Notification TSPSC Forest Beat Officer Posts
Notification TSPSC Forest Beat Officer Posts
Notification TSPSC Forest Beat Officer Posts
1) Applications are invited Online from qualified candidates through the proforma
Application to be made available on Commissions WEBSITE ( to the post
of Forest Beat Officer in Forest Department (EFS&T) in the state of Telangana.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Candidates are requested to keep the details of the following
ready while uploading their OTR Applications.
i. Aadhar number
ii. Educational Qualification details i.e., SSC, INTERMEDIATE, DEGREE,
POST GRADUATION etc. and their Roll numbers, Year of passing etc.
iii. Community/ Caste Certificate obtained from Mee Seva/ E Seva i.e.,
Enrollment number and date of issue for uploading in OTR.
3) The candidates who possess requisite qualification may apply online by satisfying
themselves about the terms and conditions of this recruitment. The details of vacancies are
given below:-
Age as on Scale of
Post No. of
Name of the Post 01/07/2017 Pay
Code Vacancies
Min. Max. Rs.
16,400 -
1 Forest Beat Officer 1857 18-31
(The Details of Vacancies i.e., Community, District Wise and Gender wise (General /
Women) may be seen at Annexure-I.)
IMPORTANT NOTE: The number of vacancies are subject to variation on intimation being
received from the appointing authority
Name of the Post Educational Qualifications
Physical requirements:
5) AGE: Minimum 18 years & Maximum 31 years. The age is reckoned as on 01/07/2017
(Rule- 12(1)(a)(v) of State and Subordinate Service Rules).
Minimum Age (18 years): A Candidate should not be born after 01/07/1999.
Maximum Age (31 years): A candidate should not be born before 02/07/1986.
The Upper Age limit will be relaxed as per Rules and will be calculated on the above lines.
Age Relaxations: The upper age limit prescribed above is however relaxable in the following
Sl. Relaxation of age
Category of candidates
No. permissible
1 2 3
1. Retrenched temporary employees in the State 3 Years
Census Department with a minimum service of 6
2. Telangana State Government Employees 5 Years based on the length of
(Employees of TSRTC, Corporations, Municipalities regular service.
etc. are not eligible).
3. Ex-Service men 3 years & length of service
rendered in the armed forces.
4. N.C.C.(who have worked as Instructor in N.C.C.) 3 Years & length of service
rendered in the N.C.C.
5. SC/ST and BCs 5 Years
6) (a) FEE: (Remittance of Fee) Each applicant must pay Rs. 200/- (RUPEES TWO
HUNDRED ONLY) towards Online Application Processing Fee. This apart, the applicants
have to pay RS. 80/- (RUPEES EIGHTY ONLY) towards Examination Fee. However, the
following category of candidates are exempted from payment of Examination fee.
a) SC, ST & BC candidates of Telangana State
b) Unemployed applicants in the age group of 18 to 31 years of Telangana State (They
have to submit declaration at an appropriate time to the Commission that they are
c) Ex-service men
N.B.:- BCs, SCs and STs belonging to other states are not exempted from payment of
Application processing Fee and Examination Fee and they are not entitled for any
kind of reservation.
b) Mode of Payment of Fee:
The Fee mentioned at Para-I(6)(a) is to be paid online through SBI ePay duly
following online instructions once the application form details are submitted by filling TSPSC
ID, date of birth and other particulars.
The fee once remitted, shall not be refunded or adjusted under any circumstances.
Failure to pay the examination fee, application fee, wherever applicable will entail total
rejection of application. The list of Banks providing service for the purpose of online
remittance of fee is given in ANNEXURE II.
2. The particulars furnished by the applicant in the Application Form will be taken as final,
and data entry is processed, based on these particulars only by Computer. Candidates
should, therefore, be very careful in Uploading / Submitting the Application Form Online.
3. Incomplete/incorrect application form will be summarily rejected. The information if any
furnished by the candidate subsequently in any form will not be entertained by the
Commission under any circumstances. Applicants should be careful in filling-up the
application form and submission. If any lapse is detected during the scrutiny, the
candidature will be rejected even though he/she comes through the final stage of
recruitment process or even at a later stage.
4. Before Uploading/Submission of Application Form, the Candidates should carefully
ensure his/her eligibility for this examination. No relevant column of the application form
should be left blank, otherwise application form will not be accepted.
1. Applicant must compulsorily fill-up all relevant columns of application and submit
application through website only. The particulars made available in the website shall be
processed through computer and the eligibility decided in terms of notification.
2. The applications received online in the prescribed proforma available in the website and
with in the time shall only be considered and the Commission will not be held responsible
for any kind of discrepancy.
