Mammoet 2005 PDF
Mammoet 2005 PDF
Mammoet 2005 PDF
VAN SEUMEREN GROUP VAN SEUMEREN GROUP worldwide specialists in heavy lifting and w
t roarnl d
spwoi d
r te s p e c i a l i s t s i n h e a v y l i f t i n g a n d t r a n s p o r t
Knowledge sharing
All courses are based on the best seeking feed back from counselees and by adding new ‘best is doing which job. Major clients and local hires alike, our cus-
practices, sampled from the rich practices’ to the body of the courses. In some cases, we trans- tomers must be sure about our compliance with safety regula-
Mammoet history. As Natasja lated courses to local languages, like Urdu.” tions, environmental care and of course, the competence of the
Sesink, Manager Human Resources, people who provide the quality of what we do. It is completely
explains: “Most of these courses Programming and the actual presentation of courses is the understandable that customers explicitly request proof of our
have a theoretical module with a responsibility of about a dozen operational managers. These safety, environmental and quality levels, before awarding us
theory exam and a practical module people also play an important role in the course development their contracts. Thus, we have to make a manifest that the QSE
facilitated with the necessary equip- teams. In fact, they write major parts of the course. All have a rules and standards are really implemented in the knowledge
ment. If the results of both exams solid engineering back ground and, of course, adequate field and skills of our people, the T&DP helps ensure this.” Bryan fur-
are at a sufficient level, the counse- practice. A course is never ‘ready’ as Natasja said. It requires ther explains that he and Roderik are in the middle of a ‘road
lee obtains his Certificate. As we constant reviews and revision: the real knowledge sharing show’ to present the T&DP, its courses and the new Corporate
from the HRM department run T&DP, process. While the current course programme is mainly intended Manual in all regional offices. As he says: “These presentations
it is important to note that the development of these courses for operational tasks, the HRM department already embarked are targeted deliberately at the top of the management organi-
was done in dedicated teams that covered colleagues with on the development of courses for non-technical job support. zation. If the management shows in person they acknowledge
years of field practice. We do not want to load our employees “My personal goal is that this T&DP becomes one of the corner QSE and the T&DP, this good practice will be followed, filtered
with just theoretical knowledge only. The trick is to transform stones of the Mammoet culture. The Mammoet Standards and and copied down the line, into the veins of our global organiza-
this knowledge into practical terms and awareness. Hence, it is Certificates stand for rock solid quality, professionalism and tion. Our regional management feels this is the right thing to do.
about professional skills and behavior”. dedication. Some of our customers already demand a It enhances our already renowned efforts in training develop-
Mammoet rigging certificate or simular for rigging activities ment and QSE matters. Structured worldwide compliance and
Natasja also indicates that the T&DP programme is very well at their sites.” management learning information from our management sys-
received by all Mammoet personnel and by representatives of tems are often cited as the major advantages and I agree but I
many customers. It illustrated Mammoet’s willingness to make Bryan Cronie, Corporate would like to add something personal. Our field crews are often
huge investments in the personal development of its employees QSE Director, couldn’t considered as the last element in a long chain of preparations.
and to offer relevant career paths. “I know people would say agree more with Natasja, They make it happen and that is true. At the same time I con-
that this is what they would expect from a company like he said. He considers the sider them being the first element of another chain. Their
Mammoet and this is true. But to get this intention really work- T&DP is of utmost impor- behaviour, attitude, competence and skills make them the true
ing and operational is a tremendous effort, an achievement that tance in helping with the ambassadors of Mammoet, a pivot point where mutual confi-
we are proud of indeed. It should be noted that more than 60% integration, success and dence between the customer and Mammoet develops and is
of our worldwide personnel is based structurally outside the use of the recently intro- being fostered. Just knowing that the T&DP and the Full
Netherlands, with many having English only as a second lan- duced Corporate Safety Compliance Safety Culture incorporating a “right to refuse to
guage. This means the learning materials must be suited for Manual where the take un-assessed and uncontrolled risk” applies for all our
use in different cultures, must be kept effective and must be standards focus on a “Full Compliance Safety Culture” currently people, worldwide, makes me feel very satisfied and … proud.”
maintained continuously. The latter is triggered by actively being applied on a worldwide basis regardless of where or who
One of the leading developers of course materials is Michael van such as AutoCrane. The information generated by the different
Rijsewijk, an senior engineer and technical IT – specialist. He tailor made software programs is now in a standard form.
contributed to the theoretical parts of courses, for instance the Ensuring that the programs keep pace with developments in
Trailer Stability & Lashing Course. In fact, he actually gave this the concern will prevent the software from becoming outdated;
course module. “We had 23 counselees in five groups. During we will be also be able to accommodate specific requirements
the course I discovered their already very fine professional level stipulated by our clients and the users. Yes, it is tough for them,
of skills and our presentations added to that even more. At as we make long learning days, because normal operations
times they were critical and gave valuable feed back. This is often continue. It is Mammoet’s policy that we, as operational
exactly what we intend, because only in this way we can con- managers, also maintain our own skills by regularly managing
stantly maintain and improve our learning materials. Another on-site projects. I really love to be a teacher since I know my
training project that I managed was the training of engineers counselees are motivated, eager to learn and certainly not shy
around the globe on the use of our in-house developed software to give me feed back whenever that is needed.”
