Pediatric Nursing
Pediatric Nursing
Pediatric Nursing
-IV therapy or TPN can supply fluid and calories to the infant.
-Gastrostomy feeding.
-Upper right lobe pneumonia. Possible Complications:
-Dehydration or an electrolyte imbalance from lack of oral intake.
-Pneumothorax (Post-operative; from leaks occurring at
anastomosis sites)
-Gastroesophageal reflux may occur after a repair if the esophagus
is left shorter than usual.
Nsg Dx:
Risk for imbalanced nutrition less than body requirements r/t inability for oral intake
Risk for infection r/t aspiration or seepage of stomach secretions into the lungs
Risk for impaired skin integrity r/t gastrostomy tube insertion site.
Nsg Mgt:
Position the infant upright or on the right side to prevent gastric juice from entering the lungs form the fistula..
Oropharyngeal suctioning of mucus as necessary.
Observe closely for respiratory distress.
Continue to suction as ordered. (shallow)
Turn child frequently to discourage fluid form accumulating in the lungs.
Keep an infant laryngoscope and ET readily available at bedside in case extreme edema develops, increasing the infants risk for airway obstruction.
Gastrostomy: protect the skin by using a cream or commercial skin protector system.
6. Omphalocele -Protrusion of abdominal contents through the abdominal wall at the point of
junction of the umbilical cord and abdomen.
-The herniated organs are usually the intestines but they may include the stomach
and liver.
-They are usually covered and contained by a thin transparent layer of peritoneum.
-At approx. 6 -8 weeks of intrauterine life, the fetal abdominal contents are extruded from the abdomen into the base of the umbilical cord. At 7-10
week, the intestine returns to the abdomen. Omphalocele occurs when the abdominal contents fail to return to the abdomen.
-Teratogenic insult that prevented normal intestinal growth.
-Prenatal sonogram. If not, presence of omphalocele is obvious on Dx:
inspection at birth.
-When identified in utero, cesarean birth may be performed, however, if this is the only disorder, vaginal birth is considered safe. Document the
omphaloceles general appearance and its size in cm at birth to demonstrate its extent and appearance.
-Immediate surgery to replace the bowel before the thin peritoneal membrane ruptures or becomes infected.
-If omphalocele is large, topical application of solution such a silver sulfadiazine to prevent infection of the sac, followed by delayed surgical closure.
-NGT is inserted to prevent intestinal distention, which would enlarge the bowel lumen, making it more difficult to replace.
-Infant must not be fed orally or suck on pacifier until the bowel repair is complete.
-Hospitalized or home care for a long time (1-2months) waiting for 2 nd stage or even 3rd stage operation, depending on the extent of bowel involved.
-Post-operative: maintain TPN. Once the final stage of bowel repair is completed, a normal infant diet can be introduced gradually.
Possible Complication:
-Volvulus: twisting of bowel causing obstruction.
-If the total bowel were replaced into this small abdomen, respiratory distress might result from the pressure of the visceral bulk on the diaphragm and
lungs. Bowel may be contained by a silastic pouch suspended over the infants bed. Over the next 5 to 10 days, this is decrease in size as more bowel is
gradually returned to the abdomen. TPN is done to supply nutrients and keep bowel from filling.
-Risk for infection r/t exposed abdominal contents Nsg Dx:
-Risk for imbalanced nutrition, less than body requirements, r/t
exposed abdominal contents.
Nsg mgt:
-Do not leave infants under a radiant heat source because this will quickly dry the exposed bowel.
-Cover with sterile saline soaked gauze or a sterile plastic bowel bag until surgery.
-Observe infants carefully for signs of obstruction (abdominal distention, constipation or diarrhea, or vomiting) when they begin oral feedings.
-Offer support to parents to help them accept that this treatment method is the best way to manage this type of intestinal disorder.
7. Gastoschisis -Condition similar to omphalocele , except that the abdominal wall defect is a
distance from the umbilicus and abdominal organs are not contained by peritoneal
membrane but rather spill freely from the abdomen
-Surgical procedure is same with omphalocele.
-Children may often have decreased bowel mobility and even after surgical
correction they may have difficulty with absorption of nutrients and passage of
-Long term follow up maybe necessary to ensure that nutrition and elimination are
8. Intestinal obstruction
-If canalization of the intestine does not occur in the utero at some point in the bowel, an atresia (complete closure) or stenosis (narrowing) of the fetal
bowel can occur.
