Catástrofes Perioperatorias 2019 PDF
Catástrofes Perioperatorias 2019 PDF
Catástrofes Perioperatorias 2019 PDF
Fox, III
Elyse M. Cornett
G.E. Ghali
and Management
A Comprehensive Textbook
Catastrophic Perioperative Complications
and Management
Charles J. Fox, III
Elyse M. Cornett
G. E. Ghali
and Management
A Comprehensive Textbook
Charles J. Fox, III Elyse M. Cornett
Department of Anesthesiology Department of Anesthesiology
LSU Health Shreveport LSU Health Shreveport
Shreveport, LA Shreveport, LA
G. E. Ghali
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial
Surgery/Head and Neck Surgery
Louisiana State University Health Sciences
Center – Shreveport
Shreveport, LA
This Springer imprint is published by the registered company Springer Nature Switzerland AG
The registered company address is: Gewerbestrasse 11, 6330 Cham, Switzerland
1 Sleep Apnea....................................................................................................................................... 1
J. Arthur Saus, Katelyn R. Hopper, and Barron J. O’Neal Jr.
3 Substance Abuse............................................................................................................................ 31
Elyse M. Cornett, Rebecca A. Moreci, Nadejda Korneeva, and Mark R. Jones
4 Awareness.......................................................................................................................................... 45
Tomas Carvajal, Lopa Misra, Michael Molloy, and Veerandra Koyyalamudi
17 Obstetrics............................................................................................................................................ 245
R. Edward Betcher and Karen Berken
Supplementary Information
Index���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 409
Matthew R. Eng, MD Liane Germond, MD
Department of Anesthesiology Department of Anesthesiology
LSU Health Science Center, University Medical Ochsner Clinic Foundation
Center New Orleans New Orleans, LA, USA
New Orleans, LA, USA
G. E. Ghali, DDS, MD, FACS
J. L. Epps, MD Department of Oral and Maxillofacial
Department of Anesthesiology Surgery/Head and Neck Surgery
The University of Tennessee Medical Center Louisiana State University Health Sciences
Knoxville, TN, USA Center – Shreveport
Shreveport, LA, USA
Forrest Ericksen
Medical College of Wisconsin Nigel Gillespie, MD
Milwaukee, WI, USA Department of Anesthesiology
Ochsner Clinic Foundation
Jonathan P. Eskander, MD, MBA New Orleans, LA, USA
Department of Anesthesiology, LSU Health
Shreveport, LA, USA Jeremy B. Green, MD
Department of Anesthesiology
Tara Marie P. Eskander, MPH Louisiana State University School of Medicine
Chesapeake, VA, USA New Orleans, LA, USA
Treniece Eubanks, MD Daniel A. Hansen, MD
Department of Anesthesiology Department of Anesthesiology
LSU Health Shreveport The Mayo Clinic
Shreveport, LA, USA Scottsdale, AZ, USA
Michael Franklin, DO William K. Hart, MD
Department of Anesthesiology Department of Anesthesiology
College of Medicine, University of Florida The University of Vermont Larner
Gainesville, FL, USA College of Medicine
Burlington, VT, USA
Blake C. Garrett, DDS, MD
Department of Anesthesiology
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial
The University of Michigan Medical School
Surgery/Head and Neck Surgery
Ann Arbor, MI, USA
Louisiana State University Health
Sciences Center – Shreveport
Benjamin Homra, MD
Shreveport, LA, USA
Ochsner Clinic Foundation
Jefferson, LA, USA
Sonja A. Gennuso, MD
Department of Anesthesiology
Katelyn R. Hopper, MD
LSU Health Shreveport
Department of Anesthesiology
Shreveport, LA, USA
LSU Health Shreveport
Shreveport, LA, USA
X Contributors
Ezekiel Tayler, DO Longqiu Yang, MD
Department of Anesthesiology & Department of Anesthesiology
Cardiothoracic Surgery Huangshi Central Hospital
Lankenau Medical Center Huangshi Shi, Hubei Province, China
Wynnewood, PA, USA
Hong Yan, MD
Patricia D. Toro-Perez Department of Anesthesiology
Medical College of Wisconsin Wuhan Central Hospital
Milwaukee, WI, USA Wuhan, Hubei, China
Jennifer E. Woerner, MD
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial
Surgery/Head and Neck Surgery
Louisiana State University Health
Sciences Center – Shreveport
Shreveport, LA, USA
1 1
Sleep Apnea
J. Arthur Saus, Katelyn R. Hopper, and Barron J. O’Neal Jr.
1.5 Answers – 14
References – 14
Sleep apnea is a sleep disorder characterized with hypertension. When considering a group of
1 by respiratory pauses or periods of hypopnea hypertensive patients from the general popula-
(shallow breathing) during sleep. An episode of tion, and not just to those presenting for surgery,
hypopnea is not considered to be clinically signifi- 3–4% of the women and 7–9% of the men are
cant unless there is a 30% (or greater) reduction in expected to be diagnosed with moderate-to-severe
flow lasting for 10 s or longer and accompanied by obstructive sleep apnea. Some estimates state that
a 4% (or greater) desaturation in the person’s O2 obstructive sleep apnea has been identified in up
levels or if it results in arousal or fragmentation to 24% of adult surgical patients and note that
of sleep. obesity is a major risk factor, with up to 71% of
Each respiratory pause can last for a few sec- morbidly obese suffering from obstructive sleep
onds to a few minutes, and they happen many apnea [7]. Factors that increase vulnerability for
times a night [1]. In the most common form, the disorder include age, male sex, obesity, fam-
this follows loud snoring [2]. There may also be a ily history, menopause, craniofacial abnormali-
choking or snorting sound as breathing resumes. ties, and certain health behaviors such as cigarette
As it disrupts normal sleep, those affected may smoking and alcohol use. The prevalence of snor-
experience sleepiness or feel tired during the day ing and sleep apnea increases with age, with a peak
[3]. In children, obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) between the ages of 55 and 60 years old; women
may cause problems in school or hyperactivity [4]. start to snore later in life than do men, with an
When considering obstructive sleep apnea, increased prevalence following menopause [6].
there should first be a clarification of the differ- Often, sleep apnea is undiagnosed, even though
ence between the terms “sleep apnea” and “apnea.” chronically present. The only “symptom” patients
While the term “apnea” refers to the suspension may even notice is tiredness during the day, morn-
of breathing or absence of spontaneous breathing, ing headaches, difficulty concentrating, and feeling
and may be performed voluntarily in the awake irritable, depressed, or having mood swings or per-
patient, “sleep apnea” is not associated with a sonality changes [4]. This “tiredness” is frequently
conscious voluntary choice. Certainly, similari- due to continual disruptions of the normal sleep
ties exist, as usually there is often no change or pattern during the night, as an apneic episode
minimal change in the gas volume contained in causes transient arousal from the deeper stages of
the lungs in either situation. While movement natural sleep. As the breathing patterns become
of the muscles associated with inhalation is usu- shallow, or even transiently interrupted, a person
ally voluntarily ceased during intentional apnea, will often partially arouse from a deep stage of sleep
during sleep apnea there are frequently continued to a lighter stage, until normal breathing resumes. At
attempts to breathe, with the associated contrac- that point, the patient may again return to a deeper
tion of these muscles of respiration. During these stage of sleep, only to have the process repeat again
continued attempts though, no overt gas exchange a short while later. Because this person does not
occurs due to airway obstruction. In sleep apnea, spontaneously arouse to the stage of actual wakeful-
the episodes of apnea may last for 10 s or lon- ness, this pattern may not be recognized, and may
ger, and there may be as many as 300–500 epi- go on for a prolonged period, with the only notice-
sodes each night. Sleep apneas can be caused by able symptom being that of “tiredness” during the
obstruction of the upper airways, especially the day. Beyond just the sensation of tiredness, exces-
pharynx, or by impaired central nervous system sive daytime sleepiness may occur; this may inter-
respiratory drive [5]. Depending on the patency fere with job responsibilities, making it difficult to
of the airways, there may or may not be a flow pay continual sharp attention to critical tasks such
of gas between the lungs and the environment. as operating machinery or driving a car [8].
Concurrently though, gas exchange within the Although obstructive sleep apnea is more
lungs and cellular respiration is not affected, at common in patients who are overweight, this
least not in the early stages of the episode. condition is not restricted to obese or morbidly
Sleep apnea is probably a more common obese patients. Nighttime snoring suggests at
problem in patients presenting for surgery than least a partial airway obstruction during sleep.
is realized. It is estimated that 9% of middle-aged Even small children with enlarged tonsil tissue
women and 24% of middle-aged men have sleep in the throat may experience obstructive sleep
apnea [6]. It is an established risk factor associated apnea. Any condition that causes partial airway
Sleep Apnea
3 1
obstruction, whether from hypertrophied tissue A type of central sleep apnea was described in
from an infection or just from excessive tissue “Ondine,” the 1938 play by French dramatist, Jean
presence in the pharyngeal and hypopharyngeal Giraudoux, based on the story of “Undine” from
area due to any hereditary or acquired condition, 1811 by the German romanticist Friedrich de la
can result in obstructive sleep apnea. Sleep apnea Motte Fouque (and actually traces back to even
does not even have to arise from hypertrophy of earlier European folk tales). This play presented
tissue in the airway. Central sleep apnea, felt to be the nymph, Ondine, who tells her future husband
due to modification in the way signals to breathe Ritter Hans, whom she had just met, that “I shall
are processed in the brain, may occur along with be the shoes of your feet ... I shall be the breath
obstructive airway conditions or have no associa- of your lungs.” However, after their honeymoon,
tion with any other airway condition. Sleep apnea Hans is reunited with his first love, Princess
can raise a patient’s risk for high blood pressure, Bertha, and Ondine leaves Hans. Ondine’s father,
coronary heart disease with resulting heart attack the King of the Sea, inflicted a curse on Hans, her
or heart failure, cardiac arrhythmias, stroke, obe- unfaithful husband, so that he would have to con-
sity, diabetes, and death [9]. sciously remember to breathe. Due to this, he was
Three forms of sleep apnea are described: unable to sleep [11]. On meeting Ondine again,
obstructive (OSA), central (CSA), and a combi- on the day of his wedding to Bertha, Hans tells her
nation of the two called mixed. OSA is the most that “all the things my body once did by itself, it
common form [2]. Risk factors for OSA include does now only by special order ... a single moment
being overweight, a family history of the condi- of inattention and I forget to breathe.” Apparently,
tion, allergies, a small airway, and enlarged tonsils Ondine truly took his breath away, for following
[6]. During obstructive sleep apnea, breathing her kiss, Hans apparently forgets to take his next
is interrupted by a blockage of airflow, while in breath and dies.
central sleep apnea, breathing stops due to a lack Central hypoventilation syndrome (CHS) is a
of effort to breathe [2]. Opioid administration respiratory disorder that may result in respiratory
during surgery or in the perioperative period arrest during sleep. Congenital central hypoven-
certainly increases the risk of the latter, especially tilation syndrome (CCHS) and sudden infant
during the immediate postoperative period in the death syndrome (SIDS) were long considered
postanesthesia care unit. rare disorders of respiratory control. The study
People with sleep apnea may not be aware they of genes related to autonomic dysregulation and
have it; in many cases it is first observed by a fam- the embryologic origin of the neural crest led to
ily member [2]. Sleep apnea is often diagnosed the discovery of PHOX2B as the disease-defining
with an overnight sleep study [10]. For a diagnosis gene for CCHS [13].
of sleep apnea, more than five episodes an hour Central hypoventilation syndrome can either
must occur [11]. be congenital or acquired later in life and is fatal if
Treatment may include lifestyle changes, untreated. Symptoms of congenital hypoventila-
mouthpieces, breathing devices, and surgery [2]. tion syndrome usually become apparent shortly
Lifestyle changes may include avoiding alcohol, after birth [11]. Acquired central hypoventila-
losing weight, smoking cessation, and sleeping tion syndrome can develop as a result of severe
on one’s side. Breathing devices include the use of injury or trauma to the brain or brainstem [12].
a CPAP machine to deliver Continuous Positive Congenital cases are very rare and involve a failure
Airway Pressure. of autonomic control of breathing. In 2006, there
With no considerations of gender differences, were only about 200 known cases worldwide, and
obstructive sleep apnea affects 1–6% of adults and with further investigations, by 2008, only 1000
2% of children [5, 12]. It affects males about twice total cases were known [11]. Although rare, cases
as often as females [5]. While people at any age can of long-term untreated central hypoventilation
be affected, it occurs most commonly among those syndrome have been reported. It is also known as
55–60 years old [2, 5]. Central sleep apnea affects Ondine’s curse.
less than 1% of people [13]. Without treatment During sleep, the drive to maintain a pat-
sleep apnea may increase the risk of heart attack, ent upper airway is diminished. When this is
stroke, diabetes, heart failure, irregular heartbeat, combined with the susceptibility to collapse, the
obesity, and motor vehicle collisions [2]. result is obstruction. There is a decrease in the
4 J. A. Saus et al.
responsiveness of the body to maintain wakeful- structure, soft tissue, vascular structures, and
1 ness ventilation, a decrease in diameter of the mucosal factors. Neuromuscular support is
upper airway causing increased resistance, as well derived from motor tone for ventilation and mus-
as an increase in the compliance of the pharynx cle activity in the upper airway itself. Structurally,
promoting collapse. In anesthesiology, this results the upper airway is enclosed not only by the soft
in perioperative considerations and complica- tissues but also by the mandible, maxilla, skull
tions that may be partially avoided or improved base, and cervical spine. Anatomic changes to this
with an understanding of the pathophysiology craniofacial structure can result in narrowing of
and risks involved with obstructive sleep apnea. the upper airway, leaving one more susceptible
Sleep-related changes range from healthy to obstruction during sleep. Examples of such a
individuals who experience a small increase in change would include retrognathia or inferior
PaCO2, to those who develop motion of the soft displacement of the hyoid. The soft tissues sur-
tissue with inspiration leading to turbulent air- rounding the upper airway include skin, adipose,
flow which causes snoring, to complete collapse vascular, and lymphatic tissue. An increase in
or obstructive sleep apnea. In anesthesiology, amount of these tissues or increased pressure on
all patients on this spectrum are seen, and it is the upper airway will subsequently result in nar-
necessary to manage sleep apnea not only peri- rowing. An increase in pressure exerted by the tis-
operatively but also intraoperatively, particularly sues promotes upper airway collapse and can be
in MAC sedation cases where the airway is not secondary to large tongue, size of the pharyngeal
protected. walls, adipose tissue, large tonsils, vascular con-
The muscle activity in the upper airway is gestion, etc.
reduced while asleep. This has little effect on peo- In patients with unfavorable anatomy prone to
ple who are in good health, but in those who are collapse, hypoxia and hypercapnia may cause vas-
susceptible, this results in narrowing of the upper cular volume to increase thereby further increas-
airway. The tensor palatini muscle relaxes, which ing the soft tissue pressures exerted on the upper
results in a tendency toward obstruction of the airway lumen. This increase in vascular volume
upper airways and causes a decrease in inspira- may also be caused by other comorbidities such as
tory flow upon sleep onset. congestive heart failure, hypertension, and renal
Upper airway narrowing results in increased disease, for which lying flat may cause a rostral
resistance as well as compliance, leaving the air- shift in volume. This rostral shift in volume may
way prone to collapse. This narrowing causes be seen in various positions required for surgery,
airflow to become turbulent and results in a including supine and prone position.
limitation to the flow. The turbulent flow results In the upper airway, the tensor palatini muscle
in resonant motion of the tissue in the soft palate is responsible for tensing the pharyngeal wall
and soft tissue in the upper airway. This combi- thereby decreasing the degree to which the pha-
nation of movement of the soft tissue with tur- ryngeal opening can be compressed. During sleep,
bulent flow and limitation to airflow results in this muscle relaxes causing the upper airway to
what is universally recognized as snoring. Even become more susceptible to collapse, and in cer-
in healthy patients, noisy breathing can be heard tain individuals can result in transmural pressures
during sleep or sedation secondary to the turbu- on the pharynx by the soft tissues overcoming the
lent airflow. intraluminal pressures which maintain patency
In patients who do not snore, airflow is not of the upper airway. The genioglossus muscle is
limited, just as it is not limited in the wakeful responsible for dilating the pharynx in prepara-
state. In those who do snore and have airflow tion for inspiration. Relaxation of this muscle
limitations, there is a much higher risk of airway during sleep can result in narrowing of the phar-
collapse. Complete closure may occur in patients ynx and thereby increasing inspiratory r esistance.
with extreme airway narrowing during sleep, During sleep, there is also a decrease in
which leads to obstructive sleep apnea. the tonic activity of the upper airway muscles
The patency of the upper airway is maintained that reflexively increase during wakefulness in
by the structural foundation of the airway as well response to a negative pressure in the upper air-
as its neuromuscular support. The structure of way during inspiration. During REM sleep atonia
the upper airway is determined by craniofacial of all muscles involved in pharyngeal patency
Sleep Apnea
5 1
and respiration occurs, with the exception of the circumference of the neck and the adipose tissue
diaphragm. This can accentuate hypoventilation within the pharyngeal wall increases, so do the col-
and hypoxia. Following the induction of general lapsing pressures on the lumen of the upper airway.
anesthesia, apnea tends to occur more quickly This applies to any cause for redundant tissue in
in patients with susceptible airways. Obstructive the upper airway, such as for those with large ton-
sleep apnea (OSA) can lead to desaturations more sils or adenoids and obesity. Other structural risks
quickly than anticipated, and difficulty reopen- include short mandibles, an abnormal maxilla, or
ing the airway with positive pressure may be a wide craniofacial base. In children, in addition
experienced. Devices and techniques are used to large tonsils and adenoids, cerebral palsy and
fairly often to assist ventilation. Examples of these other neuromuscular disorders may play a role in
include oral airways or nasopharyngeal airways obstructive sleep apnea. Nasal passage obstruction
(also known as nasal trumpets) which combat the via structural abnormalities or congestion are also
relaxed musculature and excess tissue. Assisted risk factors for OSA. Smoking has been shown
positive pressure ventilation prior to apnea helps to be a risk factor for OSA in that it potentiates
stent the airway open and usually prevents com- pulmonary disease such as COPD, limiting one’s
plete collapse (similar to the CPAP machine). responsiveness to sleep-related increase in PaCO2
To maintain alveolar ventilation when there is and ventilatory motor drive. It also is thought to
an increase in airway resistance, the patient must narrow the airway by increasing inflammation
increase work of respiration. During sleep the and fluid in the upper airway tissues. Increasing
body may not recognize this change in resistance age is a risk factor for OSA, as upper airway tissues
readily, and effort of breathing does not increase become increasingly compliant with normal age-
to compensate. This results in decreased alveolar related changes. The male gender is twice as likely
ventilation and rise in PaCO2. In those without to develop OSA although overweight women
OSA, this increase in PaCO2 would restore their remain at risk and menopause has been shown to
ventilatory drive; however, in those with OSA, it be an independent risk factor for OSA.
may not, resulting in worsening hypercapnia. Not only can obesity-related factors become a
During non-rapid eye movement sleep, inter- family trait, but heritable craniofacial anomalies
costal and abdominal muscles (accessory muscles) also make family history a risk factor for obstruc-
play a larger role in maintaining tidal volume than tive sleep apnea. Congestive heart failure, end-stage
during wakefulness. During rapid eye movement renal disease, and pregnancy can all increase the risk
sleep, a loss of accessory muscle activity occurs. of obstructive sleep apnea as they promote a rostral
Therefore, an even greater decrease in ventilation shift of vascular volume in the recumbent posi-
accompanies REM sleep. The natural increase in tion. Pulmonary diseases such as COPD, asthma,
PaCO2 associated with decrease in ventilation and pulmonary fibrosis also increase risk of OSA
during sleep is termed physiologic hypercapnia, as secondary to decreased ventilatory motor drive and
it is seen even in healthy individuals. The PaCO2 reflexive ventilation with increased PaCO2 during
is noted to increase by 4–5 mmHg during sleep in sleep. Acromegaly is a risk factor as the tongue is
all patients, including those without sleep apnea. large and upper airway tissues are in abundance.
In patients with obesity or pulmonary disease Stroke, hypothyroidism, and polycystic ovarian dis-
such as COPD, the changes that are seen during ease are also recognized risk factors for OSA.
sleep are exaggerated and can lead to obstruction, During anesthesia preoperative evaluations,
hypoxia, and worsening ventilation- perfusion there is a recurring need to evaluate patients for
mismatch [6, 14, 15]. risk factors, signs, and symptoms of obstructive
When considering risk factors for sleep apnea, sleep apnea. This impacts perioperative man-
the strongest risk factor, obesity, is usually the one agement, particularly the pain management
that generally is felt to be the most obvious. The strategies and intraoperative induction technique
risk of OSA in these patients increases proportion- and extubation criteria [14, 16].
ally with body mass index (BMI) or more spe- Untreated OSA has been linked to the develop-
cifically with neck circumference. For men, risk is ment of coronary artery disease, cardiac arrhyth-
increased with a neck circumference greater than mias, hypertension [17, 18], and even heart failure
17 inches and for women, risk is increased with a [19]. Although it is impossible to pinpoint OSA
neck circumference greater than 15 inches. As the as causative for each of these, it has been shown
6 J. A. Saus et al.
that with treatment of OSA, cardiovascular out- growth factor. Increased levels of homocysteine
1 comes have improved [20, 21]. The individual and blood glucose along with insulin resistance
with OSA experiences periods of apnea during and decreasing HDL levels have also been noted.
sleep, resulting in hypoxia and hypercapnia. This Studies have shown elevated troponin-I levels in
individual is subsequently awakened from sleep, patients with increasingly severe OSA and hypox-
which restores the patency of their upper airway. emia suggesting myocardial injury. In patients with
As the individual returns again to sleep, this cycle preexisting coronary artery disease, it has been
repeats itself. These cycles of obstruction, apnea, shown that those with OSA are at higher risk of
and arousal from sleep have effects on all bodily developing major cardiac adverse events [25–27].
systems [15, 22]. The hypoxemia and hypercap- OSA has been described as a modifiable risk
nia associated with OSA stimulate chemorecep- factor for atrial fibrillation, both new onset and
tors which increase respiratory rate. Additionally, reoccurrence after cardioversion or ablation. This
impaired venous return to the heart, changes in may be in part caused by OSA-related hypox-
cardiac output, and arousal from sleep occur. All emia and hypercapnia, autonomic dysfunction,
of these phenomena are thought to cause a great and exaggerated negative intrathoracic pressures
increase in sympathetic activity during sleep in which can be transmitted across the atria during
patients with OSA. This autonomic dysfunction inspiration while obstructed.
causes an increase in circulating plasma catechol- During apneic events of sleep, hypoxia can
amines and hypertension. Blood pressure does delay depolarization of the heart, causing the
not decrease during sleep in these patients, as it patient to become bradycardic. When the sympa-
typically does during sleep in healthy individuals. thetic system is suddenly activated after an apneic
It has been shown that patients who are treated period, the patient becomes tachycardic. This bra-
with CPAP have a lower risk of developing hyper- dycardic-tachycardic trend along with respiratory
tension than those who are untreated [23]. acidosis can cause QT prolongation and can trig-
Interestingly, it has also been shown that the ger atrial and ventricular arrhythmias. The brady-
hypertension associated with OSA seems to be more cardia seen during apneic periods can be so severe
resistant to antihypertensive medications [24]. that asystole results, particularly if the patient has
In patients with OSA, treatment with CPAP preexisting conduction defects. Sudden cardiac
has actually been shown to decrease blood pres- death can occur in some instances, and preexist-
sure regardless of baseline. A meta-analysis ing ventricular tachycardia or ectopy is a risk fac-
demonstrated that systolic blood pressure was tor for such an event in someone with OSA.
reduced by 2.6 mmHg with CPAP. Although this Individuals with OSA are at risk of developing
may seem quite small, a 1–2 mmHg decrease in pulmonary hypertension, and the development
blood pressure has been shown to significantly of pulmonary hypertension adversely impacts
reduce the risk of myocardial infarction, stroke, prognosis. The survival rates in patients who have
and heart failure. The effects are amplified when developed pulmonary hypertension are lower
combined with an antihypertensive regimen [25]. than those who have not. In an observational
For patients who have more profound sleep study, it was determined that the 1-, 4-, and 8-year
apnea, with greater depths and durations of asso- survival rates with pulmonary hypertension were
ciated hypoxemia, treatment with CPAP tends 93%, 75%, and 43%, whereas survival rates in
to result in more significant reductions in their those without pulmonary hypertension were
elevated blood pressure. These effects on blood 100%, 90%, and 76% [28]. CPAP and weight loss
pressure have not only been shown with the use of surgeries have been shown to reduce pulmonary
CPAP but also for other treatments of OSA such artery systolic pressure and vascular resistance.
as upper airway surgeries or the use of devices It is thought that secondary to the nocturnal
which advance the mandible. stresses imparted on the body in an individual with
OSA increases the risk of a cardiovascular OSA, morning coagulation markers are elevated,
event by inducing or worsening hypertension causing such individuals to be two to three times
and increasing inflammatory mediators such as more likely to develop venous thrombosis [29].
C-reactive protein, “adhesion molecules,” inflam- In anesthesiology, care is provided for many
matory and anti-inflammatory cytokines, matrix patients with untreated OSA. Awareness of the
metalloproteinase-9, and vascular endothelial associated cardiovascular complications may help
Sleep Apnea
7 1
manage these patients more effectively. In par- The fragmentation of sleep with OSA caus-
ticular, when associated with sleep apnea, aware- ing daytime sleepiness and cognitive impairment
ness of minor EKG changes that may indicate causes increased risk in daytime activities such
ischemia, QT prolongation, or the beginning of as driving or using machinery. Cognitive dys-
an arrhythmia, along with DVT prophylaxis and function associated with OSA includes dimin-
hypertension management, potentially improves ished reaction time, motor performance, speed
the overall intraoperative management of the of processing information, attention, working
patient. These relatively minor cardiovascular memory, executive function, retention of mem-
findings, when considered out of context, may not ory, visuospatial learning, and level of alertness.
be considered as significant risks. This cognitive dysfunction as a whole is likened
OSA is known to cause daytime sleepiness, to intoxication [34]. In children the cognitive dys-
hypersomnolence, and cognitive impairment. function mirrors ADHD and includes inability to
These symptoms may be readily identified in hold attention, hyperactivity, aggressive behav-
patients with Pickwickian syndrome. Pickwickian iors, and impulsivity. Interestingly, despite sig-
syndrome, also known as obesity hypoventilation nificant improvements in cognitive dysfunction
syndrome (OHS), is similar in pathophysiology to with treatment of OSA, long-term damage has
OSA; however, OHS occurs during waking hours. been found on neuroimaging in the hippocam-
Patients with this syndrome experience chronic pal, prefrontal, cingulate, and parietal areas sug-
hypoventilation even while awake, and approxi- gesting permanent effects of untreated OSA [31,
mately 90% of patients with OHS have concurrent 35]. This knowledge should remind the anesthe-
obstructive sleep apnea [30]. Symptoms of this syn- tist to be hypervigilant with monitoring patients
drome include daytime somnolence, headaches, for seizures and for stroke in the perioperative
depression, shortness of breath, and acrocyanosis period. It should also remind everyone caring
[31]. The name, Pickwickian syndrome, came from for the patient with OSA to maintain increased
Charles Dickens’ first novel, The Posthumous Papers awareness of cognitive dysfunction that may have
of the Pickwick Club (more commonly known as impacts on perioperative functioning.
The Pickwick Papers) in which he described Joe, a It has been described that patients with OSA
character from the book, in 7 Chap. 4:
experience prolonged apneic periods for up to
1 week postoperatively. This may influence the
»» The object that presented itself to the eyes decision for the surgical setting and postoperative
of the astonished clerk, was a boy–a wonder-
management, particularly in light of the need for
fully fat boy–habited as a serving lad, stand-
analgesic opioids [36]. In one study, ventilatory
ing upright on the mat, with his eyes closed
dysfunction was noted to be most significant on
as if in sleep. He had never seen such a fat
the second and third postoperative nights, depict-
boy, in or out of a travelling caravan; and this,
ing the need for prolonged monitoring during
coupled with the calmness and repose of his
the recovery period in patients with OSA [37]. In
appearance, … smote him with wonder.
the ambulatory setting, even in patients who had
Joe is constantly hungry, very red in the face, and been undiagnosed, it was found that patients who
is always falling asleep in the middle of tasks. are high risk for OSA required an increased level
of care in the perioperative setting. These patients
»» “Sleep!” said the old gentleman, ‘he’s always were found to be more difficult to intubate, were
asleep. Goes on errands fast asleep, and
more likely to require vasopressors intraopera-
snores as he waits at table.” “How very odd!”
tively, and were more likely to require oxygen in
said Mr. Pickwick. “Ah! odd indeed,” returned
PACU [38].
the old gentleman; “I’m proud of that boy–
In several studies, however, patients with OSA
wouldn’t part with him on any account–he’s a
who underwent surgery in the ambulatory setting
natural curiosity!”
did not tend to require unanticipated hospital
The risk of stroke, and therefore neurologic dam- admission more frequently than their counter-
age, is also increased in obstructive sleep apnea parts. They were also not found to have increased
[32, 33]. There is a demonstrated association rate of cardiovascular or respiratory complica-
between OSA and seizure disorder. Treating coex- tions compared to those patients without OSA
isting OSA enhances treatment of seizures. [22]. It has been demonstrated that patients with
8 J. A. Saus et al.
OSA who have surgery in the hospital setting may patients with obstructive sleep apnea [24, 41].
1 have more serious and frequent postoperative This guideline notes that a reduction in periop-
complications including arrhythmia, myocardial erative complications may result from correctly
infarction, respiratory distress, and prolonged identifying patients at high risk for OSA to focus
ICU stays. It is thought that to reduce the risk of on perioperative precautions and interventions.
such complications, the patient may be treated The majority of patients with OSA present-
with CPAP in the perioperative period, particu- ing for surgery are undiagnosed, and it is often
larly if they are on CPAP at home. The positive impractical, due to time and cost constraints, to
effects of perioperative prophylactic CPAP have undergo formal polysomnography testing (the
also been shown in those patients who have been “gold standard”) [42]. Screening tools, includ-
undiagnosed with OSA but who are suspected ing STOP-Bang, P-SAP, Berlin, and ASA check-
to be at high risk [27]. In high-risk patients or list, have been formulated and validated for this
those with known OSA, it is recommended that purpose; however, screening tools vary in accu-
in PACU oxygen saturation and hemodynamics racy across different populations and may not
be monitored carefully for 2 h postoperatively, have the same accuracy when implemented in
with the patient’s head elevated 30° and with early clinical practice. Questionnaires are used most
implementation of CPAP in the instance of any commonly and have modest accuracy compared
desaturation. to clinical models using simple clinical measure-
It is well accepted that opioids should be mini- ments [24, 41].
mized where possible, as intraoperative use of The STOP-Bang questionnaire has been found
opioids tends to increase the risk of postoperative to be the most validated screening tool in surgi-
respiratory depression [39]. If patient- controlled cal patients, sleep clinic patients, and the general
systemic opioids are used, continuous background population. In a meta-analysis of clinical screen-
infusions should be used with extreme caution ing tools for OSA, the STOP-Bang was identified
or avoided entirely. If the patient is to remain as being easy to use, having a favorable diagnostic
in-hospital postoperatively in addition to PACU odds ratio. A STOP score ≥2 with BMI >35 kg/m2
monitoring, the patient should be kept on contin- or male sex is associated with greater risk of OSA
uous supplemental oxygen administration (unless [24, 41]. This threshold is a good starting point
contraindicated by the surgical procedure); pulse for many institutions, but may need to be altered
oximetry and CPAP should be implemented, to adjust for specific patient populations due to
regardless if they had previously been prescribed the inverse relationship between sensitivity and
CPAP or not [39]. In one study, nasal CPAP was specificity in any diagnostic test.
implemented in patients having a wide variety
of surgeries preoperatively and was continued
after extubation for 24–48 h postoperatively. This 1.1.1 Common Questionnaires
study concluded that there were no postoperative
complications for these patients related to the The STOP-Bang questionnaire (. Table 1.1) is a
use of CPAP, and they maintained the ability to patient-completed survey with yes/no questions
have sedatives, analgesics, and anesthetic agents assessing subjective symptoms and clinical signs:
administered as needed without further consider- snoring, tiredness, observed apnea, high blood
ation of the patient’s OSA status [40]. pressure, BMI (>35 kg/m2), age (>50), neck cir-
cumference (>40 cm), and gender (male). High
risk is determined by more than five affirmative
1.1 Identifying Patients with OSA answers to the questions presented.
The Perioperative Sleep Apnea Prediction
Given the increased perioperative risks for (P-SAP; see . Table 1.2) score validates six of the
patients with sleep apnea undergoing general eight elements of STOP-Bang, but it also uses the
anesthesia, ASA guidelines stress the importance presence of diabetes and the upper airway physi-
of perioperative diagnosis and management of cal exam findings of Mallampati score and thy-
these patients. The Society of Anesthesia and Sleep romental distance. It also uses yes/no questions.
Medicine (SASM) recently published a guideline A P-SAP score >4 out of 9 is indicative of sleep
on preoperative screening and assessment of adult apnea.
Sleep Apnea
9 1
Tiredness (Do you often feel tired, fatigued, or sleepy during daytime?) □ □
Observed apnea (Has anyone observed that you stop breathing or choke or gasp during your □ □
High blood pressure (Do you have or are you being treated for high blood pressure?) □ □
Neck circumference (Is your neck circumference greater than 40 cm [15.75 inches]?) □ □
variations in sleep behavior [43]. The Berlin myocardial infarction. Patients scheduled for elec-
1 Questionnaire, developed in 1996, screens for tive surgery who are at higher risk for OSA may be
sleep apnea based on ten questions across three referred for preoperative polysomnography.
categories. Each category contains between two The diagnosis and severity of sleep apnea
and five questions [44]. should be confirmed both with obtaining the
Category 1 presents four questions which deal patient’s history and physical and reviewing sleep
with snoring and also asks if there was awareness study results. A commonly used severity index is
that anyone had witnessed pauses in the patient’s AHI – the number of complete breathing cessa-
breathing during sleep. Positive responses in this tions (apnea) and partial obstructions (hypopnea)
category include presence of snoring, snoring that per hour of sleep. To be considered as an apnea epi-
occurs at least three times a week or more, snor- sode, the pauses in breathing must last for at least
ing that is louder than talking, snoring that can 10 s and be associated with a decrease in blood
be heard in adjacent rooms, snoring that is loud oxygenation. The AHI score is calculated as the
enough to bother other people, or any witnessed average number of apnea events per hour of sleep.
apnea episodes more than three times a week dur- The diagnosis of OSA is based on AHI ≥ 5 and
ing sleep. either excessive daytime sleepiness or two other
Category 2 questions the presence of tired- symptoms of OSA (choking/gasping during sleep,
ness or fatigue that is noticed following sleep, recurrent nighttime awakenings, unrefreshing
or the sensation of feeling tired or fatigued dur- sleep, daytime fatigue, or impaired concentration).
ing normal waking hours. A response of at least
three or four times per week to either question
constitutes a positive response. This category 1.1.3 The American Academy
then questions whether “nodding off ” or falling of Sleep Medicine Defines Mild
asleep has occurred while driving a vehicle and, if OSA as AHI 5–15, Moderate
so, how often this is noted to occur (if occurring OSA as AHI 15–30, and Severe
more than three or four times a week, this also
OSA as AHI >30
constitutes a positive response in this category of
It may be necessary to refer some patients to
Category 3 questions if the individual has a
sleep medicine for reassessment, especially those
diagnosis of high blood pressure and asks for the
patients who are non-compliant with CPAP, those
calculated body mass index. Scoring of each cat-
with recent OSA exacerbations, and those who
egory of questions is done separately; a positive
have recently undergone OSA-related airway
response to at least two questions in either the
first or second category is a positive response to
that section. The third section is scored as a posi-
tive response if the patient has a BMI greater than
30 or has hypertension. If two or more categories 1.1.4 Patients with Moderate-to-
demonstrate a positive score, the patient is con- Severe OSA on CPAP Therapy
sidered to have a high likelihood of sleep apnea. Should Continue CPAP
An alternate approach to scoring considers more in the Preoperative Period
than five positive responses from all categories
to be indicative of obstructive sleep apnea. This Preoperative considerations should include
survey has a disadvantage of being lengthy with anticipation of a difficult airway, the use of short-
similar sensitivity and specificity to the other active anesthetic agents (e.g., propofol, remifen-
three tests. tanil, desflurane), careful management of opioid
administration, verification of full reversal of
neuromuscular blockade prior to extubation, and
1.1.2 Anesthetic Management extubation in a non-supine position [45].
Current guidelines encourage anesthesiolo-
Patients with sleep apnea are at increased risk of gists and surgeons to evaluate for OSA well before
complications postoperatively including adverse surgery. The evaluation should be initiated in a
respiratory events, arrhythmias, hypertension, and pre-anesthesia clinic or via direct consultation
Sleep Apnea
11 1
Preoperative Evaluation
from the surgeon. A preoperative interview obstructive sleep apnea, as it has been shown to
allows practitioners to gather a thorough patient lower the risk of postoperative complication [39];
history and physical, including data concern- however, data on other techniques including non-
ing the patient’s sleep habits and OSA screen- invasive positive pressure ventilation (NIPPV),
ing. This might include an appropriate survey or mandibular advancement and oral appliances,
diagnostic measure or information from a formal and preoperative weight loss are not sufficient to
sleep study. The evaluation should include all promote their use. NIPPV can be considered if
past medical history with records if available, an patients do not respond to CPAP [39].
inquiry into past airway or anesthetic complica-
tions, documentation of the presence of hyperten- Intraoperative Considerations
sion and cardiovascular problems, and any other Difficult tracheal intubation occurs eight times
congenital or acquired medical comorbidities. more frequently in OSA patients than non-OSA
Performing an OSA survey and gathering per- patients. In general, all patients should be ade-
tinent physical findings (airway classification, quately preoxygenated before induction of anes-
nasopharyngeal characteristics, neck circumfer- thesia, but this becomes even more important in
ence, tongue and tonsil size) are encouraged. The the patient with a known history of obstructive
decision must be made between the anesthesi- sleep apnea. Adequate preoxygenation simply
ologist and the surgeon whether to manage the allows a few more minutes to accomplish airway
patient based on clinical criteria alone or whether instrumentation prior to oxygen desaturation.
to pursue further diagnostic studies and initiate Sometimes, these few extra minutes are critical
specific OSA treatment prior to the procedure. and potentially lifesaving. To improve the direct
Literature is insufficient as to which patients with laryngoscopic view, the practitioner may build
OSA can be managed on an inpatient vs outpa- a progressively elevated ramp under the patient
tient basis (. Fig. 1.1) [39].
from the scapula to the head, aligning the tra-
gus with the sternal notch in a line parallel to the Preoperative Considerations floor. Commercial devices are available for this,
Preoperative preparation is aimed at optimizing but this can also be accomplished by blankets
the patient’s physical status. Initiating continu- which are stacked progressively higher as they
ous positive airway pressure (CPAP) should be approach the patient’s head. Airway adjuncts
considered, particularly in patients with severe must be readied in advance such as video
12 J. A. Saus et al.
laryngoscopy, flexible fiber-optic bronchoscopy, is during the recovery period of an OSA patient
1 or even laryngeal masks. It must be kept in mind when most airway emergencies occur. Routine
however that flexible fiber-optic bronchoscopy post-op monitoring of blood pressure, heart rate,
requires patient and equipment preparation, so respiratory rate, and oxygen saturation should be
it is very difficult to use this as an emergency employed. Maintaining semi-upright or sitting
“rescue technique” for an intubation failure fol- positioning and continuing preop airway tech-
lowing anesthesia induction. OSA patients are niques (CPAP, NIPPV) are recommended [39].
sensitive to respiratory depressant effects of OSA patients who receive opioids are 12–14 more
anesthetic agents due to redundant tissue and times as likely to experience oxygen desatura-
airway collapse and blunting of the physiologic tions than those patients who receive exclusively
response to hypoxia and hypercarbia. All central non-opioid analgesics. To avoid the over-admin-
depressant drugs diminish the action of the pha- istration of systemic opioids, regional/neuraxial
ryngeal dilator muscles thereby promoting pha- analgesia, or patient-controlled analgesia (PCA)
ryngeal collapse in OSA patients. For this reason, without a basal rate can be considered. Neuraxial
short-acting anesthetic agents are preferred over analgesia (spinal or epidural anesthesia) must
longer-acting agents. Extubation should be per- be used with caution, keeping in mind rostral
formed only after the patient is fully conscious spread of local anesthetics can contribute to either
with a patent airway and full reversal of neuro- immediate or delayed respiratory depression.
muscular blockade. When extubating, an oro- Supplemental oxygen should be administered
pharyngeal or nasopharyngeal airway should be continuously until the patient can maintain base-
in place, and additional trained personnel should line oxygen saturation on room air. Patients with
be readily available for management of two-per- OSA should not be discharged to an unmonitored
son mask ventilation [45]. setting until they are no longer at risk for respi-
The literature cannot definitively endorse ratory depression [39]. To determine this, the
exact anesthetic techniques as they apply specifi- patient’s respiratory function should be observed
cally to OSA patients. Nonetheless, the potential while in an unstimulating environment, prefer-
for post-extubation airway compromise must be ably while asleep, and monitoring for the risk of
considered in selecting intraoperative medica- respiratory depression should be maintained until
tions. When possible and practical, consideration the patient is no longer at risk for postoperative
should be given to management of superficial pro- respiratory depression [39].
cedures with local or regional nerve blocks with
or without moderate sedation. Preop techniques
(e.g., CPAP, oral appliances) should be continued 1.2 Consequences of Untreated OSA
during the procedure. Spinal/epidural anesthe- (Renal)
sia is also recommended over general anesthesia
whenever applicable [39]. Finally, general anes- The prevalence of chronic kidney disease (CKD)
thesia with a secure airway is recommended and OSA has increased over the last two decades,
over deep sedation without a secure airway, and associated with an aging population and an
awake extubation is preferable to deep extubation. increased prevalence of obesity. OSA-related
Extubation and recovery should be attempted in hypertension and cardiovascular disease may
positions other than supine – either lateral or have detrimental effects on renal function. The
semi-upright. In any case, careful titration of renal system is vulnerable to hypoxia, and recur-
respiratory depressants and sedatives, especially rent nocturnal hypoxemia may contribute to kid-
opioids, is crucial in managing postoperative air- ney disease through a multitude of effects on:
way compromise [39]. 55 Sympathetic nervous system activation
55 Hypertension Postoperative Considerations 55 Low-grade systemic inflammation
Patients with obstructive sleep apnea are at 55 Oxidative stress
increased susceptibility to respiratory depres- 55 Accelerated atherosclerosis
sion based on severity of OSA, perioperative 55 Endothelial dysfunction
administration of sedatives and opioids, and
55 Activation of the renal renin-angiotensin
the invasiveness of the operative procedure. It system
Sleep Apnea
13 1
Hypoxia is considered an initiator of events lead- identified as an independent risk factor for the
ing to renal failure, causing inflammatory, apop- development of insulin resistance, glucose intol-
totic, and fibrotic responses [47]. This increases erance, and type II diabetes. Disorders of glucose
interstitial injury and promotes loss of peritubu- homeostasis in these patients are probably medi-
lar capillaries, which furthers hypoxia and leads ated by chronic intermittent hypoxia through the
into a vicious cycle. Hypoxia and frequency of activation of the sympathetic nervous system,
arousals during sleep are significantly associ- hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis, pro-inflam-
ated with CKD, indicating that changes follow- matory paths, and oxidative stress [51, 52].
ing arousal may be deleterious with prolonged While all of this appears to present a some-
blood gas disturbances and breathing instability what bleak picture for the patient with sleep
[47, 48]. apnea, especially when coming for a surgical
procedure, there may be hope demonstrated by
research from Brigham and Women’s Hospital in
1.3 Consequences of Untreated OSA Boston, MA. The HeartBEAT Study, published
(Endocrine) in the June 12, 2014, issue of the New England
Journal of Medicine, compared treatments for
Obstructive sleep apnea is independently asso- sleep apnea in 318 patients, ages 45–75 years old,
ciated with metabolic syndrome; 74–85% of with moderately severe obstructive sleep apnea,
patients with OSA also have metabolic syndrome to see whether the risk of heart disease could
[49]. OSA itself may be a newly realized compo- be lowered by CPAP or nocturnal supplemen-
nent of metabolic syndrome. It has been observed tal oxygen, in comparison with sleep hygiene
that patients with moderate-to-severe OSA who and healthy lifestyle education of the patient.
are then treated with CPAP show a lowering The results of this research, which was funded
blood pressure and a partial reversal of metabolic by the American Recovery and Reinvestment
abnormalities associated with the metabolic syn- Act of 2009, found the use of continuous posi-
drome. OSA is associated with abnormal lipid tive airway pressure, CPAP, was superior to just
profiles including low HLD, high LDL, and high providing supplemental oxygen, and resulted
triglycerides. Treatment with CPAP results in the in significantly lower blood pressure compared
improvement of dyslipidemia, glucose metabo- to either nocturnal supplemental oxygen or an
lism, and insulin resistance. There is evidence educational control treatment [10]. They noted
that hypoxia due to OSA is independently associ- that previous studies had already documented
ated with dyslipidemia through the generation of that treatment of sleep apnea with CPAP had
stearoyl-coenzyme A desaturase-1 and reactive been shown to reduce blood pressure in patients
oxygen species, resulting in the peroxidation of with previously untreated hypertension and in
lipids and sympathetic system dysfunction [50]. those with treatment-resistant hypertension. For
Systemic inflammatory markers are higher in those patients with sleep apnea, the use of CPAP,
OSA patients than in controls. LDL metabolism both at home and during hospitalization, cur-
may be altered by cytokines (e.g., IL-1), result- rently appears to be the best approach to mini-
ing in alteration of endothelial cell cholesterol mizing risks and complications. Future research
metabolism, thereby promoting atherosclerosis may provide even better approaches to minimize
[50]. problems for these patients.
In the United States, 40% of people with OSA
will develop diabetes. This association is inde-
pendent of other comorbidities such as age, sex, 1.4 Review Questions
and obesity. Treatment with CPAP can improve
glucose tolerance in people with sleep apnea. ?? 1. How common is sleep apnea in middle-
Intermittent hypoxia has been shown in animal aged patients presenting for surgery?
studies to play a key role in metabolic dysfunction A. 3–4% of all middle-aged patients
associated with sleep apnea. Human data show B. 9% of middle-aged women and 24% of
acute (30 min) and prolonged (up to 180 min) middle-aged men
increases in plasma glucose levels during acute C. 3% of women and 7% of men
exposure to intermittent hypoxia. OSA has been D. Greater than 40%
14 J. A. Saus et al.
?? 2. No gas exchange with ambient air occurs ?? 8. Which preop preparation for a patient
1 during sleep apnea because sleep apnea with obstructive sleep apnea has been
results in closure of the opening to the tra- shown to lower risk?
chea and lungs. A. Initiate (or continue) CPAP.
A. True B. Initiate noninvasive positive pressure
B. False ventilation (NIPPV).
C. Institute use of mandibular advance-
?? 3. Obstructive sleep apnea is expected to ment appliances.
be found only in obese or morbidly obese D. Weight loss.
patients who are middle aged or older.
A. True
B. False 1.5 Answers
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19 2
2.6 Conclusion – 27
2.8 Answers – 28
References – 28
A 66-year-old female with a past back tenderness to palpation, experiences intraoperative hypo-
medical history including heart peripheral edema, weak peripheral tension. Following the procedure,
failure with a reduced ejection pulses, and an audible S3. Her pre- the patient is transported to the
fraction, type 2 diabetes mel- operative labs show H/H 7.5/22.5. PACU. There, the patient notifies
litus, peripheral vascular disease, The surgery is performed in the her nurse that she cannot see out
anemia of chronic disease, prone position. The procedure of her right eye. Ophthalmology
osteoporosis, and multilevel lasts over 7 h and is complicated is consulted, and examination
vertebral collapse is scheduled by substantial blood loss near- reveals optic disc swelling. Unfor-
for posterior multilevel lumbar ing 4 L, and the patient requires tunately, a year following the sur-
and thoracic fusion. The patient’s intraoperative transfusion. gery, the patient’s vision remains
preoperative exam is notable for Despite resuscitation the patient impaired.
2.1 Introduction and History ASA Task Force on Perioperative Visual Loss was
of Postsurgical Vision Loss established, which has provided practice adviso-
ries for clinicians [5].
Visual loss is an uncommon but potentially dev-
astating postsurgical complication. Since the
first case report was published in the late 1940s, 2.2 Anatomy of the Eye
there have been numerous studies on the topic.
The effects range from permanent visual loss to 2.2.1 Basic Structures
complete resolution of impairment [1–3]. The
pathophysiology of the damage is incompletely Familiarity with some pertinent anatomy of the eye
understood, but several types of ophthalmologic and visual pathways allows a better understanding
injuries have been recognized, suggesting there of the injuries seen in postoperative visual loss. The
may be multiple etiologies [4]. The relative rar- human eye is made up of three layers (. Fig. 2.1).
ity of perioperative visual loss has made research The outer layer includes the cornea, sclera, and
somewhat challenging. Most publications are case limbus. The middle layer includes the iris, ciliary
reports, case series, and case-control studies. To body, and choroid. The retina, the sensory part of
facilitate further exploration of the subject, the the eye, is the inner third layer. Visual processing
ASA Committee on Professional Liability estab- begins with the passage of light through the cornea
lished the ASA Postoperative Visual Loss (POVL) and then through the anterior chamber, which lies
Registry in 1999 – a database that includes detailed between the cornea and iris. It then tracks through
patient and surgical information on related cases. the opening in the iris known as the pupillary aper-
With the publication of additional findings, an ture. Subsequently, light travels through the lens
Postoperative Visual Loss: Anatomy, Pathogenesis, and Anesthesia Considerations
21 2
Canal of Schlemm
Vitreous humor
Optic nerve
.. Fig. 2.1 Anatomy of the human eye. (Drawing of the Eye. National Eye Institute, National Institutes of Health)
and vitreous humor to reach the retina. The optic the anterior optic nerve vulnerable to ischemia in
nerve, which can be subdivided into the anterior the setting of arterial hypotension. The posterior
and posterior optic nerves, transmits the signal optic nerve has less blood flow than its anterior
from the retina to the brain where neurological counterpart. Pial branches derived from the oph-
pathways lead to the occipital lobe, as well as other thalmic artery provide its supply [4].
structures involved in the processing of vision [6].
In the general population, ischemic optic neu- in AION but should be ordered to rule out other
ropathy can be divided into two types: arteritis and pathologies which can cause postoperative vision
nonarteritis. The arteritic type is almost always loss [14].
2 from giant cell arteritis, which is not seen after a No treatments have been proven to help
surgical procedure and is associated with systemic reverse the vision loss associated with anterior
inflammatory vasculitis of unknown etiology ischemic optic neuropathy. An ophthalmology
occurring in older people. The non-arteritic form consult is necessary at the onset of symptoms.
is most common and is the type seen after surgical High-dose oral steroids and oxygen therapy have
procedures. Ischemic optic neuropathy is further been utilized but have not proven to be benefi-
classified as anterior ischemic optic neuropathy or cial. Surgical intervention has not been proven to
posterior ischemic optic neuropathy [8]. be helpful. The visual loss is normally perma-
Postoperative anterior ischemic optic neu- nent although in rare cases, some patients have
ropathy (AION) is a painless loss of vision after regained some vision loss [15].
surgery related to insufficient blood supply to Posterior ischemic optic neuropathy (PION)
the optic nerve and optic disc. The incidence of is painless vision loss related to a vulnerable vas-
AION compiled from large studies is 42/172,569 cular area or infarction at optic nerve posterior to
(0.024%) after cardiac procedures and 1/126,666 the lamina cribrosa. The vision loss is normally
(0.00079%) after spinal cases [9]. AION is most noticed upon awaking from a procedure and is
common in patients with risk factors of cardio- most commonly total bilateral blindness [10]. The
vascular disease and in high-risk cardiac or spine overall incidence of PION after surgery from large
surgery requiring prone positioning. The exact compiled studies is 7/140,768 (0.005%) in spine
etiology and risk factors of this type of injury cases, 10/164,282 (0.0061%) in cardiac cases, and
remain unclear. Other risk factors are thought to 4/126,666 (0.0032%) in all other cases [9]. Many
include prolonged surgery, sleep apnea, anemia, different risk factors are associated with PION but
and arterial hypotension requiring vasopressors like its counterpart AION, the exact risk factors
[10]. Anatomic abnormalities of circulatory sup- are unclear. Perioperative anemia and hypoten-
ply of the optic nerve and a small optic cup to disc sion are thought to lead to PION. It is commonly
ratio may also contribute to the development of believed that a decrease in blood pressure and
AION after surgery [11]. Although risk factors are oxygen-carrying capacity limits oxygen supply to
not certain, it appears that patients with a predis- the posterior optic nerve [9]. Prone spinal proce-
position for risk factors linked to ischemia seem dures and surgeries in the Trendelenburg positon
to be the most likely mediators for postoperative can lead to PION by increasing venous pressure
AION [10]. to the orbits [9, 16]. Excessive blood loss and mas-
Diagnosis of anterior ischemic optic neu- sive fluid replacement in cases requiring prone
ropathy must be differentiated from its posterior positioning have also been noted as likely risk
counterpart, as well as other ocular pathologies. factors for developing posterior ischemic optic
Vision loss in AION is usually seen immediately neuropathy [17].
after the procedure, but it is not uncommon for Posterior ischemic optic neuropathy is typi-
a patient to start having symptoms an entire day cally seen upon awakening from a surgical pro-
after the procedure. When this occurs, it is nor- cedure in the operating room or after extubation
mally sudden and progresses over the course of in intensive care unit. Diagnosis should be made
the next few days [12]. The diagnosis of AION is after complete history and physical exam. The
clinical and based off of history, physical exam, patient’s history should include either complete
and ophthalmologic exam. Important aspects of vision loss or, less commonly, partial visual field
the patient’s history are age, cardiovascular risk deficit after surgical procedure. Other risk fac-
factors, timing of visual loss, and recent history of tors should be noted such as type of surgery,
procedure or surgery [12]. Physical exam findings amount of blood loss, fluid resuscitation during
include afferent pupillary light reflex deficit; visual surgery, and cardiovascular risk factors. Physical
field defects, including scotoma or even com- exam findings in PION are similar to that of
plete vision loss; and a dilated fundoscopic exam AION demonstrating visual field deficits and
demonstrating optic disc swelling and splinter afferent pupillary light deficit. A main differ-
hemorrhages [10, 13]. An MRI is unremarkable ence between PION and its anterior counterpart
Postoperative Visual Loss: Anatomy, Pathogenesis, and Anesthesia Considerations
23 2
is a normal optic disc and fundoscopic exam in inadequate circulation, ischemic damage to the
PION, whereas AION shows optic disc swelling optic disc and retina ensues.
and hemorrhaging [17, 18]. Treatment for PION While ischemic optic neuropathy is currently
starts with an immediate ophthalmology con- the most common underlying injury leading
sultation, which should be sought for all cases to postoperative visual loss, previous reports of
and causes of postoperative blindness. An urgent vision loss were attributed to retinal ischemia.
MRI with gadolinium should be ordered to rule Hypotension and ocular compression were iden-
out other causes of visual loss such as pituitary tified as suspected etiologies [1–3]. An early pub-
apoplexy. Additional recommended manage- lication described a series of eight neurosurgical
ment is to monitor and to treat any aberrant patients suffering unilateral postoperative vision
vital signs, hemoglobin levels, and/or inadequate loss. These surgeries were performed in sitting
oxygenation. These recommended treatments or prone position using a horseshoe headrest,
for posterior ischemic optic neuropathy are not which was believed to place direct pressure on the
proven as compared with AION. Visual loss is patients’ eyes, contributing to retinal ischemia. In
normally lifelong with little to no vision gained support of this hypothesis, the authors demon-
throughout a patient’s lifetime after the initial strated that ocular compression and hypotension
insult [19, 20]. cause retinal ischemia in monkeys [3]. This work
leads to the term “headrest syndrome” for central
retinal artery occlusion in patients undergoing
2.3.2 entral Retinal Artery
C surgery with a horseshoe headrest. These early
Occlusion/Retinal Vascular reports raised awareness among anesthesiologists,
Occlusion leading some to modify their equipment and
patient positioning to avoid the complication [3].
As previously described, the central retinal Despite new precautions, CRAO continues
artery arises from the ophthalmic artery and to be a concern. A large population-based study
supplies blood to the optic disc and the retina. published in 2009 identified a retinal vascular
Conceptually, central retinal artery occlusion occlusion rate of 1.54 per 10,000 discharges fol-
(CRAO) is like an ocular stroke (. Fig. 2.2).
lowing spinal, orthopedic, cardiac, and general
When occluded by embolus or when faced with surgery over a 10-year period. Older age, male
gender, and blood transfusion were associated
with higher prevalence. Of the types of surgeries
analyzed, cardiac surgery had the highest inci-
dence of retinal vascular occlusion at 6.67 per
10,000 cases [7]. A separate retrospective study
covering a 10-year period specifically examined
retinal artery occlusion following cardiac surgery.
The results, published in 2016, revealed an inci-
dence of 7.77 per 10,000 cases [21].
CRAO normally presents with painless mon-
ocular vision loss. If the central retinal artery is
occluded but a cilioretinal artery is present – an
anatomical variation reported in close to 50% of
patients – central vision might be spared [22].
The diagnosis is suspected when patients awaken
from anesthesia and complain of unilateral visual
deficits. Periorbital and eyelid edema, propto-
sis, ecchymosis, and corneal abrasion have been
reported in patients with postoperative CRAO
.. Fig. 2.2 Central retinal artery occlusion. (David and can be additional clues to suggest excessive
G. Cogan Ophthalmic Pathology Collection – Selected
Cases. (n.d.). Retrieved 15 June 2017, from 7 https://
ocular compression or trauma [2, 3, 23]. A his- tory of carotid disease, or blindness following a
(Cogan Collection, NEI/NIH)) procedure with higher risk of embolization, could
24 A. J. Brunk et al.
place embolic CRAO higher on the differential documented causes of perioperative visual loss
diagnosis. Once the diagnosis is suspected, imme- (POVL) [7]. Most notably associated with car-
diate ophthalmologic evaluation is indicated [5]. diac and spinal procedures, cortical blindness is
2 Ophthalmoscopic examination may show arte- primarily caused by a disruption of blood flow to
riolar narrowing, retinal pallor or opacities in the the parieto-occipital region of the brain via one of
posterior pole, optic disc edema, and a cherry- two possible mechanisms: embolism or watershed
red spot at the macula [4, 22, 24]. Intra-arterial infarct.
emboli can additionally be seen, suggesting the A study by Shen et al. revealed the overall
diagnosis [4]. incidence of POVL secondary to cortical blind-
Management of postoperative visual loss can ness to be 0.38 per 10,000 discharges [7]. The
begin even before differentiating between which retrospective study used data from nearly six
ophthalmologic injury has taken place. Inspired million patients from the Nationwide Inpatient
oxygen can be increased and blood pressure opti- Sample (NIS) who underwent knee arthroplasty,
mized, though it is unclear what ultimate benefit cholecystectomy, hip/femur surgical treatment,
these interventions offer [4]. For CRAO specifi- spinal fusion, appendectomy, colorectal resection,
cally, mannitol, IV acetazolamide, and 5% CO2 in laminectomy without fusion, coronary artery
oxygen have been used to decrease intraocular bypass grafting, or cardiac valve procedures. Age
pressure and increase oxygen delivery [4, 22, 23]; less than 18 was found to be a major risk factor
however, outcomes following these interventions for the development of cortical blindness, with an
seem comparable to untreated patients. Ocular incidence of 4.3 per 10,000 cases. As compared
massage has also been suggested, with the poten- to those >18 years of age, patients <18 were 64
tial to lower intraocular pressure or dislodge times more likely to develop visual disturbances
emboli. A Cochrane Review article published in from cortical blindness. Other risk factors include
2009 evaluated two randomized controlled trials the type of surgical procedure performed. Spinal
for CRAO treatment. Enhanced external coun- fusions were shown to have an incidence of 1.50
terpulsation (EECP) versus placebo and oral per 10,000 cases with an increased risk of 19.1 fold
pentoxifylline versus placebo were studied. Oral as compared to abdominal surgeries. Similarly,
pentoxifylline resulted in improved retinal artery cardiac and non-fusion orthopedic procedures
flow, and EECP improved retinal perfusion in the were found to have an increased risk of POVL of
hours following its use; however neither treat- 12.7 times and 5.42 times, respectively, as com-
ment documented improved visual acuity in these pared to abdominal procedures.
small trials [25, 26, 27]. Additionally, the patients Additionally, a higher score in the Charlson
examined in these randomized controlled trials risk index (. Table 2.1), a measure of one’s
were not postoperative patients, potentially lim- comorbidities, is associated with higher rates of
iting the applicability of the results. In another
randomized controlled trial, local intra-arterial
fibrinolysis for the treatment or CRAO was com- .. Table 2.1 Charlson risk index
pared to placebo. This study conducted by the
Condition Weight
European Assessment Group for Lysis in the Eye
(EAGLE) was terminated early as the two treat- Myocardial infarct, heart failure, 1
ment approaches were similarly effective, with a peripheral vascular disease, cerebrovas-
significantly higher rate of adverse reactions in cular disease, dementia, chronic
the fibrinolysis arm [28]. Given that there is poor pulmonary disease, connective tissue
disease, ulcer disease, mild liver disease,
efficacy of treatments for CRAO, prevention of or diabetes
this devastating complication is paramount.
Hemiplegia, moderate/severe renal 2
disease, diabetes with end organ
damage, any tumor, leukemia, or
2.3.3 Cortical Blindness lymphoma
hematocrit values in patients that have signifi- or head down positioning, surgeries that involve
cant blood loss, although they agree that no spe- large volume blood loss with large amounts of
cific value is associated with postoperative vision fluid administration, hypotension, and anemia
2 loss. Both colloids and crystalloids are appropri- [35]. While not all variables are controllable,
ate to maintain euvolemia when patients have the clinician should try to optimize pre-existing
significant blood loss. Central venous pressure conditions prior to elective surgeries, avoid hypo-
monitoring should be used in high-risk patients tension, and ensure anemia (prior to surgery or
to monitor volume status [5, 20]. The task force surgically induced) is treated appropriately.
suggests avoiding direct pressure on the globe, Using data collected from the Closed Claims
as increased pressure on the eye has proven to Project, intraoperative hypotension and anemia
increase the risk of central retinal artery occlu- were examined using a sample of 100 patients who
sion [5]. Corneal abrasions can be prevented by did not experience POVL [38]. Selected patients
taping the patient’s eyes closed immediately after had undergone spinal fusion operations from sev-
induction of anesthesia. Ensuring that the eyes of eral academic centers and were matched for year
patients are closed should prevent foreign bodies of surgery. Analysis using clinic blood pressure
from potentially damaging the eyes. Although prior to procedure as baseline revealed that over
some physicians put lubrication ointment on half of the subjects had the lowest MAP greater
patients’ eyes before taping them closed, studies than or equal to 30% below baseline and 38% had
have not found this to be significantly beneficial systolic BP <90 for a minimum of 15 nonconsecu-
[34]. Future studies potentially will lead us to tive minutes. Patients were also found to have a
more preventative measures to reduce the risk of mean preoperative hematocrit of 39.8+/− 5% with
postoperative vision loss. intraoperative being 30.7+/− 5.9% [38]. Blood
pressure and hematocrit level have both been tied
to ischemic optic neuropathy, but the role they
2.5 Medicolegal Issues: Historic play remains unclear, and no strict cutoffs have
Considerations and Concerns been identified as causal. Additional data must be
collected to have a better understanding of how
Postoperative vision loss (POVL) after a non- each factors into the mediation or modulation of
ophthalmologic procedure is relatively rare, vision loss. Blood pressure and hematocrit can be
although POVL can be devastating with effects optimized both in the operating room and prior
varying from permanent disability to full recov- to surgery. The clinician should maintain strict
ery. POVL has often been a source of malpractice parameters throughout the procedure and ensure
claims, making it difficult to study as most claims proper documentation of interventions taken to
are kept closed [35]. The American Society of protect the patient from harm.
Anesthesiology established the POVL Closed In 2013, Lee et al. used the Closed Claims
Claims Project registry in 1999 to help facilitate Project database to investigate trends in the
the reporting and studying of POVL. The regis- severity of injuries to the visual pathway to deter-
try consisted of volunteer ASA Anesthesiologists mine whether complications arising from changes
reviewers who worked with malpractice insurance in surgical practice were reflected in medicolegal
organizations to examine and report malpractice claims against anesthesiologists [39]. They com-
claims involving POVL [36]. Reviews of claims pared claims from 1980 to 1994 to similar claims
took place on a 1–3 year cycle with anonymity and between 1995 and 2011. In each timeframe, post-
confidentially respected. Of the data collected on operative vision loss represented 4% of claims
POVL, ischemic optic neuropathy was a common reported to the Project. They found that higher
diagnosis resulting in litigation. Ischemic optic severity of injury to the visual pathway corre-
neuropathy often does not resolve or improve lated with a more than threefold increase in the
with time [37]. True cause is yet to be identified, median payments made to the plaintiff [39]. The
but it is postulated that factors that could contrib- increased incidence of reported POVL strongly
ute include pre-existing conditions such as diabe- correlates to the increased frequency of spinal
tes mellitus, male gender, obesity, atherosclerosis, fusion operations [35].
hypertension, positioning which elevates blood Another aspect impacting litigation is com-
pressure to the head such as prone positioning munication between the patient and physician
Postoperative Visual Loss: Anatomy, Pathogenesis, and Anesthesia Considerations
27 2
prior to surgery. Making sure patients are fully The eye consists of three layers, the outer made
informed about the possible risk of postoperative up of the cornea, sclera, and limbus; the middle
vision loss before the operation is to take place including the iris, ciliary body, and choroid; and
allows patients the opportunity to discuss any the inner, consisting of the sensory portion, the
questions or concerns they might have. This retina. The optic nerve exits the posterior aspect
also allows the physician the chance to discuss of the eye and transmits signals from the retina to
how any risk can be mitigated both prior to and the occipital lobe [6]. The vascular supply of the
during the procedure. The concept of informed eye arises from the ophthalmic artery. The central
consent is not novel and has evolved over many retinal artery and long and short posterior ciliary
years. In 1957, Professor Allan H. McCoid of The arteries supply the retina, with both sources being
University of Minnesota Law School published required for normal vision [4].
an article following the decision of the California Injuries to the visual pathway include anterior
District Court of Appeals for the First District in and posterior ischemic optic neuropathy, central
Salgo v. Leland Stanford, Jr. University Board of retinal artery occlusion/retinal vascular occlu-
Trustees. Both recognized that under certain cir- sion, cortical blindness, and posterior reversible
cumstances, a physician could be liable to a patient encephalopathy syndrome. Anterior ischemic
for failure to disclose sufficient information prior optic neuropathy is painless vision loss after sur-
to undertaking treatment [40]. Subsequently, gery due to insufficient blood supply to the optic
it was further defined in 1972 in Canterbury v. nerve and disc. Posterior optic neuropathy is
Spence. The plaintiff, Canterbury, suffered a rup- painless vision loss due to a vulnerable vascular
tured disc in 1958 and was operated on by Dr. area or infarct at the optic nerve posterior to the
Spence. As a result of the procedure and a fall lamina cribrosa. Both anterior and posterior isch-
in the hospital, Canterbury suffered from partial emic optic neuropathies are normally observed
paralysis below the waist. Canterbury brought directly following a procedure. Posterior ischemic
suit stating that Spence failed to inform of the optic neuropathy often results in complete bilat-
possibility of paralysis prior to surgery. The court eral blindness [10]. Central retinal artery occlu-
concluded that “the standard measuring perfor- sion/retinal vascular occlusion is the result of
mance of that duty by physicians, as by others, is occlusion by embolus or inadequate blood supply
conduct which is reasonable under the circum- to the optic disc and retina and normally presents
stances. Reasonable care requires disclosure of all with painless monocular vision loss. Cortical
risks that are ‘material’ to the patient’s decision blindness results from lack of sufficient blood
and what disclosures fall within the scope of the flow to the occipital cortex via the posterior cere-
obligation is to be left to the jury. A risk is material bral arteries. This condition is more associated
when a reasonable person, in what the physician with the potential of recovery of some degree of
knows or should know to be the patient’s posi- the vision lost. Posterior reversible encephalopa-
tion, would be likely to attach significance to the thy syndrome is characterized by vision loss with
risk in deciding whether to forego the proposed associated headache, confusion, and seizures.
therapy” [41]. A survey of patients who recently Pathogenesis is unclear, but vasoconstriction and
underwent prolonged prone spinal cases within hypoperfusion leading to ischemia and vasogenic
the Mayo Clinic hospital system revealed that edema have been proposed mechanisms [43].
86% of responders would prefer to have POVL Prevention of POVL is paramount as in many
discussed with them face-to-face prior to the day cases no treatments have proven to be effective in
of surgery [42]. improving impairment. In 2005, the ASA created
the Perioperative Visual Task Force and released
a practice advisory to prevent POVL with the
2.6 Conclusion prime focus on prone spinal procedures [5]. The
task force summarized that there are no spe-
POVL is an uncommon but devastating compli- cific patient characteristics that would identify a
cation of surgery. Many hypotheses have been patient as high risk. Risk is deemed higher when
proposed, but the pathophysiology of POVL is procedures are prolonged and involve an antici-
incompletely understood, suggesting that mul- pated large volume of blood loss. Patients who
tiple factors may contribute to injury [4]. are to undergo higher-risk procedures should
28 A. J. Brunk et al.
be kept at a neutral spine with the head kept at vv 2. A – The posterior ciliary arteries and
or above the level of the heart. Serial hematocrit central retinal artery supply the retina. The
should be checked, and central venous pres- posterior ciliary artery supplies the
2 sure monitoring can be used to monitor volume anterior optic nerve.
status. Volume resuscitation can be done with
colloids, crystalloids, and blood products to vv 3. D – Female gender has not a known risk
maintain euvolemia [5]. factor for postoperative vision loss.
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with the growing number of spinal fusion surger-
ies [35]. In a survey conducted of patients follow- References
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I, Schmoor C, Maier-Lenz H, Solymosi L, Brueckmann 43. Posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome fol-
H, Neubauer AS, Wolf A, Feltgen N, EAGLE-Study lowing a thoracic discectomy–induced dural leak.
Group. Central retinal artery occlusion: local intra- J Neurosurg Spine, 25(5):586–590.
arterial fibrinolysis versus conservative treatment, http://thejns.o rg/action/showCitFormats?doi=10.
a multicenter randomized trial. Ophthalmology. 3171%2F2016.4.SPINE1623#.
31 3
Substance Abuse
Elyse M. Cornett, Rebecca A. Moreci, Nadejda Korneeva,
and Mark R. Jones
3.1 Introduction – 32
3.3 Summary – 40
3.5 Answers – 41
References – 41
dependence [3], again demonstrating the need Each of these factors must be considered when
for screening. a patient presents to the hospital with substance
Patients that use illegal substances are not use or abuse. Regardless of the substance, these
only at a higher risk because of the potential phenomena can occur with all of the substances
complications mentioned above but also because discussed in this chapter and can all produce
of the comorbidities that they possess. These distinct side effects and/or challenges for the
comorbidities include psychiatric, chronic infec- healthcare team.
tions with possible multiresistant strains and
combined usage with legal substances such as
alcohol or tobacco [3]. As previously mentioned,
some patients. Therefore, the physician taking the
social/drug history should stress confidentiality Box 3.1 Perioperative Considerations for
and warn of potential risks. Substance Abuse
Lastly, opioid use disorders pose a significant 55 Withdrawal
problem with postoperative analgesia require- 55 Tolerance
ments. The baseline therapy is replacement 55 Difficult pain control management
treatment with methadone. These patients face a 55 Acute toxicity vs chronic toxicity
55 Patient compliance issues
slightly increased risk for relapse, followed by an 55 Patient judgment impairment
increased risk of death when tolerance decreases
34 E. M. Cornett et al.
3.2.2 Individual Drugs of Abuse to understand that alcohol abuse patients are not
all the same (low vs moderate vs high consump- Alcohol tion) and complication risks change based on
their clinical profile. Knowing this information
Incidence will help the physician advise the patient on how
to minimize their risk. To lower these risks for
3 When considering alcohol as a potential risk fac-
patients with high alcohol consumption, some
tor for surgical complications, one must consider
how prevalent these patients are. It is well known suggest that the patient abstain from alcohol for
that sometimes physicians underestimate and 4 weeks prior to surgery [10], while others advise
may overlook alcohol abuse in certain patient that risk could remain high for up to 1 year prior
populations, including women, younger patients, [11]. Regardless, the patients who are at high risk
higher income/education, and private insurance. must be identified prior to surgical preop so that
At least one in ten surgical patients has some level the patient can reduce/eliminate their drinking
of alcohol abuse/dependency [7]. Alcohol use and possibly receive treatment.
disorders fall on a spectrum, ranging from abuse
to harmful and dangerous use involving others.
These disorders are under-detected, making it dif- In one study, alcohol withdrawal syndrome was
ficult to prevent surgical complications [7]. noted in 82% of patients with chronic alcohol
abuse, and they had a greater than 50% rate of var-
Perioperative Complications ious postoperative complications [12]. As alcohol
Patients with alcohol abuse are at a higher risk for withdrawal and associated morbidity is a feared
perioperative complications. There are inconsis- complication following surgery, one possible
tent opinions on whether the severity of the alco- treatment option is single-agent benzodiazepine
hol use plays a role in the likelihood and severity prophylaxis, specifically lorazepam [12]. Current
of the complication [9]. treatments target mainly the symptoms of alcohol
These complications are broken into various withdrawal syndrome and not the actual depen-
categories. Surgical field (e.g., surgical site infec- dency. Other symptomatic treatments include
tions (SSIs), graft failure), infections other than alpha-2-agonists, neuroleptics, and olanzapine.
SSIs (pneumonia (PNA), urinary tract infection Some anti-craving medications are also avail-
(UTI), sepsis), pulmonary, and general morbid- able: acamprosate, naltrexone, or disulfiram [13].
ity complications have statistically higher risk of However, all of the treatments listed above may
occurrence, while cardiovascular (myocardial not decrease risks of other postoperative compli-
infarction cardiac arrest), neurologic (stroke, cations, so further studies must be continued to
coma, delirium), postoperative bleeding, and find other prophylactic options [14].
general mortality have not been found to have any
increased associations [9]. Benzodiazepines
Studies have also demonstrated that patients
with low-to-moderate alcohol use do not have the Incidence
same risk as patients with high alcohol consump- Benzodiazepines are frequently prescribed for a
tion (defined as AUDIT >5–8, >2 drinks most variety of conditions including anxiety, insom-
days, and/or alcohol abuse/dependency diagno- nia, and epilepsy. They are also commonly used
sis). Additionally, surgery type (abdominal, tho- during procedures, providing anxiolytic and
rax, head and neck, orthopedic, transplant, etc.) amnestic effects. Interestingly, the number of ben-
may be a factor but does not appear to have a zodiazepine prescriptions has decreased in the last
direct association with alcohol consumption and 20 years, while the quantity of drug -per -prescrip-
further risk [9]. tion has increased [15]. This points to overuse or
There are potential theories as to why patients misuse, as benzodiazepines are not indicated for
with high alcohol consumption are at increased long-term use, defined as >6 months. The popu-
risk of these complications. Alcohol reduces the lation of benzodiazepine users is heterogeneous,
immune response, decreases coagulation, and comprised of younger adults purchasing street
has an enhanced effect of HPA activation (the drugs as well as elderly patients using the same
stress response) during surgery. It is important class of drugs to improve sleep. Some predictors
Substance Abuse
35 3
for who will use benzodiazepines include females, unstable. If these patients have comorbid medical
elderly, history of smoking, and insurance cov- conditions or history of seizures, inpatient ser-
erage [16]. Concurrent use of benzodiazepines vices may be recommended.
and opioids has increased in the last 10–15 years. Patients may experience benzodiazepine with-
However, there is also evidence that patients use drawal syndrome, which includes general with-
alcohol or OTC medications for sleep in conjunc- drawal symptoms such as palpitations, sweating,
tion with benzodiazepines [17]. Alprazolam is and tremors as well as specific symptoms related
commonly prescribed and also commonly abused to the neurological/psychological and gastroin-
[15]. Other benzodiazepines include clonazepam, testinal systems.
lorazepam, midazolam, and diazepam. The pre- Other management strategies which can be
scription is usually written as PRN, meaning the performed simultaneously with the mainstay
patient can take as many (or as few) as they wish. treatment include staged dispensing (only small
quantities), benzodiazepine substitution (usually
Perioperative Considerations with a longer half-life drug such as diazepam),
Benzodiazepines (BZDs) can be used preopera- patient monitoring (awareness of doctor shop-
tively as an anxiolytic + sedative or perioperatively ping), pharmacotherapy, and psychotherapy [15].
as an amnestic agent. Midazolam is a common Both pharmacotherapies like anticonvulsants and
choice due to its rapid onset, short duration of psychotherapies such as CBT can be used for the
action, and short elimination half-life. treatment of withdrawal symptoms.
Pediatric patients can also use midazolam,
keeping in mind the dosage requirement may Opioids
be lowered [18]. Additionally, elderly patients
metabolize and eliminate drugs less efficiently, Incidence
which could result in BZD build up and accumu- In 1999, pain was introduced as a fifth vital sign
lation of toxic metabolites. Amnesia and further along with body temperature, pulse, respiration,
complications may occur even if these patients and blood pressure [20]. Since then, in parallel
were appropriately prescribed. Additionally, con- with the dramatic increase in opioid prescriptions,
current use of other substances (opioids, alcohol, the rate of admission of treatment-seeking patients
etc.) in a patient of any age can result in unwanted for opioid addiction and opioid-overdose death
additive or synergistic effects. Therefore, physi- nearly quadrupled in 2010 [21]. In 2012, approxi-
cians must be cognizant and cautious of these mately 16,000 deaths were linked to prescribed
potential factors. opioids, while in 2015 this number increased to
52,000 deaths [22]. It is estimated that 46 people
Treatment die every day from prescription opioids and that
Discontinuation and maintenance therapy are two opioid analgesics are linked to more deaths than
main treatment approaches for benzodiazepine deaths from cocaine and heroin combined or
dependence. The choice relies on multiple factors from both suicide and motor vehicle crashes. The
including whether the patient is a low or high risk CDC recommends prescribing opioids to patients
of harm and relapse [15]. The discontinuation with the most serious cases of pain, such as cancer
approach involves gradual weaning, as abrupt and end-of-life care. However, in the USA doctors
cessation is not recommended due to potential routinely prescribe opioids for more common ail-
life-threatening seizures and other complications. ments like arthritis and back pain. A recent study
This approach is suggested for low-risk patients of prescriptions dispensed during 2008 by 37,000
who may have a less severe dependence, who are retail pharmacies revealed geographic areas in
not currently using other drugs or alcohol, and the USA with the highest opioid prescription
who have never attempted this previously [19]. rate: counties located in Appalachia and in the
The process of tapering is not standardized, but southern and western states [23]. Authors found
there are suggestions based on the risk of relapse, a positive correlation between opioid prescrip-
expected duration, and tolerability. Maintenance tion rate and proportion of the “population that is
therapy is reserved for higher-risk patients who white non-Hispanic or African American, poor,
are already on diazepam substitution, who have uninsured, and living in urban areas.” The stron-
concurrent drug abuse, or who are psychiatrically gest correlation was found between the rate of
36 E. M. Cornett et al.
opioid prescription rate and the number of physi- opioid-sparing effects [31]. It was emphasized
cians practicing in a certain area, especially sur- that different surgical procedures might require
geons and pediatricians. According to the Express a unique combination of these non-opioid adju-
Script report, the number of opioid prescriptions vants. Regional anesthesia (including peripheral
dropped by 9% between 2009 and 2013. However, and neuraxial blocks) and analgesia were also
patients on prescribed opioids take a higher dose associated with lower opioid use and decreased
3 of opioid and for a longer period. Almost 30% of PONV [31–33].
patients on opioids are also using other prescrip-
tion drugs that may lead to a harmful combina- Stimulants
tion (e.g., benzodiazepines).
