Scheuerle SPMT 3000 IC Brochure PDF

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Strong connections

with the worldwide largest electronically-steered
EXPERTISE Scheuerle at a glance
modular transporter fleet

Connection of hydraulics and electro- Centering actuator for raising and On request: hydraulic bolting
Heavy Duty Transport created by SCHEUERLE
nics through quick-release couplers lowering of the Power Pack Unit device
The history of heavy duty transporters across the world Since 1987, SCHEUERLE Fahrzeugfabrik GmbH has
Precise control operations is closely connected with the name of SCHEUERLE. The been part of the TII Group (Transporter Industry
SCHEUERLE Fahrzeugfabrik GmbH has its origins in a International) belonging to the German industrialist,
forge founded by Christian Scheuerle in 1869. His Otto Rettenmaier.
grandson, Willy Scheuerle, began the development of
heavy duty transportation vehicles in 1937. Willys inno-
vative ideas have inspired the entire industry and revo-
lutionized the transport of the heaviest loads in many
sectors of industry. Thus, heavy duty vehicles from
Connection adapter for SPMT 2430 with Combination of SPMT 2430 with SPMT
SCHEUERLE are used in shipyards, the offshore indu-
Remote control with cable connection Radio remote control Functional control panel SPMT 3000/InterCombi 3000/InterCombi
stry, iron and steel plants, for bridge and tunnel con-
struction, in the air and space industries as well as road
Powerful drive system haulage around the world.

Our programme

Power Pack Unit provides power Hydrostatic wheel drive in the Drive axles proved and tested
for drive, lift and steering twin-tyred pendulum axles countless times over

InterCombi series mobile with the SPMT 3000

The SPMT 3000 can be coupled the steering can be adapted Off-shore/Industry Shipbuilding Metallurgy
with other heavy load trailer according to the possibilities
combinations of the InterCombi available within the trailer units.
series. If the SPMT 3000 is used
in a vehicle group with mechani- Lateral coupling of two SPMT vehicles, operated with only one Power Pack Unit
cally-steered InterCombi units,

We reserve the right to change construction and design

Bridge and tunnel construction Air and space industries Driverless transport system

SPMT 2430 the benchmark for self-propelled

heavy duty modules
The technology of the SPMT
3000 is based on the experience
SPMT 3000
the self-propelled, electronically steered heavy load combination
gained by SCHEUERLE through
the development and production
of over 2,000 axle lines in the
SPMT series. Loads weighing Road transportation Road/Industry Terminal logistics/ports

0407 English
more than 15,000 tonnes have
already been transported using
SPMT heavy load combinations
Combination of SPMT and InterCombi units in a freely-arranged grouping
Turn mass into motion!

SPMT 3000
Member of TII Group
SCHEUERLE Fahrzeugfabrik GmbH hringer Strae 16 74629 Pfedelbach Germany Transporter Industry
Telefon: ++49(0)7941/691-0 Fax 691-333 International GmbH
SPMT 3000
wide, deep, strong + electronically steered
SPMT 3000 Experience from developing more than 2000 electronically-
steered units
STEPS.3 steering technology Axles Combinations (examples) Total Payload Tractive Gradient
weight max.* force
The new self-propelled SPMT 3000 platform modular From here, all other transporter units are sent appro-
transporter series is equipped with "STEPS.3 steering priate control commands for steering, traction drive,
technology" (SCHEUERLE Transport Electronic Processor braking etc. irrespective of the number of vehicles in 4 160 t 144 t 320 kN 16 %
System, 3rd Generation). This latest generation covers the group.
all further developments in the vehicle sector and gua-
rantees compatibility to the SPMT 2430 modular trans-
porter generation. 6 240 t 216 t 320 kN 10 %

With STEPS.3, SCHEUERLE offers reliable control tech- Master Unit Unit 3
nology for the special requirements in heavy load
SPMT 3000 your benefits transportation which synchronizes all functions bet-
ween individual vehicle units. Within a group, a trans- 14 560 t 504 t 960 kN 14 %
lower construction, extremely the experience gained from the de-
porter unit is defined as the so-called "master unit".
loadable and reliable velopment, production and practical Unit 2 Unit 4

use of more than 2000 axle lines of

wide wheel track for high stability
driven heavy load combinations 20 800 t 720 t 1280 kN 12.8 %
self-developed control technology, Mechanically-coupled vehicle combination or as a freely-arranged grouping
can be combined without any restri-
functional and dependable MU MU Coupling by means of coupling
ctions to the worlds largest elec- elements (spacers) or using only
axle compensation +350/-300 mm tronically-steered fleet of vehicles a data link up to a distance of
Low, wide and strong the SPMT 3000 range for steering angle +/- 140 degree 999 m. 30 1200 t 1080 t 1920 kN 12.9 %
international network for sales,
transportation of oversize containers
service and after-sales RC = Remote Control MU = Master Unit = Spacer