Highlight: and once again, we demonstrated that In close cooperation with the customer
Mammoet was commissioned to carry we always make the utmost effort to Mammoet is always looking to further
out scheduled maintenance work on ensure that every aspect of our job optimize planning and efficiency by
a number of process installations at satisfies our customers. The key to this getting the maximum out of people
plants in Pernis and Moerdijk. 84 cranes success is evident; it’s the staff who and equipment.
ranging from 8 to 400 tonnes as well ensure Mammoet’s achievements, from
as jacking and skidding equipment A to Z. It’s important to remember that Mammoet received e-mails and
were deployed at the two plants. Plans Mammoet staff’s families also played an responses of acknowledgement from
were designed for both plants at a very important role. They also felt the extra their cliënts in which they thank our
early stage of preparations and were pressure caused by the work in shifts firm for the quality of work and all
intended to avoid unpleasant surprises and at the weekends. The work carried efforts. The just renewed contract will
during the performance of the various out in shutdown periods is not always enable Mammoet to prove that selecting
shutdown jobs. An enormous workload simple and there will inevitably be Mammoet certainly is the right choice!
confronted Mammoet during this period issues in need of further improvement.
Highlight: the crane-drivers, the lift from the quay into the tank so that they could be used to lift the
On a Monday a horizontal CO2 storage tank the vessel went very smoothly; the inland ves- tank from the inland navigation vessel and
built by a tank construction company at sel was then able to depart to the Stürzelberg position it on the trailer. After 22.00 hours on
Nijkerk, the Netherlands, stood outside the industrial area near Dormagen in Germany’s the Thursday evening the tank was transported
factory ready for transport. The AC 500-1 with Ruhr region. by road, with a police escort, to its destination
an additional 40 tonnes of ballast was erected On its arrival at Dormagen the inland vessel eight kilometers from Dormagen. On the Friday
in the morning. The tank, with a weight of was unable to berth close to the quay. For this morning one of the cranes had been erected
74 tonnes, was 27 meters long and 5 meters reason two AC 500 1 cranes were deployed at the site, in accordance with the lifting plan,
tall and wide. Once the necessary slings, lift- for the next transfer. Thursday was a German so that it was ready to position the tank on its
ing beams and shackles had been hung on “Feiertag”, when cargo vehicles are prohib- two concrete supports.
the hook it was time to lift the tank - a very ited on the roads; for this reason the cranes
precise job, since we had to avoid damaging arrived at the site on the Wednesday. The lift-
the insulated tank. Thanks to the expertise of ing beams used in Nijkerk had accompanied
Return to Böhlen
Location Böhlen, Germany
Main equipment Main equipment: telescopic cranes, transport equipment
In Böhlen the first complete revision embedded
within the regular Shutdown at DOW Chemical
included most facilities such as a Cracker, a buta-
dien plant, a styrene plant and an aromates plant.
Fueled by Kyoto Protocol
Location Sarnia and Edmonton, Canada
Main equipment Strand jack towers, CC 2600, SPMTs
Highlight: supplied a large deck barge and 48 axle lines of SPMTs to receive the reactor
Thanks to new Canadian legislation sparked by the 1998 signing of the Kyoto from the ship. The reactor and another smaller vessel were promptly fastened
Protocol, all Canadian industry is now required to reduce greenhouse gas to a barge in preparation for an eight-kilometer voyage to the refinery. After
emissions over the next 15 years. In particular, Canadian oil companies are the ramps were installed on the quay and activated the pumps, the reac-
now required to produce ultra-low-sulphur-diesel (ULSD) fuel, which must be tor was transported from the barge to the refinery. At the location of a low
available to Canadian consumers by September 2006. ULSD fuel is created piperack the reactor was offloaded from the trailers, both turntables were
by stripping sulphur out of diesel fuel by means of a distillate hydrotreater removed and the reactor was re-loaded onto a double 18-line SPMT. The final
(DHT) process and accordingly, almost all refineries in Canada are install- approach could then be made to the lifting location, where a 50-meter high
ing a DHT reactor during the next 18 months. Mammoet Canada Eastern guyless strandjack tower was ready to lift. The reactor was rigged to the 900-
completed the first project of this type at a refinery in Sarnia. The 720-tonne tonne strandjack and a CC 2600 was ready to tail the vessel. The reactor was
reactor was fabricated in Italy and shipped to the Port of Sarnia. Mammoet erected in the short course of three hours.
Through the streets of Maptaphut
Location Location: Maptaphut, Thailand
Main equipment Main equipment: Scheuerle trailers
Maintenance work has been underway on the Gas Separation Plant Number
5 at the Western Industrial Estate, in Maptaphut, on the eastern seaboard of
Thailand. B&J Mammoet unloaded all the heavy equipment needed for the
project from five seagoing vessels. The cargo included a 75-meter depro-
panizer unit shipped to the Port of Maptaphut, where it was offloaded by
the vessel’s onboard cranes. This unit was 75.18 m long, 5.19 m in diameter
and weighed 320 tonnes. Two Big Sheuerler 8-axle trailers fitted with 300-
tonne turntables were used to transport the tank from the port to the plant.
