Vinta - Aug 17 17
Vinta - Aug 17 17
Vinta - Aug 17 17
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Rtn. Bryant Labastida was the guest
speaker. He discussed the Road Traffic
Injury Prevention (RTIP) Program
of World Health Organization in
consonance with the Department of Dir. PP Rodel Agbulos
Health. Rtn. Bryant emphasized that Monthly Program Coordinator
road traffic injuries are major but
neglected public health challenge that Agnes Chiong-Romero
requires concerted efforts for effective Evangeline Covarrubias
and sustainable prevention. Enrico Decheta
Bryant Labastida
Club Officers 2
On The Cover 3
Programme 3
Call To Order
Past PDGs & Presidents 4
RI President Message 5 National Anthem & 4-Way Test
Club President Message 6
Secretarys Report 6 LUNCHEON
Club News 7 Greetings & Sunshine
Rotary Information 8 Announcement
Rotary Article 10 Secretary Report
Club Membership Rosters 11 Presidents Time
the V I N T A
Rtn. Jesus Vincent Vince Carbon, PHF
Editorial Staff:
Pres. Victor Joaquin Joaqui Bucoy, PHF
VP Armando Armand Lorenzo, PHF AUGUST
Sec. Oliver Ver Cheong, PHF
PDG Oliver Ver Ong, MD/Bene
PP Edwin Edwin To, PHF
PP Sixto Jun Kwan, Jr. MD/Bene NEW CLUB
PP Rodelin Rodel Agbulos, PHF DEVELOPMENT
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1973 - 1974 Carl Charlie Rieth, MPHF
1976 - 1977 Antonio Tony Veloso
1987 - 1988 Gelacio Gil Chicombing (+)
1996 - 1997 Manuel Manny P. Tatel (+)
2015 - 2016 Oliver Ver Ong, MD/Bene
PAST presidents
1948-49 Nicasio Nick Valderossa (CP) (+) 1985-86 Manuel Manny Tatel (+)
1949-50 Jose Pepe Atilano 1986-87 Alfredo Fred Sarte
1950-51 Leonardo Narding Natividad 1987-88 Benjamin Ben Dimaano, PHF
1951-52 Rafael Paely Climaco (+) 1988-89 Felipe Ping Saavedra (+)
1952-53 Tomas Tom Ferrer (+) 1989-90 Lilio Lil Navarro
1953-54 Teodoro Doring Araneta 1990-91 Rene Boy Bautista
1954-56 Pedro Doc Araneta 1991-92 Cesar Sar Gonzales, PHF
1956-57 Logan Log Johnston 1992-93 Wilfrido Willy Yu
1957-58 Nicasio Nick Valderossa (+) 1993-94 Democrito Dem Palo
1958-59 Efren Ef Pea 1994-95 Bernard Bunny Ong
1959-60 Edmundo Ed Pinga 1995-96 Marcelino Jun Hapalla, Jr.
1960-61 Armando Mando Lopez 1996-97 Oliver Ver Ong, MD/Bene
1961-62 Julian Llaning Garcia 1997-98 Anton Mari Anton Lim, MD/Bene
1962-63 Luis Lui Velasco 1998-99 Delfin Delfin Castro
1963-65 Joaquin Jun Enriquez (+) 1999-00 Rolando Ronnie Bucoy (+)
1965-66 Amado Mac Macatulad 2000-01 Leon Leo Omoso, PHF
1966-68 Carl Otto Charlie Rieth, MPHF 2001-02 Sisenando Jun Baes, Jr.
1968-69 Antonio Tony Mas 2002-03 Rudy Rudy Padua (+) /
1969-70 Espiridion Dion Alvarez (+) 2003 Virgilio Loloy Ancheta
1970-71 Teodoro Teddy Lucero 2003-04 Solomon Sol Soliza, PHF
1971 Jose Joe Go (+) 2004-05 Rodelin Rod Agbulos, PHF
1971-73 Antonio Tony Veloso 2005-06 Bob Bob Gamutan
1973-74 Francisco Cali Caliolio (+) 2006-07 Eduardo Ramon Edmon Dimaano, PHF
1974-75 Arsenio Jun Gonzales, Jr. 2007-08 Marvin Bobby Sebastian, PHF
1975-76 Gelacio Gil Chicombing (+) 2008-09 Elmeir Meir Apolinario, PHF
1976-77 Benjamin Ben Mendoza 2009-10 Edwin Edwin To, MPHF
1977-78 Alvin Alvin Sebastian 2010-11 Sixto Jun Kwan, Jr., MD/Bene
1978-79 Sergio Serge Bonggay (+) 2011-12 Frederick Rikki Lim, PHF
1979-80 Perfecto Pec Perez 2012-13 Francis Franz Sarau, PHF
1980-81 Reynaldo Rey Villena 2013-14 Ronald Ron Rellosa
1981-82 Francisco Boy Lim (+) 2014-15 Eric Eric Harina, PHF
1982-83 Guillermo Gil Profeta (+) 2015-16 Raymond Gaspar Raymond Sator, PHF
1983-84 Edgardo Edgar Atilano, PHF 2016-17 Daniel Danny Zabala, PHF
1984-85 Antonio Tony Arciaga (+)
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Dear Fellow Rotarians, been completely rebuilt and relaunched
to be significantly more useful, and user-
When someone asks you, What is friendly, than it has been in the past. If
Rotary? What do you say? I think weve for some reason (for example, limited
all had the experience of being asked that internet access) your club is not able to
deceptively simple question and finding connect to Rotary Club Central, please
ourselves suddenly at a loss for words. be in touch with your district governor,
Even the most articulate among us have who will ensure that your information
a hard time capturing the essence of our can be submitted through other means.
organization in just a few sentences.