SPMT 3000 Self Propelled Modular-Transporter

40 1600 t 1440 t 2560 kN 12.9 %
Deep, wide, strong
Three metres wide, lowerable down to width, same coupling equipment the Vehicle combinations
920 millimetres and equipped with twin- SPMT 3000 is the cost-effective addition in
48 1920 t 1728 t 2880 kN 11.9 %
tyres these are the features of the new order to be able to create self-propelling
SPMT 3000 heavy load range from transport units with available InterCombi
SCHEUERLE. The hydrostatically-driven modules. Data based on the following figures: 4-axle module Type PEKZ 140.8.4 3000 Dead weight 14 t
combination vehicle is available in four or Group of four units T-combination Y-combination V-combination Circular combination Speed 0.5 km/h Rolling resistance 0.03 6-axle module Type PEKZ 210.12.4 3000 Dead weight 24 t

six-axle versions. The Power-Pack Unit

* Payload in each case minus the weight of the Power Pack Unit (PPU = Z 340MA 7.2 t).
PPU Z 340 provides the energy for the
hydrostatically propelled and electronical- Steering modes
ly steered transporter. Driving modes such
as standard, circular, diagonal and trans-
PEKZ 140.8.4 3000 PEKZ 210.12.4 3000
versal can be comfortably carried out with
the steering program of the SPMT 3000 Diagonal stee- Diagonal stee- Independent Circular drive All-wheel stee- All-wheel stee- +/- 140
Reference speed 10 km/h 5 km/h 1 km/h 0.5 km/h 10 km/h 5 km/h 1 km/h 0.5 km/h
ring (longitudi- ring (trans- steering (fixed program) ring (longitudi- ring (trans- Steering angle
regardless whether with an individual nal) verse) nal) verse)
Perm. total weight approx. kg 112,000 136,000 144,000 160,000 168,000 180,000 192,000 216,000
vehicle or a complete vehicle group.
Perm. axle load approx. kg 28,000 34,000 36,000 40,000 28,000 34,000 36,000 40,000
The SPMT 3000 modular construction kit

-300 +350
Pendulum axles in total 8 8 8 8 12 12 12 12
The tractor unit for the InterCombi

830 mm

830 mm
Naturally, the SPMT 3000 can also be cou- Driving axles 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4

pled with trailer modules from the Inter- The large axle compensation guarantees Braking axles 4 4 4 4 8 8 8 8
6,000 mm 9,000 mm 3,000 mm 4,200 mm 2,850 mm
uniform load distribution 4-axle SPMT 6-axle SPMT Front view
Combi programme. Same height, same Drive unit PPU Z340 No. of wheels 215/75 R 17.5 32 32 32 32 48 48 48 48
PPU Z340 (front view)
SPMT 3000
wide, deep, strong + electronically steered
SPMT 3000 Experience from developing more than 2000 electronically-
steered units
STEPS.3 steering technology Axles Combinations (examples) Total Payload Tractive Gradient
weight max.* force
The new self-propelled SPMT 3000 platform modular From here, all other transporter units are sent appro-
transporter series is equipped with "STEPS.3 steering priate control commands for steering, traction drive,
technology" (SCHEUERLE Transport Electronic Processor braking etc. irrespective of the number of vehicles in 4 160 t 144 t 320 kN 16 %
System, 3rd Generation). This latest generation covers the group.
all further developments in the vehicle sector and gua-
rantees compatibility to the SPMT 2430 modular trans-
porter generation. 6 240 t 216 t 320 kN 10 %

With STEPS.3, SCHEUERLE offers reliable control tech- Master Unit Unit 3
nology for the special requirements in heavy load
SPMT 3000 your benefits transportation which synchronizes all functions bet-
ween individual vehicle units. Within a group, a trans- 14 560 t 504 t 960 kN 14 %
lower construction, extremely the experience gained from the de-
porter unit is defined as the so-called "master unit".
loadable and reliable velopment, production and practical Unit 2 Unit 4

use of more than 2000 axle lines of

wide wheel track for high stability
driven heavy load combinations 20 800 t 720 t 1280 kN 12.8 %
self-developed control technology, Mechanically-coupled vehicle combination or as a freely-arranged grouping
can be combined without any restri-
functional and dependable MU MU Coupling by means of coupling
ctions to the worlds largest elec- elements (spacers) or using only
axle compensation +350/-300 mm tronically-steered fleet of vehicles a data link up to a distance of
Low, wide and strong the SPMT 3000 range for steering angle +/- 140 degree 999 m. 30 1200 t 1080 t 1920 kN 12.9 %
international network for sales,
transportation of oversize containers
service and after-sales RC = Remote Control MU = Master Unit = Spacer