-Mesentery of the bowel twists as the bowel re-enters the abdomen or from the looseness of the intestine in the abdomen of the neonate (this continues
to be a problem for the first 6 months of life.)
-Thicker than usual meconium formation, blocking the lumen.
-Passes no meconium S/sx
-Pass one stool and then halt
-Distended abdomen
-Tender abdomen- evidence pain by hard forceful indignant crying
and by pulling the legs up against the abdomen
-Greenish (bile stained) vomitus if obstruction is in the ampulla of
Vater (junction of bile duct and duodenum.
-Increased RR (diaphragm is pushed up against the lungs)
-May be anticipated if mother had hydramnios during pregnancy
-if more than 30ml of stomach contents can be aspirated form the newborns stomach by catheter and syringe at birth.
-Abdominal flat plate x-ray or sonogram will reveal no air below the level of obstruction in the intestines.
-Barium swallow or barium enema x-ray film may be used to reveal the position of the obstruction.
-OGT or NGT is inserted and then attached to low suction or left open to the air to prevent further gastrointestinal distention from swallowed air. (low
intermittent suction)
-IV therapy to restore fluid
-Immediate surgery. Area of atresia or stenosis is removed.
- If the repair is anatomically difficult or the infant has other anomalies that interfere with overall health, a temporary colostomy may be constructed and
surgery will be rescheduled at age of 3 to 6months.
-Risk for fluid volume r/t vomiting Nsg Dx:
9. Meconium Plug Syndrome -Extremely hard portion of meconium that has completely blocked the intestinal
lumen, causing bowel obstruction.
-Usually form in the lower end of the bowel.
1. No meconium passage
2. Abdominal distention Mgt:
3. Vomiting of bile-stained fluid
If obstruction is too high for enemas to reduce it, the
bowel must be incised and the hardened meconium
surgically removed.
Further assess infant for Cystic Fibrosis
Diaphragmatic Hernia -Protrusion of an abdominal organ (usually the stomach or intestine) through a
defect in the diaphragm into the chest cavity.
-Usually occurs on the left side.
-The chest and abdominal cavity are one, at approx. 8 weeks of growth, the diaphragm forms to divide them. If it does not form completely, intestines
can herniate through the diaphragm opening into the chest cavity.
Signs and Symptoms:
-Respiratory difficulty from time of birth (because at least one of the lobes of their lungs is unable to expand satisfactorily.
-Intercostal or subcostal retractions
-Sunken abdomen
-Absent breath sounds on affected side of the chest.
-Occasionally detected in utero by sonogram however it is diagnosed at birth.
-If seen extreme in sonogram, surgery to remove the bowel from the chest can be attempted by fetoscopy while fetus is still in the utero.
-Emergency surgical repair of the diaphragm and replacement of the herniated intestine.
-If the defect of the diaphragm is large, an insoluble polymer (Teflon) patch may be used in reconstruction
-NGT or Gastrostomy tube is inserted immediately to prevent distention of the herniated intestine. Low intermittent suction is used to avoid injuries in
the lining of the stomach.
-They may be treated with nitric oxide or maintained on ECMO (Extracorporal membrane oxygenation; A heart lung machine) after surgery until lung
tissue is able to function.
-Risk for infective airway clearance r/t displaced bowel Nsg Dx:
-Risk for imbalance nutrition less than body requirements r/t NPO
Nsg Mgt:
-Elevate head of bed. This allows the herniated intestine to fall back as far as possible into the abdomen, providing maximum amount of respiratory
space in chest.
-Post-operative: semi-fowlers position, to keep pressure of the replaced intestine off the repaired diaphragm.
-Suction as necessary
-Keep infant in a warmed humidified environment to encourage lung fluid drainage.
-Chest physiotherapy maybe ordered to ensure that lung secretions do not pool and prevent pneumonia
-When starting oral feedings, be certain to bubble the infant well after feeding to reduce the amount of swallowed air and limit bowel pressure against the
Possible Complication:
-Cardiac displacement to the right side of the chest and collapse the left lung (if occurred in the left)
-Pulmonary hypertension because the blood is unable to perfuse readily through the unexpanded lung. This leads to right-to-left shunting through the
foramen ovale of the heart and also causes Patent Ductus Arteriosus.
