of influential classification of mental disorders may
improve the scientific utility of the various diagnoses. If possible, similar
syndromes with different names should be merged or the overlap between
criteria for two or more diagnoses should be reduced. But this may not
always be appropriate if two defined syndromes are both useful despite
considerable overlap.
Epidemiology overview
The DSM-III-R definition of PD is somewhat vague, as it encourages the
clinician to decide when aspects of personality 'cause either significant
functional impairment or subjective distress'. Therefore the diagnostic
threshold is difficult to determine both in practice and in research studies.
However, it is generally agreed that PDs are of considerable clinical
importance: 'the personality disorders constitute one of the most important
sources of long-term impairment in both treated and untreated popula-
tions. Nearly one in every 10 adults in the general population and over one-
half of those in (psychiatrically) treated populations, may be expected to
suffer from one of the personality disorders' (Merikangas & Weissman,
Prevalence of PD in different settings, estimated by various methods, has
been reviewed by Casey (1988). Using a structured interview, PD was found
in 13% of an adult urban population (Casey & Tyrer, 1986), while
prevalence rates of up to 34% have been reported for populations of
patients in primary medical care settings. Bateman (1993) claimed a
prevalence rate of about 10% in the general population and 20-30% in
patients attending general practitioners. PDs have been commonly found
in association with anxiety states, depressive disorders, substance abuse,
self-harm episodes and criminal conduct. It was reported that, in England
and Wales, 7.6% of psychiatric admissions had a PD diagnosis (Depart-
ment of Health and Social Security, 1985), which is likely to be an
underestimate of the actual prevalence. Other studies have found high rates
(up to 50%) in psychiatric inpatient populations, as well as in outpatient
samples (20-40%).
Weissman (1993), in a recent review, claimed a lifetime rate for a DSM-
III-R PD of 10-13%, and of 2-3% for antisocial PD. For the latter, three
different community studies have produced similar rates, and this diagnosis
is much more common in males and in younger adults. A decreasing
28 Basic concepts and clinical overview
prevalence rate with increasing age has also been found for some other PDs,
such as borderline PD, and there appears to be a relatively high prevalence
of PDs in urban samples.
The genotype
The genetic characteristics of an individual reflect his/her genetic inheri-
tance, together with any mutations, and the genetic substrate that
influences the development of patterns of maladaptive behaviour is likely to
involve many genes whose effects can be additive. Therefore, a search of
markers of such genes would be likely to involve several biological and
neuropsychological variables.
Socio-cultural environment
Environmental variables affecting PD, which are mediated by higher
mental activity, include those related to parents (or care givers), living
group, immediate social milieu and wider cultural influences. It has been
noted that, at the age of around 3 months, the human infant begins to
discriminate between care givers and to form attachments with a limited
number of individuals. This process seems to reflect behavioural patterns
seen in higher primates that are necessary for satisfactory social
30 Basic concepts and clinical overview
Constitution-environment interactions
Although the biological constitution of an individual may also reflect
variables other than genetic factors, particular attention has been paid to
genotype-environment interactions, for example, when individuals with
different genetic characteristics respond differently to specific environments
(Bergeman et al, 1988). It appears that there can be a marked effect of a
specified social environment on a minority of subjects who have certain
genetic characteristics.
Methods of investigation
Animal studies
Selective breeding for certain behavioural patterns in animals may be
relevant to the understanding of human behavioural genetics. For example,
strains of rats have been developed that differ in their 'emotional' response
to being placed in a brightly lit area, as measured by the frequency of
defaecation (Wimer & Wimer, 1985), and 'nervous' pointer dogs appear
frightened in the presence of humans, showing immobility (Reese, 1979).
and 'social closeness'. This study involved 217 MZ and 114 DZ reared-
together adult twin pairs, and 44 MZ and 27 DZ reared-apart adult twin
pairs. It was concluded that about 50% of measured differences were
caused by genetic influences, while the remaining 50% of environmentally-
determined variance included measurement error and the influence of
transient 'states', such as depression or anxiety. It was also claimed that this
study provided evidence of both additive and non-additive genetic effects.
In general, studies of normal personality in related individuals have
shown that genetic factors are responsible for between 35% and 60% of the
variance for several traits measured by questionnaire; for example, the
range of estimates for the genetic contribution to the variance of measure-
ments of extraversion is between 54% and 74% (Livesley et at., 1993).
A further twin study, in a volunteer non-clinical sample, examined
genetic and environmental influences on PD (Livesley et al., 1993). Subjects
were 90 MZ and 85 DZ twin pairs who completed a 290-item questionnaire.
The following dimensions of PD were assessed: affective lability, anxious-
ness, callousness, cognitive distortion, compulsivity, conduct problems,
identity problems, insecure attachment, intimacy problems, narcissism,
oppositionality, rejection, restricted expression, self-harm, social avoi-
dance, stimulus seeking, submissiveness, and suspiciousness. Estimates
were made for the proportion of the variance of each scale that was
accounted for by genetic factors, common (shared) environment and non-
shared environment. Additive and non-additive genetic factors were esti-
mated separately, based on comparisons of the correlations between the
scores of MZ and DZ twins. The estimates of genetic influence on the
variance for 12 of the 18 dimensions were 40% or above. The highest values
were 64% for narcissism and 59% for identity problems (i.e. ahedonia,
chronic feelings of emptiness, labile self-concept and pessimism), while the
lowest values for genetic heritability were for conduct problems (0%) and
submissiveness (25%). As in previous studies, the influences of common
environment were generally low or non-existent, with the exception of the
contributions to conduct problems (53%) and submissiveness (28%).
However, marked effects of non-shared environment were generally found.
It was concluded that most PD traits involve the extremes of normal
variation, and that most aspects of PD are causally related to substantial
genetic and non-shared environmental components. But it was pointed out
that the relative importance of various causal factors may be different in
samples from clinical settings with a diagnosis of PD. Nevertheless, the
demonstration that PD traits vary in respect of the relative proportions of
Causation 33
genetic and environmental effects has implications for treatment pro-
grammes; for instance, a strong genetic predisposition to a maladaptive
trait may limit the potential for psychological treatments.
Studies of biological correlates of schizotypal PD have indicated geneti-
cally-determined abnormalities in dopaminergic neurotransmission and
information processing. Schizotypal PD and schizophrenia appear to be
related disorders, and this is consistent with the finding that some patients
with schizotypal PD may be helped by low doses of 'neuroleptic'
Studies of related individuals have clearly indicated that genetic factors can
predispose an individual to criminal activity. Studies of biological variables
have reported that groups of subjects with antisocial PD tend to show
hyporesponsiveness when anticipating or experiencing aversive stimula-
tion, while 'challenge' studies, such as the prolactin response to fenflura-
mine, have shown abnormalities related to borderline PD. Both borderline
and antisocial PD have been associated with a history of various aspects of
adversity in childhood, in particular repeated abuse involving sexual,
40 Basic concepts and clinical overview
A considerable volume of research has identified a range of genetic and
environmental causal factors, and their interactions, which must be con-
sidered in the development of all PDs. Further studies of biological markers
of PD characteristics may lead to improvements in the targeting of both
pharmacological and psychological interventions.
Unfortunately, 'personality disorder' has often been used as a negative and
perjorative term to imply that the individual does not deserve help and that
the presenting problems are not the province of medical practice. Also, it
Treatability 41
has been commonly believed that there are no effective interventions; this
can provide an excuse to avoid those patients whose behaviour is unplea-
sant and difficult to manage. Some patients with PD become poorly
tolerated by health care staff as they frequently demand help but reject what
is offered. This may be accompanied by complaints, anger, threats and
However, patients with PD can benefit from a variety of interventions,
even though the long-term persistence of these disorders usually prevents
the clinician from receiving the gratifying feedback of a short-term
dramatic cure. However, as the presenting problems often result from an
interaction between the PD and the environment, it is often possible to
arrange or encourage environmental changes that can lead to a rapid
resolution of a crisis. In the longer-term, it is possible for ingrained aspects
of PD to become modified, although, in general, any significant changes are
gradual, while pronounced traits will never completely disappear or be
replaced. Nevertheless, even relatively modest changes (for example,
learning to avoid some situations that evoke an outburst of temper) can
have significantly beneficial effects.
For many individuals with severe PD, the most helpful strategy is to
provide a long-term contact with one or more professionals in the health
care and allied services, with back-up measures (e.g. intensive counselling, a
short admission to psychiatric hospital, social work intervention, or day
care attendance) in times of crisis. Although such a supportive strategy
appears deceptively simple, it is often very difficult for the health-care
worker to maintain the motivation to continue regular (even if infrequent)
contact with a person who is difficult to manage and may be unlikeable. The
nature of these contacts, when the conversation may often be very
superficial and the clinician may not be using any specific techniques of
intervention, may not appear to justify years of professional training. It is
tempting not to give another appointment and, of course, this may be quite
appropriate, as not everybody with PD needs to be seen over long periods
or indefinitely. But for those individuals who are constantly presenting to
the psychiatric and other medical services, longer-term support and crisis
intervention can be justified, not only because the individual may be helped
but also because this may minimize demands on medical services. The
specific tasks of the clinician are firstly, to decide on an appropriate format
and duration of contact with the psychiatric (or other) services; secondly, to
tolerate a lack of response or cooperation; and, thirdly, to override his/her
desire to discharge the individual if the contacts evoke anger and frust-
ration in the clinician, when this is not in the patient's interest.
In addition to this supportive approach, there is evidence that more
42 Basic concepts and clinical overview
44 Specified personality disorders: clinical features
Main features
These include excessive sensitivity to rebuff, insecurity, suspiciousness and
mistrust of others.
Clinical origins
Kretchmer (1918) described a 'sensitive' personality, which involves excess-
ive suspiciousness and exaggerated reactions to setbacks, and these features
Paranoid personality disorder 45
have been incorporated into all the versions of the DSM classification. But
despite general agreement among clinicians that such a syndrome does
exist, it is relatively uncommon in clinical practice and has attracted little
research. However, there is evidence from family and adoption studies that,
together with schizoid and schizotypal PD, paranoid PD has a genetic link
with schizophrenia (Kendler et al, 1984). For example, increased risks of
schizophrenia, paranoid PD and schizotypal PD were found in relatives of
a sample selected on the basis of the presence of schizotypal PD (Siever et
al., 19906).
Main definitions
The DSM-III-R considers that the essential feature of paranoid PD is a
'pervasive and unwarranted tendency ... to interpret the actions of people
as deliberately demeaning or threatening' and four of the following are
required for the diagnosis:
(1) expects, without sufficient basis, to be exploited or harmed by others, (2)
questions, without justification, the loyalty or trustworthiness of friends or associ-
ates, (3) reads hidden demeaning or threatening meanings into benign remarks or
events, (4) bears grudges or is unforgiving of insults or slights, (5) is reluctant to
confide in others because of unwarranted fear that the information will be used
against him or her, (6) is easily slighted and quick to react with anger or to
counterattack, (7) questions, without justification, fidelity of spouse or sexual
The DSM-IV contains minor modifications; for example, the first
criterion becomes: 'suspects, without sufficient basis, that others are
exploiting, harming, or deceiving him or her'.
The ICD-10 criteria show considerable overlap with the above, but also
include the following: a combative and tenacious sense of personal rights
out of keeping with the actual situation; a tendency to experience excessive
self-importance, manifest in a persistent self-referential attitude; and
preoccupation with unsubstantiated 'conspiratorial' explanations of events
both immediate to the patient and in the world at large.
Clinical features
Paranoid PD is characterized by a marked distrust of others and sensitivity
to rebuff. These features appear to relate to an underlying insecurity and are
accompanied by a watchful alertness.
Such individuals are suspicious, tense, emotionally cold and rigid in their
thinking. There is often a fear of losing independence, a resentment of those
46 Specified personality disorders: clinical features
A ssociated features
Reference has been made to the evidence that suggests that individuals with
paranoid PD can share some genetic factors with those showing schizotypal
PD, schizoid PD or schizophrenia. The DSM-III-R has claimed that
paranoid PD is more frequently diagnosed in men.
Current status
Despite the relative lack of empirical research, the category of paranoid PD
has a long clinical tradition. The phenomena associated with this diagnosis
can undoubtedly be of clinical significance in patient groups. The genetic
relationships between paranoid PD, the other PDs in DSM-III-R's cluster
A (schizotypal and schizoid PDs) and various types of schizophrenia,
require further investigation.
Main features
The main features of schizoid and schizotypal PDs will be considered
together; these include social withdrawal, lack of emotional rapport,
sensitivity, a preoccupation with an internal world of cognitive processes
48 Specified personality disorders: clinical features
Clinical origins
Although Bleuler (1908) drew attention to that part of any personality that
involves the direction of the person's attention to the inner mental life and
away from the external world, the concept of schizoid PD originated from
observations that social withdrawal and eccentricity appeared to have an
increased prevalence among relatives of patients with schizophrenia and
among the patients' premorbid personalities (Widiger et ah, 1988; Vaglum
& Vaglum, 1989). The vivid internal mental world that can accompany
social withdrawal was recognized by Kretchmer (1925), who described
persons who loved books, were impractical and lazy, yet could act with
passionate energy in certain areas. Despite social withdrawal, deep friend-
ships could sometimes be developed with a select few.
The revisions of the third edition of the DSM classification in 1980 were
of critical importance to the more recent concepts of the schizophrenia-
related PDs, and, prior to 1980, the DSM subdivided a schizoid PD
category into schizoid, avoidant and schizotypal PDs; schizoid PD denoted
social withdrawal in the context of an apparent indifference to social
relationships, together with a reduced range of emotional experience and
expression, while, in contrast, individuals with avoidant PD were thought
to have the desire to relate socially with more capacity for social relation-
ships. In avoidant PD there was also a pervasive social discomfort due to
fear of humiliation and disapproval. The third of the pre-1980 subcategor-
ies, schizotypal PD, was reserved for those features that appeared, on the
evidence of the Danish adoption studies of schizophrenia, to be the most
specific indicators of genetic linkage with schizophrenia, namely odd or
eccentric thoughts and behaviour (Kendler et ah, 1984; Modestin, Foglia &
Toffler, 1989). However, detailed evaluation of the range of PD features in
relatives of patients with schizophrenia has also identified an increased
prevalance of emotional detachment, unsociability and suspiciousness
(Kendler, 1985), which indicates that features in the DSM-IIFs definition of
schizoid PD were also related to schizophrenia. Another controversial and
confusing aspect in the classifications of these PDs has been the claim that
'schizophrenia-like' features can also be found in borderline PD.
Other syndromes, which are described as 'developmental' as they become
Schizoid (and schizotypal) personality disorder 49
apparent in childhood, appear to be linked to schizoid (and schizotypal) PD
in adults; these are schizoid PD of childhood (Wolff, 1991), autism, and
Asperger's syndrome (Tantam, 1988). (The latter incorporates schizoid PD
of childhood in the ICD-10.)
Schizoid PD of childhood occurs more in boys than girls in a ratio of 4:1.
While autism is usually evident before the age of 3, schizoid PD of
childhood occurs later and, in general, patients are less disabled than those
with either autism or Asperger's syndrome, although the boundaries
between these disorders are not clear. Schizoid PD of childhood involves
solitariness, impaired empathy, emotional detachment, rigidity of mental
set with single-minded pursuit of special interests, increased sensitivity, odd
styles of communication (including overcommunicativeness), odd gaze and
gestures, and unusual fantasies. This is usually in the setting of average or
superior intelligence but there may be specific developmental delays,
especially of language-related skills. Such children present problems to
teachers and parents; they do not conform socially and react to constraints
with outbursts of weeping, rage or aggression. Follow-up studies have
shown that features of this disorder persist to at least early adult life and it
appears that biological causal factors, such as genetic influences, are
implicated. The risk of the subsequent development of schizophrenia may
be increased but is still relatively low at an estimated 1 in 10, but in a follow-
up study (Wolff, 1991), in which the mean age of patients was 27, 75%
fulfilled DSM-III criteria for schizotypal PD and there were significantly
increased prevalences of both schizoid and schizotypal PDs compared with
a control group. Also, the patient group had more impairment related to
social integration, heterosexual relationships and sensitivity, together with
unusual modes of communication, involving odd thoughts, overtalkative-
ness, unguarded communications, abnormal eye contact, abnormal smil-
ing, single-minded pursuits of special interests and poor work adjustment.
There was a greater incidence of attendance at psychiatric services and two
patients had developed schizophrenia. Wolff (1991) has hypothesized that
schizoid PD of childhood may be related to autism, Asperger's syndrome
and schizophrenia, in an association that may involve the sharing of a
genetically based predisposition that requires additional genetic and other
factors for the development of the latter three disorders.
Autism is also more common in boys and is usually apparent before the
age of 3. Most affected individuals have significant learning difficulties and
there is poor communication with a pattern of restricted repetitive behav-
iour. It has been reported that parents of such children show increased
50 Specified personality disorders: clinical features
Main definitions
DSM-III-R considers that the essential features of schizoid PD are a
pervasive pattern of indifference to social relationships and a restricted
range of emotional experience and expression. At least four of the following
criteria are required:
(1) neither desires nor enjoys close relationships, including being part of a family
(authors' note: the lack of desire for relationships has been questioned), (2) almost
always chooses solitary activities, (3) rarely, if ever, claims to experience strong
emotions, such as anger or joy, (4) indicates little or no desire to have sexual
experiences with another person (age being taken into account), (5) is indifferent to
the praise and criticism of others, (6) has no close friends or confidants (or only one)
other thanfirst-degreerelatives, (7) displays constricted affect, e.g. is aloof, cold,
rarely reciprocates gestures or facial expressions, such as smiles or nods.
The DSM-IV criteria combined criteria 3 and 7 to form the criterion:
'shows emotional coldness, detachment, or flattened affectivity', and has
given an additional criterion: 'takes pleasure in few, if any, activities'.
DSM-III-R classifies schizotypal PD as a separate disorder although
criterion 6 for schizoid PD is included in the schizotypal PD syndrome.
Also, criterion 8 for schizotypal PD: 'inappropriate or constricted affect,
e.g. silly, aloof, rarely reciprocates gestures or facial expressions, such as
smiles or nods', is very similar to criterion 7 for schizoid PD.
The essential features for schizotypal PD are considered to be peculiari-
ties of ideation, appearance and behaviour, as well as deficits in interperso-
nal relations. The DSM-III-R criteria are:
(1) ideas of reference (excluding delusions of reference), (2) excessive social anxiety,
e.g. extreme discomfort in social situations involving unfamiliar people, (3) odd
beliefs or magical thinking, influencing behaviour and inconsistent with subcultural
Schizoid (and schizotypal) personality disorder 51
Clinical features
The features of schizoid (and schizotypal) PD result in various degrees of
social withdrawal and eccentricity, but individuals in whom these charac-
teristics are predominant are relatively rare in psychiatric practice,
although Tantam (1988) has described 60 patients from the severe end of
the spectrum. In this group, men outnumbered women 6 to 1, 25% had
criminal convictions, while half had a history of antisocial behaviour.
Nearly half had another psychiatric diagnosis and only a few lived
52 Specified personality disorders: clinical features
A ssociatedfeatures
Associations between schizoid (and schizotypal) PD and schizophrenia
have already been noted. There appears to be an increased prevalence of
these PD features in the premorbid personalities of those who subsequently
develop schizophrenia, and despite the heterogeneity of the schizophrenia
category and the use of various definitions of schizophrenia and schizoid
(and schizotypal) PD, such an association has often been reported.
Cutting's review of retrospective studies (1985) found an overall prevalence
of premorbid schizoid (or schizotypal) PD in 26% of patients with
schizophrenia, while Foerster et a/. (1991) also found good evidence of this
association, especially in males. Another reported association is between
schizoid (and schizotypal) PD (and also paranoid PD) and schizophrenia in
genetically-related individuals. This has been found in studies involving
adopted and non-adopted subjects, which have indicated that genetic but
not familial-environmental variables are responsible for the relationship of
schizoid (and schizotypal) PD to schizophrenia (Kendler, 1988). In a large
study of relatives of patients with schizophrenia, and of controls, DSM-III-
R schizotypal PD had a significantly increased prevalence in relatives of
patients with schizophrenia, and there were more modest increased preva-
lences for paranoid, schizoid and avoidant PDs (Kendler et al., \993a,b).
The prevalence rate of schizotypal PD was greater in parents than in
siblings of schizophrenic patients. In another family study, certain features
of schizotypal PD, such as odd speech, inappropriate mood and odd
behaviour, together with excessive social anxiety, were more common in
relatives of patients with schizophrenia than in relatives of those with major
depression (Torgerson et al., 1993). Although Squires-Wheeler et al. (1989)
reported that the rates of schizotypal traits in children of parents with
affective disorders were as high as those found in the children of subjects
with schizophrenia, Pica et al. (1990) found a difference between premorbid
PDs in relation to bipolar affective disorders compared with schizophrenia.
But other studies have suggested that schizotypal PD is increased in
relatives of patients with psychoses other than schizophrenia (Silverman et
al., 1993; Thakere/a/., 1993).
The associations between schizoid (and schizotypal) PD and various
syndromes in childhood (i.e. schizoid PD of childhood, autism and
Asperger's syndrome), have also been described. Also, follow-up of
patients with these childhood disorders into adult life has led to the claim
that some individuals may develop increasingly narcissistic PD features,
Schizoid (and schizotypal) personality disorder 55
Current status
Although ICD-10, DSM-III-R and DSM-IV separate schizoid PD from
schizotypal PD (or schizotypal disorder, in ICD-10), the original pre-1980
broad concept of schizoid PD incorporated both categories and there is
evidence that features from both syndromes are associated with schizo-
phrenia. It has been recently suggested that schizoid PD and schizotypal
PD 'may be slightly different variants . . . or different points along a
schizophrenia spectrum' (Widiger et al., 1988).
The controversy and confusion about the separation of certain 'schizo-
phrenia-like' features of schizoid and schizotypal PDs into categories such
as 'transient psychosis' (i.e. involving delusions and hallucinations) and
'cognitive-perceptual distortions' continues. Such features have also been
considered to be part of the syndrome of borderline PD, but may be less
enduring in this disorder. The status of those individuals with both schizoid
(or schizotypal) PD and borderline PD is unclear. It has been suggested
that, for schizoid (and schizotypal) PD, the criteria should be modified to
56 Specified personality disorders: clinical features
require that cognitive-perceptual distortions must not be limited to discrete
periods of affective symptomatology, such as depression, anxiety and
anger. Another suggested modification to the schizoid and schizotypal PD
DSM-III-R criterion 'has no close friends or confidants ...', is to add 'due
primarily to lack of desire, pervasive discomfort with others or eccentrici-
ties', which takes into account the claims that lack of desire for relation-
ships is generally found (Siever, Bernstein & Silverman, 1991).
The overlap between schizoid (and schizotypal) PD and the DSM-III-R
category of avoidant PD is another area of uncertainty. It has been stated
that there is no clear boundary between the syndromes as, contrary to some
descriptions, schizoid (and schizotypal) PD can also be associated with
anxiety and discomfort in social situations (Overholser, 1989).
Main features
Enduring patterns of antisocial behaviour have been classified in a medical
context by various sets of criteria, identified by terms such as 'psychopathy'
(or psychopath or psychopathic PD), 'sociopathy' (or sociopath or socio-
pathic PD) and 'antisocial' PD. But there has been controversy about the
degree to which specified antisocial behaviours should be part of any set of
defining criteria, as it has been claimed that the most characteristic features
are traits such as lack of empathy and remorse, unreliability, failure to
make loving relationships, failure to learn from adverse experience and
impulsive actions (Cleckley, 1976). Craft (19656) considered that the two
main features are a lack of feeling for others and a liability to act on
Despite the heterogeneous nature of the PDs of the individuals identified
by criteria sets based mainly on specified antisocial behaviours, follow-up
studies of children with 'conduct disorder' into adult life have established
the validity of the concept of enduring patterns of antisocial behaviour,
even though most children who are identified as having conduct disorders
do not go on to exhibit clinically or socially significant maladaptive adult
behaviour (Guze, 1976; Robins, 1978).
Clinical origins
Pinel (1809) has been credited with the earliest influentional suggestion that
repeated, aimless antisocial behaviour may be a mental disorder. This led to
Antisocial personality disorder 57
the term 'manie sans delire' (mania without delusions) and was the
precursor of Prichard's 'congenital deficiency of the moral sense' or 'moral
insanity' (1835), which provided an hypothesis that a diseased 'moral
faculty' could account for antisocial behaviour. But Koch (1891) believed
that there could be biological causes, describing abnormal behaviour that
was not insanity as 'constitutional psychopathic inferiority'. Walker &
McCabe (1973) have noted that the term 'psychopathic' first appeared in
the mid-19th century German literature to mean 'psychologically
damaged', and encompassed all forms of psychopathology.
In this century, Cleckley has provided an influential clinical description
in his book The Mask of Sanity (5th edition, 1976) in which the following 16
features of psychopathy were identified:
superficial charm and good intelligence; absence of delusions and other signs of
irrational thinking; absence of nervousness or psychoneurotic manifestations;
unreliability; untruthfulness and insincerity; lack of remorse or shame; inadequa-
tely motivated antisocial behaviour; poor judgement and failure to learn by
experience; pathological eccentricity and incapacity for love; general poverty in
major affective relations; specific loss of insight; unresponsiveness in general
interpersonal relations; fantastic and uninviting behaviour with drink and some-
times without; threats of suicide, rarely carried out; sex life impersonal, trivial, and
poorly integrated; and failure to follow any life plan.
this term is reserved for individuals who are basically unsocialized and whose
behaviour pattern brings them repeatedly into conflict with society. They are
incapable of significant loyalty to individuals, groups or social values. They are
grossly selfish, callous, irresponsible, impulsive and unable to feel guilt or to learn
from experience and punishment. Frustration tolerance is low. They tend to blame
others or offer plausible rationalizations for their behaviour. A mere history of
repeated legal or social offences is not sufficient to justify this diagnosis.
The next revision of the DSM, DSM-III (1980), used a similar term, i.e.
'antisocial personality disorder', but this was derived from a broader
concept as the emphasis was on specified criminal behaviour which
captured a wide range of PD and other disorders. In the DSM-III-R (1987)
the balance between specified antisocial behaviour and PD traits was
partially redressed in favour of the latter, but did not include many of the
features derived from clinical descriptions, such as selfishness, egocentri-
city, callousness, manipulativeness and lack of empathy. As a result, DSM-
III-R antisocial PD appeared to be both too broad and too narrow; a wide
range of criminals and antisocial persons were included without the
characteristic PD traits, while some of those with these traits were excluded
if they had not shown examples of the specified antisocial behaviours (Hare,
Hart&Harpur, 1991).
An alternative to the DSM criteria has been 'The Psychopathy Checklist'
(PCL) (Hare, 1980) and the revised version, the PCL-R (Hare, 1991), which
were related to Cleckley's descriptions. This concept of psychopathy is
associated with early onset, long-term maladaptive functioning, and social
dysfunction or disability. Unstable personal relationships and poor occu-
pational record is accompanied by an increased risk of criminal activity.
Features are usually noticeable by middle to late childhood and generally
persist into adult life, although there may be some improvement in social
adaptation after the fourth decade (Hare, McPherson & Forth, 1988).
The PCL-R was developed for use in male forensic populations, and
factor analysis of its 20 items has identified two factors, each involving
60 Specified personality disorders: clinical features
Main definitions
The DSM-III-R criteria for antisocial PD require evidence of conduct
disorder with an onset before the age of 15, as indicated by a history of three
or more of the following: 'truancy, running away, fights, using weapons,
forcing sexual activities on others, physical cruelty to animals, physical
cruelty to people, destruction of others' property, fire-setting, lying,
stealing without confrontation of a victim, and stealing with confrontation
of a victim'. In DSM-IV there are three additional behaviours: 'often
bullies, threatens, or intimidates others; has broken into someone else's
house, building or car; and often stays out at night despite parental
prohibitions, beginning before age 13 years'. Also, a pattern of irrespon-
Antisocial personality disorder 61
Clinical features
Hare et al. (1991) have distinguished between interpersonal, affective and
behavioural features of psychopathy. Individuals with antisocial PD often
seem grandiose, self-centred, manipulative, dominant and unfeeling, and
find long-lasting relationships difficult. They may show labile emotions,
which lack consistency or depth, and a lack of empathy, anxiety, guilt and
remorse. Their behaviour is characterized by impulsivity and sensation-
seeking which is often antisocial and may involve criminality, substance
abuse and social irresponsibility.
The common features of antisocial PD in adolescence have been des-
cribed by West (1983); aggressiveness may be shown by defiance of parents
and authorities, destructiveness, quarrels and fights with peers, cruelty and
bullying, disgruntled and resentful attitudes, fierce temper and intolerance
of frustration. Failure to acquire social skills is shown by carelessness and
slovenliness, poor educational attainment in comparison with measured
intelligence, clumsiness and uncooperativeness in team efforts, restlessness
Antisocial personality disorder 63
the person's sexual partner who may threaten to leave unless 'treatment' is
sought. Many presentations to medical services involve the complications
of substance abuse (including drunken violence), self-harm episodes and
demands for medication. When contact is made there may be threats,
verbal abuse or actual violence. It has been estimated that antisocial PD as
defined by DSM-III-R occurs in 3% of American men but less than 1 % of
Differential diagnosis can sometimes be difficult; for example, mania can
be associated with antisocial behaviour and this form of mood disorder can
present in relatively mild and chronic forms. However, the absence of
conduct disorder in childhood and an episodic nature of the antisocial
behaviour can be distinguishing features. Also, when adult antisocial
behaviour is mainly restricted to events associated with substance use
disorder (such as theft to obtain drugs or assaults when intoxicated), a
diagnosis of antisocial PD is often not justified.
A ssociated features
Males are at much greater risk than females, and other associations with the
diagnosis include young age (under 45), lower socioeconomic status, urban
residence and homelessness (North, Smith & Spitznagel, 1993). Race does
not appear to be related to risk (Jordan et al.9 1989).
Robins (1978) has shown that while antisocial PD is clearly associated
with a history of childhood conduct disorder, most children with conduct
disorder do not go on to develop antisocial PD. If a subject gave a history of
several types of conduct disorder, this was a predictor of antisocial PD,
while social class was a poor predictor of serious adult criminality. Loeber
(1990) found that the pattern of childhood conduct disorder can predict
later delinquency, and that a high risk was associated with relative
frequency and variety, occurrence in multiple settings and relatively early
onset. Other risk factors in children for later aggressive offences were
hyperactivity, impulsive behaviour, attention problems, poor social skills,
poor peer relationships, academic problems and male sex. Subsequent non-
aggressive crime was associated with a history of non-aggressive conduct
disorders and female sex. Also, the DSM-III-R has claimed that antisocial
PD, as defined in this classification, is associated with low socioeconomic
class, abuse as a child, removal from the home and growing up without
parental figures of both sexes.
Family studies of antisocial PD involving biological children and
adoptees have shown that 'both genetic and environmental factors con-
Borderline personality disorder 65
Current status
Definitions of antisocial PD that are based mainly on specified antisocial
behaviour have been validated by long-term follow-up of children with
conduct disorder, although this concept, as exemplified by DSM-III-R's
category of antisocial PD, has been criticized for emphasizing identifiable
antisocial acts at the expense of personality traits (Hare et al., 1991). Also,
there is increasing support for the recognition of a subgroup of individuals
with repeated antisocial behaviour that is mainly restricted to the context of
drug and alcohol abuse (Ferguson & Tyrer, 1991).