3. Applicants must upload his/her own scanned photo and signature through J.P.G format.
4. The applicants should not furnish any particulars that are false, tampered, fabricated or
suppress any material information while making an application through website.
5. All the essential certificates issued by the competent authority of Telangana State shall
compulsorily be kept with the applicants to produce as and when required to do so.
Failure to produce the required certificates on the day of verification will lead to
6. Important The claim of the candidates with regard to the date of birth, educational /
technical qualifications, experience and community are accepted only provisionally on the
information furnished by them in their application form and is subject to verification and
satisfaction of the Commission. Mere admission to any test or interview or inclusion of the
name of a candidate in a Merit List will not confer on the candidate any right for
appointment. The candidature is therefore, provisional at all stages and the Commission
reserve the right to reject candidature at any stage of the selection even after the advice
has been made.
7. This Recruitment is entrusted to TSPSC along with Finance Clearance vide G.O. Ms. No.
104 Finance (HRM.VII) Department, Dt. 21/06/2017.
The following certificates must be kept ready by the candidates for the purpose of verification.
i). Aadhar Card.
ii). Proof of Educational Qualifications.
iii). Date of Birth Certificate / S.S.C
iv). School Study Certificate
v). Declaration by the Unemployed (For claiming exam fee exemption)
vi). No Objection Certificate from Employer (if anywhere employed)
vii). Physical Requirements Certificate issued by Medical Officer not below the rank of Civil
Assistant Surgeon.
viii). Local Scheduled Area Certificate (Candidates hailing from Agency Area) wherever
Explanation:- The Local Scheduled Tribe Candidate means, the candidate
belonging to the Scheduled Tribes notified as such under article 342 of the
Constitution of India and the candidates themselves or their parents have been
continuously residing in the scheduled areas of the Districts of Telangana State in
which they are residents till to date since the 26th January, 1950.
The following Certificates should be obtained from Govt. of Telangana State in prescribed
proforma for the purpose of verification.
i. Community Certificate.
ii. Non-Creamy Layer Certificate as per Form- VIIB / Creamy Layer Certificate as per
Form- VIIC.
iii. Certificate of Residence / Nativity (where the Candidates not studied in School /
Private Study)
1. Vacancies: The recruitment will be made to the vacancies notified before the
examination only. There shall be no waiting list as per G.O. Ms. No. 81 General
Administration (Ser.A) Department, Dated 22/02/1997. If additional vacancies are
reported by the Government an addendum to that effect will be issued.
2. Recruitments:- The Recruitment will be processed as per this Notification and also as
per the Rules and Instructions issued by the Government and also as decided by the
Commission from time to time in terms of respective Special Rules/Adhoc Rules
governing the Recruitment and G.O.Ms.No. 55, EFS&T (For.IV) Dept., dated
12.05.1998, G.O.MsNo.88, EFS&T (For.IV) Dept., dated 19.07.2000, G.O.Ms.No. 12,
EFS&T (For.V) Dept., dated 17.02.2012, G.O.Ms.No.56, EFS&T (For.II) Dept., dated
07.10.2016, G.O.Ms.No.57, EFS&T (For.II) Dept., dated 07.10.2016 and as per
Government orders issued from time to time, and other related G.Os, Rules etc.,
applicable in this regard.
3. Rules: All are informed that the various conditions and criterion prescribed herein are
governed by the General Rules of existing State and Subordinate Service Rules, read
with the relevant Special Rules applicable to any particular service in the departments.
Any guidelines or clarification is based on the said Rules, and, in case of any
necessity, any matter will be processed as per the relevant General and Special Rules
in force.
4. Constitutional Provisions:- The Commission is empowered under the provisions of
Article 315 and 320 of the Constitution of India read with relevant laws, rules,
regulations and executive instructions and all other enabling legal provisions in this
regard to conduct examination for appointment to the posts notified herein, duly
following the principle of order of merit as per Rule 3 d (ix) (a) of the TSPSC Rules of
Procedure read with reference to relevant statutory provisions and ensuring that the
whole recruitment and selection process is carried out with utmost regard to maintain
secrecy and confidentiality so as to ensure that the principle of merit is followed. A
candidate shall be disqualified for appointment, if he himself / she herself or through
relations or friends or any others has canvassed or endeavored to enlist for his
candidature, extraneous support, whether from official or non-official sources for
appointment to this service.
5. District / Local:- The Local Reservations shall be followed as per the Para -8 of A.P.
Public Employment (Organization of Local Cadres and Regulation of Direct
Recruitment) Order, 1975 (G.O.P. No. 674, G.A. (SPF-A) Dept., Dated: 20/10/1975)
read with G.O. Ms. No. 124, General Administration (SPF-A) Department, dated:
07/03/2002 and other orders issued by the Government and within the meaning of
Sections 3 and 97 of A.P. State Reorganization Act 06/2014 .