Umbilical hernia -Protrusion of a portion of the intestine through the umbilical ring, muscle and
fascia surrounding the umbilical cord.
-Bulging protrusion under the skin at the umbilicus. The structure is
generally 1-2cm in diameter but may be as big as orange when children
cry or strain.
-If the facial ring is less than 2cm, closure will usually occur spontaneously and no repair will be indicated.
-If more than 2cm, surgery for repair will generally be indicated to prevent intestinal obstruction or bowel strangulation. Usually done when the child os
1 to 2 years of age.
-Surgery is generally accomplished on an ambulatory out-patient basis.
-Educate parents to avoid placing belly bands or taping silver dollar over the area . it may lead to bowel strangulation and should be avoided.
-Post-operative: Pressure dressing remains in place until the sutures are well healed.
-Educate parents to sponge-bath the child until they return for post-operative visit and the dressing is removed.
Imperforated Anus -Stricture of the anus.
-failure of the upper bowel to elongate pouch and combine with a pouch Cause:
invaginating from the perineum by absorbing the membranes during the
7th week of intrauterine life.
-May occur as an additional complication of the spinal cord defects,
because both the external anal canal and spinal cord arise from the
same region.
-X-ray or sonogram will reveal the defect if the infant is held in a head-down position to allow swallowed air to rise to the end of the blind pouch of the
bowel. This is also helpful to estimate the distance the intestine is separated from the perineum.
-Urinalysis to determine whether the child has a rectal-bladder fistula (presence of meconium). Meconium-stained discharge or a rectovaginal fistula in
Mgt: (degree of difficulty in repairing an imperforated anus depends on the extent of the problem)
-NGT attached to low intermittent suction (relieve vomiting and prevent pressure on other abdominal organs or diaphragm from the distended abdomen.
-IV therapy
-Simple anastomosis of the separated bowel segments if rectum ends close to the perineum and the anal sphincter is formed.
-The repair becomes complicated if the end of the rectum is at distance from the perineum or the anal sphincter exists only in an underdeveloped form.
-Repairs are complicated if a fistula to the bladder or urethra is present.
-Colostomy may be created temporarily if repair will be extensive and anticipating final repair when the infant is 6-12 months old.
-Still with NGT and removed once bowel sounds are present and start small oral feeding with milk or glucose water.
-Low residue diet for those with colostomy and are scheduled for second stage repair.
-Stool softener daily to keep stool from becoming hard and tear the healing suture
Nsg Dx:
-Imbalanced nutrition, less tha body requirement r/t bowel obstruction and inability for oral intake
-Impaired tissue integrity at rectum r/t surgical incision.
-Risk for impaired parenting r/t difficulty in bonding with infant ill from birth
Nsg mgt:
-Take axillary or tympanic temperature rather than rectal.
-Clean the suture line well after bowel movement by irrigating normal saline.
-Side-lying position. Do not place infant in prone position. Newborns tend to place their knees under causing tension in the perineal area.
-Fistula to the bladder in boys and to the vagina in girls further Possible complications
complicating a surgical repair.
1. Hydrocephalus -An excess of CSF in the ventricles and subarachnoid spaces of the brain.
-Can be congenital or acquired.
a. Communicating or extra-ventricular if fluid passes between the ventricles and the spinal cord.
b. Obstructive or intra-ventricular- -block to such passage of fluid.
b. microcephaly
-a disorder in which brain growth is so slow that it falls more than 3 standard
deviations below normal growth charts.
F. Encephalocele
-a cranial meningocele or myelomenigocele.
-Occurs more often in the occipital area of the skull but may occur as a nasal or
X-ray or sonography will reveal the size of the skull defect. nasopharyngeal defect.
Mgt: (Meningocele, myelomeningocele, encephalocele)
-Surgery to replace the contents that are replaceable and to close the skin defect to prevent infection.
-Artificial bladder sphincters may be placed to help establish continence.