SPMT 3000 Self Propelled Modular-Transporter

40 1600 t 1440 t 2560 kN 12.9 %
Deep, wide, strong
Three metres wide, lowerable down to width, same coupling equipment the Vehicle combinations
920 millimetres and equipped with twin- SPMT 3000 is the cost-effective addition in
48 1920 t 1728 t 2880 kN 11.9 %
tyres these are the features of the new order to be able to create self-propelling
SPMT 3000 heavy load range from transport units with available InterCombi
SCHEUERLE. The hydrostatically-driven modules. Data based on the following figures: 4-axle module Type PEKZ 140.8.4 3000 Dead weight 14 t
combination vehicle is available in four or Group of four units T-combination Y-combination V-combination Circular combination Speed 0.5 km/h Rolling resistance 0.03 6-axle module Type PEKZ 210.12.4 3000 Dead weight 24 t

six-axle versions. The Power-Pack Unit

* Payload in each case minus the weight of the Power Pack Unit (PPU = Z 340MA 7.2 t).
PPU Z 340 provides the energy for the
hydrostatically propelled and electronical- Steering modes
ly steered transporter. Driving modes such
as standard, circular, diagonal and trans-
PEKZ 140.8.4 3000 PEKZ 210.12.4 3000
versal can be comfortably carried out with
the steering program of the SPMT 3000 Diagonal stee- Diagonal stee- Independent Circular drive All-wheel stee- All-wheel stee- +/- 140
Reference speed 10 km/h 5 km/h 1 km/h 0.5 km/h 10 km/h 5 km/h 1 km/h 0.5 km/h
ring (longitudi- ring (trans- steering (fixed program) ring (longitudi- ring (trans- Steering angle
regardless whether with an individual nal) verse) nal) verse)
Perm. total weight approx. kg 112,000 136,000 144,000 160,000 168,000 180,000 192,000 216,000
vehicle or a complete vehicle group.
Perm. axle load approx. kg 28,000 34,000 36,000 40,000 28,000 34,000 36,000 40,000
The SPMT 3000 modular construction kit

-300 +350
Pendulum axles in total 8 8 8 8 12 12 12 12
The tractor unit for the InterCombi

830 mm

830 mm
Naturally, the SPMT 3000 can also be cou- Driving axles 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4

pled with trailer modules from the Inter- The large axle compensation guarantees Braking axles 4 4 4 4 8 8 8 8
6,000 mm 9,000 mm 3,000 mm 4,200 mm 2,850 mm
uniform load distribution 4-axle SPMT 6-axle SPMT Front view
Combi programme. Same height, same Drive unit PPU Z340 No. of wheels 215/75 R 17.5 32 32 32 32 48 48 48 48
PPU Z340 (front view)
SPMT 3000
wide, deep, strong + electronically steered
SPMT 3000 Experience from developing more than 2000 electronically-
steered units
STEPS.3 steering technology Axles Combinations (examples) Total Payload Tractive Gradient
weight max.* force
The new self-propelled SPMT 3000 platform modular From here, all other transporter units are sent appro-
transporter series is equipped with "STEPS.3 steering priate control commands for steering, traction drive,
technology" (SCHEUERLE Transport Electronic Processor braking etc. irrespective of the number of vehicles in 4 160 t 144 t 320 kN 16 %
System, 3rd Generation). This latest generation covers the group.
all further developments in the vehicle sector and gua-
rantees compatibility to the SPMT 2430 modular trans-
porter generation. 6 240 t 216 t 320 kN 10 %