6. Employed:- The persons already in Government Service/ Autonomous bodies/
Government aided institutions etc., whether in permanent or temporary capacity or as
work charged employees are required to inform in writing to the Head of Office /
Department, as the case may be and required to submit the No objection from the
concerned Head of Office / Department to the Commission as and when required to
do so.
7. Penal Action:- The Commission is also empowered to invoke the penal provisions of
the A.P. Public Examinations (Prevention of Malpractices and Unfair means) Act
25/97 for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto and as per the Rules of
Procedure of TSPSC published in Telangana Gazette No: 60 dated 28/12/2015 in
respect of this Notification.
8. Caste & Community: Community Certificate issued by the competent authority
(obtained from Government of Telangana State) in terms of G.O.Ms No. 58, SW (J)
Dept., dt: 12/5/97 read with G.O. Ms. No. 5 Scheduled Castes Development (POA.A2)
Dept., Dt. 08/08/2014, G.O. Ms. No. 11 Scheduled Castes Development (POA.A2)
Dept., Dt. 17/09/2014 and G.O. Ms. No. 2 Scheduled Castes Development (POA.A2)
Dept., Dt. 22/01/2015 should be submitted at appropriate time in respect of SC & ST
Candidates. In respect of candidates belonging to Backward Classes are required to
produce Community Certificate (BC-A, BC-B, BC-C, BC-D& BC-E) from Competent
Authority i.e., from Tahsildars in the State of Telangana not below the rank of Deputy
Tahsildar through E-seva/Mee-seva (G.O. Ms. No. 16 BCW(OP) Dept., Dt.
11/03/2015) and orders and instructions issued by the Government from time to time.
As per General Rules for State and Subordinate Service Rules, Rule -2(28)
Explanation: No person who professes a religion different from Hinduism shall be
deemed a member of Schedule Caste. BCs, SCs and STs belonging to other States
are not entitled for any kind of reservation.
9. Reservation:- (i)The Reservation and eligibility in terms of General Rule 22 & 22 (A)
of State and Subordinate Service Rules are applicable.
(ii) Reservation to Disabled persons is not applicable as per Special Rules
of Dept.
(iii) The Reservation to Women will apply as per General Rules / Special rules.
(iv) Reservation to BC-E group will be subject to the adjudication of the litigation
before the Honorable Courts including final orders in Civil Appeal No: (a) 2628-
2637 of 2010 in SLP. No. 7388-97 of 2010, dated. 25/03/2010 and orders from the
10. Distance Education:- The Candidates who have obtained Degrees through Open
Universities / Distance Education mode are required to have recognition by the
University Grants Commission / AICTE / Distance Education Council as the case may
be. Unless such Degrees had been recognised by the relevant Statutory Authority,
they will not be accepted for purpose of Educational Qualification. The onus of Proof
of recognition by the relevant Statutory Authority that their Degrees / Universities have
been recognised, rests with the Candidate.
(A) Residence Certificate will not be accepted, if a candidate has studied in any educational
institution upto S.S.C. or equivalent examination, such candidates have to produce study
certificates invariably. The candidates, who acquired Degree from Open Universities
Candidates are advised to refer provisions of the PRESIDENTIAL ORDER 1975 in this
regard. The post is of District Cadre.
Important Note:
As per the special Rules of the Department, the forest area in Telangana State
is divided in to certain divisions which fall in different Districts of erstwhile Telangana.
The particulars of such divisions falling in different Districts of Telangana State are
mentioned here under:
District Unit of Appointment (Division)
Adilabad (General & Agency)
Bellampally (General & Agency)
1 Mancherial (General & Agency)
Jannaram (General & Agency)
Kagaznagar (General & Agency)
Nirmal (General & Agency)
2 Warangal (N) (General & Agency)
Warangal(S) (General & Agency)
3 Karimnagar(E)
4 Hyderabad & Ranga Reddy Hyderabad
5 Mahaboobnagar
Achampet (General &Agency)
6 Nalgonda Nalgonda
7 Nizmabad Nizamabad
8 Medak Medak
Khammam (General & Agency)
9 Khammam Bhadrachalam (N) (Agency)
Kothagudam (Agency)
Paloncha (General & Agency)
The Candidates who belong to a particular District will be treated as Local Candidate
to the divisions mentioned against the District Shown in the table above.
The Jurisdiction of Hyderabad Forest division extends to both the Districts of
Hyderabad & Ranga Reddy and falls under Hyderabad Division. The Local
candidates of the Hyderabad District and Ranga Reddy District will be treated as
Local candidates of Hyderabad Division.
PARA-VII: SCHEME OF EXAMINATION:- The Scheme & Syllabus for the examination has
been shown in ANNEXURE-III.