Nsg Dx:
-Risk for infection r/t rupture or bacterial invasion of neural tube sac
-Risk for imbalanced nutrition, less than body requirements, r/t difficulty assuming normal feeding positions
-Risk for ineffective cerebral tissue perfusion r/t increased intracranial pressure
-Risk for impaired skin integrity r/t required prone position
-Impaired physical mobility r/t neural tube disorder
-Risk for impaired elimination r/t neural tube disorder
Nsg Mgt:
-Position patient on prone or side-lying( supported)
-Help parents hold infant in as normal feeding position. Make certain that a supporting arm does not press against the lesion.
-Encourage parents to take the infant to the places a child would normally accompany parents.
-Teach parents to perform passive exercises to prevent muscle atrophy and formation of contractures if the child has impaired lower extremity motor
-Post-operative: place child on prone until the skin incision is healed (about 7 days)
-Observe frequently for signs of increased ICP, increase in head circumference as well as behavioral changes such as irritability or lethargy.
3. Arnold-Chiari II Malformation (Charii II Malformation) -Over growth of neural tube inn weeks 16-20 of fetal life.
-Projection of cerebellum, medulla oblongata and fourth ventricle into the
cervical canal.
-Causes the upper cervical spinal cord t jackknife backward, obstructing CSF
flow causing hydrocephalus.
-Gagging and swallowing reflexes may be absent, increasing risk of Signs and symptoms:
tracheal aspiration.
1. Absent or malformed Extremitie -Congenital skeletal disorders may result from unknown reasons such as
maternal drug ingestion, virus invasion during pregnancy or amniotic band
formation in the utero.
-These children can be fitted with prosthesis early in life
-Children who are born with an absent extremity may need help not only in
mastering the use of prosthesis but also in mastering a positive body image of
themselves as whole.
2. Finger Conditions
a. Polydactyly presence of one or more additional fingers. These extra fingers are often just
cartilage or skin tags. Removal is simple and cosmetically sound.
b. Syndactyly two fingers are fused. The fusion is usually caused by simple webbing;
separation of the fingers into two sound and cosmetically appealing ones is
usually successful.
-In other instances, the bones of the fingers are also fused and the cosmetic
appearance and function of fingers cannot be fully reconstructed.
-Heads appear unusually large. Forehead is prominent and bridge of the S&S:
nose is flattened. Intelligence is generally normal -
-Thoracic kyphosis and lumbar lordosis of the spine may develop.
-Height less than 4ft 6 inches (140cm)
-Small pelvis ( difficult child bearing)
a. Plantar flexion - an equinus or horsefoot position with the foot lower than the heel.
-the heel is held lower than the foot or the anterior foot is flexed towards the
anterior leg.
b. Dorsiflexion- - foot turns in
c. Varus deviation - foot turns out
d. Valgus deviation -most children have a combination of these conditions or have an equinovarus
or a calcaneovalgus deformity (child walks on heel with foot everted)
Nsg mgt:
-Review with parents on how to check the infants toes for coldness or cyanosis and how to blanch a toe nail bed and watch it turn pink to assess for
good circulation
-Teach parents to perform passive foot exercises such as putting the infants foot and ankle through a full range of motion several times a day for several
months (after cast is removes approx. after 6weeks)
9. Developmental Hip Dysplasia -Improper formation and function of the hip socket, it may be evident as
subluxation or dislocation of the head of the femur
-Occurs most in children of Mediterranean ancestry.
-6 times more frequent in girls than boys. (Possibly because the hips are
normally more flaring in females and possible because the maternal hormone
relaxin causes the pelvic ligaments to be more relaxed.)
-Usually unilateral
Dx: (will reveal the shallow acetabulum and a more lateral placement of the femur head than is ordinarily seen)
-Splints, halter or cast may be used (to press the femur head against the acetabulum and cause it to deepen its contour by the pressure.)
-Traction is used first for older children (to bring the femur head into good position with the acetabulum)
-Surgery (pin inserted to stabilize the hip. For those who did not achieve correction)
-Some children wil be 2 years old before the final cast or harness is removed.
- made of plastic and buckles onto the child like a huge confining diaper. Keep
a. Frejka Splints splint in place at all times except when changing diapers or bathing the infant.
- an adjustable chest halter that abducts the legs, method of choice for long
term therapy because it reduces the time interval for therapy to 3 to 4 weeks
and simplifies care. Soft plastic stirrups with quick fastening closures attach to
b. Pavlick Harness leg extension straps and hold the hips flexed, abducted and externally rotated.
