University of Moratuwa Faculty of Information Technology

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University of Moratuwa

Faculty of Information Technology

IT 3000 Industrial Training

Industrial Training Report

Submitted by
Name: H.T.M. Gamage
Reg.No: 064031F
Submission Date: 20th of April 2009

Training Period
From 29th November 2009 to 18th April 2009

Training Establishment
hSenid Software International (Pvt.) Ltd.
hSenid Mobile Solutions
46/12, 1st Floor, Sayuru Sevana,
Nawam Mawatha.
Colombo 02.


Industrial training program offered by faculty of Information Technology, University of

Moratuwa is an opportunity for an undergraduate student to apply his theoretical knowledge
gained during the university academic program into real world industrial based application
development and experience professional software development process. The objectives of
such programs are to enhance participants skills, and to enrich their industrial knowledge by
keeping them updated with the latest technlogies. This opportunity has extremely helped me
to expose into an environment where I could think of as a software engineer instead of just as
a software developer.

After completing the Semester 1 of Level 3 as an undergraduate student of Faculty of

Information Technology, University of Moratuwa, I got the opportunity to carry out my
industrial training in hSenid Software International (Pvt.) Ltd. I have worked as an
undergraduate trainee in hSenid Mobile Solutions - a global company based on mobile and
open source technologies in Sri Lanka, for 24 weeks starting from 29th of November 2009
which was organized by Faculty of Information Technology, University of Moratuwa in
collaboration with National Apprentice and Industrial training Authority (NAITA).

This report documents the knowledge and experience I have gained through my industrial
training program at hSenid Mobile Solutions. It will contain three main chapters as follows;

Chapter 01: Introduction to the Training Organization

This chapter will be an introduction the establishment where I was offered my
internship and will include information such as the history of the organization, its
structure, technical background and its role in IT industry and our society.

Chapter 02: Training Experience

The second chapter will focus on the experience, which I went through during my
internship program, touching on topics such as the work, performed, responsibilities
handled, processes and methodologies encountered and technical exposure.

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Chapter 03: Conclusion

This final chapter will be a summary of my internship where I will present my my
experience at internship briefly and discuss how I achieved my goals during the period.
I will also discuss the importance of the internship program run through the University
and present any comments on program.

Throughout my industrial training program I have achieved several milestones and targets,
and it has been a challenging working environment at hSenid, where I got the initial
impressions on how to use IT to change my life style.

H.T.M. GAMAGE - 064031F ii



To become a professional in Information Technology industry, industrial training is the

foundation for each undergraduate student. It helps students to improve their practical skills
related to interpersonal, problems solving, research and reporting as well as soft skills. Also it
helps the students get exposure to the industry, apply the gained knowledge throughout the
academic program and learn new updated technologies. In addition, it helps students career
development and to prepare for employment after graduation, by engaging in personal and
professional development planning.

I hereby use this opportunity to thank everybody who helped me directly and indirectly of
successful completion of my industrial training at hSenid.

For those who made this opportunity a reality

First of all, I would like to thank all the staff at the National Apprentice and Industrial
Training Authority (NAITA) who worked hard for running this industrial training program
throughout universities.

Further I would like to thank my faculty; all academic and non academic staff made our
industrial training program a success. I would like to thank Prof. Dileeka Disas; Dean,
Faculty of Information Technology. And also I would like to express my utmost gratitude and
sincere to Dr. Ajith Madurapperuma and Mr. Leelanga D. Senevirathne for taking initial
actions in organizing this placement for me. And also I would like to thank the department
heads and the entire staff members who worked hard to make this training success.

For those who were there throughout

Next I would like to extend my thanks go to all the employees of hSenid Software
International, who warmly welcomed and provided a well-planned training program for me
with useful guidance ideas and encouragement. I got a very good working environment with
great help for me to work in that place without any disappointment. My stay at hSenid
Software was one of the most memorable times in my life thus far, and I believe a huge part
of it being memorable is the people from hSenid with whom I met and interacted with
throughout my stay and its culture as a hSenidian.

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I would like to thank Mr. Dinesh Saparamadu; CEO of hSenid Software International, for not
only making this opportunity available for our students, but also for being there with us
regularly, sharing his many experiences, checking up on our progress and in general playing a
very active role in our internship. I must also thank Mr. Tolga Mahlke; Senior HR Manager
for his endeavors towards making our internship an all-round learning experience, as well as
Mrs. Gayani Gunasekara, Ms. Nadya Thisera, Ms. Thilanka Kodithuwakku, and other
members of the HR team who supported us throughout our stay.

Also our special thanks goes to the Project teams which I was involved who gave us superb
guidance and support in developing my skills. The Special thanks go to Mr. Dumidu
Nayanamithra; Operations Manager who closely worked with me during my internship
program and Mr. Harsha Sanjeewa; Senior Technical Officer who gave several ways to self-
learning and growth that improved my technical skills great deal during my internship
program. Also special thanks go to the Mr. Harshana Wickramasinghe; System Administrator
who helped to get most of the issues to be solved. Also special thanks go to Mr. Binuka
Chandima: who has been my Project Manager for the projects I have contributed during my
internship training. Finally I thank everybody who made my training a success.

For all my fellow trainees

Last but definitely not least, I wish to thank my fellow trainees who were at hSenid Software
with me for all the support and for all the friendship throughout the internship. My special
thanks should go to my university friends Nirojan and Manuja who worked with me at
hSenid Mobile. Initially, we were able to work as a team and we worked together to achieve
our team goals together with in deadlines. We always enjoyed our industrial training program
and also shared our experience with each other.

Finally my big thank should go to my parents and other family members for helping me and
supporting me to succeed in this event. There are other people that I was unable to mention
by their names. So Im really grateful you for all your support and help.

H.T.M. GAMAGE - 064031F iv


Table of Contents

Preface ........................................................................................................................................ i
Acknowledgements .................................................................................................................. iii
Table of Contents ......................................................................................................................v
List of Figures .......................................................................................................................... vi
List of Tables ............................................................................................................................ vi
Chapter 01 - Introduction to Training Establishment.................................................................1
Chapter 02 - Training Experience ............................................................................................15
Chapter 03 Conclusion ..........................................................................................................34
Appendix A hSenid Organization Structure..........................................................................38
Appendix B XPlanner, Bugzilla ............................................................................................39
Bibliography .............................................................................................................................40
Abbreviations ...........................................................................................................................41

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List of Figures

1.1 hSenidMobile organizational structure ................................................................................7

1.2 hSenid development process ..............................................................................................10
2.1 Layers of iPhone OS ..........................................................................................................21
2.2 MVC architecture ...............................................................................................................25
2.3 XMPP iPhone client contacts / add new contacts ..............................................................27
2.4 hExpense screen shots ........................................................................................................30
2.5 mRecharge J2ME client screen shots .................................................................................32

List of Tables

1.1 hSenidMobile award winning solutions ...............................................................................3

2.1 Expense Tracker database table format ..............................................................................27

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Chapter 01 - Introduction to Training Establishment


hSenid Software International (Pvt.) Ltd. is a software development company with offices in
United States, Singapore, India and R&D centers in Sri Lanka & Malaysia. It was founded in
1997 with the aim of supplying high quality software products and services to its customers

The first interesting thing about hSenid Software International is how it got its name. hSenid
is the reverse of name D-I-N-E-S-h, the name of hSenid stands for the CEO of hSenid, the
man who started it all and widely known entrepreneur, Mr. Dinesh Saparamadu.

hSenid Software International (Pvt.) Ltd; hereafter and in general in this report referred to
simply as hSenid; has grown to become a leading organization in the software industry in Sri
Lanka and has begun its operation globally. From its beginning it has expanded its customer
base to the international level. It continues along its goal of providing quality software
solutions to all its customers currently operates in five countries worldwide.

hSenid is an Application and Service provider for the Telecom, Financial and Enterprise
markets. We specialize in Human Resource Applications and Mobile Applications and are
also widely recognized for its reliable offshore/outsourcing capabilities.