Candidates should make sure of their eligibility to the post applied for and that the
declaration made by them in the format of application regarding their eligibility is correct in
all respects. Any candidate furnishing in-correct information or making false declaration
regarding his/her eligibility at any stage or suppressing any information is liable to be
debarred for five years from appearing for any of the examinations conducted by the
commission, and summarily rejection of their candidature for this recruitment.
a) The Penal Provisions of Act 25/97 published in the State Gazette No. 35, Part-IV.B
Extraordinary dated: 21/08/1997 shall be invoked if malpractice and unfair means are
noticed at any stage of the Recruitment.
b) The Commission is vested with the constitutional duty of conducting recruitment and
selection as per rules duly maintaining utmost secrecy and confidentiality in this process
and any attempt by anyone causing or likely to cause breach of this constitutional duty in
such manner or by such action as to violate or likely to violate the fair practices followed
and ensured by the Commission will be sufficient cause for rendering such questionable
means as ground for debarment and penal consequences as per law and rules and as
may be decided by the Commission.
Breakup of vacancy position for the post of Forest Beat Officers in Forest Department (EFS&T)
Agency 7 5 7 5 12
General 26 14 9 4 4 2 4 2 6 3 1 5 2 3 1 57 29 86
15 Bellampally
Agency 6 6 6 6 12
General 16 9 6 2 2 1 3 4 3 3 1 2 36 16 52
16 Khagaznagar
Agency 5 4 5 4 9
General 23 13 7 4 4 1 4 1 5 3 1 3 1 2 1 49 24 73
17 Nirmal
Agency 1 0 1 1
General 106 57 35 15 17 6 18 5 25 12 1 1 19 6 12 2 233 104 337
Adilabad District Total Agency 75 51 75 51 126
Total 106 57 35 15 92 57 18 5 25 12 1 1 19 6 12 2 308 155 463
General 46 23 14 6 5 3 7 3 9 5 1 7 2 4 1 93 43 136
18 Warangal (N)
Agency 54 26 54 26 80
General 6 3 1 1 1 1 2 7 8 15
19 Warangal (S)
Agency 39 19 39 19 58
General 52 26 15 7 5 4 7 4 9 7 1 0 7 2 4 1 100 51 151
Warangal District Total Agency 93 45 93 45 138
Total 52 26 15 7 98 49 7 4 9 7 1 0 7 2 4 1 193 96 289
20 Karimnagar (E) General 33 17 11 5 5 2 6 2 6 4 1 5 2 3 1 70 33 103
21 Karimnagar (W) General 24 14 9 4 4 1 4 1 6 2 1 5 2 3 1 56 25 81
Karimnagar District Total General 57 31 20 9 9 3 10 3 12 6 2 0 10 4 6 2 126 58 184
General 421 224 131 64 53 28 63 29 84 54 12 2 69 25 41 13 874 439 1313
Agency 356 188 356 188 544
Grand Total 421 224 131 64 409 216 63 29 84 54 12 2 69 25 41 13 1230 627 1857
IMPORTANT NOTE: 1. The number of vacancies are subject to variation based on intimation being received from the appointing authority.
2. The Candidates who belong to a particular District will be treated as Local Candidate to the divisions mentioned against the District Shown in the table above
3. The Local candidates of the Hyderabad District and Ranga Reddy District will be treated as Local candidates of Hyderabad Division.
Scheme of Examination
1. Current affairs.
2. General Science in everyday life.
3. Environmental Issues and Disaster Management.
4. Geography and Economy of India and Telangana.
5. Indian Constitution: Salient Features.
6. Indian Political System and Government.
7. Modern Indian History with a focus on Indian National Movement.
8. History of Telangana and Telangana Movement.
9. Society, Culture, Heritage, Arts and Literature of Telangana.
10. Policies of Telangana State.
11. Ethics, Sensitivity to Gender and weaker sections, social awareness
Unitary method-time and distance, time and work, percentages, applications to simple and
compound interest, profit and loss, ratio and proportion, variation.
Elementary Number Theory Division algorithm. Prime and composite numbers. Tests of
divisibility by 2,3,4,5,9 and 11. Multiples and factors. Factorisation Thorem. H.C.F. and L.C.M.
Euclidean algorithm. Logarithms to base 10, laws of logarithms, use of logarithmic tables.
ALGEBRA: Basic Operations, simple factors, Remainder Theorem, H.C.F., L.C.M. Theory of
polynomials, solutions of quadratic equations, relation between its roots and coefficients (Only
real roots to be considered). Simultaneous linear equations in two unknowns analytical and
Graphical solutions. Simultaneous linear inequations in two variables and their solutions.