Perioperative Complications Cocaine and methamphetamine abuse continue
Considering that the opioid epidemic is associ- to be a worldwide problem. The world drug
ated with morbidity and mortality, it is important report states that there are currently 33 million
to minimize the amount of perioperative opioid methamphetamine users and 19 million cocaine
administration to control pain. Tight control of users. The US Drug Abuse Warning Network
opioids in patients who are exposed to medica- (DAWN) monitors cocaine- and methamphet-
tion for the first time during the perioperative amine-related emergency room visits. In 2011,
period is important to prevent the development DAWN reported 505,224 cocaine and 102,961
of opioid-dependence-associated drug overdose methamphetamine-related emergency room vis-
and death. In surgical patients with a history of its. Furthermore, methamphetamine visits have
chronic pain and prolonged administration of nearly doubled since 2007. Stimulant use disor-
opioids, it is important to take into account their der is a diagnosis in the DMS-IV and refers to a
drug tolerance and to find the adequate scheme variety of problems associated with cocaine and
of opioid administration for analgesia prevent- methamphetamine including impaired control,
ing overdose. Recently, concern regarding the risky use, social impairment, tolerance, and with-
effect of chronic opioid exposure on neurologic drawal. A recent study compared cocaine-related
complication has emerged. A toxic effect of opi- emergency room visits to methamphetamine-
oids on the central nervous system (CNS) has related emergency room visits and treported that
been described in a growing number of studies. out of 3103 urine toxicology screens and 20,203
Leukoencephalopathy, axon demyelination, and emergency room visits, the prevalence of meth-
lesions in white matter have been documented amphetamine use was seven times higher than
not only for heroin abusers but also for metha- cocaine [34]. Stimulants can be divided into two
done [24–26], morphine [27], and oxycodone [28] major categories: amphetamine stimulants and
overdosed patients. In 2016, the CDC published non-amphetamine stimulants. Amphetamines
guidelines for prescribing opioids by primary care are both direct releasers and reuptake inhibitors
clinicians to “improve the safety and effectiveness of dopamine, norepinephrine, and epinephrine.
of pain treatment, and reduce the risks associated Non-amphetamine stimulants block the reuptake
with long-term opioid therapy, including opioid of dopamine and norepinephrine. The distinction
use disorder, overdose, and death” [29]. However, between these mechanisms is important clini-
since there is currently no commonly accepted cally, as amphetamines tend to cause a much more
surgical guideline for the management of periop- rapid and larger increase in the release of cat-
erative pain, surgeons and residents rely mostly echolamines than non-amphetamines. Stimulant
on their experience and training [29, 30]. drugs also have peripheral alpha and beta actions,
for example, oral administration of amphetamine
Treatment can increase systolic and diastolic blood pressures
Use of non-opioid adjuvant medication and and reflex bradycardia [35]. Stimulant CNS effects
regional anesthesia was suggested as a part of include increased alertness, stimulation of respi-
perioperative pain treatment to decrease opioid ratory centers, decreased fatigue, and euphoria.
use. Among non-opioid adjuvants, dexmedetomi- Cocaine blocks electrical impulses in nerve cells
dine, clonidine, ketamine, pregabalin, lidocaine, which can produce a local anesthetic effect. It does
and esmolol are recognized for their perioperative so by blocking sodium channels, thus preventing
Substance Abuse
37 3
neuronal cell’s ability to undergo depolarization, on the morning of surgery, patients who presented
and this is also evident in the cardiac system. with a positive urine drug screen for cocaine
Cocaine-induced sodium-channel blockade can were not an indication for canceling a case [41].
predispose patients to QT interval prolongation, On the other hand, a 2012 study of 300 patients
which may result in torsades de pointes [36]. who underwent elective surgeries reported that
Chronic abuse of stimulants leads to tolerance, over half of the cocaine-positive patients required
and cross-tolerance to other sympathomimetic vasopressors and antihypertensives intraopera-
drugs can also occur. tively [42]. Cocaine can also cause physical prob-
lems. Chronic nasal cocaine administration can
Perioperative Complications cause septal destruction and soft palate necrosis,
Intraoperatively, patients will require a decrease in nosebleeds, and reduced blood flow to major
sympathetic tone. Amphetamines can reduce the organs leading to tissue necrosis [43].
patient’s sympathetic reflex integrity, via down-
regulation of endogenous catecholamines, and as Treatment
a result, refractory hypotension can result [37]. The management of children on chronic amphet-
Postoperative hypotension can also occur. Of amine therapy should involve avoidance or care-
particular concern to the anesthesiologist is the ful titration of cardiac depressor anesthetic drugs
patient’s decreased response to ephedrine after [44]. Direct-acting vasopressors, e.g., epinephrine
chronic amphetamine use. Interactions between or phenylephrine, are preferable because of possi-
stimulants and other drugs commonly used by ble cross-tolerance to other indirect vasopressors
anesthesiologists in the operating room may be such as ephedrine. Premedication or pre-treat-
unpredictable and can lead to cardiovascular ment with atropine may also be useful. And in the
collapse. A 1979 case report discussed a patient case mentioned above, the amphetamine-atropine
who underwent a cesarean delivery and was also interaction can be treated with noradrenaline and
a chronic amphetamine abuser. The patient died milrinone. There is recent surprising evidence that
of cardiac arrest, suggesting patients who abuse methylphenidate can speed recovery from general
amphetamine may have a predisposition to car- anesthesia in an animal study. Rats receiving IV
diovascular instability [38]. Furthermore, a 2008 methylphenidate 5 min before discontinuation of
report of a ten-year-old child on long-term meth- isoflurane recovered faster than controls [45]. The
ylphenidate therapy for ADHD presented a car- experiment further showed the methylphenidate-
diac arrest during induction of general anesthesia induced signs of arousal in rats that continued to
with sevoflurane [39]. There is also evidence for an receive isoflurane at a dose sufficient to maintain
interaction of amphetamine with atropine, where unconsciousness.
a patient taking fenproporex without a prescrip- Nitroglycerin treatment can be used for
tion (to lose weight) was administered atropine cocaine-induced cardiac arrhythmia [46]. Patients
and which caused supraventricular tachycardia, that present with hypertension or tachycardia
arterial hypotension, and acute lung edema [40]. can be treated with furosemide, a loop diuretic,
Amphetamines can also cause deleterious physi- which may decrease preload in patients with car-
cal effects. “Meth mouth” is a side effect of chronic diomyopathy. Phenylephrine is a selective alpha-1
methamphetamine abuse and is caused by xero- adrenergic receptor agonist and is the drug of
stomia, poor oral hygiene, and poor diet. Patients choice for hypotensive patients.
can present with loose or missing teeth that can be
further dislodged during intubation or extubation. Nicotine
There is controversy regarding the safety of
cocaine-positive patients undergoing general Incidence
anesthesia. A 2006 non-randomized, blinded According to the CDC, 15% of adults 18 years and
study investigating 40 UDS cocaine-positive older (16.7% of men and 13.6% of women) were
patients compared to an equal number of drug- current cigarette smokers in 2015. Characteristics
free controls found that cardiovascular stability of current smokers include males 25–45, living
during general anesthesia was not significantly below the poverty line, has a GED, either unin-
different between the groups [36]. Another study sured or on Medicaid, and history of disability or
by the Veterans Association further solidified that psychological diagnosis [47, 48]. Each day, over
38 E. M. Cornett et al.
3000 kids (<18 years old) start smoking ciga- to the lungs, allowing for tapering to occur [54].
rettes. However, the CDC reports that almost 70% However, the unknown abuse potential and dif-
of adults do want to quit. Approximately one in ficult product design make this a less desirable
three patients is reported to have a nicotine use first-choice treatment. The final potential treat-
disorder (NUD) [3]. If the physician suspects ment for nicotine dependence is a new nicotine
NUD, they are encouraged to pursue screening as vaccine being studied [55]. The antigen is linked
3 these patients are more likely to admit this when to a carrier, introduced into the body, which
compared to other drugs of abuse. then stimulates the immune system to mount a
response against the nicotine.
Perioperative Complications
Any surgical patient that smokes has a 20% Cannabis
increased risk of hospital mortality and 40%
increased risk of complications [49]. Patients with Incidence
NUD are more commonly admitted to the ICU According to the National Survey on Drug Use
following surgical procedures and tend to result and Health report, cannabis is the most commonly
in cardiopulmonary complications or wound used illicit drug in the USA [56]. Cannabis is most
infections. Certain surgical procedures generally often consumed in the form of “marijuana” plant
have higher risk in these patients: hernia proce- or hashish (the delta-9- tetrahydrocannabinol
dures > orthopedic prostheses > cholecystectomy [THC]-containing resin of the inflorescences).
(laparoscopic) [50]. In 2013, almost 20 million people of 12 years old
Smoking cessation is recommended in these and older in the USA used cannabis in the preced-
patients for at least 4 weeks prior to surgery until ing month [56]. A gateway analysis revealed that
4 weeks post procedure, which is the minimal the use of cannabis leads to an increased risk of
time period shown to decrease the risk of postop- abusing other illicit drugs, especially among the
erative complications [50]. adolescent population, but it rapidly declines with
If the patient did not stop smoking prior to age. A recent review by the National Academies
surgery or they are not using any intervention/ of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (NASEM)
treatment, physicians should consider physo- indicates the use of cannabis at young ages, or
stigmine to avoid postoperative nausea/vomiting heavy daily use of cannabis, is associated with
(PONV) complications and treat postoperative various adverse effects [57]. There are two major
pain. This is a cholinergic agent that crosses the syndromes associated with intensive use of can-
blood brain barrier, inducing analgesia alone or nabis: the cyclic vomiting syndrome (CVS) in
as an adjuvant to opiates [51]. adults [58, 59] and the cannabinoid hyperemesis
syndrome (CHS) [60, 61] that are characterized
Treatment by recurrent episodes of nausea, vomiting, and
It is suggested that the patient detox and/or crampy abdominal pain. Also, prolonged use of
abstain from nicotine use for at least 4–6 weeks even low doses of cannabinoids may lead to the
before surgery [3]. One option is nicotine replace- development of drug dependence, psychosis,
ment therapy (NRT) which is a first-line treatment panic and anxiety attacks, a deficit of attention,
for decreasing nicotine use but can also be used concentration, learning and memory, coordina-
pre- and postoperatively for PONV. NRT comes tion impairment, and development of signs of
in a variety of forms including a transdermal withdrawal.
patch, acute dosing products, gum, lozenge, sub-
lingual tablet, oral inhaler, and nasal spray. These Perioperative Complications
therapies serve to lower motivation and usage of Medical cannabis is proposed to be used in pain
tobacco products, as well as lower the subsequent management with inhaled cannabis been more
withdrawal symptoms that result [52]. Nicotine tolerable than oral cannabinoids. Several meta-
preloading is a more recent therapy involving analyses indicated that orally administered can-
starting NRT while the patient is still smoking nabinoids and inhaled cannabis provide moderate
(pre-cessation therapy) [53]. Another recent, yet benefits in the treatment of chronic pain and spas-
somewhat controversial therapy, is a true pulmo- ticity associated with neuropathy, cancer, diabetes,
nary inhaler. This would deliver nicotine directly and multiple sclerosis [62–67]. However, there is
Substance Abuse
39 3
no commonly accepted guideline for the use of lead to fever, tachycardia, tachypnea, and hyper-
medical cannabis in each specific case. According glycemia [70]. Inhaled PCP is associated with
to the 2017 NASEM report, “there is conclu- nystagmus, tachycardia, and hypertension and
sive or substantial evidence to support cannabis even could lead to cerebral hemorrhage and coma
being effective for the treatment of chronic pain [71]. Toxic effects of ketamine include nystagmus,
in adults, moderate evidence that cannabinoids apnea, severe bladder toxicity, and cardiovascular
(primarily nabiximols) are effective for improv- dysfunction [72].
ing short-term sleep outcomes in individuals with
chronic pain associated with obstructive sleep Perioperative Complications
apnea syndrome, fibromyalgia, chronic pain, and Prior physical examination of the patient for the
multiple sclerosis” [57]. However, there is limited presence of signs associated with the use of the
evidence supporting the correlation between can- hallucinogens such as confusion, violent behavior,
nabinoids and better outcome after a traumatic nystagmus, or tachycardia will help the physician
brain injury or intracranial hemorrhage [57]. to estimate whether to perform drug screening
Moreover, the report indicated a statistical asso- test for this patient. If the patient has tested posi-
ciation between cannabis smoking and worsen- tive for the hallucinogens and the surgery is not
ing respiratory symptoms, motor vehicle crashes, urgent, then the operation should be delayed.
and increased risk of overdose injuries in the Also, since ketamine is a PCP derivative, patients
pediatric population, as well as the development intoxicated with PCP should not be treated with
of schizophrenia or other psychoses [57]. Oral ketamine.
cannabinoids do not reduce acute postoperative
pain and are therefore not currently useful during Treatment
the postoperative period. More research is needed If the operation cannot be delayed or placing the
to explore the potential benefits of cannabinoids patient in a quiet environment is not effective to
during the perioperative period. suppress psychosis, there are several agents that
can be used to calm the patient. Benzodiazepines
Treatment (lorazepam or diazepam) are the medication
There are several cannabinoid-based therapies of choice since they suppress the activity of the
utilized in the clinical settings: Cesamet® (nabi- central nervous system (CNS) by enhancing the
lone) is prescribed to treat nausea in cancer action of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA).
patients, Marinol® (dronabinol) is prescribed to Antihypertensive agent clonidine decreases the
treat nausea in patients undergoing to chemo- severity of hallucinogen persisting perception
therapy [68], and Sativex® is prescribed to patients disorder (HPPD). Clonidine also suppresses
with multiple sclerosis with moderate to severe sympathetic activity stimulated by LSD use. The
spasticity [65]. neuroleptic agent haloperidol can produce a sig-
nificant improvement in hallucinogen-induced Hallucinogens anxiety, hallucinations, and cognitive confusion
[73]. However, haloperidol has adverse psy-
Incidence chomimetic effects and is not indicated in LSD
Hallucinogens are a group of drugs that alter the intoxication. Chlorpromazine is more efficient
state of consciousness associated with mystical at reducing somatic and psychological tension in
experience, vivid images, and synesthesia and PCP-induced psychosis [73].
could lead to confusion, violent behavior and
psychosis, paranoid reactions, and depression. MDMA/Ecstasy
According to the National Survey on Drug Use
and Health, more than 15% of US population Incidence
aged 12 or older has used hallucinogens in their Ecstasy is the common name for MDMA,
lifetime in 2016 [69]. The most popular halluci- 3,4-methylenedioxy-methamphetamine. The use
nogens are lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) and of MDMA has decreased in 12–17-year-olds in
phencyclidine (PCP), and ketamine. Although recent years but remains steadily used among
the abuse potential of hallucinogens is low, their adults. In 2014, 50% of over 500,000 adults sur-
use is associated with toxic effecst. LCD could veyed were current ecstasy users. The National
40 E. M. Cornett et al.
Survey on Drug Use and Health 2014 survey risk if a MAO inhibitor and a serotonin reuptake
reported that 7% of individuals age 12+ had tried inhibitor are also on board. Some of these agents
MDMA at least once in their lifetime, 1% of the include opioids, pethidine, tramadol, methadone,
population had used it in the past year, and 0.2% dextromethorphan, and propoxyphene, which
had used it in the past month [74]. MDMA is all inhibit serotonin reuptake [83, 84]. Serotonin
abused because it produces feelings of euphoria, syndrome can also exacerbate hyperthermia in
3 pleasure, and heightened emotional and sensory MDMA users, and in severe cases, the health-
experiences. MDMA works through a variety of care provider should provide the following to the
mechanisms that alter dopamine, serotonin, and patient: deep sedation, paralysis, and ventilation.
norepinephrine signaling. It can be administered Patients may also present with hyponatremia and
orally in pill or capsule form and is often cut with cerebral edema, which can be treated with fluid
other substances like caffeine, atropine, ketamine, restriction, or in the case of a severely ill patient,
and diphenhydramine [75]. a hypertonic saline solution may be required
[85]. Acute MDMA toxicity can be managed with
Perioperative Complications activated charcoal up to 1 h post-ingestion and
MDMA is a derivative of amphetamine, which should be followed by vigilant fluid replacement
is why these drugs share many similar effects, to prevent hypotension.
e.g., increased heart rate, hyperthermia, tachy-
cardia, sweating, and increased impulsivity [76].
Clinically, patients with exposure to MDMA will
3.3 Summary
present with tachycardia, hypertension, confu-
sion, mydriasis, ataxia, dry mouth, nystagmus,
Substance abuse and addiction are a worldwide
sweating, and bruxism. There is an association
problem. Anesthesiology healthcare providers
between MDMA and cerebral hemorrhage, cere-
should be aware of this problem and the risks
bral venous sinus thrombosis, and aplastic anemia
that substance abuse can impose on patient
[77]. MDMA is also associated with pneumotho-
care. Patients of all types may present with sub-
rax, pneumomediastinum, and esophageal tear
stance abuse including emergency room patients,
[78]. There is limited evidence for the etiology of
pregnant women, children, and the elderly.
MDMA-associated sudden death. However, it is
Minimization of pre-, intra-, and postoperative
likely that the sympathomimetic effects of the drug
risks associated with anesthesia and substance
contribute to dysrhythmia, which can ultimately
abuse are of the utmost importance, and detailed
lead to death. There is also evidence for hyperpy-
patient history and screening can help to eluci-
rexia, rhabdomyolysis, and multiple organ failure
date whether a patient is acutely intoxicated or
[79]. These occurrences are likely due to excessive
a chronic substance user. Healthcare providers
exertion and inadequate fluid replacement which
should remain vigilant regarding new informa-
could disrupt thermoregulation.
tion related to drugs of abuse and respective
Treatment healthcare implications.
Dantrolene has been used to treat MDMA-
induced hypyrexia [80]. And while there is vary-
ing evidence for the effect of dantrolene on the 3.4 Review Questions
rate of cooling in patients that experience heat
stroke independent from MDMA [81], there ?? 1. A 38-year-old male has an appointment
is evidence to suggest that more rapid cooling with you, his orthopedic surgeon, to
of patients with MDMA-induced hyperpyrexia determine if he is a candidate for elective
was achieved in the presence of dantrolene surgery. As the surgeon, you are perform-
[82]. Serotonin syndrome is another complica- ing a comprehensive history and physical
tion associated with MDMA. This syndrome is exam to obtain a general assessment of
characterized by a rapid onset of confusion, dia- the patient and determine if he is a good
phoresis, diarrhea and cardiovascular instabil- candidate for this procedure. Which of
ity, increased muscle tone, rigidity, tremor, and the following is the best approach to his
myoclonus. These patients are particularly at appointment?
Substance Abuse
41 3
A. Because he is a well-educated, Cau- B. Stress to the patient that smoking ces-
casian man who appears well spoken sation is very important in decreasing
and with no overt symptoms of abuse his postsurgical complications, and
or withdrawal, you decide that you will you are willing to help him achieve this
quickly ask some general questions with use of NRT (nicotine replacement
about the use of various substances therapy). You do suggest pushing the
and then move on with the exam. surgery back to 4 weeks, which should
B. You begin to ask questions regarding still leave him enough time to heal,
substance use, and the patient denies especially if there are fewer complica-
using any substances, including alco- tions.
hol, tobacco products, and opioids. C. Advise that the nicotine vaccine is the
Nonetheless, you continue with CAGE newest and most common treatment
and Fagerström questionnaires, as well for smoking cessation. If he uses this,
as laboratory tests for benzodiazepines, you would even be willing to do the
alcohol, and opioids. You don’t want to surgery in the next 2 weeks.
miss anything. D. Tell him that nicotine use doesn’t inter-
C. The patient admits to occasional alco- fere with surgical outcomes; since most
hol use and smokes cigarettes socially, people these days smoke, surgeons
but he denies dependency or use of have come up with ways to prevent
any other substances. After explaining any complications in these patients.
to him the importance of this history You counsel him that smoking cessa-
regarding surgical risk and postopera- tion may be a good goal for the future,
tive complications, he admits to smok- but there’s no rush for him to quit in
ing more frequently than he previously the next few weeks.
stated. At this point, you proceed with
further questionnaires and potentially
work with him on cessation of sub- 3.5 Answers
stances prior to surgery.
D. The patient denies use of any sub- vv 1. C
stances rather quickly and appears
defensive. This is a red flag to you, so vv 2. B
instead of proceeding with further
questionnaires, you decide it would be
best to lecture him on all the possible References
cardiopulmonary postoperative compli-
cations he could have, including a pro- 1. Kleinwächter R, Kork F, Weiss-Gerlach E, Ramme A, Lin-
longed stay in the ICU. This scare tactic nen H, Radtke F, Lütz A, Krampe H, Spies CD. Improving
should certainly lead him to be more the detection of illicit substance use in preoperative
honest, even though you fail to mention anesthesiological assessment. Minerva Anestesiol.
anything about confidentiality or trust. 2. Center for Substance Abuse Treatment. Clinical guide-
lines for the use of buprenorphine in the treatment of
?? 2. He is requesting that the surgery be opioid addiction. Substance Abuse and Mental Health
scheduled for 3 weeks from today, as he Services Administration (US), 2004.
has a ski trip planned in 2 months and 3. Kork F, Neumann T, Spies C. Perioperative management
of patients with alcohol, tobacco and drug depen-
wants to be healthy and healed by that dency. Curr Opin Anaesthesiol. 2010;23(3):384–90.
time. What do you recommend regarding 4. Korte KJ, Capron DW, Zvolensky M, Schmidt NB. The
his newly diagnosed NUD (nicotine use Fagerström test for nicotine dependence: do revisions
disorder)? in the item scoring enhance the psychometric proper-
A. Tell him to quit smoking prior to sur- ties? Addict Behav. 2013;38(3):1757–63.
5. Neumann T, Neuner B, Weiß-Gerlach E, Lippitz F, Spies
gery and that he can try prophylactic CD. Accuracy of carbon monoxide in venous blood to
lorazepam or drink alcohol to relieve his detect smoking in male and female trauma patients.
anxiety about not smoking every day. Biomark Med. 2008;2(1):31–9.
42 E. M. Cornett et al.
71. Bey T, Patel A. Phencyclidine intoxication and adverse MDMA) ingestion in two people at the same ‘rave’. J
effects: a clinical and pharmacological review of an Laryngol Otol. 2002;116(1):75–6.
illicit drug. Cal J Emerg Med. 2007;8(1):9–14. 79. Henry JA, Jeffreys KJ, Dawling S. Toxicity and deaths
72. Corazza O, Assi S, Schifano F. From ‘Special K’ to ‘Special from 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine. Lancet
M’: the evolution of the recreational use of ketamine and (London, England). 1992;340(8816):384–7.
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tration, results from the 2013 national survey on drug 82. Logan AS, Stickle B, O’Keefe N, Hewitson H. Survival
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Ser H-48, HHS Publ. No. 14-4863, 2014. of 42 degrees C. Anaesthesia. 1993;48(11):1017–8.
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de Ecstasy. Rev Bras Anestesiol. 2006;56(2):183–8. analgesics and serotonin toxicity. BJA Br J Anaesth.
76. Hall AP, Henry JA. Acute toxic effects of ‘Ecstasy’
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lowing Ecstasy (methylenedioxymetamphetamine,
45 4
Tomas Carvajal, Lopa Misra, Michael Molloy,
and Veerandra Koyyalamudi
4.2 Incidence – 46
References – 55
4.1 Awareness, Recall, and Dreams between 1 and 2/1000 general anesthetics [5–10].
A higher incidence has been reported in cardiac
Awareness under general anesthesia (AAGA) is (1:43), pediatric (1:135), and obstetric anesthesia
infrequent and occurs when patients become con- (1:384) [11–13]. The significantly lower incidence
scious while undergoing surgery and may result in in the NAP5 audit could possibly be explained to
recall of their surroundings, events, and, at times, the lack of patient interviews and the dependence
pain related to their surgery postoperatively. on anesthesiologist’s recollection of events and
Awareness generally occurs where there is an reliance on retrospective data when conducting
4 imbalance between the depth of anesthesia being the survey.
provided and the degree of stimulus to which a
patient is being exposed. Although the incidence
of awareness or recall may be reduced with preven- 4.3 Risk Factors for Awareness
tive measures, it may not possible to completely
obviate the risk. In the absence of pain, awareness Elucidating the specific risk factors for intraoper-
is less traumatic for patients. Additionally, inabil- ative awareness is a complex task, given the small
ity to move due to muscle relaxation also has a relative incidence of awareness. Current prospec-
profoundly stressful effect on patients. tive studies are largely underpowered, and the
Recall is defined as the patient’s ability to vast majority of published literature is based on
retrieve stored memories and maybe exhibited case reports and case series studies.
as either explicit or implicit memory. Explicit According to epidemiological studies, the risk
memory refers to the patient’s ability to recall factors for accidental intraoperative awareness
specific events while under general anesthesia. during general anesthesia (AAGA) can be classi-
On the other hand, implicit memory refers to fied or categorized in three main groups:
alterations in patient behavior without being able 1. Patient related
to recall specific event. It is important to note that 2. Surgery related
dreaming is not considered a form of intraopera- 3. Anesthesia technique related
tive awareness and important to differentiate this
from true intraoperative awareness and recall. Alternatively, in one of the largest studies per-
Dreams have been excluded from the definition formed in the United Kingdom, NAP5 audit [3]
of intraoperative awareness by the ASA Practice categorized the risk factors based on the three
Advisory for intraoperative awareness [1]. main phases of anesthesia: induction of anesthe-
sia, maintenance of anesthesia, and emergence
from anesthesia.
4.2 Incidence
Studies have shown a large variability in the inci- 4.3.1 Patient Related
dence of AAGA. This could be possibly due to the
various risk profiles of patients, the variation in Gender
anesthetic plan which may be influenced by sur- Female patients have been shown to have a higher
gical requirements, and different methodologies risk for AAGA. Domino et al. [14] after review-
involved in the assessment for awareness post- ing 4183 anesthesia-related claims in the United
operatively [2]. For example, the fifth National States found that 77% of claims involved female
Audit Project (NAP-5) in the United Kingdom, a patients. Mihai et al. [15] analyzed closed claims
very large retrospective study that did not include in the United Kingdom and revealed a similar
patient interviews, reported incidence of aware- finding. The NAP5 audit [3] comparatively ana-
ness to be 1 in 19,000 anesthetics [3]. The most lyzed 300 reports of AAGA and found that 65%
common tool used to establish the incidence of occur in women.
AAGA has been the Brice interview, conducted Numerous other studies have concluded a
immediately after surgery and often repeated up higher incidence of AAGA in female patients.
to three times within a month [4]. Studies have Morimoto et al. [16] reported after surveying 172
consistently shown the incidence of AAGA to be anesthesiologists, 24 cases of AAGA in which 76%
47 4
were women. Ghoneim et al. [17] reviewed 271 In contrast, a questionnaire survey conducted
cases of reported AAGA and found that aware via the Internet involves 85,156; a majority of
patients were more likely to be female. Other patients reporting awareness (67%) were older
studies quoted an incidence at least 3 times higher than 50 years old [16]. Additionally, Pollard et al.
in the female gender [18–20]. [26] showed that in 211,842 anesthetics delivered
to adult population, there were 6 cases of AAGA Age with a higher incidence in older patients (55.5
Studies have shown a higher incidence of aware- versus 46 years).
ness in children versus the adult population
(1% vs 0.2%) [21]. In a prospective cohort study Previous History of Awareness
involving 864 children aged 5–12 years who had Under General Anesthesia
undergone general anesthesia, 28 reports were A previous history of AAGA is a predominant
generated for an incidence of 0.8%. In another risk factor that increases the incidence of a new
prospective study, data obtained from interviews episode [1, 7, 18, 27]. Ghoneim et al. [17] in 2009
with 410 children (aged 6–16 years) confirmed described that history of awareness was present
the incidence of awareness was 1.2% [22]. Cited in 1.6% of reported cases. Morimoto et al. [16]
reasons for a dramatic increase in incidence in found that 8.3% of the cases of AAGA had previ-
children in the above studies include the use of ous episodes. Avidan et al. [6] described in a study
induction rooms with transport to the operating with high-risk population, 11.1% had some his-
room and patients who required increased airway tory of previous AAGA. The NAP5 audit reported
manipulation. In an attempt to negate institutional up to 5% of the cases may have had an intrinsic
procedural bias, Malviya et al. showed a similar basis, given personal previous episodes or strong
incidence of 0.8% when evaluating a cohort from family history of AAGA [3]. Other observational
three different institutions [23]. Predisposition study noted an adjusted fivefold higher incidence
to awareness in children under anesthesia could in patients with previous AAGA [28].
possibly be due to the differences in anesthetic
pharmacology in children and differences in the History of Other Medication
practice of pediatric anesthesia when compared and Substance Use
to adult anesthesia. For example, it has been Selected specific patient populations might be
found that a threefold higher minimum alveolar “resistant” or require a greater amount of anes-
concentration of sevoflurane is needed to main- thetic drugs and therefore could be more at a
tain a BIS value below 50 (MACBIS50) in children higher risk of AAGA. These patients include but
when compared to adults [24]. not limited to a younger age, tobacco smoking, or
There are conflicting results as to whether age long-term use of specific substances (alcohol, opi-
of the adult patient may have a bearing on the ates, cocaine, benzodiazepines, or amphetamines)
incidence of intraoperative awareness. Due to the [1, 19, 28–32].
inherent variability in study methods (high vari- Chronic analgesic use (opioids especially,
ability in age cutoffs), it is difficult to come to a in the setting of high doses) might translate to
definite conclusion if there is a difference in inci- inadequate analgesia during a surgical procedure,
dence in the younger adult population versus the resulting in a higher level of cortical stimulation
geriatric population. that may increase risk of AAGA [1, 7, 33].
The ASA closed claims database showed a Chronic alcohol use has been shown to
higher incidence of AAGA in those younger than increase the MAC requirements of several inhaled
60 years of age (89%) [14]. The NAP5 audit (fifth anesthetics; this has been proposed as the mecha-
National Audit Project (accidental awareness nism causal of higher risk of AAGA in this spe-
during general anesthesia)) reported an increased cific population [29, 32, 34, 35].
incidence in younger patients (25–55 years old) The “resistant” patient population has been
[3]. Similar results were seen in a study by Errando studied by Ezri et al. [36]. Investigators concluded
et al. who reported that patients with intraopera- that in patients with different genetic back-
tive awareness tended to be younger (mean (sd), grounds, the immobilizing dose of anesthetic may
42.3 (20.5) years old vs 50.0 (18.1) years old) [25]. vary by as much as 24%.
48 T. Carvajal et al. Physical Condition and ASA The ASA Practice Advisory for awareness [1]
Physical Status Classification states that patients at increased risk for awareness
Several studies have demonstrated increased risk include those with a history of difficult intubation
of AAGA in patients with ASA class greater than 2 or anticipated difficult intubation.
[8, 37]. Sebel et al. [8] showed an increased risk of Conflicting evidence was reported by Avidan
AAGA in ASA Classification III and IV patients [6] where none of the reported 27 cases of AAGA
undergoing major surgery. Likewise, a prospec- had a history of or anticipated difficult intubation.
tive study [26] described a higher incidence of
4 AAGA in patients with ASA Classifications III, Weight: Body Mass Index
IV, and IVE. Weight or more specifically body mass index
Similarly, the incidence of AAGA is greater in (BMI) is a controversial risk factor.
patients who are given a lower dose of anesthetic It was previously believed to be a risk fac-
drug due to comorbidities such as hemodynami- tor [19, 29]. Presumed causes are often difficult
cally unstable, hypothermic, chronically ill, or airway, prolonged time for induction, hesitation
acutely intoxicated patients [38–40]. on dosing guided by total body weight, and use
The ASA Practice Advisory for Awareness [1] of light anesthesia given presence of restrictive
acknowledges that ASA physical status of IV or pulmonary disease or cardiovascular comorbid
V and limited hemodynamic reserve are high-risk conditions.
conditions for AAGA. However most recent studies suggest this
In contrast, other studies showed no relation- might not be the case. Ghoneim et al. [17] reviewed
ship between higher ASA physical status classifi- 271 AAGA cases and found no association with
cation and risk of AAGA. In the United Kingdom obesity when comparing to historical controls.
NAP5 audit [3], after studying 167 cases of AAGA In Avidan et al. [6] study, BMI was not statisti-
(including medication errors and ICU cases but cally significantly different in patients with AAGA
excluding MAC/sedation cases), ASA physi- than those patients without AAGA. Another ret-
cal status was not associated with increased risk rospective study [28] found that higher BMI was
of AAGA. Another prospective study with 4001 associated with AAGA but only in unmatched,
anesthetic cases [25] (with a reported crude 1% unadjusted analysis.
incidence of AAGA) found that ASA physical In contrast, the recent, in NAP5 audit [3],
status had no influence on the incidence. Another investigators found that obesity was in fact a risk
large prospective study [10] with 11,785 anesthetic factor for AAGA, particularly in the obstetric
cases found 19 cases of AAGA, with an ASA phys- population, mentioning that over three times,
ical status mean of 1.36 (range 1–3, median 1). as many obese patients experienced AAGA than
generally undergo anesthesia. Likewise, a prospec- Difficult Airway tive study [26] described that 50% of their AAGA
The overall population incidence of difficult air- cases occurred in obese patients (BMI > 30).
way is fairly significant, reported somewhere
between 4.5% and 7.5% [41]. Although the degree
of difficulty in securing the airway contributing 4.3.2 Surgery Related
to AAGA is unclear, several authors report it as
being a risk factor [1, 18, 19, 33]. Obstetric and Gynecologic
In Ghoneim et al. [17] in a review of AAGA Surgery
cases, prolonged laryngoscopy and difficult intu- One of the concerns of general anesthesia in
bation were present in 4.5%. There was a signifi- obstetric cases is the effects of anesthetic drugs
cant high proportion of AAGA cases associated on the fetus/newborn and on the uterine muscle
with failed, prolonged, or difficult airway man- before and after delivery. A common practice
agement in the NAP5 audit [3]. Additionally in is to limit anesthetic drug delivery to negate
10.5% of patients with AAGA reported by Sandin these effects. Obstetric surgery has been amply
et al. [10], AAGA was deemed secondary to a dif- described as a risk factor for AAGA [17, 7, 30,
ficult airway. And in a more recent prospective 32, 38, 42–44]. Obstetric surgery has an increased
observational study, 8% of the AAGA cases had incidence of AAGA, described from around
difficult intubation related to the episode [25]. 0.26% to as high as 28% [38, 42, 43, 13, 45, 46]
49 4
significant fluctuation in incidence based on era, group [11] demonstrated an AAGA incidence of
type of obstetric case, and reporting bias. 0.5% in about 1218 cardiac surgery patients.
Both elective and emergency surgeries have Dowd et al. [51] demonstrated the lowest
increased risk of AAGA in the obstetrics popula- incidence of AAGA in cardiac surgery patients
tion [42, 46]. Additionally, specific to gynecologic undergoing CPB (0.3%), achieved by balanced
surgery, there is a reported higher AAGA risk anesthetic technique providing continuous
reported by some authors [17]. inhaled (isoflurane) or intravenous (propofol)
NAP5 audit [3] confirmed that obstetrics anesthetic before, during, and after CPB.
anesthesia is a high risk for AAGA (it was the sur- More recently Myles et al. [7] reported an
gical specialty most overrepresented in the AAGA incidence of about 0.45% AAGA in cases where
cases sample). This finding was supported by the majority underwent coronary artery bypass
Errando et al. [25], who prospectively investigated grafting (CABG). Wang et al. [52] reported
4001 anesthetics and reported that Cesarean sec- that an incidence of awareness of patients who
tion was a statistically significant factor associated received off-pump CABG, CABG under cardio-
with AAGA (p = 0.019). pulmonary bypass (CPB), and septal repair or
Multiple explanations for this increased risk valve replacement under CPB was 9.6%, 4.7%,
have been established and mostly are related and 4%, respectively. Authors concluded that the
to other previously described risk factors for majority of AAGA occurs before bypass grafting
AAGA. These include, but not limited to, utiliza- or CPB.
tion of low-dose anesthetic to avoid some of the In summary, cardiothoracic surgery has been
tocolytic effects, hemodynamic instability or acute and continues to be considered as a high-risk
bleeding, rapid sequence induction (RSI), univer- factor for AAGA. Incidence has been declining
sal utilization of NMBD, omission of opioids on in recent years, perhaps due to changes in anes-
a significant portion of the anesthetic, difficult thetic management, education, and vigilance.
airway management, obesity, and high incidence Despite this it still has an overall incidence that is
of emergent/urgent cases, among others [1, 3, much higher than reported in non-cardiothoracic
17, 44, 13, 45]. This might explain why the use of surgery.
regional anesthesia has dramatically increased in
recent years, with a simultaneous decline in the Trauma and Emergency
use of general anesthesia for obstetrics cases [47] Surgery
(Birnbach and Browne [96]). Major trauma and emergency surgery are fre-
quently associated with hemodynamic instability Cardiothoracic Surgery that occasionally necessitates reducing the dose
Cardiothoracic surgery by itself has been of anesthetic given. Additionally, hypothermia,
described as a risk factor for AAGA [1, 17–19, hypovolemia, acute intoxications, brain trauma,
48]. Additionally, it might be related to patient and multiple injuries are factors present that may
comorbidity (see “Physical Condition” above) and affect the anesthetic dose administered.
the need for cardiac surgery patients to be under Bogetz et al. [39] demonstrated that the inci-
cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB). dence of AAGA of surgery in victims of major
Upon review of the published cases of AAGA, trauma is considerable, ranging from 11% to 43%
Ghoneim et al. [17] found an increased incidence in the cases studied, particularly in cases where
during cardiac surgery. Pollard et al.’s [26] study in anesthesia is interrupted or severely reduced.
academic centers also revealed increased risk and Interestingly AAGA occurred despite significant
incidence in cardiac surgery. hypotension, thought to be protective due to the
Incidence of AAGA during cardiac surgery has proportional decrease in cerebral perfusion pres-
been reported to be 1.14–23% [38, 48, 49]. Ranta sure. Myles et al. [7] studied high-risk AAGA
et al. [50] reported an incidence of 4% AAGA, patients, which included acute trauma with
particularly in young population undergoing hypovolemia. Ghoneim et al. [17] also found an
cardiac surgery. But after introduction of some increased incidence during trauma surgery. The
preventive techniques, there was an incidence NAP5 audit [3] revealed (after reviewing 110
reduction to 1.5%, in the 303 cardiac surgery certain/probable cases of AAGA) that emergent/
patients. Subsequently in a larger study, the same urgent surgery (p < 0.0001) and out-of-hours
50 T. Carvajal et al.
surgery (p < 0.0001) were also risk factors. Out of In the largest prospective observational study
hours surgery was also reported by other studies as with 4001 patients, Errando et al. [25] showed
a significant risk factor for AAGA (P = 0.013) [25]. higher incidence of AAGA in patients admin-
istered with TIVA, in comparison with those Other Types of Surgeries/ administered with a balanced anesthesia (intrave-
Procedures nous induction drug plus a halogenated inhaled
Other types of surgery have been described agent).
as a risk factor for AAGA. Surgery types also Morimoto et al. [16] after surveying 172 anes-
4 reported to be of higher risk, including cervi- thesiologists and reviewing 85,000 cases reported
cal, cranial, facial surgery (including otorhino- 24 cases of AAGA. In 21 cases (88%) TIVA was
laryngology) and bronchoscopy/jet ventilation used, whereas inhaled agent was used only in 2
procedures [7, 53, 54]. Possible reasons include cases where AAGA was reported (9%).
the use of total intravenous anesthesia (dis- NAP5 audit [3] also demonstrated that TIVA
cussed below), which is common especially (including target-controlled, manually controlled
when neuro-monitoring is utilized as in neu- infusion and fixed-rate infusions as well as bolus
rosurgery or when airway management by the techniques) resulted in increased number of AAGA
pulmonologist or surgeon precludes the use of incidences. In particular, when switching inhaled
inhalation agents, for example, during the use anesthetics to TIVA for transport, the highest risk
of jet ventilation. profile was found to be when TIVA was associated
with neuromuscular blocking agents.
In contrast, a large study of patients receiving
4.3.3 Anesthesia Related TIVA (propofol- and opioid-based anesthesia)
[59] for short-stay surgical procedures found no Total Intravenous Anesthesia occurrence of AAGA in a cohort of 5216 cases.
(TIVA) Although only 7% of the cases required neuro-
TIVA is considered a significant risk factor for muscular blocking drugs (NMBD). Supporting
AAGA. However, studies have shown contrasting the previous statement, a prospective study [60]
results. analyzed 1000 cases of TIVA (propofol, alfentanil,
The first reported case of AAGA under TIVA and NMBD) and found the same incidence of
was a patient undergoing repeat emergency car- AAGA as general inhaled anesthesia with NMBD
diac surgery, where they utilized high-dose fen- (0.2%). Sandin et al. [61] also published a review
tanyl combined with diazepam and oxygen [55]. of five cases of AAGA under TIVA and concluded
Subsequently, there have been other reports of an that all of them were caused primarily by lack of
increased incidence of AAGA when anesthesia experience and could have been prevented.
was maintained only with high-dose fentanyl [56] The general consensus is that TIVA is con-
or utilizing intermittent IV boluses [29]. sidered a risk factor of AAGA, mainly related to
A repeatedly cited case of AAGA during pro- delayed infusion starts delay in achievement of
pofol TIVA was Kelly et al.’s [57] description of therapeutic levels, inadequate induction doses,
a patient undergoing a micro-laryngeal surgery. suboptimal administration modes, failure of
But this is not an isolated event; multiple studies delivery mechanism, and/or inexperience with
have been published that relate AAGA with TIVA, this anesthetic technique.
providing support for the high-risk statement.
Miller et al. [58] developed a randomized Neuromuscular Blocking
double-blinded clinical trial to study the effects of Drugs (NMBD)
midazolam on a specific TIVA protocol, but the NMBD are considered one of the largest risk fac-
study was halted due to an increased incidence of tors for AAGA. If complete muscle paralysis is
AAGA (19.1%). present, a somewhat useful sign of anesthetic depth
Domino et al. [14] reviewed close to 4200 is abolished which in turn infers an increased risk
anesthesia related claims in the United States and for AAGA. In fact, probably the first report of
showed that cases of AAGA were more likely to AAGA was using a NMBD (Curare) [62].
involve anesthetic techniques using no volatile In the NAP5 audit [3], the incidence of AAGA
anesthetic (OR = 3.20, 95% CI = 1.88–5.46). was 1:8000 when neuromuscular blockade was
51 4
used and 1:136,000 without the use of neuromus- Failure of Equipment, Misuse,
cular blockade. and Mistakes
The association of NMBD and AAGA was sta- Defective anesthesia systems or failure of equip-
blished long before large studies like the NAP5. ment may result in inadequate anesthetic delivery
Hutchinson [63] review of 656 patients found to the patient, posing a risk for AAGA [29, 66].
eight cases of AAGA mainly in patients receiving Equipment failure in developed countries is
nitrous oxide and large doses of NMBD. Similarly, rapidly decreasing [19]; more frequently the risk
Guerra et al. [29] presented several cases of AAGA of AAGA is more likely related to misuse than
with the use of inhaled nitrous oxide and NMBD failure [14, 66, 67]. Recently Wang et al. [68]
alone. In the 1990s, nitrous oxide was used less demonstrated that not using inhaled anesthetic
frequently, and Liu et al. [27] reviewed more than concentration monitoring increased the risk of
1000 anesthetics and found only two cases of AAGA from 0.164% to 1.14%.
AAGA, and both were related to NMBD shortly Medication error and syringe swaps have also
after induction. Domino et al. [14] after reviewing been described as a risk factor for AAGA or even
79 cases of AAGA demonstrated that those cases a more frequently direct cause of “awake paraly-
were more likely to involve anesthetic techniques sis” [14].
using NMBD (OR = 2.28, 95% CI = 1.22–4.25). NAP5 audit [3] reported 17 cases of “awake
More recently, Sandin et al. published a paralysis,” due to drug error/medication swaps.
study [10] involving 12,000 Swedish patients; Additionally they attributed a large portion of the
AAGA incidence was 0.10% in the absence of cases of AAGA under TIVA to failure to deliver
NMBD, compared with 0.18% in the presence of the intended dose of drug, which could be possi-
NMBD. This was again supported by Sebel et al. bly due to a problem with the intravenous cannula
[8], where 65% cases of AAGA received NMBD. or infusion pump.
Although the risk of AAGA with NMBD and
its association has been established, it is impor- Inhaled Anesthesia: Nitrous
tant to note that there are many reports of AAGA Oxide
in the setting of no NMBD being administered. Other common scenario where there has been
an increased incidence of AAGA is when inhaled Light Depth of Anesthesia anesthesia is maintained only using nitrous oxide
A commonly cited risk factor for AAGA is light as a sole agent. This finding has been described
anesthesia, intentionally performed in condi- multiple times, in case reports when utilizing
tions where higher doses are not achievable (see nitrous oxide as main anesthetic in combination
“Physical Condition” above). But cases of AAGA with ketamine [69] or with high-dose narcotics
seemed to be more often related to failure in [70] resulting in AAGA. Utting [71] described
vaporizers, lack of monitoring anesthetic gas, or that, when used alone, inhalation anesthesia with
clinical knowledge failure [19, 38]. nitrous oxide was associated with a 2% risk of
Light anesthesia might also occur when there AAGA. Errando et al. [25] also showed increased
is failure to recognize the concentration of agent AAGA in the described mixed anesthesia group
administered and is lower in comparison with the (any intravenous induction drug on induction
dialed in concentration [19]. This occurs fairly with nitrous oxide with oxygen maintenance).
common when gas or vaporizer monitors are not Similarly Hutchinson [63] reported eight cases of
used [14]. A study by Bergman et al. [64] revealed AAGA where nitrous oxide was the main inhaled
that in cases of AAGA, up to 13% had a failure in anesthetic.
nitrous supply or there was no volatile concentra-
tion monitoring. Transport and Remote
Ranta et al. in 1998 [65] reported that the use Locations
of smaller doses than usual (isoflurane and propo- Classically induction of anesthesia was performed
fol) was seen more frequently in the AAGA group. in the “induction room” or “anesthetic room,” a
Ghoneim [19] stated, after reviewing previously concept that is still used in many countries, includ-
published cases, that absence of volatile anesthetic ing the United Kingdom. NAP5 audit [3] revealed
or propofol during maintenance of anesthesia was that transfer of the patient from anesthetic room
related to AAGA in 23% of the cases. to operative theatre was a major factor in many
52 T. Carvajal et al.
AAGA cases; associated factors include emergent 4.5 Clinical Signs of Awareness
induction, rapid sequence intubation, transport
or remote locations, use of short-acting induction Clinical signs used to evaluate for intraopera-
drugs, trainees delivering anesthesia, presence of tive awareness include purposeful movements to
a difficult airway, and avoidance of opioid with command or stimulation, eye opening, eyelash
induction. reflexes, pupillary responses, perspiration, and
Other published literature demonstrated tearing. Vital signs such as the heart rate and
transport as a risk factor [27]. blood pressure are more commonly relied upon
4 when the patient has been administered muscle Premedication relaxation. However, such signs can be easily
Several studies have shown an association of lack masked by the concurrent administration of many
of premedication and AAGA. But overall there is drugs either preoperatively or intraoperatively.
lack of consensus [1]. For example, anticholinergic and narcotics cause
In a study by Wilson et al. [20], 11% of 490 either mydriasis or meiosis. Anticholinergics may
patients had mental disturbances during anes- also reduce secretions, lacrimation, and sweat-
thesia, of which 1% had AAGA. There was no ing. Antihypertensives (beta-blockers, calcium
difference in premedication regimen, anesthetic channel blockers, ACE-inhibitors) may mask the
agent used, type of surgery, or demographics (age, hypertension and tachycardia manifestations of
gender) between the cases with and cases without “light anesthesia.” Hypovolemia either from dehy-
AAGA. dration or from blood loss or the use of neuraxial
Errando et al. [25] found that benzodiazepine blockade may lead to hypotension masking the
premedication was associated with a lower inci- hypertension that may be seen with an inadequate
dence of AAGA. anesthetic depth.
Wilson et al. [72] evaluated 150 obstetric In fact, a closed claims analysis by Domino
cases, 3% had AAGA with narcotic premedica- et al. showed the absence of hypertension and
tion, in comparison with 21% that had AAGA tachycardia in a majority of cases of recall under
with no premedication, with no other statistical anesthesia in the database [14]. The author’s anal-
significant difference in the anesthetic care of ysis found that a rise in blood pressure was seen in
both groups. only 15% of cases, an increased heart rate in only
In the cases reviewed by Ghoneim et al. [17], 7%, and motor movements was observed in only
benzodiazepines and pre-induction medications 2%. Clinical signs are thus very unreliable in dis-
were used less in the AAGA cases. cerning “light anesthesia,” and despite presumed
adequate depth of anesthesia, awareness under
anesthesia may still occur.
4.4 Monitoring for Intraoperative
4.6 Processed
Immediate detection of intraoperative aware- Electroencephalogram (EEG)
ness at the time of occurrence is not feasible.
Awareness under anesthesia is usually confirmed Processed EEG has been postulated as a more
postoperatively after obtaining information reliable tool in identifying those patients who
from the patient. Therefore, anesthesiologists may be under-anesthetized. One commonly
should rely on indirect measurements and used device is the Bispectral Index® (BIS; Aspect
observations. Medical Systems, Natick, MA, USA). The BIS
Physiological and motor responses do not monitor processes an electroencephalographic
accurately indicate the presence of an aware signal (using a proprietary algorithm) to calculate
patient. Anesthetic drugs, cardiovascular medica- a number that provides a measure of the patient’s
tions such as beta-blockers, and the use of neu- level of consciousness. BIS values range from 0 to
romuscular blocking agents frequently negate the 100, the higher number reflecting a more awake
ability to detect awareness based on patient’s vital patient. BIS values below 40 indicate a deep hyp-
signs and purposeful motor movement. notic state. BIS values between 40 and 60 have
53 4
been advocated to prevent anesthesia awareness auditory cortex, and to the frontal cortex. Mid-
[73]. Evidence that these devices detect and pre- latency auditory evoked potentials (MLAEP)
vent intraoperative awareness is contradictory. occur 10–100 ms post auditory stimulus [78].
Ekman et al. compared 4945 anesthetized patients Studies have shown a dose-dependent sup-
utilizing EEG monitoring with a historical control pression of MLAEP with both intravenous and
group without EEG monitoring and showed a inhalation anesthetics leading to the notion that
fivefold reduction of the risk of awareness [74]. In MLAEP measurements could be a useful depth
the B-aware study involving 2500 patients, investi- of monitoring tool [78, 79]. The effectiveness of
gators detected a 82% risk reduction in awareness MLAEP monitoring in reducing intraoperative
with EEG monitoring [7]. However, in a recent awareness in humans needs further validation.
single center randomized prospective study, in
patients at a high risk of awareness, BIS monitor-
ing was not found to be associated with a lower 4.8 Intraoperative Awareness
incidence of AAGA or a reduction in the admin- and Medicolegal Consequences
istration of volatile anesthetic [5]. Regarding
BIS monitoring, both the National Institute for Intraoperative awareness is an unwanted out-
Health and Care Excellence (United Kingdom) come for both the patient and the anesthesiolo-
and the Food and Drug Authority (United States) gist. Explicit, or conscious, memories experienced
say that the use of BIS monitor “may” help guide under general anesthesia are one of the most
anesthetic administration thereby reducing the important causes of patient dissatisfaction [80].
probability of awareness [75, 76]. The reliability Fortunately, not every case of recall leads to a mal-
of BIS monitoring in preventing AAGA is thus practice claim. One out of 25 claims resulted from
questionable. negligent care, and these numbers drop when the
The prediction probability Pk value has been standard of care is followed [81–83]. Interestingly,
recommended as an appropriate measure for there is a large disparity when comparing the
evaluating and comparing the performance of incidence statistics of intraoperative awareness,
anesthetic depth indicators [77]. Prediction prob- which now occurs in less than 1 in every 700
ability has a value of 1 when the indicator predicts general anesthetics [8], and the evaluation of
anesthetic depth perfectly and a value of 0.5 when closed claims, which are only approximately 10
the indicator predicts a 50:50 chance. The Pk val- per year [84]. It is uncertain why there is such a
ues for BIS monitor between awake and loss of difference between the incidence and the claims
response ranged from 0.72 to 1.00 and from 0.79 filed with the ASA Closed Claims database, but it
to 0.97 between an anesthetized state and first is important to note that only one third of anes-
response [33]. thesiologists are captured based on claims from
Other spontaneous EEG monitors include liability insurers. Theoretically, this disparity is
entropy (GE Healthcare Technologies, Waukesha, secondary to both the nature and severity of the
WI, USA) with reported Pk values of 0.83–0.97 injuries associated with intraoperative recall and
for loss of consciousness and Narcotrend (GE the compensation of these claims. Not surpris-
Healthcare Technologies, Waukesha, WI, USA) ingly, patients who experience this adverse event
with Pk values 0.93–0.99 between awake and loss and do not suffer long-term sequelae choose not
of response and from 0.94 to 0.99 between an to pursue a malpractice suit. As previously stud-
anesthetized state and first response [33]. BIS is by ied, an empathetic apology from the provider
far the most studied depth of anesthesia monitor. offers the benefit of both preventing escalation of
the situation and is therapeutic to the individual
who has suffered [85, 86]. The other protective
4.7 Evoked Potential Monitoring factor is the requirement of negligence by the
anesthesiologist to be proven for the tort system.
Auditory evoked potentials consist of a series of Common causes leading to a patient filing a
waves (positive and negative) that represent the claim against the provider include poor com-
transmission and processing of an auditory stim- munication, unmet expectations, and financial
ulus from the cochlea, through the brain stem, the pressures faced by the individual. Studies have
54 T. Carvajal et al.
shown that 50% of patients who filed a claim felt to 2007 dollars) in recent claims was $71,500, with
they had a poor relationship with their physician a range of $924 to $1,050,000 [92]. This is a dras-
[87]. Thus, this supports the notion that provid- tic increase from the median payment of $26,065,
ers who provide open communication with their evident from Domino et al. in 1999 [14]. Again, it
patients are less likely to be sued. University of is unclear why the payments for awareness have
Michigan Health System (UMHS) implemented a increased, especially since these trends have not
program that included full disclosure and offered been observed for other anesthesia complications.
compensation to individuals for medical errors. ASA Committee on Professional Liability
4 After implementing this program, a study found initiated the development of the Anesthesia
that average monthly rate of new claims decreased Awareness Registry in October 2007 to help phy-
from 7.03 to 4.52 per 100,000 patient encounters sicians understand the patient’s perspective of
(rate ratio [RR], 0.64 [95% CI, 0.44 to 0.95]) [88]. intraoperative awareness. An important discov-
It is important to remain empathetic, as providers ery from the Anesthesia Awareness Registry is
who dismissed the patient’s concerns are likely to that some patients contacted the registry after an
exacerbate injury and contribute to initiation of a intraoperative awareness event, but upon review
malpractice claim by the individual [85, 89, 90]. of their medical records, it was revealed that they
The legal system and lawyers act as gatekeep- had received regional anesthesia or monitored
ers for malpractice claims. A United States survey anesthesia care [92]. This realization demon-
found that attorneys are reluctant to take on cases strates that one of the main issues with regard
in which expected financial compensation was to this adverse event is poor communication
less than $61,700 (adjusted to 2007 dollars) [87] between the physician and patient and addressing
and a Canadian study found that the threshold individual expectations.
was $107,000 dollars (adjusted to 2007 dollars)
[91]. This makes sense as the legal system has
most plaintiff lawyers work on contingency-fee 4.9 Psychological Sequelae
basis, which means the attorneys are paid with a of Awareness Under Anesthesia
percentage of the award as a fee and earning noth-
ing if they lose the case. Given the context of intraoperative awareness,
Data from the Closed Claims Project includes there are concerns for psychologic sequelae. A
ongoing evaluation of adverse anesthetic out- study published in General Hospital Psychiatry
comes obtained from the files of 37 participat- by Osterman et al. found that patients reported
ing liability insurance companies. Intraoperative intraoperative experiences including an inability
awareness only represents 2% of all claims filed. to communicate, helplessness, terror, and pain
Comparing the recent claims filed in the Closed [93]. Post-awareness individuals had significant
Claims database and those previously published postoperative distress related to feeling unable
by Domino et al. in 1999, the majority of patients to communicate, unsafe, terrified, abandoned,
who filed claims for awareness were female, with and betrayed. Due to these outcomes, one could
an ASA classification I-II, less than 60 years old, expect that patients might develop mental con-
and underwent elective surgery [14]. The new ditions, such as post-traumatic stress disorder
data shows that the proportion of individuals (PTSD) as a potential result.
pursuing legal action and undergoing obstetric Osterman et al. [93] demonstrated that 9 of
or gynecologic surgery decreased from 30% to 16 subjects (56.3%) met diagnostic criteria for
20%, but the proportion of claims associated with PTSD. Another study by C. Lennmarken [94],
cardiac surgery increased from 5% to 21%. This demonstrated that four of the nine patients who
shift creates an unanswered problem, as patients were interviewed 2 years after intraoperative
undergoing cardiac procedures have previously awareness were still severely disabled due to psy-
been recognized as being among the highest risk chiatric sequelae. These studies demonstrate a
for the occurrence of awareness [49]. It is currently high incidence of long-term sequelae following
unclear why there has been a rise in intraoperative AAGA.
awareness claims with regard to cardiac surgery. Multiple studies demonstrated a rate of
From the Closed Claims Project, we know PTSD between 2% and 71% [95]. Further evalu-
that the median payment (adjusted for inflation ation found that patients with postoperative
55 4
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61 5
5.1 Introduction – 63
5.5 Complications – 73
5.5.1 Failed Intubation – 73
5.5.2 Laryngospasm – 73
5.5.3 Foreign Body Aspiration – 74
5.5.4 Surgical Fire – 75
5.5.5 Vocal Cord Paralysis – 77
5.8 Answers – 79
References – 79
Shared Airway: Techniques, Anesthesia Considerations, and Implications
63 5
5.1 Introduction
Key Points
55 Shared airway anesthesia refers to the A shared airway during anesthesia refers to the
anesthesiologist maintaining the airway anesthesiologist maintaining the airway and venti-
and ventilation of the patient as the sur- lation of the patient as the surgeon performs proce-
geon performs procedures in the same dures in the same anatomic space. This is commonly
anatomic space. Shared airway anesthe- encountered in pediatric surgery, otolaryngology,
sia is commonly encountered in pediatric oral and maxillofacial surgery, and dentistry under
surgery, otolaryngology, oral and maxil- general anesthesia. Sharing the airway during
lofacial surgery, and dentistry. anesthesia, both inside and outside the operating
55 Minimizing risk during shared airway room, with surgeons performing head and neck or
procedures begins with a thorough pre- intraoral procedures can be challenging and lead
operative assessment, including a full his- to an increased risk for possible complications.
tory, physical, and airway examination. This type of situation requires careful planning by
55 Open airway techniques encountered both the anesthesia and surgical teams, along with
during shared airway anesthesia include open communication between providers. Head
(1) monitored anesthesia care, (2) mask and neck procedures can be performed under the
ventilation, (3) insufflation with sponta- continuum of anesthesia from minor sedation to
neous respiration, (4) jet ventilation, and general anesthetic. Overall, security of the airway
(5) laryngeal mask airway. for these patients should be seen as an institutional
55 Standard cuffed endotracheal tubes are responsibility, and all possible weak points should
often not ideal for various head and neck be identified through all phases of care [1].
procedures. For maxillofacial trauma According to a closed claims analysis by the
cases, where maxillomandibular fixation American Society of Anesthesiologists, adverse
is required, nasotracheal intubation is outcomes, within the operating room and during
the preferred airway. non-operating room anesthesia (NORA), are most
55 For shared airway cases with difficult commonly associated with respiratory events [2,
airways, videolaryngoscope-guided 3]. Within the operating room and during NORA,
intubation, fiber-optic-guided intuba- they represent 37% and 38% of all injury cases,
tion, or a surgical airway may have to be respectively [2, 3]. Cases occurring outside the
considered as alternatives to standard operating room most commonly occurred within
intubation techniques. the gastrointestinal (GI) suite [3]. It is important
55 Shared airway procedures involving lasers to recognize that a majority of the published data
require the use of a cuffed laser-resistant represents anesthesia administered by anesthe-
tube. The cuff should be filled with saline, siologists, but does not account for anesthetics
which is tinted with methylene blue. performed outside of the operating room by other
55 The emergent surgical airway of choice, trained medical professionals. The American
in patients older than 12 years, is a crico- Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons
thyroidotomy. published a 10-year closed claims study, including
55 Complications encountered in shared air- data from 1989–1998, which showed respiratory
way anesthesia include failed intubation, events as the highest incidence of adverse events.
laryngospasm, foreign body aspiration, Considering the additional difficulty associated
surgical fire, and vocal cord paralysis. with shared airway procedures, the focus of this
55 The gold standard for intraoperative chapter will be to discuss safe practice regardless
monitoring of a patient’s ventilation is of provider type or location.
waveform capnography.
55 Throat packs can be used in shared
airway anesthesia to prevent aspiration 5.2 Patient Evaluation
of blood, oral secretions, surgical debris,
and instrumentation. However, throat Preoperative assessment of the surgical patient is
packs must be removed to prevent risk of imperative in minimizing risk during shared air-
airway obstruction following extubation. way procedures. Fortunately, most head and neck
procedures are considered “low-risk” anesthetics
64 J. E. Woerner et al.
and are often performed on healthy patients [1]. controversial whether short procedures should
The preoperative assessment should include a full be canceled due to recent URI, but it may be pru-
history and physical examination. Additionally, a dent to consider rescheduling longer procedures
full anesthetic/airway history should be obtained and those that involve surgical management of
to include any previous complications, difficult the airway [7].
intubations, or airway compromise. If available, A complete social history to include the use
previous anesthetic records should be reviewed. A of alcohol, tobacco, or illicit drugs is necessary.
previous history of difficult airway management Of these, tobacco use is the most relevant during
is often the best predictor of future complications shared airway procedures. Not only does smoking
and can identify a need for additional planning impair healing and compromise the cardiovas-
5 and precautions [4]. This process should also
determine if there are any existing medical condi-
cular system; it increases the risk of respiratory
events during and following anesthesia. In a
tions that can impact airway management [5]. shared airway procedure or an airway that may
Any symptoms relating to the head and neck be considered difficult, this can have a deleteri-
or intraoral procedure to be performed should ous effect. Schwilk and colleagues reviewed over
also be considered as a potential source of air- 26,000 anesthetic procedures for respiratory
way compromise during anesthesia. Many shared events and found an incidence of 5.5% in smok-
airway procedures are on patients that may have ers and only 3.1% in non-smokers. Complications
airway compromise such as voice disorders, for- included re-intubation, bronchospasm, laryn-
eign body aspiration, trauma to the maxillofacial gospasm, and hypoventilation [8]. Numerous
region, papillomas, vocal cord dysfunction, tra- studies have shown that smoking cessation for
cheal stenosis, or tumors [6]. When radiological more than 4 weeks prior to surgery reduces the
studies are necessary for surgical evaluation or risk of respiratory and wound complications and,
planning, it is often helpful to utilize cone beam with cessation of over 8 weeks, complication rates
computed tomography (CBCT), traditional com- approach that of non-smokers [9].
puted tomography (CT) scans, or magnetic reso- As part of the physical exam, a full head and
nance imaging (MRI) to assess the patency and neck exam should be performed along with a
anatomy of the patient’s airway. These radiology thorough airway evaluation. The airway examina-
studies can aid in the planning process when: tion should include at a minimum the maximum
deviation of the airway exists, tumors or pathol- incisal opening, Mallampati-Samsoon classifica-
ogy that may alter or decrease airway volume tion, damaged or loose teeth, range of motion of
exists, or bony and/or anatomic deformities exist the neck, thyromental distance, tracheal devia-
that may impair intubation or ventilation. In cer- tion or neck masses, facial hair, and assessment
tain cases, a three-dimensional volumetric airway of tonsillar size. Airway examination features
analysis can be obtained to further assist in the associated with the potential for a difficult airway
planning process. The use of cone beam CT is with potential to escalate into a “cannot venti-
well documented in the orthodontic and oral and late” or “cannot intubate” situation are listed in
maxillofacial surgery literature, describing volu- . Table 5.1 [10–15].
Previous head and neck radiation, Previous head and neck radiation, surgery, or trauma
surgery, or trauma
Current head and neck tumor or Poor flexion and extension of neck/cervical spine disease
Short neck
References: [1–5]
shared airway procedures under moderate seda- ventilation is often performed with a chin lift
tion. Therefore, many of the Practice Guidelines for and jaw thrust; one must be cautious in exten-
Moderate Procedural Sedation and Analgesia apply sive facial trauma cases or when cervical spine
to improving safety during these types of proce- fractures are encountered. As discussed previ-
dures or in patients based on scientific evidence. ously, the use of oral and nasal airways can be
In regard to the actual administration of moder- utilized during mask ventilation. If chin lift and
ate sedation and analgesia, patient monitoring is jaw thrust fail to open the airway, oral and nasal
probably the most important factor in recognizing airways can be utilized as helpful adjuncts to
and preventing a potential complication. Upon relieve obstruction and improve ventilation dur-
review of the literature, the task force found three ing mask ventilation [20].
5 supported monitoring techniques: (1) continually
monitored ventilatory function with end-tidal car-
Mask ventilation is a commonly employed
technique in the pediatric population to provide
bon dioxide (capnography), which has been shown inhalational anesthesia to atraumatically obtain
to reduce the number of hypoxic events as defined intravenous access. It is also commonly utilized
as oxygen saturation <90%, (2) pulse oximetry as for shared airway procedures as an intermittent
being effective in detecting oxygen levels during apnea technique for short duration cases in an
moderate sedation, and (3) electrocardiography easily ventilated patient, such as suture removal,
which can adequately detect arrhythmias, prema- extraction of primary teeth, nasopharyngoscopy,
ture ventricular contractions, and bradycardia. By and frenectomies [20].
instituting these recommendations, along with the Difficulty in mask ventilation is typically
other parameters relating to the administration of encountered when there is either obstruction of
moderate sedation, the practitioner can hopefully the upper airway or inability to maintain a seal
prevent any major complications [17, 18]. around the ventilation mask. Some of these fac-
Other adjuncts that can be utilized during tors are outlined in . Table 5.1. If a patient is
moderate sedation to help maintain a patent potentially difficult to mask ventilate, it should
airway are oro- or nasopharyngeal airways. Oral not be chosen as the primary mode of airway
airways can relieve obstruction by preventing pos- management [20]. Other potential complications
terior displacement of the tongue. Unfortunately, include the lack of control over the airway, poten-
oral airways are excellent for mask ventilation but tial for aspiration, and soiling of the airway from
often stimulate a patient’s gag reflex during lighter surgical debris or the oral cavity.
planes of anesthesia. Nasal airways are lubricated
and placed through one of the nares. If properly
chosen, it should be long enough to traverse the 5.3.3 Insufflation/Spontaneous
nasopharynx without impinging on the glottis. Respiration
During moderate sedation or MAC, the nasal
airway is often better tolerated as it does not This technique combines administration of anes-
stimulate the gag reflex but still improves airway thetic gas along with administration of local anes-
patency [19]. thesia. The volatile gases are insufflated through
either small catheters above the larynx, endotra-
cheal tubes placed through the nose and into the
5.3.2 Mask Ventilation oropharynx, or a port on the laryngoscope to a
spontaneously breathing patient. This technique is
Mask ventilation can be used as the primary commonly employed in laser airway cases for sub-
airway management technique during short glottic stenosis in the pediatric population. Once
anesthetics, during the preoxygenation phase, the patient reaches an adequate plane of anesthe-
as a temporary measure to help obtain a more sia, the airway can be manipulated. The complica-
definitive airway, as a means to induce anesthe- tion profile for this technique is similar to that for
sia in the pediatric population, and as a rescue mask ventilation but also carries a risk associated
technique when a difficult airway is encoun- with airway laser surgery to include laryngospasm
tered. One drawback to mask ventilation is that or bronchospasm from lighter planes of anesthe-
it does not prevent aspiration. Considering mask sia and the potential for airway fires.
Shared Airway: Techniques, Anesthesia Considerations, and Implications
67 5
5.3.4 Jet Ventilation on the site in which the catheter is placed as the
gas emerges into the airway. These complications
Jet ventilation can be administered in a variety of are outlined in . Fig. 5.1. Shared complications
ways and is a common technique when perform- by all three sites include barotrauma, air emphy-
ing surgery in the larynx, trachea, or bronchus. sema, and pneumothorax, though the farther
It involves intermittent administration of high- distal the catheter enters the airway, the greater
pressure air or oxygen at either a high frequency the risk. Regardless of site, jet ventilation does not
or low frequency, with rates of 100–150 or 15–25 provide a secure airway and still has potential for
breaths per minute, respectively [21]. The patient aspiration [21–23].
is commonly induced by either inhalational,
intravenous, or a combination of techniques. The
airway is then insufflated via a subglottic cannula, 5.3.5 Laryngeal Mask Airway (LMA)
supraglottic cannula, or transtracheal ventila-
tion or through the endoscopy equipment itself. The laryngeal mask airway (LMA) is an interme-
When a patient with known tracheal stenosis is diate between endotracheal intubation and mask
undergoing an airway procedure, it is important ventilation. It is inserted within the hypopharynx
that the patient be under general anesthesia and a without direct visualization with a laryngoscope
rigid scope used for bronchoscopy to perform the [25, 26]. An LMA is used in approximately 1/3 of
procedure and ventilate the patient. Otherwise, all surgical cases within the United States and is
the airway can deteriorate into complete obstruc- often chosen when a more secure airway is nec-
tion [21, 22]. essary for shorter procedures [25, 26]. It is an
Jet ventilation requires the anesthesiologist excellent alternative to mask ventilation during
and surgeon to communicate throughout the shared airway procedures because it eliminates
procedure to ensure successful treatment of the tongue obstruction, has been shown to decrease
patient and ensure their safety [21–23]. Anesthetic the number of oxygen desaturations, frees up the
induction is often performed and the airway is hands of the anesthesia provider, does not require
maintained with an LMA until the surgeon is administration of a paralytic, and reduces the
ready to start. In the case of subglottic or trans- environmental gas exposure [26–28]. An LMA is
tracheal jet ventilation, the catheter is then placed also a great option in patients that are obese or
and the LMA removed. For supraglottic jet ven- difficult to intubate [28]. The LMA can also be
tilation, the LMA is removed and the rigid scope used to intubate through blindly or utilizing a
with ventilation capability is placed. The depth flexible scope. During emergence from anesthe-
of general anesthesia is typically maintained via sia, the LMA can be left in place until the patient
total intravenous anesthesia (TIVA) and paralyt- has completely recovered and airway reflexes have
ics to allow for adducted, motionless vocal cords. returned [25, 27]. One drawback to the LMA is
Antisialagogues are also administered to control that it does not prevent aspiration, and there
secretions. Once the procedure is completed, the is the potential for damage to the surrounding
LMA is replaced prior to emergence for a smooth mucosa, the vocal chords, or the recurrent laryn-
awakening [21]. geal nerve [25–27]. Another potential drawback
According to Cozine and colleagues, who per- may include the inability to access the surgical site
formed a multi-institutional study that examined within the oropharynx, hypopharynx, or larynx
over 15,000 CO2 laser airway surgeries, jet ven- [29]. Although, numerous studies have shown,
tilation was found to have a very low complica- with proper selection, an LMA can be utilized for
tion rate. Overall, the rate was 1.18%; half of those procedures in any of these regions of the airway
complications were ventilation-related (pneumo- [30–32]. In a study by Gupta et al., properly sized
thorax 0.25% and hypoxia 0.15%), and the other flexible cuff LMAs used for adenotonsillectomy
half were unrelated to ventilation. In comparison were not visible once the Boyle-Davis mouth gag
to modes of ventilation other than jet ventilation, was placed, and the only time surgical access was
no single mode was found to be superior. The only impaired was if an LMA was chosen that was
death within their study was due to an airway fire too large. [32] There are also numerous studies
during endotracheal intubation [24]. The compli- demonstrating the use of an LMA in oral surgery,
cation profile for jet ventilation is also dependent dental rehabilitation procedures, nasal and sinus
68 J. E. Woerner et al.
Invasive Consider feasibility Awaken invasive airway
airway access(b)* of other options(a) patient(d) access(b)*
most important in laryngeal surgery. Often times, difficult airway. An LMA may be the option of
even small endotracheal tubes can make access to choice in this patient population as outlined in
this area difficult. For that reason, there has been the ASA difficult airway algorithm. For example,
emphasis on utilizing an LMA with or without a patient with features which make them difficult
combination with other airway techniques to to mask ventilate, such as retrognathia or edentu-
ventilate a patient during laryngeal surgery. For lism, may benefit from elective use of an LMA as a
a simple exam under anesthesia and biopsy of the routine airway because the LMA does not require
larynx, it may be easiest to place the LMA and mandibular support and bypasses the obstruc-
then visualize the area with flexible bronchoscopy tion of the tongue [28, 43, 44]. In patients that
[38–40]. Techniques have also been described are obese or have a “difficult airway,” the use of an
for laryngeal laser surgery, such as placing a intubating LMA has been shown to be a success-
transglottic or transtracheal jet ventilation can- ful technique as a rescue device or as a conduit for
nula followed by an LMA. The LMA is used to fiber-optic intubation [25, 45, 46].
ventilate the patient during transfer and set up.
The LMA can then be removed and jet insuffla-
tion employed while the laser is being utilized, 5.4 Intubation Techniques
followed by replacement of the LMA to maintain
ventilation during the recovery phase [25]. The Endotracheal intubation is still the technique of
use of the LMA allows the surgeon to have access choice for most major head and neck procedures,
to the larynx without traumatizing the vocal for procedures requiring the patient be placed
chords or stimulating the patient and airway [41]. into maxillomandibular fixation, and for shared
The use of the LMA has also become popular airway procedures of longer duration [25]. LMAs
in the difficult airway and was added to the dif- are often not secure enough for these longer sur-
ficult airway algorithm by the ASA in 1996 [28]. gical cases and can alter the neck and pharyngeal
There are numerous case reports showing an anatomy, impairing the ability of the surgeon to
LMA can be used to maintain or restore ventila- perform open procedures [25, 47]. Due to the
tion in an adult with a difficult airway and reduced increased likelihood of a head and neck surgery
desaturation frequencies in the pediatric popula- patient presenting with a difficult airway, standard
tion [42]. We find the utilization of the LMA in intubation techniques are often not suitable. There
key points of the ASA algorithm: (1) as a conduit is often a necessity to alter the type or size of the
for endotracheal intubation during general anes- endotracheal tube, improve patient positioning,
thesia on a recognized difficult airway; (2) in an or use other methods such as videolaryngoscope-
unrecognized difficult airway where the patient guided intubation, fiber-optic-guided intubation,
can be mask ventilated, but intubation has failed; or a surgical airway. The type of endotracheal
(3) in an unrecognized difficult airway where the tube and method for gaining access to the airway
patient can be mask ventilated, but the LMA is should be a discussion between the surgeon and
used as a fiber-optic conduit; (4) in an emergency the anesthesiologist that occurs preoperatively.
situation on an unrecognized difficult airway
where the patient cannot be mask ventilated, so
the LMA is used as a ventilator device; and (5) in 5.4.1 Standard Endotracheal Tubes
an emergency situation on an unrecognized dif-
ficult airway where the patient cannot be mask Standard cuffed endotracheal tubes are often not
ventilated, so the LMA is used as a fiber-optic ideal for various head and neck procedures. For
conduit [28] (. Fig. 5.1). Benefits to the LMA
laryngeal procedures, they are often too large
in emergent situations include ease of insertion, and prevent the surgeon from being able to work
a higher insertion success for the inexperienced within the larynx. Standard tubes are also prone
70 J. E. Woerner et al.
for local and/or regional anesthesia, and use of dilating the incision with hemostats and insert-
sedatives. In general, AFOI can be performed ing the appropriate cannula into the airway [64].
with the patient supine or seated upright. The In the wire-guided or Seldinger technique, the
nasal approach is preferred for better visual- cricothyroid membrane is initially pierced by
ization of the larynx and is often employed in a locator needle, which is then used to insert a
patients with trismus, macroglossia, and ret- guide wire into the trachea. An airway catheter
rognathia or when the endotracheal tube can- with an internal dilator can be slowly placed
not obstruct the surgical field. The tissues of the into the airway over the guide wire. This alterna-
nose, naso- and oropharynx, and larynx can tive approach can be employed with healthcare
then be numbed with any combination of topi- providers uncomfortable or inexperienced with
5 cal or aerosolized anesthetics as well as regional
blocks. These blocks include the glossopha-
the surgical approach [63]. It is critical to keep
in mind that the cricothyroidotomy is an emer-
ryngeal nerve block, superior laryngeal nerve gent, temporizing technique and in most cases
block, or transcricoid block. Antisialagogues, should not represent long-term, permanent air-
such as glycopyrrolate, atropine, or scopol- way management. Lastly, the cricothyroidotomy
amine, can also be used to decrease salivary and is contraindicated in patients less than 12 years
mucus secretions in an effort to improve visu- of age due to the pediatric airway being the nar-
alization. Lastly, to improve patient tolerance rowest at the level of the cricoid cartilage and the
and induce anxiolysis and amnesia, sedatives subsequent risk of laryngeal injury [64].
may be administered to patients undergoing In children, due to the anatomical limita-
AFOI. Rapid-onset, short half-life sedatives, tions discussed in the previous paragraph, the
such as midazolam or dexmedetomidine, are preferred invasive airway is the needle crico-
often the agents of choice. These sedatives pro- thyroidotomy with percutaneous transtracheal
duce the desired effects while minimizing risk ventilation. This is achieved by palpating the cri-
of respiratory depression and ensuring adequate cothyroid membrane and inserting an 18-gauge
ventilation in the awake patient [62]. needle through the membrane into the airway.
The needle can then be attached to a 3 mL
syringe, which is then connected to a ventila-
5.4.8 Surgical Airways tor circuit via an adaptor from an endotracheal
tube [63]. It is important that this technique
The establishment of a surgical airway should be not be used in patients, adult or pediatric, with
considered when endotracheal intubation fails or complete upper airway obstruction due to risk
when traditional endotracheal intubation is not a of increased intrathoracic pressures and subse-
viable option due to the unique requirements of quent complications [64].
the case. According to the ASA’s difficult airway Outside of the emergent setting, a surgical
algorithm, in patients with inadequate face mask airway can be electively used for primary air-
and/or supraglottic ventilation along with failed way management in cases where endotracheal
intubation, the final intervention is emergency intubation is unlikely to succeed. Elective place-
invasive airway access [42]. Options for invasive ment is often recommended in certain types of
access include cricothyroidotomy via open or head and neck surgeries. Instances where elective
wire-guided techniques or needle cricothyroid- placement of a surgical airway can be indicated
otomy with percutaneous transtracheal ventila- include surgeries addressing large tumors of the
tion [63]. head and neck, laryngotracheal injuries, maxillo-
In the emergent setting, the American facial trauma, inflammatory swelling of the upper
Trauma Life Support guidelines recommend airway, or craniofacial deformities. The preferred
the cricothyroidotomy for airway control. This approach for the elective surgical airway is the
procedure can be done via an open, surgical tracheotomy. Exact surgical technique for the
approach or a wire-guided technique. Surgically, tracheotomy may vary depending on surgeon
the first step is making a vertical skin incision preference, but the ultimate objective is making
overlying the cricothyroid membrane followed an incision in the anterior tracheal wall, usually
by a horizontal incision through the mem- between the 2nd and 3rd tracheal rings, allowing
brane itself. The procedure is then completed by cannulation of the airway [64].
Shared Airway: Techniques, Anesthesia Considerations, and Implications
73 5
5.5 Complications can complicate ventilation or intubation, such
as decreased incisal opening, damaged or loose
In general, respiratory compromise and loss of teeth, limited range of motion of the neck, short-
airway are among the most common reasons for ened thyromental distance, tracheal deviation,
anesthesia malpractice claims [65]. These events neck masses, mandibular retrognathia, facial hair,
have been recorded by the ASA Closed Claims or enlarged tonsils [68, 69]. In the event that a
database and contribute to many of the claims for provider encounters a difficult airway, which one
death and brain damage [66]. Complications that study estimated occurs in 15.4% of maxillofacial
can lead to respiratory compromise in the peri- surgery cases, it is vital that the principles of the
operative period include failed intubation, loss ASA’s difficult airway algorithm are appropriately
of airway due to laryngospasm or foreign body applied [42, 68]. Before intubation is attempted,
aspiration, surgical fire, and vocal cord paralysis. one must consider the merits of electively pro-
These complications are not unique to shared ceeding with an awake intubation or placing a
airway anesthesia, but their risk of occurrence is surgical airway as opposed to traditional endotra-
certainly heightened in shared airway cases where cheal intubation following induction of general
the surgeon operates in intimate proximity to the anesthesia. However, if initial attempts at intuba-
airway. Another complication that deserves dis- tion are unsuccessful, the difficult airway algo-
cussion in relation to shared airway anesthesia rithm instructs providers to consider calling for
is dental injury, which commonly occurs during additional help, awakening the patient, placing an
direct laryngoscopy in patients with poor denti- LMA, attempting alternate forms of intubation,
tion. For a detailed discussion of this topic, please or – if all other approaches fail – placement of a
refer to the chapter on dental injury included in surgical airway [42]. It is imperative that any pro-
this text. vider involved with treating the airway be well-
versed in the tenets of this algorithm.
inadequate depth of anesthesia [70]. Sources of or monitored anesthesia care in the operating
irritants include blood and oral secretions that room, where there is no endotracheal tube to
can contaminate the larynx during otolaryngo- protect the airway. Dental procedures have been
logical or oral surgical procedures. One study shown to be the second most common reason
reported that nearly 22% of spasms were precipi- for foreign body aspiration into the airway [76].
tated by blood and secretions from surgical pro- Common objects aspirated during dental or oral
cedures [72]. Vomiting or regurgitation, airway surgical procedures include teeth, implant parts
suction catheters, and instrumentation of the air- and screws, small instruments, burs, restorative
way have also been reported to irritate the vocal materials, impression material, crowns, dentures,
cords leading to spasm. In children, an irritant to and endodontic files [77, 78]. Outside of den-
5 be constantly aware of is a recent history of upper
respiratory tract infection. Literature shows that
tistry, fractured tracheotomy tubes, nasopharyn-
geal airways, respiratory care equipment, broken
children with an upper respiratory tract infection instruments, and bronchoscopy parts have been
are two to five times more likely to experience reported as aspirated objects [75]. Beyond the
a laryngospasm [71]. A spasm can also occur if proximity of foreign bodies to the airway, other
the airway is stimulated, such as during extuba- risk factors for aspiration include supine position-
tion, while the patient is at an insufficient depth ing, sedation, unexpected patient movement, and
of anesthesia. Thus, extubation should only occur poor lighting [78].
if the patient is either at a plane of anesthesia that Common signs and symptoms of aspiration
is deep enough to blunt laryngeal reflexes or at a include gagging, choking, coughing, inspiratory
point when the patient has awakened from anes- stridor, paradoxical breathing, hoarseness, or uni-
thesia and has regained control of their laryngeal lateral wheezing on auscultation. In severe cases
musculature [73]. of aspiration, with significant airway obstruc-
If a laryngospasm is suspected, the following tion, cyanosis, decreased oxygen saturation, and
initial steps should be performed (1): remove tracheal shift can be observed. Several steps can
any irritating stimuli from the mouth or airway be taken to prevent iatrogenic aspiration. The
(2), provide positive pressure ventilation with a cornerstone of prevention has been the pharyn-
face mask and 100% oxygen (3), and apply chin geal screen or throat pack. More on this topic is
lift or jaw thrust by placing firm digital pressure recorded in subsequent sections of this chapter.
bilaterally behind the earlobe along the posterior Whenever feasible, that patient should be seated
mandible. Should these initial measures prove upright in a dental chair, or reverse Trendelenburg
inadequate, treatment can be continued by deep- position should be used in the operating room to
ening the plane of anesthesia with an I.V. bolus of limit supine positioning. All small instruments
propofol. Additionally, a small bolus of succinyl- should be ligated with a small length of dental
choline dosed at 0.1. mg/kg can be given to induce floss, allowing quick retrieval of the instrument
muscle relaxation and break the spasm. If these upon displacement. Dentures should always be
steps are not successful, the final intervention removed [78]. All instruments should be peri-
would be providing an intubating dose of succi- odically inspected for evidence of fatigue or wear
nylcholine (1 mg/kg) and intubating the patient which could make them prone to fracture [75,
[70, 73, 74]. 79]. Lastly, proper use of surgical counts should
be employed to prevent retained foreign objects
that could be aspirated.
5.5.3 Foreign Body Aspiration The first step in the management of a sus-
pected aspiration is determining the stability of
Foreign body aspiration is a medical emergency the patient. If the patient is stable and showing
that can lead to immediate airway obstruction no signs of respiratory distress, radiographs of
[75]. In shared airway anesthesia, where surgeons the chest and abdomen should be obtained to
are often operating in or around the airway with ascertain location of the object [78]. Two-view
small instruments and fine materials, the risk of chest X-rays (posterior-anterior and lateral) are
aspiration is always present. The risk of aspiration required to confirm exact location of any object
is particularly elevated in open airway anesthesia, in the airway. If the object has been ingested into
such as conscious sedation in the dental office the GI tract, the object is usually allowed to pass
Shared Airway: Techniques, Anesthesia Considerations, and Implications
75 5
naturally unless it is pointed or there is concern Common fuel sources reported in the claims anal-
for impaction in the esophagus. In these situa- ysis included endotracheal tubes, oxygen masks,
tions, endoscopic retrieval is indicated. Should nasal cannula, gauze, drapes, alcohol-based prep
radiographs reveal the object lodged in the air- solution, hair, and surgical gowns [82].
way, the patient needs to be scheduled for urgent Preventing surgical fires depends on man-
removal via bronchoscopy to prevent sequelae aging the limbs of the fire triad. First, attempt
such as obstruction, abscess formation, or pneu- to minimize the formation of an oxidizer-rich
monia [79]. Bronchoscopy is effective in more atmosphere around the surgical site. Since oxy-
than 90% of cases [77, 79]. If the patient is deemed gen is the predominant oxidizer in surgical fires,
unstable and exhibiting signs of respiratory dis- the inspired oxygen concentration – at a mini-
tress, the most important step is providing respi- mum – should be kept below 50% [80]. Other
ratory support until definitive bronchoscopy can steps to limit the amount of oxidizing agents
be performed. Ventilation can be assisted with include the use of scavenging systems, sealed gas
face mask and Ambu bag, or if there is concern delivery systems like cuffed endotracheal tubes or
of complete airway occlusion and inability to LMAs whenever feasible, and moistened gauze or
ventilate, then an emergent surgical airway must sponges in the oropharynx to trap any leakage of
be placed [78]. Following removal of the foreign flammable gas [80, 81]. Considerations for igni-
body, radiographs should be taken to confirm tion source management include never using an
complete removal [79]. electrosurgical source to enter the airway and fol-
lowing laser surgery safety recommendations as
described in previous paragraphs of this chapter
5.5.4 Surgical Fire [81]. Fuel sources can be managed by moistening
any form of gauze, sponge, or packing used in the
In shared airway anesthesia, one of the most feared surgical field. Dry forms of these materials dem-
and catastrophic complications is the surgical onstrate increased flammability. When lasers are
fire. Literature reports that the annual incidence in use, ensure that a laser-resistant endotracheal
of surgical fires in US hospitals is approximately tube is in use. Lastly, allow sufficient time for alco-
650 fires per year. Many more cases go unreported hol-based skin preps to dry to prevent ignition of
or are considered near misses [80]. As expected, volatile vapors produced by these preps [81, 82].
these fires are more common in head and neck Should a surgical fire occur, the ASA’s Practice
surgeries where all elements of the fire triad (fuel, Advisory for the Prevention and Management of
oxidizer, and ignition source) are in close prox- Operating Room Fires (. Fig. 5.3) outlines the
imity. Consequently, head and neck surgeries are steps required to manage any surgical fire. The
considered high fire-risk procedures [81]. first step is recognition of early signs of fire.
