Bu48a02a02-00e-N - 1299 - 01 (Iec 61508)
Bu48a02a02-00e-N - 1299 - 01 (Iec 61508)
Bu48a02a02-00e-N - 1299 - 01 (Iec 61508)
Safety System
IEC 61508/
Yokogawa ISS your partner for
IEC 61508/61511 compliance
Yokogawa ISS
One stop safety services
The innovation created by these Safety Standards in spite of possible higher engineering efforts.
can be summarized in three essential elements: The IEC 61508/61511 standard has been accepted by
The safety life cycle approach, which describes the 9 the industrialized world and is replacing obsolete
phases in the implementation of any process SIS, carried out safety standards.
by the system integrator. Starting from the initial concept of
a process it covers the engineering, operation and Yokogawa ISS is an IEC 61508 competent body
maintenance, up and including the final disposal of the A competent body is skilled to carry out the
equipment. Every lifecycle step makes a contribution to procedures and methods as defined in the IEC 61508
safety that can be optimized in relation to cost and standard to realise safety Instrumented systems.
effectiveness. Early involvement in a project and cooperation with
The quantification of the (remaining) risk involved in our trained safety engineers that have up-to-date
the operation of a process. Each step in the above life cycle experience (as required by the standard), will
has a direct effect on the result of the quantitative risk facilitate compliance to the relevant procedures and
analysis (QRA). This result is expressed in the probability of the required Safety Integrity Level (SIL). Our
a potentially unsafe occurrence. Risk reduction may be experience can be placed at the users or engineering
required that can be achieved by the installation of safety contractors disposal by consultancy and pre-
provisions, which often include a SIS. The effect on the risk engineering activities, such as completion of the
reduction is indicated by order of magnitude and expressed in Safety Requirements Specification. Also the entire
the Safety Integrity Level (SIL has a range from 1-4). The engineering and production of the Logic Solver,
remaining risk related to the severity of the consequences for including installation & commissioning, validation,
loss of life, damage to assets and environment, or even the periodical proof-testing as well as modifications can
deferred production, will determine whether this risk can be be contracted to Yokogawa ISS.
The demand to maintain an auditable trail of all the Layout studies that require some effect & damage
performed activities is reflected in the Master Safety calculations and can be applied over the life cycle of an
Management Document, developed by Yokogawa installation with a special software tool.
ISS. In this document all the lifecycle activities are Area Safety Reviews can be carried out to investigate the
ordered in well-defined sections. This master optimum location and number of detectors and the location
document will constitute an integral part of a project. and quality of preventive measures on the basis of expected
In this way the Yokogawa ISS project organization, scenarios.
will guarantee adherence to safety standards and can HAZARD study can be applied in the process concept phase
issue a certificate of conformity for an individual to identify potential hazards.
project. HAZOP study can be applied after the detailed design of an
installation on the basis of PFDs, P&IDs, Cause & Effect
It will be obvious that the choice for a certain type of diagrams and Plot Plans as shown in figure 1, step 1.
process or a retrofit of a plant is the first step and can REF#
3.= Classif
Sheet 5 1. Pipe rupture inside 2. Damaging 3.= F&G down
2. Pipe rupture
2.= Classif
2. = Skid Over 2.= TP386 12A/B
pressurer protection
2.= TP386
Process Design
personnel. Other studies which can be applied are Smoke and
P & ID's
Gas Ingress Assessment which requires dispersion studies in
Potential Safequard
relation to HVAC-inlets; this is a scenario based study.
Determine Safequard
1 Protective Systems Assessment can be applied on the basis of
Risk Assessment
hazard scenarios defined in the FERA and other studies like
Target SIL's for the
Input Safety Instrumented Safety Instrumented
2 Functions (sif) Functions Area Safety Reviews and give a scenario based evaluation
Sensor & Logic
Solver & Final Element
against Performance Standards of protective systems, which
Type and Failure data. Design data for
SIF Configuration
Including all other Calculations
the Safety are considered to be safety critical. Escape, evacuation and
3 Instrumented Loops
devices In
the Safety Loop rescue analysis is often carried out for offshore installations;
Prepare: Safety
Safety Requirement parts of it can also be applied for onshore installations.
Spec for the SIS
4 Specification for SIS
A Work Place Risk Assessment is focussed on hazards at a
Design - Egineering - certain location. This study is useful for new non-routine
Integration - FAT Logic Solver
5 of Logic Solver projects in a hazardous environment. TRIPOD-studies i.e.
are focussing on the human aspects and peoples motivation,
Overall Installation and
commissioning Sensors - Complete SIS working climate etc.