Practical problems leading to two simultaneous linear equations or inequations in two variables
or quadratic equations in one variable and their solutions. Set language and set notation,
Rational expressions and conditional identities, laws of indices.
TRIGONOMETRY: Sine x, Cosine x, Tangent x when Oo = x = 90o values of sin x, cos x and
tan x, for x= Oo , 30o, 45o, 60o and 90o.
GEOMETRY: Lines and angles, Plane and plane figures, Theorems on (i) Properties of angles
at a point, (ii) Parallel lines, (iii) Sides and angles of a triangle, (iv) Congruency of triangles, (v)
Similar triangles, (vi) Concurrence of medians and altitudes, (vii) Properties of angles, sides and
diagonals of a parallelogram, rectangle and square, (viii) Circles and its properties including
tangents and normals, (ix) Loci.
1) Candidates are directed to follow the Commissions Website ( regularly to Know
the latest developments regarding the Recruitment, dates of Examination, calling of candidates for
verification of Certificates/ Interviews/ Results etc.
2) The candidates must note that his/her admission to the examination is strictly provisional. The mere
fact that an Admission to the examination does not imply that his/her candidature has been finally
cleared by the Commission or that the entries made by the candidate in his/her application have been
accepted by the Commission as true and correct. The candidates have to be found suitable after
verification of original certificates; and other eligibility criteria. The Applicants have to upload his/her
scanned recent colour passport photo and signature to the Application Form. Failure to produce the
same photograph, if required, at the time of interview/ verification, may lead to disqualification. Hence
the candidates are advised not to change their appearance till the recruitment process is complete.
3) The candidates are not allowed to bring any Electronic devices such as mobile / cellphones,
Calculators, tablets, iPad, Bluetooth, pagers, watches to examination centre. Loaning and
interchanging of articles among the candidates is not permitted in the examination hall and any form of
malpractice will not be permitted in the exam hall.
4) The candidates are expected to behave in orderly and disciplined manner while writing the
examination. If any candidate takes away Answer Sheet of OMR based examination, the candidature
will be rejected and in case of impersonation/ disorder/ rowdy behaviour during Examination,
necessary F.I.R. for this incident will be lodged with concerned Police Station, apart from disqualifying
his / her candidature.
5) Candidates trying to use unfair means shall be disqualified from the selection. No correspondence
whatsoever will be entertained from the candidates.
6) The Penal Provisions of Act 25/97 published in the A.P. Gazette No. 35, Part-IV.B Extraordinary
dated: 21/08/1997 shall be invoked if malpractice and unfair means are noticed at any stage of the
Candidates are directed to take note that, after last date of receipt of Applications, Edit option
to the candidates will be allowed for three (3) days to make any corrections regarding their
Biodata particulars/Data corrections/Omissions etc., in the Online application already
submitted to the Commission. After the due date, Data corrections through Online/Paper
representations/Corrections on the Nominal Rolls will not be accepted under any
1) The candidates have to report 30 minutes before to the examination venue to record their thumb
impression on Biometric system.
2) The candidates should go through the instructions given on the cover page of test booklet and
carefully write his/her Register Number, Subject / Subject Code, Booklet Series, Name of the
Examination Centre etc., in the Answer Sheet, which will be provided to him/her in the examination
3) Since the answer sheets are to be scanned (valued) with Optical Mark Scanner system, the
The candidates will be supplied OMR Sheet consists of two copies i.e., the Original Copy (Top Sheet)
and Duplicate Copy (Bottom Sheet). The candidate is required to use Ball Point Pen (Blue or Black)
for filling the relevant blocks in the OMR Sheet including bubbling the answers. After writing the
examination the candidate has to handover the original OMR sheet (Top Sheet) to the
invigilator in the examination hall, if any candidate takes away the original OMR Sheet (Top
Sheet) his/her candidature will be rejected. However the candidate is permitted to take away
the duplicate (Bottom Sheet) OMR Sheet for his/her record. The candidates should bring Ball
Point Pen (Blue/Black and smooth writing pad) to fill up relevant columns on the Answer Sheet. The
candidate must ensure encoding the Register Number, Subject/Subject Code, Booklet Series, Name
of the Examination Centre, Signature of the Candidate and Invigilator, etc., on the O.M.R. Answer
sheet correctly, failing which the Answer sheet will be rejected and will not be valued. Use of
whitener on OMR Sheet will lead to disqualification.
4) The OMR Sheet is to bubble only by Ball Point Pen (Blue/Black). Bubbling by Pencil / Ink Pen / Gel
Pen is not permitted in this examination.
5) The candidates should satisfy the Invigilator of his identity with reference to the signature and
photographs available on the Nominal Rolls and Hall Ticket.
6) No candidate should leave the examination hall till expiry of fulltime.