In a closed claims analysis of surgical fires, These warning signs include unexpected smoke,
electrocautery was shown to be the most com- unusual odors, unusual sounds like “pops” or
mon ignition source (90%). Other ignition “snaps,” discoloration of drapes or breathing cir-
sources reported include surgical lasers, heated cuits, and unexpected flames or sparks. If any of
probes, argon beams, light cables, and defibrilla- these signs are present, the procedure should be
tors. Oxygen was the oxidizing agent in 95% of halted immediately and investigated further. If a
all electrocautery fires. The most common cause fire is present in the airway or breathing circuit,
of surgical fires was electrocautery-induced fire the ASA recommends taking the following steps
during monitored anesthesia care, where supple- as rapidly as possible: (1) removal of the endotra-
mental oxygen was being delivered via an open cheal tube or other airway device, (2) halting the
delivery system (i.e., nasal cannula or face mask). flow of all airway gases, (3) removal of all flam-
Electrocautery fires were less commonly reported mable and burning materials from the airway,
in general anesthesia cases where oxygen was able and (4) pouring of saline or water in the patient’s
to leak out of a closed-circuit system due to an airway. Should these steps not extinguish the fire,
uncuffed endotracheal tube or presence of cuff the ASA recommends use of a carbon dioxide fire
leak. According to the claims analysis, the majority extinguisher in, on, or around the patient. Once
of these fires occurred during shared airway pro- the fire is extinguished, reestablish mask venti-
cedures, such as tracheotomies or tonsillectomies. lation and avoid flammable oxygen and nitrous
76 J. E. Woerner et al.
5.6.1 Capnography
5.5.5 Vocal Cord Paralysis
Capnography is the real-time, continuous moni-
Iatrogenic damage to the airway is a known compli- toring of a patient’s inhaled and exhaled concentra-
cation of tracheal intubation. A closed claims anal- tions of carbon dioxide [73, 87]. It is considered the
ysis of airway injuries by the ASA revealed that the gold standard for monitoring the patient’s ventila-
larynx is the most common site of injury (33% of tion in both intubated and non-intubated cases. The
cases). The most common type of laryngeal injury ASA’s Practice Guidelines for Moderate Procedural
was vocal cord paralysis. Other reported injuries Sedation and Analgesia recommends continuous
include granulomas, hematomas, and arytenoid monitoring of ventilatory function capnography to
dislocation. Eighty percent of the injuries occurred prevent hypoxic events [17, 18].
with routine, non-difficult tracheal intubations [83, Capnography provides an indirect assess-
84]. Risk factors for vocal cord paralysis include ment of patient’s alveolar ventilation, pulmo-
patients over the age of 50, prolonged intubations nary perfusion, and gaseous diffusion across
greater than 6 h, and patients with a prior history the respiratory membrane [87]. Changes in the
of diabetes mellitus or hypertension [84]. exhaled concentrations of carbon dioxide can
Vocal cord paralysis – secondary to dam- alert an anesthetist to many impending com-
age to the recurrent laryngeal nerve – can pres- plications. Absence of end-tidal carbon dioxide
ent as unilateral or bilateral injuries. Unilateral (ETCO2) following intubation can signal failed
paralysis can be characterized by dysphonia, intubation due to cannulation of the esophagus.
vocal fatigue, decrease in vocal range and inten- Intraoperatively, abrupt loss of ETCO2 can rep-
sity, and increased risk of aspiration pneumonia. resent accidental extubation or disconnection of
Seventy percent of unilateral cases involve the left the ventilatory circuit [73]. In open airway cases,
cord [85]. Bilateral paralysis can produce acute loss of ETCO2 can signal loss of airway patency
airway obstruction due to unopposed vocal cord due to laryngospasm or upper/lower airway
adduction [86]. Damage to the recurrent laryn- obstruction [87]. Subtle changes in the amount
geal nerve is believed to occur when the anterior of exhaled carbon dioxide can also provide valu-
branch of the nerve is compressed between the able information. Increases in ETCO2 are seen
endotracheal tube cuff and the thyroid cartilage. in hypoventilation, malignant hyperthermia,
Therefore, to prevent paralysis, it is recommended sepsis, or rebreathing. Decreasing ETCO2 can
that the cuff is kept below the cricoid cartilage and signal hyperventilation, low cardiac output, or
cuff pressure be kept to a minimum. Fortunately, pulmonary embolism [73].
the majority of vocal cord paralysis cases run a When using capnography in open airway
benign course and resolve spontaneously. Possible anesthesia, where carbon dioxide sampling
interventions, if needed, include voice therapy, occurs via a nasal cannula, one must be aware
medialization of the cords via injection laryngo- of inherent limitation in this system. If ETCO2
plasty, and medialization thyroplasty [85]. sampling is combined with supplemental oxygen
administration within the nasal hood, the oxygen
can dilute the exhaled carbon dioxide and yield
5.6 Prevention of Complications lower ETCO2 readings. Nasal cannulas are also
subject to dislodgement, which can inadvertently
The previous section of this chapter discussed affect ETCO2 values. Additionally, patients that
many of the most common complications encoun- are experiencing nasal congestion or are obligate
tered during shared airway anesthesia and steps mouth breathers may yield artificially absent
78 J. E. Woerner et al.
As discussed, throat packs are commonly placed free flap reconstruction cases, a standard trache-
by surgeons working in the oral cavity. They are otomy can be performed and a reinforced tube
placed to prevent aspiration of blood, oral secre- placed instead of a tracheotomy tube. The rein-
tions, surgical debris, and instrumentation [89, forced endotracheal tube can then be secured
90]. Additionally, a moistened throat pack can to the chest with multiple 2-0 silk sutures. This
prevent the passage of flammable gas into the sur- secures the tube and prevents migration or dis-
gical field [80, 81]. Despite these perceived ben- lodgment from the airway.
efits in preventing certain complications, throat
packs have also been shown to be a source of com-
plication themselves. Literature has revealed that 5.7 Review Questions
throat packs are a significant source of postopera-
tive throat discomfort and pain. Also, numerous ?? 1. What technique does the ASA’s Practice
reports have been published describing failure to Guidelines for Moderate Procedural Sedation
remove throat packs prior to extubation leading to and Analgesia recommend for continuous
increased risk of airway aspiration and intestinal monitoring of patient’s ventilatory status
obstruction [89, 90]. There is no doubt that throat during a moderate sedation?
packs play an important role in shared airway A. Pre-tracheal auscultation
anesthesia; however, one must be cognizant of B. Capnography
the fact that if not properly handled, throat packs C. Respiratory rate
themselves can cause serious complications. D. Direct observation
Shared Airway: Techniques, Anesthesia Considerations, and Implications
79 5
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83 6
6.1 Introduction – 84
6.2 Etiology – 85
6.4 Prevention – 86
6.4.1 Preoperative Exam – 86
6.4.2 Dental Anatomy – 87
6.4.3 Dental Pathology – 88
6.4.4 Dental Restorations – 89
6.4.5 Damage to Restorations – 90
6.4.6 Proper Technique – 90
6.6 Treatment – 91
6.8 Summary – 92
6.10 Answers – 93
References – 93
A 51-year-old male with a past exam the resident can see part of and transported to the OR where
medical history significant for the patient’s uvula and documents he has minor difficulty moving
osteoarthritis, class 1 obesity, a Mallampati 2. He notes a large to the table due to the sedative’s
GERD, and obstructive sleep apnea tongue and a moderate maxillary effects. Before preoxygenation,
presents to day surgery at a teach- “overbite.” There is no obvious his pulse oximeter reads 93%. The
ing hospital for arthroplasty of his dental disease, but his maxillary patient is induced with standard
left knee by the orthopedic sur- central incisors, left maxillary weight-based doses of fentanyl,
gery department. He is evaluated lateral incisor, and left maxillary lidocaine, and propofol. An RSI
by a first year anesthesia resident canine all have fixed dental pros- dose of rocuronium is given, and
in the preoperative holding room. theses. Nothing appears loose or after 60 s, the resident attempts
His preoperative evaluation noted fractured. direct laryngoscopy but has great
a BMI of 33.5 kg/m but otherwise As a possible difficult intuba- difficulty. He sees only part of the
unremarkable vitals. He reports tion, thought is given to utilizing epiglottis and none of the aryte-
having been put to sleep approxi- a Glidescope, but both devices noids. He attempts to improve his
mately 15 years ago to fix a man- are currently being used in the view by applying more force and
dible fracture. He is unaware of any Labor and Delivery Unit upstairs, unintentionally cranes the blade
complications from the anesthesia, and the orthopedic surgeon has back onto the patient’s anterior
but he remembers waking up politely requested that the case maxillary incisors, and a harsh
with a sore throat that lasted a get started as soon as possible sound is heard. The attending
few days. The preoperative dental as he has clinic in the afternoon. takes over and successfully intu-
exam documents “no loose teeth” The resident suggests a modified bates and ventilates the patient.
but “multiple dental restorations.” rapid sequence induction, given After confirming placement and
The patient confirms that he has the patient’s history of GERD, then securing the tube, the resi-
a bridge on his “top front teeth,” a and the anesthesia attending dent notices that both the right
few “caps on the back teeth,” and a gives the resident clearance to and left central incisors (teeth #8
few “fillings.” He denies any exist- proceed to the operating room. and #9) have fractured along their
ing loose teeth or fractures. On The patient is given midazolam IV incisal edges.
One of the most significant risk factors for Despite the amount of effort by perioperative
perioperative dental injury are teeth that have healthcare providers, there is not a way to com-
preexisting pathology [4]. It is intuitive that pletely eliminate dental injury as a possible peri-
teeth with decay from dental caries or that have operative complication [3]. This makes it very
become loose from periodontal disease would important that the perioperative provider under-
be more prone to traumatic injury than healthy stand the constant risk and ensure that every-
teeth. Patients with preexisting dental pathology thing is done to identify and minimize the risk of
are five times more likely to incur perioperative dental injury. Below is a discussion of the most
dental injury [6]. In addition to dental pathology, important elements for a perioperative provider
the anatomic factors increasing the risk of peri- to understand to prevent their patients from suf-
operative dental injury include a small mouth fering perioperative dental injury.
6 opening, large maxillary incisors, or anterior
dental crowding [4]. A preoperative dental exam
is, therefore, essential in identifying patients with 6.4.1 Preoperative Exam
the highest risk.
Dental injury most frequently occurs during The preoperative assessment is arguably the most
a difficult laryngoscopy when the provider ful- crucial portion of the perioperative period to
crums on a patient’s teeth in an attempt to gain a identify and then minimize the risks of dental
better view (. Fig. 6.1).
injury [3]. The preoperative assessment should be
Therefore, all the factors that are used to started by obtaining a thorough medical, dental,
predict difficult intubations can also be used surgical, and social history. The history provided
to predict the risk of dental injury [4]. These by the patient should be guided by the provider
factors would include limited cervical range of to include any information that may increase the
motion, previous head and neck surgery, cra- difficulty of intubation or indicate poor dental
niofacial abnormalities, and a history of diffi- health. Important medical history may include
cult intubation [3]. congenital diseases or abnormalities of the head
or neck, musculoskeletal conditions limiting
neck mobility, or a history of cancer. The social
history becomes important as smoking and chew-
ing tobacco predispose to a number of dental and
periodontal diseases. The dental history would
include preexisting dental injuries or trauma, cur-
rent dental or periodontal disease, usage of dental
prostheses, and limitation in mouth opening [1,
3]. The surgical history should include any surger-
ies of the head and neck, any difficult intubations,
and any prior perioperative dental injuries. The
previous anesthesia records should be obtained
for any patient who admits to previous difficult
intubation or perioperative dental injury.
Once a thorough history has been obtained,
the next step in preoperative evaluation is the clin-
ical exam. The clinical evaluation must include a
full dental exam and also establish the potential
for difficult intubation. Most healthcare providers
are already adept at performing a clinical exam
.. Fig. 6.1 Correct angulation of laryngoscope to that assesses the findings associated with difficult
prevent damage to dentition intubation. Providers with a purely medical back-
Dental Injury: Anatomy, Pathogenesis, and Anesthesia Considerations and Implications
87 6
ground, however, may have difficulty completing 8 9
an adequate dental exam as they often have had 7 10
little training or experience with the basic princi-
6 11
ples of dentistry. It is, therefore, essential that den-
tal anatomy, dental disease, and the fundamentals 5 12
of dental restoration are discussed.
4 13
3 14
6.4.2 Dental Anatomy
2 15
Primary teeth, or baby teeth, begin to develop
during the embryo phase of pregnancy and erupt 1 16
around 6 months of age. A normal primary denti-
tion consists of 20 teeth with 10 teeth on the max-
illary arch and 10 teeth on the mandibular arch 32 17
[15]. The permanent dentition begins to erupt at
6 years of age and ends with the eruption (unless 31 18
impacted) of the third molars between the ages
of 17 and 23 years [15]. The permanent dentition 30 19
consists of 32 total teeth which include 12 molars,
8 premolars, 4 canines, 4 lateral incisors, and 4 29 20
central incisors [15]. The most common method
28 21
for identifying individual teeth is the Universal
Numbering System. This system assigns each per- 22
manent tooth a number (1–32) and each primary 23
26 24
tooth a letter (A-T) [16]. The numbering system is 25
designed to mimic a clinical view to facilitate docu-
.. Fig. 6.2 Odontogram demonstrating dental numbering
mentation into an odontogram (. Fig. 6.2) [16].
All teeth are divided into two anatomic seg-
ments: the crown and the root. The anatomical
crown is the portion of the tooth visible on a pulp chamber, which extends via canals through
clinical exam. In a healthy dentition, the gum line each root. These root canals house terminal nerve
divides the crown from the root [17]. The shape branches from the inferior and superior alveo-
and number of roots vary by the type of tooth. lar nerves and blood vessels which supply each
The anterior teeth (incisors and canines) typically tooth. The root surface is comprised of the third
have a single cylindrical root that tapers in an api- hard tissue known as cementum. Cementum is
cal direction. The posterior teeth (premolars and softer than both enamel and dentin and made
molars) may have multiple roots with a surprising up of both proteoglycans and collagen allowing
variability in shape, size, and internal anatomy attachment to the surrounding structures [18].
[17]. Each tooth is made up of four unique tis- The tissues which stabilize a support each tooth
sues which form easily discernible anatomic lay- are collectively known as the periodontium. The
ers [18]. The most superficial layer covering the outermost layer of the periodontium visible on
entire anatomical crown is the enamel. Enamel a clinical exam is the gingiva [17]. The gingival
is a very hard and extremely mineralized tissue tissue is prone to injury in the form of laceration
composed mostly of crystallized calcium phos- and periodontal disease in the form of gingivitis.
phate. The layer underneath the enamel is called Attached to the root cementum is the periodon-
dentin and is only exposed with pathology [18]. tal ligament that is then anchored to the alveolar
Within the dentin layer are tubules which allow bone. The alveolar bone is an anatomic designa-
transmission of sensation to the nerves found tion for the tooth-bearing portions of the maxilla
in the pulp chamber. Deep to the dentin lies the and the mandible [17].
88 G. E. Ghali et al.
[29]. These prostheses involve the placement of a cement, underlying decay, or mechanical trauma.
pontic (or false tooth) which sits above the gin- Dental prostheses of any size pose a great risk for
giva of an edentulous space and is suspended by aspiration if displaced and require immediate
its rigid attachment to an anterior and posterior attention. Damage to a simple restoration, such as
full coverage crown. These multiunit fixed resto- an amalgam or composite filling, will likely lead
rations can be used to replace very large edentu- to material fracture or deterioration with the pos-
lous gaps caused by the loss of multiple teeth. sibility of tooth fracture.
Fixed restorations which were once nearly all
fabricated using gold, later transitioned to porce-
lain, ceramic, and leucite. Gold restorations are 6.4.6 Proper Technique
easy to locate and properly document. The ceram-
ics have become increasingly esthetic and may Intraoperatively there are a number of strate-
be difficult to identify without asking a patient’s gies to reduce the risk of dental injury. The use
6 dental history. These restorations are particularly of a protective dental guard, or occlusal gutter,
relevant due to the likely chance of full displace- can help to reduce forces acting directly on the
ment, the significant aspiration risk, and high maxillary incisors during laryngoscopy [4, 27].
cost of replacement. Due to all these factors, fixed These gutters are most effective when they are
dental restorations require special attention both custom made preoperatively by the patient’s den-
during documentation and in the perioperative tist. These gutters may be most appropriate for
period [26]. patients with costly fixed dental prostheses of the
anterior maxillary incisors. These gutters should Dental Implants be cautiously used in patients with a predicted dif-
A dental implant is a threaded titanium medical ficult intubation as they limit mouth opening and
device which is surgically drilled into the max- may decrease visualization, thereby worsening
illa or mandible providing excellent stability for the conditions for intubation [4, 27].
a number of dental restorations [30]. The dental Proper technique also involves ideal posi-
implant is drilled to a depth that allows little to no tioning of the patient’s head and neck through
protrusion of the implant beyond the height of the the utilization of blankets, positioning devices,
alveolar bone. The implant is then covered by gin- or adjustment of the operating table. Correct
gival tissue concealing it from clinical view. During positioning will increase the distance between
this time the implant osseointegrates into the bone, anatomical obstacles, including the teeth, and
and after a surgeon-dependent period of time, is decrease the difficulty of laryngoscopy and intu-
uncovered to allow attachment of a prosthesis. The bation [3, 4]. An experienced provider should
dental implant can be used to support single tooth become immediately aware of dental contact
replacements, multiunit prostheses, and, as afore- during laryngoscopy and immediately consider
mentioned, removable partial and full dentures. change in technique including optimizing patient
It is important for the perioperative provider to position [32, 4].
recognize that the surgically placed dental implant During laryngoscopy it is essential that the
is a separate component from possible dental pros- blade be held in the provider’s left hand close to
thetics it can support. Since there are a variety of the junction of handle and blade. The provider’s
implant-supported restorations, it is necessary right hand is used to carefully scissors open the
to determine if the patient’s restorations are fixed patient’s mouth with pressure on the most stable
or removable and to subsequently determine the and posterior teeth to allow safe maximum mouth
number of dental implants and their relative loca- opening. The blade is then introduced slowly into
tion and if they show signs of disease or failure [26]. the right side of the patient’s mouth while the
provider is careful to adjust the geometry of entry
based upon constant visualization of the patient’s
6.4.5 Damage to Restorations lips, gingiva, and teeth [7]. The blade and tongue
are swept to the left and then advanced toward the
Damage sustained to a prosthesis typically results larynx as the provider continues to avoid contact
in loosening or displacement. Displacement with the dentition. Once an adequate depth and
of these prostheses results from failing dental position (based upon the type of blade selected)
Dental Injury: Anatomy, Pathogenesis, and Anesthesia Considerations and Implications
91 6
has been achieved, the provider’s left wrist is held with periodontal disease are more prone to dam-
rigid resulting in a lifting force along the axis of age from biting an oropharyngeal airway, endo-
the handle that will displace soft tissue and allow tracheal tube, or supraglottic device [4, 8].
visualization of the vocal cords [7]. The force
applied should be in an anterior and superior
vector sometimes described as a pulling force 6.6 Treatment
toward the junction of the operating room’s far
wall and ceiling. While lifting there should be no The most common dental injury of the periop-
rotation of the wrist causing contact with gingiva erative period is enamel fracture to the maxillary
or dentition. Trainees are apt to pull the laryn- central incisors [3–5]. These injuries are typically
goscope in a superior and cephalad direction small without major immediate risk allowing the
unintentionally using the maxillary incisors as a airway to be secured and the patient stabilized. The
fulcrum. A novice is also more likely to use exces- site of fracture should be evaluated to ensure that
sive forces combined with prolonged time of intu- the remaining dental structure is stable and poses
bation greatly increasing the risk of dental injury. no risk of aspiration. A large fractured segment of
tooth or dental prosthetic or an entirely avulsed
tooth needs to be found. A thorough examination
6.5 Dental Injury of the oral cavity, oropharynx, and hypopharynx
may be warranted. If the displaced segment is not
In healthy dentition, dental injury most com- found, then radiographs of the head, neck, chest,
monly causes enamel fracture of the crown. A and abdomen should be obtained to ensure that
more severe fracture can penetrate to the layer of the fractured segment was not aspirated into the
dentin and may cause exposure the pulp chamber lungs or lodged in the esophagus or stomach [7].
[31]. These fractures are most severe when they If the fragment is visible in the mouth or orophar-
involve preexisting dental cracks undiscovered ynx, a concerted effort should be made to maintain
during the preoperative exam [4]. An injury caus- visualization as these fragments are very easily dis-
ing fracture of the tooth root is less likely than a placed necessitating a time-consuming and difficult
fracture of the crown due to increased structural search. The patient should be kept sedated so as to
strength and protection from the alveolar bone. prevent displacement of the tooth from the patient
The root is also less likely to be weakened by den- swallowing, coughing, or bucking in response
tal caries [31]. Root fractures do still occur and to laryngeal stimulation. When attempting to
can be diagnosed with either detachment or sig- retrieve the dental fragment, the patient should be
nificant mobility of the entire crown. optimally positioned to reduce the risk of poste-
Injury that causes traumatic movement of a rior displacement down the pharynx. If possible,
tooth is termed luxation [2]. These injuries rep- a piece of gauze should be opened to its maximum
resent damage to the ligament or socket which size and placed posterior to the fragment to act as
act to stabilize the tooth. The mildest form of an oropharyngeal screen. The displaced segment
the injury is termed subluxation and represents should be grasped using a Magill forceps or similar
a nondisplaced tooth with minor mobility and surgical instrument. A frantic hand attempting to
bleeding [31]. The more severe form of the injury secure a small fragment located in the back of the
leads to visible displacement of the tooth in a throat will often lead to accidental displacement.
lateral, intrusive, or extrusive direction. When If dental injury causes luxation of a tooth or
dental injury causes a tooth to be completely dis- dental prosthetic, the mobile segment should
placed from the socket, it is termed an avulsion. quickly be stabilized to avoid damage to nearby
This is the most severe form of dental injury, and structures or the complete avulsion of the tooth.
in addition to a poor restorative prognosis, it has A non-dental provider should avoid removing the
the extra risk of displacement into the airway or mobilized segment until dental consultation is
esophagus. The risk of traumatic movement from obtained. The exceptions to this guideline would
dental injury is greatly increased with periodontal be a situation where the mobile segment poses an
disease. Whereas difficult intubation remains the emergent threat to the patient’s health or in a situ-
most common cause of dental injury to maxillary ation where a dental provider will not be available
teeth with periodontal disease, mandibular teeth before emergence or discharge.
92 G. E. Ghali et al.
All dental injuries sustained in the periop- event of dental injury, immediate consultation by
erative period warrant consultation to the on- the hospital’s dental service is always advised from
call dental service. For minor dental injuries, it a legal standpoint. Dental consultation reduces
is acceptable for the evaluation of the patient to the risk of further injury and will help minimize
be performed in the PACU or even outpatient as the chance of a patient feeling abandoned or
determined by the consultant [7]. Dental injuries interpreting the provider’s actions as negligent.
causing luxation should prompt consultation to As with all medical legal issues, thorough docu-
the dental team and evaluation of the patient in mentation and open communication will always
the OR before emergence. When a tooth is fully improve legal protection.
avulsed, the dental team should urgently present
to the OR for possible replantation of the tooth.
Consultation not only allows evaluation and 6.8 Summary
treatment of the injury by specialists but it may
6 also provide legal protection in the not uncom- Dental injury is a significant perioperative compli-
mon event of future litigation. cation due to its overwhelming frequency, finan-
cial burden, and stressful impact on both provider
and patient. With an ever-increasing amount of
6.7 Medical Legal Implications operative procedures coupled with more frequent
placement of costly dental restorations, this com-
Perioperative dental injuries are both the most plication will only become more significant in
frequently cited complaint in medical malprac- time. It is crucial that providers, including those
tice against anesthesiologists and the most com- without formal dental education, understand the
mon forensics claim related to all of anesthesia elements involved in perioperative dental injury
[4]. The financial burden is especially significant to best prevent these complications. The most
with estimates of most claims averaging $2000 common perioperative dental injury involves
[1]. While only a third of perioperative dental direct laryngoscopy causing dental fracture to the
injuries result in filed complaints, the overall fre- maxillary central incisors. The most relevant risks
quency maintains a very high impact. At the pre- include preexisting dental disease and the factors
operative appointment the findings on the dental predicting difficult intubation. These risks must
exam should be verified and corroborated with be assessed during the preoperative evaluation by
the patient. Involving the patient not only allows obtaining a thorough history and detailed dental
more accurate identification of well-concealed exam. The findings and risks must be well com-
dental restorations but will also notify the patient municated to the patient to allow a valid informed
of the existence of any undiagnosed existing den- consent and then accurately documented by the
tal disease [1]. Many institutions have benefitted provider. The provider should make every attempt
from the use of a structured preoperative den- to prevent trauma but also must be adept at the
tal assessment which facilitates the provision of indicated treatment both in the acute and post-
information to patients, improves clinical docu- operative phases of injury. In the event of peri-
mentation, and reduces overall liability [1]. It is operative dental injury, the provider is expected
then important to specifically discuss the patient’s to be able to quickly diagnose the injury, take
individual risk of dental injury and the possible immediate action to prevent further injury, and
outcomes stemming from an injury. This infor- then determine the appropriate urgency of con-
mation should also be included in the anesthesia sultation. Even with dental consultation, the peri-
and relevant surgical informed consent [4]. operative provider should continue to provide
For patients at particular risk of dental injury care for the patient and remain actively involved
or in whom dental injury may be particularly until its resolution. It is impossible to predict with
costly, the preoperative involvement of the certainty when a complication will lead to legal
patient’s dentist may allow corrective or preven- action, but providers who are meticulous about
tive measures to reduce risk of dental injury and documentation, prevention, and patient commu-
may minimize the chance of legal action in the nication will undoubtedly afford themselves the
event of subsequent dental injury [28]. In the highest level of legal protection.
Dental Injury: Anatomy, Pathogenesis, and Anesthesia Considerations and Implications
93 6
6.9 Review Questions the oral cavity, oropharynx, and hypophar-
ynx. If the displaced segment is not found,
?? 1. What is the most common perioperative then radiographs of the head, neck, chest,
dental injury during direct laryngoscopy? and abdomen should be obtained to
A. Subluxation of mandibular central ensure that the fractured segment was not
incisors aspirated into the lungs or lodged in the
B. Enamel fracture to the maxillary central esophagus or stomach. If the fragment is
incisors visible in the mouth or oropharynx, effort
C. Intrusion of maxillary molars should be made to maintain visualization.
D. Laceration of gingiva The patient should be kept sedated so as
to prevent displacement of the tooth from
?? 2. Name three anatomic risk factors associ- the patient swallowing, coughing, or buck-
ated with possible dental injury during ing in response to laryngeal stimulation.
anesthesia? When attempting to retrieve the dental
A. The presence of dental pathology fragment, the patient should be optimally
B. A small mouth opening positioned to reduce the risk of posterior
C. Large maxillary incisors displacement down the pharynx. If possi-
D. All of the above ble, a piece of gauze should be opened to
E. A and C only its maximum size and placed posterior to
the fragment to act as an oropharyngeal
?? 3. What should be done in the event of a den- screen. The displaced segment should be
tal fracture or avulsion during anesthesia? grasped using a Magill forceps or similar
A. A thorough examination of the oral surgical instrument. An immediate consult
cavity, oropharynx, and hypopharynx. to the dental service should be obtained
B. Keep the patient sedated to prevent for further evaluation.
displacement of tooth from swallow-
ing, coughing, or bucking.
C. Use of gauze along posterior orophar- References
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of fifteen years. J Am Dent Assoc. 1933;20(3):379–427. et al. French clinical guidelines for prevention of peri-
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95 7
Complications of General
Jeffrey P. Cardinale, Nigel Gillespie, and Liane Germond
7.1 Introduction – 96
7.2 Death – 96
7.4 Awareness – 98
7.5 Stroke – 100
7.7 Conclusion – 101
References – 102
use more specific definitions such as three or to identify UAGA is the Brice interview [33].
more attempts or taking longer than 10 min to Several studies have used this questionnaire or
establish an airway [26]. Regardless, the reported variations of it to identify UAGA in conjunction
incidence of difficult airways is 1.1–3.8% [24, with operative records when available. The opera-
27]. From the Mallampati airway grading scale to tive records are evaluated for consistency between
the entirety of the standard airway exam (mouth patient-reported and practitioner-documented
opening, neck extension, thyromental distance, events and the presence of descriptors that objec-
etc.), many have examined predictive factors tively imply particular levels of consciousness.
associated with difficult intubation [28, 29]. Accounting for the previous considerations, the
Alone, many diagnostic exams are only moder- incidence of UAGA ranges from 0.005% to 0.2%
ately sensitive, yet fairly specific; but in combina- [34–36]. Factors that independently increase the
tion, especially the use of the Mallampati score chances of intraoperative awareness are use of
and thyromental distance, accuracy of predict- neuromuscular blocking agents (NMBs), female
ing difficult intubations improves without much sex, emergency procedures, obstetric and car-
loss in specificity [24, 30]. The ASA routinely diothoracic surgery, obesity, age, and increased
7 updates practice guidelines and difficult airway operative time [33]. UAGA most frequently
algorithms to address such issues [26]. As an occurs during the induction and emergence
entity of respiratory complications, closed claims phases of anesthesia. The occurrence of UAGA
analysis noted that over half of difficult intuba- during maintenance is most often associated with
tions resulted in death or brain damage, though a light plane of anesthesia and is correlated in
the incidence has noted a downward trend, likely some studies with low end-tidal anesthetic gas
owing to improved equipment and training [31]. and MAC. UAGA is not always unpleasant for
Nevertheless, anesthesia providers should famil- patients but the majority report anxiety, fear, and
iarize themselves with both the difficult airway discomfort. The most frequent elements of recall
algorithm (. Fig. 7.1) and the on-site equipment
are auditory events [35]. Patients who report
available for airway emergencies. In conjunction UAGA should have their concerns acknowledged
with a good history and physical exam assess- and questions answered at the time of report-
ment, appropriate airway management planning ing, and further discussion should be centered
will provide a safer avenue for patients undergo- on the patient’s experience. A retrospective
ing general anesthesia. patient-centered report of UAGA found patient
dissatisfaction primarily arose from lack of dia-
log with anesthetic caregivers and conversations
7.4 Awareness that appeared to shift blame to the patient for
their experience [34]. Preoperative discussion of
Unintended awareness during a general anes- the possibility of UAGA in instances where there
thetic (UAGA) is the presence of consciousness are numerous patient and operative risk factors
and explicit recall while receiving treatment can potentially mitigate some concerns should
modalities that should eliminate both [32]. These UAGA occur. Judicious use of NMBs and efforts
criteria are most useful when the anesthetic pro- to maintain adequate anesthetic depth based on
vider observes objective patient demonstrations MAC when available, and multimodal approaches
of meaningful interaction with their environ- when not, should minimize controllable risk fac-
ment or can corroborate the specific events the tors. Use of proprietary algorithmic neuro-mon-
patient recalls. It becomes difficult to assess when itors that interpret EEG, EMG, or AEP signals as
UAGA has occurred if the provider of record can- surrogates for anesthetic depth (BIS, M-Entropy,
not verify the recollections or conscious behavior. aepEX) should be used on a case-by-case basis.
Additionally, intraoperative dreaming, in which There is evidence to suggest that in patients at
the subconscious manifests reasonable scenarios high risk for UAGA, use of these monitors can
that occur during surgery, can be difficult to dis- reduce its incidence. However, in cases where
tinguish from explicit recall. These factors make end-tidal anesthetic gas is available and main-
the identification and study of UAGA challeng- tained >0.7 MAC and compared to BIS, there is
ing. An established standardized questionnaire no difference in the incidence of UAGA [33].
Complications of General Anesthesia
99 7
Invasive Consider feasibility Awaken invasive airway
airway access(b)* of other options(a) patient(d) access(b)*
Pain Management
Michael Franklin, J. Arthur Saus, Yury Rapoport,
and Nicholas Darensburg
8.1 Introduction – 106
8.6 Opioids – 115
8.8 Conclusion – 117
References – 117
(typically linear of 1–10) to describe the inten- Yet another system, the McGill Pain
sity of the experience. These limitations interfere Questionnaire (also known as the McGill Pain
with our ability as “healthcare providers” to truly Index) was developed at McGill University by
understand the individual patient’s experience Melzack and Torgerson in 1971. This attempted
and limit our ability to provide the most effective to group words to allow individuals to give their
management of this problem. It is recommended, physicians a good description of the quality and
in part due to these limitations, that anesthesiolo- intensity of their pain experience by picking
gists and other healthcare providers should use words from groups of words to establish seven
standardized, validated instruments to facilitate words that were most descriptive of the patient’s
the regular evaluation and documentation of pain experience.
pain intensity, the effects of pain therapy, and side One of the limitations in all these pain scales
effects caused by the therapy. is that the patient must be able to communicate
There have been various scales devised, such effectively. The Abbey Pain Scale was developed as
as a linear numeric rating scale, usually gradu- an instrument to assist in the assessment of pain
ated in 0–10, with greater magnitude of pain in patients who are unable to clearly articulate
being communicated with higher numbers. their needs [12]. This assesses vocalization sug-
These scales are usually used with adults and gesting pain such as whimpering, groaning, or
children greater than 10 years old. Unfortunately, crying, facial expressions, changes in body lan-
patients with severe pain frequently will select guage, and changes in behavior, physiology, and
numbers that are beyond the magnitude of num- physical changes such as skin tears, contractures,
bers offered on the scale. How often have any of etc. Although more useful for the noncommu-
us working with pain patients heard one of them nicative patient, the problem with this system is
describe their pain as something like 16 when the that it relies totally on an observer’s thoughts and
scale only goes to 10? opinions rather than obtaining direct information
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
No Moderate Worst
pain pain possible
Wong-Baker faces pain rating scale
0 2 4 6 8 10
No hurt Hurts Hurts Hurts Hurts Hurts
little bit little more even more whole lot worst
108 M. Franklin et al.
from a patient who may or may not be experienc- unconsciousness can be produced by these agents.
ing pain. Additionally, it does not differentiate “Indirect evidence suggests that inhaled anesthet-
between distress and pain, which may be totally ics have limited analgesic properties at anesthe-
separate concerns in these patients. tizing concentrations. At 0.2 MAC, enflurane,
Despite the utility and specific applications of halothane, and sevoflurane do not influence pain
these various systems, we are still left with inad- perception in healthy volunteers.”[13] “Nitrous
equate means of truly communicating the totality Oxide does raise the pain threshold, at least in
of the pain experience to others. experimental animals, and it is assumed to do the
Often, when trying to assess pain, especially same in humans. In rats, an antianalgesic effect is
chronic pain, and its effects on an individual, we are produced by 0.1 MAC isoflurane or nitrous oxide.”
left with trying to determine not only the subjective [14] When considering non-opioid analgesics
nature, quality, and intensity of the pain but also how such as diclofenac, acetyl salicylic acid, dipyrone,
it impacts the person’s life. Does the pain limit activ- acetaminophen, and the COX-2 inhibitors, it has
ities of some kind? We may ask what the individual also been recognized that there is limited evi-
can no longer do because of the pain and seek some dence to suggest the combined use of two non-
desired improvement in this activity as an indica- opioid analgesics provides any additive analgesic
tion of some degree of pain relief. In other words, we effect [15]. If a prolonged sensory loss at a painful
may settle for getting the patient to describe some area is desired following the surgical procedure,
8 activity this individual can now accomplish after use of a regional anesthetic which covers the area
pain therapy, that they were not able to accomplish of the body where the surgical procedure is to
prior to therapy, and use this surrogate as an indi- be performed may provide an additional benefit
cation of success. Pain may be of short duration, as that is beyond the intended primary benefit of the
expected with an injury, that resolves as the injury anesthesia, by at least temporarily relieving the
heals. But pain may also be a chronic, lasting experi- perception of pain originating from that area.
ence of long duration, even many years, that has no Extremes of age may also influence the risks
obvious injury associated with it. and perioperative complications of anesthesia.
So, when a patient presents for a surgical pro- The emotional component of pain is particularly
cedure, or following a surgical procedure, with strong in infants and children. Absence of parents,
complaints of pain, how should we proceed? What security objects, and familiar surroundings may
should we tell the patient about current pain and cause as much suffering as the surgical incision.
future pain? Physical preparation for the patient Children’s fear of injections makes intramuscular
primarily entails getting the patient ready for the or other invasive routes of drug delivery aversive.
administration of anesthesia. If a regional anes- Even the valuable technique of topical analgesia
thetic is appropriate for the surgical procedure, and before injections may not lessen this fear. Likewise,
the patient’s complaint of pain originates from the elderly patients exhibit changes in distribution and
area of the body to be anesthetized via a regional metabolism of analgesic drugs and local anesthet-
block, the administration of the regional block ics. This makes it more likely that they may experi-
may eliminate the pain, at least temporarily, for the ence symptoms consistent with drug “overdose” or
duration of the surgical procedure and for some excessive somnolence when a drug is administered
amount of time afterward. By interfering with in what would otherwise be a “normal” dose [10].
transmission of neural impulses from a painful In patients undergoing total hip arthro-
extremity, we may be able to provide not only anal- plasty or total knee arthroplasty, well-performed
gesia and anesthesia for the surgical procedure, but regional anesthetic blocks, with a long duration
may also reduce or eliminate pain originating from of action, resulted in patients being able to dem-
that area as well. In other words, one significant onstrate greater joint range of motion, and their
advantage of regional anesthesia over general anes- postoperative hospital length of stay was shorter.
thesia is that the analgesia provided by the regional But at the same time, care must be exercised
anesthesia may provide a sensory loss that exceeds when administering these or other “nerve blocks.”
the duration of the surgical procedure itself. Often, the regional anesthetic agent of choice
It has long been recognized that inhala- is bupivacaine, since it provides a more long-
tional anesthesia does not provide analgesia, lasting regional anesthetic effect than most other
even though a state of general anesthesia and regional anesthetic agents. During the injection,
Pain Management
109 8
care must be taken to assure this medication is depression that accompanies opioid administra-
not injected intravascularly, since if injected there, tion is a much greater threat to the life and contin-
it can also provide a long-lasting blockade of the ued well-being of the patient than the pain itself.
heart’s conduction system, frequently leading to Although the opioid drugs help reduce pain and
cardiovascular collapse that is resistant to resus- provide a generally reduced feeling of psychologi-
citation measures. It has been discovered that a cal distress in an injured patient, it is generally felt
bolus of 1.5 mg/kg (lean body mass) of a 20% lipid that the best psychological preparation is the pres-
emulsion (Intralipid), administered over 1 min ence of another caring human, preferably with the
via IV as soon as possible after recognizing that necessary training and skills to manage medical
an intravascular injection of a local anesthetic has problems, that the patient can trust.
occurred, reduces many of the symptoms from the
unintended intravascular injection. This should
be followed by a continuous infusion of 0.25 ml/ 8.3 Getting Informed Consent
kg/min, with an increase to 0.5 ml/kg/min if the
blood pressure remains low. This infusion should For the injured patient, obtaining informed con-
be continued for at least 10 min after obtaining sent may present some challenges. A fundamental
circulatory stability. Additionally, the initial bolus concept of the legal basis of obtaining informed
can be repeated once or twice for persistent car- consent is that the patient has the capacity
diovascular collapse [16]. to grant or withhold consent. A competent
However, even properly administered “nerve patient has virtually an absolute right to consent
blocks” may have side effects that may be consid- to, or to refuse, any proposed procedure or treat-
ered “complications” of the procedure. It is well ment. When treating minor children or adults
recognized that epidural morphine, while improv- who have been legally judged to be incompetent,
ing pain relief, also results in a higher frequency a physician must obtain consent from the par-
of pruritus and urinary retention when compared ent of the minor or the incompetent person’s
with intramuscular or intravenous injection [9]. legal guardian. The injured patient may or may
Additionally, the motor weakness that accom- not remain competent to provide this informed
panies “nerve blocks” often becomes an adverse consent. In an emergency situation, defined
effect. This problem is most notable when motor as any problem posing imminent danger to life or
weakness of the lower extremities interferes with limb in an apparently incompetent person (e.g.,
a patient’s ability to ambulate soon after a surgical an unconscious person, a patient with delirium
procedure, since lack of ambulation is associated tremens, or senile patients with gangrenous limbs
with a greater likelihood of development of deep who do not have a guardian), informed consent is
vein thrombosis, which in turn can lead to pul- assumed to have been granted.
monary embolism. In anesthesia practice, it has been well rec-
In patients with burns or other injuries, there ognized traditionally that administration of
is frequently a strong component of apprehension anesthesia poses some risks. There are particular
in addition to the pain. Drugs such as morphine, areas that present significant risks, such as the
meperidine, fentanyl, and most other opioids use of invasive monitoring, the decision to initi-
are effective drugs to relieve both the pain and ate a transfusion, and risks relating to the use of
the associated fear and anxiety. But the dose of specific anesthetic agents or techniques. Many
morphine, meperidine, fentanyl, or other opioids of these may differ from patient to patient, from
should be carefully titrated, and the patient should operation to operation, and surgeon to surgeon.
be continually monitored since some extent of Although many would assume that a surgeon’s
respiratory and cardiovascular depression accom- consent for surgery would imply a consent for
panies the administration of this class of medica- administration of anesthesia to accomplish the
tions. The careful administration of small repeated surgical procedure, current legal thought demon-
amounts via intravenous injection, along with con- strates that a separate consent for administration
tinuing monitoring of the patient, accomplishes of anesthesia should be obtained. While attempt-
the desired pain relief while reducing the poten- ing to disclose all possible complications related
tially catastrophic risks of respiratory and cardio- to anesthesia administration is probably not pos-
vascular depression. The unrecognized respiratory sible, in purely elective cases, a very complete
110 M. Franklin et al.
100 resulting from the patient’s heart-rate variabil- nociceptive medications prior to surgical stimu-
ity which is captured and processed by a special lation. While there is a body of basic science
Increased peripheral
Secondary hyperalgesia
research supporting this phenomenon, there is no opioids are notorious for causing a range of adverse
direct clinical evidence that pre-incisional analge- effects including respiratory depression, delayed
sia adds significant benefit in terms of less chronic emergence, prolonged sedation and recovery
pain development. Thus, a broader and more from anesthesia, and an increased risk of post-
appropriate concept for avoiding pain centraliza- operative nausea and vomiting. Immediate nega-
tion known as preventive anesthesia has emerged. tive postoperative effects include development
It is not time constrained and encompasses a mul- of opioid-induced hyperalgesia (OIH) and acute
titude of efforts to reduce postoperative pain and tolerance which contributes to morbidity, patient
opioid consumption by administering treatment dissatisfaction, and increased hospital costs. There
throughout the perioperative period. is empirical evidence that even transitory expo-
Intraoperatively, administration of opioid sure to opioids may increase the risk of opioid-
medications remains the cornerstone of pain induced hypotension (OIH) [25]. Furthermore,
control in the anesthesiologist’s armamentarium. potent- and short-acting opioids (remifentanil)
They are known to be exceedingly effective in were demonstrated to have a propensity to cause
attenuating hemodynamic marks of stress while rapid OIH even after brief infusion [26]. One of
remaining virtually devoid of cardiac depres- the suggested mechanisms for this phenomenon
sion properties. Short-acting synthetic opioids is activation of NMDA receptors, as a result of
including fentanyl, sufentanil, and fentanyl are alternative nociceptive signal propagation [27].
8 given in bolus doses or infused for immediate Chronic pain patients receiving preoperative
analgesia in the operating room. When general opioids usually present additional challenges
anesthesia is employed and transient hemody- to the anesthesiologist, as opioid requirements
namic instability is not acceptable, the typical intraoperatively are a lot higher and unpredict-
regimen involves a large opioid induction dose to able. In a recent retrospective study, it was shown
facilitate endotracheal intubation; often, further that patients on chronic methadone therapy
boluses throughout the case are administered as who underwent liver transplantation required
needed. Continuous IV infusions may be utilized significantly higher doses of fentanyl compared
for procedures associated with high level of surgi- to opioid naïve group (3175 μg vs 1324 μg). In
cal stress and severe pain (spine fusion). Fentanyl a nutshell, a patient’s baseline opioid regimen
or sufentanil provides excellent level of analgesia. should be maintained perioperatively including
Remifentanil is an ultrashort-acting agent that is any transdermal patches. While one may antici-
known for its fixed, brief, context-sensitive half- pate increased opioid requirements (50–300%),
life regardless of the duration of the infusion, and patients should be judiciously monitored for signs
is an excellent choice for surgical opioid infu- of overmedications, and spontaneous ventilation
sions. Long-acting opioids such as morphine, should be achieved early (as allowed by the nature
hydromorphone, or meperidine can also be used of the procedure). Adjunctive medications includ-
intraoperatively. However, these commonly used ing NMDA inhibitors may be extremely beneficial
compounds are less popular in the intraoperative under these circumstances.
setting due to slow onset, increased postoperative There are several analgesic adjuncts that can
nausea and vomiting, and concern for prolonged be administered in addition to opioids and help
emergence, especially when given during rela- achieve stable surgical course, smooth emergence,
tively short procedures. Nonetheless, postopera- and decreased postoperative pain and opioid
tive pain scores were reported higher in patients requirements. Multimodal anesthesia involves
who received only fentanyl in the study that use of two or more medications with distinctive
compared intraoperative pain control with mor- mechanisms of action and designed to maximize
phine to fentanyl. Also the fentanyl group showed efficacy of multiple drugs while abolishing poten-
longer opioid requirement period in the post tial opioid-associated side effects.
discharge stage [24]. Agonist-antagonist opioid Ketamine is an N-methyl-D-aspartate
compounds may be advantageous due to limited (NMDA) receptor antagonist, potent analgesic
effect on respiratory depression, which is particu- known to be particularly effective in treatment of
larly valued when spontaneous ventilation must neuropathic pain. Low-dose ketamine infusion
be preserved, though a ceiling effect limits their has been successfully employed by clinicians for
analgesic potential. Despite apparent advantages the long period to enhance opioid-based analgesia
Pain Management
113 8
and helps to decrease the frequency of OIH and incidence of postoperative delirium, likely sec-
reduce postoperative opioid requirement. It is ondary to decreased pain and reduction of potent
hypothesized to counteract central sensitiza- parenteral anesthetic use [31]. This fact is espe-
tion effect and so-called windup phenomena, cially advantageous in elderly patients, even when
which is experienced after repetitive nociceptive general anesthesia is employed as primary mode.
stimuli. Effectiveness of this combination was Local anesthetic may be injected directly near the
revealed by multiple studies. For instance, it was surgical site. It may help to reduce the somatic
reported that addition of subanesthetic doses of component of the pain; however the visceral ele-
ketamine infusion to sevoflurane-remifentanil ment is left unaffected; thus it only should serve as
maintenance anesthesia resulted in decreased an adjunct to multimodal analgesia regimen.
postoperative pain levels and opioid requirements Intravenous (IV) acetaminophen is a unique
after laparoscopic gynecologic procedures [28]. part of multimodal anesthesia, as it is the only
Nefopam is a relatively novel centrally acting, available non-opioid IV analgesic that has no
non-opioid analgesic with potential for opioid boxed warning on the label and can be safely
reduction effect. The mechanism of action is not indicated for pediatric patients. There is ample
yet well understood; however, it was suggested evidence suggesting that direct antinociceptive
that inhibition of serotonin, dopamine, and nor- effect of the IV formulation is not superior to
epinephrine reuptake may play a role along with oral form; however there are few differences in
NMDA antagonism. The drug acts at spinal and the overall clinical effect [32]. While there is an
supraspinal sites. A placebo-controlled prospec- ongoing debate if IV acetaminophen has a role
tive study that compared effectiveness of low-dose treating postoperative pain in patients who can
intraoperative ketamine infusion to nefopam co- tolerate oral intake, it was postulated that when
administration to standard remifentanil-based administered parenterally, it may reach higher
anesthetic regimen revealed a more profound concentration in the cerebrospinal fluid [33]. IV
morphine-sparing effect of the latter in the imme- route of administration offers possible benefit in
diate postoperative period [29]. Both drugs dem- terms of preventive effect as while given intraop-
onstrated significantly reduced pain scores and erative prior or immediately after incision. One
opioid requirements compared to placebo. The study demonstrated decrease in “rescue” opioid
drug is not currently approved for use in the USA. requirements, increased time to first requested
Local and regional anesthesia are known to analgesic, and lower incidence of postoperative
dramatically improve intraoperative and postop- nausea and vomiting (PONV) following chole-
erative pain control. Central neuraxial approaches cystectomy after preemptive administration of
are excellent techniques administered as primary 1 g of IV acetaminophen [34]. More research is
anesthetic mode or as adjuncts to general anes- needed to provide further recommendation.
thesia. A review of epidural anesthesia in surgical Ketorolac is one of the few available IV non-
practice concluded that this modality is associ- steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) that
ated with a significant decrease in incidence and has a role in the intraoperative pain management.
degree of intraoperative physiologic perturba- Administration of the drug prior to emergence
tions, and facilitating hemodynamic stability [30]. from general anesthesia results in synergistic
Single-shot spinal, continuous epidural/spinal, or antinociceptive effects in conjunction with opioid
a combination of these techniques are all possible and other non-opioid medications. One study
treatments, and preference should be made based which looked at patients undergoing gynecologic
on the specific patient’s procedural characteristics. laparoscopic procedures concluded that ketorolac
Contraindications and potential side effects should given at the end of the surgery lead to reduced
also be weighed against the benefits and deci- incidence of pain on awaking and need for rescue
sion made on an individual basis. Utilizations of opioid use. Furthermore, it was associated with
a variety of peripheral nerve blocks for upper and less severe pain and vomiting and faster discharge
lower limb surgery provide a handful of positive from PACU. Historically, there has been concern
intraoperative and postoperative effects includ- for the drug to increase hemorrhage risk, impede
ing less opioid consumption and better hemody- bone healing, and increase incidence in acute kid-
namic profile. Moreover, a recent study that use ney injury especially in patients with decreased
of peripheral nerve block results in reduction of kidney function or dehydration. While there is a
114 M. Franklin et al.
clear theoretical risk of the abovementioned com- intraoperatively exerts opioid sparing [39, 40]. No
plications, several studies failed to confirm these major side effects were reported including wound
statements [35–37]. It is prudent though to dis- infection or healing impairment. However, this
cuss the possible use of the drug with the surgical fact needs further evaluation as not enough data
team and ensure patient is well hydrated prior to was generated during open surgical procedures
administration. to make that statement universal. While preop-
Anticonvulsants, including gabapentin and erative administration of the drug provides even
pregabalin, are often added to the multimodal more marked pain relief, it is somewhat limited
analgesia. Gabapentin is known to be effective due to the well-known side effect of extreme
in treating neuropathic pain. Although it is an perineal pain (50–70%), when drug is given fast
analog of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), in low volumes. While the precise pain-relieving
it is not active at GABAA or GABAB receptors, mechanism of dexamethasone is yet unclear,
so the precise mechanism of action remains it appears that it has to do with inhibition of
unknown. There is a theory that gabapentin acts peripheral phospholipase pathway which results
on voltage-gated calcium channels in the spinal in reduction of cyclooxygenase and lipoxygenase
cord inhibiting release of neuromediators. These production [41].
drugs are thought to interfere with the hyper- The addition of Beta-blockers to opioids, has
excitability of spinal cord dorsal horns, thus recently been investigated in the light of synergis-
8 preventing central sensitization. Gabapentin is tic analgesic effect. Multiple studies showed that
typically administered preemptively and prior to an intraoperative esmolol infusion provides bet-
induction of anesthesia. Pregabalin has a more ter hemodynamic stability, lowers stress, reduces
favorable pharmacokinetics and improved bio- the risk of adverse cardiac events, and also sig-
availability compared to gabapentin. A study nificantly reduces postoperative pain and narcotic
evaluating effectiveness of gabapentin for lumbar intake [42]. There are multiple theories as to how
laminectomy given pre- or postoperatively dem- esmolol exerts its analgesic effect. Peripheral anti-
onstrated decrease in morphine requirements, inflammatory action along with intrinsic potential
vasodilator-stimulated phosphoprotein scores, to abide noxious stimuli and decrease in catechol-
and opioid-associated side effects [38]. Of note, amine surge are to name a few. It has also been
authors stated that patients who received prega- proposed that it is β-blockade-associated reduc-
balin reached discharge criteria 14 h earlier than tion in cardiac output and hepatic blood flow that
their counterparts. Moreover, as single dose was slows metabolism of opioids [43]. Furthermore, it
compared to multiple dosing regimen throughout was proposed that intraoperative administration
the perioperative period, there was no clinically of esmolol may alter the permeability of fentanyl
significant benefit with repeated dosing. Among to blood-brain barrier and thus decreases fentanyl
possible side effects, sedation, dizziness, and requirement [44].
visual disturbances were the most common and A recent meta-analysis suggested that there is
occurred within the first 24 h. Further studies are positive effect in reduction of postoperative pain
needed to verify the target patient population and with intraoperative systemic magnesium adminis-
surgical procedures that would benefit the most tration [45]. Opioid consumption was shown to be
from addition of pregabalin to multimodal anes- markedly decreased as well, and no complications
thesia regimen. associated with magnesium infusion were reported.
Steroids are known for their multitude of Proposed mechanism derived from animal studies
effects with anti-inflammatory action being most includes antagonism of NMDA receptors which
clinically valued. In the scope of anesthesiologist alters duration and perception of pain [46].
practice, dexamethasone has been routinely used Intraoperative pain management is a part of
for postoperative nausea and vomiting preven- continuous process, and thus all phases of peri-
tion. Its potential antinociceptive effects were operative pain management should be consecu-
less researched until lately. Recent meta-analysis tive and coordinated. Preventive and multimodal
presented substantial data on the effect of intra- concepts are effective tools to provide comfort-
operative dexamethasone administration in the able intraoperative care and smooth transition to
context of its possible antinociceptive properties. postoperative stage. Multiple protocols have been
It was revealed that dexamethasone administered suggested for use by many high-tier academic
Pain Management
115 8
institutions tailored to specific surgical proce- medications postoperatively, even though pain
dures. However, there is no one-fits-all model, scores were not decreased. Preoperative epidurals
and intraoperative pain management should showed a decrease in both the use of analgesics
be based on individual patient’s characteristics. and pain scores postoperatively [48].
Central sensitization is the principal cause of
uncontrolled postoperative pain and can result in
significant distress and morbidity; hence efforts 8.6 Opioids
should be made to reduce its occurrence.
Although many methods of pain management
exist, opioids remain the most used analgesics in
8.5 Postoperative Pain the postoperative period. Opioids bind to recep-
tors in the central nervous system and peripheral
Care of patients during the immediate postop- tissues to block the transmission of pain signals.
erative period is one of the many responsibilities They produce analgesia via mu (μ) opioid recep-
of the anesthesia provider. During this period, tor agonist activity in the brain.
patients may present with a variety of complaints. Opioids can be administered in a variety of
One of the most common complaints is acute, ways including orally, transdermally, parenter-
postoperative pain. Over 80% of individuals that ally, neuraxially, and rectally. The most com-
undergo a surgical procedure experience postop- monly used intravenous opioids are morphine,
erative pain [47]. Inadequately controlled pain hydromorphone, and fentanyl (. Table 8.1).
may lead to decreased quality of life, prolonged Although opioids are the most commonly used
recovery times, and increased incidence of post- analgesics postoperatively, they are not with-
surgical complications [9]. out side effects, the most significant of which
Postoperative pain management begins is respiratory depression. Other common side
before the operation. During the preoperative effects include nausea, vomiting, and reduced
period, a thorough history and physical should bowel motility. Patients receiving chronic opi-
be performed to properly assess the patient and oid therapy tend to become tolerant to many of
plan for the management of postsurgical pain. It the side effects over time. However, constipation
is important to address medical or drug history and postoperative ileus caused by the decrease
that may cause a deviation from a standard plan in bowel motility are complications that are still
of care. Extensive recreational or analgesic drug consistently seen in patients with a predomi-
usage can have a significant impact on the plan for nately opioid pain control regimen following
pain management after surgery. For example, in a surgery [49]. This has resulted in the develop-
patient with history of opioid addiction currently ment of peripheral opioid antagonists such as
in remission, the use of opioids in the treatment methylnaltrexone and alvimopan. These drugs
of postsurgical pain may trigger a relapse. If pos- selectively antagonize the peripheral opioid
sible, the anesthesia provider should try to avoid receptors, promoting a return of bowel function,
opioids in this patient population. while ignoring the central opioid receptors that
The management of a patient’s postoperative are being acted upon for pain relief.
pain does not have to begin after the procedure. Opioids may be administered using a stan-
In reality, it is becoming increasingly common dard dosage every set number of hours or using
for pain management to begin even before the a PCA (patient-controlled analgesic) pump.
surgery is started. Management can be started PCA pumps work by allowing the patient to self-
utilizing a variety of medications and methods administer a set dose of analgesic. The provider
such as NSAIDs, peripheral nerve blocks, and sets a maximum amount of analgesic that can be
epidurals. When analgesics are used prior to administered over a period of time. The pump
surgery, the goal is to block pain receptor activa- can then be monitored and modified based
tion or hinder the production and/or activation upon how often the patient is self-administering
of pain neurotransmitters. In a meta-analysis medication. Studies show that PCA (patient-
of acute postoperative pain management, it was controlled analgesia) is valid as an alternative to
shown that people receiving local anesthetics and conventional opioid administration in the post-
NSAIDs prior to surgery had less usage of pain operative period. Certain patient populations
116 M. Franklin et al.
.. Table 8.1 Graph showing common opioids used postsurgically, dosages, and facts
Fentanyl IV (Intraoperatively) 2–50 mcg/kg 100 times more potent than morphine
need to be treated carefully when administer- and ultimately provide the patient with satisfac-
ing opioids, particularly obese and chronic tory pain control. Studies show that these drugs
pain patients. Because of their susceptibility to used with PCA morphine lead to a decrease in
obstructive sleep apnea and possibility for an morphine usage and less chance of the deleterious
exacerbation of respiratory depression, providers effects of morphine usage in colorectal and obstet-
are encouraged to limit the usage of opioids in ric operations [50, 51]. Ketorolac, an NSAID, has
obese patients. For these patients, a multimodal been shown by meta-analysis to decrease early
approach to analgesia starting before the surgical pain at rest and overall opioid consumption when
procedure is optimal. Placing an epidural prior used as a single, 60 mg intramuscular dose dur-
to or soon after the surgery leads to a decrease ing the perioperative period. Also, in a double-
in the need for opioids and thus gives the patient blinded, randomized trial of ketorolac vs placebo,
less of a chance of having complication that may it was shown that ketorolac is beneficial in reduc-
be caused by some of the negative side effects of ing postoperative pain and narcotic usage after
opioids, such as postoperative ileus [49]. cesarean section.
Many nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medi-
cations are cyclooxygenase (COX) inhibitors.
8.7 Non-opioid Analgesia Inhibition of COX hinders the key step in prosta-
glandin synthesis. Prostaglandins play a key role
Although opioids are the most commonly used in the inflammatory process of the body. COX-1
drugs postoperatively, a variety of other drugs receptors are widely distributed throughout the
exist to treat postoperative pain. Drugs such as body (most importantly in the stomach and on
paracetamol, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory platelets). COX-2 receptors are primarily pro-
drugs (NSAIDs), and local anesthetics work duced in response to inflammation. Aspirin is an
through different mechanisms and have different NSAID that irreversibly inhibits COX-1 through
side effect profiles from opioids. This gives the acetylation. Acetaminophen is an NSAID that
provider the ability to adapt to specific situations is relatively selective for COX-2. There is a
Pain Management
117 8
significant risk of bleeding when giving patients 8.8 Conclusion
increased doses of nonselective COX inhibitors
due to inhibitory effects on prostaglandins that Delivery of a surgical anesthetic can be performed
protect the stomach and promote blood clotting. in a variety of ways, including general anesthesia,
These drugs should be avoided in patients with a regional anesthesia, neuraxial anesthesia, local
history of stomach ulcers. Highly selective COX-2 anesthesia, or a combination of these techniques,
inhibitors such as celecoxib have been developed depending on the suitability of the patient and
to curtail these side effects. However, the gen- the nature of the procedure [8]. As no single drug
eral consensus is that COX-1 inhibitors are still can be used as a “complete anesthetic,” a balanced
preferred given the cardiovascular toxicity of the anesthetic technique, involving a variety of dif-
selective COX-2 inhibitors [52]. ferent techniques, is favored for these procedures
Other modalities exist as well for the treat- [53]. As part of these balanced anesthetic tech-
ment of postoperative pain such as epidural anes- niques, one or more agents with analgesic proper-
thesia, spinal anesthesia, peripheral nerve blocks, ties will typically be utilized.
and local infiltration. Epidural and spinal anes- In this chapter, we have discussed the evalu-
thesia are frequently used in thoracic, abdominal, ation and treatment of pain in the preoperative,
and pelvic surgery. During an epidural, a catheter intraoperative, and postoperative period. We
is inserted into the epidural space, through which discussed the use of a variety of different agents
local anesthetics and/or opioids are administered. that have been used for pain control, or as part
Epidural anesthesia may be performed in the cer- of a multimodal pain control regimen. Regional
vical, lumbar, or sacral region and can range from and neuraxial techniques, local infiltration,
a single-shot technique to the insertion of a cath- opioids, acetaminophen, NSAIDs, ketamine,
eter in which intermittent boluses or continuous gabapentin, and other common anesthetic medi-
infusions are administered. Spinal (intrathecal) cations are often used effectively for pain control,
administration of local anesthetic results in good either by themselves for pain control or as part
postoperative analgesia for up to 24 h. Epidural of a balanced anesthetic. We also discussed the
and spinal anesthesia involve the same time com- effect that adequate pain control can result in
mitment, but with spinal anesthesia skilled post- decreased use of hospital resources, faster recov-
operative care is not required for maintenance of ery, and in some cases, decreased development
the catheter. of chronic pain.
A transversus abdominis plane (TAP) block Overall, analgesia is a cornerstone of an effec-
is a peripheral nerve block that can be used as tive anesthetic, and the choice of analgesic agents
an alternative to an epidural in patients that are can have both short- and long-term implications
having operation on the abdominal wall. A single for the patient [1, 2, 6, 53].
shot of local anesthetic is administered into the
plane between the internal oblique and transab-
dominal muscles. This plane encompasses an ana-
tomical space that includes nerves that innervate References
the abdominal muscles and skin. The most com-
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9. 354X.65132.
121 9
Regional Anesthesia/MAC
Treniece Eubanks, Yury Rapoport, Leslie Robichaux,
Farees S. Hyatali, and Tomasina Parker-Actlis
9.1 Introduction – 122
9.6 Summary – 130
9.7 Review Questions – 130
9.8 Answers – 131
References – 131
aspiration. Furthermore, though MAC may be a from oversedation and subsequent respiratory
practical alternative to general anesthesia in high- depression leading to permanent brain damage
risk patients with significant disease burden and or death [5]. Although every patient undergoing
decreased functional status, it is prudent to con- any type of anesthetic should have standard ASA
firm that patient can tolerate prolonged supine or monitors, pulse oximetry and capnography are
dependent position and remain immobile for the instrumental in helping to detect hypoxemia. The
duration of the surgery. In patients with persis- precordial esophageal stethoscope is an optional
tent cough, tremor, and marked orthopnea, MAC modality that allows verification of adequate
may not be ideal approach, especially if intricate ventilation [6]. As for the level of sedation, sev-
microsurgical technique is involved and preci- eral clinically relevant scales had been devel-
sion of surgical movements is imperative. The oped. Electroencephalography-based devices are
presence of certain underlying pathologies may available to supplement the subjective practitio-
have direct implications on the anesthetic choice ner’s judgment. The most widely known – the
and dosages to reduce the likelihood of conversa- Observer’s Assessment of Alertness/Sedation
tion to general anesthesia. For instance, sedative (OAA/S) Scale – was developed in the 1990s to
drugs should be used judiciously in the elderly evaluate the depth of sedation using midazolam.
population or in patient with sleep apnea as the It, however, can be applied to other agents as well
risks of respiratory and cardiovascular instabil- [7] (. Fig. 9.1). Nonetheless, clinical validity of
ity are higher [4]. Comprehensive airway evalu- the scale has been recently questioned, and it is
ation should be routinely carried out as need for now mostly used for research purposes. Objective
9 endotracheal intubation may arise, and if difficult monitoring can be executed using electroen-
airway is predicted, additional pertinent equip- cephalographic (EEG) or bispectral index (BIS)
ment should be readily available during the case. methods; however, a lot of controversy exists. In
Recommendations regarding fasting guidelines the early era of BIS use, several authors expressed
and lab workup are no different from that for gen- significant interest in its implementation for MAC
eral anesthesia. cases, and some studies showed relative effective-
Application of MAC warrants not only vigi- ness of BIS particularly during propofol-based
lant cardiovascular and respiratory monitoring sedation [9]. On the contrary, there is dearth of
but also requires constant supervision of sedation reliable evidence on other commonly used anes-
level. As previously discussed, analysis of closed thetics. More recent studies argued its benefits,
claimed files demonstrated the vast majority of presenting conflicting data that indicated that,
adverse outcomes associated with MAC resulted even with propofol, it is sometimes not possible
(OAA/S) Scale [8]. (Copyright the Korean Society of Anes- licenses/by-nc/4.0/), which permits unrestricted noncom-
thesiologists, 2018. This is an open-access article distrib- mercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium,
uted under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution provided the original work is properly cited)
Regional Anesthesia/MAC
125 9
to discriminate changes between light and deep maintenance. On the contrary, various drug deliv-
sedation [10]. Another study revealed that audi- ery systems, namely, target-controlled infusion,
tory evoked potential index (AAI) is superior to patient-controlled infusion, and variable rate
BIS and can help differentiate slight fluctuations infusion, provide a more reliable steady state of
in consciousness [11]. Despite promising initial sedation and analgesia without peaks and drops.
results, this approach requires additional hard- The latter helps to increase patient satisfaction
ware application and trained personnel that may level while abating potential side effects [12].
significantly prolong OR time and increase cost, Various medications and their combinations
which contradicts the MAC concept. Up to date, have been extensively studied in the context of
no modality, other than close surveillance along monitored anesthetic care. Satisfaction levels
with standard respiratory and cardiovascular (physicians’ and patients’) along with incidence
monitoring, has shown proven clinical benefits of side effects including respiratory depression are
and thus is not routinely recommended. In accor- the major determinants of effectiveness and safety.
dance with ASA guidelines, level of sedation is Despite advantages of certain drugs over the oth-
determined by patient’s response to verbal, tactile, ers in the clinical context, there is paucity of sub-
or painful stimuli. If patient is only responsive to stantial data to advocate for one-fits-all regimen.
painful stimuli, deep sedation ventilation may not
be adequate and vigilant assessment is necessary.
Anybody who is not responding to painful stim- 9.4.1 Propofol
uli is considered under general anesthesia and
requires definitive securing of the airways. Propofol by itself or in combination with opioids
has historically been the mainstay of monitored
anesthesia care. It gained wide acceptance for
9.4 Systemic Sedatives predictable sedation level and short duration, fast
and Analgesics onset and offset, significant antiemetic action, and
satisfactory side effects profile. Propofol acts via
A variety of systemic analgesics and sedatives GABA receptors potentiating inhibitory effects
have a role in providing patient comfort under of the transmitter. It produces dose-dependent
MAC. An ideal agent should have a fast onset, a respiratory depression, myocardial depression,
wide therapeutic range, easy titratability, a short and vasodilation. At anesthetic doses, it yields
elimination half-life, and a favorable side effects sedation and consistent amnesia. Fast and clear
profile. Particularly, it should be able to preserve cognitive recovery occurs shortly after discon-
spontaneous ventilation and maintain cardiovas- tinuation of the drug. It should be noted that no
cular stability. A positive effect on postoperative reliable amnesia can be achieved with low doses.
nausea and vomiting (PONV) is also valued. Propofol is devoid of analgesic effects and there-
Apart from pharmacological properties, it is fore must be supplemented with analgesics if pain
essential that in the era of increasing healthcare relief is needed.
expenses, efforts are made to maintain the bal-
ance of cost-effectiveness and patient safety.
Thus, most clinically appropriate drug combina- 9.4.2 Midazolam
tions should be advocated. In compliance with
these principles, the patient’s age, sex, underly- Midazolam is a short-acting benzodiazepine act-
ing pathology, type and duration of anticipated ing via GABA receptor. It has anxiolytic and seda-
procedure, and potential interactions between tive properties, hence providing good comfort
medications should be well thought out. Variety level implementing positive changes on percep-
of drug delivery techniques are available allow- tion of pain. Yet administration of midazolam may
ing for optimal titratability. Bolus dosing is the lead to unwanted prolonged psychomotor impair-
easiest and fastest way of induction and facilitates ment. Additionally, synergism occurs in combina-
sedation quickly with most of the currently used tion with opioids, enhancing the hypnotic effect
anesthetics. Blood and effect-site concentrations and aggravating respiratory depression potential.
are however unpredictable, and the sedation lev- A study revealed that a combination of mid-
els might be fluctuant if bolus dosing is used for azolam and fentanyl (0.05 mg/ kg of midazolam
126 T. Eubanks et al.
Massive Perioperative
in Clinical Management
Usama Iqbal, Jaime Sanders, Longqiu Yang, Mingqiang Li,
Marcus Zebrower, and Henry Liu
10.1 Introduction – 134
10.6 Conclusions – 145
10.8 Answers – 146
References – 146
Dilutional coagulopathy
Massive Perioperative Hemorrhage: Considerations in Clinical Management
135 10
of blood transfusion during orthotopic liver important role in exacerbating intraoperative
transplantation are unfortunately associated blood loss like sevoflurane results in signifi-
with significantly decreased graft survival cantly greater intraoperative blood loss than
and dramatically increased episodes of sepsis propofol [11]. Certain cancer surgeries also
and therefore prolonged ICU stay [6]. In cause massive perioperative bleeding due to
principle, the degree of hemorrhage can be extensive intra-tumor blood vessel networks
estimated based on the severity of preopera- that lead to unpredictable internal bleeding
tive liver disease and coagulation function, during surgery. A case study is presented on
quality of the donor liver, recipient’s overall metastatic prostate adenocarcinoma in which
clinical status, and surgical skills and experi- patient develops hyper-fibrinolysis leading
ence of the transplantation team [7]. There is to widespread ecchymosis and disseminated
a strong correlation between MELD score and intravascular coagulation (DIC). Any surgi-
transfusion requirements in patients under- cal attempt to resect this type of cancer can
going orthotopic liver transplantation. Higher potentially lead to massive perioperative
MELD scores (>30) was found to be signifi- hemorrhage and other complications [12].
cantly associated with increased bleeding and 3. Cardiac/major vascular surgery: In cardiac or
transfusion requirements when compared to major vascular surgeries, surgeons deal with
patients with lower MELD scores (<30) [8]. main blood vessels like the aorta, coronar-
Massive bleeding can have multiple clinical ies, and femoral, tibial, brachial, or vertebral
consequences, as illustrated by 7 Box 10.1.
arteries. So, there are higher chances of
2. Major cancer and spine surgery: Recon- intraoperative and postoperative hemorrhage
structive and multilevel procedures like leading to severe consequences.
spine surgery and spine fusion procedures
are potentially complicated by significant Coagulation Abnormalities
intraoperative blood loss and the need for 1. Acute traumatic coagulopathy: It could
allogeneic blood transfusion. The unique mainly be an iatrogenic or secondary coagu-
prone position (knee-chest) for spine surgery lopathy, a condition in which various ele-
likely leads to increased intra-abdominal ments are thought to play a role, including
pressure which increases epidural venous consumption of clotting factors, hemodilu-
pressure and consequently exacerbates tion from large quantity of crystalloid infu-
intraoperative surgical bleeding. Raised intra- sion, acidosis, and hypothermia. The exact
abdominal pressure is measured via a urinary mechanism of coagulopathy is still unknown.
bladder catheter [9]. The total blood loss is One theory believes that actual injury causes
proportionate with the intra-abdominal pres- release of certain tissue factors that lead to
sure, also proportionate with patient’s body thrombin and fibrin generation and utiliza-
mass index (BMI) [9]. In another study, the tion leading to DIC [13]. Another theory
effects of prone versus jack-knife position on describes that trauma-induced hypoperfu-
intra-abdominal pressure and intraopera- sion and ischemia lead to release of activated
tive bleeding during lumbar disc herniation protein C, which leads to consumption of
surgery were conducted, and intra-abdominal plasminogen activator inhibitor, inhibition
pressure came out to be significantly higher of the clotting cascade, systemic anticoagu-
in prone position [10]. Certain anesthetic lation, and hyper-fibrinolysis [14]. A high
agents in spine and cancer surgeries play an fresh frozen plasma to RBCs ratio is the cur-
rent treatment of choice for acute traumatic
coagulopathy [15].
Clotting factors deficiencies: Clotting
Box 10.1 Consequences of Liver Disease factors deficiencies may be congenital or
on Coagulation acquired. Congenital deficiency includes
55 Thrombocytopenia
55 Accelerated or decreased fibrinolysis
factor VIII deficiency called hemophilia A
55 Qualitative defects in platelets function disease and deficiency of factor IX called
55 Predisposition to fibrinolysis hemophilia B. Another congenital bleeding
disorder is von Willebrand’s disease caused
136 U. Iqbal et al.
any elective surgery or emergency trauma recommend the use of 3-factor prothrombin
surgery, then bleeding is profuse and unpre- complex concentrate (PCC) with vitamin
dictable [18]. Diagnosis is difficult in these K and a judicious amount of rVIIa as the
patients unless some family members with treatment of choice for over-anticoagulation,
some type of bleeding disorder or in some although the risk of thromboembolism
cases these patients are found to have large is still there. Selective serotonin receptor
10 multimers of vWF [16]. Common bleeding inhibitor (SSRI) is a group of antidepressant
sites are the skin, mucosa, and muscles. Hem- drugs most commonly used for depression
arthrosis is rare. Recombinant factor VII and all over the United States. Studies show that
(. Fig. 10.1).
Brain Cerebral oximetry and NIRS
a b
.. Fig. 10.1 a The excised specimen was grossly 9cm in microscopically showed normal splenic tissue with a firm
diameter, had a giant hematoma surrounded by gray hrad capsule [60]
parenchyma witha smooth capsule. b The specimen
come and even be lifesaving in bleeding patients. FFP contains all the components in donor
However, it is challenging we may not be able to plasma, including albumin and immunoglobulins
completely delineate the relative contributions of and procoagulant, anticoagulant, and antifibri-
hemodynamic instability, systemic inflammatory nolytic factors. If thawed, FFP is kept at 1–6 °C
reaction, and the transfusion-related side effects for 5 days, and such plasma can be used in acute
to the adverse clinical outcomes associated with emergencies for massive transfusion. There are
surgical blood loss [44]. some safety concerns as well with this FFP use:
first being the transfer of viral infection that can
Fibrinogen be reduced in the future with use of viral-free
Fibrinogen provides a matrix and mesh network plasma products [49] and second being fluid
essential for clot strength, thus an important overload and multiple organ failures because a
therapeutic product for bleeding control in peri- large volume of FFP is required to meet required
operative settings. Following massive hemorrhage, serum coagulation factors level [50]. It should be
hypofibrinogenemia occurs because of hemodilu- kept in mind that these plasma preparations are
tion from volume replacement and consumption never a good source of fibrinogen as fibrinogen
by clotformation. So, the clot strength is evaluated concentration can vary 1–3 g/l. A large volume of
by thromboelastography, and fibrinogen is admin- plasma is required to replenish required fibrino-
istered along with other clotting factors to control gen level that can lead to volume overload instead
perioperative bleeding [45]. Four fibrinogen pre- [51]. The ideal choice for fibrinogen replacement
cipitates are currently available and used all over. It is fibrinogen precipitate or cryoprecipitate.
is important to note that high fibrinogen levels can
lead to high thrombin generation and ultimately Cryoprecipitate
thromboembolic events. Also of note, fibrino- Cryoprecipitate contains factor VIII, fibrinogen,
gen concentrate must be reconstituted by adding fibronectin, von Willebrand factor (vWF), and fac-
water and agitating for several minutes and has tor XIII used widely for congenital and acquired
a somewhat limited shelf-life. To raise the serum coagulopathies. In 2007, the first version of the
fibrinogen level by of 1 g/L, 60 mg/kg of fibrinogen European guidelines on the management of bleed-
administration is required [46] (. Table 10.8).
ing after major trauma recommended treatment
with fibrinogen concentrate or cryoprecipitate if
significant bleeding is accompanied by a plasma
.. Table 10.8 Suggested bleeding management fibrinogen level <1 g/L; updates to these guidelines
with focus on fibrinogen repletion strategy [46] were in 2010 [52]. Generally, 1 unit of cryopre-
cipitate per 10 kg of body weight will increase the
Suggested bleeding management with focus on
fibrinogen repletion strategy
fibrinogen level by about 0.5 g/L. The target thresh-
old of 1.0 g/L has been pushed up to 1.5 g/L in many
1 Fibrinogen level is Fibrinogen concen-
<1.5–2 g/l trates 25–50 mg/l
8–10 units Box 10.4 Types of Plasma Preparations
2 Platelets are Platelet concentrate Different plasma preparations
<100,000/mm 8–10 units 55 Fresh frozen plasma (FFP)
55 Plasma frozen within 24 h of collection
3 INR >1.7 OR FFP 20–30 ml/kg 55 Thawed plasma (used within 5 days of
hypovolemia initial thaw)
142 U. Iqbal et al.
institutions (2.5 g/L in obstetric hemorrhage) [53]. of vitamin K in patients requiring urgent surgery,
The following are indicationsfor three recommen- i.e., within 6 h. Generally, it is not recommended
dations of cryoprecipitate use: congenital fibrinogen for massive transfusion and coagulopathy associ-
deficiency, bleeding patients with von Willebrand’s ated with liver dysfunction. Patients with heparin-
disease, and the correction of microvascular bleed- induced thrombocytopenia (HIT) are the absolute
ing in massively transfused patients with fibrinogen contraindication [62]. FDA has approved PCC use
concentrations less than 80–100 mg/dl [54, 55]. only in warfarin-related bleeding because only vita-
In a randomized controlled trial, efficacy of FFP min K-dependent factors are affected in it, while
infusion was compared with cryoprecipitate sup- perioperative coagulopathy involves deficiency of
plement; the result suggested FFP were more effi- multiple coagulation defects like thrombocytope-
cacious, and FFP produced a significantly greater nia, hypofibrinogenemia, and hyper-fibrinolysis
improvement in INR and activated partial throm- [63]. There is a risk of thromboembolic events with
boplastin time (aPPT) and resulted in less exposure use of these PCC as well, first reported many years
to blood products than cryoprecipitate [56]. ago. In 1990s many activated factors were removed
from PCC to improve its safety. In today’s PCC,
Albumin factor II called prothrombin is identified as the
During surgery, circulation is usually supported main culprit causing thrombogenicity. That’s why
by crystalloids or colloid as a temporizing mea- it is recommended that PCC should be labelled
sure when there is an impending need for blood according to prothrombin content as compare to
transfusion. Colloids such as albumin and hydro- Factor IX [63]. Three retrospective clinical studies
xylethyl starch (HES) are advantageous since they have shown that although PCC alone can attenuate
may remain in the intravascular compartment bleeding, it is more effective when used combined
10 longer than crystalloid [57]. A meta-analysis found with FFP [45, 64]. In another study in a rabbit
increased perioperative bleeding and need for trans- model of hemostasis, four-factor prothrombin
fusion with the use of albumin compared to admin- complex concentrate administration significantly
istration of hydroxyethyl starch. Albumin may decreased edoxaban (oral anticoagulant)-associ-
reduce the platelets activation and release of inflam- ated hemorrhage, and edoxaban-induced factor
matory mediators. Another randomized controlled Xa inhibition and a nticoagulant effect have been
trial compared the effect of albumin administration shown to be similar in rabbits and humans [64].
and Ringers’ lactate (LR) during a major surgery
and found similar blood loss in the two groups of Recombinant Factor VIIa
patients yet increased need for transfusion of blood Recombinant activated factor VIIa is approved in
in the albumin-treated group [58]. A randomized Europe for the management of hemophilia A or
clinical trial studied the impact of albumin on B with inhibitors, acquired hemophilia, inherited
coagulation competence and hemorrhage during factor VII deficiency, and Glanzmann thrombas-
a major surgery. Resultsshowed that the periopera- thenia with antibodies to glycoprotein IIb/IIIa
tive use of 5% albumin compared to LR to support and/or human leucocyte antigens and refrac-
the circulation during cystectomy reduces the post- toriness to platelet transfusion. It is also recom-
operative volume surplus but affects coagulation mended in massive perioperative hemorrhage in
competence and has no impact on postoperative those patients who do not have already existing
complications or hospital stay [59]. coagulopathy. It is effective in reversing the coag-
ulopathy but is associated with widespread arte-
Prothrombin Complex rial thrombosis too. So, recombinantfactor VIIa is
Concentrates (PCC) not the priority until the last option [64].
Prothrombin complex concentrate (PCC) is a term
to describe pharmacological products that con-
tain lyophilized, human plasma-derived vitamin 10.5.2 Massive Blood Transfusion
K-dependent factors II, II, X, and X and various Protocol
amounts of proteins C and S. PCC is administered
at bedside irrespective of blood group and usually While most institutions have developed their
given to patients using oral anticoagulants [61]. It own massive transfusion protocol (MTP) involv-
is also effective for warfarin reversal or deficiency ing multidisciplinary committee, the common
Massive Perioperative Hemorrhage: Considerations in Clinical Management
143 10
theme of all such protocols is determining spe- MTP can lead to some complications such as
cific triggers for activation of MTP, transfusion acid-base disturbances, electrolyte abnormalities,
end targets, and the logistics of blood product and and hypothermia, in addition to acute trauma
adjunct availability [65]. A sample MTP is shown coagulopathy, which are reviewed in the table
in 7 Box 10.5.
Generally, MTP is activated after replacement
of total blood volume in 24 h needing ≥10 units of Temperature
packed RBCs, replacement of >4 units of packed Hypothermia is associated with significant coagu-
RBCs in 1 h with the anticipation of continuous lopathy. Hypothermia is defined as 35 °C or below
need for blood products, or replacement of 50% since enzyme denaturalization occurs at this
of the total blood volume within 3 h and blood temperature [70]. The following are the effects
loss of up to 1.5 ml/kg/min for more than 20 min. of low temperature on coagulation, as shown in
In children, this is activated after transfusion of 7 Box 10.6.