With a staff of over 250 skilled engineers worldwide, hSenid offers the best solutions for
businesses worldwide. hSenid clients include Lucent Technologies, M1(Singapore),
Todo1(Florida, USA), DST (Brunei), Tigo(Sri Lanka), Sampath Bank (Sri Lanka),
Valista(Ireland), major Financial Institutions, Airlines, Telecoms, and Insurance Companies.

hSenid build its culture deep rooted in hSenid Core values Quality, Accountability,
Personal Growth and Discipline.

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hSenid has its own way of being in the software industry where the vision and mission takes
a big part and also the hSenid cultural values are mostly important to be there where they are

The Vision of hSenid

Make life easy by using ICT.

The Mission of hSenid

We strive to achieve our vision by being dynamic and benchmarking ourselves against the
best in the world. Continues improvement through creativity and innovation is a way of life at
hSenid. Our approach is to nurture and guide our employees to embrace this culture and
unleash their potential as we endeavor to be leaders in our field.

Company Values
A favorite sentence of the CEO is; One can become a hSenid Employee, but to become a
hSenidian, one must follow and live up to hSenid Way The obvious question that would then
arise is who is exactly a hSenidian? hSenid proudly boasts of the culture of the company.
The hSenid culture is described in following six sentenses;

hSenidians are ACHIEVERS

hSenidians are ACCOUNTABLE
hSenidians are INNOVATORS
hSenidians are TEAM ORIENTED
hSenidians are PASSIONATE

Once again, a strong emphasis is placed within the company to nurture these values, and as
trainees, this values and their importance was a recurring theme in out induction. Even at
general staff meetings, examples of people acting out these values were presented and
applauded. This great value orientation in hSenid is I believe one of their greatest strengths
and something that should be continued and encouraged.


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This section describes the main divisions of hSenid, which can be used express what hSenid
means and its main functions. hSenid operates mainly under four divisions each covering a
different domain. All four divisions are described shortly here, exploring what each division
is all about, what functions they add to the overall organization as well taking a look at some
of the major product milestones and outstanding achievements of each of them.

1.3.1 hSenid Mobile Solutions

The mobile solution functionality of hSenid is one of the youngest and successful ventures of
the hSenid family. The mobile division, registered as hSenid Mobile, has become a global
leader in providing mobile solutions. Earlier known as BeyondM changed its name and now
registered as hSenid Mobile. Its services have been used in huge mobile service network
providers and the new innovation in the mobile industries. Especially it has been awarded
several times for providing world class mobile solutions.
Table 1.1 hSenidMobile award winning solutions
Solution Awarded
Cosco Ranked top 3 mobile application providers under Enterprise category at
Ericsson International Mobile Applications Awards 2004.
hDirect Won the Silver award at the National Best Quality Software Awards 2004 in
the category Media and Entertainment Applications held by British Computer
Society Sri Lanka.
Banco Won the Bronze award at the National Best Quality Software Awards 2003 in
the category Communication Application held by British Computer Society Sri

My Internship at hSenid was intended to be here and I had lot of experience in this lovely
office environment. I got to know some hot technologies and also started to work on them.
hSenid Mobile offers mobile solutions in different functional aspects such as;
Productivity Suite Solutions
Enterprise & Telecommunication
Financial Functionality
Messaging Solutions
Entertainment Solutions

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I was selected at hSenid to work as an undergraduate trainee on hSenid Mobile, some of

technologies used here are Java, spring, hibernate and Ruby on rails. The aim of changing
BeyondM Pvt. Limited into hSenid Mobile was to enter the global mobile develop and go
beyond the global standards in Mobile Application Development.

1.3.2 hSenid Business Solutions (HBS)

HBS is one of the main branches of hSenid which basically provides HR (Human Resource)
solution to the industry. This division with their set of products is globally recognized as
provider for top-quality HRM solutions catering to each and every possible HR need for any
organization. These HRM solutions contain functionality to handle areas such as HR process
automation, recruitment and assessment, payroll systems, time and attendance, and much

This HR solution functionality of hSenid has resulted in the creation of several award
winning solutions by the company;
HRM Enterprise - Solution brings together the best tools to fulfill all HR needs.
mTimeTracker - 2nd runner up at the National Best Quality Software Awards 2002, BCS
ePayroll 2000 - 2nd runner up at the National Best Quality Software Awards 2000, BCS
HRM 2000 - 1st runner up award at the Best Quality Software Awards 1999, BCS

1.3.3 hSenid Outsourcing

Now a days one of hot topic which widely spoke is about outsourcing the development of
the software development since it is being high cost of in-house software development, this is
a luxury that many cannot afford. This is where the market of hSenid caters too. hSenid offers
the diverse development and project skills it has under its roof to engage in different
outsourcing models with customers.
Offshore Project Model
Onsite Project Model
Onsite-Offshore Model
The skills which are available at hSenid allow going forward in the wide area of outsourcing.
These skills include the Java Technology spectrum, MySQL platform, as well as Microsoft
Technologies and RedHat practices. The out sourcing function has become a division since it
has been providing quality and efficient software.
1.3.4 MITZ Studio
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A division of hSenid, where takes a different aspect from the software development and
service feature. It leads into 3D animation and graphic design as a new division. MITZ studio
was initiated in 2003 and currently is a successful venture into providing organizations with
high quality computer graphic designing and animation services. The functions that MITZ
studio adds onto hSenid are: 3D Visuals, Architectural Visualization, 3D Animation and
Video Editing.


Since I have mentioned the company functionality along with some product details, I have
pointed out that some of the technologies that hSenid utilizes in the creation of their varied
products. Again I need to mention that this is not the complete set of technologies but just to
give you an idea on the main technological fronts on which hSenid operates.

Operating Systems: Microsoft Windows NT/2000, Linux, UNIX.

Frameworks: Spring, JSF, Struts, Hibernate, Rails
Databases: Oracle, Mysql and Sybase
Programming Languages: Java, .Net, C++, Ruby, Objective C
Web Development Technologies: XML, JavaScript, HTML, JSP, WAP, XHTML
Web and Application servers: Apache Tomcat 5.5, Lighttpd
Mobile Development: J2ME, Windows Mobile, iPhone


This section focuses on the structure and key players of the hSenid Mobile Division or earlier
known as BeyondM Pvt. Ltd; since hSenid Mobile is really the place where my internship
took place and the structure of this organization is what is relevant to me as compared with
the overall view of hSenid.

First Ill begin with a brief look at hSenid from an overall perspective and see how it is
functionally structured as a whole, without going into detail of the different subsections, the
people and their roles. This will be followed up with a more detailed look into how hSenid
Mobile is built up.

1.5.1 The hSenid Stucture

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Given bellow is the top-level brief outline of the organizational structure of hSenid Software
International from a functional perspective. The diagram is kept simple on purpose where I
will not describe in deep of the structure. Below this level of management lies in general
several major team based structures headed by Project Leaders and Team Leaders (this is
mainly in technical divisions). It then goes on to encompass the engineering level, support
staff, and of course the staff of non-technical nature such as marketing executives. (See
Appendix A for more details)

1.5.2 hSenid Mobile (HMS) Organizational Structure

The HMS structure in abstract can be divided into six main groups which are Engineering,
Support, Presales, Sales, Human Resource Branding and Communication.

All the software engineering division and the Quality Assurance division managed under the
Operational Manager which is known as engineering team. There is a separate division called
support division, which is responsible to system integrations, Network administration, and
other support tasks related to hardware. Presale division is responsible for interact with the
customer throughout the project. Normal project development team consists of Project
Manager, Architect, and Pre Sales engineer, Tech Lead, Dev Lead, Developers and QA. Later
stages of the project Technical writers also join to the team.

Also there is a team which brings new sales to the company which is called the sales division.
Further there is another division which brands the product standards, the documents which
are related to the customer and some marketing which is called the Branding and
Communication division. Also there is another team who cares all for the employees are the
Human Resource team.

