Laminar Flow Valve Sizing Made Easy
Laminar Flow Valve Sizing Made Easy
Laminar Flow Valve Sizing Made Easy
Cv Flow coefficient, gpm/(PSI) .5
CVL Flow coefficient calculated assuming laminar flow, gpm/(PSI) .5
CVT Valve flow coefficient measured under fully turbulent conditions, (rated Cv in valve manufacturers catalog), gpm/(PSI) .5
D Valve Diameter, in.
Do Equivalent Orifice diameter, in.
Fd Valve style modifier, DH/Do, dimensionless
FL Liquid Pressure Recovery Factor, dimensionless
FR Valve Reynolds number factor, dimensionless
K Velocity head loss coefficient of valve, dimensionless
L Length of valve flow path, in
P Pressure, psi
q Gas flow rate, ACFH (SCFH * SG)
Q Liquid flow rate, gal/min
ReO Orifice Reynolds number, dimensionless
ReV Valve Reynolds number, dimensionless
Do/D, dimensionless
Density, lb/ft3
Kinematic viscosity, centistokes, 10-6 m2/s
F Full Trim, 10<CvT/Do2<30
H Hydraulic
L Laminar flow regime
P Pipe
R Reduced Trim, CvT/Do2<10
T Turbulent flow regime
Equations to calculate control valve Cv values in the laminar and transitional flow regimes have
been derived from fundamental principles. These equations are simpler and more accurate to use
than the ISA standard 75.01.
Most valve sizing is done using Cv equations which are only good for turbulent flow when the
Reynolds Number is greater than 10,000. The Reynolds number for liquids in the turbulent
regime is1:
3160 * Q
(1) Re P =
D P *
This equation shows that a low ReP is generally found with high viscosities or low flow rates. To
understand why viscosity would effect a valves flow capacity, assume a valve has a Cv of 5,
which means it can flow 5 gpm of water with a 1 PSI pressure drop (Re = 31600). To flow 5
gpm of syrup (=1000) with the same 1 PSI pressure drop (Re=31.6) would require a valve with
a capacity larger than 5. The ratio of these two factors is defined:
This Tech Sheet was developed by the members of the Fluid Controls Institute (FCI) Gauge Section. FCI is a trade association comprising the
leading manufacturers of fluid control and conditioning equipment. FCI Tech Sheets are information tools and should not be used as substitutes for
instructions from individual manufacturers. Always consult with individual manufacturers for specific instructions regarding their equipment.
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Tech Sheet #CVR 403
(2) CV
The laminar Cv is therefore defined as the Valve Reynolds Number Factor multiplied by the
turbulent Cv.:
(3) CV = FR * CVT
An equation for FR can be derived if you first model a control valve in the transitional regime as
two valves in series as shown in Figure #1. In this case the flow moves slowly through the test
piping and body piping and very quickly through the throttling orifice. Therefore in this model
the first valve is the body Cv with a laminar ReV (CVL) and the second valve is the Cv from the
orifice with a turbulent Reo (CVT) as shown in Figure #1.
The combined liquid Cv for two CV values in series can be calculated by substituting CVL=A/(P1-
P2).5 and CVT = A/(P2-P3).5 into the equation CV = A/(P1-P3).5 where A=Q(G).5 for subcritical
flow or Q(G).5/FL for critical flow. The combined liquid CV is:
CVL 2 *CVT 2
(4) CV = CVL 2 +CVT 2
This Tech Sheet was developed by the members of the Fluid Controls Institute (FCI) Gauge Section. FCI is a trade association comprising the
leading manufacturers of fluid control and conditioning equipment. FCI Tech Sheets are information tools and should not be used as substitutes for
instructions from individual manufacturers. Always consult with individual manufacturers for specific instructions regarding their equipment.
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Tech Sheet #CVR 403
For a valve under turbulent flow CVT,the rated maximum Cv of the valve, is1:
29.9.D o
Before continuing with the derivation of FR, an explanation of Do and D must be made. Do is
generally thought to be the orifice which is typically equal to the pipe size. For a pipe Do = DP,
and CVT/DO2 =29.9 since KT = 1. In a valve Do is an equivalent diameter which gives the same
circular area as the actual valve opening. For instance when a control valve is throttling, the plug
is moved partially into the seat which creates an annular orifice as shown in Figure #2.
Figure # 2 Determination of DO
If the seat diameter is D1 and the plug diameter is D2 then the area of this orifice would be
Pi*(D12-D22)/4. The orifice diameter for this application would therefore be:
2 2
DO = D1 D2
This Tech Sheet was developed by the members of the Fluid Controls Institute (FCI) Gauge Section. FCI is a trade association comprising the
leading manufacturers of fluid control and conditioning equipment. FCI Tech Sheets are information tools and should not be used as substitutes for
instructions from individual manufacturers. Always consult with individual manufacturers for specific instructions regarding their equipment.