All preparations had been completed in advance for the transport. The 11
km long route preparation included the complete pruning of six trees at the
first right turn after the port’s security exit, the temporary raising of numer-
ous power cables along the roads, the temporary removal of traffic lights and
power poles and the removal of a 20-meter section of the traffic island at the
entrance to the GSP5. Thanks to the help of all local authorities we could
complete the transport without problems. The initial 5 km was in the industrial
area; the mid-stage was over public roads.The tank was delivered safely, with
a minimum of fuss and delay, within five hours. Now we are looking forward
to once again breaking the local record for the longest cargo, in the course of
2005 we expect to transport a unit with a length of no less than 100.5 meters.
Highlight; offloaded from ships or barges using the RK 8500 and transported
Mammoet was contracted to execute lifting and transport operations to a temporary storage area on the port premises. On demand of the
of cargo for the Tengizchevroil project, an expansion of a refinery in client these units were loaded one by one onto railcars for further
Kazakhstan. As the construction site in Tengiz is not connected to inland transportation. For this reloading we applied a LR 1350 1 and
the Caspian Sea, all worldwide manufactured items were shipped the GC 260 gantry system since the weight of the vessels reached
to Aktau, the closest seaport to the construction site. All units were up to 444 tonnes with a maximum length of 66 meters.
Location North Island, New Zealand
Main equipment LR 1400
Biggest load ever moved
Location Richards Bay and Secunda, South Africa
Equipment Prime movers, Conventional trailers
Location Amsterdam and Lelystad, The Netherlands
Main equipment Tugs, Pontoons and SPMTs
Highlight: air bags. Once the jacks had been removed a binocu-
Mammoet launched a suction dredger with a length of lars and a shovel were used to move the suction dred-
52 meters a width of 11.5 meters and a pontoon height ger into the launch position. To keep control the crew
of 3 meters. The suction dredger, with a total weight of secured a winch to a ground anchor connected to the
about 300 tonnes, was to be assembled on the beach vessel’s stern. This was achieved by reeving the winch
in Frechen, Germany. First, the suction dredger was using sheaves. It was coming close to the end of the
mounted on eighteen 750-mm supports. Once the job and after a few speeches by the clients representa-
dredger had been jacked clear of the supports, they tives the suction dredger was launched by the Mayor
could be removed and replaced by the air bags. The of the village of Frechen. Hydraulic shears were used to
vessel had to be jacked up at a total of sixteen points cut through a sling secured to the winch; the dredger
to remove the supports. It was then time for the chang- then rolled under its own weight over the air bags into
ing of the guard and the suction dredger rested on the the water. Mission accomplished!
Head down!
Location Nieuwkoop, The Netherlands
Main equipment Pontoons, lifting installation
A 13 tonnes excavator had
fallen into the water, in the
middle of the reed beds
behind the “Nieuwkoopse
Plassen” lakes. The machine
Early christening of Dilbar was used for clearing the
worked peat grounds. The
top layer of the peat has
Location Alblasserdam and Schiedam, The Netherlands to be removed, to give rare
Main equipment SPMTs, pontoons, weighing and ballast system
orchids a chance to flower.
The big excavator was put
into a peat barge to deal
with this job. Only, it didn’t
Highlight: driven out with 48 axle lines SPMT. As the all go according to plan...
Mammoet recently moved one of the most pontoon didn’t level with the quayside, ten
exclusive yachts in Holland. The 1450 tonnes trucks/trailer combinations with steel ramps, The driver wanted to move onto land over the ramp of the barge when both tipped over.
four-storey high yacht has a large swimming wooden mats and steel plates were used to The four workers came out of it with nothing worse than wet clothes and a bit shocked.
pool, an on-board speed boat and guests fill out the difference. Once the yacht and the Retrieving a 13000 kilo crane from a ditch in the middle of a bog is no simple matter. “For
can relax in the enormous living room or one barge were pulled to a harbor in Schiedam, Mammoet this job was a nice challenge. The problem was that the ditches were only three
of the many guest rooms...take your pick! the rollover onto a smaller barge started. and a half meters wide and we needed at least 20 tonnes of lifting capacity,” says Theo van
Mammoet’s work consisted of weighing the Mammoet’s ballast system was used to keep der Ham, Mammoet’s Account Manager on the project. “We brought four small barges to the
yacht several times to determine the center both barges at the same level during the location and widened the ditch, so that we could put three barges side-by-side. On the mid-
of gravity, which will be necessary for it to transfer operation. Finally, BTS towed the dle one we erected a lifting installation with a winch and the main boom of the PC 75. The
float level in the water and to determine the smaller barge with the yacht into a floating fourth barge, lying behind the others, was filled with water and was used as a counterweight.
weight for transport. This involved to move dock. Here, the yacht was lowered into the The plan worked perfectly. Where a month ago the excavator was still under water, it was
the yacht out of the construction building in water and returned to Alblasserdam where the now dripping above the water without any problems and parked on terra firma.It was then the
Alblasserdam onto a pontoon, from where it building of The Dilbar will be completed. turn of the peat barge, which was pulled upright and pumped dry. The Mammoet crew then
was lowered into the water. The yacht was put the excavator on its caterpillar tracks and after that on the peat barge.