Then the company is grouped by projects. Every project has a project manager under whom
the developers, testers and quality assurance personnel work. Project manager is the
responsible personnel for the software products. He is responsible for the delivery of the final
product according to the negotiated time.

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Figure 1.1 hSenid Mobile organizational structure

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1.5.3 hSenid Mobile (HMS) Process

Before moving into details of the work that I performed and the development tasks
undertaken by myself, I believe a little introduction is in order regarding the Systems
development process used at HMS. eXtreme Programming: An Introduction
hSenid operates on a development process that is closely based upon the XP (extreme
programming) development process. The official introduction to XP would be that it is a
discipline of software development based on values of simplicity, communication, feedback,
and courage. This is based upon the principles such as the requirements of the product
needing to be properly communicated to the developers, encouraging starting with the
simplest solution, getting feedback from all stakeholders to ensure that everything is on track
and avoiding getting stuck for long periods in designing and instead go through a quicker,
more courageous code-based approach.

When I was studying the software development process of hSenid during my stay, the
concept of XP lying within the process was clear as the four above mentioned values are also
mentioned as part of the official SD guide for hSenid Mobile. I also saw several XP practices
being deployed in the everyday project work that I went through. Examples of this are, stand
up meetings daily, measuring project velocity, dividing the projects into iterations and
making small releases more often. Main Activities in the Process

When it comes to planning out a project, it is done in different iterations.
Releases are planned in a special meeting
Iterations are then planned out in meetings held for each iteration
Daily stand up meetings are held
XPlanner is used for tracking, BugZilla for tracking bugs and SVN for version
Here I would like to introduce briefly several important tools that I myself have used in my
project development work at hSenid;
XPlanner Project planning and tracking tool for eXtreme Programming (XP) teams.
Some of the features of XPlanner include assigning tasks, managing and tracking the
development and completion of tasks as stories, recording time spent on activities vs.
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time allocated and keeping records of developer status as well as overall project
BugZilla Bugzilla is a "Defect Tracking System" or "Bug-Tracking System"
available throgh company intranet that is used to report and keep track of bugs in a
system. It allows users to login and report any bugs found through for example the
testing phase of a project. It also allows easy searching of bugs and reporting
functions. Throughout our job portal project, this tool was used for keeping a record
of bugs in projects.
SVN Subversion (SVN) is the version control system that we used in the
development work on the projects at hSenidMobile (this has come to replace the use
of CVS). It is an invaluable tool for our needs as we had around 10 developers all
working on the same project and it was very important to have this tool to control the
versions and keep track of changes.

keep the design as simple as possible

use Architecture and Design Patterns
have design reviews
re-factor the code frequently

follow coding standards

Integrate code frequently
have collective code ownership
do not work overtime unnecessarily
have unit tests for all functionality in the system.
When fixing bugs tests will be improved.
Have acceptance tests

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Figure 1.2 hSenid development process

hSenid uses customized version of the eXtreme Programming as the development core
process of the organization. Test driven developments, Collective ownership of the work,
flexible hours of work, Iterative development are the main features of the core process. Along
with that every project team is having stand-up meetings in every working day of the
company. In a stand-up meeting, every member of the team should update the team regarding
their own tasks. For tracking the progress of ongoing projects, hSenid uses an extreme
programming project management tool called XPlanner which also helps the team
members to keep their work in line.


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1.6.1 Success of hSenid

hSenid always target to provide excellent quality since from the beginning. Of course there
have been many hard works along the way to come up in the software industry from the
scratch towards the global market, but the team sprit has been with the company in all their
work. This is the reason that they have been able to come from that simple beginning to a
company with offices in 5 countries world over and an employee base of over 200. Their
current success is reflected in their global customer base of leading companies, which
include, Lucent Technologies, M1 from Singapore, DST from Brunei as well as Valista from
Ireland. It also boasts of great success in the local market as it ha a strong client base of
leading companies such as Brandix Group, Tigo, Mobitel, Hilton and Holcim. The success of
hSenid is clearly shown here as many of these customers in all the functional areas (e.g.
mobile, outsourcing) have given success to the excellent service they have received from
hSenid and the dedication towards achieving their goals. This has enabled hSenid to continue
to generate more leads around the world.

1.6.2 Powered Partnerships

The next most powerful strength of hSenid is the profitable partnerships. hSenid is a
company always looking to make stronger itself by partnering and gaining recognition with
major companies around the world. Currently hSenid has partnership with Alcatel-Lucent
Technologies, Nokia and Valista. hSenid also has established partnerships in the manner of
technology with world class organizations such as MySQL ( Gold Partner as well as the
worlds first Outsourcing partner ), Microsoft, Sun Microsystems and Oracle.

1.6.3 Award Winning Performance

Due to the quality and the efficient of the software product of the hSenid it has been awarded
number of times. A brief summary of some of its achievements are as follows;
2004 Ericsson Mobile Application Awards finalist
2004 National Best Quality Software Awards - silver for Media & Entertainment
2003 National Best Quality Software Awards awards in both categories of
Communication Applications and Business Applications
Similar awards in the National Best Quality Software Awards throughout the years
1999 to 2002.

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hSenid main profitability was strongly depended on providing HR solution, Up to now

hSenid has installed this HR solution to 70% of the Sri Lankan companies. Also there is also
an Open source product of this HR solution provided by hSenid which has more than 100000
times of download and also more than 3500 customers. This product is called the

1.6.4 Milestones of hSenid

As to conclude this section let me give some milestones of hSenid in the past ten years. These
are the most important milestones which are able to mention.
February 2009 hSenid participates in GSMA Mobile World Congress 2009 and exhibit
hSenid Solutions
November 2008 hSenid participates in SDP Asia summit.
September 2008 hSenid exhibits its solutions at CTIA Wireless IT & entertainment
May 2008 hSenid participates in I want Windows Mobile event at Singapore
March 2008 hSenid showcases their outsourcing capabilities at CeBIT, world's largest
trade fair showcasing digital IT and telecommunications solutions for home and work
December 2007 hSenid begins its specialized outsourcing wing in India with the goal of
providing fully functional QA services for all their business aspects.
December 2007 Hemas Holdings, one of Sri Lankas premier organizations, joins
with hSenid towards becoming a part of their HR service customer base.
November 2007 MySQL recognizes hSenid as a Gold Partner. This is an important step
on the road to excellence for hSenid and puts them at a great advantage in the open source
September 2007 hSenid receives the highest recognition of excellence in the field from
Microsoft by being taken in as a Gold Partner in view all the great work done on the
Microsoft technology platforms and related services provided.
September 2007 MySQL recognized hSenid as the first ever Outsourcing Partner.
March 2007 hSenid celebrates 10 years of excellence.

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1.7.1 Strengths
Strong leadership. This is achieved through hard work by the CEO, GMs and project
managers and all the other leaders, which brought company up to todays high
standards and willing to take it further. HsenidMobile works to be one of the preferred
mobile solutions providers in 2015, among all other high standard companies around
the world.
hSenid is willing to change. Its all about people. Actually this was the earlier hSenid
Slogan which was changed latter. So according to that hSenid has some great, talented
and dynamic hSenidians.
Focus on personal development and teamwork. As this is strength where the CEO all
ways says put up you personal development plan and go according to that work in the
year. Also team sprit has made hSenid to make all these products live.
Strong partnerships. As shown in the many examples before in this report, hSenid
puts a lot of effort into forging mutually beneficial partnerships.
Strong customer base. As mentioned before hSenid has a big customer bay in Sri
Lanka and also it has now started to catch up some global clients like in USA,
Singapore, Ireland etc.
Strong focus on quality ensures that all the solutions they provide are tip top and it
ensures customer satisfaction and helps maintain a healthy customer base.
hSenid has not just stick to a certain boundary box in technology wise where we use
Microsoft products and also Open source products where we provide the least cost
and time solutions.