Main features
Borderline PD involves widespread instability in behaviour, shown by
intense and stormy relationships, impulsivity with destructive or otherwise
66 Specified personality disorders: clinical features
Clinical origins
Stern (1938) used the term 'borderline' to refer to patients who were usually
receiving regular psychotherapy and appeared severely disturbed and
difficult to manage, although not persistently out of touch with reality due
to delusions and hallucinations. However, the severity of the disorder
'bordered on' the generally-recognized serious mental disorders, such as
schizophrenia and manic-depressive disorder, and some authors believed
that the behaviour of such patients was related to the 'psychoses', i.e. the
most severe forms of mental illness, in particular to schizophrenia (Knight,
1953). This hypothesis was supported by reports that many patients
developed transient 'psychotic-like' symptoms (i.e. involving a departure
from reality) when sufficiently stressed.
Kernberg's (1967) description of the 'borderline personality organiza-
tion' involved a different perspective; the focus was not on a syndrome of
behaviour but on characteristics of mental functioning, such as a poor
capacity to tolerate anxiety, to control impulses and to develop socially-
productive ways of behaving, together with a tendency to have irrational
thinking patterns and to use certain psychological defence mechanisms.
The latter refer to ways of thinking that have the effect of making a person
less aware of feelings and attitudes; for instance, other people may be
categorized into 'all-good' or 'all-bad', so that any relationship is either
idealized or devalued, perhaps associated with a denial of contradictory
ideas or memories. Such 'splitting' may be partly recognized by the
individual and this can contribute to a feeling of insecurity in which he or
she continually feels neglected, hating those on whom he or she is
dependent. It has been claimed that another common defence associated
with borderline PD is 'projection', in which one's own unacceptable feelings
and attitudes are perceived as belonging to someone else. The concept of
borderline personality organization also involved 'identity disturbance'
with a lack of consistency about interests, values and desired relationships,
and it was believed to frequently co-occur with various other psychiatric
Borderline personality disorder 67
disorders such as anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorder, hypochondriasis,
sexual disorders, substance abuse and impulsive, antisocial or self-harm
The DSM-III (1980) incorporated two of the previous uses of the term
'borderline'; features that were considered to be associated with schizo-
phrenia contributed to the category of 'schizotypal PD', while 'borderline
PD' reflected Kernberg's linkage of 'borderline' with personality and was
also based on the work of Gunderson and colleagues (Gunderson & Singer,
1975). Gunderson's concept of borderline PD included low achievement,
impulsivity, manipulative suicide attempts, intense mood changes, tran-
sient loss of reality, high socialization, and disturbed close relationships,
which were evaluated by the Diagnostic Interview for Borderline Patients
(Gunderson, Kolb & Austin, 1981). This consisted of a semistructured
interview with 29 items, covering instability in social functioning, poor
impulse control, disturbances of depression and anger, interpersonal
difficulties, and transient 'psychotic-like' disturbances, such as derealiza-
tion, depersonalization, depressive delusions and paranoid delusions. The
core features of the DSM-III concept of 'borderline PD' were impulsive,
unstable and intense relationships with inappropriate and intense anger,
but the criteria did not include the 'psychotic-like' features that had been
considered as important in the earlier clinical descriptions and in the criteria
of Gunderson and colleagues. The revisions that led to the DSM-III-R
reduced the co-occurrence of the diagnosis of borderline and schizotypal
PDs, as, with the DSM-III-R, depersonalization and derealization, (which
can occur in borderline PD, as well as in other disorders and in non-clinical
populations), were no longer examples of unusual experiences for the
diagnosis of schizotypal PD, as had been the case in DSM-III. Also, 'odd
behavior' was added as a criterion for this latter diagnosis. But it is of note
that both DSM-III and DSM-III-R criteria for borderline PD did not
include 'psychotic-like' features.
Main definitions
DSM-III-R claimed that the main feature of borderline PD is a pattern of
instability involving relationships, mood and self-image. For the diagnosis
to be made, at least five of the following are required:
(1) A pattern of unstable and intense interpersonal relationships characterized by
alternating between extremes of overidealization and devaluation. (2) Impulsive-
ness in at least two areas that are potentially self-damaging, e.g. spending, sex,
substance abuse, shoplifting, reckless driving, binge eating. (3) Affective instability:
68 Specified personality disorders: clinical features
marked shifts from baseline mood to depression, irritability, or anxiety, usually
lasting a few hours and only rarely more than a few days. (4) Inappropriate, intense
anger or lack of control of anger, e.g. frequent displays of temper, constant anger,
recurrent physicalfights.(5) Recurrent suicidal threats, gestures, or behaviour, or
self-mutilating behaviour. (6) Marked and persistent identity disturbance mani-
fested by uncertainty about at least two of the following: self-image, sexual
orientation, long-term goals or career choice, type of friends desired, preferred
values. (7) Chronic feelings of emptiness or boredom. (8) Frantic efforts to avoid
real or imagined abandonment.
The DSM-IV contains an additional criterion: 'transient, stress-related
paranoid ideation or severe dissociative symptoms'.
ICD-10 has an equivalent category of'emotionally unstable personality
disorder' and describes two variants, impulsive and borderline types, which
both show impulsiveness and lack of self-control. The impulsive type is
characterized by outbursts involving anger or violence, while the borderline
type is a wider concept involving many of the features of the equivalent
DSM-III-R borderline PD. It should be noted that both these classifica-
tions did not specify the 'psychotic-like' features which were noted in early
clinical descriptions associated with the 'borderline' term, although these
are referred to in the DSM-IV criteria. However, the Diagnostic Interview
for Borderline Patients includes 'psychotic' phenomena such as derealiza-
tion, depersonalization, brief psychotic depressive episodes, and brief
paranoid experiences.
Clinical features
Patients whose predominant problems are related to the features of
borderline PD are common in psychiatric practice, and present consider-
able difficulties in management due to volatile moods, impulsivity, sub-
stance abuse and self-harm. It has been claimed that the associations
between these various features produce three clusters, i.e. self-damaging
acts with impulsivity; anger, labile mood and stormy relationships; and
identity disturbance, emptiness and intolerance of being alone (Hurt et al.,
1988). However, the last cluster is the least specific to the borderline PD
syndrome. Other psychiatric disorders often co-occur, such as affective
disorders, substance abuse, eating disorders and short-lived 'psychotic-
like' features including non-delusional, paranoid experiences (such as ideas
of reference and marked suspiciousness), dissociative experiences, supersti-
tiousness, magical thinking and a 'sixth sense' (Gunderson & Zanarini,
The instability of self-image (i.e. identity disturbance) consists of uncer-
Borderline personality disorder 69
Table 2.1 Features of the mental state and/or history involving 'departures
from consensual reality' associated with borderline personality disorder
Degrees of % of subjects
specificity of the with borderline
associations of PD who had a
mental state features history of the
with borderline PD phenomena shown
compared with (Zanarini et ai,
Feature other PDs 1990)
Cognitive-perceptual distortions: ++
(except in relation to
schizotypal PD)*
(i) Odd or illogical reasoning 68%
(e.g. marked suspiciousness, (Controls 24%)**
illogical thinking, belief in
telepathy and sixth sense)
(ii) Unusual perceptions (e.g. 62%
recurrent illusions, (Controls 20%)
derealization, body-image
(iii) Non-delusional paranoia 100%
(e.g. undue suspiciousness, (Controls 66%)
ideas of reference, other
paranoid states)
Transient psychotic experiences, ++++ 40%
i.e. delusions and/or (Controls 2%)
hallucinations for periods
usually less than 2 days (or if for
longer, may be atypical
compared with other 'psychotic'
Prolonged delusions and + 14%
hallucinations (Note: usually (Controls 4%)
secondary to co-occurring
mental disorders other than
* Schizotypal PD has a higher prevalence of associated cognitive-perceptual
distortions compared with borderline PD (Sternbach et al., 1992).
** The control group consisted of patients with other PDs and contained 14.5%
with a paranoid, schizoid or schizotypal PD.
Borderline personality disorder 71
A ssociated features
Borderline PD has often been reported to co-occur with schizotypal,
histrionic, antisocial and narcissistic PD features, as well as with substance
abuse and affective disorders (Higgitt & Fonagy, 1992; Oldham et ah,
1992). Also, families of patients with borderline PD had greater prevalences
Borderline personality disorder 73
Current status
Although the borderline PD syndrome was not introduced into one of the
main classifications of mental disorder until 1980, the subsequent decade
saw more publications related to this disorder than to any other PD. The
features of borderline PD are of considerable importance in clinical
populations, and appear to be the basis of some of the most severe and
enduring problems in routine clinical practice.
Follow-up studies suggest that the syndrome shows a degree of temporal
stability, although improvement generally occurs by the fourth decade.
Genetic studies suggest that borderline PD is not related to schizophrenia,
while the relationships with various types of affective disorder require
further study (Gunderson & Elliot, 1985). Future revision of the main
74 Specified personality disorders: clinical features
classifications will need to take into account the frequent and relatively
specific occurrence of transient, and possibly stress-related, delusions and
hallucinations, as well as the less specific cognitive-perceptual distortions,
in patients with borderline PD. Modifications to present criteria could
involve a recognition that mood changes usually appear reactive to
relationship and environmental changes (Gunderson et aL, 1991&).
Main features
Individuals with DSM-III-R's histrionic PD often show attention-seeking
behaviour, self-centredness, rapidly shifting and exaggerated emotional
reactions, sexual provocativeness and an excessively impressionistic style of
speech. But this diagnosis is a concept that has been criticized as possibly
representing a prejudiced male view of women - 'a caricature of femininity'
(Ferguson & Tyrer, 1988).
Clinical origins
Easser & Lesser (1965) have described how Sigmund Freud recognized a
relationship between what in the DSM-III-R would be termed 'somatiza-
tion disorder' or 'conversion disorder' (i.e. involving physical complaints
that apparently are not due to a recognizable disease) and the 'erotic
personality, whose major goal in life is the desire to love or above all to be
loved'. There is a resemblance between this description and DSM-III-R's
criteria for histrionic PD, which include: 'is inappropriately sexually
seductive in appearance and behaviour'. Also, the DSM-III-R claims that
'brief reactive psychosis' (which may involve hallucinations and/or
delusions in the context of a dissociative disorder), 'conversion disorder'
and 'somatization disorder' are possible complications. Thus, the idea of a
link between a specified personality disorder and a vulnerability to so-called
'hysterical disorders' (i.e. somatization disorder, conversion disorder and
dissociative disorders) has endured.
Histrionic PD represents a concept that has had an evolving clinical
tradition over many decades, based mainly on clinical descriptions,
although there are some supporting data (Pfohl, 1991). However, the terms
histrionic or hysterical PD have often been applied without precision;
Lazare (1971) noted that 'hysterical is commonly used in a perjorative sense
to describe a patient who is self-engrossed, incapable of loving deeply,
lacking depth, emotionally shallow, fraudulent in affect, immature,
Histrionic (or hysterical) personality disorder 75
emotionally inconsistent, and a great liar . . . The presence of just one of
these traits together with a tired resident, may result in the diagnosis of "just
Kernberg (1967) outlined features that were considered to distinguish
histrionic or hysterical PD from other disorders; these were: emotional
lability; overinvolvement; dependent and exhibitionistic needs; pseudohy-
persexuality; sexual inhibition; competitiveness; and masochism. In a
review of pre-1966 literature, Lazare, Klerman & Armor (1966) identified
the suggested features of dependence, egocentricity, emotionality, exhibi-
tionism, fear of sexuality, sexual provocativeness and suggestibility, while a
factor analytic investigation of hysterical personality (Lazare et ah, 1966;
Lazare, Klerman & Armor, 1970), based on a self-report rating scale (the
Lazare-Klerman Trait Scale), obtained a factor that resembled clinical
descriptions of hysterical PD. This involved aggression, emotionality,
exhibitionism, egocentricity and sexual provocativeness. It should be noted
that such a factor is a construct that is not a single directly measurable
variable, but is derived from the association between the measurement of
other, directly observable variables.
The DSM-I of 1952 did not include an histrionic PD category, although
some of the above features contributed to the broader concept of
'emotionally unstable personality'. However, the DSM-II, in 1968,
included 'hysterical personality' (and the alternative term 'histrionic PD'),
which was claimed to be 'characterized by excitability, emotional instabi-
lity, overreactivity, and self-dramatization. This self-dramatization is
always attention-seeking and often seductive, whether or not the patient is
aware of its purpose. These personalities are also immature, self-centred,
often vain, and usually dependent on others. This disorder must be
differentiated from Hysterical neurosis'. But the DSM-III revision of the
histrionic PD category, in 1980, did not include seductiveness, and the
overlap with the criteria for borderline PD led to further changes in DSM-
III-R (1987) in which some of the overlapping criteria such as 'prone to
manipulative suicide attempts' were omitted. Also, two new criteria were
added i.e. 'is inappropriately sexually seductive in appearance or behav-
iour', and 'has a style of speech that is excessively impressionistic and
lacking in detail'. (The resulting DSM-III-R criteria are similar to the
syndrome obtained by Lazare and colleagues by factor analysis.)
The various definitions of hysterical or histrionic PD have been asso-
ciated with a greater prevalence of these diagnoses in women, and there has
been concern that this may sometimes reflect a prejudiced tendency for the
clinician to make the diagnosis more often in women, perhaps as a result of
76 Specified personality disorders: clinical features
not giving this diagnosis to similar features in men. Some studies have
indicated that the application of the histrionic PD diagnosis may indeed be
subject to such bias, although additional reasons may contribute to a
greater prevalence in women, and it has been suggested that there may be
sex-related differences in the features of histrionic PD (Pfohl, 1991). It is of
interest that a twin study indicated a genetic contribution for histrionic PD
in women but not in men (Torgerson & Psychol, 1980). But the possibility
that histrionic PD is a diagnostic category that is liable to be misused by
some clinicians as a perjorative label, reflecting negative attitudes and the
denial of appropriate treatment, needs to be kept under review.
Main definitions
For the DSM-III-R's histrionic PD, four or more of the following eight
criteria are required:
constantly seeks or demands reassurance, approval, or praise; is inappropriately
sexually seductive in appearance or behaviour; is overly concerned with physical
attractiveness; expresses emotion with inappropriate exaggeration, e.g. embraces
casual acquaintances with excessive ardour, uncontrollable sobbing on minor
sentimental occasions, has temper tantrums; is uncomfortable in situations in which
he or she is not the centre of attention; displays rapidly shifting and shallow
expressions of emotions; is self-centred, actions being directed toward obtaining
immediate satisfaction - has no tolerance of the frustrations of delayed gratifica-
tion; and has a style of speech that is excessively impressionistic and lacking in
detail, e.g. when asked to describe mother, can be no more specific than, 'She was a
beautiful person'.
Clinical features
Many features have already been noted. The characteristics of attention-
seeking behaviour incorporate exhibitionism (i.e. drawing attention by
dress, speech or behaviour) and exaggerated expressions of emotion, at
times resembling a theatrical performance. Such individuals may be good
company, welcome guests, good at public speaking and accomplished in
amateur dramatics. Some cases are reminiscent of Jaspers' description
(1946) of a personality that seems to have lost its core and consists entirely
of a series of shifting masks.
Other features include a craving for novelty and excitement, short-lived
enthusiasms, a tendency to become bored, a lack of consideration for
others, excessive vanity and concerns with physical appearance, self-
centred behaviour involving excessive demands of others with angry scenes
or demonstrative self-injury, and a readiness to display exaggerated
emotion easily, perhaps involving angry tantrums or dramatic despair with
rapid recovery. The latter behaviour is often manipulative, in that it is
designed to influence the feelings or behaviour of others. This may present
with overdoses or other forms of self-harm, which seem mainly motivated
by anger and a wish to punish partners or family members. Such individuals
may be seen in a very angry and distressed state, perhaps leading to hospital
admission, but this rapidly improves. Sometimes it is difficult to reconcile
the calm, composed individual in the hospital with the clinical notes of the
emotionally-fraught admission the previous day.
Inappropriate seductive behaviour, involving flirting and sexual
advances, may be part of a pattern in which the person with histrionic PD
finds it difficult to relate to the preferred sex in a non-sexual way (Livesley &
Schroeder, 1991). Such individuals tend to try and control the other person
in a relationship or to enter a dependent relationship, so that interactions
tend to have a child-parent or parent-child quality. A mature, adult
relationship involves considerable flexibility of roles with give-and-take,
which is difficult for those with histrionic PD to achieve. Such individuals
may be relatively successful in looking after or relating to old people,
children or adults with handicaps as, in all these instances, the relationship
is relatively structured, with a parent-child element. There is a tendency to
indulge in romantic fantasy, and the quality of sexual relationships varies
from promiscuity through normality to unresponsiveness. Sometimes the
78 Specified personality disorders: clinical features
A ssociated features
The co-occurrence of histrionic PD with borderline, antisocial and narcis-
sistic PDs, and with somatization disorder, conversion disorder and
dissociative states, has been noted. Histrionic PD appears to be diagnosed
more frequently in women and has been claimed to be more common
among first-degree relatives of people with the disorder than among the
general population (American Psychiatric Association, 1987).
Although some features of histrionic PD overlap with those of borderline
PD (i.e. both are associated with unstable mood and dependent or 'clinging'
behaviour), histrionic PD is generally associated with more stability in
relationships and roles, relative absence of cognitive-perceptual distortions
and transient psychotic experiences, better self-esteem linked to sexual
80 Specified personality disorders: clinical features
desirability, less hostility and a more vague way of thinking (Gunderson &
Zanarini, 1987).
Current status
Despite a long clinical tradition in the descriptive literature, the diagnosis of
'histrionic' PD requires further research to determine whether it merits a
separate category. However there is no doubt that the above features
appear to be relevant to the problems of many patients with PD in
psychiatric practice, although it may be that, in general, they co-occur with
prominent features of other PDs. Poor test-retest reliability has been
reported, in particular with an unstructured clinical interview (Pfohl, 1991),
and sex-related differences in the use of the diagnosis require further
Main features
The main features have been described as 'a pervasive pattern of grandi-
osity (in fantasy or behaviour), lack of empathy, and hypersensitivity to the
evaluation of others' (American Psychiatric Association, 1987).
Clinical origins
Narcissism has been defined as 'an interest in (or focus on) the self
(Bursten, 1989), and while Sigmund Freud's paper 'On narcissism'
appeared in 1914(Freud, 1955), it was not until 1968 that Kohut introduced
the term 'narcissistic personality disorder' to describe disturbances in
several areas including grandiosity and pronounced angry reactions. The
inclusion of narcissistic PD in DSM-III, in 1980, was largely due to reports
in the psychoanalytic psychotherapy literature, derived from descriptions
of subjects for whom narcissistic behaviour was predominant and discrete,
that is, not accompanied by other significant psychopathology (Akhtar &
Thomson, 1982). Despite its appearance in DSM-III, there had been little
experimental evidence to justify its inclusion, while subsequent research
using DSM-III and DSM-III-R criteria has mostly involved patients who,
although eligible for the diagnosis of narcissistic PD, are dissimilar from the
patients (many in fee-paying psychotherapeutic relationships), whose
characteristics led to the original descriptions of the syndrome. The 1987
Narcissistic personality disorder 81
revisions, which led to DSM-III-R, substantially increased the number of
patients who fulfilled diagnostic criteria for narcissistic PD (Gunderson et
aL, 1991a).
The DSM-III-R criteria for narcissistic PD have been assessed by a semi-
structured interview, the Diagnostic Interview for Narcissism (DIN)
(Ronningstam & Gunderson, 1989, 1990), by structured interviews for the
assessment ofall DSM-III-R PDs (Stangle/a/., 1985; Loranger etaL, 1987;
Zanarini et aL, 1987), and by the revised version of the Personality
Diagnostic Questionnaire (PDQ-R), which is a self-report instrument
(Hyler et aL, 1990). Additional methods of identification relate to other
definitions of narcissism (Dowson, 1992<z).
The DSM-III-R states that the essential feature is 'a pervasive pattern of
grandiosity (in fantasy or behaviour), hypersensitivity to the evaluation of
others, and lack of empathy', while a previous comparison of three
diagnostic systems, including DSM-III, concluded that 'in differential
diagnosis, the most outstanding and specific narcissistic characteristics are
grandiosity and entitlement' (Ronningstam, 1988). Studies with the DIN
and its precursor compared a group of patients, characterized by discrete
clinically-identified narcissistic psychopathology, to groups of subjects
with other PDs (Ronningstam & Gunderson, 1988, 1990, 1991). These
studies indicated that four criteria, i.e. 'reacts to criticism with feelings of
rage, shame or humiliation...'; 'is interpersonally exploitative...'; 'lack of
empathy ...'; and 'is preoccupied with feelings of envy ...', did not
discriminate significantly between the groups, while aspects of grandiosity
were the most distinctive aspects of the narcissistic group.
A study of 291 patients with various PDs, based on data from a
questionnaire completed by clinicians, found that 22% received the DSM-
III-R diagnosis of narcissistic PD (Morey, 1988), while a study which used
the PDQ-R self-report questionnaire reported a diagnosis of narcissistic
PD in 34% of 87 patients applying for inpatient treatment of severe PD
(Hyler et aL, 1990). Two semistructured interviews were also applied in the
latter study and produced narcissistic PD diagnosis in 17% and 22%
respectively. Also, there are many claims of co-occurrence of narcissistic
PD, as defined by DSM-III or DSM-III-R, with other PDs (Dowson,
As one of the aspects of narcissism involves difficulties in the subject
viewing himself/herself realistically (Gunderson, Ronningstam & Bodkin,
1990), an informant's view might be expected to be important in assess-
ment. However, there is little empirical evidence; a study using DSM-III
criteria and semistructured interviews of 66 depressed patients and their
82 Specified personality disorders: clinical features
informants reported low diagnostic agreement for all PDs (Zimmerman et
ai, 1988). Informants reported more pathology, but while narcissistic PD
was not diagnosed on the basis of any patient's data, this diagnosis was
made in only three subjects on the basis of informants' data. But, in a study
of DSM-III-R narcissistic PD evaluated by patients' and informants' self-
report questionnaire, one criterion, i.e. 'has a sense of entitlement ...',
showed 'fair to good' reliability when patients' and informants' ratings
were compared (K = 0.62) (Dowson, 1992a). It was concluded that the
identification of a sense of entitlement by the patient may be a relatively
reliable and valid indicator of narcissism, when data are obtained from a
patient's self-report questionnaire or from the clinical interview.
Main definitions
Narcissistic PD is not represented in the ICD-10 classification but the
DSM-III-R provides nine criteria, five or more of which are needed for
diagnosis, i.e.
reacts to criticism with feelings of rage, shame, or humiliation (even if not
expressed); is interpersonally exploitative: takes advantage of others to achieve his
or her own ends; has a grandiose sense of self-importance, e.g. exaggerates
achievements and talents, expects to be noticed as 'special' without appropriate
achievement; believes that his or her problems are unique and can be understood
only by other special people; is preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited success,
power, brilliance, beauty or ideal love; has a sense of entitlement; unreasonable
expectation of especially favourable treatment, e.g. assumes that he or she does not
have to wait in line when others must do so; requires constant attention and
admiration, e.g. keeps fishing for compliments; lack of empathy: inability to
recognize and experience how others feel, e.g. annoyance and surprise when a friend
who is seriously ill cancels a date; is preoccupied with feelings of envy.
The DSM-IV criteria omit the first of the above criteria (i.e. 'reacts to
criticism...') and include a new criterion, i.e. 'arrogant, haughty behaviors
or attitudes'. Also, the fourth DSM-III-R criterion is expanded to: 'believes
that he or she is "special" and unique and can only be understood by, or
should associate with, other special or high-status people (or institutions)'.
Clinical features
Ronningstam & Gunderson (1990) identified the following characteristics
as significantly more common in a sample based on features of narcissistic
PD compared with another comparison group: a sense of superiority with
Narcissistic personality disorder 83
(1990) pointed out that such individuals are more likely to be seen in private
practice rather than hospital-based services.
Self-centred and self-referential behaviour involves the person appearing
self-preoccupied with a tendency to assign personal meaning to events that
are unrelated to them. It has also been observed that although they lack
interest in the personal opinions and reactions of others, this may be
associated with the previously-mentioned hypersensitivity to criticism.
Although the usual pattern is one of self-absorption and preoccupation
with ideas of superiority, this equilibrium can be upset by events, such as
criticism, which challenge these assumptions. Relationships are character-
ized by selfishness and a lack of input in the form of empathy and positive
regard for others (Horowitz, 1989). Other people are used to further the
person's aims, perhaps involving 'social climbing' or occupational advan-
cement, while another person may be exploited when, if the relationship has
adverse effects on the other individual, this is accepted or ignored by the
narcissistic subject. People are often discarded as friends when the relation-
ships are no longer useful. If the person with PD does not have special
abilities, another individual with talent may be selected for a dependent
relationship that has been termed a 'mirror transference' (Horowitz, 1989);
loss of such a person may lead to a severe, hopeless grief. Finally, a need for
attention and admiration can be reflected by an excessive concern with
grooming and appearance, 'fishing for compliments' or exhibitionist
behaviour. Sometimes, physical disfigurement can lead to a severe and
prolonged depressive reaction.
Evaluations of the specificity of individual DSM-III-R criteria for
narcissistic PD, in relation to patients with narcissistic PD and comparison
groups, has indicated that those criteria related to grandiosity perform best,
while the following three perform poorly: 'reacts to criticism with feelings
of rage, shame or humiliation'; 'lack of empathy'; and 'is preoccupied with
feelings of envy' (Gunderson et ai, 1991a). Angry reactions to criticism are
also commonly found in relation to paranoid and borderline PDs, and it
was suggested that the related criterion for narcissistic PD might be
reworded to: 'reacts to criticism, defeat, or rejection with sustained feelings
of disdain, shame or humiliation (even if not expressed)', although this
ignores the fact that rage can occur in narcissistic PD. With regard to lack of
empathy, Ronningstam & Gunderson (1989) noted that this is difficult to
evaluate, particularly in a single interview, and is also commonly associated
with antisocial and passive-aggressive PDs. The third problem criterion,
which is related to envy, was found to be relatively uncommon and also
associated with histrionic and avoidant PDs.
Narcissistic personality disorder 85
A ssociated features
Gunderson et al. (1991<z) have reviewed 11 studies based on DSM-III and
DSM-III-R definitions of narcissistic PD, which showed that it is rare for
patients who meet criteria for this disorder not to meet criteria for other
PDs, in particular histrionic, borderline and antisocial PDs, but also
passive-aggressive, paranoid and schizotypal PDs. In a study of 60 patients
evaluated for DSM-III-R PDs by self-report questionnaire, narcissistic PD
scores (i.e. the number of positive narcissistic PD criteria for each subject)
were significantly correlated with histrionic, borderline and passive-
aggressive PD scores (Dowson, 1992a).
Current status
While many of the features of narcissistic PD occur in patients with various
PDs, it is likely that most of the patients who are eligible for the DSM-III or
DSM-III-R diagnosis are dissimilar from those whose characteristics
originally prompted the development of this diagnostic category. It
remains to be determined if the syndromes identified by DSM definitions
will be shown to be related to causal factors or outcome. But grandiosity,
which has been considered to be the most reliable and discriminating aspect
of narcissism, and which can be identified by a sense of entitlement, is
commonly found in clinical practice, and narcissistic features often appear
to contribute to the development of a depressed mood.
Main features
The main characteristic is an avoidance of social contact, despite a wish for
relationships, in the context of social discomfort, low self-esteem and a fear
of failure, rejection, criticism, ridicule or of the experience of strong
Clinical origins
The term 'avoidant personality' was introduced by Millon (1969), and
'avoidant PD' appeared in the DSM-III in 1980. But there had been several
previous descriptions involving the avoidance of other people because of
various fears; Kretschmer (1925) described those whose 'life is composed of
A voidan t personality disorder 87
Main definitions
The DSM-III-R provides seven criteria for avoidant PD, four or more of
which are required for diagnosis, i.e.
is easily hurt by criticism or disapproval; has no close friends or confidants (or only
one) other thanfirst-degreerelatives; is unwilling to get involved with people unless
certain of being liked; avoids social or occupational activities that involve signifi-
cant interpersonal contact, e.g. refuses a promotion that will increase social
88 Specified personality disorders: clinical features
However, the DSM-IV criteria show several changes: two of the criteria,
i.e. 'avoids occupational activities that involve significant interpersonal
contact, because of fears of criticism, disapproval, or rejection', and 'is
unwilling to get involved with people unless certain of being liked' resemble
their precursors, but the following new criteria are suggested:
shows restraint within intimate relationships because of the fear of being shamed or
ridiculed; is preoccupied with being criticized or rejected in social situations; is
inhibited in new interpersonal situations because of feelings of inadequacy; views
self as socially inept, personally unappealing, or inferior to others; is unusually
reluctant to take personal risks or to engage in any new activities because they may
prove embarrassing.
Four of the six ICD-10 criteria for anxious (avoidant) PD are similar to
those in DSM-III-R, i.e. 'excessive preoccupation with being criticized or
rejected in social situations; unwillingness to become involved with people
unless certain of being liked; restrictions in lifestyle because of need to have
physical security; and avoidance of social or occupational activities that
involve significant interpersonal contact because of fear of criticism,
disapproval, or rejection'. The two remaining ICD-10 criteria are: 'persist-
ent and pervasive feelings of tension and apprehension'; and 'belief that one
is socially inept, personally unappealing, or inferior to others'.
Clinical features
The timidity and widespread avoidance of an appropriate degree and
quality of social contact is associated with a chronic state of anxiety when
with others, ideas of poor self-worth, an expectation of humiliation or
rejection, and, sometimes, a belief that strong feelings are unacceptable
(Beck & Freeman, 1990). But at the same time there is a strong wish for
affection and acceptance in relationships.
Several studies of the prevalence of DSM-III and DSM-III-R avoidant
PD in various patient groups gave an average of around 10% (Millon,
1991), which confirms clinical impressions that these features are not
uncommon in clinical settings. Millon noted that while avoidant PD shares
Avoidant personality disorder 89
social withdrawal with schizoid (and schizotypal) PD, shares low self-
esteem with dependent PD, and shares social anxiety with the non-PD
diagnostic category of 'social phobia', the motivations and pattern of
symptoms may differ between the various disorders. For example, although
social anxiety is found with both avoidant PD and social phobia, the
anxiety with avoidant PD is usually related to a wider range of interper-
sonal situations, while social phobia may coexist with a number of
satisfying social relationships. But a person with avoidant PD has few or
any close relationships, despite the desire for them, because others are not
trusted without excessive reassurance. This has been summarized by Millon
(1991): 'avoidant PD is essentially a problem of relating to persons; social
phobia is largely a problem of performing in situations', and several studies
suggest that groups of patients can be identified in which the two disorders
can be distinguished, the person with avoidant PD having more severely
impaired social skills and being likely to have more severe anxiety and
depression (Turner et al.9 1986).
Low self-esteem in the context of dependent PD is usually due to a feeling
that he/she is incompetent rather than to a fear of social interaction. Indeed,
social contact makes the person with dependent PD feel more secure and
not more anxious as it does with avoidant PD. The dependent PD person is
anxious at the prospect of interpersonal loss, while someone with avoidant
PD can be afraid of becoming too closely involved (Trull, Widiger &
Frances, 1987).