Cardiovascular System
Damaging Events
J. Arthur Saus, Harish Siddaiah, and Farees S. Hyatali
11.2 Hypertension – 152
11.2.1 Preoperative Hypertension – 152
11.2.2 Intraoperative Hypertension – 153
11.2.3 Postoperative Hypertension – 153
11.3 Hypotension – 153
11.3.1 Preoperative Assessment – 153
11.3.2 History and Physical Examination – 153
11.3.3 Intraoperative Hypotension – 154
11.3.4 Postoperative Hypotension – 154
References – 158
11.5 Chest Pain (Angina, MI) tion may also be a cause for myocardial dysfunc-
tion. Acidosis may occur secondary to sepsis,
Patients with significant coronary heart disease bowel infarction, or other etiologies.
may demonstrate ischemia of cardiac muscula- Tension pneumothorax may result from a
ture which manifests clinically as chest pain or spontaneous rupture of emphysematous bullae or
angina. Unless it is considered that the patient from an iatrogenic etiology during placement of a
with symptoms consistent with angina or chest subclavian vein catheter. The risk of a vascular air
pain must go to surgery emergently, any patient embolus, resulting in sudden, otherwise unex-
with these symptoms should be first evaluated via plained, cardiac collapse, is also present while
a left heart catheterization by a cardiologist to placing a central venous catheter.
check the extent of coronary lesions. Embolic phenomena may also be the etiology
If it is an emergency surgery and the patient of sudden cardiac arrest. Pulmonary emboli may
exhibits symptoms of ongoing angina, then result from a pre-existing deep vein thrombosis.
administration of sublingual nitroglycerine is rec- Coronary thrombosis may result from a sudden
ommended to relieve the symptoms. During the dislodgement of an atherosclerotic plaque.
surgical procedure, myocardial oxygen supply Standard CPR guidelines should be followed
and demand ratio should be kept normal as pos- while resuscitating a patient with cardiac arrest.
sible. This may be achieved by keeping the heart Any reversible causes such as hypoxia, hypother-
rate and blood pressure as close to patient’s preop- mia, hyperkalemia, hypotension, acidosis, tension
erative baseline. During the intraoperative period, pneumothorax, or cardiac tamponade should be
a continuous infusion of nitroglycerin may be corrected immediately in the operating room.
started to decrease the preload as well as dilate the Treatment of pulmonary emboli includes embo-
coronary vessels. lectomy, fibrinolytic therapy, or anticoagulant
Intraoperatively, transesophageal echocar- therapy. Treatment of coronary thrombus includes
diography is useful to monitor cardiac wall angioplasty, stent placement, or emergency coro-
11 motion abnormalities. If needed, infusions of ino- nary bypass surgery [11, 13].
tropic agents and vasopressors such as epineph-
rine, norepinephrine, dobutamine, milrinone, etc.
may be initiated to support cardiac function. 11.7 Local Anesthesia,
Placement of a central line is often useful to Cardiotoxicity, and
deliver these inotropic agents and vasopressors. Other Comorbidities
Placement of a pulmonary artery catheter might
also be necessary to monitor pulmonary artery Some degree of temporary cardiovascular depres-
pressures. sion and some mild decrease in blood pressure
Postoperatively the patient should be admit- are expected to occur each day, as the heart rate
ted to a cardiac ICU for recovery [9, 10]. slows when a person goes into the state of natural
sleep. Likewise, in anesthesia practice, some
degree of cardiac depression is expected to occur
11.6 Cardiac Arrest from the use of anesthetic agents which provide
progressively deeper states of sedation and gen-
Cardiac arrest during the perioperative period eral anesthesia. Additionally, some degree of car-
may result from various causes. Hypoxia, hypovo- diac depression may be pre-existing in a patient
lemia, hypothermia, hypokalemia, hyperkalemia, who presents for a surgical procedure due to car-
acidosis, tension pneumothorax, cardiac tampon- diotoxicity from medications the patient is using
ade, pulmonary thrombosis, or coronary throm- prior to administration of any anesthetic agent.
bosis are often the etiology. The greatest concern of severe cardiac depres-
An absolute or relative hypovolemia may sion and cardiac toxicity from administration of
result from acute surgical blood loss, but may also an anesthetic agent (instead of just a mild sleep-
occur during induction with anesthetic agents related cardiovascular depression) is due to the
due to the sudden onset of vasodilation effects inadvertent intravascular administration or
upon administration of these medications. absorption of bupivacaine. With proper adminis-
Hyperkalemia from succinylcholine administra- tration, bupivacaine provides a long-lasting block
Cardiovascular System Damaging Events
157 11
of sensory and motor nerves, as well as potentially in nerve cell membranes. Their time to onset, dura-
blocking autonomic nerves in the area covered by tion of action, and adverse effects are all drug-specific,
the block when used in regional anesthesia. An though they share similar characteristics [14, 15].
inadvertent intravascular administration of bupi- With the chance discovery that intravenous
vacaine usually results in severe, life-threatening lipid emulsion administration may improve the
cardiovascular complications and severe depres- chance of successful resuscitation, recommenda-
sion of the central nervous system which is often tions now include assuring that lipid emulsion
accompanied with transient seizure activity. is immediately available in every location where
Cardiovascular collapse from accidental intravas- regional anesthetic administration occurs. Initially,
cular injection of a regional anesthetic is a rare recommendations were to have 500 cc of 20% lipid
but often catastrophic complication. Why does emulsion available whenever an injection was
this happen? How is it that anesthetics adminis- done for a regional anesthetic block. There have
tered around a nerve or bundle of nerves provide also been reports of successful initial resuscitation,
desirable results, but if too much of the otherwise but with the cardiac dysfunction returning within
proper dose is administered intravascularly, tox- the following 60 min. More recent recommenda-
icity rapidly occurs, and reversal of those effects is tions are that 1000 cc of this 20% lipid emulsion
traditionally felt to be exceedingly difficult? should be readily available, so that a repeated rapid
Administration of toxic doses of local anes- administration may be done if needed.
thetics increases disruptions of cellular mecha- As suggested at the beginning of this discus-
nisms, thus interfering with inotropic function, sion, a patient presenting for surgery may already
pathways that regulate Na+, K+, and Cl− ion flow, have some degree of cardiovascular depression as
modulation of the autonomic nervous system, and a “pre-existing condition” from other medical
enzymatic processes for adenosine triphosphate conditions such as a tumor either compressing
formation. This mechanism is the desirable result vascular structures or secreting vasoactive com-
when the drug is administered around a nerve pounds. Alternatively, that “pre-existing condi-
bundle but undesirable when it affects the cardio- tion” may be from cardiovascular effects from
vascular system. Standard, prolonged resuscita- other medications and treatments used in the
tion efforts are not always successful in the event management of those problems. Plans for anes-
of local anesthetic cardiotoxicity. Traditionally, thesia management in this situation include con-
the cardiovascular collapse associated with an sideration of the direct effects of the tumor, toxic
intravascular injection of bupivacaine was felt to effects of the chemotherapy and radiation therapy,
be lethal in most cases, unless a large dose of hep- drug-drug interactions with chemotherapeutic
arin could be immediately administered for anti- agents, specifics of the surgical procedure, pain
coagulation and the patient could be connected to syndromes, and psychological status of the
a cardiac bypass circuit and pump for a few hours patient, especially if the patient is a child.
to allow the intravascularly injected bupivacaine Cancer therapy agents, such as chemothera-
to be metabolized and eliminated from the body. pies and cytotoxic drugs, may present uncommon
Although different amounts of bupivacaine, but significant complications of cancer treatment.
levobupivacaine, and ropivacaine can be adminis- Radiation (X-ray) therapy to the chest may cause
tered intravascularly before cardiovascular toxicity direct cardiac damage. This is found at a higher
results, all are potentially lethal with accidental rate in children, especially when the child is
overdose. Likewise, even “safer” local anesthetics younger at the time of diagnosis. The use of higher
with a shorter duration of action, such as lidocaine cumulative radiation doses, female gender, tri-
or procaine, also may affect the cardiac conduction somy 21, and black race have all been associated
system if administered in large enough intravenous with greater cardiac damage from radiation ther-
doses, especially if rapidly administered. In fact, apy in the child [16, 17].
these short-acting local anesthetics are intention- Some of the most widely used and most suc-
ally administered intravascularly in some situa- cessful anticancer drugs are doxorubicin and
tions, such as to assist in management of other anthracyclines. But it is well recognized that
arrhythmias. Local anesthetic agents all f unction by use of these drugs is associated with a cumula-
preventing the conduction of nerve impulses pri- tive, dose-dependent cardiotoxicity which may
marily by inhibition of voltage-gated Na+ channels be expected to occur in >20% of patients treated
158 J. A. Saus et al.
Airway and Respiratory
System Damaging Events
Evangelyn Okereke, Shilpadevi Patil, and Gregory Allred
12.1 Introduction – 162
12.2 Airway Complications in PACU – 162
12.3 Children – 163
12.4 Legal Issues – 164
12.5 Risk Factors – 165
12.6 Obesity – 167
12.6.1 Airway Changes with Obesity – 167
12.6.2 Respiratory Changes with Obesity – 167
12.7 Airway Fires – 169
12.8 Components – 169
12.9 Predisposing Risk Factors for Airway Fire – 170
12.10 Preventive Measures – 170
12.11 Management – 171
12.12 Airway Trauma – 171
12.13 Types of Airway Injuries – 172
12.14 Risk Factors – 172
12.15 Prevention – 172
12.16 Management – 173
12.17 Conclusions – 173
12.18 Review Questions – 174
12.19 Answers – 174
References – 174
(hemoglobin oxygen concentrations less than Treating hypoxemia in the PACU is generally
90%), hypoventilation (respiratory rate <8 done by providing supplemental oxygen. The goal
breaths per minute or a partial pressure of of O2 therapy is to maintain partial pressure of
CO2 > 50 mmHg), and airway obstruction (stri- oxygen (PaO2) of ≥60 mmHg which correlates to
dor, laryngospasm, bronchospasm). Providers an oxygen saturation (SaO2) of 90% [18]. By
may be required to intervene with noninvasive titrating in careful quantities of FiO2, you can
(BiPAP, oral and nasal airway) and invasive air- improve alveolar hypoventilation; however, if
ways (endotracheal tube or supraglottic airway) FiO2 gets too high, it may knock out hypoxic
Airway and Respiratory System Damaging Events
163 12
.. Table 12.1 Risk factors for respiratory complication and level of evidence
Good ASA class >/= 2 Thoracic surgery Albumin level < 35 g/L
Prolonged surgery
Vascular surgery
Emergency surgery
Fair Impaired sensorium Perioperative transfusion Chest radiography BUN > 7.5 mmol/L
Cigarette use
ETOH use
Weight loss
(72%) respiratory claims received a median pay- lack of uniform consensus on the definition of
ment of $200,000. Respiratory events were classi- adverse respiratory events, there is not an absolute
fied as inadequate ventilation (38%), esophageal way to determine the frequency of adverse respi-
intubation (18%), and difficult intubation (17%) ratory events in the perioperative period.
[49]. Aspiration made up 3% and occurred mainly Respiratory complications are more frequently
during induction prior to endotracheal intuba- seen in pediatric anesthesia cases. Studies have
tion. Interestingly, half of the aspiration claims shown that children with an upper respiratory
were during emergency surgery [49]. Interestingly, infection are more at risk of respiratory complica-
during 1 study of 222 claims, 35% of the medico- tions including but not limited to laryngospasm
legal claims demonstrated that the providers had and bronchospasm during the procedure. For
previously claims against them [50]. some of these cases, this could lead to the need for
In 1990, the ASA Airway Task Force made prolonged postoperative stay for monitoring,
recommendations, and Peterson et al. (2005) supplemental oxygen, and bronchodilation medi-
indicate a reduction in death and brain damage cations. The choice and airway management has
only upon induction (35% vs 62%) and not at also been shown to have an effect on the incidence
other times [51]. Cheney et al. reported (1975– of respiratory complications during the case.
2000) a drop in respiratory claims and brain dam- Bordet et al. looked at the rate of airway complica-
age; however, the downward trend did not tions in pediatric patients comparing face mask,
delineate a clear causality by improved monitor- laryngeal mask airway (LMA), or tracheal intuba-
ing [52, 53]. Perhaps new training or safety mea- tion with a tube. They found that the incidence of
sures are responsible; however, since the advent of airway issues was highest in those patients receiv-
pulse oximetry and capnography, providers are ing LMA at 10.2% vs 4.7% for face mask and 7.4%
able to detect cyanosis [54–56] earlier and esoph- for a tracheal tube. Airway issues in this study
ageal intubation with reliability. Even though pro- were defined as any laryngospasm, broncho-
viding these additional monitors may provide spasm, laryngeal edema, aspiration, desaturation
some benefit to patient safety, closed claim less than 90%, failure to intubate, air leak or venti-
research [57] grandstands that monitors are only lation problem, breath holding, and others. They
166 E. Okereke et al.
.. Table 12.3 Risk factors for adverse respiratory events in the operating room [59]
Emergency procedures Upper respiratory infection within the last Inhalational induction
Abrupt surgical stimulation 2 weeks Premedication with midazolam
ENT procedure Premature infants Use of desflurane for maintenance
Dental procedures Young age of anesthesia
Respiratory procedure Smoking exposure Administration of neuromuscular
Secretions in airway Current asthma and/or recurrent symptoms blocker
Blood in airway Nightly dry cough Less experienced anesthesia
Eczema personnel and postanesthesia care
Sleep apnea recovery staff
Obesity High patient-to-staff ratio in the
Cystic fibrosis PACU
Allergies Mixed population hospital
Respiratory sickness (children and adults)
Airway malformations Topical lidocaine on vocal cords
NPO violation
also revealed three independent risk factors for tion in perioperative pulmonary complications in
airway complications were presence of a respira- high-risk patient that receives epidural with local
tory infection, age less than 6 years old, and the anesthetics, but the lack of consensus on defini-
use of LMA [1]. tion of postoperative pulmonary complications
The type of surgery that patients are having makes it difficult to show any advantage [58].
also plays a role in the development of respiratory General anesthesia generally has various
complications in the perioperative period. Prior effects on the pulmonary system that could cause
studies have shown that the rate of pulmonary a decline in pulmonary function. Premedication
complications in abdominal surgeries can be as with benzodiazepines has not been shown to
12 high as 30% [58]. Patients who undergo abdomi- reduce the occurrence of laryngospasm or bron-
nal and thoracic surgery have been shown to have chospasm, and it is associated with a 1.8-fold
lower vital capacity and forced residual capacity increase in the overall incidence of perioperative
postoperatively. These changes lead to ventilation- respiratory adverse events [59]. Inhaled anesthet-
perfusion mismatches that can eventually result ics decrease the tidal volume with spontaneous
in hypoxemia. Laparoscopic surgeries have also respiration, functional residual capacity decreases,
been shown to reduce lung volumes and forced and atelectasis can form in dependent portions of
residual capacity by up to 50% which can also lead the lung leading to ventilation-perfusion mis-
to ventilation-perfusion deficits that can cause matching. Even small concentrations of volatile
hypoxia. It can take up to 2 weeks for these lung anesthetics can blunt the ventilator response to
changes to return back to normal baseline values. hypoxia and hypercarbia by suppressing periph-
Anesthetic technique can have an impact on eral chemoreceptors; this could potentially lead to
postoperative pulmonary function. There is no postoperative pulmonary complications as well.
clear evidence for the use of one type of anesthetic Neuromuscular blocking agents have been shown
technique over another in reducing the amount of to produce cephalad displacement of the dia-
perioperative pulmonary complications. There are phragm leading to mechanical depression of the
certain effects that each anesthetic produces that dependent parts of the lung causing atelectasis
can affect the pulmonary function of a patient. In [60]. Neuromuscular blocking agents such as
general, regional anesthesia confers the benefit of rocuronium can be used to decrease the incidence
allowing the patient to maintain spontaneous res- of laryngospasm at the time of endotracheal intu-
piration without the need to instrument the air- bation, but the patients still tend to have a higher
way. The sensation of pain can impair a patient’s incidence of laryngospasm in the postoperative
ability to take deep breaths and cough; this type of period [61, 62]. The general take home should be
lung restriction could lead to atelectasis and in that neuromuscular blocking agents should be
turn hypoxia. Studies suggest that there is a reduc- used in cases where muscle relaxation is neces-
Airway and Respiratory System Damaging Events
167 12
sary. Studies seem to indicate that due to a
.. Table 12.4 Stratification of obesity in adults
decrease in the occurrence of adverse periopera- [67]
tive respiratory events, IV induction may be more
desirable when compared to inhalational induc- Stratification of risks for adults based on body
tion with volatile anesthetics [61, 63, 64]. mass index (BMI)
Patient factors also play a role in the develop- BMI Classification Stratification of
ment of postoperative pulmonary complications. coexisting diseases
The knowledge of these factors beforehand can
help the provider identify patients at high risk and Less Underweight Low
lessen the incidence and effect of postoperative than 18
pulmonary complications. Patient risk factors 18–25 Normal Normal
that have a higher incidence of postoperative pul-
Greater Overweight Moderate to severely
monary complication include cigarette smoking, than 25 increased (increases
underlying chronic respiratory disease, emer- with increasing BMI)
gency surgery, anesthetic time of 180 min or
more, and advanced age [65].
12.6.1 Airway Changes with Obesity Obesity causes marked changes on the respiratory
system. Obesity affects many respiratory physio-
Although obesity is not a definitive risk factor for logical parameters, including compliance, resis-
a difficult airway, it can present challenges in tance, lung volumes, spirometric measures,
168 E. Okereke et al.
Hard Soft
palate palate Uvula
Class I Class II Class III Class IV
12.9 Predisposing Risk Factors ventive measures, they can be easily avoided.
for Airway Fire ASA guidelines for prevention of operating room
fires include proper education of all anesthesia
Some of the predisposing risk factors are the type providers for fire safety specifically for OR fires.
of surgery, surgical site, use of ignition source, Before each surgical case, the OR team should
and need for use of oxidizing agents such oxygen determine if a case is at high risk for surgical
supplementation during surgery. fires. If a high- risk situation exists, the team
The types of surgeries that pose the most risk should decide on a plan and roles for preventing
for airway fires are head and neck surgeries or and managing a fire. Communication between
surgeries above T5 level, ENT procedures such as nursing staff, anesthesiologist, and surgeon is
tonsillectomies, adenoidectomies, tracheosto- critical.
mies, skin or plastic surgeries, cataract or eye sur- Cuffed endotracheal tubes (ETTs) are
geries, burr hole surgeries, rigid bronchoscopies strongly recommended as they are more advan-
with airway stent placement, tracheal dilation and tageous over uncuffed ETTs. The ETT cuff may
granulation tissue removal, and airway debulking serve as a barrier and prevent leaking of oxygen
procedures [78]. from the trachea and accumulating around the
Electrosurgical units or cautery and lasers are operative site. It is very essential to check the
frequently used to coagulate or cut tissue and in integrity of cuff before use. ASA guidelines for
bipolar mode. The cutting mode of electrocautery laser procedures recommend that a laser-resis-
is more hazardous as it generates more heat than tant tracheal tube should be used. The tracheal
the coagulation mode. The bipolar electrocautery cuff of the laser tube should be filled with saline
or argon plasma coagulation used at low voltage and colored with an indicator dye such as methy-
with short burst period has the least risk of causing lene blue.
fire ignition and is recommended as a safer option. When an ignition source is in use such as a
This poses a great risk during airway surgeries in cautery or laser, it is preferred to lower the inspired
an oxygen-rich environment. This kind of oxygen- oxygen concentration below <40% while main-
rich environment may occur when the oxygen can taining patient’s oxygen saturation within normal
12 leak around tracheal cuff or concentrate heavily range. Oxygen with air mixture or oxygen with
under the drapes in an open source of oxygen such helium mixture has been recommended. Red rub-
as nasal cannula or mask especially when higher ber catheters or other materials should not be
concentrations of oxygen are used (>40%). Some used to sheathe the probes. The heat from the
of the ignition tests conducted on polyvinyl chlo- active electrode may ignite the rubber even in the
ride ETT showed that even after moving the ETT air.
away from the cautery still ignited the ETT when- During procedures such as tonsillectomies,
ever oxygen concentration was increased. commercially available electrosurgical electrode
A mixture of oxygen and nitrous oxide is fre- probes that are insulated should be used to pre-
quently used to ventilate and anesthetize patients, vent burns in the oral cavity. Avoid usage of red
respectively. These highly combustible gases rubber catheters as sheath for the probes as it can
require a very low level of heat source to ignite. ignite easily.
Also the oxygen-rich environment may lower the The use of wet gauze or sponges can help
temperatures at which fuel sources such as drapes decrease oxygen concentration in the oropha-
and endotracheal tube can catch fire easily than at ryngeal area by catching leaking oxygen or
room air. Tissue especially fatty tissue when heated nitrous oxide. Also scavenging around the sur-
by an ignition source may turn into gas and burn gical site with separate suction may help reduce
if mixed with high concentration of oxygen [79]. the chances of creating an oxygen-rich envi-
In some studies the use of LMA for adenoton-
12.10 Preventive Measures sillectomies has been suggested to reduce airway
fire but is debatable as the risk of aspiration can
As with any potential hazard, awareness is the increase (“Practice Advisory for the Prevention
first step to prevention. Airway fires are signifi- and Management of Operating Room Fires,”
cant risk in the OR, but with awareness and pre- 2008) (7 Box 12.2).
Airway and Respiratory System Damaging Events
171 12
cautery from the fire site and spray saline and
Box 12.2 Readily Available Operating wash the area. Flooding the area with carbon
Room Fire Equipment That Needs to Be Read- dioxide has also shown to be of help in preventing
ily Available the spread of airway fires induced by cautery.
55 Several sterile saline containers Maintaining oxygenation, ventilation, and sta-
55 A carbon dioxide fire extinguisher
bilization of hemodynamic status should be the
55 Rigid bronchoscope blades and rigid
fiber-optic laryngoscope goals of therapy for smoke inhalation injury. If
55 Replacement endotracheal tube, face necessary, immediate reintubation and ventila-
masks tion with self-ventilating bag at room air may be
55 Replacement breathing circuits used. Inhaled bronchodilators and racemic epi-
55 Replacement sponges and drapes
nephrine help reduce bronchospasm and stridor,
respectively. Anticholinergic drugs may be used
to prevent excessive secretions. Humidification
helps relieve excessive drying of the airway and
12.11 Management mucous plugging. Even though antibiotics and
corticosteroids do not improve morbidity and
Early recognition is the key to successful treat- mortality, they may not be routinely used in
ment. Some of the signs of airway fire are visual- patient with smoke inhalation, but they should be
ization of smoke or spark with a loud pop, and in considered, in case of secondary infection and
some cases gray dust may be seen. Dyspnea and airway edema. These patients may have to be
hypoxemia may develop quickly depending on observed in intensive care units until they are
the severity of the burn and patient’s underlying stable [79].
physical health status. In severe burn injury cases, repeat bronchos-
The sequelae of airway fire are airway edema, copy with protected brushings and washings
inflammation, mucosal necrosis, presence of every 3–5 days may be necessary. Fiber-optic or
soot, and charring in the airways on bronchos- rigid bronchoscopy may need to be performed to
copy exam. Damage of ciliary transport func- remove granulation tissue and exudate in case of
tion and failure to clear casts in the bronchi may extensive burns. Some patients may need trache-
lead to debris or pseudomembrane formation ostomy temporarily to allow for the healing of the
and obstruction of the bronchi. The bronchial burnt tissue. Most patients with mild to moderate
obstruction could further lead to atelectasis and injury make good recovery without complica-
pneumonia. tions. In rare cases of severe burns, if the condi-
In the management of airway fire, the most tion of the patient does not improve in regard to
important thing to do is to eliminate the fire and oxygenation and ventilation, then the patient may
protect the patient. It is necessary to halt the pro- need lung transplantation.
cedure, remove the object on fire, and immedi- In summary, the OR team should determine
ately cut off the oxygen source. high-risk cases and be at high alert during the
Immediate extubation versus maintaining the procedure. Awareness is the key to avoidance of
ETT is debatable. General ASA guideline says fire. The OR team should have a plan and decide
immediate extubation during any airway fire is on the roles in preventing and managing fire. In
appropriate as the thermal injury may continue or successful management of a fire, communication
worsen if the burning ETT is kept in place. The and multidisciplinary approach between the anes-
debate arises in patients with difficult airways thesiologist, a surgeon, and the nursing staff is
where maintaining the ETT may be considered crucial [79].
after assessing the risk vs benefits. The decision to
keep or remove ETT may depend on the case at
hand. 12.12 Airway Trauma
Depending upon the anesthesia provider’s
assessment on control of airway, steps should be Trauma to the airway is a well-recognized compli-
taken to extinguish the airway fire by disconnect- cation of anesthesia. Most airway injuries are
ing the oxygen supply immediately with or associated with difficult intubation and are a
without extubation. Next step is to remove the significant source of morbidity and mortality
172 E. Okereke et al.
among patients and a source of liability for anes- t racheotomies were performed for the purpose of
thesiologists. The frequent sites of airway injury emergency airway management associated with
were the larynx (33%), pharynx (19%), and difficult intubation. The other indications for tra-
esophagus (18%) according to the closed claims. cheostomy were development of subglottic or tra-
Approximately 6% of closed claim database were cheal stenosis as a consequence of tracheal
due to airway injury coming only after other com- intubation. Patients with tracheal perforation
plications such as death (32%), spinal cord or developed subcutaneous emphysema, pneumo-
peripheral nerve damage (16%), and brain dam- thorax, and pneumomediastinum. Chest X-ray
age (12%) [80]. helped in making the diagnosis when clinical
signs were not obvious.
Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) injuries such
12.13 Types of Airway Injuries as pain and dislocation were associated with rou-
tine tracheal intubation and accounted for about
Damage to the nose, temporomandibular joint 10% of airway trauma claims. Preexisting TMJ
(TMJ), larynx, trachea, pharynx, or esophagus disease is a risk factor.
constitutes airway injury. Coming to laryngeal
injuries, most of them were mostly associated
with non-difficult intubations. Arytenoid dislo- 12.14 Risk Factors
cation, vocal cord paralysis, hematoma, and
granuloma formation were some of the laryn- Most of the abovementioned airway traumas are
geal injuries that were noticed. Hoarseness was due to difficult airway encounters. Difficult air-
one of the common symptoms of laryngeal way could be due to many factors including but
injury. not limited to obesity and cervical arthritis to
Unlike most laryngeal injuries, pharyngeal mention a few. With the presence of preexisting
injuries were associated with difficult intubation. conditions such as poor dentition, TMJ disease
Laceration and contusion, localized infection, and increases the incidence of dental and TMJ inju-
perforation were most common pharyngeal inju- ries, respectively. Females less than 60 years of
12 ries. Sore throat was a frequent symptom. age, prolonged intubation, excessive inflation of
Pharyngeal injuries could be severe enough lead- the endotracheal cuff, excessive movement of
ing to mediastinitis and death. the ETT, procedures such as emergency surgical
Among esophageal injuries perforation of the tracheostomies, emergent nonoperating room
esophagus was common. Similar to pharyngeal intubations, improper head positioning, poor
injuries as mentioned above, these were associ- muscle relaxation, application of a high cricoid
ated with difficult intubation as well. Female gen- pressure, long-term indwelling naso- or orogas-
der and age greater than 60 years were the other tric tube, transesophageal echocardiogram
risk factors for this type of injury. Patients with (TEE) probes, airway tools such as oral and
esophageal perforation have poor outcome as it is nasal airways, endotracheal tubes, laryngeal
a serious complication. mask airways, laryngoscope blades, bougies, a
Another type of injury associated with diffi- rigid or flexible stylet with or without exposure
cult intubation, female gender, and age greater of the tip, and the rigid bevel of an endotracheal
than 60 years is pharyngoesophageal injuries. tube are some of the risk factors for trauma to
These patients developed subcutaneous emphy- the airway.
sema and pneumothorax in the immediate
postoperative period. Delay in diagnosis was
associated significantly with the development of 12.15 Prevention
the late infectious sequelae such as mediastini-
tis or mediastinal abscess, retropharyngeal A good history, physical exam, anticipation, and
abscess, or pneumonia in two thirds of the thorough preparation with backup plan are vital
patients. for prevention. It is important to do a good preop-
Tracheal injuries occurred due to tracheal per- erative assessment and know about previous anes-
foration, surgical tracheostomy, and infection. thetic or difficult intubation history and previous
The chances of injury were high when the head and neck surgeries. A thorough airway exam
Airway and Respiratory System Damaging Events
173 12
including the dental exam is essential with proper vigilance as they are directly in continued patient
documentation. Anesthesia consent should care postoperatively. In cases where there is a
include all the injuries that are possible in the oral delay in diagnosis, late infectious sequelae such
cavity such as dental, laryngeal, pharyngeal, and as deep cervical or retropharyngeal abscess,
esophageal injuries. The airway management and mediastinitis, or pneumonia may occur and
need for reintubation, or tracheostomy especially increase the risk of morbidity and mortality.
in suspected difficult airway cases, should be dis- These patients may present with symptoms of
cussed with the patient. Next, communication fever, dysphagia, and dyspnea. Overall mortality
with the surgical team about airway management after esophageal perforation is reported to be as
is also very crucial. In patients with history or high as 25%, even with rapid diagnosis and treat-
anticipated difficult airway undergoing elective ment. The treatment consists of limitation of oral
procedure, it is important to have a discussion intake, antibiotic administration, surgical closure,
with the surgical team about the airway manage- and drainage.
ment plan and if necessary to schedule a case A high index of suspicion by the anesthesiolo-
when there is help such as on a weekday or regular gist and the surgeon may reduce the risk of severe
work hours for patient’s safety. It is important to complications [80].
have the necessary airway equipment readily
available such as different-sized laryngoscope
blades, ETTs, oral/nasal airways, video-assisted 12.17 Conclusions
laryngoscope, fiber-optic scopes, bougie, and
laryngeal mask airway. The knowledge of ASA The incidence of airway and respiratory compli-
difficult airway algorithm and proper way to use cations will never be nil. The use of pulse oxim-
the airway equipment is also as crucial as having etry and capnography has reduced a large
them. number of airway complications perioperatively.
Even with utmost care by the anesthesiologists
and use of advanced monitors, they continue to
12.16 Management happen.
The causes are multifactorial and depend on
Anticipation, rapid detection, and treatment are various factors including but not limited to
the key to successful management of a complica- patient’s physical health status, technical errors,
tion. Most of the airway complications are minor type of procedure, anesthetic type, obesity, age of
and are temporary or self-limiting as most the patient, misjudgments, lack of adequate expe-
patients recover completely without permanent rience in infrequent complications, and use of
disability. If difficult airway was encountered, high-risk fire-causing equipment as mentioned in
having a high index of suspicion for a complica- this chapter. Most complications are minor and
tion is important. These patients must be observed recover completely. Unfortunately some compli-
and watched for development of signs and symp- cations are severe and fatal, leading to patient
toms of potential airway complications. Survival morbidity and mortality. They also increase the
after major complications has been reported to be cost and may have legal implications. It is hence
improved by early diagnosis and initiation of important to have adequate knowledge of the
treatment. perioperative airway complications that could
Prompt diagnosis of pharyngoesophageal per- occur, their prevention, and management. Prior
foration may be difficult as early symptoms of discussions, plans, and communication among all
perforation are absent or relatively nonspecific the OR personnel are the key to avoidance and
and include sore throat, deep cervical pain, chest management of a complication if it were to hap-
pain, and cough. If it progresses to subcutaneous pen. Having protocols in place for rare, but seri-
emphysema, pneumomediastinum, or a pneumo- ous complications such as airway fires or
thorax, then hypoxia, cyanosis, or change in vital operating room fires is very helpful. Conducting
signs occurs. fire drills helps better understand and manage the
After a difficult intubation, surgeons should situation. Multidisciplinary approach is the best
be notified and alerted about the possibility of a approach for a successful management of a com-
complication. This warns them to be under high plication.
174 E. Okereke et al.
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177 13
Burns in the Operating
Kraig S. de Lanzac and Joseph R. Koveleskie
13.1 Introduction – 179
13.2 Fire – 179
13.2.1 The Fire Triad – 179
13.12 Conclusion – 194
References – 195
Burns in the Operating Room
179 13
13.1 Introduction 13.2.1 The Fire Triad
In 2017 the World Health Organization [1] stated, There are three elements required for a fire to
“A burn is an injury to the skin or other organic occur often called the “fire triad.” The fire triad
tissue primarily caused by heat or due to radia- consists of fuel, an oxidizing agent, and an ignition
tion, radioactivity, electricity, friction or contact source. All three of these elements are commonly
with chemicals.” The operating room has many of present in a typical operating room, although they
these sources commonly present. Burn injury may not be easily recognized as potential dangers.
occurs from fire or other thermal sources, stray Fire prevention requires us to remove at least one
electrical current from monitors and equipment, of the triad elements. Cooperation and constant
and contact with chemicals. This chapter will look vigilance of the entire operative team is needed so
at these four common sources of burn injury in that the elements of the fire triad are not being
the operating or procedure room and consider brought together.
risk assessment and prevention. Friction from
positioning and movement during surgery is yet Fuel
another cause of burns not covered. There are multiple sources for fuel present during
most surgical procedures (. Table 13.1). A com-
Electrosurgical units Surgical drills, burs, and Alcohol Prep Solutions
(ESU) saws
The American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA)
Electrocautery units Defibrillator pads Operating Room Fires Closed Claims Analysis [3]
(ECU) cited alcohol prep solutions as the fuel in 12% of
Lasers Static electricity all cases resulting in claims. Alcohol-containing
prep solutions are inexpensive and highly effective
Fiber-optic lights Electrical faults
for decreasing surgical site infection, so they cur-
Operating room lights rently play an extremely valuable role in the care
of our patients and not likely to go away anytime
Burns in the Operating Room
181 13
soon. But liquid alcohol creates vapors that can be
the fuel for a fire and so is potentially very danger- Box 13.1 Safety Recommendations for Prep
ous. After the liquid alcohol has fully dried and Solutions
the vapors have dispersed, there is no fuel avail- 55 Use controlled dose applicators
55 Follow manufacturer instructions for
able from alcohol to support a fire. Thus, allowing
alcohol to fully dry before draping is just one step 55 Use sterile towels to catch runoff and
in a process for safely using alcohol-based skin remove when finished
preps while keeping the risk of fire low. The appro- 55 Avoid pooling of prep
priate timing may be variable depending on the 55 Do not allow prep to soak hair, sheets, or
type or amount of solution used and the charac-
55 Ensure prep is dry before drapes are applied
teristics of the patient and the location of the prep. 55 Allow vapor to disperse
Although 3 min is the amount of time that is com-
monly used, visual inspection of the area should
be performed prior to draping the operating field
confirming that there is no residual liquid. such as with the use of a standardized time-out
The FDA became involved in surgical fire and checklist. All operating room sites should
prevention in 2015 because they regulate skin adhere to these precautions, create documented
prep solutions [4] and several of these substances policies and procedures to ensure adherence to
can serve as fuel for a fire. In 2007, recognizing the precautions, and then document the use of the
the risk of alcohol-based skin prep and OR fires, safety measures in the patient’s record. In sum-
the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services mary, one can limit the risk of alcohol becoming a
(CMS) issued a memorandum [5] that required fuel in a fire in the operating room by using appro-
implementation of fire risk measures whenever priate technique and application, limiting pooling
alcohol-containing skin preparations are used. of alcohol, and allowing adequate drying time.
One step to decreasing the fire risk of alcohol-
containing skin prep solutions is to control the Surgical Drapes and Gowns
amount of alcohol used in the skin prepping pro- Surgical drapes are also a common fuel source.
cess. Both the FDA and CMS recommend the use From 1990 to 2006, 81% of operating room surgi-
of the applicator provided by the manufacturer cal fires were fueled by surgical drapes [6]. Culp
rather than open use of the solution out of a bot- et al. [7] reviewed the Consumer Product Safety
tle. The applicators can still lead to pooling of the Commission’s (CPSC) flammability of garment
solution on the patient and on the surgical bed, testing protocol known as the Standard for
or the solution can soak linens, patient clothing, Flammability of Clothing Textiles (SFCT), which
or even hair. This should be avoided as the pooled measures the burn time of material samples [7].
alcohol or alcohol-soaked material will evaporate They modified the testing to include various con-
and the vapor can then ignite. The use of towels centrations of oxygen as might be present near a
around the prepped area to absorb excess solu- patient receiving supplemental oxygen. Currently
tion that are then safely discarded prior to final only surgical gowns are required to undergo flam-
sterile draping is a safe practice that can reduce mability testing. Not surprisingly, they concluded
the risk of fire by removing one source of fuel. that in oxygen-enriched environments, the time
CMS now requires that hospitals and surgery to ignition of surgical drapes and sponges was
centers that utilize alcohol-based skin prep estab- decreased and that as the oxygen concentration
lish policies and procedures to reduce the risk of increased, the risk of a surface flash fire also
fire. In the 2007 memorandum, CMS made sev- increased. They demonstrated that in 50–100%
eral recommendations for the proper handling of oxygen environments, surgical drapes, sponges,
alcohol-containing prep solutions which are sum- and gowns would all be considered Class III fab-
marized in 7 Box 13.1. All members of the operat-
ric, which means they would be unacceptably
ing room team should be cognizant of the risk and flammable as consumer wear. They concluded
participate in making sure prep solutions are dry that physician anesthesiologists and other operat-
before surgical drapes are applied. CMS requires ing team members should make informed deci-
that verification of the above precautions takes sions on the material choices to decrease the
place prior to initiating the surgical procedure likelihood of surgical fires.
182 K. S. de Lanzac and J. R. Koveleskie
it is, an adhesive drape should be used and the use, it should be placed in the plastic holder and
hair and skin protected. When supplemental oxy- not laid on the patient or drape, and the active
gen is required, it should be minimized, or it electrode tip of the ESU should always be in view
should be delivered through a closed system such before it is triggered by the user so that there is not
as an endotracheal tube or LMA. Airway fires and inadvertent arcing to an unintended area that
precautions will be discussed later in this chapter might contain enough fuel and oxidizer to start a
as they have some unique dangers and precau- fire. The tip should also remain clean. If coagulated
tions. tissue builds up on the tip of the device, the tissue
itself may burn and flame, and then that may ignite
other materials. ESU and fiber-optic light cords
13.4.4 Oxygen and Nitrous Oxide and cables should be dry and free of coils and
knots. The cables and connectors of a fiber-optic
The third section of the AORN checklist asks light can become very hot and may serve as a
about the use of oxygen and nitrous oxide. If those source of ignition. Cables should be inspected fre-
oxidizers are in use, drapes should be placed in a quently for damage, and the light source should be
manner to allow adequate forced air ventilation to in standby mode when not in use.
disperse high concentrations of oxygen or flam- To reduce the fire risk, a bipolar electrode
mable vapors like evaporating alcohol skin prep. should always be considered as there has never
The lowest possible concentration and flow of been a fire reported related to the use of bipolar
oxygen is always advised. Providers should con- electrosurgical units, possibly due to lower energy
sider using forced air or suction to scavenge excess being used and less chance of an arc occurring [13].
oxygen from under drapes. If the surgical proce-
dure is above the xiphoid, oxygen should be »» If coagulated tissue builds up on the tip of
the device the tissue itself may burn and
turned off for at least a minute and the area venti-
flame and then that may ignite other
lated with room air before the ESU is used. This
requires good communication between the oper-
ating team and the anesthesia team. The time-out Laser safety is similar in that the cords should
procedure should also allow for recognition of the be free of coils, moisture, and breaks and that only
fire risk and should include a reminder discussion the operator should trigger the laser. The laser
13 on the importance of communication between should be placed in standby mode when not in
team members when an ignition source is used. use, and the working end should be protected by
placing on a moist drape or towel and away from
flammable materials or the patient’s skin.
13.4.5 lectrosurgical Units, Lasers,
and Fiber Optics
13.4.6 Fire Contributors
The fourth section is concerned with the correct
use of the ESU and other devices. Ideally, only the The fifth and final section of the AORN checklist
person holding the ESU electrode should trigger covers other fire contributors that may be present
the device via the handheld or the foot pedal to during a procedure. This includes defibrillator
prevent unintentional arcing. The operator of the pads, drill bits, and burs.
ESU should communicate with the anesthesia Defibrillator pads should be appropriately
team when the ESU will be used, especially in sized and applied completely without any wrin-
MAC cases and high-risk procedures. ESU should kles to the patient’s skin. The skin should be dry
not be used to enter the bowel or trachea. Current and free of lotion, and only approved conducting
used should always be the minimum current gel should be used. When defibrillator pads must
required to be effective so that there is not exces- be used to cardiovert or defibrillate a patient, the
sive arcing and possible flame formation at the tip. lowest current acceptable should be used, and the
Whenever the ESU electrode instrument is not in operating room team should always be prepared
Burns in the Operating Room
185 13
for a spark and ignition. In the operating room, 13.4.7 ilverstein Fire Risk
very often these pads are out of the field and under Assessment Tool
the drapes, requiring even more vigilance to dry-
ing the area of prep solutions and minimizing Another simple risk assessment tool is the
oxidizers under the drapes. Silverstein Fire Risk Assessment Tool, developed
by Kenneth Silverstein, M.D., a physician anes-
The five sections of the AORN checklist help the thesiologist and Chief Clinical Officer at
operating team assess the risk for surgical fire and Christiana Care Health System in Delaware [14].
improve communication and recognition of risk This easy-to-use tool consists of these three ques-
among the team. In the simplest terms, the ques- tions, each scored 0 for NO and 1 for YES. Will
tions should be asked and a yes or no answer open oxygen source such as a nasal cannula or
should be given. If “yes” the risks should be dis- mask be used? Will a laser or electrocautery unit
cussed, and prevention preparation should be be used? Is the procedure at or above the level of
made including preparations to respond to a fire. the xiphoid process? A low fire risk procedure is a
Vigilance must be maintained for unusual sounds score of 0 or 1. Intermediate fire risk is a score of
and smells as they may be the first sign of an invis- 2. High fire risk scores 3.
ible ignition. Once a procedure is identified as a
high-risk for fire, appropriate precautions should zz Silverstein Fire Risk Assessment Tool
be followed as outlined in 7 Box 13.3.
Will open oxygen source such as a nasal cannula
»» The five sections of the AORN checklist help or mask be used?
Will a laser or electrocautery unit be used?
the operating team assess the risk for surgical
fire and improve communication and Is the procedure at or above the level of the
recognition of risk amongst the team. xiphoid process?
Low fire risk procedure is a score of 0 or 1.
Intermediate fire risk is a score of 2.
High fire risk scores 3.
Box 13.3 High Fire Risk Procedure The APSF has developed a simple and useful
Precautions algorithm (. Fig. 13.1) that can be followed once
Is >30% oxygen concentration required to maintain
oxygen saturation?
Use delivery device such as
Secure airway with endotracheal tube or blender or common gas outlet
supraglottic device.† to maintain oxygen below 30%.
† Although securing the airway is preferred, for cases where using a device is undesirable or not feasible,
oxygen accumulation may be minimized by air insufflation over the face and open draping to provide
wide exposure of the surgical site to the atmosphere.
*The following organizations have indicated their support for APSF’s efforts to increase awareness of the
potential for surgical fires in at-risk patients: American Society of Anesthesiologists, American Association
13 of Nurse Anesthetists, American Academy of Anesthesiologist Assistants, American College of Surgeons,
American Society of Anesthesia Technologists and Technicians, American Society of PeriAnesthesia Nurses,
Association of periOperative Registered Nurses, ECRI Institute, Food and Drug Administration Safe Use
Initiative, National Patient Safety Foundation, The Joint Commission
.. Fig. 13.1 APSF fire prevention algorithm, used with permission from APSF
and extinguish the fire allowing other members of the precautions that should be taken in cases that
the team to care for the patient. may result in an airway fire.
188 K. S. de Lanzac and J. R. Koveleskie
Fire Management:
Early Warning Signs of Fire5
.. Fig. 13.2 ASA operating room fire algorithm, used with permission
Burns in the Operating Room
189 13
strike on the cuff. Alternatively the endotracheal
Box 13.4 Airway Fire Precautions tube may be repeatedly placed and removed by
55 Recognition of risk the surgeon performing using the laser during
55 Follow standard fire precautions with
periods of apnea.
recognition of high risk
55 Minimize oxygen concentration
55 Communicate before activation of ESU or
»» Airway procedures are the perfect storm
bringing an oxygen enriched environment in
55 Never use ESU to enter the airway the respiratory tree in close proximity to the
55 Use laser-resistant endotracheal tubes ignition source of the ESU or laser with the
when applicable endotracheal tube serving as the fuel.
55 Fill endotracheal tube cuff with tinted
saline for laser cases
55 Be prepared to emergently turn off fresh
gases and remove the endotracheal tube 13.6.2 Prevention
55 Additional airway equipment available
55 Saline or water available and designated on
the field or table Tracheostomy and tonsillectomy are two typi-
55 Vigilance and a rehearsed plan of action if a cal airway procedures. If the cuffed endotra-
fire occurs cheal tube works perfectly, oxygen should not
escape during a tonsillectomy. But during a
tracheostomy, the risk of fire goes up even more
because the surgeon intentionally enters the
13.6.1 Preparation potentially oxygen-enriched tracheal lumen.
Even small holes in the airway can produce a jet
Preparation for a case that could lead to an airway of oxygen- enriched gas igniting a fire. ESU
fire includes all of the previously mentioned gen- should not be used to enter the trachea to limit
eral fire prevention education, skills, strategies, the chance of ignition within the trachea.
communication, equipment, and practiced team- Decrease the FiO2 to 21% but at least less than
work plus some additional items which should be 30% if possible, and realize that it may take sev-
immediately available: eral minutes for the FiO2 in the trachea to
55 Saline or water in a basin with soaked gauze decrease adequately. Good communication
sponges on the field to extinguish a fire with the surgeon is necessary.
55 Backup airway equipment such as endotra- Lasering vocal cord lesions is definitely a high
cheal tubes and an anesthesia mask if a fire risk case. Jet ventilation has been advocated
burned airway device must be removed to reduce the fire risk by reducing the fuel of the
55 An anesthesia machine that can deliver air to endotracheal tube in the airway. Unfortunately,
deliver a lower FiO2 anesthetic airway fires can still occur with jet ventilation.
55 Even greater attention to the sparing and “fire Wegrzynowicz et al. [16] published a case report
safe” use of the ESU where jet ventilation was used for a patient hav-
ing a vocal cord papillomata removed [16]. All
Adding a laser to an airway procedure brings an fire precautions were taken including having the
even higher energy ignition source than an entirety of the patient’s head covered in saline-
ESU. Typical PVC endotracheal tubes readily saturated OR towels to prevent laser injury and
ignite producing thick black toxic smoke and are fire. An inadvertent laser strike caused second-
generally avoided. Laser “safe” tubes made of degree burns as two fingers of a surgeon’s glove
alternate materials or covered with metal foil or flamed bright blue and orange. A muffled roar
other coatings to reduce flammability can be eas- was heard as this flaming gas was entrained by
ily purchased. Purpose-made metal foil tape can the Venturi effect into the oxygen-enriched tra-
be wrapped around a regular endotracheal tube to chea as the jet ventilator was activated. The flam-
lessen the vulnerability of the tube to a laser’s heat. ing gas then was exhaled out of the mouth but
Flexible metal endotracheal tubes are available. also the nose under the wet towels, setting the
The cuff(s) of all of these tubes should be filled patient’s moustache ablaze and causing second-
with saline, often tinted with methylene blue for degree burns of his lip. It all happened in an
easier leak detection, to reduce the risk of a laser instant!
190 K. S. de Lanzac and J. R. Koveleskie
associated with a risk of chemical burns in neo- Modern isolated electrosurgery units will com-
nates and children. Forty-four cases of chemical pletely stop delivering energy if the dispersion pad
burns were found in preterm infants after the is not on the patient at all, but if the pad is applied
application of chlorhexidine [25]. These infants poorly with wrinkles and is partially lifted or has
were 26 weeks or younger or were infants that dried out nonconductive areas, this may not be
weighed less than 1000 grams. In five of the cases,
the injury resolved but left scarring, discoloration,
or keloids. Death was reported in five cases with
most attributed to comorbidities attributed to Box 13.8 Recommendations for Dispersion
prematurity, but the chemical burns were consid- Pad Safety
ered a possible contributory factor. Due to the risk 55 Only approved pads should be used
55 Do not reuse disposables
of chemical burns, CHG should not be used in 55 Pads should be applied close to the surgical
neonates. site
Quaternary compounds used to clean the sur- 55 Apply pad to a clean and dry site
gical table and stretchers for transport can also 55 Use appropriately sized pads for the patient
cause skin burns. These substances may also be 55 Confirm that pad is securely adhered to the
used in the cleaning of surgical tools. These burn 55 Never reposition a pad using the same pad
injuries are rare if standard precautions of ade- 55 Place pad over a well-perfused area with
quate drying time and avoidance of contact with large muscle mass
patient skin are followed. 55 Do not place over implanted hardware
Accidental chemical burns may also occur due 55 Do not place pad over scar tissue
55 Consider clipping hair before placement or
to mislabeled solutions in the operating room. In avoid hairy areas
2013, according to the Institute for Safe Medication 55 Avoid pad placement over joints or bony
Practices (ISMP), which operates the National protrusions
Medication Errors Reporting Program, several 55 Place pad after patient has been positioned
cases of chemical burns have been reported from 55 Document site and skin condition before
and after pad placement and removal
accidental use of glacial acetic acid (99.5%), a 55 Adhere to safety alarms and recheck pad as
highly concentrated form of acetic acid, instead of necessary
a 4–5% solution [26]. 55 Avoid placing a pad distal to a tourniquet
The application and removal of adhesive tape, 55 Avoid placing pad near implanted cardiac
electrocardiogram pads, and surgical drape adhe- devices
55 Avoid placing pad over tattoos as certain
sive may cause chemical burns or physically inks may contain metal
denude the skin which may scar as much as a burn.
194 K. S. de Lanzac and J. R. Koveleskie
sensed properly by the machine, and then the cur- should be undertaken when sedation is utilized.
rent may still flow across a smaller skin area and Patients should be screened for metallic objects,
cause a burn. Also if the dispersion pad is too close and they should always change into a hospital
to the incision or is placed over metal implants, a gown. When patients are placed on the table, skin-
burn can occur. to-skin contact should be avoided to prevent cur-
rent loops [27]. Only manufacturer-approved
padding should be used to insulate patients.
13.10.2 Electrocautery Monitoring cable and other lines should be routed
in a straight line out of the MRI tube and not
Electrocautery uses DC electrical current to heat coiled. Coiling can allow induction of current
a metal wire until glowing, which is applied to tis- leading to burns. Trained technicians should oper-
sue to burn or coagulate a specific area of tissue. ate the MRI machine, and standard operating pro-
Current does not pass through the patient typi- cedures should be followed. Patients should always
cally, but heat is passed to the tissue from the wire. be observed while in the MRI unit, and institu-
This is typically used by dermatologists, ophthal- tional fire safety precautions should be followed.
mologists, and plastic surgeons. ECUs are smaller
and may be battery operated.
13.12 Conclusion
13.10.3 Electrical Faults Patients expect that they will be safe from danger
when undergoing surgery and protection from
Electrical faults from equipment or wiring can burns is no exception. Burns of any type in the
lead to electric shock in the operating room. operating room are an unexpected event, but they
Electrical shock often leads to burns that present should not be completely unanticipated.
with only a small surface lesion on the skin but We have outlined various types of burns that
much more significant tissue damage underneath. can occur. The risks of burns in the operating
A very high index of suspicion is needed when room should be recognized by the members of the
examining and caring for these patients. anesthesia care team, and methods for prevention
should be considered and undertaken. This
13 includes education of all members of the operat-
13.11 Magnetic Resonance Imaging ing room team on risk assessment and methods
that can be used to minimize the potential for
There are several mechanisms for burns to occur burns.
in the magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) unit In the unfortunate event that a burn occurs,
including electromagnetic induction heating, whether a significant injury due to fire, or a minor
antenna effects, and closed-loop current induc- skin burn from adhesive, the operating room
tion [27]. team should recognize the injury, report and doc-
Monitor cables, external objects, and implants ument the injury, and as a quality measure assess
can be heated during MRI resulting in burns. system policies and procedures to see if they were
Manufacturer guidelines and facility protocols followed or if they need to be improved. Patients
should be followed when patients are undergoing and family members should be informed of the
MRI. Only monitors and cables approved for MRI potential risk of burns and if a burn were to occur
use should be used in the MRI unit. appropriate treatment delivered as needed.
There are a few simple safety precautions that Surgical fires and other burn injuries are rare but
can be followed to minimize the chance of burns are almost always preventable, and with appropri-
during an MRI procedure. Sedated patients will ate training, education, and attention to risk fac-
not necessarily be able to alert of a warming sensa- tors, operating room teams can protect patients
tion or a burn. Therefore heightened precautions from these potentially catastrophic events.
Burns in the Operating Room
195 13
References 15. Stoelting RK, Feldman JM, Cowles CE, Bruley ME. Sur-
gical fire injuries continue to occur: prevention may
require more cautious use of oxygen. APSF Newsletter.
1. Burns. 2017. Retrieved 13 Nov 2017, from http://www.
16. Wegrzynowicz ES, Jensen NF, Pearson KS, Wachtel RE,
2. ECRI Institute. New clinical guide to surgical fire pre-
Scamman FL. Airway fire during jet ventilation for laser
vention. Patients can catch fire—here’s how to keep
excision of vocal cord papillomata. Anesthesiology.
them safer. Health Devices. 2009;328:314–332 6.
3. Mehta SP, Bhananker SM, Posner KL, Domino KB. Oper-
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dominal fire during laparoscopic cholecystec-
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25. Paternoster M, Niola M, Graziano V. Avoiding chlorhexi-
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gery. Philadelphia: Mosby/Elsevier; 2009. p. 145–60.
14. Dennison DA. Scoring patients for fire risk adds
to safety. Nursing. 2011;41(2):67–8. https://doi.
197 14
Eye Injury
Chizoba N. Mosieri and Mary E. Arthur
eye injuries analyzed as part of the ASA Closed caused by movement and other eye injury claims
Claims Project accounted for 3% of all claims in †P ≤ 0.01 between median payments for corneal
the database (71 of 2046). While the payment fre- abrasions and other eye injuries
quency for eye injury claims was higher than that
for non-eye injury claims (70% vs. 56%; P ≤ 0.05),
the median cost of eye injury claims were less
14 than for other claims ($24,000 vs. $95,000; percent of these cases (16 of 21) occurred during
P ≤ 0.01). There was a low median payment general anesthesia, and the remaining 24% [5]
($3000) for claims for corneal abrasion, while the occurred during monitored anesthesia care
median payment for claims involving movement (MAC) [6].
was ten times greater than for non-movement Corneal abrasions are the most prevalent ocu-
claims ($90,000 vs. $9000; P ≤ 0.01) [6]. lar injuries in the perioperative period. Anesthesia
(. Table 14.1).
and analgesia inherently mask the natural
response to pain, preventing the patient from
sensing and reacting to the noxious stimulus of
14.2 Mechanisms of Eye Injury ongoing corneal exposure. Reviewers in the
closed claims analysis were able to identify a
In the ASA closed claim analysis, two distinct mechanism of injury in only 20% of claims for
subsets of eye injury associated with anesthesia corneal abrasion.
were identified. The first, 25 of 71 claims (35%), Prolonged surgical procedures (>7 h) associ-
was characterized by corneal abrasion and a low ated with acute blood loss, hypotension, and
incidence of permanent injury (16%) during gen- hypoxia leading to posterior ischemic optic neu-
eral anesthesia. Patient movement characterized ropathies as well as direct pressure to the perior-
the second subset of eye injury during ophthalmic bital region of the eye from positioning leading to
surgery (21 of 71; 30%). Blindness was the out- increased intraocular pressure have also been
come in all cases in the second subset. Seventy-six implicated in eye injuries [7].
Eye Injury
199 14
14.3 Corneal Abrasions 55 Long surgical procedures, (odds ratio, 1.16
and Mechanisms of Occurrence per hour of anesthetic care; CI, 1.1–1.3)
55 Lateral positioning during surgery (odds
In non-ocular surgery, eye injuries are rela- ratio, 4.7; CI, 2–11)
tively uncommon. There may be pain, discom- 55 Operation on the head or neck (odds ratio,
fort, and occasionally visual loss when they 4.4; CI, 2.2–9.0)
occur. As mentioned earlier, corneal abrasions 55 General anesthesia (odds ratio, 3.0; CI,
are the most frequent ocular complications 2.2–38)
reported in the literature following general 55 Surgery on a Monday (odds ratio, 2.7; CI,
anesthesia [8–11]. 1.4–5.3)
They are a very painful postoperative burden
to the patient. The 1992 ASA closed claim analysis A specific cause of injury could only be identified
showed that of the 3% of all claims in the database in 21% of these cases [10]. These corneal abrasions
attributable to eye injury, 35% of these claims rep- with their multiple etiologies can lead to sight-
resented corneal abrasions with a 16% incidence threatening keratitis and permanent scarring. In a
of permanent eye injury [6]. Corneal abrasions report in the 1970s, patients whose eyes were nat-
occurred during general anesthesia, MAC, and urally closed or covered by adhesive tape during
regional anesthesia. general anesthesia did not develop exposure kera-
Corneal injury can occur secondary to various titis and showed negative fluorescein staining in
mechanisms. These can be due to mechanical the immediate postoperative period. The develop-
injury, chemical injury, exposure keratopathy, and ment and deployment of the handheld slit lamp
tear film destruction. There are several causative has made eye examination easier, more conve-
factors under mechanical injury, ranging from nient, and precise. The detection of tiny corneal
direct corneal trauma from facemasks, stetho- injuries can now be achieved with the use of the
scopes, identity badges, and other foreign objects slit lamp in fluorescein-stained eyes which other-
and surgical drapes which come in contact with the wise could have been missed or gone undetected
patient’s eyes accidentally. These injuries may occur under direct light observation.
secondary to loss of pain perception, inadequate In the study using a handheld slit lamp [11],
closure of eyelids, decreased corneal reflexes, or a corneal injuries were detected in a few patients
decrease in basal tear production. It is necessary to with adhesive tape protection or hydrogel patch
have in place prophylactic strategies that can pre- with higher incidence than was reported in other
vent corneal exposure and maintain tear film. studies [8, 9], hence greater accuracy of detection.
The reported incidence varies depending on Having studied the use of hydrogel and adhesive
the methodology of detection. The incidence has tape protection, this group started advocating for
been reported as high as 44% in a small prospec- the use of the convenient handheld slit lamp
tive study of general surgical patients, where fluo- immediately postsurgery to check for postsurgical
rescein staining of the corneal epithelium was eye injuries, which would provide instructions for
used [9]. In a large prospective study (n = 4652) of the use of protective eye drops or ointment after
patients undergoing neurosurgical procedures, an surgery to avoid eye discomfort and even perma-
incidence of 0.17% of corneal abrasions was nent ocular sequelae [11]. Therefore, the hand-
reported based on symptoms and confirmed by held slit lamp is more accurate and represents a
fluorescein staining [8]. In a review of 60,965 better way of evaluating corneal injury during
patients by a group in North America, an inci- general anesthesia.
dence of 0.056% was reported as sustaining eye This study of 76 patients also showed that
injuries (n = 34). Corneal abrasions were the most there was less ocular damage in the hydrogel
common [n = 21, (0.036%)] or 60% of all eye inju- group than the adhesive tape group (p < 0.01).
ries reported in this study [10]. Other injuries Twelve eyes (15.8%) in the hydrogel patch group
were conjunctivitis, blurred vision, red eye, chem- and 30 eyes (39.5%) in the adhesive tape group
ical injury, direct trauma, and blindness. showed ocular injury immediately after surgery.
Independent factors associated with a higher rela- All eyes with positive staining recovered sponta-
tive risk of eye injury included: neously within 24 h. At this time, there is no stan-
200 C. N. Mosieri and M. E. Arthur
dard method of protecting the cornea during Anatomy Review The cornea is an avascular
general anesthesia for non-ocular surgery. structure that is comprised of five histologically dis-
Now, since it is considered that direct trauma tinct layers. A pre-corneal tear film that is com-
and destruction of tear film are the major culprits posed of three layers – lipid, aqueous, and
in corneal abrasion, it is imperative that strategies mucin – protects the cornea. The outermost lipid
that reduce both phenomena be employed in the layer prevents evaporation of the aqueous layer and
reduction of same. Currently the practice of peri- acts as a lubricant. The aqueous layer oxygenates
operatively taping the eyelids closed is not with- the corneal epithelium. The main function of the
out its shortcomings. The practice of instilling mucin layer is to create a hydrophilic surface for the
ointment is uncommon. Both practices have corneal epithelium. The pre-corneal tear film
shortcomings, including foreign body sensation regenerates by blinking; therefore, the absence of
and blurred vision. Thus, it may be time to stan- blinking during general anesthesia makes the cor-
dardize eye protection (. Table 14.2).
nea susceptible to injury/damage [12] (. Figs. 14.1,
Retina Sclera
Optic disk
(Blind spot) Dura mater
.. Fig. 14.1 The vertical section of the right eye from the nasal side. Illustration by Equiano Mosieri. (Adapted from 7
202 C. N. Mosieri and M. E. Arthur
Ciliary body
Iris Retina
Lens Macula
Vitreous body
Optic disc
.. Fig. 14.2 Simplified eye diagram. Illustration by Equiano Mosieri. (Adapted from 7
Mechanical protection is achieved by highly damage to stem cell niches presents a very serious
aligned and tough collagenous lamella, which are condition for which there are limited treatment
arranged to withstand biaxial loads and therefore options. The cornea and the lens are thought to
provide significant mechanical protection to the act together as cooperative special filters which
intraocular contents. protect the retina from toxic UV radiation.
Transport protection is provided by the corneal
epithelium. Since it is the leading surface of the Transmission The cornea is able to transmit about
ocular system, it is subject to chemical, mechani- 95% of the incident radiation in the accepted visible
cal, and pathological insult. It handles this diffi- spectrum. The cornea has to be maintained in a
cult environmental insult by generating and relatively dehydrated state. If cornea stroma were
sloughing cells, while it still continuously pre- allowed to absorb fluid to equilibrate internal pres-
serves tight junctional complexes at all times [14]. sure, it would become opaque. So corneal structural
A continuous supply of proliferative basal cells architecture needs to be maintained and protected,
derived from stem cell niches at the limbus hence high vigilance during surgery and anesthesia.
ensures the sturdiness of the endothelial coverage
of the stroma [15]. If stem cell niches are not Refraction The corneal curvature is involved in
compromised, any damage to the epithelium is refraction but exact mechanism of its control and
repaired quickly (within 3–5 days). Any loss or maintenance is not well understood.
Eye Injury
Optic tract
Optic chiasm
Ophthalmic a Cavernous sinus
Central retinal a. Internal carotid a.
Short posterior ciliary a. Inferior ophthalmic v.
Site of CA Site of AION Site of CRAO Site of PION
.. Fig. 14.3 Diagram showing the sites of occurrence of different eye injuries and the causes. Illustration by Frances Mak. (Adapted from Mendel et al. [17])
14 203
204 C. N. Mosieri and M. E. Arthur
.. Table 14.3 Summary of identified causes of postoperative vision loss (POVL) and malpractice claims
Identified Pathophysiology Clinical presentation Incidence range Post op injury Permanent Median claim
cause of POVL malpractice eye injuries payment
claim incidence (1980–2011) (1980–2011)
C. N. Mosieri and M. E. Arthur
Corneal Decreased corneal protection Complaints of blurry vision, 0.17–44% during 31% (1980–1994)
abrasion through inhibition of corneal tearing, redness, photophobia, the perioperative 18% (1995–2011)
reflex and decreased tear foreign body sensation [19] period [19] [20]
production [18]
Ischemic optic Not well understood; proposed AION: painless and progressive 89% of POVL Optic nerve 49% $128,100
neuropathy mechanisms include increased deterioration of vision, optic disk occurring from injuries 1980–1994
intraocular pressure and edema which resolves spine surgery; 5% (1980–1994)
ophthalmic vein congestion [21] spontaneously in 7.9–11.4 weeks
PION: acute painless visual loss Posterior ION 38% (1995–2011) 73% $424,750 [23]
in one or both eyes that can (PION) accounts for [23] 1995–2011
progress to complete blindness 60% of these cases [23]
[22] [25]
Central retinal Emboli and direct pressure on Typically manifests unilaterally 11% of spine
artery the globe [24] with “cattle tracking” of the surgeries [26]
occlusion arterioles with a “cherry-red”
spot visible during fundoscopic
exam [25]
Cortical Ischemia or extreme hypoperfu- Deteriorating vision that results 0.0038% of POVL –
blindness (CB) sion of the occipital lobes [27] in partial or bilateral POVL [27] cases due to CB [26]
Adapted from Mendel et al. [17] Vision loss during non-ocular surgery
Eye Injury
207 14
permanent injury in most cases. Peripheral
nerve blocks however are associated with Box 14.1 Risk Factors Associated with Isch-
temporary injuries. The most major cause emic Optic Neuropathy After Spinal Fusion
for concern is local anesthetic toxicity Surgery: The Postoperative Visual Loss Study
which can result in brain damage and death. Group [29]
55 Obesitya
55 Male gendera
55 Wilson framea
14.12 Preparation for Eye Surgeries 55 Lower % colloid administrationa
55 Longer anesthetic duration
Depending on the type of case and patient comor- 55 Greater estimated blood loss
bidities, both surgeon and anesthesiologist should
discuss and agree on the type of anesthetic, i.e., aSignificantly and independently associated with
general anesthesia, monitored anesthetic care, developing ischemic optic neuropathy after spinal
fusion surgery
local anesthesia with sedation, and block with or
without sedation that will be a safe option for the
How to Make it Happen.” Lorri A. Lee introduced There are also POVL resources at the APSF
the APSF videos that dealt with perioperative website: 7
visual loss (POVL) and the companion video that Simulated Informed Consent
presented various scenarios for obtaining Scenarios for Patients at Risk for Perioperative
informed consent for those patients at risk for Visual Loss (POVL) (7 Box 14.3): 7 http://www.
References 15. Zieske JD. Perpetuation of stem cells in the eye. Eye.
16. Kwee MM, Ho Y-H, Rozen WM. The prone position
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tion of peri-operative corneal abrasions. Anaes-
sponsored conference on perioperative visual
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fusion surgery. Anesthesiology. 2012;116(1):15–24. 32. American Society of Anesthesiologists Task Force on Perioperative Visual Loss. Practice advisory for peri-
30. Anesthesia Patient Safety Foundation – Resources – operative visual loss associated with spine surgery.
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31. White E. Care of the eye during anaesthesia. Anaesth
Intensive Care Med. 2004;5(9):302–3. https://doi.
213 15
15.1 Introduction – 214
15.2 Risk Factors and Causes of Nerve Injury – 214
15.2.1 Patient-Related Factors – 214
15.2.2 Anesthesia-Related Factors – 214
15.2.3 Surgery-Related Factors – 215
15.6 Summary – 223
15.7 Review Questions – 223
15.8 Answers – 223
References – 223
Type A Type B
Sunderland I II III IV V
Recovery and Recovery in weeks to months. Good Good prognosis Guarded prognosis. Poor prognosis. Surgery Poor prognosis. Early surgical
prognosis prognosis Surgery may be required necessary intervention needed
Severe Peripheral Nerve Injury
217 15
clinical practice, nerve injuries are often on a pronated. This is due to involvement of musculo-
spectrum of severity. cutaneous, axillary, and suprascapular nerves. If
Sunderland II and above are considered non- the lower nerve roots C8–T1 are involved, numb-
degenerative. ness in the ulnar nerve distribution and a “claw
In most cases, injuries resolve within hand” can be observed [19].
6–12 weeks. More than half of the patients typi-
cally regain complete sensory and motor function Ulnar Neuropathy
within a year. Ulnar nerve injury is significantly more common
than any other nerve injury. Sensory deficit is
characterized by tingling or numbness along the
15.3.1 pper Extremity Peripheral
U fifth/little finger. Weakness of abduction and/or
Nerve Injury (. Table 15.4)
adduction of the fingers can be present, while
motor involvement is appreciated by an ulnar Brachial Plexus Injury claw hand which entails hyperextension of the
Brachial plexus is innervated via C5–T1 nerve metacarpophalangeal joints and flexion at the dis-
roots. If upper nerve roots are involved (C5, C6), tal and the proximal interphalangeal joints of the
a typical “waiter’s tip” position is seen in which fourth and the fifth fingers [18]. For majority of
the hands are by the side, medially rotated, and patients with ulnar neuropathy, manifestations
began 2–7 days after surgery. Symptoms are most
often mild, confined to sensory deficits, and were
.. Table 15.3 Definitions of closed versus open completely reversible [20].
injury Median Nerve Injury
Closed nerve injury Open nerve injury
The median nerve is supplied by C5–T1 nerve
Nerve injuries in continu- Open injury along roots. Median nerve injury usually results from
ity without disruption in the nerve course invasive procedures around the elbow and direct
continuity of nerve. provoked by knives, injury via regional anesthesia techniques. Early
Spontaneous recovery is propellers, glass, or
symptoms are pain and paresthesia confined to a
possible. Surgery is scalpel. Immediate
indicated only if no surgery is required median nerve distribution in the hand, i.e., involv-
recovery after 3 months in open nerve ing primarily the thumb, index, and middle
injuries fingers as well as the lateral half of the ring finger.
Motor manifestations include weakness of
.. Table 15.4 Specific clinical manifestations of upper extremity nerve injuries [18]
Median nerve Numbness over the index finger Weakness of abduction of the thumb
Ulnar nerve Numbness over the little finger Weakness of abduction and/or adduction of
the fingers
Radial nerve Numbness over anatomical snuffbox Weakness of extension at the distal
interphalangeal joint of the thumb and of the
wrist and finger extensors
Musculocuta- Numbness along lateral aspect arm Weakness of flexion of the elbow
neous nerve
Brachial Combinations of sensory lesions within the Combinations of motor lesions within the
plexus median, ulnar, radial, musculocutaneous, and median, ulnar, radial, musculocutaneous, and
circumflex nerve territories circumflex nerve territories
218 R. Tariq et al.
.. Table 15.5 Most common nerve injuries as per .. Table 15.6 Specific clinical manifestations of
ASA closed claims analysis [19] lower extremity nerve injuries
15.4.3 Imaging
15.4 Evaluation and Diagnosis
MRI and ultrasound are the two advanced modal-
Evaluation and diagnosis of peripheral nerve ities most frequently used to assess upper extrem-
injuries begin with a detailed history to detect any ity nerve entrapment [24]. 3 Tesla MRI can
preexisting nerve deficit and thorough physical provide high-resolution imaging to visualize the
examination to determine the site of lesion. peripheral nerve and confirm the site of lesion. It
Physical exam should be able to show if the nerve can be particularly helpful if used in adjuvant to
deficit is sensory or motor and involves single or EMG/NCS.
multiple nerves. In actuality, nerve injuries are on
a spectrum. The localization of the nerve deficit is
based on the distribution of abnormal findings. 15.5 anagement of Severe Nerve
Ideally, the evaluation of perioperative nerve inju- Injury
ries involves a consultation with a neurologist
particularly if there is a motor or mixed deficit. The recovery time of the injured nerve depends on
Electromyography (EMG) and nerve stimulation various external factors including most importantly
studies are also important in determining the early nerve exploration and repair. However, it
extent of injury. These electrophysiology tests can should be known that axonal regeneration rate is as
help distinguish between nerve dysfunction due slow as only 1–2 mm per day and there is almost no
to axonal degeneration (such as with PNI) and treatment to accelerate this process [25]. Irreversible
nerve dysfunction due to demyelination (such as motor unit degeneration starts 12–18 months after
with chronic compressive lesions including carpal denervation of the muscle but may persist for
tunnel syndrome). Certain imaging modalities 26 months [26]. Recovery and regeneration of sen-
might prove helpful as well. sory nerve may take even longer (. Table 15.7).
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227 16
Catastrophic Perioperative
Complications and
Management in the
Trauma Patient
Elyse M. Cornett, Matthew B. Novitch, Julia B. Kendrick,
Jennifer M. Kaiser, Patricia D. Toro-Perez, Alex B. Shulman,
Forrest Ericksen, Christopher Zeman, and Alan David Kaye
References – 242
Catastrophic Perioperative Complications and Management in the Trauma Patient
229 16
16.1 Summary: Aims and Scope ensue to ensure maximum survival potential. The
Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS) training
In the last two decades, the care of the surgical program was developed to provide uniformity in
patient has changed dramatically. New equip- the assessment and management of trauma
ment, monitors, and pharmacologic agents have patients [15]. Since then, the program has been
transformed surgical technique and improved adopted nationally by the American College of
outcomes. Patients once deemed “too sick” for the Surgeons Committee on Trauma (ACSCOT) and
operating room are found frequently on operating has provided the latest evidence for the most
room schedules nationwide. effective trauma care. With the proper prepara-
Today, anesthesiology for the healthy patient tion, even catastrophic perioperative complica-
in most developed countries is extremely safe. tions can be dealt with to maximize survival
However, perioperative complications still occur. potential.
These events can be catastrophic for patients and
may have serious implications for residents, surgi-
cal and anesthesiology staff, and nurses. Prompt 16.2.2 Pre-arrival and Triage
recognition and management of these incidents
may reduce or negate complications. This is based Pre-arrival notification is imperative to the suc-
on a fundamental base of knowledge acquired cess of the trauma team. Local EMS systems ought
through several avenues and practiced with other to have a protocol in place to alert the team and
team members to maximize outcomes. provide information with regard to patient status.
Engagement of all caregivers impacts outcomes. Upon notification to the emergency room, many
Many organizations do not have the structural hospitals use an overhead paging mechanism to
components or education to recognize or manage alert staff. This alert should include the level of
these catastrophic events. severity, the location in the hospital, and the time
This chapter will provide educational material of arrival, for example, “Code Yellow-Room
for the many students, as well as nurses, residents, 32-Level 1-15 minutes.” This notification should
or attending physicians who participate in peri- activate a coordinated sequence of events involv-
operative medicine. It will focus on the most seri- ing the trauma surgeon, anesthesiologists, nurs-
ous perioperative complications and include a ing team, technicians, radiologist, and operating
discussion of the pathophysiologic and pharma- room representatives. If time allows, a gathering
cologic implications unique to each. Additionally, of personnel in the room prior to arrival will allow
it will provide medicolegal information pertinent the designation of tasks to ensure that the proper
to those providing care to these patients. All equipment is set up based on the specific needs of
chapters will be written with the most current and the patient. At this meeting, the individual that
relevant information by leading experts in each received EMS report would give a summary
field. including key details that should be known by
everyone on the trauma team. For example,
“Patient is a 26-year-old male involved in a motor
16.2 Acute Management vehicle collision. He is having a hard time breath-
of the Trauma Patient ing and has a possible head injury and a right leg
injury.” The first step in room preparation should
16.2.1 Preparation for the Arrival begin promptly with the appropriate personal
of the Trauma Patient protective equipment for each member of the
team. Mask, gloves, and gowns should be dawned
Inadequate preparation and equipment place- as personal safety is top priority. From this point
ment can negatively influence the outcome of the forward, the room can be tailored to meet the
traumatic patient. It is critically important that needs of the patient with the guidance of the
each individual member of the trauma team trauma surgeon. For example, airway difficulty
knows their role and has the necessary prepara- may prompt the anesthesiology team to set up for
tion and skills for an unpredictable situation. As possible intubation and radiology at bedside for
soon as the patient presents through the doors, an immediate chest X-ray along with a chest tube kit
expedited and highly coordinated process must for easy accessibility [14].
230 E. M. Cornett et al.
Eye opening
Spontaneous 4
16.2.3 Pre-arrival Room Preparation
To loud voice 3 Meticulous room preparation can heavily impact
To pain 2 the already chaotic parameters of a traumatic
patient. With multiple team members attempting
None 1
to access the patient, it can become highly clus-
Verbal response tered and make it difficult for team members to
Oriented 5 perform their job adequately. Proper placement of
the bed, monitors, cabinets, and tables ensures
Confused, disoriented 4 quality, efficient care. Technicians should arrange
Inappropriate words 3 equipment to allow smooth transition of care
from EMS to the trauma team. Typically, this
Incomprehensible words 2
starts with bed placement in the room. First, zero
None 1 a weighted bed and place a draw sheet to allow
Motor response easy movement of the patient once transferred
from the EMS cart. Slightly angling the cart and
Obeys commands 6
placing a side rail down often indicate for EMS to
Localizes pain 5 transfer the patient on that side upon arrival. This
Withdraws from pain 4 may be important to ensure access to equipment
during the transfer from EMS cart to bed.
Abnormal flexion posturing 3 Following transfer, if space allows, center the bed
Extensor posturing 2 in the room to allow maximum space for all team
members to perform their tasks. . Figure 16.1
None 1
indicates the proper positioning of all team mem-
bers in the trauma room.
Consider mechanism,
presence of extra-abdominal trauma
Hemodynamically stable?
No Yes
US+/–DPT Alert?
+ –
No Yes
LAP Signs of
extra-abdominal Management options include: US
– Abd CT
(eg, pelvic fracture, – Serial exams +/– admit
long bone fracture, – +
Observe NOM
Observe/serial NOM vs. LAP
exams vs. LAP
+/– admit
.. Fig. 16.1 Anesthesia for trauma. New evidence and new challenges (must request access)
stiffness. One point is added for each of the obstruction cannot be visualized. One point is
conditions listed if they are present. For assigned to the presence of airway obstruction.
example, if the patient has large incisors and a 55 N stands for Neck mobility. One point is
large tongue, two points are added. assigned to the presence of neck mobility
55 E stands for Evaluate. The 3–3-2 finger rule is caused by any reason, including cervical
used for this section, to specify an interincisor collar.
distance <3 fingers, mentum to hyoid distance
<3 fingers, and floor of the mouth to thyroid With a maximum of 10 points, the LEMON score
notch distance <2 fingers. One point is assigned gives a rough estimation of ease of airway con-
for each abnormal finding. solidation in the traumatic patient [11, 41, 47].
55 M stands for Mallampati score, which is a If oxygen levels and the external ventilation
traditional evaluation of the oral cavity to are viable at time of first response, definitive air-
assess for ease of intubation. Inability to way establishment may be detrimental and not
visualize the uvula suggests a grade 3 or 4 required [24, 46, 48]. Evaluation of the airway is
view during laryngoscopy. One point is key as trauma may not be overt. Full airway exam-
assigned for Mallampati grade 3 and 4 view. ination should be completed; however, due to
55 O stands for Obstruction of any cause, immobilization, injury, and lack of time, extensive
including if signs and symptoms are there and assessment is not always an option. History
232 E. M. Cornett et al.
should be taken only when practical and is not 16.3.1 Traumatic Facial Injury
essential when treating acute injuries [3].
Initiation of emergent airway consolidation Condylar fractures and mandibular and zygo-
requires routine protocol and procedures of air- matic arch injuries can cause difficulties in open-
way management combined with special knowl- ing the jaw because of mechanical impediment or
edge of several common factors that may alter muscular spasms. Trismus may resolve with neu-
protocol in a traumatic setting [5]. Oxygen should romuscular paralysis, but bony blockages may
be administered, the airway should be cleared, require surgical removal. Nasal intubation is not
and many airway management procedures may recommended due to risks in disturbing the basi-
be utilized including suction, oral airway, and lar skull. Basilar skull fractures due to nasal intu-
bag-mask ventilation and intubation. A manipu- bation increase the risk of intracranial infection
lation of the neck can cause movement of the spi- and meningitis [6].
nal cord leading to neurologic injury [30]. During
all proceedings the maneuvers must maintain
manual in-line immobilization to decrease the 16.3.2 Airway Compression
risk of cervical spine injury [30].
Definitive airway establishment is not essen- Neck trauma significantly increases the dangers of
tial in all patients with airway injury. Indications intubation. Cervical spine injuries can cause
for emergent airway establishment would include hematoma in the retropharyngeal space which
hypoxia, agitation, respiratory distress, shock, can compress the airway and complicate intuba-
cardiac arrest, a score of less than 8 on the Glasgow tion despite no external signs [16]. For this rea-
coma scale, and altered mental status. If a defini- son, it is important to consider the timing of the
tive airway is not established initially, regular injury as movement of the airway may dislodge
reassessment is necessary [30]. Despite the dam- hematoma [16]. RSI may be suitable during spon-
aged anatomy often present in trauma cases, RSI taneous ventilation to prevent eventual closure of
can be successful and is the most frequently used the airway due to hematoma. Surgical airway
maneuver for airway establishment [28, 30]. The should be utilized following failure of RSI.
decision to pursue surgical, RSI, or external air-
way management depends on the stability of the
patient’s condition as well as preference, equip- 16.4 Perioperative Management
ment, available personnel, and the clinical sce- of Cardiovascular and Chest
nario. Video laryngoscopy and fiber-optic Injuries
bronchoscopy are options which may lessen the
amount of cervical movement during intubation; Injuries to the cardiovascular system and chest
however, their use is limited by the presence of wall largely contribute to trauma-related mortal-
debris, blood, and mucus [28]. Failure to intubate ity and morbidity. Vital organs are vulnerable in
this region, and due to the non-compressible
16 an unstable patient necessitates the establishment
nature of hemorrhage in this area, trauma-related
of a surgical airway [5].
Absolute indications for a surgical airway are deaths are relatively common when they other-
listed below: wise could have been preventable. One-fourth of
55 Trauma victims trauma deaths are due to chest trauma alone.
55 Airway obstruction Hemorrhage in the torso overall results in a mor-
55 Hypoventilation tality of 70–80%. This is due, in part, to inability
55 Persistent hypoxemia (SaO 2 < 90%) despite to control bleeding with tourniquets and
supplemental oxygen increased use of anticoagulant agents for prophy-
55 Severe cognitive impairment (Glasgow coma laxis of other cardiovascular disorders [7].
scale [GCS] score < 8)
55 Severe hemorrhagic shock
55 Cardiac arrest 16.4.1 Hemothorax
55 Smoke inhalation victims
55 Major cutaneous burn (body surface Hemorrhage resulting in shock is the leading
area > 10%) cause of early in-hospital trauma-related deaths.
