Pediatric Surg Trans
Pediatric Surg Trans
Pediatric Surg Trans
Telescoping of one segment to another which may predispose the insinuation of the proximal
segment of the small bowel (ileocolic and ileoileal).
Idiopathic or primary
Non-idiopathic or secondary
Clinical manifestation
Iliocolic most common
Sudden crampy abdominal pain in a previously well
Appendix is almost always involved
May have prolapse of intussusceptions into anal opening
Screaming, drawing up of legs, pallor, sweating, and
vomiting (reflux vomiting)
Colocolic not very common
Abdominal distention, baby tired after episode, vascular
Jejunojejunal JJ type - not very common associated with compromise, sloughing of mucosa
post-operative conditions, initial surgery usually not
Can palpate sausage-shaped mass in empty RLQ
associated with intussuception
Well and hungry in between
Bilious vomiting
Currant Jelly Stools bloody, mucoid stools
Majority are idiopathic
Dance sign
Between 5-9 months of life (90%) but can be 3-24
Often referred late in the course of the disease due
to wrong impression, wrong diagnosis, and wrong
>50% occur within <1 year old
10-20% occur in 2 year old
M:F = 3:2
History and PE
Abdominal x-ray - distended bowel loops
Marked hypertrophy of the lymphoid tissue
Barium / air enema coiled-spring sign, diagnostic and
Occur in the wake of URTI/AGE
therapeutic, except if disease process is:
Adenovirus/rotavirus also implicated
More than 48 hours
Different caliber of the lumens cannot explain all cases
Patient is already febrile
of intussusception
Already with peritoneal signs
2-12% with anatomic lead points Already repeated bilious vomiting which
Literature: Usually in the rainy season in the Philippines, signifies frank intestinal obstruction
along with other viral infections (URTI, acute Ultrasound
gastroenteritis) viruses possibly have something to do
Pseudo-kidney appearance means
with intussusception. No common virus that can be
intussusception is still active
Tire/donut sign means already has
Literature: Noticed that majority of patients with
spontaneous reduction, represents thickened
intussusception have some form of a high peristaltic stage
bowel wall
due to viral acute gastroenteritis possible predisposition
to intussusceptions.
Literature: Intussusception could be associated with an
Infuse barium with pressure or just by gravity 5th week AOG esophagus
Air reduction infuse between 60-90 mmHg, as high as 7th week AOG midgut
120 mmHg 12th week AOG complete migration
Done under fluoroscopy, monitor reduction real-time Transmural migration
Principle: try to push intussusception out
Observe for 12 hours, feed patient, send patient home Pathophysiology
History & PE
Invertogram (Rice-Wangesteen)
Prone Cross-Table Lateral View
Perineal / Hypogastric Ultrasound
Contrast Studies
Intermediate Levator Ani muscle
High Type = > 1cm
Low Type = > 1cm
Rectovestibular Fistula
Rectovaginal Fistula
Persistent Cloaca
Rectourethral Fistula
Rectoprostatic Fistula
Rectovesical Fistula