1.7.2 Weaknesses
High employee turnaround. In the IT industry, a higher rate of employee turnaround is
common and from what I have experienced at hSenid, this is present in this company
as well.
Though there is a strong trend within the company to develop their employees (and I
have personally seen the HR teams put a lot of effort into this with many staff
development efforts as well as surveys to ensure that people in the organization are
satisfied), the attitude towards some of these efforts is not as enthusiastic as it should
be. For the most part, some employees do not take these efforts seriously and consider
some of the surveys for example, as a waste of time. Of course, with my short
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experience in the company, I am not fully qualified to say whether this problem is
solely based on the employees attitudes or whether a part of the problem is that these
HR ventures are not well followed up to a good effect.


In this section I will present few suggestions based on my experience at hSenid Mobile that
will help hSenid reach even greater standards and greater heights in their existence as well
possible constraints to achieving some of these objectives.

Objective: Improving employee communication and attitudes with in hSenid

hSenid already has many ventures towards this point to develop their employees, but this is
one area that can really make a difference. If they can generate more all-round qualified
people from their employee base, it would be a huge advantage with the technical expertise
that they posses. I mention this point because in my internship period, I have witnessed
several occasions where a lot of problems could have been avoided and many things could
have developed in less time had there been improved communication among teams and
members. XP process is a good program among the development team, yet there needs to be
some more frequent occasions where hSenid development team could interact with other
teams like QA, Business and Sales, Support as well as guys in HBS.

Possible Constraint:
One possible problem towards this goal is the attitude of some people. As I mentioned earlier,
something I have seen in some employees and trainees that they do not possess a great
enthusiasm for such ventures into communication building, teamwork etc and instead focus
more on the day to day work they have. And also the work load seems to get higher and dev
team might not get opportunity to focus on other activities most of the time. If we can get
more team based activities and increase events such as team outings, I believe this can make
a difference.

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Chapter 02 - Training Experience


My initial experience at hSenid was great, I got the impression that I found the right place
where I could improve myself to be a professional Software Engineer and prove that I could
take challenges and go beyond them. I faced an interview that included technical questions as
well as logical questions. And then I was given some time to implement some code on a
given application. I loved the way hSenid evaluation process and waited to get some positive
feedback from hSenid. I was interviewed at hSenidMobile by Senior Project Leader Mr.
Puvanendran Senthilruban and Operations Manager, Mr. Nirmal Jerome when I joined
hSenid. After two days later, I received a call from hSenid confirming that I have got the
opportunity to work at hSenidMobile as an undergraduate trainee. I was very excited about
this chance as I would be getting a much more enriched and valuable training experience than
a normal training offered as I already knew about the challenging environment that I am
going to work in. I knew, from that time it would be a great preparation for me towards
becoming a real experienced IT professional at the end of my internship period.
Three of us joined hSenid as undergraduate trainees from Faculty of Information Technology,
University of Moratuwa. And also we met two other trainees from CSE. We all worked
together in engineering division. We got access to mail accounts, intra-net and also accounts
for XPlanner, BugZilla and SVN. From first day, onwards we knew that we have lot to learn
and practice with few time. I will be explaining my experience in all these tools and my
training experience on technologies in greater detail throughout this chapter. We have joined
hSenidMobile as Software Engineer trainee. From the first day it was clear that I had made
the right decision. Rapidly, I got to believe that I am working with highly talented people
having dedication and motivation that I had come to admire. We were introduced to the
whole engineering division as well as to sales, marketing and support divisions. We were all
called by our initial names despite of our age differences. I was little bit anxious early days at
hSenidMobile, since I am exposed to a complete new environment as well as having a huge
target at mind to successfully finish the internship at hSenidMobile. But, soon I felt its much
easier and interesting than I initially thought working at new environment. I would describe
my training experience from here onwards in detail.

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I have got a nice place to work with and I was given a machine installed with Fedora OS. I
never had experience with the Fedora Operating System before, so from first step I had lot to
learn and get familiar with. I have learnt how to use shell commands since we can do almost
nothing without Linux terminal of fedora. I learnt a lot from my fellow friends around as well
as I continue to read some great web articles to quickly get going with the things. I set up
yum.conf file with my proxy IP, username and password to use yum to easily install software
over the Internet in Fedora OS. I was given an introduction to what I would have to do during
my internship period. Since, I already had experience in J2ME mobile application
development when I joined hSenid, I was asked whether I would like to work on iPhone
application development. At the time, I didn't know the power of the device or even what
language I am going to work with. I simply said, 'yes' just because I love application
development for mobiles. It's really interesting developing for mobiles, Once you have done
with your application and its on your hand held mobile you could enjoy a lot than you have a
desktop application on your PC or Server. I thought I got a real chance at hSenidMobile, that
some undergraduate trainee would rarely get.
I started learning about iPhone and its features. I was asked to get familiar with a powerful
language called Objective-C. Objective-C is the programming language used for developing
applications for Mac and iPhone / iPod touch devices. There was a one Mac computer at
hSenidMobile which was at our CTOs office. I have given access to the computer with an
user account, I was asked to use VNC Viewer to connect to Mac computer. Therefore, I
installed VNC Viewer on my Fedora OS machine using yum. Mr. Harsha Sanjeewa was my
supervisor for iPhone Application development work who guided me to the right direction to
become an iPhone application developer. I knew that it would be a touch ask for me to go
towards this target since there was no one at hSenid currently doing iPhone application
development. I read several articles, documents to get familiar with the new device and its
history and specially about Apple and its history. All these things proved me that I got a great
chance and I must work hard to achieve my target. Even though, I knew initial days would be
really difficult to pass, I had a determination from first day towards going towards my goal.
Finally, its all about my beginning at hSenidMobile internship period and what I would be
explaining in rest of this chapter. From here onwards, I would describe my experience as a
trainee software engineer at hSenidMobile.

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Despite the fact that I would mainly have to work with iPhone application development,
hSenidMobile mainly focuses J2EE application development. As trainees, We all had an
introduction training session to the development environment and we were informed that we
need to do some assignments in first few days to get familiarized with hSenidMobile
development. Its more or less like a training program for us to give knowledge on tools and
technologies mostly used. And also we got to know that each week all engineering division
has to participate in technical sessions conducted by fellow Software Engineers regarding
their mastered development tools. Our training process started of with some session on the
tools which are being used at hSenid. The sessions were basically the tools which are used in
the development process. The most interesting thing was the trainees did most of the session
by self learning. So each trainee got different topics. So the first thing was to setup the
working environment and getting used to the tools. So let me start with the how did I set up
my development working environment and the gained knowledge in the training session.

2.3.1 Setting up the Working Environment with training program

Though I was little bit familiarized with the Linux operating system I got a machine which is
using Fedora which I was not that much familiarized with that operating system. But I did lot
of effort to setup my working environment for development. I installed the required software
such as Apache Ant (a Java-based build tool. In theory, it is kind of like Make, but without
Make's wrinkles), Java (Object Oriented Programming Language), Tomcat (Apache Tomcat
is the servlet container that is used in the official Reference Implementation for the Java
Servlet and Java Server Pages technologies) and Intellij IDEA (The most intelligent Java IDE
with refactoring support). The main problem which I face is installing Java, Ant, and Tomcat.
All these need to be configured in Fedora. It is basically a file which is called bash_profile.
So configuring this file made my experience more in the operating system and some new
thing I learnt during setting up the development environment.

Further I had training sessions on particular tools which are being used in the company.
These are tools used in every project. First I had training on the XPlanner tool. XPlanner is a
project planning and tracking tool for eXtreme Programming (XP) teams. It is not just only a
project planning tool, but it is also to track the work being done through0 out the project and

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also to make the projects to be done efficiently in future. This session was done by a Project
Leader. The Next session I had was in Subversion (SVN) which is an open source tool used
for version control management. This means team development coding is managed in a
central repository.