Catastrophic Perioperative Complications and Management in the Trauma Patient
233 16
Remember that most patients perish from trau- direct impact, or transmitted compression
matic injury in the first 4 h upon arrival, and hem- forces all can result in BCI, with some instances
orrhagic shock is a leading cause of this. It is the leading to a penetrating injury after sternal or
second most frequent cause of death in trauma rib fracture.
patients overall [40]. Injuries to chest wall vessels Initial assessment should be done in all
or intra-abdominal organs can cause hemorrhage patients with significant blunt trauma to the chest.
in the chest cavity when the diaphragm is rup- In these patients, an ECG should be done to assess
tured. Blood accumulates in the pleural space, for arrhythmia, ST segment abnormalities, heart
called a hemothorax, and it results in a wide array block, and signs of ischemia. E-FAST exams can
of clinical presentations. Diagnosis is made via be done to assess for hemopericardium and tam-
chest X-ray with at least 150 mL of blood present ponade. BCI can be ruled out if the patient has all
in the chest cavity when the patient is upright. of the following [12]:
E-FAST examination can identify fluid in the 1. Hemodynamically stable assessment
pleural cavity with greater sensitivity than CXR 2. Normal ECG
and is a much faster procedure to do. In an unsta- 3. Normal E-FAST examination
ble patient with blunt trauma, insertion of bilat-
eral chest tubes is warranted for both diagnostic Hemopericardium results in a necessary rapid
and therapeutic purposes [7]. resuscitation and urgent surgical treatment, as
Urgent thoracotomy is indicated in the light of survival in those with clinical status deterioration
a massive hemothorax, which is 1500 mL or more is marginal. The attending physicians should
of blood in the thoracic cavity. This has been chal- repeat E-FAST protocols in those that fail to
lenged in recent literature, suggesting patient improve or as their status worsens, even if hemo-
clinical status is a more important indicator for pericardium was not present initially.
the need of this procedure. Early preparation for Biomarkers of BCI are not solidified in the
thoracotomy has led to better outcomes, and literature to be a strong recommendation, but
thresholds have been suggested to be lowered to they have been suggested to be used in cases of
1000 or even 500 mL of blood. Perioperative man- difficult assessment. Some studies have shown
agement includes volume replacement as the that in stable patients with a normal ECG, an
main therapeutic modality for hemorrhagic elevated creatine kinase MB level is a nonspecific
shock. A massive transfusion protocol has been finding for the diagnosis of BCI. Likewise, tropo-
shown to be beneficial with early surgical consult. nin I and troponin T levels are more specific and
Angiography is not standard but can be consid- have been suggested to be helpful, but they are
ered for the diagnosis and treatment of intercostal not sensitive enough to have clinical utility as a
vessel injury [33]. screening test [12]. For example, cardiac dysfunc-
It is useful to examine for aortic injury in tion may have preceded BCI and lead to it, lead-
those who are hemodynamically unstable or with ing to increased levels of these biomarkers and
significant injury. This is usually done via con- lend a potential false clinical history.
trast chest CT for stable patients and via trans-
esophageal echocardiogram for those who are
unstable. 16.4.3 enetrating Cardiac Injury
16.4.2 Blunt Cardiac Injury (BCI) While BCI offers a good likelihood of survival if
the proper precautions are taken, penetrating car-
BCI is involved in 20% of all deaths due to motor diac injuries (PCIs) are highly lethal and offer a
vehicle collisions, with a wide range of present- small likelihood of survival. The probability of
ing pathologies, from myocardial bruise to car- arriving alive at the hospital after such an injury is
diac rupture and beyond. The right ventricle, is between 6% and 20% [37]. Again, the most com-
most commonly injured due to its proximity to mon injury is to the right ventricle due to proxim-
the chest wall, although injuries to more than ity to the chest wall, followed by the left ventricle.
one chamber occur in more than half of all These injuries usually result in hemorrhagic shock
cases. Crush injuries, deceleration injuries, or cardiac tamponade, with hemorrhagic shock
234 E. M. Cornett et al.
being the main cause of death at the scene. An falls from a great height, or rapid deceleration
additional threat is that the pericardium is quite events.
non-compliant, with only 50 mL of blood needed Ekeh et al. suggested that CXR misses 11% of
to lead to cardiac tamponade, so lethal injury can aortic injuries and was not an acceptable modality
occur with very little blood loss. to rule out such injuries [20]. Angiography instead
Immediate and rapid evaluation is absolutely is the gold standard to diagnose aortic injury.
necessary in these patients, through a thorough However, it is not available in all centers, most
physical examination followed by immediate patients who require aortic evaluation require CT
FAST exam of the heart, pericardium, and thorax imaging of other organ systems, so contrast CT is
to evaluate for hemothorax, hemopericardium, the most commonly used modality to diagnose
tamponade, and pneumothorax [38]. In those aortic injury. It has a sensitivity of greater than
with hemopericardium, urgent thoracotomy and 97%, specificity of greater than 85%, and a nega-
cardiorrhaphy are urgently required even when tive predictive value of 100%, leading to it being
stable. Those with left-sided hemothorax could the choice modality for evaluation of aortic
have a self-draining hemopericardium and are at injuries [18].
risk of rapid decompensation. As previously dis- The main medical management of these
cussed, this is a catastrophic perioperative com- patients includes:
plication, and the proper handling of these issues 1. Prevention and control of hypertension that
is rapid diagnosis, massive transfusion to estab- can lead to progression of the injury and
lish hemodynamic stability, and a bit of luck. subsequent hemodynamic instability
2. Control of coagulopathy, including hypother-
mia and acidosis
16.4.4 Aortic Injury 3. Correction of other life-threatening injuries
and prioritizing such injuries such that the
Sudden shearing forces, such as those in rapid patient has the greatest chance of survival
deceleration injury, can occur and severely dam- 4. Definitive surgical repair of the aortic injury
age the aorta. The proximal descending aorta is
most at risk due to the ligamentum arteriosum In those with hemodynamic instability due to aor-
being a transition point between the fixed descend- tic injury, urgent repair is indicated. It is also indi-
ing aorta and the mobile aortic arch. These injuries cated in contrast extravasation on CT with rapidly
are responsible for 15% of deaths in MVAs [21]. expanding hematoma, large hemorrhages from
There are three types of blunt aortic injury: chest tubes, and penetrating aortic injury [33].
1. Complete transection of the aorta. This
usually ends with patients dying at the scene
or shortly after arrival. 16.4.5 Tension Pneumothorax
2. Full-thickness aortic injury resulting in
16 hemodynamic instability and persistent Tension pneumothorax is a common type of
bleeding. blunt chest trauma that requires immediate diag-
3. Partial-thickness injury, most often with nosis and treatment with needle decompression,
contained hematoma. These patients may or followed by chest tube insertion. All traumatic
may not present as hemodynamically pneumothoraces should be considered for chest
unstable. tube insertion; however, observation is possible
for some patients with small pneumothoraces
As seen, a common theme is hemodynamic insta- on a single side without respiratory disease and
bility. The main challenge for the clinician in the without a need for positive pressure ventilation.
light of perioperative management is to identify All symptomatic traumatic hemothoraces should
the injury before it progresses to complete rup- be treated with chest tube insertion. Occult pneu-
ture. This is difficult due to no specific clinical mothorax can be treated with observation and
signs that allow for the rapid identification of aor- serial chest X-rays. Periprocedural antibiotics can
tic injuries, so they should be suspected in patients be used to prevent chest tube-related infectious
with high-speed MVA with frontal or side impact, complications.
Catastrophic Perioperative Complications and Management in the Trauma Patient
235 16
16.4.6 Cardiac Tamponade sure is also commonly present and may be asso-
ciated with distension of the veins in the forehead
Cardiac tamponade occurs when fluid accumu- and scalp. It is important to note that Beck’s triad
lates in the pericardial sac, resulting in an increased of symptoms is absent in the majority of acute
pressure impeding cardiac filling, which leads to cardiac tamponade cases. Additionally, patients
decreased cardiac output. The clinical presenta- with occult cardiac tamponade may present with
tion depends heavily on the duration of tampon- the usual physical findings, but their presence is
ade and the amount of fluid that has accumulated. less common than in classic cases of cardiac tam-
Acute cardiac tamponade has a sudden onset and ponade.
presents with symptoms resembling cardiogenic Further evaluation of cardiac tamponade
shock. Potential symptoms of acute cardiac tam- calls for an EKG, chest radiograph, and most
ponade include dyspnea, tachypnea, and chest importantly echocardiography. The EKG tends
pain. The decrease in cardiac output commonly to show tachycardia and may also show low volt-
leads to hypotension, and patients who develop age. In subacute cardiac tamponade, a chest
cardiogenic shock may present with cool radiograph may show cardiomegaly. In acute
extremities, decreased urine output, and periph- cardiac tamponade, cardiomegaly is not usually
eral cyanosis. found. In echocardiography, the major signs of
Subacute cardiac tamponade comes on slowly cardiac tamponade include chamber collapse
over days to weeks, and patients may be asymp- (usually the right-sided chambers), respiratory
tomatic early on. Potential symptoms include dys- variation in volumes and flow, and IVC plethora.
pnea, peripheral edema, chest discomfort, and In patients with a moderate to large effusion,
being easily fatigued. Patients may also have swinging of the heart within the effusion may
hypotension with a narrow pulse pressure, but also be present.
those with preexisting hypertension may continue In cardiac tamponade with minimal to no
to be hypertensive. Occult cardiac tamponade, hemodynamic compromise, conservative treat-
also known as low-pressure cardiac tamponade, is ment with hemodynamic monitoring and serial
a subset of subacute cardiac tamponade where echocardiograms is a viable option in the prepara-
patients may present with intracardiac and peri- tion of the patient for surgery. Definitive treat-
cardial diastolic pressures between 6–12 mmHg. ment of cardiac tamponade involves removing the
It is usually seen in patients who are severely pericardial fluid either by percutaneous or surgi-
hypovolemic. cal drainage. Echocardiography-guided catheter
Regional cardiac tamponade occurs with a pericardiocentesis is the treatment of choice, but
localized collection of fluid applying pressure to surgical drainage may be preferred if:
a subset of heart chambers. In these patients, 1. The fluid is localized.
the usual signs and symptoms of cardiac tam- 2. The fluid reaccumulated after catheter
ponade are not present. This variant is most draining.
often found after pericardiotomy or myocardial 3. There are coagulopathy concerns.
infarction. Diagnosing regional cardiac tam- 4. There is a need for biopsy material.
ponade can be challenging and may need
advanced imaging techniques like CT or addi- Caution with pericardiocentesis should be taken
tional echocardiograph views like transesopha- if the patient has severe pulmonary hypertension.
geal or subcostal. General anesthesia may worsen hemodynamic
Physical exam findings, though not highly compromise, so catheter drainage may be required
sensitive or specific, include Beck’s triad (hypo- prior to surgical drainage to reduce the severity of
tension, muffled heart sounds, and elevated jug- the cardiac tamponade. In cases of aortic dissec-
ular venous pressure), pulsus paradoxus, and tion or myocardial rupture, pericardiocentesis
sinus tachycardia. Sinus tachycardia is present in may worsen bleeding, and surgical drainage
almost all patients, but may be absent early on, should be performed. Surgical drainage is also
or if the underlying disease process is associated preferred in cases of traumatic hemopericardium
with bradycardia. Elevated jugular venous pres- and purulent pericarditis [2, 27, 36].
236 E. M. Cornett et al.
16.5 Perioperative Management used and as they reach a steady state, they should
of Burn Injuries not be stopped to achieve intraoperative anesthe-
sia. Instead the dose may be increased, or they
Roughly 450,000 people present with burn inju- may be combined with other drugs to achieve
ries every year in the USA. About 40,000 of those anesthesia. One option for induction and mainte-
are hospitalized, and approximately 3400 die from nance is ketamine. It may also be the agent of
their injuries or complications [9]. The most com- choice when manipulation of the airway needs to
mon complications from burn injuries are be avoided (i.e., after fresh graft placements).
decreased cardiac output, inhalational injury, Benzodiazepines are often added to decrease the
infection, renal damage, CNS dysfunction, com- probability of dysphoria, and glycopyrrolate is
partment syndromes, and coagulopathy. Patients often added to counter the increased secretions
with burn injuries should be initially treated as caused by ketamine.
multiple trauma patients [4].
The priority in managing burn injuries is
assessing the airway. It is vital to evaluate for signs 16.6 Perioperative Management
of inhalation injury, laryngeal injury, obstruction, of Gastrointestinal
or preexisting abnormalities. A patient’s airway and Abdominal Injuries
may not appear injured, but airway edema may
follow fluid resuscitation. In patients with signifi- 16.6.1 Intro
cant risk of inhalation injury, it is safer to intubate
early than wait until after airway swelling has While traumatic torso injuries compose a rela-
occurred. tively small portion of emergency room visits,
Fluid resuscitation is another vital step as they contribute disproportionately to morbidity
delay could lead to hypovolemia and burn shock. and mortality. Blunt or penetrating traumatic
Fluid requirements for each patient may vary injury to the abdomen affects solid organs, vis-
depending on size/depth of the burn, associated cera, and vasculature [41]. Blunt trauma com-
injuries, or level of opioid usage for pain manage- prises 80% of abdominal injuries seen in the
ment. There are many fluid resuscitation formu- emergency department [32]. In blunt force
las, but current recommendations state that to trauma, the spleen is most commonly injured,
achieve adequate fluid resuscitation, a urinary with retroperitoneal and liver damage following.
output of 0.5–1 ml/kg/h should be maintained. In penetrating trauma, the organ involvement is
Patients should initially be started on isotonic somewhat unpredictable. Among civilians, vehicle
crystalloids followed by colloids. However, the accidents, blows to the abdomen, and falls are the
exact time to start using colloids is still debated, most frequent causes of blunt trauma, while gun-
though the general trend is to start them before shot and stab wounds are the most frequent causes
the previously recommended 24 h [4]. of penetrating trauma [41]. Complications of
16 Burn injuries can lead to altered pharmaco- hemorrhage, peritonitis, or evisceration are
logical and physiological responses to medica- immediate indications for emergency surgical
tions. For example, succinylcholine can cause intervention. In the absence of these indications,
hyperkalemia and induce cardiac arrest, and it is “Selective Surgical Conservatism” has become the
recommended to avoid the use of succinylcholine standard [41]. This involves performing a careful
in burn patients 48 h after injury. Additionally, examination and proceeding to the operating
burn patients will also have decreased sensitivity room only with injuries present that nonsurgical
to nondepolarizing muscle relaxants (NDMRs) interventions would not heal. In surgical patients,
[4]. Medication choices for a burn-inflicted indi- interdisciplinary care during the perioperative
vidual should be driven by that patient’s hemody- period directly affects long-term outcome.
namic and pulmonary status, as well as the The most lethal complication relevant to
potential difficulty of securing that patient’s air- abdominal trauma is hemorrhage. Hemorrhage is
way. An additional long-term consideration is responsible for 30–40% of trauma-related deaths,
that patients suffering from burn injuries will only second to central nervous system damage
likely be on elevated amounts of opioids for pain overall [26]. The majority of traumatic hemor-
management. As these medications are being rhages are related to abdominal injury, the most
Catastrophic Perioperative Complications and Management in the Trauma Patient
237 16
serious of which are splenic and liver lacerations. death in subsequent days to weeks is possible due
Hemorrhage of more than 40% total blood vol- to organ failure from the original shock [25].
ume will lead to hemorrhagic shock with circula- A rare but possibly fatal complication from
tory system failure and cardiac arrest [25]. Several massive transfusion is intra-abdominal compart-
physiological compensation mechanisms exist, ment syndrome, which is an organ dysfunction
including sympathetic stimulation, decreased from abdominal hypertension [32]. Incidence in
vagal tone, elevated heart rate, shunting blood to trauma patients has been estimated from 1% to
vital organs, and increased release of vasopressin. 14% [32]. Early recognition of intra-abdominal
These systems function to conserve blood vol- hypertension can prevent organ failure. The diag-
ume, maintain vital organ perfusion, and dimin- nosis must be considered in patients exhibiting an
ish peripheral blood flow. If the hemorrhage onset of organ failure with a distended abdomen,
persists, it will overwhelm this compensation, and though abdominal distension is not a good predic-
a lethal triad of hypothermia, acidosis, and coagu- tor of intra-abdominal compartment syndrome.
lopathy will develop. This signals the failure of Oliguria and increased ventilatory requirements
resuscitation. Acidosis results due to poor tissue are also common symptoms. Increased jugular
perfusion and production of lactic acid which venous pressure, hypotension, tachycardia,
may be complicated further by respiratory acido- peripheral edema, or evidence of hypoperfusion
sis. Coagulopathies result both from loss of clot- may also be present. Imaging is generally unhelp-
ting factors in the blood and activation of the ful, and absolute diagnosis requires measurement
coagulation cascade from the trauma [23]. of the intra-abdominal pressure, which should be
A mainstay of treatment for hemorrhagic performed liberally [32].
patients is massive blood transfusion. A massive Perioperative management considerations begin
transfusion protocol should be with massive blood upon presentation and include rapid stabilization
loss, defined as loss of total blood volume during a and patient selection. Penetrating trauma is usually
24-h period, half of overall blood volume during clinically obvious, whereas blunt trauma may be
3 h, or at a rate of over 150 ml/min [25]. While subtle or missed. Stabilization of the patient and
transfusion replaces the blood lost, it can further elimination of any immediate life-threatening injury
complicate a coagulopathy by diluting platelets should follow the advanced trauma and life support
and clotting factors. Blood must be considered a (ATLS) protocols. The initial absence of tenderness
pharmacologic treatment, and the risks and bene- or pain on physical examination, even with hemo-
fits of administration must be assessed [25]. Blood dynamic stability, does not rule out the risk of
is the idyllic resuscitation drug from a physiologic abdominal trauma. This is especially true in patients
perspective, but transfusions carry their own risk. with distracting injuries. For example, up to 10% of
Transmission of infectious agents, overall avail- patients with seemingly isolated head trauma may
ability, storage concerns, and religious reserva- have concurrent abdominal injury. A “seat belt sign”
tions must be considered before transfusion is (ecchymosis over the seat belt area) indicates
given. If bleeding is controlled, patient outcome abdominal trauma in up to 33% of patients [32]. In
then depends upon the timing and precision of hemodynamically unstable patients, immediate
fluid resuscitation, organ system response, and resuscitation with concurrent assessment is impera-
inflammatory mediators. The American College tive. Laboratory tests are of limited value but are
of Surgeons and American Association of Blood recommended as adjunct to clinical examination in
Banks recommendations state that transfusion patients with low risk of abdominal trauma [32, 41].
should be guided by concurrent laboratory evalu- Urinalysis is recommended, as blood in the urine
ations, for example, PT, PTT, platelet count, and can herald abdominal injury in the absence of other
fibrinogen levels. Intravascular volume mainte- clinically obvious signs. Radiographic images are
nance and oxygen-carrying capacity should be useful but pose a risk as well. Patients must usually
specifically prioritized [25]. Attention should also be stabilized before radiography is obtainable, and
be paid to clotting factor and electrolyte concen- the risk of further injury during imaging must be
tration. Early administration of high levels of fresh considered. Bedside sonography – the focused
frozen plasma and platelets is critical to improving assessment with sonography for trauma (FAST) –
survival and reducing total need for red blood exam, diagnostic peritoneal lavage, or CT scan for
cells. Even if the patient survives resuscitation, evaluation of intraperitoneal fluid is used to diag-
238 E. M. Cornett et al.
nose injury with blood accumulation. The FAST 16.7 Perioperative Management
exam images intraperitoneal sites most likely to of Musculoskeletal Injuries [44]
accumulate blood: the splenorenal recess, the infe-
rior portion of the peritoneal cavity (pouch of Musculoskeletal injuries are quite common in
Douglas), and the hepatorenal space (Morison’s trauma-based medical situations. A wide range
pouch) in addition to the pericardial space [32, 41]. of pathologies exist, ranging from minor sprains
The FAST exam is most rapid, with CT scanning to open fractures and amputation. Early appro-
providing the best specificity. priate management of these injuries can prevent
CT is the most often used modality to diag- long-term disability and loss of limb or life. ATLS
nose abdominal trauma. An algorithm for the guidelines suggest that the first line of defense
initial workup of blunt trauma to the abdomen is against severe disability from musculoskeletal
provided (. Fig. 16.1). In these patients, failure of
injury is recognizing and controlling hemor-
nonoperative treatment is predicted by older age, rhage and immobilizing fractures. Limb-
lower Glasgow coma scores (GCS), low admission threatening injuries should be identified quickly,
systolic pressure, higher injury severity score, specifically open fractures and areas of compro-
metabolic acidosis, and a requirement for transfu- mised vascular and nerve supply. Wound irriga-
sion. It is imperative for institutions to have foun- tion, debridement of damaged tissue, control of
dationally solid management protocols. hemostasis, and antibiotic uses are all hallmarks
of management.
Key Points
55 Blunt or penetrating abdominal trauma 16.7.1 Major Hemorrhage
is a major concern of patients presenting
in the emergency department, with 25% The initial goal in a patient with major hemor-
needing surgical intervention (11). rhage is to stop the bleed. Direct pressure, via tour-
55 Patient selection, stabilization, and niquet, pressure bandage, or manual force, should
diagnostic workup are crucial factors in be used initially to complete this goal. Tourniquet
perioperative management. Sex, length use is more common in transport settings, and
of time from injury to surgery, shock at clinicians should be knowledgeable about how to
the time of admission, and cranial injury properly remove a tourniquet. It should be
affect patient outcomes (11). removed cautiously and another tourniquet should
55 The chief management distinction be on hand to ensure a controlled environment.
hinges on hemodynamic stability versus Tourniquets can be left until reassessment in the
instability. When surgery is required, operating room where more technology is avail-
effective perioperative protocols able to assist in stopping the bleed [10].
contribute to long-term outcomes.
16 55 The most threatening consideration of
16.7.2 Open Fractures
abdominal trauma is hemorrhage,
particularly from liver or spleen damage.
A mainstay treatment is massive blood An open fracture is direct exposure of the injured
transfusion, for which risks and benefits bone to the environment, usually as a result of a
must be carefully considered. high-energy injury. Contamination has a larger
55 Signs of acute compartment syndrome potential in these fractures, and severe damage
after abdominal trauma surgery, to local soft tissues is guaranteed. The timeliness
including abdominal distension and of antibiotic administration is vital in reducing
oliguria, must be recognized. the likelihood of infection. A first-generation
55 Patients with abdominal trauma have an cephalosporin is the most commonly recom-
estimated 12% (blunt trauma) or 58% mended antibiotic used in these scenarios, fol-
(penetrating trauma) mortality, which lowed by surgical debridement and irrigation
can be reduced by effective periopera- within 24 h, ideally sooner. The type of fixation
tive and major risk management (11). depends on the level of soft tissue injury and
contamination. Wound coverage should be per-
Catastrophic Perioperative Complications and Management in the Trauma Patient
239 16
formed within 5–7 days [34]. Again, the most Perioperative management of these injury types
vital perioperative measure in these patients is solely deals with quick recognition and proper
proper antibiotic coverage and management of diagnosis.
hemostasis in case of vessel damage. Femur frac-
tures specifically have a higher likelihood of nec-
essary blood transfusion. It has been estimated 16.7.5 Major Joint Dislocation
that 40% of all femur fractures require this, and
even in the context of a closed femoral fracture, Neurovascular structures are at great risk in the
blood loss can be greater than 2.2 [13, 29]. setting of major joint dislocation, due to the
close tethering of these structures to the joints
themselves. Abnormal neurologic exams, distal
16.7.3 Pelvic Injuries extremities containing edema, and signs of vas-
cular damage should raise suspicion for neuro-
A great deal of energy is needed to create a pelvic vascular damage in the setting of a major joint
injury, and as such they are associated with dislocation. Perioperative management, if surgery
extensive body-wide injuries such as head inju- is needed, contains rapid joint relocation and sta-
ries, thoracoabdominal injuries, long-bone frac- bilization in a splint. A hip dislocation is an ortho-
tures, and resulting hemodynamic instability. pedic emergency due to risk of avascular necrosis
Pelvic fractures with blood loss and hypovolemia and should particularly be indicative of immedi-
have a mortality rate up to 20%. It is vital for cli- ate reduction and surgical consultation [1].
nicians to assess for vessel damage, specifically
the pelvic venous plexus and internal iliac ves-
sels, as injury can result in uncontrolled hemor- 16.8 Perioperative Management
rhage. Fluid resuscitation and hemorrhage of Neurological Injuries
control are vital along with stabilization of the
pelvic ring, such as with a pelvic binder followed Neurological trauma, including both traumatic
by external fixation [22]. brain injuries and damage to the spinal cord,
remains a cause of death and disability despite a
wide collection of robust evidence-based guide-
16.7.4 Compartment Syndrome lines for immediate trauma care. Traumatic brain
injury (TBI) remains the leading cause of death
Acute compartment syndrome (ACS) develops for individuals in North America between 1 and
when an accumulation of fluid inside a confined 45 years old, causing an estimated $9.1 billion in
muscular space leads to prolonged elevated pres- lifetime hospital costs and $51.2 billion in produc-
sure inside the space and a resulting ischemia of tivity losses [39]. Spinal cord injury is estimated to
myoneural units. This is a surgical emergency, as generate $500,000–$2 million in direct medical
irreversible muscular necrosis can begin as little expenses over a lifetime [39]. Falls are the most
as 6 h after initial injury. ACS is commonly due to common cause of TBIs, followed by motor vehicle
a crush-type injury. Perioperative knowledge can accidents. The order is reversed when considering
help save a patient’s limb, by assessing the 5 “Ps” in spinal cord injuries, as MVAs constitute the
the setting of a swollen extremity: majority of spinal cord injury events [39, 45].
1. Pain out of proportion Approximately 20% of TBIs need operative inter-
2. Pallor vention [41]. Paramount to treatment is avoidance
3. Paresthesia of secondary brain insults, which can exacerbate
4. Pulselessness cell death in vulnerable brain tissue. The goal of
5. Paralysis treatment in traumatic spinal cord injury revolves
around stabilization of the spine and reduction of
Tools to measure intramuscular pressure are neurological dislocations. Perioperative consider-
often used to diagnose, and a difference of less ations and management of neurogenic shock with
than 30 mmHg from diastolic blood pressure physiologic derangement will assist providers in
is concerning for ACS. Once it is diagnosed, providing the optimal outcomes to patients suffer-
emergent fasciotomies are done to save the limb. ing from neurological trauma.
240 E. M. Cornett et al.
16.8.1 Traumatic Brain Injury bral perfusion pressure (CPP), treat increased
intracranial pressure (ICP), provide optimal
The pathophysiology of traumatic neurological surgical conditions, avoid secondary insult, and
injury is separated into primary and secondary provide adequate analgesia and amnesia [17].
injury. Primary injury results from external Increased ICP is associated with increased mor-
mechanical insult occurring at the time of trauma, tality and worsened outcome. Patients with a
and extent of primary injury remains the single GCS of 8 or less and a CT showing mass lesion
greatest predictor of patient outcome [17]. are indicated for ICP monitoring, though the
Secondary injury is a result of physiological strength of this recommendation is limited by a
molecular mechanisms, including inflammation, lack of randomized controlled trials [8, 17]. The
beginning at the time of trauma which causes fur- majority of protocols recommend reduction of
ther damage to the brain or spine over hours to ICP to 20 mmHg or less. Appropriate sedation
days [41]. Secondary brain injury can lead to neu- may reduce metabolic demand, thus lowering
ronal death, cerebral edema, and further increase ICP. With a lack of clinical trial data supporting
in intracranial pressure which mediates more any specific protocol, sedation use and choice
extensive damage. Hypotension, hypoxemia, and of agent should be individualized according to
hyperglycemia are significant factors causing sec- specific clinical circumstances and institutional
ondary injury [17]. Hypotension and hypoxemia expertise. Monitoring of CPP aids in evaluating
have been demonstrated to be independently the somewhat variable effects of these agents on
associated with morbidity and mortality, as well ICP and blood pressure. CPP is defined as the dif-
as outcome at 6 months [17]. Effective periopera- ference between mean arterial pressure (MAP)
tive management may provide a window of and ICP (CCP = MAP-ICP) and provides a surro-
opportunity to significantly reduce consequences gate for measuring cerebral blood pressure (CBP).
of injury from TBI by treating standing secondary Low CCP is associated with secondary injury and
injuries and preventing medically or surgically worsened outcome. Autoregulation, which usu-
induced secondary injuries. ally provides a constant CBP across a wide range
Despite many provider groups having focused of MAP (50–150 mmHg), is altered in approxi-
efforts at emergently treating hypoxemia, hypo- mately a third of TBIs. The recommended CPP
tension, hypercarbia, hypo- and hyperglycemia, is goal is 60 mmHg for adults, avoiding levels below
not uncommon for these parameters to persist or 50 mmHg or above 70 mmHg [8, 17]. However,
remain undetected as patients are rushed into when feasible, efforts to control CPP should first
surgery for a group that is unprepared. Therefore, maintain ICP at low levels. This may have a larger
while the emergency department team likely has effect on cerebral blood flow, obviate employment
performed an assessment, initial stabilization, of fluids and ionotropic agents, and especially
and begun resuscitation, it is crucial for another benefit patients with more severely impaired
assessment to be performed perioperatively. autoregulation [8]. Additionally, neuroprotec-
16 Effective perioperative management also includes tive pharmacology in the perioperative period
quick evaluation, continued resuscitation (cere- may be beneficial. C urrent evidence regarding
bral and systemic), early surgery, intensive moni- pharmacological neuroprotection perioperatively
toring, and anesthetic preparation [17]. Initial suggests that CNS neuroprotection might reduce
evaluation should begin with airway, breathing, the incidence of new postoperative neurological
and circulation, followed by rapid neurological deficits, without providing benefits for periopera-
evaluation and assessment of extracranial inju- tive mortality [17].
ries, with particular attention to mechanisms of
secondary injury.
The standard for rapid neurological assess- 16.8.2 pinal Cord Injury
ment is use of the Glasgow coma scale (GCS) score and Trauma
and pupillary reflexes. The GCS score ranges from
3 to 15 and reflects coma severity according to Perioperative management of spinal trauma is
responsiveness of three areas: eye opening, verbal, similarly vital for the ability to treat previously
and motor response (. Table 16.1). Anesthetic
occurring secondary injury as well as prevent
focus in TBI cases should be to maintain cere- operative secondary injury. Management focuses
Catastrophic Perioperative Complications and Management in the Trauma Patient
241 16
on physiological principles, involving the rational cal, thoracic, and lumbar spinal cord injuries
use of immobilization, careful airway manage- depends upon institutional expertise and focuses
ment, support of cord perfusion, and oxygenation on physiological principles like immobilization,
with appropriate respiratory and hemodynamic adequate oxygenation, and blood pressure sup-
sustenance [43]. Immobilization devices often port. Because secondary injury significantly con-
complicate access to the airway. No intubation tributes to loss of function and mortality, the
technique has proved superior, and clinical judg- perioperative period provides a potentially pow-
ment must be employed regarding individual sit- erful window for impacting patient lives.
uations [19]. Spinal cord blood flow is often
compromised in traumatic injuries to the spinal
cord. Hypotension is particularly dangerous in 16.9 Perioperative Management
these patients and usually results from hemor- of Electrocution Injuries
rhage from the original trauma, neurogenic
shock, or a combination thereof. Neurogenic Electrocution injuries are 5% of admissions to
shock is more likely in patients with spinal cord major burn centers (2014). The age distribution of
injury. Neurogenic shock refers to systemic vaso- these injuries is bimodal with the majority being
dilation resulting in insufficient tissue perfusion split between young children (under 6 years old)
from loss of sympathetic control above the spine and young adults. For young children, injuries
[19]. Increased blood pressure improves axonal most commonly occur in the home, and for young
function in motor and sensory tracts. adults, injuries are most commonly work-related
Several clinical studies have demonstrated (i.e., mining and construction). Lightning strikes
benefit to aggressive hemodynamic management make up a small subset of electrocution injuries
in patients with spinal cord trauma. However, (2006).
little evidence exists regarding appropriate blood Electrocution injuries can be divided into
pressure goals or specific agents. Clinical trials high- and low-voltage categories, with high-
regarding pharmacological neuroprotection over- voltage considered injuries in which voltage is
all present disappointing results, though mecha- over 1000 V. High-voltage shocks are expected to
nistic discovery continues to pose new therapeutic cause more severe injury per second of exposure
prospects [43]. There are no evidence-based and lead to greater deeper tissue damage.
guidelines regarding treatment timing, leaving Electrocution injuries can also be divided based
surgical expertise and medical center protocols to on direct vs alternating current. Direct current
determine best practice. Multimodal intraopera- causes a single contraction which tends to throw
tive monitoring (MIOM) may provide benefit to the person away from the electrical source.
further reducing secondary damage from surgery. Alternating current tends to cause repetitive con-
MIOM refers to collective monitoring of sensory- tractions which may lead to longer exposure and
and motor-evoked potentials and spontaneous is considered the more dangerous of the two. All
electromyography to help identify deterioration types of electrocution injuries can lead to cardiac,
of the spinal cord, providing the opportunity to respiratory, skin/musculoskeletal, and neurologi-
correct offending agents before provoking irre- cal abnormalities. It is important to remember
versible damage. However, the level of evidence is that the superficial skin injuries are not indicative
low that MIOM prevents or corrects new or wors- of the full extent of damage.
ening perioperative neurological damage [19]. Cardiac abnormalities can result from both
The most important perioperative manage- high- and low-voltage injuries and can include
ment principles in both traumatic brain injury arrhythmias, conduction abnormalities, and myo-
and spinal cord trauma center around controlling cardial damage. Horizontal current flow (hand to
and preventing secondary damage from surgery hand) is more likely to lead to potentially fatal
or anesthesia. Avoiding hypoxia and hypotension arrhythmias, while vertical current flow (head to
is particularly important. Management of trau- foot) is more likely to lead to myocardial tissue
matic brain injuries should focus on quick assess- damage. The most common arrhythmias are pre-
ment, continued resuscitation, rapid surgical mature ventricular contractions and sinus tachy-
intervention, rigorous monitoring, and anesthesia cardia, but ventricular tachycardia and atrial
preparation. In general, the management of cervi- fibrillation are both possible. Low-voltage alter-
242 E. M. Cornett et al.
nating current is more likely to lead to sudden it is important to remember to run a full physical
cardiac death caused by ventricular fibrillation. and labs to check for damage such as broken
High-voltage alternating current, or direct cur- bones, neurological deficits, acute kidney injury,
rent, is more likely to lead to asystole. The EKG or tissue necrosis. More extensive deep tissue
tends to show nonspecific ST-T wave irregularities injuries may require debridement, fasciotomy,
that tend to resolve on their own. Patients not pre- and wound exploration. Imaging (X-rays or CTs)
senting with EKG changes are unlikely to develop should be obtained if there is suspicion of spinal
life-threatening arrhythmias. Conduction abnor- injury or if there is a history of a fall and altered
malities, like sinus bradycardia and AV block, consciousness with abnormal neurologic find-
have also been reported. Myocardial injury after ings. Additional radiographs should also be done
an electrical shock can be difficult to diagnose as for any area where the patient feels pain and
there are not specific EKG changes, symptoms, or where there is an obvious deformity or decreased
abnormal myocardial pyrophosphate scans. Rare range of motion.
vascular complications include arterial spasm/ Lightning strikes are considered a special cir-
rupture and venous or arterial thromboses. cumstance. They lead to cardiac and respiratory
Respiratory arrest following a shock is com- arrest through delivery of a large quantity of direct
mon, and the patient needs prompt ventilatory current during a very short time frame. This rarely
support to avoid hypoxia-induced ventricular leads to extensive tissue destruction so aggressive
fibrillation. Ventilatory support should continue fluid resuscitation is not needed. Aside from that,
until neurological function can be assessed. management should follow the usual protocol.
The bone bears the most severe electrothermal Lichtenberg figures are rare and will resolve on
injuries including periosteal burns, bone matrix their own in a few days. Cardiac arrest is due to
destruction, and osteonecrosis. Electrocution can asystole but frequently spontaneously resolves.
lead to fractures, as well as large-joint dislocation. The respiratory arrest tends to last longer and, if
Injuries may lead to edema and tissue necrosis support is not provided, will lead to hypoxia-
that in turn can cause compartment syndrome induced ventricular fibrillation [31, 42].
and rhabdomyolysis. It is suggested to use cre-
atine kinase serum levels to measure rhabdomy-
olysis and keep in mind that rhabdomyolysis can
lead to acute kidney injury. 1. Sahin V, Karakas ES, Aksu S, Atlihan D, Turk CY, Halici
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245 17
R. Edward Betcher and Karen Berken
17.1 Introduction – 246
17.2 Maternal Physiology – 246
17.2.1 Cardiac – 246
17.2.2 Respiratory – 247
17.2.3 Hematologic – 247
17.2.4 Urologic – 248
17.2.5 Gastrointestinal – 248
17.2.6 Endocrine – 248
17.2.7 Skeletal – 249
17.2.8 Other Systems – 249
17.3 Fetal Development and Placenta – 249
17.4 Fetal Monitoring – 250
17.5 Anesthesia for Pregnant Patients – 251
17.6 Perioperative Care for Pregnant Patients – 252
17.7 Obstetrical Physiologic Changes Affecting
Perioperative Care – 252
17.8 Obstetrical Conditions – 253
17.8.1 Ectopic Pregnancies – 253
17.8.2 Molar Pregnancy – 254
17.8.3 Abnormal Placentation – 254
17.8.4 Placental Abruption – 255
17.8.5 Uterine Inversion – 255
17.8.6 Uterine Atony – 255
17.8.7 Postpartum Hemorrhage – 256
17.8.8 Pregnancy-Associated Hypertension – 257
17.8.9 Eclampsia – 258
17.8.10 Amniotic Fluid Embolism – 258
17.9 Summary – 258
References – 259
values remain unchanged such as prothrombin tion, and compression of the intestines by the
time (PT) and partial thromboplastin time (PTT). gravid uterus are noted. These factors, along with
Fibrinogen levels are increased, and values in the increased iron intake from prenatal vitamin
normal adult range can be associated with active therapy, can produce significant constipation.
bleeding such as placental abruption. Fibrin deg- The appendix changes position toward the
radation products (FDP) are decreased and can right upper quadrant in pregnancy as the uterus
be used in the evaluation of DIC, but D-dimer is enlarges. Significant increases in portal vein pres-
elevated and cannot reliably predict or rule out sure increase the incidents of hemorrhoids.
VTE events [2]. Increased progesterone production slows the
emptying of the gallbladder. This along with
increased production of cholesterol can increase
17.2.4 Urologic the risk of gallstone and sludge formation.
Liver size is unchanged in pregnancy, but a
Kidney enlargement is noted during pregnancy few liver lab values are affected such as increase in
along with dilation of the calyces, pelvis, vascula- alkaline phosphatase and fibrinogen. Bilirubin,
ture, and ureters. The right ureter is typically aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alanine ami-
dilated more than the left and on imaging can notransferase (ALT), gamma-glutamyl transfer-
appear as hydronephrosis. Frequent urination is a ase (GGT), and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) are
common issue in pregnancy. This is related to unaffected [2].
increased production along with decreased blad-
der capacity from the enlarging uterus.
Increase in renal blood flow occurs in preg- 17.2.6 Endocrine
nancy leading to a 50% increase in glomerular
filtration rate (GFR) by the end of the first trimes- A small increase in the size of the thyroid is noted,
ter. This also results in an increase in creatine but hormone production for the most part
clearance. Blood creatine, BUN, and uric acid are remains close to non-pregnancy levels. Thyroid-
decreased in pregnant patients. Significant stimulating hormone (TSH) levels are close in
increases in total body water (8.5 L by term) result structure to HCG, so it is not unusual for the level
in blood volume expansion by 1.5 L. Additional to decrease in the first trimester as HCG levels
extravascular accumulation of fluid is noted in the peak around 8 weeks of gestation. Increased levels
tissue. This results in edema and a hemodilutional can be noted in the presence of hyperemesis grav-
anemia. Additionally there is a slight decrease in idarum. Free T4 levels rise slightly in the first tri-
serum potassium and calcium levels along with mester and then decrease slightly during the
increased excretion of protein, glucose, and albu- remainder of the pregnancy remaining slightly
min. Plasma osmolality is decreased because of lower than expected in non-gravid women [12].
these changes mediated by the kidneys [2, 11]. Adrenal size increases during pregnancy lead-
ing to the increased production of aldosterone,
corticosteroid-binding globulin, adrenocortico-
17.2.5 Gastrointestinal tropic hormone (ACTH), cortisol, and free corti-
17 sol as the pregnancy progresses. Cortisol levels
The average caloric increase needed for pregnancy can be 3 times higher by delivery.
and breastfeeding is between 200 and 300 kcal/ The pituitary gland enlarges significantly dur-
day. Morning sickness is a common complaint ing pregnancy with increased production of pro-
early in pregnancy peaking around 8 weeks of ges- lactin in anticipation for breast lactation after
tation and usually gone by 14 weeks. Many delivery. Decreased levels of follicle-stimulating
patients also experience increased production of hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH)
saliva (ptyalism). The tone of the gastroesopha- are noted due to increased estrogen and proges-
geal sphincter along with decreased motility of the terone levels causing a negative feedback on the
stomach can increase the rates of reflux irritation pituitary gland. The increased size makes it vul-
of the esophagus. The data about increased risk of nerable to hypotension that can occur during a
aspiration is mixed in the literature. Decreased postpartum hemorrhage. The infarction of the
motility of the intestine, increased water absorp- gland can lead to Sheehan syndrome. This syn-
249 17
drome is noted as postpartum amenorrhea and
infertility. Oxytocin levels increase during preg- –– Increased heart rate
nancy and peak during active labor leading to –– Decreased pulmonary vascular
uterine contractions. 55 Respiratory variables
The pancreas undergoes significant increased –– Decreased function residual capacity
production of insulin as part of the physiologic –– Increased minute ventilation
changes to increase glucose delivery to the placenta 55 Laboratory variables
and fetus. Pregnant women typically have fasting –– Increased PAo2 and Pao2
–– Decreased Paco2
hypoglycemia and postprandial hyperglycemia. –– Decreased serum bicarbonate (Hco3)
Some patients are not able to keep up with the –– Decreased hemoglobin and hematocrit
needed insulin production and demonstrate gesta- levels
tional diabetes. This is associated with increased –– Increased white blood cell count
risks of type 2 (non-insulin) later in their lives. –– Decreased protein S levels
–– Decreased coagulation factors XI and
Increased lipid levels are noted in pregnancy XIII levels
as cholesterol is needed for steroid synthesis and –– Increased coagulation factors I, VII, VIII,
amino acids are an energy source for the fetus. IX, and X levels
Significant increases are noted in triglycerides, –– Increased fibrinogen levels
cholesterol, and low-density lipids (LDL). Slight –– Increased D-dimer levels
–– Increased erythrocyte sedimentation rate
increase in high-density lipids (HDL) is also seen –– Decreased serum creatinine levels
in the gravid patient [2]. –– Decreased blood urea nitrogen level
–– Decreased uric acid level
17.2.7 Skeletal –– Increased alkaline phosphatase level
–– Increased aldosterone level
–– Increased serum cortisol, free cortisol,
Calcium levels are decreased in pregnancy associ- cortisol-binding globulin, and adreno-
ated with the decrease in serum albumin binding corticotropic hormone level
of the calcium. Additionally, increased need for –– Increased insulin level
calcium by the fetus and increased meternal kid- –– Decreased fasting blood glucose level
ney excretion are noted [13]. –– Increased triglyceride level
–– Increased cholesterol, low-density
Significant lordosis (anterior curvature of the lipoprotein, and high-density lipopro-
lumbar spine) occurs to offset the enlarging uter- tein levels
ine weight that changes balance. This can contrib-
ute to increase rates of back pain that occur late in Data from Gabbe et al. [41], American College of
pregnancy along with need for lumbar support Obstetricians and Gynecologists [42]
when sitting or supine [2].
detrimental situation with decline of the mother The first stage is cellular division of the
from her condition, which subsequently affects embryo. This is typically less than 31 days from
the growth and development of the fetus. An LMP. Exposure to a substance typically results in
understanding of the stages of fetal and placental an all or nothing effect on the fetus. During this
development can assist with preoperative and phase the risk of miscarriages is highest with
intraoperative planning [14]. approximately 5–20% of pregnancies miscarry-
Just like perfusion pressure and oxygenation ing. This makes it difficult to qualify if a therapy
can affect other organs and tissues in the body; was the cause of the pregnancy loss or unrelated.
the placenta with subsequent flow to the umbili- The next stage is organogenesis. From days
cal cord can be affected. Besides its ability to pro- 31–71 from the LMP, critical organs and tissues
vide for exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide, are developing and exposures to substances can
the placenta allows for the diffusion of nutrients potentially cause malformations. The incidence of
such as glucose, proteins, and lipids to allow for major malformation is 2–3% in the general popu-
fetal growth. The placenta acts as a selective bar- lation, is usually polyfactorial in nature, and can-
rier to prevent certain substances from crossing not be tied to a single therapy.
into the fetal circulation and potentially lead to The third stage is the growth. This is where
adverse exposures. While the details of how the organs and tissues grow and the fetus enlarges in
placenta acts as a selective barrier are beyond the size. Exposure during this stage may lead to organ
scope of this chapter, certain general principles damage, restriction in function, or growth restric-
can be discussed. Lipid-soluble compounds tion of the fetus [16].
cross the placenta easier than water-soluble.
Larger molecules with higher molecular weight
have a more difficult time crossing the placenta. 17.4 Fetal Monitoring
Binding to plasma proteins can impact the
amount of a substance that can pass through the One of the guiding principles of fetal monitoring
placenta. when surgical care of a pregnant patient is neces-
Fetal development can be simplified into sary is the willingness to act on the information.
stages upon which an exposure to a drug or ther- For this reason, the degree of fetal monitoring is
apy can have a different effect. Very few therapies varied according to gestational age of the preg-
are known teratogens. Few drugs have clinical nancy. The need for monitoring in a previable
trials in pregnant patients that can demonstrate pregnancy typically is more basic, whereas the
safety of use during pregnancy. Most drugs are monitoring for a term pregnancy would need to
either felt to have little risk to the pregnancy or be more advanced [17].
consideration of their use has to show maternal Another aspect of fetal monitoring has to deal
benefits outweigh the risks. Consultation with with type of monitoring depending on access to the
web based or books discussing the effects of area of the uterus. Abdominal surgical procedures
drugs on pregnancies listed in the box will pro- with a large incision may make continuous external
vide information about specific risks with fetal monitoring nearly impossible. Consideration
medications [15]. for intermittent ultrasound assessment of the fetal
17 heart rate may be an alternative. Consultation with
an obstetrician preoperatively can help with anes-
thesia and surgical planning for the case [18].
Box 17.2 Drug Teratogen Resources
55 Micromedex, Inc.
Typically fetal cardiac activity is difficult to see
on ultrasound prior to 7–8 weeks and ausculta-
55 Reproductive Toxicity Center (REPROTOX) tion with a Doppler prior to 10 weeks. The gravid
uterus doesn’t rise out of the pelvis until 12 weeks
55 Drugs in Pregnancy and Lactation 11th making continuous external fetal monitoring
edition, 2017
By Briggs GG, Freeman RK, Towers CV,
unreasonable until later in the second trimester.
Forinash AB The debate for fetal monitoring in pregnancy
Wolters Kluwer has to also take into account that the fetal moni-
toring could potentially pick up maternal condi-
251 17
tions that result in either decreased oxygenation Considerations for fetal monitoring should at
or perfusion to the uterus and thereby the fetus. least involve a check of the heart rate prior to and
This gives the surgical team the opportunity to after the conclusion of the surgical procedure and
correct these issues. On the opposite side of the anesthesia [12]. In the first and early second tri-
debate is that anesthesia affects the fetus and fetal mesters, this may be all that is necessary. As the
monitoring may be unreliable. It isn’t uncommon pregnancy reaches viability around 22–24 weeks,
for the fetal heart rate baseline and variability to this can incorporate expansion of the monitoring
decrease with anesthesia and falsely give the to intraoperative evaluation with either intermit-
impression of a need to intervene. This could tent or continuous monitoring depending on the
potentially lead to an unnecessary emergency type of surgery and access available to the lower
C-section. Because of these issues, the American abdomen. The level of monitoring should be done
College of Obstetricians and Gynecologist has in consultation with an obstetrician who can base
published the recommendations in the box below. the decision on gestational age, surgery type, and
available resources at the facility to act on any
abnormal findings. Besides counseling the opera-
Box 17.3 ACOG Guidelines for Fetal Moni- tive team, they can also counsel the patient and/or
toring During Surgery family.
55 If the fetus is considered previable, it is
generally sufficient to ascertain the fetal
heart rate by Doppler before and after the
procedure. 17.5 Anesthesia for Pregnant Patients
55 At a minimum, if the fetus is considered to
be viable, simultaneous electronic fetal The majority of the research related to the use of
heart rate and contraction monitoring general anesthesia in pregnant patients is restricted
should be performed before and after the
procedure to assess fetal well-being and
to retrospective studies and registries making the
the absence of contractions. conclusions limited. Most studies show that surgi-
55 Intraoperative electronic fetal monitoring cal anesthesia doesn’t increase the risk of miscar-
may be appropriate when all of the riages or fetal anomalies [14].
following apply: The optimal timing of surgery and anesthesia
–– The fetus is viable.
–– It is physically possible to perform
for pregnant patients is in the second trimester
intraoperative electronic fetal where the risk of spontaneous miscarriages has
monitoring. decreased significantly and organogenesis is
–– A health-care provider with obstetric complete [19].
surgery privileges is available and Consideration for options such as spinal or
willing to intervene during the surgical
procedure for fetal indications.
epidural anesthesia can reduce exposure of the
–– When possible, the woman has given fetus to agents. Care needs to be taken to avoid
informed consent to emergency hypotension with adequate hydration to avoid
cesarean delivery. hypotension, which can reduce uterine blood flow
–– The nature of the planned surgery will to the fetus.
allow the safe interruption or alteration
of the procedure to provide access to
Discussion of the physiologic changes associ-
perform emergency delivery. ated with pregnancy earlier in this chapter should
encourage the anesthesiologist to plan ahead for
In select circumstances, intraoperative fetal certain aspects of the surgical case. Theoretical
monitoring may be considered for previable fetuses delays in gastric emptying with relaxation of
to facilitate positioning or oxygenation the gastroesophageal sphincter can potentially
The decision to use fetal monitoring should be
increase the risk of aspiration during intubation
individualized and, if used, should be based on [20]. Treating pregnant patients with the notion
gestational age, type of surgery, and facilities that even if fasting they can aspirate may be pru-
available. Ultimately, each case warrants a team dent. Cricoid pressure, metoclopramide, and
approach (anesthesia and obstetric care providers, antacids should be considered. Edema of the face
surgeons, pediatricians, and nurses) for optimal
safety of the woman and the fetus.
and neck associated with pregnancy, along with
American College of Obstetricians and mild thyroid enlargement, may increase the
Gynecologists [14] challenges of intubation. Some studies show
almost one third of term gravid patients may
252 R. E. Betcher and K. Berken
have a class IV Mallampati airway [10, 21]. physiologic changes discussed earlier in this
Increased rate of desaturation with apnea (in as chapter, certain complications in normal preg-
little as 3 min), coupled with the airway changes, nancy require alterations in their management.
should encourage ready accessibility to airway Particular conditions exclusive to obstetrics can
tools such as glide scopes and alternatives to increase the risks of complications and/or require
endotracheal tubes. significant modifications to their management.
In normal pregnancy, airway management has
to take into account that gravid women have
17.6 erioperative Care for Pregnant
P increased edema, increased oral secretions,
Patients increased reflux, and increased gag reflex.
Partnered with the potential to desaturate in a
Because of significant compression to the vena quicker manner, efficient placement of an airway
cava and aorta by the gravid uterus, pregnant is a concern. Maternal desaturation can quickly
patients should be placed in a left lateral tilt if lead to fetal desaturation if the situation isn’t recti-
possible. If not, at least a tilt of the hips with a fied quickly.
fully padded 1 L IV bag, semicircular gel pad, or During induction, edema can lead to a class
rolled-up blanket under the right buttocks can IV Mallampati airway requiring additional tools
offer a tilt to the left. This will prevent deceased since visualization of the epiglottis and vocal
preload and cardiac output, which translates into cords may not be possible [10, 21]. Edema espe-
uteroplacental hypoperfusion. Hypercoagulability cially late in pregnancy can affect placement of
in pregnancy can increase the risks of venous oral airways while trying to establish the airway.
thrombotic events (VTE) including deep vein Additionally, this edema may prevent passage of
thrombosis (DVT). At a minimum, serial com- the usual diameter of endotracheal tube. Smaller
pression devices (SCD) should be applied. tubes may be necessary which can indirectly affect
Because of the higher molecular weight of hepa- gas exchange and pressures needed to ventilate.
rins (including low molecular weight heparin), Having the usual tools used for difficult airways
the ability to cross the placenta is limited [16]. For and suction readily available prior to induction
higher-risk cases, additional VTE prophylaxis can prevent prolonged intubation and maternal
can be used in pregnancy. desaturation. Because of the increased secretions
Typically antibiotic prophylaxis for most and reflux, cricoid pressure and the use of anes-
types of procedures can be used with the excep- thesia protocols to reduce the risks of aspiration
tion of fluoroquinolones and tetracyclines [16]. should be considered.
Penicillin-, cephalosporin-, erythromycin-, and Loss of an airway can quickly lead to maternal
vancomycin-based prophylaxis are felt to be safe desaturation with little notice prior to the rapid
(consult teratogenicity databases or your hospital drop of O2 saturation. Re-establishment of the
pharmacist about specific agents). airway, ventilation, and oxygenation can be com-
Maintenance of normal body temperature is plicated by the decrease in total lung capacity.
important to prevent peripheral vasoconstriction, During an emergency, the tendency to provide
which could affect blood flow to the uterus with increased volume and pressure while bagging
17 hypothermia. Care should be exercised to avoid with a facemask, along with relaxation of the gas-
increased body temperature as febrile illnesses have troesophageal sphincter, can rapidly lead to stom-
been discussed as a potential risk factor for miscar- ach hyperinflation and aspiration of contents.
riage and congenital anomalies early in pregnancy. Although placement of oral gastric or nasogastric
tubes can deflate this hyperinflation, it is best to
avoid this issue by carefully adjusting the volume
17.7 bstetrical Physiologic Changes
O and pressure while bagging until the endotracheal
Affecting Perioperative Care tube can be replaced.
There are progressive changes in cardiac and
Specific perioperative complications are discussed respiratory physiology (as discussed earlier in the
in detail in other chapters of this book. Some of chapter) as the pregnancy advances that can make
these complications are managed via similar ventilation complications unusual. Issues with
means as the nonpregnant patient. Because of bronchospasm and constriction from inflamma-
253 17
tion can be managed in the same fashion as with in gravid patients prior to the start of procedures,
nonpregnant women. Typically the immune sys- and additional IV access or central access may be
tem is downregulated during pregnancy to pre- needed in patients at high risk for blood loss.
vent rejection of the fetus. This means that certain Close monitoring of urinary output is an inte-
types of asthma may improve during pregnancy. gral part of screening circulatory function and
The use of bronchodilators and glucocorticoids is treatment response in hemorrhage via blood flow
typically safe in pregnancy (consult teratogenicity to the kidneys and production of urine. Foley cau-
databases or your hospital pharmacist about spe- terization with a closed drainage system should be
cific agents). Ventilation-perfusion mismatch can considered for any procedure at high risk for
be seen during pregnancy associated with pulmo- blood loss in pregnant patients. Urine output of at
nary embolism and in some cases amniotic fluid least 0.5 ml/kg/h should be maintained during the
embolism. Pregnancy is a time of hypercoagula- operative course.
tion so there is an increased rate of venous throm- Recommendations for optimal blood prod-
botic event (VTE). Management of VTE is uct replacement for obstetrical patients have
unchanged by pregnancy with anticoagulation by been modified from trauma protocols and are
heparin or low molecular weight heparin. considered multicomponent [25]. Ratio of
Amniotic fluid embolism will be discussed later packed red blood cells/fresh frozen plasma/
in this chapter. platelets is now 1:1:1 [26]. Hemorrhage in preg-
Pulmonary edema can be associated with cer- nancy can quickly lead to a consumptive coagu-
tain conditions such as preeclampsia caused by lopathy with decreased fibrinogen. Fibrinogen
endovascular leakage. Treatment will be addressed levels are normally elevated above normal adult
under the preeclampsia pregnancy-associated values in pregnancy. A normal value can be mis-
hypertension heading. leading. Disseminated intravascular coagulation
Obstetrical hemorrhage is one of the leading (DIC) requires the addition of cryoprecipitate in
causes of maternal/fetal morbidity and mortality pregnancy.
[22]. Average blood loss for a vaginal delivery is
500 ml, a C-section is 1000 ml, and a cesarean
hysterectomy is 1500 ml [23]. Blood and fluid loss 17.8 Obstetrical Conditions
in pregnancy usually is masked until a significant
loss has occurred because of the increase intravas- 17.8.1 Ectopic Pregnancies
cular volume and vasodilatation that occurs in
pregnancy to increase blood flow to the uterus. Typically ectopic pregnancies occur in the fallo-
This is coupled with the increase in cardiac output pian tube and are diagnosed in the first trimester.
and slight baseline tachycardia in pregnant Thanks to advancing ultrasound technology
women. Signs of significant blood loss may not incorporated with BHCG levels, most ectopic
appear in the form of considerable tachycardia pregnancies are diagnosed prior to rupture and
and hypotension until 25% of the total blood vol- bleeding. Patients may present emergently with
ume has been lost. acute abdominal pain, significant bleeding, and
The delay of the customary signs of hypovole- blood loss from their unrealized pregnancy. It is
mia, joined with the rapid nature of blood loss not unusual to find over a liter of blood in the pel-
that can occur with pregnancy, places a high vis from a ruptured ectopic. Hemodynamic insta-
emphasis on the need to anticipate potential bility can progress rapidly requiring preoperative
blood loss and preemptively arrange for treatment and intraoperative volume resuscitation.
[24]. Early identification of bleeding and commu- Certain types of ectopic pregnancies can
nication with the rest of the OR team that bleed- result in even higher levels of blood loss or risks
ing is apparent should trigger treatment prior to based on the site of implantation. Cornual ecto-
the physiologic changes occurring. This leads to pic pregnancy (implantation in the portion of the
the need to proactively anticipate the conditions fallopian tube transversing the uterine myome-
that can lead to rapid loss of blood and have pro- trium or first portion of the fallopian tube) typi-
tocols in place for massive transfusion to obtain cally ruptures later in the first trimester or early
necessary blood products in a timely fashion [24]. second trimester. The amount of bleeding can be
Adequate diameter IV access has to be obtained profuse and quickly become catastrophic [27].
254 R. E. Betcher and K. Berken
This condition requires quick surgical interven- incision point for a low transverse C-section (the
tion along with aggressive fluid/blood replace- most common type). This can result in additional
ment. Again preoperative planning for the need bleeding and difficulty reaching the fetus [31].
of blood products and large-bore IV access along Modification of the uterine incision (classical
with rapid activation of massive transfusion pro- c-section) may be necessary and result in more
tocol should be considered. blood loss. The need for crystalloid and blood
Seen more recently with the increased rates of products may be necessary; therefore, the preop-
C-sections is implantation of the pregnancy into erative planning should include adequate IV
the C-section scar. These can result in a scar dehis- access and the availability of blood products.
cence and perforation into the abdominal cavity or Placenta previa sometimes will occur because
even the bladder resulting in a severe hemorrhage of a placenta accreta, placenta increta, or placenta
[28]. These patients may require emergent hyster- percreta. All three of these conditions result when
ectomy if they are actively bleeding. This requires there is a loss of the decidua and there is invasion
planning for the need of blood products and poten- of the placenta into the underlying myometrium
tial coagulopathy that can occur with hemorrhage. causing the placenta not to separate after delivery.
Accreta is the term for when the placenta superfi-
cially invades the myometrium. Increta indicates
17.8.2 Molar Pregnancy deep myometrial invasion of the placenta. Percreta
is the most serious situation as the placenta has
Hydatidiform moles are part of gestational tropho- invaded through the myometrium and into adja-
blastic disease (GTD) and are atypical pregnancies cent tissues such as the bladder, bowel, abdominal
associated with placental hypertrophy. They are wall, and vessels. Catastrophic bleeding can occur
typically diagnosed during the first trimester by if not recognized preoperatively, and attempts are
abnormally high BHCG and snowstorm pattern made to manually extract the placenta [31].
on ultrasound. When evacuation is indicated by If diagnosed preoperatively, referral to a ter-
suction D&C, there is a significant risk for blood tiary care center with a multidisciplinary team
loss and embolization of the tissue. Preparation for should be considered. Typically, the availability of
potential large blood loss with availability of blood neonatology, general/vascular surgery, urology,
products and oxytocin (Pitocin) to help the uterus interventional radiology, and gyn oncology may be
to clamp down should be included in operative required. The perioperative team should choose a
management. If embolization was to occur, signifi- room large enough to accommodate a large team.
cant hypoxia can happen along with an inflamma- General anesthesia should be considered to allow
tory reaction that can trigger a consumptive for muscle relaxation and placement of retractors.
coagulopathy similar to amniotic fluid embolism Massive transfusion protocols should be readied,
(see management under that heading) [29]. and large amounts of blood products should be
available in-house if not in the operating room.
Some institutions may have the availability for
17.8.3 Abnormal Placentation interventional radiology to place occlusion bal-
loons or embolize vessels [32]. Urology may con-
17 This section includes issues with atypical loca- sider placement of ureteral stents. Cell salvage
tions of the placenta as well as invasion of placen- equipment should be readied if available. Rapid
tal tissue into the uterine myometrium. As the infusion devices, central venous access, and arte-
number of C-sections has increased for delivery, rial lines may be needed.
we are seeing increased numbers of patients with Typically, a fundal or posterior uterine inci-
placental abnormalities typically related to scar- sion is utilized and followed by closure of the
ring of the endometrial cavity. uterine incision. This is followed by a cesarean
A placenta previa is when part or the entire hysterectomy to prevent further hemorrhage.
placenta covers the cervix. A vasa previa is when Some small series have demonstrated the options
membranous umbilical vessels cover the cervix for conservative management with closure of the
[30]. With labor significant bleeding can occur uterine incision with the placenta left in place.
resulting in maternal/fetal distress and the need This may be considered if no significant bleeding
for emergent C-section. With a significant num- is encountered and the facility can emergently
ber of previa, the placenta may locate near the deal with a secondary hemorrhage.
255 17
A very rare type of pregnancy is an intra- rotomy to resolve. Close monitoring of blood loss
abdominal pregnancy with implantation outside of and hemodynamic stabilization may be required
the uterus. The attachment of the placenta to during the replacement of the uterus [22].
bowel, peritoneal lining, omentum, or any other
intra-abdominal structure is highly vascular and
invades into the structure preventing normal sepa- 17.8.6 Uterine Atony
ration. If the placental attachment is disturbed,
significant bleeding that is difficult to control Post delivery or post C-section, subinvolution of
occurs. Packing of the abdomen, sewing the edge the uterus can occur leading to significant hem-
of the placenta in place, or use of hemostatic agents orrhage and hemodynamic instability. Certain
may be required. Perioperative preparation for sig- risk factors such as prolonged use of oxytocin,
nificant bleeding is necessary as discussed above. high parity, infection, general anesthesia, multi-
gestation, polyhydramnios, fetal macrosomia,
fibroids, and uterine inversion can all contribute
17.8.4 Placental Abruption to this condition. This can occur immediately
after delivery or can be delayed for hours or even
This is the premature separation of the placenta days after delivery [22].
from the uterine wall prior to delivery of the fetus. Quickly recognizing atony and a systematic
Typically associated with pain and uterine con- protocol for its management can help limit the
tractions, it can occur with varied signs depending impact on the patient. Immediate uterine massage
on the amount of bleeding that occurs. Most likely and emptying of the bladder are indicated.
to occur in the third trimester, it can be a source of Anesthesia should increase oxytocin IV fluid rates
fetal distress and may require emergent C-section. and implement massive transfusion protocols or
These gravid patients can have significant summon blood products for possible administra-
bleeding leading to hemodynamic instability and tion. Additional use of uterotonics is indicated in
consumptive coagulopathy requiring treatment about 25% of cases. These include methylergono-
with little prior preparation in the face of an vine (Methergine) 0.2 mg IM but is contraindi-
emergent delivery [31]. As discussed in other cated in cases of hypertension and preeclampsia.
parts of this chapter, rapid assessment for blood 15-Methyl prostaglandin F-2 alpha (Hemobate)
loss amounts and preemptive planning for the 250 mcg IM or intramyometrial can be given every
need to infuse large amounts of fluids and/or 15 min up to eight doses. This is contraindicated in
blood products is the mainstay of management. patients with asthma. Misoprostol (Cytotec) 600–
Need for platelets and cryoprecipitate may 1000 mcg can be administered PO, SL, or PR once.
become necessary on short notice [22]. Additional surgical tamponade or vessel liga-
tion can be employed. Use of intrauterine bal-
loons such as the Bakri or Ebb can help when
17.8.5 Uterine Inversion medications fail to resolve the atony. Alternatives
include using several large (60 cc) Foley catheters
Uterine inversion is when the uterine fundus or packing the uterus with Kerlix gauze [33].
invertly prolapses to or through the cervix. This If available, uterine artery embolization by the
can result in significant hemorrhage and quickly interventional radiologist may help reduce pulse
has to be attended to for successful resolution. It pressure to the uterus. Vascular ligation by the
can occur when the placenta fails to release and surgeon with O’Leary stitches to the uterine ves-
traction is placed on the umbilical cord either sels and/or utero-ovarian ligaments can have the
during vaginal delivery or C-section. It can also same effect. Hypogastric (internal iliac) artery
occur spontaneously but less likely. In order for ligation has fallen out of favor because of limited
the obstetrician to replace the uterus, relaxation of success and risks. The obstetrician may employ
the uterus may be required. Use of tocolytics such uterine compression sutures such as B-lynch
as terbutaline 0.25 mg SQ, magnesium sulfate IV before the final option of hysterectomy is consid-
or IM, halogenated inhaled general anesthetics, or ered [34]. The perioperative management of these
nitroglycerin SL has been shown to be effective in cases of postpartum hemorrhage is further dis-
these cases. Some incidences may require lapa- cussed below.
256 R. E. Betcher and K. Berken
Oxytocin IV: 10–40 units per Continuous Rare, hypersensitivity to Usually none
500–1,000 mL as medication
continuous infusion
or IM: 10 units
Nausea, vomiting,
hyponatremia with
prolonged dosing
Hypotension can
result from IV push,
which is not
Modified from Lyndon et al. [43], American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists [22]
Abbreviations: IV intravenously, IM intramuscularly, PG prostaglandin
aAll agents can cause nausea and vomiting
risks can increase because of preeclampsia, and diopulmonary arrest, hypoxia, coagulopathy, and/
preoperative planning should consider need for or seizure.
blood products including packed red blood cells, Although AFE can present in a multitude of
platelets, and cryoprecipitate. Intravascular con- ways, the rapid deterioration of a patient suffering
striction can mask anemia and true blood volume. from an AFE can be outlined in three progressive
Elevated blood pressures can hide hypotension stages. In phase 1, pulmonary and systemic vaso-
normally noted with excessive blood loss. Airway constriction leads to hypertension and severe O2
management in general anesthesia can be compli- desaturation. Phase 2 follows immediately and
cated by laryngeal edema and facial edema. results in decreased systemic vascular resistance
and cardiac output. In phase 3, sudden cardiac
failure, ARDS, and coagulopathy via DIC cascade
17.8.9 Eclampsia ensue. No rapid test for AFE exists; therefore, the
diagnosis remains clinical, and quick recognition
Eclampsia is the incidence of seizure activity is paramount to successful treatment as most
typically associated with preeclampsia. It can maternal mortality occurs within 30 min.
occur even in patients with little or no preeclamp- Management and treatment of AFE are sup-
sia signs. It usually will occur without warning portive and require rapid simultaneous interdis-
and usually only lasts for a few minutes. Delivery ciplinary cooperation between OB/GYNs, RNs,
is indicated, but emergent C-section is not anesthesiologists, and critical care personnel.
required. Eclampsia can occur perioperatively, Establishing large-bore IV access with pulse
and treatment is geared toward protecting the oximetry, continuous vital sign, and cardiac
patient during their seizure with padding and monitoring is essential. Respiratory support by
positioning to avoid risk of aspiration. Protection anesthesia typically requires endotracheal intu-
of the airway and supplemental oxygenation bation and mechanical ventilation. The basics of
are important. Medical treatment is usually CPR- ACLS and massive transfusion protocols
magnesium sulfate as mentioned above. Use of must be immediately available and initiated.
benzodiazepines should be reserved to patients Hemodynamic support requires judicious use of
nonresponsive to magnesium and have both IV fluids, vasopressors, inotropes, and pulmonary
access and availability for intubation. Fetal seda- vasodilators. Laboratory studies such as CBC,
tion can occur with their use. Lorazepam 2 mg BMP, PT/PTT/INR/fibrinogen, and ABGs are
can be used as a slow IV push [37]. In rare cases very useful to track treatment success; however,
of status epilepticus, general anesthesia may be treatment should never be delayed awaiting these
considered. results [39, 40].
Amniotic fluid embolus (AFE) is a rare condition Perioperative care of pregnant patients has to take
caused by fetal debris entering the maternal circu- into account the physiologic changes that occur
17 lation, which then triggers abnormal activation of during the progression of the gestation. It has to
proinflammatory mediator response systems. consider the effects the condition and its treat-
Estimates of incidence and mortality rates vary ment have on the fetus. Withholding or limiting
widely due to a lack of established standardized treatment because of pregnancy can lead to a
criteria; however, maternal mortality is believed more detrimental situation and increase the risks
to occur in 30–90% of cases. The incidence of AFE for mother and fetus. Fetal monitoring has to con-
ranges from 1:15,000 to 1:53,000 deliveries. Nearly sider the gestational age of the fetus, ability to
70% of AFE present suddenly at time of delivery intervene upon abnormalities noted, and treat-
or immediately postpartum and typically present ment options available at the particular stage of
with an otherwise unexplainable combination of pregnancy.
clinical manifestations often characterized by Understanding of obstetrical conditions can
hypotension, fetal distress, pulmonary edema, assist anesthesia and operative personnel in their
acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), car- pre- and intraoperative management. Most of the
259 17
critical complications associated with pregnancy 17. American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists.
have to do with hemorrhage. Proactively antici- Antepartum fetal surveillance. ACOG Practice Bulletin
no. 145. Obstet Gynecol. 2014;124:182–92.
pating and quickly intervening are key to the opti- 18. Gabbe SG, Niebyl JR, Simpson JL, Landon MB, Galan
mal management. HL, Jauniaux ER, et al., editors. Obstetrics: normal and
problem pregnancies. 7th ed. Philadelphia: Elsevier;
2017. p. 550–64.
19. Cohen-Kerem R, Railton C, Oren D, et al. Pregnancy
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261 18
Catastrophic Complications
in Pediatric Anesthesiology
Sonja A. Gennuso, Brendon M. Hart, Hiroki Komoto,
and Tomasina Parker-Actlis
18.1 Introduction – 262
18.7 Summary – 272
18.9 Answers – 273
References – 273
18.1 Introduction between 1970 and the early 1980s, almost half of
pediatric injuries resulting in malpractice litiga-
The subspecialty of pediatric anesthesiology has tion were related to adverse respiratory events.
made great strides since the open-drop technique Most of these claims were secondary to improper
described for anesthetizing patients in the nine- oxygenation or ventilation. According to this
teenth century. Anesthetic techniques for children report, these complications could have been
have been described as early as 1842. Since the prevented with adequate pulse oximetry and
inception of anesthesiology, the pediatric popula- end-tidal capnography monitoring [1].
tion was observed to have a higher incidence of Furthermore, catastrophic complications in the
anesthetic complications than adult patients. In pediatric population occur more frequently in
fact, the first recorded anesthetic-related mortali- children under 3 years old who have severe
ties were in children. Early literature describes comorbidities [2]. Cardiac arrest, hypoxic brain
cardiac arrest, ineffective anesthesia, nausea, and injury, permanent disability, and death are obvi-
vomiting as sources of morbidity and mortality. ously the most severe complications. Each one is
Although not fully understood in the mid-1800s, strongly related to difficulty with airway man-
the differences in airway anatomy and respiratory agement [1, 2]. In fact, 20% of cardiac arrests in
physiology were noted between children and children of ASA 1 or 2 status during anesthesia
adults (. Table 18.1). For example, John Snow, an are of a respiratory etiology. Additionally, anes-
anesthesiologist who provided labor and delivery thetic agents such as the volatile agents and
anesthesia to Queen Victoria, concluded in pedi- depolarizing neuromuscular blockers have also
atric patients “the effects of chloroform are more been implicated to cause anesthetic-related
quickly produced and also subside more quickly complications such as bradycardia, hyperkale-
than in adults, owing no doubt to quicker breath- mic cardiac arrest, anaphylactic and anaphylac-
ing and circulation” [1]. toid reactions, and malignant hyperthermia. In
Pediatric anesthesiology has dramatically 2015, Ghassemi et al. published a systematic
evolved from the primitive technique of ether- review and meta-analysis of acute severe com-
soaked gauze covering an unsecured airway to plications of pediatric anesthesia. This paper
micro-cuffed endotracheal tubes for proper air- reviewed 25 papers and summarized that the
way management in premature infants. most common acute severe complications in
Although rare, catastrophic anesthetic compli- pediatric anesthesia are related to airway man-
cations still occur in children more often than in agement and the respiratory system [1]. Specific
adults. Based on the American Society of diagnoses are listed as difficult bag mask ventila-
Anesthesiology Closed Claims Project reports tion, airway obstruction, and laryngospasm.
Cardiovascular events are the second most com-
mon etiology of severe morbidity and mortality
.. Table 18.1 Comparison of infant and adult in the pediatric population [1, 2]. Of note, car-
respiratory physiology diovascular events such as bradycardia and
asystole frequently occur following severe desat-
Measurement Infant Adult
uration. Thus, the origin of cardiovascular
Functional residual capacity 30 27–30 events seems to be secondary to respiratory
(ml/kg) complications. . Table 18.2 is a brief description
.. Table 18.2 Diagnosis likely to have airway and/or cardiovascular complications under anesthesia [3]
264 S. A. Gennuso et al.
.. Table 18.2 (continued)
Catastrophic Complications in Pediatric Anesthesiology
265 18
.. Table 18.2 (continued)
18.2 Complications Related to Drugs maintain anesthesia. If left at a high rate, sevoflu-
rane can react with the desiccated CO2 absor-
Anesthetic management in the pediatric popula- bent which can result in an exothermic reaction
tion can be vastly different than the adult popu- causing airway damage [4]. Another side effect
lation. There can be the potential for a multitude related to sevoflurane is, theoretically, damage to
of complications related to various drug expo- the kidneys because of compound A formation
sures in pediatrics if the provider is not aware of in the degradation of sevoflurane in the soda
those potential complications (7 Box 18.1).
lime. It is not toxic to the kidneys if the fresh gas
Oxygen, although not a drug per se, has many flow is at 2 L/min minimum [5]. Both sevoflu-
implications during pediatric anesthesia. Pure, rane and desflurane are bronchodilators, but
high flow oxygen poses a fire hazard risk, and desflurane is not used in inhalational induction
adequate steps must be taken to prevent the risk due to airway irritation. Nitrous oxide should be
of an OR fire by monitoring the oxidizer, ignition used carefully due to the potential side effect of
source, and fuel and by taking steps to prevent vitamin B12 inactivation, prompting neurologic
that triad. It is critical to keep the oxygen con- disorders [4]. In any discussion regarding inha-
centration at its minimum to maintain adequate lational anesthetics, malignant hyperthermia
gas exchange while also avoiding hypoxic com- must be discussed. Typically, the most suscepti-
plications. High flow, concentrated oxygen has ble pediatric populations affected by MH are
the potential to denitrogenate the lungs and those with neuromuscular disease. Mutations in
cause absorption atelectasis. It can cause drying the RYR1 gene account for susceptibility, and
and irritation of the mucosal surfaces and can any child with neuromuscular disease should be
increase the incidence of oxygen free radicals thoroughly worked up prior to any use of anes-
which are toxic to proteins and lipids within thetics that may cause MH [6]. Cardiac arrest
membranes of cells [4]. In premature babies, can occur in the pediatric population due to MH
high flow, concentrated oxygen can have signifi- as well as hyperkalemia. Neuromuscular disor-
cant implications in eye development, causing ders must be extensively worked up prior to any
retrolental fibroplasia [4]. depolarizing or volatile anesthetic use. The FDA
The inhalational anesthetics, as a rule, can has issued a black box warning for succinylcho-
depress the myocardium and, thus, are usually line use in the pediatric population due to the
augmented with opioids to decrease their use. potential for hyperkalemic cardiac arrest in chil-
The typical inhalational anesthetics used in dren with undiagnosed myopathies receiving
pediatrics are sevoflurane and desflurane with succinylcholine [7]. Additionally, one of the
the former generally used in induction. known side effects of succinylcholine is brady-
Sevoflurane is not irritating to the airway and is cardia and, in extreme cases, asystole, and thus if
used exclusively in induction in pediatrics [5]. succinylcholine is used, it is generally favorable
Typically, 8% concentration is used until loss of to have epinephrine or atropine on hand.
consciousness, and then it is then dialed back to Rocuronium might be a safer paralytic for use
for RSI in pediatrics.
Although sugammadex, a cyclodextrin that
forms tight complexes with rocuronium, thus
Box 18.1 Common Drug Side Effects in the inactivating it, has not been approved for pediat-
18 Pediatric Patient
55 Balance of oxygen to prevent hypoxemia
rics yet in the USA for reversal of non-
depolarizing neuromuscular blockade with
and absorption atelectasis
55 Inhalation anesthetics can depress the
rocuronium and vecuronium, its use has the
myocardium potential to decrease the use of succinylcholine
55 Inhalation anesthetics can cause emer- in practice. Succinylcholine is the only depolar-
gence delirium izing muscle relaxant. It is ultrashort acting and
55 Compound A formation in sevoflurane does not need a reversal agent due to its metabo-
55 Bronchodilation with sevoflurane and
lism by cholinesterases. Conversely, succinylcho-
55 NO2 can cause megaloblastic anemia line can cause malignant hyperthermia, masseter
55 Rocuronium is a common allergy spasm, myalgias, and rhabdomyolysis and can
potentially cause hyperkalemic cardiac arrest
Catastrophic Complications in Pediatric Anesthesiology
267 18
particularly in infants and children [4]. Keeping Judicious use of fluids is important in the peri-
these factors in mind, with the increasing use of operative period in pediatrics. As mentioned
sugammadex, one could argue that non-depolar- above, hypovolemia can have detrimental effects
izing muscle relaxers may be of greater benefit in which can result in cardiac arrest. Sodium chlo-
standard and rapid sequence induction. ride should be used liberally in the absence of any
Perioperative anaphylaxis is very rare in pedi- contraindications, including volume overloading
atrics, along the lines of 1:10–20,000 anesthetic disease states, cardiac failure, and fluid retention
procedures, but it is imperative to be prepared and [4]. If the child is on TPN, it is important not to
recognize immediate anaphylactic reactions. The discontinue it; rather, access should be obtained
typical culprit for allergy is the non-depolarizing with a larger catheter for the potential of rapid
muscle relaxants, particularly rocuronium. infusion if necessary [4]. Neonatal fluid require-
Additionally, bradycardia might result as an adap- ments can vary based on gestational age and
tive mechanism to allow for complete diastole birthweight. For term and low birthweight babies,
despite hypovolemia. It is critical to treat with 50–60 ml/kg per day is required for fluid require-
atropine and epinephrine in this instance because ments at 1 day of age and goes up 10–20 ml/kg per
atropine alone may precipitate cardiac arrest in day up to 5 days for a total of 180 ml/kg per day.
the pediatric patient [4]. Anaphylaxis is best For very low birthweight and extremely low birth-
treated with epinephrine and volume expansion weight preterm babies, the fluid requirements are
with fluids [8]. Anaphylaxis can be graded 1–4 greater early on with 180 ml/kg per day usually
with 1 being observation and 4 being treatment around day 4 of life [11].
with 1–3 mg epinephrine intravenously. Grade 2 The pediatric population is prone to emergence
is treated with 10–20 mcg, and grade 3 reactions delirium after general anesthesia, and a ttention has
are treated with 100–200 mcg of epinephrine [4]. been raised to the use of intranasal dexmedetomi-
A side effect of anaphylaxis is Takotsubo’s cardio- dine as a premedication to reduce emergence delir-
myopathy which is a result of either coronary ium and MAC of sevoflurane. Savla et al. report a
vasospasm from anaphylaxis or epinephrine itself. decrease in emergence delirium with 1–2 mcg/kg.
It is critical not to overuse epinephrine in anaphy- Additionally, a reduction in MAC of sevoflurane
laxis. Overuse can result in worse outcomes by 36% for LMA insertion was observed [12]. He
including increased myocardial oxygen demand, et al. also report a decreased incidence of agitation
arrhythmias from ventricular ectopy, tachycardia, and a decrease in end-tidal sevoflurane concentra-
and increased SVR. These combined may result in tion required for LMA removal with an infusion of
a worse neurological outcome post resuscitation 0.1–1 mcg/kg of dexmedetomidine [13]. Conversely,
[9]. The standard dose of epinephrine in the pedi- a combination of ketamine and dexmedetomidine
atric patient for anaphylactic shock and cardiac has been used to prevent emergence delirium,
arrest is 0.01 mg/kg IV [4]. PONV, and analgesia. Hadi et al. report that
Complications can arise during mechanical 0.15 mg/kg ketamine followed by 0.3 mcg/kg dex-
ventilation as well. Ventilating the pediatric medetomidine infused 10 min prior to emergence
patient is not without complication. Typically, it is reduces the incidence of sevoflurane-induced
judicious to start at low tidal volumes and peak emergence delirium, kept hemodynamic stability
inspiratory pressures as to prevent volutrauma during extubation, and reduced opioid require-
and barotrauma. Peak pressures should not ments after tonsillectomy [14].
exceed 15–20 cm H20, and tidal volumes should Awareness under anesthesia in the pediatric
be increased slowly until peak pressures, ETCO2, population can range anywhere from 1 in 135 by
and tidal volumes are in an acceptable range. direct questioning to 1 in 51,500 by spontaneous
Volutrauma and barotrauma take precedence questioning. Awareness is most common in the
over moderate hypercapnia to the point where it induction and emergence of anesthesia and is
is better to maintain relative hypercapnia rather most distressing under neuromuscular blockade
than increasing tidal volumes and peak pressures combined with pain. Generally, episodes last
to result in normocapnia [4]. Even at low tidal 5 min or less but are nonetheless generally dis-
volumes, an inflammatory response can be elic- tressing. Depth of anesthesia monitors may be
ited and can be detrimental in the newborn and useful in helping prevent awareness by anesthetic
pediatric populations [10]. depth [15].
268 S. A. Gennuso et al.
The head of the pediatric patient is noticeably increased respiratory rate to prevent hypercapnia
larger in comparison to the adult counterparts, [18]. Finally, anatomic changes are more pro-
and the occiput is more prominent [16]. This can found in the pediatric airway. Since Poiseuille’s
predispose to upper airway obstruction after law governs resistance to flow, anatomic changes
induction due to the flexion of the head. A shoul- like laryngeomalacia, growths within the airway,
der roll is recommended to aid the provider in and subglottic stenosis can profoundly affect the
aligning the oral, laryngeal, and tracheal axes fresh gas flow by a factor of 16 [16]. Each of these
[16]. The next anatomical difference between disease processes must be addressed separately in
children and adults is that the tongue is relatively the workup prior to any induction.
larger and the mandible is shorter. Additionally, Mask ventilation is fundamental in airway
the adenoids and tonsils are larger and the subject management in pediatrics. Posterior displace-
of ENT surgery at a young age. These things com- ment of the tongue can be relieved by an oral air-
bined cause increased upper airway resistance way. The LMA also has 95–98% success rate in
and obstruction, complicating mask ventilation getting adequate ventilation in pediatrics [16].
and, ultimately, intubation [16]. The larynx is Additionally, uncuffed endotracheal tubes were
higher in children, located at about C4 versus once used more often than cuffed tubes with the
adults at C6. In the adult, the vocal chords are at a thought being that pressure would be minimized
90-degree angle to the trachea, while in pediat- to the subglottis and resistance would be mini-
rics, it is more anterior/inferior to posterior/supe- mized. Now, the thought is that cuffed tubes min-
rior orientation which can make endotracheal imize trauma and provide better ventilating
intubation more traumatic and/or challenging conditions. Uncuffed tubes may actually be asso-
[17]. The epiglottis in children is typically U ciated with more cases of laryngospasm [16].
shaped compared to a flat line in adults. The use of Overall, the pediatric airway must be managed
a Miller blade may be more advantageous in differently than the adult airway, keeping in mind
younger-aged children compared to the anatomical and physiologic differences. The anes-
Macintosh which may be used in older children, thesia provider must have access to all the materi-
as direct control over lifting the uvula can be als in the difficult airway algorithm to prevent
obtained with a straight blade [16]. unnecessary causes of morbidity and mortality.
Physiologically, pediatric patients differ from Pediatric airway emergencies, although uncom-
adults in many ways which can ultimately dispose mon in healthy children, can happen much faster
them to hypoxemia. Oxygen consumption is rela- than in their adult counterparts. The introduction
tively higher in pediatrics on the order of 6 ml/kg/ of LMAs has greatly reduced airway compromise
min vs. 3 ml/kg/min. Additionally, children have in pediatrics and allows for lesser need for the
a lower FRC. These combined can predispose a surgical airway. Fiber-optic intubation through
the LMA is considered the ultimate technique in
18 the difficult pediatric airway before moving on to
Box 18.2 Anatomic Airway Differences in surgical cannulation or tracheostomy [19]. The
the Pediatric Patient Versus the Adult Patient risk of aspiration in pediatrics has decreased with
55 Head and occiput are larger the growing support of cuffed endotracheal tubes
55 Tongue is larger and mandible is shorter in pediatrics [20].
55 Adenoids and tonsils are larger Bronchospasm, laryngospasm, and hypoxemia
55 Larynx is higher are the most frequent encountered adverse events
55 Vocal chords are anterior/inferior to
in the perioperative setting with pediatric patients.