Scoring at Wembley
Location London, United Kingdom Highlight:
Main equipment Hydraulic and crawler cranes
Dortmund, Wednesday morning,
07.00: equipment delivered. This
time the job is to detach a railroad
bridge and move it 150 meters
art facilities are matched by a design that creates an away. The bridge is 102 meters
electric atmosphere – making it the ultimate stage for long, 7.5 meters wide and weighs
major events. Piet Schouten, Senior Project Manager at 880 tonnes. Our client received a
Mammoet is stationed at this project almost permanent- number of tenders for this job, but
ly and together with 30 other colleagues he is busy liter- no other tenderer came up with the
ally day and night to meet the deadline for the comple- idea to move the entire bridge in
tion. He comments: “At the moment there are about 13 one go – a solution which results
hydraulic cranes and another 11 crawler cranes on the in major savings for the client. The
go here. They vary from a 30-tonne hydraulic crane to a solution required a crawler crane
PC 4200 crawler crane. We also apply eight locally hired (LR 1750) at one end and 36 axle
cranes and another ten tower cranes that assist with lines SPMT at the other end. Once
the different types of work. The operators come from the engineering department made
both Holland and England and we are running day and all the calculations and prepared
night shifts. It’s a pretty complicated logistical planning all drawings, it is time to load the
Highlight: operation. For instance, for the grandstands, called the LR 1750 for the transport and then
The construction of the new Wembley Arena is in full ‘Bowl’ here, we have to install 12,000(!) floor parts. We erect it on the site; for this job the
swing. Once completed it will be the most spectacu- have two engineers on site permanently dealing with crane has 400 tonnes of superlift.
lar football stadium in the world, built to the highest all the lifting plans. The new stadium has to be ready in The SPMTs are coupled together
specifications, using the latest technology and offering spring 2006, when it will be officially commissioned for and the transport beams and the
every fan an unrivalled matchday experience. A team of the final of the FA Cup. This important event will be the supports are positioned on the trail-
internationally renowned architects, specially cooperat- first of many glorious events to come!” ers ready to transport the bridge at
ing for the project, has ensured that the state-of-the- the required height. Saturday after-
noon, 13.00; the move can begin.
The SPMTs are attached to the end
of the bridge using their hydraulic
systems to lift the bridge free, while
the LR 1750 moves on its crawlers
simultaneously on the other side
of the bridge. Only one hour was
needed to get the bridge to its new
location, minimizing the time the
railroad is closed; normal services
resumed that same afternoon.
Flying Saucers
Location Madrid, Spain
Equipment SPMTs
Highlight: rienced Mammoet specialists. The roof had to rest on four con- Mammoet received a response reading: “ Following the suc-
Mammoet positioned an enormous roof construction on a sta- crete columns. Each column is U-shaped when viewed from the cessful “Super lift”, we felt it was important to take a moment
dium in Glendale, Arizona, USA. The roof, with a span of 213 top. The structure was constructed on the ground and the lifting and express our sincere appreciation to Mammoet and the
meters, was lifted to the ridge of the stadium, at a height of 48 points were in the U-shape of each column. We designed a frame professional manner in which your important work at the new
meters. The weight of 5600 tonnes was lifted with eight strand to be placed on top of each column, fitted with two strand jacks. Cardinals Stadium was accomplished. Under your leadership,
jacks, each with a capacity of 900 tonnes. Jack Tol, Engineering Near the top of each column we took a ‘bite’ out of the concrete. Mammoet management, organization, people and support serv-
Manager, explains: “We had intensive meetings with our client for The roof was then raised to the top, above the bite. The transfer ices performed as promised and consistently met or exceeded
nearly one and a half years. Everything was planned to the finest girder was positioned in the bite and after careful lining up the all of our expectations.”
detail. Our job was to provide the required equipment and expe- roof could be lowered onto the transfer girder.”
Mammoet carried out an eye-catching project in the middle of New York
City, close to the famous Manhattan business area. The Third Avenue Bridge,
built in 1898, needed to be replaced by a new bridge. The new bridge, a
swing-type bridge carrying four traffic lanes into Manhattan will be installed
over the Harlem River. The bridge was manufactured in Mobile, Alabama and
was transported by barge to New York City a few weeks before. Mammoet
performed the load-out of the bridge from the quayside onto the barge. This
was contracted separately by the bridge fabricator. The project’s objective
was to transfer the 2000-tonne bridge from a large ocean barge onto two
smaller river barges, so that the bridge can be floated into its final position.
This was accomplished by rotating the bridge on the large barge with 72 axle
lines SPMT and then using ballasting to set the bridge down onto towers
placed on the smaller barges. The project went extremely well and our client
was very pleased with Mammoet’s performance. A film crew from Discovery
Channel even came to New York to film the entire operation for a new show,
“Ultimate Engineering”, to be broadcast in the new season. The bidding,
planning, engineering and preparation of this challenging project during the
past 2.5 years involved specialists from four Mammoet offices: Cambridge,
Schiedam, Rosharon and Edmonton.