Also I had session on the tools which are being used in development. The sessions were on
Log4j, ANT, Core JAVA and JUNIT. The Log4j is a Java-based logging utility, which is
used to enable logging at runtime without modifying the application binary. The Next tool is
Ant which is used to build java based projects. Also I had a session on the tool which is used
for testing the developed code. The tool was JUNIT. The tool enables to develop test based
development. The next technical session which I had is the tool IVY. Ivy is a popular
dependency manager focusing on flexibility and simplicity. Also we had sessions on Tomcat
and Servlets. Tomcat is a web container, or application server which is used for deployment.
Also I learnt the concepts of JSP (Java Server Pages (JSP) technology enables Web
developers and designers to rapidly develop and easily maintain, information-rich, dynamic
Web pages that leverage existing business systems) and Servelets (Servelets are Java objects
that are compiled and stored persistently in the server side).

Other these technical sessions I had session like the coding conventions used in the company.
The programming style used in a particular program may be derived from the coding
standards or code conventions of a company or other computing organization. Also there was
a session from the Quality Assurance team on a tool which is used called Bugzilla. Bugzilla
is a Web-based general-purpose bug tracker tool. This tool makes managing bugs and enables
software engineers and QA engineers collaboration much effective. Also we had a quite a
lengthy session on MySQL, which really helped to extend our knowledge on database
management systems.

The training program conducted for us in an additional hour each day at a fixed time that we
were informed in previous day. The training program conducted for two weeks. The program
was really helpful for my knowledge but I had to parallel learn some other new things
regarding iPhone application development at the same time. I found it really challenging and
exciting to work on two completely different areas at the same time.

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2.3.2 Orientation Program

In addition to training program, there had been the company orientation program where I got
a real Idea about the company and its department wide functioning. The orientation started of
with the Human Resource Department giving us more about the rules and regulations of
hSenid. Furthermore the session continued with the following Departments such as
Communication and Branding, Quality Assurance, Support, Sales and Marketing. The
Orientation gave us the idea about the hSenid development cycle. And finally, we all new
comers had an interesting discussion with CEO, which made me think of a hSenidian rather
than just another trainee software engineer.


Most of my internship experience was based on this beginning, which I found really tough
and hard initially. As I was informed about I will have to learn myself to become an iPhone
developer, I had serious questions on my mind. But I had able to successfully answer them
within my training period to myself with the help of guidance given by my supervisor. I
started from learning iPhone and its features and also the history of Apple and iPhone made
me think this as a great opportunity to develop applications for a very powerful device. And
at the same time I started learning about Objective-C, the language used to program for
Cocoa Touch devices and Mac. Here are some quick introduction to Apple, iPhone and

2.4.1. Apple

Apple Inc. is an American corporation which designs and manufactures consumer electronics
and software products. The company's best-known hardware products include Macintosh or
Mac computers, the iPod and iPhone. And apple software includes the Mac OS X operating
system, the iTunes media browser, the iLife suite of multimedia and creativity software, and
also some great apple software for iPhone like Weather, Stocks, Mail, Safari, Photos, etc.
Apple's co-founder Steve Jobs have done a great job for the invention of these great tools
Mac and iPhone. I will describe iPhone and its capabilities in the next section.

2.4.2 iPhone
In the first year of the iPhones existence, Apple sold 6 million of them; brought the thing to
70 countries; and inspired an industry of misbegotten iPhone lookalikes from other

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companies. By the end of Year One, you could type iPhone into Google and get 229 million
hits. Its over 336 million today. Amazing how such device became popular in short time. But
you wouldn't be surprised once you know how powerful this device is, its like a small multi-
touch computer on your hand with 128MB of ram and 8GB or 16GB of memory and a great
touch interface with support for multiple orientations and accelerometers.

Now theres a new iPhone, the iPhone 3G. More importantly, theres a new version of the
iPhones software, called iPhone 2.0. And then theres the iPhone App Store, which offers
thousands of add-on programs written by individuals, software companies, and everything in
between. The App Store is about to hit one billion downloads at the time I write this report,
and I am sure it will pass the one billion mark within no more than few days. This is huge.
Remember how mystified everyone was when Apple called its music player the iPod
instead of, say, iMusic or iSongs or something? The reason was that Apple had much bigger
plans for the iPodphotos, videos, documents, and so on. Maybe they should have saved
that name for the iPhone. And we will be having new iPhone 3.0 still in its beta supports

Yes, the iPhone is still an iPod. And its still the best Internet phone youve ever seen. It
shows fully formatted email (with attachments, thank you) and displays entire Web pages
with fonts and design intact. Its still tricked out with a tilt sensor, proximity sensor, light
sensor, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and that amazing multi-touch screen.

Therefore, its still a calendar, address book, calculator, alarm clock, stopwatch, stock
tracker, traffic reporter, RSS reader, and weather forecaster. It even stands in for a flashlight
and, with the screen off, a pocket mirror. But now, thanks to the App Store, the iPhone is a
fast, wicked fun pocket computer. All those free or cheap programs can turn it into a medical
reference, musical keyboard, time tracker, remote control, voice recorder, tip calculator, e-
book reader, and so on. And whoa, those games! Hundreds of them, with smooth 3-D
graphics and tilt control.

All of this sends the iPhones utility and power through the roof. Calling it a phone is
practically an insult.

2.4.3 Objective-C

Objective-C is defined as a small but powerful set of extensions to the standard ANSI C
language. The Objective-C language is a simple computer language designed to enable

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sophisticated object-oriented programming. Its additions to C are mostly based on Smalltalk,

one of the first object-oriented programming languages. Objective-C is designed to give C
full object-oriented programming capabilities, and to do so in a simple and straightforward
way. Objective-C is the programming language I need to use for program for iPhone and iPod
native applications.

2.4.4 iPhone OS and iPhone SDK

iPhone OS comprises the operating system and technologies you use to create applications
for iPhone and iPod touch devices. The technologies in iPhone OS provide everything you
need to create advanced applications that respond to touch events and display high-quality
graphics. In addition to the basic application infrastructure, iPhone OS gives you access to
Multi-Touch events, the hardware accelerometers, and other device features that make it easy
to create advanced and innovative applications.

The iPhone SDK includes iPhone OS, the Xcode tools, and access to the documentation,
sample code, and resources you need to develop iPhone applications. Xcode provides the
development environment you use to create your application code, compile it, run it, and
debug it. Because Xcode is fully integrated with iPhone OS, developing iPhone applications
with it is easy.

The implementation of iPhone OS can be viewed as a set of layers, which are shown in
Figure 2.1. At the lower layers of the system are the fundamental services on which all
applications rely, while higher-level layers contain more sophisticated services and

Figure 2.1 Layers of iPhone OS

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The Cocoa Touch layer is one of the most important layers in iPhone OS. It comprises the
UIKit and Foundation frameworks (UIKit.framework and Foundation.framework), which
provide the basic tools and infrastructure you need to implement graphical, event-driven
applications in iPhone OS. It also includesseveral other frameworks that provide key services
for accessing device features, such as the users contacts. We work mostly with this layer
when developing iPhone applications with Apple SDK.s

2.4.5 Learning Objective-C basics

Initially I went through several web articles on Objective-C basics, I needed to get familiar
with C language also to get going with Objective-C. The Objective-C language is a computer
language designed to enable sophisticated object-oriented programming. As I already familiar
with Object-oriented programming, I needed to study the syntax of Objective-C application
of Object-Oriented programming. It has been really difficult to move to Objective-C from
Java initially, But when time passes by I gradually get familiar with the syntax a lot more
while doing iPhone application development. I learnt how to define classes, protocols,
methods and also how Objective-C runtime works. And also I studied about Objective-C
basics sending messages to methods, power of using dynamism of Objective-C and much
more before starting iPhone development. And much importantly, I was asked to study
memory management in Objective-C, since objective-C does not have automatic garbage
collection like java. You might end up developing programs that would crash unless you have
good knowledge on Objective-C memory management.