I cannot emphasize strongly enough
As an organization, Rotary has always that the goal of this effort is not
had a difficult time conveying the scope getting the largest and most impressive
of our work: not just what we do, but numbers. There is not going to be any
how we do it, and the value of what we competition, recognition, or public use
contribute to the world. whatsoever of the numbers reported by
any individual club. The goal is accurate
As an accountant, I like numbers. They
and reliable numbers that we can present
work in every language, and often they
confidently in our public image work, in
communicate complex information
our membership materials, and to our
much more effectively than words.
partners numbers backed by specific
That is why, in this Rotary year, I am
data, on the club level, that answer not
asking each club to provide Rotary
only the question, What is Rotary? but
headquarters with two numbers: the
the question, What does Rotary do?
amount of money, both in cash and in
kind, spent on humanitarian service; I strongly believe that with these
and the number of hours of work numbers, we will be better able to
performed in Rotarys name. demonstrate the value of Rotary: Making
a Difference which in time will enable
If we want these numbers to be useful,
us to make more of a difference, for more
they have to be accurate. That means
people, in more ways, than ever.
beginning now to accurately track the
hours and the money that our clubs
spend on their service.
ast July 30, a massive
fire broke out at around
10am Sunday morning
in Malamawi Island, Basilan
Province. The fire in Barangay
Diki razed around 200 houses and
rendered 1000 families homeless.
Rotarians all over District 3850
pooled resources for the fire
victims. Our Rotary Club of
Zamboanga City, through our
President Joaqui Bucoy, bought
200 mattresses for the displaced
families. PP Sol Soliza and Rtn. Jay
Santuyo donated cash. (jvmc3)
otary Club of Bacolod
recently celebrated its 80th
Charter Anniversary. It
was also the Clubs Turn-over
ceremony. The milestone event
was held at the sprawling SMX
Convention Center in Bacolod
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considered so important that the district assembly is a review by the
Rotary International President incoming District Governor of the
selects a knowledgeable Rotarian program theme and emphasis of the
as his personal representative to new RI president for the coming year.
attend and address each conference. District goals and objects are also
The program always includes described and plans are developed
several outstanding entertainment for their implementation.
features, interesting discussions and
inspirational programs.
One of the unexpected benefits of
attending a district conference is
the opportunity to become better
acquainted with members of ones
own club in an informal setting.
Lasting friendships grow from the
fellowship hours at the district
conference. PP Jun Kwan during the District Training Assembly for
Zones 10 and 11 of District 3850
The District Assembly
The success of each Rotary club is
In view of the annual turnover of frequently determined by the clubs
Rotary leadership each year, special full representation and participation
effort is required to provide the in the annual district assembly.
32,000 club leaders with appropriate
instruction for the tasks they
will assume. The annual District
Assembly is the major leadership
training event in each Rotary district
of the world.
The District Assembly offers
motivation, inspiration, Rotary
information and new ideas for club
officers, directors and key committee Seminar on
chairmen of each club. Some of the Rotary Global Grant,
most experienced district leaders Membership, Public
conduct informative discussions on Image
all phases of Rotary administration
and service projects. The assembly August 19, 2017
gives all participants valuable new 8am-5pm
ideas to make their club more effective Jade Room
and interesting. Usually eight to ten Grand Astoria Hotel
delegates from each club are invited
to attend the training session. Assessment will be
Another important feature of a shouldered by the Club
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Dir. PP Rodelin Rodel Agbulos, PHF
PP Elmeir Meir Apolinario, PHF
PP Edgardo Edgar Atilano, PHF
PP Rene Boy Bautista, PHF
Pres. Victor Joaquin Joaqui Bucoy, PHF
Arturo Tuting Cabidog
Jesus Vincent Vince Carbon, PHF
Sec. Oliver Ver Cheong, PHF
Agnes Chiong-Romero
Evangeline Vangie Covarrubias
Enrico Rico Decheta
Ramon Mon Diaz, PHF
PP Benjamin Ben Dimaano, PHF
PP Eduardo Ramon Edmon Dimaano, PHF
Rodel Rodel Falcasantos
PP Julian Lianing Garcia, PHF
Asst. Sec. Honrado Jose DJ Go, PHF
PP Arsenio Jun Gonzales, Jr., PHF
PP Cesar Sar Gonzales, PHF
Jan MichaelMike Guillo
Christine Haresco
Dir. PP Eric Eric Harina, PHF
PP Sixto Jun Kwan, MD/BENE
Bryant Yan-Yan Labastida
Honoriza Krystle Monjie Lavista
PP Anton Mari Anton Lim, MD
Vice-Pres. Armando Arman Lorenzo, Jr.
Jude Jude Macrohon
Joel Joel Mejia, PHF
Leon Leo Omoso, PHF
PDG Oliver Ver Ong, MD/BENE
PE Justin Elfred Lan Justin Paber, PHF
Benjamin Benjie Romero III
Treas. Cezar Zar Reyes, PHF
PDG Carl Charlie Rieth, MPHF
Myrna Myrna Sanchez
Dir. Joel Joel Sanson
Dir. Jay Jay Santuyo
PP Francis Franz Sarau, PHF
PP Marvin Bobby Sebastian, PHF
PP Solomon Sol Soliza, PHF
Catreene Tiquis
PP Edwin Edwin To, PHF
Iris Ris Trinidad
Steven Steve Ty, PHF
Dir. Kenneth Brylle Keeno Uy
Marvin Valaquio
PDG Antonio Tony Veloso, MPHF
IPP Daniel Danny Zabala, PHF
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