55 Epiglottis is U shaped Unrecognized, these can be life threatening and
lead to cardiac arrest. The most common predic-
Catastrophic Complications in Pediatric Anesthesiology
269 18
tors are age of the patient, with increasing age
showing a reduction in adverse events, type of sur- Box 18.3 Clinical Criterial for Diagnosing
gery, use of desflurane, sleep disorders and obesity, Anaphylaxis
URI, emergent procedures, and lack of a pediatric Anaphylaxis is highly likely when any one of the
following three criteria is fulfilled:
specialist in anesthesia [21]. Luce et al. report a
1. Acute onset of an illness (minutes to several
decrease in the incidence of laryngospasm, post- hours) with involvement of the skin, mucosal
operative desaturation, cough, and breath holding tissue, or both (e.g., generalized hives, pruritus
with the use of an LMA when indicated compared or flushing, swollen lips, tongue, uvula)
to tracheal intubation [22]. Additionally, there was And at least one of the following:
(a) Respiratory compromise (e.g., dyspnea,
a decrease in laryngospasm-related events when
wheeze-bronchospasm, stridor, reduced
extubated deep with LMA with no change in out- peak expiratory pressure [PEF], hypox-
comes when the LMA was removed in the awake emia)
child. It is important to have emergency drugs on (b) Reduced BP or associated symptoms of
hand when treating the perioperative pediatric end-organ dysfunction (e.g., hypotonia
[collapse], syncope, incontinence)
patient. Despite optimizing risk factors for laryn-
2. Two or more of the following that occur rapidly
gospasm/bronchospasm, it is important to recog- after exposure to a likely allergen for that
nize those first initial signs and act accordingly. patient (minutes to several hours):
Positive pressure is the initial treatment for such (a) Involvement of the sink-mucosal tissue
events. If unresponsive, it is necessary to use suc- (e.g., generalized hives, itch-flush, swollen
lips, tongue, uvula)
cinylcholine for rapid relaxation in a patient with
(b) Respiratory compromise (e.g., dyspnea,
laryngospasm or bronchospasm to prevent brady- wheeze-bronchospasm, stridor, reduced
cardia and cardiac arrest. Atropine and epineph- PEF, hypoxemia)
rine should be on hand to treat bradycardia and (c) Reduced BP or associated symptoms (e.g.,
cardiac arrest. hypotonia [collapse], syncope, inconti-
(d) Persistent gastrointestinal symptoms (e.g.,
crampy abdominal pain, vomiting)
18.4 Allergic Reactions 3. Reduced BP after exposure to known allergen
for that patient (minutes to several hours):
The practice of anesthesia is pharmacologically (a) Infants and children: low systolic BP (age
specific) or greater than 30% decrease in
unique, as patients are exposed to multiple medi-
systolic BP
cations within a relatively short time span. Each of (b) Adults: systolic BP of less than 90 mm Hg
these medications has the potential to induce a or greater than 30% decrease from that
potentially life-threatening anaphylaxis [23]. person’s baseline
Therefore, it is prudent for the anesthesiologist to
be vigilant in observing patients for possible aller- Sampson et al. [34]
gic reactions as symptoms may be masked by
anesthetic agents as well as the surgical drapes.
Anaphylaxis is the most severe type of allergic
reaction and is defined as an acute allergic reac- reactions mediated by a sudden release of pre-
tion resulting from a rapid, antigen-induced formed and newly synthesized mediators from
release of potent, pharmacologically active medi- mast cells and basophils. Although causative
ators from mast cells and basophils [23]. Clinically agent cannot always be determined in periopera-
criteria for anaphylaxis have been defined by tive anaphylaxis, common culprits have been
Sampson et al. (7 Box 18.3).
determined to be neuromuscular-blocking drugs
Life-threatening anaphylaxis is rare, with life- (NMDBs) (50–70%), followed by latex (12–
time risk in the general population of 1.6% and 16.7%), and antibiotics (15%) [27] in adult popu-
perioperative anaphylaxis reported up to lations. However, in a pharmacovigilance study
1/13,000 anesthetics [24]. These anaphylactic which included 266 children (<18 years old), 122
reactions have a reported mortality rate in a of these children developed an IgE-mediated
French Survey of 3–9% [25], with a more recent anaphylaxis to the following: 41.8% reacted to
Australian study putting the mortality of 0–1.4% latex, 31.97% reacted to NMBD, and 9.02%
[26]. Perioperative anaphylaxis hypersensitivity reacted to antibiotics.
270 S. A. Gennuso et al.
Latex is a natural product derived from the considering the use of an NMDB in a patient with
rubber tree, Hevea brasiliensis, and has been a previous NMDB allergic reaction, cis-
associated with both immediate and delayed atracurium may be a good alternative. It has been
hypersensitivity reactions. Specific subpopula- shown to have the least cross-reactivity when
tions at risk include atopic children, spinal bifida, used in those who previous suffered anaphylaxis
children who underwent surgical procedures dur- to rocuronium and vecuronium [31].
ing neonatal period, and individuals who require Antibiotics are the 3rd most frequent cause of
frequent surgical instrumentations (i.e., cath- drug-related anaphylaxis with a reported inci-
eterization). Additionally, children with specific dence of 9% [25] which is of concern in the field
food allergies including avocado, kiwi, bananas, of anesthesia considering that nearly every patient
or chestnuts are more prone to developing latex undergoing surgery receives this for surgical pro-
anaphylaxis as these share similar allergens with phylaxis. Most common agents are penicillins and
latex [28]. Diagnosis of latex allergies should cephalosporins [33].
begin with a clinical history by questioning about
atopic dermatitis, allergic rhinitis, and prior
exposure to surgery and/or latex, and prior reac- 18.4.1 Treatment
tions noted with balloon or rubber toys may help
identify patients with latex sensitivities. Latex After a patient is diagnosed clinically with anaphy-
allergies suspected by clinical history should be laxis, treatment is based on the severity of the reac-
confirmed with specific laboratory testing. Two tion using Ring and Messmer grading. Grade I
tests are available, skin prick testing and detection includes cutaneous symptoms (erythema, u rticaria,
of IgE to latex protein [29]. Prevention of anaphy- with or without angioedema). Grade II includes
laxis in pediatric population begins with limit- cutaneous symptoms and may be associated with
ing exposure to latex. Many hospitals now have cardiovascular and/or respiratory symptoms.
phased out the use of latex-containing products Grade III hallmark feature is cardiovascular col-
to avoid exposing children in the first place, thus lapse that may be associated with cutaneous symp-
mitigating the development of hypersensitivity toms and/or bronchospasm, and grade IV is cardiac
to latex. Additionally, reactions can be limited by arrest [35]. Immediate treatments are as follows: (1)
identifying those children with a latex sensitivity, withdraw the offending agent; (2) immediately dis-
so further measures can be taken to establish a continue anesthetic drugs when the anaphylactic
“latex-safe” environment, as the complete avoid- event occurs during induction; (3) maintain airway
ance of latex products is key to preventing severe with 100% oxygen; (4) provide early administration
anaphylaxis. In addition to avoiding all latex of epinephrine especially in grade II or IV reac-
products, schedule these cases as the first in the tions; (5) call for help, especially for grades III and
day, where aerosolized latex antigen is thought to IV; (6) place patient supine in Trendelenburg; and
be at its lowest level, or wait 90 min after the pre- (7) abbreviate the surgical procedure if possible
vious cases to decrease the amount of aerosolized when it occurs during surgery [35].
latex antigen [29].
Neuromuscular-blocking drugs (NMDBs)
have been the most common medication associ- 18.5 Postoperative Complications
ated with perioperative anaphylaxis in adults. In
18 pharmacovigilance data collected in France, it Postoperative nausea and vomiting (PONV) is one
was noted that NMBD was the 2nd most common of the most common complications of pediatric-
antigen associated with anaphylaxis [25]. Of the anesthesia. It is mediated by the vomiting center,
NMDBs, the current literature indicates that thought to reside in the brainstem. It receives input
rocuronium is most likely to cause anaphylactic from the pharynx, GI tract, higher cortical center
reactions compared to other NMBDs [30–32]. In (i.e., visual, gustatory, olfactory, and vestibular
an Australian analysis over a 10-year period, 80 centers), and the chemoreceptor trigger zone
cases of life-threatening anaphylaxis are associ- (CTZ) [36]. PONV risk is typically calculated for
ated with NMBD. Rocuronium was implicated in adults with the Apfel score. However, the Apfel cri-
56%, succinylcholine 21%, and vecuronium 11% teria are not fully applicable to children as the cri-
[31]. Although allergies to NMBD are rare, when teria were not developed or validated for pediatric
Catastrophic Complications in Pediatric Anesthesiology
271 18
patients. In a study by Eberhart et al., they identi- provider), patient related (younger age, reactive
fied four independent risk factors for PONV: (1) airway, smoke exposure, recent URI), or surgery
duration of surgery ≥30 min, (2) age ≥ 3 years, (3) related (airway procedures, tonsillectomy/ade-
strabismus surgery, and (4) a positive history of noidectomy) [41]. Treatment measures should be
PONV in child or in relatives (mother, father, sib- initiated by removal of irritant stimulus, opening
lings). PONV risk was 9%, 10%, 30%, 55%, and mouth, jaw thrust, and CPAP ventilation with
70% for 0–4 risk factors met [37]. For patients with 100% oxygen. Propofol (0.25–0.8 mg/kg IV) has
low risk of PONV, prophylactic treatment may be been shown to treat laryngospasm in 76.9% of
unnecessary. In children at higher risk for PONV, cases. However, the gold standard remains succi-
several steps can be taken to lessen the occurrence nylcholine (0.1–3 mg/kg) given together with
of PONV. First, consider avoiding known inducers atropine (0.02 mg/kg) to avoid succinylcholine-
of PONV, such as nitrous oxide, volatile agents, associated bradycardia [41].
and postoperative opioids. Furthermore, consider Post-extubation stridor is typically associated
utilizing anesthesia modalities which have low with use of a tight-fitting endotracheal tube,
emetic potential such as regional anesthesia or repeated intubation attempts, traumatic intuba-
total intravenous anesthesia using propofol. tion/extubation, or coughing/straining on tube.
Finally, consider the use of prophylactic medica- This can result in mucosal trauma and airway
tions. Intravenous ondansetron (5-HT3 receptor edema and ultimately airway obstruction.
antagonist) can be given at 50–100 mcg/kg up to Treatment options include humidified air for mild
4 mg or dexamethasone 150 mcg/kg up to 5 mg. In cases. For more severe cases, consider nebulized
cases of high PONV risk, combination therapy can racemic epinephrine for immediate reduction of
be utilized using ondansetron and dexametha- edema via vasoconstriction. Also, dexamethasone
sone, as studies have supported a synergistic effect (0.5 mg/kg) may be helpful after the initial ther-
when used in combination [38]. apy, to reduce the airway edema associated with
Hypoxia in children, defined as an oxygen post-extubation stridor [36].
saturation <93%, in the postoperative setting Negative pressure pulmonary edema (NPPE)
should raise concerns, and O2 therapy should be is a complication that arises after relief of an acute
initiated. Evaluate waveform to ensure its monitor upper airway obstruction, most commonly laryn-
is providing an accurate value, and adjust probe as gospasm. This results in the development of
appropriate. If hypoxia is true, consider the fol- increased negative intrathoracic pressures which
lowing: residual anesthetics, inadequate reversal if ultimately results in increased permeability of pul-
paralytic was utilized, respiratory depression, air- monary capillaries resulting in pulmonary edema
way obstruction, and laryngospasm. [42]. Clinically, a patient will present with NPPE
Postoperatively, airway obstruction can be with the following symptoms: dyspnea, progres-
observed clinically by a seesaw breathing pattern sive cyanosis, anxiety, increased work of breathing,
and subcostal or sternal retraction. Typically, the excessive pink frothy secretions from the mouth,
obstruction is caused by the tongue falling back and cracks on auscultation [43]. NPPV is self-
and blocking the airway. Treatment includes limiting, typically resolving in 12–24 h with noth-
insertion of oral airway if tolerated, neck exten- ing more than supportive care, including
sion, opening of mouth, and jaw thrust either supplemental oxygen or CPAP if required.
alone or in combination [36]. Consider reintubation and mechanical ventilation
Laryngospasm can be defined as is a reflex clo- for a patient who cannot adequately oxygenate
sure of the upper airway as a result of glottic mus- themselves despite supplemental oxygen [44].
culature spasm. It is a protective reflex that acts to
prevent foreign material entering the tracheo-
bronchial tree [39]. However, during anesthesia, 18.6 Anesthesia-Related Mortality
prolonged laryngospasm can result in life-
threatening complications including hypoxemia Evaluation of perioperative mortality in children
bradycardia, negative pressure pulmonary edema, related to anesthesia is useful to evaluate what
and cardiac arrest [40]. Risk factors for laryngo- children are at higher risk and create better
spasm can fall under three categories: anesthesia management strategies to improve the overall
related (light plane of anesthesia, inexperienced safety in the administration of anesthesia to
272 S. A. Gennuso et al.
children. A meta-analysis by Gonzalez et al. noted anatomy to the physiology. Because of this the man-
the following risk factors associated with periop- agement and treatment can be different and more
erative mortality. Higher rates of mortality were difficult. Take, for instance, the life-sustaining ele-
associated with developing countries compared ment of oxygen that can be too much for the neona-
to developed countries when comparing data tal human leading to retrolental fibroplasia and
from the same time frame [45]. Major risk factors abnormal proliferation of fibrous tissue during eye
were identified as age (newborns and infants less development or absorption atelectasis causing dry-
than 1 year of age are at greater risk), ASA III or ing of the mucosal and increase production of free
greater, emergency surgery, general anesthesia, radicals. The anesthetic gases used for inhalational
and cardiac surgery. In those children with coex- induction can depress the myocardium and lead to
isting comorbidities prior to surgery, complica- vitamin B12 inactivation. Drugs used to induce
tions related to airway management and immobilization can induce cardiac arrest or lead to
cardiocirculatory events were accounted for an allergic reaction that can ultimately lead to car-
majority of the causes of mortality [45]. A study diac arrest. The safe drugs used to treat anaphylactic
by Lian et al. conducted a retrospective analysis of complications, i.e., epinephrine, are themselves not
pediatric patient which were either admitted to without risk such as too much can lead to coronary
ICU or died within 30 days postsurgery to develop vasospasm. The recommended dose is 0.01 mg/kg
a preoperative risk prediction score (PRPS) to IV. Children have increase oxygen consumption
predict the likelihood of postoperative ICU leading to hypoxemia at a faster rate than adults.
admission and/or the risk of pediatric periopera- Mechanical ventilation must be optimized to the
tive death [46]. Similar risk factors associated correct tidal volumes and peak inspiratory pres-
with perioperative mortality which included sure; failure to do so can lead to hypoxemia, hyper-
age < 1 year old and patients classified as ASA III capnia, or barotrauma. Even though bronchospasm
and above. Additionally, it was noted that patients and laryngospasm are frequently encountered
with intraoperative SpO2 <90% were noted to be adverse events, they can be catastrophic. The culprit
a significant independent risk factor. Additionally, can be light anesthesia, reactive airway disease, age
it was noted that “unfasted” patients prior to sur- of patient, and type of surgery. It can be managed by
gery may be associated with emergent surgery. positive pressure, deepening the anesthesia, depo-
However, the authors mention that in their study, larizing neuromuscular- blocking agent, and epi-
emergent surgery was not completely equivalent nephrine. Post extubation stridor secondary to
to unfasted patients. Therefore, they suggest that mucosal trauma can be avoided with the use of
“unfasted” patient may be the risk factor [46]. appropriate-sized endotracheal tubes, minimizing
the amount of airway manipulation and coughing
on the tube. Treatments include dexamethasone,
18.7 Summary humidified air, and nebulized epinephrine.
Postoperative nausea and vomiting, one of the more
Overall, complications can and do occur in any common complications, has four independent risk
anesthetic procedures, but what one does to treat or factors, and prevention methods include avoidance
prevent the complication is most prudent. A pediat- of known inducers and the use of low emetic poten-
ric anesthetic case has the potential to develop into tial anesthesia.
a catastrophic perioperative complication. Some The pediatric airway in itself yields potential
18 complications include allergic reactions, postopera- for complications. The occiput is larger making a
tive nausea and vomiting, hypoxia, bronchospasm, difficult patient position, so it is recommended to
laryngospasm, post- extubation stridor, negative place a shoulder roll to align the axis, and the
pressure pulmonary edema, absorption atelectasis, tongue is larger making a difficult mask ventila-
emergence delirium, and cardiac arrest. All compli- tion, so it is recommended to use an oral airway.
cations have the potential to be classified as mild, When trying to intubate, the anatomical features
moderate, severe, or catastrophic. It is the anesthe- that make it more challenging are that the larynx is
siologist’s knowledge and preparedness that will higher, the vocal cords are slightly angled, and the
determine if the complication yields a mild, moder- epiglottis is U shaped. The use of the Miller blade
ate, or severe result. The pediatric patient is vastly for younger children and Macintosh for older chil-
different from the adult in many forms from the dren may make the intubation process easier.
Catastrophic Complications in Pediatric Anesthesiology
273 18
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D. Improper drug administration W, Diamandis P, Guerguerian AM, Dowling JJ, Yoon
G. Neuromuscular conditions associated with malignant
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18.9 Answers 12. Savla JR, Ghai B, Bansal D, Wig J. Effect of intranasal dex-
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275 19
Ambulatory and Office-
Based Surgery
Joshua E. Dibble and Arthur L. Calimaran
19.1 Introduction – 276
19.2 Definitions – 276
19.3 Facilities – 276
19.4 Patient Selection – 277
19.5 Obstructive Sleep Apnea – 277
19.6 Cardiovascular Disease – 277
19.7 Malignant Hyperthermia – 278
19.8 Preoperative Evaluation – 278
19.9 Preoperative Fasting – 278
19.10 Premedication – 279
19.10.1 Controlling Anxiety – 279
19.10.2 Preoperative Analgesia – 279
19.11 Intraoperative Management – 279
19.11.1 Technique – 279
19.11.2 Regional Anesthesia – 280
19.12 Recovery from Anesthesia – 280
19.13 Postoperative Nausea and Vomiting – 281
19.14 Postoperative Pain Management – 281
19.15 Discharge – 281
19.16 Office-Based Anesthesia – 282
19.17 Summary – 282
19.18 Review Questions – 282
19.19 Answers – 282
References – 283
© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019
C. J. Fox, III et al. (eds.), Catastrophic Perioperative Complications and Management,
276 J. E. Dibble and A. L. Calimaran
healthcare delivery across the world. In the United 19.1 [5]. They state that all ASA standard practices
States, only 20% of elective surgery occurs in an should be maintained and set expectations in
inpatient hospital setting with the rest occurring regard to staffing. Additonally, it provides guidance
in an ambulatory facility [2]. Advances in mini- as to patient care and record keeping. Government
mally invasive surgical techniques and the pres- regulation and accreditation are done by agencies
sure to control healthcare cost have driven the such as The Joint Commission, the American
trend toward procedures being performed outside Association for Accreditation of Ambulatory
of the traditional hospital setting. Organizations Surgery Facilities, or the Accreditation Association
such as the Society for Ambulatory Anesthesia for Ambulatory Health Care. Additionally indi-
(SAMBA) and the International Association for vidual states have developed regulations to ensure
Ambulatory Surgery (IAAS) have formed to pro- that safety and emergency protocols are in place.
vide guidance and promote ambulatory surgery
across the globe. The ambulatory and office set-
ting continues to grow and will no doubt have an Box 19.1 An Outline of ASA Guidelines for
impact on every practicing anesthesiologist at Ambulatory Anesthesia and Surgery
some point in their career. 1. All ASA standard practices should be followed.
2. A licensed physician must be available at all
times in person by phone until while patients
are present.
19.2 Definitions 3. The facility must be constructed and operated
in a manner that complies with all local, state,
Ambulatory surgery is a common phrase used and federal laws.
4. Staffing should consist of:
today; however the definition can vary among dif-
A. Professional staff
ferent healthcare systems. The International 1. Licensed physicians and nurses
Association for Ambulatory Surgery (IAAS) co- B. Administrative staff
founder Tom W Ogg suggested the definition: “A C. Housekeeping and maintenance staff
surgical day case is a patient who is admitted for 5. Minimal patient care should include:
A. Preoperative instructions and preparation.
investigation or operation on a planned non-resi-
B. An appropriate pre-anesthesia evaluation
dent basis and who none the less requires facilities and examination to be performed or
for recovery. The whole procedure should not reviewed and verified by an anesthesiolo-
require an overnight stay in a hospital bed.” [3] gist, prior to anesthesia and surgery.
With this guidance it is clear that the intent of C. An anesthesia plan developed with and
accepted by the patient by an anesthesi-
ambulatory surgery is to manage the entire patient
encounter within 1 day with the expectation of D. Administration of anesthesia by anesthesi-
the patient returning to their prior place of resi- ologists, other qualified physicians, or
dence. Office-based anesthesia is performing an nonphysician anesthesia personnel
anesthetic in a venue outside a traditional hospital medically directed by an anesthesiologist.
E. Physician responsibility for patient
such as an office that does not hold accreditation
as either an ambulatory surgery center or hospital F. Patients who receive other than unsupple-
19 [4]. mented local anesthesia must be
discharged with a responsible adult.
G. Patients must be given written postopera-
tive and follow-up care instructions.
H. Accurate, confidential, and current medical
19.3 Facilities records.
A variety of arrangements exist for the provision of Adapted from ASA Guidelines for Ambulatory
ambulatory surgery. Some facilities are integrated Surgery [5]
within a hospital to make use of existing personnel
Ambulatory and Office-Based Surgery
277 19
19.4 Patient Selection 55 Performing a physical exam prior to the date
of surgery to examine the airway and
When choosing patients for ambulatory surgery, consider factors such as neck size, tonsil size,
one must remember the expectation is for the tongue volume, and nasopharyngeal charac-
patient to return to their prior living situation on teristics that may suggest undiagnosed OSA
the same day. With this in mind, a variety of med- and if necessary warrant further work-up and
ical and surgical factors should be considered. optimization
Surgery should be done with the expectation of no 55 Factors such as OSA status, type of surgery,
need for complex postoperative care or ongoing capabilities of the outpatient facility, and need
blood loss. Patients with a suspected or known for post-op opioids should be taken into
difficult airway or unstable chronic medical con- account when determining if the procedure
ditions may be best served by having their proce- can be done on an ambulatory basis
dure done at a hospital. Historically ambulatory 55 Local anesthetic and peripheral nerve blocks
surgery was provided for patients assigned to ASA should be used when possible to minimize
physical status I or II. Currently it is common to sedation and opioid use
see ASA III or IV patients in the ambulatory set- 55 Patients should be extubated fully awake in a
ting provided their comorbid diseases are opti- lateral, semi-upright, or other non-supine
mized and stable. A retrospective review found no positions after full reversal of neuromuscular
significant differences in unplanned admissions, blockade
unplanned admission rates, unplanned contact
with healthcare services, or postoperative compli- The use of a questionnaire such as STOP-Bang
cations in ASA III patients undergoing ambula- along with a physical exam has proven effective in
tory surgery when compared to ASA I or II identifying most patients at risk of OSA [12].
patients [6]. Although more patients with an Patients with OSA can be safely treated in the
increasing number of comorbidities are being ambulatory surgical setting; however they may
treated in ambulatory surgery centers, several have a higher likelihood of difficult intubation,
conditions require special consideration. have a greater requirement for vasopressors, and
will potentially need more oxygen in the PACU
[13], so the anesthesiologist should be prepared
19.5 Obstructive Sleep Apnea for this possibility in at risk patients.
anesthesia. Low-level evidence exists that sup- facilities keep a minimum of 36 vials of dantrolene
ports the withholding ACEI/ARBs the day of sur- where any triggering agents may be deployed [20].
gery to prevent hypotension [16]. A large cohort Some ambulatory centers will prefer to exclusively
study however has shown no difference in hemo- use total intravenous anesthesia and will only have
dynamic characteristics, vasopressor require- succinylcholine on hand for emergency purposes.
ments, or cardiorespiratory complications among In this type of arrangement, it is still recom-
patients who were or were not using ACEI during mended to stock dantrolene should a MH event
surgery [17]. The decision to continue or withhold occur [20]. In the event MH is triggered in an
ACEI/ARBs should be made on a case-by-case ambulatory setting, initial efforts should be
basis. focused on dantrolene administration. Emergency
Determining a patient’s preoperative exercise medical services should then be contacted with-
tolerance is vital as it is a good approximation of out delay to transport the patient to a medical
cardiovascular status and can help guide the need center with all the capabilities to manage the
for further testing. It has been shown that patient event. The Malignant Hyperthermia Association
self-reported exercise tolerance is a sensitive way of the United States, the Ambulatory Surgery
of predicting cardiovascular perioperative com- Foundation, and the Society for Ambulatory
plications with patients who state they can walk Anesthesia have developed joint transfer guide-
less than four blocks or two flights of stairs at the lines for patients who develop acute MH in an
greatest risk [18]. This can help reduce the need ASC [21].
for further formalized testing and serve as a quick
measure for identifying patients at the highest
risk. Other specific patient factors that have been 19.8 Preoperative Evaluation
shown to increase perioperative risk are a history
of coronary artery disease, myocardial infarction, Ideally the preoperative evaluation should be
peripheral vascular disease, congestive heart fail- done with sufficient time in advance of the
ure, ventricular arrhythmia, dementia, Parkinson planned procedure to allow for additional testing
disease, and smoking equal to or greater than 20 and optimization should that be necessary. For
pack years [18]. young healthy patients, a telephone assessment
The American College of Cardiology (ACC) may be appropriate [22]. In older patients more
and the American Heart Association (AHA) task likely to have multiple comorbidities and social
force on practice guidelines published an update issues, a face-to-face assessment is advisable [23].
in 2014 [19]. Patients with coronary artery stent Routine laboratory testing is often not predictive
placement in the previous 4–6 weeks are recom- of postoperative complications [24] and should be
mended to continue antiplatelet therapy for ordered with specific management questions in
urgent, noncardiac surgery unless the risk of mind. In one study all preoperative testing was
bleeding outweighs the benefit of prevention of eliminated, and this resulted in no increased peri-
stent thrombosis. If P2Y12 platelet receptor operative adverse events or readmission within
inhibitor therapy must be stopped, it is recom- 30 days [25]. This suggests many preoperative
mended to continue aspirin and to restart P2Y12 tests are unnecessary and only contribute to
platelet receptor inhibitor therapy as soon as pos- increase costs. In the ambulatory setting, preop-
sible following surgery. For elective surgery it is erative testing should be done judicially as to not
recommended to delay surgery for 30 days post incur unnecessary delays.
bare metal stent placement and 1 year post drug-
eluting stent placement [19].
19 19.9 Preoperative Fasting
anesthesiologist must choose between general efit of reduced PONV and excellent postoperative
anesthesia, regional anesthesia, local anesthesia, analgesia. These benefits must be weighed against
or some combination of the three. A meta-analy- potential disadvantages. Regional techniques may
sis comparing discharge time from an ambula- be contraindicated in patients on anticoagulants,
tory surgery center between patients receiving have a high failure rate if the practitioner is inex-
peripheral nerve blocks, neuraxial technique, or perienced, carry a risk of infection, and introduce
general anesthesia showed no significant differ- patients to the risk of local anesthetic toxicity.
ence [39]. This would suggest that perceived Patients who receive peripheral nerve blocks may
variation in recovery times between the tech- potentially be discharged from PACU sooner as
niques is unfounded. compared with general anesthesia [44]. This is in
Some procedures will only be possible under contrast to neuraxial techniques that can poten-
general anesthesia. Other procedures may be pos- tially increase PACU discharge times [45]. The
sible via multiple types of anesthesia, and the duration of action of lidocaine is appropriate for
decision on what technique to employ will involve outpatient surgery; however it is avoided in spinal
consideration of patient factors along with sur- anesthesia due to the incidence of local anesthetic
geon preferences. Procedures that are suitable toxicity [46]. Bupivacaine and ropivacaine are
under local anesthesia may have an advantage of alternative agents for spinal anesthesia; however
lower cost and shorter operating room time [40]. their longer duration of action can make them
General anesthesia is a common choice of anes- less desirable in the ambulatory setting [47].
thetic technique and is often induced via short- Intrathecal 2-chloroprocaine is a suitable alterna-
acting intravenous induction agents, the exception tive as it has shown to result in significantly faster
being children or needle-phobic adults where discharge times as opposed to bupivacaine [48].
inhalational induction with the volatile agent Bupivacaine when used at lower than typical
sevoflurane is performed. Propofol has properties doses and combined with an adjunct such as fen-
that make it an appealing choice for IV induction tanyl has been successfully used in spinal surgery
in outpatient surgery. It is short acting allowing in the ambulatory setting [45].
for a rapid recovery, is nonirritating to the airway,
and can reduce postoperative nausea and vomit-
ing [41]. Propofol however causes pain at the 19.12 Recovery from Anesthesia
injection site and can induce dose-dependent
apnea and hypotension after administration. Recovery is typically broken down into distinct
Maintenance of anesthesia can be with a volatile phases. Standardized methods such as the Aldrete
agent or with IV anesthetics. Total intravenous scoring system or the postanesthetic discharge
anesthesia (TIVA) with propofol may provide an scoring system (PADSS) are often employed to
advantage of less PONV as compared to the use of evaluate patients during their recovery from anes-
volatile agents [42]. Inhalational agents such as thesia. For efficiency the postanesthesia care unit
sevoflurane and desflurane have low blood solu- (PACU) should be located in close proximity to
bility that allow for rapid recovery and emergence; the operating rooms. Generally patients have
however they are associated with increased inci- completed phase I of recovery when they are alert,
dence of postoperative nausea and vomiting as oriented, able to maintain their airway, and hemo-
compared to propofol [43]. Recovery from anes- dynamically stable. It is not uncommon for
thesia maintained with propofol is comparable to patients to emerge from the operating room and
anesthesia maintained by inhalational agents [41]. advance directly for phase II. Phase II consists of
preparing the patient for discharge to home.
19 Patients are often required to sit up unassisted or
19.11.2 Regional Anesthesia ambulate, tolerate oral intake, and void prior to
completion of stage II. Common reasons for pro-
Regional anesthesia techniques such as peripheral longed PACU stay include nausea and vomiting,
nerve blocks and neuraxial techniques are com- pain, and drowsiness [49]. Having a plan in place
monplace in ambulatory surgery. It is not uncom- to manage postoperative complications such as
mon to see regional and general anesthesia PONV and pain is vital to the efficiency of an
combined. Regional anesthesia provides the ben- ambulatory surgery center.
Ambulatory and Office-Based Surgery
281 19
19.13 Postoperative Nausea dence of PONV. This approach may be appealing
and Vomiting in the ambulatory surgery setting as postoperative
nausea and vomiting is one of the most frequent
Risk factors for postoperative nausea and vomit- complications encountered by patients who
ing (PONV) include female sex, non-smoker sta- undergo general anesthesia [49].
tus, use of postoperative opioids, and a prior
history of PONV or motion sickness [50]. PONV
incidence is increased following the administra- 19.14 Postoperative Pain
tion of volatile anesthetic agents and opioids. Management
Strategies that limit the use of such agents and a
multimodal approach to analgesia should be A plan for postoperative pain management should
employed whenever feasible. Various emetic be in place prior to induction of anesthesia.
pathways are thought to contribute to nausea and Multimodal analgesia is the use of two or more
vomiting, and a variety of medications exist that analgesia agents targeting pain pathways at differ-
are geared to act upon the receptors in these path- ent levels. This approach has been shown to
ways. Many different guidelines have been pub- reduce opioid use and its associated side effects
lished regarding the treatment and prevention of [53]. This should be of interest to those in the
PONV [50, 51]. A study by Dewinter and col- ambulatory setting as overreliance on opioids can
leagues has shown the use of a simplified algo- lead to increased sedation and longer PACU
rithm effective in preventing and treating PONV times. While studies are ongoing to determine the
[52]. The use of a simplified approach also makes optimal multimodal regimen, research has shown
implementation easier and increases compliance. effectiveness at reducing opioid requirements. In
This algorithm advocates the administration of particular the addition of NSAIDs or COX-2
two prophylactic antiemetics for men (dexameth- inhibitors has shown to reduce opioid use when
asone + ondansetron or droperidol) and three administered as part of a multimodal strategy
prophylactic antiemetics for women (dexametha- [54]. The use of other agents such as gabapentin
sone + ondansetron + droperidol) or two anti- or pregabalin has been advocated by the American
emetics (dexamethasone + ondansetron or Pain Society [38].
droperidol) plus propofol TIVA. For treatment of
PONV, ondansetron or/and droperidol is recom-
mended. The details of the simplified algorithm 19.15 Discharge
are summarized in . Table 19.2 [52]. This strategy
resulted in a significant 33% decrease in the inci- The focus should be patient safety when deciding
to discharge a patient. Factors such as the patients
living arrangement and home support should be
.. Table 19.2 Summary of the simplified PONV taken into account prior to scheduling ambula-
algorithm tory surgery. Before returning home patients
should be advised not to drive a motor vehicle or
Men ➔2 ➔ 5HT3 antagonist or/ operate machinery for 24 h. Patients should be
Antiemetics and first-generation given written discharge instructions, and that is
verbally communicated to the patient and to peo-
Women ➔3 ➔ 5HT3 antagonist or/ ple who accompany the patient. Patients should
Antiemetics and first-generation be advised on a normal course of events during
or antipsychotic recovery and what to expect in regard to pain and
2 antiemetics
dressing changes. Patients should be given infor-
Propofol TIVA mation on how to contact a provider should ques-
tions arise and where to return should a worrisome
Prophylaxis Therapy
event occur. Follow-up appointments should be
Abbreviated adaptation of the Simplified PONV made with the time and location of the said
algorithm proposed by Dewinter et al. [52] appointment provided in the written discharge
282 J. E. Dibble and A. L. Calimaran
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22. Law TT, Suen DTK, Tam YF, et al. Telephone pre-aesthe- of preemptive oral oxycodone with morphine
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287 20
Remote Locations
Mary E. Arthur and Chizoba N. Mosieri
Locations not
designed for the Emergency room Suturing of lacerations
administration of Psychiatric wards Electroconvulsive therapy
related to the patient, the procedure, and the envi- 20.4.3 Environment
ronment when providing anesthesia in remote
locations. The anesthesiologist must establish Remote locations are a less optimal environment for
what the procedure entails and how the procedure anesthesia delivery [9, 10]. Factors may include:
will be performed as well as the general health of 1. Hostile environment or design: These
the patient. The staff is unfamiliar with anesthe- locations were often designed for other
tized patients and anesthesiology equipment. In departments without considering whether
most instances, there is lack of rigorous pre- anesthesia services would be needed. The
procedural check-in processes. There is inade- environment is unfamiliar, and the room is
quate anesthesia support, and anesthesiologists cramped with unfamiliar equipment. The
are far from colleagues and back up in the event of physical setup and the anesthesia equipment
a crisis. Majority of procedures can be performed are often different from what are found in the
with moderate sedation and standard monitoring. OR, and the monitoring equipment may be
For safe and effective anesthesia to be delivered in inadequate. Since the proceduralist has the
a remote location, the three-step approach— table controls, the procedure table or fluoros-
patient, procedure, and environmental factors—is copy equipment move frequently during the
a helpful guide [6, 7]. case without warning, and so the anesthesi-
ologist must set up with this in mind, using
long intravenous lines and breathing circuits.
20.4.1 Patient Factors 2. Accessibility to the patient: Access to the
patient by the anesthesia provider is often
The preoperative evaluation will give an indication
limited by diagnostic and therapeutic
on the general health and other comorbidities of
equipment such as the MRI scanners,
the patient. However, it is highly likely that some
fluoroscopes, or endoscopy towers.
patients scheduled for procedures in remote loca-
3. Limited equipment and monitoring: Because
tions do not undergo a thorough preoperative
these patients may require intense monitor-
evaluation. Most patients are admitted on the day
ing during the case, access to the patient is
of the procedure. The nil per os (NPO) status of the
very important so that the anesthesiologist
patient and an airway assessment are very crucial
can quickly reach the patient in the event of
[8]. Several questions need to be asked: is the pro-
an airway emergency, unstable hemodynam-
cedure expected to be painful? Can the patient lie
ics, or patient movement. It should be
flat and for how long? Is a motionless field required?
remembered that all electrical equipment
Some procedures may elicit cardiovascular
must be routinely checked by the bioengi-
responses, and others may be associated with nau-
neering department before use in the
sea and vomiting. It is also important to think of
procedure rooms to avoid such problems as
postprocedure care as most remote locations are
electrocution and burns. Anesthesia equip-
not designed with a postanesthesia care unit to
ment must undergo the same stringent
monitor the patient before being transferred.
checks as in the main OR.
4. Communication: Preoperative communica-
20.4.2 Procedure tion with the proceduralist is essential and
must include contingency plans for emergen-
The anesthesiologist needs to understand the cies and complications. The anesthesia
requirements of the procedure, its potential compli- provider must have an understanding of the
cations, anticipated duration, and the specific needs procedure to provide optimum care.
of the proceduralist. The anesthetic technique may 5. Anesthesia assistance may be inadequate:
need to be modified according to the type of proce- Proceduralists and ancillary staff may be
20 dure and its requirements. Familiarity with the pro- unfamiliar with the requirements for safe
cedure ensures that the necessary drugs, equipment, anesthesia care and how best to assist
and monitoring devices are prepared [9]. The com- anesthesia providers when a difficulty is
mon procedures that may require anesthesiology encountered. Away from the OR, help from
services are listed in . Fig. 20.1.
anesthesiology colleagues in case of an
Remote Locations
291 20
emergency may not be readily available. The
.. Table 20.1 ASA equipment requirements for
location of resuscitation equipment should be anesthesia in remote locations
noted and protocols developed with the local
staff for dealing with emergencies, including 1 Reliable source of oxygen with backup
cardiopulmonary resuscitation and manage- supply, at least an E cylinder
ment of anaphylaxis. Supplies and drugs may
2 Adequate suction
not be stocked, and equipment may not be
well maintained or checked routinely. 3 Scavenging system for wastage gases
6. Hazards and noisy environment: There are 4 Self-inflating hand resuscitator bag,
hazards unique to specific locations such as adequate drugs, supplies, and equipment for
radiation in fluoroscopy and CT suites and the intended anesthetic care, standard ASA
the magnetic field in the MRI suite. In monitors, well-maintained anesthesia
machine equivalent in function to that used
radiology suites, the electrophysiology lab, in an operating room (if inhalational agents
and the cardiac catheterization lab, exposure are used)
to radiation is always a concern. There is a
5 Sufficient electrical outlets with isolated
need to protect both the patient and the electric power or electric circuits with
anesthesia provider from the effects of ground-fault circuit interrupters (if anesthe-
ionizing radiation. Lead protecting aprons tizing area is deemed a “wet location”)
and thyroid shields may be worn for pro-
6 Adequate illumination for anesthesia
longed periods, which may lead to discom- machine and monitoring equipment with
fort. An understanding of times and location battery-powered backup
of maximum exposure to radiation will help
7 Sufficient space to accommodate equipment
decrease risk to the staff. Noise generated by and allow access to patient
an MRI scanner during scanning may average
95 db in a 1.5 Tesla scanner. Protective 8 Emergency cart with emergency drugs and
CPR equipment
earplugs need to be worn by the patient and
the anesthesiologist. 9 Adequate staff to support the anesthesiolo-
7. Lighting may be inadequate: In radiology gist and reliable two-way communication for
suites, for example, lighting may be dimmed
to enhance images. The anesthesiologist must 10 Anesthetizing area should be up to code
be exceptionally vigilant since complications with respect to building, safety, and facility
may be missed with disastrous consequences.
8. Temperature regulation: Cold temperatures 11 Postprocedure management in accordance
are maintained in most imaging suites to with ASA Standards for Postanesthesia Care
as well as equipment and staff appropriate
accommodate the sophisticated computer
for transport
systems operating the imaging equipment.
Because this makes it uncomfortable for the American Society of Anesthesiologists Committee
awake patient and the staff, heat conservation on Standards and Practice Parameters [14]
techniques and temperature monitoring need
to be considered.
the anesthesiologist’s level of comfort with and ation and avoid delivery of a hypoxic mixture when
preference for a particular anesthetic. Specific using an anesthesia machine, an oxygen analyzer
procedure requirements may also determine the with a low oxygen concentration limit alarm should
choice of anesthetic. It is often the choice of the be used to measure the concentration of oxygen in
proceduralist or based on standard protocol of the the patient breathing system. A pulse oximeter with
institution; however, the anesthesiologist must a variable pitch pulse tone with a low threshold
ensure that the best and safest technique for each alarm audible to the anesthesiologist should be
patient is chosen. used as a quantitative method of assessing blood
The same level of care expected in the OR oxygenation. Adequate illumination and exposure
should be delivered in remote locations of the patient are also necessary to assess color.
(. Fig. 20.3). The ASA standards for basic anes-
thetic monitoring apply to all anesthesia care and Ventilation Qualitative clinical signs of ade-
are intended to encourage quality patient care. quacy of ventilation such as chest excursion,
They apply to all general anesthetics, regional observation of the reservoir bag, and auscultation
anesthetics, and MAC. The standards for basic of breath sounds are useful. Quantitative moni-
anesthetic monitoring were approved by the ASA toring of the volume of expired gas is strongly
House of Delegates in 1986 and were last amended encouraged. Continual end-tidal CO2 analysis
in 2010 and affirmed in 2015. using a quantitative method such as capnography,
capnometry, or mass spectroscopy should be in
Standard I Qualified anesthesia personnel shall use from the time of endotracheal tube/laryngeal
be present in the room throughout the conduct of mask airway (LMA) placement until extubation
all general anesthetics, regional anesthetics, and or removal of LMA. When capnography is used,
monitored anesthesia care. The objective of this the end-tidal CO2 alarm should be audible to the
standard is to ensure the presence of qualified anes- anesthesiologist and should have a device capable
thesia personnel at all times due to the rapid of detecting disconnection of components of the
changes in patient’s status during anesthesia. breathing system. During regional anesthesia as
well as moderate to deep sedation, adequacy of
Standard II During all anesthetics, the patient’s ventilation using both qualitative clinical signs
oxygenation, ventilation, circulation, and tempera- and monitoring of exhaled carbon dioxide is
ture shall be continually evaluated. necessary.
Oxygenation Oxygen supply either from the wall Circulation To ensure adequate circulation, every
oxygen or cylinder should be available to last for the patient should have an electrocardiogram contin-
duration of procedure. To ensure adequate oxygen- uously displayed from beginning of the anesthesia
Remote Locations
293 20
until preparing to leave the anesthetizing location,
.. Table 20.2 JCAHO hospital requirements for
and arterial blood pressure and heart rate should administration of anesthesia
be evaluated and determined at least every 5 min.
Additionally, for every patient undergoing general 1 Administration of anesthesia by qualified and
anesthesia, circulatory function should be con- credentialed personnel trained to rescue a
tinually evaluated by at least one of the following: patient from general anesthesia
palpation of pulse, auscultation of heart sounds, 2 Continuous physiologic monitoring equip-
monitoring of a tracing of intra-arterial pressure, ment during the procedure, availability of
ultrasound peripheral pulse monitoring or pulse resuscitation equipment
plethysmography, or oximetry. 3 Registered nurse involved in periprocedural
Body Temperature Body temperature should be
4 Access and capability of administering intrave-
monitored continuously when clinically significant nous fluids, medication, and blood products
changes in body temperature are intended, antici-
pated, or suspected. 5 History, physical consent, and discussion of
risk, benefits, and alternatives with the patient
In addition to the ASA monitoring stan- or representative before anesthesia
dards, it is important to have appropriately
functioning suction apparatus, appropriately 6 Appropriate postprocedure care including
monitoring, assessment, and discharge by a
sized airway equipment, and basic drugs needed
licensed practitioner
for life support during an emergency. There
should be open communication between the 7 ASA standard guidelines for capnography
care teams. To underscore the importance of the
dangers that can be encountered delivering
anesthesia in remote locations, the joint com- of depth of sedation – a definition of general anes-
mission on the accreditation of healthcare orga- thesia and levels of sedation/analgesia. This was
nizations (JCAHO) has also come up with approved by the ASA House of Delegates October
hospital requirements for the administration of 1999 and last amended on October 15, 2014
anesthesia (. Table 20.2).
(. Table 20.4) [19]. MAC does not describe the
Monitored Anesthesia Care MAC is a planned General Anesthesia This is a drug-induced loss of
procedure during which the patient undergoes local consciousness during which patients are not arous-
anesthesia together with sedation and analgesia. able, even by painful stimulation. The ability to
MAC was the predominant anesthetic technique in independently maintain ventilator function may be
remote location claims, occurring more frequently impaired, and patients may require assistance in
(50/58 vs 6%) than OR claims (. Table 20.3). In a
maintaining a patent airway, and positive-pressure
closed claims analysis comparing MAC with gen- ventilation may be required. Many remote sites
eral and regional anesthesia, MAC claims were may not have medical gas supply lines and gas scav-
higher in older and sicker patients compared to enging systems that meet air exchange and electri-
general claims (p < 0.025), and more than 40% of cal safety standards, making delivery of general
the cases involved death or permanent brain dam- anesthesia very risky. Adequate hemodynamic
age similar to general anesthesia claims [15–18]. monitoring and the ability to obtain immediate
The patient’s consciousness evaluation is of extreme qualified anesthesia assistance present potentially
importance during the surgical procedure per- significant risks for the patients. Patients who have
formed with MAC. The ASA created the continuum had a procedure under general anesthesia require
294 M. E. Arthur and C. N. Mosieri
Methohexital 4 min
Midazolam 1.7–2.6 min
Diazepam 20–50 min
Lorazepam 11–22 min
Thiopental 11 min
Anesthesiologist [19]
expert recovery care. This may be provided either that equipment, including the anesthesia machine,
in the procedure room by appropriately qualified is functioning and that anesthetic drugs, as well as
recovery staff or in the recovery room of operating lifesaving emergency drugs, a difficult airway cart,
rooms. In this latter situation, the availability of and defibrillators, and an assistant who can help in case
familiarity with appropriate equipment during of an emergency, are available [4, 5, 7, 9, 17].
20 transfer should be verified prior to the procedure.
In certain circumstances a patient may need to be Regional Anesthesia Regional anesthesia pro-
ventilated in the postoperative period. The avail- vides sensory blockade of a region without altering
ability of an intensive care unit (ICU) bed should be the normal anatomic features of the area. Nerve
confirmed prior to the procedure. It is ultimately damage from regional anesthesia in remote loca-
the responsibility of the anesthesiologist to ensure tions was much lower than claims in the OR, likely
Remote Locations
295 20
because less regional anesthesia is done in remote but continuous infusion techniques with propo-
locations. In a closed claims analysis of all surgical fol and dexmedetomidine are becoming increas-
anesthesia claims, regional anesthesia claims with ingly popular for maintaining a stable level of
death or permanent brain damage were less sedation in remote locations. Benzodiazepines,
(p < 0.01) when compared to general and MAC particularly midazolam, are still the most widely
claims [15]. Little has been studied about the use of used for sedation in remote locations to relieve
regional anesthesia in anesthesiology practice at situational anxiety during MAC cases. Careful
remote locations, and the reason for this is proba- titration in 1 mg increments every 5–10 min is
bly multifactorial in nature. Ultrasound-guided necessary to avoid oversedation and respiratory
blocks require an entirely new skill set for practi- depression. Propofol sedation offers advantages
tioners and entail both a financial commitment for over the other sedative-hypnotics because of its
the cost of equipment and professional commit- rapid recovery and favorable side effects pro-
ment to learn the techniques. The successful incor- file. A carefully titrated subhypnotic infusion
poration of peripheral nerve blocks into a practice of 25–75 mcg/kg/min produces a stable level of
requires a critical evaluation of the practice, look- sedation with minimal cardiorespiratory depres-
ing for blocks that fill specific needs and choosing sion and a short recovery period. Supplemental
techniques and drug combinations that offer the oxygen should always be provided when using
highest likelihood of success. Ideally, the drugs sedative-hypnotic drugs. Propofol sedation can be
selected for peripheral nerve blocks should have a supplemented with potent opioid and nonopioid
rapid onset and excellent safety profile. The desired analgesics. In comparing propofol and midazolam
duration of action and degree of motor blockade for patient-controlled sedation, midazolam was
should always be considered. A 20% intralipid associated with less intraoperative recall. Low-
emulsion infusion should be available to reverse dose ketamine infusion can be used for sedation
local anesthesia toxicity of intravascular amide and analgesia in remote locations without produc-
agent injection [20, 21]. Detailed information ing significant cardiorespiratory depression [23,
must be given to patients as to the duration and 24]. Combining a rapid onset, short-acting seda-
extent of the block, the need to protect the insen- tive-hypnotics(e.g., methohexital, propofol) with
sate limb, and the need for oral analgesic medica- a rapid short-acting opioid analgesic (e.g., alfent-
tions prior to the return of severe pain. Discussion anil, remifentanil) are better suited for continuous
of the post-block deficit with the surgeon and infusion because of precise titration to meet the
timely follow-up should be included as a plan for unique and changing needs of the patient [25].
neurologic evaluation. This has facilitated the use of total intravenous
anesthesia (TIVA) techniques in remote locations.
Intravenous Anesthetic Drugs Used in Remote loca- The context-sensitive half-life has to be consid-
tions Sedative-hypnotic drugs with a shorter ered in choosing drugs for continuous infusion
duration of action and wider safety margins (. Table 20.3). Because none of the currently
tend to be used in remote locations as part of a available IV drugs can provide a complete anes-
MAC technique. Subhypnotic dosages of intrave- thetic state without prolonged recovery times and
nous (IV) anesthetics can be infused to produce undesirable side effects, a combination of drugs
sedation, anxiolysis, and amnesia and enhance which provide hypnosis, amnesia, hemodynamic
patient comfort without producing periopera- stability, and analgesia is appropriate [26–28].
tive side effects such as respiratory depression Etomidate has minimal cardiovascular and
or postoperative nausea and vomiting (PONV). respiratory depressant effects and is quite useful in
Additionally, it should provide for ease of titra- high-risk patients. But pain on injection, excit-
tion to the desired level of sedation while provid- atory phenomena, adrenocortical suppression,
ing for a rapid return to a “clear-headed” state on and a high incidence of PONV have limited its use
completion of the surgical procedure. For cardiac [29]. Ketamine produces a wide spectrum of phar-
procedures, rapid reversibility of the sedative state macologic effects including sedation, hypnosis,
may result in earlier extubation and a shorter stay analgesia, bronchodilation, and sympathetic ner-
in the ICU [22]. Intermittent bolus injections of vous system stimulation [23, 24, 28]. The adverse
sedative-hypnotic drugs (e.g., midazolam 1–2 mg, cardiovascular, cerebro-dynamic, and psychomi-
ketamine 0.25–0.50 mg/kg) can be administered, metic effects of ketamine can be minimized by
296 M. E. Arthur and C. N. Mosieri
# of Location with MAC Resp Inadequate CVS Equipment Substan- Preventable by Permanent Death
claims highest claims oxygenation/ failure/ dard care better brain
1,2 ventilation malfunction monitoring damage
.. Fig. 20.4 Fluoroscopy
34 mR/h
51 mR/h
31 mR/h 1 mR/h
Control room
< 1 mR/h
the psychiatry ward, and more recently most hos- arterial thrombolysis (e.g., endovascular stent-
pitals have moved it to the postanesthesia care ing). Transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic
unit (PACU) for safety reasons. The physiologic shunts are used to treat the complications of
effects are a grand mal seizure, i.e., a tonic phase portal hypertension particularly variceal bleed-
which lasts 10–15 s and a clonic phase of 30–50 s. ing. Common procedures performed in the neu-
The first reaction is a bradycardia and hypoten- roradiology suite include embolization of vascular
sion followed by hypertension, tachycardia, malformations and cerebral angioplasties. Some
increases in ICP, intraocular and intragastric of the procedures may require rapid transition
pressures, and 5–10 min of ECG changes. between deep sedation and an awake responsive
Anticholinergic pretreatment with glycopyrro- state. As contrast media may be used, a history of
late/atropine is needed to prevent the transient a reaction to contrast media should be ruled out.
asystole and bradycardia. An added advantage is Smooth emergence is essential, and it is impor-
the anti-sialagogue effects of the anticholinergics. tant to avoid coughing and bucking by the patient.
Methohexital was once the drug of choice. But Access to the patient and to the patient’s airway
currently propofol, etomidate, and thiopental can be a challenge because of the fixed equipment
may also be used. Procedure rooms in emergency which might be in the way. There is high exposure
departments should have appropriate physiologi- to radiation for both patient and the anesthesia
cal monitoring systems to allow safe analgesia and provider (. Fig. 20.4). Understanding the areas
sedation. Wall oxygen, suction and resuscitation with the highest exposure to radiation in relation
equipment, drugs as well as adequate lightening to the fluoroscopy unit is key to avoiding overex-
are essential in these room. Capnography [30] posure (. Fig. 20.4) [31].
The American College of Radiology has Inadequate sedation may result in patient
defined four safety zones within MRI facilities. movement and a failed study. Of particular impor-
These zones are zones 1 through 4 and correspond tance, never take an oxygen cylinder into the MRI
to levels of increasing magnetic field exposure and suite. Deaths have resulted as the cylinder is sucked
hence a potential safety concern (. Fig. 20.6).
into the magnetic coil. Never take a ferromag-
55 Zone 1: The magnetic field is less than 5 Gaus netic metal into the MRI suite, and this includes
(0.5mT), and area is freely accessible to the laryngoscopes, scissors, stethoscopes, and mobile
general public. phones. In an emergency take the patient out of
55 Zone 2: Is the interface between the unregu- the MRI room. Do not take emergency equipment
lated zone and the strictly controlled zone. to the patient. Patients with mental disorders and
55 Zone 3: The RF magnetic fields are suffi- pediatric patients may require deeper sedation or
ciently strong to present physical hazard to general anesthesia [32].
unscreened patients and personnel.
55 Zone 4: Synonymous with the MR magnet
room. Has the highest and greatest risk, and 20.9.1 Subspecialty-Specific Built
all ferromagnetic objects must be excluded. Room: Dental Surgery Units
Understanding the zones is important to prevent Jastak et al. conducted a closed claim analysis of
harm to patients and personnel. Monitoring is a 13 anesthetic-related deaths and permanent inju-
challenge in the MRI suite. Rapidly changing ries in the dental office setting between 1974 and
magnetic fields produce ST- and T-wave artifacts. 1989. Evaluation of intraoperative monitoring
If the ECG wires are in a loop, the magnetic field revealed a lack of vigilance. Hypoxia secondary to
may heat the wires and leads leading to thermal airway obstruction or respiratory depression led
injury [34]. to all the deaths with the exception of one who
Special considerations for monitoring include survived with severe brain damage. Ten out of the
increased length of capnography and need for plas- thirteen cases were considered avoidable by
tic components of blood pressure cuffs. Monitor appropriate patient selection, timely monitoring,
pulse oximetry. Patients need to be induced in the and effective response to adverse occurrences
holding area on an MRI safe stretcher and then [35]. Dental surgery units should have appropri-
transported to the MRI room. No metals should be ate physiological monitoring systems, i.e., capnog-
taken into the room. Only MRI-compatible anes- raphy, pulse oximetry, BP, and ECG monitoring to
thesia machines and monitoring equipment should allow safe analgesia and sedation. Additionally,
be used. Patient should be taken back to the hold- wall oxygen, suction, resuscitation equipment and
ing area for emergence and extubation. drugs should be available.
300 M. E. Arthur and C. N. Mosieri
Zone I
Patient dressing/holding
Zone II
Zone II
Zone IV
Zone III
Computer room
Control room Electrophysiology Lab/ VT, typically take 4–8 h. These procedures often
Cardiac Catheterization Lab require a greater number of ablations (up to 100 or
The number of diagnostic and therapeutic inter- more ablative energy pulses) [37]. Advanced 3-D
ventions performed in electrophysiology (EP) electro-
anatomic mapping systems that require
labs has increased exponentially over the past patients to remain motionless on the fluoroscopy
10 years (. Fig. 20.8). This includes catheter-based
table for the entire procedure are used. Patient
electrophysiology studies and ablations as well as motion may lead to distortion of the map, render-
implantation of permanent pacemakers and ing it unusable; therefore, general anesthesia with
transvenous cardioverter-defibrillator devices. paralysis may be the preferred anesthesia method
The rate of major complications associated with during these procedures. Preferred anesthetic
catheter ablation procedures is less than 3%. agents are those least expected to affect the auto-
Specific complication rates reported from a multi- nomic nervous system, cardiac refractoriness, and
center study of catheter ablation for supraventric- intracardiac conduction especially during the
ular tachycardia include groin hematoma (3%), post-ablation testing phase of the procedure.
transient heart block or heart block not requiring Propofol does not produce a significant prolonga-
a permanent pacemaker (2%), pericardial effusion tion of sinus node recovery time. Midazolam,
(1.9%), complete heart block (1%), cardiac tam- alfentanil, propofol, and sevoflurane do not affect
ponade (0.6%), and transient hypotension (0.6%). inducibility or maintenance of supraventricular
Event rates for other complications were less than tachycardia. The use of an esophageal temperature
0.4% [37–39]. monitoring during catheter ablation for AFib is
For monitored anesthesia care, the preferred recommended. A luminal esophageal temperature
medications include short-acting opiates such as probe is most accurate when it is advanced or
remifentanil and alfentanil [25]. Propofol is the withdrawn to position the thermistor tip in closest
most commonly used sedative-hypnotic. The proximity to the ablation catheter the moment RF
anesthesia provider may need to lighten the anes- energy is delivered [40]. Frequent adjustment
thetic to modulate autonomic tone. Ketamine, under fluoroscopic guidance may be required.
which maintains sympathetic tone, may be used This allows the anesthesia provider to alert the
together with a propofol infusion [23, 24, 28]. electrophysiologist of any sudden increases in
Coughing as well as partial or total airway obstruc- intraluminal temperature (>0.2 °C) indicative of
tion resulting in snoring or paradoxical abdominal esophageal interaction during RF application.
motion can be problematic during intracardiac Every anesthesiologist involved in patient care in
mapping. Catheter ablations for more complex the EP lab should wear a dosimeter to track cumu-
arrhythmias, such as atrial fibrillation (AFib) or lative radiation exposure (. Fig. 20.8). In a 2005
302 M. E. Arthur and C. N. Mosieri
Fluoro Monitors
.. Fig. 20.8 Schematic courtesy of the Medical College of Georgia, used with permission
study, it was found that the aggregate radiation Anesthesia-related complications as well as
exposure for all members of the anesthesiology procedure-related complications should be
department doubled after the introduction of an considered. Take into consideration procedures
EP lab [31]. The range of exposure levels was wide, that may involve significant blood loss. Consider
making dosimeter tracking even more crucial. the length of the procedure as well as supply and
support functions or resources. The main operat-
ing room should be alerted in the event of a
20.10 eneral Principles of Anesthesia
G procedure-related complication which might
in Remote Areas require emergency surgery in the operating room.
Cardiac procedures should only occur in remote
Several factors should be considered for safe locations where there is a cardiothoracic surgeon
delivery of anesthesia in remote locations. in house or on back up, should there be a need to
A thorough preoperative evaluation is impor- take the patient to the operating room emer-
tant to determine if it is safe for the procedure to gently. The operating room crisis checklists
20 occur in a remote location. Patient selection is should be available in all remote locations where
very important and should not be overlooked. sedation and anesthesia are used [41, 42]. Keeping
Understanding the procedure is very important, a record of the airway assessment and manage-
and having good communication with the proce- ment, intraoperative events, and complications is
duralist and his/her team is key. important to guide the anesthesia team for any
Remote Locations
303 20
.. Fig. 20.9 Communica-
tion between the
anesthesiologist and the
Anesthesia-related Procedure-related
proceduralist as well as the
complications complications
team in the remote
location is important, first
to understand the
procedure and also to have
a contingency plan in case
of any adverse events
future procedures. Postprocedure recovery either 7. Souter KJ. Anesthesiologists and remote locations.
in PACU or recovery area in the remote location Curr Opin Anaesthesiol. 2011;24(4):414–6.
8. Committee on Standards and Practice Parameters,
or step-down unit or intensive care unit in the Apfelbaum JL, Connis RT, Nickinovich DG, American
event of complications is important. Society of Anesthesiologists Task Force on Preanesthe-
Communication between the anesthesiologist sia Evaluation, et al. Practice advisory for preanesthe-
and the proceduralist as well as the team in the sia evaluation: an updated report by the American
remote location is important, first to understand Society of Anesthesiologists Task Force on Preanesthe-
sia Evaluation. Anesthesiology. 2012;116(3):522–38.
the procedure and also to have a contingency plan 9. Youn AM, Ko Y-K, Kim Y-H. Anesthesia and sedation
in case of any adverse events (. Fig. 20.9). The
outside of the operating room. Korean J Anesthesiol.
anesthesiologist should play a role in planning any 2015;68(4):323–31.
future remote locations as the increase in the num- 10. Hausman L, Russo M. Anesthesia in distant locations:
ber of cases performed in remote locations contin- equipment, staffing, and state requirements. Int Anes-
thesiol Clin. 2009;47(2):1–9.
ues to grow. The anesthesiologist should also be a 11. Metzner J, Posner KL, Domino KB. The risk and safety of
leader to ensure excellent patient outcomes. anesthesia at remote locations: the US closed claims
analysis. Curr Opin Anaesthesiol. 2009;22(4):502–8.
12. Robbertze R, Posner KL, Domino KB. Closed claims
review of anesthesia for procedures outside the operat-
References ing room. Curr Opin Anaesthesiol. 2006;19(4):436–42.
1. Goetz AE. Editorial comment: anesthesia outside the 13. Bhananker SM, Posner KL, Cheney FW, Caplan RA, Lee
operating room. Curr Opin Anaesthesiol. 2010;23(4): LA, Domino KB. Injury and liability associated with
492–3. monitored anesthesia care: a closed claims analysis.
2. Gross WL, Weiss MS. Non-operating room anesthesia, Anesthesiology. 2006;104(2):228–34.
vol. 2. Philadelphia: Elsevier; 1995. 14. American Society of Anesthesiologists Committee on
3. Nagrebetsky A, Gabriel RA, Dutton RP, Urman Standards and Practice Parameters. Statement on non-
RD. Growth of nonoperating room anesthesia care in operating room anesthetizing locations, 2. 2013.
the United States: a contemporary trends analysis. Retrieved from
Anesth Analg. 2017;124(4):1261–7. media/ForMembers/Standards and Guidelines/2014/
4. Pino RM. The nature of anesthesia and procedural STATEMENTONNONOPERATINGROOMANESTHETIZING
sedation outside of the operating room. Curr Opin LOCATIONS.pdf
Anaesthesiol. 2007;20(4):347–51. 15. Karamnov S, Sarkisian N, Grammer R, Gross WL, Urman
5. Tan TK, Manninen PH. Anesthesia for remote sites: RD. Analysis of adverse events associated with adult
general considerations. Semin Anesth Perioper Med moderate procedural sedation outside the operating
Pain. 2000;19(4):241–7. room. J Patient Saf. 2014;0(0):1–11. https://doi.
6. Eichhorn V, Henzler D, Murphy MF. Standardizing care org/10.1097/PTS.0000000000000135
and monitoring for anesthesia or procedural sedation 16. Karamnov S, Sarkisian N, Grammer R, Gross WL, Urman
delivered outside the operating room. Curr Opin RD. Analysis of adverse events associated with adult
Anaesthesiol. 2010;23(4):494–9. moderate procedural sedation outside the operating
304 M. E. Arthur and C. N. Mosieri
305 21
Equipment Problems
Benjamin Homra and Allison Clark
21.1 Introduction – 306
21.8 Answers – 315
Bibliography – 315
.. Table 21.1 PAC tasks to be completed daily or after a machine is moved or vaporizers changed
Item #1 Verify auxiliary oxygen cylinder and manual ventilation device (Ambu Bag) Provider and tech
are available and functioning
Item #2 Verify patient suction is adequate to clear the airway Provider and tech
Item #3 Turn on anesthesia delivery system, and confirm that AC power is available Provider or tech
Item #5 Verify that pressure is adequate on the spare oxygen cylinder mounted Provider and tech
on the anesthesia machine
Item #6 Verify that the piped gas pressures are ≥50 psig Provider and tech
Item #7 Verify that vaporizers are adequately filled and, if applicable, that the filler Provider or tech
ports are tightly closed
Item #8 Verify that there are no leaks in the gas supply lines between the Provider or tech
flowmeters and the common gas outlet
Item #10 Calibrate or verify calibration of the oxygen monitor, and check the Provider or tech
low-oxygen alarm
Item #11 Verify carbon dioxide absorbent is fresh and not exhausted Provider or tech
Item #12 Perform breathing system pressure and leak testing Provider and tech
Item #13 Verify that gas flows properly through the breathing circuit during both Provider and tech
inspiration and exhalation
Item #15 Confirm ventilator settings, and evaluate readiness to deliver anesthesia Provider
care (anesthesia time-out)
308 B. Homra and A. Clark
Standards of monitoring are clearly defined 55 Item #11: Verify carbon dioxide absorbent is
and include blood pressure, pulse oximetry, not exhausted. Absorbent often turns a
electrocardiography, capnography, and characteristic color indicating that it has been
temperature. Monitors should clearly display desiccated. Other method to test for CO2
these readings and have functioning alerts to rebreathing is by checking the capnography.
make the anesthesia provider aware of The inspired CO2 concentration (FiCO2)
changes. should read <4.
55 Item #5: Verify that the spare oxygen cylinder 55 Item #12: Breathing system pressure and leak
is adequately pressurized. The spare cylinder’s testing. The complete circuit must be tested to
valve should remain closed after checking. ensure that adequate pressures can be
The type of machine (pneumatically powered generated during both manual and mechani-
versus electrically powered ventilators) cal ventilation and that the APL valve can
dictates how quickly the oxygen will be used. relieve pressures during manual ventilation.
An oxygen cylinder for a pneumatically Automated processes now evaluate for leaks
powered ventilator may only provide 30 min and the compliance of the circuit, which
of gas. adjusts the volume delivered by the ventilator.
55 Item #6: Verify that piped gas pressures are 55 Item #13: Verify that gas flows properly through
>50 psig. Gas arriving from a central source the breathing circuit during both inspiration
can fail. Ensure before the day begins that an and expiration. Leaks through unidirectional
adequate gas pressure is available. valves are too slight to be detected visually. A
55 Item #7: Check vaporizer levels and secure technician can assess for valve incompetence,
filler ports. To prevent light anesthesia and but this would be too cumbersome to perform
recall, ensure the vapor levels are sufficient daily. Instead, capnography can detect backflow
for the case. Machines equipped with low through a valve.
agent alarms will alert the provider to low 55 Item #14: Document completion of checkout
vapor levels intraoperatively. If the machine procedures. Documentation helps the provider
does not have automatically closing filler keep track of checkout tasks and serves as a
ports, retighten the valves after refilling to record should any adverse events occur.
prevent leaks. 55 Item #15: Confirm ventilator settings and
55 Item #8: Check for leaks in the gas supply evaluate readiness to deliver anesthesia care.
lines. The flow of gas from the common gas This is analogous to a “time-out” in which the
outlet through the anesthetic vaporizers must anesthesia provider can confirm that all the
be evaluated daily. Machines with automated proper tasks have been completed and the
leak tests are common but often do not machine is ready to deliver the correct
include leaks at the level of the vaporizer. The anesthesia to the correct patient. It protects
automated test should be repeated for each against errors caused by pressure or haste.
55 Item #9: Test scavenging system function. The The ASA created these recommendations as a
connections that remove used anesthetic gas guideline for anesthesia providers to suit their
from the patient prevent the gases from own practice. They form the backbone of safe
contaminating the patient and room. These anesthesia practice for which the provider should
connections should be checked daily. Some make a daily effort to fulfill.
scavenging systems use positive and negative
pressures to protect against pressure fluctua-
tions in the breathing circuit. This more 21.3 Anesthesia Machine:
specialized task can be completed by a Perils and Pitfalls
55 Item #10: Calibrate the oxygen monitor and Gas delivery systems have advanced tremen-
21 check low oxygen alarms. The monitor dously from what was first used in the nineteenth
should be calibrated to read 21% for room air. century’s famed Ether Dome at Massachusetts
Test by setting the alarm to sound at a higher General Hospital. The father of anesthesia’s,
oxygen concentration than 21% while William T.G. Morton, 1846 device was a simple
sampling room air. glass bulb containing an ether-soaked sponge
Equipment Problems
309 21
with two openings – one with a mouthpiece for system is also now more complex with multiple
inhalation and the other a valve to bring in room connections, mechanical components, and elec-
air. As . Fig. 21.1 shows, gas delivery has become
tronics, which increases the chance of equipment
much more sophisticated and monitored. The failures.
.. Fig. 21.1 Comparison a
of Morton’s etherizer a to
the most recent GE Avance
workstation b
310 B. Homra and A. Clark
.. Fig. 21.2 Adverse
anesthetic outcomes Both Equipment failure Only Provider error only
involving equipment. (Data
from the 2013 Closed
Claims Analysis Update by 12
Mehta et al.)
An equipment failure is defined as an unex- the anesthetic breathing system (ABS). Much of
pected malfunction of a device, despite routine the ABS components lie underneath the surface.
maintenance and previous uneventful use. The multiple mechanical components and con-
Equipment misuse is defined as incidents origi- nections that make up the ABS are all sources for
nating from human fault or error associated with failure and misuse. Disconnections, blockages,
the preparation, maintenance, or deployment of a leaks, valve malfunctions, and carbon dioxide
medical device. Furthermore, equipment misuse absorber failures can lead to patient injury. Caplan
was nearly three times more common than equip- et al.’s [7] survey showed that disconnections were
ment failures in a 1997 analysis of closed insur- the most frequent incidents, while obstruction of
ance claims by the ASA [7]. Despite this, Caplan the expiratory limb can be the most rapidly injuri-
et al.’s study concluded that only 2% of the 8496 ous. Obstruction of the expiratory limb through a
claims dating to 1985 were related to equipment mechanical distortion or a blocked valve backs up
issues. Most other claims were due to other fac- pressures into the lung quickly leading to baro-
tors like difficult airway, sudden changes in vitals, trauma. The most recent update of claims from
etc. Trending these claims through the decades 1990 onwards listed eight breathing circuit inci-
shows that anesthesia equipment claims decreased dents with four being from obstruction and no
as a proportion of general anesthesia claims over claims due to disconnections [8].
time [8]. These equipment issues were separated
into five categories: breathing circuit, ventilator,
vaporizer, gas tank, and anesthesia machine 21.3.2 Ventilator
(. Fig. 21.2). A fundamental knowledge of the
perils and pitfalls inherent with each component The mechanical ventilator frees up the anesthe-
of the gas delivery system can help the provider tist’s hands from manually ventilating and allows
identify equipment failures intraoperatively. for the provider to focus attention elsewhere when
needed. Unfortunately, because the ventilator is
21 21.3.1 Breathing Circuit
so automated, the provider may forget important
steps to ensure the ventilator is working properly.
As a result, ventilator misuse is far more common
The plastic disposable circuit that attaches to the than ventilator equipment failure [9]. Turning on
machine is the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the ventilator may seem intuitive; however, there
Equipment Problems
311 21
are multiple clinical scenarios in which the venti- empty, incorrect positioning or missing compo-
lator may accidently be left off. In fact, the four nents, and vaporizer malfunction.
ventilator claims from the most recent report
were all due to provider failure to turn on the ven-
tilator [8]. Some examples include after position 21.3.4 Supplemental Oxygen Supply
change, upon transfer of an intubated patient
from the ICU to the OR, after discontinuing car- A spontaneously breathing patient in the immedi-
diopulmonary bypass, and after placement of a ate postoperative period should receive supple-
chest tube. Other common ventilator misuses by a mental oxygen to correct hypoxemia associated
provider include inappropriate settings for tidal with recovery from anesthesia and surgery.
volume or respiratory rate, inappropriate pressure Unfortunately, provider error has accounted for
limits, inappropriate inspiratory-expiratory ratio all of the claims in this category [8]. Improvised
setting, failure to reset fresh gas flow leading to techniques to deliver oxygen without proper tub-
increased tidal volumes, and deactivating or ing or mask were most common. Situations such
inappropriate use of the ventilator and threshold as these events often result in barotrauma and
pressure alarm limit (TPAL) alarms. The ventila- pneumothorax. Additionally, mislabeled or mis-
tor is also subject to equipment failures. read gas tanks may lead to serious injury if
Troubleshooting issues with ventilator should another gas is mistaken for oxygen, such as carbon
include a check of the bellows, as there may be a dioxide.
hole or poor seal between the bellows and casing.
morbidity and mortality. The ASA Closed Claims 21.5 Management of Anesthesia
database, created in 1985, collects closed malprac- Equipment Failure
tice claims for review so that sources of technical
failure and human error can be identified. Rather Anesthesia providers should display competency
than using resources to fight for tort reform, lead- in the management of a variety of equipment fail-
ers in the 1980s began analyzing litigation as a ures. Development of this competency should
way to improve the specialty. Anesthesiology is occur during training through self-study, shad-
now considered to be one of the leading special- owing experienced anesthesia care providers, and
ties in addressing patient safety [11]. simulation training. Significant improvement in
For all the steps taken to ensure safety, adverse provider training and equipment design has led to
events do still occur that result in injury and occa- greater patient safety over the past several decades,
sionally death. Adverse events run a wide spec- and as a result litigation claims have seen a dra-
trum in anesthesia, ranging from oral injuries to matic decline [8].
peripheral nerve injuries to death and major dis- First and foremost, it is imperative to have a
ability [12]. Whether these events are the fault of SIMVD and alternative oxygen source to deliver
the provider, the equipment, or the anesthetic oxygen to the patient in the event of equipment
itself is difficult to delineate. A recent study of gas failure ([8, 14–16].
delivery equipment claims found that provider
error alone constituted the majority of claims
(68%), while equipment failure accounted for a 21.5.1 Breathing Circuit Problems
smaller portion (13%) and provider error with
equipment failure made up the last 18% [8]. Mehta et al.’s closed claims update revealed that
Of the 6022 claims reviewed by Mehta et al. in 9.6% of critical incidents under anesthesia occur
their closed claims update, only 0.2% involved due to circuit leaks [8]. In these instances, a low-
equipment failure. Injuries associated with vapor- pressure alarm should notify the provider of the
izer malfunctions included light anesthesia with problem. Most instances are due to low pressure
patient awareness and anesthetic overdose result- between the circuit and the patient, such as a cir-
ing in brain damage. Failure of the breathing cir- cuit disconnect. However, the leak could be due to
cuit also commonly resulted in death/brain malfunction from the patient, such as an endotra-
damage secondary to hypoxia. There was one cheal tube (ETT) cuff leak, all the way to the
reported case of a machine leak leading to hypoxia machine, including the ventilator bellows, CO2
and cardiac arrest in a pediatric patient. There canister, vaporizer, flow sensor, or oxygen pipe-
were no equipment failures associated with the line [16]. If a leak occurs, start at the patient and
supplemental oxygen supply and ventilators. work backward to the machine to inspect for the
The drawback to only analyzing malpractice source.
claims for patient injury is that less severe adverse The first problem encountered may be a cir-
outcomes may never end up as litigation. A large cuit leak due to ETT cuff tear. Alarms that may
German quality assessment project attempted to sound include the low-pressure alarm and the
standardize self-reporting by forming a list of 63 capnometer alarm. A leak may be detected by
pitfalls, events, and complications (PECs) and administering a breathing and hearing leak
defined five degrees of severity based on the out- around the ETT. While troubleshooting, admin-
come of each PEC [13]. Their report concluded ister 100% FiO2 by manual ventilation. Check
that PECs caused by technical equipment was rare the pilot balloon for proper inflation, reinflate
(0.07%), had no fatal outcomes, and were gener- the cuff, and if the leak remains, exchange the
ally less severe. ETT. This may be performed by simply remov-
In summary, equipment failures are often rec- ing the faulty ETT or placing a cook catheter to
ognized by providers before injury occurs and perform tube exchange. Moving toward the
subsequently go unreported. Therefore, those fail- machine, a circuit disconnect or tear in the cir-
21 ures that are missed or that the provider had no cuit tubing may be the reason for a low-pressure
control over tend to be more catastrophic result- leak. Inspection of the circuit may reveal the dis-
ing in death or brain injury. connect or defect, and the circuit should be
Equipment Problems
313 21
repositioned or replaced [14]. Circuit leaks may may be silenced. Ventilator settings should be
also occur due to disconnect of the gas sampling confirmed and appropriate for the patient (neo-
line. nate, pediatric, or adult settings) to ensure
Obstruction in any given part of the breathing appropriate volume and pressure is being deliv-
circuit may also occur and prevent inadequate ered [8]. If issues with the ventilator arise, man-
oxygen delivery during anesthesia. Again, trou- ual ventilation should be performed until the
bleshooting an obstruction should begin at the issue is resolved.
patient and work backward toward the machine.
The anesthesia provider may be alerted by the
high peak airway pressure alarm or capnometer 21.5.3 Vaporizer
alarm. Begin by auscultating the patient’s lungs to
rule out bronchospasm (treat with bronchodila- Failure to turn on or fill the vaporizer may result
tor), pneumothorax (may require chest tube in light anesthesia; both of these issues are easily
placement), or main stem intubation (reposition corrected. If vapor overdose is suspected, the
the ETT). The ETT should be suctioned to rule patient should be ventilated with 100% oxygen
out mucous plugging or any other obstruction in until the end-tidal agent is appropriate and the
the ETT. Kinking of the ETT may require replace- vaporizer should be changed. If a leak is deter-
ment of a fresh ETT [14]. mined to be originating from the vaporizer, it
Circuit obstructions due to manufacturing should be inspected to ensure the caps are
defects have been reported [17]. Obstruction may tightly sealed, O rings are appropriately posi-
also occur due to stuck inspiratory or expiratory tioned, and the vaporizer is properly seated
valve or at the APL valve [8]. Inspect the valves for [8, 14, 16].
free movement during inspiration and expiration;
consider changing the valves if residue is present.
Consider placing a fresh circuit if concern for cir-
cuit obstruction due to kinking, secretions, or 21.5.4 O2 Supply
defective circuit exists.
Incidences of both circuit leaks and obstruc- Significant patient harm may result due to mis-
tion have been reported due to problems with the use of oxygen supply equipment. If alarm mal-
CO2 absorbent canister. Circuit leaks may occur function is suspected, consider recalibration of
if the canister is not properly seated, in which the oxygen sensor or replacement with a fresh
case the provider should be alerted by the low- oxygen cell. If an issue exists with the main gas
pressure and capnometer alarm. Alternatively, supply (suspicion of gas line crossover or fail-
obstruction may occur at the CO2 canister due to ure), disconnect the anesthesia machine from
blockage from absorbent granules or a broken the central supply, and turn on the backup oxy-
canister [18]. The CO2 canister should therefore gen tank located on the back of the anesthesia
be inspected for a leak due to improper position- machine. Again, ventilating with a free stand-
ing or obstruction due to any source, respectively. ing oxygen tank may be necessary while trou-
Similarly, failure may occur at the level of the bleshooting occurs. Supplemental oxygen
gas scavenging system. Fresh gas flows should be delivery materials should only be used as their
evaluated, conduits should be inspected, and manufacturer intended; improper use of oxy-
obstruction should be evaluated for due to kink- gen delivery tubing, masks, nebulizers, or
ing, occlusion, or problems with the vacuum con- wrong gas tanks has resulted in significant
trol or relief valves [16]. patient harm [8].
Failure to simply turn on the ventilator after If machine failure is suspected, the device should
induction, position changes, cardiopulmonary be removed from the patient care location and
bypass, etc. may result in patient harm. evaluated by a biomedical technician or other
Ventilator alarms should sound; however, these appropriate personnel.
314 B. Homra and A. Clark
21.6 Plan for Machine Failure recognized low FiO2 delivery, most did not recog-
nize the elevated FiN2O. These exercises are
The best plan for anesthesia equipment failure is important and again stress the necessity to switch
prevention. Equipment failure may be costly, to manual ventilation with an alternative oxygen
with patient safety at risk, procedural delays, source when central supply oxygen problems
and added expenses for additional supplies and arise [15]. Similarly, Waldrop et al. simulated a
personnel [16]. number of scenarios involving anesthesia equip-
Prevention begins with a complete machine ment failure for anesthesia trainees. They found
check, realizing that due to variation in available that provider skills varied widely; however, senior
anesthesia equipment, it is not possible to rely on residents performed better than their junior
one universal PAC. It is well established that simply counterparts [14]. Approaching these situations
performing the automatic self-test is incomplete through simulation rather than entirely during
and may miss a variety of equipment problems patient care, where seconds truly count, allows for
[17–19]. There are several recurring themes in the better anesthesia provider training, self-evalua-
literature regarding closed claims from anesthesia tion, thorough feedback, and measurement of
equipment problems. First, it is imperative that a progress over time.
SIMVD and alternative oxygen source are present
and functioning. Second, any steps in the pre-anes-
thetic machine checklist not automatically per- 21.7 Review Questions
formed by the machine must be performed by the
anesthesia provider, i.e., incorporating a “test lung” ?? 1. Your capnography tracing, which a
into the circuit, as well as performing the low-pres- moment ago displayed a normal
sure leak test with each vaporizer on (. Table 21.2).
capnogram with an ETCO2 of 32, now
Simulation training has been shown to expose reads zero. The low-pressure alarm
knowledge gaps in dealing with equipment mal- sounds. What is your first step?
function, as anesthesia technicians often perform A. Call for help.
a bulk of equipment maintenance and trouble- B. Silence the alarm, O2 saturation is
shooting. Mudumbai et al. tested anesthesia train- 100%.
ees by presenting them with a scenario where a C. Check the CO2 canister.
pipeline crossover existed between the central D. Check the patient circuit for a
oxygen and nitrous dioxide. While most trainees disconnect.
Item #2 Verify patient suction is adequate to clear the airway Provider and tech
Item #7 Verify that vaporizers are adequately filled and, if applicable, that the filler Provider or tech
ports are tightly closed
Item #11 Verify carbon dioxide absorbent is fresh and not exhausted Provider or tech
Item #12 Perform breathing system pressure and leak testing Provider and tech
Item #13 Verify that gas flows properly through the breathing circuit during both Provider and tech
inspiration and exhalation
8. Mehta SP, Eisenkraft JB, Posner KL, Domino KB. Patient 14. Waldrop WB, Murray DJ, Boulet JR, Kras JF.
injuries from anesthesia gas delivery equipment: a Management of anesthesia equipment failure: a sim-
closed claims update. Anesthesiology. 2013;119(4):788– ulation-based resident skill assessment. Anesth Analg.
95. 2009;109:426–33.
9. Woodcock BJ. Mechanical ventilators. In: Lobato EB, 15. Mudumbai SC, Fanning R, Howard SK, Davies MF, Gaba
Gravenstein N, Kirby RR, editors. Complications in DM. Use of medical simulation to explore equipment
Anesthesia. 3rd ed. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & failures and human-machine interactions in anesthe-
Wilkins; 2007. p. 1,008. sia machine pipeline supply crossover. Anesth Analg.
10. Abel M, Eisenkraft JB. Vaporizers. In: Lobato EB,
Gravenstein N, Kirby RR, editors. Complications in 16. Woodworth G, Kirsch JR, Sayers-Rana S. The Anesthesia
anesthesia. 3rd ed. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & technician and technologist’s manual: all you need to
Wilkins; 2007. p. 1009. know for study: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2012.
11. Gaba DM. Anaesthesiology as a model for patient 17. Yang KK, Lewis IH. Mask induction despite circuit
safety in health care. BMJ (Clinical Research Ed). obstruction: an unrecognized hazard of relying on
2000;320(7237):785–8. Retrieved from http://www. automated machine check technology. Anesth Analg Case Rep. 2014;2:143–6.
12. Aitkenhead AR. Injuries associated with anaesthesia. 18. Moreno-Duarte I, Montenegro J, Balonov K, Schumann
A global perspective. Br J Anaesth. 2005;95(1):95–109. R. Increased resistance to flow and ventilator failure secondary to faulty CO2 absorbent insert not detected
13. Schwilk B, Muche R, Bothner U, Goertz A, Friesdorf W, during automated anesthesia machine check: a case
Georgieff M. Quality control in anesthesiology. Results report. Anesth Analg Case Rep. 2017;8:192–6.
of a prospective study following the recommendations 19. Eng TS, Durieux ME. Automated machine checkout
of the German Society of Anesthesiology and Intensive leaves an internal gas leak undetected: the need for
Care. Anaesthesist. 1995;44(4):242–9. Retrieved from complete checkout procedures. Anesth Analg. 2012; 114:144–6.
