Local Anesthesia Armamentariums
Local Anesthesia Armamentariums
Local Anesthesia Armamentariums
The thumb ring and finger grips give the administrator added control over the syringe
Hook-shaped end (often called the harpoon) attached to the piston that is used to
penetrate the thick silicone rubber stopper (bung) at the opposite end of the cartridge.
The needle adaptor (screw hub or convertible tip) is removable and sometimes is
discarded inadvertently along with the disposable needle.
By: Mohammed Farouk Al-Haj Omar (269)
Types of Syringe:
Pressure Syringe
Introduced in the late 1970s, pressure syringes brought about a renewed interest in the
periodontal ligament (PDL) injection (also known as the intraligamentary injection [ILI])
the PDL injection, although usable for any tooth, helped make it possible to achieve more
reliable pulpal anesthesia of one isolated tooth in the mandible (Pistol type or pen)
By: Mohammed Farouk Al-Haj Omar (269)
Jet Injector:
Jet injection is based on the principle that liquids forced through very small openings,
called jets, at very high pressure can penetrate intact skin or mucous membrane
Jet Injector
By: Mohammed Farouk Al-Haj Omar (269)
A glass cylinder containing the local anesthetic drug, among other ingredients.
3): Aluminum Cap: located at other end fitting snugly around neck of the glass cart-
-ridge holding thin diaphragm in its position.
By: Mohammed Farouk Al-Haj Omar (269)
Vehicle that permits local anesthetic solution to travel from the dental cartridge
into the tissues surrounding the needle tip. Most needles used in dentistry are
stainless steel and disposable.
Reusable needles should not be used for injections.
Because the needle represents the most dangerous component of the
armamentarium, the one most likely to produce injury to patient or doctor,
safety needles are being developed.
1) Bevel defines the point or tip of the needle. Bevels are described by manufacturers as long,
medium, and short. Several authors have confirmed that the greater the angle of the bevel with
the long axis of the needle, the greater will be the degree of deflection as the needle passes
2) Shaft of the needle is one long piece of tubular metal running from the tip of the needle
through the hub, and continuing to the piece that penetrates the cartridge
3) Hub is a plastic or metal piece through which the needle attaches to the syringe and it's the
most common area in needle fracture.
4) Syringe Adaptor.
5) Cartridge-penetrating end of the dental needle extends through the needle adaptor and
perforates the diaphragm.
When needles are selected for use in various injection techniques, two factors that must be considered
are gauge and length
Gauge: diameter of the lumen of the needle.
The smaller the number, the greater the diameter of the lumen
Long needle: 42 mm
Short needle: 25 mm
Ultra-Short: 15 mm