With STEPS.3, SCHEUERLE offers reliable control tech- Master Unit Unit 3
nology for the special requirements in heavy load
SPMT 3000 your benefits transportation which synchronizes all functions bet-
ween individual vehicle units. Within a group, a trans- 14 560 t 504 t 960 kN 14 %
lower construction, extremely the experience gained from the de-
porter unit is defined as the so-called "master unit".
loadable and reliable velopment, production and practical Unit 2 Unit 4

use of more than 2000 axle lines of

wide wheel track for high stability
driven heavy load combinations 20 800 t 720 t 1280 kN 12.8 %
self-developed control technology, Mechanically-coupled vehicle combination or as a freely-arranged grouping
can be combined without any restri-
functional and dependable MU MU Coupling by means of coupling
ctions to the worlds largest elec- elements (spacers) or using only
axle compensation +350/-300 mm tronically-steered fleet of vehicles a data link up to a distance of
Low, wide and strong the SPMT 3000 range for steering angle +/- 140 degree 999 m. 30 1200 t 1080 t 1920 kN 12.9 %
international network for sales,
transportation of oversize containers
service and after-sales RC = Remote Control MU = Master Unit = Spacer

SPMT 3000 Self Propelled Modular-Transporter

40 1600 t 1440 t 2560 kN 12.9 %
Deep, wide, strong
Three metres wide, lowerable down to width, same coupling equipment the Vehicle combinations
920 millimetres and equipped with twin- SPMT 3000 is the cost-effective addition in
48 1920 t 1728 t 2880 kN 11.9 %
tyres these are the features of the new order to be able to create self-propelling
SPMT 3000 heavy load range from transport units with available InterCombi
SCHEUERLE. The hydrostatically-driven modules. Data based on the following figures: 4-axle module Type PEKZ 140.8.4 3000 Dead weight 14 t
combination vehicle is available in four or Group of four units T-combination Y-combination V-combination Circular combination Speed 0.5 km/h Rolling resistance 0.03 6-axle module Type PEKZ 210.12.4 3000 Dead weight 24 t

six-axle versions. The Power-Pack Unit

* Payload in each case minus the weight of the Power Pack Unit (PPU = Z 340MA 7.2 t).
PPU Z 340 provides the energy for the
hydrostatically propelled and electronical- Steering modes
ly steered transporter. Driving modes such
as standard, circular, diagonal and trans-
PEKZ 140.8.4 3000 PEKZ 210.12.4 3000
versal can be comfortably carried out with
the steering program of the SPMT 3000 Diagonal stee- Diagonal stee- Independent Circular drive All-wheel stee- All-wheel stee- +/- 140
Reference speed 10 km/h 5 km/h 1 km/h 0.5 km/h 10 km/h 5 km/h 1 km/h 0.5 km/h
ring (longitudi- ring (trans- steering (fixed program) ring (longitudi- ring (trans- Steering angle
regardless whether with an individual nal) verse) nal) verse)
Perm. total weight approx. kg 112,000 136,000 144,000 160,000 168,000 180,000 192,000 216,000
vehicle or a complete vehicle group.
Perm. axle load approx. kg 28,000 34,000 36,000 40,000 28,000 34,000 36,000 40,000
The SPMT 3000 modular construction kit

-300 +350
Pendulum axles in total 8 8 8 8 12 12 12 12
The tractor unit for the InterCombi

830 mm

830 mm
Naturally, the SPMT 3000 can also be cou- Driving axles 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4

pled with trailer modules from the Inter- The large axle compensation guarantees Braking axles 4 4 4 4 8 8 8 8
6,000 mm 9,000 mm 3,000 mm 4,200 mm 2,850 mm
uniform load distribution 4-axle SPMT 6-axle SPMT Front view
Combi programme. Same height, same Drive unit PPU Z340 No. of wheels 215/75 R 17.5 32 32 32 32 48 48 48 48
PPU Z340 (front view)
SPMT 3000
wide, deep, strong + electronically steered
SPMT 3000 Experience from developing more than 2000 electronically-
steered units
STEPS.3 steering technology Axles Combinations (examples) Total Payload Tractive Gradient
weight max.* force
The new self-propelled SPMT 3000 platform modular From here, all other transporter units are sent appro-
transporter series is equipped with "STEPS.3 steering priate control commands for steering, traction drive,
technology" (SCHEUERLE Transport Electronic Processor braking etc. irrespective of the number of vehicles in 4 160 t 144 t 320 kN 16 %
System, 3rd Generation). This latest generation covers the group.
all further developments in the vehicle sector and gua-
rantees compatibility to the SPMT 2430 modular trans-
porter generation. 6 240 t 216 t 320 kN 10 %