2.4.6 Study Apple iPhone resources

After getting familiarized with the Objective-C basics and its features I have started reading
Apple recommended resources for iPhone application development. 'iPhone OS
Programming Guide' is the first ebook Apple recommend to start with for any new iPhone
developer. I went through all the videos given at Apple iPhone developer site to improve
myself and get used to words and phrases used specifically for iPhone development. Soon, I
found I could learn a lot from these Apple resources as well as from mailing lists and forums
dedicated for iPhone development. I continued to read other important iPhone development
resources on 'View Controller programming Guide', 'Interface Builder user guide', 'iPhone
Human Interface Guidelines' fully before starting the actual development with Apple Mac.
All these things tightly bound to my mind soon I started to use them practically.

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2.4.7 Say 'HelloWorld' to iPhone SDK

I needed to connect to the Mac computer using VNC Viewer every time I do any iPhone
application development. As I have already mentioned, iPhone SDK includes iPhone OS, the
Xcode tools, and access to the documentation, sample code, and resources need to develop
iPhone applications. It also includes iPhone Simulator to run and see your application before
installing it on device and Instruments tool for testing performance of iPhone application.
Xcode is the IDE used for iPhone or Mac application development. Before I start with Xcode,
I took little time to get familiar with the Apple Mac OS X operating system, which I am
going to use for iPhone application development. It has a great graphics interface and Linux
terminal to run your favorite shell commands, easy searching and much more features. I
started Xcode and found it really confusing to use initially, I felt the same when I logged into
the Mac OS X operating system. First I started looking at its menus and buttons and their tool
tips to get familiar with the user interface.
Then I started to implement a 'HelloWorld' application to get things going. It took me nearly
two hours but still I couldn't do completely what I really wanted, then I thought its better
running some working application to start with. So I have downloaded some Apple sample
applications and went through them to learn how they have implemented. And I got to know
its very important to have a sound knowledge on Interface Builder to easily create iPhone
application views and link them with controller classes and interface builder methods.
Interface Builder is an application that comes with iPhone SDK for designing and testing user
interfaces for iPhone and iPod devices. After this work I was confident in successfully finish
implementing my first iPhone application on HelloWorld. :) Then I started creating
applications to see how to implement navigation controllers, tab bar controllers, how to use
different iPhone user interface elements before I will be given to implement a real iPhone
application. And also I implement small applications to see the auto rotation of iPhone views,
to track swaps and drags on iPhone screen and much more during this stage. After this initial
period my first task was to research and implement an XMPP iPhone chat client

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If you decide that building a native iPhone application is the right approach for your project,
it is important for us to understand the basic concepts that underlie iPhone development.
Writing a native iPhone application is not like writing an Objective-C application. Although
there are similarities between the two processes, developing for iPhone OS requires a much
tighter integration with the overall system. This integration permeates everything from your
basic programming practices to the technologies you use. We should have a thorough
understanding of the runtime environment, application security, memory management and
application structure in greater detail before starting any iPhone development. The following
section will describe the application structure for any iPhone SDK application.s

2.5.1 MVC Architecture

The structure of iPhone applications is based on the Model-View-Controller (MVC) design
pattern because it benefits object-oriented programs in several ways. MVCbased programs
tend to be more adaptable to changing requirements - in other words, they are more easily
extensible than programs that do not use MVC. Furthermore, the objects in these programs
tend to be more reusable and their interfaces tend to be better defined.
In the MVC design pattern, the model layer consists of objects that represent the data your
application manages. The objects in this layer should be organized in the way that makes the
most sense for the data. External interactions with model objects occur through a well-
defined set of interfaces, whose job is to ensure the integrity of the underlying data at all
The view layer defines the presentation format and appearance of the application. This layer
consists of your applications windows, views, and controls. The views can be standard
system views or custom views you create. You configure these views to display the data from
your model objects in an appropriate way. In addition, your view objects need to generate
notifications in response to events and user interactions with that data.
The controller layer acts as the bridge between the model and view layers. It receives the
notifications generated by the view layer and uses them to make the corresponding changes in
the data model. Similarly, if the data in the data layer changes for other reasons (perhaps
because of some internal computation loop), it notifies an appropriate controller object, which
then updates the views. Figure 2.1 shows the basic model-view-controller relationships.

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Figure 2.2 MVC architecture

2.5.2 XMPP iPhone Chat Client

My first target after initial learning was to implement an iPhone XMPP chat client. In order
to achieve this target I have devided my tasks into several steps. My first step was to study
XMPP protocol and install / configure an XMPP server to start implementing iPhone XMPP
client application. I have studied about XMPP protocol and its current client server
implementations. The Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol (XMPP) is an open
technology for real-time communication, which powers a wide range of applications
including instant messaging, presence, multi-party chat, and much more. XMPP protocol
sends XML messages to share information with client and server. Jabber and Google Talk are
major IM tools that use XMPP as their instant messaging protocol. I have studied XMPP
protocol reference and XML syntaxes shared among client and servers. Then I have
downloaded ejabberd XMPP server and installed and configured on my Fedora PC
My next step was to do a research on existing iPhone XMPP implementations and see how
others have achieved this sort of development. By the time there were not any development
experience available for an iPhone XMPP client implementations. But more interestingly, I
found an opensource Objective-C XMPP framework on google code written for Apple Mac. I
decided to use it for my application, but I needed to make it changed and usable for iPhone
development. I have got the xmppframework code and imported xmppframework core
classes in to my Xcode iPhone project to use it as back-end or model for my application

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development. Then I have added iPhone specific relevant frameworks to the project and done
several changes to make the code able to be compiled and linked as an iPhone application.
After these steps I started implementing view and controller layers for the iPhone XMPP chat
client application. First I want to check the back-end code, there for my initial task was to
implement a login screen for iPhone and use it to login to ejabberd XMPP server using
iPhone Simulator. Once I have finished this, I could successfully login to an XMPP server,
and after this we decided to allow users to enter their account input information at Settings
screen instead of my application home screen. This required to add a settings bundle to the
application. Then I have created a Roster Controller class to handle contact updates after
logged in to xmpp server. The controller class has delegate methods to handle updates
coming to xmppframework XMPPClient class. In order to display list of loaded contacts on
iPhone screen it required to study about handling table views, its delegate and protocol class
methods. I have designed the contacts view using Interface Builder and linked its IBOutlets
and IBActions. Received IBAction methods were implemented in the Roster Controller class.
XMPPClient class and RosterController class has relevant objects in InterfaceBuilder linked
appropriately. All these IB stuff spread in the MainWindow XIB file, which is kind of a
resource file.
At the end of this my next main task was to implement chatting for contacts. To implement
chatting I have added ChatWindowManager and ChatController classes in addition to the
chat view designed using Interface Builder. The IB stuff for this is separated and kept in
ChatWindow.XIB file. When user taps a contact in the contacts view, it gets the reference to
chat window manager common instance and creates or gives relevant chat controller instance
with its view. After this, I had very few work to finish a simple XMPP Client for iPhone.
I was able to finish my work on implementing an XMPP chat client for iPhone with all basic
features, including loading/adding and removing contacts, accept/reject requests, send and
receive chat messages. I have implemented several features within a week after chat
implementation, including adding / removing contacts, accept / reject requests, and also
respond to swipe gestures and view current started chats in a tabbed view. I had to implement
a custom scroll view sub class to have swipe gestures on chat views. Swipe is a fast sweeping
blow on iPhone touch screen, in respond to that view should change or move accordingly.
Also I have implemented a separate request controller to handle accept reject requests coming
to the chat.
At the end of this application, I had pretty much confident about me to develop a high quality
iPhone application to be published at Apple AppStore.
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Figure 2.3 XMPP iPhone client contacts / add new contacts