7) The Commission would be analyzing the responses of a candidate with other appeared candidates to
detect patterns of similarity. If it is suspected that the responses have been shared and the scores
obtained are not genuine/ valid, the Commission reserves the right to cancel his/ her candidature and
to invalidate the Answer Sheet.
8) (i)Wherever Written Examination is held, only those candidates who are totally blind are
allowed to write the examination with the help of scribe and 10 minutes extra time is
permitted to them per hour.
(ii) An extra time of 20 minutes per hour is also permitted for the candidates with locomotor
disability and CEREBRAL PALSY where dominant (writing) extremity is affected for the
extent slowing the performance of function (Minimum of 40% impairment). No scribe is
allowed to such candidates.
(iii) Scribe will be provided to those candidates who do not have both the upper limbs for
Orthopedically Handicapped. However, no extra time will be granted to them.
(a) The scribe should be from an academic discipline other than that of the candidate and the
academic qualification of the scribe should be one grade lower than the stipulated eligibility
(b) The candidate as well as the scribe will have to give a suitable undertaking confirming the rules
1) Candidates shall report at the venue one and half hour (90 minutes) before the Commencement
of Examination as the candidates have to undergo certain procedural formalities required for
online examination.
2) Date and Time of the Examination as per Hall-Ticket
3) The examination link with the login screen will already be available on your system. Please inform
the invigilator if this is not the case.
4) 10 minutes prior to the exam, youll be prompted to login. Please type the Login ID (Roll No) and
the Password (Password for Candidate will be given on exam day) to proceed further.
5) Invigilator will announce the password at 09.50 AM and 02.20 PM.
6) Copying or noting down questions and/or options is not allowed. Severe action will be taken if any
candidate is found noting down the questions and/or options.
7) After logging in, your screen will display:
Profile Information - Check the details & click on I Confirm or I Deny.
Detailed exam instructions - Please read and understand thoroughly.
Please click on the I am ready to Begin button, after reading the instructions.
8) You have to use the mouse to answer the multiple choice type questions with FOUR alternative
9) To answer any numerical answer type question, you need to use the virtual numeric key pad and
the mouse.
10) On the online exam question screen, the timer will display the balance time remaining for the
completion of exam.
11) The question numbers are color coordinated and of different shapes based on the process of
recording your response:
White (Square) - For un-attempted questions.
Red (Inverted Pentagon) - For unanswered questions.
Green (Pentagon) - For attempted questions.
Violet (Circle) - Question marked by candidate for review, to be answered later.
Violet (Circle with a Tick mark) - Question answered and marked by candidate for review.
12) After answering a question, click the SAVE & NEXT button to save your response and move onto
the next question.
13) Click on Mark for Review & NEXT to mark your question for review, and then go to the next
14) To clear any answer chosen for a particular question, please click on the CLEAR RESPONSE
15) A summary of each section, (i.e. questions answered, not answered, marked for review) is
available for each section. You have to place the cursor over the section name for this summary.
16) In case you wish to view a larger font size, please inform the Invigilator. On the Invigilator's
confirmation, click on the font size you wish to select. The font size will be visible on the top.
17) You may view INSTRUCTIONS at any point of time during exam, by clicking on the
INSTRUCTIONS button on your screen.
18) The SUBMIT button will be activated after 150 Minutes. It will continue for an additional 50
Minutes for PWD candidate eligible for compensatory time. Please keep checking the timer on
your screen.
19) In case of automatic or manual log out, all your attempted responses will be saved. Also, the exam
will start from the time where it had stopped.
20) You will be provided a blank sheet for rough work. Do write your Login ID and Password on it.
Please ensure that you return it to the invigilator at the end of the exam after tearing ONLY the
password from it.
21) Please dont touch the key board as your exam ID will get locked. If your ID gets locked, please
inform a nearby invigilator who will help in unlocking your ID and then you can continue with the
22) Please inform the invigilator in case of any technical issues.
23) Please do not talk to or disturb other candidates.
24) In case you are carrying articles other than the admit card, photo identity proof and pen, please
leave them outside the exam room.
25) You cannot leave exam room before submitting the paper. Please inform the invigilator if you want
to use the wash room.
(G.O. MS. NO. 5 Scheduled Castes Development (POA.A2) Dept., Dt. 08/08/2015 read with G.O. Ms. No.