With STEPS.3, SCHEUERLE offers reliable control tech- Master Unit Unit 3
nology for the special requirements in heavy load
SPMT 3000 your benefits transportation which synchronizes all functions bet-
ween individual vehicle units. Within a group, a trans- 14 560 t 504 t 960 kN 14 %
lower construction, extremely the experience gained from the de-
porter unit is defined as the so-called "master unit".
loadable and reliable velopment, production and practical Unit 2 Unit 4

use of more than 2000 axle lines of

wide wheel track for high stability
driven heavy load combinations 20 800 t 720 t 1280 kN 12.8 %
self-developed control technology, Mechanically-coupled vehicle combination or as a freely-arranged grouping
can be combined without any restri-
functional and dependable MU MU Coupling by means of coupling
ctions to the worlds largest elec- elements (spacers) or using only
axle compensation +350/-300 mm tronically-steered fleet of vehicles a data link up to a distance of
Low, wide and strong the SPMT 3000 range for steering angle +/- 140 degree 999 m. 30 1200 t 1080 t 1920 kN 12.9 %
international network for sales,
transportation of oversize containers
service and after-sales RC = Remote Control MU = Master Unit = Spacer

SPMT 3000 Self Propelled Modular-Transporter

40 1600 t 1440 t 2560 kN 12.9 %
Deep, wide, strong
Three metres wide, lowerable down to width, same coupling equipment the Vehicle combinations
920 millimetres and equipped with twin- SPMT 3000 is the cost-effective addition in
48 1920 t 1728 t 2880 kN 11.9 %
tyres these are the features of the new order to be able to create self-propelling
SPMT 3000 heavy load range from transport units with available InterCombi
SCHEUERLE. The hydrostatically-driven modules. Data based on the following figures: 4-axle module Type PEKZ 140.8.4 3000 Dead weight 14 t
combination vehicle is available in four or Group of four units T-combination Y-combination V-combination Circular combination Speed 0.5 km/h Rolling resistance 0.03 6-axle module Type PEKZ 210.12.4 3000 Dead weight 24 t

six-axle versions. The Power-Pack Unit

* Payload in each case minus the weight of the Power Pack Unit (PPU = Z 340MA 7.2 t).
PPU Z 340 provides the energy for the
hydrostatically propelled and electronical- Steering modes
ly steered transporter. Driving modes such
as standard, circular, diagonal and trans-
PEKZ 140.8.4 3000 PEKZ 210.12.4 3000
versal can be comfortably carried out with
the steering program of the SPMT 3000 Diagonal stee- Diagonal stee- Independent Circular drive All-wheel stee- All-wheel stee- +/- 140
Reference speed 10 km/h 5 km/h 1 km/h 0.5 km/h 10 km/h 5 km/h 1 km/h 0.5 km/h
ring (longitudi- ring (trans- steering (fixed program) ring (longitudi- ring (trans- Steering angle
regardless whether with an individual nal) verse) nal) verse)
Perm. total weight approx. kg 112,000 136,000 144,000 160,000 168,000 180,000 192,000 216,000
vehicle or a complete vehicle group.
Perm. axle load approx. kg 28,000 34,000 36,000 40,000 28,000 34,000 36,000 40,000
The SPMT 3000 modular construction kit

-300 +350
Pendulum axles in total 8 8 8 8 12 12 12 12
The tractor unit for the InterCombi

830 mm

830 mm
Naturally, the SPMT 3000 can also be cou- Driving axles 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4

pled with trailer modules from the Inter- The large axle compensation guarantees Braking axles 4 4 4 4 8 8 8 8
6,000 mm 9,000 mm 3,000 mm 4,200 mm 2,850 mm
uniform load distribution 4-axle SPMT 6-axle SPMT Front view
Combi programme. Same height, same Drive unit PPU Z340 No. of wheels 215/75 R 17.5 32 32 32 32 48 48 48 48
PPU Z340 (front view)
Strong connections

with the worldwide largest electronically-steered
EXPERTISE Scheuerle at a glance
modular transporter fleet

Connection of hydraulics and electro- Centering actuator for raising and On request: hydraulic bolting
Heavy Duty Transport created by SCHEUERLE
nics through quick-release couplers lowering of the Power Pack Unit device
The history of heavy duty transporters across the world Since 1987, SCHEUERLE Fahrzeugfabrik GmbH has
Precise control operations is closely connected with the name of SCHEUERLE. The been part of the TII Group (Transporter Industry
SCHEUERLE Fahrzeugfabrik GmbH has its origins in a International) belonging to the German industrialist,
forge founded by Christian Scheuerle in 1869. His Otto Rettenmaier.
grandson, Willy Scheuerle, began the development of
heavy duty transportation vehicles in 1937. Willys inno-
vative ideas have inspired the entire industry and revo-
lutionized the transport of the heaviest loads in many
sectors of industry. Thus, heavy duty vehicles from
Connection adapter for SPMT 2430 with Combination of SPMT 2430 with SPMT
SCHEUERLE are used in shipyards, the offshore indu-
Remote control with cable connection Radio remote control Functional control panel SPMT 3000/InterCombi 3000/InterCombi
stry, iron and steel plants, for bridge and tunnel con-
struction, in the air and space industries as well as road
Powerful drive system haulage around the world.