317 22
Perioperative Medication
Blas Catalani, Steven Boggs, and Ezekiel Tayler
References – 325
sola dosis facit venenum Annually in the United States, an estimated 7000
“The dose makes the poison” deaths result from preventable medication errors
Paracelsus (1493–1541) [2]. The Network for Excellence in Healthcare
Innovation (NEHI) calculates that there are over
3.8 million medication errors on inpatients each
year [3], and the cost of these errors is approxi-
22.1 Introduction mately $4.2 billion annually [4]. Lahue and col-
leagues [5] estimate that inpatient preventable
There has always been a necessary balance in ADEs associated with injectable medications
medicine between the principles of diagnosis and increase the annual US payer costs by $2.7–5.1
treatment. However, the resources required to billion and average $600,000 in extra costs per
achieve such a balance are constantly changing. hospital.
While the applied elements of medical diagnos- The sheer number of prescribed medications
tics continue to evolve scientifically, the selection administered worldwide leads to the large capac-
and delivery of a particular treatment regimen ity for errors in administration. In the United
still require a human touch. Accordingly, at its States alone, the total number of dispensed medi-
most fundamental level, the successful delivery of cal prescriptions has grown annually from 3.953
a specific therapeutic intervention and the pre- billion in 2009 to 4.453 billion in 2016 [6]. Even
vention of error require administration of the with six sigma performance (an error rate of 3.4
correct medication in the correct dose via the defects per million opportunities), medication
correct route at the correct time to the correct errors would still occur in 1309 cases with the
patient. These fundamental steps are made aforementioned US prescription data in the set-
increasingly difficult by the ever- expanding ting of pharmacy-regulated processes for dispens-
diversity and variable potency of medications ing medications. Even in such a regulated
available to practitioners. environment, it is unlikely that six sigma perfor-
To appreciate the magnitude of medications mances could be obtained. Additionally, this data
use in the United States, data from the Centers for does not account for medication administration
Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) [1] shows within hospitals which shifts perspective to high-
that: light the overall volume of medications adminis-
55 From 2011 to 2014 the percentage of persons: tered and underscore the obstacle to eliminating
55Using at least one prescription drug in the medication errors.
past 30 days: 48.9% It is important to note that the probability that
55Using three or more prescription drugs in an error will occur is influenced substantially by
the past 30 days: 23.1% the quality of the handoff of care between provid-
55Using five or more prescription drugs in ers [7]. The error rate increases as the total num-
the past 30 days: 11.9% ber of patient care handoffs between providers
55 Among physician office visits (2015): increases [8]. This informs an appreciation for
55Number of drugs ordered or provided: 3.7 data reflecting the incidence of perioperative
billion medication errors. Staender and Mahajan esti-
55Percent visits involving drug therapy: mate the overall incidence of minor events or
76.2% complications during anesthesia to be 18–22%,
55Most frequently prescribed therapeutic while the incidence of severe complications is
classes: analgesics, antihyperlipidemic approximately 0.45–1.4%, and mortality occurs at
agents, antidepressants a rate of 1:100,000 anesthetics [9]. Nanji et al.
55 Among emergency department visits (2014): reported 5.3% of medication administrations
55Number of drugs ordered or provided: during 277 operations involved a medication
317.6 million error and/or an adverse drug error (a rate consis-
55Percent of visits involving drug therapy in tent with previous studies) and of those errors,
emergency departments: 79.6% 79.3% were preventable [10]. These errors have
55Most frequently prescribed therapeutic also been found to be (unsurprisingly) higher
classes: analgesics, antiemetic or anti- among anesthesia providers with less experience
22 vertigo agents, minerals, and electrolytes (e.g., trainees) [11].
Perioperative Medication Errors
319 22
In evaluating the perioperative medication 22.3 ow Is a Medication Error
error rate, one must recognize the limitations of Classified?
the data and identify likely barriers to compre-
hensive reporting of medication errors. The Many methods of categorizing and stratifying
most prominent barriers include lack of aware- medication errors have been proposed. When
ness on the part of the provider that they have considering how to classify drug-related events,
committed an error, an insufficient (or total lack there are two constructs one can use to categorize
of a) reporting infrastructure, fear of punish- medication errors (ME), adverse events (AE) and
ment for self- reporting a medication error adverse drug reactions (ADR).
(regardless of patient outcome), and provider Option 1: Ackroyd-Stolarz et al. (2006) pro-
apathy. pose a simplified system which separates drug-
related problems (DRPs) into those which are
associated with injury and those which are not
22.2 What Is a Medication Error? [15] (. Fig. 22.1).
failures in the treatment process that leads to, or In all cases, further classification of the actual
has the potential to lead to, harm to the patient cause of the error can and must be made. Ferner
[14]. and Aronson go so far as to delineate the psycho-
When a medication error occurs along, the logical origins of an error and differentiate between
“continuum of medication use” must be defined. “mistakes,” “slips,” and “lapses” on the part of the
Accordingly, medication errors can occur during provider [12, 14] (. Fig. 22.3).
.. Fig. 22.1 Relationships between the different types injury occurs, but it is still important to distinguish
of problems associated with medication use. All of the between medication errors and ADEs for the purpose of
shaded circles are also considered to be medication this diagram because not all ADRs result from medication
misadventures. Drug-related morbidity is always the errors. (Above Figure (. Fig. 22.1 per caption) from
result of some DRP; however, only some DRPs result in Ackroyd-Stolarz et al. 2006. PMID: 17138513 7 https://
.. Table 22.1 AHRQ categories of medication error classification – MATCH toolkit for medication reconciliation.
(Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (7
C Error that reached patient but unlikely to cause Multivitamin was not ordered on admission
harm (omissions considered to reach patient)
D Error that reached the patient and could have Regular release metoprolol was ordered for
necessitated monitoring and/or intervention to patient instead of extended release
preclude harm
E Error that could have caused temporary harm Blood pressure medication was inadvertently
omitted from the orders
F Error that could have caused temporary harm Anticoagulant, such as warfarin, was ordered
requiring initial or prolonged hospitalization daily when the patient takes it every other day
G Error that could have resulted in permanent Immunosuppressant medication was uninten-
harm tionally ordered at one-fourth the dose
H Error that could have necessitated intervention Anticonvulsant therapy was inadvertently
to sustain life omitted
I Error that could have resulted in death Beta-blocker was not reordered postoperatively
When actions are intended but not performed
.. Fig. 22.3 The classification of medication errors based on a psychological approach. (. Figure 22.3 from Aronson
2009 PMID: 19594526 (sourced by Aronson from a collaboration article: Ferner and Aronson [14], PMID 17061907))
medication reconciliation
e Op
ativ er
p er in
rio gR
Pe oo
Lack of communication
Poor anesthetic plan
Not calling for help
Lack of materials
Lack of personnel
Lack of vigilance
IC Deli
.. Fig. 22.4 Key elements U &
of perioperative care and bo
common circumstances La
that may lead to an
anesthetic “error”. (Image
courtesy of Dr. Ezekiel
Perioperative Medication Errors
323 22
into transporting patients to and from the unit for drugs to ensure compatibility with the ICU pumps
surgical procedures, emergent situations (e.g. air- and protocols, so that pumps can be programed
way management), or acute pain management. correctly. Unfamiliar concentration parameters
The nature of anesthesia care is focused on the (e.g., mcg/kg/min vs. mg/min vs. cc/hr) and/or
management of sick and debilitated patients. improper pump settings can confuse management
Accredited anesthesiology residency programs among the staff. The opportunity should be given
mandate 4 months of critical care exposure [18] to the receiving care team to have all questions
for this reason. The ICU is a dynamic environ- answered prior to the departure of the anesthesia
ment with multiple layers of healthcare providers, provider from the ICU. At the end of a long, chal-
which opens the door to numerous potential lenging surgical and anesthetic case, there is a
errors. With more variables in the system, medi- strong tendency to have a hasty sign-out. However,
cal errors in the ICU have been well documented less than full sign-out can lead to future errors in
[19–22]. As a consultant walking into such an patient management and outcome.
environment, an anesthesiologist should have a In an emergent situation, despite any chaos
good understanding of the inner workings of the surrounding a patient, one should seek out a
ICU and who to speak with when questions arise. nurse, resident, or physician responsible for the
Meticulous attention must be made to the patient and ask about drug allergies, the cause of
types of drugs infusing into the patient and to current medical condition(s), and any knowledge
which lines they are infusing. Once the patient of difficult airway issues from the past. A perfect
leaves the ICU, the anesthesiologist is responsible example of an attempt to prevent a non-error
for the types of drugs administered and the routes adverse drug reaction is the selection of a non-
in which they flow. All medications should be depolarizing paralytic (NDP) agent over succinyl-
accounted for prior to leaving the ICU and docu- choline in an airway emergency. A decision to use
mented upon arrival to the OR if actively infus- a NDP over succinylcholine could ostensibly pre-
ing. Physicians and nurses must anticipate and vent the potential ADR of succinylcholine-
prevent foreseeable events. As an example, induced hyperkalemic cardiac arrest; most
patients should not be discharged from the ICU patients in the ICU have been immobile for some
with vasoactive medications that could run out period of time leading to the proliferation of extra-
during transport. In an elevator or other location, junctional acetylcholine receptors. Fortunately,
this could lead to a cardiac arrest or anoxic event with the introduction of sugammadex, this deci-
due to hypotension. Another error could involve a sion can be made more liberally in institutions
patient on total parenteral nutrition. Failure to that have this medication that has been relatively
check glucose levels and to administer insulin newly released in the United States. The principle
therapy throughout a case could result in hypo- holds, however, that sometimes a question that
glycemia and seizure activity without clinical takes 15–30 s to answer can mitigate catastrophic
manifestation if paralytics are used. When it consequences.
comes to management of invasive lines/catheters, If a hospital utilizes an acute pain service
vigilance is essential. Connecting an intravenous (APS), then an ICU could be the site for the place-
catheter (IV) to an existing thoracic epidural ment of innumerable types of pain control regi-
would have disastrous consequences. mens. ICU nurses may not be credentialed to
Upon returning a patient to the ICU after an manage epidurals, ketamine infusions, or nerve
OR procedure, a proper sign-out should occur block catheters, so orders and management for
directly between the anesthesia provider and both such interventions may fall solely on the anesthe-
the ICU attending for medical/surgical issues and siologist. Aside from giving the wrong dosage
the ICU nurse assigned to care of the patient. In and/or incorrect medication to a patient, there are
particular, a review of all medications actively many system breakdowns that can occur while
infusing, identification of the lines into which they managing an APS. Many providers will allow for
are infusing, and notation of any recent bolus med- the consulting physicians to enter orders, but these
ications (e.g., paralytics, analgesics, etc.) should be orders must be checked against existing order sets.
discussed. It is imperative that drug concentrations A patient in severe chest pain who receives a tho-
are noted and that the ICU knows what they are. racic epidural or continuous peripheral nerve
22 They may have to obtain different concentrations of block catheter may not need a patient-controlled
Perioperative Medication Errors
325 22
analgesic (PCA) anymore, or it need only be con- Money: The Imperative for Computerized Physician
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occur. Nerve catheter sites should be checked 4. Massachusetts Technology Collaborative (MTC) and
daily, and communication with the nursing staff NEHI. Saving Lives, Saving Money: The Imperative for
about their existence should occur routinely. CPOE in Massachusetts. 2008. Retrieved 13 Mar 2018,
Additionally, nurses may not know the signs/ from
symptoms of local anesthetic toxicity or location 5. Lahue BJ, Pyenson B, Iwasaki K, et al. National Burden
of lipid emulsion. If a paging system or other route of preventable adverse drug events associated with
of communication is not set up by the APS, harm inpatient injectable medications: healthcare and medi-
could be brought to the patient without any notifi- cal professional liability costs. Am Health Drug Benefits.
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sequently, the potential for medication errors to 8. Saager L, Hesler BD, You J, et al. Intraoperative transi-
occur in these areas is likewise extensive. There tions of anesthesia care and postoperative adverse out-
are numerous primary attendings, consulting comes. Anesthesiology. 2014;121(4):695–706.
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physicians, fellows, residents, nurses, medical stu- have we reached our limits? Curr Opin Anaesthesiol.
dents, and support personnel all caring for 2011;24(3):349–53.
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simple procedures to those with the most com- erative medication errors and adverse drug events.
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11. Cooper L, DiGiovanni N, Schultz L, et al. Influences
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for errors is significant. To distill all of the lessons errors in anesthesia. Can J Anaesth. 2012;59(6):562–70.
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terminology. Res Social Adm Pharm. 2006;2(2):280–9.
of medication use” continue strive for continual 16. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. Table 6:
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327 23
Physiologic Monitoring:
Technological Advances
Improving Patient Safety
Jeffrey A. Planchard
23.1 Introduction – 328
23.5 Conclusion – 335
23.7 Answers – 336
References – 336
A 52-year-old male with a past Vasopressor requirements appears hypokinetic. The left
medical history including increase. Consistently, the FloTrac ventricle seems normal to slightly
nonalcoholic steatohepatitis, reads very low values for cardiac enlarged. The patient goes into
end-stage liver disease, hyperbili- output. Unaware that the FloTrac is cardiac arrest. Compressions
rubinemia, coagulopathy, and inaccurate in low-resistance begin. After 30 min of ACLS, the
hypertension undergoes pathologies like cirrhosis and in patient expires.
orthotopic liver transplantation. hemodynamically unstable Afterward, the surgeon asks
After the patient is anesthetized, patients, the anesthesiologist the anesthesiologist what
radial and femoral arterial lines, a decides to give more volume. After happened.
central venous catheter, and TEE four additional liters of crystalloid “Enlarged right ventricle – um,
probe are placed for intraoperative and blood products, the cardiac probably a PE,” says the anesthesi-
monitoring. Rather than place a output improves, but the central ologist. “And to think, I even used
Swan-Ganz catheter, the anesthesi- venous pressure rises significantly. our new FloTrac device.”
ologist decides to use the new Suddenly, the patient’s blood Autopsy is negative for
FloTrac system the hospital has just pressure drops precipitously. pulmonary embolism. The patient
purchased. Transesophageal echocardiogra- died from right heart failure.
The new liver is reperfused, phy is begun, revealing a grossly
starting the neohepatic phase. enlarged right ventricle that
needs to be done every 8 h, similar to PiCCO [21]. the arterial waveform at 2000 different data
23 LiDCO rapid doesn’t rely on lithium thermodilu- points. The arterial waveform is sampled every
tion and instead uses a nomogram with which to 20 s to generate with new results [24]. CO is
calculate CO. It is an uncalibrated system most determined by the equation:
used perioperatively to trend SV values [1].
Both LiDCO systems utilize a variation of pulse CO = PR ´ SDBP ´ c
contour analysis called “pulse power analysis.”
Rather than calculating the area under the arterial
waveform, the power of every beat is extrapolated PR = pulse rate
from the waveform itself. A key assumption is that, SDBP = standard deviation of 2000 arterial data
following correction for compliance and calibra- points in relation to pulse pressure
tion, power and flow have a linear relationship. χ = An individualized conversion factor [19]
Once calibrated, the LiDCO system calculates CO, Pulse rate differs from heart rate in that the sys-
SV, SVV, and pulse pressure variation (PPV) on a tem only considers fully “perfused beats,” i.e.,
continuous basis [35]. Like SVV, PPV is a useful beats with a full systolic wave, automatically elim-
indicator of volume responsiveness [16]. inating PVCs or other poorly perfused cardiac
Beyond the limitations common to pulse con- contractions [12].
tour/power analysis (e.g., IABP, poor arterial The individualized conversion factor, χ, is
waveforms), LiDCO plus devices have more finite based on the patient’s characteristics (age, gender,
limitations secondary to lithium. LiDCO plus height, weight) and waveform characteristics
should not be used for patients <40 kg, in patients (e.g., skewness, kurtosis) which are used to esti-
already taking lithium, or in the first trimester of mate vascular compliance [24].
pregnancy [1, 16]. High levels of nondepolarizing It is important to note that FloTrac has been
neuromuscular blockers in the bloodstream may noted to perform poorly when measuring patients
cause the electrode to drift, necessitating recali- in certain situations. Unacceptable performance
bration [21]. Additionally, testing requires the has been shown in studies including patients at
withdrawal of 3–4 cc of blood per use, which in extremes of vascular tone such as patients with cir-
critically ill patients may be inadvisable [11]. rhosis undergoing liver transplant, septic shock, or
Major advantages to both LiDCO systems hemodynamic instability requiring large doses of
compared to PiCCO are it is less invasive (no CVC vasopressors [6]. In a 2014 meta-analysis, Slagt
required), its algorithm is somewhat more resis- et al. found improvement in the accuracy of the
tant to dampening, and it does not require fluid technology with subsequent generations, though
boluses. However, the variables measured are up to 30% bias in the latest generation. FloTrac was
fewer, and it relies on an electrode to detect lith- also found to be particularly inaccurate in patients
ium ion which must be replaced every 3 days [16]. with sudden changes in vascular tone [41].
While most validation studies have shown a One reason for the unreliability of the tech-
good correlation between LiDCO plus and tradi- nology during hemodynamic instability is the
tional thermodilution, two studies have found an placement of the device. While a peripheral arte-
unacceptable difference between the two modali- rial line allows for minimally invasive analysis,
ties in the context of cardiac surgery. Conversely, radial arterial lines can be subject to constriction
SVV and PVV data derived from LiDCO plus has when vasopressors are being used in large doses
been shown to be clinically reliable in practice [21]. or in hemodynamically unstable situations [39].
Consequently, cardiac output can be greatly FloTrac System
underestimated in these patients.
The FloTrac system (Edwards Lifesciences) uti-
lizes pulse contour analysis as its method to deter-
mine cardiac output and only requires a peripheral
arterial line. Unlike PiCCO and LiDCO plus, 23.3.4 Transesophageal
FloTrac does not need to be calibrated. Rather, its Echocardiography (TEE)
calculations are based on a database of patient
characteristics preloaded into every machine. The Transesophageal echocardiography is a subject
FloTrac determines stroke volume by analyzing large enough to fill books of its own. However, the
Physiologic Monitoring: Technological Advances Improving Patient Safety
333 23
modern anesthesia provider will need to be famil- invasive means. Pulmonary emboli can be
iar with TEE and its applicability in clinical situa- visualized directly using the mid-esophageal
tions. What follows is a quick review of the major ascending aorta short-axis or upper esophageal
benefits of quick TEE analysis in terms of the infor- aortic arch short-axis views. From the mid-
mation this modality can provide about a patient’s esophageal four-chamber view, the RV would
hemodynamic status. TEE allows for visualization appear grossly dilated with wall motion severely
of all four chambers of the heart simultaneously in decreased. Accordingly, the LV volume should
real time. It can be used as an instant means to appear decreased [33]. McConnell’s sign is pre-
evaluate wall motion abnormalities, ejection frac- served RV apical contraction in the setting of RV
tion, volume status, pulmonary emboli, contractil- free wall akinesis and is associated with
ity, valvular abnormalities, intracardiac thrombi, PE. However, a recent study found sensitivity and
and intracardiac shunts, and cardiac output [33]. specificity of 70 and 33%, respectively. Accordingly,
TEE is the most sensitive means of detecting it should be used with caution [7].
wall motion abnormalities, as they can be visual- CO can be calculated using TEE. A calcula-
ized directly [10]. Of all the standard views, the tion of stroke volume is made by measuring the
trans-gastric short-axis view allows for easiest flow through the left ventricular outflow tract
visualization of wall motion abnormalities, as the (LVOT), which is commonly chosen because it
distributions of all three (left anterior descending, maintains its dimensions during systole. First, in
left circumflex, and right) coronary arteries can the mid-esophageal long-axis view, the diameter
be seen simultaneously [33]. of the LVOT (LVOTd) is measured. Second, in the
Ejection fraction can be estimated in the deep trans-gastric long-axis view, pulsed wave
trans-gastric mid-papillary short-axis view, by Doppler is taken through the left ventricular out-
fractional area change (FAC). FAC is the percent- flow tract, creating a flow wave. The area of this
age change in the left ventricular end-diastolic wave, called the velocity time integral (VTI), is
area (LVEDA) compared to the left ventricular then measured. The VTI represents the distance
end-systolic area (LVESA): traveled in one beat by a red blood cell and is
expressed as a distance (cm). This is multiplied by
LVEDA - LVESA the area of the outflow tract to create a cylindrical
FAC = ´ 100% column of fluid, representing stroke volume.
Cardiac output is then determined by the follow-
ing equation [34]:
Note that FAC is based on area and is therefore
not equivalent to ejection fraction but rather cor- CO = HR ´ p ( LVOTd / 2 ) 2 ´ VTI
related to ejection fraction. A normal value for
FAC is >35%. Additionally, ejection fraction may
be directly measured by Simpson’s method of
discs. While the method will not be fully explained 23.4 epth of General Anesthesia
here, it involved simultaneous examination of the (DGA) Monitoring
LV in X-plane, i.e. two views, 90 degrees apart
from one another. These views together allow for As discussed in a previous chapter, anesthesia
estimation of volume via addition of ellipsoid, awareness is a rare but damaging situation. What
longitudinal discs [8]. constitutes awareness is different for each patient
Volume status can be determined by gross and can range from quick moments of recall to
examination of the ventricles. While quantitative periods of pain. The anesthesia provider has his-
measurements exist, most volume measurements torically used “responsiveness” as a measure of
are purely qualitative, determined by examination anesthetic depth: whether a patient moves to
of the ventricles to determine if they seem “empty” stimulus, exhibits a change in vital signs, etc. [37].
or “full.” An empty ventricle would appear hyper- However, if given a paralytic medication, an awake
dynamic, with a high ejection fraction and low patient may remain completely still while under-
end-diastolic volumes [33]. going great distress. Additionally, fluctuations in
TEE is unique among modalities as it can con- vital signs can be masked by vasoactive medica-
firm the existence of thromboembolisms via non- tions (e.g., β-blockers) that are commonly given as
334 J. A. Planchard
part of the anesthetic technique. Because of the known anesthetic depth. These tracings were then
23 severe consequences for both patient and provider visually discriminated to give the spectrum on
of an awareness event, DGA monitoring, if vali- which the numerical score is based [31].
dated, would provide discernible benefit [26]. The validation of BIS as a clinical tool has
What constitutes consciousness is a difficult been controversial, with studies coming up with
question that has flummoxed philosophers and conflicting results. A 2014 Cochrane meta-analy-
scientists for centuries. Although the molecular sis found BIS monitoring helps prevent awareness
pathways of anesthesia’s effects on the brain have in high-risk populations when compared with
been established, no monitor exists which can using clinical signs but found no difference in
determine in binary fashion whether a patient is using BIS in comparison with monitoring end-
conscious [15]. Rather, monitors of anesthetic tidal gas concentrations [30]. However, other
depth have thus far relied on measurable outputs studies have studied outcomes with BIS and
of brain activity. Unlike the heart, lungs, liver, etc., found only limited indications for its use [26, 43].
whose activity can be measured in discrete met- One recent study found BIS to be inferior to mon-
rics, the brain works in a subtler way that is less itoring end-tidal gas concentrations in critically
amenable to quantification [37]. ill patients [4].
Of all the DGA monitors, BIS is the oldest,
most clinically tested, and most adopted. As a
23.4.1 EEG Devices result, BIS has become the standard by which all
other DGA monitors have been assessed. This
The most reliable and scientifically sound data does not mean BIS is the “gold standard” DGA
comes from measuring the brain’s electrical activ- monitor. No methodology for assessing the “best”
ity, the electroencephalogram (EEG). Anesthesia’s DGA monitor has been validated. BIS simply has
effects on a patient’s EEG have been definitively the most data with which to assess its use [26].
characterized. As one increases the depth of anes-
thesia, the pattern exhibits a high-amplitude and Entropy Monitor
lower-frequency pattern. Beta waves become less On the market since 2003, the entropy DGA mon-
frequent, while alpha and delta waves appear itor relies on the assumption that as depth of anes-
more commonly. As depth increases further, thesia increases, the entropy (or chaotic nature) of
bursts of alpha or beta waves become separated by EEG waveform decreases. Therefore, the regular-
periods of low-amplitude or isoelectric activity, ity of brain activity is used as a proxy for anes-
termed burst suppression. At its most profound, thetic depth. Unlike other EEG monitors, entropy
anesthesia can create a totally isoelectric EEG produces two scores: state entropy (SE) and
[37]. Because this pattern has been established, response entropy (RE). SE is a numerical score
most products measuring anesthetic depth on the (0–91) which is based on EEG. RE (on a scale of
market today utilize technology that interprets 0–100) is based on both EEG and EMG. The dif-
EEG data. ference between the two numbers is supposed to
denote the action of the forehead muscles, which BIS Monitor is detected, but not accounted for, in BIS measure-
First introduced in 1992, the bispectral index ments [42].
(BIS) monitor analyzes the EEG of a patient’s fron-
tal lobe to produce a numerical score representing Narcotrend
anesthetic depth. A four-lead EEG is placed on the Introduced in 2001, the Narcotrend monitor is a
patient’s forehead to monitor frontal lobe activity. three-electrode EEG placed on the patient’s fore-
The waveform measured is then examined by an head. The EEG is analyzed with the depth of anes-
algorithm that examines amplitude, frequency, thesia classified using a six-letter system: A
and phase of certain aspects of the wave. The pre- (awake) to F (profound anesthesia) with E repre-
cise algorithm used is proprietary. A score from 0 senting the ideal state for surgery. Like BIS,
(no brain activity) to 100 (an awake patient) is Narcotrend was developed based on a database of
produced, with the ideal anesthetic depth being patients at certain anesthetic depths. The respec-
characterized in the range of 40–60. BIS was tive EEGs were visually discriminated to create
developed using a data based on patient EEG’s of the scale on which the score is based [38, 42].
Physiologic Monitoring: Technological Advances Improving Patient Safety
335 23
As one of the most studied monitors, a num- the curve inversely proportional to the cardiac
ber of clinical conclusions can be made about output. Despite being the most reliable means of
Narcotrend. Only Narcotrend and BIS have measuring cardiac output, standard thermodilu-
enough clinical studies behind them to demon- tion requires a pulmonary artery catheter and
strate clinical utility in some patients. Additionally injection of outside fluid bolus and only provides
these two technologies are the only DGA moni- incremental data.
tors to be routinely used in children. Compared to Continuous cardiac output monitors are spe-
BIS, Narcotrend is more resistant to interference cialized pulmonary artery catheters that use ther-
from EMG based on its algorithm [26]. modilution principles but without an external fluid
bolus. Instead of cold injectate, a copper wire incre-
mentally heats upstream fluid. The technology
23.4.2 uditory Evoked Potential
A takes measurements automatically and more fre-
(AEP) Monitors quently but is not truly “continuous” as each mea-
surement takes time to derive. Continuous cardiac
An auditory evoked potential (AEP) is the evoked output still requires a pulmonary artery catheter,
response of the brain to repeated auditory stimuli which carries its own unique complication profile.
as measured by an EEG. Middle latency auditory Pulse contour analysis is a means of measur-
evoked potential (MLAEP), taken 10–100 ms ing cardiac output solely by analyzing the wave
after the signal, represents the earliest cortical form of an arterial line. PiCCO and LiDCO
response to an auditory stimulus. Amplitudes and require calibration utilizing central venous can-
latencies of AEP signals have been shown to cor- nulation, with LiDCO further requiring the use of
relate to anesthetic depth. An AEP is less prone to lithium, which limits its clinical applicability.
artifact that an EEG, which would yield theoreti- FloTrac systems do not require calibration and
cal benefit to this modality. While these technolo- can be used solely with an arterial line. All pulse
gies have been developed for commercial use, contour systems require a high-fidelity wave form
studies demonstrating their clinical utility have that is not damped. Further, intra-aortic balloon
been limited [40]. However, one study found the pumps, aortic insufficiency, and the use of vaso-
new AEP/2 monitor to perform poorly compared pressors can affect the analysis. FloTrac software
to BIS in pediatric populations [17]. In contrast has been shown to be inaccurate in hemodynami-
other studies have demonstrated that use of AEP cally unstable patients as well as those with abnor-
can improve the titration of drugs, decrease the mal physiologic profiles such as cirrhosis.
incidence of postoperative nausea and vomiting, Transesophageal echocardiogram is a useful,
and shorten recovery room stays [32, 44]. clinically validated monitor that allows visualiza-
tion of the heart and measurement of key param-
eters. Quantitative measurements of cardiac
23.5 Conclusion output, valvular abnormalities, and ejection frac-
tion can be obtained by trained practitioners.
Advanced physiologic monitors for use in anes- Qualitative analysis of filling volumes, wall
thesia are a billion-dollar industry that only con- motion abnormalities, emboli, effusions, and con-
tinues to expand. These monitors are necessary tractility can be made in real time by less experi-
for diagnostic purposes when problems occur enced users. The major limitations of TEE are the
that cannot be identified by “standard” ASA mon- cost of the technology and the training required
itors. Choice of when to use these monitors by the anesthesiologist to interpret the data. While
depends on the patient’s history and the proce- complications have been reported including ther-
dure planned. mal and physical injury to the esophagus, the
Cardiac output monitoring allows extrapola- incidence is very low. Further, the absolute con-
tion of numerous hemodynamic variables and traindications to TEE are limited.
can be measured by increasingly noninvasive Depth of general anesthesia (DGA) monitor-
means. The gold standard for measuring cardiac ing uses electroencephalograms to extrapolate
output is thermodilution, where cold solution is levels of consciousness, the goal of which is to
injected into the heart. The temperature deviation prevent anesthesia awareness. Most monitors on
created is measured over time, with the area under the market today use frontal lobe analysis to pro-
336 J. A. Planchard
duce a numerical score denoting consciousness. not include these devices as part of
23 A range is designated to indicate the “adequate” basic monitoring for an anesthetic.
depth of anesthesia. While this technology has
not been shown to be cost-effective in every case, vv 2. C – Trans-gastric mid-papillary short-axis
frontal lobe monitoring has been shown to help view. This view allows for visualization of
prevent awareness in total intravenous anesthet- the left and right ventricles in cross
ics and situations where the level of anesthetic section, allowing for examination of the
gas needs to be minimal (e.g., hemodynamic major coronary distributions. None of
instability, trauma). Auditory evoked potentials the other views can achieve this.
measure the response of the brainstem to sounds
delivered through headphones. While the tech- vv 3. E – 41. BIS is measured on a scale of
nology has been shown to correlate to anesthetic 0–100, with 0 representing maximum
depth, it is not commonly used in practice today. anesthetic depth and 100 correlating to
an awake patient. The target range for
general anesthesia is 40–60.
23.6 Review Questions
38. Shepherd J, Jones J, Frampton G, Bryant J, Baxter L, Cooper tion. Br J Anaesth. 2014;112(4):626–37. https://doi.
23 K. Clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of depth of
anaesthesia monitoring (E-Entropy, Bispectral Index and
42. Somchai A. Monitoring for depth of anesthesia: a
Narcotrend): a systematic review and economic evaluation. review. J Biomed Graph Comput. 2012;2(2):119. https://
Health Technol Assess (Winch Eng). 2013;17(34):1–264. 43. Stein EJ, Glick DB. Advances in awareness monitoring
39. Singh A, Wakefield BJ, Duncan AE. Complications from technologies. Curr Opin Anaesthesiol. 2016;29(6):711–
brachial arterial pressure monitoring are rare in patients 6.
having cardiac surgery. J Thorac Dis. 2018;10(2):E158–9. 44. Tewari K, Murthy TVSP. Intraoperative auditory evoked potential monitoring for anaesthesia depth and utilization
40. Sinha P, Koshy T. Monitoring devices for measuring of inhaled isoflurane. Open J Anesthesiol. 2017;07(04):109–
depth of anesthesia - an overview. Indian J Anaesth. 19.
2007;51(5):365. Retrieved from 45. Treacher DF, Leach RM. Oxygen transport-1. Basic princi-
article.asp?issn=0019-5049;year=2007;volume=51;issu ples. BMJ (Clinical Research Ed.). 1998;317(7168):1302–
e=5;spage=365;epage=365;aulast=Sinha 6. Retrieved from
41. Slagt C, Malagon I, Groeneveld ABJ. Systematic review pubmed/9804723
of uncalibrated arterial pressure waveform analysis to 46. Vincent J-L. Understanding cardiac output. Crit Care.
determine cardiac output and stroke volume varia- 2008;12(4):174.
339 24
Quality of Care
in Perioperative Medicine
Matthew R. Eng, Tayyab Khan, and Ramla Farooq
References – 345
24.1 Introduction is most well known for his 14 points which started
the total quality management movement [2]. They
Clinical performance in healthcare has become helped transform the Japanese production of
24 increasingly scrutinized as pressures mount to goods by shifting the focus of quality improve-
contain costs and increase quality of care. Quality ment upstream toward the scrutiny of the system
of care has become a focus of hospital commit- and processes.
tees, insurance providers, government agencies, Deming was an engineer, whose 14 points and
and healthcare providers. The discipline of quality system helped identify any aberration or flaw
of care is focused on the tracking, analysis, and within a process and removed deficiencies one at
reduction of errors so as to ensure improved a time. His 14 points are as follows: constant
patient outcomes while containing cost. improvement of product, adopt the new philoso-
Improvement in the quality of healthcare is phy, cease dependence on inspecting the end
fundamental to the integrity of anesthesiologists product to accomplish quality, build long-term
and other physicians. In the perioperative envi- relationships with trust and loyalty, train while on
ronment, collecting data on processes and out- the job, improve processes constantly and end-
comes as well as eventual evaluation of this data lessly, key leadership to supervise production,
may ensure a culture of safety and provision of encourage positive morale with no fear in the cul-
quality care. Collaborative efforts by the health- ture, interdepartmental barriers must be broken
care team in the operating room are important to down to streamline collaboration, eliminate quo-
this process, as well as multidisciplinary efforts to tas but rather inspire with leadership, allow every
assure the quality of care throughout a patient’s worker to indulge in the pride of his own work-
hospital course. Finally, protocols and evidence- manship, install the ability for employees to attain
based programs should be developed and self-improvement and continuing education, and
enforced to assure the best practice medicine for exhort the entire workforce to accomplish trans-
delivering the best possible quality of care. formation within the company. These 14 points
were fundamental in improving the quality of
Japanese products, aiming for the goal of deliver-
24.2 History of Patient Safety ing what the customer wants with precision and
and Quality Efforts consistency. In Deming’s analysis of the system,
he sought to identify individual impairments,
The medical specialty of anesthesiology has been removing them one by one. At the time this was a
a model for patient safety and, in turn, quality of paradigm shift; process was improved upon rather
care [1]. The consistency of safety is fundamental than attempting to fix individual workers.
to the improvement of quality in perioperative While Deming and Juran introduced the con-
medicine. Patient safety and quality of care in cept of industrial quality improvement, the medi-
anesthesiology have been influenced by the early cal community has also sought methods to
development of industrial quality and in the improve quality of healthcare. The need for qual-
establishment of quality standards in medicine ity of care in healthcare can be traced back to Dr.
and hospital management. Ernest Codman in 1910. A surgeon from Boston,
The history of industrial quality of Japanese Dr. Codman sought to track patient outcomes by
products was revolutionized by two American utilizing an “end results system” to help identify
men following World War II between 1950 and adverse outcomes and clinical errors. He estab-
1960. In a remarkable implementation of program lished the first mortality and morbidity confer-
and culture, two men from the United States, ence at the Massachusetts General Hospital in
W. Edwards Deming and Joseph M. Juran, helped Boston after joining Harvard Medical School fac-
transform the industrial quality of Japanese prod- ulty to help identify errors and prevent harm in
ucts. Deming and Juran were largely credited for the delivery of healthcare. The morbidity and
what many would later refer to as the “Japanese mortality conference program has been adopted
post-war economic miracle.” While most Japanese in clinical departments throughout the world as a
products had always been competitive in price, mainstay of quality and safety. His interest in
the quality was well known to be inferior. Juran patient outcomes and quality in healthcare leads
has been called the father of quality, and Deming to the formation of the American College of
Quality of Care in Perioperative Medicine
341 24
Surgeons and the Hospital Standardization which was an independent foundation that was
Program. The American College of Surgeons con- initially funded by the ASA. The formation of the
tinued to lead the initiative in improving quality APSF was the vision of Dr. Ellison C. Pierce, Jr.,
of healthcare, and by 1917, they developed the Chairman of Anesthesiology at Harvard Medical
Minimum Standards for Hospitals. In this, hospi- School and President of the ASA [5]. The goal of
tal visits and inspections were required to receive patient safety and reduction of preventable anes-
certification by the American College of Surgeons. thetic accidents was formally addressed by the
One of the first collaborations in healthcare- organization through newsletters, investigations,
related efforts toward quality of care was the devel- and organized safety programs. As a result of pur-
opment of the Joint Commission on Accreditation suing safety and quality of care, anesthesiologists
of Hospitals. It was formed in 1951 in a partner- began to see their malpractice premiums decrease
ship between the American Medical Association, and were applauded by the Wall Street Journal in
the American Hospital Association, the Canadian 2005 for this initiative as a profession [6].
Medical Association, and the American College of Since the formation of the Anesthesia Patient
Physicians [3]. The goal and mission of the Joint Safety Foundation, the quality and safety in the
Commission on Accreditation of Hospitals have field of anesthesiology have improved for a mul-
been to “continuously improve health care for the titude of reasons. The development of improved
public, in collaboration with other stakeholders, and diverse patient monitoring devices and
by evaluating health care organizations and inspir- pharmacological advances in anesthesiology
ing them to excel in providing safe and effective have aided practitioners in providing better care.
care of the highest quality and value.” With the Pulse oximetry, advanced ventilators, capnogra-
passage by Congress, in 1965, of the Social Security phy, fiber-optic endoscopes, video laryngo-
Amendments, hospitals that were accredited by scopes, and ultrasound are just a few of the many
the Joint Commission on Accreditation of technological advances in the field of anesthesia
Hospitals were now eligible to participate in which have improved quality and safety.
Medicare and Medicaid programs. As of 2017, the Pharmacologic anesthetics with faster onset and
Joint Commission inspects and qualifies over offset, less hemodynamic effects, and less overall
21,000 healthcare facilities and programs as the side effects have also contributed greatly to the
oldest and largest accrediting body in the nation. safety and quality in anesthesiology. The
As leaders in industrial quality improvement American Society of Anesthesiologists estab-
discovered, many in the field of anesthesiology also lished a standard of care for monitoring a patient
found that the greatest strides in quality improve- while utilizing an anesthetic. The ASA Standards
ment are accomplished through establishing a cul- for Basic Anesthetic Monitoring, first defined in
ture and system of constant quality improvement. 1986, has helped ensure that only qualified anes-
This was a shift in the approach to providing medi- thesia personnel are properly monitoring venti-
cal care for most clinicians, as the focus is often on lation, oxygenation, temperature, and circulation
one patient at a time. Creating a system to provide [7]. Many revisions and consensus statements
an improvement in outcomes for an entire cohort have helped refine these standards over the years,
of patients only began to take shape in the twenti- and this has served as a universally accepted
eth century. Dr. Avedis Donabedian was one of the standard of monitoring for anesthesia providers.
first physicians to put this together in 1966. In Many of the previously described organiza-
Evaluating the Quality of Medical Care, Dr. tions and institutions as well as a plethora of oth-
Donabedian distilled the quality of medical care ers were developed around the ideas of W. Edwards
into providers, the delivery of care, and the clinical Deming, Dr. Ernest Codman, Dr. Ellison Pearce,
outcomes [4]. He defined a model that could help and Dr. Avedis Donabedian. Quality of care in
quantify, analyze, and improve the quality of care. medicine is a very complex system, and the neces-
In 1983, the American Society of sity for providing safety and quality only contin-
Anesthesiologists formed the ASA Committee on ues to increase in a system with constrained
Patient Safety and Risk Management in response resources and little margin for error. Individual
to rising medical malpractice insurance premi- medical professionals as well as large healthcare
ums. This subsequently leads to the formation of networks have important roles in delivering qual-
the Anesthesia Patient Safety Foundation in 1985, ity healthcare in our complex healthcare system.
342 M. R. Eng et al.
24.3 Approaches to Quality to capture incidents and events for the unique fea-
Improvement tures of each organization and practice. Some of
the features of an incident reporting system that
24 24.3.1 Evaluation and Management
may be helpful include a system that is easy to
access, an option of anonymity, secured data, an
of Adverse Outcomes ability to organize and analyze data easily, and the
ability to produce reports [13].
The prevention of adverse events requires a thor- Latent errors are often the difference in what
ough understanding of the processes and prac- might cause an adverse event to occur. While
tices, a comprehensive reporting of adverse human errors may be a component of the root
events, and a collaborative effort to analyze and cause, discovering latent errors is ultimately the goal
strategically revise processes to prevent further of analyzing adverse events. The Joint Commission
harm. With so many safety mechanisms in place on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations has
and conscientious medical providers, adverse developed a policy with respect to the analysis of
events are often the result of many independent adverse events, requiring a root cause analysis of all
errors that align to allow for harm to take place. adverse events that affect patients [14]. Root cause
Before adverse events can be reduced, they analysis can be a laborious endeavor, and it may be
must first be identified. With negative conse- difficult to quantify the results of these studies. The
quences, personal shame, lack of confidence in adverse event trajectory can be best described
the system, poor education regarding quality ini- through models including the Swiss cheese models
tiatives, and concern of implicating others, often [15] and bow tie diagrams [16].
times adverse events are under reported [8]. In In the Swiss cheese model, a set of parallel bar-
fact, physicians are the least likely to self-report riers to prevent harm exist within a system. In
any adverse events [9]. Especially in “near miss” order for an adverse event to actually occur, holes
situations where no harm actually occurred, clini- due to errors or system failures must occur on
cians are even less likely to report these events. every cascading barrier level. The layers of Swiss
The World Health Organization defines adverse cheese must then align in an unfortunate manner
events: “An event or circumstance, which could such that the fail-safe mechanisms are unable to
have resulted, or did result, in unnecessary harm prevent an adverse event. While the Swiss cheese
to a patient” [10]. It is clear that it is of great model may aid in patching up some of these bar-
importance to capture “near miss” events as riers or perhaps even implementing a new layer,
opportunities to serve as an additional data point effort should also be given toward creating sys-
to help guide safety and quality policy. Reported tems to anticipate and recover from such adverse
adverse events occur at a rate of between 5.3 and events if they occur with frequency.
10.7% of patients in the hospital according to ICD Often used in industrial quality systems and
billing codes that indicate adverse events [11]. most notably nuclear power plants, bow tie dia-
Despite under reporting, there is a great opportu- grams may be of some benefit in preventing
nity to investigate adverse events, analyze, and adverse events in healthcare [16]. A bow tie dia-
strategically devise ways to reduce the risk of fur- gram centers around an adverse event that may
ther adverse events. occur. On the left side of the diagram, all risks and
A system of detecting of adverse events should preventive measures are listed. On the right side
be in place so that medical providers are not the of the diagram, all possible adverse events and
only source of reporting. Electronic medical recovery options and outcomes are listed. The
records, routine peer review, pathology reports, bow tie diagram has great potential for not only
incident monitoring, and medicolegal resources preventing adverse events but minimizing dam-
should be utilized to help identify adverse events. age or recovering from adverse events once they
Tracking “near misses” should also be in the occur. The bow tie diagram is most significant in
framework of adverse event reporting. Industrial this discussion for describing the importance of a
quality control systems have demonstrated that recovery plan in the event of an adverse event.
when “near misses” and minor adverse events are The Institute for Safe Medication Practices has
tolerated, a higher rate of catastrophic events can a nine-level strategy to reducing errors, ordered
ensue [12]. Systems need to be adequately tailored from the lowest to highest strength and reliability:
Quality of Care in Perioperative Medicine
343 24
(1) suggestions to be more careful or vigilant, (2) machine that is equipped with a proportioning
education and information, (3) rules and policies, system that prevents any delivery of a final
(4) reminders and checklists, (5) redundancies, inspired oxygen concentration of less than 21%.
(6) standardization, (7) automation and comput- Adverse events are most often the unfortunate
erization, (8) forcing functions, and (9) fail-safes result of latent errors within a system and human
and constraints [17]. Suggestions can be helpful in error. The identification of adverse events is the
a motivated culture of healthcare providers and first step toward reducing risk through effective
are likely the easiest practice to employ. incident reporting systems. Next, the adverse
Suggestions to be more careful or vigilant are also event should be analyzed with a root cause analy-
the least effective because any inherent latent fac- sis, illustrating where the faults may lie in a Swiss
tor is not considered, and dissemination and cheese model or bow tie model. Appropriate
effectiveness of suggestions are widely variable. interventions that range from suggestions to fail-
Education and information can be helpful, moti- safe and constraint systems should be applied.
vating with a greater understanding of the overall
benefit of a modification of practices. This method
relies on the individual provider and can lose 24.3.2 Quality Management
effectiveness over time unless routinely enforced.
Rules and policies improve the protection of the A strong and responsive quality management
overall system by providing a legal framework for program is essential to the optimal functioning of
the conduct of an organization. It is less effective perioperative services. Patient satisfaction, patient
on the individual level because it is often hard to safety, surgical excellence, and overall operating
keep track of all of the rules and policy details. room efficiency are difficult to ensure without
Reminders and checklists are often utilized in the such a process in place [18]. Anesthesiologists are
operating room through time-out procedures and considered the physician specialists to address
have been very successful in the aviation industry. operating room management and patient safety in
Providers who routinely perform checklists and the perioperative setting and should be quality
reminders must always be vigilant against fatigue management leaders in these areas. An effective
and inattentiveness that may present during quality management program will increasingly be
repetitive tasks. Redundancies help reduce error valued in an era of reimbursement that is based
in a greater extent, providing an extra barrier that not only on volume but also on outcome.
must be errant according to the “Swiss cheese Developing a quality management program
model” previously described. While not a guaran- requires departmental support from the highest
tee against error, redundancies reduce them level of authority. A quality management officer
greatly. Standardization of processes is an impor- should be selected and enjoy the full support of
tant tool in reducing errors. A consistent stan- senior leadership such that all providers are
dardized team who follows a standardized expected to acknowledge adverse outcomes and
approach is much less likely to make an error remain committed to the process of quality
because of the familiarity and simplification of improvement. The role and work of the officer
variables. Automation and computerization are should be respected as an integral part of the
some of the greatest tools in modern healthcare to department’s functioning.
protect patients from harm. Mechanisms such as Supporting a quality management officer should
barcode scanning prior to medication adminis- be a committee, comprised of members represent-
tration protect a patient from errors such as wrong ing the various stakeholders in a group or depart-
dose, wrong medication, or wrong patient. ment. Anesthesiologists, CRNAs, AAs, nurses, and
Compliance with automation and computeriza- trainees should constitute the committee and work
tion safety systems is mandatory, and any devia- together to define performance metrics. Importantly,
tion from the process must be immediately the stakeholders should be not only of a diverse
addressed. The best and strongest level of error selection of clinical representatives from different
reduction strategies is in fail-safe and constraint departments but also of a wide sampling of experi-
systems. In these systems, there is not any possi- ence inclusive of senior members and junior mem-
bility that a patient would experience harm. An bers. Metrics can be thought of as “top down” or
example of one of these systems is the anesthesia “bottom up.” That is, top-down metrics are those
344 M. R. Eng et al.
already collected through CPT/ICD coding as well with the complex calculations and production of
as quality measures required by programs such as charts or reports.
the Surgical Quality Improvement Project. In reporting quality management measures,
24 Bottom-up metrics include sentinel events or reports can be based on individual anesthesiolo-
adverse outcomes [19]. Both metrics are important gists or at the aggregate system level and may have
to overall quality management and require the sup- varying levels of privacy in reporting. For the
port of providers, nursing, hospital IT, and/or the individual provider, it can be helpful to report
billing department. Additional measures of quality compliance and performance as compared to the
should be established through the committee pro- average. For example, a particular provider may
cess in partnership with all stakeholders. have pain scores or patient satisfaction scores that
The first step in organizing a quality manage- are significantly worse than the average provider.
ment project is to begin harvesting pertinent data This type of report may be shared confidentially
in a top-down approach. In the age of electronic with each provider, as this may be a very sensitive
medical records, many data points are already issue. In preparing such reports, the data should
collected en masse. Requesting data from techni- be risk adjusted as some anesthesiologists may
cal support specialists and the medical informat- care for a more difficult or easier population.
ics department can yield a great deal of Other types of reports for individuals may include
information. A patient’s ASA physical status clas- adverse events such as perioperative complica-
sification, comorbidities, admitting diagnosis, tions. Again, these reports should be shared with
length of stay, pain scores, vital signs, and a pleth- the provider with sensitivity. On an aggregate
ora of other information may be extracted from level report, the responsibility should be shared
the electronic medical record. Another valuable by the entire hospital or group. These reports may
source of data may be in the billing information. be shared with the hospital, the group, or may
Data collected in the billing information includes even be compelled to share publicly. Handwashing
the ICD code, length of operation, age, sex, ASA compliance reports or central line infection
codes, procedures, and more. Organized data may reports are familiar quality management reports
have already been collected through other depart- that occur in many hospitals these days to help
ments such as through a nursing quality manage- encourage healthcare workers to take all precau-
ment project. It may be worthwhile to inquire tions to improve on these metrics. As more infor-
surgical colleagues and nurses about any overlap- mation becomes available to the public, there are
ping quality management projects. In addition to often quality measures that become accessible
hospital projects and collaborative quality man- [20]. The Joint Commission or Medicare Physician
agement programs, many quality management Quality Reporting System may require certain
projects are designed to help improve perfor- quality measures to be reported. In the eyes of the
mance on Consumer Assessment of Healthcare public, the confidence in providers can be unwit-
Providers and Systems (CAHPS) scores and tingly challenged and often due to poor reporting.
Surgical Care Improvement Project (SCIP) scores. The quality management team should ensure that
Finally, the quality management team may find it any publicly reported data is as best risk adjusted
best to collect data directly. Creating a form, ques- as possible, which may invariably be flawed [20,
tionnaire, or poll standardizes the data collection 21].
process and may deliver information not available The “bottom-up” approach to quality manage-
in any of the aforementioned methods. ment addresses unusual events, adverse outcomes,
The valuable data that has been collected must and sentinel events. Self-reporting of these
be translated into useful reports through careful adverse events is often low as clinicians may fear
analysis. Sorting out the most pertinent data medicolegal consequences, insult to their reputa-
points is one of the most skillful requirements in tion, perceived disruption in the patient-physician
analyzing the data. Retrospectively analyzing data confidence, or lack of confidence in benefit of
can be difficult to perform without incurring cer- reporting. Further, near miss events are even less
tain biases; however identifying trends and link- reported. Communicating a well-known alert sys-
ing causal relationships should be attempted. A tem protocol for reporting incidents along with a
medical statistician may be employed to assist responsive quality management team can greatly
improve reporting. Once an incident is reported,
Quality of Care in Perioperative Medicine
345 24
it must be addressed in an expeditious manner. If following is the strongest strategy level
there is concern that a practice is unsafe or may to reduce errors?
cause imminent harm to a patient, there should A. Reminders and checklists
be a system in place for immediate review of pro- B. Rules and policies
tocols. All other incidents should be addressed C. Standardization
according to priority of severity. Low-level inci- D. Fail-safes and constraints
dents should be reviewed on a monthly basis in a E. Suggestions to be more careful or
quality management committee. It should be vigilant
determined whether there is a pattern of practice
that may lead to further adverse events and what
changes could be implemented. The quality man- 24.5 Answers
agement committee should communicate with
hospital risk management regarding adverse vv 1. E
events that could result in a legal predicament.
A quality management team and officer are
important to the success of quality improvement vv 2. B
in the perioperative setting at any hospital. Success
of the individual provider and the perioperative
team depends on the consistency of safety and per- vv 3. D
formance assured by the quality management
team. In “top-down” and “bottom-up” approaches,
the refinement of outcomes and reduction of
adverse events can be simultaneously accom-
plished. 1. Cooper JB, Gaba D. No myth: anesthesia is a model for
addressing patient safety. Anesthesiology.
24.4 Review Questions 2. Deming WE. Out of the crisis. Cambridge, MA: MIT
Press; 1986.
?? 1. Which of the following are reasons that 3. Bindman AB, Grumbach K, Keane D, Rauch L, Luce
JM. Consequences of queuing for care at a public hospi-
physicians may not report adverse tal emergency department. JAMA. 1991;266(8):1091–6.
events? 4. Donabedian A. Evaluating the quality of medical care.
A. Medicolegal consequences Milbank Mem Fund Q. 1966;44(3):166.
B. Professional reputation 5. Stoelting RK, Khuri SF. Past accomplishments and
C. Lack of confidence in quality future directions: risk prevention in anesthesia and
surgery. Anesthesiol Clin. 2006;24(2):235–53. v.
management system 6. Hallinan JT. Heal thyself: once seen as risky, one group
D. Disruption of patient confidence of doctors changes its ways. Wall St J. 2005;21:1.
E. All of the above 7. Standards for basic anesthetic monitoring [Internet].
American Society of Anesthesiologists. Available from:
?? 2. Utilizing a “top-down” approach to
8. Leape LL. Reporting of adverse events. N Engl J Med.
quality management includes all of the
following except: 9. Milch CE, Salem DN, Pauker SG, Lundquist TG, Kumar S,
A. Collecting data from electronic Chen J. Voluntary electronic reporting of medical
medical records and billing errors and adverse events. An analysis of 92,547
information reports from 26 acute care hospitals. J Gen Intern Med.
B. Identifying adverse events
10. Conceptual Framework for the international classifica-
C. Creating quality management tion for patient safety [Internet]. WHO/IER/PSP. 2009.
reports for the hospital and Available from:
individual providers taxonomy/icps_full_report.pdf
D. Analyzing performance metrics with 11. Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. From the
Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. Med J Aust.
medical statisticians
?? 3. According to the Institute for Safe 12. Jehring J, Heinrich HW. Industrial accident prevention:
Medication Practices, which of the a scientific approach. Ind Labor Relat Rev. 1951;4(4):609.
346 M. R. Eng et al.
13. Guffey PJ, Culwick M, Merry AF. Incident reporting at 18. Dutton RP. Why have a quality management program?
the local and national level. Int Anesthesiol Clin. Int Anesthesiol Clin. 2013;51(4):1–9.
2014;52(1):69–83. 19. Dutton RP, Dukatz A. Quality improvement using auto-
14. Percarpio KB, Vince Watts B, Weeks WB. The effective- mated data sources: the anesthesia quality institute.
24 ness of root cause analysis: what does the literature Anesthesiol Clin. 2011;29(3):439–54.
tell us? Jt Comm J Qual Patient Saf. 2008;34(7):391–8. 20. Rodrigues R, Trigg L, Schmidt AE, Leichsenring K. The
15. Reason J. Human error: models and management. public gets what the public wants: experiences of
BMJ. 2000;320(7237):768–70. public reporting in long-term care in Europe. Health
16. Pitblado R, Weijand P. Barrier diagram (bow tie) quality Policy. 2014;116(1):84–94.
issues for operating managers. Process Saf Prog. 21. Iezzoni LI. The risks of risk adjustment. JAMA.
2014;33(4):355–61. 1997;278(19):1600–7.
17. ISMP. Medication errors reporting program. J Am
Pharm Assoc. 2010;50(2):e70–1.
347 25
Professional Liability
Jonathan P. Eskander, Tara Marie P. Eskander,
and Julia A. LeMense
25.5 Countersuits – 352
25.7 Conclusions – 352
25.9 Answers – 353
References – 353
accepted by the judge and the facts of the case, if 25.2.4 Damages
the court finds the defendant-anesthesiologist at
fault for an omission or a failure to act within the The last element of a medical malpractice cause
standard of care, then the plaintiff-patient will of action is damages. A plaintiff-patient who fails
have established a breach of duty. to prove that they suffered damages as a result of
the injuries caused by a physician’s breach of duty
25 cannot recover from the defendant physician. In
25.2.3 Direct Cause the simplest terms, there are three types of dam-
ages: punitive, general, and special. Punitive dam-
The third element of the cause of action is determin- ages are reserved for defendant-anesthesiologists
ing whether the defendant-anesthesiologist caused whose negligence is determined to be willful or
the plaintiff-patient’s injury. Specifically, the ques- reckless. General damages include pain and suf-
tion is whether the physician’s breach of duty is the fering, which are considered to be damages that
proximate cause of the patient’s injuries. Proximate directly result from the injury caused by the phy-
causation is one of a number of types of causation sician. Special damages are those that arise as
under the law and is determined by answering two a consequence of the injury and are reasonably
questions: (1) Would the injury have occurred if foreseeable, such as medical expenses and oppor-
not for the action by the defendant-anesthesiol- tunity costs (sometimes referred to as consequen-
ogist (also known as “but for cause”) and (2) did tial damages). In jury trials, the jury decides on
the harm caused by the defendant-anesthesiologist the amount of the medical malpractice damage
contribute substantially to the plaintiff-patient’s award, which typically correlates with the sever-
injuries despite other factors. If the answer to both ity of the injury and to the degree of which the
of these questions is yes, then the court may find defendant-anesthesiologist is found to be negli-
that the plaintiff-patient has satisfied the causa- gent [7–10]. Each year in the United States, nearly
tion element of the medical malpractice claim by 60,000 medical malpractice claims are filed, and
proving that the defendant-anesthesiologist’s act or about 30 percent result in damage awards to the
omission is the cause of the injuries. plaintiff [11].
Ordinarily, the patient-plaintiff bears the bur-
den of proof for all elements of a medical mal-
practice case. However, in some cases, especially 25.3 Reducing Risk of Claims
anesthesia malpractice cases, the anesthesiologist and Medical Errors
defendant may have to prove that they did not
cause the harm. This shift in the burden of proof Undesirable patient outcomes occur in any field of
from patient to physician may occur in after the medicine. According to some studies, patients are
patient has shown that the physician had exclusive less likely to sue a healthcare provider when the
control of the thing (e.g., anesthesia) that caused patient perceives the provider as caring, commu-
the injury even though there is no evidence that the nicative, honest, and appropriately apologetic [12,
physician is negligent. It is based on the legal doc- 13]. Unfortunately, there is a lack of consensus
trine of res ipsa loquitur, Latin for “the thing speaks on the optimal response to a medical error. After
for itself.” It is invoked when a plaintiff establishes a a full disclosure and a carefully crafted apology,
rebuttable presumption that the physician was neg- patients and their families may be less likely to sue
ligent and without the negligence, the injury would for damages [14]. Routine use of full disclosure
not have occurred. Under the care of anesthesiolo- after a medical error is controversial, however,
gists, anesthetized patients lack awareness of sur- due to the potential for unintended medicolegal
roundings and inability to fully prevent or protect consequences [15]. In response, some states are
themselves from injury; therefore, this doctrine is adopting “apology laws,” which make apologies
more likely used in anesthesia malpractice cases inadmissible as evidence of provider wrongdo-
versus other types of malpractice claims [7]. In ing, to encourage communication after adverse
this case, an anesthesiologist needs to demonstrate outcomes. In response to medical error and
that the injury would have occurred in typical cir- undesirable outcomes, clear communication with
cumstances in the absence of negligence while also co-workers is paramount and provides a clear
proving that he or she was not negligent. establishment of the adverse event circumstances
Professional Liability
351 25
and key happenings, in addition to thorough doc- Thorough documentation of the anesthesiolo-
umentation that limits speculation or conjecture, gist’s presence during key and critical periods as
such as providing non-conflicting narratives and well as recording communication of anesthetic
imparting the full truth [6]. Finally, risk manage- plans with subordinates provides a strong narra-
ment personnel should be consulted in regard to tive in reducing liability risk. Failure to meticu-
medical error concerns and adverse events. lously document these situations is not only bad
practice, it also creates an opening for patient-
plaintiff attorneys to insinuate that inadequate
25.3.1 Meeting the Standard of Care supervision existed [6].
25.5 Countersuits
Closed claims database
Countersuits (claims made by a defendant against In 1985, the closed claims database was
the plaintiff in the original action) often appear to developed by the ASA to study anesthesia-
provide the only plausible means of legal recourse related injuries resulting in medical mal-
by a defendant physician against a plaintiff patient practice claims. Notable trends include
25 and may be tempting for some who feel they are decreasing surgical anesthesia claims but
the target of a malicious or harassing lawsuit by a increasing acute and chronic pain manage-
patient or their representatives. However, the like- ment claims [19]. The following are common
lihood of success in a countersuit is quite poor. In groups of claims in the database: death, 34%;
a successful countersuit, the healthcare provider nerve damage, 16%; brain damage, 12%;
must prove the patient had malicious intent when and others, 38% [12]. Notably, monitored
filing a lawsuit in the first place. anesthesia care (MAC) is associated with the
highest incidence of death and permanently
disabling injury. Among obstetric anesthesia
25.6 Psychological Impact and Effect claims are maternal death, 22%; newborn
on Practice brain damage, 20%; and headache 12% [19].
Manual on professional liability: An informational manual An in-depth manual written by the ASA in
compiled by the ASA Committee on professional liability 2010 that details specific information about
professional liability in anesthesia while
2435869&_ga=2.231724316.225485226.1498174565- providing checklists and additional resources
Additional resources
?? 1. Which of the following concepts are 1. Powis Smith JM. Origin & history of Hebrew law. Chi-
included in the definition of malpractice? cago: University of Chicago Press; 1931.
2. Everad v. Hopkins, 80 English Reports 1164 (1615).
A. Duty 3. Bal SB. An introduction to medical malpractice in the
B. Dereliction United States. Clin Orthop Relat Res. 2009;467(2):339–47.
C. Damages 4. DeVille KA. Medical malpractice in nineteenth-century
D. Direct cause America: origins and legacy. New York: NYU Press; 1990.
E. All of the above 5. Sloan FA, Bovbjerg RR, Githens PB. Insuring medical
malpractice. New York: Oxford University Press; 1991.
(These are the four D’s of malpractice. 6. ASA Committee on Professional Liability. Manual on
Each of these elements is required to professional liability. Schaumburg: American Society
meet the criteria for malpractice.) of Anesthesiologists; 2010.
7. Taragin MI, Willett LR, Wilczek AP, et al. The influence
?? 2. Which of the following are appropri- of standard of care and severity of injury on the reso-
lution of medical malpractice claims. Ann Intern Med.
ate steps to take to minimize potential 1992;117:780–4.
liability? 8. Peters PG. What we know about malpractice settle-
A. Good communication between phy- ments. Iowa Law Review. 2007;92:1783–833.
sician and patients as well as family 9. Ogburn PL Jr, Julian TM, Brooker DC, et al. Perinatal
member medical negligence closed claims from the St. Paul
Company, 1980-1982. J Reprod Med. 1988;33:608–11.
B. Obtaining appropriate informed con- 10. Rosenblatt RA, Hurst A. An analysis of closed obstetric
sent and adequate recordkeeping malpractice claims. Obstet Gynecol. 1989;74:710–4.
C. Adhering to the standard of care 13. Studdert DM, Mello MM, Gawande AA, et al. Claims,
D. All of the above errors, and compensation payments in medical mal-
(In addition to all of the above, appro- practice litigation. N Engl J Med. 2006; 354:2024–2033.
11. Luce JM. Medical malpractice and the chest physician.
priate management of a negative out- Chest. 2008;134:1044–50.
come will further mitigate the risk of a 12. Duclos CW, Eichler M, Taylor L, et al. Patient perspec-
lawsuit.) tives of patient-provider communication after adverse
events. Int J Qual Health Care. 2005;17:479–86.
?? 3. Countersuits are often successful. True or 13. Levinson W, Roter DL, Mullooly JP, et al. Physician-
patient communication. The relationship with mal-
false? practice claims among primary care physicians and
A. True surgeons. JAMA. 1997;277:553–9.
B. False 14. Colon VF. 10 ways to reduce medical malpractice
(To be successful in a countersuit, the exposure. Physician Exec. 2002;28:16–8.
healthcare provider must prove there 15. Leape LL. Reporting of adverse events. N Engl J Med.
was malicious intent.) 16. Nash L, Tennant C, Walton M. The psychological impact
of complaints and negligence suits on doctors. Austra-
las Psychiatry. 2004;12:278–81.
25.9 Answers 17. Charles SC, Wilbert JR, Kennedy EC. Physicians’ self-
reports of reaction to malpractice litigation. Am J Psy-
chiatry. 1984;141:563–5.
vv 1. E 18. Diagnostic criteria from the Diagnostic and Statistical
Manual of Mental Disorders,4th Edition, with text revi-
vv 2. D sion (APA 2000) (DSM-IV-TR) for Acute Stress Disorder
(DSM-IV-TR 308.3) and Post-Traumatic Stress Disor-
der (DSM-IV-TR 309.81) other than Criterion A (the
vv 3. B
stressor), describe the signs and symptoms suffered
by physicians who suffer MMSS.
19. Metzner J, Posner KL, Lam MS, Domino KB. Closed
claims’ analysis. Best Pract Res Clin Anaesthesiol.
355 26
Medical Malpractice
J. L. Epps and Courtney E. Read
26.9 Answers – 369
References – 369
Medical Malpractice
357 26
26.1 Proof of Malpractice an expert. Other states adhere to a “locality” rule.
In this circumstance, the anesthesiologist is held
For medical malpractice to occur, a healthcare pro- to the “recognized standard of acceptable profes-
vider (hospital, physician, nurse practitioner, etc.) sional practice in the profession …in the commu-
causes an injury to a patient through a negligent act nity in which the defendant practices.” Under the
or omission. The negligence could be due to errors “locality rule,” the question is whether the physi-
in diagnosis, treatment, or follow-up care. A plain- cian acted in accordance with what a physician in
tiff who asserts medical malpractice on the part of a the same or similar locality (a contiguous state)
healthcare provider has to prove (1) the recognized would have done, which has to be proven by an
standard of acceptable professional practice in the expert familiar with the community in which the
profession and specialty as it relates to the circum- anesthesiologist practices. In Shipley v. Williams,
stances of the case (duty); (2) that the provider 350 S.W. 3d 527, 553 (Tenn. 2011), the Tennessee
failed to act in accordance with the acceptable Supreme Court recognized that “the national
standard of care (breach); (3) as a proximate result standard is representative of the local standard”
of the breach, the patient suffered injury that would allowing expert testimony as to a national stan-
not have otherwise occurred (causation); and (4) dard of care after it has been established that the
patient incurred damages as a result of the injury expert is familiar with the community in which
(damages). Monetary damages, if awarded, typi- the defendant provider practices [2].
cally take into account both actual economic loss
and noneconomic loss, such as pain and suffering.
26.1.2 Breach of Duty
26.1.1 Duty During trial, the jury must determine if the anes-
thesiologist either did something that should not
When the patient is seen preoperatively and the have been done or failed to do something that
anesthesiologist agrees to provide anesthesia care should have been done. Both sides will present
for the patient, a doctor-patient relationship is testimony from experts as to what duty was owed
established, which creates a duty to the patient. to the patient by the anesthesiologist and whether
In the most general terms, the duty that the or not the anesthesiologist acted according to the
anesthesiologist owes to the patient is to adhere standard of care of anesthesiologists in that com-
to the “standard of care” for the treatment of the munity or on a national level as it relates to the
patient. This “standard of care” means that a phy- circumstances of the case at issue. In other words,
sician will act with the same degree or skill as any did the anesthesiologist act in a reasonable and
reasonable and prudent doctor under the same or prudent manner in the specific situation and ful-
similar circumstances at the time of the treatment fill his or her duty to the patient? If the jury finds
in question. The standard of care encompasses the that a breach of that duty occurs, the jury will
training, education, and skills of a similar physi- then have to determine whether that breach was
cian facing the same or similar circumstances. In the cause of the patient’s injury.
most claims for medical malpractice, the standard
of care must be determined by expert testimony
as a layperson, a typical juror, cannot determine 26.1.3 Causation
from their own knowledge and experience how a
physician would act under the same or similar cir- The legal definition of causation varies signifi-
cumstances. Currently 29 states and Washington, cantly with the intuitive medical understanding of
DC, require only that a claimant demonstrate a a “cause” of harm. The proof of causation in medi-
“national standard of care” through expert tes- cal malpractice hinges on the following concepts:
timony. In practical terms, this means that an 1. The injury would not have occurred but for
anesthesiologist may be held accountable for his the action of the anesthesiologist (but for
or her actions according to what any reasonable causation).
and prudent anesthesiologist, from anywhere in 2. The action of the anesthesiologist was a
the United States, would do or not do under the substantial factor in the injury despite other
same or similar circumstances as testified to by causes (proximate or legal cause).
358 J. L. Epps and C. E. Read
that many objections that would be raised at the explanation of what took place concerning the
trial do not apply. Essentially, the scope of what subject patient. The defendant’s appearance, atti-
can be asked of a physician in a deposition is tude, and testimony can have immense impact on
very broad. In “lawyer speak,” discovery is often the final outcome.
referred to as a “fishing expedition,” in which an
attorney is “fishing” for any and all information
that may potentially be relevant to the lawsuit. 26.2.5 Legal Fees: Impact in Medical
Depositions are not only a useful tool for purposes Malpractice
26 of the trial, but these depositions are oftentimes
used in dispositive motions, such as motions for Attorneys for the plaintiff are generally hired by
summary judgment, and may also be evaluated in the patient on a contingency fee basis. In other
terms of settlement. words, the lawyer collects payment only if dam-
Treating physicians not named as defendants ages are awarded. Criticisms of this payment
are frequently deposed. Each physician must model believe that it encourages medical mal-
carefully consider any informal conversations practice lawsuits. These contingency fees apply to
with either the plaintiff ’s or defendant’s legal monetary damages awarded by a court and from
counsel about a patient’s care without receiving an settlement. Since most medical malpractice cases
order from the court or consent of the patient due never go to jury trial, the 5–50% contingency fee
to HIPAA concerns. Furthermore, some states applies regardless if the monetary awards are from
explicitly prohibit ex parte communications with the court or by agreement as a result of settlement.
a defendant physician’s attorney about the treat- In contrast, the defense legal team is appointed
ment of a patient, which is the subject of a medi- by the medical malpractice insurance company
cal malpractice lawsuit, without that attorney first on behalf of the physician. All legal fees are typi-
obtaining an order from the court. cally paid by the defendant’s insurance company.
However, the defendant physician can hire his
own personal legal counsel at his/her own expense
26.2.4 Trial if desired.
Medical malpractice lawsuits require hours
During the trial, the burden of proof lies with and hours of physician and attorney time sorting
the plaintiff who must through their attorney through a complex medical record system, exhaus-
convince the jury that it was more likely than tive research into the medical and legal literature,
not that the physician was negligent. The “more and multiple interviews with expert witnesses. The
likely than not” standard of legal proof required in process of legal discovery and subsequent negotia-
medical malpractice litigation is significantly less tions between the plaintiff and defense team may
demanding than the “beyond reasonable doubt” last several years, particularly if the case goes to
standard required to convict criminal defendants. trial. The financial cost to the plaintiff ’s attorney
In other words, an impartial jury, after hearing often exceeds “six figures” to pay fees for expert
and considering all the information found during testimony, court costs, and court reporter fees in
discovery, has to conclude there is a greater than addition to the time and money to prepare the
50% probability that professional negligence did case in anticipation of the trial. It has been esti-
occur in order for a physician to be liable (pre- mated that a plaintiff ’s costs are approximately
ponderance of the evidence). 35% percent of the amount recovered if the plain-
In addition to proving that a breach of stan- tiff recovers anything for his or her claim [9].
dard of care did not occur and that the actions of
the defendant did not cause the plaintiff injury,
the defendant anesthesiologist must remember 26.2.6 Verdicts
that a jury is assessing the credibility of the wit-
nesses and is deciding which position taken by What ultimately happens when patients sue? The
the parties is most persuasive. The defendant results are often surprising to many physicians.
physician through his or her counsel and with According to the Physician Insurers Association
the use of his or her experts must convince the of America, 61% of these cases are dropped or dis-
jury that the defense position is the most credible missed, and 32% are settled. Of the 7% who go to
Medical Malpractice
361 26
trial, only 2% actually result in a plaintiff verdict. When there is strong evidence to suggest that
Physicians win 80% to 90% of the jury trials with the standard of care was met, many reasons exist to
weak evidence of medical negligence and even forego settlement despite potential pressure from
50% of the trials where strong evidence of medi- the insurance carrier to do so. Settlements, like
cal negligence occurred [10]. adverse judgments, are reported to the National
Practitioner Data Bank. State licensure status
may be jeopardized and the physician’s reputation
26.2.7 Appeals damaged publicly. Medical malpractice insur-
ance rates may increase, coverage terminated, and
Once a verdict is reached, the losing party can future insurance options more difficult to obtain.
either file a motion for a new trial or appeal the In most published studies, the likelihood and
result to the next higher court level. In some states, size of a settlement payment correlate with the
a dissatisfied plaintiff may appeal the amount strength of the evidence supporting negligence
of damages awarded to them when judgment is on the part of the physician [11]. When juries and
entered in their favor. A physician defendant settlements err (based upon independent review),
may also appeal for a reduction in the amount of the error is more likely to favor the defendant
damages awarded. In general, a jury trial almost physician than the plaintiff patient.
always ends with the “final say.” Jury verdicts are
overturned on appeal only if the law was applied
incorrectly. 26.2.9 Expert Witness
Additionally, as result of many states’ pre-suit
requirements for medical malpractice claims, In most trials, a witness does not render an opin-
many cases are dismissed by the trial court and ion but instead states the facts as the witness per-
appealed in the initial stages of a litigation due ceives the events that occurred. Expert witnesses
to an actual or perceived procedural defect in are routinely used in medical malpractice cases
the initial filings by the plaintiff and his or her and are specifically retained by the plaintiff and
counsel. As such, these lawsuits may be dismissed the defense to render opinions. A “jury of peers”
without reaching the merits of the plaintiff ’s lacks the expertise to take the facts as presented by
claim. Alternatively, if a defendant is unsuccessful the “fact witnesses” and reach a conclusion. As a
at the appellate level concerning these procedural result, expert testimony is required to prove there
issues, the litigation process is prolonged. was a breach of duty of care by the physician as
well as causation. During discovery, there may be
no evidence of malpractice concerning a particu-
26.2.8 Settlement lar provider resulting in a dismissal of a plaintiff ’s
claim against that provider.
Many physicians may settle cases to avoid the The American Medical Association “encour-
nuisance, harassment, and financial risk inherent ages physicians to recognize their ethical duty as
in jury trials. A verdict which exceeds the policy learned professionals to assist in the administra-
limit places the financial responsibility on the tion of justice by serving as experts” [12]. As a
physician for the balance of defense and indem- result, some physicians serve in this role to discour-
nity (sum of money paid as compensation) costs. age inappropriate medical practice and to improve
Most insurance policies allow the physician to patient safety. Others are motivated financially by
have input into the settlement decision, giving the the fees that the expert witness receives. Expert
physician the authority to decide whether to settle witnesses often request a retainer fee (>$2000),
or proceed with litigating the claim (consent-to- charge $350 per hour (or more) for file review/
settle clause). However, some professional liabil- preparation and $500 per hour (or more) for tes-
ity insurance carriers can settle a claim over the timony. Desirable expert witness characteristics
objection of the policyholder. include board certification in the specialty of the
Why would this occur? Payouts for medical defendant physician, subspecialty experience and
malpractice claims are at least two times greater certification when appropriate, effective commu-
for claims that go to verdict than those that settled nication skills, unbiased testimony, and familiarity
before trial. with the local standard of care.
362 J. L. Epps and C. E. Read
Expert witnesses must have “knowledge, skill, siology is an at-risk specialty for medical mal-
experience, training, or education” which will “help practice suits. The practice of anesthesiology
the trier of fact to understand the evidence or to can be considered an intersection of patient ill-
determine a fact in issue.” See, e.g., Fed. R. Evid. ness, highly invasive procedures/techniques, and
702. Under this broad standard, a family prac- potentially lethal drugs. Furthermore, the anes-
titioner could provide expert witness against an thesia care team model invokes vicarious liabil-
anesthesiologist. Some states do require a physi- ity from supervision of mid-level care providers
cian testifying as an expert witness in a medical such as certified nurse anesthetists and anesthesia
26 malpractice case to be of the same specialty as the assistants. Anesthesiologists may be named in
defendant. Others may require an expert witness lawsuits despite appropriate care on their part due
testifying in that state to be licensed there. In 2001, to medical misadventures by other physicians.
the United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Despite these risk factors, estimates indicate
Circuit held that the American Association of that 7% of more than 40,000 anesthesiologists
Neurological Surgeons, a professional society, in the United States have a claim filed annually
could discipline one of its members on the basis against them with 2% resulting in indemnity pay-
of testimony in a malpractice case [12]. In 2004, ment. In comparison, this result is the same as the
the American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) average of all physicians in the analysis of data
approved a mechanism for reviewing testimony of from a large professional liability insurer with a
expert witnesses in closed cases as well as providing nationwide client base. Of note, the frequency of
a means for suspension or expulsion from the ASA. indemnity claims did not correlate with the high-
Anesthesiologists testifying for both sides are est average payments [1].
usually very experienced. Defense expert wit-
nesses are more likely to have a higher scholarly
impact and to practice in an academic setting. 26.3.1 Indemnity Payments:
A higher proportion of plaintiff experts testify All Physicians
repeatedly in medical malpractice cases than their
defendant counterparts [13]. The highest average payouts usually occur for
patients suffering quadriplegia, brain damage, and
the need for lifelong care. The mean indemnity
26.3 Anesthesiology: At-Risk payment was $300,000 with a median of $110,000
Specialty? across specialties. The difference between mean
and median reflects a skewed distribution toward
Medical malpractice lawsuits are a relatively com- large payments of more than $1 million in some
mon occurrence in the United States (. Fig. 26.1). specialties such as obstetrics and gynecology,
Many physicians intuitively believe that anesthe- pathology, anesthesiology, and pediatrics [1].
.. Fig. 26.1 Graph
showing the 2016 Average premium for $1M/$3M policy
malpractice payments $31
against physicians
2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016
Medical Malpractice
363 26
26.3.2 Indemnity Payments: course of action and any recommended follow-up,
Anesthesiologists (3) recording communication with other services
and care providers, and (4) detailing all patient
According to the American Society of Anes visits and conversations with the family includ-
thesiologists closed claim analysis, the most ing who was present each time. Documentation
common injuries from medical practice from in the medical record is essential as the anesthetic
1990 to 2007 were death (26%) and nerve injury record is not reviewed by most clinicians.
(22%) [14]. A more recent review of anesthesia- A provider should not admit a wrongdoing in
related mortality and morbidity trends reported the written medical record. Events may be inter-
by a large national malpractice insurance com- preted differently later when new information
pany revealed that death (18%) and nerve injury becomes available. Accusations blaming other
(14%) were again the most common injuries services of wrongdoing after an adverse event
when dental damage was excluded. The average make the whole institution’s care appear substan-
indemnity payment for an anesthesia claim was dard. Lawyers representing plaintiffs benefit from
$309,066, compared to $291,000 for all physician physicians pointing fingers at each other.
specialties [15].
age for independent anesthesia providers. The average annual premium of $17,000. The variation
vast majority of anesthesiologists now purchase in premiums from state to state is significant and
a “claims-made” policy with individual claim dependent upon multiple factors to include the
and annual aggregate limits of $1 million and $3 provider’s personal claim history, urban vs. rural
million, respectively. According to the American location, and region of the country (. Fig. 26.3)
Society of Anesthesiologists, only 21% of insur- [18]. In contrast to popular belief, physicians
ance companies wrote mainly or exclusively are often the “victors” in malpractice suits. Stud-
occurrence policies. ies show that physicians successfully defended
Medical Malpractice
365 26
.. Fig. 26.2 The average
premium for $1M/$3M Average premium for $1M/$3M policy
2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016 2018
26.5.3 Joint and Several Liability KS, LA, NE, NM, NY, PA, SC, and WI) have active
patient compensation funds. Many other advan-
Many anesthesiologists believe that the limits tages often exist when physicians practice in states
of their liability policies should be at a mini- with patient compensation funds. Medical mal-
mum value ($500,000/$1,000,000 as opposed to practice claims are reviewed by an approved com-
$3,000,000/$5,000,000 or higher) for fear of becom- mission for legitimacy before damages are awarded
ing the “deep pocket.” Under the doctrine of joint reducing frivolous claims. States with patient com-
and several liability, if an injury occurs, a plaintiff pensation funds often also have a statute of limita-
26 may purse a claim against any one party (the “deep tions on claims, monetary caps on damages, and
pocket”) as if they were jointly liable with the other limits on attorney fees. Opponents of PCFs empha-
party for the injury. The purpose of this doctrine is size that some states limit the total amount paid by
to compensate a plaintiff (“make them whole”) for the funds each year by waiting until the money is
their injuries when another defendant is insolvent. available or by paying out larger awards over time.
While pure joint and several liability still exists
in some states in this country, several states have
26.5.5 Contingency Fees
modified or abolished this doctrine as part of tort
reform. In states that adhere to modified joint and
Some states have abolished contingency fee
several liability, a solvent defendant may only be
arrangement between plaintiffs and their attor-
responsible for the entire verdict if the percentage
neys in medical malpractice cases. The lawyer
of fault attributed to that defendant meets a certain
is paid a fixed percentage of the amount finally
threshold. Other states subscribe to several liabil-
paid to the client. If the plaintiff loses, neither the
ity where a defendant is only responsible for the
plaintiff nor the lawyer will be awarded money.
damages that correspond to the percentage of fault
allocated to the defendant by the fact finder.
26.5.6 Collateral Source Rule
26.5.4 State Patient Compensation
Some plaintiffs request payment for damages
Funds that are eventually paid for by health or disability
insurance and not by the plaintiff. Some plaintiffs
Many states mandate that an anesthesiologist or request payment for damages that are eventually
certified registered nurse anesthetist have medical paid or have been paid for by health or disability
malpractice coverage but limit the provider’s legal insurance and not by the plaintiff. The collateral
liability to a fixed amount. Any amount awarded source rule is a rule of evidence that states that
for damages in excess of the provider’s limits is evidence that the plaintiff has received compensa-
paid out of a designated state fund. The state fund tion from another source other than the damages
pays for larger settlements and awards for damages sought from the defendant is inadmissible. Tort
reducing what the primary insurance companies reform advocates argue for the abrogation of this
must pay (excess liability fund or excess coverage rule so that the plaintiff can ultimately only recover
fund). For example, in Louisiana any individual damages for those expenses that were paid by the
award in excess of $100,000 shall be paid from the plaintiff or on the plaintiff ’s behalf as opposed to
patient compensation fund, while in Indiana the what was charged, but not ultimately paid by the
fund makes payments for individual awards in insurance company. Some states have abrogated
excess of $250,000. In contrast, New York’s patient this rule in context of medical malpractice cases.
compensation fund starts payment when the
award exceeds $1.3 million. As a result, the clini-
cian becomes a lower risk allowing the insurance 26.5.7 Punitive Damages
carrier to offer a more competitive premium. The
average premium for malpractice coverage in states Punitive damages are awarded in addition to
where a patient medical malpractice compensation actual damages as a way of punishing the defen-
fund exists is usually among the lowest in the coun- dant. Many states limit the amount of punitive
try. Of note, New York’s premium rates are still the damage awards to a percentage of the compensa-
highest in the country. Currently nine states (IN, tory award or by a flat cap.
Medical Malpractice
367 26
26.5.8 Expert Witness for the medical negligence of the physician, then
the jury could find that the patent’s heirs would
In several states, through tort reform, a medical receive compensation for the 10% chance of loss
expert that is to testify against a defendant must of life [21].
now be board-certified in the same specialty as
the defendant. Some states limit the geographic
location of experts testifying in their courts by 26.6 Cyber Liability
requiring them to be licensed in that state “or
a contiguous state” during the year prior to the Over the last several years, millions of people
incident, which is the locality rule as discussed have had their personal health information (PHI)
above. “hacked” by cyber criminals. This loss of private
information can place patients and physicians
at much greater financial risk than simple credit
26.5.9 Certificates of Merit/“Good card fraud. The personal identity theft can esca-
Faith” late to both prescription and insurance fraud.