11, Scheduled Castes Development (POA.A2) Dept., Dt. 17/09/2014 and G.O. Ms. No. 2 Scheduled
Castes Development (POA.A2) Dept., Dt. 22.01.2015)
1. Adi Andhra
2. Adi Dravida
3. Anamuk
4. Aray Mala
5. Arundhatiya
6. Arwa Mala
7. Bariki
8. Bavuri
9. Beda (Budga) Jangam
10. Bindla
11. Byagara, Byagari
12. Chachati
13. Chalavadi
14. Chamar, Mochi, Muchi, Chamar-Ravidas, Chamar- Rohidas
15. Chambhar
16. Chandala
17. Dakkal, Dokkalwar
18. Dandasi
19. Dhor
20. Dom, Dombara, Paidi, Pano
21. Ellamalawar, Yellammalawandlu
22. Ghasi, Haddi, Relli, Chanchandi
23. Godari
24. Gosangi
25. Holeya
26. Holeya Dasari
27. Jaggali
28. Jambuvulu
29. Kolupulvandlu, Pambada, Pambanda, Pambala
30. Madasi Kuruva, Madari Kuruva
31. Madiga
32. Madiga Dasu, Mashteen
33. Mahar
34. Mala, Mala Ayawaru
35. Mala Dasari
36. Mala Dasu
37. Mala Hannai
38. Malajangam
39. Mala Masti
40. Mala Sale, Nethani
41. Mala Sanyasi
42. Mang
43. Mang Garodi
44. Manne
45. Mashti
46. Matangi
47. Mehtar
48. Mitha Ayyalvar
49. Mundala
50. Paky, Moti, Thoti
51. Pamidi
52. Panchama, Pariah
53. Relli
54. Samagara
55. Samban
56. Sapru
57. Sindhollu, Chindollu
58. Yatala
59. Valluvan
As per G.O. Ms. No. 16 Backward Classes Welfare (OP) Department, Dated:11.03.2015 and read with
G.O.MS.No. 34, Backward Classes Welfare (OP) Department, Dated: 08/10/2015, G.O. Ms. No. 4
Backward Classes Welfare (OP) Department, Dated: 30/01/2016
17 Nakkala (deleted vide. G.O.Ms.No.21, BCW (C2) Dept., Dt.20.06.2011, since it is included in the list of
Scheduled Tribes at Sl.No.34 vide. Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Order (Amendment) Act,
2002 (Central Act No.10 of 2003)
18 Vamsha Raj / Pitchiguntla
19 Pamula
20 Pardhi (Nirshikari)
21 Pambala
22 Peddammavandlu, Devaravandlu, Yellammavandlu, Mutyalammavandlu, Dammali / Dammala /
Dammula / Damala
23 Veeramushti (Nettikotala), Veerabhadreeya
24 Valmiki Boya (Boya, Bedar, Kirataka, Nishadi, Yellapi, Pedda Boya), Talayari, Chunduvallu (Yellapi
and Yellapu are one and the same as clarified vide. G.O.Ms.No.61, BCW (M1) Dept., Dt.05.12.1996)
25 Yerukalas in Telangana area (deleted and included at Sl.No.31 in the list of STs)
26 Gudala
27 Kanjara Bhatta
28 *[Kalinga]
29 Kepmare or Reddika
30 Mondepatta
31 Nokkar
32 Pariki Muggula
33 Yata
34 Chopemari
35 Kaikadi
36 Joshinandiwalas
37 Odde (Oddilu, Vaddi, Vaddelu), Vaddera, Vaddabhovi, Vadiyaraj, Waddera
38 Mandula
39 Mehtar (Muslim)
40 Kunapuli
41 Patra
42 *[Kurakula]
43 *[Pondara]
44 *[Samanthula /Samantha/ Sountia / Sauntia]
45 Pala-Ekari, Ekila, Vyakula, Ekiri, Nayanivaru, Palegaru, Tolagari, Kavali (area confined to Hyderabad
and Rangareddy Districts only)
46 Rajannala, Rajannalu (area confined to Karimnagar, Warangal, Nizamabad and Adilabad Districts
47 Bukka Ayyavars
48 Gotrala
49 Kasikapadi / Kasikapudi (area confined to Hyderabad, Rangareddy, Nizamabad, Mahaboobnagar and
Adilabad Districts only)
50 Siddula
51 Sikligar/ Saikalgar
52 Poosala (included vide. G.O.Ms.No.16, BCW(C2) Dept., Dt.19.02.2009 by deleting from Sl.No.24
under Group-D)
53 *[Aasadula / Asadula]
54 *[Keuta / Kevuto / Keviti]
55 Orphan and Destitute Children who have lost their parents before reaching the age of ten and are
destitute; and who have nobody else to take care of them either by law or custom; and also who are
admitted into any of the schools or orphanages run by the Government or recognised by the
(Vocational Groups)
1 *[Achukatlavandlu]
2 Aryakshatriya, Chittari, Giniyar, Chitrakara, Nakhas
3 Devanga