Our programme

Power Pack Unit provides power Hydrostatic wheel drive in the Drive axles proved and tested
for drive, lift and steering twin-tyred pendulum axles countless times over

InterCombi series mobile with the SPMT 3000

The SPMT 3000 can be coupled the steering can be adapted Off-shore/Industry Shipbuilding Metallurgy
with other heavy load trailer according to the possibilities
combinations of the InterCombi available within the trailer units.
series. If the SPMT 3000 is used
in a vehicle group with mechani- Lateral coupling of two SPMT vehicles, operated with only one Power Pack Unit
cally-steered InterCombi units,

We reserve the right to change construction and design

Bridge and tunnel construction Air and space industries Driverless transport system

SPMT 2430 the benchmark for self-propelled

heavy duty modules
The technology of the SPMT
3000 is based on the experience
SPMT 3000
the self-propelled, electronically steered heavy load combination
gained by SCHEUERLE through
the development and production
of over 2,000 axle lines in the
SPMT series. Loads weighing Road transportation Road/Industry Terminal logistics/ports

0407 English
more than 15,000 tonnes have
already been transported using
SPMT heavy load combinations
Combination of SPMT and InterCombi units in a freely-arranged grouping
Turn mass into motion!

SPMT 3000
Member of TII Group
SCHEUERLE Fahrzeugfabrik GmbH hringer Strae 16 74629 Pfedelbach Germany Transporter Industry
Telefon: ++49(0)7941/691-0 Fax 691-333 International GmbH
Strong connections

with the worldwide largest electronically-steered
EXPERTISE Scheuerle at a glance
modular transporter fleet

Connection of hydraulics and electro- Centering actuator for raising and On request: hydraulic bolting
Heavy Duty Transport created by SCHEUERLE
nics through quick-release couplers lowering of the Power Pack Unit device
The history of heavy duty transporters across the world Since 1987, SCHEUERLE Fahrzeugfabrik GmbH has
Precise control operations is closely connected with the name of SCHEUERLE. The been part of the TII Group (Transporter Industry
SCHEUERLE Fahrzeugfabrik GmbH has its origins in a International) belonging to the German industrialist,
forge founded by Christian Scheuerle in 1869. His Otto Rettenmaier.
grandson, Willy Scheuerle, began the development of
heavy duty transportation vehicles in 1937. Willys inno-
vative ideas have inspired the entire industry and revo-
lutionized the transport of the heaviest loads in many
sectors of industry. Thus, heavy duty vehicles from
Connection adapter for SPMT 2430 with Combination of SPMT 2430 with SPMT
SCHEUERLE are used in shipyards, the offshore indu-
Remote control with cable connection Radio remote control Functional control panel SPMT 3000/InterCombi 3000/InterCombi
stry, iron and steel plants, for bridge and tunnel con-
struction, in the air and space industries as well as road
Powerful drive system haulage around the world.

Our programme

Power Pack Unit provides power Hydrostatic wheel drive in the Drive axles proved and tested
for drive, lift and steering twin-tyred pendulum axles countless times over

InterCombi series mobile with the SPMT 3000

The SPMT 3000 can be coupled the steering can be adapted Off-shore/Industry Shipbuilding Metallurgy
with other heavy load trailer according to the possibilities
combinations of the InterCombi available within the trailer units.
series. If the SPMT 3000 is used
in a vehicle group with mechani- Lateral coupling of two SPMT vehicles, operated with only one Power Pack Unit
cally-steered InterCombi units,

We reserve the right to change construction and design

Bridge and tunnel construction Air and space industries Driverless transport system

SPMT 2430 the benchmark for self-propelled

heavy duty modules
The technology of the SPMT
3000 is based on the experience
SPMT 3000
the self-propelled, electronically steered heavy load combination
gained by SCHEUERLE through
the development and production
of over 2,000 axle lines in the
SPMT series. Loads weighing Road transportation Road/Industry Terminal logistics/ports

0407 English
more than 15,000 tonnes have
already been transported using
SPMT heavy load combinations
Combination of SPMT and InterCombi units in a freely-arranged grouping
Turn mass into motion!

