Fess 110
Fess 110
Fess 110
99 n
A poem about trade
We can find evidence of trade in the Sangam poems.
Here is one which describes the goods brought
into Puhar, an important port on the east coast:
(Here are brought)
Swift, prancing horses by sea in ships,
Bales of black pepper in carts,
Gems and gold born in the Himalayas,
Sandalwood born in the western hills,
The pearls of the southern seas
And corals from the eastern oceans
The yield of the Ganga and the crops from the
Foodstuffs from Sri Lanka, pottery from
And other rare and rich imports.
Make a list of all the things that are mentioned.
What would they be used for?
The stor
storyy of the Silk Route
The rich, glossy colours of silk, as well as its
smooth texture, make it a highly valued fabric in
most societies. Making silk is a complicated 101 n
process. Raw silk has to be extracted from the TRADERS, KINGS AND
cocoons of silk worms, spun into thread and then
woven into cloth. Techniques of making silk were
first invented in China around 7000 years ago.
While the methods remained a closely guarded
secret for thousands of years, some people from
China who went to distant lands on foot,
horseback, and on camels, carried silk with them.
The paths they followed came to be known as the
Silk Route.
Sometimes, Chinese rulers sent gifts of silk to
rulers in Iran and west Asia, and from there, the
knowledge of silk spread further west. About 2000
years ago, wearing silk became the fashion
amongst rulers and rich people in Rome. It was
very expensive, as it had to be brought all the
way from China, along dangerous roads, through
mountains and deserts. People living along the
route often demanded payments for allowing
traders to pass through.
Look at Map 6 (pages 84-85) which shows the
Silk Route and its branches. Some kings tried to
control large portions of the route. This was
because they could benefit from taxes, tributes
and gifts that were brought by traders travelling
along the route. In return, they often protected
the traders who passed through their kingdoms
from attacks by robbers.
The best-known of the rulers who controlled
the Silk Route were the Kushanas, who ruled over
central Asia and north-west India around 2000
years ago. Their two major centres of power were
Peshawar and Mathura. Taxila was also included
in their kingdom. During their rule, a branch of
the Silk Route extended from Central Asia down
to the seaports at the mouth of the river Indus,
from where silk was shipped westwards to the
Roman Empire. The Kushanas were amongst the
n 102 earliest rulers of the subcontinent to issue gold
coins. These were used by traders along the Silk A sculpture from the
Route. stupa at Sanchi.
Look at the tree and the
Why do you think it would have been difficult empty seat below it.
to use carts along the Silk Route? Sculptors carved this to
Silk was also sent from China by sea. Trace indicate that the Buddha
the routes on Map 6 (pages 84-85). What do you had attained
think would have been the advantages and enlightenment while
meditating under the
problems in transporting silk by sea? tree.
n 104
halted in these cave monasteries
during their travels.
Buddhism also spread
south eastwards, to Sri Lanka,
Myanmar, Thailand, and other
parts of Southeast Asia
including Indonesia. The older
form of Buddhism, known as
Theravada Buddhism was
more popular in these areas.
Read page 100 once more.
Can you think of how
A cave at Karle,
Buddhism spread to these lands?
are men and women who undertake journeys to
holy places in order to offer worship.
The word Hindu, like the term India is derived
from the river Indus. It was used by Arabs and
Iranians to refer to people who lived to the east of
the river, and to their cultural practices, including
religious beliefs.
n 108
About 2000 years ago, Christianity emerged in West Asia. Jesus Christ
was born in Bethlehem, which was then part of the Roman empire. Christs
teachings were that He was the Saviour of the world. He also taught people
to treat others with love and trust others, just as they themselves wanted
to be treated.
Here are a few verses from the Bible, the holy book that contains the
teachings of Christ:
Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness,
For they shall be filled.
Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy.
Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God.
Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called sons of God.
Christs teachings appealed to ordinary people, and spread through
West Asia, Africa and Europe. The first Christian preachers came from
West Asia to the west coast of the subcontinent within a hundred years of
Christs death.
Look at Map 6 (pages 84-85) and trace out the route that they may
have used.
The Christians of Kerala, known as Syrian Christians because they
probably came from West Asia, are amongst the oldest Christian
communities in the world.
You have a manuscript which a Chinese pilgrim would KEYWORDS
like to carry back with him. Describe your conversation. trader
Lets recall route
1. Match the following: Kushanas
Muvendar Mahayana Buddhism Mahayana
u Growing demand for 5. Discuss the reasons why the Chinese pilgrims came
silk in the Roman to India.
Empire (about 2000
years ago) 6. Why do you think ordinary people were attracted to
u Kanishka, the
Kushana ruler (about
1900 years ago)
Lets do
u Fa Xian comes to
India (about 1600
years ago) 7. List five things that you buy from the market. Which
of these are made in the city/village in which you live,
u Xuan Zang comes to and which are brought by traders from other areas?
India, Appar
composes devotional 8. There are several major pilgrimages performed by
poems in praise of people in India today. Find out about any one of them,
Shiva (about 1400 and write a short description. (Hint: who can go on
years ago) the pilgrimage men, women or children? How long
does it take? How do people travel? What do they take
with them? What do they do when they reach the holy
place? Do they bring anything back with them?)
n 110