The lack of social engagement in both avoidant PD and schizoid (and
schizotypal) PD appears to reflect different underlying thoughts and
feelings. It has been generally believed that avoidant PD is characterized by
interpersonal anxiety, low self-esteem and self-consciousness, but with a
desire for relationships, while schizoid (and schizotypal) PD is not related
to poor self-esteem and reflects relative indifference to achieving closeness
to others.
Various recommendations have been made to improve the DSM-III-R
criteria for avoidant PD (Millon, 1991), which have influenced the changes
in the DSM-IV criteria. The first DSM-III-R criterion ('is easily hurt by
criticism and disapproval') could be amended to 'frequently anticipates and
worries about being criticized or disapproved of in social situations'. Such a
change would make the revised criterion more specific for avoidant PD, as
the original version also reflects a feature of dependent PD. The second
criterion ('has no close friends or confidants ...') could be modified to: 'has
few friends despite the desire to relate to others'. Thefifthand sixth criteria
('is reticent in social situations ...' and 'fears being embarrassed') could be
90 Specified personality disorders: clinical features
condensed and reformulated as: 'development of intimate relationships is
inhibited (despite desire) owing to the fear of being foolish and ridiculed, or
being exposed and shamed'. It was also proposed that the seventh criterion
('exaggerates the potential difficulties ...') be deleted, as it was relatively
uncommon in relation to the other features of avoidant PD and was often
found with obsessive-compulsive disorder, dependent PD and schizotypal
PD. Finally, a new criterion was suggested: 'possesses low self-esteem
because he or she feels socially inept and/or unappealing'.
Beck & Freeman (1990) have described some hypothetical cognitions in
relation to avoidant PD that are based on characteristic statements in
clinical practice, i.e.
I am socially inept and undesirable; other people are superior to me and will reject or
think critically of me if they get to know me; I can't handle strong feelings; you'll
think I'm weak; if I give in to these feelings they will go on forever, if I ignore them, it
might get better some day; I'm unattractive, boring, stupid, a loser and pathetic; I
don't fit in'.
A ssociated features
Social phobia and avoidant PD may co-occur, but the nature of any causal
relationships are uncertain. DSM-III-R claims that avoidant disorder of
childhood or adolescence, and disfiguring physical illness, predispose to the
development of avoidant PD.
Current status
Avoidant PD is a relatively new category dating from 1980, consisting of
phenomena which are relevant to some patients with PD in clinical
populations who can present with depressive features, anxiety or substance
abuse. Features of other PDs are often present and it can be difficult to
distinguish some features of avoidant PD from other disorders, particularly
schizoid PD, dependent PD and social phobia.
Dependen t personality disorder 91
Main features
The main characteristic of dependent PD is a pervasive pattern of depen-
dent and submissive behaviour in the context of an excessive need to be
taken care of, and fears of separation.
Clinical origins
A degree of dependency and attachment is part of the normal range of
adaptive human characteristics but excessive dependency can cause serious
problems. Some theories have linked adult patterns of dependency with
past events related to the infant's instinctive initial reliance on the mother,
while others have claimed that elements of dependency should be viewed as
a learned behaviour in a social context.
Early clinical descriptions were derived from psychoanalytic psychother-
apy literature; for instance Abraham (1924) wrote: 'some people are
dominated by the belief that there will always be some kind person - a
representative of the mother, of course - to care for them and to give them
everything they need. This optimistic belief condemns them to inactivity...
they make no kind of effort, and in some cases they even disdain to
undertake a bread-winning occupation'.
In the DSM-I, in 1952, the concepts of dependent and passive-aggressive
behaviours were linked, so that passive-dependent personality was defined
as a subtype of passive-aggressive personality, and related to helplessness
and indecisiveness, with a tendency to cling to others like a dependent child
to a supporting parent. No distinct category or description was provided by
DSM-II, but the DSM-III in 1980 described three characteristics of the
'passive-dependent' PD, i.e. such a person passively allows others to
assume responsibility for major areas of life because of inability to function
independently; subordinates his or her own needs to those persons upon
whom he or she depends in order to avoid any possibility of having to rely
on self; and lacks self-confidence. In 1987, the DSM-III-R modified the
term to 'dependent' PD, and expanded the description by providing nine
criteria, five or more of which were required for diagnosis. Most were
related to passivity and subordination, which had been features in DSM-
III, but criteria associated with anxious attachment and sensitivity to
criticism were added.
An equivalent category of 'asthenic' PD was provided by the ICD-9 in
92 Specified personality disorders: clinical features
Main definitions
The DSM-III-R requires at least five of the following criteria for a diagnosis
of dependent PD, in the context of a pervasive pattern of dependent and
submissive behaviour:
is unable to make everyday decisions without an excessive amount of advice or
reassurance from others; allows others to make most of his or her important
decisions, e.g. where to live, what job to take; agrees with people even when he or she
believes they are wrong, because of fear of being rejected; has difficulty initiating
projects or doing things on his or her own; volunteers to do things that are
unpleasant or demeaning in order to get other people to like him or her; feels
uncomfortable or helpless when alone or goes to great lengths to avoid being alone;
feels devastated or helpless when close relationships end; is frequently preoccupied
with fear of being abandoned; and is easily hurt by criticism or disapproval.
However, the last criterion is omitted in the DSM-IV criteria, and the
seventh criterion becomes: 'urgently seeks another relationship as a source
of care and support when a close relationship ends'.
The ICD-10 also includes a dependent PD category, with similar
features, characterized by three or more of the following:
encouraging or allowing others to make most of one's important life decisions;
subordination of one's own needs to those of others on whom one is dependent, and
undue compliance with their wishes; unwillingness to make even reasonable
demands on the people one depends on; feeling uncomfortable or helpless when
alone, because of exaggerated fears of inability to care for oneself; preoccupation
with fears of being abandoned by a person with whom one has a close relationship,
and of being left to care for oneself; and limited capacity to make everyday decisions
without an excessive amount of advice and reassurance from others.
Clinical features
The DSM-III-R's concept of dependent PD emphasizes dependent and
submissive behaviour. Such persons are passive, docile, self-effacing and
tend to put their faithful trust in those they rely on. Excessive advice is
sought together with reassurance that their actions are correct. Responsi-
bility is transferred to others, they find it difficult to initiate tasks, and there
Dependent personality disorder 93
is a constant fear of being rejected or abandoned, associated with clinging
Although the features of dependent PD show some overlap with other
syndromes, in particular with borderline, avoidant and histrionic PDs, even
overlapping aspects can show distinctive characteristics if carefully evalu-
ated (Hirschfeld, Shea & Weiss, 1991). For example, while fear of abandon-
ment can be found with both dependent and borderline PDs, in the latter it
produces anger and manipulative behaviour, in contrast to submissive and
clinging behaviour in dependent PD. With dependent PD, feeling uncom-
fortable or helpless when alone may be related to 'exaggerated fears of
being unable to care for himself or herself (according to the DSM-IV
criteria), while in borderline PD, this characteristic is not usually associated
with such thoughts. Also, compared with those with borderline PD, those
with dependent PD are more tolerant of being alone if they know they have
access to support and they do not give a history of such intense and unstable
Dependent and avoidant PDs share feelings of inadequacy and sensi-
tivity to criticism, but the excessive need for attachment, fear of separation,
submission and clinging behaviour in dependent PD is in contrast to the
fear of humiliation and rejection, timidity and withdrawal in avoidant PD.
A need for reassurance and approval is a feature of both dependent and
histrionic PDs, but, in the former, reassurance is required because the
person doubts whether his or her actions are correct, while in histrionic PD
it is associated with the need for approval and praise as an end in itself.
Studies of the DSM-III-R criteria for dependent PD have shown that the
criteria: 'is easily hurt by criticism or disapproval', and 'feels devastated or
helpless when close relationships end', are non-specific, as they often occur
with other PDs and are not consistently associated with the other features
of dependent PD. (As noted, the former criterion has been omitted from the
DSM-IV). Also, endorsement rates for these two criteria were high in
patients with no diagnosis of PD. The criterion with the lowest endorse-
ment rate in those who qualified for the dependent PD diagnosis was:
'volunteers to do things that are unpleasant or demeaning in order to get
other people to like him or her' (Hirschfeld et ai, 1991).
Several investigations have separated the features of dependent PD into
two associated subgroups related to emotional reliance on significant
others (attachment), and a more general lack of social self-confidence
(general dependency). Livesley, Schroeder & Jackson (1990) described five
features of attachment, i.e. fear of loss of an attachment figure; need for
affection; need for proximity to the attachment figure; feelings of security
94 Specified personality disorders: clinical features
Reich, Noyes & Troughton (19876) found that dependent PD was the most
frequent PD diagnosis in patients with panic disorder, particularly in the
subgroups with phobic avoidance, when the prevalence was about 40%.
Associations have also been claimed between dependent PD and somatic
complaints. Hill (1970), in an early study of 'passive-dependent' individ-
uals, found that all subjects had reported somatic complaints which had
often led to a great deal of medical attention. Often medical treatments were
considered as their main source of support, when their problems became
viewed in bodily rather than in psychological terms. For those with
dependent PD, seeking comfort from a variety of sources may also lead to a
higher incidence of obesity and tobacco dependence.
In a counselling or psychotherapeutic relationship, the engagement of
such individuals is readily achieved, but thereafter there is a tendency to
resist the clinician's efforts to encourage more autonomy and to discharge
them from treatment. This may lead to what appears to be a permanent
commitment, which may not be compatible with the demands of a clinical
Associated features
DSM-III-R's dependent PD has been shown to commonly co-occur with
other PDs, in particular borderline PD, but also with avoidant, histrionic
and schizotypal PDs (Reich, 19906). The proportion of patients with PD
who had a diagnosis of dependent PD ranged from 7 to 47% in five studies
with a median of 20% (Hirschfeld et aL, 1991).
The possibility of prejudicial sex bias in the use of the dependent PD
diagnosis has aroused controversy, but this should not prevent the evalu-
ation of any genuine sex differences. While Kass, Spitzer & Williams (1983)
found that dependent PD (based on clinicians' DSM-III diagnoses with no
standardized assessment), was diagnosed over 2.5 times more often in
women, Reich (1987) did not confirm this finding using standardized
interview and self-report instruments. This limited evidence suggests that
clinicians' attitudes to the association between dependent PD and gender
requires further study. However, there may be genuine gender-related
differences in the prevalence of submissive behaviour resulting from both
genetic and environmental factors.
Finally, the DSM-III-R has claimed that chronic physical illness may
predispose to the development of dependent PD in children and
96 Specified personality disorders: clinical features
Current status
Dependent PD is a common disorder in psychiatric practice. It is associated
with depressive and anxiety disorders and usually co-occurs with other
PDs, in particular, borderline and avoidant PDs. Excessively dependent
behaviour in medical settings can impose inappropriate and unsustainable
demands on available resources.
Main features
The essential feature has been described as 'a preoccupation with perfec-
tionism, mental and interpersonal control, and orderliness at the expense of
flexibility, openness, and efficiency' (Pfohl & Blum, 1991).
Clinical origins
In the early part of this century, Sigmund Freud (1959) described certain
individuals with so-called anal character as 'orderly, parsimonious and
obstinate ... Orderly covers the notion of bodily cleanliness, as well as
conscientiousness in carrying out small duties and trustworthiness ...
Parsimony may (include) ... avarice; and obstinacy can go over into
defiance, to which rage and revengefulness are easily joined'.
Abraham (1921) provided further descriptions, which have been sum-
marized by Pfohl & Blum (1991), i.e. pleasure in indexing, compiling lists,
and arranging things symmetrically; superficial fastidiousness masking
disarray or lack of cleanliness underneath; pleasure in possessions with an
inability to throw away worn out or worthless objects; a tendency to
postpone every action and unproductive perseverance; preoccupation with
preserving correct social appearances; in close personal relationships
refuses to accommodate to others and expects compliance; produces
exaggerated criticism of others and insists on controlling interactions with
others; and a generally morose or surly attitude. Some of these features, i.e.
perfectionism, excessive scrupulousness, rigidity and hoarding, contri-
buted to Kahn's description (1928) of the 'anankastic' person, a term which
is retained in ICD-10.
In 1952, the DSM-I included a description of 'compulsive' personality
and a similar account was retained in DSM-II, although the category was
Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder 97
termed 'obsessive/compulsive personality', involving excessive concern
with conformity and adherence to standards of conscience. Such individ-
uals were rigid, overinhibited, overconscientious and unable to relax easily.
Subsequently, DSM-III provided a fuller description in the form of five
criteria, of which four were necessary for diagnosis, while the DSM-III-R
expanded the features to nine criteria, of which five were required. This
increase in criteria produced a greater variety in the syndrome, and it has
been estimated that DSM-III-R criteria would produce about twice as
many diagnoses of obsessive-compulsive PD compared with those of
DSM-III, in a given population (Pfohl & Blum, 1991).
Most of the features described by Freud and Abraham are reflected by
the DSM-III-R criteria, with the exception of a pattern of anger and
hostility. The clustering of the various features was investigated by Lazare
et al. (1966, 1970) using factor analysis of a self-report rating scale. One
factor involved orderliness, strong conscience, perseverance, obstinacy,
rigidity, rejection of others, parsimony and emotional constriction. This
and other studies using self-report inventories have not provided evidence
for marked anger as part of an obsessive-compulsive factor (Pfohl & Blum,
Main definitions
DSM-III-R requires at least five of the following nine criteria:
perfectionism that interferes with task completion; preoccupation with details,
rules, lists, order, organization, or schedules to the extent that the major point of the
activity is lost; unreasonable insistence that others submit to exactly his or her way
of doing things, or unreasonable reluctance to allow others to do things because of
the conviction that they will not do them correctly; excessive devotion to work and
productivity to the exclusion of leisure activities and friendships (not accounted for
by obvious economic necessity); indecisiveness - decision making is either avoided,
postponed, or protracted... (do not include if indecisiveness is due to excessive need
for advice or reassurance from others); overconscientiousness, scrupulousness and
inflexibility about matters of morality, ethics, or values (not accounted for by
cultural or religious identification); restricted expression of affection; lack of
generosity in giving time, money, or gifts when no personal gain is likely to result;
inability to discard worn-out or worthless objects even when they have no
sentimental value.
The DSM-IV criteria omit the features related to indecisiveness and
restricted expression of affection, and include a new criterion: 'rigidity and
98 Specified personality disorders: clinical features
Clinical features
The central feature of perfectionism is often associated with the feeling 'I
should', together with deliberate, purposeful activity, reflecting a focussed,
stimulus-bound style of thinking (Beck & Freeman, 1990). Beck & Freeman
have itemized various hypothetical characteristic thoughts, e.g.
There are right and wrong behaviours, decisions and emotions; I must avoid
mistakes to be worthwhile; to make a mistake is to have failed; to make a mistake is
to be deserving of criticism; I must be perfectly in control of my environment as well
as of myself; loss of control is intolerable; if something is or may be dangerous, one
must be terribly upset by it; one is powerful enough to initiate or prevent the
occurrence of catastrophes by magical rituals or obsessional ruminations; if the
perfect course of action is not clear, it is better to do nothing; without my rules and
rituals, I'll collapse in an inert pile.
Opinions tend to be based on moral principles and others are often judged
harshly. Meanness is associated with a lack of enjoyment in giving or
receiving. There is a tendency to worry and to be sensitive to criticism as
they expect to be judged as severely as they judge themselves. Although they
appear unemotional, this may hide resentment, anger and, perhaps,
aggressive fantasies. Indeed, such persons can experience a range of
emotions such as love and loyalty to a select group of friends or family,
concern, guilt, mourning and sadness (Akhtar, 1987).
The various DSM-III-R criteria for obsessive-compulsive PD have been
reviewed by Pfohl & Blum (1991). Two criteria, i.e. 'unreasonable insistence
that others submit to exactly his or her way of doing things, or unreason-
able reluctance to allow others to do things because of the conviction that
they will not do them correctly', and 'indecisiveness: decision making is
either avoided, postponed or protracted ...' have often been found in
persons without a diagnosis of obsessive-compulsive PD, which indicated
that the sensitivity of these criteria was low. Pfohl & Blum recommended
that the latter criterion should be excluded in DSM-IV and that the former
be modified to identify the specific feature of the trait, i.e. 'relucant to
delegate tasks or to work with others'. Also, possible new criteria were
suggested, namely, 'periods of rigid adherence to authority are punctuated
by great irritation or overt anger when authority figures are perceived as
bending the rules; argues stubbornly with others who have a different
political or philosophical viewpoint and considers opposing opinions
utterly without merit; critical and judgemental of others, e.g. prone to make
biting and sarcastic remarks'. As has been noted, the DSM-IV has been
influenced by these suggestions.
Associated features
There have been many claims that obsessive-compulsive PD is related to
obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), which, despite the similarity of the
terms, can be distinguished by the presence of obsessions, with or without
compulsions. Obsessions and compulsions consist of distressing and time-
100 Specified personality disorders: clinical features
Current status
Obsessive-compulsive PD consists of features that have long been part of
clinical descriptions and are common origins of anxiety, some depressive
disorders and impaired occupational functioning in patient groups. The
relationship with obsessive-compulsive disorder is uncertain, despite the
similarity of the terms, and there appears to be a high degree of co-
occurrence with other PDs.
Main features
The most characteristic feature is a pattern of passive resistance to external
demands, with obstructive behaviour and poor performance both socially
and occupationally. Affected individuals avoid being assertive, although
they may be irritable, sulky or argumentative. They resent interference and
control, and express their resistance by such behaviour as delaying tactics,
providing a poor quality of work, forgetfulness, stubbornness, and sabo-
taging the efforts of others.
Clinical origins
The term 'passive-aggressive' was used in a 1949 US Joint Armed Services
Technical Bulletin, to describe soldiers who displayed features such as
passiveness, obstructionism or aggressive outbursts (Beck & Freeman,
1990) and the first edition of the DSM, in 1952, contained a 'passive-
102 Specified personality disorders: clinical features
Main definitions
In the DSM-III-R, five of the following nine criteria are required for
diagnosis of passive-aggressive PD:
procrastinates, i.e. puts off things that need to be done so that deadlines are not met;
becomes sulky, irritable, or argumentative when asked to do something he or she
does not want to do; seems to work deliberately slowly or to do a bad job on tasks
that he or she really does not want to do; protests, without justification, that others
make unreasonable demands on him or her; avoids obligations by claiming to have
'forgotten'; believes that he or she is doing a much better job than others think he or
she is doing; resents useful suggestions from others concerning how he or she could
be more productive; obstructs the efforts of others by failing to do his or her share of
the work; and unreasonably criticizes or scorns people in positions of authority.
Clinical features
The starting point for such behaviour in passive-aggressive PD is resent-
ment towards the demands of others, in the context of a wish for autonomy,
Passive-aggressive personality disorder 103
Associated features
There is some overlap with the features of avoidant, paranoid and
dependent PDs. The diagnosis of passive-aggressive PD usually co-occurs
with other PDs and may contribute to the causation of certain types of
depression and alcohol abuse.
Current status
Passive-aggressive PD is rarely found as a discrete diagnosis for patients in
psychiatric practice, but the features often appear to contribute to presen-
tations to medical services.
Main features
The DSM-III-R describes the essential feature as 'a pervasive pattern of
self-defeating behavior . . . The person may often avoid or undermine
pleasurable experiences, be drawn to situations or relationships in which he
or she will suffer, and prevent others from helping him or her'. But the
diagnosis is not made if self-defeating behaviours occur exclusively in
response to, or in anticipation of, being physically, sexually or psychologi-
cally abused, or only when the person is depressed. Also, this diagnosis has
been suggested 'for those who repeatedly place themselves in abusive,
detrimental and injurious situations despite the opportunity to avoid them'
(Widiger et al.91988). Therefore, this disorder involves active participation
on the patient's part in producing and maintaining adverse situations.
Clinical origins
In 1983, 'masochistic' PD was proposed as a category for future revisions of
the DSM in an attempt to incorporate behaviour that had been noted in the
literature of several disciplines, including psychoanalytic psychotherapy.
However, this attracted criticism and controversy, related to concern that
such a diagnosis could be misused, for example by blaming a woman for
remaining in an abusive relationship if no alternative can be readily
achieved (Kass et al., 1989). There has also been anxiety that this concept
could be used unfairly to discriminate against women when fitness to look
after children is at issue. Additional controversy about the relevance of
Self-defeating personality disorder 105
with PD (each clinician was asked to rate the first patient who came to mind
with PD), self-defeating PD was found in 42% of females and 28% of males
(Spitzer e/tf/., 1989). But it was the sole diagnosis in just 4% and was usually
associated with borderline and dependent PDs. Spitzer et al. (1989) also
reported on 85 patients 'who had at least one DSM-III-R PD' assessed by a
structured interview; the diagnosis of self-defeating PD was made in 21%.
Two further studies report on patients evaluated by self-defeating PD
criteria: 18% of 76 cocaine abusers who were assessed by a structured
interview received a diagnosis of self-defeating PD (Kleinman et al., 1990),
while in another study of 110 outpatients rated by clinicians, self-defeating
PD was a diagnosis in 14%, and one-third of these patients had no other PD
(Nurnberg et al., 1991). Although several other studies have reported self-
defeating psychopathology, these were related to earlier criteria for maso-
chistic PD (Kass, MacKinnon & Spitzer, 1986; Reich, 1990a).
Main definitions
Self-defeating PD is one of the 'proposed diagnostic categories needing
further study' in DSM-III-R, but is not found in DSM-IV or in ICD-10.
There are two exclusion criteria, namely that the disorder does not occur
exclusively in response to, or in anticipation of, being physically, sexually or
psychologically abused, and that it does not occur only when the person is
depressed. Five of the following eight criteria are required:
Clinical features
DSM-III-R describes how a person with self-defeating PD can repeatedly
enter relationships with others (or place him or herself in situations), that
Self-defeating personality disorder 107
are self-defeating and have adverse consequences, even when better options
are clearly available. For example, a woman may appear to choose to
repeatedly enter relationshps with men who have alcohol dependence, or a
man with employment skills may persist with jobs where these are not used.
Reasonable offers of assistance from others, including medical services, are
rejected, for example by not following-up on an agreed treatment plan. The
person's reaction to positive events, including the relief of symptoms, or
encouragement, may be a worsening of a depressed mood, perhaps with
feelings of guilt. However, such persons usually do not appear to be
engaged in deliberate sabotage, as they do not seem to be fully aware of the
motivations associated with their actions. An adverse event such as an
'accident', or losing something, may seem to others to follow a clear
pattern, but the individual is not necessarily aware of deliberate intent.
Often, a person's behaviour, such as making unreasonable demands from
medical services, invites anger and rejection, and this produces a feeling of
hurt and humiliation. Opportunities for pleasure may be avoided, or
enjoyment is denied in situations where this would be expected. He or she
may seem to avoid taking available opportunities, so that any achievements
are not in keeping with his or her potential, while people who treat the
person well may be experienced as uninteresting, so that friends or partners
are chosen who are bound to disappoint. There can be a tendency to do
things for others that involve excessive self-sacrifice, but this does not make
the person feel better and often makes the recipients feel guilty and
It has been noted that several criteria for this diagnosis require a high
degree of judgement for their application, for example, 'engages in excess-
ive self-sacrifice...', 'rejects people who consistently treat him/her well...',
and '... when better options are clearly available' (Fiester, 1991). The
evaluation of the latter is particularly problematic in a setting of poverty,
substance abuse, crime and violence.
Self-defeating PD should be distinguished from self-defeating behaviour
that is found only in the context of physical, sexual or psychological abuse,
as such behaviour can sometimes be viewed as a coping strategy for a
woman to avoid the further violence that would result if she asserted herself
or finished the relationship. Also, the diagnosis of self-defeating PD should
not be made if the behaviour is only found in the presence of a depressive
disorder, although this distinction can be difficult to make.
It has been suggested that to qualify as a 'diagnosis', a syndrome must be
capable of defining a group of patients in whom the features are relatively
discrete (or predominant) and that this group should be distinguished from
other groups, taking course and outcome into account (Robins & Guze,
108 Specified personality disorders: clinical features
Associated features
The limited evidence suggests that the diagnosis of self-defeating PD is
made more frequently in women than men in clinical samples (Fiester,
1991), and in view of concerns about the possible potential for the misuse of
this category, the reasons for the apparent sex difference in the frequency of
its use are of particular importance. If such a difference exists, it may be due
to three possible causes or their combinations (Sprock, Blashfield & Smith,
1990). The first involves a 'gender bias' on the part of the clinician,
reflecting socially-determined ideas about which types of behaviour are
healthy or pathological for males versus females. The second involves
gender bias in the way clinicians apply the criteria, while the third reflects
real differences in the prevalences of the disorders in males and females, due
to different susceptibilities, based on biological, genetic, social or environ-
mental factors. Fiester's review of the limited data (1991) concluded that
there was no clear evidence of gender bias in the application of the criteria,
although further studies are required.
The nature of an association between self-defeating PD and depressive
disorders has also been controversial, and it has been suggested that self-
defeating PD should be considered to be related to the spectrum of
depressive disorders, rather than to the other PDs. A concept of a
Sadistic personality disorder 109
Current status
The features of self-defeating PD have been found in clinical descriptions
for several decades, and are present in many patients with PD in psychiatric
practice, although they usually co-occur with other PDs. While they should
be evaluated in a PD assessment, the provision of a distinct diagnostic
category cannot be justified as there is insufficient evidence that it describes
features that are relatively discrete or that the criteria are associated with
each other more than with the features of other PDs. Despite this, clinicians
in psychiatric practice are aware that, for a few patients who are among the
most difficult to help, their self-defeating behaviour appears to be the most
disabling aspect of their PD psychopathology.
Main features
The DSM-III-R describes the essential feature as 'a pervasive pattern of
cruel, demeaning, and aggressive behaviour directed toward other people,
beginning by early adulthood. The sadistic behaviour is often evident both
in social relationships (particularly with family members) and at work (with
subordinates), but seldom is displayed in contacts with people in positions
of authority or higher status'. Also, T h e diagnosis is not made if the sadistic
behaviour has been directed towards only one person (e.g. a spouse) or has
been only for the purpose of sexual arousal (as in sexual sadism).'
110 Specified personality disorders: clinical features
Clinical origins
Sadism was a term originally used by Krafft-Ebing (1901) to describe the
desire to inflict pain upon a person who was the sexual 'object'. But while
Freud (1957) also considered that aggressiveness or a desire to subjugate
was associated with the biological substrate of sexuality in males, he
believed that there were two aspects of sadism, a generalized aggressive and
violent attitude towards the sexual object, and a more specific sexual
sadism, involving sexual satisfaction that is dependent on the humiliation
and mistreatment of the sexual partner. Subsequently, the psychoanalytic
literature has tended to consider that sadism is related to masochism (which
is the desire to have pain inflicted by the sexual object), and that both are
related to biological sexual instincts (Fiester & Gay, 1991). These ideas have
been extended beyond sexual relationships; for example Horney (1950) has
described the 'vindictive sadist' who shows a repeated tendency to domi-
nate, deprecate, humiliate, blame and cruelly criticize others, but not in the
context of sexual gratification.
As a category in a major classification, 'sadistic PD' first appeared in the
DSM-III-R in 1987, but only as one of the 'proposed diagnostic categories
needing further study', together with self-defeating PD. Both these pro-
posed disorders were controversial; some considered that self-defeating PD
reflected culturally-determined ideas of how women should behave, and
that sadistic PD had been included to placate such criticisms by 'balancing
the ticket', as cruelty, anger and aggression were supposedly associated
with a culturally-sanctioned male role. The DSM-III-R concept of sadistic
PD specifies that the associated behaviour has not been aimed solely at the
purpose of sexual arousal, and Fiester & Gay (1991) have reviewed several
studies that suggest that sexual sadomasochists generally limit sadistic and
masochistic behaviour to their sexual encounters, and are rarely involved
with more generalized sadistic interactions.
One of the main reasons why sadistic PD was included in DSM-III-R was
that several forensic psychiatrists believed that there was a need for such a
category, particularly in forensic settings, in relation to people who showed
a pattern of cruel and aggressive behaviour towards others but whose
behaviour was not adequately encompassed by the antisocial PD diagnosis.
Such individuals showed pronounced aggressive and domineering behav-
iour, in the relative absence of a history of childhood conduct disorder and
adult criminality.
The addition of this new proposed diagnostic category to DSM-III-R
gave rise to concern that it might be used to mitigate or excuse violent crime,
in particular repeated violence and sexual abuse to a child, spouse or
Sadistic personality disorder 111
Main definition
DSM-III-R includes sadistic PD as one of the 'proposed diagnostic
categories needing further study' but it is not included in DSM-IV. The
behaviour must have been directed towards more than one person and not
solely for the purpose of sexual arousal. At least four of the following are
has used physical cruelty or violence for the purpose of establishing dominance in a
relationship ...; humiliates or demeans people in the presence of others; has treated
or disciplined someone under his or her control unusually harshly, e.g. a child,
student, prisoner, or patient; is amused by, or takes pleasure in, the psychological or
physical suffering of others (including animals); has lied for the purpose of harming
or inflicting pain on others ...; gets other people to do what he or she wants by
frightening them (through intimidation or even terror); restricts the autonomy of
people with whom he or she has a close relationship, e.g. will not let spouse leave the
house unaccompanied ...; and is fascinated by violence, weapons, martial arts,
injury, or torture.
Clinical features
There is generally a pattern of cruelty and/or violence which establishes
dominance in relationships, and escalating violence may result from the
112 Specified personality disorders: clinical features
victim trying to assert him or herself, but not all persons with this disorder
are physically violent. Various behaviours, including verbal intimidation,
show a lack of respect for others, although this pattern may only involve
those people who can be subjugated or dominated. Such victims are often
humiliated in the presence of others, or, in the case of children (or others
under his or her control) discipline may be excessive. For example, a teacher
may insist that a student spends many hours in detention at school for a
minor offence. The person often restricts the autonomy of those who are
dominated, for example, by not allowing family members out of the house
for social occasions, and gets others to do what he or she wants by
frightening them. In severe cases, the person may enjoy producing physical
or psychological pain or suffering in others or in animals.
Fiester & Gay (1991) have reported on 235 adults who had been accused
of child abuse and found that 12 (5%) met the criteria for sadistic PD. These
individuals were functioning well in some areas, as eight were in regular
work and many were capable of remorse and sadness. Eight were men and
only two were considered to have another DSM-III-R PD (narcissistic and
antisocial). Nine gave histories of childhood physical abuse, often with
sexual or emotional abuse and neglect. In eight there was a history of early
loss of a parent or sibling by death or separation. The behaviour of this
group included demeaning verbal abuse, threats to kill, beating, murder
and abuse of spouse. There was a reluctance to acknowledge problems and
to receive help or treatment unless it was imposed.
The other main source of data is a survey of forensic psychiatrists by
Spitzer et al. (1991). Almost all cases described were male; there was a
frequent history of childhood abuse (emotional, physical and sexual) and
parental loss in 52%. Also, there was evidence that the diagnostic criteria
for sadistic PD were relatively sensitive and specific. Sensitivity is the
frequency of individual criteria in cases of the disorder, and ranged from
65% to 94%, while specificity (the frequency of the absence of the criteria in
non-cases) varied between 93% and 99%. Forty-seven per cent had co-
occurring narcissistic PD and 67% had co-occurring antisocial PD, but
20% had neither. (Other PDs were not evaluated.) Twenty-seven per cent
had a depressive disorder and 6 1 % a history of substance abuse. It was
concluded that the disorder may not be rare in forensic settings and that the
prevalences of a history of emotional, physical and sexual abuse (90%, 76%
and 4 1 % respectively), were much higher than in general population
studies, indicating an intergenerational transmission of violence.