2.5.3 An Expense Tracker for iPhone - hExpense

After completing my R&D first iPhone application successfully, I have started working on a
new application, an iPhone Expense Tracker App. The purpose of the App is to simply track
the daily expenses of iPhone user and provide him daily, monthly reports, summaries about
their expenses. The application is planned to be published at Apple App store and also it is
scheduled to be finished with QA with in middle of next month. I have initially designed the
UI flow for the expense tracker application as well as I already did a research about current
expense tracker applications, specifically focused to iPhone. I have to consider about iPhone
Human Interface Guidelines given by Apple when designing the UI flow. Then I have
implemented the UI flow with dump data and controller classes within two days. After that
we had a discussion on changes and scheduled the application time line.
First I have designed the database tables for profiles, expenses and expense types and also a
class diagram of the application using Visual Paradigm.
Table 2.1 Expense Tracker database table format
Profile Type Expense

expid int PK| name varchar typeid int PK| name varchar expid int PK| note varchar| date real| amount real| type varchar

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Expense tracker application allows iPhone users to note down their daily expenses under
preferred profiles, further under any user defined categories/expense types. The application
development includes two main modules namely, expense module and report module without
implementation of user interfaces. I have started from implementing model classes for the
expenses module as planned. Expense, Type and Profile are three model classes for the
application with getters and setters and other methods. Properties are implemented in typical
Objective-C manner as synthesized properties. And also I have implemented main UIs for the
application using Interface Builder, to start with.
Then I had some tough development time, I needed the help of iPhone development forums
help badly to come across some issues. I have initially designed the UI flow for the expense
tracker application as well as I already did a research about current expense tracker
applications, specifically focused to iPhone. Then I have implemented the UI flow with dump
data and controller classes within two days. After that we had a discussion on changes and
scheduled the application time line. I have started the development according to the schedule.
I did a study about SQLite, a software library that implements a transactional SQL database
engine, which can be used in iPhone to store data of applications. Then I have implemented
table structure as we have already planned and controller classes to deal with model to add
new expenses under profiles and categories. Then I finished controller implementation for
managing expenses. At the end of the expenses module, application could allow users to
simply store their expenses under profiles and categories as they prefer with iPhone
navigation, also allowed to manage all these expenses, modify / delete.
In order to work with reporting module drawing charts; I have studied Quartz 2D
technology, which is used to draw 2D graphs and charts in iPhone applications. Initially, I
have implemented some test charts and used the code to draw a good looking pie-chart for the
expenses recorded with the application; graph displays expenses in a pie-chart with
categorized total. It uses total of each category and grand total queried from database to draw
the content. And then I have implemented a summary view for the Expense Tracker
application, which displays latest expense record, earliest record, highest & lowest expense
and also grand total of expenses. I have implemented a controller class to handle the
summary view, which retrieves data queried from database.
Then I worked with several application changes to Expense Tracker app, in order to improve
the usability of the application. It included some button positioning and spelling checking.
Then, we needed to implement a report of expenses happened in a table like format. While
we were discussing implementation possibilities, we decided to use a UIWebView to display
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an html table format report within our application. Therefore, I have studied about
UIWebView and how to use it with in an iPhone native application. And also I wanted to
refer documentation several times to find how a locally created html file could be viewed
within a UIWebView object. And also I needed to get familiar with iPhone web dev a little to
provide an iPhone optimized html page to the UIWebView.
After that we planned to add a budget for the Expense Tracker application and I have worked
with it for the rest of the week. I have changed the add profile controller class so that it can
additionally handle adding a budget. Then also summary had to alter to display current
available budget or exceeded amount, in addition to the user interface changes to introduce a
budget add for the application.
At the end of implementation, I started application testing with iPhone and iPod devices.
Next, I had to study and test my application with real devices. It was not easy as testing J2ME
applications. I have registered as an iPhone developer in Apple iPhone developer program. I
have joined as a team member of iPhone developer portal for hSenid Software International.
Also I have faced several issues when trying to make and install application on real devices.
In order to test iPhone SDK applications, we need to go through below high level steps.
Create Developer Certificate, download and install it on local key chain.

Add testing device ids and application ids to program portal

Create provisioning profile with developers, device IDs and application ID added.

Install provisioning profile on device and then install signed binary executable using

At the end of my initial testing, I have released the application for QA and updated SVN on
it. I did a knowledge transfer to QA person on iPhone common application features and
iPhone Human Interface Guidelines. Then I have learnt how to use Bugzilla to report and
update on bug fixes and its progress. I initially started with smallest bugs so that I know I
have some progress on my work and then slowly started fixing major and critical bugs.

At the end of all main development, I was asked to do several modifications to the
application, nevertheless some of them did not match with Apple iPhone Human Interface
Guidelines. Most interesting new feature I have implemented was allowing users to email the
generated report with iPhone. After the completion, we delayed the application submission to
the AppStore via iTunes Connect until we get team agent access to the account.

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After getting access to the account, I have created the distribution binary and submitted the
application to the Apple review. It required to complete a set of actions to be published for
review. We proposed a name for the application called 'hExpense'. The application will be
available to iPhone users to be downloaded from App Store with Tier 1 pricing.

Figure 2.4 hExpense Screen shots

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While doing iPhone application development, I worked with some J2ME application user
interface developments. Once I joined hSenidMobile, I have already had some sound
knowledge on J2ME development. Our second year industrial project was to implement
multi-player mobile game over Bluetooth, which had given me experience on J2ME
application development. We focus on providing a common user interface that would work
with all java enabled phones, which looks elegant and attractive. The best tool to provide this
kind of UIs was to use J2ME Polish API. I would give a quick introduction to both of these
and share my experience on UI development for J2ME devices.

2.6.1 J2ME

Java Platform, Micro Edition (Java ME) provides a robust, flexible environment for
applications running on mobile and other embedded devices - mobile phones, personal digital
assistants (PDAs), TV set-top boxes, and printers. Java ME includes flexible user interfaces,
robust security, built-in network protocols, and support for networked and offline
applications that can be downloaded dynamically. Applications based on Java ME are
portable across many devices, yet leverage each device's native capabilities.

2.6.2 J2ME Polish API

J2ME Polish is a suite of tools and technologies aimed at mobile developers and companies
within the mobile space.

Main features of J2ME Polish include:

A UI toolkit that is highly flexible and that can be designed outside of the
application's source code

A toolset for porting mobile application to different handsets and different technology

Technology for accessing server side content and communicating with remote parties.

A persistence solution that allows loading and saving complex data with a single line
of code.

Community maintained device database.

And more importantly, its opensource, you have code with you at any time and it has a huge
community working around it.

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2.6.3 mRecharge and mBanking User Interface developments

mRecharge is a J2ME client for mobile recharge and mBanking is a J2ME client for mobile
banking. All these J2ME applications are part of hSenidMobile's mChoice suite. My task was
to implement user interface module for these two applications. Both these applications have a
main focus to easy localization and common final jar file that work with large number of
phones without any modification with an attractive interface. It is obvious that we would
need the J2ME Polish API and its powerful styling and build framework to achieve this goal.
I have studied further about J2ME polish api to come up with screens for these two
applications. The mRecharge application Uis included fund transfer, check balance, check
account history, and change PIN. In addition to splash screen, progress screen and main
menu. The mBanking client included developing screens for all the mobile banking
functionalities. The mBanking client built for English translation as well as Portuguese
translation as well. And in addition to user interface development, I have finished a
README file for these applications.

Figure 2.5 mRecharge J2ME client screen shots


These are some of the other policies and procedures I have been exposed to apart from the
ones mentioned along with my work in the above sections.

Monday Morning Meetings a meeting held every Monday for all the employees to
get the updates of all the projects as well as to increase communication.

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Stand Up Meetings an important component of the XP process, this was a manner

of bringing the entire project team to the same level of understanding and to resolve
any potential matters.

Outings / Movie nights hSenid always focuses on the informal aspect of the
employment to keep the employees motivated, and therefore there were regular
outings, sports days and movie nights to keep our minds off the work.