Highlight: were built. Mammoet was responsible for the complete transport contract
For the operation of the Snøhvit fields, Melkoya, a small island at the very meaning the load-out in Zwijndrecht, the seagoing transport and the load-
top of Norway and just off the coast of the village of Hammerfest, is cur- in on Melkoya. Both before and after this load-in, work was also carried out
rently being equipped with a range of installations to extract the oil and gas. on the other side of the Melkoya Island where the “Hoboken modules” were
Pipelines are used to transport oil and gas from the oil fields to the installa- transported to their final destination and lifted into position. The modules were
tions on the island. The components for the Snøhvit project are brought in not heavy but they were long and their structure was not excessively sturdy.
from all over the world since on-site construction of the installation is virtually For this reason Mammoet had to lift all the modules at as many as 20 hoisting
impossible – it is completely dark on the island for six months of the year and points, using a special large spreader. In Cadiz, a gas-processing installation is
in the winter the temperature falls to -40 degrees Celsius. built on a 154-meter long and 54-meter wide pontoon. The Demag CC 12600
is present on this project, lifting the heavy components onto the pontoon
Mammoet transports various components to the island from the numerous – which will have a total weight of 24000 tonnes. Miguel Florez de la Colina,
locations in Europe. At Hoboken Mammoet transported the process modules Mammoet Spain’s Branch Manager, explains: “We are endeavoring to offer our
from the construction hall onto a seagoing pontoon. The restricted amount of client the best possible service and have supplied some spectacular rigging.
space available at the yard and the occasional need for two modules to be In addition, we supplied an enormous quantity of load spreading to lower the
driven onto the pontoon during one and the same tide was quite a challenge ground pressure to the level specified by the client”.
for the crew. In Zwijndrecht two 4000 tonnes components for a slug catcher
we serve them all over Location Lake Arthur and Morgan City, USA
Main equipment Strand jack towers, slide beams, barges
the world” MAMMOET
Mammoet USA Inc was contracted to load-out a 360-tonne Living Quarter
module from Louisiana. The module was transferred from a 50-meter long barge
Freek Schipper onto a barge twice this length, with pre-installed lifting towers. The module then
SPMT operator, Mammoet Europe sailed in about eight days to a remote island at the coast of Venezuela. Here,
Mad Dog move a research station for marine biologists interested in the local turtle population
is built, hence the name Turtle Island. The module was lifted using four strand
jacks, towers and slide beams. The process took about one week to complete.
Location Amelia, USA At this location, there was nothing for more than 300 miles around.
Main equipment SPMTs, Goldhofer trailers, Ballast system
Mad Dog is a 8700- tonne topside manufactured for BP
at a yard in Amelia, Louisiana. It is part of the same
Deepwater development to which also Holstein Thunder-
horse and Atlantis belong. Mammoet used 316 lines of
combined SPMT and Goldhofers for the load-out. The
work also included the ballasting on the Heerema H627
600’ deck barge. Since only one slip was deep enough for
the 11 meter deep barge, a site move of approx. 600 meters
was required, including a 180-degree turn to align the top-
side on the barge. Since it would be installed on top of a
spar, there were only four support points under the module.
This presented specific challenges for the loadspreading
arrangement on the trailers. Everything was stretched to
the maximum load!
Highlight: the staff had good memories of Mammoet from the Hibernia barge and dry-dock were not large enough to accommodate
In Eastern Canada, the Sea Rose FPSO will drill in the White and Terra Nova projects. traditional load-out methods, the barge was carefully placed on
Rose field, which is located several hundred kilometers off the dock blocks and the load-out was performed over the portside.
east coast of Newfoundland. Mammoet’s services had been At Port Weller in the Toronto area, a 900-tonne module was After the module was transported on the barge, the 60 axle lines
contracted for handling thirteen of the sixteen modules of this also “Moved by Mammoet”. The facility was not perfectly SPMT were used to rotate the module 90 degrees and then
FPSO. The various tasks included weighing topsides, load-outs, suited for loading out an offshore module and the project posed transport the module over the grillages. The module was loaded
seafastening and marine transportation. In addition Mammoet many challenges. After transporting the module out of the hall, out and towed through the St. Lawrence Seaway. The clearances
provided the design of all seafastenings and the sea transpor- Mammoet jacked up the module approximately 1.7 meters in were very tight so Mammoet designed and installed fenders on
tation to Marystown with a subcontracted barge and tug. The order that it could be placed on the high barge grillages. The the sides of the barge to ensure that the module did not impact
modules ranged in weight from 100 tonnes to 1400 tonnes. module was then weighed, the transporters were reconfigured the walls of the locks.
Mammoet was very well-received at the construction yard as and the module was loaded out onto the barge. Since the
Highlight: been installed by ExxonMobil over All operations were managed and
Mammoet successfully completed the past few years. It should be performed by Mammoet Canada
the load-out of ExxonMobil’s South noted that Mammoet was involved with assistance from Mammoet
Venture topsides. The South Venture in most of the other platforms as USA, who supplied the weighing
platform is destined for the South well. The South Venture platform system and 36 axle lines SPMT.
Venture field, located near Sable was constructed in Dartmouth, near In addition, the engineering depart-
Island, 200 km offshore of Canada’s Halifax, Nova Scotia’s capital city. ment in Schiedam provided some
Nova Scotian east coast. South After the platform was weighed supplementary engineering, such as
Venture is the fifth major offshore by Mammoet and was confirmed the mooring designs and the ballast
investment in this region; it joins the to have a mass of 2180 tonnes it calculations.