% of U.S. adults who use at least one social media site, by age
26 50
2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016
.. Fig. 26.4 Percentage of adults in the United States who use at least one form of social media, by age
Accountability Act (HIPAA) standards. The finan- The online resources such as available to phy-
cial implications of a breach in patient PHI can be sicians UpToDate and PubMed have changed
disastrous to an individual or group practice. The the practice of medicine. Social media allows
fines which can be imposed by OCR are as high as for two- way communication online between
$1.5 million per year per type of violation. Other healthcare providers and those seeking medical
costs include patient notification, credit monitor- information. As a result, many view social media
ing services, and expert consultations (public rela- as an invaluable platform for health communica-
tions, legal counsel, information technology, etc.). tion to the general population as well as address-
ing the specific questions by individual patients.
Unfortunately, the use of social media has inher-
26.6.3 Cyber Liability Insurance ent liability risk. To minimize these risks, health-
care providers should follow several principles.
The potential costs of a breach in protection of First, remember that every post is “public” and
patient PHI are enormous. Many believe that deci- “permanent” even if you thought it was a “private”
sion to purchase cyber liability coverage is not a discussion [24]. Physicians should avoid giving
“yes or no” decision, but rather what limits of liabil- specific answers to particular medical questions
ity should be obtained. Some medical malpractice to an online post without giving disclaimers that
insurance coverage policies provide cyber liability your thoughts are for information only and that
coverage. Careful evaluation is needed to deter- patients should seek advice from their personal
mine if there is coverage for both electronic and physicians about their individual health needs.
“hard copy” PHI and breaches by business associ- Nonetheless, any medical information posted
ates. The costs covered by the policy should include online must be factual. Clinicians should follow
fines, patient notification, legal fees, cyber extor- customary disclosure practices when discussing
tion, data recovery, and credit monitoring [22]. any device, service, or medication for which you
receive compensation. Practitioners should not
post any information that can identify a patient
26.7 Social Media Liability (text, video, picture, or sound). Even when
exchanging test messages between physicians
The use of social media like LinkedIn, Facebook, about specific patient issues, the use of HIPPA
Twitter, Instagram, etc. have exploded in use from compliant text messaging services as opposed to
an estimate of 5% of the Internet users in 2005 to conventional SMS text messages is recommended
69% in 2017 across all ages (. Fig. 26.4) [23].
[25]. Finally, physicians should be very cautious
Medical Malpractice
369 26
about the use of social media or text messaging 3. Thomson v. Saint Joseph Regional Medical Center, 26
when providing patient care. Patients can and will N.E.3d 89 (Ind. Ct. App. 2015).
4. Magette v. Goodman, 771 A.2d 775 (Pa. Super. Ct. 2001).
misconstrue physician actions.
commerce/medical-liability-medical-m alpractice-
26.8 Review Questions 5. Weiss DC. ABA opposes federal medical-malpractice
bill that caps pain and suffering damages, Mar. 23, 2016.
?? 1. For a patient to be successful in proving
medical malpractice, the patient must and_suffering_d
prove that the physician acted 6. Bal BS. An introduction to medical malpractice in the
negligently while providing care and that United States. Clin Orthop Relat Res. 2008;467(2):339–
this negligence resulted in injury. 47.
7. https://w w w.m edicalmalprac ticelaw yers.c om/
A. True
B. False 8. Hyman DA, Silver C. Five myths of medical malpractice.
Chest. 2013;143(1):222–7.
?? 2. Anesthesiologists in the United States: 12-1916.
A. Purchase an “occurrences” $3 mil- 9. Phillip PG. Twenty years of evidence on the out-
comes of malpractice claims. Assoc Bone Joint Surg.
lion/$5 million malpractice policy
B. Are usually self-insured for medical 10. Peters PG. Twenty years of evidence on the out-
malpractice comes of malpractice claims. Clin Orthop Relat
C. Purchase a “claims made” $1 mil- Res. 2008;467(2):352–7.
lion/$3 million policy 008-0631-7.
11. AMA Policy on Expert Witness Testimony in CEJA Opin-
D. Are at greater risks for successful mal-
ion E-9.07.
practice suits compared to their peers in 12. Austin v. American Association of Neurological Sur-
other specialties due to res ipsa loquitur geons, 253 F.3d 967 (7th Cir. 2001).
13. Radvansky BM, Farver WT, Svider PF, Eloy JA, Gubenko
?? 3. States that have established patient com- YA, Eloy JDMD. A comparison of plaintiff and defense
expert witness qualifications in malpractice litigation
pensation funds often:
in anesthesiology. Anesth Analg. 2015;120:1369–74.
A. Place caps monetary caps on damages 14. Metzner J, Posner KL, Lam MS, Domino KB. Closed
B. Establish a statute of limitations on claims’ analysis. Best Pract Res Clin Anaesthe-
claims siol. 2011;25(2):263–76.
C. Set limits on attorney fees bpa.2011.02.00.
15. Ranum D, Ma H, Shapiro FE, Chang B, Urman RD. Anal-
D. Pay out larger awards over time
ysis of patient injury based on anesthesiology closed
E. All of the above claims data from a major malpractice insurer. J
Healthc Risk Manag. 2014;34(2):31–42. https://doi.
26.9 Answers 16. Zhou Y, Sun H, Culley DJ, Young A, Harman AE, War-
ner DO. Effectiveness of written and oral specialty
certification examinations to predict actions against
vv 1. A the medical licenses of anesthesiologists. Anesthesi-
ology. 2017;126(6):1171–9.
vv 2. A aln.0000000000001623.
17. Mangalmurti S, et al. Medical malpractice liability
in the age of electronic health records. Surv Anes-
vv 3. E
thesiol. 2011;55(6):317–9.
18. Burkle CM. Professional liability trends in 2017: things
References are stable for now, but hold on to your hats! ASA
Monit. 2017;81:48–9.
1. Jena AB, Seabury S, Lakdawalla D, Chandra A. Mal- 19. Biggs DA, McClure H. Professional liability reform:
practice risk according to physician specialty. N Engl the state of the states. Am Soc Anesthesiol Monit.
J Med. 2011;365(7):629–36. 2017;79:14–7.
nejmsa1012370. 20. South T. Medical malpractice suits drop in Tennessee;
2. Shipley v. Williams, 350 S.W. 3d 527, 553 (Tenn. 2011). 2008 reforms praised, panned. Times Free Press. 2013,
December 3.
370 J. L. Epps and C. E. Read
21. Burkle CM, Hyder JA. The changing environment of 24. Campbell, L., Evans, Y., Pumper, M., & Moreno, M. A.
legal liability: the loss of chance doctrine and what it (2016) Social media use by physicians: a qualita-
could mean for anesthesiologists. Am Soc Anesthesiol tive study of the new frontier of medicine. BMC Med
Monit. 2014;78:48–9. Inform Decis Mak 16, 91. Retrieved November 6, 2017,
22. Epstein J, Semo J, Parker B. Protecting PHI and
cyber liability insurance. Am Soc Anesthesiol Monit. 25. Chou WY, Hunt YM, Beckjord EB, Moser RP, Hesse
2016;80:14–8. BW. Social media use in the United States: implica-
23. Social Media Fact Sheet. 2017, January 12. Retrieved tions for health communication. J Med Internet Res.
November 06, 2017, from http://www.pewinternet. 2009;11(4):e48.
371 27
References – 385
Closed Claims Project Overview
373 27
27.1 V. Methods to Reduce Most neuropathy, accounting for around 90% of regis-
Common Claims try cases of POVL, followed by retinal ischemia,
cortical blindness, posterior reversible encepha-
27.1.1 History of Closed Claims lopathy, and acute angle glaucoma. Due to the
Project and Its Registries often irreversibility of the majority of cases, the
focus as anesthesiologists is identifying patients
In the early 1980s, professional liability insurance at risk and minimizing risks to the greatest extent
coverage had become nearly unaffordable for possible.
many medical professionals due to soaring insur-
ance premiums. Anesthesiologists were perceived
as especially bad risks, representing only 3% of 27.2.1 Ischemic Optic Neuropathy
insured physicians but accounting for 11% of total
dollars paid due to patient injury. Hypothesizing Either the anterior or the posterior portion of
that the prevention of patient injury would result the optic nerve can be damaged perioperatively
in a domino effect of decreased claims, a reduc- from various causes and is therefore categorized
tion of payments, and subsequently reduced lia- as anterior ischemic optic neuropathy (AION)
bility insurance premiums, the Anesthesia Closed or posterior ischemic optic neuropathy (PION).
Claims Project was created in 1984 by the presi- Both forms manifest most commonly as painless
dent of the American Society of Anesthesiologists vision loss postoperatively.
(ASA), Ellison C. Pierce, Jr, MD, with the goal of The anterior optic nerve is supplied by the pos-
identifying the major areas of anesthetic-related terior ciliary artery. When hypoperfusion occurs
patient injury. through the PCA from either arteritic or non-
In 1984, a paucity of information existed on arteritic causes, ischemia may result. Arteritic
the scope and cause of anesthetic-related injury AION can occur at any time in patients with con-
in the United States, largely because significant ditions such as temporal arteritis. Non-arteritic
anesthesia injury is a relatively rare occurrence. AION can occur perioperatively in patients who
One of the most cost-effective approaches to data have risk factors to such insults such as those with
collection was found to be the study of insurance a history of vascular disease, diabetes mellitus,
company closed claims, which typically consisted hypertension, hypotension, prone positioning
of the hospital record, anesthesia record, narrative during surgery, sleep apnea, and migraines [2, 3].
statements of the involved healthcare personnel, Cardiac surgery, including CABG, is most often
expert and peer reviews, and the cost of settle- associated with AION [4].
ment or jury awards [1]. To date this initiative Posterior ischemic optic neuropathy may
consists of the Anesthesia Closed Claims Project also be categorized as arteritic or non-arteritic.
and its attendant Registries: The non-arteritic form of PION occurs most fre-
55 Postoperative Visual Loss (POVL) Registry quently following spine surgery [4]. As in ante-
55 Anesthesia Awareness Registry rior ischemic optic neuropathy, PION-induced
55 Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) Death and blindness occurs as a result of hypoperfusion of
Near Miss Registry the optic nerve. Hypotension, anemia, increased
55 Neurologic Injury after Non-Supine Shoulder venous pressure, the prone position, and ocular
Surgery (NINS) Registry pressure perioperatively may be contributing
55 Pediatric Perioperative Cardiac Arrest factors [5, 6]. The prone position may lead to
(POCA) Registry increased venous pressure and resistance to blood
flow or direct orbital pressure. Avoidance of direct
orbital pressure and the prone position, however,
27.2 Postoperative Visual Loss does not eliminate all cases of PION; therefore,
the cause is possibly multifactorial [7–9].
Visual loss after a surgical procedure is a rare While the incidence of ischemic optic neu-
but devastating complication. While some of the ropathy is higher in cardiac surgery patients, most
causes may be temporary or treatable, in most cases of ischemic optic neuropathy are in spine
cases the damage is permanent. The major causes surgery patients. A study comparing 80 cases
from most to least frequent are ischemic optic from the ASA Postoperative Visual Loss Registry
374 A. P. Roth et al.
to 315 controls found that obesity, male sex, the or genetic predisposition who receive certain
use of the Wilson frame, longer anesthetic dura- medications including antihistamines, antipar-
tion, greater estimated blood loss, and decreased kinsonian medications, anticholinergic agents, or
percent colloid administration were indepen- others may present with ocular pain and blurred
dently associated with ischemic optic neuropathy vision. Elevated intraocular pressures require
after spinal fusion surgery [10]. urgent treatment from an ophthalmologist to
lower intraocular pressure [13].
the prevention of intraoperative awareness. They costly and resource-intensive, creating a substantial
found that anesthetic depth monitors had simi- barrier to widespread use. To assist the anesthesi-
lar effectiveness in preventing awareness to the ologist in diagnosing this prevalent sleep disorder
conventionally used clinical and electrical moni- during the preoperative evaluation, a variety of alter-
toring. They also found that benzodiazepines native screening tools exist. Published in 2008, the
reduced awareness when compared to ketamine STOP Questionnaire was the first screening tool for
and thiopental. They also found that ketamine OSA that was validated in surgical patients and con-
and etomidate reduced the incidence of wakeful- sists of four simple yes/no questions:
ness when compared to thiopental. Likewise not 55 S – Do you snore loudly (louder than talking or
surprisingly, higher doses of inhaled anesthetic loud enough to be heard through closed doors)?
27 agents reduced wakefulness in comparison to
lower-dose inhaled agents [64].
55 T – Do you often feel tired, fatigued, or sleepy
during the daytime?
55 O – Has anyone observed you stop breathing
during your sleep?
27.5 Obstructive Sleep Apnea Death 55 P – Do you have or are you being treated for
and Near Miss Registry high blood pressure?
Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is characterized Utilizing this screening tool, a patient is deemed
by periodic, partial, or complete obstruction of to be at high-risk for undiagnosed OSA if two or
the upper airway due to a reduction of pharyngeal more positive responses are obtained. To further
muscle tone during sleep. Acutely this can result increase the sensitivity of this screening tool, four
in episodic oxygen desaturation and intermittent additional variables were subsequently incorpo-
hypercarbia, while, chronically, cardiovascular rated, resulting in the STOP-BANG questionnaire:
dysfunction due to systemic and/or pulmonary 55 B – BMI > 35 kg/m2
hypertension, cardiac dysrhythmias, and right 55 A – Age > 50 years
heart failure (cor pulmonale) [58, 65] can ensue. 55 N – Neck circumference >43cm (17 inches)
The gold standard for definitive diagnosis is poly- in male and 41 cm (16 inches) in female
somnography (PSG) and utilizes an apnea hypop- 55 G – Male gender
nea index (AHI), defined as the average number
of abnormal breathing events per hour of sleep With respect to the STOP-BANG question-
(apneic event refers to cessation of airflow for 10 s, naire, the likelihood of disease is based upon the
while hypopnea occurs with reduced airflow and following:
concomitant desaturation ≥4%) [66]. Severity of 55 Low risk: Yes to 0–2 questions
disease is based on an AHI, as follows: 55 Intermediate risk: Yes to 3–4 questions
55 Mild OSA: AHI ≥ 5 but <15 per hour 55 High risk: Yes to 5–8 questions or:
55 Moderate OSA: AHI ≥ 15 but <30 per hour 55 Yes to two or more of four STOP ques-
55 Severe OSA: AHI ≥ 30 per hour tions + male gender
55 Yes to two or more of four STOP ques-
OSA is the most prevalent sleep-breathing distur- tions + BMI > 35 kg/m2
bance, affecting 24% of men and 9% of women in the 55 Yes to two or more of four STOP questions
general population [67, 68]. Even more noteworthy + neck circumference> 43cm (17 inches)
are the estimates that nearly 80% of men and 93% in male and 41 cm (16 inches) in female
of women with moderate to severe sleep apnea are
undiagnosed [69]. The anesthetic implications of this Various other questionnaires have been validated
are profound as untreated OSA patients are known in the surgical population including those such as
to have a higher incidence of difficult intubation, the Berlin Questionnaire and ASA Checklist, which
numerous postoperative complications, increased will not be discussed further within this chapter
intensive care unit admissions, and greater dura- (. Table 27.1).
tion of hospital stay [70]. Hence, it is woefully inad- The inherent collapsibility of the upper airway
equate to ask patients if they suffer from sleep apnea, and associated systemic effects of the disease place
as the reply will far too often be a misguided “no.” surgical OSA patients at increased risk of serious
Unfortunately, routine screening with PSG is both complications, including:
Closed Claims Project Overview
379 27
High risk if 2 or more High risk if 2 or more High risk if 2 or more High risk if 3 or more
categories score positive categories score positive items score positive items score positive
For AHI >30 For AHI >30 For AHI >30 For AHI >30
For AHI >15 For AHI >15 For AHI >15 For AHI >15
55 Twofold higher risk of pulmonary compli- apnea, this registry and its recommendations focus
cations in OSA patients after noncardiac solely on obstructive sleep apnea, the most common
surgery vs. non-OSA patients with OSA form. Central sleep apnea, defined as the cessation
patients more likely to receive ventilatory of airflow without respiratory effort [74], affects
support [71] very few patients and is of little concern to the anes-
55 Fifty-three percent incidence of postoperative thesiologist, except under three circumstances [75]:
delirium in OSA patients vs. 20% in non- 55 Central sleep apnea with snoring – patients
OSA patients [72] should be treated as if they have OSA.
55 Increased odds of postoperative cardiac events 55 Central sleep apnea due to heart failure.
including myocardial infarction, cardiac arrest, 55 Central sleep apnea with hypoventilation
and arrhythmias (OR 2.1), respiratory failure syndrome – patients may require unantici-
(OR 2.4), desaturation (OR 2.3), ICU transfers pated assisted ventilation during surgery and
(OR 2.8), and reintubations (OR 2.1) [73] postoperatively.
It should be mentioned that while sleep apnea can Aside from its vast anesthetic implications,
be classified as either (a) obstructive sleep apnea chronic untreated OSA leads to multisystem
(OSA), (b) central sleep apnea, or (c) mixed sleep disease and is an independent risk factor for
380 A. P. Roth et al.
increased all-cause mortality in the general popu- the delivery of outpatient surgery for a variety
lation [76, 77]. It is for these reasons that the of medical procedures. ASA guidelines on the
Society of Anesthesia and Sleep Medicine and perioperative management of OSA patients
the Anesthesia Closed Claims Project established advise that superficial surgery, minor orthope-
the Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) Death and dic surgery under local/regional anesthesia, and
Near Miss Registry – to investigate unanticipated lithotripsy may be performed as day surgery
perioperative deaths and near misses in patients cases [79]. In 2012, the Society for Ambulatory
with OSA and identify common themes or factors Anesthesia (SAMBA) developed a consensus
associated with OSA-related adverse periopera- statement addressing OSA patients and ambu-
tive events. Inclusion criteria for cases submitted latory surgery that is summarized below (see
27 to this Registry include:
55 Age of 18 years or older
. Fig. 27.1) [80].
Preoperative evaluation
Preoperative considerations:
Comorbid conditions include hypertension, arrhythmias, heart failure, cerebrovascular disease, and
metabolic syndrome.
If OSA is suspected during the preoperative evaluation, one could proceed with a presumptive
diagnosis of OSA albeit with caution.
Educate surgeon, patient and family (see the text for details)
Intraoperative considerations:
Non-opioid analgesic techniques, when possible.
Postoperative considerations:
Exercise caution in OSA patients who develop prolonged and frequent severe respiratory events
(e.g., sedation analgesic mismatch, desaturation, and apneic episodes) in the postoperative period.
.. Fig. 27.1 Society for Ambulatory Anesthesia (SAMBA) consensus statement addressing OSA patients and ambula-
tory surgery that is summarized below
55 General anesthesia with a secured airway is pref- oids) and risks (respiratory depression from
erable to deep sedation without a secure airway. rostral spread) of using an opioid or opioid-
55 Unless a contraindication exists, patients with local anesthetic mixture rather than a local
OSA should be extubated awake. anesthetic alone.
55 If neuromuscular blocking drugs are utilized, 55 Avoid background infusions (basal rate) of
full reversal should be verified prior to extu- opioids if patient-controlled analgesia (PCA)
bation. is used.
55 When possible, extubation and recovery 55 Consider multimodal analgesic options to
should occur in the lateral, semi-upright, or reduce need for opioids.
other non-supine positions. 55 Supplemental oxygen should be supplied to
patients with OSA until they are able to maintain
their baseline oxygen saturation on room air.
27.5.4 Postoperative Management 55 Caution must be exercised as this may
increase the duration of apneic episodes
55 Regional anesthetic techniques should be and possibly hinder the detections of atel-
considered to reduce or eliminate the need of ectasis, transient apnea, and hypoventila-
systemic opioids. tion by pulse oximetry.
55 If neuraxial analgesia is planned, weigh the 55 Unless contraindicated by the surgical proce-
benefits (decreased need for systemic opi- dure, CPAP or noninvasive positive pressure
382 A. P. Roth et al.
Aortic obstruction 1
The final report from the POCA Registry, pub-
lished in the May 2010 edition of Anesthesia- Cardiomyopathy 16 (13%)
Analgesia, examined all available data in the Dilated 4
registry (1994–2005) with the aim of comparing
anesthesia-related cardiac arrests in children with Hypertrophic 2
heart disease to those without heart disease [82]. Restrictive 1
Children were classified as having heart disease
Disease specific
if they had congenital or acquired disease, with
the most common conditions including single Duchenne muscular dystrophy 4
ventricle, left-to-right shunts (septal defects), Renal disease 2
obstructive lesions (coarctation of the aorta, aor-
tic stenosis, pulmonary stenosis), cardiomyopa-
thy, tetralogy of Fallot, and truncus arteriosus. Unspecified 2
Wolff-Parkinson-White 2
O therb 11
.. Table 27.2 Cardiac Lesions in Children with
Heart Disease
AV atrioventricular, ASD atrial septal defect, VSD
Lesion n (% of 127) ventricular septal defect, PDA patent ductus arterio-
sus, AIDS acquired Immunodeficiency syndrome
aTwo with Williams syndrome and 4 with pulmo-
Single ventricle 24 (19%)
nary stenosis
Hypoplastic left heart syndrome 9 bOther includes anomalous pulmonary veins, coro-
Cardiovascular Medication Respiratory Equipment Other
Closed Claims Project Overview
385 27
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21. Jeong H, Lee SH, Jang EA, Chung SS, Lee J, Yoo
36. Pennekamp CW, Bots ML, Kappelle LJ, Moll FL, de Borst
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2012;56(7):872–9. Vasc Endovasc Surg. 2009;38:539–45. Epub 2009 Aug 7.
22. Lee JH, Min KT, Chun YM, Kim EJ, Choi SH. Effects 37. Friedell ML, Clark JM, Graham DA, Isley MR, Zhang
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on cerebral oxygen saturation in patients undergo- encephalography and somatosensory evoked poten-
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40. Isley MR, Edmonds HL Jr, Stecker M. American Soci- 59. Ghoneim MM. Incidence and risk factors for awareness
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389 28
Peer Review
in Perioperative
Ophélie Loup and Markus M. Luedi
28.6 Conclusion – 395
28.8 Answers – 395
References – 395
Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the “information about reactions to […] a person’s
courage to continue that counts. performance of a task, etc. which is used as a basis
—Winston Churchill for improvement.” Further, depending on the cul-
tural setting and the mindsets of the protagonists
Interactions in the perioperative setting are involved, feedback might be weakened by confu-
complex and include factors such as time and sion between content of the feedback and the rela-
performance pressures, high-risk patients, acute tionship between parties.
situations, intergenerational differences [1], and Even though both feedback and peer review
the high impact and necessity of interprofessional can be formalized as process-oriented tools to
teamwork [2]. While audits, checklists, guide- improve performances and patient care, feedback
lines, and practice advisories have significantly is of a more hierarchical nature, usually initiated
improved safety in the perioperative setting, and led in a vertical top-down fashion. Peer review,
human qualitative factors such as adaptive coor- on the contrary, is a less hierarchically influenced,
28 dination, emotional intelligence, resilience [3, 4], horizontal assessment from a co-worker of simi-
and peer review are of tremendous importance lar knowledge and expertise. . Figure 28.1 illus-
for perioperative leadership too. In this chapter, trates the different levels of interaction within a
we discuss the value of peer review to prevent, hierarchy at which the processes of peer review
manage, and learn from catastrophic periopera- and feedback take place.
tive events. The search for a greater amount of assessment
We define catastrophic perioperative compli- opportunities in the workplace, as well as the dif-
cations as consequential, unexpected, unplanned ferent hierarchical directions in which these inter-
events that should not happen or have happened actions take place, may be a reflection of a more
and that are or were potentially preventable. global phenomenon, initiated by the new genera-
When they do happen, they can affect patients, tion of workers, known as the Millennials. Indeed,
peers, equipment, clinical infrastructure, leader- Millennials are characterized by their expectation
ship, and departmental strategy, i.e., being the of close relationships and frequent feedback from
best performing department with the fewest com- supervisors [6], as well as a preference for a flatter
plications. Catastrophic perioperative complica- hierarchy and a team-oriented environment [7].
tions have myriad causes. Pressure from advances in management
sciences, the rise of a multicultural and multi-
generational workforce together with the ever-
28.1 Peer Review by Definition increasing patient safety, and quality requirements
are encouraging both the implementation and
Peer review is not primarily a teaching tool but
rather an assessment by a peer, e.g., according
to the Oxford Dictionary, “a person of the same
age, status, or ability as another specified person.”
Additionally, peer review is rather intended to
improve both personal and organizational per-
not happen by itself. When defining, building, workplace. While the output of working groups
and adjusting the mission, vision, and culture of comprises results from individuals acting under
an organization or department (i.e., defining what individual accountability, the output of a team is
has to be done, how priorities should be embraced, the product of mutual accountability. Achieving
and what a “perfect world” would look like), it is such status requires that team members listen,
essential to remember the importance of people respond constructively, provide support, and
being guided by a sense of purpose and being share an essential commitment to the common
responsible for their relationships [13]. It should purpose [16], dimensions to be defined in an
be part of an organization’s/department’s mission organization’s/department’s mission and vision.
to want to evolve from a peer review-adverse, or It is an unfortunate fact in medicine that indi-
even blaming culture to promote an open and sup- viduals and care systems tend to learn in a more
portive peer review environment. Indeed, not only robust way from suboptimal performances and
the fear of performance review, but also the lack of from the occurrence of near-missed and adverse
28 it can generate a dysfunctional work environment. events, which can be particularly critical in the
Different barriers and incentives have been setting of perioperative medicine. However, one
described for related topics in perioperative med- of the most valuable keys to improvement is based
icine. Sanchez and Barach, for example, describe in the occurrence of these primarily “negative”
individual, organizational, and societal dimen- events. To turn complications in perioperative
sions for successful learning from adverse events medicine into an opportunity for change and
[14], which can be adopted in establishing a suc- improvement, personal attitude and application
cessful culture of peer review. of leadership’s characteristics, individual’s effort
Although useful, peer review can be a poten- to adapt to reviews, as well as organizations’ pri-
tially sensitive process and needs to be managed ority in creating an open, supportive, and mindful
correctly to avoid unwanted repercussions. Peer environment for peer review are mandatory ele-
review should be honest, fair and unbiased, rel- ments to ensure optimal learning from complica-
evant and adapted to people and situations, not tions in perioperative medicine and help improve
tied to merit increase, should not increase the the strategies to avoid them and reduce morbidity
feeling of job pressure. and mortality. Organizations which understand
Already 50 years ago, Frederick Herzberg the multifaceted benefits of promoting a collabor-
argued that extrinsic incentives work only as long ative and peer review-friendly culture will benefit
as it takes to get the next raise, if at all, whereas from it at many different levels.
intrinsic rewards, such as the opportunity to
achieve and to grow into greater responsibility, »» It should be part of an organization’s/depart-
ment’s mission to want to evolve from a peer
are the only effective ways to motivate people
review-adverse, or even blaming culture to
[15]. The new generation of workers are eager to
promote an open and supportive peer review
connect and involve themselves with causes in the
environment. Indeed, not only the fear of per-
workplace and put greater value on being organi-
formance review, but also the lack of it can
zational influencers.1 Today’s worker requires an
generate a dysfunctional work environment.
environment in which teamwork thrives.
With processes becoming more complex and
workers being more eager to connect, the time
spent by workers collaborating with colleagues 28.4 Dimensions and Situations
keeps increasing significantly. This fact provides for Peer Review
organizations such as perioperative medicine
with optimal settings and a great opportunity to Having established an atmosphere of trust with
implement a more collaborative, team-oriented, a culture of peer review, departments involved
and peer review-favorable environment in the can progress to a benchmarking process specifi-
cally aimed at reducing catastrophic periopera-
tive complications, e.g., by increasing professional
1 Jean Case, Millennials and the power of influence,
June 24 2015, Forbes. Printout from 7 https://www.
competencies. The explicit inclusion of peer review dimensions in a departmental mission
influence/#a5178c5095c8, accessed Sept 30 2017. and vision statement is of essence. The associated
Peer Review in Perioperative Medicine
393 28
can be used to correct and further align perfor-
mances with the departmental directives. In the
situation of an ongoing catastrophic perioperative
event, peer review can help reinforce the need for
Professional a strong collaborative approach.
Peer review of compliance with an organiza-
tion’s/department’s strategy is more complex and
depends on an appropriately defined mission and
vision, as well as values and directives. Again,
however, strengths, weaknesses, opportunities,
and threats can be addressed proactively, retro-
Compliance Personality spectively, or acutely. In the situation of an ongo-
with traits ing catastrophic perioperative event, peer review
might rather focus on providing appropriate sup-
port, backed up by the departmental culture.
Personality traits are probably the most com-
plex dimension to address in peer review. It is del-
.. Fig. 28.2 Professional performance, compliance with
icate and difficult to make objective observations,
the organization’s/department’s strategy, and personality and there is uncertainty whether psychological
traits as dimensions to be included in peer review pro- dimensions are a learnable function, an inherent
cesses to help preventing, managing, and learning from trait, or a combination of the two [4]. Established
catastrophic perioperative complications. All dimensions methods such as Myers-Briggs personality indica-
can be benchmarked with the departmental mission,
vision, and values, defined in the strategy
tor tests [17] or components of 360° feedback pro-
grams within and across departments involved
values should be exemplified by leadership. The in perioperative care can provide insight. In the
dimensions of professional performance (i.e., the moment of a catastrophic perioperative event,
delivery of established best medical practice), peer review of personality traits is probably best
compliance with departmental strategy (i.e., avoided or conducted by a peer who under-
department’s specific directives), and personality stands the support needs of the affected indi-
traits (i.e., a person’s pattern of behaviors revealed vidual. Different styles for such moments have
in different situations), which are included in peer been described [18], including coercive (“do this,
review, interact and overlap (. Fig. 28.2). The
now, how I tell you”), authoritative (“come with
parameters of strengths, weaknesses, opportuni- me”), pacesetting (“if I have to tell you, you are
ties, and threats with respect to each dimension the wrong person for the job”), or coaching (“try
can be addressed proactively, retrospectively, and this”) styles. The choice to conduct the review and
acutely and can be benchmarked with the depart- the choice of style are subject to the discretion of
mental mission, vision, directives, and values, the reviewing peer.
defined in the departmental strategy. The process »» Professional performance, compliance with
can help to highlight strengths or weaknesses not departmental strategy, and personality traits
only in individual but also in collaborative, struc- can be addressed preventively, retrospec-
tural, and infrastructure performances. tively, and acutely, and can be benchmarked
Professional performance is probably the easi- with the departmental mission, vision, and
est dimension to evaluate through peer review, values, defined in the strategy.
because medical standards and benchmarks are
globally available and exist independently from
the departmental mission and vision. Addressing 28.5 Mindsets Required for Change
strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats Management Derived
proactively can help individuals to meet appro- from Peer Review
priate clinical standards and hence prevent cata-
strophic perioperative complications. Addressing Every dimension of emotional intelligence intro-
them retrospectively when debriefing such events duced by Daniel Goleman [8] and described
can help highlight unexpected deficiencies and previously can be incorporated and tested in job
394 O. Loup and M. M. Luedi
interviews for positions in perioperative medi- and not a new way to monitor or judge
cine.2 This might be the first step in ensuring the them.”3
promotion and perpetuation of a peer review- 55 “Make sure that any employee, at any level,
friendly culture and may help to select individuals feels empowered to participate.” “Encourage
showing specific personality traits and qualities in frequent, timely recognition” and “empower
line with this concept and the company’s culture, managers to track results.”3
thus setting the stage for a career-long process
that is in the best interest of the individual and When benchmarking professional performance,
of the department. Eric Mosley, founder of the compliance with strategy, and personality traits
conference “WorkHuman: Unlock the Future of with the organization’s/department’s mission,
The Human Workplace,” recommends that to suc- vision, and values, leadership has to remember
cessfully build, maintain, and support an effective that, by nature, people are usually reluctant to
peer review system, leadership must “ensure that alter habits; they need help and management
the metrics on which people are recognized are of their emotions. Both leadership and peers in
aligned with your company’s mission.” perioperative medicine have to be aware that
The exact process of peer review can vary. change is not an event but rather a process that
However, regardless of the strategy chosen, Eric requires time, has to follow specific steps, and
Mosley3 advises to favor the following points to has to be planned strategically in advance [19].
give the peer review process the best chance to Therefore, John P. Kotter advises communicating
bring constructive elements and succeed in the a vision proactively, empower others to act on
long term: it, and institutionalize new approaches [derived
55 “Pick a program that is intuitive, easy to use, from peer review] [19]. . Figure 28.3 illustrates
fun, interactive, engaging, and fully mobile how a peer review system for catastrophic peri-
[because] peer reviews shouldn’t feel like work.”3 operative events can help both individuals and
55 “Position the program as a change designed departments involved in perioperative medicine
to help recognize and celebrate employees, to systematically improve to prevent, deal with,
and learn from catastrophic perioperative events.
Additionally, such a system can help to lever-
2 Markus M Luedi et al.: Screening future employees for age catastrophic perioperative events for change
emotional intelligence as a crucial step towards management to align a department’s mission to
improved perioperative efficiency and patient safety. its vision.
Printout from 7
»» Both leadership and peers in perioperative
sia%202017/ESA2017_HI.ashx, accessed Sept 30 medicine have to be aware that change is not
an event but rather a process that requires
3 Eric Mosley: Creating an effective peer review system.
Printout from 7
time, has to follow specific steps, and has to
effective-peer-review-system, accessed Sept 30 2017. be planned strategically.
Peer Review in Perioperative Medicine
395 28
28.6 Conclusion ity, intended to provide information
pertinent to self-improvement by the
Peer review provides a valuable leadership tool reviewed individual.
for individuals and organizations to improve in
the face of ever-increasing complex workplace vv 2. According to Eric Mosley, to successfully
settings and is a key element toward preventing build, maintain, and support an effective
and dealing with catastrophic perioperative com- peer review system, leadership in periop-
plications. Peer review and feedback take place erative medicine must “ensure that the
between different levels in the hierarchy of an metrics on which people are recognized
organization. While the concept of feedback has are aligned with your company’s mission.”
been institutionalized across various settings over “Pick a program that is intuitive, easy to
the past decades, successful peer review depends use, fun, interactive, engaging, and fully
heavily on individual and departmental culture, mobile [because] peer reviews shouldn’t
which might have to be built strategically over feel like work.” “Position the program as
the long term. Professional performance, compli- a change designed to help recognize
ance with organization/department strategy, and and celebrate employees, and not a new
personality traits are dimensions to be included way to monitor or judge them.” “Make
in peer review processes among acute care physi- sure that any employee, at any level,
cians to help preventing, managing, and learning feels empowered to participate.” “Encour-
from catastrophic perioperative complications. age frequent, timely recognition” and
Aiming at reducing morbidity and mortality, it “empower managers to track results.”
is the responsibility of respective departments’
leadership to build a culture, implement a system, vv 3. Professional performance, compliance
and encourage individuals to participate in peer with strategy, and personality traits are
review to avoid and attenuate catastrophic peri- dimensions to be included in peer review
operative complications. processes. Institutional mission, vision,
and values can help benchmarking and
also be subjected to change manage-
28.7 Review Questions ment deriving from peer review.
zational relationships and performance. J Bus Psychol. 14. Sanchez JA, Barach P. Capturing, reporting, and learn-
2010;25(2):225–38. ing from adverse events. In: Surgical patient care.
7. Huyler D, Pierre Y, Ding W, Norelus A. Millennials in the Cham: Springer; 2017. p. 683–94.
workplace: positioning companies for future success. 15. Herzberg F. One more time: how do you motivate
SFERC 2015. 2015. p. 114. employees. Boston: Harvard Business Review Press;
8. Goleman D. What makes a leader. Harv Bus Rev. 1968.
2004;82(1):82–91. 16. Katzenbach JR, Smith DK. The discipline of teams: Harv
9. Bennis WG, Thomas RJ. Crucibles of leadership. Harv Bus Rev. 1993;71(2):111–20.
Bus Rev. 2002;80(9):39–45, 124. 17. Tzeng OC, Outcalt D, Boyer SL, Ware R, Landis D. Item
10. Drucker PF. Managing oneself. Boston: Harvard Busi- validity of the Myers-Briggs type indicator. J Pers
ness Review Press; 2008. Assess. 1984;48(3):255–6.
11. Collins J. Level 5 leadership: the triumph of humility s15327752jpa4803_4.
and fierce resolve. Har Bus Rev. 2005;83:136–47. 18. Goleman D. Leadership that gets results. Harv Bus Rev.
12. Jackman JM, Strober MH. Fear of feedback. Harv Bus 2000;78(2):4–17.
Rev. 2003;81(4):101–8. 19. Kotter JP. Leading change: why transformation
28 13. Christensen CM, Allworth J, Dillon K. How will you
measure your life? New York: Harper Business; 2012.
efforts fail. Ottawa: Canada Communication Group;
397 29
Complications Chapter:
Shared Decision-Making
and Informed Consent
William K. Hart, Robert C. Macauley, Daniel A. Hansen,
and Mitchell H. Tsai
29.1 Introduction – 398
29.7 Summary – 403
References – 405
The first major decision came in 1914 in Physicians now had a medicolegal responsibil-
Scholendorff v. Society of New York Hospital [2]. ity to appropriately inform patients of the risks
Perioperative Complications Chapter: Shared Decision-Making and Informed Consent
399 29
and benefits to a proposed treatment. Legal and cord. He was left partially paralyzed and inconti-
medical challenges continued regarding how and nent. In trial, the surgeon admitted to minimiz-
what to disclose. Two cases established the cur- ing the risk of paralysis though noted that his
rent general standards by which adequate disclo- discussion of risks was consistent with profes-
sure was measured. In Nathanson v. Kline (1960) sional custom. The District of Columbia Circuit
[4], a patient sued on the grounds that the risk Court of Appeals held in favor of the defendant
of injury was not adequately disclosed after she Canterbury and clarified several essential ele-
experienced severe burns secondary to radiation ments of informed consent:
therapy for cancer. The Supreme Court of Kansas 55 Physicians have a duty to disclose:
disagreed and established that 55 It is a duty to warn of the dangers lurking in
the proposed treatment, and that is surely a
»» The duty of the physician to disclose… is lim- facet of due care. It is too a duty to impart
ited to those disclosures which a reasonable information which the patient has every right
medical practitioner would make under the to expect. The patient’s reliance upon the
same or similar circumstances. How the phy- physician is a trust of the kind which tradi-
sician may best discharge his obligation to tionally has exacted obligations beyond those
the patient in this difficult situation involves associated with arms-length transactions. Just
primarily a question of medical judgment. So as plainly, due care normally demands that
long as the disclosure is sufficient to assure the physician warn the patient of any risks to
an informed consent, the physician’s choice his well-being which contemplated therapy
of plausible courses should not be called may involve.
into question if it appears, all circumstances 55 A reversal of the physician custom standard
considered, that the physician was motivated and creation of the “reasonable patient”
only by the patient’s best therapeutic inter- standard:
ests and he proceeded as competent medical 55 Respect for the patient’s right of self-
men would have done in a similar situation. determination on particular therapy demands
»» The primary basis of liability in a malpractice a standard set by law for physicians rather
than one which physicians may or may not
action is the deviation from the standard of
conduct of a reasonable and prudent medi- impose upon themselves.
cal doctor of the same school of practice as 55 A standard for the scope of how much to
the defendant under similar circumstances. disclose to patients:
Under such standard the patient is properly 55 A risk is thus material when a reasonable
protected by the medical profession’s own person… would be likely to attach signifi-
recognition of its obligations to maintain its cance to the risk or cluster or risks in
standards. deciding whether or not to forego the
proposed therapy… the topics importantly
Today, the medical profession’s obligations to demanding a communication of information
maintain transparency is known as the “rea- are the inherent and potential hazards of the
sonable physician” standard of disclosure and proposed treatment, the alternatives to that
is closely tied to professional self-regulation. treatment, if any, and the results likely if the
Establishing the adequacy of disclosure to a patient remains untreated.
patient can be determined during a jury trial with
expert physician testimony to explore what a dif- A large number of jurisdictions across the United
ferent physician would have done in the same or States have adopted the precedent established
similar circumstances. in Canterbury v. Spence. This landmark decision
Alternatively, Canterbury v. Spence (1972) [5] concisely affirmed the physician’s duty to disclose
established a patient-centered standard of disclo- risks, benefits, and alternatives, created a more
sure. In this case, the patient agreed to a lami- patient-centered “reasonable patient” standard
nectomy after suffering from years of back pain. for disclosure, and lastly, defined a measure of
While recovering he fell from his bed, reinjured disclosure commonly known as the “materiality
the surgical site, and underwent a second emer- clause.” The new disclosure standard also elimi-
gency operation to further decompress the spinal nated the need for expert physician testimony as
400 W. K. Hart et al.
juries could now decide what a reasonable patient 29.4 Informed Consent in Practice
in the same or similar circumstances might have
decided. The case remains perhaps the most Today, adequately disclosure of risks, benefits,
thoughtful and elaborate discourse on the doc- and alternatives to proposed medical treatments
trine of informed consent to date. remains challenging. Many patients have a poor
understanding of their own medical conditions
or have significant deficits in the decision-making
29.3 Further Clarifications process around the time of surgery [9]. Physicians
of Disclosure should always adhere to their best judgment in
accordance with hospital policy, state law, pro-
Subsequent decisions clarified the adequacy of fessional custom, and guidelines. These general
disclosure. Cobbs v. Grant (1972) [6] echoed standards though may be inadequate to appropri-
Canterbury in that “the patient’s right of self- ately engage individual patients and physicians in
decision is the measure of the physician’s duty to complex healthcare discussions.
reveal.” However, they noted that all possible risks The American Society of Anesthesiologists
29 and complications need not be disclosed. Indeed, recommends that “the two most powerful protec-
“the patient’s interest in information does not tions available to anesthesiologists in the medico-
extend to a lengthy polysyllabic discourse on all legal context are (1) provision of a thorough and
possible complications… a mini-course in medi- compassionate discussion of the risks and ben-
cal science is not required.” This decision limited efits of the anesthetic procedures with the patient,
the scope of disclosure to material or realistic allowing time for all questions to be answered; and
risks. Kissinger and Lofgren (1987) [7] determined (2) meticulous documentation of said discussions
that physicians are also not obligated to disclose in the medical record” [10]. Hospital general legal
risks that are commonly known or of which counsels and ethics committees are often excel-
patients may already be aware. lent resources for physicians. . Table 29.1 high-
In Matthies v. Mastromonoco (1999) [8], the lights a number of common clinical scenarios and
plaintiff argued that consent to nontreatment and suggested legal precedent for reference.
its associated risks should also be disclosed. The A review of the American Society of
plaintiff, Matthies, agreed to bed rest as an alter- Anesthesiologists Closed Claims Database [20]
native to surgical fixation of a broken hip. The shows that of 4559 cases only 1% involved informed
surgeon had recommended against surgery given consent decisions. Generally, anesthesiologists and
the defendant’s age and comorbidities. She never hospitals have commonly paid for damages when
regained her independence and was permanently 55 Specific requests were ignored resulting in
bed-bound. The court held that personal injury (e.g., requests for no resident
involvement or requests to not be intubated).
»» For consent to be informed, the patient must 55 Informed consent occurred but a specific risk
know not only of alternatives that the physi- was not discussed.
cian recommends, but of medically reason- 55 There was no evidence of informed consent
able alternatives that the physician does not (e.g., failure to document).
recommend. Otherwise, the physician, by 55 Failure to adequately explain potential risks
not discussing these alternatives, effectively and complications.
makes the choice for the patient.
Even after an appropriate informed consent pro-
Restated, alternatives to treatment must also cess, injury to patients may still occur. Appropriate
be disclosed including the risks of nontreatment informed consent does not absolve physicians
or noninvasive treatment. For example, a patient of liability for medical negligence. For instance,
should be made aware that electing for medical disclosing a risk of stroke does not make a pro-
treatment of acute cholecystitis in lieu of surgery vider immune from failing to treat hypotension
carries its own set of risks including continued in a timely manner. Medical liability should be
pain and inflammation, ascending cholangitis, viewed as two separate liabilities—negligence and
sepsis, and the need for a more complex surgical informed consent—and both are the responsibil-
approach such as open cholecystectomy. ity of any practicing physician.
Perioperative Complications Chapter: Shared Decision-Making and Informed Consent
401 29
.. Table 29.1 Examples of legal precedent for common questions. It should be noted while these cases have
established some legal precedent, they are interpretations of existing laws and may not be recognized or
applied in all US jurisdictions. See also Ref. [11] for additional examples
How much detail is necessary The courts have generally held that statistical outcomes are not necessary
when disclosing risks? But an exception is noted in Johnson v. Kokemoor (1996) [12]: “When
different physicians have substantially different success rates with the same
procedure and a reasonable person … would consider such information
material, the court may admit this statistical evidence”
Can a patient with decision- Yes. Any patient with capacity may refuse treatment regardless of risks of
making capacity refuse any or refusing to do so
all treatment regardless of Shine v. Vega (1999) [19]: “A competent patient’s refusal to consent to medial
medical advice? treatment cannot be overridden because the patient faces a life threatening
29.5.2 Capacity
29.5.1 Disclosure
A physician disclosing relevant information does
The first requirement is not as obvious as it may not guarantee that the patient comprehends that
first appear. Any invasive procedure—especially information or that the latter’s subsequent consent
one that requires general anesthesia—could lead is “informed.” The patient must possess sufficient
402 W. K. Hart et al.
decision-making capacity, which is distinct from [28]. Rather than compromising the patient’s
“competence”. Whereas competence is a legal autonomy, a thoughtful recommendation—while
concept—and thus only a court has the power to accounting for the patient’s expressed goals and
declare a patient incompetent—capacity is a clini- values—is actually a component of “enhanced
cal determination. It is also decision-dependent, autonomy” [29]. As such, it is integral to the pro-
meaning that decisions that are especially serious cess of shared decision-making that is now recog-
or complex require a greater degree of capacity. nized as the ideal [30].
Decision-making capacity includes four Informed consent has been described as “the
basic elements [22, 23]: communicating a choice, modern clinical ritual of trust” [31]. It should be
understanding relevant information, appreciating viewed as an opportunity to engage patients in an
the consequences of a decision, and manipulating honest discussion regarding the risks, benefits,
information rationally. and alternatives to care rather than a bureaucratic
1. A patient with capacity must be able to nuisance. The precise balance of patient autonomy
express a decision either verbally or nonver- and physician disclosure or recommendations is
bally. unique to every patient. And though “one can-
29 2. A patient must have the ability to understand not know with certainty which medical consent
the relevant information provided, in terms is valid until a lawsuit is filed and resolved” [18],
of risks, benefits, and alternatives of various all efforts should be made to engage the patient
courses of action. Clinicians should attempt in a reasonable conversation. This should ide-
to avoid complex terminology and should ally satisfy the patient’s need for information and
provide the information in stages, allowing establish expectations in the perioperative period.
time for questions and clarification [24].
3. The patient must be able to appreciate on a
personal level the consequences of whatever 29.6 Shared Decision-Making
decision he makes.
4. Lastly, the patient must be able to reason While the volume of informed consent litigation
from the information to the conclusion. This remains small, the process of informed consent
requires the patient to apply their own values occurs prior to every anesthetic and is an integral
to a specific clinical situation. The decision part of the perioperative period. Patients today
need not be a “rational” decision as viewed are largely interested in participating in medical
in the eyes of an external observer who may decision-making [32]. Shared decision-making is
have different values and expectations. a collaborative decision-making process between
the patient and provider for preference-sensitive
healthcare-related decisions. Benefits of shared
29.5.3 Voluntariness decision-making include improved communica-
tion between patients and providers, increased
The third and final requirement of informed con- patient satisfaction, decreased perioperative
sent is that the patient’s decision be voluntary. This anxiety, cost savings, and decreased litigation
refers to protecting the patient from the improper [33]. While barriers to implementation of shared
external influence of friends, family, or healthcare decision-making processes exist, recent evidence
providers. Some physicians may be reluctant to demonstrates that the overall impact to the
offer their own opinions and perspective, for fear healthcare environment is positive.
of pressuring the patient into what they perceive The impact of shared decision-making in pre-
to be the best course of action [25]. In one mul- operative processes may be significant, especially
ticenter study, for instance, physicians refrained for patients with chronic conditions. Montori
from making a recommendation in 47% of cases, showed that diabetes management improved
including 50% of the time when specifically asked when patients were directly involved with the
to do so [26]. decision-making process [34]. Wilson showed
It is important to recognize that professional similar outcomes for patients with asthma [35].
recommendation is a crucial part of the informed Anesthesiologists should be encouraged to imple-
consent process [27], and that patients seek the ment shared decision-making as chronic diseases
physician’s perspective, not just the “bare facts” have significant implications in the perioperative
Perioperative Complications Chapter: Shared Decision-Making and Informed Consent
403 29
period and anesthesiologists are well positioned [40]. As outlined in their report, successful
to manage the patient throughout the entire peri- deployment of a shared decision-making process
operative process. Furthermore, shared decision- should include the following steps:
making can assist in the preoperative evaluation 1. Development and certification of shared
of higher-risk patients [36, 37]. decision-making aids
A fundamental concept underlying shared 2. Promotion of and training for competency in
decision-making is the recognition that each use of the tools and processes
patient is unique and has a right to select his or 3. Measurement and monitoring of the process
her preferred treatment options. The role of the 4. Development of a shared decision-making
physician is to provide his or her expert opinion culture
on the options available as well as demonstrate
the evidence for (and against) each. Charles [34] A 2017 Cochrane review [41] showed that among
suggested that shared decision-making processes 105 clinical trials patient decision aids improved
share the following characteristics: patient knowledge of options and outcomes,
1. Two (2) participants: the physician and patient knowledge of risks, and patients were also
patient. better able to articulate their values and beliefs.
2. Information is shared. The review also showed that patient decision aids
3. Consensus is built in a stepwise fashion. also reduced decisional conflict or uncertainty
4. An agreement is reached on the treatment plan. about the course of action to take [42].
As with all institutional changes, promoting
Together, the patient and physician can develop a the value of shared decision-making as a means
consensus and treatment plan consistent with the of improving both provider and patient satisfac-
patient’s goals of care. In practice, there are cir- tion will facilitate a cultural shift in the provider/
cumstances where the limits of shared decision- patient relationship [43]. This trend has been
making will be tested or when they are impractical ongoing for decades and with more recognition
(e.g., incapacitated patients, emergencies, or cir- of formalized shared decision-making tools and
cumstances where there is only one appropriate processes, providers and healthcare systems can
treatment option). expect patients to continue taking more active
Shared decision-making can also help reduce roles in the development of treatment plans.
bottlenecks which occur in operating rooms on
an operational level [38]. In the long run, anes-
thesiologists may be able to reduce the costs of 29.7 Summary
care by reducing rates of unnecessary surgery
or delaying such procedures. In 2012, Group Informed consent has evolved over the course of
Health in Washington State demonstrated that the twentieth century and now become the basis
a shared decision-making educational plat- of shared decision-making. Patient’s are largely
form reduced both surgery rates and costs for interested in engaging physicians in their care
total joint replacements [39]. The authors also and understanding the risks, benefits, and alterna-
advanced the discussion regarding an expanded tives to treatment. Any serious conversation must
role for the anesthesiologist in the perioperative incorporate the patients’ unique values, beliefs,
period. Anesthesiologists may facilitate conversa- and experiences that shape their expectations of
tions with surgeons, hospital administrators, and anesthesia, surgery, and medical treatment.
insurance companies to function more broadly as Case law may serve as a useful guide regarding
perioperative physicians. the informed consent process. Anesthesiologists
A growing body of evidence suggests that should also always be mindful of regional practice
development and implementation of shared patterns and relevant state laws or statute. Most
decision-making processes are most successful medical malpractice involves situations where
with standardized tools and physician training. patient expectations do not match the actual out-
The National Quality Forum has developed guide- comes. Shared decision-making and informed
lines for the creation of evidence-based shared consent will prove to be essential tools in ensuring
decision-making tools as well as metrics for mea- realistic expectations and outcomes that should
suring the impact and success of implementation lead to greater patient satisfaction.
404 W. K. Hart et al.
Scholendorff v. Society of New York Hospital (1914) Medical or surgical interventions without consent is
Understanding relevant information The patient must reasonably comprehend the risks,
benefits, and alternatives to treatment
Key aspects of shared decision-making Two (2) participants: the physician and patient
Information and experience are shared
Consensus is built in a stepwise fashion
An agreement is reached on the treatment plan
sharply lower hip and knee surgery rates and costs. A, Thomson R, Trevena L.Decision aids for people fac-
Health Aff. 2012;31:2094–104. ing health treatment or screening decisions.Cochrane
40. National Quality Forum. National standards for the Database Syst Rev. 2017; (4):CD001431.
certification of patient decision aids. Final report. 42. Stacey D, Légaré F, Lewis KB. Patient decision aids to
2016. PDF file available at https://www.qualityforum. engage adults in treatment or screening decisions.
org/Publications/2016/12/National_Standards_for_ JAMA. 2017;318(7):657.
the_Certification_of_Patient_Decision_Aids.aspx 43. Spatz ES, Krumholz HM, Moulton BW. Prime time for
41. Stacey D, Légaré F, Lewis K, Barry MJ, Bennett CL, Eden shared decision making. JAMA. 2017;317(13):1309.
KB, Holmes-Rovner M, Llewellyn-Thomas H, Lyddiatt
Index – 409
Airway injuries, types of 172 –– psychiatric/psychological counseling
Airway management 230–232 and treatment 377
Airway obstruction 271 –– psychological disorders 377
Abbey Pain Scale 107
Albumin 142 –– randomized controlled trials 377
Abdominal injuries, perioperative
Alcohol-containing prep –– surgery for cesarean section 376
management of 236–238
solutions 180, 181 Anesthesia Closed Claims
Abnormal placentation,
Alcohol, substance abuse 34 database 306, 312
obstetrics 254, 255
Alert system protocol 344 Anesthesia delivery systems 306
Absolute hypovolemia 154
Allergic reactions 269, 270 Anesthesia equipment failure
Accreditation Association for
Alprazolam 35 –– management
Ambulatory Health Care 276
Amalgam 89 –– breathing circuit problems 312, 313
Acetaminophen 116
Ambulatory surgery 128, 129, 276 –– oxygen supply 313
Acid-base balance 143
–– analgesic agents 279 –– vaporizer 313
Acidosis 237
–– anesthetic technique 279, 280 –– ventilator 313
Acquired fibrinogen deficiency 137
–– ASA guidelines 276 –– PAC tasks 307, 314
Activated partial thromboplastin time
–– definition 276 –– prevention 314
(aPTT) 138, 139
–– facilities 276 Anesthesia machine breakdowns 311
Acute angle-closure glaucoma 205, 374
–– multimodal analgesia 279 Anesthesia machine checklist 306–308
Acute cardiac tamponade 235
–– patient discharge 281 Anesthesia Patient Safety
Acute compartment syndrome
–– patient selection 277 Foundation 341
(ACS) 239
–– postoperative nausea and Anesthesia-related cardiac arrest
Acute pain service (APS) 324
vomiting 281 associated with heart disease 384
Acute traumatic coagulopathy 135
–– postoperative pain management 281 Anesthesia-related medication errors,
Adjuncts 126
–– preoperative evaluation 278 taxonomy
Administration (delivery)-related
–– preoperative fasting 278 –– distribution/dispensing
medication error 323
–– recovery from anesthesia 280 (procurement/manipulation) 322
Advanced cardiac monitoring 330–333
–– regional anesthesia techniques 280 –– transcription (documentation) 323
Advanced trauma and life support
American Bar Association 358 Anesthesia-related mortality 271, 272
(ATLS) protocols 229, 237
American Society of Anesthesiologists Anesthetic breathing system (ABS) 310
Adverse respiratory events 273
(ASA) 348 Anesthetic technique 166
Afentanyl 126
ε-Aminocaproic acid 145 Anesthetized Patient Pain Scale
Agency for Healthcare Research and
Amniotic fluid embolus (AFE) 258 (APPS) 111
Quality (AHRQ) 319
Amphetamines 36, 37 Angiotensin-converting enzyme
Airway and respiratory system
Anaphylaxis 269 inhibitors (ACEI) 152
–– airway fires 169, 170
Anatomical crown 87 Anterior ischemic optic neuropathy
–– airway injuries, types of 172
Anesthesia (AION) 22, 204, 373
–– children 163, 164
–– dental fracture/avulsion during 93 Anterior optic nerve 21
–– components 169
–– for pregnant patients 251, 252 Antibiotics 270
–– legal issues 164, 165
–– risk factors associated with dental Anticholinergics 52
–– management 171, 173
injury during 93 Anticoagulation therapy 136
–– obesity 167
Anesthesia Awareness Registry 54, 373 Anticonvulsants 114
–– airway changes with 167
Anesthesia awareness under general Antihypertensives 39, 52
–– respiratory changes with 167, 169
anesthesia Anxiety reduction techniques 279
–– PACU, airway complications in
–– alcohol/drug abuse 376 Aortic injury 234
162, 163
–– American Society of Anesthesiology Apnea 2
–– prevention 172, 173
practice advisory 377, 378 Apnea hypopnea index (AHI) 14, 378
–– preventive measures 170, 171
–– anesthetic risk factors 376, 377 Aprotinin 145
–– risk factors 165–167, 172
–– cardiac surgery 376 Arrhythmias 241
–– trauma 171
–– history and physical assessment 377 Artificial conduits 221
Airway fires 169, 187
–– incidence 376 ASA Closed Claims database 53
–– algorithm 76
–– intraoperative and postoperative ASA difficult airway algorithm 70
–– management 171, 190
interventions 377 ASA preoperative fasting 279
–– precautions 189
–– intraoperative monitoring 377 ASA Task Force on Perioperative
–– predisposing risk factors for 170
–– neuromuscular blocking drugs 377 Management of Patients with
–– preparation 189
–– patient risk factors 376 Obstructive Sleep Apnea 380
–– prevention 189
–– pre-induction phase 377 Atrial fibrillation, modifiable risk factor 6
–– treatment 190
Auditory evoked potential (AEP) 335 Bispectral index (BIS) 52, 124 –– burn injuries, perioperative
Auditory evoked potential index –– monitor, EEG 334 management of 236
(AAI) 125 Blood pressure (BP) 247 –– cardiac tamponade 235
Autoregulation 240 Blood transfusion, guidelines 140 –– hemorrhage 233
Awake fiber-optic intubation (AFOI) 71 Blunt cardiac injury (BCI) 233 –– PCI 233, 234
Awake paralysis 51 Body habitus extremes 214 –– tension pneumothorax 234
Awareness 267 Body mass index (BMI) 48, 135, 167 Cardiovascular procedures 128
Awareness under general anesthesia Bone cements, thermal injury 192 Cardiovascular system
(AAGA) 46 Brachial plexus injury 217 –– cardiac arrest 156
–– anesthesia related Bradycardia 6 –– chest pain 156
–– equipment failure, misuse, and Bradycardic dysrhythmias 100 –– complications, cardiac arrest and
mistakes 51 Bronchoscopy 75 local anesthetic toxicity 152
–– light depth of anesthesia 51 Burns –– hypertension
–– nitrous oxide 51 –– chemical 192, 193 –– postoperative 153
–– NMBD 50, 51 –– electrical –– preoperative 152, 153
–– premedication 52 –– electrocautery 194 –– hypotension
–– TIVA 50 –– ESU 193 –– history and physical
–– transport and remote –– faults 194 examination 153
locations 51, 52 –– magnetic resonance imaging 194 –– intraoperative 154
–– clinical signs 52 –– operating room –– postoperative 154, 155
–– evoked potential monitoring 53 –– airway fires 187, 189, 190 –– preoperative 153
–– incidence 46 –– fire 179 –– local anesthesia, cardiotoxicity and
–– intraoperative awareness –– fire, prevention of 180–183 comorbidities 156, 157
–– and medicolegal –– fire triad 179, 180 –– sinus tachycardia 155
consequences 53, 54 –– forced air warming 191 Catastrophic perioperative
–– monitoring for 52 –– heated materials 191 complications 106, 390
–– patient related –– intracavitary fires 190 Cementum 87
–– age 47 –– normothermia, maintenance Central hypoventilation syndrome
–– BMI 48 of 191 (CHS) 3
–– difficult airway 48 –– thermal injury 190–192 Central retinal artery occlusion
–– gender 46, 47 –– warming mattresses and (CRAO) 21, 23, 24, 204–208
–– medication and substance use, blankets 191 Central sensitization pathway 111
history of 47 –– perioperative management of 236 Central sleep apnea (CSA) 3, 379
–– previous history of 47 Burs 182, 183 –– due to heart failure 379
–– pysical condition and ASA physical –– with hypoventilation syndrome 379
status classification 48 –– with snoring 379
–– processed EEG 52, 53
–– psychological sequelae of 54
C Cerebral perfusion pressure (CPP) 240
Certificates of Merit/Good Faith 367
–– risk factors for 46 Cables sources 183 Cervical spine injuries 232
–– surgery related Calcium 249 Charlson risk index 24
–– cardiothoracic surgery 49 Cancer therapy 157 Chemical burns 192, 193
–– obstetric and gynecologic Capnography 77, 78 Chemotherapy 214
surgery 48, 49 Carbon dioxide laser 70 Chest injuries
–– surgery types 50 Cardiac abnormalities 241 –– aortic injury 234
–– trauma and emergency Cardiac arrest 152, 156, 242 –– BCI 233
surgery 49, 50 Cardiac complications 100, 101 –– burn injuries, perioperative
Axonal degeneration 219 Cardiac/major vascular surgery 135 management of 236
Cardiac obstetrics 246, 247 –– cardiac tamponade 235
Cardiac output (CO) 246, 330, 333 –– hemorrhage 233
B –– monitoring 335
Cardiac rhythm 247
–– PCI 233, 234
–– tension pneumothorax 234
Barotrauma 267 Cardiac tamponade 235 Chest pain 156
Basilar skull fractures 232 Cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) 49 Chlorhexidine gluconate (CHG) 193
Benzodiazepines 52, 236 Cardiothoracic surgery, AAGA 49 Chlorpromazine 39
–– substance abuse 34, 35 Cardiovascular and chest injuries, Chronic kidney disease (CKD) 12
Berlin Questionnaire 10 perioperative management of 232 Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
–– and ASA Checklist 378, 379 Cardiovascular causes of cardiac (COPD) 376
Beta-blockers (β-blockers) 114, 152 arrest 385 Citrate 139
Beta human chorionic gonadotropin Cardiovascular disease 277, 278 Clinical performance in healthcare 340
(BHCG) 246 Cardiovascular injuries Clonidine 39
Bilateral paralysis 77 –– aortic injury 234 Closed claims database 352
Biologic conduits 221 –– BCI 233 Closed Claims Project 26, 54
411 A–E
–– anesthetic-related injury 373 –– preoperative exam 86, 87 Electrophysiology Lab/Cardiac
–– history of 373 –– proper technique 90, 91 Catheterization Lab 301, 302
Closed nerve injury 217 –– risk factors 86 Electrosurgical units (ESU) 184
Clotting factors deficiencies 135 –– treatment 91, 92 –– burns, operating room 182
Coagulation abnormalities 135, 136 Dental restorations 89 –– electrical burns 193
Coagulopathies 237 –– amalgam and resin-based composite –– thermal injury 192
Cocaine 36 fillings 89 Elevated intraocular pressures 374
Cognitive dysfunction 7 –– dental implants 90 Embolectomy 25
Coiling 194 –– fixed single-tooth restorations and Embolic phenomena 156
Collagen fibers 221 fixed multiunit restorations 89 Embryonic embolic event-associated
Collateral Source Rule 366 –– removable prosthesis 89 DIC 137
Colloids 142 Depth of general anesthesia (DGA) Emergency surgery, AAGA 49, 50
Conduit repair 221 monitoring 333–335 Emotional intelligence 391, 393, 394
Condylar fractures 232 Dereliction 349 Endocrine obstetrics 248, 249
Congenital bleeding disorder 135 Desflurane 266 Endogenous nerve healing,
Congenital central hypoventilation Desmopressin 144 PNI 219, 220
syndrome (CCHS) 3 Dexmedetomidine 126, 128–131 –– conduit repair 221
Congenital deficiency 135 Diathermy 182 –– direct nerve repair 220
Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Difficult tracheal intubation 97 –– nerve grafts 221
Providers and Systems (CAHPS) Difficulty airway algorithm 99 End-tidal carbon dioxide (ETCO2) 77
scores 344 Dilutional coagulopathy 137 End-to-end repair 220
Contingency fees 366 Direct-acting vasopressors 37 End-to-side repair 220
Continuous cardiac output Direct laryngoscopy, perioperative Entropy DGA monitor 334
(CCO) 331, 335 dental injury during 93 Epidural anesthesia 117
Continuous positive airway pressure Discharge from PACU, unmonitored Epineural sleeve repair 220
(CPAP) 11 setting 382 Equipment failure 51, 310, 312
Cornea 200 Disclosure clarifications 400 Esophageal intubation 97
Corneal abrasion 26, 198–200, 206 Disseminated intravascular coagulation Expert witness 367
Cornual ectopic pregnancy 253 (DIC) 135, 253 Eye anatomy
Coronary artery bypass grafting Disulfiram 158 –– structures 20, 21
(CABG) 49 Drug-induced acquired factor –– vasculature supplying 21
Cortical blindness (CB) 24, 25, 205, deficiency 136 Eye injury 198
206, 374 Drug overdose 36 –– acute angle-closure
Countersuits 352 Drug teratogen, resources 250 glaucoma 205
Cricothyroidotomy 72 Dyspnea 247 –– anesthesia, consent for 207, 208
Cryoprecipitation 141, 142 –– cornea, function of 200
Cuffed endotracheal tubes (ETTs) 164, –– neurovasculature of eye 204
170, 171
Cyber liability 367
E –– protection 200, 202
–– refraction 202
Cyber Liability Insurance 368 Eclampsia 258 –– transmission 202
Cyclooxygenase (COX) inhibitors 116 Ecstasy 40 –– corneal abrasions and mechanisms
Ectopic pregnancies, obstetrics 253, 254 of occurrence 199, 200
Edema 252 –– cortical blindness 205
Fetal monitoring, obstetrics 250, 251
–– invasive procedures 398
Fiber-optic-guided intubation 71, 72
–– Legal Decisions 404
Fiber optics 184
Hallucinogens, substance abuse 39 –– pain management 109, 110
–– light sources 183
Healthcare networks 341 –– physician standard and patient
–– thermal injury 192
Health Information Technology for standard 398–400
Fibrinogen 141
Economic and Clinical Health Act of –– in practice 400
Fibrinogen repletion strategy 141
2009 (HITECH) 367 –– and shared decision-making 401
Fifth National Audit Project (NAP-5) 46
Health Insurance Portability and –– translumbar aortography 398
Fire management
Accountability Act (HIPAA) Inguinal herniorrhaphy (IH) 127, 128
–– action plan 185, 186
standards 367–368 Institute for Safe Medication Practices
–– specific actions to take 187
Heart rate (HR) 246 (ISMP) 193, 342
Fire prevention algorithm 186
Heated materials 191 Insufflation/spontaneous
Fire triad 169
Hematologic, obstetrics 247, 248 respiration 66
Fixed multiunit restorations 89, 90
Hemolysis, elevated liver enzymes, and Intensive care unit (ICU) 323–325
Fixed single-tooth restorations 89, 90
low platelets (HELLP syndrome) 257 International Association for Ambulatory
FloTrac system 332
Hemopericardium 233 Surgery (IAAS) 276
Fluid resuscitation 236
Hemorrhage 232, 233, 236 International normalized ratio (INR) 136
Fluorouracil (5-FU) toxicity 158
–– vital sign changes, severity of 138 Interventional pain 128
Focused assessment with sonography
Hevea brasiliensis 270 Intra-abdominal compartment
for trauma (FAST) 237
High-voltage shocks 241 syndrome 237
Forced air ventilation 182
Hospital/clinical risk management Intracavitary fires 190
Forced air warming 191
personnel 351 Intraocular pressure (IOP) 205
Foreign body aspiration 74, 75
Hospital general legal counsels and Intraoperative awareness 53, 54
Fortwin 126
ethics committees 400, 401 –– monitoring for 52
Fractional area change (FAC) 333
Hydatidiform moles 254 Intraoperative blood salvage
Fresh frozen plasma (FFP) 141
Hydroxylethyl starch (HES) 142 technique 144
Hyperbaric oxygen 222 Intraoperative hypertension (IH) 153
–– fire, prevention 180
Hypercapnia 4, 6 Intraoperative hypotension (IOH) 154
–– alcohol-containing prep
Hypercoagulability 252 Intraoperative normovolemic
solutions 180, 181
Hyperkalemia 139 hemodilution 144
–– surgical drapes and gowns 181
Hypertension 214, 277 Intravenous (IV) acetaminophen 113
–– fire triad 179, 180
–– with OSA 6 Intravenous conscious sedation
–– sources 179
–– postoperative 153 (IVCS) 64–66
–– preoperative 152, 153 Ischemic optic neuropathy 205, 206,
G Hypocalcemia 146
Hypokalemia 139, 146
208, 373, 374
–– risk factors 207
Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) 114 Hypoperfusion/embolism, posterior
Gas delivery systems 308 cerebral artery 374
Gastroendoscopy 300 Hypotension 23
Gastrointestinal injuries, obstetrics 248 –– history and physical examination 153
Jet ventilation 67
–– perioperative management of 236–238 –– intraoperative 154
Joint and Several liability policies 366
General anesthesia 96 –– postoperative 154, 155
–– cardiac complications 100, 101 –– preoperative 153
–– death 96, 97
–– factors 96
Hypothermia 143
Hypovolemia 154, 155
–– limitations 96 Hypoxemia 6 Keratitis 200
–– respiratory complications 97, 98 –– in PACU 162 Keratopathy 208
–– Standard of Practice Parameters 96 Hypoxia 4, 13, 271 Keraunoparalysis 242
413 E–M
Ketamine 39, 112, 126, 158 –– etiology 134 –– negligence in 367
Ketorolac 113, 126 –– trauma 134–137 –– noneconomic damages 365
Kidney enlargement 248 –– evaluation and diagnostic checklist –– pain versus anesthesiology 365
–– electrolytes alterations 139 –– payments 362
–– point-of-care testing 139 –– pre-suit requirements 359
–– prothrombin time and activated –– standard of care 349, 357
partial thromboplastin –– trial process
Lactobacilli 88
time 138, 139 –– appeals 361
Laryngeal mask airway (LMA) 67,
–– management strategies of 140 –– depositions 359, 360
69, 165
–– MTP 142, 143 –– expert witness 361, 362
Laryngospasm 73, 74, 271
–– acid-base balance 143 –– initial pleadings 359
Lasering vocal cord lesions 189
–– damage control resuscitation 144 –– legal fees 360
Laser-resistant endotracheal tubes 70, 71
–– intraoperative blood salvage –– litigation process 361
Lasers 184
technique 144 –– payment model criticisms 360
–– burns, operating room 183
–– intraoperative normovolemic –– plaintiffs and defendants
–– thermal injury 192
hemodilution 144 (discovery) 359, 360
Left ventricular end-diastolic area
–– low CVP level 144 –– settlement 361
(LVEDA) 333
–– patient positioning 143 –– standard of legal proof 360
Left ventricular end-systolic area
–– piggyback technique 144 –– verdicts 361
(LVESA) 333
–– temperature 143 Medical malpractice insurance
Left ventricular outflow tract (LVOT) 333
–– non-pharmacologic management, 364, 365
Legal responsibility for medical
transfusion 140–142 Medical malpractice lawsuit 351
wrongs 348
–– pharmacologic management Medical Malpractice Statistics 349
Life-threatening anaphylaxis 269
144, 145 Medical paternalism 398
Light sources 183
Massive transfusion protocol Medical records and documentation 351
Lipoprotein 137
(MTP) 142, 143 Medical responsibility 348
Lithium dilution cardiac output (LiDCO)
–– acid-base balance 143 Medication errors 319
system 331, 332
–– damage control resuscitation 144 –– adverse drug reactions 319
Lithium, role of 222
–– intraoperative blood salvage –– adverse events 319
Liver transplantation 134
technique 144 –– classification 319, 321
Local anesthetic systemic toxicity
–– intraoperative normovolemic –– medications 323
(LAST) 122
hemodilution 144 –– perioperative environment 319, 321
Lower extremity peripheral nerve injury
–– low CVP level 144 Medicolegal consequences 53, 54
–– clinical manifestations 218
–– patient positioning 143 Methamphetamine abuse 36
–– femoral nerve injury 218
–– piggyback technique 144 Microlaryngoscopy tubes 70
–– lithotomy position, nerve injuries
–– temperature 143 Midazolam 125, 126
in 218
McGill Pain Questionnaire 107 Middle latency auditory evoked
–– pudendal nerve injury 218, 219
MDMA/ecstasy 39, 40 potential (MLAEP) 335
Low-intensity ultrasound 222
Mean arterial pressure (MAP) 240, 247 Mid-latency auditory evoked potentials
Low-pressure cardiac tamponade 235
Mechanical protection 202 (MLAEP) 53
Low-voltage categories 241
Mechanical thrombectomy 25 Mixed sleep apnea 379
Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) 39
Mechanical ventilator 310 Molar pregnancy 254
Median nerve injury 217 Monitored anesthesia care (MAC) 64–66,
Pregnancy Recombinant activated factor VIIa 142 Respiratory system See Airway and
–– anesthesia for 251, 252 Refraction 202 respiratory system
–– obstetrics, physiologic changes in 249 Regional anesthesia (RA) 122, 127, Retinal ischemia 374
–– perioperative care for 252 214, 217 Retinal vascular occlusion 23, 24
Pregnancy-associated Regional cardiac tamponade 235 Revised cardiac risk index (RCRI) 100
hypertension 257, 258 Reinforced endotracheal tubes 71 Root fractures 91
Premature ventricular contractions Relative hypovolemia 154 Rotation thromboelastometry 137
(PVCs) 100 Remote anesthesia site
Preoperative hypertension 152–153 –– anesthesia care 289
Preoperative risk prediction score
(PRPS) 272
–– anesthesia types
–– general anesthesia 293, 294
Prescription (decision)-related –– MAC 293 Saws 182, 183
medication errors 322 –– regional anesthesia 294, 295 Sciatic nerve injury 218
Pre-tracheal auscultation 78 –– sedative-hypnotic drugs 295 Seat belt sign 237
Professional liability, field of –– total intravenous Sedation 65
anesthesiology 348 anesthesia 295, 296 Seizure disorder, OSA 7
Professional liability insurance –– ASA Closed Claims Database Seldinger technique 72
coverage 373 Analysis 297 Selective serotonin receptor inhibitor
Professional Liability Reform 365 –– ASA equipment requirements 291 (SSRI) 136
Professional performance 393–395 –– body temperature 293 Self-inflating manual ventilation device
Proof of Malpractice 357, 358 –– circulation 292 (SIMVD) 307
Propofol 50, 51, 124, 125, 127 –– classification 288, 289 Self-reporting 344
Prothrombin complex concentrate –– context-sensitive half-life of Sensory deficit 217
(PCC) 142, 146 intravenous opioids and sedative- Sevoflurane 266
Prothrombin time (PT) 138, 139 hypnotic drugs 294 Shared airway 63
P-SAP questionnaire 9 –– Dental Surgery Units 299 –– complications 73
Psychological Impact and Effect on –– diagnostic, therapeutic and –– capnography 77, 78
Practice 352 interventional procedures 288 –– endotracheal tube, suturing 78
Pudendal nerve injury 218, 219 –– endoscopy unit 301 –– failed intubation 73
Pulmonary edema 253 –– with Fixed Equipment 298 –– foreign body aspiration 74, 75
Pulmonary emboli 333 –– fluoroscopy safety 298 –– laryngospasm 73, 74
Pulse contour analysis 331, 335 –– JCAHO hospital requirements 293 –– pre-tracheal auscultation 78
Pulse index continuous cardiac output –– Location-Specific –– surgical fire 75
(PiCCO) system 331 Catastrophes 296, 298 –– throat pack 78
Pump effect 311 –– MRI scanners 298–300 –– vocal cord paralysis 77
Punitive damages 366 –– optimal environment for anesthesia –– intubation techniques 69
Pupillary aperture 20 delivery 290, 291 –– fiber-optic-guided
–– oversedation 296 intubation 71, 72
–– oxygen supply 292 –– laser-resistant endotracheal
–– patient factors 290 tubes 70, 71
–– patient monitoring 289 –– microlaryngoscopy tubes 70
Quality management 344
–– perioperative complications 296 –– nasal RAE 70
–– measurement 344
–– postprocedure care in intensive care –– reinforced endotracheal tubes 71
–– program 343, 344
unit 288 –– standard endotracheal
–– team and officer 345
–– postprocedure recovery 303 tubes 69, 70
Quality of healthcare
–– preoperative evaluation 290 –– surgical airways 72
–– adverse events 342, 343
–– principles of 302, 303 –– videolaryngoscopy 71
–– collaborative efforts 340
–– procedure-related complications 302 –– open airway techniques
–– development 340
–– procedure requirement 290 –– insufflation/spontaneous
–– industrial quality improvement 340, 341
–– Psychiatry Wards and Procedure respiration 66
–– latent errors 342
Rooms 296, 298 –– jet ventilation 67
–– patient monitoring 341
–– radiology suite with fixed equip- –– LMA 67, 69
–– patient safety 340
ment 299 –– MAC and IVCS 64–66
–– protocols and evidence-based
–– sedation 294 –– mask ventilation 66
programs 340
–– standards of care 291, 292 –– patient evaluation 63, 64
–– quality improvement 340
–– Subspecialty-Specific Built Room 299 Shared decision-making 402–404
Quaternary compounds 193
–– three-step approach to Sheehan syndrome 248
anesthesia 289 Short-acting synthetic opioids 112
R –– ventilation 292
Respiratory arrest 242
Significant lordosis 249
Silverstein Fire Risk Assessment Tool 185
Radial nerve injury 218 Respiratory depression 97 Simplified PONV algorithm 281
Radiation (X-ray) therapy 157 Respiratory, obstetrics 247 Simulation training 314
417 P–U
Sinus tachycardia 155 –– MDMA/ecstasy 39, 40 Trauma
Skeletal, obstetrics 249 –– nicotine 38 –– AAGA 49
Sleep apnea 2 –– opioids 35, 36 –– acute management
–– anesthesia preoperative –– perioperative considerations 33 –– pre-arrival and triage 229, 230
evaluations 5, 11 –– stimulants 36, 37 –– pre-arrival room preparation 230
–– CHS 3 –– SUDs 32 –– preparation for arrival 229
–– CSA 3 Succinylcholine 266, 273 –– airway and respiratory system 171
–– forms of 3 Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) 3 –– airway compression 232
–– identifying patients with OSA 8 Sufentanil 112 –– airway management 230–232
–– American Academy of Sleep Sugammadex 266 –– anesthesia 231
Medicine 10 Supplemental oxygen supply 311 –– cardiovascular and chest injuries,
–– anesthetic management 10 Surgical Care Improvement Project perioperative management of 232
–– CPAP therapy, moderate-to-severe (SCIP) scores 344 –– aortic injury 234
OSA on 10–12 Surgical drapes 181 –– BCI 233
–– questionnaires 8–10 Surgical drills 182, 183 –– burn injuries, perioperative
–– in middle-aged patients 13 Swiss cheese model 342 management of 236
–– nighttime snoring 2 Systemic vascular resistance (SVR) 247 –– cardiac tamponade 235
–– during non-rapid eye movement –– hemorrhage 232, 233
sleep 5 –– PCI 233, 234
–– OHS 7
–– opioids 8
T –– tension pneumothorax 234
–– electrocution injuries 241, 242
–– OSA 5–7 Tachycardic dysrhythmias 100 –– gastrointestinal and abdominal
–– endocrine, consequences of 13 Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) injuries, perioperative management
–– renal, consequences of 12, 13 injuries 172 of 236–238
–– and seizure disorder 7 Tension pneumothorax 156, 234 –– Glasgow coma scale 230
–– during rapid eye movement sleep 5 Tensor palatini muscle 4 –– massive perioperative
–– respiratory pause 2 Thermal injury 190 hemorrhage 134–137
–– sleep-related changes 4 –– bone cements 192 –– musculoskeletal injuries 238
–– structural risks 5 –– ESUs 192 –– ACS 239
–– symptom 2 –– fiber optics 192 –– major hemorrhage 238
–– treatment 3 –– lasers 192 –– major joint dislocation 239
–– upper airway narrowing 4 –– sterilized instruments 191 –– open fracture 238, 239
Social media liability 368, 369 Thermal laser welding 221 –– pelvic injuries 239
Society for Ambulatory Anesthesia Thermodilution 330 –– neurological injuries 239
(SAMBA) 276 Thoracotomy 233 –– spinal cord injury and 240, 241
–– consensus statement 381 Throat pack 78 –– TBI 240
Society of Anesthesia and Sleep Thromboelastography (TEG) 138 –– traumatic facial injury 232
Medicine (SASM) 8 Thromboelastometry (ROTEM) 138, 146 Traumatic brain injury (TBI) 239
Spinal anesthesia 117 Tiredness 2 –– trauma patient 240
Spinal cord injury and trauma 240, 241 Tobacco use 214 Traumatic facial injury 232
Spontaneous respiration 66 Tocolytics 255 Troponin testing 101
Standard endotracheal tubes 69, 70 Tonsillectomy 189
Standard for Flammability of Clothing Tooth decay 88
Textiles (SFCT) 181
State Patient Compensation Funds 366
Tort reform 365–367
Total Intravenous Anesthesia (TIVA) 50
Stem cell infusion 222 Tracheal injuries 172 Ulnar nerve injury 217
Stem cells, role of 222 Tracheostomy 189 Unintended awareness during a general
Steroids 114 Tranexamic acid 144, 145 anesthetic (UAGA) 98
Stimulants, substance abuse 36, 37 Transesophageal echocardiography University of Michigan Health System
STOP-Bang questionnaire 8, 9, 378 (TEE) 332, 333, 335 (UMHS) 54
Streptococcus mutans 88 Transfusion 140 Upper extremity peripheral nerve injury
Stroke, general anesthesia 100 –– albumin 142 –– brachial plexus injury 217
Stroke volume variation (SVV) 331 –– cryoprecipitate 141, 142 –– clinical manifestations 217
Subacute cardiac tamponade 235 –– fibrinogen 141 –– median nerve injury 217
Substance abuse –– packed RBCs 140, 141 –– radial nerve injury 218
–– acute and chronic 32 –– PCC 142 –– ulnar nerve injury 217
–– healthcare providers 32 –– plasma 141 Upper respiratory tract infection
–– screening for 32, 33 –– recombinant activated factor VIIa 142 (URI) 64
–– alcohol 34 Transmission 202 Urinalysis 237
–– benzodiazepines 34, 35 Transport protection 202 Urologic, obstetrics 248
–– hallucinogens 39 Transversus abdominis plane (TAP) Uterine atony 255, 256
–– marijuana 38, 39 block 117, 127 Uterine inversion 255
V –– structures 20, 21
–– vasculature supplying 21
Vocal cord paralysis 77
Volutrauma 267
Vaporizer discrepancies 311 –– history of, postsurgical 20
Vascular injury 214 –– medicolegal issues 26, 27
Vascular ligation 255 –– ophthalmologic injuries
Vasopressors 145 –– anterior and posterior ischemic
Wallerian degeneration 221
Venous pressure 247 optic neuropathy 21–23
Warming mattresses 191
Venous thromboembolic events –– central retinal artery occlusion/
Wolff-Parkinson-White (WPW)
(VTE) 247 retinal vascular occlusion 23, 24
syndrome 101
Venous thrombotic event (VTE) 253 –– cortical blindness 24, 25
Wong-Baker Faces Pain Rating Scale 107
Ventilatory dysfunction 7 –– patient’s risk for 28
–– postoperative blindness, prevention
Venturi effect 189
Videolaryngoscopy 71 of 25, 26
Visual loss –– after surgical procedure 373
Visual processing 20 Zygomatic arch injuries 232
–– eye anatomy