SPMT 3000
Member of TII Group
SCHEUERLE Fahrzeugfabrik GmbH hringer Strae 16 74629 Pfedelbach Germany Transporter Industry
Telefon: ++49(0)7941/691-0 Fax 691-333 International GmbH
Strong connections

with the worldwide largest electronically-steered
EXPERTISE Scheuerle at a glance
modular transporter fleet

Connection of hydraulics and electro- Centering actuator for raising and On request: hydraulic bolting
Heavy Duty Transport created by SCHEUERLE
nics through quick-release couplers lowering of the Power Pack Unit device
The history of heavy duty transporters across the world Since 1987, SCHEUERLE Fahrzeugfabrik GmbH has
Precise control operations is closely connected with the name of SCHEUERLE. The been part of the TII Group (Transporter Industry
SCHEUERLE Fahrzeugfabrik GmbH has its origins in a International) belonging to the German industrialist,
forge founded by Christian Scheuerle in 1869. His Otto Rettenmaier.
grandson, Willy Scheuerle, began the development of
heavy duty transportation vehicles in 1937. Willys inno-
vative ideas have inspired the entire industry and revo-
lutionized the transport of the heaviest loads in many
sectors of industry. Thus, heavy duty vehicles from
Connection adapter for SPMT 2430 with Combination of SPMT 2430 with SPMT
SCHEUERLE are used in shipyards, the offshore indu-
Remote control with cable connection Radio remote control Functional control panel SPMT 3000/InterCombi 3000/InterCombi
stry, iron and steel plants, for bridge and tunnel con-
struction, in the air and space industries as well as road
Powerful drive system haulage around the world.

Our programme

Power Pack Unit provides power Hydrostatic wheel drive in the Drive axles proved and tested
for drive, lift and steering twin-tyred pendulum axles countless times over

InterCombi series mobile with the SPMT 3000

The SPMT 3000 can be coupled the steering can be adapted Off-shore/Industry Shipbuilding Metallurgy
with other heavy load trailer according to the possibilities
combinations of the InterCombi available within the trailer units.
series. If the SPMT 3000 is used
in a vehicle group with mechani- Lateral coupling of two SPMT vehicles, operated with only one Power Pack Unit
cally-steered InterCombi units,

We reserve the right to change construction and design

Bridge and tunnel construction Air and space industries Driverless transport system

SPMT 2430 the benchmark for self-propelled

heavy duty modules
The technology of the SPMT
3000 is based on the experience
SPMT 3000
the self-propelled, electronically steered heavy load combination
gained by SCHEUERLE through
the development and production
of over 2,000 axle lines in the
SPMT series. Loads weighing Road transportation Road/Industry Terminal logistics/ports

0407 English
more than 15,000 tonnes have
already been transported using
SPMT heavy load combinations
Combination of SPMT and InterCombi units in a freely-arranged grouping
Turn mass into motion!

SPMT 3000
Member of TII Group
SCHEUERLE Fahrzeugfabrik GmbH hringer Strae 16 74629 Pfedelbach Germany Transporter Industry
Telefon: ++49(0)7941/691-0 Fax 691-333 International GmbH
Weldex / Great Britain
Appendixto Offer 07-1436-40

SCHEUERLE 6-and4-axleModuleUnit,systemSPMT3000,TYPEHYE140.8.4
and210.12.4designbasicallyas per listeddrawings;
designedas 6-and4-axle
on bothends,
6-axle unit Type SPMT 3000 HYE N o .4 1 7. 1 . O . 2 2 . 0 1
4-axle unit Type SPMT 3000 HYE N o .4 1 7 . 1 . 0 . 1 4 . 0 1
PPU Z 340 MA HYE N o .4 1 7 . 1 . 0 . 3 4 . 0 1
4-axleunit 6-axleunit