Thebaud, North Triumph, Venture was loaded out onto the Boa barge
and Alma platforms, which have Seven with 96 axle lines SPMT.
Highlight: The premiere of the computerized Push Up System was held Before Mammoet started with the load-out operation of the top-
The offshore sector is witnessing an exciting and challenging at Baku, Azerbaijan. A total of six platforms are being con- side, a special load-out truss was installed under the structure.
trend: the rapid increase in the weight of offshore module fab- structed for The Central Azeri platform, which will drill for oil in Four 900-tonne strand jacks installed at the end of the skidding
rication. The modified installation method (float-over instead of the Caspian Sea. Mammoet successfully jacked the massive track underneath this load-out truss skidded the topside to the
lifting) allows for the installation of heavier and larger modules, 15520-tonne Central Azeri topside to a height of 12 meters. quay. One day later, the entire topside was skidded onto the
a development which is also understandable from an economic This enormous structure had been assembled on the ground pontoon, which was ballasted by Mammoet’s computerized bal-
perspective. Reducing the number of components to be mated and once it was completed it was to be raised to the required last system. The total distance covered during this phase was
in the final assembly cuts the production time and the costs height. Project Manager, Pieter Jacobs comments: “I was confi- about 130 meters; the topside, inclusive of the load-out frame,
involved. However, the technical challenges are breathtaking. dent that the system would work; however, it is always exciting weighed 16700 tonnes. The operation was even livened up by
Can these leviathans actually be manipulated and transported? when a new system is used for the first time – and especially a visit from the President of Azerbaijan! In the coming years
Mammoet has addressed these challenges by developing the when the system is to lift a Giant of this size! The whole opera- Mammoet has been awarded four additional contracts in Baku,
concern’s Push Up System that can push up these supermod- tion, including the weighing of the structure, was completed in for jacking operations involving platforms with weights of about
ules to the required height. just four days”. 15000 tonnes.
Drill Towering
Location Baku, Azerbaijan
Main equipment Platform Ring, RK 8500, CC 4800, CC 2800, SPMTs
Highlight: fitting-out of the Jack-Up. The Platform Ring was erected in the was 50 meters long and weighed 520 tonnes. On their comple-
Azerbaijan is currently a beehive of activity; work is in full swing usual main boom-jib configuration, ready to unload modules of tion the two CC 2800s, working in tandem, lifted the sections
on a variety of major offshore oil and gas projects in the Caspian a maximum weight of 800 tonnes. After unloading, the drilling- out of the frames and loaded them onto SPMTs for transport to
Sea. One of these projects is BP’s Shah Deniz project, for rig modules were moved within the reach of the CC 4800 III and temporary storage.
which one of the world’s largest Jack-Up gas platforms is built. CC 2800, which carried out a number of (tandem) lifts to stack
Mammoet carries out all the major lifting and transport jobs on them on each other. Both cranes picked up the heaviest mod- At the moment, The RK 8500, CC 800 and a CC 2800 set the
the site in Baku. ule and lifted it to a height of 20 meters and then carried out legs upright ready for the fitting-out work.The SPMTs transport
a series of moves and turns in preparation for the installation the sections (this time, upright!) to the Platform Ringer. The
The Caspian Sea is accessible solely overland or via the River of the 720-tonne drillfloor. The top two modules of the drilling crane stacks the sections on each other to construct the 150-
Volga. Consequently the dimensions of the modules construct- rig, weighing 250 and 140 tonnes, were lifted 80 meters into meter legs. After assembling the legs and the drilling rig the
ed all over world for this project were restricted to a maximum position using the CC 4800 with a main boom-jib configuration. Platform Ring, RK 8500 and other cranes install the piperacks,
length of 16 meters and height of 12 meters. The modules were Whilst the various modules were being unloaded and assem- living-quarters, the flare and other modules – a total weight of
transported to the site on the River Volga, where they were bled, work was also in progress on the construction of the legs some 6000 tonnes.
unloaded with the Platform Ring. Concrete foundations have of the Jack-Up at the other side of the site. Frames were used
been poured especially for our Platform Ring and for the later to construct nine triangular sections of the legs; each section
Magdalena Lau
Secretary and PR officer,
Highlight: weighing and related calculation of the center
Mammoet Singapore
B&J Mammoet Co Ltd. mobilized 44 lines of gravity prior the load-out was part of the
of SPMT for the transportation from the site job. After weighing, depending to the tide in
of fabrication to the Maptaphut jetty and for Maptaphut port, the load-out was done dur-
the load-out of three modules intended to be ing each night at 02.00 hours. These opera-
shipped by barge to Singapore for installation tions included the mooring of the barges, the
onto an FPSO vessel. The modules ranged ballast calculation and the ballasting itself,
from 370 to 850 tonnes, with the largest as well as the sea fastening. In addition
having a dimension of 32 x 17 x 16 meter. The Mammoet transported with a conventional
contract included full service: transportation of hydraulic trailer and loaded out by crane on
those modules from the yard of fabrication the barge three smaller modules (less than
up to alongside the final vessel in Singapore. 25 tonnes). Two weeks after departure the
Mammoet provided two barges to do the barges were alongside the production vessel
sea transportation from Maptaphut port in (FPSO) for installation on board.