Several other studies, reviewed by Fiester & Gay (1991), gave varying
prevalence rates (2.5-33%) in various populations, as assessed by different
Sadistic personality disorder 113
methods. The highest prevalence, 33%, was in a group of 21 sex offenders,
mostly in prison. However, there are particular difficulties in assessing this
disorder unless there is independent information, as the person must admit
to various behaviours that are especially socially unacceptable.
A few studies have compared the performance of the various DSM-III-R
criteria in relation to the sadistic PD diagnosis (Fiester & Gay, 1991); the
sixth criterion ('gets other people to do what he or she wants by frightening
them') had the highest correlation with the diagnosis, while the lowest
correlations were with criteria 3 and 7 ('has treated or disciplined someone
under his or her control unusually harshly ...' and 'restricts the autonomy
of people ...').
Associated features
Several studies have noted that sadistic PD often co-occurs with other PDs,
in particular narcissistic and antisocial PDs, but also with other PDs
(Fiester & Gay, 1991). In a study of 12 individuals with sadistic PD, two had
alcohol dependence, four a history of mixed substance abuse, and one had
current substance abuse. Spitzer et ah (1991) found that 27% of 113
subjects had a co-occurring depressive syndrome and 61% had substance
abuse. The disorder is far more common in males than females.
Current status
It is uncertain whether it will be useful to separate sadistic PD from
antisocial PD. But although PDs with predominant and severe features of
sadistic PD are rare presentations to the general psychiatrist, these attri-
butes are more common in forensic practice. It is possible that this category
represents a PD with a characteristic childhood history of abuse and
parental loss, but which, in comparison with antisocial PD, has a history of
less childhood conduct disorder and adult criminality outside the context of
114 Specified personality disorders: clinical features
Main features
The main features of'depressive personality' (which is not a category that is
found in the DSM-III-R or ICD-10) are 'excessive negative and pessimistic
beliefs about oneself and other people' that are apparent from early adult
life (Hirschfeld & Shea, 1992). These are associated with pervasive dissatis-
faction, low self-esteem, feelings of inadequacy and worthlessness, and, for
most of the time, a persistent unhappiness. Also, such individuals appear
critical and negativistic. Depressive PD is a criteria set 'provided for further
study' in DSM-IV.
Clinical origins
Kraepelin (1921) described a depressive temperament, which he considered
was mainly caused by genetic predisposition, characterized by 'a perma-
nent, gloomy, emotional stress in all the experiences of life', and Phillips et
al. (1990) have noted that this concept emphasized 'persistent gloominess,
joylessness, anxiety and a predominantly depressed and despairing mood'.
Such individuals were also 'serious, burdened, guilt-ridden, self-reproach-
ing, clinging, and lacking in self-confidence'. Schneider (1959) termed a
similar disorder as 'depressive psychopathy', which also involved a persist-
ent sense of gloom together with the following characteristics: gloomy,
pessimistic, serious and incapable of enjoyment or relaxation; quiet;
sceptical; worrying; duty-bound; and self-doubting.
Subsequently, Akiskal's work (Akiskal, 1983; Akiskal, Hirschfeld &
Yerevanian, 1983), on patients with both PD and chronic depressive
disorders, led him to subdivide such 'characterologic depressions' into two
sub-types: 'sub-affective dysthymia' and 'character-spectrum disorder',
and it is the former that appears to correspond closely to the earlier
The psychoanalytic literature has provided a different perspective, in
which aspects of personality are considered to be determined by environ-
mental interactions during development. These traits then predispose the
Depressive personality (or personality disorder) 115
et al., 1994), or of a history of mania, and the latter provides perhaps the
simplest and most robust classification. This involves the division of
depressive disorders into the two subtypes of unipolar and bipolar
depression (Table 2.2). There is evidence that genetic predisposition is
required for the development of disorders in the bipolar group, while
unipolar depression 'is usually considered to encompass a variety of
illnesses with different aetiologies and treatments; it is not clear whether
hypotheses relating to personality and depression are relevant to all forms
of depression or only to specific subtypes. Therefore, different findings from
different studies of depressed patients may be hard to integrate because of
diagnostic heterogeneity' (Hirschfeld & Shea, 1992). Table 2.2 also shows
the main categories of depressive disorders in the major international
classifications; the concept of depressive personality is subsumed in the
broader categories of 'dysthymias' in both DSM-III-R and ICD-10. In
DSM-III-R, another important category is 'major depression', partly
defined on the basis of increased severity and episodic course, when
compared with dysthymia, but Kendler et al. (1993c), in a twin study, found
that, in women, there is an association between 'neuroticism' and liability
to major depression and it is clear that PDs can be of aetiological
importance in some cases of 'major depression'. DSM-III-R's dysthymia
usually begins in childhood, adolescence, or early adult life and precedes
any superimposed major depressive episodes, if any, by years (Akiskal,
1991). (The return to a mild or moderate chronic dysthymia following
recovery from a superimposed major depressive episode has been termed a
'double-depressive' pattern.) Dysthymia is described by the DSM-III-R as
'a chronic disturbance of mood involving depressed mood (or possibly an
irritable mood in children and adolescents), for most of the day, more days
than not, for at least 2 years (1 year for children and adolescents)'.
Similarly, the ICD-10 describes dysthymia as
a chronic depression of mood. ... The balance between individual phases of mild
depression and intervening periods of comparative normality is very variable.
Sufferers usually have periods of days or weeks when they describe themselves as
well, but most of the time (often for months at a time) they feel tired and depressed;
everything is an effort and nothing is enjoyed ... It usually begins early in adult life
and lasts for at least several years, sometimes indefinitely. ...
However, dysthymia is a wider concept than depressive personality; the
latter should have an early onset, which is not essential for dysthymia, and
be more stable than some disorders that attract the dysthymia diagnosis.
Cyclothymia is also a category in both these classifications and has been
reviewed by Howland & Thase (1993); in DSM-III-R this refers to 'a
120 Specified personality disorders: clinical features
chronic mood disturbance... involving numerous hypomanic episodes and
numerous periods of depressed mood or loss of interest or pleasure of
insufficient severity or duration to meet the criteria for a major depression
or a manic episode'. ICD-10 describes a similar disorder with 'a persistent
instability of mood, involving numerous periods of mild depression and
mild elation. This instability usually develops early in adult life and pursues
a chronic course, although at times the mood may be normal and stable for
months at a time'. This category has also been called 'affective personality
disorder', 'cycloid personality' and 'cyclothymic personality', but is now
considered to be a relatively mild variant of bipolar affective disorder
(manic-depressive disorder), and not a PD. There is an increased prevalence
of cyclothymia in relatives of patients with bipolar affective disorder, and
some cyclothymic individuals will eventually develop bipolar affective
disorder or recurrent depressive disorder (using ICD-10 terminology).
Both cyclothymia and borderline PD are associated with unstable mood
and impulsivity, but cyclothymic patients, who may be misdiagnosed as
having borderline PD, may show a greater response to treatment with
lithium. Although it has been suggested that cyclothymia may have a
specific association with borderline PD (Levitt et ai, 1990), this is not
Main definitions
Hirschfeld & Shea (1992) have proposed the following criteria for depres-
sive PD: 'tendency to dysphoria, dejection, gloominess, cheerlessness,
joylessness; prominent self-concepts of inadequacy, worthlessness and low
self-esteem; critical, blaming, derogatory and punitive toward oneself, and
prone to guilt; brooding and given to worry; negativistic, critical and
judgemental towards others; and pessimistic'. Subsequently, the DSM-IV
Work Group on Personality Disorders proposed that the core feature is
excessive, negative, pessimistic beliefs about oneself and other people, as
indicated by at least five of the following: usual mood is dominated by
dejection, gloominess, unhappiness, cheerlessness, joylessness; prominent
self-concept centres around beliefs of inadequacy, worthlessness, and low
self-esteem; is critical, blaming, derogatory, and punitive toward oneself; is
brooding and given to worry; is negativistic, critical, and judgmental
towards others; is pessimistic; and is prone to feeling guilt, remorse. These
must not occur exclusively during major depressive episodes (Hirschfeld &
Holzer, 1994). These features form the research criteria for depressive PD in
DSM-IV as a criteria set 'provided for further study'.
Depressive personality (or personality disorder) 121
Clinical features
Depressive PD reflects one type of association between PD and depressed
mood, and there arefivemain relationships that have been identified. These
are shown in Table 2.3 (Phillips et aL, 1990; Hirschfeld & Shea, 1992).
Firstly, personality traits may predispose to the development of a
depressive disorder (Klerman & Hirschfeld, 1988) and claims have been
made in this respect for excessive dependency; an excessive need for
reassurance, support and attention; and high reward dependence, harm
avoidance and novelty seeking (Hirschfeld & Shea, 1992; Svrakic, Przybeck
& Cloninger, 1992). In a prospective study of antenatal subjects, high
interpersonal sensitivity appeared to be a risk factor of subsequent
depression 6 months after childbirth (Boyce et al., 1991).
Secondly, maladaptive changes in personality may follow as a conse-
quence of a depressive disorder. For example, in a recent review, Akiskal
(1991) identified the syndrome of 'residual major depression', in which
patients with an unremarkable premorbid adjustment develop residual
chronicity after one or more depressive episodes, which do not remit fully.
He noted that the course of an unipolar depressive illness beginning after
the age of 50 is often protracted, and secondary personality changes can
involve pessimism, passivity, a sense of resignation, generalized fear of
inability to cope, adherence to rigid routines and inhibited communication.
Also, more serious maladaptive behaviour may follow, involving unstable
122 Specified personality disorders: clinical features
Associated features
Depressive PD can sometimes be associated with a good response to
antidepressant medication, while the heterogeneous group of character-
spectrum disorders are generally less responsive to drug treatments.
However, there are claims that some individuals with character-spectrum
disorder, for example with hysteroid dysphoria, respond to medication, in
particular MAOIs (Tyrer, Casey & Gall, 1983).
Current status
The concept of depressive PD remains controversial and this term is not
featured in the main international classifications, although in DSM-IV it is
a criteria set 'provided for further study'. There is evidence to support such
a category (Widiger, 1989), such as reports in relation to the similar concept
of sub-affective dysthymia, involving young adults with chronic depression
and maladaptive personality traits (other than antisocial and borderline
features), who appear to respond to antidepressant medication. Such
individuals may have a variant of bipolar manic-depressive disorder,
126 Specified personality disorders: clinical features
Clinical features
Most studies of PDs have found that at least 50% of patients with PD had
two or more PDs (Oldham et al., 1992); for instance Nurnberg et al. (1991)
found 82% of patients with borderline PD had at least one additional PD
diagnosis from another DSM-III-R PD cluster. Although the term 'co-
morbidity' has generally been used to denote co-existing disorders that
have distinct causes, the term 'co-occurrence' is more appropriate in
relation to PDs, as it does not have any aetiological implications.
In a study of 106 applicants for long-term treatment of severe PD
(Oldham et al., 1992), which used structured interviews for PD assessment,
statistically significant associations were found involving six pairs of PDs,
Depressive disorders and personality disorders 129
namely histrionic and borderline, histrionic and narcissistic, narcissistic
and antisocial, narcissistic and passive-aggressive, avoidant and schizoty-
pal, and avoidant and dependent. It was concluded that frequent and
consistent patterns of co-occurrence had been shown.
Many other studies have reported that co-occurrence is common, as
evaluated by various methods in many clinical and non-clinical popula-
tions (Dowson, 1992ft). Zimmerman & Coryell (1989) assessed DSM-III
PDs with an interview method in a non-patient sample of 797 relatives of
patients and controls; about 17% had at least one PD diagnosis and, of
these subjects, about 25% had more than one. The most prevalent PDs were
mixed, passive-aggressive, antisocial, histrionic and schizotypal PDs. With
the increasing attention given to borderline PD as defined by DSM-III and
DSM-III-R, several studies have examined its co-occurrence with other
PDs (Grueneich, 1992). It appears that the most frequently-reported
association has been with histrionic PD, but co-occurrence has also been
found with other PDs including schizotypal, antisocial, dependent and
passive-aggressive. Also, several studies have provided evidence in support
of relationships between co-occurring PDs which reflect the three PD
'clusters' defined by DSM-III-R (Dowson & Berrios, 1991).
A ssociatedfeatures
The co-occurrence of PDs and non-PD psychiatric disorders may involve
significant associations; for example, Nestadt et al. (1991) evaluated 810
randomly-selected non-patients in respect of DSM-III compulsive and
antisocial PDs, generalized anxiety disorder, alcohol-related disorders and
simple phobia, and found that generalized anxiety disorder and simple
phobia were associated with obsessive-compulsive PD features, while
alcohol-related disorders (and a reduced occurrence of generalized anxiety
disorder) were associated with antisocial PD features.
Such associations can be investigated from the perspective of the non-PD
disorder by using the latter as the starting point to define a patient
population whose PD status is then determined. In the rest of this chapter
this approach will be used in an examination of the PD characteristics of
patient groups selected on the basis of other disorders.
PD, found that the suicide group had more frequent childhood loss, lack of
treatment contact before hospitalization, longer hospitalization and more
frequent discharges for violating a treatment contract (Kjelsberg, Eikeseth
&Dahl, 1991).
the male relatives of females with this disorder show an increased risk of antisocial
personality disorder and psychoactive substance use disorders. Adoption studies
indicate that both genetic and environmental factors contribute to the risk of this
group of disorders, because both biologic and adoptive parents with any of the
disorders increase the risk of antisocial personality disorders, psychoactive sub-
stance use disorders and somatization disorder.
reported a series of 141 patients with AN who were divided into 'restricters'
and 'bulimics' on the basis of recent history at the initial consultation,
although some 'restricters' had a history of vomiting. Various intergroup
differences were found, including an association between bulimia, premor-
bid obesity and family history of obesity. Also, the bulimic group were
more outgoing, less isolated and more involved sexually. Their moods were
more labile and they showed more impulsive behaviour such as self-harm
(suicide attempts and self-mutilation), stealing and abuse of alcohol and
street drugs. Piran, Lerner & Garfinkel (1988) described similar findings
using the Diagnostic Interview for Borderline Patients as well as structured
interviews: 60% of the 'restricters' received a diagnosis of avoidant PD, and
the most common PD diagnosis in the 'bulimic' group (i.e. in those with AN
and bulimia) was borderline PD in 55.3% compared with only 6.6% in the
'restricters'. However, the consensus in the above studies was not sustained
by Gartner et al. (1989) in their report of DSM-III-R PD in 35 inpatients
using a structured interview, as they found no evidence of significant PD
differences between 'restricters' and those with 'low-weight bulimia',
although the number of 'restricters' was small (n = 6). Therefore, although
most reports that have compared subtypes of AN have found that 'low-
weight bulimia' is associated with PD characteristics related to impulsive
and harmful behaviour, this was not confirmed in the only study that used a
standard structured interview method for the assessment of all the DSM-
III-R PDs. But in a study of 55 patients with a history of AN, assessed by a
modified version of the revised self-report Personality Diagnostic Ques-
tionnaire (PDQ-R), based on DSM-III-R PDs, 'vomiters' showed signifi-
cantly higher scores than non-vomiters on self-report measures of border-
line and antisocial PD criteria (Dowson, 1992c).
PD has been assessed by a structured interview for DSM-III PDs in a
large sample of 210 women seeking treatment for AN (n = 31), BN (n = 91),
or a mixed disorder (n = 88) (Herzog et aL, 1992), in which the prevalences
of PDs were low compared with previously-reported similar samples.
Twenty-seven per cent had at least one PD, and the most frequent was
borderline PD in 9%. The highest prevalence of'at least one PD' was found
in the group with a mixed disorder at 39%, followed by 22% in the AN
group and 21 % in the BN group. There were higher rates of borderline PD
in the mixed and BN groups than in the AN group, and higher rates of the
'anxious' PD cluster (i.e. DSM-III-R's 'Cluster C ) in the AN and mixed
group. Those patients with co-occurring PD had significantly slower
recovery rates than those without PD, and the question of whether
assessment of PDs can have predictive value for the long-term course and
148 Less specific presentations and epidemiology
Methodological problems
The literature provides a range of prevalence rates and age or sex
distributions of the various PD syndromes, but this is to be expected in view
of methodological problems in their assessment and the use of different
selection criteria for groups of subjects. Morey & Ochoa (1989) compared
the DSM-III-R PD ratings of 291 clinicians for recent patients seen by each
(one patient per clinician), with their PD diagnoses based on global
impression. It was found that there was only a modest correlation between
the two procedures, producing a kappa of only 0.58 between the clinicians'
own diagnoses of borderline PD based on clinical impression, and their
diagnoses based on their own assessments of the individual DSM-III-R PD
criteria. This indicated that, in routine practice, there is often a failure to
systematically assess the individual DSM-III-R criteria, even though the
DSM diagnostic categories may be used. A clinician may often obtain an
initial impression of the most obvious feature of PD and then focus the rest
of the assessment on one or two probable PD diagnoses. However, even
though the DSM PD categories have often shown poor inter-rater re-
liability and stability, it is generally recognized that their features are
154 Less specific presentations and epidemiology
'highly prevalent in psychiatric settings and consume a significant propor-
tion of mental health resources' (Mulder, 1991). Also, epidemiological
studies have shown a surprising consistency for many aspects of PDs in
clinical practice.
Gender and PD
DSM-III and DSM-III-R made various claims in relation to gender and PD
syndromes, which were not all based on experimental evidence; males were
considered to be more prone to develop paranoid, antisocial and obsessive-
compulsive PDs, while increased prevalences of histrionic, borderline and
dependent PDs were associated with females. The clearest evidence for any
of these claims exists for antisocial PD in males, but an association between
male gender and paranoid or obsessive-compulsive PDs has also been
supported, as has an association between female gender and borderline,
histrionic and dependent PDs. But the evidence is conflicting: the latter
associations with females were not found in a series of 298 outpatients
(Alnaes & Torgerson, 1988a) in which passive-aggressive, schizotypal and
narcissistic PDs were more prevalent among men; these findings had not
been predicted by DSM-III/DSM-III-R.
PDs with increasing age and a higher prevalence in men. There was also an
association with poor educational attainment.
Maier et al. (1992) investigated DSM-III-R PDs by an interview assess-
ment in 452 non-patient 'community' subjects who they considered to be a
'good approximation' of a representative sample of the population. Of the
males, 9.6% (and of the females, 10.3%) had at least one PD; older subjects
were less likely to have PD than younger subjects; mixed PDs (i.e. more
than one PD) were found in 2.6% of females and 2.3% of males; obsessive-
compulsive PD was the most prevalent PD in males, while dependent and
passive-aggressive PD were the most frequent in females; only borderline
PD showed a clear tendency to co-occur with other PDs; and dependent,
passive-aggressive and histrionic PDs were more prevalent in females, while
borderline and avoidant PDs showed a similar but less marked association.
Obsessive-compulsive, schizotypal and antisocial PDs were found more
often in males. Also, anxiety disorders were associated with avoidant PD,
and affective disorders with borderline PD. It was noted that there was a
low prevalence of antisocial PD and schizophrenia in the sample, so that
other expected associations with these disorders could not be evaluated. It
was suggested that associations between PDs, major depressive disorders
and anxiety disorders may be less marked in non-patient samples, and that
the low prevalence of antisocial PD represented a selection bias in this
These findings can be compared with those of Coryell & Zimmerman
(1989), who also examined a non-patient sample, although DSM-III
diagnoses were used. In this study, 9.2% of relatives of healthy controls had
at least one PD; but this is likely to be an underestimate of the prevalence of
PD in the general population as the sample was selected in relation to a
healthy control group. Nevertheless, the prevalence of PD in the general
population is similar in the two studies, despite the differences in method-
ology, and points to a frequency of about 10% for significantly maladaptive
PD in adult samples of the population.
Zimmerman & Coryell (1989) also reported a large non-patient sample
made up of 797 'normal' controls and offirst-degreerelatives of patients
with a variety of psychiatric disorders; of those with a PD, about 25% had
more than one, and the most prevalent diagnoses were mixed (3.6%),
passive-aggressive (3.3%), antisocial (3.3%), histrionic (3.0%) and schizo-
typal PD (2.9%). Half the subjects with avoidant PD also met criteria for
schizotypal PD. Paranoid, schizotypal, avoidant and borderline PDs most
frequently co-occurred with other PDs, and schizoid and dependent PDs
occurred relatively often in isolation.
Epidemiology 157
PD in forensic samples
For antisocial PD, various prevalence rates up to 70% have been reported
in forensic samples (Gunn et al., 1978).
PD in self-harm populations
A wide range of prevalences of PDs have been found in self-harm
populations (Casey, 1988), in particular when the risk to life is judged to be
relatively low (Pallis & Birtchnell, 1977). Relatively serious risk has been
associated with obsessive-compulsive traits (Murthy, 1969) but this was not
confirmed in a subsequent study (Pierce, 1977).
Longitudinal aspects of personality disorders
160 Longitudinal aspects of personality disorders
period of significant change from adolescence for some attributes (Costa &
McCrae, 1992).
While the literature on clinical or forensic samples with PDs also
provides evidence for varying degrees of stability of some PD features,
others have been shown to be subject to change. Such instability is of two
main types, namely rapid short-term, and slow, linear long-term. Short-
term changes in PD features are often in relation to life-crises or other
co-occurring disorders, (in particular depression, anxiety disorders and
substance abuse, Bronisch & Klerman, 1991), while slower long-term
improvements in adaptation, which are characteristic of many individuals
with features of borderline and antisocial PDs, can provide realistic hope in
many young patients with seemingly intractable problems. Long-term
improvements in adaptation have also been found in a non-patient sample
in relation to antisocial and histrionic PD ratings, and it seems that those
features of normal personality and PD which involve lability (i.e. rapid
changeability) are particularly associated with age-related changes for the
better (Tyrer & Seivewright, 1988ft). Therefore, changes with age are most
associated with features of DSM-III-R's 'cluster B' PDs, (and perhaps with
passive-aggressive PD), in contrast with 'cluster A' PDs and obsessive-
compulsive PD. The outcome of avoidant PD is unclear.
Longitudinal studies of PD have mainly involved borderline, antisocial
and schizotypal PDs (Stone, 1993). These have generally reported on
inpatient or prison samples, so that the results relate to relatively severe
examples of these particular syndromes, and to individuals who usually
have several co-occurring disorders. There have been relatively few long-
term prospective studies, and while Robins (1978) found clear evidence of a
link between childhood conduct disorder and adult antisocial PD, most
long-term reports have been concerned with borderline PD (Perry, 1990).
Perry (1993) has reviewed 26 longitudinal studies, which were mostly
related to inpatient samples and borderline PD. There was a bimodal
distribution of follow-up periods, (between 2-4 years and 13-16 years), and
only two studies had more than two sets of assessment data. Of the nine
studies which looked at suicide in patients with borderline PD, there was a
mean suicide rate of 6.1 % after a mean follow-up of 7.2 years, and it was
found that the highest risk period was in the year after 'index' admission at
which the patient was identified for study. With regard to the stability of
diagnoses,fivestudies found that a mean of 57% of those with borderline
PD had retained the diagnosis after a mean follow-up of 8.7 years. Also,
most subjects had 'significant symptoms and impairment in social function-
ing on follow-up'.
Introduction 161
Associated variables
Longitudinal studies of PD need to evaluate a range of variables that affect
and reflect course and outcome, other than the features of PD. Therefore,
evaluation of the course of a PD should, if possible, consist of a variety of
measurements at multiple points in time. Measurements should include
global assessments, such as those involving occupational and social func-
tioning, while repeated data sets can evaluate the rate of change, which can
be an important characteristic of a PD that is not addressed in an outcome
study. Of the variables that may influence course and outcome of PDs,
some will co-occur by chance (e.g. a bereavement), some may share
aetiological factors with the PD being studied (e.g. social isolation due to
schizoid PD), while others may be secondary to aspects of PD (e.g. some
mood disorders and substance abuse). Variables affecting the results of
longitudinal studies include the patient's demographic characteristics,
adverse environmental experiences, co-occurring disorders, the individ-
ual's positive or adaptive potential, and treatments or interventions.
Relevant demographic variables include age, age when first in contact
with psychiatric services, sex, socioeconomic status of subject and parents,
marital/relationship status, cultural background, position in sibship, twin
status, being an adoptee and being born or raised without two parents in the
household. An adverse environment and co-occurring disorders may have
involved childhood abuse (physical, sexual or psychological), childhood
mistreatment or neglect, loss events, stress, illicit substance abuse, a history
of other psychiatric disorders such as eating disorders, childhood conduct
disorder, physical disease, low intelligence and sexual disorders or difficul-
ties. Positive or adaptive qualities are seldom considered in PD research,
but are important variables in relation to course and outcome; Kolb (1982)
has specified courage, flexibility, commitment, perseverance, responsibi-
lity, humour, empathy, trust, charm and likeability. Also, a very high IQ
may be of some advantage, while talent, female beauty, social position and
wealth appear to predict a relatively good outcome for borderline PD
(Stone, 1990).
The evaluation of these variables is important for the further understand-
ing of the range of causal factors that contribute to the development, course
and outcome of PDs. Variables that are potentially amenable to interven-
tion, such as the adverse care of children, are of particular interest.
162 Longitudinal aspects of personality disorders
Outcome measures
Longitudinal studies have mainly involved measures of aspects other than
those directly related to PD characteristics (Perry, 1993). These include
hospitalization, other interventions from medical services, global function-
ing, social and occupational functioning, general interests, marriage (or
long-term live-in relationships), child rearing, symptoms of other psychi-
atric disorders and mortality.
Epidemiological data
Longitudinal data can be deduced from epidemiological studies of preva-
lence and incidence of PD features and associated variables in specified
populations. For example, the prevalence of antisocial and borderline PDs
in different age groups can indicate an improvement in these disorders with
increasing age.
Methodological aspects
In addition to the formidable methodological problems in the 'cross-
sectional' evaluation of PDs, longitudinal studies involving two or more
assessments are subject to additional sources of error. For example, the
criteria for PDs have been subject to frequent revision, available data in
retrospective studies have often been inadequate, and social and cultural
changes may have affected the pattern of the disorders. For instance,
changing patterns of drug misuse have provided a variable background to
the expression of antisocial PD traits. Also, the course of co-occurring
psychiatric disorders has to be taken into account when evaluating the
course of PDs; for example, agoraphobia with avoidant PD, depressive
disorders with various PDs, and obsessive-compulsive disorder with
obsessive-compulsive PD (Perry, 1993). Improvement or worsening of a co-
occurring disorder may influence PD-related behaviour, while improve-
ment in PD (such as the gradual improvement in adaptation found in many
subjects with antisocial and borderline PD) can result in a corresponding
change in the co-occurring disorders.
Because of the lack of a 'gold standard' for PD assessment, the use of
more than one PD assessment method has been recommended to increase
reliability. Discrepantfindingsmay then be assessed further by additional
methods (Perry, 1990).
It must be remembered that nearly all longitudinal studies involve groups
Borderline personality disorder 163
after the age of 20 but there was generally a history of previous contacts
with psychiatric services. There was usually at least moderate impairment
in social, occupational and sexual adjustment.
Outcome was, in general, superior in relation to those groups with
schizophrenia and bipolar affective disorder, and comparable to subjects
with unipolar depressive disorder. At follow-up, most were living indepen-
dently from parents or institutions and had reasonable work records.
However, many had needed short 'crisis' hospital admissions, nearly half
had subsequent outpatient psychotherapeutic support, and other psychi-
atric disorders were common, in particular depressive disorders and
substance abuse. The subsequent pattern of relationships showed consider-
able variation; while one group avoided intimacy, others managed to
achieve stable relationships. While the latter had sometimes achieved
satisfactory sexual relationships, others had developed social relationships
only, perhaps supplemented by partial intimacy. The degree of improve-
ment was related to the duration of follow-up, when data for the first 9 years
was compared with those for the period 10-19 years.
The remaining inpatient studies are those of Plakun et al. (1985), Kroll et
al. (1985), Paris et al. (1987) and Links (1993). Paris and colleagues
followed up 100 subjects for a mean of 15 years and found a similar rate of
suicide (8.5%) to that reported by Stone and colleagues. Another finding
that was comparable with similar studies was that 75% no longer qualified
for the borderline PD diagnosis. Links reported a 7 year follow-up of 88
patients with borderline PD diagnosed by the DIB; of 57 who were DIB-
positive initially, and reinterviewed, 52.5% were no longer DIB-positive,
and males were more likely to refuse the follow-up interview.
Prognostic factors
Stone (1990) has identified several attributes which were associated with a
relatively good prognosis, including cooperation with the self-help group
Alcoholics Anonymous (when appropriate), the presence of obsessional
personality traits with a capacity for self-discipline and work-orientation,
unusual talent, very high intelligence and, in women, a high degree of
'attractiveness'. Also, anecdotal evidence suggested that both negative and
positive chance events can affect the course of borderline PD, as subjects are
very sensitive to environmental changes; for instance, a patient who
unexpectedly survives a determined suicide attempt may never again carry
out self-harm behaviour. Also, Plakun (1991), in a follow-up study of 33
166 Longitudinal aspects of personality disorders
inpatients for a mean of 14 years, found that a good outcome was
associated with self-destructive acts during the index admission.
Poor outcome for inpatients with borderline PD has been particularly
associated with a history of parental cruelty and also with childhood
neglect, childhood sexual abuse (especially father-daughter incest) (Paris,
Zweig-Frank & Guzder, 1993), and a history of fire-setting in childhood
(Stone, 1993). Relevant aspects of more recent history that predict poor
outcome include relatively long periods of inpatient management (around
10 months or more), rape, imprisonment and poor global functioning.
At index admission, poor prognostic features have been the presence of
positive ratings for all eight DSM borderline PD criteria, co-occurring
features of antisocial PD with marked irritability and anger, schizotypal
PD features, being a male without a major affective disorder, severe
features involving impulsivity or affective instability, low intelligence and
being a male who discharges himself against medical advice (Links et al,
1990; Links, 1993; McGlashan, 1993). Subsequent to index admission,
continuing substance abuse has indicated poor outcome (Stone, 1993). This
can be 'deceptively mild' in women (Stone, 1990) and requires careful
Prognostic factors in relation to suicide deserve particular attention as,
on the basis of one large series (Stone, 1990), a prediction can be made that
'4 out of 10 hospitalized "eight-item" borderline PD patients, in their early
20s or younger, will commit suicide within 5 years ...'. ('Eight-item'
patients are those who are rated positive on all eight DSM-III-R criteria.)
This study found a similar risk of suicide in the follow-up period (37.5%)
for patients with a combination of borderline PD, major affective disorder
and alcoholism. Also, the rate was 19% in a subgroup with continuing
alcohol abuse and was higher in those who refused to attend self-help
groups. Co-occurring antisocial PD increased the risk of subsequent suicide
by a factor of 3 compared with the risk for borderline PD alone. For the co-
occurrence of borderline PD and 'major depression', the suicide risk was
doubled for men only.
Other studies have reported similar findings; for instance Zilber et al.
(1989) found that in a group with various PDs together with drug or alcohol
abuse, the risk of suicide was 3 times (21 %) that of a group with PD alone.