Working Hours - Monday to Friday in one of the slots as follows: 8.00 a.m. to 5.00
P.M, 8.30 a.m. to 5.30 P.M, 9.00 a.m. to 6.00 p.m. or 9.30 a.m. to 6.30 p.m. Saturday
is not an official working day for hSenid. However, Saturdays are reserved for any
training programs and workshops, which we may be organizing from time to time.
Sometimes, We even had to work certain weekends and beyond the timeslots to cover
up deadlines.

Security Policy hSenid may monitor all our activities either on the computer on the
network or in general to ensure that we are not wasting company resources.

Code of Conduct and Dress Code hSenid has its own set of ethics on how
employees should behave, and this covers a wide range from being on time, using the
proper dress code both for office and meetings, taking leave and meeting deadlines.

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Chapter 03 Conclusion


I chose to join hSenid during the industrial placement period mainly because I really like to
get involved in the development side where I can get to know more about different
technologies. Also I like to get involved in Java and mobile application development thats
why I chose the hSenid Mobile division. This Branch is more interested on mobile based
applications as well as J2EE development. Further the company was mostly passionate to be
a SriLankan Company.
Once we joined the company as undergraduate trainees within the first two, three weeks we
had training sessions on technical stuff and introduction to company departments and the
process management in the company in parallel to our specific learning stuff. Here I will
describe my experience briefly that I have already expressed in previous chapter in detail. I
started with setting up my work environment and first two weeks were learning time for me
on Objective-C and iPhone application development. I had to get familiar with these things
fairly quickly to start application development. I was left alone for most of the studies and
gave guidance and small targets like finish reading recommended resources with a specified
day likewise. I was the only person training to do iPhone development at hSenidMobile,
where they plan to release iPhone applications to Apple AppStore.
After getting familiarized with the Objective-C basics and iPhone application development
standards fairly quickly, I was given a task to implement an XMPP iPhone client application.
I was free to learn on how to implement it and also get familiar with iPhone application
development with this application. Initially, I have studied about XMPP protocol and its
current available clients and servers. Then I have successfully installed and configured
eJabberd XMPP server to use as server for my client implementation. I went through jabber
specifications and found there is an existing Objective-C opensource client library written for
Apple Mac. After several changes to the xmppframework back-end code, it was in a form to
be used as model for my XMPP client iPhone application implementation. Initially, I faced
several compiling and linking issues, while changing xmppframework code to use as back-
end for my iPhone implementation. After successfully able to compile it for iPhone, I have
started implementing controller and view for the XMPP iPhone application. The application
needed to follow MVC architecture strictly and also the iPhone Human Interface Guidelines
when implementing the view. At the end of the application development, I got much

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experience on iPhone application development and how to use Apple documentations and
forums to get over on critical situations in development. The application is capable of giving
users the ability to login to any jabber server including Google Talk, add contacts, chat with
friends, and remove contacts and all basic IM client functionalities. But it did not include
group chatting.
After that my goal was to develop an iPhone expense tracker application to be published at
Apple AppStore. The objective of this application was to implement a comprehensive yet
easy to use system built for businesses travelers, and other iPhone users to keep constant
track of their business expenditure while on the move. While achieving a successful
implementation of this application I was given a set of targets beforehand. I went through all
these initial targets to finally come up with an iPhone application to track expenses of iPhone
users. Final application included features; adding expenses under trips / projects, managing
and editing expenses, generating multi-touch enabled reports, emailing generated expense
reports from iPhone. The application is submitted to be published at Apple AppStore and
currently its under review by Apple. Its called 'hExpense' and will be available to download
at AppStore to download by iPhone users.
In addition to iPhone application development during my internship period, I have also
implemented J2ME user interface modules for a Mobile Recharge client and Mobile Banking
client. All these J2ME applications are part of hSenidMobile's mChoice suite. I have studied
and used J2ME polish API and its powerful build framework to implement user interface
module. The modules were implemented using all powerful features in J2ME Polish API
including attractive styling, localization, easy customization.
And more importantly, I got some great experience working with highly talented people
around working around me and giving guidance on achieving huge goals during my
internship, which sometimes I thought I would have failed if I tried them on my own. We had
fun time, movie nights, parties organized by HR team to inspire us and bring us all together.
The training program helped me a lot to build my confidence to become a professional in IT
industry and it helped me to improve my soft skills as well as inter-personal and
communication skills as well. In conclusion, I would say it had been a great time in my
university life working as an undergraduate trainee at hSenidMobile staying with highly
talented people around me and getting initial experience on the field we are going to be in

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I believe that hSenid is a great place for a student to do his/her industrial training. Some of
the reasons I would put forth are;
Great Technical Experience and Knowledge I had a sound technical exposure to
new technologies, and excellent procedures and standards at hSenid. hSenid employs
some of the most skilled engineers and it is a great experience to work among them.

Responsibility and Accountability for Your Actions as mentioned earlier, hSenid

treats its trainees in the same caliber as its skilled employees. A normal training
establishment might in general be worry about giving much responsibility or the
chance to work on a major component or much decision making power in their
projects, but here it was very different. We were working on the actual projects that
were run by the company, and personally, I had a major role to play in the shaping of
the new project I was assigned to. This is the right kind of experience and
responsibility needed to build up accountable, professional IT graduates.
Training Personnel and their Enthusiasm towards trainees the staff is always ready
to help us trainees out with our work and will readily share their experience or
knowledge when necessary. It is not a scenario of giving us some work and forgetting
about us, instead, they had a proper plan for our training and were always working
closely with us, monitoring our work and giving feedback when necessary.
Providing an overall learning hSenid understands that it is not only technical
expertise which will make a successful IT professional and therefore they are
continuously working to ensure that we get an all round learning and skill
development. We had plenty of trainings and opportunities to develop our
communication as well as leadership skills.
Also there is very few negative things I can mention about hSenid in terms of its training
program, because honestly it is I am sure one of the best programs in the country.
High workload it is hard to say this is a problem with hSenid because to be honest,
it is the nature of the industry we are in. During my main project work however, I
have seen certain irregularities in work allocation and small issues with
communication, which if solved would have made our workload and the overall
project progress a lot smoother. So I am sure with time, as experience grows, these
issues can be overcome effectively.

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I must be thankful to NAITA for the excellent work that they have done in the organization
of the industrial training program and for the excellent co-ordination with our universities in
running the program smoothly. All processes were well delegated and handled, so as students
we did not have to bear much of a burden in finding a placement and getting the interview
and such. Also it is also important to mention about the information we were given regarding
the program. Not only about how the program is run, the expected documents and their
standards and such, but also regarding how we should behave professionally and get the best
out of the training program.

One minor aspect I guess they could improve upon is if they themselves visited all the
training places during training. This way they would get a firsthand view of things and may
find ways to improve upon it. In my opinion, if this could be avoided it would be a perfect
program for all undergraduate trainees for their future in industry.

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Appendix A hSenid Organization Structure

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Appendix B XPlanner, Bugzilla

This appendix includes screens of Project planning tool XPlanner and bug tracking
tool Bugzilla used at hSenidMobile. Both these tools are opensource tools used by
most of the software engineering companies.

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The official hSenid community :

- hSenid Outsourcing Division :
- hSenid Business Solutions :
hSenid Mobile Division website :
MITZ Official website :
Apple iPhone Development :

H.T.M. GAMAGE - 064031F 40



Apple Apple Inc.

BCS British Computer Society
BeyondM BeyondM Pvt. Ltd currently known as hSenidMobile
BugZilla Bug tracking software
CEO Chief Executive Officer
CVS Concurrent Versions System
GM General Manager
HBS hSenid Business Solutions
HMS hSenid Mobile Solutions
HR Human Resource
HRM Human Resource Management
hSenid hSenid Software International (Pvt.) Ltd.
IDE Integrated Development Environment
J2EE Java 2 Platform Enterprise Edition
J2ME Java Platform, Micro Edition
MVC Model View Controller
NAITA National Apprentice and Industrial Training Authority
OS Operating System
QA Quality Assurance
SQL Structured Query Language
SVN Subversion
UI User Interface
XP Extreme Programming
XPlanner Project tracking software

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