Thailand to Singapore. For each module the
Largest structure in Qatar
MIDDLE EAST Location Mesaieed, Qatar
Main equipment Crawler cranes , trailers, weighing and ballast system
For the PSK1 Project in Qatar, several offshore structures were manufactured
at facilities in Mesaieed. The structures included an eight- legged jacket
construction and two bridges. For the transportation of these structures,
Mammoet was contracted to supply cranes, weighing and load-out services.
The cranes, a LR 1280, LR 1450 and a CC 1100 were used for the roll up
operation of the 2200 tonne weighing jacket. After the successful comple-
tion of this phase, Mammoet Dubai used 40 lines of SPMT combined with 48
lines of Cometto conventional trailers for the load-out of the jacket. During
the operation, ballast services were provided with a set of 600-tonne sub-
mersible ballast pumps. The jacket is the largest structure ever built in Qatar.
After the two bridges were weighed and determined at 450 tonne each, they
were safely loaded-out as well.
Highlight: is responsible for the logistic and plan- ly because the ordering of the equipment
Since August 2004, Kranringen Wind ning issues, the supply equipment and is often one week or less before the date
(KRW) Denmark in which Mammoet has a the actual execution of maintenance or of execution. The scope of work normally
50 % participating interest, has the con- new built services. A crane that perfectly covers changing of generators, gearboxes
tract for all lifting activities in Germany matches the requirements for this particu- and blades. With Mammoet’s extensive
concerning the installation of various lar job is the LTM 1500. The main boom fleet of cranes it is never a problem to get
windturbine parts. The contract has been of this telescopic crane has a length of 84 the right crane on time on any site.
awarded by one of the biggest wind meter. In this specific market segment it is
turbine companies. Mammoet Germany of vital importance to get mobilized quick-
Heavy head
Location Florida, USA
Main equipment Hydraulic gantry, SPMTs, titan and skidding system
Quick response
Location Lloydminster, Canada
Main equipment Jacking equipment, auxiliary equipment
Highlight: resist the moment from the jacking lugs. These braces
A shutdown in Lloydminster began with a dozen cranes were fabricated as modular pieces to allow position-
working day and night shifts for a week, in addition to ing through the bottom nozzle on the Coker. The jack-
jacking and skidding jobs. Mammoet received a call from ing stands were installed and the final pre-lift step was
the client on Thursday morning saying that their Coker to weld the jacking screws to the skirt. The Coker, 30
had shifted and it needed repositioning prior to the end meters long and 7 meters in diameter, was lifted off the
of the shutdown, 14 days later. The same afternoon skirt with four 200-tonne jacks and weighed a total of
Mammoet specialists drove to site to inspect the Coker 200 tonnes. Once clear the Coker was shifted on the
and to see what they could do to help the client. Teflon slider plates utilizing the screw jacks. Rigging on
the top nozzle provided stabilization since wind was a
The Coker was separated directly below the weld joining factor to be considered. After final positioning of the
the skirt to the shell. Another concern was the buckling Coker the client cut out the damaged skirt and replaced
of the skirt in several locations. Next day, Mammoet it. This job would never have been completed on time
had designed a jacking lug, with equipment enroute without the teamwork of the Mammoet employees based
from Cambridge and a safe plan to reposition the Coker. on the tight schedule the client provided.
Tension and compression members were installed to
Highlight: if you consider the weight of no less than 850 tonnes. customer. As work shifted to the actual job, the RPV came in
The Taiwan Power Corporation decided to increase its nuclear Mammoet applied its famous MSG here with 67 meters main horizontal position. Supported by a tailing frame of the RPVs
power capabilities at Lungman by adding units 3 and 4. boom and 2600 tonnes ballast. Before the configuration could manufacturer, Mammoet erected the RPV and safely delivered
A subcontractor contacted Mammoet for transporting the so be commissioned, local authorities and the customer had to it exactly on where it was supposed to land. Next year,
called RPV, which is a core element of the power units. In qualify the equipment. The test was done with 28 containers Mammoet will redo this job for the second RPV that already
addition it was Mammoet’s job to hoist the RPV and position it filled with sand and simulated the real lift. The same contain- arrived at the site and is kept in temporary storage.
on its foundations at a radius of 63 meters. Quite a challenge ers were used to test the road for the platform trailers of our
Skidding high
Location United Arab Emirates
Main equipment Trailers, ballast pumps, skidding and jacking equipment
A desalination plant has been erected
at a powerplant in the United Arab
Emirates. Six evaporator blocks were Something different
fabricated in India and transported to
the United Arab Emirates. Mammoet
Dubai was contracted to perform the Location Limbe, Cameroon
Main equipment SPMTs, pontoon and auxiliary equipment.
load-in from the barge using semi self-
propelled hydraulic platform trailers as
well as ballast pumps. Subsequently it
was a very tight fit to get the evapora-
tors adjacent to its foundations. After Highlight:
removing the trailer the evaporator In many countries it’s nothing less than a commodity: electricity, 24 hours
(weighing 415 tonnes) had to be jacked a day. However, until recently they could not dream of anything like that in
up 5 meters using climbing jacks. At Cameroon. But a Finnish company has changed all that. It built a power
this height the Mammoet crew had to station and contracted Mammoet for the transport of four electric motors
insert four rows of extra skidding beams and four generators. The electric motors generators were loaded on board
to connect with the already prepared of a vessel in The Netherlands and sailed to Cameroon. Once the ship
skidding beams towards the foundation. arrived at the port, the cargo was unloaded and driven onto a pontoon.