Suicide in patients with borderline PD has also been associated with
previous imprisonment (in a white middle-class sample), more frequent
childhood loss, lack of treatment before hospitalization, longer hospitaliza-
tion, more frequent mandatory discharges by staff, previous self-harm and
higher education (Kullgren, 1988; Paris et al, 1989; Kjelsberg et al, 1991).
Borderline personality disorder 167
Borderline PD has been more commonly diagnosed in females. However, in
males these features often co-occur with those of antisocial PD, and as this
PD is more common in males, it may often be given diagnostic precedence.
McGlashan (1993) in the Chestnut Lodge study, found that, at index
admission, females were more likely to be married with better heterosexual
adjustment, to be more depressed and be more prone to self-harm. In
contrast, males were more antisocial and uncooperative. Subsequently, of
those with relatively poor outcome, males were more likely to be involved
with alcohol abuse and females with self-harm episodes.
In Coid's study (1992) of 243 patients detained in forensic psychiatric
units, there was a higher prevalence of borderline PD in females than in
males (i.e. 90% to 50%), although several co-occurring PDs was the usual
Adverse childhood experiences have been suggested as causal factors for
some examples of borderline PD, and as girls are more likely than boys to be
sexually abused as children (Marziali, 1992), this may contribute to the
apparently greater prevalence of borderline PD in females.
ranging from complete remission to suicide. This must reflect the hetero-
geneity of this disorder resulting from the variable interaction of a range of
causal factors. Therefore, it is not surprising that there are considerable
variations in what appears to be the appropriate management, while
improvement can occur without any interventions from medical services.
Nevertheless, certain principles of management can be recognized from
longitudinal studies (McGlashan, 1993). As the long-term outlook is
generally fairly good, even in severe cases, patience and optimism are
usually appropriate. Patients can be reassured that a significant (albeit
gradual) improvement in their adjustment is possible, and in the meantime,
the clinician can provide advice, support and protection in times of crisis.
This often involves short-term admissions to a psychiatric unit to protect
the patient from the harmful consequences of impulsive self-destructive
behaviour with self-injury, suicidal attempts or substance abuse. For a
small minority of patients, long-term asylum can seem appropriate,
involving continuous or intermittent institutional residence for up to
several years. It has been claimed that there is less danger of the negative
effects of an institution for those with borderline PD, compared with
patients with schizophrenia, and that the expected improvement in the 20s
and early 30s holds out a realistic hope of eventual rehabilitation to
independence from residential care.
For many patients, especially those who have pronounced problems with
intimate relationships, a focus on developing their capacity for work is
important. However, as individuals with borderline PD find it difficult to
live alone, there is a tendency to seek intimate relationships which may
regularly degenerate into an unstable hostile dependency. For those
patients who cannot improve their adaptation in intimate relationships,
some learn that they are able to cope better by avoidance. This may involve
a compromise, with strong attachments to groups of people associated with
work, religion, political parties or self-help organizations. Commitment to
a cause rather than one (or a few) individuals may be successfully combined
with relatively superficial relationships that can be sustained. Longitudinal
studies of inpatients with borderline PD have indicated that men are less
likely to get married than women, but, for both sexes, divorce or separation
is common. The principle that a patient should 'control the distance' of a
relationship to avoid a degree of intimacy that cannot be sustained, extends
to the relationships with medical services. Provision of treatment and
support often needs to be on aflexible,'as required' basis, which is under the
patient's control as far as is possible and reasonable. A further principle is
that a treatment 'package' should be designed in relation to the individual
170 Longitudinal aspects of personality disorders
A psychiatric service can plan its provision on the basis that the majority
of the most severely affected patients with borderline PD will require short
periods of hospitalization and flexible outpatient support for up to several
years, although, within this group, a few subjects appear to need long-term
residential care or intensive outpatient psychotherapy. The general pattern
of appropriate service delivery may change at different stages of the
disorder. In middle age, when many patients will no longer qualify for the
borderline PD diagnosis, a more sustained psychotherapeutic approach
may be indicated for the depressive symptoms that can follow the break-up
of a long-standing, stormy but supportive relationship.
Longitudinal studies of borderline PD can provide, from the public
health perspective, ideas for reducing the suicide rate in young adults, to
which this disorder contributes. A serious degree of childhood physical and
sexual abuse, which has been implicated as a probable causal factor for
some individuals with borderline PD, might be reduced by measures such as
improvements in social work services, in child-care provision and in
community recreational facilities. Also, as various studies have concluded
that self-help groups for those who abuse drugs and alcohol can have a
favourable impact on the course of these behaviours, the encouragement of
these organizations might also be expected to result in less maladaptive
behaviour, including suicide, shown by those with PD.
DSM-III-R's category of 'antisocial PD' relies heavily on an history of
specified antisocial acts and identifies individuals who show considerable
heterogeneity, while Hare's criteria (1991) lay more emphasis on traits that
affect personal relationships. These include lack of remorse or guilt,
callousness, lack of empathy and failure to accept responsibility for one's
own actions. Such attributes can be considered as 'core' traits for antisocial
PD (psychopathy), although they are not prominent in many patients who
would qualify for the DSM-III-R diagnosis. Also, subjects can have
pronounced 'core' traits without an history of unlawful behaviour,
although there is a clear association between the 'core' traits and overtly
criminal or violent behaviour. For instance, Hare (1991) found that scores
on his rating instrument, the PCL-R, were associated with the degree of
violent and aggressive behaviour in prison settings.
Antisocial personality disorder 171
The broad category of DSM-III-R's antisocial PD has to be evaluated in
the context of a high level of'sub-cultural delinquency' in some geographi-
cal areas and socio-cultural groups. West & Farrington's community
survey of males of low socioeconomic status in part of London (1977)
found that, at age 17, about 20% had a criminal record and that this had
risen to 33% by age 24. But although the incidence of convictions fell
considerably with increasing age over the age of 18, a minority showed a
pattern of repeated convictions, which persisted into adult life. This group
had a younger age at first conviction, a larger number of convictions up to
the age of 18 and showed antisocial behaviour in a wide range of contexts.
Such individuals can be considered to have a PD, and are often unpopular
with their peers, tending to stand out even within a group in which
lawbreaking is common. Despite the heterogeneity of the characteristics of
antisocial individuals, and the various criteria sets for diagnosis of 'anti-
social PD', recurrent or persistent antisocial behaviour has been validated
as a successful marker for PD by both genetic and longitudinal studies. The
demonstration of genetic factors associated with antisocial PD has been
considered to be 'convincing' (Dahl, 1993), as has the association between
childhood conduct disorder and adult antisocial PD.
Longitudinal studies that link childhood conduct disorder and adult
antisocial PD have also found that conduct disorder tends to be associated
with adverse and disordered family settings, involving violent and inconsis-
tent patterns of child-rearing and increased criminality (Coid, 1993a). This
is consistent with a model of causation that involves a variable interaction
of genetic factors, other biological variables and social environment. But
although most of those with the adult features of antisocial PD give a
history of significant childhood conduct disorder, (a minority do not show
problem-behaviour until mid or late adolescence), most children with
conduct disorder do not become adults with antisocial PD (Crowell et al.9
1993). However, for most seriously antisocial adults, antisocial behaviour
generally becomes apparent before the age of 10 (West, 1983).
As would be expected in relation to an heterogeneous disorder, the
course of adults with serious antisocial behaviour shows considerable
variation. One of the main defining characteristics of a 'disease' is increased
mortality, and this is found in relation to antisocial PD, mediated by
increased rates of suicide, accidental death, substance abuse and being a
victim of violence (Martin, 1986). Hare et al. (1988) have claimed that those
individuals with predominant 'core' features of psychopathy tend to show a
persistently high level of criminal activity in their early adult years but that
this decreases sharply after the age of about 40. However, this change is less
marked in relation to violent crimes, and, in some forensic studies, about
172 Longitudinal aspects of personality disorders
20% of those with antisocial PD in early adult life still meet criteria at the
age of 45 (Coid, 1993a). Nevertheless, it is encouraging that even in samples
selected on the basis of serious criminal activity, with a typical history of
childhood conduct disorder, most show considerable improvement during
middle age.
Prognostic factors
In general, age and intelligence are inversely related to future violence for
those with antisocial PD (Klassen & O'Connor, 1988). It has been noted
that definitions of antisocial PD differ in their reliance on the nature of
interpersonal relationships involving the 'core' features of psychopathy,
and on specified antisocial acts, and it is clear that the best predictor of
Antisocial personality disorder 175
future antisocial behaviour is not the degree of the 'core' features, but the
extent of previous antisocial behaviour (De Jong et al, 1992). For instance,
in prison samples, Hare (1991) has shown that scores for specified antisocial
behaviour using the PCL-R assessment schedule are related to revocation
of parole or re-offending to a greater extent than scores related to the 'core'
Other 'poor prognosis' variables for re-offending have included the
impulsivity of the original crime (in relation to males convicted of man-
slaughter or attempted manslaughter), previous suicide attempts (in male
arsonists), the degree of severity of offences, persistent lying and conning
behaviour, and early onset of childhood conduct disorder (Stone, 1993).
When evaluating characteristics of childhood conduct disorder, the
number and range of antisocial behaviours has been found to be more
predictive of adult behaviour than environmental influences (Robins,
Other predictors of violence have included various cognitive deficits,
poor social and coping skills, and alcohol and drug abuse. Aspects of
various biological characteristics have also been claimed to be predictive of
violence, involving levels of a metabolite of serotonin in the cerebrospinal
fluid, the EEG, heart rate, skin conductance characteristics, and mild
hypoglycaemia (Virkkunen et ai, 1989), although the latter was not
confirmed (De Jong et al., 1992).
Loss events
There is some evidence that features of antisocial PD can make an
individual more vulnerable to depressive symptoms after stressful life
events (Perry et al., 1992).
and timing varies between different offender subgroups. The eventual fate
of the 'core' attributes of antisocial PD involving interpersonal relation-
ships is unclear, and it may be that they are often not significantly modified
with time, even though the individual has developed a more socialized
behaviour pattern.
Cloninger & Gottesman (1987), reviewing genetic and family studies,
concluded that while genetic factors for the development of antisocial PD
are similar in men and women, the lower incidence in women is due to a
higher threshold for expression. Therefore, if a woman is to develop the
overt antisocial behaviour associated with antisocial PD, there may have to
be a greater degree of genetic vulnerability and/or a more adverse environ-
ment, and there is evidence that when men and women with antisocial PD
are compared, the women have the more disturbed childhood environ-
ments (Coid, \993a). Cloninger (1978) has suggested that mild antisocial
PD in women may sometimes present as somatization disorder, and there is
an increased prevalence of antisocial PD and somatization disorder in the
relatives of subjects with either syndrome.
Childhood conduct disorder in males usually has an earlier onset than in
females, when it becomes apparent around puberty (Robins, 1986). Also,
males tend to have more traffic offences, a criminal record and more
promiscuity, while women are more likely to be involved with domestic
violence. Compared with males, women with antisocial PD who had been
previously assessed at a child guidance clinic had lower intelligence, a
history of increased institutionalization, parents who were more often
chronically unemployed and fathers who were more often alcoholic or
The literature on childhood precursors of PD is mainly concerned with
conduct disorders, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and
schizoid or schizotypal disorder. Also, there has been a renewed interest in
the importance of a relatively small number (3-5) of basic temperaments
(Cloninger, 1986), which appear to be identifiable in very early childhood,
and are largely due to genetic factors. But while the importance of genetic
inheritance for the development of personality and PD has become
established by many research findings, it is also clear that adverse environ-
mental events and interactions between specific or non-specific genetic or
biological vulnerability and the environment, together with protective
factors, are all important in the development of PDs. For instance,
relatively low intelligence was a poor prognostic factor for the later
development of antisocial PD in women, in a child guidance clinic sample
(Coid, 1993a).
The landmarks of the literature are the associations between childhood
conduct disorder (and/or ADHD) and the development of antisocial PD,
and between solitariness, rigidity and hypersensitivity in children and the
later diagnosis of schizoid PD (Wolff & Chick, 1980).
Both 'conduct disorder' and 'antisocial PD' are broad concepts, and the
former has been defined as behaviour which violates the rights of others or
social norms. It has been estimated that between 410% of children develop
some significant degree of conduct disorder, and of those who receive this
diagnosis in a medical setting, up to 40% have been reported to show
serious behavioural problems in adulthood (Robins, 1978; Rutter & Giller,
1983). Aggression is often the most troublesome feature of conduct
disorder and may present in different ways; younger children usually show
arguments or tantrums, and these may develop into defiance and oppo-
sition. Later still, examples of aggression can include arson, theft, truancy,
vandalism and substance abuse.
A community sample of 976 infants and children were first assessed (at
T l ' ) between the ages of 1 and 10, and followed up on two occasions, i.e. at
'T2' (n = 778, age 9-19) and T 3 ' (n = 776, age 11-21). At Tl, the assessment
consisted of structured interviews with the mothers, which focussed on
aspects of conduct problems, depression, anxiety and immaturity. Later
assessments also involved interviews with the subjects. Conduct problems
at Tl were related to subsequent maladaptive patterns of behaviour in
adolescence, although for children under the age of 5, this was only found
for girls, and related to subsequent 'cluster B' and ' C disorders (Bernstein,
Another area of longitudinal research in relation to personality has been
shyness, which has been investigated by rating the reaction and degree of
behavioural restraint of very young children to unfamiliar stimuli (Kagan
et ai, 1988). Two groups were identified at the extremes of reaction (i.e.
showing 'restraint', with fear and avoidance, or showing unconcern and
approach), and by the age of 7 the 'restraint' group were generally much less
talkative and interactive, and more socially avoidant with unfamiliar
people. It was suggested that the relevant differences in the underlying
biological substrate may involve the threshold of arousal to novel stimuli.
paranoid PD features also gave such a history, while some seemed relatively
unscathed by such traumas.
The evidence does not suggest that certain childhood experiences are
necessary for the development of a particular PD, or that the effects of
sexual abuse are readily predictable in an individual. It has been pointed out
that some children can be remarkably resilient in the face of serious
childhood adversity. As causal factors for a particular PD syndrome are
multiple, interactive and variable, it is not surprising that research has
shown a variety of outcomes that are correlated with a range of causal
variables (Crowell et al., 1993).
It has often been reported that the co-occurrence of PD is associated with a
poor outcome and response to treatment of various other psychiatric
disorders (Andreoli, Gressot & Aapro, 1989; Reich & Green, 1991).
190 Longitudinal aspects of personality disorders
Sometimes this may reflect the importance of the PD as a precursor and
causal factor for the other disorder in question, for instance in relation to
some cases of depressive disorders and substance abuse, but a chance co-
occurrence of a PD may affect recovery from an unrelated disorder, such as
brain damage or mania.
Schizophrenia with PD
It is difficult to differentiate an insidious onset of schizophrenia from a
premorbid schizoid (or schizotypal) PD, but it has been claimed that such a
premorbid PD is an indicator of poor prognosis (Tyrer & Seivewright,
19886). However, any co-occurring PD is likely to have an adverse effect on
the prognosis for schizophrenia.
196 Assessment of personality disorders
most PD traits appear to be on a severity-related continuum with higher
mental activity and behaviour shown by the normal population (Cloninger,
1987a; Schroeder&Livesley, 1991). For such traits a dimensional approach
to assessment would seem to be indicated.
Information sources
Data for PD assessment can be obtained from three main sources: the
patient, informants and observation in clinical settings over varying
periods. There is evidence that some PDs are associated with a higher
prevalence of the same or related disorders in first degree relatives, and with
some biological variables, so that assessment may also include family
history and physiological data (Reich, 1992).
Assessment: an overview
PD assessment routinely involves a clinician's 'present or absent' rating for
the predominant PD features in the history and presentation, based on a
relatively unstructured interview and data from various informants. Such
'routine clinical assessment' will be considered in a subsequent section of
this chapter. The interview with the patient should cover the main areas of
maladaptive behaviour relevant to PDs: antisocial behaviour, dependence
on others, problems in sustaining relationships, and attitudes towards
other people (Tyrer, 1989). It must be noted that some patients with PD
refuse to cooperate in any assessment method that involves any structured
procedure; in such cases, methods involving the clinician's ratings are
There are three main types of assessment methodology: structured
interviews, self-report questionnaires, and consensus ratings (or diagnoses)
from various sources. This last type includes the 'LEAD standard', i.e.
'longitudinal expert evaluation using all available data' (Spitzer, 1983),
which is based on information from patient assessments, past records,
informants and observations over a period of inpatient or outpatient
contact. The final ratings or diagnoses are based on a consensus of several
experienced clinicians. The reliability of assessment is likely to be increased
by the use of more than one assessment method. Informants are often
important for PD assessment, in particular where the patient has another
mental disorder such as a depressive syndrome or substance abuse.
Zimmerman (1994), in a review of research methods, noted that inter-
rater reliability coefficients for the same interview, using standardized
interviews, is usually good, in contrast to poor reliability in relation to
unstandardized clinical assessments. As might be expected, test-retest
reliability coefficients are generally lower than those for joint-ratings of the
same interview, and decrease with increasing time between interviews.
Some PDs, such as antisocial PD, are less affected than other PDs by the
test-retest interval, while co-occurring disorders such as depressed mood
tend to influence the results of PD assessment by both self-report question-
naires and structured interview. Assessment is further complicated by a
tendency for subjects to report less psychopathology at subsequent inter-
views. Also, reliability of PD assessment would be expected to vary
depending on the selection criteria of the sample, for example it is likely to
increase if a sample of subjects with PD are selected on the basis of severity.
Information from the patient, from both interviews or self-report
questionnaires, may be associated with inaccuracies and 'response-bias'.
Assessment: an overview 201
But, although the questions that form part of interviews and questionnaires
usually have 'face validity', and are mainly designed to elicit a true
response, a question may still be useful if it produces a consistent response,
whether or not it is true.
There have been several indirect approaches to PD assessment, but these
have made little or no contribution to influential psychiatric research.
Several such methods, such as the Thematic Apperception Test (TAT), the
Rorschach inkblot test, and sentence completion tasks, present the patient
with stimuli that have ambiguous meanings. The patient's subsequent
response would be expected to reflect aspects of his/her higher mental
functioning. The TAT was originally introduced as a measure of personal-
ity, and consisted of a series of cards, each with a picture of a situation. The
patient was then asked to comment on what the situation might be. The
rationale for this had been described thus:
the test is based upon the well recognized fact that when a person interprets an
ambiguous social situation he is apt to expose his own personality as much as the
phenomenon to which he is attending. Absorbed in his attempt to explain the
objective occurrence, he becomes naively unconscious of himself and of the scrutiny
of others and, therefore, defensively less vigilant.
But although this is likely to be true, the evaluation and rating of the
responses present considerable problems.
Another focus for the assessment of PD is the cognitive aspect of
personality. Although current DSM-IV and ICD-10 criteria include some
motivations and attitudes, such phenomena have been insufficiently
addressed in the clinical literature. For example, an evaluation of repeated
acts of violence might explore the personal meaning of the violent acts to
the offender (Blackburn, 1989).
The disadvantages of the DSM-III-R and DSM-IV PD classifications
will affect any assessment method based on this system, and a frequent
problem has been that an individual has often received several co-occurring
DSM-III-R PD diagnoses that are cumbersome in clinical practice.
Perry (1992) has reviewed nine studies which compared two or more
assessment methods for DSM-III-R PD diagnoses, administered to the
same group of subjects. Reliability was low, with a median kappa of only
0.25. Agreement was lower between self-report questionnaire and struc-
tured interview than between two interview methods, and comparing
dimensional scores for the different methods made little difference. The
depressing conclusion was that, despite the good inter-rater reliability of
the various assessment methods (although there was a lack of test-retest
202 Assessment of personality disorders
reliability data for longer periods than a few months), PD diagnoses were
not significantly comparable across methods. However, agreement may
improve in more severely ill populations (Reich, 1992).
It has been argued that the LEAD procedure, in particular if this involves
a period of observation and multidisciplinary clinical conferences in an
inpatient unit, is the best validity standard available with which to compare
other methods of PD assessment. This procedure was compared with two
structured interviews, and confirmed that diagnoses such as antisocial and
schizoid PDs, which depend mainly on readily-identified behaviour, are
relatively reliable between assessment methods. In contrast, passive-
aggressive, self-defeating and narcissistic PDs were diagnosed much less
often with structured interviews (Skodal et aL, 1990).
Methodological variables
Many relevant methodological variables affecting PD assessment have
been studied, especially in relation to procedures involving structured
interviews or self-report questionnaires. Such variables include the
patient's perception of confidentiality, the relationship of the clinician or
researcher with the subject, the duration of the period to be assessed, the
wording of the questions and various types of response-bias (Goldberg,
1972). The 'true/false' (or 'yes/no') format has been commonly used,
despite problems with arbitrary thresholds and loss of information, but if a
more complex rating scale is used, other types of response-bias and
different scoring methods need to be considered. These include an estimate
on a scale with fixed points or on a scale with a continuous line, or the
selection of alternative adjectives to describe higher mental activity or
behaviour. It appears that the optimum number of positions on a scale
should not generally exceed six. Also, if there are three or more points on an
interval rating scale, unwarranted assumptions may be made about the
distance between pairs of points, as the distances between the points is
difficult to quantify in terms of each PD variable being measured, and may
vary in clinical significance between different PD criteria. If several criteria
are being rated, it is possible to weight the score for those considered to be
essential to the diagnosis or of relative clinical importance, or to transform
scores. When there are three or more points on a rating scale, various types
of response-bias need to be taken into account, such as 'end-bias', 'middle-
bias', or a tendency to mark the left or right side of the scale. Methods to
counteract such problems include changing the pathological response side
of the scale to the left or right in a random manner, and to score a 4-point
Methodological variables 203
Structured interviews
'Structured interview' is a term that incorporates 'semistructured' pro-
cedures in which 'probes' (i.e. further questions) can be added based on the
interviewer's clinical judgement. But as an interview can never be comple-
tely structured in respect to interviewer behaviour, the term 'semistruc-
tured' is more accurate even for the set questions. Such interviews can be
divided into those based on a comprehensive range of PD characteristics
defined by various classificatory systems (Table 5.1), and those directed
towards a relatively narrow range of specific features of PDs (Table 5.2).
Most interviews involve the patient (or subject), although some have
Structured interviews 205
The Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-III-R personality disorder
(Spitzer et al., 1987) has 120 items and involves a 60-90 minute interview
between clinician and subject. It is based on the DSM-III-R classification
and is designed to be used in conjunction with the SCID-I instrument (i.e.
related to the DSM-III-R axis I), which evaluates any co-occurring mental
The items cover each PD in turn and each DSM-III-R criterion is
evaluated by a specified question (or questions) and subsequent specified
probes. But the clinician can also probe further and clarify, using his/her
judgement before rating each item on a 4-point scale: 'inadequate infor-
mation', 'negative', 'subthreshold' and 'threshold'. One disadvantage of
presenting all criteria for each PD in sequence is a risk of a 'halo effect',
when subsequent ratings are influenced by prior positive ratings for the
same PD (Widiger & Frances, 1987). A unique feature of the SCID-II
206 Assessment of personality disorders
The Personality Disorder Examination (PDE) (Loranger et al, 1987;
Reich, 1989) can provide diagnoses and dimensional scores for each of the
DSM-III-R PDs, although the DSM-III-R structure is reorganized so that
items are presented in a sequence under six sections: work, self, interper-
sonal relations, affects, reality testing and impulse control. Each section
begins with open-ended questions and additional items relate to behaviour
at interview. The time required is usually up to 2 hours and there is a parallel
version for informants. At the beginning, the subject is told 'the questions I
am going to ask concern what you are like most of the time. I'm interested in
what has been typical of you throughout your adult life, and not just
recently. But if you have changed and your answers might have been
different at some time in the past, be sure to let me know'. Each of the 128
items is scored on a 3-point scale: 0 (absent or not clinically significant); 1
(present but of uncertain clinical significance); and 2 (present and clinically
significant). Also there is an 'uncertain' category.
Inter-rater reliability has been shown to be good with kappas of 0.7 or
above for individual PD diagnoses, while test-retest reliability for border-
line PD (as shown by testing by another rater prior to discharge from
hospital) gave a kappa of 0.57 (Widiger & Frances, 1987). But this
instrument has been criticized for relying too much on patients' opinions
and self-evaluations, as patients are not encouraged to provide examples to
support their answers. However, it has led to the development of a modified
version, the International Personality Disorder Examination (IPDE),
which has been used in several World Health Organization studies (Lor-
anger et ai, 1991).
The Structured Interview for DSM-III-R Personality Disorders is an
updated version of the SIDP for DSM-III (Pfohl, Stangl & Zimmerman,
Structured interviews 207
1982; Reich, 1989). It provides 160 questions for the subject, which are
arranged in 16 sections based on aspects of functioning, such as self-esteem,
dependency and social interaction. Questions are open-ended and the
interviewer can clarify and probe. Each criterion is scored on a 3-point scale
(0,1,2). Although the time required for the interview has been stated to be
up to \\ hours, this has been considered to be an optimistic claim. The
interviewer should be an experienced clinician, and a prior assessment of
other mental disorders is recommended. If a change in personality has
followed the onset of another mental disorder, the predominant features in
the last 5 years are accepted (Standage, 1989).
Studies of inter-rater reliability have given kappas above 0.6 for schizoty-
pal, histrionic, dependent, borderline and passive-aggressive PDs (Widiger
& Frances, 1987), although in most cases the same interview was assessed
by two raters. However, test-retest results after 6 months, involving the
same interviewer, gave an acceptable kappa of 0.68 for the presence of'any
PD', and of 0.7 for borderline PD, although there was poor agreement for
some other PDs (Reich, 1989).
In a study of 66 patients with depressive disorders (Zimmerman et al,
1988), there was poor agreement between SIDP ratings made on the basis of
the interviews with the patient and those involving a close informant; for all
individual PD diagnoses, kappas were below 0.35. Informants generally
reported more pathology for each individual PD, except for antisocial and
schizoid PDs; for example, borderline PD was diagnosed 3 times more
often on the basis of the informants' interview.
The Diagnostic Interview for Personality Disorders (DIPD) (Zanarini et
al., 1987) has 252 questions in 11 sections, based on the DSM-III-R PDs.
Each item has 2-3 probes and it has been claimed, again optimistically, that
the interview usually takes up to 1 \ hours. Additional enquiries based on
clinical judgement are encouraged, and prior assessment of other co-
occurring non-PD psychiatric disorders is recommended. Each PD criter-
ion is scored as follows: 2 = present and definitely clinically significant;
1 = present and probably clinically significant; 0 = absent and clinically
insignificant. Inter-rater reliabilities for a group of inpatients were high (the
kappas were above 0.88) for all PDs except paranoid PD, although schizoid
PD was never diagnosed. Test-retest kappas after one week were above 0.6
for seven PDs, including antisocial PD (0.84) and borderline PD (0.85).
208 Assessment of personality disorders
The Personality Interview Questionnaire II (PIQ-II, Widiger, 1987) is an
interview that has 106 questions divided into eight sections: self-descrip-
tion; self-confidence; work; relationships; emotions; social responsibility;
interpersonal sensitivity and aberrant behaviour; and perceptions and
beliefs. Each item is scored on a 9-point scale. Although it was originally
used by lay interviewers, clinical experience is preferred.
The following structured interviews do not generate DSM-III-R PD
The Personality Assessment Schedule (PAS) was developed by Tyrer &
Alexander (1988) and subsequently revised. It is not based on either the
DSM or ICD classifications, but on 24 traits derived from the clinical
literature: pessimism, worthlessness, optimism, lability, anxiousness, suspi-
ciousness, introspection, shyness, aloofness, sensitivity, vulnerability, irri-
tability, impulsiveness, aggressiveness, callousness, irresponsibility,
childishness, resourcelessness, dependence, submissiveness, conscientious-
ness, rigidity, eccentricity and hypochondriasis.
Each is assessed on a 9-point severity scale after several specified
questions have been presented, although further questions are encouraged.
The interview takes up to an hour and can be administered to the subject or
an informant. Analysis of the scores can give one of three global categories
based on severity: 'personality difficulty', 'personality disorder' and 'severe
personality disorder'. Scores can be converted to the ICD PD categories,
but while some of the PD categories are similar to those of the DSM-III-R,
they are not strictly equivalent.
Good inter-rater reliability and acceptable test-retest reliability have
been reported (Ferguson & Tyrer, 1989), but there has been poor correla-
tion between ratings from patients' and informants' interviews (Widiger &
Frances, 1987). This instrument has been shown to have predictive validity
for improvement of depressive symptoms with drug treatment and for the
effects of an alcohol treatment programme (Reich, 1992).
The Standard Assessment of Personality (SAP) was reported by Mann et al.
(1981) and is unusual in that it is a short interview (about 20 minutes) with
Structured interviews 209
an informant only. A revised version, which was modified in relation to the
ICD-10, has been recently published (Pilgrim & Mann, 1990; Pilgrim et aL,
The informant should have known the patient for at least 5 years during
which other mental disorders were not apparent. After open-ended
questions with prompts, the following ten probes are given:
how does he/she get on with people; does he/she have many friends; does he/she
trust other people; what is his/her temper like; how does he/she cope with life; is he/
she a calm sort of person; how much does he/she depend on others; how does he/she
respond to criticism; does he/she have unusually high standards - at work or home;
and what sort of opinion does he/she have of him/herself?
If the informant uses any of a set of key words suggesting PD features, the
following eight personality categories are evaluated further: paranoid,
schizoid, dissocial, impulsive, histrionic, anankastic, anxious and depen-
dent, with a set of seven questions for each category. The degree of
handicap is then assessed by three additional questions, and the informant
is also asked about the priority of handicaps if there are more than one PD
Satisfactory inter-rater reliability has been reported, and although test-
retest reliability after one year was variable and often poor, the kappa for
anankastic (obsessive-compulsive) PD was 0.74 (Widiger & Frances, 1987).
The Karolinska Psychodynamic Profile (KAPP, Weinryb et ai, 1992) is a
structured interview based on psychoanalytic theory in which 18 subscales
are evaluated, involving the patient's self-image and relationships with
others. But these include items which would appear to present particular
problems of reliability, such as 'regression in the service of the ego', while
others, such as 'sexual functioning' would be influenced by many variables
other than those of PD.
The following structured interviews are directed towards specific features
of PD psychopathology (Table 5.2):
The Diagnostic Interview for Borderlines (DIB, Gunderson et ai, 1981)
was based on several concepts and meanings of the term 'borderline' in
previous literature. Although it reflects a similar concept to the definitions
of borderline PD in DSM-III and III-R, substantial 'convergent validity'
210 Assessment of personality disorders
(i.e. agreement between DSM-III-R and DIB diagnoses) has not been
shown (Widiger & Frances, 1987).
The interview takes up to 90 minutes and covers five areas of functioning
(sections): social adaptation (e.g. school/work achievement, social activi-
ties, appearance/manners); impulse/action patterns (e.g. self-mutilation,
manipulative suicide threat or action, drug abuse, antisocial behaviour);
affects (e.g. depression, anger); psychosis (e.g. derealization, depersonaliza-
tion, brief paranoid experiences); and interpersonal relations (e.g. avoids
being alone, instability, devaluation of others, and dependency on others).
The 165 items involve questions (some related to specified behaviour),
together with observations during the interview. Most items are rated as
'absent', 'probable' (some) or 'yes' (much), and scored 0, 1 and 2 respecti-
vely. But two items have a maximum score of 4, i.e. 'repeated manipulative
suicide attempts' and 'severe dissociative experiences'. Each of the five
areas of functioning is then scored separately on a 0, 1,2 scale, and a
threshold score for the sum of the five subscores of at least 7 classifies the
patient as 'borderline' (Lewis & Harder, 1991).
