his life as Octavian, was the first Roman Emperor. Although he preserved the outward form of the
Roman Republic, he ruled as an autocrat for more than 40 years. He ended a century of civil wars and
gave Rome an era of peace, prosperity, and imperial greatness. He is generally known to historians
by the title "Augustus" (revered one), which he acquired in 27 BC.
Augustus was born at Rome with the name Gaius Octavius Thurinus. His father, also Gaius Octavius,
came from a respectable but undistinguished family of the equestrian order and was governor of
Macedonia before his death in 58 BC. More importantly, his mother Atia was the niece o f Rome's
greatest soldier and de facto ruler, Julius Caesar. In 46 BC Caesar, who had no legitimate children,
took his grand-nephew soldiering in Spain, and adopted him as his heir (see also adoption in Rome).
He then took the name Gaius Julius Caesar Octavianus.
When Caesar was assassinated in March 44 BC, his young heir was with the army at Apollonia, in
what is now Albania. He crossed over to Italy and recruited an army from among Caesar's veterans.
At Rome, he found Caesar's republican assassins, Marcus Junius Brutus and Gaius Cassius, in control.
After a tense standoff, he formed an uneasy alliance with Marcus Antonius and Marcus Lepidus,
Caesar's principal colleagues. The three formed a junta called the Second Triumvirate, and launched
a purge of those allied with the assassins.
Antonius and Octavianus then marched against Brutus and Cassius, who had fled to the east. At
Philippi in Macedonia the Caesarian army was victorious and Brutus and Cassius committed suicide
(42 BC). Octavianus then returned to Rome, while Antonius went to Egypt. Here he allied himself
with Queen Cleopatra, the ex-lover of Julius Caesar and mother of Caesar's infant son Caesarion. The
Roman dominions were now divided between Octavianus in the west and Antonius in the east. At a
naval battle off Actium in Greece in 31 BC, Octavianus defeated his rivals, who then fled to Egypt. He
pursued them there, and after another defeat, they committed suicide.
After Actium, Octavianus had his work cut out for him; years of civil war had left Rome in a state of
near-lawlessness. Moreover, Rome was not prepared to accept the control of a despot. Octavianus
was clever. First, he disbanded his armies, and held elections. Octavianus was chosen for the
powerful position of Consul, the highest executive office of the Republic. In 27 BC, he officially
returned power to the Senate of Rome, and offered to relinquish his own military supremacy and
hegemony over Egypt. Not only did the Senate turn him down, he was also given control of Spain,
Gaul, and Syria. Shortly thereafter, the Senate gave him the name "Augustus".
These actions were highly abnormal from the Roman Senate, but this was not the same body of
patricians that had murdered Caesar. Both Antonius and Octavianus had purged the Senate of
suspect elements and planted it with their loyal partisans. How free a hand the Senate had in these
transactions, and what backroom deals were made, remain unknown.
Augustus knew that the power he needed to rule absolutely could not be derived from his
Consulship, however. In 23 BC, he renounced this office in favor of two other powers. First, he was
granted the office of a tribune, which allowed him to convene the Senate at will and lay business
before it. Since the tribuneship was an office traditionally associated with the common people, this
consolidated his power further. Second, he received new authority in the form of an "Imperial"
power, which gave him supreme authority in all matters pertaining to territorial governance. 23 BC is
the date on which Augustus is usually said to have assumed the mantle of Emperor of Rome. He
more typically used a civilian title, however, Princeps, or "First Citizen".
Having gained power by means of great audacity, Augustus ruled with great prudence. In exchange
for near absolute power, he gave Rome 40 years of civic peace and increasing prosperity. He created
Rome's first permanent army and stationed the legions along the Empire's borders, where they could
not meddle in politics. A special unit, the Praetorian Guard, garrisoned Rome and protected the
Emperor's person.
Augustus waged no major wars, instead merely advancing Rome's northern border to the natural
frontier of the Danube. Further west, an attempt to advance into Germany ended in defeat at the
Battle of the Teutoburg Forest in AD 9. Thereafter he accepted the Rhine as the Empire's permanent
border. In the east, he satisfied himself with establishing Roman control over Armenia and the
Transcaucasus. He left the Parthian Empire alone.
In domestic matters, Augustus channeled the enormous wealth brought in from the Empire to
keeping the army happy with generous payments, and keeping the Romans happy by beautifying the
capital and staging magnificent games. He famously boasted that he "found Rome brick and left it
marble." He built the Senate a new home, the Curia, and built temples to Apollo and to the Divine
Julius. He also built a shrine near the Circus Maximus. It is recorded that he built both the Capitoline
Temple and the Theater of Pompey without putting his name on them. Augustus also founded the
world's first fire brigade, and created a regular police force for Rome.
A patron of the arts, Augustus showered favors on poets, artists, sculptors, and architects. Horace,
Livy, Ovid, and Vergil flourished under his protection, but in return, they had to pay due tribute to his
genius. He eventually won over most of the Roman intellectual class, although many still pined in
private for the Republic. His use of games and special events to celebrate himself and his family
cemented his popularity. However, by the time Augustus died, it was impossible to imagine a return
to the old system. The only question was who would succeed him as sole ruler.
Augustus' control of power throughout the Empire was so absolute that it allowed him to name his
successor, a custom that had been abandoned and derided in Rome since the foundation of the
Republic. At first, indications pointed toward his sister's son Marcellus, who had been married to
Augustus' daughter Julia Caesaris. However, Marcellus died of food poisoning in 23 BC. Reports of
later historians that this poisoning, and other later deaths, were caused by Augustus' wife Livia
Drusilla are inconclusive at best.
After the death of Marcellus, Augustus married his daughter to his right hand man, Marcus Agrippa.
This union produced five children, three sons and two daughters: Gaius Caesar, Lucius Caesar, Julia
the Younger, Agrippina the Elder, and Postumus Agrippa, so named because he was born after
Marcus Agrippa died. Augustus' intent to make the first two children his heirs was apparent when he
adopted them as his own children. Augustus also showed favor to his stepsons, Livia's children from
her first marriage, Nero Claudius Drusus Germanicus and Tiberius Claudius, after they had conquered
a large portion of Germany.
After Agrippa died in 12 BC, Livia's son Tiberius divorced his own wife and married Agrippa's widow.
Tiberius shared in Augustus' tribune powers, but shortly thereafter went into retirement. After the
early deaths of both Gaius and Lucius in AD 4 and AD 2 respectively, and the earlier death of his
brother Drusus (9 BC), Tiberius was recalled to Rome, where he was adopted by Augustus.
On AD August 19, 14, Augustus died. Postumus Agrippa and Tiberius had been named co-heirs.
However, Postumus had been banished, and was put to death around the same time. Who ordered
his death is unknown, but the way was clear for Tiberius to assume the same powers that his
stepfather had.
Augustus was deified soon after his death, and both his borrowed surname, Caesar, and his title,
Augustus, became the permanent titles of the rulers of Rome for the next 400 years, and were still in
use at Constantinople fourteen centuries after his death. The cult of the Divine Augustus continued
until Constantine the Great converted the Empire to Christianity in the 4th century. Consequently we
have many excellent statues and busts of the first, and in some ways the greatest, of the Emperors.
Augustus' mausoleum also originally contained bronze pillars inscribed with a record of his life, the
Res Gestae Divi Augusti.