A total skidding distance of 40 meters This all sounds very simple – but the port was not the final destination.
was required (hence 160 meter of skid- Mammoet constructed a temporary quay to facilitate the load-out. The crew
ding beam built up at an elevation of sunk the pontoon just off the beach. Then they laid containers, sandbags
4.5 meters!). This has been surely one of and dock boards around the pontoon so that two x 10 axle lines SPMT
the most challenging projects performed could drive the cargo to the beach. Then the crew constructed a new road
by Mammoet Dubai in 2004! from the beach to the ‘main road’.
The motors and generators thus
could proceed to the final desti-
nation. The Finnish company
installed the equipment and now
the local population has electric
power 24 hours a day, even after
a severe downpour or a storm –
and Mammoet gained yet anoth-
er interesting experience!
QSE Acknowledgements
On January 31 2005, Mammoet’s Terneuzen Branch had the honour of Swift growth in Canada
receiving the EH&S Contractor Award 2004 from Dow Benelux B.V.,
Terneuzen. Every year Dow Benelux B.V. presents two awards to its con-
tractors: the EH&S Contractor Award, which purely relates to safety and Mammoet Crane Inc. has just completed their second full year of operations
the General Contractor Award which also addresses a wide variety of other in Alberta. Mammoet Crane Inc., has been widely accepted in the crane rent-
issues. Mammoet won the latter award in 2003 and came second this year al market in Western Canada and have enjoyed very exciting and busy times!
with a difference of just 0.1 point from the winner. Mammoet has often won a As of December 31, 2004, Mammoet Crane Inc. was operating 46 hydrau-
Dow award in the past: the Safety awards for 1989 and 1991 and the General lic cranes ranging in size from 8 tonne to 500 tonne from two locations,
awards for 1999 and 2003. Jan Karreman,Terneuzen Branch Manager, Edmonton and Fort McMurray. But expansion was on the horizon and in late
explains: “We are accustomed to high-level operations and we are very 2004, Mammoet Crane Inc. was awarded a 5-year maintenance contract.
pleased with the results of the past years. Nevertheless, achieving a first or The contract involves the supply of cranes for maintenance, shutdowns and
second place provides us that something extra. It is an acknowledgement of various capital projects for eight facilities throughout the province of Alberta.
our constant striving to achieve further improvements in quality and safety. The award of this contract has spurred the opening of a new Mammoet
Issues we are not prepared to make any concessions whatsoever. In fact, branch in Calgary which opened its doors February 15, 2005. Because of this
these endeavors have become fully integrated in the daily work of all our increased works throughout Alberta, our hydraulic crane fleet will be growing
staff. We are engaged in high-risk work. Consequently, we focus on as the to over 100 cranes by June of this year. Our continuous and swift growth in
improvement of our knowledge and skills, beneath aspects like conduct, the crane industry has been made possible by the huge support given to us
attitude and, above all, mentality.” by our ever increasing client base.
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® Labeled by Mammoet
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competitive and above all safe workwear that, in all aspects, deserves
The winner w
and require the best equipment to do their jobs as new record-b s on two ill receive a co
expected, This not only applies to technical equip- The initial 20 dealers received a full introduction reaking proj Mammoet w mplete� � �
ects! orkwear outfi ��
ment, but also to personal items like clothing and at Mammoet’s headquarters in Schiedam and Can you giv (in
clusive of a Ca
ve (bag) and
e the names
safety boot
of the two c s).
��� � �
shoes. Using actual Mammoet crew while they were very enthusiastic about the quality and
ountries wh In addition, thr
work as a ‘test bed’, the workwear undergoes the ‘brand image’ of the Mammoet workwear. But these projec ere awarded to the
ee consolatio
n prizes will
ts were
� � � ��
runners-up: 3 be
x Cave 107 –
best real world test you can imagine. Currently, beyond that, the actual end-users showed their carried out? the new, spac
the Mammoe
ious and indes
tructible bag � � � ��
Mammoet offers jackets, trousers, body wear, high appreciation and let the revenues surge to t workwear co in
cuted to expand this line to a full range for sum- tions. That’s why Mammoet considers expanding 2
� � � ��
mer and winter conditions. In addition, existing the dealer network, also to other countries than More informat
ion about the
items come in a ‘professional’ and ‘light’ version; The Netherlands. workwear co Mammoe� �t� ��
llection is prov
the latter also attracts increasing attention in the Please visit to the Mammoe ided on
t workwear in
sert. ��� ��
common retail market. Consumers and profession- check for your nearest dealer or to place your
Information ab
als alike highly acknowledge the association internet orders directly. available at ww
out the comp
etition rules is � � � ��
n � � � ��