The sections that relate mostly to symptoms (affects and psychosis) are
generally based on the preceding 3-month period, while the sections
involving social adaptation and impulse/action patterns are based on the
previous 2 years, and the 'interpersonal relations' section on the preceding 3
Acceptable inter-rater reliability has been reported (Ferguson & Tyrer,
1989), as have examples of convergent validity involving associations with
other assessment methods and clinical diagnosis. But although the DIB has
not always discriminated between those with borderline PD and those with
other PDs (Reich, 1992), this may have been due to high rates of co-
occurring PDs. Widiger & Frances (1987) have discussed the various
strategies for borderline PD assessment in different settings and popula-
tions, involving adjustment of diagnostic thresholds and weighting of the
scores of individual sections.
The Schedule for Borderline Personalities (SBP) is part of a 70-item
'Schedule for Interviewing Borderlines', (Baron, 1981), but has not been
widely used. Each item is rated on a 5-point scale.
BPD scale
The Borderline Personality Disorder scale (BPD) (Perry & Klerman, 1980)
has 36 items involving questions for nine categories of relevant behaviour.
It takes up to 90 minutes to administer and the results can be related to
DSM-III criteria.
There is evidence for its reliability and validity but this instrument has
not been widely used (Reich, 1992).
The Structured Interview for Schizotypy (SIS) was designed as a research
instrument for assessing schizotypal symptoms and signs (Kendler, Lieber-
man & Walsh, 1989) and has been applied to 29 pairs of twins (Kendler et
al., 1991).
The Schedule for Schizotypal Personalities (SSP) (Baron, 1981) is part of
the 'Schedule for Interviewing Borderlines', together with the SBP as noted
above. This assesses ten areas based partly on DSM-III criteria for
schizotypal PD: illusions; depersonalization/derealization; ideas of refer-
ence; suspiciousness; magical thinking; inadequate support; odd communi-
cation; feedback from others; social isolation; social anxiety; and transient
delusions/hallucinations. (Abnormal scores in four or more areas identifies
DSM-III schizotypal PD.) However, many items rely too heavily on self-
evaluation or on previous 'feedback' from others to the patient. But good
inter-rater reliability has been shown (Widiger & Frances, 1987).
The Diagnostic Interview for Narcissism (DIN) (Gunderson et al, 1990)
takes up to 50 minutes and evaluates 33 aspects of narcissism by 105
questions within the following five sections: grandiosity; interpersonal
relations; reactiveness; affects and moods; and social and moral adap-
tation. The sections cover three time frames: the previous year (affects and
mood states); the previous 3 years (grandiosity, interpersonal relations, and
reactiveness); and the previous 5 years (social and moral adaptation). The
'grandiosity' section explores whether the person has unrealistic views
about special abilities, invulnerability, self-sufficiency and superiority. The
section on 'interpersonal relations' focusses on issues such as a tendency to
idealize others, lack of empathy, devaluation or exploitation of others, and
feeling entitled. 'Reactiveness' is concerned with unusually intense reac-
tions to criticism, defeat or disappointment, within a background of
extreme sensitivity. Relevant 'affects and moods' include sustained periods
of emptiness, boredom and a feeling of meaninglessness. 'Social and moral
adaptation' for the narcissistic individual may be associated with high
achievement, but the subject has self-serving values and morals. 'Grandi-
osity' is assessed first, because it was felt that open responses were more
likely to occur early in the interview, as some subjects can become more
defensive as the interview progresses. All items are scored as 2 (much), 1
(some), or 0 (none). Good inter-rater reliability has been reported.
The Suicide and Aggression Survey (SAS) (Korn et ai, 1992) is a structured
interview that was developed to evaluate various aspects of these complex
behaviours and to help the prediction of suicide and violence. The interview
provides information about recent and past aggression, as shown by
suicidal and violent thoughts, threats and actions. Other aspects covered
include predisposing factors, precipitating events, underlying emotions,
nature of the action, effects of the action and functions of the act.
The interview consists offivesections: general background; screening for
history of self-harm and aggressive behaviours; ratings of such behaviours;
the assessment of contextual and cultural factors; and further detailed
information related to self-harm and aggressive acts. Aspects that are
covered include the use of drugs in relation to an incident, and stressful life
events that occurred in the preceding month.
Self-report questionnaires 213
The Adult Personality Functioning Assessment interview (APFA) (Hill et
al.9 1989) is based on the concept that most individuals with PD share a
'pervasive and persistent abnormality in social functioning'. This instru-
ment was an attempt to provide a standardized assessment of the subject's
functioning over a period, in six different social circumstances (sections):
work; love relationships; friendships; non-intimate social contacts; nego-
tiations; and everyday coping. In each section, the interviewer rates level of
functioning on a 6-point scale (0 = unusually effective, to 5 = pervasive
failure). As social circumstances vary during life, APFA usually rates the
period from age 22 to 30, although other age periods can be used, and
behaviour is only rated for time periods when opportunities for social
interaction have been present. The interviewer is concerned with reported
behaviour rather than the subjects' evaluations or attitudes, and high inter-
rater reliability has been reported.
The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory has over 500 questions
and was developed by Hathaway & McKinley in the 1930s. It also rated
other non-PD mental disorders (Widiger & Frances, 1987), but as it was not
based on the DSM, relationships between the MMPI scales and DSM-III-
R disorders are variable and often uncertain. Therefore, this instrument has
not been designed for PD diagnosis using current classifications, although
Morey, Waugh & Blashfield (1985) developed 11 scales (the MMPI
Personality Disorder Scales) related to the DSM-III PDs.
A currently-available version of the MMPI (from NFER-Nelson, Free-
post, Windsor, Berkshire SL4 1BU, UK) takes up to 95 minutes and has 14
214 Assessment of personality disorders
The MCMI-II is the updated version of the Millon Clinical Multiaxial
Inventory (Millon, 1987) consisting of 175 questions, which are answered
as true or false. The original version evaluated eight personality patterns:
schizoid, avoidant, dependent, histrionic, narcissistic, antisocial, obsessive-
compulsive, and passive-aggressive, together with some features of other
mental disorders (Lewis & Harder, 1991). The revised version was designed
to bring the scoring more in line with the DSM-III-R PDs and some 8-week
test-retest reliability data were described as acceptable (Reich, 1989,1992).
The Personality Diagnostic Questionnaire (PDQ) is a 163-question, true-
false questionnaire, which was closely based on the wording of the DSM-III
PD criteria. A lie scale and five questions for an 'impairment and distress'
scale were also included. The revised version, with 155 questions (PDQ-R)
(Hyler et ai, 1988) reflected the changes in DSM-III-R and takes about 30
minutes to complete.
It is uncertain whether some items involving socially undesirable behav-
iour should be evaluated by relatively subtle questions, but it has been
generally considered that most patients are compliant and that 'items will
perform optimally when their content clearly relates to what they intend to
measure' (Wrobel & Lachar, 1982). In the early versions, adequate one-
month test-retest reliabilities were found for most scales but were low for
narcissistic, histrionic, dependent and passive-aggressive PDs (Hyler et aL,
1990). But few data are currently available for the PDQ-R in relation to
reliability. The PDQ-R has all questions for a single PD on one page, and
around 20% of pathological answers are 'false' in an attempt to reduce a
'true' response-bias. There is a consensus that the PDQ format tends to
overdiagnose PDs compared with other methods, especially schizotypal
PD (Reich, 1989). But the PDQ-R has been used to identify those questions
to be evaluated further at interview, and an informant's version has been
developed (Dowson, 19926). It has been claimed that, for many patients,
the total score of positive PD criteria is an indication of overall severity, and
that a shorter modified version (the STCPD - Screening Test for Co-morbid
216 Assessment of personality disorders
PDs) can be used as a screening test for routine clinical evaluation (Hyler et
al, 1990; Dowson, 19926). Yeung et al (1993) found that improved
concordance with an interview method could be obtained for the PDQ-R
by adjusting the threshold for 'case' (i.e. diagnosis) identification.
The Wisconsin Personality Inventory (Klein, 1985) has 360 items related to
DSM-IIIPD criteria, interactional styles, social desirability, response bias
and global ratings of work and social adjustment. Each item is rated on a
10-point scale. Validation studies are awaited.
The Schedule for Normal and Abnormal Personality (SNAP) (Clark,
1989), contains 375 self-report true-false items. It is not based on DSM-III,
and has 13 scales with three higher-order dimensions.
The Tridimensional Personality Questionnaires (TPQ) (Cloninger, 19876)
is based on Cloninger's proposed three dimensions of normal and abnor-
mal personality, i.e. novelty seeking, harm avoidance and reward depen-
dence. It has 100 true-false questions and has been used in a study of
patients with alcoholism (Cloninger, 1987c). A relationship between the
TPQ and DSM-III-R PD features has been demonstrated (Goldman et al.,
The Eysenck Personality Inventory (EPI, Eysenck & Eysenck, 1964)
(currently available from NFER-Nelson) takes about 15 minutes to
complete, and measures the dimensions of 'extraversion/introversion' and
The Eysenck Personality Questionnaire (EPQ, Eysenck & Eysenck,
1975) (also currently available from NFER-Nelson), in addition to the
above dimensions, provides a measure of'psychoticism'. The questionnaire
was standardized on a large normal group and in various groups with
psychiatric diagnoses.
Self-report questionnaires 217
The Karolinska Scales of Personality (KSP) is a questionnaire based on
theories of biologically-based personality dimensions (temperaments)
(Weinryb ef a/., 1992).
The'LEAD9 standard
The process of improving the methodology for PD assessment has been
handicapped by the lack of an accepted standard with which to compare a
particular method. Spitzer (1983) attempted to solve this problem by
Clinical ratings 221
proposing that a PD assessment should be compared with a 'longitudinal
expert evaluation that uses all data' (LEAD). The three essential ingredi-
ents were the opinion of one or more expert clinicians, observations over a
period of time, and the use of all available information from past records,
informants and other members of a clinical team. Support for this approach
has been provided by Skodol and colleagues (1988), who reported evalu-
ations of 20 patients with severe PD, admitted for inpatient treatment. The
LEAD procedure involved multidisciplinary conferences at which behav-
iour in various unit settings was considered. PDs and traits were rated by
consensus, on a 4-point scale: 1 = no or very few traits, 2 = some traits,
3 = almost meets DSM-III-R criteria, and 4 = meets DSM-III-R criteria.
Although the reliability of this approach is likely to be suspect at times, it is
a welcome reminder that an experienced clinician's judgement is also an
important assessment method; for instance, when the LEAD procedure
was compared with the SCID interview, the interview produced fewer
diagnoses of narcissistic PD.
The Hare Psychopathy Checklist (Hare, 1991) is a rating scale for the
assessment of antisocial PD. Information is collected from records and an
informant (if available) as well as from a structured interview with the
subject. This covers school adjustment, work history, career goals,
finances, health, family life, sex/relationships, drug use, childhood/adoles-
cent antisocial behaviour, adult antisocial behaviour, and 'general
questions' related to aspects relevant to antisocial PD, such as previous
guilt. Twenty items are then rated on a 3-point ordinal scale (0,1,2), based
on the degree to which the information matches descriptions provided in a
scoring manual. The following items are rated: glibness/superficial charm;
grandiose sense of self-worth; need for stimulation/proneness to boredom;
pathological lying; conning/manipulative; lack of remorse or guilt; shallow
affect; callous/lack of empathy; parasitic lifestyle; poor behavioural
controls; promiscuous sexual behaviour; early behavioural problems; lack
of realistic, long-term goals; impulsivity; irresponsibility; failure to accept
responsibility for own actions; many short-term marital relationships;
juvenile delinquency; revocation of conditional release; and criminal
The PCL-R is the result of many years of research on thousands of prison
inmates and forensic patients, and there is considerable evidence for its
222 Assessment of personality disorders
The Modified Overt Aggression Scale (Kay, Wolkenfeld & Murrill, 1988a)
is a revised version of the method of Yudofsky, Silver & Jackson (1986)
designed for psychiatric inpatients. The following four categories are rated
on a 5-point scale over a specified observation period: verbal aggression,
aggression against property, autoaggression, and physical aggression. The
rater is asked to rate the most severe point on the scale relating to the most
serious aggressive act, and the scores are weighted to reflect the increasing
severity of the above categories.
An Aggression Risk Profile (ARP) for psychiatric inpatients, including
those with PD, was reported by Kay, Wolkenfeld & Murrill (19886) and
included data on age, sex, previous hospitalization, psychiatric diagnosis,
history of aggression and a clinical profile based on information about the
previous week.
Routine clinical assessment does not generally include a questionnaire,
structured interview or formalized rating. However, the clinician needs a
procedure and a set of guiding principles.
It can be helpful to keep in mind Walton's (1973) concept of a 'mature' or
'normal' personality, which is an ideal view of good adaptation. A 'mature'
person has correct self-perception, can adjust to new situations, can operate
Routine clinical assessment 223
with appropriate autonomy, has good reality testing, and has an integrated
pattern of attitudes, feelings and behaviour. (A lack of integration would be
shown by a policeman who engages in petty theft.) Thus, 'normal'
individuals have been able to find ways of expressing their behavioural
patterns in adaptive ways. A detailed history of the patient's close and
significant relationships is of particular importance in evaluating PD.
Some structure can, however, be appropriate to clinical interviews, for
example, the use of screening questions such as those suggested by Leff &
Isaacs (1990), i.e. in relation to ICD-10 categories, 'do you find you can
trust people?' and 'are you mostly treated fairly?' (for paranoid PD); 'can
you mix easily?' and 'do you prefer to be alone or with company?' (for
schizoid PD); 'have you been in much trouble with the police?' and 'how do
you get on with people in authority?' (for dissocial PD); 'do you frequently
lose your temper?' and 'have you ever hurt anyone or caused any serious
damage?' (for emotionally unstable PD); 'are you sometimes over-
emotional?' and 'do you like to be the centre of attention?' (for histrionic
PD); 'do you always try to follow a set routine?' and 'do you prefer things to
be very neat and tidy?' (for obsessive-compulsive or anankastic PD); 'do
you tend to feel very tense and self-conscious?' and 'do you live cautiously
and avoid taking unnecessary risks?' (for anxious or avoidant PD); and 'do
you tend to rely on others excessively?' and 'do you prefer others to make
decisions for you?' (for dependent PD).
An interview with an informant can often be important, but a judgement
has to be made about the accuracy of this account, particularly if the
informant's relationship with the patient has significant maladaptive
It must always be remembered that a 'cross-sectional' evaluation of a
patient may not provide a typical example of the patient's behaviour,
particularly in the presence of other mental disorders (such as depression or
anxiety) or soon after stressful life-events. Under stress, a normally
considerate and reasonable individual may become selfish, irritable and
demanding, and it is important for the clinician not to allow his/her
emotional reaction to the patient to influence the assessment. Also, it is
important to remember that there is evidence that clinicians can inappro-
priately assign PD diagnoses (such as histrionic and antisocial PDs) partly
on the basis of the patient's gender (Ford & Widiger, 1989; Adler, Drake &
Teague, 1990). As with any patient in psychiatric practice, it is important to
understand the relevance of the presenting complaint and why the patient
has been referred at that particular time.
The assessment, including family and personal history, should be
224 Assessment of personality disorders
explored in a systematic way, for example under the following headings:
description of patient; the patient's complaints; history of present
problems/symptoms; previous contact with medical services; family
history; personal history (school record, work record, sexual history, police
record, present domestic situation, past and recent social network, recrea-
tional habits, and alcohol, tobacco and drug history); aspects of personality
(relationships, mood, dependency on others, impulsive aggression, solitari-
ness, inability to cope with routine demands, undue sensitivity to criticism,
undue mistrust of others, conscientiousness, a tendency to be excessively
methodical and thorough, self-confidence, timidity, worry, level of activity,
fantasy, and reaction pattern to stress); and mental state at interview.
sought, he/she may blame others for the problems and tend not to
cooperate in giving information. Such individuals may give short, incom-
plete answers and appear irritable. They may feel they should not have to
answer some questions and tend to talk about perceived interference from
others. But they are less wary than those with marked paranoid PD features
(Beck & Freeman, 1990). If they cannot see that they have contributed to
the previous problems, a poor response to advice would be expected.
For a patient with PD, a drug may act in several ways: by a non-specific
beneficial effect on a range of PD features, by a relatively specific effect, or
by targeting a co-occurring psychiatric disorder. Also, a placebo effect can
be marked.
Drugs are prescribed for many patients with PDs, although their effects
are often unpredictable. The most commonly prescribed classes are neuro-
leptics and antidepressants, while lithium carbonate, anticonvulsants,
anxiolytics and psychostimulants have also been used. But an individual
patient may benefit from each of several drugs, while an individual drug
may have effects on a range of target symptoms and behaviours. Also, there
can be a considerable variability of response to a drug regime within a
group of patients selected on the basis of PD.
Some of the many factors that account for such variability include an
inconsistent placebo response and the heterogeneity of a patient sample in
relation to PD features and to co-occurring psychiatric disorders, particu-
larly co-occurring depressive disorders.
Investigations of drug treatments for PD are complicated by method-
ological problems in the assessment of PDs and by the need to assess a range
of outcome measures. Compliance with treatment is often poor and the
effects of some drugs may take time to develop, for example several weeks in
relation to the effects of neuroleptics on some features of borderline PD.
Also, self-reports of change do not always correspond with clinicians'
However, there is a general consensus that drug treatment can have an
important place as part of a range of measures to help some patients with
PD (Ellison & Adler, 1990; Stein, 1993).
234 Drugs and other physical treatments
Most of the empirical evidence in support of the use of drugs relates to
borderline PD, in particular to the effects of low doses of neuroleptics, but
even for these drugs the results of long-term treatment are unknown. It is
generally advised that drug treatment should not be the only intervention
for PDs, but be accompanied by psychological treatments, in particular
supportive psychotherapy. As some patients with PD show a repeated
pattern of self-harm, any drug treatment must take into account the risk of
overdose and of paradoxical reactions to drugs, for example, when
depressive features can worsen.
Other physical treatments can have a limited role in the management of
patients with PDs, and ECT and psychosurgery will be considered.
Neuroleptic (i.e. 'antipsychotic') medication has been reported to be
associated with a range of beneficial effects in patients with borderline PD,
in particular reduced impulsive anger and self-harm, and improved depres-
sive symptoms. Such effects are more evident when the features are severe,
and recommended doses are usually considerably less than those used for
the treatment of schizophrenia. Also, benefits have been claimed for
neuroleptics in relation to schizotypal PD, as well as schizoid and paranoid
Montgomery & Montgomery (1982), in a non-controlled study, claimed
that flupenthixol injections reduced the rate of self-harm episodes in a
group with various PDs, and three subsequent placebo-controlled trials
found beneficial effects with different neuroleptics on various features of
patients selected on the basis of borderline PD. Goldberg et al. (1986)
compared thiothixene (at a mean daily dose of 8.67mg) with placebo in 50
outpatients with either borderline or schizotypal PD over 12 weeks.
Subjects were recruited by a newspaper advertisement. A beneficial effect,
which was positively related to severity of PD, was found for several
features including impulsive anger and cognitive abnormalities such as
ideas of reference. Soloff, George & Nathan (1986) compared the effects of
haloperidol or amitriptyline (at mean daily doses of 7.24 and 147mg
respectively) on 90 inpatients for 5 weeks. Patients were identified by a
diagnostic interview before being assigned into borderline, schizotypal and
mixed (borderline and schizotypal) PD groups on the basis of DSM-III
diagnoses. It was found that haloperidol was superior to amitriptyline or
placebo, and clear improvements were noted for several outcomes, includ-
Antidepressants 23 5
ing behavioural dyscontrol (i.e. involving impulsive anger/self-harm),
depressed mood, hostility, anxiety and features of schizotypal PD. In
another placebo-controlled study that used a longitudinal cross-over
design, Cowdry & Gardner (1988) investigated 16 outpatients with border-
line PD and prominent behavioural dyscontrol, who received the following
drugs in varying sequence: trifluoperazine, carbamazepine, tranylcypro-
mine, alprazojam (at mean daily doses of 7.8 mg, 820mg, 40mg and 4.7 mg
respectively), and placebo. The trial for each drug lasted 6 weeks. There
were positive results in relation to carbamazepine and tranylcypromine,
ajid the outcome for those who did not discontinue the trifluoperazine in
the first 3 weeks was 'fairly favourable' for anxiety and self-harm as rated by
the clinician, and for depression, anxiety and sensitivity to rejection as rated
by the patients. However, the most recent placebo-controlled trial of
haloperidol for borderline PD, (at a mean daily dose of 4mg for 5 weeks),
did not confirm the efficacy of this drug (Soloff et aL, 1993). This study,
which also included a group who received phenelzine at a mean daily dose
of 60 mg, involved 108 consecutively admitted inpatients, but, in contrast to
the report of Soloff et al. (1986, described above), patients were encouraged
to leave hospital after a minimum of 14 days. Also, all groups received
considerable non-specific support. Although phenelzine had a significant
beneficial effect on anger and hostility, these effects were not marked, and
the findings were largely negative. Soloff and colleagues considered that the
failure to confirm their previously reported beneficial effects of haloperidol
may have been due to such factors as a high dropout rate in the second study
and different sample characteristics, as the former study involved more
severe disorders. It was suggested that, in general, neuroleptics may be
clinically useful only when relatively severe disorders are treated.
Most studies of the effects of antidepressants on patients with PD relate to
borderline PD, which commonly co-occurs with an additional diagnosis of
a depressive disorder. Also, some of the mood states that are an integral
part of the borderline PD syndrome consist of depressive symptoms, which
have been considered to differ in nature and origin from other types of
depressive disorders. Depression with borderline PD is, therefore, hetero-
geneous (SolofT, 1993), perhaps involving chronic unhappiness related to
experiences of boredom and emptiness, a labile depressed mood related to
life crises, or a co-occurring syndrome such as 'major depression'. The
236 Drugs and other physical treatments
latter is related to a variable range of causal factors including genetic
vulnerability to episodic changes of mood.
Amitriptyline (at a mean daily dose of 147mg) was compared with
haloperidol and placebo in 90 inpatients with borderline PD for 5 weeks by
Soloff et al. (1986, described above). As previously noted, haloperidol was
superior to amitriptyline on a number of outcome measures, including
depression, although a small improvement in depression was found for
amitriptyline compared with placebo. But a most important observation
was that some patients on amitriptyline became worse, although others
appeared to do well. The negative effects included increased paranoid ideas
Antidepressants 237
and behavioural dyscontrol, involving impulsive behaviour and threats of
Despite generally negative reports of tricyclics, various case reports
indicate that these drugs may have a role in the management of some
patients with PD. For example, Satel, Southwick & Denton (1988) des-
cribed a young man with borderline PD and co-occurring attention deficit
hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in whom imipramine produced a marked
decrease in anxiety, explosiveness, restlessness and lability of mood.
Bellak (1985) also advocated the use of imipramine in relatively small
doses (e.g. 10-30mg daily) for 'attention deficit disorder psychosis', and
noted that improvements in agitation, overactivity, impulsivity and atten-
tion span may be found within a few hours of the first dose. Also,
Biederman (1988) reported that adolescents with ADHD may respond to
tricyclic antidepressants such as desipramine, as well as to various other
Lithium carbonate
An effect of lithium on violent behaviour has been claimed in US prison
populations. Sheard (1971), in a non-controlled study, reported the effect of
the drug on 12 young male prisoners with a history of violence, and it
appeared that there was a consequent reduction of serious violent episodes,
although most of the improvement occurred in just three subjects. Tupin,
Smith & Clanon (1973) studied the effects of lithium on 27 male prisoners,
about half of whom had PDs associated with impulsive violence. Their
results were encouraging, as 56% showed a clear reduction in aggressive or
violent episodes, often associated with a 'reflective delay' when the subject
did not appear to respond so impulsively to adverse events. A further study
by Sheard et al. (1976) involved 66 subjects with PDs and a history of
violent crime who continued to show a pattern of violent behaviour in
prison. The placebo-controlled design involved two groups treated in
parallel for 3 months, and the lithium-treated group showed a significant
and clear reduction in assaults or serious threatening behaviour. Also, this
behaviour returned when the lithium was discontinued. It has also been
noted that lithium can be of benefit in some patients with mental retarda-
tion who show recurrent aggression and self-mutilation. However, there is a
possibility that a few patients may become more aggressive.
There is scant information about the value of lithium for subjects
identified on the basis of PD, but a placebo-controlled cross-over trial in
female adolescents with spontaneous mood swings and 'emotionally un-
stable character disorder', found a significant association between treat-
Anxiolytics 239
ment with lithium and decreased 'within-day mood fluctuations' (Rifkin,
Quitkin & Carrillo, 1972). Other studies have examined subjects selected on
the basis of alcoholism, and it was considered that some may benefit,
particularly when there is co-occurring episodic affective disorder. Also,
Stone (1990) found that some patients with borderline PD and co-occurring
episodes of affective disorder, in particular bipolar disorder, benefit from
lithium. Although it can be difficult to predict which patients with
borderline PD may respond to lithium unless there is a clear history of
discrete episodic mood disorder, a trial of this drug may be indicated if there
is a family history of episodic affective disorder or alcoholism.
As previously described, Cowdrey & Gardner (1988) included carbamaze-
pine for 6 weeks (at a mean daily dose of 820 mg) as one of the three drug
regimes in their placebo-controlled longitudinal cross-over study involving
16 outpatients with borderline PD and prominent behavioural dyscontrol.
A significant reduction in the severity of behavioural dyscontrol was found
in the carbamazepine group, and this was suggested to involve a 'reflective
delay', as with lithium in the studies of prison populations. But one patient
became severely depressed and four others developed skin reactions.
It has been claimed that episodes of impulsive behavioural dyscontrol in
borderline PD, involving anger and self-harm, may sometimes follow 'an
abrupt onset' of intense dysphoria (Monroe, 1982), perhaps triggered by
alcohol, drugs or stress. The relationship of these phenomena to epileptic
disorders has been a matter of speculation, and some patients have reported
prodromal experiences such as anxiety and agitation. Also, after an episode
of self-harm or anger, some patients may feel that tension has been relieved.
But EEG changes related to temporal lobe epilepsy are not usually found in
borderline PD (Stein, 1993). However, in a case report of a patient with the
uncommon EEG patterns of rhythmic midtemporal discharges and 6/s
spike and wave complexes, carbamazepine produced clear improvement in
episodic violent behaviour that was accompanied by anxiety and intrusive
self-destructive thoughts (Stone et al.9 1986).
Although rapidly-acting anxiolytics might be expected to reduce a build-up
of tension that can precede an episode of behavioural dyscontrol in
borderline PD, anxiolytics are generally contra-indicated for this and other
240 Drugs and other physical treatments
PDs. This is because of a risk of addiction and of paradoxical reactions,
involving disinhibition with an increase in impulsive behaviour. However, a
small minority of patients with borderline PD may benefit.
The reported effects have been varied. Faltus (1984) described three male
patients with both borderline and schizotypal PDs and noted a favourable
response to alprazolam. However, two of these patients were rather
atypical as examples of PDs as they had hallucinations. Also, Reus &
Markrow (1984) studied the effect of alprazolam in 18 inpatients with
borderline PD in a cross-over design, and claimed a favourable response in
over half the subjects. In contrast, Cowdrey & Gardner (1988) used
alprazolam, at an average daily dose of 4.7 mg, in their placebo-controlled
cross-over study of 16 outpatients with borderline PD. Those receiving
alprazolam showed a clear increase in the severity of impulsive behaviour
involving self-harm and aggression, compared with placebo, although two
patients showed improvement. It was considered that this drug often has an
adverse disinhibiting effect.
However, there have been case reports in favour of clonazepam for
borderline PD, and preliminary results for buspirone in borderline PD
indicate that beneficial effects may occur (Soloff, 1993).
Various psychostimulants, including methylphenidate, pemoline, amphe-
tamine and levodopa have been reported to produce beneficial effects in
some patients with borderline PD, or with PD co-occurring with present or
past ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder).
For example, in a case report, methylphenidate benefitted a patient with
borderline PD and co-occurring ADHD, and this drug has also been
claimed to be of value for the impulsivity of adult minimal brain dysfunc-
tion (Wood et aL, 1976), for residual ADHD (Wender et al., 1985), and for
ADHD in children (Pelham et al., 1985). In addition, it has been noted that
a history of ADHD in borderline PD predicted a favourable response to
tranylcypromine, which has a stimulant action in addition to its effect on
monoamine oxidase (Cowdry & Gardner, 1988). Also, Stringer & Josef
(1983) described two inpatients with seriously disturbed behaviour in the
context of antisocial PD and repeated aggression, who improved consider-
ably while on methylphenidate, 20 mg twice daily.
Pemoline was reported to be better than placebo for improving concent-
ration and reducing impulsivity in adults with a history of severe ADHD
(Wender, Wood & Reimherr, 1984), and levodopa was claimed to benefit
Other drugs 241
Other drugs
Propranolol has been reported to benefit brain-damaged patients who
show unprovoked rage attacks (Ratey, Morrill & Oxenkrug, 1983), as well
as some patients with behavioural dyscontrol (Mattes, 1988). Also, cloza-
pine may be useful for borderline PD associated with severe or prolonged
'psychotic' features (Frankenburg & Zanarini, 1993).
It has been suggested that abnormal functioning of the endogenous
opioid peptide system is associated with repeated self-harm and feelings of
boredom and emptiness in borderline PD, which may predispose some
individuals to self-medication by substance abuse (Soloff, 1993). Increased
levels of plasma jS-endorphin were found in five subjects with borderline PD
who were bored, unhappy and drug abusers (Bonnet & Redford, 1982), and
as dopamine inhibits the release of pituitary /?-endorphin, these authors
prescribed levodopa and carbidopa, with apparently beneficial effects.
Further evidence for the involvement of endogenous opioids in borderline
PD was provided by Coid, Allolio & Rees (1983), who found high levels of
plasma metenkephalin in ten borderline PD patients with a history of self-
mutilation. These observations and associated hypotheses have led to an
interest in the effects of opioid antagonists such as naltrexone, in particular
for self-mutilation and narcotic drug abuse. A case report with apparent
benefit of naltrexone was described by Soloff (1993).
Drugs that influence hormones related to sexual drive can be prescribed
for subjects who show sexual violence or distressing sexual preoccupations,
and PDs may often co-occur with these phonemena in groups who
repeatedly commit criminal offences with a sexual motive (Bowden, 1991).
Cyproterone acetate competes with testosterone at receptor sites, and also
inhibits hormonal release by the hypothalamus and pituitary, leading to a
reduced production of testosterone. However, side-effects are often proble-
matic and, while sexual drive is reduced, sexual aggression is not necessarily
242 Drugs and other physical treatments
Drug combinations
As has been described, indications for the prescription of drugs are often
unclear in patients with PD, and it is not surprising that the role of drug
combinations is obscure. However, anecdotal case reports have involved
drug combinations, and it is likely that some patients could benefit. For
example, Ellison & Adler (1990) reported a patient with impulsive behav-
iour who appeared to respond tofluoxetineand lithium.
In a recent review, Dolan & Coid (1993) concluded that there is 'no clear
justification' for the use of psychosurgical procedure for PD. However,
there are many uncontrolled reports of favourable outcomes, for example,
in relation to impulsive aggression, following a variety of procedures.
