Unit Ii The Extension of The British Rule: I. Fill in The Blanks With Suitable Answers

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I. Fill in the blanks with suitable answers:
1. At the end of First Anglo-Maratha war, ………agreement was
entered between Marathas and British.( Salabai )
2. The Subsidiary Alliance system was implemented by----------------
( Lord Wellesley )
3. The Doctrine of Lapse policy was implemented in the year---------
( 1848 )
4. The Doctrine of Lapse policy was implemented by …………
( Dalhousie )

II. Answer the following questions in one sentence each:

1. Mention the cunning policies of The British.
 Subsidiary Alliance and Doctrine of Lapse.

2. Who gave Kora and Alahabad to Marathas?

 Sha Aalam II gave Kora and Alahabad to Marathas

3. Which incident was a major setback to Marathas?

 The death of Maratha strong man Madhav Rao Peshwa was a
major setback to Marathas.

4. Who murdered Narayanrao?

 Narayanrao was murdered by his uncle Raghobha (Ragunatha

5. By which agreement First Anglo-Maratha War ended?

 First Anglo-Maratha War ended by the treaty of „Salbai
Agreement‟ .

6.Who was named as Peshwa after the First Anglo-Maratha War?

 Madhav Rao II was named as the Peshwa after First Anglo-
Maratha War

7. Who introduced the Subsidiary Alliance?

 Lord Wellesley introduced the Subsidiary Alliance
8. What were the three policies followed by Lord Wellesley?
 Subsidiary Alliance
 Waging war against new states
 administering the states directly that were under the control of
the British.

9. When was Subsidiary Alliance implemented?

 The Subsidiary Alliance was implemented in CE 1798.

10. What is Subsidiary Alliance?

 This was basically a Military Protection agreement between the
East India Company and the Indian State.

11. Which state was the first state to enter Subsidiary Alliance?
 The Hyderabad State was the first state to enter Subsidiary

12. Mention the states which entered Subsidiary Alliance?

 Hyderabad,Mysore, Awadh, Tanjavore, Maratha, Poona, Birar,

13. What was the main reason for Second Anglo-Maratha War?
 The differences among the Maratha Chieftains was the reason
for this war.

14. By which agreement second Anglo-Maratha War ended?

 The second Anglo-Maratha War ended by the treaty Treaty of

5. Between whom Lahore Agreement was signed?

 Lahore Agreement was signed between the British and Sikhs.

16. Who merged the state of Punjab with the British Empire?
 Lord Dalhousie merged the state of Punjab with the British
17. Who adopted Doctrine of Lapse policy?
 Dalhousie adopted Doctrine of Lapse policy.

18. Which were the states that came under the Doctrine of Lapse
 Satara, Nagpur, Sambalpur, Udaipur,Jhansi, Jaipur

III. Answer the following questions:

1. Explain the reasons for the First Anglo-Maratha War.
 Narayanrao he was murdered by his uncle Raghobha
(Ragunatha Rao).
 This resulted in the infighting for the Peshwa post.
 The Maratha federation brought MadhavRao II son of
Narayana Rao to the post of Peshwa.
 Upset with this development, Raghobha approached the
British for support.

2. Explain the conditions of Subsidiary Alliance.

 The Indian King had to keep the British Army in his kingdom.
 The concerned state had to bear the expenses of the army and
the wages of soldiers, and also had to give certain revenue
lands as well.
 The King has to have a British Resident in his Court.
 The King could not appoint any other European without the
permission of the British.
 In order to enter any agreement or pact with any Indian
Government, the permission of the Governor General was
 In return of all these services, the Company would offer
protection to the state from any internal or external

3. Explain the resons for Second Anglo-Maratha War.

 An enmity broke out between Yeshwanth Rao of Holkar family
and Daulth Rao of Sindhia family along with Peshwa Balaji
Rao II.
 the army of Holkar defeated the army of Scindia and the
 The Peshwa appealed for help from the British.

4. Explain the resons for Third Anglo-Maratha War.

 The Maratha families tried their best to
protect their independence and honour.
 Even the Peshwa attempted to free himself from the
clutches of the Company.
 The Peshwa attacked the British Residency in Poona
and brunt it down.

5. Explain the effects of Third Anglo-Maratha War.

 The British abolished the Peshwa post and granted a
pension to BajiRao II.
 They installed Pratapa simha, the descendant of Shivaji
as the ruler of Satara, a miniscule state, and named
him as the traditional leader of Marathas and
suppressed the Maratha resistance.

6. What is Doctrine of Lapse?

 According to this policy, “If any Indian ruler dies
without children, their adopted children had no legal
right over the throne” and such state gets merged with
the British Empire.

7. How did the Doctrine of Lapse support the expansion of

British Empire in India?
 Dalhousie adopted Doctrine of Lapse policy whereby
the adopted children of Indian Kings were refused of
their right to throne.
 According to this policy, “If any Indian ruler dies
without children, their adopted children had no legal
right over the throne”.
 And such state gets merged with the British Empire.
 Princely states like Satara, Nagpur, Sambalpur,
Udaipur, Jhansi, Jaipur came under this policy.

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