4 Goud [Ediga, Gouda (Gamalla), Kalalee, Gounda, [*Settibalija of Visakhapatnam, East Godavari,
West Godavari and Krishna districts] and Srisayana (Segidi)
5 Dudekula, Laddaf, Pinjari or Noorbash
6 Gandla, Telikula, Devathilakula
7 Jandra
8 Kummara or Kulala, Salivahana
9 Karikalabhakthulu, Kaikolan or Kaikala (Sengundam or Sengunther)
10 Karnabhakthulu
11 Kuruba or Kuruma
12 *[Nagavaddilu]
13 Neelakanthi
14 Patkar (Khatri)
15 Perika (Perika Balija, Puragiri kshatriya)
16 Nessi or Kurni
17 Padmasali (Sali, Salivan, Pattusali, Senapathulu, Thogata Sali)
18 Srisayana (Segidi) (deleted vide. G.O.Ms.No.63, BCW (M1) Dept., Dt.11.12.1996 and added to
Sl.No.4 of Group-B)
19 Swakulasali
20 Thogata, Thogati or Thogataveerakshatriya
21 Viswabrahmin (Ausula, Kamsali, Kammari, Kanchari, Vadla or Vadra or Vadrangi and Silpis),
22 *[Kunchiti / Vakkaliga / Vakkaligara / Kunchitiga]
23 Lodh/ Lodhi/ Lodha (area confined to Hyderabad, Rangareddy, Khammam and Adilabad Districts only)
24 Bondili
25 Are Marathi, Maratha (Non-Brahmins), Arakalies and Surabhi Natakalavallu
26 Neeli (included vide. G.O.Ms.No. 43, BCW (C2) Dept., Dt.07.08.2008 by deleting from Group D at
27 Budubunjala / Bhunjwa / Bhadbhunja (area confined to Hyderabad and Rangareddy Districts only)
28 *[Gudia / Gudiya]
(Harijan Converts)
1 Scheduled Castes converts to Christianity and their progeny
(Other Classes)
1 *[Agaru]
2 Arekatika, Katika, Are-Suryavamshi
3 *[Atagara]
4 Bhatraju
5 Chippolu (Mera)
6 *[Gavara]
7 *[Godaba]
8 Hatkar
9 *[Jakkala]
10 Jingar
11 *[Kandra]
12 Koshti
13 Kachi
14 Surya Balija (Kalavanthula), Ganika
15 Krishnabalija (Dasari, Bukka)
16 *[Koppulavelamas]
17 Mathura
18 Mali (Bare, Barai, Marar and Tamboli)
19 Mudiraj, Mutrasi, Tenugollu
20 Munnurukapu
21 *[Nagavasam (Nagavamsa)]
22 Nelli (deleted vide. G.O.Ms.No.43, BCW(C2) Dept., Dt.07.08.2008 and added at Sl.No.26 in Group 'B')
23 *[Polinati Velamas of Srikakulam and Visakhapatnam districts]
24 Poosala caste (deleted vide. G.O.Ms.No.16, BCW(C2) Dept., Dt.19.02.2009 and included at S.No.52
under Group-A)
25 Passi
26 Rangarez or Bhavasara Kshatriya
27 Sadhuchetty
28 Satani (Chattadasrivaishnava)
29 Tammali (Non-Brahmins) (Shudra caste) whose traditional occupation is playing musical instruments,
vending of flowers and giving assistance in temple service but not Shivarchakars
30 *[Turupukapus or Gajulakapus]
31 Uppara or Sagara
32 Vanjara (Vanjari)
33 Yadava (Golla)
34 Are, Arevallu and Arollu
35 *[Sadara / Sadaru]
36 *[Arava]
37 Ayyaraka (area confined to Khammam and Warangal Districts only)
38 Nagaralu (area confined to Hyderabad and Rangareddy Districts only)
39 Aghamudian, Aghamudiar, Agamudivellalar and Agamudimudaliar (including Thuluva Vellalas) (area
confined to Hyderabad and Rangareddy Districts only)
40 *[Beri Vysya / Beri Chetty]
41 *[Atirasa]
42 Sondi / Sundi
43 Varala
44 Sistakaranam
45 Lakkamarikapu
46 Veerashaiva Lingayat / Lingabalija
47 Kurmi
(Socially and Educationally Backward Classes of Muslims)
(Subject to outcome of Civil Appeal No(s).2628-2637/2010 etc., pending before the Hon'ble
Supreme Court of India)
N.B.: 1. The above list is for information and subject to confirmation with reference to G.O.Ms.No. 58,
SW(J) Department, dated 12.05.1997 and time to time orders.
2. On account of any reason whatsoever in case of any doubt/ dispute arising in the matter of
community status (SC/ST/BC/OC) of any candidate, subject to satisfaction with regard to
relevant rules and regulations in force the decision of the Commission shall be final in all such