Andy (1975) described six patients with antisocial behaviour, four of
whom showed marked improvements after thalamotomy, and Laitinen
(1988) concluded that posteromedial hypothalamotomy could be indicated
for 'restless, aggressive and destructive behaviour'. Dieckmann, Schneider-
Jonietz & Schneider (1988) reported a follow-up of 14 subjects with
'aggressive sexual delinquency' who received unilateral ventromedial
hypothalamotomy. In general, improvements in several aspects of func-
tioning were claimed, van Manen & van Veelen (1988) described 54 patients
who had received psychosurgery for various psychiatric disorders including
self-mutilation, aggressive behaviour with temporal lobe epilepsy, and
aggression in the setting of mental retardation. Operative procedures
involved lesions in the fronto-basal region, cingulum, para-cingular white
matter, anterior corpus callosum, amygdala and thalamus. In Japan, Sano
& Mayangi (1988) reported 'good results' from stereotactic posteromedial
hypothalamotomy for 'violent, aggressive behaviour'.
246 Drugs and other physical treatments
Future directions
Future research may enable a range of psychotropic drugs and drug
combinations to be targeted more specifically in patients with PDs. The
evidence of cerebral serotonin abnormalities associated with impulsivity is
partly based on abnormal neuroendocrine responses to drug 'challenges'
that affect serotonergic function, such as the administration of m-chloro-
248 Drugs and other physical treatments
250 Psychological management
characteristic patterns that cause the patient to suffer limitations and pain. In
contrast to somatic or pharmacological intervention, psychotherapy relies on
verbal means and techniques to modify characteristic ways of thinking, feeling, and
behaving that interfere with the patient's capacity for maximal functioning.
The latter subgroup had more severe symptoms, and those with a depres-
sive disorder and PD responded less well to treatment than those without
An overview of psychological management for patients with PDs must
consider some implications of the use of the PD diagnostic categories, in
particular the attitudes of professionals in psychiatric services to patients
whose symptoms and behaviour have attracted these diagnostic labels.
Clinicians' attitudes often relate to their concepts of a patient's personal
reponsibility for his/her actions and whether he/she is 'in control'. In this
context, patients with PDs are often considered as distinct from those with
other forms of psychiatric disorder, in that they have 'control' and
'responsibility' for their actions. But such an analysis is simplistic, inaccur-
ate and inappropriate, as shown by the evidence that genetic and other
biological factors are associated with personality and PD. Although the
behaviour of many patients with PD can be aggravating and unpleasant,
clinicians must not allow themselves to reject such individuals
Psychodynamic psychotherapy
Psychodynamic techniques focus on the interpersonal interactions between
the therapist and patient and, in relation to PDs, have been mainly
investigated for those patients with borderline PD.
Certain hypotheses related to the development of borderline PD have
been influential in providing a rationale of treatment, in particular that a
person has developed borderline PD as a result of bad parenting and other
traumatic experiences such as physical and sexual abuse (Masterson, 1981).
But although many patients with borderline PD (and other PDs) do give
such histories, there is no good evidence that such experiences are essential.
However, despite the uncertainties surrounding the hypothesis that border-
line (and other) PDs are mainly the result of faults in the previous behaviour
of 'significant' others, which would always give the patient victim status, a
major role of psychodynamic psychotherapy has been conceived of as
allowing the patient to re-experience past adverse relationships and to build
new ways of thinking, feeling and reacting, in the context of an extended
relationship with the therapist. Sessions may be regularly provided for up to
several years and the patient's feelings towards the therapist (the 'transfer-
ence') are usually a major focus of discussion. Although this format is
Psycho dynamic psychotherapy 255
subject to certain techniques and theories, it is relatively unstructured,
compared with cognitive and behavioural regimes.
As there are considerable methodological problems in evaluating the
processes of psychological management, and of changes in PD, a lack of
evidence in favour of a treatment regime for PD does not exclude the
possibility that there are some benefits. But reviews of published studies
have not concluded that psychodynamic psychotherapy is superior to
placebo. Andrews (1991) considered that 'dynamic psychotherapy ... has
not been demonstrated to be superior to placebo in the neuroses or
personality disorders. The case reports of improvement during long-term
dynamic therapy for personality disorders may be due to the combined
effects of normal maturation and the non-specific effects of continued
clinical care'. In a review of 19 studies, it appeared that short-term
psychodynamic psychotherapy was associated with beneficial effects at the
end of treatment but not at follow-up after 6 or 12 months (Svartberg &
Styles, 1991). But even these improvements were not as beneficial as those
associated with other forms of psychological management, mainly involv-
ing cognitive-behavioural regimes.
Such studies have generally evaluated relatively short periods of treat-
ment, and it can be argued that they are not relevant to the considerably
longer periods of psychodynamic psychotherapy which are often under-
taken. But it has been pointed out that at least 50% of patients with
borderline PD will no longer meet criteria for this diagnosis after 10 years,
and that specific effects of treatment must be distinguished from natural
remission and placebo responses. These latter variables could account for
the modest improvements that were found in patients with borderline PD
who received 100 hours of psychodynamic psychotherapy over 2 years
(Stevenson & Meares, 1992).
Andrews (1993) has considered that apart from lack of evidence for
efficacy, additional arguments against the provision of long-term psycho-
dynamic psychotherapy (other than in private practice) are the high cost (in
an Australian survey each patient received an average of 330 hours of
treatment) and possible side-effects such as inhibiting normal remission,
encouraging undue dependency, encouraging emotional arousal which
cannot be satisfactorily dealt with by the patient, and sexual abuse of the
patient by the therapist.
'Psychodynamic psychotherapy' includes a range of techniques, and one
important variable is duration of treatment, which can vary from up to
several sessions a week for several years to once a week for a few months.
Another variable is the degree of the therapist's 'neutrality', which is
256 Psychological management
defined as how much he/she shows his/her thoughts, feelings and opinions,
and how much active encouragement and support is given. There is also
variation in the focus of strategy; some therapists mainly try to uncover and
explain hidden aspects of mental functioning with an emphasis on past
experiences, while others concentrate more on the 'here-and-now' pattern
of feelings and interpersonal reactions.
The role of psychodynamic psychotherapy for PD, in particular for
borderline PD, is controversial. Gunderson & Sabo (1993<z) have noted that
there is increasing evidence (Wallerstein, 1986; Kolb & Gunderson, 1990)
that less intensive and more supportive strategies appear to be associated
with changes that have been believed by some to result only from more
intensive transference-based regimes; 'Such observations cast doubt on
accounts of psychoanalytic psychotherapy that propose that change relies
on insight without recognizing the corrective role of such unspecific
"supportive" interventions'. Although it is possible that, for certain
patients, their unique experiences of intensive psychodynamic psychother-
apy are of benefit, it seems that there is insufficient evidence to recommend
such expensive and time-consuming procedures.
However, many of the strategies derived from these approaches may be
of benefit in relatively brief, more supportive forms of psychological
management, which will now be described.
'Supportive psychotherapy' encompasses many theoretical perspectives
and techniques, including some derived from psychodynamic psychother-
apy. But in contrast to the latter, the main aim is to restore, maintain or
262 Psychological managemen t
Kohut's psychotherapy
Kohut (1977) stressed the importance of focussing on the patient's inner
world in an attempt to understand and empathize with his/her thoughts and
feelings. However, it was suggested that this approach should be based on
theories that are controversial, namely that anger in individuals with
borderline PD is due to 'severe and repeated assaults they experienced in
early childhood', and that such a patient 'should have had a lot more
attention and encouragement ...' (Goldstein, 1990). It is important to
remember that an indiscriminate use of such unproven statements may not
only be inaccurate but could set up additional family conflicts. Some
interpretation of psychological defences, such as lateness, is advocated by
Kohut, although this should not usually be attempted in the early stages of
treatment, while empathy should not extend to approving dysfunctional
behaviour. Indeed patients should be confronted with the effects of their
Adler and Buie's model ofpsychotherapy (Adler & Buie, 1979; Adler,
This approach, for patients with borderline PD, is closer to psychodynamic
than supportive psychotherapy, but is moreflexiblethan the former, as it
draws on a wider variety of techniques. The main aim is to help patients
develop their impaired capacity to evoke and experience positive attitudes
264 Psychological management
Cognitive psychotherapy
Cognitive therapy (CT) is a form of psychological management in which
the therapist talks with the patient, focussing on how recurrent maladaptive
conscious thoughts are used to assign meaning to events, how these may
contribute to the patient's current behaviour and problems, and how the
patient can develop skills to change such patterns of thinking and behav-
iour. Such an approach requires a good therapist-patient relationship with
shared goals. Maladaptive patterns of thoughts can give rise to emotional
changes, and CT has been shown to be useful in the management of some
types of depression and anxiety, but has also been applied to PDs. It is a
relatively short, time-limited treatment, perhaps involving from between 10
and 30 sessions, and patients are told in advance that the aim is for them to
develop problem-solving skills that will be available to them after treatment
Beck & Freeman (1990) have termed stable, ingrained patterns of
conscious thought as 'schemas', which select and synthesize information
and assign meanings to events. Schemas can be considered to consist of a set
of related cognitions, or smaller units each involving a relatively narrow
belief, and can be evaluated in relation to their breadth, flexibility,
prominence and threshold for activation. Schemas can be considered as one
type of basic unit of personality and most PDs; for example, 'I am helpless'
would relate to dependent PD. Most PDs have characteristic schemas,
although Beck & Freeman (1990) have noted that borderline and schizoty-
pal PDs appear not to have specific beliefs. Schemas have been called 'rules
for living', and maladaptive examples associated with achievement, accep-
tance by others and personal control are often found in individuals with
Maladaptive schemas, involving a patient's dysfunctional thoughts,
attitudes and beliefs, are explored in CT, and the associations between the
schemas and the patient's problems are identified. Three types of cognition
are relevant: core assumptions (e.g. 'I am a helpless person'); conditional
268 Psychological management
assumptions (e.g. 'If a person does not show me a lot of concern, he/she
does not care about me at all'); and goals that are the result of core
assumptions (e.g. 'I want people in my life who can give me the help I need')
(Beck & Freeman, 1990).
The process of modification of such schemas involves a variety of
procedures: the patient prepares a written record and evaluation of his/her
cognitions and behaviour; irrational beliefs are discussed, disputed and
tested; and new skills and strategies are devised and practised in 'homework
assignments'. Evaluation of schemas may include examining the antece-
dents and consequences of behaviour, as well as the mediating thoughts,
beliefs and feelings. The goals of CT include not only a change in overt
behaviour, but also a modification in irrational or unproductive thoughts,
beliefs and emotional responses to various stimuli.
Despite its structured theoretical framework, CT is not a fully automated
treatment, and the relationship between therapist and patient is of crucial
importance, requiring an atmosphere of collaboration and trust. A posi-
tive, non-judgemental approach by the therapist is needed and, at times, the
transference relationship should be discussed if the patient's distortions of
the reality are interfering with the progress. Also, the therapist may serve as
a model for new patterns of behaviour.
Another dimension to this form of treatment, which is relevant to all
forms of psychological management, is the degree of emotion (anxiety,
happiness, depression or anger) experienced and displayed. As with other
clinical settings, it is believed that the degree of change in conscious thought
processes often depends on the patient experiencing a certain level of the
appropriate emotional accompaniments.
The patient's written notes of problems and associated mental activity
are usually a central focus of CT treatment sessions. For each problem the
'ABC method' can be used for the patient's record: in column A the
activating event which triggers a problem is noted; in column B, the beliefs,
feelings and behaviour in relation to the situation are recorded; while C, the
third column, records the consequences. A final column D, for the later
stages of treatment, notes the patient's plans to 'dispute' and modify the
sequence (Beck & Freeman, 1990).
Practical strategies
The first stage of CT, the exploration of schemas of maladaptive thoughts
and feelings, occurs in regular sessions supplemented by the patient keeping
Cognitive psychotherapy 269
problems, and to work out ways of changing the usual sequence. The first
three or four sessions involve the identification of relevant problem-related
'procedures', and the patient is asked to keep a daily self-monitoring diary.
Once a list of relevant procedures has been completed, written copies are
provided for both therapist and patient. A contract is then made, usually
for 12 sessions, with the aim of their modification. Although subsequent
sessions are relatively unstructured, the 'procedures' form a framework for
other techniques such as discussing current relationships or the transfer-
ence. During treatment, the patient is asked to continue daily diary self-
monitoring, based on the identified procedures. Ending of treatment
should be anticipated and discussed during thefinalthree or four sessions,
when attention is paid to the transference in this respect. The patient should
be reminded of his/her new strategies and ways of thinking, and the aim of
increasing self-control. A follow-up appointment after 2 months may be
Behaviour therapy
In the consideration of cognitive therapy, it has been shown that techniques
of psychological management that focus on thoughts, feelings and beliefs,
are also usually concerned with some aspects of the patient's behaviour. But
although the separation between cognitive and behaviour therapy is
somewhat arbitrary, techniques that are aimed primarily at the patient's
behaviour can be termed 'behaviour therapy'.
A particular regime for patients with borderline PD who show repeated
self-harm episodes has been developed and evaluated by Linehan and
colleagues (1991) and is known as 'Dialectical Behaviour Therapy' (DBT).
This treatment, for a clinically important and problematic patient group,
was compared with 'treatment as usual' at completion of treatment and at
1-year follow-up, and it was found that those who received DBT for 1 year
had a significantly lower drop-out rate and less self-injury, despite both
groups showing only slight improvement in depression. The superiority of
DBT over 'treatment as usual' was still evident at a 1-year follow-up
(Linehan, Heard & Armstrong, 1993).
Details of this treatment have been described by Shearin & Linehan
(1993) and involve an individual session and a group meeting each week.
Individual sessions last at least 1 hour, while the group meeting, with two
co-therapists, lasts for at least 2 hours. The initial emphasis in the group is
on the teaching of behavioural coping skills, but subsequently it can also
function as a general support group. In addition, phone contacts in a crisis
Behaviour therapy 273
(mainly with the individual therapist), are encouraged on an as-required
In the individual sessions, patients are encouraged to acquire new
behavioural skills, and particular behaviours are targeted for discussion;
for instance, self-harm behaviour, behaviour that interferes with treatment
or with quality of life, behaviour related to past stress, and behaviour
related to the patient's level of self-respect. It is particularly important to
identify self-harm behaviour (and thoughts), and patients are asked to
complete a daily diary card noting any self-harm items. At all times self-
harm behaviour is given the highest priority, while behaviour that interferes
with treatment must be targeted before focussing on other topics, as the
process of treatment requires the patient's collaboration.
In relation to self-harm behaviour, the therapist needs to obtain infor-
mation about preceding and subsequent events, so that a more adaptive
strategy to similar situations in the future can be discussed. At all times the
therapist emphasizes that self-harm behaviour is taken seriously and that
such behaviour reduces the opportunity to discuss other issues. The aim is
for the patient to feel that self-harm behaviour, in particular suicidal
behaviour, will not be ignored and that it should be thought of as a signal to
try out active coping strategies, such as phoning the therapist. The next
priority is to address behaviours that interfere with treatment, such as not
completing diary cards or avoiding other 'homework' tasks, and it has been
noted that reinforcement (e.g. by praise) of partial task completion
(shaping) can be effective. It is also important for the therapist to be aware
of the counter-transference, and to resist inappropriate acceptance that the
patient should discontinue treatment. Priorities will need to be set when
targeting behaviours that interfere with the patient's quality of life, and
may involve focussing on substance abuse, maladaptive sexual behaviour,
criminal behaviour and the selection of abusive partners. Further goals of
individual or group sessions in DBT are to help the patient acquire new
behavioural skills such as carefully observing the environment; learning to
put up with distress using methods of distraction and comfort; regulating
the expression of emotion; setting realistic goals; avoiding or controlling
stimuli that trigger maladaptive behaviour; and increasing the patient's
interpersonal skills, such as assertion, communication, or assessing the
motives of others. The latter may involve pointing out that the patient must
not habitually judge people or situations as either 'all good' or 'all bad',
which is commonly found in relation to borderline PD. Certain behaviours
related to past stress may be modified by discussing their antecedants, for
example, childhood abuse, which may have contributed to a patient's self-
274 Psychological management
blame and low self-esteem. Again, the tendency to have a judgemental 'all-
or-none' thinking needs to be challenged. Finally, behaviours are encour-
aged that increase the patient's self-respect; for instance, maintaining
opinions even when opposed, attempting problem-solving behaviour, and
improving self-care.
While the focus of DBT is the patient's behaviour, aspects of cognitive
therapy can be incorporated; for example, dysfunctional beliefs can be
challenged. Also, the therapist-patient relationship is of major importance,
as it is with all forms of psychological management. A degree of self-
disclosure and responsiveness on the part of the therapist is considered
appropriate and can include telling the patient about the negative effects of
the patient's behaviour on the therapist's motivation to continue. Flexible
availability of the therapist (or colleague) by phone is an important part of
the regime, and the patient is expected to call if he/she feels suicidal. The
therapist requires a high tolerance of criticism and hostility, and an ability
to experience a patient's distress without feeling forced to 'do something' as
a response to his/her own reaction, rather than to the reality of the
situation. Appropriate goals need to be set, and care must be taken to help
the patients prepare to end their contact with the treatment programme. An
inpatient regime for patients with borderline PD, based on DBT, has been
described by Barley et al (1993).
Andrews (1993), on the basis of Australian data, has estimated that, at any
time, 1600 persons from a catchment area of 100000 would be receiving
some kind of intervention from medical services for non-psychotic psychi-
atric disorders, including PDs. While some of these patients may respond
well to medication, such as those with some types of depression and anxiety
disorders, psychological management would probably be appropriate for
the majority. But the provision of psychodynamic psychotherapy or even
shorter courses of cognitive behaviour therapy would only be available for
a minority.
Andrews has pointed out that before the era of a range of effective
treatments in medicine, doctors had a major role in explaining, reassuring
and providing regular contact with people to help them cope with chronic
disorders. Such a process can be called 'good clinical care' and involves
establishing a good professional relationship with 'therapist genuineness,
Good clinical care 275
empathy and non-possessive warmth'. This 'holding' process involves non-
specific support, as well as the recommendation of any appropriate specific
treatment, and there is considerable overlap with various forms of suppor-
tive psychotherapy. As gradual improvement can occur in many PDs, an
explanation of what kind of problem the patient has can help him/her to
accept what cannot be significantly altered in the short-term, and to make
the best of adaptive aspects of personality. This can be combined with
advice given within a relatively simple problem-solving approach, which
initially involves the identification of any problems that trouble the patient,
the clinician or significant others. Some of these may be amenable to
improvement by certain actions on the part of the patient, which can be
specified. The clinician needs to be able to tolerate 'not doing anything'
(despite pressure from patients or relatives), if there is nothing to be done
other than to maintain concern about the patient with a chronic disorder
and to be prepared to see the patient again, for instance, 'to see how you are
getting on'. Faced with this task, clinicians whofindit difficult not to be in
control of the patient's disorder or not to be offering specific treatment, may
inappropriately discharge the patient, providing themselves with the excuse
'there is no further treatment I can offer'.
It is probable that the psychological management of most patients with
PD who are seen within clinical services consists of 'good clinical care',
which, in broad terms, has been considered to be 'more effective, cheaper
and less harmful than dynamic psychotherapy, and less efficacious but
more broadly applicable and comparable in safety and cost to cognitive
behavior therapy' (Andrews, 1993). Despite the limitations of such a
generalization, these claims concentrate the minds of those who have the
task of planning services and allocating limited resources. But although
'good clinical care' can appear to be deceptively simple, it requires
considerable skill and experience and deserves more attention in training
and research.
Practical strategies
Within the general heading of 'good clinical care', psychological manage-
ment in a routine medical setting can draw upon psychoanalytic, cognitive
and behavioural techniques, with considerable flexibility. Sessions with
partners and family, together with the patient or separately, may also be
appropriate. Although this might seem to be a recipe for everlasting chaos,
certain principles can be identified, which are then applied to the manage-
ment of each individual patient.
276 Psychological management
Patients can often be helped to recognize what they can achieve by their
own efforts, while identification with the therapist, involving the patient
modelling him/herself on the therapist's attitude and behaviour, may also
be of benefit. Another therapeutic ingredient is the instillation of hope, but
this must not involve making wild promises and predictions which, if
unrealized, will produce despair and loss of confidence. A patient's hope is
often a reflection of a positive approach by the therapist and, even when
severe and intractable problems exist, it may be possible to comment on the
patient's fortitude, transient symptomatic relief or the hope of a natural
remission. Also, the therapist's continued concern and interest encourages
a positive attitude in the patient. Another important therapeutic ingredient
can be catharsis, involving the patient's expression of anger, depression,
anxiety or, more rarely, positive feelings. Catharsis can be therapeutic in
itself, as was shown by a young man with a severe depressive disorder and
anxiety following, and causally related to, the death of his alcoholic father.
Although he clearly recognized his feelings of intense anger towards his
father for ruining the life of his family, these conflicted with positive
feelings, and it was not until he had repeatedly expressed his anger that his
symptoms were relieved. Self-disclosure, particularly if this involves con-
fessions, may also provide relief of some forms of depression and anxiety in
association with PD, even if this does not generate specific advice or other
For patients with chronic disorders who receive 'holding' and 'support'
on an indefinite basis, the clinician needs to remember the aims of such a
strategy. These may include the prevention of deterioration in functioning,
even when there is little or no 'treatment alliance', so that the patient may
have a different view of what is happening; for example, he/she may be
hoping for and expecting a new treatment. Sometimes this can be acknowl-
edged, by telling the patient that while his/her disorder is being monitored
at the regular visits and that no change in treatment is likely to help at
present, the possibility of a change in management will be regularly
reviewed. In relation to PDs, the patient's presenting complaint may be of a
mood disorder, perhaps resulting from social difficulties. After listening to
and sharing the patient's account of the various problems and symptoms, it
may not be possible to give any specific advice or treatment and the clinician
needs to be able to 'do nothing', while still taking an interest in the patient
and arranging a further appointment. For example: 'I am very sorry that
you have had such a bad time in recent weeks and I know how difficult it has
been for you to keep at work. But I am glad you were able to share this with
me. I am afraid we have run out of time this session; let me give you another
Couple, family and group treatment 279
appointment'. This approach can be difficult with those patients who
engender feelings of guilt in their therapists and demand action or specific
advice. If challenged directly, the clinician can only state the reality, namely
that he/she is not able to make any other specific suggestions but that a
further appointment is recommended.
Treatment settings
Any psychiatric service must provide a range of interventions with in-
patient, daypatient, outpatient and non-hospital-based facilities.
Borderline PD is the most common PD diagnosis in psychiatric inpatient
units, and such patients are usually admitted for relatively short periods
(i.e. from a few days to less than 4 weeks) in response to a crisis involving
self-destructive or antisocial behaviour. A low threshold has been advo-
Management of specific problem-behaviours 281
cated for the admission of apparently suicidal borderline patients, with the
aim of defusing the crisis and organizing outpatient or other alternative
input (Gunderson & Sabo, 1993a). The length of inpatient stay will be
related to the level of social support and to the degree of problems in the
social environment. Long-term hospital treatment for those with PD, in
particular with borderline and antisocial features, is rarely available but,
for a small minority, a long-term residential treatment programme may
seem appropriate. Alternatives to a residential hospital place include hostel
accommodation combined with day or evening treatment programmes,
and such arrangements may be better for those individuals who tend to get
excessively dependent on long hospital admissions. Such dependency may
cause 'regression' to a childlike overdependence, self-preoccupation and
intense anger at the inevitable limits and controls of a hospital regime, with
demands for instant gratification. For those borderline PDs in hospital, a
structured timetable is advisable with psychotherapeutic sessions and other
occupational, social or recreational activities. Group meetings can be a
useful adjunct with, for example, discussion of abuse experiences, family
problems and work plans.
Robins, 1978). For example, Robins (1978) found that fighting in child-
hood predicted violence in later life.
But even when an aggressive trait has been identified in an individual, the
contexts in which aggressive acts occur are important as additional
determinants of the person's behaviour. Analysis of the interaction of
various causal factors for aggression has been based on hypotheses that
implicate a range of variables, including genetic factors (Rushton et aL,
1986), witnessing and experiencing aggression in childhood (the more
someone has been exposed to aggression, the lower the threshold may be for
the perception of aggression in others), inadequate parenting with lack of
appropriate punishments and rewards, and any social learning that pro-
motes aggression. Even if genetic influences are of major importance in an
individual, these are mediated by cognitive processes that interact with the
environment. Therefore, examination of the cognitive processes preceding
aggression is necessary to understand the relative importance of the various
causal factors in any example of such behaviour.
Whether aggression and violence occur in a given situation may depend
on such factors as the behaviour and status of the other person or persons
involved, anticipation of rewards and punishments, the capacity of the
person to show alternative coping behaviour, the degree of control in
relation to the expression of anger, personality attributes that oppose
aggression (such as a tendency to social anxiety and withdrawal, Black-
burn, 1989), and general intellectual ability (IQ). Heilbrun (1982) found
that, in prisoners with antisocial PD, low IQ was associated with a history
of relatively violent crime, while a degree of social withdrawal has been
found to be negatively correlated with violence in a prison environment
(Heilbrun & Heilbrun, 1985).
The potential aggressor's cognitive appraisal of a situation is an import-
ant variable in determining the subsequent behaviour. If a provoking event
occurs, such as an insult, threat or violence, this is usually judged in relation
to the person's own standards of what 'ought' to happen, whether the other
person's behaviour is intentional, and the degree of maliciousness in any
such intent. (If someone is insulting only when under the influence of
alcohol, this may be considered as less provoking.) Certain appraisals may
be related to a low self-esteem, and involve an emphasis on the need for
'respect' and 'rights', or on the importance of what is considered to be a
masculine self-image. If repeatedly aggressive individuals have some co-
occurring obsessive-compulsive personality traits such as perfectionism,
they may be particularly liable to bear a grudge for a perceived unfairness;
for example, in relation to the way the rules have been applied in a prison
Management of specific problem-behaviours 285
phone a colleague at a prearranged time after a visit to confirm that all went
well. Of course, when a serious risk is perceived, home visits should not be
made alone.
Within a psychiatric unit, aggression and violence is reduced by a well-
functioning unit, with good communications, good handover between
different shifts, sufficient experienced staff on each shift, and clear con-
tingency plans for violent incidents involving a consistent but flexible
approach. Staff must try to allocate sufficient time for individual sessions
with each patient and manage each session with clear explanation and
courtesy. It is often advisable to tell patients how long you have got to see
them, so that resentment may be limited if a longer session is expected.
While various studies have examined the effects of variables such as time
of day, architectural blind spots, overcrowding and staffing levels on
violence in psychiatric inpatient units, no clear patterns have been demon-
strated. However, such factors appear to be of major importance in some
incidents. Other important variables related to ward violence are the
personalities and behaviour of staff and the nature of the social environ-
ment. Several studies have found that, in many short-stay adult psychiatric
units, patients are unoccupied for long periods, in which there is minimal
interaction with staff or with fellow patients, and there is some evidence to
support the view that there can be a link between levels of violence and lack
of planned activities.
Staff should be trained in techniques for physical restraint, and, if a
person is subject to compulsory treatment, have policies for the use of
sedation and seclusion. The latter may involve putting the person alone in a
'seclusion room' for periods from a few minutes to several hours. However,
the degree of seclusion may vary; the patient may be alone with the door
closed (but under regular observation through a glass panel), the door may
be ajar with a nurse just outside, or a nurse may be with the patient
continually or intermittently. Such arrangements provide some practical
and psychological containment in an environment that has reduced stimuli,
and can assist in the resolution of an aggressive episode. When physical
restraint is required, it is important that the aggressor is faced with
considerably superior force, as a more equal balance of force will lead to a
higher risk of injury to both staff and patient.
Various treatment programmes have been tried in the management of
aggressive individuals in both clinical and non-clinical populations, such as
inpatient 'therapeutic community' regimes, individual psychological man-
agement sessions including behavioural approaches, and drug treatments
(Suedfeld & Landon, 1978). But methodological difficulties allow only
Management of specific problem-behaviours 289
broad conclusions to emerge from published studies: psychological man-
agement needs to be in a framework of clear rules and support; medication
can be a useful adjunct; therapeutic communities may be helpful for some
individuals; and improvement tends to occur with the passage of time.
Several studies have reported the effects of inpatient management in
specialized units (with emphasis on control, confrontation and peer group
support), outpatient group psychotherapy and a therapeutic community
(Vaillant, 1975; Carney, 1977). Although McCord (1983) reported an
association between reduced re-offending in young individuals and expo-
sure to a therapeutic community, empirical evidence of benefit for a
therapeutic prison regime was not found in another study (Gunn et al,
1978). There is evidence that various forms of psychological management
for aggression are more likely to be associated with improvement if the
individual is also depressed or has reasonable social skills (Copas &
Whiteley, 1976; Woody et al., 1985). Behavioural approaches to aggression
have included 'token economy' regimes (i.e. inpatient or custodial settings
in which certain behaviours are rewarded), social skills training, cognitive
therapy, and self-control procedures (Cavior & Schmidt, 1978; Templeman
& Wollersheim, 1979; Frederiksen & Rainwater, 1981; Moyes, Tennent &
Bedford, 1985).
Several studies have reported the effects of social skills training on self-
referred individuals with problems due to aggression. This approach is an
example of 'indirect' control measures, which aim to teach non-aggressive
alternative behaviour, and contrast with 'direct' methods, which try to
change the pattern of reinforcement of aggression. The procedures of social
skills training include identifying target behaviour and associated circum-
stances, teaching alternative responses and arranging practice. Desired
behaviour can be modelled by the therapist, new behaviour can be
rehearsed using role play, video recording and corrective feedback, and
subsequent encouragement can provide reinforcement. Such an approach
has been applied to various non-clinical and clinical populations, and
Henderson (1989) has concluded that some positive effects and generaliza-
tion have been reported, but that such results have been limited to verbal
aggression. Henderson (1989) has also described a social skills training
programme for male prisoners in a UK prison that involved group
meetings. Twelve prisoners with convictions for violence completed the
programme, which was aimed at increasing skills in the following three
areas: assertion (the ability to express negative feelings without aggression);
self-control (the ability to identify and control anger, and to prevent
irritability or loss of temper); and reduction of social anxiety, which may
290 Psychological management
Chronic somatization
'Somatization' is a process in which 'there is an inappropriate focus on
physical symptoms and psychosocial problems are denied' (Bass & Benja-
min, 1993). Often this is associated with 'primary gain', when the patient is
relieved of responsibilities as he/she is 'ill', or 'secondary gain', such as a
gratifying response of caring and concern from others.
PD is often implicated as a causal factor. For instance, obsessive-
compulsive PD is associated with a tendency to worry (involving a reduced
threshold for somatic preoccupation), while those with dependent or
histrionic PDs obtain secondary gain from reassurance. Also, those with
narcissistic PD receive reinforcing gratification from medical attention.
Bass & Benjamin (1993) have outlined general management strategies for
somatization including the avoidance of a 'dualistic approach', which sees
patients as having physical or mental disorders but never both. Creed &
Guthrie (1993) have stressed the need for the clinician to develop a good
rapport with 'somatizing' patients, involving questions, empathic response
and comments that link somatic symptoms and psychological experiences.