Instruct parents to lie the infant supines, grasp the infants thigh and abduct
them to place the femoral head into the acetabulum and then aply the harness.
c. Spica Cast - if hip is fully dislocated or the subluxation is severe, the infant may be placed
immediately in frog-leg cast or a spica cast to maintain an externally rotated
hip position. The child may be placed in bryants traction for a week to better
position the hip. The hip is then placed in an abducted position and a large hip
spica cast or an A-line case is applied.
-Deficient parental knowledge r/t splint, halter or cast correction for Nsg Dx:
hip dysplasia
Nsg mgt:
-Remind parents of good diaper area care. Padding the edges of the brace with an additional diaper can increase comfort and decrease irritation.
-Advice parents to assess the skin under the straps daily for irritation or redness.
-Assess hourly for circulation to the extremities for the first 24 hours after the cast is placed and daily thereafter.
1. Trisomy 13 syndrome (Pataus syndrome; 47XX13+ or 47Xy13+) -A condition which children have an extra chromosome 13.
-Severely cognitively challenged children
-Most of these children do not survive past early childhood.
-At puberty child does not develop secondary sex characteristics S&S: (Characteristics of the syndrome may not be noticeable at birth
-Testis are small and produce ineffective sperm
6. Fragile X syndrome -X-linked pattern of inheritance in which one long arm of a X chromosome is
-Most common cause of cognitive challenge in boys
-Carrier females may show some evidence of the physical and cognitive
1. B-Lymphocyte Deficiencies
-Inhireted X-linked recessive defect in the maturation of B lymphocytes that
a. Abnormally low Ig (IgA) or totally, which is referred to as results in abnormally low levels of all immunoglobulins.
hypoammaglobulinemia or agammaglobulinemia -Rheumathoid arthritis or SLE may occur later in life.
-Cellular or T-lymphocyte response remains adequate allowing the child to
resist viral, fungal and parasitic infections
-Frequent respiratory, digestive and throat infections (at 6months S&S:
of age after maternal antibodies fade)
b. Common variable immunoglobulins Deficiencies -Most common if deficiency in IgA in surface secretions.
-Overall B-lymphocytes is normal but IgA production is reduced or absent-
Without IgA, infection on surfaces exposed to the external environment and
normally protected by mucus becomes common (sinusitis, atopic dermatitis)
-Can occur as a secondary type due to treatment og phenytoin and
3. Comnined T and B lymphocyte Deficiency -Most frequently seen disorder characterized by an absence or reduction of
both humoral and cell-mediated immunity.
B. Secondary (Acquired) Immunodeficiency -can occur from factors such as severe systemic infection, cancer, renal disease,
radiation therapy, severe stress, malnutrition (because rapidly growing cells
need protein synthesis), immunosuppressive therapy (prednisone) and aging.
-Can be complete or partial loss of both B and T lymphocytes
-Zidovudine administration during pregnancy to HIV positive women
-Complex regimen of nutritional supplements to prevent weight loss
-vaccines to prevent infections (except OPV and Varicella vaccines)
-anti-viral and antibacterial agents to combat HIV and opportunistic infections
-specific antiretroviral medication to prevent progressive deterioration of the
immune system and to provide prophylactic measures against opportunistic
3 Classes of drugs are the mainstay of therapy
1. NRTI (nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor) -Designed to block production of viral DNA, limiting the ability of the virus to
infect cells. (Zidovudine)
2. NNRTI (non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor)- -Inhibit the DNA synthesis of viruses but act at different sites on the viral
enzyme. (Nevirapine and Efavirenz)
3. Protease inhibitor -Stop the ability of the virus produce protease, limiting metastasis.
(Amprenavir, Nelfinavir and Ritonavir)
Nsg Dx:
-risk for infection related to decreased immune function
-risk for compromised family coping r/t diagnosis of HIV. AIDS in child
Nsg Mgt:
-instruct children and parents to maintain strict personal hygiene and to avoid lose contact between the child and to anyone with respiratory infection and
try to prevent the child from contracting dangerous opportunistic infections
ALLERGY -Result of an abnormal antigen-antibody response.