6 LS - Final Elements
The Quantified Risk Assessment is focussed on Risk to
SIS Validation report Personnel, Environment and Asset Risk. In this study
Overall Safety Certificate
7 validation
hazards from process, BPCS, non-process, external
SIS SIS Has to be fully documented or
Overall modification Overall operation, recorded andjustified to be in
and retrofit maintenance and repair compliance with the IEC 61508/61511
9 8
environmental hazards, ship collisions, dropped loads etc. 3 Safety reliability calculations
are taken into account and requires the use of event trees, After the identification and determination of the
risk graphs and risk matrixes for the various scenarios. The SIFs, the necessary details for the realisation of the
Individual and Societal risk studies, which represent the Safety Loops are engineered. The type and number of
external risks of an installation, can be applied for on-shore sensors, barriers and the safety valves in the
activities. application, as well as the component failure data are
related to the target SIL. The selection of the suitable
Most Users shall have a predisposition to outsource Logic Solver and communication aspects with the
these studies to a specialised company. process control system is also a part of this analysis.
At the same time the calculation can provide data on
Yokogawa ISS and TNO (a Dutch independent applied research the spurious or False Trip Rate (FTR) per SIS and the
organisation) have founded an independent joint-venture necessary or desired proof-test intervals. Again the
company: named Safety Service Centre at Apeldoorn, The design can be optimised to achieve the target
Netherlands , which has the capabilities, know-how and availability of the related process parts to minimise
experience to carry out the mentioned studies.The practical deferred production by false trips. In addition by the
implementation of the Safety Instrumented Functions starts avoidance of unnecessary process shutdown & start-
with the Quantified Risk Assessment(QRA). In the process life- ups a positive contribution to safety is made.
cycle phases in figure 1 this action is represented by step 2.
In the following overview also the professional capabilities from Yokogawa ISS is applying state-of-the-art safety
Yokogawa ISS are highlighted in relation to the process lifecycle reliability calculation tools using validated (field)
phases for steps 2 to 5 and to supply services for steps 6 to 9. databases such as:
Parts stress analysis in accordance with MIL.hdbk.217(F)
2 Risk Assessment Failure mode and critically effect analysis (FMCEA) to
If any risk and safeguard function is identified in the eliminate non-safety-critical components.
HAZOP study it must be followed by a Quantitative Failure mode and diagnostic effect analysis (FMDEA) to
Risk Assessment (QRA), covering an analysis of each determine the diagnostics coverage factor and the ratio between
identified Safety Instrumented Function; it includes detected and not detected failure rates.
the opinion of the Markov oriented method, including uncertainty and
gathered experts in sensitivity analysis and sophisticated imperfect proof-testing
the HAZOP team analysis. The University of Eindhoven developed this Dynamic
on the frequency of Markov calculation tool, which shows in particular the time
unwanted dependency of the safety parameters.
occurrences. The
QRA will lead to one
5 6
SIS CLASS of the four quantitative Safety Integrity Levels One Solenoid One Solenoid
failed Dangerous failed Dangerous
RECORD Example
(SILs) of the determined SIFs, by means of a Undetected Detected
deterministic approach with a quantitative outcome.
This outcome is named: target SIL.
Probability (-)
presently describing all applicable work procedures. The Safety
Requirement Specification is the basis for a project realisation,
which describes the functional requirement & the SIL
requirements of the SIFs.
Some of the major SIS project execution steps are:
0 0,5 1 1,5 2 2,5 3 3,5 4 4,5
Assignment of contract/line manager & other key personnel,
Proof Test Interval (hours) x10
Generation of a project plan , describing the Safety validation
plan and Operational & Maintenance procedures FAT & test
Example of Safety Integrity calculation of a safety valve. procedures, integration test, etc.
Order of materials & system assembly,
4 Safety Requirement Specification (SRS) Safety verification & report, system test & correction of any
The result of all the foregoing activities needs to be defects, inspection of documentation,
recorded and will, if applicable, specify additional Factory acceptance test & report, Safety validation,
data for a SIS comprising: Complete as-built documentation package before
definition of the safe state of each Safety shipment.
Instrumented Function and response time,
safety interlocks descriptions & start-up sequence 6 Installation, Commissioning & Verification
descriptions, with necessary overriding, The commission phase, after installation, offers
status and event recording requirements, the opportunity to test and verify every safety loop
communication interface with protection to the individually for installation integrity, tagging,
process control system, interfacing to other systems, power supply, grounding
safety communication between multiple SISs, connection, adequate separation to avoid common-
environmental conditions, cause faults, communication links non-interference
electrical power situation and instrument air, with the safety loops, etc.
availability of qualified and periodically trained Also the installation of the sensors, barriers and
maintenance personnel. safety valves, needs special attention. All activities
and test results will be executed and documented in
Yokogawa ISS can assist to compose every Safety Function loop line with the safety requirement specification and the
in full compliance using SRS templates. IEC standards.
As supplier of the Prosafe product line for E/PES and over 30
years experience, we have at our disposal an experienced Yokogawa ISS has the service organisation to assist at
engineering crew located at four locations in the world. installation, commissioning and verification at the plant site.
Our training department gives dedicated trainings for our
If impartial validation is preferred the independent joint SSC, Apeldoorn, The Netherlands.
venture Company SSC is competent to carry out the task. Website: www.safety-sc.com TRIPOD International