Often patients can be persuaded to collaborate with psychological manage-
ment that has the stated aim of helping the patient to cope with the
symptoms. This may prevent an endless pursuit of a somatic cause by
repeated investigations. Sometimes a cognitive or cognitive-behavioural
approach is needed to help patients address dysfunctional beliefs, such as
the need to avoid all exercise. It is important to acknowledge that the
Management of specific problem-behaviours 291
Substance abuse
A variety of programmes for alcohol abuse and other substance abuse
disorders can involve various formats: inpatient units, therapeutic commu-
nities, outpatient clinics and self-help groups. Many such individuals have
PD, in particular with antisocial and borderline features, and this needs to
be considered when the aims and outcomes of a service are being evaluated.
In a study of 20 social and personality variables in the treatment of heroin
addiction, the counsellor-patient relationship was related to final outcome,
and those who had a single counsellor did significantly better than their
peers who were transferred from one counsellor to another (Cohen et al.,
1980). Individual counselling was ranked the most important of several
treatment components by alcoholic individuals who accepted a 2-year
outpatient programme (Ojehagen & Berglund, 1986ft).
Sexual offenders
Sexual violence involves a victim who is unwilling or unable to consent.
Various studies of treatment interventions have been mainly concerned
with rape, offences involving children, and genital exhibitionism to adult
females (Marshall & Barbaree, 1989). Rapists have been subdivided in
relation to different forms of sexual gratification, displaced aggression, the
degree of sadism, and impulsive or opportunistic acts. The latter character-
istic is often associated with a history of other offences, and features of
antisocial PD (Perkins, 1991).
The first stage of management is a detailed assessment including the
individual's sexual preferences. The penile plethysmograph (PPG) can
indicate male arousal to a variety of stimuli, perhaps presented as projec-
tion slides, and can indicate inappropriate denial of specific sexual interests
or fantasy. Various behavioural techniques have been used in attempts to
modify sexual motivation, aimed at reducing deviant sexual interest,
increasing social skills and addressing relevant cognitive processes.
Deviant sexual interests can be the target of an aversive stimulus such as
292 Psychological management
an electric shock to the leg or an unpleasant smell (e.g. strong-smelling
salts), which are paired with deviant fantasies or stimuli. Related tech-
niques include masturbatory reconditioning, where masturbation is
encouraged when paired with non-deviant stimuli or fantasies, and sensiti-
zation, when the patient is encouraged to fantasize a sequence of images of
offending behaviour with unpleasant consequences. These techniques can
sometimes be extended from the consulting room to real life; if a sequence
of triggering stimuli and offending behaviour is identified, the patient can
be encouraged to interrupt this, for example, by the use of strong-smelling
salts (Perkins, 1991).
Social skills training can be provided in a group format, as for individuals
with aggressive behaviour. A problem-solving approach is indicated, which
may examine triggering situations and alternative behaviours, and involve
modelling, role play, rehearsal and feedback.
Many patients require basic education about sexual behaviour and
further understanding of their motivations for offending (together with
behavioural antecedents and the consequences), if a logical strategy for the
patient to avoid further offences is to be devised. Many subjects deny
aspects of their offences and four main types of offender have been
identified: 'rationalizers', who admit offences but deny harm is caused to
their victims (in particular involving homosexual offences against boys);
'externalizers', who blame others including their victims, who are typically
young women; 'internalizers', who admit the offence and the effects but
claim a temporary aberration of behaviour; and 'deniers', who present with
absolute denial (Kennedy & Grubin, 1992). It is helpful to encourage
subjects to reduce the level of denial so that behavioural approaches can be
more readily applied. Also, personal skills can be encouraged, involving
obtaining a job, reducing alcohol intake and organizing leisure activities.
Various evaluations of behavioural treatment for sex offenders have
demonstrated some positive effects within institutions (Burchard & Wood,
1982; Rutter & Giller, 1983) but there is little evidence of specific effects on
the reduction in subsequent offending. However, Davidson (1984), in a 2-5
year follow-up of individuals who had experienced a prison-based treat-
ment programme of psychotherapy and behavioural techniques, found
evidence that the programme was of benefit for those whose offences
involved children, although the recidivism rates for men who had sexually
attacked adults were not different from an untreated group. But recidivism
rates are unreliable data due to a high level of under-reporting (Furby,
Weinrott & Blackshaw, 1989), and the long-term outcome of institutional
programmes requires further research. While some subjects have been
Management of specific problem-behaviours 293
Historical development
Since Moreno introduced the term 'group psychotherapy' in 1931, many
theoretical frameworks and techniques have emerged for use in a wide
variety of settings. These include the short-stay psychiatric unit, the
outpatient clinic, the medium- and long-stay units of psychiatric hospitals,
specialist psychiatric units for alcoholism or forensic problems, and self-
help organizations (Ryle, 1976). Regular group meetings may also involve
non-patients, such as trainees in those professions where increased self-
awareness and an ability to communciate are particularly important.
Research in this field has been limited and, in general, theoretical
considerations have determined clinical practice (Malan, 1973). Three
approaches have been derived from psychoanalytic theory; the first exam-
ines the relationship of each individual patient to the group or therapist, the
second is concerned with the relationship of the group as a whole to the
therapist, while the third approach emphasizes treatment by the group
itself, focussing on general aspects of the group such as themes, communi-
cation patterns, values and cohesiveness. In this last approach, the therapist
ignores, as far as possible, his/her own relationship with individual group
members or with the group as a whole. The first two strategies have been
termed psychoanalysis 'in' groups and 'of groups (Wolf & Schwartz, 1962),
while the latter, the so-called group-analytic method (Foulkes & Anthony,
1965), encourages the therapeutic ingredients to be provided 'by' the group
(de Mare & Kreeger, 1974).
Despite the differences between these various approaches derived from
psychoanalysis, they share the underlying assumption that therapy largely
consists of exploring unconscious mental processes by means of interpre-
Overview 295
tations directed towards resistance and transferences. However, although
these approaches may be useful with carefully selected groups of out-
patients, other strategies are more commonly found in most types of group
psychotherapy that are routinely practised within a psychiatric service.
These involve the provision of more focus and instruction than is found in
groups that mainly aim to explore mental processes.
A major difficulty that is encountered by investigators of group psy-
chotherapy is that, like individual psychotherapy, the procedure is very
variable even if the same approach is used. In addition, the treatment goals
and criteria for the definition of improvement are varied. Beneficial effects
may be judged on the basis of changes observed in the group, disappearance
of symptoms, improved subjective well-being, the views of the conductor,
the opinions of friends or relatives of the patients, increased self-knowl-
edge, increased competence at work, or changes in social behaviour (Yalom
et aL, 1977). However, there is often a low correlation between various
outcome measures. Apart from the methodological problems in measuring
outcome, the results are often affected by spontaneous recovery and many
non-treatment variables. Also, if a particular psychotherapeutic method is
being investigated, many non-technique variables are relevant, such as the
'helping relationship' with the therapist, although this may be of less
importance in groups compared with individual psychotherapy (Gurman
& Gustafson, 1976). As each group is unique, control data must be
interpreted with caution.
Group-specific phenomena
Psychotherapy in groups incorporates various communication patterns
involving both verbal and non-verbal behaviour.
The possible benefits of so-called group pressures have already been
considered; groups have the capacity to define, by consensus, acceptable
attitudes or behaviour and then to exert pressure to conform to these
standards. Behaviour that is generally acceptable may be rewarded by
positive regard, while deviance can be punished by criticism, hostility or by
being ignored. But at times, the overt consensus attitude may be more
extreme than the most widely-held viewpoint. Another property of groups
is their ability to define what appears to be reality to the majority; for
example, the staff may be considered to be uncaring, or it may be assumed
that all patients have similar problems. Such assumptions may be far from
accurate. Resistance may involve the collaboration of group members to
prevent the consideration of reality, perhaps by means of silence or
changing the subject by directing attention to another group member.
Although at such times the patients may not be fully aware of what is
happening, on one occasion every member of a group made a deliberate
decision before the meeting that no one would utter a word! A common
example of an unconscious collaborative defence is that of scapegoating,
when one individual receives hostile feelings that have been displaced by
Organization 299
several group members from their appropriate target; this often occurs
when a new member enters a group.
When emotion is expressed in a group there is a tendency for it to
precipitate the experience of a similar feeling in several other group
members. Thus, a sharing of expressed emotion often occurs; one angry
complaint about the staff may initiate a chorus, while a weeping patient
may elicit several complaints of depressed mood.
Another group process has been called the 'chain phenomenon' when
several members contribute to a group theme, while an examination of the
pattern of interaction in a series of meetings invariably demonstrates a
tendency for the form and content of the meetings to undergo constant
change. Irregular cycles are often seen in which, for example, a meeting (or
series of meetings) characterized by the patients being constructive, caring
and active will be followed by withdrawal, hostility and hopelessness,
before the original form eventually returns.
Finally, a consideration of group-specific phenomena would not be
complete without mention of interactions that take place at times other
than the group meetings, but which would not have occurred if the patients
had not been members of the same group.
Groups may be 'closed' (and time limited) when the same individuals meet
for a set number of occasions, or 'open', when individuals join and leave the
group at different times.
The goals of group psychotherapy vary considerably and, although
many patients in a psychiatric service may be included in a group at some
stage, some are not suitable for this form of treatment and certain principles
of selection should be observed. Severely psychotic patients and those with
marked paranoid or schizoid PD traits should generally be excluded; the
paranoid patient often evokes hostility, which reinforces his/her pathologi-
cal ideas, while the severely schizoid person will usually find a group too
threatening. Also, excessively narcissistic individuals with a minimal capa-
city to take note of others should not usually be selected. Sociopathic
individuals, addicts of both drugs and alcohol and those whose problems
centre on sexual deviation must be included only after careful consideration
in a group of individuals with a range of psychiatric problems, and, in
general, there should not be more than one patient with any of these
problems in each group unless a group is selected on the basis of a
300 Group psychotherapies
taking place, and the silent patient may be learning from events that involve
others. Overt non-verbal activity such as facial expressions, fidgeting,
moving restlessly in the chair, tapping the foot, or playing with an ashtray
or cigarette, should be noted and may be informative. More rarely,
unacceptable and dramatic behaviour may occur: objects are thrown,
physical violence or attempts at self-harm take place, or a patient rushes out
of the meeting.
remain with the patient. This should also be a rare event, and patients
should not be encouraged to expect individual attention immediately after
a meeting.
The inexperienced conductor oftenfindsit difficult to decide on conclud-
ing remarks. At times, it may be appropriate to summarize the events of the
meeting or end on a hopeful and encouraging note. But the conductor must
not feel that it is his/her duty to do either, and when the mood is one of
hopelessness or resentment, or when the meeting ends in the middle of the
consideration of a problem, a statement can be made which merely clarifies
the situation; for example 'one of the main problems seems to be that
everyone has given up hope of any improvement', or 'although we have to
finish now, we must come back to this problem next time'. On other
occasions the conductor need not say anything other than to formally close
the meeting by a comment such as: 'I am sorry to interrupt you but we have
come to the end of our time'. This may be quite difficult, as he/she may come
under pressure to say something 'clever' or reassuring, or to prolong the
meeting. If group members ignore a concluding remark, the conductor may
need to repeat the closing statement. If necessary he/she should interrupt
the group by standing up with other staff members.
Although mental events have both a cognitive and emotional component, it
can be useful to isolate the emotional content of each group meeting for
consideration. Anger, depression and anxiety are of particular relevance,
but disgust, positive attraction, happiness and elation should also be noted.
If personality change is a goal of treatment for some group members, a
degree of emotional arousal may be facilitative and, at times, essential,
while varying degrees of emotionality are an inevitable part of all types of
group psychotherapy.
Anger may occur in many disguises, such as a show of boredom, sarcasm,
or the excessive politeness resulting from the use of the defence mechanism
of 'reaction formation', in which the opposite of an underlying feeling
appears in consciousness. The conductor should not necessarily draw the
group's attention to signs of anger, which can often be ignored, but if these
are persistent, exploration may be indicated. Underlying attitudes can be
considered, and group members may be helped to handle the experience or
expression of anger more appropriately. When anger is overt, the conduc-
tor or other group members may face considerable hostility. If the
conductor is on the receiving end he/she must remain outwardly calm, and
Emotionality 309
wait for the feelings to have been expressed before making any comments.
Even after a delay he/she must not be in too much of a hurry to defend; the
views of other group members should be invited, and he/she may decide not
to give a specific reply. However, if the anger is directed to another group
member, the conductor may need to be actively protective. If the staff are
being accused of having various shortcomings, it is usually better not to
argue, and an angry response on the part of the conductor is invariably
inappropriate, especially if it involves a lack of the self-control that is an
essential tribute of the role. It is often helpful to try and identify a pattern of
inappropriate emotional arousal or expression, as the group experience
may be representative of behaviour that repeatedly occurs in other
A patient who is depressed and tearful is often ashamed at exhibiting
emotion and if there are clear signs that a group member is upset it is often
reassuring if the conductor indicates that this has been noticed. This implies
that it is 'all right' to be upset and the conductor may then try and
encourage sharing of similar feeling, either past or present, and mobilize the
group's support. However, the tearful patient may find it very uncomfort-
able to remain at the centre of the group's attention, and the conductor
should consider shifting the focus without necessarily changing the subject;
for example, a patient who had been upset the previous week could be asked
how he/she has been feeling. Talk of suicidal ideas may reduce the
likelihood of subsequently putting these thoughts into action, but it may be
necessary to arrange to see the patient individually after the meeting, if, at
the end, he/she appears to be actively suicidal. However, the motivation
behind some patients' talk of possible self-injury is the expression of anger
or an attempt to manipulate the attitudes and behaviour of the group. In
such cases it may be necessary to state clearly that the group or staff cannot
always accept responsibility for a person's actions. At the same time it is
important to maintain a sympathetic approach, which can be difficult, as
the behaviour of some patients in such situations often arouses hostility.
Emotions can be 'acted-out' by disruptive non-verbal behaviour which,
if it is not modified or contained by group pressures, may require a patient's
exclusion from the group by the conductor. Physical intervention by the
staff may very occasionally be necessary to stop aggression or self-injury,
and, if a patient leaves the meeting, it may be appropriate for a member of
the group to try and persuade him/her to return.
The conductor's own emotions must not be forgotten, and a capacity for
self-control with regard to their expression is an essential skill, which may
require experience for its development. If the conductor expresses strong
310 Group psychotherapies
emotions, this should only occur after a decision that this feedback would
be helpful to the group. If, occasionally, this ideal is not realized, and the
conductor's involuntary expression of strong feeling is apparent, it is
probably best to acknowledge to the group that he/she is feeling angry,
depressed or anxious. This tactic may defuse tension or embarrassment.
Positive emotions should not be discouraged, but laughter or jokes are
often defensive and inappropriate. They should be accepted at their face
value only with caution.
Negative effects
A negative effect has been defined as a lasting deterioration in a patient,
directly attributable to therapy; however transient effects may also be
important (Hadley & Strupp, 1976).
314 Group psychotherapies
It has been widely accepted that group treatment, in particular relatively
structured groups, can be useful for the management of patients with
borderline PD, although concurrent individual sessions are usually recom-
mended. But it is important to note the high drop-out rate from treatment.
Clinical practice has mainly developed on the basis of the opinions of
experienced clinicians, although there is some evidence that supports the
provision of weekly, task-orientated groups for patients who all have a
borderline PD diagnosis, running in parallel with individual treatment
sessions from a different therapist (Horwitz, 1987).
Waldinger & Gunderson (1984), in a retrospective study of 790 patients
with borderline PD, noted that they generally ended treatment earlier than
recommended. In relation to group treatments, Kretsch, Goren & Wasser-
man (1987) looked at the effects of a combination of individual and group
therapy over several years and concluded that the group element had been
useful. But the best evidence for the use of groups for those with borderline
PD comes from Linehan and colleagues (1991), who compared a combi-
nation of individual therapy and weekly group therapy with 'treatment as
usual'. The weekly group lasted 2\ hours and had a structured, educational
format, focussing on the teaching of behavioural skills such as managing
interpersonal interactions, distress tolerance, accepting reality and regulat-
ing emotional expression.
If patients drop out of treatment early, or have to be discharged because
of lack of benefit, it can be useful to present this to the patient as a failure of
the treatment to be helpful, rather than a failure of the patient to cooperate.
This can be combined with an offer to consider a re-referral to rejoin a
treatment programme at a later date.
Positive ingredients
Gunderson (1984) considered that groups can exert a socializing influence
on those with borderline PD, while Macaskill (1982) found that patients
Borderline personality disorder 317
who had experienced group treatment reported that increased self-under-
standing and the opportunity to try and help others had been the most
valued aspects. Also, groups may be a unique way of helping those
individuals who cannot tolerate or agree to individual psychotherapy
(Grobman, 1980).
If a group is selected with a view to an unstructured explorative
approach, it may be appropriate to limit the number of members with a
borderline PD to two, because of the danger of the development of
uncontrolled aggression in an unstructured group in which all members
have a borderline PD (Pines, 1990). In this situation, it has been suggested
that the same therapist should also be involved in providing parallel
individual sessions (Wong, 1980).
It often seems that a patient's peers in a group are better able than
clinicians to confront maladaptive and impulsive behaviour, as their
comments are accepted more readily. Another advantage of a group
compared with individual sessions is that some patients are able to identify
dependent and manipulative behaviour in others, which can be afirststep in
recognizing these aspects in themselves. Also, a group can provide a forum
in which to practise communication of feelings and the development of
empathy for others, while confrontation by peer pressure can be balanced
by support.
But perhaps the main advantages that a group can offer compared with
individual psychotherapy alone, is to dilute, or avoid, the intense feelings
(transference) of either idealization or devaluation that usually occur when
the patient with features of borderline or dependent PD is being seen
regularly by an individual clinician only. A group reduces the danger of an
uncontrolled escalation of childlike feelings of anger and dependence
(regression), which can lead to severe or repeated episodes of self-harm.
This is a particular risk for some patients with borderline PD who receive
frequent (once or twice weekly) long-term individual psychotherapy of an
unstructured, explorative nature, if they are not able to tolerate this
demanding intervention. Such a risk can be reduced by limiting the
frequency and duration of individual sessions, and by giving priority to the
discussion of external, current problems, as well as by arranging for
concurrent group therapy.
In general, an unstructured format is considered to be inadvisable for
those groups whose members all have a diagnosis of borderline PD, as
regression and self-destructiveness may dominate the picture. For such
patients, relatively structured groups can be used to promote reality testing,
self-esteem and skills for interpersonal relationships. Specific tasks can be
318 Group psychotherapies
322 Management of offenders with personality disorders
the sentenced prison population of England and Wales was carried out by
Gunn, Maden & Swinton (1991), and reported that 7.3% of sentenced adult
men and 8.4% of sentenced adult women had primary diagnoses of PD. But
these were clinical diagnoses based on interviews conducted by research
psychiatrists who did not employ standardized diagnostic instruments, and
the researchers' limited access to comprehensive information probably led,
as they acknowledge, to an underestimate of true prevalence rates. Coid
(1993a) reviewed the epidemiological studies that have employed stan-
dardized diagnostic instruments for antisocial PD, and noted that studies
of North American prison samples have found prevalence rates varying
between 39% and 76% of subjects. Thesefigurescompare with a lifetime
prevalence rate for DSM-III-R antisocial PD of 2.6% (4.5% for men and
0.8% for women) in the US Epidemiological Catchment Area study
(Robins et al, 1984; Robins & Regier, 1991). It is important to note that
although there is a strong association between criminality and antisocial
PD, the two are distinct, as a substantial amount of criminality is
committed by people who would not qualify for the diagnosis of antisocial
PD (Robins, 1993).
In clinical practice a careful and rigorous approach must be taken to the
diagnosis of PD among offenders who are seen within psychiatric services,
and a history of criminal offending, however heinous, does not in itself
justify a diagnosis of PD. The broad diagnostic principles outlined in ICD-
10 or the DSM-IV should be followed, and it must be kept in mind that the
basic feature of a PD is longstanding abnormality of personality that
adversely affects several domains of a person's life, and that has a disabling
effect on social functioning.
Particular care must be taken to avoid making unwarranted diagnoses of
PD amongst people with histories of psychoses, such as schizophrenia, who
later engage in recurrent offending behaviour. There is now good evidence
from cohort studies that serious mental illness is associated with increased
risk of criminal offending, and, in relation to schizophrenia, criminal
careers of such patients are likely to commence at a later age than in most
offenders (Hodgins, 1992). Not uncommonly, people with a diagnosis of
psychosis in early adult life may present subsequently with problems that
are dominated by troublesome offending behaviour in the absence of
prominent psychotic features. A careful history will often establish that the
behaviour represents a deterioration from the person's pre-morbid level of
functioning, and if this is the case the proper diagnosis is likely to be of
chronic psychosis rather than of primary PD.
Clinical assessment for treatment 323
Range of interventions
A wide range of treatment interventions may be considered in the manage-
ment of offenders with PDs. These include a variety of psychotherapies,
social support and, in a minority of cases, medication. Also, counselling for
problems of drug or alcohol abuse may be needed. The treatment setting
will usually be outpatient-based, with brief admission to hospital as a
possible option at times of crisis. In a minority of cases longer-term
specialized inpatient treatment may be indicated, but such facilities are
scarce. In the UK, the Henderson Hospital provides 'therapeutic commun-
ity' treatment in an open hospital setting, while offenders convicted of grave
offences who are facing sentencing may be considered for treatment in
'special hospitals' if they meet the criterion for admission to maximum
security, namely that they constitute a grave and immediate danger to the
public. However, there must be careful consideration about what treatment
is proposed, its availability and the prospects for success.
People convicted of sexual offences may or may not merit a diagnosis of
Community and outpatient settings 325
PD or other psychiatric disorders, but convicted sex offenders receiving
non-custodial sentences may be considered for community-based treat-
ment programmes, which, in the UK, are usually organized by the
probation service. Residential group-based treatment in the UK is
provided at the Gracewell Clinic, Birmingham. Programmes for sentenced
prisoners serving 4 years or more have been established in a number of UK
prisons, and the 'special hospitals' also provide treatment for some patients
with histories of sexual offending.
Psychodynamic psychotherapy
There is a consensus that engaging in psychodynamic psychotherapy with
personality-disordered offenders on an outpatient basis should be
approached with great caution; first, because of limited evidence of the
efficacy of this approach, and second, because of an increased risk of
disturbed behaviour. Malan (1979) recommended careful scrutiny of the
individual's history when assessing the suitability for such psychotherapy
because of the possibility that the most disturbed behaviour the person has
exhibited in the past might be re-enacted during the therapeutic process.
Main (1957) and Shapiro (1978) have provided good descriptions of the
pathological transference and counter-transference relationships that
patients with features of borderline PD may engender, with oscillation
328 Management of offenders with personality disorders
between extreme idealization and denigration of the therapist, and promo-
tion of splitting and division between clinical staff (Kernberg, 1984).
Whilst most offenders with PDs are not suitable for individual 'psycho-
dynamic psychotherapy' as described in Chapter 7, the clinician should
retain an awareness of psychodynamic issues for three reasons. First,
psychodynamic theories may be necessary in order to develop a proper
psychological understanding of the patient's behaviour and the organiza-
tion of his or her emotional life. Second, because the relationship with the
patient is the medium through which the clinician works, and the dynamics
of that relationship need to be recognised and understood. The emotions
and attributions exhibited by the patient towards the therapist, and vice
versa, need to be considered in terms of what they reveal about the patient's
history and emotional life. Not uncommonly, patients who in early life have
been subjected to cruelty or rejection develop similar pathological patterns
of relating in adult life and these may begin to feature in the therapeutic
relationship with the clinician. Care needs to be taken to recognize this and
to avoid re-enacting rejection or punitiveness in the clinical relationship
and attitudes to the patient. Third, offenders with personality disorders
may sometimes present with a genuine desire for insight and self-under-
standing. They may be confused and distressed by their destructive
behaviour, the chaos of their lives, and their inability to change. In taking
the initial psychiatric history the clinician is likely to see links and
continuities between patients' early life experiences and their problems as
adults. Spending time over a limited number of sessions, taking the patient
in detail through his or her life history, may help them see for the first time
parallels between past and present. In reconstructing their biographies,
patients can experience relief and illumination through recognizing the
experiences that shaped their adult expectations and views of their social
world. For example, suspiciousness and paranoid sensitivity in adult life,
with a tendency to perceive threat and provocation in others and to react
explosively, may have understandable links with childhood experiences of
living in an early environment of genuine fear and threat of unpredictable
violence. Patients can be helped to see the parallels between the way they
view other people in their adult lives, and the way they experienced
significant others as children, and thus how their distorted attributions and
inappropriate responses arise. Although from a psychoanalytic perspective
this work is superficial, it may, nonetheless, be safe and useful: it can be
carried out over a limited period of time, it need not involve the develop-
ment of difficult and dependent transference relationships, and its limited
nature means that it is not too psychologically demanding of the patient.
Cognitive psychotherapy and behaviour therapy 329
Inpatient settings
Crisis admissions
While treatment and support for personality-disordered offenders is pri-
marily outpatient based, short-term admissions may have a useful role to
play in the management of crises. Short hospital admissions can be a useful
safety net when individuals are seriously at risk. These patients may need
admission when suffering from severe situationally determined depressive
reactions, for example.
Brief admissions for assessment may also be appropriate when personal-
ity-disordered offenders are seen urgently at the request of the police or
criminal courts. The offences may be the culmination of serious social and
psychological difficulties and the offender may present in severe distress,
sometimes associated with suicidal ideation and substance abuse. There
may be a complex array of problems and it may not be possible to make an
accurate assessment of the individual's needs, including whether there is a
significant psychiatric disorder, without a period of observation in hospital.
In England and Wales, a remand for assessment order (section 35 of the
Mental Health Act, 1983) may be used in such cases, but recommendations
for local hospital admission should take account of the nature of the alleged
offence, to ensure that the admission is acceptably safe and not associated
with a serious risk of absconding.
In the UK, it has been recommended that mentally-disordered offenders
who need treatment should generally receive this in facilities that are
outside the criminal justice system (Home Office, 1990). Imprisonment does
not have treatment as its primary purpose, and psychiatrists and sentencers
cannot assume that specific treatment will be provided if an offender is
sentenced to imprisonment. The amount of psychiatric input to prison
establishments is highly variable. Some prison health service doctors have
psychiatric experience and some establishments have visiting psychiatrists,
but many do not.
The frequency of violent and aggressive behaviour amongst prisoners is
related, in part, to the character of the prison regime (Bottoms, 1992), and
special prison units with radically different regimes have been developed in
the UK with the aim of dealing in a more humane and effective way with
'disruptive' prisoners, for example the 'Barlinnie Unit' in Scotland. In
England, Grendon Underwood Prison provides a specialist regime using a
therapeutic community approach in which prisoners engage in demanding,
confrontative group therapy. Although evidence is lacking that Grendon
has a substantial impact on re-offending rates, it has been argued that for
some well-motivated men the experience of Grendon does provide a unique
opportunity for change (Robertson & Gunn, 1987).
Sexual offenders are a group particularly likely to be victimized in prison
and may be isolated from other prisoners for their own protection. In recent
years new efforts have been made in the UK to introduce treatment
programmes for sex offenders, but only for those serving sentences of 4
years or more, and these programmes are available only in a limited number
of establishments (Home Office, 1991). Prisoners serving less than 4 years
may not receive any specialist help.
facing criminal proceedings, the reporting psychiatrist should see all the
prosecution witness statements. The patient's background history should
also be corroborated, if possible, by an independent informant. Reports
should not be undertaken if all relevant information is not disclosed. In the
criminal courts, if a report is based solely on what the defendant says
without account being taken of other evidence, the report is unlikely to
carry weight or credibility.
Reports should be clear and well organized in their layout and content.
Customarily there is an introductory paragraph outlining the purpose and
information sources of the report, followed by a summary of the relevant
background history, thefindingson psychiatric examination, and, finally,
the concluding opinion on the questions at issue. Accuracy, clarity, and
avoidance of technical vocabulary or emotive statements are necessary.
The concluding opinions should be substantiated with a clear explanation
of the reasons for the conclusions.
Psychiatric reports on personality-disordered offenders may be needed
for a variety of purposes. Most commonly, reports will be requested for use
in criminal proceedings when questions are raised about the person's state
of mind at the time of the alleged offence, or when advice is sought in
relation to a 'treatment disposal'. In England and Wales, reports may have
to be prepared for Mental Health Review Tribunals, and in such cases the
key questions are likely to be whether the patient still suffers from any form
of mental disorder warranting continued detention in hospital for treat-
ment, and whether they would pose a risk to others if discharged. Risk is
also likely to be a key issue when reporting in other contexts on people with
histories of offending, for example, for the parole board or for social
services departments in child protection cases.
In serious criminal cases the judgement about whether to recommend a
hospital order for subjects with PDs is, as noted above, a difficult one. If the
offender is regarded as being within the legal category of 'psychopathic
disorder', the requirement that treatment is likely to alleviate or prevent a
deterioration in their condition has to be fulfilled if an hospital order is to be
made. While, from a clinical viewpoint, motivation for psychological
treatment is clearly important, it should be recognized that the courts may
interpret a 'treatability' criterion more broadly than many clinicians. In the
'Andrews' case in the UK (R. v. Cannons Park Mental Health Review
Tribunal. The Times Law Report 2 March 1994) it was suggested that the
legal criterion of treatability would be fulfilled provided that hospital
treatment would prevent deterioration. It would not have to alleviate the
condition. Also, the absence of a patient's willingness to accept a specific
Assessments and reports for legal proceedings 337
Social management
One of the key features of PDs, in particular when criminal offences are
involved, is their damaging and disabling effects on social functioning. Both
in their past histories and current situations, personality-disordered
patients may have serious difficulties in their family and social relation-
ships, and the clinical management has to include consideration of the
social context. Interventions may be needed to try to facilitate the patient's
social stability and, if possible, to prevent and mitigate socially damaging
Social management 339
Relatives and partners may find the patient's behaviour intolerable or
inexplicable, and they may also have unrealistic hopes or expectations
about the person's ability to change, and the influence of treatment. They
often need to be provided with explanation and support to develop a
realistic appraisal of the nature of the patient's disability, together with
guidance about how to manage difficulties and to protect themselves.
Parents may have particular problems of unrealistic guilt and self-blame in
relation to their children and they need sensitive advice and reassurance.
In cases where families and partners have been victims of violence, it is
vital that they are given advice about possible future risks, and where this is
significant they may need information about obtaining legal assistance and
about places of refuge.
Patients with PDs may also pose problems for other agencies such as
employers and housing authorities. The loss of stable accommodation and
employment may put some patients at increased risk of depressive symp-
toms, of offending or of other disturbed behaviour, and it may be important
to invest time in liaising with, and providing support to, these agencies,
provided that the patient gives permission for disclosure of the relevant
personal information. Residential provision may be difficult to secure when
there are worries about the possibility of unstable and hazardous behav-
iour, but the knowledge that psychiatric backup with rapid intervention
(for example, by a short crisis admission) will be provided may assist in
securing suitable residential placements.
The most disorganized and chaotic individuals with PDs are likely to
have recurrent breakdowns in their relationships, work and accommo-
dation, and clinical staff need to maintain an attitude that combines realism
and continuing commitment. Failure should not necessarily be greeted with
surprise and refusal of further help. A long-term perspective should be
maintained, as it is unrealistic to expect major short-term psychological
change, but even when there is slow improvement over one or two decades,
and clinical interventions over that time have helped to avoid serious harm
to the patient or others, much will have been achieved.
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