-Can be chronic or minor
-Cause is difficult to pinpoint
-Symptoms vary from minor to acute without warning
Type 2: Cytotoxic response -Cells are detected as foreign and immunoglobulin directly attack and destroy
them without harming surrounding tissue.
-Example is a foreign RBCs that are introduced to an Rh-negative w by Rh
positive fetus that are destroyed by this process.
-Tumor cells may be destroyed by this process (unknown why)
Type 3: immune complex -An IgG or IgE mediated antigen antibody complex reaction that involves
complement ad initiates the inflammatory response.
-Glomerulonephritis and SLE
Type 4: Cell mediated hypersensitivity -T lymphocytes react with antigens and release lymphokines to call
macrophages into the area.
-Mantoux or PPD test is an example. Redness and induration of the site do not
begin initially but only after 12 hours from the injection. Reaction peacks at
24-72 hours (delayed reaction)
-Contact dermatitis is another example. Redness and vesicles may occur and
pruritus may be intense because lymphocytes and macrophages infiltrate the
area and attempt to destroy the offending proteins.
-Family history
-Exact symptoms of the allergy are important in helping to identify allergy (rhinitis, airborne antigen)
-Radioalergosorbent test (RAST), an indirect radioimmunoassay in which childs serum IgE s allowed to react with specific allergens impregnated in
laboratory disk. Determination of IgE serum antibodies (increased eosinophil count 250 or more per cubic mm is significant. Can also be ova or
Skin testing- is done to detect the presence of IgE in the skin or to isolate an antigen. Because this appears quickly, the test should be read in 20mins.
-Intracutaneous injections are done by injecting a small amount of a solution of allergen bellow the epidermis of the skin.
-After testing, the child will have have a wheal and erythema will occur at test site.
-Have a syringe filled with 1ml Epinephrine 1:1000 on hand to counter act unexpected anaphylactic reaction from skin testing.
-Epinephrine is given subcutaneously in doses of 0.01mg/kg up to 0.5mg.
-3 goals of therapy:
1. Reduce childs exposure
-Environmental control means removal of as many common allergens as possible.
2. Hyposensitize the child to produce a state of increased clinical tolerance
-Done when the childs allergy symptoms cannot be controlled by avoidance of the allergen or conventional drug therapy.
-Works by increasing the plasma concentration of IgG antibodies.
-After specific allergens have been recognized with skin testing, small amounts of the allergy extract are inject subcutaneously at 3-5 days interval.
-After hyposensitization has been achieved, the child needs periodic injections every 3 to 4 weeks to maintain hyposensitization.
-A newer technique is the sublingual administration of chosen allergen solution.
3. Pharmacologic therapy
-Diphenhydramine (benadyl) is a prototype of this drug but causes severe drowsiness.
-2nd and 3rd generation such as cetirizine and Loratadine cause less drowsiness and provide longer effect.
1. Anaphylactic shock - immediate, life threatening, type I hypersensitivity reaction after exposure to
an allergen in a previously sensitized child.
Nauseated, Vomiting, Diarrhea (sudden increase in gastrointestinal S&S:
secretions by stimulation of histamine, urticaria ad angioedema,
dyspnea (from bronchospasm), blood pressure and pulse rate may fail
(as blood vessels dilate)
Ep *Epinephrine is the drug of choice
- if from an insect sting, give the epinephrine in the opposite arm. Place a
tourniquet in the extremity of allergenic
2. 2. Urticaria (hives) and Angioedema -refers to flat wheals surrounded by erythema a rising from the chorion layer if
t he sin. They are intensely pruritic.
-Urticaria - -Occurs from type 1 Allergic reaction
- -In chronic urticaria, no causative allergen may be found.
-There is dilatation of capillaries and venules with increased p permeability
- -Angioedema -Edema of the skin and subcutaneous tissue.
-frequent on eyelids, hands, feet, genitalia and lips.
-Not dependent, generally asymmetrically distributed and usually occurs with
-(begin 7 to 12 days after serum injection. Some may occur as early S&S:
a as 1 to 5 days,)
-Itching, Edema, Erythema at injection site
-Generalized urticaria, angioedema, erythrmatous maculopapular rashes
-Erythema multiforme (a generalized maculo eruption with dark red
papules), purpura (hemorrhage into the skin), fever, Arthralgia,
Lymphadenopathy, Weight gain. Nausea and vomiting, Abdominal
pain, in extreme instances, the childs nervous system may be
involved and optic neuritis, stupor and coma may occur.