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Tech Sheet #CVR 403
The equation for CVL is similar to equation #5 for the laminar flow regime. However in the
laminar regime the hydraulic diameter must be substituted for the diameter. The hydraulic
diameter is defined as DO*Fd. In this case since we are talking about a circular pipe as being the
flow path, the Fd = 1 and DH = DP. Therefore :
FR = 1
1+ K L
The Crane Handbook1 defines K as fL/D, and for laminar flow when Re <2100 Poiseuilles law
is applicable so f = 64/Re and:
(8) KL = 64*L
Re P *DP
Substituting Equations 8 and 1 into Equation 7 yields an equation for FR which is valid for the
laminar, transitional and turbulent flow regimes:
(9) FR = 1
44142*Q* D 4
This equation indicates that the FR factor is a function of the viscosity, the flow rate Q, the
orifice diameter DO and the length of the flow path L, and is independent of DP, FL and Fd. The
length of the flow path L is the distance between the pressure taps used to calculate the Cv. This
is shown in Figure 1 to be approximately equal to eight times the valve size added to the face-to-
face dimension of the valve.
This Tech Sheet was developed by the members of the Fluid Controls Institute (FCI) Gauge Section. FCI is a trade association comprising the
leading manufacturers of fluid control and conditioning equipment. FCI Tech Sheets are information tools and should not be used as substitutes for
instructions from individual manufacturers. Always consult with individual manufacturers for specific instructions regarding their equipment.
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Tech Sheet #CVR 403
Derived Equation #9 is remarkably close to the current ISA Equation if Do=1. Test data proves
this method to be extremely accurate. Figure #3 shows data for a Spence J control valve.
The Spence valve has a face-to-face dimension of 7.625 and a standard tapered plug in a .125
orifice. This valve has a CVT of .051and a Do of .057. Test data was taken by leaving the valve
wide open and reducing the flow rate and Reynolds number by gradually reducing the pressure
Figure 3
Spence J Valve Do=.057", Cvt = .051, L=15
Calculated Cv
0.00 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05
Test Cv
Figure #4 shows test data for a 1 Fisher Globe valve and Figure #5 shows test data for a V-Port Globe valve for a
variety of fluids.
Figure 4
Fisher 1" Orifice Cvt = 12.38, L=25
Calculated Cv
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Test Cv
This Tech Sheet was developed by the members of the Fluid Controls Institute (FCI) Gauge Section. FCI is a trade association comprising the
leading manufacturers of fluid control and conditioning equipment. FCI Tech Sheets are information tools and should not be used as substitutes for
instructions from individual manufacturers. Always consult with individual manufacturers for specific instructions regarding their equipment.
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Tech Sheet #CVR 403
Figure #5
Fisher 1" V-Port Cvt = 11.89, L=18
Calculated Cv
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Test Cv
Figure #6 shows data for a Neles Controls 2 Finetrol valve flowing a fluid with a viscosity of
31729 cs. In this case the data shows FR values as the valve is gradually closed to about 10% of
its wide open CVT. The orifice diameter values (Do) are calculated assuming CVT/DO remains
constant as the valve is closed (constant KT = 4.91). Again the derived equations give a
remarkably good fit considering the difficulty in getting reliable test data in the ReV range of only
1. An L of 22 was used for this data.
This Tech Sheet was developed by the members of the Fluid Controls Institute (FCI) Gauge Section. FCI is a trade association comprising the
leading manufacturers of fluid control and conditioning equipment. FCI Tech Sheets are information tools and should not be used as substitutes for
instructions from individual manufacturers. Always consult with individual manufacturers for specific instructions regarding their equipment.
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Tech Sheet #CVR 403
The FR value for a gas can be calculated starting with the gas Reynolds Number:
(12) .482 * q
Re P =
D P *
By substituting Equation # 8 and #12 into Equation #7, an FR value is obtained which is valid
for the laminar, transitional and turbulent flow regimes:
(13) 1
FR =
* L * CVT
6.7 * q * DO4
Figure #7 shows liquid and air data3 for a Baumann small flow trim valve with a CVT of
0.00175, and DO of .011. a show Equations #9 and #13 are amazingly accurate.
Figure 7
Baumann 1/4" V-Port Cvt = .00175, L=10, Do = .011
Calculated Cv
0.0000 0.0002 0.0004 0.0006 0.0008 0.0010 0.0012 0.0014 0.0016 0.0018
Test Cv
This Tech Sheet was developed by the members of the Fluid Controls Institute (FCI) Gauge Section. FCI is a trade association comprising the
leading manufacturers of fluid control and conditioning equipment. FCI Tech Sheets are information tools and should not be used as substitutes for
instructions from individual manufacturers. Always consult with individual manufacturers for specific instructions regarding their equipment.
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Tech Sheet #CVR 403
I would like to express my thanks to Mr. Marc Riveland of Fisher Controls International and to
Mr. Sam Lalos of Neles Controls for providing test data.
1. Crane Co., Flow of Fluids Through Valves, Fittings, and Pipe, Technical Paper No. 410.
2. Page, George, Simplified Valve Sizing for Laminar Flows, Chemical Engineering,
October 1998.
This Tech Sheet was developed by the members of the Fluid Controls Institute (FCI) Gauge Section. FCI is a trade association comprising the
leading manufacturers of fluid control and conditioning equipment. FCI Tech Sheets are information tools and should not be used as substitutes for
instructions from individual manufacturers. Always consult with individual manufacturers for specific instructions regarding their equipment.
2/8/06 Page 8 of 8 This sheet is reviewed periodically and may be updated. Visit for the latest version.