TypeHYE140.8.4 TypeHYE210.12.4

Speed: 0,5 km/h 0,5 km/h

Payloadcapacity: approx. 144.400kg 216.600 kg
Grossweight: 160.000kg 240.000kg
UnitweightwithoutPPU: approx. 15.600kg 23.400kg
Weightof PPU approx. 6.100kg 6 . 1 0 0k g
Axle load: 4 x 6x 40.000kg
Pendulumaxle load:8 x 12x 20.000kg
Tires: 32148
nos.,size215175R 17,5;twintires
mountedon taperedrims,proprietary brand
Loadingarea: 6.000mmx 3.000mm
9.000mm x 3.000mm
Loadingheight: 1.220+350/-300 mm
Lowestposition 920mm
Totallift: 650mm
Axledistance: 3/5 x 1 . 5 0 0m m
Steeringangel +l- 140"
Tractiveforce(4 drivependulumaxles): 320kN
UnladenatO o/ogradient: up to 14,8km/h
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SCHEUERLEFahzeugfabrikGmbH Geschftsfhrer/Presidents:
OehringerStr. 16 UlrichBochtler,Hans-JrgHabernegg
74629Pfedelbach Germany Trade RegisterNo HRB 580469
Phone++49(0)7941 -0
1691 AmtsgerichtStuttgart
Fax ++49(0)7941/691 SiE der Gesellschaft:Pfedelbach Member of Tll Group
E-- VAT ld. No.EU:DE 811 368 174 I lQp rran"porter tndustry Tax Reg.No.GER:76003/00268 UUU tnternationalGmbH
Weldex / Great Britain
Appendixto Offer 07-1436-40
ability(6-axlecombi.)at 240.000kg grossweightup to
Max.climbing 10 Yo
Max.climbing combi.)at 400.000kg grossweightup to 12 %

. Twelve/eight(1218)pendulumaxles,thereoffour(4) drivependulumaxles
eachwithhydrostatic by meansof integrated
self-propulsion axialvariable
displacement forceeachpendulum
motors,nominaltractive axlemax.80
. EighVfour(8/4)brakependulumaxleswithpneumatically operatedbrake.
. Moduleunitequipped withelectronically digitalcontrolled
- multidirectional
steeringwith directlyselectablebasicsteeringprograms.
Steeringrange+140"(similaras per drawingNo. 92.1000.64-4, pageAB
. SCHEUERLE hydromotorsteeringsystemwith a steeringangleof t 140
degree. The steeringmomentwill be transferred to the runninggear by
one hydraulic motor.
Whenmovingin a compound, the greatsteering angleof r 140' allowsthe
compound increased flexibilityand maneuverability.

The SCHEUERLE Transporter SPMT3000includesa computer-controlled

all-directionalelectronic steering system lending it extraordinary
The special design concept employs infinitelycontrolledproportional
valves,one hydraulicmotor,step-lesssteering(an importantfeaturefor
accuratepositioning) withverylowsteeringforces.
designedelectronic components for steeringelectronics.
Analogously operating electricsystemfor safetyand emergency function.
Shieldedexternalglobaldata bus systemconsistingof one (1) cable
integratingall electronic
Hydraulicaxle load compensationwith hydraulicaxle support and
systemfor 3- and 4-pointsupportat free programmabilityof the
supportinggroups.Arrangementby means of single connectionand
disconnection of the axle lines.Additionalstopcockfor pressurereliefon
eachpendulum axle.
Overspeed protection system, electronicallycontrolledASR-system,
in the systemto protectthe hydraulic
integrated drivemotors.
Hosefracturesafetyvalvesto protectthe systemfrom hosepipefailure.

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Weldex / Great Britain
Appendixto Offer 07-1436-40

Loadingplatformwith steel platecovering.Heavylow-positioned lamellar

couplingon both longitudinal sides. Lateralsides providedwith side
couplingdevicesfor side-by-side configuration.Clearlystructuredlateral
Centralhigh-webbedsectionalmain beam of the platformand strong
lamellarend-to-end-coupling. Bolt lamellarcouplingat front and rear.
Lamellarconstruction operatedcouplingbolt.Mainframe
with hydraulically
as integratedhollowconstruction (boxtype)designedfor max. side and
torsionstabilityin straight,evenconstruction.
Bendingmomentsin positiveand negativeloadforcedirectionin the X-X
axismin.715mt (7.150KNm).
High-tensiletensionboltswithinthe uppercoupling level..
Hydraulicconnectionlines as far as technicallypossiblereducedto a
minimum for allcombinations.
Paint:Standard, colourat customer'spreference.
SPMT3000-HYEunitsdirectlycoupledto standardInterCombiunits,lC,
t No heightdifferences betweenSPMT3000unitsand lC units.
Steeringoperatinglinesfor standardInterCombiunits installedin the

Steering,lifting,loweringand brakingoperationsof the front-coupled
SPMT-units are activatedfromthe PPUZ 340 HYE.
Moduleunitscompletely equippedand testedas singleunitsand in the
Moduleunitsequippedand suitablefor environmental conditions
high humidityin coastalareas.Operationwithina temperaturerangeof
-20"Cup to +40"C.
Moduleunitsinterchangeable withinthe relevant
Shortoperatinginstructions and nominatedname platesof the operating
panelsin EnglishandGermanlanguage.
Operating manual,maintenance manualin Englishand Germanand spare
partslistsin duplicate andin Englishlanguage.
Moduleunitsfunctioning, testedand readyto be put intooperation.

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