2. Atopic Disorders - examples are hay fever (allergic rhinitis), eczema (atopic dermatitis) and
Allergic Dermatitis -Though with familial tendency, different family members may have different
-The gene responsible for an immune response is located chromosomally near
the human leukocyte antigen that is responsible for graft rejection
-these children have a higher than normal production of IgE antibody that
makes them more responsive to allergies than other people.
-Children whose parents smoke have twice the incidence of atopic disorders
compared with children with parents who does not smoke.
-Sneezing S&S:
-Nasal engorgement
-Profuse watery nasal discharge
-Eyes may water
-Pruritic conjunctiva, often with a distinctive pebbly appearance
-Frontal headache (children after 6 years old)
- Sore throat and cervical adenopathy may be present, but these are
rare with allergic rhinitis.
-nasal smear discharge will reveal an increased eosinophil count.
- RAST analysis may reveal the offending allergens
-Avoidance of allergens
-Pharmacologic agents (antihistamine, leukotriene inhibitors or corticosteroid)
-Intranasal corticosteroids
Perennial Allergic Rhinitis When allergen is one that is capable of affecting the child year-round such as dust
mites or pet hair.
-Environmental control plays a big role in the control of the disorder.
Atopic Dermatitis (infantile eczema) -Primarily a disease of infants, beginning as early as 2 nd month of life and possibly
lasting until2 or 3 years old.
-Primarily related to a food allergy (tends to occur in formula-fed infants than in
breastfed infants and more frequently if infants are fed solid foods before 6months
of age.
-Sweating, heat, tight clothing and contact irritants such as soap increases
-Common site includes the scalp and forehead, the cheeks, neck, behind the ears
and the extensor surfaces of the extremities.
-Loss of serous fluid out into the tissues (increased capillary membrane)
-Popular and vesicular skin eruptions with surrounding erythema. The vesicles rupture and exude yellow, sticky secretions that form crusts on the skin
as they dry.
-Depigmented and lichenified (shiny) dry, flaky scales form as infected lesions heal.
-Fussy and irritable (from uncomfortable lesions)
-Reduce exposure to allergen
-Reduce pruritus
-Hydrate the skin by bathing or applying wet dressings for 15-20mins followed by application of a hydrating emollient such as petroleum jelly
-Corticosteroid ointment
-Hydrocortisone mixed with antibiotic if lesions are secondary infections
-Skin emollient and moisturizer such as Eucerin or baths with a substance to lubricate the skin such as Alpha-keri are prescribed to prevent excessive
skin dryness.
Nsg Dx:
-Risk for impaired parenting r/t feelings of inadequacy secondary to infants atopic dermatitis
-Impaired skin integrity r/t infantile atopic dermatitis
Nsg Mgt:
-Instruct parents to trim the infants finger nails short or cover his or her hands with cotton socks to prevent scratching.
In older children, it frequently occurs at puberty or late adolescence.
-Often occurs in the eyebrows
-Depigmentation or hyperpigmentation is usually present
-Lichenification is marked
-Use only prescription soap Mgt:
-Avoid swimming in chlorinated pools
-Shower to remove perspiration which is irritating to the skin
(other treatments are same with infants)
Drug allergies - the drug itself may not be an allergen, but when the drug combines with body
protein, it becomes an allergen. This is why allergic responses occur not with the
initial administration of drug but only after the protein interaction has occurred.
Food allergies - manifest themselves differently from one child to another but common
-Eliminate offending foods from clients diet.
Milk allergy -True incidence is probably not as high as the number of diagnosis made.
-Those with lactase deficiency are commonly diagnosed incorrectly.
Contact Dermatitis
-Patch testing. Child should not take corticosteroid at the time of patch testing because these drugs delay hypersensitivity reactions. After 48 hours,
patches are removed and reactions are graded 1+ to 4+, the same as in regular skin testing
-Removing identified allergen
-Dressings wet with water, saline or Burows solution relieve itching
-Calamine or caladryl lotion is standby
-Hydrocortisone lotions or creams reduce itching and also promote healing,
-Baths with baking soda and oatmeal
-Sedative in some children to relieve their discomfort during the period of intense pruritus.